Lenze 9300 vector инструкция на русском

Преобразователи частоты 9300 Vector (0,55-500 кВт)

Lenze 9300 Vector

9300 vector – векторно-управляемые преобразователи  частоты,
которые предназначены
для сложных систем привода с высокими требованиями по динамике и точности
регулирования. 9300 vector работает с обратной связью по скорости или без
нее и обеспечивает высокую точность управления асинхронными двигателями,
приближаясь к возможностям сервопривода. Эта серия имеет
встроенные функции для различных применений, например автоматическое определение параметров двигателя, синхронизацию по скорости
с другим частотным приводом в режиме «Master – Slave”, а мощность
подключаемых к приводу двигателей до 500 кВт. Преобразователи 9300 vector находят свое применение в автоматизации промышленного производства, в станкостроении, в системах управления насосами, вентиляторами, компрессорами, в горизонтальной транспортировке
грузов, в фасовочно-упаковочном оборудовании, в специальных механизмах и т.д.

Предустанавливаемые функции:

– Регулирование скорости/момента;
– Ступенчатое управление;
– Регулирование пройденного пути;
– Цифровое частотное соединение;
– Слот расширения для коммуникационных модулей;
– Интерфейс системной шины (CAN) для объединения устройств в сеть;
– Вход инкрементального энкодера для обратной связи;
– Один вход и один выход мастер-частоты (для прецизионных, синхронно-управляемых конфигураций или конфигураций с несколькими двигателями);
– Вход термоконтроллера для связи с датчиком температуры двигателя (защита двигателя);
— Возможность диагностики и параметрирования как с помощью пульта, так и через модули связи с использованием программного обеспечения Global Drive Control;
– Цифровые и аналоговые входы/выходы;
– Защита паролем.

Преобразователи частоты 9300 Servo (0,37-75 кВт)

Lenze 9300 Servo

9300 servo – наиболее высокоэффективный преобразователь для управления асинхронными и синхронными двигателями в диапазоне мощностей 0,37-75 кВт.

Базовая модель сервопреобразователя 9300 servo предназначена для работы в режиме с обратной связью по скорости (в качестве датчика используется резольвер или энкодер). Ее основные компоненты: интегрированная системная шина для включения нескольких контроллеров в сеть, два ПИД-регулятора, свободно конфигурируемые блоки для обработки аналоговых, цифровых и фазовых сигналов. Сервопривод обеспечивает глубину регулирования скорости 1:10 000, динамику управления6—20 мс/1000 об/мин, управление фазой с разрешением 0,005° (16 бит на 1 оборот). Диапазоны входной и выходной управляющей частоты 0—500 кГц.

Различные варианты программного обеспечения – 9300 Register, 9300 Cam Profile, 9300 Positioner, 9300-servo PLC-дают возможность решения практически любых задач в областях: подач и главного движения в металлорежущих станках, системах распределенного управления, автоматических линиях, в отраслях деревообрабатывающей, упаковочной, полиграфической, текстильной промышленности.

Сервопреобразователь Lenze 9300 Register Control – 0,37…75 кВт

Register Control используется на станках, которые обрабатывают материал до нужной
длины или в печатных машинах, где требуется делать прорези, перфорацию,
тиснение или сращивание материала по требуемой длине. Технология предустановок
уменьшает время проектирования и программирования. Свободно конфигурируемые
функциональные блоки позволяют быстро создать необходимую технологическую
систему. Регистр управления встроенный в сервопреобразователь дополнительно
корректирует и выравнивает угловое положение в роликах, печатных цилиндрах или
на других механизмах до нужного положения, что бы исключить ошибки измерений,
связанные со свойствами обрабатываемого материала.

Возможности прибора включают:

– Быстрый ввод в эксплуатацию;
– Большая гибкость в программировании;
– Высокая отдача;
– Исправление регистра “на лету”;
– Функция обучения для установки начальной метки;
– Корректируемое окно для захвата метки;
– Компенсатор для коррекции коэффициента редуктора;
– Изменяемые характеристики;
– Наличие внутреннего интерполятора, который реализует функцию плавного разгона и торможения;
– Корректируемая компенсация канала захвата метки;
– Свободно конфигурируемые функциональные блоки;
Связь с периферийным оборудованием через внешние подключаемые модули: INTERBUS, PROFIBUS, LECOM A/B (RS 232, RS 485); 
– Интегрированная системная шина (CAN).

Устройство для выполнения криволинейных траекторий Lenze 9300 Servo Cam Profiler – 0,37…75 кВт

Servo Cam, как интеллектуальная система привода, позволяет решать задачу перемещения
механизма по криволинейному профилю без использования сложных механических
систем (кулачки, ролики, направляющие, зубчатые передачи). Программное
обеспечение позволяет рассчитать траекторию движения графическим
способом либо в виде таблицы координат. Рассчитывается зависимость перемещения
одной координаты в зависимости от движения другой в механически не связанных системах. Это позволяет рассчитать требуемый закон управления системой в целом, а также
необходимые параметры двигателей (мотор_редукторов) и приводов к ним. Встроенные библиотеки
помогают настроить частотный привод Lenze под любой криволинейный закон перемещения. Контурные перемещения, розлив,
упаковка, обработка и подготовка бумажной продукции или роторные ножи, — это
примеры применений возможностей кулачковых приводов.

Вы выигрываете:

– До 8 различных профилей задания пути может быть сохранено в устройстве; 
– Интегрированный контроллер вала бегунка;
– Блокировка/разблокировка;
– Расширение/сжатие бегунка;
– Смещение по x- и y- осям.

Cервоконтроллеры позиционирования Lenze 9300 Position Control – 0,37…75 кВт

9300 Position Control предназначен для  позиционирования исполнительного механизма в определенной точке за заданное время c оптимальной
скоростью. Перемещения задаются в абсолютной системе координат
относительно единого начала отсчета, как относительное
перемещение с текущей позиции. Позицию можно задавать программно координатой,
в пошаговом режиме, в ручном режиме с запоминанием положения.
Встроенные П-регулятор положения, ПИ-регулятор скорости и ПИ-регулятор
тока позволяют позиционировать исполнительные механизмы с максимальной
скоростью и с минимальной ошибкой отработки задания. Обработка материалов и
поверхностей, оборотные столы, робототехника или оборудование по выпуску
инструментов, — это те области применения, где используется позиционирование частотного привода.

Возможности этих устройств включают:

– Высокая точность позиционирования;
– Приведение в исходное состояние;
– Торможение;
– Ручное управление;
– Надежная работа;
– Арифметическая координация позиции цели;
– До 32 программных установок.

Сервопреобразователь Lenze 9300 Servo PLC — 0,37…75 кВт

Модель Lenze 9300 Servo PLC, оснащенная дополнительным процессором и встроенным программным обеспечением для позиционирования, позволяет пользователю создавать собственные прикладные программы в соответствии со стандартом МЭК 61131-3.
9300 Servo PLC имеет мощные инструменты для программирования. Вследствие этого отпадает необходимость в дополнительных элементах управления вплоть до полного отказа от использования внешних контроллеров PLC, так как все функции управления могут выполняться самим частотным приводом Lenze 9300 Servo PLC.


– Управление синхронным или асинхронным серводвигателем;
– Встроенные таблицы позиционирования и профилей привода;
– Синхронизация приводов;
– Управление скоростью и моментом;
– Точная настройка на двигатель;
– Контроль обрыва фазы двигателя;
– Контроль перегрузки двигателя;
– Контроль напряжения и сбоев в электросети.


– 655 kByte программной памяти;
– 7 kByte памяти параметров EEPROM;
– 11,2 kByte оперативной памяти (RAM);
– 192 Byte энергозависимой оперативной памяти;
– 1 циклическая задача;
– 8 временных задач по событию;
– мин.время обработки задачи: 1 мс;
– время обработки побитных операций: 0,7 μs;
– Диапазон выходной частоты: 0…1000 Гц;
– Частота коммутации: 2…16 кГц;
– Перегрузочный момент: 180% Mn;
– Фиксированные скорости : 16;
– Биполярное управление;
– Датчики ОС: энкодер, револьвер. сельсин.

К областям применения и использования приводов Lenze 9300 Servo PLC следует отнести:

– Металлообрабатывающие станки;
– Деревообрабатывающее производство;
– Полиграфическое оборудование;
– Фасовочно-упаковочное оборудование;
– Бумажное и текстильное производство;
– Производство пленки;
– Специальные механизмы.

Как дополнительная опция для серии 9300 (только для вариантов V004, V104 и V024) предусмотрена функция безопасного останова  «safe standstill». Эта функция реализуется через разъем X11 к контактам 34(+) и 33 которого подключено реле безопасности KSR (24V). Реле в обесточенном состоянии блокирует выход силовых IGBT ключей частотного привода.

Серия приводов 9300 в течении целого ряда лет хорошо зарекомендовала себя в работе на крупных автоматизированных производствах во всем мире, в том числе и на безостановочных конвейерных линиях, что само по себе свидетельствует о высокой степени надежности этой серии преобразователей частоты фирмы Lenze.

Наша компания «Шеллинг+Сервис» обеспечивает техническую поддержку, сервисное обслуживание, профессиональный ремонт и продажу всех модификаций частотных преобразователей серии 9300, а также продажу двигателей, дополнительного оборудования и аксессуаров к этой серии частотных приводов Lenze.

Lenze руководства, инструкции, брошюры


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Handhelt XT with operation terminal E82ZBBXC operation module XT EMZ9371BC Diagnosis terminal with 1.5 m cable 9372BB EMZ9372BB Lecom A/B 2102IBCV001 (RS232/485) EMF2102IBCV001 Lecom B 2102IBCV002 (RS485) EMF2102IBCV002 Lecom LI 2102IBCV003 (fibre optic) EMF2102IBCV003 Lecom A 2102IBCV004 (RS232) EMF2102IBCV004 InterBus fieldbus module 2113IB (500k Baud / 2M Baud) EMF2113IB PROFIBUS fieldbus module 2133IB EMF2133IB Converter PC interface / system bus (complete) for DIN connection EMF2173IB Converter PC interface / system bus (complete) for PS2 connection EMF2173IB-V002 Converter PC interface / system bus like V002, but galvanic isolation EMF2173IB-V003 USB adapter systeme bus 2177IB EMF2177IB CANopen Feldbusmodul 2178IB EMF2178IB DeviceNet Fieldbus module 2179IB EMF2179IB Remote maintenance module ModemCAN EMF2181IB Remote maintenance module EthernetCAN EMF2180IB System cable RS232/485 <—> PC EWL0020 System cable RS232/485 <—> PC EWL0021 Optical-fibre adapter for host 0…40m EMF2125IB Optical-fibre adapter for host 30…66m EMF2126IB Supply unit for optical fibre adapter EJ0013 Optical fibre 1core black PE sheath, per meter EWZ0007 Optical fibre 1 core red PUR aheath, per meter EWZ0006 2,5 m cable of manual terminal E82ZWL025 5,0 m cable of manual terminal E82ZWL050 10,0 m cable of manual terminal E82ZWL100 Set-value potentiometer 10 kOhm/1Watt ERPD0010K0001W Scale for setpoint potentiometer ERZ0002 Knob for setpoint potentiometer ERZ0001 System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 1,2 m, socket/ pin EWLD001GGBS93 System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 2.5 m, socket/ pin EWLD002GGBS93 System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 10 m, socket/ pin EWLD010GGBS93 System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 25 m, socket/ pin EWLD025GGBS93 Master frequency distribution board 2132IB EMF2132IB Distribution board TS 485, passive EWZ0011 Brake switch (Half wave) E82ZWBRE Brake switch (Full wave) E82ZWBRB Brake resistor (number depends on the application — only for EVF9335 — EVF9383) ERBD015R04K0 Brake resistor ERBD018R06K0

Lenze 9300 Series System Manual

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Global Drive


0.37 … 75 kW

EVS9321xP … EVS9332xP

Servo position controllers

System Manual




Related Manuals for Lenze 9300 Series

Summary of Contents for Lenze 9300 Series

  • Page 1
    Global Drive EDSVS9332P−EXT .FZ= System Manual (Extension) 9300 0.37 … 75 kW EVS9321xP … EVS9332xP Servo position controllers…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents Preface …………. 1−1 How to use this System Manual .

  • Page 4
    Contents 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) …………3−76 3.4.14 POS−TP (Touch−probe saving of the actual position value)
  • Page 5
    Contents 3.5.40 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) ……..3−195 3.5.40 Fixed setpoints (FIXSET)
  • Page 6: Edsvs9332P−Ext De

    Contents EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…

  • Page 7: Preface

    Preface and general information Preface Contents How to use this System Manual ……….. . 1−3 1.1.1 Information provided by the System Manual…

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    Preface and general information 1−2 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 9: How To Use This System Manual

    Preface and general information How to use this System Manual 1.1.1 Information provided by the System Manual How to use this System Manual 1.1.1 Information provided by the System Manual Target group This System Manual addresses to all persons who dimension, install, commission, and set 9300 servo position controllers.

  • Page 10: Document History

    Descriptions and data of other Lenze products (Drive PLC, Lenze geared motors, Lenze motors, …) can be found in the corresponding catalogs, Operating Instructions and manuals. The required documentation can be ordered at your Lenze sales partner or downloaded as PDF file from the Internet.

