Korg pa50sd инструкция на русском

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Правила эксплуатации

ВНИМАНИЕ: при пользовании электрическими приборами необходимо соблюдать следующие правила.

Расположение. Не устанавливайте прибор в местах:

прямого попадания солнечных лучей;

с высокой температурой или влажностью;

сильно загрязненных помещениях;

с повышенной вибрацией.

Питание. Используйте только рекомендованный блок питания и коммутируйте его с источником питания раз-
решенного номинала.

Радиоинтерференция. В прибор встроен микрокомпьютер, который может генерировать наводки. Устанав-
ливайте его как можно дальше от теле- и радиоприемников.

Эксплуатация. Во избежание поломки не прикладывайте чрезмерных усилий при манипуляциях с переключа-
телями и регуляторами прибора.

Уход. Пыль и грязь с внешних поверхностей прибора удаляйте чистой сухой тряпочкой. Использование жид-
ких чистящих средств, таких как бензин, растворитель или воспламеняющиеся полироли, запрещается.

Не располагайте рядом с прибором посторонних предметов.

Не устанавливайте рядом с прибором емкостей с жидкостью. Попадание влаги внутрь корпуса прибора мо-
жет привести к выходу его из строя или поражению пользователя электрическим током.

Следите за тем, чтобы внутрь корпуса прибора не попадали металлические предметы. Если это все же про-
изошло, обесточьте прибор, и обратитесь за помощью к местному дилеру компании Korg или в магазин, в
котором он был приобретен.

Маркировка CE для европейских стандартов

Маркировка CE на приборах компании Korg, работающих от сети и выпущенных до 31 декабря 1996 года озна-
чает, что они удовлетворяют требованиям стандартов EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) è CE mark Directive

Korg Pa50 Руководство пользователя












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Гарантийное обслуживание

По всем вопросам, связанным с ремонтом или сервисным обслуживанием профессиональной аранжировочной
станции Korg Pa50, обращайтесь к представителям фирмы Korg — компании A&T Trade. Телефон для справок
(095) 796-9262, e-mail: info@attrade.ru.

Korg Pa50

Руководство пользователя

Профессиональная аранжировочная станция

Korg Pa50 User Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Korg Manuals
  4. Musical Instrument
  5. Pa50
  6. User manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links




Ver. 1.0



Related Manuals for Korg Pa50

Summary of Contents for Korg Pa50

  • Page 1
  • Page 2: Important Safety Instructions

    CE mark which is attached to our company’s products unplug the AC adapter from the wall outlet. Then of AC mains operated apparatus until December 31, contact your nearest Korg dealer or the store where 1996 means it conforms to EMC Directive (89/336/ the equipment was purchased.

  • Page 3
    Data in memory may sometimes be lost due to incorrect user action. Be sure to save important data to floppy disk. KORG LIABILITY will not be responsible for damages caused by data loss.
  • Page 4
    THE BALANCE SLIDER When turning the instrument on, please be assured the BALANCE slider is set to the center. This sets both Sequencer 1 (SEQ1) and Sequencer 2 (SEQ2) to their maximum level. This will avoid you start a Song without hearing anything.
  • Page 5
    HOW TO… Keyboard Song Play mode …select a Sound Program …play a Song (Standard MIDI File) …select a Performance …see the Lyrics …play a Sound Program across the …see the Song tracks whole keyboard, as with a piano …start both Sequencers at the same time 18, 79 …split the keyboard in two …add sounds to the right hand…
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    Live Performing ……..8 Connecting Pa50 to a Master keyboard ….36 Useful links .

  • Page 7
    Step Record page ……..57 Load Song page ……..84 Style Record procedure .
  • Page 8
    Page 3 — Pitch ……..109 Page 4 — Erase .
  • Page 9: Introduction


  • Page 10: Welcome

    LIVE PERFORMING • An Appendix, with a list of data and useful information Pa50 has been carefully designed to be used live. The “real- for the advanced user. time” word has its full meaning in this instrument. Perfor- Within the manual, you will find the following abbreviations:…

  • Page 11: Loading The Operating System

    Turn the instrument off, and insert the operating system disk into the disk drive. Your Pa50 can be constantly updated as new versions of the Turn the instrument on. A message appears in the dis- operating system are released by KORG. You can download play, asking if you want to load the operating system.

  • Page 12: Start Up

    This slider is user-assign- able, but is set to the Keyboard Expression parameter by You can play the internal sounds of your Pa50 with an exter- default. nal controller, i.e. a master keyboard, a MIDI guitar, a wind controller, a MIDI accordion, or a digital piano.

  • Page 13: Damper Pedal

    Connect a Damper (Sustain) pedal to the DAMPER connec- Select a Demo Song by pressing the corresponding tor on the back panel. Use a KORG PS1, PS2 or DS1H foot- VOLUME/VALUE button around the display. The switch pedal, or a compatible one. To switch the Damper Demo will automatically start.

  • Page 14: Front Panel

    Front panel 3. FRONT PANEL A B C…

  • Page 15
    ACC/SEQ VOLUME mode lets you listen to some Demo Songs, to This slider controls the accompaniment tracks volume (Style let you hear the sonic power of the Pa50. Play mode) or the Song tracks volume, excluding the Real- GLOBAL time tracks (Song and Song Play modes). This is a relative…
  • Page 16
    Front panel The automatic accompaniment stops playing A word about Style banks and names. Styles from “8/16 (apart for the Drum and Percussion tracks), BEAT” to “WORLD 3”, and from “LATIN1” to “TRADI- and you can manually play the Bass track on TIONAL”…
  • Page 17
    You can reset all ‘frozen’ notes and controllers on the This button turns the Ensemble function on or off. When on, Pa50 and any instrument connected to its MIDI OUT, by the right-hand melody is harmonized with the left-hand using the “Panic” key combination. Just press SHIFT + chords.
  • Page 18
    Front panel VOLUME/VALUE (MUTE) A-H buttons SOLO While in the Style Play, Song Play and Song modes, you can solo one of the tracks. Just keep the SHIFT button pressed, and press Within this user’s manual, each button pair is marked with both VOLUME/VALUE buttons corresponding an alphabetic letter (A-H).
  • Page 19
    Front panel DOWN/- and UP/+ No chords detected. After pressing START/ DOWN/- decreases the value or tempo; UP/+ STOP, only the Drum and Percussion accom- increases the value or tempo. paniment tracks can play. Keep the SHIFT button pressed down, KEYBOARD MODE section and press either the DOWN/- or These buttons define how the four Keyboard (or Realtime)
  • Page 20
    Front panel Programs “USER1” and “USER2” are locations where you Press both buttons together, to reset the Octave Transpose to can load new Programs from disk. zero. “USER DK” is where you can load new drum kits. Note: The Octave Transpose has no effect on tracks set to Drum mode (and, even if set in a different status, on the Drum and Each Program bank contains various pages, each with up to 8 Percussion tracks).
  • Page 21: Display And User Interface

    Display controls 4. DISPLAY AND USER INTERFACE The display shows the current status of the Pa50 and its per- the last line using the F1-F4 buttons. You can vary many of formance and editing parameters. You can select each param- the parameter’s values by pressing the left (-) or right (+)

  • Page 22: Interface Structure

    For example, when in Style Play, you can use this but- ton to switch from the Realtime tracks and the Style tracks. INTERFACE STRUCTURE Thanks to its multitasking operating system, the Pa50 user interface is structured in “overlapping”, active layers. From the lower level: •…

  • Page 23: Message Windows

    Display and User Interface Message windows Edit environment. (See diagram at the bottom of this Realtime/Keyboard track (Upper 1-3, Lower). page). When you press GLOBAL or DISK, an edit environ- ment overlaps the current operating mode. Press EXIT to go Drum track (Style track view).

  • Page 24: Rear Panel

    AC POWER ADAPTER CONNECTOR DAMPER Plug the supplied power adapter into this connector. Use this to connect a Damper pedal, like the KORG PS1, PS or DS1H. To change its polarity, see “Damper Pol. (Damper POWER switch Polarity)” on page 126.

  • Page 25: Basic Guide


  • Page 26: Basic Operations

    Basic operations Playing on the keyboard 6. BASIC OPERATIONS PLAYING ON THE KEYBOARD SELECTING, MUTING/UNMUTING SOLOING A TRACK Just play on the keyboard. You will hear the Realtime tracks playing. There are four Realtime tracks: Upper 1-3 and Selecting. Use the VOLUME/VALUE (A-H) buttons to Lower.

  • Page 27: Select A Performance

    Basic operations Selecting a Performance SELECTING A PERFORMANCE 10, upper LED turned on), or the second row of ten banks (11-20, lower LED turned on). A Performance is a set of Programs and settings for the Key- Press one of the 1-0 buttons to select the PROGRAM/ board and Style tracks, that makes selecting complex combi- PERFORMANCE bank containing the Performance you nations live fast and easy.

  • Page 28: Select A Style

    Basic operations Selecting a Program SELECTING A PROGRAM Browse all the Programs in the selected bank using the PAGE buttons. There can be various pages for each You can select a different Program (i.e., sound) to be played bank, containing up to 8 Programs each. by a track.

  • Page 29: Selecting A Single Touch Setting (Sts)

    Basic operations Selecting a Single Touch Setting (STS) SELECTING A SINGLE TOUCH SETTING (STS) Press the F1 button to select the floppy disk drive (FD). The disk content appears. A Single Touch Setting (STS) contains Realtime (Keyboard) Use the TEMPO/VALUE controls, or the VOLUME/ tracks’…

  • Page 30: Tutorial

    Grand Piano. 1 — PLAYING IN REALTIME As soon as you turn your Pa50 on, it is in Style Play mode, SoftBeat |STS1 and you can play it in realtime. Please follow me……

  • Page 31: Playing A Style

    After a while, let’s go for something different… PRESS FILL1 OR FILL2 No silence, this time. Pa50 plays a complex passage to let you take a breath. FILL1 is the simpler one, where the FILL2 is the more sophisticate. Usually, you will touch FILL1 when play- ing with Variations 1 and 2 (the most easy), FILL2 when in business with Variations 3 and 4 (more complex ones).

  • Page 32: Playing A Song

    3 — PLAYING A SONG Select other Variations. There are four VARIATION buttons. These are four different Nothing easier than playing a Song on the Pa50. You don’t versions of the same Style. Try them all! have even to load it from disk.

  • Page 33: Recording A Song

    Tutorial 4 — Recording a Song Select one of the Style rows in the STYLE section, using Stop it. the leftmost button. Sure, the Song automatically stops when reaching the end. Select one of the Style Banks, by pressing one of the but- But you can stop it before the end, just by pressing PLAY/ tons of the STYLE section.

  • Page 34: Editing A Song

    And… if I want to delete and record again one mode. of the tracks, or the whole Song? What about changing those boring General MIDI sounds with those gorgeous original KORG sounds? You can do it— That’s easy! in Song mode. Press RECORD again to enter Record mode.

