Line 6 helix lt инструкция на русском

инструкцияLine 6 Helix LT




A guide to the features and functionality of the Line 6 HX Edit application

Rev. W (v3.60) © 2023 Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Посмотреть инструкция для Line 6 Helix LT бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории гитарные усилители, 5 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Line 6 Helix LT или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Line 6
гитарный усилитель
Руководство пользователя (PDF), Техническая спецификация (PDF)
Количество звуковых эффектов 104
Цвет товара Черный
Cкорость передачи данных 24 бит
Частота дискретизации 0 — 192 kHz
Количество предустановок пользователя 1024
Звуковые эффекты Delay, Flanger/Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Reverberation
Материал Стальной
Тип источника питания Кабель переменного тока
Порты и интерфейсы
Технология подключения Проводная
Разъем питания Да
XLR выход 2
MIDI вход Да
MIDI выход Да
Количество портов USB 2.0 1
Порт выхода S/PDIF Да
6.35 мм (1/4 дюйма) выход 2
6.35 мм (1/4 дюйма) вход 1
Встроенный экран Да
Тип дисплея ЖК
Вес и размеры
Ширина 529.8 mm
Глубина 301.4 mm
Высота 91.6 mm
Вес 5669 g
Содержимое упаковки

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Line 6 Helix LT - Обзор гитарного процессора эффектов на базе Line 6 Helix но с некоторыми упрощениями гитарный процессор лайн 6 хеликс лт

Line 6 Helix LT – это немного упрощенный вариант нового гитарного процессора эффектов Line 6 Helix, однако обрезаны те функции которые многим могут быть и не нужны, например несколько выходов Send и Return не каждому необходимы. Line 6 Helix LT вобрал в себя все плюсы флагмана однако он на 1 кг легче и чуть компактнее.

Американская компания Line 6 анонсировала выпуск гитарного процессора мультиэффектов Helix LT, являющегося удешевлённым вариантом флагманской модели Helix. От неё новинка унаследовала передовую технологию моделирования «HX Modeling», а также двойной процессор DSP, чья внушительная вычислительная мощность позволяет максимально точно моделировать динамические характеристики ламповых усилителей, а не просто имитировать их звучание.

В плане функционала гитарный процессор Line 6 Helix LT фактически не уступает предшественнику, но стоит при этом на $500 меньше. Так чем же новый процессор отличается от топовой модели 2015 года выпуска? Во-первых, отсутствием графических дисплеев (LCD Scribble Strips) над футсвитчами. Во-вторых, несколько урезанными коммутационными возможностями (в частности, новинка лишена микрофонного входа с предусилителем, Aux-входа и цифрового интерфейса S/PDIF, а число разъёмов Send/Return тут уменьшено вдвое). В-третьих, корпусом, который выполнен не из экструдированного алюминия, а из стали. Есть между этими двумя продуктами и другие отличия, полный их список доступен здесь.

Ниже перечислены некоторые особенности гитарного процессора Line 6 Helix LT, идентичные старшей модели Helix:

Технические характеристики гитарного процессора LINE 6 HELIX LT:

62 модели усилителей, 37 моделей кабинетов, 16 моделей микрофонов и 104 эффекта;

цветной 6,2-дюймовый LCD-дисплей с разрешением 800 × 480 точек;

простой и интуитивно понятный пользовательский интерфейс;

12 чувствительных к касанию педальных переключателей с кольцевой LED-подсветкой;

режим “Pedal Edit”, позволяющий редактировать различные параметры без рук, используя ножные переключатели и педаль экспрессии;

гитарный вход с динамическим диапазоном 123 дБ и низким уровнем шума;

интерфейс VDI для подключения гитары Variax;

встроенный звуковой USB-интерфейс 24 бит/96 кГц;

гибкие возможности управления внешними устройствами по MIDI.

Приобрести Line 6 Helix LT можно уже сейчас по рекомендованной розничной цене $999,99.

Обзор №1

Уже не новость для всех, что отличия от флагмана не стоят $500, просто повод похлопать очередной раз маркетологам из л6.
ауксом в ПОДе я пользовался пару раз в жизни, когда дома с басистом разбирали партии. вход для плеера — по мне вообще дичь.
Если уж невтерпеж: стерео ретурн на борту — ю а велкам. А туева хуча сенд ретёрнов во флагмане аж пугают своей бессмысленностью, да и в весе почти кило прибавляют.
Единственное мне нравится во флагмане отдельная ручка громкости для наушников — реально вещь удобная, но с ее отсутствием в LT можно смериться с учетом цены.
Индивидуальные экранчики у кнопочек — удобно, но в LT версии неплохо решили этот вопрос специальным видом на экране:

Внешний вид флагмана крут, очень эффектное покрытие каким то вычурным алюминием — выглядит реально круто, у младшего брата Line 6 Helix LT суровая сталь — менее эффектно, но в тоже время минималистично. но какая же мерзкая педаль у флагмана, посоны, гляньте, и по форме и по текстуре…фу.
в целом внешне LT выглядит дорого, стильно. по этому показателю хедраш и акс-8 курят в сторонке точно.

Сегодня удалось часик поиграть на Line 6 Helix LT. Уже вдумчиво. Сначала подкрутил под себя заводской пресетик пресетик на базе 800 маршалла со скримером (гейна прибрал, и баса уменьшил), потом на радостях снял партии ритм-гитар с «Ребел Йелл» Билли Айдола. Хороший проц, нет ощущения для моих ушей, что играю в «бездушную цифру». Конечно, уши мои не золотые, и не ориентир для поколений

Да, надо при игре следить за звукоизвлечением, чуть не так медиатор повернул, чуть глубже утопил, чуть плавнее стукнул — все, звук нечеткий и нечОткий. В общем, пока я не могу отличить ощущения от игры в свои преампы и в хеликс.

Насчет того что все усилки в Хеликсе звучат в оконечник или комбик одинаково — совсем нет. Маршал от Месы вполне отличается, не говоря уж про всякие Воксы.
Вот только сейчас сравнивал ламповый предусилитель RnR SLLD + PWR150 с новым Line 6 Helix LT. В кабинет звучат оба отлично, ощущения при игре схожие. Понял что все таки Хеликс лучше в гитарный вход втыкать, а не в оконечник, по крайней мере в моей конфигурации. Если в оконечник напрямую, то нехватка низких почему то, не компенсируется настройками тембра.

Смотреть руководство для Line 6 Helix LT ниже. Все руководства на могут просматриваться абсолютно бесплатно. Нажав кнопку «Выбор языка» вы можете изменить язык руководства, которое хотите просмотреть.