  • Page 11: Products To Which The System Manual Applies

    Preface and general information How to use this System Manual 1.1.3 Products to which the System Manual applies 1.1.3 Products to which the System Manual applies This documentation is valid for 9300 servo position controllers from nameplate data:  ‚ ƒ…

  • Page 12: Definition Of Notes Used

    Preface and general information Definition of the notes used Definition of notes used All safety information given in these instructions has the same layout: Pictograph (indicates the type of danger) Signal word! (indicates the severity of danger) Note (describes the danger and explains how to avoid it) Pictograph Consequences if disregarded Signal word…

  • Page 13
    Configuration Configuration Contents Configuration with Global Drive Control ……….2−3 Basic configurations .
  • Page 14
    Configuration 2−2 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 15
    Configuration Configuration with Global Drive Control Configuration with Global Drive Control With Global Drive Control (GDC), a program for the PC, Lenze offers an easy−to−understand, clearly−laid−out and convenient tool for configuring your application−specific drive task. Function block library GDC provides a clear overview of the function blocks (FB) available in a library. GDC also lists the complete assignment of a function block.
  • Page 16
    Adapt the function assignment to the wiring. The internal signal processing is adapted to the drive task by selection of a predefined basic configuration in C0005. Lenze setting: C0005 = 20000 (standard absolute positioning). Application examples of basic configurations can be found in the chapter «Application examples».
  • Page 17
    Configuration Basic configurations 2.2.1 Changing the basic configuration 2.2.1 Changing the basic configuration If the basic configuration must be changed for a special application, proceed as follows: 1. Select a basic configuration via C0005 which largely meets the requirements. 2. Add functions by: –…
  • Page 18
    Configuration Basic configurations 2.2.2 Speed control C0005 = 1XXX (1000) 2.2.2 Speed control C0005 = 1XXX (1000) For standard applications, with the default settings you can commission the drive immediately. In order to adapt it to specific requirements, observe the notes in the following sections. Setpoint selection Main setpoint…
  • Page 19
    Configuration Basic configurations 2.2.2 Speed control C0005 = 1XXX (1000) Inverting the main setpoint Via terminals E1 and E2 the main setpoint can be inverted (i.e. the sign of the input value is changed). The following applies: Main setpoint Drive executes QSP (quick stop) Main setpoint not inverted Main setpoint inverted Drive maintains its previous state…
  • Page 20
    Configuration Basic configurations 2.2.2 Speed control C0005 = 1XXX (1000) Selection of direction of rotation The selection of direction of rotation results from the sign of the speed setpoint at the input MCTRL−N−SET of the MCTRL function block. In turn, the sign of this speed setpoint results from the sign of the main and additional setpoint, the level position at terminals E1 and E2, the selected link of the main and additional setpoint via the arithmetic block in the NSET…
  • Page 21
    Configuration Basic configurations 2.2.2 Speed control C0005 = 1XXX (1000) Limitation of the speed setpoint The speed setpoint is always limited to 100% n (C0011) in the MCTRL function block. This means that the maximum speed is always specified to the greatest speed possible in C0011. Example: With this configuration a speed of 4500 rpm is to be travelled.
  • Page 22
    Configuration Basic configurations 2.2.2 Speed control C0005 = 1XXX (1000) Quick stop (QSP) When the quick stop function is activated, the drive runs to speed 0 via the ramp set in C0105 and executes a holding torque with a drift−free standstill. The torque limitation and the additional torque setpoint have no effect.
  • Page 23
    Configuration Operating modes 2.3.1 Parameter setting Operating modes By selecting the operating mode you can also select the interface you want to use for parameter setting or control of the controller. C0005 contains predefined configurations which allow a very easy change of the operating mode. 2.3.1 Parameter setting Parameters can be set with one of the following modules:…
  • Page 24
    Configuration Change of the terminal assignment 2.4.1 Freely assignable digital inputs Change of the terminal assignment (see also chapter 3.1 «Working with function blocks») If the configuration is changed via C0005, the assignment of all inputs and outputs is overwritten with the corresponding basic assignment.
  • Page 25
    Configuration Change of the terminal assignment 2.4.1 Freely assignable digital inputs Example: Menu «Terminal I/O; DIGIN» (terminal I/O; digital inputs) Here are the most important aims for digital inputs Valid for the basic configuration C0005 = 1000. Code controlled by Note Subcode Signal name…
  • Page 26
    Configuration Change of the terminal assignment 2.4.2 Freely assignable digital outputs 2.4.2 Freely assignable digital outputs Four freely assignable digital outputs are available (X5/A1 … X5/A4). You can define a polarity for each input which serves to determine the input to be HIGH active or LOW active. The most important codes can be found in the submenu: DIGOUT (digital outputs).
  • Page 27
    Configuration Change of the terminal assignment 2.4.4 Freely assignable monitor outputs 2.4.4 Freely assignable monitor outputs Use the monitor outputs X6/62 and X6/63 to output internal signals as voltage signals. Under C0108 and C0109 the outputs can be adapted to e.g. a measuring device or a slave drive. The most important codes can be found in the submenu: AOUT1 X6.62 or AIN2 X6.63 (analog output 1 (X6.62) or analog output 1 (X6.63)) Change assignment:…
  • Page 28
    Configuration Change of the terminal assignment 2.4.4 Freely assignable monitor outputs 2−16 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 29: Function Library

    Function library Function library Contents Working with function blocks …………3−5 3.1.1 Signal types…

  • Page 30
    Function library 3.5.16 Comparator (CMP) …………3−134 3.5.17 Long comparator (CMPPH)
  • Page 31
    Function library 3.5.61 Control of a drive network (STATE−BUS) ……..3−259 3.5.63 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1)
  • Page 32
    Function library 3−4 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 33: Working With Function Blocks

    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.1 Signal types Working with function blocks The signal flow of the controller can be configured by connecting function blocks. The controller can thus be easily adapted to diverse applications. 3.1.1 Signal types Each function block has a certain number of inputs and outputs, which can be interlinked. Corresponding to their respective functions, only particular signal types occur at the inputs and outputs: Quasi analog signals…

  • Page 34: Elements Of A Function Block

    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.2 Elements of a function block 3.1.2 Elements of a function block Parameterisation code Input name FB name FCNT1 C1100 FCNT1−CLKUP FCNT1−OUT C1102/1 C1104/1 FCNT1−CLKDWN Output symbol C1102/2 C1104/2 CTRL FCNT1−EQUAL Input symbol FCNT1−LD−VAL C1101/1 C1103/1 FCNT1−LOAD…

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    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.2 Elements of a function block Configuration code Configures the input with a signal source (e. g. terminal signal, control code, output of an FB, …). Inputs with identical codes are distinguished by the attached subcode (Cxxxx/1). These codes are configured via the subcode.
  • Page 36: Connecting Function Blocks

    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.3 Connecting function blocks 3.1.3 Connecting function blocks General rules Assign a signal source to an input. One input can have only one signal source. Inputs of different function blocks can have the same signal source. Only signals of the same type can be connected.

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    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.3 Connecting function blocks Basic procedure 1. Select the configuration code of the function block input which is to be changed. 2. Determine the source of the input signal for the selected input (e.g. from the output of another function block). 3.
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    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.3 Connecting function blocks Create connections 1. Determine the signal source for ARIT2−IN1: – Change to the code level using the arrow keys – Select C0601/1 using z or y. – Change to the parameter level using PRG. –…
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    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.3 Connecting function blocks Remove connections Since a source can have several targets, there may be additional, unwanted signal connections. Example: – In the basic configuration C0005 = 1000, ASW1−IN1 and AIN2−OUT are connected. –…
  • Page 40: Entries Into The Processing Table

    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.4 Entries into the processing table 3.1.4 Entries into the processing table The 93XX drive controller provides a certain computing time for processing function blocks. Since the type and number of the function blocks used can vary considerably, not all function blocks available are permanently calculated.

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    Function library Working with function blocks 3.1.4 Entries into the processing table Structure of the processing table for the configuration example Fig. 3−5: 1. DIGIN does not have to be entered into the processing table. 2. The first FB is AND1, since it receives its input signals from DIGIN and only has successors. 3.
  • Page 42: Table Of Function Blocks

    Function library Table of function blocks Table of function blocks Function block Description CPU time Used in basic configuration [ms] 1000 20000 22000 26000 ^ 3−95 ABS1 Absolute value generator ^ 3−96 ADD1 Addition block ^ 3−97 AIF−IN Fieldbus ^ 3−100 ·…

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    Function library Table of function blocks Function block Function block Description Description CPU time CPU time Used in basic configuration [ms] [ms] 1000 20000 22000 26000 ^ 3−150 CONVDA1 Digital−analog converter 1 CONVDA2 Digital−analog converter 2 CONVDA3 Digital−analog converter 3 ^ 3−153 CONVPHA1 Phase analog converter 1…
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    Function library Table of function blocks Function block Function block Description Description CPU time CPU time Used in basic configuration [ms] [ms] 1000 20000 22000 26000 ^ 3−249 SELPH1 Phase value selection, block 1 SELPH2 Phase value selection, block 2 ^ 3−251 ·…
  • Page 45: Table Of Free Control Codes

    Free control codes can be used for the selection of setpoints or as variables. The codes can be connected with inputs of function blocks. Designation Signal type Code Connection to the function block in Note the Lenze setting FCODE−17 C0017 − FCODE−26/1 C0026/1 AIN1−OFFSET…

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    Function library Table of control codes Designation Signal type Code Connection to the function block in Note the Lenze setting FCODE−471.B4 C0471 − FCODE−471.B5 C0471 − FCODE−471.B6 C0471 − FCODE−471.B7 C0471 − FCODE−471.B8 C0471 − FCODE−471.B9 C0471 − FCODE−471.B10 C0471 −…
  • Page 47: Positioning Control (Pos)

    Function library Positioning control Positioning control (POS) Purpose The function block «positioning control (POS)» is the core of the 9300 servo position controller. It controls positioning in the controller. P O S P O S — S T A R T — P S C 1 3 6 2 / 1 P R G — C T R L C 1 3 6 3 / 1…

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    Function library Positioning control Signal Source Note Designation Type DIS format List POS−A−OVERRID C1363/3 dec [%] C1362/3 Reduces the acceleration and deceleration as well as the manual traversing acceleration and homing acceleration. Note: Only positive override values are effective, negative values will be evaluated as zero.
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    Function library Positioning control Signal Source Note Designation Type DIS format List POS−MOUT−GAIN C1363/7 dec [%] C1362/7 Reduces torque precontrol. The polarity of the input signal is considered. POS−N−IN C1363/4 dec [%] C1362/4 External speed setpoint, effective in stand−by operation (^ 3−81) POS−NOUT −…
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    Function library Positioning control Signal Source Note Designation Type DIS format List POS−RUNNING − − − − Position status display POS−RUNNING = HIGH: Program run is started and is not interrupted by controller inhibit, faults or manual control. POS−RUNNING = LOW and POS−STARTED = HIGH: Program run interrupted; for continuing the program run a new edge to POS−PRG−START is required.
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    Function library Positioning control Formulae for scaling the signals (see preceding table, column «Note»): Formula 1: Position 65536 [inc rev.] @ gear nominator + Position @ 65536 @ C1202 Position [inc] + Position [units] @ Feed const. [units rev.] @ gear denominator C1204 @ C1203 Formula 2: Speed (VEL) 65536 [inc rev.] @ gear nominator @ 16384 [inc…
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    Function library Positioning control Function Dimensions (¶ 3−25) Machine parameters (¶ 3−26) Positioning mode Relative Positioning» (¶ 3−30) Positioning mode Absolute Positioning» (¶ 3−32) Measuring systems (¶ 3−34) Absolute positioning with saving (¶ 3−33) Absolute positioning through encoder connection X8 (¶ 3−38) Absolute positioning through system bus (CAN) (¶…
  • Page 53: Dimensions

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.1 Dimensions 3.4.1 Dimensions Absolute dimensions An absolute target position is a defined position on the traversing path with reference to a zero point. The target position is approached irrespective of the current position. P 2 ( X 2 ) P 3 ( X 3 ) P 1 ( X 1 ) A b s o l u t e d i m e n s i o n s…

  • Page 54: Machine Parameters

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.2 Machine parameters 3.4.2 Machine parameters Example Purpose The physical unit (e.g.: mm, m, degrees) for a unit» is defined via the entry of the machine parameters. Function Entry of the gearbox ratio under C1202 and C1203, according to the nameplate data of the gearbox.

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.2 Machine parameters Application example For positioning a spindle feeding unit is driven via a gearbox. Instead of the standard resolver an incremental encoder is used as feedback system. The incremental encoder is mounted to the motor and has a number of increments of 4096 pulses / rev..
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.2 Machine parameters Position encoder at material path Purpose The gearbox backlash and, if applicable, the slip between the drive, machine, and material path should be eliminated to increase the accuracy of the calculation of an act. position value. Function The position feedback is ensured by a separate position encoder (C0490) at the material path.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.2 Machine parameters Stop! Increasing the ratio between the position encoder and the motor shaft reduces the position resolution information. This can have a negative effect on the stability of the control loop! Example (refers to the previous safety information): In the case of a quadruple evaluation of a position encoder with 1024 increments 4096 increments are available.
  • Page 58: Positioning Modes (C1210)

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.3 Positioning modes (C1210) 3.4.3 Positioning modes (C1210) You can select the following positioning modes under C1210: Relative positioning (¶ 3−30) Absolute positioning (¶ 3−32) Absolute positioning with saving (¶ 3−33) Relative positioning Purpose Use with infinite applications, e.g. a cutter. Function Set positioning mode (C1210) = 1.

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.3 Positioning modes (C1210) Position resolution Display via code C1205. Display of the number of increments with which the units defined by the user are resolved (incr/unit). The position resolution can be used to check for rounding errors. Calculation example: C1301/1 = 100.2550 units (position value in VTPOS) C1205 = 80.0000 inc/unit (position resolution)
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.3 Positioning modes (C1210) Absolute positioning POS-LIM-NEG POS-REF-MARK POS-LIM-POS C1224 C1223 Limit position Limit position negative Home position positive End of travel switch End of travel switch negative direction positive direction 9300POS025 Fig. 3−10 Example of a machine with finite traversing range Purpose Use in applications with finite traversing range, e.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.3 Positioning modes (C1210) Absolute positioning with saving Purpose Homing is not necessary after mains switching. Function Resolver or absolute value encoder (single−turn) to X8 is required as position feedback system. Set positioning mode (C1210) = 2 (absolute positioning with saving). The actual position value (POS−ACTPOS) is automatically stored when the mains is switched off and reinitialised when the mains is switched on.
  • Page 62: Measuring Systems

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.4 Measuring systems 3.4.4 Measuring systems Purpose Limitation of the traversing and determination of reference points for positioning. R e a l C 1 2 2 0 / 1 m e a s u r i n g a c t .

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.4 Measuring systems Measuring systems and zero shifts R e a l m e a s u r i n g s y s t e m C 1 2 2 0 / 1 a c t . t a r g e t p o s i t i o n C 1 2 2 5 ( C 1 2 2 0 / 7 ) a c t .
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.4 Measuring systems Shifting of real zero Purpose The target positions must always refer e.g. to the front edge of the workpiece. This means the real measuring system must be shifted accordingly. Function By means of the reference offset (C1225) the real zero point can be shifted with regard to the machine zero point.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.4 Measuring systems Measuring systems for absolute value encoders R e a l m e a s u r i n g s y s t e m C 1 2 2 0 / 1 a c t .
  • Page 66: Absolute Value Encoder

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.5 Absolute value encoder 3.4.5 Absolute value encoder Purpose The absolute actual position value should be known immediately after mains switching so that homing is not necessary (for instance if homing is not possible because of machining or processing circumstances).