  • Page 35
    Change the volume. Select different Programs. Yes, this is another obvious change. Press MENU to open the You can replace General MIDI Programs with KORG Pro- edit menu. grams. It will sound more rich, more lively. Press TRACK SELECT to see tracks 1-8. The LED turns Song Edit MENU Mixer/Tun.
  • Page 36: The Arabic Scale

    Release the pedal. beginning of the Standard MIDI File. Effect settings are saved as Pa50 SysEx events, ignored by other musical instruments. Play with your new scale. The notes you pressed are now lowered of a quarter of tone.

  • Page 37: Midi

    • CC64, or Damper Pedal. Use this controller to simulate the Damper pedal. Here is a brief overview of MIDI, as related to the Pa50. If interested, you may find more information on the general use Tempo of MIDI in the various specialized magazines and books.

  • Page 38: The Chord 1 And Chord 2 Channels

    Upper (above the split point) and Lower (below the split point) parts. You can control the Pa50 with a master keyboard or any other The notes that arrive to a Global channel are used for the MIDI keyboard.

  • Page 39: Connecting To Midi Accordion/External Sequencer

    At this point, the notes played on the Upper 1 track go “Page 4 — MIDI Setup” (see page 126). from the MIDI OUT of the Pa50 to the MIDI IN of the Select one of the Accordion Setups. computer/MIDI interface.

  • Page 40: Playing Another Instrument With The Pa50

    Select the Sequencer 1 or Sequencer 2 MIDI Setup (depend- 2 tracks (by default, channels 1 and 2). ing on the Sequencer you are using on the Pa50) to set the Set the general volume of the other instrument with its channels as follows.

  • Page 41: Reference Guide


  • Page 42: Style Play Operating Mode

    Style Play operating mode What’s a Style? 9. STYLE PLAY OPERATING MODE The Style Play mode is the boot-up operating mode. When in Folder DIRECT FD pages this mode, you can play Styles (i.e. automatic accompani- *.SET > STYLE > USER02 3, 4 ments), or just play with one to four Realtime tracks on the keyboard (Upper 1…3 and Lower).

  • Page 43: Main Page

    Style Play operating mode Main page MAIN PAGE VALUE buttons. To unmute, press both buttons again. To change the volume, select the track, then keep one of the but- This is the page you see after you turn the instrument on. tons pressed.

  • Page 44: The Write Window

    Style Play operating mode The Write window THE WRITE WINDOW MENU Open this window by pressing the WRITE button. Here, you From any page, press MENU to open the Style Play edit can save all track settings into a Performance, the Realtime menu.

  • Page 45: Mixer: Volume

    (Keyboard) tracks to the Style tracks, and vice versa. fected) signal going to the Internal FX processors. The effect processors included in Pa50 are connected in parallel, so you can decide which percentage of the direct signal should be effected:…

  • Page 46: Tuning: Detune

    Style Play operating mode Page 4 — Tuning: Detune PAGE 4 — TUNING: DETUNE PAGE 6 — TUNING: PITCHBEND SENSITIVITY This page is the place where you can set the fine tuning for This page lets you program the Pitch Bend range for the Real- each track.

  • Page 47: Fx: A Editing

    Style Play operating mode Page 9 — FX: A editing You can also change the volume for each class of Drums and C, D Percussion, if the selected track is set in Drum mode (see Effects assigned to the C and D effect processors. Usually, C is below “Page 14 — Track: Mode”).

  • Page 48: Track: Mode

    It is very useful to let a Style track drive an external button pressed, while pressing one of the selected track VOL- expander, or play a digital piano with one of Pa50’s Realtime UME/VALUE buttons. After you press the above button com- tracks.

  • Page 49: R.t. Controls: Damper

    Style Play operating mode Page 16 — R.T. controls: Damper PAGE 16 — R.T. CONTROLS: DAMPER This enables/disables the front/rear movement of the Joystick This page lets you enable/disable the Damper pedal for each (Y+: Modulation, and sometimes the sound parameter’s con- of the Realtime (Keyboard) tracks.

  • Page 50: Style Controls: Drum/Fill

    Style Play operating mode Page 20 — Style controls: Drum/Fill PAGE 20 — STYLE CONTROLS: DRUM/FILL E(nsemble) Harmonization type. In this page you can select various general parameters for the Duet Adds a single note to the melody. Style. Close Adds a closed-position chord to the melody.

  • Page 51: Style Controls: Wrap Around / Keyboard

    Style Play operating mode Page 21 — Style controls: Wrap Around / Keyboard Range PAGE 21 — STYLE CONTROLS: WRAP AROUND / PAGE 22 — PADS KEYBOARD RANGE This page lets you select a different sound or function for each of the four PAD buttons. In this page you can program the Wrap Around function and the Keyboard Range for the Style tracks.

  • Page 52: Preferences: Controls

    Style Play operating mode Page 24 — Preferences: controls Note: These settings are stored in the Global file. After changing Scale these settings, press WRITE to save them into the Global. The When this lock function is On, the Scale parameter does not Write Global window will appear (see “The Write window”…

  • Page 53
    Style Play operating mode Page 24 — Preferences: controls chord is reset when raising the hand from the Scale Mode keyboard, and the Lower track is not sustained. This parameter determines which tracks will use the selected Lower When its LED is on, the MEMORY button alternative scale (see “Scale”…
  • Page 54: Style Record Mode

    The term “Style” relates with music sequences automatically or Full, depending on the Chord Scanning section on the played by the arranger of the Pa50. A Style consists of a pre- control panel), the arranger scans the keyboard and deter- defined number of Style Elements (E) (Pa50 features ten dif-…

  • Page 55: Style Import/Export

    STYLE IMPORT/EXPORT While you are in Record/Edit mode, you can listen to the You can use Korg’s Style To Midi application to exchange selected Chord Variation or to the whole Style, depending Styles between your computer and the Pa50, through the on the page you are in.

  • Page 56: The Write Window

    Note: Some Control Change messages cannot be recorded Use this parameter to change the Style’s name. Press the right directly using Pa50 integrated controls. A VOLUME/VALUE button to enter editing, and modify the name using the UP/DOWN buttons to move the cursor, and FAST DELETE USING THE CONTROL PANEL the DIAL to select a character.

  • Page 57: Main Page

    Style Record mode Main page MAIN PAGE Note: When this parameter and the assigned value is in small letters (cv:cv1), the Chord Variation is empty; when it is in cap- After pressing the RECORD button, and selected the Style to itals (CV:CV1), it is already recorded record/edit, the Main page of the Style Record mode appears.

  • Page 58: Style Tracks Page

    7th. Grid resolution, in musical values. For exam- Note: To conform to Korg specifications, it is advisable to set the ple, when you select 1/16, all notes are moved NTT to “No Transpose” on the Intro 1 and Ending 1.

  • Page 59: Step Record Page

    Style Record mode Step Record page allow you to play back louder any reference track, or the track mode, before actually starting recording (see step 6 on you are recording. page 58 for more information). Track status key? When in the Style Tracks page, each track can be in one of This is a prompt, asking for a note or chord to be played on three status.

  • Page 60: Create A New Style

    Style Record mode Style Record procedure STYLE RECORD PROCEDURE wise, if you prefer to do a Step Record, jump to “Step Record procedure” on page 59. There are two different methods for recording a Style: Real- time and Step. Realtime Record procedure •…

  • Page 61
    Style Record mode Style Record procedure page 127) is also automatically set to On, to allow playing Assign a Program to each track, by using the PRO- on the keyboard. GRAM/PERFORMANCE section. When finished recording, press START/STOP to stop Press START/STOP to turn on its LED and enter the the arranger.
  • Page 62
    54 for information on how to save a Style. Ex.3: Chords and second voices in Step Record mode With Pa50, you are not obliged to insert single notes in a track. There are several ways to insert chords and double voices. Lets look at some. Step Time =…
  • Page 63: Menu

    Style Record mode Menu MENU All edit pages share the same structure. Style Play icon Page header Page number From any page of the Style Record mode, press MENU to open the Style Record edit menu. This menu gives access to the various Style Record edit sections.

  • Page 64: Edit: Quantize

    Style Record mode Page 1 — Edit: Quantize PAGE 1 — EDIT: QUANTIZE Bottom and Top parameters, you can select a single percus- sive instrument in a Drum or Percussion track. The quantize function may be used to correct any rhythm Note: These parameters are available only when a Drum or error after recording, or to give the pattern a “groovy”…

  • Page 65: Edit: Velocity

    Style Record mode Page 3 — Edit: Velocity PAGE 3 — EDIT: VELOCITY Trk (Track) Track in edit. To select a different track, press one of the A In this page you can change the velocity (dynamics) value of VOLUME/VALUE buttons to open the Go To Track window. notes in the selected track.

  • Page 66: Event Filter

    Style Record mode Page 5 — Event Filter F3 and F4 buttons Control function CC# (Control Change Number) After selecting the parameter value area with the G VOL- Damper UME/VALUE buttons, use these buttons to select, respec- Filter Resonance tively, the first and second value of the event in edit. Low Pass Filter Cutoff START/STOP button Press START/STOP and play some chords on the keyboard to…

  • Page 67
    Style Record mode Event Edit procedure display (see “Page 5 — Event Filter” on page 64 for more buttons or the TEMPO/VALUE controls to modify the information). selected value. Ev: Note Event Type First value Second value Edit: Ev. Filter Note: Off Aftt: Off If a Note event is selected, use the D VOLUME/VALUE…
  • Page 68: Edit: Delete

    Style Record mode Page 6 — Edit: Delete PAGE 6 — EDIT: DELETE Note: Some CC data are automatically removed during recording. See the table on page 54 for This page is where you can delete single elements or MIDI more information on the allowed data.

  • Page 69: Edit: Copy

    Style Record mode Page 8 — Edit: Copy PAGE 8 — EDIT: COPY Copying on a Chord Variation with a different length Here you can copy a track, Chord Variation or Style Element inside the same Style, or from a different one. Furthermore, You can copy a Chord Element on a different Chord Element you can copy a whole Style.

  • Page 70: Style Element Controls: Expression

    Style Record mode Page 10 — Style Element Controls: Expression PAGE 10 — STYLE ELEMENT CONTROLS: Bottom/Top Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the key- EXPRESSION board range for the corresponding track. In this page you can modify the Expression (CC#11) value for each of the Style tracks.

  • Page 71
    Style Record mode Page 13 — Style Controls: Mode/Tension sound. This is very useful on Guitar and Bass whether or not the Tension included in the recognized chord tracks. will be added to the Acc1-5 tracks. The Tension will be added. T (Tension) No Tension will be added.
  • Page 72: Song Play Operating Mode

    4-digit number corresponding to the Song you wish to select; the folder selected in the Song Select page will The native Song file format of the Pa50 is the Standard MIDI become the current folder. This way, you can speed up the File (SMF), an universal standard set by all manufacturers.