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Line 6 Helix LT Owner's Manual PDF

Summary of Content for Line 6 Helix LT Owner’s Manual PDF


90-20-0451 — D (For use with Helix LT Firmware v3.00 2021 Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Contents Welcome to Helix LT 4 Whats In the Box? 4 Common Terminology 4 HX Edit Application 5 Updating Helix LT Firmware 5 Marketplace 6 Top Panel 7 Back Panel 9 Home > Signal Flow View 10 Home > Performance View 11

Quick Start 12 Setting Proper Output Levels 12 Selecting Presets and Setlists 13 Preset Footswitch Mode 13 Stomp Footswitch Mode 14 Snapshot Footswitch Mode 14 Pedal Edit Mode 15 Selecting Blocks/Adjusting Parameters 16 Bypassing a Block 16 Choosing a Blocks Model 16 Choosing an Input 17 Choosing an Output 17 Moving Blocks 18 Copying and Pasting a Block 18 Clearing a Block 18 Clearing All Blocks 18 Adding a Block to Favorites 19 Saving a Models User Default Settings 19 Saving/Naming a Preset 20 Creating/Restoring Full Device Backups 20 Serial vs. Parallel Routing 20 Removing Parallel Path B 21 Moving Split & Merge Blocks for More Parallel Routings 21 True Preset Spillover 23 Dynamic DSP 24 Block Order and Stereo Imaging 24 What is Variax? 25

The Blocks 26 Input 26 Output 27 L6 LINK — Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 Amp Options 27 Effects 29 Amp+Cab 35 Amp 37 Preamp 37 Cab 37 Impulse Response (IR) 39 Send/Return 40 Looper 41 Split 43 Merge 44 Block Level Indicators and Meters 44

Tuner 46 Tuner Settings 46

Snapshots 47 Using Snapshots 48 Copying/Pasting a Snapshot 49 Swapping Snapshots 49 Customizing a Snapshot Footswitch Name & Color 49 Saving Snapshots 50 Determining Snapshot Edit Behavior 50 Arranging Preset, Snapshot, and Stomp Switches 51

Bypass Assign 52 Quick Bypass Assign 52 Manual Bypass Assign 52 Customizing a Footswitch Label 53 Swapping Footswitches 54

Controller Assign 55 Quick Controller Assign 55 Manual Controller Assign 56 Clearing a Blocks Controller Assignment(s) 57 Clearing All Controller Assignments 57 Customizing a Controller Footswitch Label 57

Command Center 58 Assigning a Command 58 Copying and Pasting a Command 61 Copying and Pasting All Commands 62 Clearing a Command 62 Clearing All Commands 62 Customizing a Command Footswitch Label & Color 62

Global EQ 63 Resetting Global EQ 63

Global Settings 64 Resetting All Global Settings 64 Global Settings > Ins/Outs 65 Global Settings > Preferences 66 Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo 67 Global Settings > Footswitches 68 Global Settings > EXP Pedals 68 Global Settings > Displays 68

USB Audio 69 Hardware Monitoring vs. DAW Software Monitoring 70 DI Recording and Re-amplification 70 ASIO Driver Settings (Windows) 72 Core Audio Driver Settings (macOS) 72

MIDI 73 MIDI Bank/Program Changes 73 MIDI Clock Send and Receive 73 MIDI CC 73

2021 Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Line 6, the Line 6 logo, Helix, L6 LINK, DT25, DT50, M13, M9, M5, DL4, DM4, MM4, FM4, POD, POD Farm, Powercab, StageSource, Variax, Ampeg, SVT, and Portaflex are trademarks or registered trademarks of Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other jurisdictions. James Tyler is a registered trademark of James Tyler, used under license. Shuriken is a trademark or registered trademark of Shuriken Guitars Pty Ltd. in the U.S. and/or other jurisdictions and is used under license. Apple, Mac, macOS, iPad, iPhone, Logic, GarageBand, and iTunes are trademarks of Apple, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. YouTube is a trademark of Google, Inc. Cubase and VST are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Pro Tools is a registered trademark of Avid Technology, Inc. YouTube is a trademark of Google, Inc.

Suppliers Declaration of Conformity 47 CFR 2.1077 Compliance Information

Unique Identifier: Line 6 Helix LT

Responsible Party — U.S. Contact Information:

Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. 26580 Agoura Road Calabasas, CA 91302-1921

(818) 575-3600

FCC Compliance Statement:

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


Welcome to Helix LT Thank you for purchasing a Helix LT multi-effects pedal, one of the most powerful and flexible audio processors ever created. We hope it helps drive your search for tonal bliss and spawns years of creativity, both on stage and in the studio.

What Have I Gotten Myself Into? Although Helix LT may appear complicated at first glance, its designed in such a way that once you learn a few basic concepts and shortcuts, youll be able to construct both simple and complex tones at nearly the speed of thought, with very little menu diving required.

Although youre likely anxious to rip open the plastic and plug in, wait! At the very least, check out the Helix LT Cheat Sheet that came in the box, and keep it handy. Then read the Home > Performance View chapter of this manual, and well have you up and shredding in no time.

TIP: Be sure to also visit, where were always adding new video tutorials covering the latest Line 6 gear!

Whats In the Box? Line 6 Helix LT

Helix LT Cheat Sheet (read that one first!)

AC power cable

USB cable

Hex wrench for adjusting the expression pedals resistance

Warranty card

Common Terminology While reading this manual, you may encounter several unfamiliar terms. Its important to know what they mean. Dont worrytheres no math.

Home The Home screen is your primary workspace for creating and editing tones. If you ever get lost, press to return to the Home screen.

Block Blocks are objects that represent various elements of a preset, such as amps, cabs, effects, splits, loopers, inputs, outputs, and impulse responses.

Path A path represents the signal flow of your tone. Helix has two separate paths, 1 and 2, each with its own input(s) and output(s). Paths can be serial (single) or parallel (dual). Path 1 can be routed into path 2 for more sophisticated tones.

Preset A preset is your tone. It consists of all blocks on the Home screen, snapshots, footswitch assignments, controller assignments, and Com- mand Center messages.

Setlist A setlist is a collection of presets. Helix has eight setlists containing 128 presets each.

Model Each processing block can accommodate one model (or in some cases, two models). Helix includes over 80 guitar and bass amps, over 40 cabs, and over 220 effects models.

Controller Controllers are used to adjust various parameters in real-time. For example, the expression pedal can be used to control wah, or the tone knob on a Variax guitar can be used to control amp gain and reverb depth.

Send/ Return

Sends and Returns are used to connect additional equipment to Helix for effects loops or processing multiple instruments simultaneously. Helix LT has two mono sends and returns, which can also be paired for stereo operation.

IR IRs (Impulse Responses) are mathematical functions representing the sonic measurements of audio systems (for Helix, speaker cabinet and microphone combinations). Helix can store up to 128 custom or third- party IRs at a time. See Impulse Response (IR)

Variax Variax isnt just a great guitar; its special electronics recreate the sounds of other specific guitars and instruments and allow for instant retuning of each string. Helix and Variax communicate with one another in unique and powerful ways. See What is Variax?

L6 LINK L6 LINK provides easy, single-cable, digital audio connectivity and remote control ability between Helix and Line 6 Powercab active guitar speaker systems and DT-Series amplifiers. See L6 LINK — Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 Amp Options

FRFR FRFR (Full Range, Flat Response) speakers have the ability to amplify a modeler without adversely affecting its tone, ensuring great detail, a wide sweet spot, predictability, and consistency from studio to stage. You could almost think of FRFR monitors as very loud, gig-ready studio monitors.

DAW DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) refers to any computer (or iPad device) used for audio recording. The components of a DAW include an audio interface, audio recording software (such as Cubase, Logic, Garage- Band, Pro Tools, etc.), and monitoring system (amplifier & speakers or headphones). Helix functions as a high-performance USB 2.0 audio interface with all major DAW software — See USB Audio


Why does Helix LT sound [insert descriptor here]? Like most guitarists, youre probably used to the sound and feel of real tube amps. So are we. Musicians instinctually understand that a roaring 4×12 cab pointing at the back of their knees sounds and feels totally different from a pair of plastic PA speak- ers (or even high-quality studio monitors) pointing at their face. Yet some may blame their multieffects box for this disparity. Like any other device without built-in speakers, Helix LT is completely at the mercy of what you plug it into. Your playback system has a massive impact on the sound and feel of your tone, and if Helix appears to sound thin, tubby, boxy, harsh, dull, or some other less-than-ideal adjective, the first thing to scrutinize is your playback system.

Theres also nothing wrong with bypassing the Helix cab or IR blocks and running it into a flat power amp and real wooden cab; digital magic will never convince anyone their 6 computer speakers are a wall o stacks. Your tone is only as good as the weakest link in your chain, and understand that given identical playback systems, Helix amp modeling is designed to be virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

HX Edit Application Be sure to grab the free HX Edit application for Mac and PCavailable for download at

HX Edit is a full-featured editor and preset & IR librarian and allows you to easily create & restore full Helix device backups, as well as update your device to the latest firmware (also see next section). You can connect more than one Helix and/or HX device, and HX Edit will display a separate application window for each.