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.5 Absolute value encoder Installation The absolute value encoder must be mechanically mounted so that the encoder zero point is outside the travel range. Otherwise a value overflow would occur in the encoder within the travel range. This would result in a wrong actual position value after mains switching.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.5 Absolute value encoder Absolute value encoder via system bus (CAN) Purpose Using absolute value encoders with CAN interface (e. g. laser measuring system). C A N — I N 3 C O N V P H P H 2 t r a n s m i t t e d a b s o l u t e F C O D E — C 4 7 3 / 4 C O N V P H P H 2 — N U M…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.5 Absolute value encoder Example for the adaptation of the encoder resolution: Gearbox between encoder and drive i = 30 Effective wheel diameter d = 50 mm Position resolution of the measuring system = 8 inc/mm meas Internal position resolution (fix) = 65536 inc/rev…
  • Page 70: Control Structure

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.6 Control structure 3.4.6 Control structure The following graphic representation provides an overview of the control structure realised in the 9300 servo position controller. It shows the parameters and codes that are decisive for the adjustment of the control loops. C0254 C0075 C0076…

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.6 Control structure Important signals for adjusting the control loops The following signals are especially suitable for evaluating the positioning behaviour and control features: POS−NOUT: Speed setpoint, 100 % º n (C0011) MCTRL−NACT: Actual speed value, 100 % º n (C0011) MCTRL−MSET2: Actual torque, 100 % º…
  • Page 72: Travel Range Limits

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.7 Travel range limits 3.4.7 Travel range limits You can prevent the mechanical stops of the limited travel range from being touched by the travel range limit switches (hardware), the position limiting values (software). POS-LIM-NEG POS-REF-MARK POS-LIM-POS C1224 C1223…

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.7 Travel range limits Position limit values (C1223, C1224) Position limit values (C1223, C1224) define the permissible traversing range of the drive. The reference point for the position limiting values always is the machine zero point. Shifting the real zero point does not result in a shift of the position limiting value with the regard to the mechanical travel range limits.
  • Page 74: Homing

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing 3.4.8 Homing Determination of the mechanical reference point for measuring systems. After homing, the drive is in a defined position. Functions Homing (¶ 3−46) Homing end (¶ 3−47) Homing status (¶ 3−48) Homing modes (¶ 3−49)ff. Second homing speed (¶…

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Final homing point Purpose Determination of the final point where the drive stops after homing. Avoid reversing while homing Selection of the final homing point (C1209) C1209 = 0 (default setting): Drive stops at reference point (index pulse / zero position / touch probe) or returns to that point.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Homing status (POS−REF−OK) The homing status is indicated via the function block output POS−REF−OK» and displayed under C1284. The homing status is displayed as «Reference known» when the measuring systems have a defined reference to the machine.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Homing modes 0 and 1 Purpose Simple homing in all positioning modes (C1210 = 0, 1, 2). The homing switch (POS−REF−MARK) must be in direction of the movement. Move to reference point via homing switch Mode 0: Traversing direction to positive end of travel range limit switch Set C1213 = 0.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Homing modes 2 and 3 Purpose Homing in absolute positioning mode (C1210 = 0, 2), with finite traversing range and existing travel range limit switches (POS−LIM−xxx). The homing switch (POS−REF−MARK) is always found. In the worst case the entire traversing range will be searched.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Mode 3: Traversing direction to negative end of travel range limit switch Set C1213 = 3. Function sequence As «Traversing direction to positive end of travel range limit switch», but the drive moves towards the negative end of travel range limit switch. No fault indication (PO2) Tip! The limit switch (POS−LIM−xxx) can be used as homing switch (POS−REF−MARK) at the same time…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Move to homing switch, reverse and move to reference point Mode 4: Traversing direction to the positive end of the travel range limit switch Set C1213 = 4. Reference switch (POS-REF-MARK) Zero pulse / Zero position Home position 9300pos034 Fig.
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    – C1214 = 2 ¢ terminal X5/E2. – C1214 = 3 ¢ terminal X5/E3. – C1214 = 4 ¢ terminal X5/E4 (This setting is recommended by LENZE). Select edge of the TP input via C1215. – C1215 = 0 ¢ LOW−HIGH edge.
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    – C1214 = 2 ¢ terminal X5/E2. – C1214 = 3 ¢ terminal X5/E3. – C1214 = 4 ¢ terminal X5/E4 (This setting is recommended by LENZE). Select signal of the TP input via C1215/x. – C1215/x = 0 ¢ LOW−HIGH edge.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Homing modes 10 and 11 Purpose Homing in absolute positioning mode (C1210 = 0, 2). Use of touch probe if the index pulse does not appear at the same place in a reproducible form due to the mechanical constellation.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Mode 11: Traversing direction to negative POS−LIM−NEG Travel in negative direction up to POS−LIM−NEG, reverse there and reference to TP. TP can also be the negative edge of POS−LIM−NEG. Otherwise identical with mode 10 Tip! In order to save initiators the limit switch (POS−LIM−xxx) can be simultaneously used as touch probe.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.8 Homing Set homing value 9300pos042 Purpose If the home position is known (e.g. by a higher−level master system), homing is not necessary. Function Select «Set homing value» under «PS mode» in the PS (C1311 = 4). In this case, the current position is the reference point.
  • Page 86: Travel Profile Generator And Setpoints

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints P O S — R E F — O K S E T P O S P O S — I N — T A R G E T &…

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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints Traversing profile parameters can be changed via input POS−PARAM−RD even during a positioning process. Stop! For the «Manual jog function with intermediate stop», POS−PARAM−RD has to be set = LOW. Function Linear ramps (L profile) (¶…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints S−shaped ramps (S profile) Purpose Protection from damage of the drive components by reducing the jerk during acceleration and deceleration. VTVEL = Traversing speed + VTACC = Acceleration VTVEL −…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints The S profile must be activated before starting the positioning process. S profile is activated as follows: Connect input POS−S−RAMPS» with 1−signal, e. g. assign FIXED1 directly or set FCODE−471.B1 = 1 (default setting). With POS−PARAM−RD»…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints Override Purpose Dynamic change of the profile parameters (speed and acceleration). Example: Setting the traversing speed depending on the master speed. Function Dynamic adaptation of traversing and final speed (POS−V−OVERRID). Dynamic adaptation of acceleration and deceleration (POS−A−OVERRID).
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints «Target−reached» message (POS−IN−TARGET) Purpose Messaging the termination of positioning. Function A positioning process is terminated when the position setpoint POS−SETPOS of the profile generator has reached the target position POS−TARGET («setpoint−based»). POS−IN−TARGET = HIGH messages that the position setpoint POS−SETPOS has reached the target position POS−TARGET.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints Target window (POS−WAITSTATE) Purpose Particularly high demands on the accuracy for reaching the target position (message: Target reached). Function Via the input POS−WAITSTATE the «Target reached» message can be (¶ 3−63) delayed until the pending following error has been compensated and the drive has reached the target with sufficient accuracy (target window).
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints Virtual master (output POS−PHI−SET) POS-ASET Speed profiler (Values following the profile) C1255/1 POS-VSET C1245/1 POS-SETPOS C1220/2 C1221/2 POS-NSET POS-PHI-SET (Virtual master function) 9300POS038 Purpose Phase− and speed−synchronous traversing of two or several drives. Function Definition of virtual master»: Via the required phase difference output (POS−PHI−SET) of the master drive the master drive…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.9 Travel profile generator and setpoints Setting the actual position value (POS−ABS−SET) P O S C 1 3 6 2 / 7 C 1 3 6 3 / 7 ( I n f l u e n c e o f f e e d f o r w a r d v a l u e s ) P O S — N O U T — G A I N C 1 3 6 2 / 5 C 1 3 6 3 / 5…
  • Page 95: Manual Operation

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.10 Manual operation 3.4.10 Manual operation P O S — M A N U A L C 1 3 6 0 / 6 ³ 1 C 1 3 6 1 / 6 C 1 2 8 0 . B 4 P O S — M A N U — N E G C 1 3 6 0 / 7 ³…

  • Page 96
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.10 Manual operation Function Manual jog without intermediate stop (¶ 3−68) Manual jog with intermediate stop (¶ 3−69) Manual homing (¶ 3−69) Manual positioning Set manual jog mode to Manual jog without intermediate stop» (C1260 = 0) Activating manual operation: Activating manual operation: POS−MANUAL = HIGH and/or C1280/B4 = 1 ( manual jog»…
  • Page 97
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.10 Manual operation Manual jog with intermediate stop Purpose During manual positioning, the drive is to stop at defined target positions (intermediate stops). Activating this function Set manual jog mode to Manual jog with intermediate stop» (C1260 = 1). Set input POS−PARAM−RD = LOW.
  • Page 98: Program Operation

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.11 Program operation 3.4.11 Program operation Purpose Positioning programs for automatic operation of the application can run during program operation. Function Program control (¶ 3−70) Variable tables (VT) (¶ 3−75) Program blocks (PS) (¶ 3−76) Program control Purpose The program control offers the possibility to influence program processing by a higher−level control…

  • Page 99
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.11 Program operation Tip! The program processing is continued to the «Program end» even if the start signal is reset immediately. If the start signal is still applied at «program end» the program will be restarted automatically every time.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.11 Program operation Resetting the program (PRG−RESET) POS−PRG−RESET = HIGH or C1280.B2 = 0 ( Program reset» in the GDC dialog «Control»). When a program is reset, – the drive will be stopped with a−max (C1250) (no influence of POS−A−OVERRID) –…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.11 Program operation Status of the program control The actual state of the program control is displayed via the status outputs of the POS function block and the positioning status (C1283). Status outputs Update conditions of the status outputs «RUNNING», POS−STARTED», POS−STOPPED», POS−ENDED», POS−RESETED»…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.11 Program operation Status Started−break» Program processing is started but is interrupted by controller inhibit, QSP, TRIP, mains failure, Fail−QSP or manual control (interruption). In order to continue the program processing a new start edge is required. Status output POS−STARTED = HIGH and POS−RUNNING = LOW (for firmware version ³…
  • Page 103: Variable Tables (Vt)

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.12 Variable tables (VT) 3.4.12 Variable tables (VT) Five variable tables comprise the profile parameters determining the positioning. Function block: VTPOS (¶ 3−277) – 104 variables for position values Function block: VTVEL (¶ 3−281) – 34 variables for speeds Function block: VTACC (¶…

  • Page 104: Program Sets (Ps)

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Function PS mode Point−to−point positioning Point−to−point positioning with velocity changeover Touch probe positioning Stand−by operation Set position value Prg. fct. Wait for input» Prg. fct. Switch output before positioning» Prg.

  • Page 105
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) PS mode Purpose Selection of which positioning or special function is to be carried out in the PS. Function GDC input: Programming» dialog Factory setting: No positioning or special function Input under PS mode (C1311): Value Program functions No positioning or special function…
  • Page 106
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Point−to−point positioning Purpose Point−to−point positioning of a defined target position 0. VTVEL = Traversing speed + VTACC = Acceleration − VTACC = Deceleration const. 9300POS026 Fig. 3−29 Point−to−point positioning Function PS mode (C1311): Select Absolute PS» or Relative PS». The travel profile is generated according to the parameters selected (see also travel profile generator).
  • Page 107
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Point−to−point positioning with changeover of velocity Purpose Velocity changeover between two positioning processes without stopping. PS 01 PS 02 v-Traversing 01 Accele- Deceleration 01 ration 01 Target position 01 Final speed 01 v-Traversing 02 Decele- Target…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Touch probe positioning Purpose Positioning depending on an external digital terminal signal (TP positioning). E. g.: The front edge of workpieces of different lengths is always to be positioned in the same position.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Stand−by operation Purpose Implementation of a Flying saw», with additional function block interconnection (on request). Enables the changeover between positioning and another setpoint source, e.g. master frequency of a main drive. MCTRL MCTRL-QSP C0900…
  • Page 110
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Cancelling stand−by operation Stand−by operation can be cancelled via two ways: 1. Abortion via FB input POS−STDBY−STP» 2. Abortion via touch−probe signal at terminal X5/E1 … X5/E4 Abortion via FB input POS−STDBY−STP» E.g.: Linkage with a digital control signal via a fieldbus or a function block interconnection.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Monitoring in stand−by operation Monitoring of the travel range limit switch is active (fault P01, P02). Monitoring of the position limit value is active (fault P04, P05). Continuous operation is possible with relative positioning (1210 = 1). The position values (POS−SETPOS and POS−ACTPOS) are reset to 0 when reaching half the position limiting value;…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Set position value Purpose Shifting of the real measuring system during program processing 9300pos012 Fig. 3−33 Set position value Function Selection of the function Set position value» in PS under PS mode (C1311=5). The position setpoint (POS−SETPOS) is set to the target position selected in the PS.
  • Page 113
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Prg. fct. Wait for input» Purpose PS processing will not be continued before the selected digital input (POS−PFI) shows the level required. 9300pos013 Fig. 3−34 Diagram − Wait for input Function Selection of any PFI under C1318/x Selection of the required level under C1319/x.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Prg. fct. Switch output before positioning» Purpose Setting or resetting a digital output signal (POS−PFO), for instance, to control a machine function before positioning starts. 9300pos014 Fig. 3−35 Diagram − Switch output Function Selection of any PFO under C1320/x.
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Prg. fct. Waiting time» Purpose Continue program only after waiting time is over. 9300pos011 Fig. 3−36 Diagram − Waiting time Function Waiting time selection from VTTIME under C1324/x. GDC input: Programming» dialog Default setting: not active 3−87 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
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    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Prg. fct. «Branch 1″ Purpose Branching during program processing depending on the digital input signals (PFI). Branching because of conditional query of two variables (<, >, = <=, >=): 1. Comparison of two variables with function block CMPPH» (7−109) 2.
  • Page 117
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Prg. fct. Repeat function − piece number» Purpose Multiple repetition of the same PS or PS sequence. 9300pos015 Fig. 3−38 Diagram − Piece number − repeat function Function Selection of a no. of pieces from VTPCS under C1328/x. Selection of the PS to be branched to as long as the no.
  • Page 118
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.13 Program sets (PS) Prg fct. Jump to next PS» Purpose Link several PS in one program. 9300pos016 Fig. 3−39 Diagram − Jump to next PS Function Selection of the next PS under C1349/x. GDC input: Programming» dialog Default setting: Program end 3−90 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 119: Pos−Tp (Touch−Probe Saving Of The Actual Position Value)

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.14 POS−TP (Touch−probe saving of the actual position value) 3.4.14 POS−TP (Touch−probe saving of the actual position value) Purpose Saving of the actual position value (POS−ACTPOS) is interrupt−controlled, the reaction times are very short. POS-TP Homing, Touch-Probe — Positioning POS-TP1-ENABL POS-TP1-ENABLED…

  • Page 120
    Function library Positioning control 3.4.14 POS−TP (Touch−probe saving of the actual position value) Procedure: 1. A LOW−HIGH edge at POS−ENABLE−TPx – switches POS−TPx−RECOGN = LOW. – switches POS−TPx−ENABLED = HIGH. 2. A signal edge at TP input terminal X5/Ex – switches POS−TPx−RECOGN = HIGH, –…
  • Page 121: Pos−Pfi (Program Function Inputs)

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.15 POS−PFI (Program Function Inputs) 3.4.15 POS−PFI (Program Function Inputs) Purpose Input for digital signals for controlling user programs, e. g. initiators at the machine or switches in the keyboard. POS-PFI1 POS-PFI C1370/1 POS-PFI2 C1370/2 POS-PFI3 C1370/3 POS-PFI4 C1370/4…

  • Page 122: Pos−Pfo (Program Function Outputs)

    Function library Positioning control 3.4.16 POS−PFO (Program Function Outputs) 3.4.16 POS−PFO (Program Function Outputs) Purpose Output of digital signals for controlling machine functions and operating status displays, e. g. start slave drive or activate spray jet. POS-PFO1 POS-PFO POS-PFO2 POS-PFO3 POS-PFO4 POS-PFO5 POS-PFO6…

  • Page 123: Function Blocks

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.1 Absolute value generation (ABS) Function blocks 3.5.1 Absolute value generation (ABS) Description This function block converts bipolar signals to unipolar signals. The absolute value is generated by the input signal and is provided at the output. ABS1 ABS1-IN ABS1-OUT…

  • Page 124: Addition Block (Add)

    C 0 6 1 0 / 3 C 0 6 1 1 / 3 9300POSADD1 Fig. 3−44 Addition block (ADD1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze ADD1−IN1 C0611/1 dec [%] C0610/1 1000 Addition input ADD1−IN2 C0611/2 dec [%] C0610/2 1000 Addition input ADD1−IN3…

  • Page 125: Automation Interface (Aif−In)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.3 Automation interface (AIF−IN) 3.5.3 Automation interface (AIF−IN) Purpose Interface for input signals of the plug−on fieldbus module (e.g. INTERBUS, PROFIBUS) for setpoints and actual values as binary, analog, or angle information. Please observe the corresponding Operating Instructions for the plug−on fieldbus module.