  • Page 73: Master Volume, Sequencer Volume, Balance

    Grid resolution, in musical values (a “3” after the value means “triplet”). For example, when The Pa50 is equipped with four effect processors, or DSPs you select 1/8, all notes are moved to the near- (Digital Signal Processors). In Song Play mode you can have est 1/8 division.

  • Page 74: The Write Window

    The Play/Mute status allows you to globally mute tracks that you don’t want to play during a show, for example Song Play icon the melody track. (This is ture only for non-Pa50/80 When on, this icon shows that the instrument is in Song Play Songs).

  • Page 75: Tracks 1-8 Page

    Open the Lyrics page (see “The Lyrics page” on page 74). Lyr- CLUB ics will be shown only if included into the selected Song, and BALLADS compatible with a standard format that Pa50 can recognize. 0001 MYSONG.MID SELECT OPEN CLOSE…

  • Page 76: The Lyrics Page

    Song Play operating mode The Lyrics page F3 (Open) Lyrics display on an external monitor Opens the selected folder (item whose name begins with As soon as you enter the Song Play mode, lyrics included in “ ”). the Song assigned to the Sequencer 1 are shown in the dis- play.

  • Page 77: Menu

    Song Play operating mode Menu PLAY/STOP Starts or stops the current Song. When you Song Play icon stop the Song, the sequencer goes back to mea- When on, this icon indicates that the instrument is in Song sure 1 of the current Song. Play mode.

  • Page 78: Mixer: Pan

    Song Play operating mode Page 2 — Mixer: Pan PAGE 2 — MIXER: PAN Note: When you stop the Song, or select a different Song, the default effects are selected again. You can, however, stop the Here you can adjust the pan for each Song track. Song, change the effects, then start the Song again.

  • Page 79: Fx: A/B Select

    Song Play operating mode Page 4 — FX: A/B Select PAGE 4 — FX: A/B SELECT Song, change the effects, then start the Song again. Edit the Song in Song mode to permanently change the effects. This page lets you select the A and B effects. Usually, the A C, D effect is a reverb, while the B effect is a modulating effect.

  • Page 80: Fx: D Editing

    Song Play operating mode Page 6 — FX: D editing PAGE 6 — FX: D EDITING PAGE 8 — TRACK: INTERNAL/EXTERNAL This page contains the editing parameters for the D effect. This page lets you set the Internal or External status for each You can access this page only when the “S2 FX Mode”…

  • Page 81: Jukebox

    Song Play operating mode Page 9 — Jukebox PAGE 9 — JUKEBOX When you have finished writing a name, press F2 (Save) to confirm. The “Are you sure?” message appears. Press The Jukebox function lets you play a list of Songs (127 max), ENTER to confirm, EXIT to abort.

  • Page 82: Saving A List Of Songs

    Song Play operating mode Saving a list of Songs SAVING A LIST OF SONGS Link Beat The two sequencers Tempo are linked together. The Tempo data written into the Songs are ignored. Adjust the Tempo using the TEMPO/ How to save a list of Songs contained in a VALUE controls.

  • Page 83
    Song Play operating mode Saving a list of Songs How to save a list of Songs contained in a While you are in the Jukebox page, press SHIFT + F2 to save the list. Jukebox file A dialog box will appear, asking you to insert a new Press SONG PLAY to select the Song Play operative floppy disk into the disk drive.
  • Page 84: Backing Sequence Operating Mode

    Backing Sequence operating mode Transport controls 12. BACKING SEQUENCE OPERATING MODE REALTIME RECORDING MODE The Backing Sequence mode lets you record a live perfor- mance with the Styles. The front panel controls work mostly While in Backing Sequence mode, you can record a new Song as in Style Play mode, but here you are recording what you in realtime mode (i.e., recording exactly what you play).

  • Page 85: Chord/Acc Step Recording

    Recording mode. Backing Sequence icon Page header You can edit only Songs created on the Pa50 or Pa80 (Backing Sequence mode), provided that you have the same Styles in the same locations. When saving a Song created in Backing Sequence mode, all Chord/Acc data is preserved, and can be loaded later, to be edited using the Chord/Acc Step Mode.

  • Page 86: Load Song Page

    Backing Sequence operating mode Load Song page After pressing this command, the Save Song page appears shown on the display will be updated. (see “Save Song page” on page 84). F2 (Load) D (Select Tempo) Load the Song at the first line of the display. Select this parameter to use the TEMPO/VALUE section to F3 (Open) select the Tempo.

  • Page 87: Realtime Recording Page

    Backing Sequence operating mode Realtime Recording page REALTIME RECORDING PAGE The metronome plays during recording. Recording begins with a 1-bar precount. Start While you are in Backing Sequence mode, press RECORD, recording after bar -1. then one of the A VOLUME/VALUE buttons, to access the The metronome plays during recording.

  • Page 88
    3/4 time). Note: When inserting a Style Change, you may also insert a Tick: Minimal sequencer’s resolution. The Pa50 internal Tempo Change at the same position. A Style Change will not sequencers feature a resolution of 384 ticks per quarter.
  • Page 89: How To Delete A Whole Song

    Backing Sequence operating mode How to delete a whole Song Note: If the side arrow doesn’t appear, the event cally recognized. While recognizing a chord, the status of the was not selected at the current position, and will BASS INVERSION button will be considered. not be deleted.

  • Page 90: Song Operating Mode

    When on, this icon shows that the instrument is in Song FORMAT mode. The native Song format for Pa50 is the Standard MIDI File. Page header See “The Songs and the Standard MIDI File format” on This line shows the selected Song name.

  • Page 91: Tracks 1-8 Page

    Song operating mode Tracks 1-8 page Man(ual) When the cursor is on the “D (Select Tempo)” A-H (Tracks 9-16 Programs) parameter, you can change the Tempo using Name of the Programs assigned to tracks 9-16. Use these but- the TEMPO/VALUE section controls. The tons to select, mute/unmute or change the volume of the cor- Song will be played back using the manually responding tracks.

  • Page 92: Save Song Page

    Song operating mode Save Song page SAVE SONG PAGE Move the cursor using the DOWN/- and UP/+ buttons. Select a character using the DIAL. Insert a character at The new or edited Song is contained in RAM, and is lost the cursor position by pressing the INSERT button.

  • Page 93: Realtime Record Procedure

    Song operating mode Realtime Record procedure REALTIME RECORD PROCEDURE While the status icon is flashing, press PLAY/STOP to begin recording. Depending on the Metro option you Here is the general procedure to follow for the Realtime selected, a 1- or 2-bars precount may play before the Recording.

  • Page 94
    Chords and second voices With Pa50, you are not obliged to insert single notes in a track. There are several ways to insert chords and double Insert a note, rest or chord at the current position.
  • Page 95: Song Record Page

    Song operating mode Song Record page SONG RECORD PAGE Metronome on, with a one-bar precount before starting recording. While in the Song mode, press RECORD to enter the Song Metronome on, with a two-bar precount Record mode. The Song Record page appears. before starting recording.

  • Page 96: Step Record Page

    Song operating mode Step Record page STEP RECORD PAGE … Note value. Dot (.) Augments the selected note by one half of its Access this page from the Main page of the Song Record value. mode, by selecting the “StepDub” or “StepOwr” recording Triplet (3) Makes the selected note a triplet note.

  • Page 97: Menu

    Song operating mode Menu MENU Track status icons A series of icons near each track show the track’s status. While in any page, press MENU to open the Song edit menu. This menu gives access to the various Song edit sections. Selected track or parameter.

  • Page 98: Mixer: Fx Block

    Song operating mode Page 3 — Mixer: FX Block Here is the edit procedure: Hard Left. Use the VOLUME/VALUE (A-H) buttons to select a Center. track. Hard Right. Use the F1-F4 buttons to select a parameter for that track. The direct (uneffected) signal does not go to the outputs;…

  • Page 99: Tuning: Scale

    Song operating mode Page 6 — Tuning: Scale PAGE 6 — TUNING: SCALE Sc(ale) This parameter lets you activate/deactivate the alternative This page lets you program the alternative scale for the Song scale for each track. (See “Page 6 — Tuning: Scale” on page 97 tracks.

  • Page 100: Fx: A Editing

    Song operating mode Page 10 — FX: A editing PAGE 14 — TRACK: EASY EDIT Song, change the effects, then start the Song again. Edit the Song in Song mode to permanently change the effects. In this page you can edit the main parameters of the Pro- C, D grams assigned to each track.

  • Page 101: Track: Mode

    Song operating mode Page 15 — Track: Mode Drum tracks Poly Tracks of this kind are polyphonic, i.e. they can play more than one note at the same time. When a track is set in Drum Mode (like the Drum and Per- Mono Tracks of this kind are monophonic, i.e.

  • Page 102: Edit: Quantize

    Song operating mode Page 17 — Edit: Quantize PAGE 17 — EDIT: QUANTIZE PAGE 18 — EDIT: TRANSPOSE The quantize function corrects any rhythm error after Here you can transpose the Song, a track or a part of a track. recording.

  • Page 103: Edit: Delete

    Song operating mode Page 20 — Edit: Delete If you wish to select a four-measure sequence starting at the Bottom / Top beginning of the Song, the Start will be positioned at Use these parameters to set the bottom and top of the key- 1.01.000, and the End at 5.01.000.

  • Page 104: Edit: Copy

    Song operating mode Page 23 — Edit: Copy PAGE 23 — EDIT: COPY PAGE 24 — EVENT EDIT Here you can copy tracks or phrases. Enter this page from the Menu of the Song mode. The Event Edit page allows you to edit each event in a single track. See “Event Edit procedure”…

  • Page 105: Event Filter

    Bend Pitch Bend events. value area. PaCtl Controls exclusive of the Pa50, like the FX and F3 and F4 buttons Scale settings. These controls are recorded to After selecting the parameter value area with the G VOL- the Master Track, and saved as System Exclu- UME/VALUE buttons, use these buttons to select, respec- sive data.

  • Page 106: Event Edit Procedure

    Song operating mode Event Edit procedure EVENT EDIT PROCEDURE For more information on the event types and their val- ues, see “Page 24 — Event Edit” below. The Event Edit is the page where you can edit each single Use the B VOLUME/VALUE buttons to select the Posi- MIDI event of the selected track.

  • Page 107: Program Operating Mode

    The Program operating mode is where you can listen to Note: Some manufacturers could use the 1-128 numbering sys- tem; when connecting your Pa50 to an instrument of this kind, individual Programs, and edit them. increment the PC value by 1 unit.

  • Page 108: The Compare Function

    Program operating mode The Compare function Press EXIT to go back to the main page of the Program • While in the Basic page, keep the SHIFT button pressed, mode. and press the DELETE button to initialize the whole Program to a default status. All edit pages share the same structure.