Preset Sharing with Helix/HX Devices & Helix Native Plugin All Helix and HX hardware and software live within the same ecosystem. Using multiple windows within HX Edit and/or multiple instances of the Helix Native plugin, both blocks and entire presets can be freely dragged and dropped or copied and pasted between units, with some restrictions. Please see the HX Edit and Helix Native Pilots Guides for specifics on preset compatibility.

Updating Helix LT Firmware If your Helix LT device is still running a previous firmware version, it is highly recom- mended to update to the latest available version, which can be accomplished easily using the Line 6 HX Edit application!

IMPORTANT! All presets saved and exported from earlier, Helix 2.xx firmware versions are fully compatible with firmware version 3.0. Please note, however, that presets saved and exported using Helix with firmware v3.0 will not be compatible with earlier firmware versions. We highly recommend using the HX Edit application to make backup copies of all your custom presets before updating to Helix firmware v3.0.

First, install the latest HX Edit software version on your Mac or PC (available at line6. com/software), connect Helix LT to your computers USB port, and HX Edit will check online and let you know if a newer firmware version is available. If so, HX Edit will then walk you through performing a full device backup and firmware update, all within min- utes. Please see the HX Edit Pilots Guide for full details.

Factory Presets Helix LT includes hundreds of factory presets to get you started, and we often tweak, replace, or otherwise update them with most firmware updates.

IMPORTANT! Because we never want to overwrite your own custom presets, firmware updates never automatically make new factory presets visible; you need to load them manually. Restoring factory setlists and presets will completely overwrite your own, so make sure theyre backed up first, using the backup function in HX Edit, as in the fol- lowing steps.

Restoring Factory Presets The following steps will overwrite and replace all presets within all your devices setlists with those included in the installed firmware version.

1. Open HX Edit, and from the File menu, select Create Backup and follow the prompts to backup all your devices current presets and settings.

2. Turn off Helix LT. While holding footswitches 7 and 8 (the left two footswitches on the bottom row), turn it back on.

3. Wait for Will restore… to appear and let go.

4. Optionally, if you have setlists that include custom presets you wish to restore, use the Restore From Backup feature within HX Edit to selectively restore the desired setlists (see the HX Edit Pilots Guide).


Marketplace Be sure to visit the Line 6 Marketplace online shop, where youll find 3rd-party add-on assets that further enhance the functionality of Helix family devices and Helix Native plugin! As of this writing, 3rd-party presets and IRs are availablecheck back often on Marketplace for product news and announcements.

You can access Marketplace directly using the free HX Edit app, where you sign in to your Line 6 online account, then choose to Get More Presets or Get More IRs from the HX Edit menu. Once youve purchased premium Marketplace assets, they can be downloaded immediately, directly into your HX Edit Presets and/or IR Library, and ready to use on Helix LT! Please see the latest HX Edit Pilots Guide for details.

TIP: Registered owners of Line 6 Helix family devices are entitled to a generous discount toward the purchase of the Helix Native plugin! Note that all your Helix presets and IRs can be loaded directly into Helix Nativeand vice-versamaking your stage and studio tasks easier than ever! Please visit the Line 6 Online Shop.


Top Panel












16B Dream Rig Duet


[37%] Delay Harmony Delay

LevelMixKey Scale




3 4

5 6


8 9



12 13





1. Main Display This large color LCD is your window into the power of Helix LT.

2. PRESET Turn this knob to select a preset. Press the knob to open the Setlist menu. See Selecting Presets and Setlists

3. SAVE Press this button to rename and save changes to a preset.

4. Press this button to dive a bit deeper into Helix LT, and youll find Command Center, Global EQ, Global Settings, and other menus.

5. If you ever get lost, press this button to return to the main Home screen. Press again to toggle between the two main Home views — see Home > Performance

View and Home > Signal Flow View

6. Press this button once, or multiple times, to quickly jump to the tonestack parameters (Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, etc.) of any Amp+Cab, Amp, and Preamp models in the current preset.

7. Joystick Move the joystick to navigate the main display. On the Home screen, move the joystick to select a block. Press ACTION and move the joystick to move the selected block. Turn the joystick to change the selected blocks model. Press the joystick to open the model list. Press and turn the joystick to quickly scroll across the signal flow. Yeah, the joystick does a lot.

8. BYPASS Press this button to turn the selected block on and off.

SHORTCUT: Press and hold BYPASS to turn Global EQ on ( icon appears in the upper right corner of the LCD) and off.

9. ACTION Press this button to open the action panel for the selected block or screen. From the Home > Signal Flow screen, the action panel lets you move, copy, paste, and clear blocks, as well as add any changes youve made to a block as a Favorite or save current settings as the models default. Other screens may have unique action panels; for example, the Global Settings action panel lets you reset all global settings at once.

10. If the selected block or item has more than one page of parameters, press < PAGE or PAGE > to view more parametersalso see Selecting Blocks/ Adjusting Parameters

11. Knobs 1-6 Turn one of the six knobs below the main display to adjust the param- eters value above; press the knob to reset the parameters value. If a rectangular button appears above a knob, press the knob to engage its function.

SHORTCUT: For most time-based parameters such as delay time or modulation speed, press the knob to toggle between setting the value in ms or Hz and note divisions (1/4- note, dotted 1/8-note, etc.).

SHORTCUT: Controllers can be assigned to most parameters. Press and hold a parameters knob to quickly jump to the Controller Assign page for that parameter.

12. VOLUME Turn this knob to control the main output and headphones volume.

13. EXP 1/2 LEDs These tell you whether the built-in expression pedal is acting as EXP 1 (red) or EXP 2 (green).

14. Footswitches The capacitive, touch-sensitive footswitches have colored LED rings that inform you of the assigned block or item’s current state. While in Stomp footswitch mode, touch (but dont press) a footswitch to quickly select the assigned block or item. Touch the switch repeatedly to cycle through multiple assigned items. See Stomp Footswitch Mode

SHORTCUT: While in Stomp footswitch mode, touch (but dont press) a footswitch for two seconds to create a Bypass Assignment for the selected block.

SHORTCUT: While in Stomp footswitch mode, touch and hold (but dont press) two switches to swap all assignments between them (including any custom names or LED colors).

SHORTCUT: Touch (but dont press) TAP to display the tempo panel briefly. This lets you quickly fine-tune the current tempo without navigating to the Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo menu.

NOTE: Touch-to-select can optionally be turned off, and other footswitch settings customized — See Global Settings > Footswitches

15. Expression Pedal Move the expression pedal to control volume, wah, or a combination of amp and/or effects parameters. Activate the hidden toe switch to toggle between EXP 1 and EXP 2. (The LEDs above tell you which one is active.) If an external pedal is connected to the rear panel EXP 2 jack, the built-in pedal becomes EXP 1 only. See Controller Assign

NOTE: Adding a Wah, Pitch Wham, or Poly Wham block automatically assigns its Position parameter to be controlled by EXP 1. Adding a Volume Pedal or Pan block automatically assigns its Position to be controlled by EXP 2.


Back Panel






1 221


22191716 23 24 25 26 27



16. EXP PEDAL 2/EXT AMP An additional expression pedal can be connected to Helix LT and assigned to adjust a wide variety of parameters. See Quick Controller Assign Alternatively, this jack can be connected to your traditional guitar amp to switch its channels or turn its reverb on and off. Use a TRS cable for dual operation (1=tip, 2=ring). To set this jacks function, see Global Settings > Preferences

17. GUITAR IN Connect your primary guitar or bass guitar here. This jack provides impedance selection and a switchable pad.