  • Page 126
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.3 Automation interface (AIF−IN) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze AIF−CTRL.B0 C0136/3 − − − AIF−CTRL.B1 C0136/3 − − − AIF−CTRL.B2 C0136/3 − − − AIF−CTRL.B4 C0136/3 − − − AIF−CTRL.B5 C0136/3 −…
  • Page 127
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.3 Automation interface (AIF−IN) Function The input signals of the 8−byte user data of the AIF object are converted into corresponding signal types. The signals can be used via further function blocks. Byte 1 and 2 Byte 1 and 2 form the control word for the controller.
  • Page 128: Automation Interface (Aif−Out)

    H I G H w o r d B i t 3 1 AIF−OUT1 Fig. 3−46 Automation interface (AIF−OUT) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze AIF−OUT.W1 C0858/1 dec [%] C0850/1 1000 +100 % = +16384 AIF−OUT.W2 C0858/2 dec [%] C0850/2 1000 +100 % = +16384 AIF−OUT.W3…

  • Page 129
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.4 Automation interface (AIF−OUT) Function The input signals of this function block are copied into the 8−byte user data of the AIF object and assigned to the plug−on fieldbus module. The meaning of the user data can be determined very easily with C0852 and C0853 and the corresponding configuration code (CFG).
  • Page 130: Analog Inputs Via Terminal X6/1, X6/2 And X6/3, X6/4 (Ain)

    C0402 C0400 C0404/1 AIN1-GAIN C0403 C0404/2 Fig. 3−47 Analog input via terminal X6/1, X6/2 (AIN1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze AIN1−OFFSET C0404/1 dec [%] C0402 19502 − AIN1−GAIN C0404/2 dec [%] C0403 19504 − AIN1−OUT C0400 −…

  • Page 131
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.5 Analog inputs via terminal X6/1, X6/2 and X6/3, X6/4 (AIN) Function The analog input value is added to the value at input AINx−OFFSET. The result of the addition is limited to ±200 %. The limited value is multiplied by the value which is applied to input AINx−GAIN. Then the signal is limited to ±200%.
  • Page 132: And Operation (And)

    C0821/1 & AND1-IN2 AND1-OUT C0820/2 C0821/2 AND1-IN3 C0820/3 C0821/3 Fig. 3−50 AND operation (AND1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze AND1−IN1 C0821/1 C0820/1 1000 − AND1−IN2 C0821/2 C0820/2 1000 − AND1−IN3 C0821/3 C0820/3 1000 − AND1−OUT −…

  • Page 133
    C0825/1 & AND3-IN2 AND3-OUT C0824/2 C0825/2 AND3-IN3 C0824/3 C0825/3 Fig. 3−52 AND operation (AND3) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze AND3−IN1 C0825/1 C0824/1 1000 − AND3−IN2 C0825/2 C0824/2 1000 − AND3−IN3 C0825/3 C0824/3 1000 − AND3−OUT −…
  • Page 134
    Function library Function blocks Function ANDx−IN1 ANDx−IN2 ANDx−IN3 ANDx−OUT The function corresponds to a series connection of normally−open contacts in a contactor control. ANDx−IN1 ANDx−IN2 ANDx−IN3 ANDx−OUT Fig. 3−55 AND function as a series connection of normally−open contacts Tip! If only two inputs are required, use the inputs ANDx−IN1 and ANDx−IN2. Assign the input ANDx−IN3 to the signal source FIXED1 via the configuration code.
  • Page 135: Inverter (Aneg)

    Two inverters are available: ANEG1 ( 1) ANEG1-IN ANEG1-OUT C0700 C0701 Fig. 3−56 Inverter (ANEG1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze ANEG1−IN C0701 dec [%] C0700 19523 − ANEG1−OUT − − − − − − ANEG2 ( 1)

  • Page 136: Analog Output Via Terminal 62/63 (Aout)

    AOUT1-GAIN C0433 C0434/3 AOUT1-OFFSET C0432 C0434/2 Fig. 3−58 Analog output via terminal X6/62 (AOUT1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze AOUT1−IN C0434/1 dec [%] C0431 5001 − AOUT1−GAIN C0434/3 dec [%] C0433 19510 − AOUT1−OFFSET C0434/2 dec [%]…

  • Page 137
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.8 Analog output via terminal 62/63 (AOUT) Example for an output value AOUT1−IN = 50%, AOUT1−GAIN = 100%, AOUT1−OFFSET = 10% Output terminal 62 = ((50% * 100% = 50%) + 10% = 60%) = 6 V AOUT−GAIN Î…
  • Page 138: Arithmetic Block (Arit)

    C 0 3 3 9 / 2 C 0 3 4 0 / 2 9300posARIT1 Fig. 3−61 Arithmetic block (ARIT1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze ARIT1−IN1 C0340/1 dec [%] C0339/1 1000 − ARIT1−IN2 C0340/2 dec [%] C0339/2 1000 −…

  • Page 139: Arithmetic Block (Aritph)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.10 Arithmetic block (ARITPH) 3.5.10 Arithmetic block (ARITPH) Purpose The FB ARITPH calculates a angle output signal from two angle input signals. ARITPH1 ARITPH1 Mode C1010 ARITPH1-IN1 C1011/1 ±2 -1 ARITPH1-OUT C1012/1 ARITPH1-IN2 C1011/2 C1012/2 Fig. 3−63 Function block ARITPH1 Signal Source…

  • Page 140
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.10 Arithmetic block (ARITPH) ARITPH4 ARITPH4 Mode C1550 ARITPH4-IN1 C1551/1 ±2 -1 C1552/1 ARITPH4-OUT ARITPH4-IN2 C1551/2 C1552/2 Fig. 3−66 Function block ARITPH4 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List ARITPH4−IN1 C1552/1 dec [inc] C1551/1 − ARITPH4−IN2 C1552/2 dec [inc]…
  • Page 141
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.10 Arithmetic block (ARITPH) Function Selection of the arithmetic function with code ARITPH mode. The calculation is performed cyclically in the control program. The function block limits the results (see table) Code Selection number Arithmetic function Limitation Note OUT = IN1…
  • Page 142: Analog Signal Changeover Switch (Asw)

    ASW1-IN2 C0810/2 C0812/2 ASW1-SET C0811 C0813 Fig. 3−69 Changeover switch for analog signals (ASW1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze ASW1−IN1 C0812/1 dec [%] C0810/1 − ASW1−IN2 C0812/2 dec [%] C0810/2 1000 − ASW1−SET C0813 C0811 1000 −…

  • Page 143
    C 1 1 6 6 C 1 1 6 8 Fig. 3−72 Changeover switch for analog signals (ASW4) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze ASW4−IN2 C1167/1 dec [%] C1165/1 1000 − ASW4−IN1 C1167/2 dec [%] C1165/2 1000 −…
  • Page 144: Bcd Decade Switch (Bcd)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) Three FBs are available FB (BCD1 … BCD3). Purpose Reads eight absolute value digits and a sign in binary coding and transmits it to a code. 3−116 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…

  • Page 145
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) BCD1 BCD1 C1706 C1707 BCD1-SIGN BCD1-DATA1 C1708/2 BCD1-SEL1 C1709/2 BCD1-SEL2 BCD1-DATA2 C1708/3 BCD1-SEL3 C1709/3 BCD1-SEL4 BCD- BCD1-DATA3 BCD1-SEL5 C1708/4 LOGIC C1709/4 BCD1-SEL6 BCD1-DATA4 BCD1-SEL7 C1708/5 BCD1-SEL8 C1709/5 BCD1-READ BCD1-NEW-DATA C1708/1 BCD1-EOT C1709/1 BCD1-DATA-FLT C1701…
  • Page 146
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) BCD2 BCD2 C1716 C1717 BCD2-SIGN BCD2-DATA1 C1718/2 BCD2-SEL1 C1719/2 BCD2-SEL2 BCD2-DATA2 C1718/3 BCD2-SEL3 C1719/3 BCD2-SEL4 BCD- BCD2-DATA3 BCD2-SEL5 C1718/4 LOGIC C1719/4 BCD2-SEL6 BCD2-DATA4 BCD2-SEL7 C1718/5 BCD2-SEL8 C1719/5 BCD2-READ BCD2-NEW-DATA C1718/1 BCD2-EOT C1719/1 BCD2-DATA-FLT C1711…
  • Page 147
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) BCD3 C1726 BCD3 C1727 BCD3-SIGN BCD3-DATA1 C1728/2 BCD3-SEL1 C1729/2 BCD3-SEL2 BCD3-DATA2 C1728/3 BCD3-SEL3 C1729/3 BCD3-SEL4 BCD- BCD3-DATA3 BCD3-SEL5 C1728/4 LOGIC C1729/4 BCD3-SEL6 BCD3-DATA4 BCD3-SEL7 C1728/5 C1729/5 BCD3-SEL8 BCD3-READ BCD3-NEW-DATA C1728/1 BCD3-EOT C1729/1 BCD3-DATA-FLT C1721…
  • Page 148
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) Overview of the codes for the evaluation of the read data and for the selection of the target code. Function BCD1 BCD2 BCD3 Output signal (DIS) C1700/1 C1710/1 C1720/1 BCD result of the read data (DIS) C1700/2 C1710/2 C1720/2…
  • Page 149
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) Signal processing Reading the BCDs: Output Signal Function BCDx−EOT Beginning of the BCD reading. HIGH · all 8 absolute value digits and the sign are transmitted or · «CANCEL» has been identified. BCDx−NEW−DATA After a LOW−HIGH edge at BCD−READ.
  • Page 150
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) «CANCEL» function The identification for «CANCEL» at the inputs BCDx−DATAx results in the following state: Input/output Signal Function BCDx−EOT HIGH Switches BCDx−NEW−DATA HIGH Switches − − Sets BCDs which are not yet read to zero and stops reading. −…
  • Page 151
    The data outputs of the BCD decade switch must be decoupled via diodes. If necessary, use a terminal extension (via system bus CAN). – LENZE offers this terminal extension. Function A BCD is transmitted to the target code as follows:…
  • Page 152
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) Complete BCD reading BCDx-SIGN BCDx-SEL4 BCDx-SEL1 BCDx-SEL2 BCDx-SEL3 9300 BCDx-DATA1 BCDx-DATA2 BCDx-DATA3 BCDx-DATA4 Fig. 3−78 Cancel after the 3rd absolute value digit (diode circuit) Function Reading can be shortened if BCDs are not required. The FB does not read the following BCDs if the value A (1010 ) for «ABORT»…
  • Page 153
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) BCD mode The BCD mode defines the type of BCD transmission (not the transmission to the target code). Overview of the settings in the BCD mode: Function BCD1 BCD2 BCD3 BCD mode C1706 C1716…
  • Page 154
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.12 BCD decade switch (BCD) With handshaking, minimum wiring Set BCD mode = 1. 1 s t c y c l e 2 n d c y c l e 3 r d c y c l e 1 s t c y c l e B C D x — D A T A x ( 4 i n p u t s )
  • Page 155: Holding Brake (Brk)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.13 Holding brake (BRK) 3.5.13 Holding brake (BRK) Danger! Condition for applying the BRK function block Exclusively triggering the holding brake via the function block BRK is not permissible! The safe triggering of the holding brake additionally requires a second switch−off mode. Without the second switch−off mode there is a risk of severe personal injury and danger to material assets! Applications with active loads With an increase of the DC−bus voltage (e.g.