  • Page 109: Sample (Sound Programs)

    Program operating mode Page 2 — Sample (Sound Programs) PAGE 2 — SAMPLE (SOUND PROGRAMS) Oscillators Use this parameter to specify the basic Program type; The multisample(s) (waveform) on which the Program will whether it will use one or more oscillators (up to four). be based can be selected here for each of the four oscillators.

  • Page 110: Dk Samples (Drum Programs)

    Program operating mode Page 2 — DK Samples (Drum Programs) Velocity Switch MS Hi/Lo Bank/Num This is the velocity value dividing the High and Low layers for Use these parameters to select a different multisample (drum the selected oscillator. Notes struck harder than this value kit) for each of the High and Low layers.

  • Page 111: Pitch

    Program operating mode Page 3 — Pitch Receive Note Off and negative (–) values will cause the pitch to fall as you play Use this parameter to enable/disable the reception of the higher notes. Note Off (Key Off) message. With a value of 0, there will be no change in pitch, and the C4 pitch will sound regardless of the keyboard location you play.

  • Page 112: Pitch Lfo1

    Program operating mode Page 4 — Pitch LFO1 EG AMS (EG Alternate Modulation Source) of pitch modulation will be applied. Negative (–) values will This parameter selects the source that will modulate the pitch invert the LFO waveform. EG of the selected oscillator. See “AMS (Alternate Modula- -12.00…+12.00 tion Source) list”…

  • Page 113
    Program operating mode Page 6 — Pitch EG tors is adjusted by the “Intensity (AMS1/2 Intensity)” param- Pitch EG ‘Level’ modulation eter (see page 14-111). Pitch EG change (level) (AMS=JS-Y/Velocity, Intensity= positive (+) value Note-on Note-on Note-on Note-off Note-off Note-off Pitch EG Start Level: A note played softly with…
  • Page 114: Filter

    Program operating mode Page 7 — Filter PAGE 7 — FILTER ting of 0, the pitch EG times will be just as specified by the “Attack/Decay/Release Time” settings. Here you can make settings for the filters that will be used by The alternate modulation value at the moment that the EG the oscillators.

  • Page 115: Filter Modulation

    Program operating mode Page 8 — Filter Modulation Resonance modulation Selected Use this parameter to select an oscillator to put in edit. Alter- The effect of resonance natively, you can select oscillators using the F1-F4 buttons. Low Pass Level Filter keyboard tracking Tracking Low/High These settings specify keyboard tracking for the cutoff fre- Low resonance value…

  • Page 116: Filter Lfo1

    Program operating mode Page 9 — Filter LFO1 Filter EG modulation Intensity to B Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that “AMS” will Changes in cutoff frequency have on filter B. For details on how this will apply, refer to Note-on Note-on Note-on…

  • Page 117: Filter Lfo2

    Program operating mode Page 10 — Filter LFO2 PAGE 11 — FILTER EG Intensity to B Specify the depth and direction of the modulation that LFO1 Here you can make settings for the EG that will produce will have on the cutoff frequency of filter B (see “Intensity to time-varying changes in the cutoff frequency of filters A and A”).

  • Page 118: Intensity To

    Program operating mode Page 11 — Filter EG Decay Time Filter EG ‘Time’ modulation This parameter specifies the time over which the level will Filter 1 EG changes (Time) (AMS = Velocity, Intensity = a positive (+) value) change from the attack level to the break point level. Note-on Note-on Note-on…

  • Page 119: Amp

    Program operating mode Page 12 — Amp PAGE 12 — AMP PAGE 13 — AMP MODULATION These parameters control the volume and pan of the selected These settings allow you to apply modulation to amp (for oscillator. each oscillator) to modulate the volume. |Osc1 Amp Mod |Osc1…

  • Page 120: Amp Lfo1

    Program operating mode Page 14 — Amp LFO1 Amplifier Modulation Amplifier LFO1 modulation These parameters specify how the volume of the selected AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) oscillator will be affected by velocity. Use this parameter to select a source that will control the depth by which “LFO1”…

  • Page 121: Start Level: +99

    Program operating mode Page 16 — Amp EG Start Level Start Level Swing This parameter specifies the volume level at note-on. If you This parameter specifies the direction in which “AMS” will want the note to begin at a loud level, set this to a high value. change “Start Level”.

  • Page 122: Lfo1

    Program operating mode Page 17 — LFO1 (–) values will cause EG times to shorten as you play more Wave strongly. With a setting of 0, the EG times will be as specified This parameter selects the LFO waveform. The numbers that by the “Amp envelope”…

  • Page 123: Lfo2

    Program operating mode Page 18 — LFO2 Here is how “Fade In” affects the LFO (when “Key Sync” is If “AMS1(F)” is set to JS +Y, raising the value of this parame- On): ter will cause the oscillator LFO1 speed to increase as the joy- stick is moved away from yourself.

  • Page 124: Fx1 Editing

    Program operating mode Page 20 — FX1 editing PAGE 21 — FX2 EDITING Both the effected signal and direct signals will be sent to the Audio Outputs. In this page you can edit the effected assigned to the FX2 (B or D) effect processor (usually modulating effect).

  • Page 125: Ams (Alternate Modulation Source) List

    Note Number Note number Velocity Velocity Poly AT (Poly After Touch) Polyphonic After Touch (transmitted from the Pa50 only as sequence data) Channel AT (Channel After Touch) After Touch (Channel After Touch) Joystick X Joystick X (horizontal) axis Joystick +Y Joystick +Y (vertical upward) direction (CC#01) Joystick –Y…

  • Page 126
    Program operating mode AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) list The sign of the “Ramp Low” setting will deter- JS +Y & AT/2 (Joy Stick +Y & After Touch/2) mine the direction of its effect. “Ramp High” The effect will be controlled by the joystick +Y (vertically will have no AMS effect.
  • Page 127: Global Edit Environment

    PAGE 1 — GENERAL CONTROLS The Global edit environment is the place where you can set most of the Pa50 global functions, i.e. functions overriding This page contains various general parameters, setting the any operating mode. This edit environment overlaps the cur- status of the keyboard, the speakers and the metronome.

  • Page 128: Master Transpose

    TRANSPOSE [ ] or [ ] buttons, the new trans- Sld:M.Volume pose setting will not take effect until the first Damper Pol.:-(Korg) Pedal/Sw. Pol.:-(Korg) beat of the next measure is reached. The Real- time tracks sounding at the time of the trans- pose will be stopped.

  • Page 129: Midi Controls

    PAGE 6 — MIDI IN CHANNELS PAGE 5 — MIDI CONTROLS In this page, you can assign the Pa50 tracks to any of the This page lets you program general MIDI parameters. MIDI IN channels. Use the TRACK SELECT button to switch from channels 1-8 to channels 9-16.

  • Page 130: Midi In Controls (1)

    LowOct:+0 MuteIn:Off There are two separate Chord channels. This is very useful when you must send chords to Pa50 on two channels (like with some MIDI Accordions). UppOct (Upper Octave) Octave transposition of data received on the MIDI IN for the Chord1 channel Upper tracks.

  • Page 131: Midi In Filters

    0 Bank Sel. Off 1 Mod1 (Y+) Off In this page, you can assign to any MIDI OUT channel one of Pa50’s tracks. Use the TRACK SELECT button to switch from channels 1-8 to channels 9-16. Filters Selected MIDI OUT filters.

  • Page 132: Disk Edit Environment

    Press it in as Program). far as it will go. Note: The Pa50 incorporates a new type of disk drive and you THE WRITE/DISK IN USE LED cannot hear “click” when the disk is inserted into place.

  • Page 133: Loading Data Created With The Pa80

    Pa50 is compatible with the Styles of the older i-Series instru- the disk drive is operating (disk drive LED and WRITE/ ments. You can load them as if they were ordinary Pa50 data. DISK IN USE LED lit up). Insert an older i-Series floppy disk into the disk drive.

  • Page 134: Disk Structure

    FILE TYPES BANK02.PRF 2-1 Jazz Brass The following tables describe all the file and folder types the 2-8 Jazz Strings Pa50 can manage. Here are the files you can read or write on the Pa50. BANK .PRF BANK10.PRF Extension File/folder type 2-1 Rock Brass All the User data.

  • Page 135: Page Structure

    Disk edit environment Page structure PAGE STRUCTURE F2 (Disk command) Executes the disk operation. Here is the typical structure of a Disk page. F3 (Open) Operating mode icon Page header Opens the selected folder or bank (files whose name begins with the “…

  • Page 136
    Disk edit environment Page 1 — Load When the operation is completed (the “Wait” indicator Insert the source disk into the disk drive. disappears), the source page comes back in the display, Press F1 to scan the disk and show the file list. and you may perform further loading operations.
  • Page 137: Save

    Disk edit environment Page 2 — Save When the operation is completed (the “Wait” indicator Press F2 (Load) to confirm the file selection. The inter- disappears), the source page comes back in the display, nal memory file list appears. If you are loading a single and you may perform further loading operations.

  • Page 138
    Disk edit environment Page 2 — Save folder. A list of User data types appear (each type is a The file/folder …and will create on …contains… separate folder). type… disk… Program The USER Programs A PROGRAM folder and Drum Kits inside a .SET folder Perform (Per- The Performances…
  • Page 139
    Disk edit environment Page 2 — Save folder. A list of User data types appear (each type is a Once the target bank is selected, press F2 (Save) to save separate folder). the files. The “Are you sure?” message will appear. Press ENTER to confirm, or EXIT to abort.
  • Page 140
    Disk edit environment Page 2 — Save The content of the target disk appears in the display. Once the target location is selected, press F2 (Save) to save the file. The “Are you sure?” message will appear. Press ENTER to confirm, or EXIT to abort. Warning: If you confirm, any data at the target location Disk:Save will be deleted.
  • Page 141: Copy

    Disk edit environment Page 3 — Copy PAGE 3 — COPY Once the target is selected, press F2 (Copy). The “Over- write?” message appears: In this page you can copy single files (i.e., midifiles of Jukebox files), whole folders (generic or “.SET” folders), or a generic Overwrite on Copy? folder’s content.

  • Page 142: Erase

    Disk edit environment Page 4 — Erase Press ENTER to confirm overwriting, EXIT to avoid it. Press DISK and use the MENU or PAGE buttons to reach this page. When you decide to overwrite, the data you are copying will replace the existing data on the target. For example, if the same midifile exists on the target folder, it will be overwritten.

  • Page 143: Rename

    You can prepare this kind of disk using a PC Ethnic.set or the Pa50 itself (see “Page 5 — Format” on page 140). Note: You can’t prepare a Pa50 OS disk on a Macintosh. Move the cursor using the DOWN/- and UP/+ buttons.