18. SENDS/RETURNS 1-2 These 1/4″ ins and outs can be used as FX loops for inserting external stompboxes into your tone or as additional inputs and outputs for connecting keyboards, drum machines, mixers, and other gear. See Send/Return

19. Ground Lift Switch If you are experiencing hums and buzzes, press this button to the in position to eliminate ground loops between your equipment.

20. XLR OUT Use balanced XLR cables to connect to your studio gear or the house mixer, PA, or FRFR speaker(s) when playing live. When using a mono playback sys- tem, connect only the LEFT/MONO XLR jack.

IMPORTANT! Never connect the XLR outputs to a device whose XLR inputs have 48V phantom power enabled!

21. 1/4″ OUT Use unbalanced 1/4″ TS cables to connect to your guitar amp, FRFR speaker(s), studio monitors, or other playback system. When using a single amp or speaker, connect only the LEFT/MONO 1/4″ jack.

22. PHONES Out (12) Connect stereo headphones here; turn the VOLUME knob to adjust volume.

IMPORTANT! Always turn the VOLUME knob down before connecting headphones. Protect your hearing!



NOTE: Helix LT provides plenty of gain for high impedance headphones. With lower impedance headphones, you may notice a bit of distortion if the VOLUME knob is turned all the way up. This is normal.

23. VARIAX Input This input provides power, digital audio, effects control, and instant recall between Helix LT and a Line 6 Variax guitar. See What is Variax?

24. AES/EBU, L6 LINK L6 LINK provides easy digital audio and remote control connectivity between Helix LT and Line 6 Powercab Plus active guitar speaker systems and DT-Series amplifiers. Alternatively, connect Helix LT to your studio equipment via an AES/EBU (110 XLR) cable. See L6 LINK — Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 Amp Options

25. MIDI IN, OUT/THRU Connect Helix LT to your MIDI gear to send and receive program changes, continuous controllers, and other MIDI messages.

26. USB Helix LT also functions as a high quality, multi-in/out, 24-bit/96kHz audio inter- face for Mac and Windows computers, with DI, Re-amping and MIDI functionality built right in. Helix LT can also record to an Apple iPad device (with optional Apple Camera Connection Kit). Use of a USB 2.0 (or later) port is required — Do not use an external USB hub. See USB Audio

27. AC In Connect Helix LT to a grounded AC power outlet.

28. POWER switch Its alive!


Home > Signal Flow View 90% of your daily tone building is accomplished from the Home > Signal Flow screen.

Press at any time to return to the Home > Signal Flow screen. If you dont see something similar to the illustration below, press again.

Turn the joystick to select a model; press the joystick to open the model list. indicates a stereo model

Each of the two signal paths can be either parallel (A and B) or serial (A only)

Turn PRESET to select a preset

Use the joystick or touch a switch top to select a block (outlined in white)

Split block (only visible when selected); move down to create a duplicate input block

E appears if the preset has been edited

Merge block (only visible when selected); move down to create a duplicate output block

Press BYPASS to turn block on and off (bypassed blocks appear dim)

Press to view more parameters for the selected block. This scroll bar indicates which page of parameters is displayed this block has three more pages of parameters

Press PRESET and then turn Knob 5 (Select Snapshot) to choose one of eight snapshots

Select an output block and turn the joystick to route the signal to back panel jacks, Path 2, or your computer via USB. Each path can have one or two output blocks…

Output blocks turn green when a signal is present and bright red if the output clips.

Select an input block and turn the joystick to set the input source. Each path can have one or two input blocks…

Input blocks turn green when a signal is present and bright red if the input clips.

Value appears white and in brackets if a controller or snapshot is assigned to it

Press knob to return Levels to unity (0.0dB) and Pans to center

Press knob to toggle between note value and ms (or Hz)

Turn knobs 1-6 to adjust parameters for the selected block



16B Dream Rig Duet


[37%] Delay Harmony Delay

LevelMixKey Scale






Hold BYPASS to turn Global EQ on and off; Icon appears when Global EQ is on


Home > Performance View Performance view displays the middle eight footswitches’ assignments, so you know exactly what youre stomping on in the heat of battle.

Press to toggle between the Home > Signal Flow and Home > Performance views.

NOTE: The footswitch layout below is not typical; normally, you would press the MODE switch to toggle between Preset (8 presets) and Stomp (up to 8 stomps) footswitch modes. However, you can accommodate the layout below by setting Global Settings > Footswitches > Preset Mode Switches to Stomp/Preset.

Turn the joystick to select a model; press the joystick to open the model list. indicates a stereo model

Turn PRESET to select a preset

Use the joystick or touch a switch top to select a block (outlined in white)

E appears if the preset has been edited

Press BYPASS to turn block on and off (bypassed blocks appear dim)

Press to view more parameters for the selected block. This scroll bar indicates which page of parameters is displayed this block has one more page of parameters

Press PRESET and then turn Knob 5 (Select Snapshot) to choose one of eight snapshots

Value appears white and in brackets if a controller or snapshot is assigned to it

Press knob to return Levels to unity (0.0dB) and Pans to center

Press knob to toggle between note value and ms (or Hz)

Turn knobs 1-6 to adjust parameters for the selected block

16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Delay Elephant Man

LevelMixFeedback KeyTime Scale

0.0 dB40%MinorD1/8 [37%]

Mystery FilterLA Studio Comp

Ubiquitous Vibe

Harmony Delay


16B16A 16C 16D Dream Rig

Duet Mezcal Head Edge DelayTeam Zerokelvin




Quick Start Setting Proper Output Levels 1. Make sure the VOLUME knob is turned down.

2. Connect a guitar to the GUITAR IN jack.

3. Connect the outputs to your playback system.


The Helix LT devices 1/4″ and XLR output levels must be set to match your playback system. If youre only using headphones, for now, skip to step 9.

4. Press to open the Menu.

5. Press Knob 6 (Global Settings). The Global Settings screen appears:

Ins/Outs MIDI/Tempo


Global Settings


EXP Pedals

Firmware Version 3.00.0

1/4 Outputs

InstrumentLineLineOff Send/

Return 1 XLR

Outputs Guitar In


Ins/Outs MultiInstrument

USB In 1/2 Destination

Send/ Return 2

6. If necessary, move the joystick to select the Ins/Outs submenu.

7. If not already there, press < PAGE to select page 1.

8. Using Knobs 2 and 3 under the display, set levels according to the table below:

Output Are you connecting to…? Then do this:


Guitar pedal or the front of a guitar amp

Set 1/4″ Outputs to Instrument

Powered speakers with unbalanced inputs or digital recorder Set 1/4″ Outputs to Line


Mic inputs on mixer or standalone mic preamps Set XLR Outputs to Mic

PA/FRFR speakers or studio monitors with balanced inputs Set XLR Outputs to Line

9. Slowly turn up the VOLUME knob.


Selecting Presets and Setlists 1. Turn PRESET to select presets within the current setlist.

Helix stores eight setlists, each containing 32 banks of four presets (A, B, C, and D). As we promised, no maththats a grand total of 1,024 preset locations. If thats not enough, your cover band should be asking for more money.

TIP: Use the free Line 6 HX Edit software to create, backup, and restore a virtually endless library of presets and setlists stored on your computer!

Remember to try the latest factory and artist-created presets included with the latest Helix firmwaresee page 5.