  • Page 156
    BRK-M-SET C0452 C0458/1 Fig. 3−80 Holding brake (BRK) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze BRK−SET C0459 C0451 1000 − BRK−NX C0458/1 dec [%] C0450 1000 Speed threshold from which the drive may output the signal «Close brake». The signal…
  • Page 157
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.13 Holding brake (BRK) Applying the brake Purpose A HIGH−Signal at the BRK−SET input activates the function. The BRK−QSP BRK−SET output is simultaneously set to HIGH. This signal can be used to decelerate the drive to zero speed via a BRK−QSP deceleration ramp.
  • Page 158
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.13 Holding brake (BRK) Setting controller inhibit Purpose Controller inhibit can be set e.g. in case of a fault (LU, OU, …). Function When the controller is inhibited (CINH) the BRK−OUT signal is immediately set to HIGH. The drive is then braked via the mechanical brake.
  • Page 159
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.13 Holding brake (BRK) BRK−SET C0196 BRK−QSP BRK−M−STORE MCTRL−MACT MACT = C0244 BRK−OUT C0195 BRK−CINH MCTRL−NSET2 |BRK−Nx| Fig. 3−82 Switching cycle when braking 3−131 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 160: System Bus (Can−In)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.14 System bus (CAN−IN) 3.5.14 System bus (CAN−IN) A detailed description of the system bus (CAN) can be found in the «CAN Communication Manual». 3−132 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…

  • Page 161: System Bus (Can−Out)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.15 System bus (CAN−OUT) 3.5.15 System bus (CAN−OUT) A detailed description of the system bus (CAN) can be found in the «CAN Communication Manual». 3−133 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…

  • Page 162: Comparator (Cmp)

    C0682 CMP1-IN1 CMP1-OUT C0683/1 C0684/1 CMP1-IN2 C0683/2 C0684/2 Fig. 3−83 Comparator (CMP1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze CMP1−IN1 C0684/1 dec [%] C0683/1 5001 − CMP1−IN2 C0684/2 dec [%] C0683/2 19500 − CMP1−OUT − − − −…

  • Page 163
    C0692 CMP3-IN1 CMP3-OUT C0693/1 C0694/1 CMP3-IN2 C0693/2 C0694/2 Fig. 3−85 Comparator (CMP3) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze CMP3−IN1 C0694/1 dec [%] C0693/1 1000 − CMP3−IN2 C0694/2 dec [%] C0693/2 1000 − CMP3−OUT − − − −…
  • Page 164
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.16 Comparator (CMP) Function 1: CMP1−IN1 = CMP1−IN2 This function serves to compare two signals with regard to equality. Hence, the comparison «actual speed equals setpoint speed (n )» can be carried out. Via code C0682 the window of equality can be set. Via code C0681 a hysteresis can be set if the input signals are not stable and cause the output to oscillate.
  • Page 165
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.16 Comparator (CMP) Function 2: CMP1−IN1 > CMP1−IN2 This function is used, for example, to implement the comparison «Actual speed is higher than a limit value (n > n )» for a direction of rotation. If the value at input CMP1−IN1 exceeds the value at input CMP1−IN2, the output CMP1−OUT changes from LOW to HIGH.
  • Page 166
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.16 Comparator (CMP) Function 6: |CMP1−IN1| < |CMP1−IN2| This function is the same as function 2. Before signal processing the absolute value of input signals (without sign) is generated. This can be used to implement the comparison «|n | <…
  • Page 167: Long Comparator (Cmpph)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.17 Long comparator (CMPPH) 3.5.17 Long comparator (CMPPH) Three FBs are available (CMPPH1 … CMPPH3). Purpose Comparison of two phase signals or their absolute values to achieve triggers. CMPPH1 C1671 CMPPH1 C1672 C1670 CMPPH1-IN1 CMPPH1-OUT C1673/1 C1674/1 CMPPH1-IN2 C1673/2…

  • Page 168
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.17 Long comparator (CMPPH) CMPPH3 C1681 CMPPH3 C1682 C1680 CMPPH3-IN1 CMPPH3-OUT C1683/1 C1684/1 CMPPH3-IN2 C1683/2 C1684/2 Fig. 3−91 Function block CMPPH3 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List CMPPH3−IN1 C1684/1 dec [inc] C1683/1 − CMPPH3−IN2 C1684/2 dec [inc] C1683/2…
  • Page 169
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.17 Long comparator (CMPPH) Function 1: CMPPH1−IN1 = CMPPH1−IN2 Comparison of two phase signals. Set the window under C1672, where the equality is to be effective. Set a hysteresis under C1671 if the input signals are not stable and the output oscillates. The exact function can be obtained from the line diagram.
  • Page 170
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.17 Long comparator (CMPPH) Function 2: CMPPH1−IN1 > CMPPH1−IN2 CMPPH1−IN1 > CMPPH1−IN2 – CMPPH1−OUT = HIGH CMPPH1−IN1 < CMPPH1−IN2 – CMPPH1−OUT = LOW CMPPH1-IN1 CMPPH1-IN2 C1671 CMPPH1-OUT C1671 HIGH CMPPH1-OUT HIGH CMPPH1-IN1 CMPPH1-IN2 Fig. 3−93 Exceeding signal values (CMPPH1−IN1 >…
  • Page 171
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.17 Long comparator (CMPPH) Function 4: |CMPPH1−IN1| = |CMPPH1−IN2| This function is the same as function 1. The absolute value of the input signals (without sign) is generated prior to the signal processing. Example: This function is for the comparison «ph = 0».
  • Page 172: Signal Conversion (Conv)

    CONV1-OUT C0942 C0941 C0943 Fig. 3−95 Function block CONV1 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze CONV1−IN C0943 dec [%] C0942 1000 CONV1−OUT − − − − − Limited to ±199.99 % This function block is used to multiply or divide analog signals.

  • Page 173
    CONV3-OUT C0952 C0951 C0953 Fig. 3−97 Function block CONV3 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze CONV3−IN C0953 dec [rpm] C0952 1000 CONV3−OUT − − − − − Limited to ±199.99 % This function block is used to convert speed signals into analog signals.
  • Page 174: Analog−Digital Converter (Convad)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.19 Analog−digital converter (CONVAD) 3.5.19 Analog−digital converter (CONVAD) Conversion of an analog value into individual digital signals. CONVAD1 CONVAD1.B0 CONVAD1.B1 CONVAD1.B2 CONVAD1.B3 CONVAD1.B4 CONVAD1.B5 CONVAD1.B6 CONVAD1-IN C1580 CONVAD1.B7 C1581 CONVAD1.B8 CONVAD1.B9 CONVAD1.B10 CONVAD1.B11 CONVAD1.B12 CONVAD1.B13 CONVAD1.B14 CONVAD1-SIGN Fig.

  • Page 175
    Function library Function blocks CONVAD2 CONVAD2.B0 CONVAD2.B1 CONVAD2.B2 CONVAD2.B3 CONVAD2.B4 CONVAD2.B5 CONVAD2.B6 CONVAD2-IN C1582 CONVAD2.B7 C1583 CONVAD2.B8 CONVAD2.B9 CONVAD2.B10 CONVAD2.B11 CONVAD2.B12 CONVAD2.B13 CONVAD2.B14 CONVAD2-SIGN Fig. 3−101 Analog/digital converter (CONVAD2) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List CONVAD2IN C1583 C1582 −…
  • Page 176: Analog−Phase Converter (Convaph)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.20 Analog−phase converter (CONVAPH) 3.5.20 Analog−phase converter (CONVAPH) Conversion of an analog value into a phase signal. CONVAPH1 CONVAPH1 ± 2 CONVAPH1-IN C1590 CONVAPH1-OUT C1593 C1591 C1594 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List CONVAPH1−IN C1594 C1593 −…

  • Page 177
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.20 Analog−phase converter (CONVAPH) CONVAPH3 CONVAPH3 ± 2 C1600 CONVAPH3-IN CONVAPH3-OUT C1603 C1601 C1604 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List CONVAPH3−IN C1604 C1603 − Limits to ±2 CONVAPH3−OUT − − − − −1 Function Conversion with adaptation using multiplier and divisor.
  • Page 178: Digital−Analog Converter (Convda)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.21 Digital−analog converter (CONVDA) 3.5.21 Digital−analog converter (CONVDA) Three function blocks (CONVDA1 … CONVDA3) are available. Purpose Conversion of individual digital signals to an analog value. CONVDA1 CONVDA1 CONVDA1.B0 C1570/1 CONVDA1.B1 C1570/2 CONVDA1.B2 C1570/3 CONVDA1.B3 C1570/4 CONVDA1.B4 C1570/5 CONVDA1.B5…

  • Page 179
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.21 Digital−analog converter (CONVDA) CONVDA2 CONVDA2.B0 CONVDA2 C1573/1 CONVDA2.B1 C1573/2 CONVDA2.B2 C1573/3 CONVDA2.B3 C1573/4 CONVDA2.B4 C1573/5 CONVDA2.B5 C1573/6 CONVDA2.B6 C1573/7 CONVDA2.B7 CONVDA2-OUT C1573/8 CONVDA2.B8 C1574 C1573/9 CONVDA2.B9 C1573/10 CONVDA2.B10 C1573/11 CONVDA2.B11 C1573/12 CONVDA2.B12 C1573/13 CONVDA2.B13 C1573/14 CONVDA2.B14 C1573/15 CONVDA2-SIGN…
  • Page 180
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.21 Digital−analog converter (CONVDA) CONVDA3 CONVDA3.B0 CONVDA3 C1576/1 CONVDA3.B1 C1576/2 CONVDA3.B2 C1576/3 CONVDA3.B3 C1576/4 CONVDA3.B4 C1576/5 CONVDA3.B5 C1576/6 CONVDA3.B6 C1576/7 CONVDA3.B7 CONVDA3-OUT C1576/8 CONVDA3.B8 C1577 C1576/9 CONVDA3.B9 C1576/10 CONVDA3.B10 C1576/11 CONVDA3.B11 C1576/12 CONVDA3.B12 C1576/13 CONVDA3.B13 C1576/14 CONVDA3.B14 C1576/15 CONVDA3-SIGN…
  • Page 181: Phase−Analog Converter (Convpha)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.22 Phase−analog converter (CONVPHA) 3.5.22 Phase−analog converter (CONVPHA) Three function blocks (CONVPHA1 … CONVPHA3) are available. Purpose Conversion of a phase signal into an analog value. CONVPHA1 CONVPHA1 ± 199,99% CONVPHA1-IN CONVPHA1-OUT C1001 C1000 C1002 Fig. 3−105 Function block CONVPHA1 Signal Source…

  • Page 182
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.22 Phase−analog converter (CONVPHA) CONVPHA3 CONVPHA3 ± 199,99% CONVPHA3-IN CONVPHA3-OUT C1616 C1615 C1617 Fig. 3−107 Function block CONVPHA3 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List CONVPHA3−IN C1617 dec [inc] C1616 − Limited to ±199.99 % CONVPHA3−OUT −…
  • Page 183: Phase Conversion (Convphph2)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.23 Phase conversion (CONVPHPH2) 3.5.23 Phase conversion (CONVPHPH2) Purpose Conversion of a phase signal with dynamic fracture. C O N V P H P H 2 — N U M C O N V P H P H 2 C 1 1 3 0 / 1 C 1 1 3 5 / 1 C O N V P H P H 2 — I N…

  • Page 184: Characteristic Function (Curve)

    = C 0 9 6 5 = C 0 9 6 6 CURVE1 Fig. 3−109 Characteristic function (CURVE1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze CURVE1−IN C0968 dec [%] C0967 5001 − CURVE1−OUT − − − − −…

  • Page 185
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.24 Characteristic function (CURVE) Characteristic with two interpolation points Set C0960 = 1. CURVE1-OUT y100 C0964 C0961 -100% 100% CURVE1-IN -C0961 -C0964 Fig. 3−110 Line diagram of characteristic with 2 interpolation points Characteristic with three interpolation points Set C0960 = 2.
  • Page 186
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.24 Characteristic function (CURVE) Characteristic with four interpolation points Set C0960 = 3. CURVE1-OUT y100 C0964 C0962 C0961 -100% C0963 -C0966 -C0965 -C0963 C0965 C0966 100% CURVE1-IN -C0961 -C0962 -C0964 Fig. 3−112 Line diagram of characteristic with 4 interpolation points 3−158 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 187: Dead Band (Db)

    D B 1 — O U T C 0 6 2 2 C 0 6 2 3 Fig. 3−113 Dead band element (DB1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze DB1−IN C0623 dec [%] C0622 1000 − DB1−OUT − − − −…

  • Page 188: Drive Control (Dctrl)

    C0876 DCTRL-STAT*8 C0878/4 DCTRL-INIT fb_dctrl Fig. 3−115 Control of the controller (DCTRL) Signal Source Note Designation Type DIS format List Lenze DCTRL−CINH1 C0878/1 C0870/1 1000 HIGH = inhibit controller DCTRL−CINH2 C0878/2 C0870/2 1000 HIGH = inhibit controller DCTRL−TRIP−SET C0878/3 C0871 HIGH = error message EEr DCTRL−TRIP−RESET…

  • Page 189
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.26 Drive control (DCTRL) Function Quick stop (QSP) Operation inhibited (DISABLE) Controller inhibit (CINH) TRIP set TRIP reset Change of parameter set (PAR) Controller state Quick stop (QSP) The drive is braked to standstill via the deceleration ramp C105 and generates a holding torque. The function can be controlled by three inputs –…
  • Page 190
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.26 Drive control (DCTRL) Controller inhibit (CINH) Note! When the controller changes to an LU message or an OU message, the signal DCTRL−CINH is not set. The power output stages are inhibited. All controllers are reset. The function can be controlled via seven inputs: –…
  • Page 191
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.26 Drive control (DCTRL) Note! If one of the inputs is set to HIGH, it is not possible that a LOW−HIGH edge occurs at the resulting signal. Controller state The status is binary coded via the outputs DCTRL−STAT*x. These outputs are connected with the STAT function block inside the device.
  • Page 192: Master Frequency Input (Dfin)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.27 Master frequency input (DFIN) 3.5.27 Master frequency input (DFIN) Purpose Converting and scaling a power pulse current at the digital frequency input X9 into a speed and phase setpoint. The digital frequency is transferred in a high−precision mode (with offset and gain errors). C0427 DFIN DFIN-OUT…

  • Page 193
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.27 Master frequency input (DFIN) C0427 = 1 Fig. 3−118 Control of direction of rotation via track B CW rotation Track A transmits the speed Track B = LOW (positive value at DFIN−OUT) CCW rotation Track A transmits the speed Track B = HIGH (negative value at DFIN−OUT) C0427 = 2 Fig.
  • Page 194
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.27 Master frequency input (DFIN) Signal adaptation Finer resolutions than the power−of−two format can be realised by connecting an FB (e.g. CONV3 or CONV4). Example: The FB CONV3 converts the speed signal into a quasi−analog signal. The conversion is done according to the formula: 0, 4 @ C0950…
  • Page 195: Digital Frequency Output (Dfout)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.28 Digital frequency output (DFOUT) 3.5.28 Digital frequency output (DFOUT) Purpose Converts internal speed signals into frequency signals and outputs them to subsequent drives. The transmission is highly precise (without offset and gain errors). C0030 DFOUT C0540 DFOUT-OUT DFOUT-DF-IN…

  • Page 196
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.28 Digital frequency output (DFOUT) Output signals on X10 r o t a t i o n Fig. 3−122 Signal sequence for CW rotation (definition) The output signal corresponds to the simulation of an incremental encoder: –…
  • Page 197
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.28 Digital frequency output (DFOUT) Output of an analog signal For this purpose, set code C0540 = 0. The value applied at input DFOUT−AN−IN is converted into a frequency. Transfer function No. of increments from C0030 @ C0011 f [Hz] + DFOUT * AN * IN [%] @ Example:…
  • Page 198
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.28 Digital frequency output (DFOUT) Encoder simulation of the resolver Set C0540 = 2 or C0540 = 3 (depending on the desired generation of the zero track) The function is used when a resolver is connected to X7. The encoder constant for output X10 is set in C0030.
  • Page 199: Digital Frequency Ramp Function Generator (Dfrfg)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.29 Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG) 3.5.29 Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG) Purpose The drive (motor shaft) is synchronised to a digital frequency (phase selection). The drive then performs a phase−synchronous operation with the digital frequency. C 0 7 5 3 C 0 7 6 6 D F R F G 1…