  • Page 144: Utilities 2

    PAGE 9 — UTILITIES 2 label. This page includes the Protect functions. Insert 1.4MB FD #1 and press Enter If a disk is not formatted or empty, Pa50 asks if you want Disk:Utilities2 to format it: Global Protect:Off Fact.Style Protect:On…

  • Page 145: Appendix


  • Page 146: Factory Data

    Factory Data Styles 17. FACTORY DATA STYLES Note: You can remotely select Styles on the Pa50, by sending it Bank Select MSB (CC#0), Bank Select LSB (CC#32) and Program Change messages on the Control channel (see page 127). CC#0 CC#32…

  • Page 147
    Factory Data Styles CC#0 CC#32 Bank: World 3 CC#0 CC#32 Bank: Latin 1 CC#0 CC#32 Bank: Latin 2 Hora UnplugBossa EnglishTango Sevillana 1 Basic Bossa Orch. Tango Sevillana 2 L.A. Bossa Tango.it Jota New Bossa Habanera 1 Copla Miss Bossa Habanera 2 Classic 3/4 Lite Bossa…
  • Page 148: Style Elements

    Page 5-6 0-15 *.SET 0-15 *.SET 0-15 *.SET STYLE ELEMENTS Note: You can remotely select the various Style Elements on the Pa50, by sending it Program Change messages on the Control channel (see page 127). Style Element Style Element Style Element…

  • Page 149: Programs (Bank Order)

    Programs (bank order) PROGRAMS (BANK ORDER) Name CC00 CC32 DW8000 EP The following table enlists all Pa50 Factory Programs in the E.Piano 1 same order as they appear by pressing the PROGRAM/PER- E.Piano 2 FORMANCE bank buttons. DetunedEP 1 Legend: The table also includes MIDI data used to remotely EP1Veloc.sw…

  • Page 150
    Factory Data Programs (bank order) Name CC00 CC32 Name CC00 CC32 Accordion 2 NylonKeyOff Arab.Accord Steel Gtr 2 AcGtrKeyOff Bank: Organ 1 Club J.Gtr2 Jimmy Organ Vintage S. BX3 Velo Sw CleanMutGtr ClassiClick Stereo Dist M1 Organ Nylon Gtr 2 Jazz Organ Gtr Strings Dist.
  • Page 151
    Factory Data Programs (bank order) Name CC00 CC32 Name CC00 CC32 Sitar 2 Slow Choir SitarTambou Symph. Bows IndianStars Cyber Choir Choir Light Kanun Vocalesque Kanun Trem. Synth Voice Kanun Mix Voice Lead Shamisen Choir Pad Koto Halo Pad Taisho Koto FullVox Pad IndianFrets FreshBreath…
  • Page 152
    Factory Data Programs (bank order) Name CC00 CC32 Name CC00 CC32 Trumpet Ens Bank: Woodwind Glen & Boys Jazz Flute MutEnsembl2 Old Shaku French Horn FluteSwitch Syn Brass FluteDyn5th Brass Hit Flute Frull AttackBrass Pan Flute BrassSect.2 Jazz Clarin TromboneEns Flute 2 Sax &…
  • Page 153
    Factory Data Programs (bank order) Name CC00 CC32 Name CC00 CC32 Super Sweep Mega Synth Wave Sweep TecnoPhonic Cross Sweep DarkElement Digi IcePad Band Passed Crimson5ths Cat Lead Freedom Pad Pan Reso Noble Pad Square Rez Mellow Pad Rezbo Lonely Spin Auto Pilot Cinema Pad MetallicRez…
  • Page 154
    Factory Data Programs (bank order) Name CC00 CC32 Name CC00 CC32 Fretless Sw SFX Kit Thumb Bass Percus.Kit1 Finger Slap Latin P.Kit Attack Bass TRI-Per.KIT Rubber Bass ArabianKit1 FingElBass3 ArabianKit2 DarkR&BBass Timpani Sweet Fret Agogo Dyna Bass Log Drum Stick Bass Woodblock Gtr Bass Taiko Drum…
  • Page 155
    Factory Data Programs (bank order) Name CC00 CC32 Jetplane Starship Burst Noise Laughing Screaming Punch Heart Beat Footsteps Machine Gun Lasergun Explosion Ice Rain Jaw Harp HitInIndia Stadium…
  • Page 156: Programs (Program Change Order)

    PROGRAMS (PROGRAM CHANGE ORDER) CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank √ HarpsiK.Off Piano The following table enlists all Pa50 Factory Programs in order Harpsi Korg Piano of Bank Select-Program Change number. √ Clav Piano Legend: The table also includes MIDI data used to remotely √…

  • Page 157
    Factory Data Programs (Program Change order) CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank Perc.Wheels Organ 1 Vintage S. Guitar Jimmy Organ Organ 1 ProcesElGtr Guitar √ ChurchOrg.1 Organ 2 SingleCoil Guitar √ ChurchOcMix Organ 2 NewStra.Gtr Guitar √…
  • Page 158
    Factory Data Programs (Program Change order) CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank √ SynBassWarm Bass Odissey Strings & Vocals √ √ SynBassReso Bass SynStrings2 Strings & Vocals √ √ Clav Bass Bass Choir Aahs Strings & Vocals √…
  • Page 159
    Factory Data Programs (Program Change order) CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank √ √ FrenchHorn2 Brass EnglishHorn Woodwind French Sect Brass EnglisHorn2 Woodwind √ ClassicHorn Brass Bassoon Woodwind √ Horns & Ens Brass Clarinet Woodwind √…
  • Page 160
    Factory Data Programs (Program Change order) CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank √ √ Calliope Synth 2 BowedGlass Synth 1 √ √ Chiff Synth 2 MetallicPad Synth 1 √ Charang Synth 2 Cosmic Synth 1 √…
  • Page 161
    Factory Data Programs (Program Change order) CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank CC00 CC32 Name Pa50 Bank √ √ 108 Kalimba Mallet & Bell 126 Applause √ 108 VeloKalimba Mallet & Bell 126 Laughing √ √ 109 Bag Pipe Woodwind 126 Screaming √…
  • Page 162: Drum Kits

    DRUM KITS CC00 CC32 Name House Kit2 The following table enlists all Pa50 Factory Drum Kit Pro- House Kit3 grams in order of Bank Select-Program Change number. House Kit4 Legend: The table also includes MIDI data used to remotely 30-31: (remap to 24) select the Programs.

  • Page 163: Drum Kit Instruments

    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments DRUM KIT INSTRUMENTS Legend: In the Drum Kit 120-0-0: Std. Kit1 120-0-1: Std. Kit2 120-0-2: Std. Kit3 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. tables, the numer 120-x-x G#-1 BD-Dry 1 before each Drum Kit BD-House 1 BD-House 1 BD-House 1…

  • Page 164
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-3: AcousticKit 120-0-4: Std. Kit4 120-0-8: Room Kit1 120-0-9: HipHop Kit1 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. BD-House 1 BD-House 1 BD-Squash BD-Squash A#-1 99-SD 99-SD SD-Hip 6 SD-Hip 6 88-BD 88-BD 88-BD 88-BD 88-SD…
  • Page 165
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-10: Jungle Kit 120-0-11: Techno Kit1 120-0-12: Room Kit2 120-0-13: HipHop Kit2 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. BD-Squash BD-Hip 3 BD-Squash BD-Squash A#-1 SD-Hip 6 SD-Hip 6 SD-Hip 6 SD-Hip 6 88-BD 88-BD 88-BD…
  • Page 166
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-14: Techno Kit2 120-0-15: Techno Kit3 120-0-16: Power Kit1 120-0-17: Power Kit2 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. BD-Squash BD-Squash BD-Dance 99 BD-Dance 99 A#-1 SD-Hip 6 SD-Hip 6 99-SD 99-SD 88-BD 88-BD 88-BD 88-BD…
  • Page 167
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-24: Electro Kit 120-0-25: Analog Kit 120-0-26: House Kit1 120-0-27: House Kit2 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. BD-Hip 1 Explosion BD-Pop Kick BD-Pop Kick A#-1 99-SD SD-Hip 6 SD-Vintage6 99-SD 88-BD BD-Normal BD-Deep 88 BD-Deep 88…
  • Page 168
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-28: House Kit3 120-0-29: House Kit4 120-0-32: Jazz Kit 120-0-40: Brush Kit1 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. BD-Pop Kick BD-Pop Kick BD-House 1 Tom 2-Floor A#-1 99-SD 99-SD 99-SD Tom 2-Floor BD-Deep 88 BD-Deep 88 BD-Deep 88…
  • Page 169
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-41: Brush V.S.2 120-0-48: OrchestraK 120-0-116: Arabian Kit 1 120-0-117: Arabian Kit 2 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Tom 2-Floor BD-House 1 BD-House 1 A#-1 Tom 2-Floor 99-SD 99-SD Tom 2-Floor 88-BD 88-BD Tom 2-Lo…
  • Page 170
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments (continued) 120-0-41: Brush V.S.2 120-0-48: OrchestraK 120-0-116: Arabian Kit 1 120-0-117: Arabian Kit 2 Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Ramazan DVL1 Djembe-Open Ramazan DVL3 Dbk-Tky-Open Kup 2 Bells Open Tom Jazz Hi Sagat-HalfOpen Kup 2 Sagat-Close…
  • Page 171
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-50: Bdrum & Sdrum 120-0-56: SFX Kit 120-0-64: Percus.Kit1 120-0-65: Latin P.Kit Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Tribe C#-1 Zap1 88-Tom D#-1 88-BD 88-BD BD-Hip 4 F#-1 BD-Pop Kick BD-Hip 1 G#-1 BD-House 2 BD-Pop 99…
  • Page 172
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments (continued) 120-0-50: Bdrum & Sdrum 120-0-56: SFX Kit 120-0-64: Percus.Kit1 120-0-65: Latin P.Kit Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Sample Excl. 88-SD Wind Taiko Open Cabasa-Down 99-SD Noise White Zap2 Tambourin-Mute2 SD-Hip 2 Stream SD-Orch.Roll Tambourin-Open SD-BrushTap2…
  • Page 173
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments 120-0-66: TRI-Per.KIT 120-0-67: i30 Perc.Kit Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. C#-1 D#-1 F#-1 G#-1 A#-1 Rik3 Rik2 Rik1 Rek-Jingle Rek-dom-ak Djembe-Bass Taiko Open Pand-Pattern4 Pand-Pattern3 Pand-Pattern2 Tambourin-Push Pand-Pattern1 Tambourin-Acc2 Pand-Open Tabla-Na 196¡195 Taiko Rim¡Taiko Open Flexatone Tsuzumi¡Tsuzumi Finger Cymbal…
  • Page 174
    Factory Data Drum Kit instruments (continued) 120-0-66: TRI-Per.KIT 120-0-67: i30 Perc.Kit Note Sample Excl. Sample Excl. Agogo-Bell SD-Orch.Roll 183¡182 MaracasPull¡MaracasPush SD-Orch. 217¡217 Shaker1¡Shaker1 Orch Cymb 218¡218 Shaker2¡Shaker2 Orch Cymb 221¡220 Cabasa-Tap¡Cabasa-Down Udu-f-open 219¡221 Cabasa-Up¡Cabasa-Tap Orchestra Hit 222¡223 Caxixi-Hard¡Caxixi-Soft Orchestra Hit Tambourin-Push Orchestra Hit 211¡211 Tambourin-Acc1¡Tambourin-Acc1…
  • Page 175: Performances

    All Performances are user-editable. Use the following table as a model for your own Perfomance lists. Note: You can remotely select Performances on the Pa50, by sending it Bank Select MSB (CC#0), Bank Select LSB (CC#32) and Pro- gram Change messages on the Control channel (see page 127).