2. Press PRESET to open the Setlist menu:

Rename Setlist

Rename Preset

Reorder Preset

Select Snapshot

Rename Snapshot

CC32: 000 PC: 005

CC69: 000



01A 01B 01C 01D 02A 02B 02C 02D

US Double Norm Essex A30 Brit Plext Brt Cali Rectire Grammatico Brt Essex A15 Brit 2204 German Ubersonic

1 FACTORY 1 16B Bottle Message

Navigating the Setlist menu is straightforward:

Turn the joystick (or move it up and down) to select items in a list.

From the Setlist column, press the joystick (or move it right) to load its first preset.

From the Preset column, move the joystick left to go back to the Setlist column.

Turn Knob 3 (Reorder Preset) to move the selected preset up and down the list.

3. Use the joystick to select Setlist 8 TEMPLATES > Preset 01A Quick Start.

TIP: The dark text above Knob 2 displays the required MIDI messages for recalling the selected setlist, preset, and snapshot from external MIDI devices or software. In the illustration above, the FACTORY 1 setlist is recalled with a CC32 message of 000, the 02B Essex A15 preset is recalled with a PC (program change) message of 005, and Snapshot 1 is recalled with a CC69 message of 000.

4. Press to return to the Home screen. You should see something like this:

01A Quick Start

Ch VolPresenceBass MidDrive Treble Amp+Cab US Deluxe Nrm


Preset Footswitch Mode Preset mode is used to navigate presets in the current setlist.

1. If not already there, press FS6 (MODE) to select Preset mode. The middle eight switches display two banks of presets, and the active preset appears with a red LED ring:




16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Delay Elephant Man

LevelMixFeedback ModeTime Depth

0.0 dB40%8.4Vibrato1/8 [37%]

15B15A 15C 15D MalthusianJimi Not

Jimmy No One Survives

16B16A 16C 16D Pastor of Muppets Mezcal Head Edge Delay


Team Zerokelvin


2. Press BANK or BANK to choose the desired banks. The banks presets flash, indicating theyre ready to load.

3. Press one of the eight preset switches to load the preset.

NOTE: Footswitch behavior can be customized. See Global Settings > Footswitches


Stomp Footswitch Mode While in Stomp mode, each of the middle eight footswitches can do a number of things:

Toggle one or more blocks on and off

Toggle between two values of one or more parameters

Generate a MIDI, External Amp control, or QWERTY Hotkey message

All of the above, even simultaneously

If not already there, press FS6 (MODE) to select Stomp mode. The middle eight footswitches display blocks model names, parameter names, Com- mand Center messages, and/or customized labels:




16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Delay Elephant Man

LevelMixFeedback ModeTime Depth

0.0 dB40%8.4Vibrato1/8 [37%]

6 Switch LooperMULTIPLE (2)LA Studio

Comp Ubiquitous


Plate VerbElephant ManScreamer Mutant Filter


NOTE: If a switch is assigned to multiple blocks or items, its box reads MULTIPLE (X), where X is the number of assignments, and stepping on the switch turns them all on and off. If some blocks are on and some are bypassed, stepping on the switch toggles each blocks bypass state.

NOTE: While in Stomp mode, stepping on BANK or BANK temporarily enters Preset mode. Once youve selected a preset, Helix LT returns to Stomp mode.

Snapshot Footswitch Mode Similar to the snapshots feature in some high-end digital mixers, each of the eight snapshots in Helix LT stores and recalls the state of certain elements in the current preset, including:

Block BypassThe bypass (on/off) state of all processing blocks (except Looper), independent of any footswitch assignments. Also, see Using Snap- shots)

Parameter ControlThe values of any parameters assigned to controllers (up to 64 per preset). Also, see Using Snapshots)

Command CenterThe values of any instant MIDI CC, Bank/Prog, MMC, HX Preset, HX Snapshot, and HX Looper messages, plus the state (dim or lit) of any CC Toggle and Ext Amp messages. Also, see Command Center

TempoThe current system tempo, if Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo > Tempo Select is set to Per Snapshot. (By default, its set to Per Preset.)

1. Press BANK and BANK simultaneously to enter Snapshot mode. The middle eight boxes flash, indicating one is ready to be selected.




16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Delay Elephant Man

LevelMixFeedback ModeTime Depth

0.0 dB40%8.4Vibrato1/8 [37%]




21 3 4



2. Press one of the eight snapshot switches to select it.

NOTE: Snapshots are powerful enough to warrant their own chapter. See Snapshots for more information.

NOTE: If you dont want Snapshot footswitches to disappear after selecting one, set Global Settings > Footswitches > Knob 3 (Snapshot Mode Switches) to Manual Return. In this case, Helix stays in Snapshot footswitch mode until you press FS6.


Pedal Edit Mode Most blocks settings can be edited without taking your hands off the guitar, including Amp, Effect, Cab, IR, Split, Mixer, Input, and Output Block parameterseven Variax String Level, Powercab Plus, and DT25/DT50 remote parameters! If you hate having to reach down and twist knobs, Pedal Edit mode will be your new best friend. Although Pedal Edit is not intended to replace proper controller assignment, it can also be used to tweak one parameter at a time during a performance in a pinch.

1. Hold FS6 (MODE) for two seconds. The presets processing blocks appear, flashing:




16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Delay Elephant Man

LevelMixFeedback ModeTime Depth

0.0 dB40%8.4Vibrato1/8 [37%]

WhoWatt 100Volume Pedal A/B

Ubiquitous Vibe Octoverb1x12 US Deluxe Minotaur

Mutant Filter


If the preset has more than eight processing blocks, you may not see the block you want. Press FS6 one or more times until you do.

NOTE: Selecting a block in Pedal Edit mode has no correlation to any footswitch assignment it may have.

2. Press the footswitch displaying the block you want to edit. The blocks first page of parameters appears at FS1FS6.




16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Filter Mutant Filter

Peak Gain Range Drive MixMode

1.5 Low Up 100%8.0Band Pass

Mode GainPeak Range Drive Mix



If the block has more than one page of parameters, press FS8 ( ) until you find the parameter.

3. Press the footswitch displaying the parameter you want to adjust. Press and hold a Time or Speed switch to toggle between setting the value in ms or Hz and note divisions (1/4-note, dotted 1/8-note, etc.).

4. Use the expression pedal to adjust the parameter. For fine adjustment, press FS10 (VALUE) and FS11 (VALUE+). Hold FS10 (VALUE) or FS11 (VALUE+) for faster adjustments.

To select a different block, press FS7 (BACK).

5. When finished, press FS12 (EXIT). If you want to save any changes made to the preset, hold FS12 (EXIT) for two seconds.


Selecting Blocks/Adjusting Parameters Blocks are objects that represent various elements of a preset, such as amps, cabs, effects, splits, loopers, and even inputs and outputs.

1. From Stomp footswitch mode, briefly touch (but dont press) the footswitch assigned to the desired block. The selected block appears with a white box on the main LCD:

If multiple blocks are assigned to a footswitch, its Performance View box reads MULTIPLE (X). Touch the top of the switch repeatedly until the desired block is selected.

NOTE: Repeatedly touching a MULTIPLE (X) switch may jump to completely different screens, depending on its assignments. For example, if a switch is assigned to an effect block, an effect parameter, and a Command Center MIDI message, repeated touches will cycle through all three items on the Home, Controller Assign, and Command Center screens, respectively. Basically, anything on the switch is only a touch away.

Alternatively, move the joystick to select a block.

SHORTCUT: Press to quickly select the Amp+Cab, Amp, or Preamp block, and its tonestack parameters (Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, etc.) appear. If a preset has more than one of these blocks, press repeatedly to cycle through all tonestacks.

Optionally, press the joystick knob while turning to change its behavior to quickly selecting blocks (rather than selecting a blocks model)also see Global Settings > Preferences

2. Turn Knobs 1-6 below the screen. Some blocks have more than one page of parameters, in which case a horizontal scrollbar appears above the parameters. For example, the red scrollbar above the Amp+Cab blocks parameter inspector (shown below) indicates that additional pages of parameters are available:

Ch VolPresenceBass MidDrive Treble Amp+Cab US Deluxe Nrm

3. Press to access more parameters (if available).

Bypassing a Block If a footswitch is assigned to the block, press the switch.