  • Page 200
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.29 Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG) Profile generator DFRFG-OUT C0751 C0751 C0755 DFRFG-IN C0752 DFRFG-SYNC Fig. 3−124 Synchronisation on DFRFG The profile generator generates ramps which lead the setpoint phase to its target position. Set acceleration and deceleration via C0751.
  • Page 201
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.29 Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG) Quick stop Removes the drive from the network and brakes it to standstill. Activate with DFRFG−QSP = HIGH. Set deceleration time via C0753. Store the setpoint phase detected at DFRFG−IN. Approach the setpoint phase via the profile generator after resetting the quick stop request.
  • Page 202
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.29 Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG) RESET DFRFG−RESET = HIGH: Resets setpoint phases which are internally added. Activates the profile generator. HIGH−LOW edge at DFRFG−RESET: Detecting the setpoint phase. Detect phase difference Monitoring the phase difference between input DFRFG−IN and output DFRFG−OUT. Set limit value of monitoring via C0754.
  • Page 203
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.29 Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG) Start via touch probe initiator (terminal X5/E5) Stop! In the default setting the terminal X5/E5 is assigned to another function. Function Set C0757 = 1. The function is activated by simultaneously setting the inputs: –…
  • Page 204
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.29 Digital frequency ramp function generator (DFRFG) Correction of the touch probe initiator (terminal X5/E5) Delay times during the activation of the initiator cause a speed−dependent phase offset (e.g. during positioning, synchronising). In order to take this angular offset into account, the response time [ms] of the initiators as a function of the setpoint speed DFRFG−IN is converted to a phase angle correction and is then taken into consideration in the setpoint angle.
  • Page 205: Digital Frequency Processing (Dfset)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.30 Digital frequency processing (DFSET) 3.5.30 Digital frequency processing (DFSET) Purpose Conditions the digital frequency for the controller. Selection of the stretch factor, gearbox factor, and speed or phase trimming. DFSET-0-PULSE DFSET C0525 C0429 C0532 C0534 C0538/1 C0531 X5/E4…

  • Page 206
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.30 Digital frequency processing (DFSET) Function Setpoint conditioning with stretch and gearbox factor Processing of correction values Synchronising to zero track or touch probe (for resolver feedback touch probe only) Setpoint conditioning with stretch and gearbox factor Stretch factor Defines the ratio between the drive and the setpoint.
  • Page 207
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.30 Digital frequency processing (DFSET) Processing of correction values Speed trimming This is used to add correction values, e.g. by a superimposed control loop. This enables the drive to accelerate or decelerate. Adds an analog value at DFSET−N−TRIM (see C0537) to the speed setpoint. Adds a speed value at DFSET−N−TRIM2 (see C1258) to the speed setpoint.
  • Page 208
    For C0531 = 10, for example, only every 10. actual pulse is evaluated. The other 9 pulses are ignored. Lenze setting: C0531 = 1, C0535 = 1 Correction of the touch probe initiator (terminal X5/E5) Delay times when activating the initiator cause a speed−dependent angular offset (e.g. in the case of positioning, synchronising).
  • Page 209
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.30 Digital frequency processing (DFSET) Synchronisation mode For the synchronisation, different modes are available which can be set under C0534. C0534 Synchronisation mode Note Synchronisation not active Permanent synchronisation with direct correction of the angular difference (counter−clockwise or clockwise rotation). Permanent synchronisation with direct correction of the angular A LOW−HIGH edge at DFSET−0−pulse activates a continuous difference (counter−clockwise or clockwise rotation).
  • Page 210: Delay Elements (Digdel)

    DIGDEL1 C0720 C0721 DIGDEL1-IN DIGDEL1-OUT C0723 C0724 Fig. 3−130 Delay element (DIGDEL1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze DIGDEL1−IN C0724 C0723 1000 − DIGDEL1−OUT − − − − − − DIGDEL2 C0725 C0726 DIGDEL2-IN…

  • Page 211
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.31 Delay elements (DIGDEL) On−delay If the on−delay is set, a signal change from LOW to HIGH at the input DIGDELx−IN is passed on to the DIGDELx−OUT output after the delay time set under C0721 or C0726 has elapsed. DIGDEL1−IN C0721 C0721…
  • Page 212
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.31 Delay elements (DIGDEL) General delay A general delay causes any signal change at the input DIGDELx−IN to be passed onto the output DIGDELx−OUT only after the time set under C0721 or C0726 has elapsed. DIGDEL1−IN C0721 Î…
  • Page 213: Freely Assignable Digital Inputs (Digin)

    DIGIN2 DIGIN3 DIGIN4 DIGIN5 C0443 Fig. 3−135 Freely assignable digital inputs (DIGIN) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze DIGIN−CINH − − − − Controller inhibit acts directly on the DCTRL control DIGIN1 C0443 − − − −…

  • Page 214: Freely Assignable Digital Outputs (Digout)

    DIGOUT3 C0117/3 DIGOUT4 C0117/4 C0444/1 C0444/2 C0444/3 C0444/4 Fig. 3−136 Freely assignable digital outputs (DIGOUT) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze DIGOUT1 C0444/1 C0117/1 15000 − DIGOUT2 C0444/2 C0117/2 10650 − DIGOUT3 C0444/3 C0117/3 − DIGOUT4 C0444/4…

  • Page 215: Free Analog Display Code (Disa)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.34 Free analog display code (DISA) 3.5.34 Free analog display code (DISA) One function block (DISA) is available. Purpose Display analog values in the following formats: Analog (%) Decimal (dec) Hexadecimal (hex) DISA DISA-IN1 C1690/1 C1691/1 C1692/1 C1693/1 DISA-IN2 C1690/2 C1691/2 C1692/2 C1693/2…

  • Page 216
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.34 Free analog display code (DISA) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List C1691/6 dec [%] C1692/6 DISA−IN6 C1690/6 − C1693/6 C1691/7 dec [%] C1692/7 DISA−IN7 C1690/7 − C1693/7 C1691/8 dec [%] C1692/8 DISA−IN8 C1690/8 −…
  • Page 217: Free Phase Display Code (Disph)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.35 Free phase display code (DISPH) 3.5.35 Free phase display code (DISPH) One function block (DISPH) is available. Purpose Display phase values. DISPH DISPH-IN1 C1695/1 C1696/1 DISPH-IN2 C1695/2 C1696/2 DISPH-IN3 C1695/3 C1696/3 DISPH-IN4 C1695/4 C1696/4 DISPH-IN5 C1695/5 C1696/5 DISPH-IN6…

  • Page 218: First Order Derivative−Action Element (Dt1)

    ±199.99 % DT1-1-IN DT1-1-OUT C0652 C0654 fb_dt1−1 Fig. 3−139 First order derivative−action element (DT1−1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze DT1−1−IN C0654 dec [%] C0652 1000 − DT1−1−OUT − − − − − Limited to ±199.99 % Function The gain is set under C0650.

  • Page 219: Free Piece Counter (Fcnt)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.37 Free piece counter (FCNT) 3.5.37 Free piece counter (FCNT) Purpose Digital up/down counter F C N T 1 C 1 1 0 0 F C N T 1 — O U T F C N T 1 — C L K U P C 1 1 0 2 / 1 C 1 1 0 4 / 1 F C N T 1 — C L K D W N…

  • Page 220
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.37 Free piece counter (FCNT) FCNT3 FCNT-Modus C1110 FCNT3-CLKUP FCNT3-OUT C1112/1 C1114/1 FCNT3-CLKDWN C1112/2 C1114/2 CTRL FCNT3-EQUAL FCNT3-LD-VAL C1111/1 C1113/1 FCNT3-LOAD C1112/3 C1114/3 FCNT3-CMP-VAL C1111/2 C1113/2 Fig. 3−143 Free piece counter (FCNT3) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List…
  • Page 221: Free Digital Outputs (Fdo)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.38 Free digital outputs (FDO) 3.5.38 Free digital outputs (FDO) Purpose This function block can be used to connect digital signals via C0151, the function block AIF−OUT and function block CAN−OUT to the connected fieldbus systems. FDO-0 C0116/1 FDO-1…

  • Page 222
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.38 Free digital outputs (FDO) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze FDO−0 C0151 C0116/1 1000 FDO−1 C0151 C0116/2 1000 FDO−2 C0151 C0116/3 1000 FDO−3 C0151 C0116/4 1000 FDO−4 C0151 C0116/5 1000 FDO−5 C0151…
  • Page 223: Freely Assignable Input Variables (Fevan)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) Purpose Transfer of analog signals to any code. At the same time, the FB converts the signal into the data format of the target code. C1091 FEVAN1 C1095…

  • Page 224
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List FEVAN2−IN C1508 C1506 Input value FEVAN2−LOAD C1509/1 C1507/1 A LOW−HIGH edge transmits the converted signal to the target code. FEVAN2−BUSY−IN C1509/2 C1507/2 HIGH = transmitting FEVAN2−FAIL−IN C1509/3…
  • Page 225
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List FEVAN4−IN C1528 C1526 Input value FEVAN4−LOAD C1529/1 C1527/1 A LOW−HIGH edge transmits the converted signal to the target code. FEVAN4−BUSY−IN C1529/2 C1527/2 HIGH = transmitting FEVAN4−FAIL−IN C1529/3…
  • Page 226
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List FEVAN6−IN C1548 C1546 Input value FEVAN6−LOAD C1549/1 C1547/1 A LOW−HIGH edge transmits the converted signal to the target code. FEVAN6−BUSY−IN C1549/2 C1547/2 HIGH = transmitting FEVAN6−FAIL−IN C1549/3…
  • Page 227
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) Cyclic data transmission C 1 0 9 1 F E V A N 1 C 1 0 9 2 C 1 0 9 5 C o d e / S u b c o d e F E V A N 1 — I N C 1 0 9 3 C 1 0 9 6…
  • Page 228
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) Example 1 (only for FIX32 format with % scaling): F E V A N 1 C 1 0 9 1 C 1 0 9 5 C 1 0 9 2 C o d e / S u b c o d e F E V A N 1 — I N C 1 0 9 3…
  • Page 229
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.39 Freely assignable input variables (FEVAN) Example 2 (only for FIX32 format without % scaling): Task: C0473/1 = 1000. Write this value to C0011. Configuration: Connect FEVAN1−IN (C1096) with FCODE−473/1 (19551). Connect FEVAN1−LOAD (C1097/1) with FCODE−471.B0 (19521). Parameter setting: Set C1091 = 11 (¢…
  • Page 230: Fixed Setpoints (Fixset)

    C0564/4 Fig. 3−154 Fixed setpoint (FIXSET1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze FIXSET1−AIN C0563 dec [%] C0561 1000 The input is switched to the output if a LOW level is applied to all selection inputs FIXSET−INx. FIXSET1−IN1*1…

  • Page 231
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.40 Fixed setpoints (FIXSET) Release of the FIXSET1 setpoints Number of the fixed setpoints required Number of inputs to be assigned at least 1 1 … 3 at least 2 4 … 7 at least 3 8 …
  • Page 232: Flipflop Element (Flip)

    FLIP1-CLK C0771 C0773/2 FLIP1-CLR C0772 C0773/3 Fig. 3−155 Flipflop element (FLIP1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze FLIP1−D C0773/1 C0770 1000 − FLIP1−CLK C0773/2 C0771 1000 Evaluates LOW−HIGH edges only FLIP1−CLR C0773/3 C0772 1000 Evaluates the input level only: input has highest priority FLIP1−OUT…

  • Page 233
    C1060/2 C1061/2 FLIP3−CLR C1060/3 C1061/3 FB_flip3 Fig. 3−157 Flipflop element (FLIP3) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze FLIP3−D C1061/1 C1060/1 1000 − FLIP3−CLK C1061/2 C1060/2 1000 Evaluates LOW−HIGH edges only FLIP3−CLR C1061/3 C1060/3 1000 Evaluates the input level only: input has highest priority FLIP3−OUT…
  • Page 234
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.41 Flipflop element (FLIP) Function FLIPx−D FLIPx−CLK FLIPx−OUT Fig. 3−159 Function sequence of a flipflop The input FLIPx−CLR always has priority. If a HIGH level is applied at the input FLIPx−CLR, the output FLIPx−OUT is set to and maintained at a LOW level al long as this input is at a HIGH level.
  • Page 235: Limiting Element (Lim)

    C0630 LIM1-IN LIM1-OUT C0632 C0633 C0631 Fig. 3−160 Limiting element (LIM1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze LIM1−IN1 C0633 dec [%] C0632 1000 − LIM1−OUT − − − − − − Function If the input signal exceeds the upper limit (C0630), the upper limit is effective.

  • Page 236: Internal Motor Control (Mctrl)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Purpose This function block controls the drive machine consisting of angle controller, speed controller, and motor control. MCTRL DCTRL-QSP > – MCTRL-QSP-OUT MCTRL-QSP C0900 C0042 MCTRL-NSET2 C0907/3 MCTRL-HI-M-LIM C0050…

  • Page 237
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze MCTRL−PHI−SET C0908 dec [inc] C0894 1000 Angle controller input for difference of setpoint angle to actual angle MCTRL−N−SET C0906/1 dec [%] C0890…
  • Page 238
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Function Current controller Torque limitation Additional torque setpoint Speed controller Torque control with speed limitation Speed setpoint limitation Angle controller Quick stop QSP Field weakening Switching frequency changeover Current controller Adapt current controller via C0075 (proportional gain) and C0076 (reset time) to the machine connected.
  • Page 239
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Torque limitation Via the inputs MCTRL−LO−M−LIM and MCTRL−HI−M−LIM an external torque limitation can be set. This serves to set different torques for the quadrants «driving» and «braking». MCTRL−HI−M−LIM is the upper torque limit in [%] of the max. possible torque (C0057). MCTRL−LO−M−LIM is the lower torque limit in [%] of the max.
  • Page 240
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Speed controller The speed controller is designed as an ideal PID controller. Parameter setting If you select a motor via C0086, the parameters are preset so that only a few (if any) adaptations to the application are necessary.
  • Page 241
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Torque control with speed limitation This function is activated with MCTRL−N/M−SWT = HIGH. A second speed controller (auxiliary speed controller) is connected for the speed limitation. MCTRL−M−ADD acts as bipolar torque setpoint. The n−controller 1 is used to create the upper speed limit.
  • Page 242
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Angle controller The angle controller is required to achieve angular synchronism and drift−free standstill. Note! Select a configuration with digital frequency coupling in C0005 since this serves to link all important signals automatically. On this basis the system can be optimised. Activating the angle controller 1.
  • Page 243
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Quick stop QSP The QSP function is used to stop the drive within an adjustable time independently of the setpoint selection. The QSP function is active if the input MCTRL−QSP is triggered with HIGH. if the controller is triggered via the control words (DCTRL).
  • Page 244
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.43 Internal motor control (MCTRL) Field weakening The field weakening range does not need to be set if the motor type has been set in C0086. In this case all settings required are made automatically. The motor is operated in the field weakening mode the output voltage of the controller exceeds the rated motor voltage set in C0090, the controller cannot increase the output voltage with rising speed any more because of the mains voltage / DC−bus voltage.
  • Page 245: Motor Phase Failure Detection (Mlp)

    Motor phase failure detection (MLP) Purpose Motor phase monitoring. MLP1 Fig. 3−162 Motor phase failure detection (MLP1) Code Possible settings Important Lenze Selection C0597 MONIT LP1 Trip Conf. LP1 Warning Configuration of motor phase failure monitoring C0599 LIMIT LP 1 {0.1}…

  • Page 246: Monitor Outputs Of Monitoring System (Monit)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.45 Monitor outputs of monitoring system (MONIT) 3.5.45 Monitor outputs of monitoring system (MONIT) Purpose The monitoring functions output digital monitor signals. MONIT nErr FB_monit Fig. 3−163 Monitor outputs of the monitoring system (MONIT) Function The MONIT outputs switch to HIGH level if one of the monitoring functions responds. The digital monitor signals respond dynamically, i.e.