  • Page 176: Midi Setup

    Factory Data MIDI Setup MIDI SETUP DEFAULT Master Kbd Sequencer1 Sequencer 2 Accordion 1 Accordion 2 Accordion 3 Ext. Seq S1_Tr 1 Global S1_Tr 1 S2_Tr 1 Global Upp1 Upp1 S1_Tr 1 S1_Tr 2 S1_Tr 2 S2_Tr 2 Lower Lower Lower S1_Tr 2 S1_Tr 3…

  • Page 177: Effects

    Effects Diagrams 18. EFFECTS Pa50 is equipped with four powerful Effect Processors (A, B, Modulation source Note C, D). You can send them the internal tracks. MIDI(CC#20) DIAGRAMS MIDI(CC#21) The following instructions show the signal path diagram for Damper: #64 each of the effect types.

  • Page 178
    Effects Filter/Dynamic 002: Compressor 003: Limiter (Stereo Compressor) (Stereo Limiter) This effect compresses the input signal to regulate the level The Limiter regulates the input signal level. It is similar to the and give a “punchy” effect. It is useful for guitar, piano, and Compressor, except that the Limiter compresses only signals drum sounds.
  • Page 179
    Effects Filter/Dynamic Adjust the output level using the “Gain Adjust” parame- 004: MBandLimit ter, since compression causes the entire level to be (Multiband Limiter) reduced. This effect applies the Limiter to the low range, mid range, Limiter — Threshold / Ratio and high range of the input signal.
  • Page 180
    Effects Filter/Dynamic 005: Gate The Attack and Release parameters set the Gate attack time and release time. (Stereo Gate) Gate — Threshold This effect mutes the input signal if its level is lower than the Output Level specified level. It also reverses the on and off operation of the Threshold gate, and uses Note On and Off messages to turn the gate on and off.
  • Page 181
    Effects Filter/Dynamic 007: Param.4B Eq Low Cutoff [Hz] 20…1.0kHz Sets the center frequency for Low EQ (shelving type) (Stereo Parametric 4-Band EQ) Gain [dB] –18…+18dB This is a stereo 4-band parametric equalizer. You can select Table , “Sets the gain of Low EQ,” on page 176 peaking type or shelving type for Band 1 and 4.
  • Page 182
    Effects Filter/Dynamic d: Band2 Dynamic Gain Src, d: Amt [dB], f: Gain [dB] You can configure a 21-Band Graphic EQ ranging from You can control the gain of Band 2 using the modulation 80Hz to 18kHz if you route three Graphic 7Band EQ source.
  • Page 183
    Effects Filter/Dynamic a: Frequency Bottom, a: Frequency Top 010: Random Filt The sweep width and direction of the wah filter are deter- (Stereo Random Filter) mined by the “Frequency Top” and “Frequency Bottom” This stereo band pass filter uses a step-shape waveform and settings.
  • Page 184
    Effects Filter/Dynamic When “LFO Waveform” is set to Random, the “LFO Step 011: Excit/Enhan Freq” parameter uses a random LFO cycle. (Stereo Exciter/Enhancer) Random Filter LFO This effect is a combination of the Exciter, which adds a LFO Frequency punch to the sound and the Enhancer, which adds spread and presence.
  • Page 185
    Effects Filter/Dynamic 012: Sub Oscill 013: Talking Mod (Stereo Sub Oscillator) (Talking Modulator) This effect adds very low frequencies to the input signal. It is This effect adds an unusual character, like a human voice, to very useful when simulating a roaring drum sound or the input signal.
  • Page 186
    Effects Filter/Dynamic If Sweep Mode is set to LFO, the sound will change cycli- 014: Decimator cally from “a” to “i,” “u,” “i,” then “a.” (Stereo Decimator) Talking Modulator Control This effect creates a rough sound like a cheap sampler by low- Voice Center Voice Bottom Voice Top…
  • Page 187: Pitch/Phase Mod

    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. 015: Analog Rec PITCH/PHASE MOD. (Stereo Analog Record) This effect simulates the noise caused by scratches and dust Pitch/phase modulation effects on analog records. It also reproduces some of the modulation caused by a warped turntable. 016: Chorus (Stereo Chorus) Stereo In — Stereo Out Left…

  • Page 188
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. 017: Harm.Chorus h: Feedback Sets the feedback amount of the chorus block. Increasing (Stereo Harmonic Chorus) the feedback will allow you to use the effect as a flanger. This effect applies chorus only to higher frequencies. This can be used to apply a chorus effect to a bass sound without 018: MTap Ch/Dly making the sound thinner.
  • Page 189
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. 019: Ensemble 020: Flanger (Stereo Flanger) This Ensemble effect has three chorus blocks that use LFO to create subtle shimmering, and gives three dimensional depth This effect gives a significant swell and movement of pitch to and spread to the sound, because the signal is output from the sound.
  • Page 190
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. b: LFO Shape Feedback –100…+100 Changing the LFO waveform shape controls the peak Sets the feedback amount Fx:020 sweep of flanging effects. High Damp [%] 0…100% Sets the feedback damping amount in the high range Fx:020 LFO Shape Wet/Dry –Wet…–1:99, Dry, 1:99…Wet LFO Shape = 0…+100…
  • Page 191
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. The “Src” parameter selects the source that starts the BPM/MIDI Sync Off, On envelope generator. If you select, for example, Gate, the Switches between using the frequency of the LFO speed and using the tempo and notes Fx:009, envelope generator will start when the note-on message MIDI, 40…240…
  • Page 192
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. 024: RandomPhser 025: Envel.Phser (Stereo Random Phaser) (Stereo Envelope Phaser) This is a stereo phaser. The effect uses a step-shape waveform This stereo phaser uses an envelope generator for modula- and random LFO for modulation, creating a unique phasing tion.
  • Page 193
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. 026: BiphaseMod. 027: Vibrato (Stereo Biphase Modulation) (Stereo Vibrato) This stereo chorus effect adds two different LFOs together. This effect causes the pitch of the input signal to shimmer. You can set the Frequency and Depth parameters for each Using the AutoFade allows you to increase or decrease the LFO individually.
  • Page 194
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. The following is an example of fade-in where the LFO Wet/Dry Mod D-mod, AUTOFADE speed is increased from “1.0Hz” to “4.0Hz” when a note- Switches between D-mod and AUTOFADE for the effect balance modulation Fx:027 on message is received. Wet/Dry –Wet…–1:99, Dry, 1:99…Wet “AUTOFADE Src”=Gate1, “LFO Frequency [Hz]”=1.0…
  • Page 195
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet LFO Frequency [Hz] 0.02…20.00Hz Table , “Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds,” on page 175 Sets the LFO speed Fx:009, Off…Tempo Off…Tempo Selects the modulation source of LFO speed Table , “Selects the modulation source of the effect balance,” on page 175 –20.00…+20.00Hz –100…+100 Sets the modulation amount of LFO speed…
  • Page 196
    Effects Pitch/Phase Mod. 031: Scratch a: Scratch Source, b: Response The Scratch Source parameter enables you to select the This effect is applied by recording the input signal and mov- modulation source that controls simulation. The value of ing the modulation source. It simulates the sound of the modulation source corresponds to the playback posi- scratches you can make using a turntable.
  • Page 197: Mod./P.shift

    Effects Mod./P.Shift b: LFO Phase [degree] MOD./P.SHIFT This parameter determines the difference between the left and right LFO phases. A higher value will simulate the Other modulation and pitch shift effects auto-pan effect in which the sound is panned between left and right.

  • Page 198
    Effects Mod./P.Shift “Depth”=100, “Envelope Amount”=–100 Depth 0…100 Sets the depth of LFO modulation Shimmer Level Dry Envelope LFO Frequency[Hz]=8.0 Off…Tempo Envelope Amount[Hz]= –7.0Hz Selects the modulation source of the depth of modulation Depth=100 Envelope Amount= –100 –100…+100 Sets the modulation amount of the depth of modula- tion Time Wet/Dry…
  • Page 199
    Effects Mod./P.Shift 035: Phaser/Trem enables you to offset the timing of the phaser peak and control a subtle movement and rotation of the sound. (Stereo Phaser + Tremolo) f: Phaser WetDry, i: Wet/Dry This effect has a stereo phaser and tremolo LFOs linked The “Phaser Wet/Dry”…
  • Page 200
    Effects Mod./P.Shift 037: Detune Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet Table , “Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds,” on page 175 Using this effect, you can obtain a detune effect that offsets the pitch of the effect sound slightly from the pitch of the Off…Tempo Table , “Selects the modulation source of the effect balance,”…
  • Page 201
    Effects Mod./P.Shift 038: PitchShift Input Level Dmod [%] –100…+100 Sets the modulation amount of the input level Fx:037, (Pitch Shifter) Off…Tempo This effect changes the pitch of the input signal. You can Selects the modulation source for the input level Fx:037 select from three types: Fast (quick response), Medium, and Wet/Dry…
  • Page 202
    Effects Mod./P.Shift 039: PitShiftMod. 040: RotarySpeak (Pitch Shift Modulation) (Rotary Speaker) This effect modulates the detuned pitch shift amount using This effect simulates a rotary speaker, and obtains a more an LFO, adding a clear spread and width to the sound by pan- realistic sound by simulating the rotor in the low range and ning the effect sound and dry sound to the left and right.
  • Page 203
    Effects Mod./P.Shift When “Sw” = Moment, the speaker is rotating. It stops c: Manual Speed Ctrl only when you press the pedal or operate the joystick. If you wish to control the speaker rotation speed manu- ally, not switching between Slow and Fast, select the mod- Rotation will occur when the value of the modulation source is ulation source in the “Manual Speed Ctrl”…
  • Page 204: Er/Delay

    Effects ER/Delay 042: AutoReverse ER/DELAY (Auto Reverse) This effect records the input signal and automatically plays it Early reflection and delay effects in reverse (the effect is similar to a tape reverse sound). 041: Early Refl Wet: Mono In — Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In — Stereo Out Left (Early Reflections) Wet / Dry…