Alternatively, select the block and press BYPASS to toggle the block on and off. Bypassed blocks appear semi-transparent and, if assigned to a footswitch, its LED ring dims:

NOTE: The switchs LED ring reflects the color and bypass state of its most recently selected block or item, even if other blocks assigned to the same switch are enabled.

Choosing a Blocks Model To change an existing blocks model, select the block and turn the joystick.

To create a new block, select an empty location on the Home > Signal View screen and turn the joystick. Selecting models within the same category can be very quick. However, as Helix has hundreds of items to choose from, using this method to, say, change a mono distortion block (beginning of the list) into a stereo FX Loop block (end of the list) is very slow. Instead, you should open the model list:

1. Press the joystick to open the model list:


37% Delay Harmony Delay

LevelMixKey Scale


Mono Stereo

None Favorites Distortion Dynamics EQ Modulation Delay Reverb

Ducked Delay Reverse Delay Vintage Digital Vintage Swell Pitch Echo Transistor Tape Cosmos Echo Harmony Delay


Most model categories include subcategories. For example, effects generally have Mono, Stereo, and Legacy subcategories. Amp+Cab and Amp models have Guitar and Bass subcategories. Cab models have Single and Dual subcategories.

Turn the joystick (or move it up and down) to select items in a list.

Press the joystick (or move it right) to view a category or subcategorys contents.

Move the joystick left to go back one column.

IMPORTANT! If you encounter items in the list that are grayed out or unavailable, this means the current path (1 or 2) cannot accommodate that category, subcategory, or model. See Dynamic DSP

NOTE: The first category in the list, Favorites, is initially empty, awaiting you to add amp, cab, and/or effects models, including your own custom settings and assignmentssee Adding a Block to Favorites on page 19.

2. Using the joystick, select the desired category, subcategory, and model.

NOTE: Amp+Cab and Cab > Dual blocks are unique in that they represent two models within a single block. To change the amp model in an Amp+Cab block, press until the cab icon is white and turn the joystick.

TO change the first cab model in a Cab > Dual block, press until the right cab icon is white and turn the joystick.

3. To close the model list, select an item in the far right column and press the joystick again (or press ).

SHORTCUT: It is also possible to quickly access model subcategories without ever opening the model list…

From the Home screen with the desired block location selected, hold < PAGE and press PAGE > to jump to the next subcategory.

Hold PAGE > and press < PAGE to jump to the previous subcategory, then turn the joystick to select models within that subcategory.

Choosing an Input From the Home > Signal View screen, move the joystick left to select an Input block and turn the joystick. To view a list of avail- able inputs, press the joystick. Normally you should select Multi, which includes two simultaneous inputs: Guitar and Variax.

SHORTCUT: From any Input block, joystick left to jump to the Output block. From any Output block, joystick right to jump to the Input block. We call this the Pac Man Shortcut.

NOTE: Input blocks display signal present (green) and clipping (red) indication, as well as input metering (see Block Level Indicators and Meters on page 44.

Choosing an Output From the Home > Signal View screen, move the joystick right to select an Output block and turn the joystick. To view a list of avail- able inputs, press the joystick. Normally you should select Multi, which includes four simultaneous pairs of outputs: 1/4″, XLR, Digital, and USB 1/2.

If Path 1 doesnt have enough block locations or DSP to accommodate your tone, it can be routed to Path 2:

Select Path 1s Output block and turn the joystick to select Path 2A.

Path 2s Input block displays an arrow, indicating it is being fed by Path 1.


If Path 2 has two input blocks, you may select either Path 2A or 2B or even split your signal further to both 2A and 2B. See 2 into 1 for an example.

NOTE: Output blocks display signal present (green) and clipping (red) indication, as well as output metering (see Block Level Indicators and Meters on page 44.

Moving Blocks 1. From the Home > Signal View screen, select any block (other

than Input or Output) and press ACTION. The block appears picked up, and the action panel appears. The inspectors icon shows you the directions in which the block an be moved.

Use joystick to move block; move down to create Path B

Clear Block

Clear All Blocks

Add to Favorites…

Copy Block

Paste Block

Snapshot Bypass


2. Move the joystick left or right to move the block. Moving the joystick down moves the block to a new parallel B path. See Serial vs. Parallel Routing for details.

NOTE: A block on Path 1 cannot be moved to Path 2 (and vice versa). You can, however, copy and paste a block from one path to the other. See the next section. All output blocks display Knob 1 (Pan) and Knob 2 (Level), as well as output meters (see Block Level Indicators and Meters on page 44).

3. Press ACTION again (or ) to close the action panel.

Copying and Pasting a Block Blocks from one path can be copied and then pasted into the same path, the other path, or a path in an entirely different preset.

1. From the Home > Signal View screen, select the block you wish to copy and press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 1 (Copy Block).

3. Select the location you wish to paste the blockeven in a dif- ferent presetand press ACTION.

4. Press Knob 2 (Paste Block).

NOTE: Inputs, Outputs, Splits, Merges, and Loopers can also be copied and pasted. However, if you, for example, try pasting the Looper into the Split blocks location, Knob 2 (Paste Block) will be grayed out. Furthermore, if the destination paths DSP cannot accommodate the copied block, the header will briefly read Cannot PastePath 1 [or 2] DSP full! See Dynamic DSP

Clear Block

Clear All Blocks

Copy Block

Paste Block

Cannot PastePath 1 DSP Full!

Add to Favorites…

Snapshot Bypass


Clearing a Block 1. From the Home > Signal View screen, select the block you wish

to clear and press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 3 (Clear Block).

Clearing All Blocks Clearing all blocks removes all processing blocks (including the Looper) and resets both Path 1 and 2 to serial. It does not affect Path 1A or Path 2A Input and Output blocks, nor does it affect the Command Center

1. Press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 4 (Clear All Blocks). The following dialog appears:


Clear all blocks?

3. Press Knob 6 (OK).


Adding a Block to Favorites Once youve dialed in an amp or effects block exactly the way you like it, you can save its settings as a Favorite. This allows you to add the block very quickly to other tones, complete with your stored parameter settings and bypass assignment (excluding any existing controller and snapshot assignments).

Favorites appear in the model menus Favorites category where you can be rename, reorder, and clear them. You can add up to 128 favorites.

NOTE: If you dont want a favorite to be recalled with its bypass assignment, add the block to Favorites before you create a custom bypass assignment.

Input, Output, Split, or Merge Mixer block types cannot be added as favorites.

1. Choose one of your preferred amps or effects and tweak it exactly how you like it, with or without footswitch and control- ler assignments.

2. Press ACTION and then press Knob 6 (Add to Favorites). The Favorites list appears.

Select existing favorite to replace or add new favorite…

Talent Boost Sustain4Eva Squish Comp Detox EQ Golden Echoes Pitch Slap Big Room

None Favorites Distortion Dynamics EQ Modulation Delay Reverb

Cancel Add New Favorite

Replace Favorite

3. To replace an existing favorite, select the favorite you want to replace and press Knob 5 (Replace Favorite).*

To add a new favorite, select the location where you want to add it, and press Knob 6 (Add New Favorite). Once added, the model and its stored settings appear within the Inspector, now with the Favorites icon at its left, replacing its previous Category icon.

Ch VolPresenceBass MidDrive Treble Amp+Cab Revv Gen Purple

4. OPTIONAL: While the Favorites list is open, press ACTION. To reorder the selected favorite up or down the list, turn Reorder Favorite

To rename the selected favorite, press Rename Favorite

To clear the selected favorite, press Clear Favorite

To clear all favorites, press Clear All Favorites. A dialog appears. Press OK to confirm.