  • Page 247
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.45 Monitor outputs of monitoring system (MONIT) MONIT outputs MONIT output Description Communication error − automation interface (AIF) Communication error − process data input object CAN1_IN Communication error − process data input object CAN2_IN Communication error − process data input object CAN3_IN BUS−OFF state of system bus (CAN) External monitoring, triggered via DCTRL Internal fault (memory)
  • Page 248: Motor Potentiometer (Mpot)

    MPOT1-OUT C0268 CRTL C0269/3 C0263 MPOT1-DOWN C0261 C0267/2 C0269/2 Fig. 3−164 Motor potentiometer (MPOT1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze MPOT1−UP C0269/1 C0267/1 1000 − MPOT1−INACT C0269/3 C0268 1000 − MPOT1−DOWN C0269/2 C0267/2 1000 − MPOT1−OUT −…

  • Page 249
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.46 Motor potentiometer (MPOT) C0260 MPOT1−OUT − C0261 MPOT1−UP MPOT1−DOWN Fig. 3−165 Control signals of the motor potentiometer In addition to the digital signals MPOT1−UP and MPOT1−DOWN another digital input exists (MPOT1−INACT). The input MPOT1−INACT is used to activate or deactivate the motor potentiometer function.
  • Page 250
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.46 Motor potentiometer (MPOT) C0264 = Meaning No further action; the output MPOT1−OUT keeps its value The motor potentiometer returns to 0 % with the corresponding deceleration time The motor potentiometer approaches the lower limit value with the corresponding deceleration time (C0261) (Important for EMERGENCY−OFF function) The motor potentiometer immediately changes its output to 0%.
  • Page 251: Logic Not

    Logic inversion of digital signals. The inversion can be used to control functions or generate status information. NOT1 NOT1-IN NOT1-OUT C0840 C0841 Fig. 3−167 Logic NOT (NOT1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze NOT1−IN C0841 C0840 1000 − NOT1−OUT − − − − − − NOT2 NOT2-IN NOT2-OUT…

  • Page 252
    Function blocks 3.5.47 Logic NOT NOT4 NOT4-IN NOT4-OUT C0846 C0847 Fig. 3−170 Logic NOT (NOT4) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze NOT4−IN C0847 C0846 1000 − NOT4−OUT − − − − − − NOT5 NOT5-IN NOT5-OUT C0848 C0849 Fig.
  • Page 253: Speed Setpoint Conditioning (Nset)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.48 Speed setpoint conditioning (NSET) 3.5.48 Speed setpoint conditioning (NSET) Purpose This FB conditions the main speed setpoint and an additional setpoint (or other signals as well) for the following control structure via ramp function generator or fixed speeds. N S E T — C I N H — V A L N S E T C 0 7 8 4…

  • Page 254
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.48 Speed setpoint conditioning (NSET) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze NSET−N C0046 dec [%] C0780 Intended for main setpoint, other signals are permissible NSET−NADD C0047 dec [%] C0782 5650 Intended for additional setpoint, other signals are permissible NSET−JOG*1…
  • Page 255
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.48 Speed setpoint conditioning (NSET) JOG setpoints Are fixed values which are stored in the memory. JOG values can be called from the memory via the inputs NSET−JOG*x. The inputs NSET−JOG*x are binary coded so that 15 JOG values can be called. The decoding for enabling the JOG values (called from the memory) is carried out according to the following table: Output signal…
  • Page 256
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.48 Speed setpoint conditioning (NSET) Setpoint inversion The output signal of the JOG function is led via an inverter. The sign of the setpoint is inverted, if the input NSET−N−INV is triggered with HIGH signal. Ramp function generator for the main setpoint The setpoint is then led via a ramp function generator with linear characteristic.
  • Page 257
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.48 Speed setpoint conditioning (NSET) Priorities: CINH NSET−LOAD NSET−RFG−0 NSET−RFG−STOP Function RFG follows the input value via the set ramps The value at the output of RFG is frozen RFG decelerates to zero along the set deceleration time RFG accepts the value applied to input NSET−SET and provides it at its output RFG accepts the value applied to input CINH−VAL and provides it at its…
  • Page 258: Or Operation (Or)

    C0830/1 C0831/1 OR1-IN2 OR1-OUT C0830/2 C0831/2 OR1-IN3 C0830/3 C0831/3 Fig. 3−175 OR operation (OR1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze OR1−IN1 C0831/1 C0830/1 1000 − OR1−IN2 C0831/2 C0830/2 1000 − OR1−IN3 C0831/3 C0830/3 1000 − OR1−OUT −…

  • Page 259
    C0834/1 C0835/1 OR3-IN2 OR3-OUT C0834/2 C0835/2 OR3-IN3 C0834/3 C0835/3 Fig. 3−177 OR operation (OR3) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze OR3−IN1 C0835/1 C0834/1 1000 − OR3−IN2 C0835/2 C0834/2 1000 − OR3−IN3 C0835/3 C0834/3 1000 − OR3−OUT −…
  • Page 260
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.49 OR operation (OR) Function ORx−IN1 ORx−IN2 ORx−IN3 ORx−OUT The function corresponds to a connection in parallel of NO contacts in a contactor control. ORx−IN1 ORx−IN2 ORx−IN3 ORx−OUT Fig. 3−180 Function of the OR operation as a parallel connection of NO contacts. Tip! If only two inputs are needed, use the inputs ORx−IN1 and ORx−IN2.
  • Page 261: Oscilloscope Function (Osz)

    C0735 C0741 C0744 C0736 C0737 C0749 fb_osz Fig. 3−181 Oscilloscope function (OSZ) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze OSZ CHANNEL1 − − C0732/1 − − OSZ CHANNEL2 − − C0732/2 − − OSZ CHANNEL3 − − C0732/3 −…

  • Page 262
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.50 Oscilloscope function (OSZ) Functional description Function Code Selection Description OSZ mode Controls the measurement in the controller · C0730 Starts the recording of the measured values · Cancels a running measurement OSZ status Displays five different operating states ·…
  • Page 263
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.50 Oscilloscope function (OSZ) Function Code Selection Description Trigger delay The trigger delay defines when to begin with the saving of the measured values with regard to the trigger time. −100.0 % … 0 % · C0737 Negative trigger delay (pre−triggering) –…
  • Page 264
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.50 Oscilloscope function (OSZ) Function Code Selection Description Memory size C0744 0 … 6 Set memory depth of the data memory – Max. size of the data memory: 8192 measured values ¢ 16384 bytes (C0744 = 6) –…
  • Page 265: Process Controller (Pctrl1)

    Fig. 3−184 Process controller (PCTRL1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze PCTRL1−SET C0808/1 dec [%] C0800 1000 Input of the process setpoint. Possible value range: ±200%. The time characteristic of step−change signals can be affected via the ramp function generator (C0332 for the acceleration time;…

  • Page 266
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.51 Process controller (PCTRL1) Control characteristic In the default setting, the PID algorithm is active. The D−component can be deactivated by setting code C0224 to zero. Thus, the controller becomes a PI−controller (or P−controller if the I−component is also switched off). The I−component can be switched on or off online via the PCTRL−I−OFF input.
  • Page 267
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.51 Process controller (PCTRL1) Ramp function generator The setpoint PCTRL−SET is led via a ramp function generator with linear characteristic. Thus, setpoint step−changes at the input can be transformed into a ramp. RFG−OUT 100 % t ir t if T ir…
  • Page 268: Signal Adaptation For Angle Signals (Phdiv)

    PHDIV1-OUT C0996 C0995 C0997 Fig. 3−188 Signal adaptation for angle signals (PHDIV1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze PHDIV1−IN C0997 dec [inc] C0996 1000 PHDIV1−OUT − − − − − 65536 inc = one encoder revolution Function Arithmetic function: PHDIV1−OUT + PHDIV1−IN…

  • Page 269: Phase Integrator (Phint)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.53 Phase integrator (PHINT) 3.5.53 Phase integrator (PHINT) Purpose Integrates a speed or a velocity to a phase (distance). The integrator can maximally accept ±32000 encoder revolutions. PHINT3 can recognise a relative distance. P H I N T 1 P H I N T 1 — I N P H I N T 1 — O U T C 0 9 9 0…

  • Page 270
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.53 Phase integrator (PHINT) Constant input value P H I N T 3 — O U T + 3 2 7 6 7 r e v . + C 1 1 5 1 — C 1 1 5 1 — 3 2 7 6 7 r e v .
  • Page 271
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.53 Phase integrator (PHINT) Scaling of PHINTx−OUT Mathematic description of PHINTx−OUT: PHINTx–OUT[inc] + PHINTx–IN[rpm] @ t[s] @ 65536[inc Umdr.] t = integration time Example: You want to determine the count of the integrator with a certain speed at the input and a certain integration time.
  • Page 272: Delay Element (Pt1−1)

    PT1-1 C0640 PT1-1-IN PT1-1-OUT C0641 C0642 Fig. 3−191 Delay element (PT1−1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze PT1−1−IN C0642 dec [%] C0641 1000 − PT1−1−OUT − − − − − − Function The delay time T is set under C0640.

  • Page 273: Cw/Ccw/Qsp Linking (R/L/Q)

    R/L/Q C0889/1 R/L/Q-QSP R/L/Q-R C0885 R/L/Q-R/L R/L/Q-L C0886 C0889/2 Fig. 3−193 CW/CCW/QSP linking (R/L/Q) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze R/L/Q−R C0889/1 C0885 − R/L/Q−L C0889/2 C0886 − R/L/Q−QSP − − − − − − R/L/Q−R/L −…

  • Page 274: Ramp Function Generator (Rfg)

    C0676/1 RFG1-SET C0674 C0676/2 RFG1-LOAD C0675 C0677 Fig. 3−194 Ramp function generator (RFG1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze RFG1−IN C0676/1 dec [%] C0673 1000 − RFG1−SET C0676/2 dec [%] C0674 1000 − RFG1−LOAD C0677 − C0675 1000 −…

  • Page 275
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.56 Ramp function generator (RFG) Calculation and setting of the times T and T The acceleration time and deceleration time refer to a change of the output value from 0 to 100 %. The times T and T to be set can be calculated as follows: RFG1−OUT…
  • Page 276: Sample And Hold Function (S&H)

    S&H C0570 C0572 S&H1-LOAD C0571 C0573 Fig. 3−196 Sample and hold function (S&H1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze S&H1−IN C0572 dec [%] C0570 1000 S&H1−LOAD C0573 C0571 1000 LOW = save S&H1−OUT − − − −…

  • Page 277: Angle Value Selection (Selph)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.58 Angle value selection (SELPH) 3.5.58 Angle value selection (SELPH) Two FBs (SELPH1, SELPH2) are available. Purpose Select one angle value from nine angle values and switch it to the output. SELPH1 SELPH1 FIXED0INC SELPH1-IN1 C1662/1 C1664/1 SELPH1-IN2 C1662/2…

  • Page 278
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.58 Angle value selection (SELPH) SELPH2 SELPH2 FIXED0INC SELPH2-IN1 C1667/1 C1669/1 SELPH2-IN2 C1667/2 C1669/2 SELPH2-IN3 C1667/3 C1669/3 SELPH2-IN4 C1667/4 C1669/4 SELPH2-OUT SELPH2-IN5 C1667/5 C1669/5 SELPH2-IN6 C1667/6 C1669/6 SELPH2-IN7 C1667/7 C1669/7 SELPH2-IN8 C1667/8 C1669/8 SELPH2-SELECT C1666 C1665 C1668 Fig.
  • Page 279: Switching Points (Sp)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) Two FBs (SP1, SP2) are available. Purpose Switches an output signal if the drive moves within a certain range (achieving a camgroup, triggering spray jets). VTPOS C1641/1 IN1-1 SP1-STAT1 C1641/2 IN1-2…

  • Page 280
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) VTPOS C1651/1 IN1-1 SP2-STAT1 C1655 C1651/2 IN1-2 C1657 C1658 C1659 C1651/3 IN2-1 SP2-STAT2 C1651/4 IN2-2 C1651/5 IN3-1 SP2-STAT3 C1651/6 IN3-2 C1651/7 IN4-1 SP2-STAT4 C1651/8 IN4-2 C1651/9 IN5-1 SP2-STAT5 C1651/10 IN5-2 SP2-STAT6 C1651/11 IN6-1 C1651/12 IN6-2…
  • Page 281
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) Switching points The switching points can be set in two ways: – Mode 1: Start and end point – Mode 2: Centre point with switching range The switching points are entered via the variable table VTPOS. –…
  • Page 282
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) Switch−on and switch−off positions depend on the travel direction: S P x — S T A T x H I G H L O W S P x — L — I N I N x — 1 I N x — 2 ( O N )
  • Page 283
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) Function library S P 2 — S T A T x H y s t e r e s i s H y s t e r e s i s C 1 6 5 8 C 1 6 5 8 H I G H ( p o s i t i v e h y s t e r e s i s )
  • Page 284
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) Positive dead time S P 2 — S T A T x H I G H ( p o s i t i v e d e a d t i m e ) d e a d d e a d L O W…
  • Page 285
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.59 Switching points (SP) Negative dead time S P 2 — S T A T x H I G H ( n e g a t i v e d e a d t i m e ) d e a d d e a d L O W…
  • Page 286: Output Of Digital Status Signals (Stat)

    Statusword DCTRL-WARN DCTRL-MESS STAT.B14 C0156/6 STAT.B15 C0156/7 Fig. 3−207 Output of digital status signals (STAT) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze STAT.B0 − C0156/1 2000 STAT.B2 − C0156/2 5002 STAT.B3 − C0156/3 5003 STAT.B4 − C0156/4 5050 STAT.B5…

  • Page 287: Control Of A Drive Network (State−Bus)

    − − Function The STATE−BUS is a device−specific bus system which is designed for Lenze controllers only. The function block STATE−BUS acts on the terminals X5/ST or reacts on a LOW signal at these terminals (multi−master capable). Every connected controller can set these terminals to LOW.