  • Page 205
    Effects ER/Delay c: Envelope Select, c: Src, d: Threshold e: High Damp [%], e: Low Damp [%] These parameters select the source to control the start These parameters set the damping amount of high range and end of recording. and low range. The tone of the delayed sound becomes When “Envelope Select”…
  • Page 206
    Effects ER/Delay 045: M.Tap Delay 046: Modul.Delay (Stereo Multitap Delay) (Stereo Modulation Delay) The left and right Multitap Delays have two taps respectively. This stereo delay uses an LFO to sweep the delay time. The Changing the routing of feedback and tap output allows you pitch also varies.
  • Page 207
    Effects ER/Delay The “Src” parameter sets the modulation source that High Damp [%] 0…100% resets the LFO. For example, you can assign Gate as a mod- Sets the damping amount in the high range Fx:043 ulation source so that the sweep always starts from the Low Damp [%] 0…100% Sets the damping amount in the low range…
  • Page 208
    Effects ER/Delay 048: AutoPan Dly L Delay Time [msec] 0.0…680.0msec Sets the delay time for the left channel (Stereo Auto Panning Delay) L Feedback –100…+100 This stereo delay effect pans the delay sound left and right Sets the feedback amount for the left channel using the LFO.
  • Page 209
    Effects ER/Delay 049: LCR BPM Dly a: BPM, b: L Delay Base Note, b: Times, c: C Delay Base Note, The L/C/R delay enables you to match the delay time with the c: Times, d: R Delay Base Note, d: Times song tempo.
  • Page 210: Reverb

    Effects Reverb 051: Seq. Delay REVERB (Sequential Delay) This four-tap delay enables you to select a tempo and rhythm Reverb effects pattern to set up each tap. These effects simulate the ambience of reverberation in con- cert halls. Wet: Mono In — Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In -Stereo Out Left Wet / Dry 052: Rev.

  • Page 211
    Effects Reverb b: Pre Delay [msec], b: Pre Delay Thru [%] 057: R.BriteRoom The “Pre Delay” sets the delay time to the reverb input, This room-type reverb emphasizes the early reflections that allowing you to control spaciousness. make the sound brighter. See 056: Reverb Room. Using the “Pre Delay Thru”…
  • Page 212: Mono — Mono Chain

    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 059: Par4Eq-Wah MONO – MONO CHAIN (Parametric 4-Band EQ – Wah/Auto Wah) This effect combines a mono-type four-band parametric Effects that combine two mono effects connected in series equalizer and a wah. You can change the order of the connec- tion.

  • Page 213
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 060: 4EqPhsrChFl However, if a mono-input type effect is connected after this effect, the left and right sounds may cancel each (Parametric 4-Band EQ – Chorus/Flanger) other, eliminating the chorus/flanger effects. This effect combines a mono-type four-band parametric equalizer and a chorus/flanger.
  • Page 214
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 062: P4Eq-TapDly 063: Cmp-AutoWah (Parametric 4-Band EQ – Multitap Delay) (Compressor – Wah/Auto Wah) This effect combines a mono-type four-band parametric This effect combines a mono-type compressor and a wah. equalizer and a multitap delay. You can change the order of the connection.
  • Page 215
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 064: Cmp-AmpSim 065: Cmp-OD/HiG (Compressor – Amp Simulation) (Compressor – Overdrive/Hi.Gain) This effect combines a mono-type compressor and an amp This effect combines a mono-type compressor and an over- simulation. You can change the order of the effect connec- drive/high-gain distortion.
  • Page 216
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 066: Cmp-Par.4Eq 067: Cmp-ChorFlg (Compressor – Parametric 4-Band EQ) (Compressor – Chorus/Flanger) This effect combines a mono-type compressor and a four- This effect combines a mono-type compressor and a chorus/ band parametric equalizer. You can change the order of the flanger.
  • Page 217
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 068: Cmp-Phaser Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet Table , “Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds,” on page 175 (Compressor – Phaser) This effect combines a mono-type compressor and a phaser. Off…Tempo Table , “Selects the modulation source of the effect balance,” on page 175 You can change the order of the effect connection.
  • Page 218
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 070: Lim-Par.4Eq 071: Lim-ChorFlg (Limiter – Parametric 4-Band EQ) (Limiter – Chorus/Flanger) This effect combines a mono-type limiter and a four-band This effect combines a mono-type limiter and a chorus/ parametric equalizer. You can change the order of the effect flanger.
  • Page 219
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 072: Lim-Phaser [L] Attack 1…100 Sets the attack time Fx:003 This effect combines a mono-type limiter and a phaser. You Release 1…100 can change the order of the effect connection. Sets the release time Fx:003 [L] Gain Adjust [dB] –Inf, –38…+24dB Wet: Mono In — Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In — Stereo Out…
  • Page 220
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 075: Exc-Limiter 076: Exc-ChorFlg (Exciter – Limiter) (Exciter – Chorus/Flanger) This effect combines a mono-type exciter and a limiter. You This effect combines a mono-type limiter and a chorus/ can change the order of the effect connection. flanger.
  • Page 221
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 077: Exc-Phaser 078: Exc-MTapDly (Exciter – Phaser) (Exciter – Multitap Delay) This effect combines a mono-type limiter and a phaser. This effect combines a mono-type exciter and a multitap delay. Wet: Mono In — Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In — Stereo Out Left Wet / Dry Wet: Mono In — Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In — Stereo Out…
  • Page 222
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain [O] Output Level 0…50 [O] Output Level 0…50 Sets the overdrive output level Fx:006, Sets the overdrive output level Fx:006, Off…Tempo Off…Tempo Selects the modulation source for the overdrive output level Selects the modulation source for the overdrive output level –50…+50 –50…+50 Sets the modulation amount of the overdrive output level…
  • Page 223
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 081: OD/HG-Phser Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet Table , “Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds,” on page 175 (Overdrive/Hi.Gain – Phaser) This effect combines a mono-type overdrive/high-gain dis- Off…Tempo Table , “Selects the modulation source of the effect balance,” on page 175 tortion and a phaser.
  • Page 224
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 083: Wah-AmpSim 084: Decim-Amp S (Wah/Auto Wah – Amp Simulation) (Decimator – Amp Simulation) This effect combines a mono-type wah and an amp simula- This effect combines a mono-type decimator and an amp tion. You can change the order of the effect connection. simulation.
  • Page 225
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 087: Ch/Fl-MTDly Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet Table , “Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds,” on page 175 (Chorus/Flanger – Multitap Delay) This effect combines a mono-type chorus/flanger and a mul- Off…Tempo Table , “Selects the modulation source of the effect balance,” on page 175 titap delay.
  • Page 226
    Effects Mono – Mono Chain 088: Phser-ChoFl 089: Rev-Gate (Phaser – Chorus/Flanger) (Reverb – Gate) This effect combines a mono-type phaser and a chorus/ This effect combines a mono-type reverb and a gate. flanger. Wet: Mono In — Mono Out / Dry: Stereo In — Stereo Out Left Wet / Dry Wet: Mono In — Stereo Out / Dry: Stereo In — Stereo Out…
  • Page 227: Assignable Parameters

    Assignable parameters List of functions assignable to the Footswitch 19. ASSIGNABLE PARAMETERS LIST OF FUNCTIONS ASSIGNABLE TO THE Function Meaning FOOTSWITCH Style Up Selects the next Style The following functions can be assigned to a footswitch. Style Down Selects the previous Style Perform.

  • Page 228: List Of Functions Assignable To The Pedal Or Assignable Slider

    Assignable parameters List of functions assignable to the Pedal or Assignable Slider LIST OF FUNCTIONS ASSIGNABLE TO THE Function Meaning PEDAL OR ASSIGNABLE SLIDER Joystick +X Joystick right Joystick -X Joystick left The following functions can be assigned to a continuous pedal or to the Assignable Slider.

  • Page 229: List Of Functions Assignable To The Pads

    Assignable parameters List of functions assignable to the Pads LIST OF FUNCTIONS ASSIGNABLE TO THE SCALES PADS The following is a list of scales (or tunings) you can select in Style Play (“Scale” on page 44) and Global (“Scale” on You can assign the following functions to the Pads, and use page 125) modes.

  • Page 230: Midi Controllers

    MIDI Controllers 20. MIDI CONTROLLERS The following is a table including all Control Change mes- CC Name Pa50 Function sages, and their effect on various Pa50 functions. Attack Attack time F.CutOff Filter cutoff (Brilliance) CC Name Pa50 Function Decay T.

  • Page 231: Midi Implementation Chart

    MIDI Controllers MIDI Implementation Chart KORG Pa50 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART OS Version 1.0 — Mar. 15, 2003 Function Transmitted Recognized Remarks Default 1–16 1–16 Memorized Basic Channel Changed 1–16 1–16 Default Messages Mode Altered **************** 0–127 0–127 Note Number: True Voice **************** 0–127…

  • Page 232: Parameters

    Parameters 21. PARAMETERS Control panel and operating modes parameters The following table shows the parameters you can save to memory when pressing the WRITE button in the various operating modes and edit environments. Single Touch Style Seq1+Seq2 Page Parameter Performance Global Note Setting (STS)

  • Page 233
    Parameters Single Touch Style Seq1+Seq2 Page Parameter Performance Global Note Setting (STS) Performance Setup √ √ Pad 1-4 – – – √ √ Volume – – – √ √ – – – √ √ C Send Level – – – √…
  • Page 234
    Parameters Style and Song parameters The following table is a list of data saved (to memory or disk) when editing a Style or a Song. Note: When saving a Song to disk as a Standard MIDI File (SMF), all parameters are converted to ordinary track parameters. Pa80 exclusive data are converted to SysEx or Meta-Events, that will be ignored when reading the SMF on a different keyboard or sequencer.
  • Page 235: Recognized Chords

    22. RECOGNIZED CHORDS The following pages show the most important chords recognized by the Korg Pa80, when the selected Chord Recognition mode is Fingered 2 (see “Chord Recognition Mode” on page 50). Recognized chords may vary with a different Chord Recognition modes.

  • Page 236
    Recognized chords Minor Minor 6th 3-note 2-note 4-note Minor 7th Minor-Major 7th 3-note 4-note 3-note 4-note Diminished Diminished Major 7th 3-note 4-note Minor 7th 5 4-note Augmented 7th Augmented Augmented Major 7th 3-note 4-note 4-note No 3rd No 3rd, no 5th 2-note 1-note = constituent notes of the chord…
  • Page 237: Error Messages & Troubleshooting

    There is not enough memory to enter the Style Record, Song and press ENTER. Record, or Backing Sequencer Record mode. Wait Please You were trying to load a file, while Pa50 is still loading Style Play another one. Corrupted Style Perform. – Save It Again The Style Performance was damaged.