To put your favorites to use… Within any preset, select an empty block and turn the joystick. All your perfectly-tweaked favorite amps and effects appear as your first options, without having to open the model list at all!

*NOTE: If you replace and overwrite an existing favorite that is already in use within your presets, the presets remain unchanged.

However, if you want to update any preset to use the newly-edited favorite, select the existing favorite block with the preset and turn the joystick knob one click away and then back to effectively reload the updated favorite.

TIP: Using the HX Edit app, you can export your Favorites to your computer as .fav files, allowing you to build a virtually limitless collection that can be imported back into your devices Favorites library at any timeas well as shared between devices, or with other Helix/

HX device and Helix Native owners! HX Edit also offers several features for managing your Favorites library.

Saving a Models User Default Settings If you find yourself continually re-tweaking your commonly-used models the same way, you can save a models settings as its new defaults (excluding Input, Output, Split, or Merge Mixer blocks settings) so the model shows up that way every time.

1. Choose any model and tweak it exactly how you like it. Configure any of its parameters and bypass state. (Existing MIDI, bypass, snapshot, and controller assignments are not saved with the User Model Defaults.)

2. Press ACTION, press PAGE and then Knob 2 (User Default). All your current parameter settings are saved as the defaults for future uses of the model. (Existing presets that include the model are not affected.)

NOTE: To return a model to factory defaults, press ACTION, press PAGE and then press Knob 1 (Factory Default). No existing presets model settings are changedyoull see the factory defaults restored the next time you insert the model.


Saving/Naming a Preset 1. Press SAVE to open the Save Preset screen:

Cancel Delete Insert

Replace 1 FACTORY 1 > 26A MLady Neckbeard





Save Preset


M L a d y N e c k b e a r d L



Move the joystick left or right to move the cursor.

Turn the joystick (or move it up/down) to change the selected character.

Press Knob 2 (Delete) to delete the selected character and shift all following characters to the left.

Press Knob 3 (Insert) to insert a space and shift all following characters to the right.

SHORTCUT: Press the joystick to cycle through A, a, 0, and [SPACE].

2. Turn Knob 4 (Setlist) and Knob 5 (Destination) to choose the Setlist and Preset location you wish to overwrite. Any of Helix LTs 1,024 presets can be overwritten.

3. Press SAVE again or Knob 6 (Save).

Creating/Restoring Full Device Backups Creating full backups of your Helix devices presets, IRs, Favorites, custom model defaults, and global settings is highly recommended to make sure your precious cus- tom tones and configurations are never lost! Fortunately, the free Line 6 HX Edit app makes it easy to create full backups and restore them anytime (available from line6. com/software). Please refer to the HX Edit Pilots Guide for steps on how to use its built-in Backup & Restore features.

Serial vs. Parallel Routing For many guitar tones, a serial (one stereo path) signal flow is more than adequate. For example, our 8 TEMPLATES > 01A Quick Start preset has a volume pedal, wah pedal, Amp+Cab, reverb, and looper, but theres still room for distortion, modulation, and delay blocks:

For more sophisticated tones, a parallel (two stereo paths) signal flow can be created. This lets one split the signal into two stereo paths, process them separately, and mix the two paths back together.

1. Select the Amp+Cab block and press ACTION to pick it up.

2. Move the joystick down. The Amp+Cab block is moved to a newly created parallel path B (lower).

In the illustration above:

Our guitar signal goes into the Volume and Wah blocks.

The signal is split to path 1A (upper) and path 1B (lower).

Stereo path 1A (upper) is sent to the Reverb and Looper blocks and Stereo path 1B (lower) is sent to the Amp+Cab block.

Stereo paths 1A and 1B are merged together after the Looper block and sent to the Multi Output.

3. Press ACTION again to drop the Amp+Cab block. This preset probably doesnt sound ideal. A more appropriate tone may have paths 1A and 1B each with an Amp+Cab block, only to merge again before the Reverb…


…or maybe a single Amp block splitting into two separate Cab blocks…

…or two separate Amp and two separate Cab blocks…

…or two separate Amp blocks merging into a Cab > Dual block.

Remember, this is only half of your tone. You still have Paths 2A and 2B to play with!

Removing Parallel Path B To remove path B, simply clear any blocks on path B (lower) or move them all back up to path A (upper).

Moving Split & Merge Blocks for More Parallel Routings 1. Use the joystick to select the point where paths A and B split

or merge. Split and Merge blocks only appear when selected but can be adjusted and moved like any other processing block.

2. Press ACTION to pick up the Split or Merge block for moving. Choose one of the following parallel routing options:

2 into 1 Move the Split block down to path B. The Split block shifts left, and a duplicate Input block is created:

This new Input block can be assigned to a completely different input. This routing can be used for mixing a guitar and vocal or the models and magnetic pickups in a connected Variax guitar, each with their own processing blocks.


1 into 2 Move the Merge block down to path B. The Merge block shifts right, and a duplicate Output block is created:

In this example, the Input block is split into paths A and B, each with its own Output block. Path A could be routed to the 1/4″ outputs, while path B could be routed to the XLRs.

True Parallel Move both the Split and the Merge blocks down to path B. Duplicate Input and Output blocks are created:

A guitar and vocal could be processed independently using this routing, each with its own input, stereo path, processing blocks, and outputs. Alternatively, two different band members could be processed independently.

Super Serial A serial path has eight processing block locations. If thats not enough, you can use parallel path B to create one big super serial path.

1. Move the Merge block down to path 1B. A duplicate Output block is created.

2. Move the Split block all the way to the right, past the last processing block on path 1A.

3. Select the Output block on path 1A and turn Knob 2 (Level) all the way down. That way, youre only hearing Output 1B.

In the illustration above, our signal is processed by the eight blocks on path 1A and processed further by the three blocks on path 1B.

Of course, if this still isnt enough, you could always duplicate the above signal flow with path 2 and then route path 1Bs output block to path 2A for one gigantic serial tone with up to 32 block locations (DSP permittingsee Dynamic DSP):


True Preset Spillover In powerful multieffects processors like Helix LT, switching to a different preset requires unloading DSP blocks for the current preset and then loading DSP blocks for the new one. This can result in a small audible gap. If youre willing to sacrifice one of Helix LTs two DSPs, you can achieve true preset spillover, complete with delay and reverb trails.

IMPORTANT! Unfortunately, Looper recording or playback will not currently spillover from one preset to another.

1. From the Home — Signal Flow view screen hold ACTION and press HOME. Or, set Preset Spillover to On in Global Settings > Preferences

A dialog appears:


Remove Path 2 to enable preset spillover?

2. Press Knob 6 (OK)

3. Press HOME. Path 2 has disappearedwhat was previously Path 1 of your current preset is now vertically centered on the Home screen.

07A Happy Trails

Ch VolPresenceBass MidDrive Treble Amp+Cab US Deluxe Nrm


4. To return to normal operation with two paths, first save your current preset, if you wish to retain your Path 1 changes, then hold ACTION and press HOME. Or, In Global Settings > Preferences set Preset Spillover to Off.

A dialog appears:


The preset must be reloaded. All unsaved changes will be lost!

5. Press Knob 6 (OK). Your device is returned to normal, two-path operation.

Tips for Using Preset Spillover When Preset Spillover mode is active, you can still import and load any saved Helix preset. However, only the presets Path 1 blocks, settings, and routing are loaded. Any existing Path 2 blocks, along with their settings and assignments, remain saved within the preset and are restored when you turn Preset Spillover Off. To follow are several tips and behaviors youll want to be aware of when Preset Spillover is active:

With Spillover On, Path 2 is hidden, and no audio is routed to it. Therefore, youll want to ensure your presets Path 1A and/or Path 1B Output blocks are not set to Path 2, or output will not be audible.