  • Page 288: Multi−Axis Synchronisation (Sync1)

    S Y N C 1 — O U T 3 C 1 1 2 6 C 1 1 2 9 C 0 3 6 3 Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze SYNC1−IN1 C1127 dec [inc] C1124 1000 − SYNC1−IN2 C1128 dec [inc] C1125 1000 −…

  • Page 289
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.62 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1) Synchronisation time In addition to certain mains connection and initialisation time of the controller, the FB SYNC1 also requires a synchronisation time. The synchronisation time depends on the baud rate of the system bus (CAN−SYNC), the starting time (reception of the first SYNC telegram / signal), the time between the SYNC telegrams, the SYNC correction factor (C0363),…
  • Page 290
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.62 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1) Axis synchronisation via system bus (CAN) The system bus (CAN) transmits the sync telegram and the process signals. Application examples: Selection of cyclic, synchronised position setpoint information for multi−axis positioning via the system bus (CAN).
  • Page 291
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.62 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1) Cycle times Sync cycle time (SYNC CYCLE) The master (e. g. PLC) sends the periodic sync telegram (sync signal The controllers (slaves) receive the sync telegram and compare the time between two LOW−HIGH edges of the signal with the selected cycle time (1121/1).
  • Page 292
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.62 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1) Interpolation cycle time (INTPOL. CYCLE) The FB interpolates the input signals (C1124, C1125, C1126) between the sync telegrams or sync signals and transmits them to the corresponding output. This ensures an optimum signal course with regard to the internal processing cycle (e.
  • Page 293
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.62 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1) Phase displacement Phase displacement for synchronisation via system bus (SYNC TIME) Code Value Function · 0 …10.000 ms C1122 C1120 = 1 – Phase displacement between the sync telegram and the start of the internal control program. –…
  • Page 294
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.62 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1) Correction value of the phase controller Code Value Function · C0363 1 … 5 Correction values for C0363 = 1 ® 0.8 ms 2 ® 1.6 ms 3 ® 2.4 ms 4 ®…
  • Page 295
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.62 Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC1) Configuration examples Configuration example CAN−SYNC Observe the following order for commissioning: Step Where Operation − Commission controller and system bus without FB SYNC1 − Inhibit controller CAN master Define the sequence of the telegrams 1.
  • Page 296: Teach−In In Programming (Teach)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.63 Teach−in in programming (TEACH) 3.5.63 Teach−in in programming (TEACH) A function block (TEACH1) is available. Purpose Accepting actual position values and saving them in the VTPOS table. These values are then available as position setpoints. TEACH1 VTPOS VTPOS-No 71…

  • Page 297
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.63 Teach−in in programming (TEACH) Function The FB accepts a value (e.g. actual position) at TEACH1−L−IN. A LOW HIGH edge at TEACH1−SET transmits the value TEACH1−L−IN to the selected table position in VTPOS. A LOW−HIGH edge at TEACH−NEXT selects the next table position. –…
  • Page 298: Edge Evaluation (Trans)

    This function is used to evaluate digital signal edges and convert them into pulses of a defined duration. TRANS1 C0710 C0711 TRANS1-IN TRANS1-OUT C0713 C0714 Fig. 3−213 Edge evaluation (TRANS1) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List Lenze TRANS1−IN C0714 C0713 1000 − TRANS1−OUT − − − − − − TRANS2 C0715 C0716 TRANS2-IN TRANS2-OUT…

  • Page 299
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.64 Edge evaluation (TRANS) Evaluate positive edge TRANS1−IN C0711 C0711 TRANS1−OUT Fig. 3−215 Evaluation of positive edges (TRANS1) The output TRANSx−OUT is set to HIGH as soon as a LOW−HIGH edge is sent to the input. After the time set under C0711 or C0716 has elapsed, the output changes again to LOW unless there is another LOW−HIGH edge at the input.
  • Page 300
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.64 Edge evaluation (TRANS) Evaluate positive or negative edge TRANS1−IN C0711 C0711 TRANS1−OUT Fig. 3−217 Evaluation of positive and negative edges (TRANS1) The output TRANSx−OUT is set to HIGH as soon as a HIGH−LOW edge or a LOW−HIGH edge is sent to the input.
  • Page 301: Variable Table − Acceleration (Vtacc)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.65 Variable table − acceleration (VTACC) 3.5.65 Variable table − acceleration (VTACC) One function block (VTACC) is available. Purpose Stores the values for acceleration and deceleration. They serve as acceleration and deceleration ramps in the positioning program. VTACC VTACC-OUT1 VTACC-No 1…

  • Page 302
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.65 Variable table − acceleration (VTACC) Function A total of 34 table positions is available. Enter fixed values under C1303. – 30 table positions (VTACC−No1 … VTACC−No30) are available. – Subcodes (C1303/1 … C1303/30) define the table position number. Enter variable values in VTACC−INx.
  • Page 303: Variable Table Piece Number (Vtpcs)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.66 Variable table Piece number (VTPCS) 3.5.66 Variable table Piece number (VTPCS) One function block FB (VTPCS) is available. Purpose Stores setpoint piece numbers. They are used as comparison values for the piece number function in the program processing. VTPCS VTPCS-OUT1 C1304/1…

  • Page 304
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.66 Variable table Piece number (VTPCS) Function A total of 34 table positions are available. Enter fixed values under C1304. – 30 table positions (VTPCS−No1 … VTPCS−No30) are available. – Subcodes (C1304/1 … C1304/30) define the table position number. Enter variable values in VTPCS−INx.
  • Page 305: Variable Table − Target Position/Position Values (Vtpos)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.67 Variable table − target position/position values (VTPOS) 3.5.67 Variable table − target position/position values (VTPOS) One function block (VTPOS) is available. Purpose Stores values for target positions (position values): They serve as target positions in the positioning program or comparison values for SP1 and SP2.

  • Page 306
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.67 Variable table − target position/position values (VTPOS) Signal Source Note Name Type DIS format List VTPOS−IN1 C1351/1 dec [inc] C1350/1 − VTPOS−IN2 C1351/2 dec [inc] C1350/2 − VTPOS−IN3 C1351/3 dec [inc] C1350/3 − VTPOS−IN4 C1351/4 dec [inc] C1350/4 −…
  • Page 307: Variable Table Waiting Time (Vttime)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.68 Variable table Waiting time (VTTIME) 3.5.68 Variable table Waiting time (VTTIME) One function block (VTTIME) is available. Purpose Store values for waiting times. They are used as delays for the function «Waiting time» in the positioning program.

  • Page 308
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.68 Variable table Waiting time (VTTIME) Function A total of 34 table positions are available. Enter fixed time value under C1305. – 30 table positions (VTTIME−No1 … VTTIME−No30) are available. – Subcodes (C1305/1 … C1305/30) define the table position number. Enter variable time values under VTTIME−INx.
  • Page 309: Variable Table − Speed (Vtvel)

    Function library Function blocks 3.5.69 Variable table − speed (VTVEL) 3.5.69 Variable table − speed (VTVEL) One function block (VTVEL) is available. Purpose Stores values for traversing and final speeds. They serve as setpoint speeds in the positioning program. VTVEL VTVEL-OUT1 VTVEL-No 1 C1302/1…

  • Page 310
    Function library Function blocks 3.5.69 Variable table − speed (VTVEL) Function A total of 34 table positions is available. Enter fixed setpoints under C1302. – 30 table positions (VTVEL−No1 … VTVEL−No30) are available. – Subcodes (C1302/1 … C1302/30) define the table position number. Enter variable setpoints under VTVEL−INx.
  • Page 311: Application Examples

    Application examples Application examples Contents Example 1: Dosing system …………4−3 Example 2: Spray nozzle control .

  • Page 312
    Application examples 4−2 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 313: Example 1: Dosing System

    Application examples Example 1: Dosing system Example 1: Dosing system The «Dosing system» application example describes different filling stations of a packaging machine. The containers of these machine parts are to be filled using the least amount of space or the shortest possible time.

  • Page 314
    Application examples Example 1: Dosing system 8 9 10 9300pos057 Fig. 4−2 Travel profiles and entry via the dialog boxes in GDC 4−4 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 315
    Application examples Example 1: Dosing system Travel profiles Time Description 1, 6 Container has almost reached the target position · Brake feed 2, 7 Container in target position · Start filling (observe dead time) 5, 10 Filling completed · Start feed, filled container leaves positioning sensor, empty container is positioned Dosing drive B Time Description…
  • Page 316
    Application examples Example 1: Dosing system Basis: Basic configuration 20200 Terminal assignment Inputs Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Outputs Function X5/E1 Manual jog in negative direction X5/A1 Reference known X5/E2 Manual jog in positive direction X5/A2 Setpoint position reached X5/E3 Program start PS function (PFI 31)
  • Page 317: Example 2: Spray Nozzle Control

    Application examples Example 2: Spray nozzle control Example 2: Spray nozzle control The combination of the spray nozzle control and the positioning of the workpiece are required for printing machines and painting equipment. Previously a cam controller was used. However, mechanical inaccuracies and wear often led to bad results.

  • Page 318
    Application examples Example 2: Spray nozzle control Basis: Basic configuration 22000 Terminal assignment Inputs Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Outputs Function X5/E1 Limit switch negative External setpoint off X5/A1 Reference known traversing direction X5/E2 Limit switch positive External setpoint off X5/A2 Setpoint position reached traversing direction…
  • Page 319
    Application examples Example 2: Spray nozzle control Adaptation to the example by extending the basic configuration Please establish the following connections: ´ DIGOUT 1 (terminal X5/A1 SP1−STAT1 ´ DIGOUT 2 (terminal X5/A2 SP1−STAT2 Please observe: Description of the function block SP1 GDC mask (if the program is used) Operating Instructions/Manual: Chapter ’Commissioning’…
  • Page 320: Example 3: Path Control

    Application examples Example 3: Path control Example 3: Path control Path control is an interesting solution for warehousing and complex transport tasks. These motion sequences often require complicated and expensive control systems.Thanks to the different function blocks, such as AND, OR, NOR elements, the servo position controller is able to perform a variety of functions and features.

  • Page 321
    Application examples Example 3: Path control Basis: Basic configuration 26000 Terminal assignment Inputs Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Outputs Function X5/E1 Negative manual jog External setpoint off X5/A1 Synchronisation status X5/E2 Positive manual jog External setpoint off X5/A2 Following error 1 X5/E3 Program start Actual position =…
  • Page 322
    Application examples Example 3: Path control Adaptation to the example by extending the basic configuration Please establish the following connections: ´ POS−MANU−NEG CAN−IN2.B9 ´ POS−MANU−POS CAN−IN2.B10B1 ´ OR1−IN1 FIXED0 ´ OR1−IN2 FIXED0 ´ POS−LIM−NEG DIGIN1 ´ POS−LIM−POS DIGIN2 ´ POS−MANUAL CAN−IN2.B11 ´…
  • Page 323: Commissioning Of The Path Control

    Application examples Example 3: Path control 4.3.1 Commissioning of the path control Fig. 4−5 Example of a travel profile How to commission the system bus (CAN) Control: slave 1 (drive X) – Node addresses: C0350 = 1 – Position setpoint on bytes 1 to 4 (see description CAN−IN3) –…

  • Page 324
    Application examples Example 3: Path control Telegram sequence – Send new position setpoint to slave 1, slave 2 and slave 3 – Send sync telegram – All slaves reply with CAN−OUT1 Fig. 1 Sequence of communication between master and slaves Character Explanation Response of the controller (CAN−IN1)
  • Page 325: Appendix

    Appendix Appendix Contents Glossary …………..5−3 5.1.1 Terminology and abbreviations used…

  • Page 326
    Appendix 5−2 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 327: Glossary

    (e. g. C0404/2 = subcode 2 of code C0404) DC current or DC voltage Deutsches Institut für Normung(German Institute for Standardization) Drive Lenze controller in combination with a geared motor, a three−phase AC motor, and other Lenze drive components Electromagnetic compatibility European standard…

  • Page 328
    Appendix Glossary Controller output power [kVA] DC supply voltage Underwriters Laboratories Output voltage Mains voltage mains Verband deutscher Elektrotechniker (Association of German Electrical Engineers) Xk/y Terminal y on terminal strip Xk (e. g. X5/28 = terminal 28 on terminal strip X5) 5−4 EDSVS9332P−EXT DE 2.0…
  • Page 329: Index

    Appendix Index Index Absolute value encoder, 3−38 Dead band(DB), 3−159 Absolute value generation (ABS), 3−95 Definition of notes used, 1−6 Acceleration and deceleration times, 2−7 Definitions, Terms, 5−3 − additional, 2−7 Delay element (PT1−1), 3−244 Addition block (ADD), 3−96 Delay elements (DIGDEL), 3−182 Additional setpoint, 2−7 , 3−229 Derivative−action element (DT1), 3−190 −…

  • Page 330
    Appendix Index Function blocks, 3−5 , 3−95 − Motor potentiometer (MPOT), 3−220 − Multi−axis synchronisation (SYNC), 3−260 − absolute value generation (ABS), 3−95 − Names, 3−6 − Addition block (ADD), 3−96 − OR operation (OR), 3−230 − analog input (AIN), 3−102 −…
  • Page 331
    Appendix Index JOG setpoint, 2−6 Phase conversion (CONVPHPH2), 3−155 JOG setpoints, 3−227 Phase integrator (PHINT), 3−241 − constant input value, 3−242 − Scaling of PHINTx−OUT, 3−243 POS−REF−OK, 3−48 Limiting element (LIM), 3−207 Position encoder at material path, 3−28 Logic NOT, 3−223 Positioning control, 3−19 Positioning mode, Relative positioning, 3−30 Process controller (PCTRL1)
  • Page 332
    Appendix Index Speed control, 2−6 Switching frequency changeover, 3−216 − acceleration and deceleration times, 2−7 System bus (CAN−IN), 3−132 − additional acceleration and deceleration times, 2−7 System bus (CAN−OUT), 3−133 − additional setpoint, 2−7 − additional torque setpoint, 2−9 − controller inhibit, 2−10 −…
  • Page 334
    © 03/2012 Lenze Automation GmbH Service Lenze Service GmbH Hans−Lenze−Str. 1 Breslauer Straße 3 D−31855 Aerzen D−32699 Extertal Germany Germany +49 (0)51 54 / 82−0 00 80 00 / 24 4 68 77 (24 h helpline) Ê Ê +49 (0)51 54 / 82 − 28 00 +49 (0)51 54 / 82−11 12…



9300 Vector инверторы

Частотные преобразователи для комплексных приложений, диапазон мощности: 0.37 — 90 кВт

9300 vector диапазон частотных преобразователей также идеально подходит для комплексных приложений, как например установок дозирования, наполнения и регулирования прямого действия, а также для приводов-намотчиков. Использование свободно связываемых функциональных блоков означает, что дополнительные функции управления и регулирования могут быть также реализованы — как в PLC — наряду фактическим приводным заданием. Это снижает загрузку систем управления высокого уровня, что в некоторых случаях может позволить их исключение из работы.

Удобный пользовательский интерфейс упрощает управление. Пред настроенные базовые конфигурации ускоряют процесс ввода в эксплуатацию. Высокий уровень стандартного оборудования и портфолио соответствующих аксессуаров — как например, коммуникационных модулей — дополняют предложение в диапазоне мощности от 0.37 до 90 кВт.

Устройства опционально доступны с встроенной функцией «Безопасное отключение момента».

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9300 Vector инверторы

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