  • Page 238
    Standard Midi File format 2 Disk not empty! (Sh+Enter to Format) You have tried to read a Format 2 Standard MIDI File. Pa50 During a Backup, you inserted a disk containing some data. can’t play this kind of file. Select a Standard MIDI Files in 0- Please replace it with an empty one, or press SHIFT+ENTER and 1-format.
  • Page 239
    Press ENTER/YES to overwrite files carrying the same name Insert 1.4MB FD and press Enter on the target device, or EXIT/NO to avoid overwriting any While saving the operating system, Pa50 asks for a floppy disk file. (1.44 Mbyte, High Density).
  • Page 240: Troubleshooting

    Make sure that the external device is transmitting through MIDI channels enabled to receive in the Pa50. Make sure that the MIDI IN Filters of the Pa50 do not prevent the reception of messages. Percussive instruments are not Make sure that the Percussion and Drum Track is set to Drum Mode and the played correctly external device has not transposition applied.

  • Page 241: Technical Specifications

    24. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model: KORG Pa50 Keyboard 61 keys, with velocity. Operating System KORG OPOS (Objective Portable Operating System). Multitasking, Load-While-Play feature. SSD (Solid State Disk)-resident. Upgradable from floppy disk. Display Backlit custom LCD Data storage 8MB (>20MB equivalent) Internal Solid State Disk (SSD), 1.44MB Floppy Disk Driver (MS-DOS® com- patible).

  • Page 242: Alphabetical Index

    Alphabetical Index 25. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Effects 96, 97 Song mode 10, 13 Acc/Seq Volume 71, 76 Song Play mode AMS(Alternate Modulation Source) 43, 44 Style Play mode Resonance Ending Arabic Scale Ensemble Assignable Slider Attack Attack Level Amp EG 16, 19 F1-F4 buttons Attack Time Fade…

  • Page 243
    Alphabetical Index 18, 126 Master Transpose Scale Lock Master Tune Main scale 10, 13 Master Volume Selecting in realtime Menu Select Message window MFX Effect Select MIDI Selecting Windows Chord channels Sequencer 70, 127 Clock Link mode General MIDI Selecting and switching Global channel Sequencer 1 IN channels…
  • Page 244
    Alphabetical Index Tune Velocity Intensity, Amp Mod. Tune, Program Velocity, Filter EG Velocity Curve Volume 10, 13, 71, 88 Acc/Seq User Interface Balance Edit Environments Individual tracks (Song Play) Operating Modes Individual tracks (Song) Selecting Windows Individual tracks (Style Play) 10, 13, 71, 88 Master 16, 19…
  • Page 246
    Address KORG ITALY Spa Via Cagiata, 85 I-60027 Osimo (An) Italy Web servers www.korg.co.jp www.korg.com www.korg.co.uk www.jam-ind.com www.korgfr.net www.korg.de www.korg.it www.letusa.es PART NUMBER: MAN000xxxx © KORG Italy 2003. All rights reserved…

Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Ver. 1.0
E 1

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Instructions pertaining to a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING — When using electrical products, basic pre- THE FCC REGULATION WARNING (FOR THE cautions should be followed, including the following: U.S.A. AND CANADA ONLY) Location. Using the unit in the following locations can This equipment has been tested and found to comply result in a malfunction. with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to • In direct sunlight Part 15 of th

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

NOTICE REGARDING DISPOSAL (EU ONLY) When this “crossed-out wheeled bin” symbol is displayed on the product, owner’s manual, battery, or battery package, it signifies that when you wish to dispose of this product, manual, package or battery you must do so in an approved manner. Do not dis- card this product, manual, package or battery along with ordinary household waste. Disposing in the correct manner will pre- vent harm to human health and potential damage to the environment. Since the correct

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

THE BALANCE SLIDER When turning the instrument on, please be assured the BALANCE slider is set to the center. This sets both Sequencer 1 (SEQ1) and Sequencer 2 (SEQ2) to their maximum level. This will avoid you start a Song without hearing anything.

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

3 HOW TO… Keyboard Song Play mode …select a Sound Program 26 …play a Song (Standard MIDI File) 27 …select a Performance 25 …see the Lyrics 74 …play a Sound Program across the …see the Song tracks 73 whole keyboard, as with a piano 24 …start both Sequencers at the same time 18, 79 …split the keyboard in two 24 …add sounds to the right hand 24 Backing Sequence mode …mute/unmute sounds 24 …record a new Backing Sequence (Song) 82 Style Play mode Song mode …select a Style 26 …record a new Song 91 …st

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

4 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Chord 1 and Chord 2 channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Introduction The Control channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Welcome! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 MIDI Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Live Performing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Connecting Pa50SD to a Master keyboard . . . .

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

5 Step Record page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Load Song page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Style Record procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Save Song page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Realtime Recording page . . . . . . . . . . . .

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

6 Page 3 — Pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Page 4 — Erase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 Page 4 — Pitch LFO1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Page 5 — Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 Page 5 — Pitch LFO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Page 6 — New Dir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Краткое содержание страницы № 9


Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Welcome! 8 Live Performing 1. WELCOME! Welcome to the world of KORG Pa50SD Professional Telephone: 01908 857100 Arranger! Pa50SD is one of the most powerful arranger avail- UK Technical Support Tel: 01908 857122, Fax: able today, both for professional and home entertainment 01908 857199 use. E-mail: info@korg.co.uk Here are some of the features of your new instrument: Many KORG distributors also have their own web page on • Powerful HI (Hyper Integrated) KORG sound genera- the internet, where yo

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Welcome! 9 Loading the operating system 3. Turn the instrument on. A message appears in the dis- LOADING THE OPERATING SYSTEM play, asking if you want to load the operating system. Your Pa50SD can be constantly updated as new versions of 4. Press ENTER to load, or EXIT to cancel the loading pro- the operating system are released by KORG. You can down- cedure. If you press ENTER, wait until the loading is fin- load the operating system from www.korgpa.com. Please, ished. read the Readme file includ

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Start up 10 Connecting the AC power adapter 2. START UP • Move it fully right to set Sequencer 1 to zero and CONNECTING THE AC POWER ADAPTER Sequencer 2 to the maximum level. Connect the supplied AC • Move it to the center to set both Sequencer at the same power adapter to the dedi- level. cated socket on the rear of the Note: When turning the instrument on, move this slider to the instrument. Then, plug it into center, to avoid starting a Song at the minimum level. a wall socket. Warning: Use o

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

Start up 11 Damper Pedal transmit on more than one channel (see more informa- 1. Press the STYLE PLAY and SONG PLAY buttons tion in the MIDI chapter). together. Their LEDs start blinking. 3. On the Pa50SD, select the MIDI Setup that best fit your At this point, if you don’t press any other button, all the controllers type (see “Page 4 — MIDI Setup” on Demo Songs will be played back. page 126). 2. Choose a page using the PAGE buttons. There are two different pages in the Demo mode. 3. Select a De

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

Front panel 12 3. FRONT PANEL Q P 123 4 56 S T U 78 90ABC D g h K EF GHI J W R ] S X [ V `a b YZ U c g h K L MNO d e f

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

Front panel 13 B.SEQ Backing Sequence mode, where you can record 1 MASTER VOLUME a new Song based on the Realtime and Style This slider controls the overall volume of the instrument, tracks, and save it as a new Standard MIDI File. both of the internal speakers, the L/MONO and RIGHT out- SONG Song mode, where you can play, record, or edit puts, and the HEADPHONES output. a Song. Warning: At the maximum level, with rich-sounding Songs, PROGRAM Program mode, to play single Sound Programs Styles or

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

Front panel 14 ON The automatic accompaniment stops playing A word about Style banks and names. Styles from “8/16 (apart for the Drum and Percussion tracks), BEAT” to “WORLD 3”, and from “LATIN1” to “TRADI- and you can manually play the Bass track on TIONAL” are standard Styles, the user can’t normally over- the Lower part of the keyboard. You can start write with a Load operation (unless you remove the the automatic accompaniment again by press- protection; see “Factory Style Protect” on page 1

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

Front panel 15 Press them twice (LED blinking) to let them play in loop, and Tap Tempo: When the Style is not playing, you can “beat” the select any other Style element (Fill, Intro, Variation…) to exit tempo on this button. At the end, the accompaniment starts the loop. playing, using the “tapped in” tempo. Reset: When you press this button while the Style is in play, ENDING1 also doubles as a DOT function, and ENDING2 the Style pattern goes back to the previous strong beat. doubles as a TRIPL

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

Front panel 16 S VOLUME/VALUE (MUTE) A-H buttons SOLO While in the Style Play, Song Play and Song modes, you can solo one of the tracks. Just keep the SHIFT button pressed, and press Within this user’s manual, each button pair is marked with both VOLUME/VALUE buttons corresponding an alphabetic letter (A-H). See “Display and User Interface” to the track you wish to solo. on page 19 for more details. To exit the solo mode, keep the SHIFT button pressed again, and press both VOLUME/ VALUE butto

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

Front panel 17 DOWN/- and UP/+ OFF No chords detected. After pressing START/ DOWN/- decreases the value or tempo; UP/+ STOP, only the Drum and Percussion accom- increases the value or tempo. paniment tracks can play. Keep the SHIFT button pressed down, ] KEYBOARD MODE section and press either the DOWN/- or These buttons define how the four Keyboard (or Realtime) UP/+ button to reset the Tempo to the value tracks are positioned on the keyboard. memorized onto the selected Style. SPLIT The Lower

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

Front panel 18 Programs “USER1” and “USER2” are locations where you Press both buttons together, to reset the Octave Transpose to can load new Programs from card. zero. “USER DK” is where you can load new drum kits. Note: The Octave Transpose has no effect on tracks set to Drum mode (and, even if set in a different status, on the Drum and Each Program bank contains various pages, each with up to 8 Percussion tracks). Programs. You can browse them using the PAGE buttons. Shortcut to see the origi

background image

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ñòâåííîñòè çà ïîòåðþ äàííûõ íå íåñåò.

Жидкокристаллический дисплей

 äàííîì ðóêîâîäñòâå èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ïðèìåðû ýêðàíîâ äèñïëåÿ. Ïðèâîäèìûå íà íèõ çíà÷åíèÿ ïàðàìåòðîâ
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Торговые марки

Macintosh — çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííàÿ òîðãîâàÿ ìàðêà êîìïàíèè Apple Computer, Inc. MS-DOS è Windows — çàðåãè-
ñòðèðîâàííûå òîðãîâûå ìàðêè êîìïàíèè Microsoft Corporation. Âñå òîðãîâûå ìàðêè èëè çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå
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Pa50 в интернет

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Используемые обозначения

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Краткий навигатор по функциям Pa50


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Korg Pa50 • Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ  

  1. Инструкции и руководства
  2. Бренды
  3. Korg
  4. PA50sd
  5. Справочник Пользователя



Ver. 1.0



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