Some block types are limited to being used once per preset. This means that youll want to avoid loading presets that already include these block types on Path 2 when you plan to turn Spillover is On. These items include:

One Looper block max. can be added per preset. One instance of each of the Returns 1 and 2 can be added per preset, whether

used within a mono or stereo Return block, FX Loop block, or within Input or Output blocksalso see Send/Return on page 40.

Any combination of up to 64 total controller assignments can be created within a preset, therefore, its unlikely youll run out. But if you want to max out your controller assignments, best to eliminate them from path 2 blocks.

For preset changesif preset A is still spilling over into preset B, switching to preset C will abruptly cut off preset A. That is, youll only ever hear two presets (DSPs) at the same time.

When a Delay block is set with Tempo Sync On (i.e., its Time parameter is set to note divisions), the trails will attempt to sync to the new presets BPM on preset change. To keep delay trails tempo consistent, avoid using Tempo sync for Delays, or set your Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo — Tempo Select to Global.

Note that whether Spillover is On or Off, you can also store and recall multiple blocks on/off states and parameter settings within your current preset with seamless switching using Snapshots! See page 47.


Dynamic DSP Like nearly all modern audio processors, the Helix engine is based on DSP (Digital Signal Processing). Some models require many times more DSP horsepower than others, so it makes logical sense that fewer of those models could exist in a tone. To work around this, some processors restrict you to one amp, one reverb, one delay, etc. With Helix, we feel its important to let you keep adding whatever you want to your tone, even if you may eventually run out of DSP.

That said, there are some rules governing the number of certain types of blocks you can add to a preset:

Amp+Cab, Amp, or Preamp blocks Any combination, up to four (two per path)

Cab blocks (includes Amp+Cab blocks)

Up to four (two per path; Cab > Dual blocks are considered two)

Impulse Response blocks Up to four 1024-point IRs (two per path) or two 2048-point IRs (one per path)

Polyphonic (Poly) effects blocks One per path. These effects include the Poly Sustain (Delay), Poly Detune (Modulation), and Poly Pitch, Wham, Capo and 12 String (Pitch/ Synth).

Looper block One

To see which models can be added to the current path, press the joystick to open the Model List. Grayed-out items cannot be accommodated and are skipped overSee Selecting Blocks/Adjusting Parameters:

Modulation Chorus

ToneDepth PredelaySpeed WavShape



Mono Stereo

Pebble Phaser Ubiquitous Vibe Deluxe Phaser Gray Flanger Harmonic Flanger Courtesan Flange Dynamix Flanger Chorus

None Favorites Distortion Dynamics EQ Modulation Delay Reverb

Tips to Optimize DSP Each of Helix LTs two primary paths utilizes its own DSP. If all of your blocks

are on paths 1A and 1B, youre only using half of the available horsepower! If you plan on creating tones with two or more amps and more than a handful of effects, expect to use both paths 1 and 2

Some block types use much more DSP than others, such Amps, IRs, Reverbs, and Poly effects models. EQ, Dynamics, Volume/Pan, and Send/Return blocks use relatively little

Some models may use more DSP than others in the same category. This is especially true with amp models

Instead of a parallel path with two Amp+Cab blocks or two separate Amps and Cabs, try adding a single Amp block followed by a single Cab > Dual block (mixing two different Cabs can provide some substantial variations)

The stereo version of an effects block will use roughly twice as much DSP as a mono version of the same block. Likewise, the dual version of a cab block will use roughly twice as much DSP as the single version

Some model categories have Simple blocks, which utilize less DSP than others

Instead of toggling between two of the same amp or effects blocks (with dif- ferent settings), use controllers or snapshots to instantly adjust parameters within a single block

Block Order and Stereo Imaging Most of the effects models in Helix have both mono and stereo versions. A stereo block displays after its model name in the inspector. The stereo imagingor how wide your tone appears with stereo speakers or headphonesis highly dependent on the type of blocks you add and in what order.

Keep the following things in mind when building tones:

All Amp+Cab, Amp, and Preamp, and Poly effects blocks are mono, so any stereo signal sent into these will be collapsed to mono. As such, its a good idea to add only mono blocks before amps and preamps

Adding a mono effects block will collapse any preceding stereo blocks on the same path to mono

If youre only ever connecting Helix LT to the front of a single guitar amp or PA/ FRFR speaker, there may be no need to use stereo models at all (except, of course, for models that are only offered as stereo)!

Legacy effects models vary in behavior:

Legacy Distortion, Dynamics & Pitch/Synth effects are mono Legacy Modulation & Delay effects vary in that some are mono, some stereo,

and some mono-in/stereo-out, where adjusting the effects Mix parameter can narrow the stereo image that is fed into them

Legacy Filter and Reverb effects are stereo


What is Variax? Line 6 Variax guitars feature special electronics that model the sound of other specific guitars and instruments, as well as allow for instant retuning of each string. Helix LT and Variax work together in powerful and flexible ways. You can:

Store Variax model, tuning, and/or volume and tone knob positions with a Helix preset or snapshot and recall them instantly

Toggle between two Variax models and/or tunings via footswitch or MIDI CC

Turn the Variax volume and/or tone knobs to remotely control one or more amp and effects parameters in Helix LT. You could almost think of them as EXP 3 and EXP 4

Split Variax modeled and magnetic signals, process them separately through independent signal paths, and either mix them together or route them to dif- ferent Helix LT outputs

Power a Variax guitars modeling engine via a VDI (CAT-5 or Ethercon) cable, eliminating the need for the Variax guitars removable battery

Variax Workbench HD Application Support Helix LT can also be used as the USB interface for the Line 6 Workbench HD editor/librarian software (v2.13, or later). Workbench HD is a free application for Mac and PC, available from To use your James Tyler

Variax, Shuriken Variax, or Variax Standard with Workbench HD, youll need to con- figure the following:

Go to the Helix LT Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo and set MIDI over USB to On.

If using Workbench HD on Windows, you must install the Helix USB driver (v1.85 or later)available from

It is recommended to update your Variax to the latest Variax HD firmware.

IMPORTANT! Variax Workbench HD uses MIDI channel 16. When connecting to Work- bench HD via Helix LTs USB port, do not assign Helix LT or any of its Command Center messages to MIDI channel 16 or Omni (which includes channel 16).


The Blocks Input Each preset can have up to four Input blocks (one or two per path).

None Disables (mutes) the input block. Only available on Path 2.

Multi Guitar and Variax inputs are active simultaneously. Normally, you should choose Multi.

Guitar Guitar in only.

Variax With a James Tyler Variax (JTV), Shuriken Variax, or Variax Standard guitar, the Variax Input source receives the Model or Magnetic signal, depending on the guitars Model switch setting.

Variax Magnetics Receives only the Variax magnetic pickup signal.

Return 1, 2, 1/2 Returns 1 and 2 can act as additional mono input blocks. Return 1/2 can act as an additional stereo input block for pro- cessing a keyboard, drum machine, or even another modeler. If a Return or FX Loop processing block exists in the preset, the utilized Return input will be non-selectable. See Send/Return

USB 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

USB inputs 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 can all be used for processing tracks from your Mac or Windows DAW software. See USB Audio

Helix LT also receives input from USB 1/2, but its dedicated for monitoring audio from your computer (or iPad/iPhone mobile device) and bypasses all processing blocks. As such, its not available as an input block source.

TIP: Input blocks include a built-in signal present/clip indicatorsee page 44.

All input blocks include a dedicated noise gate and gain reduction meter (see page 44). Threshold and Decay parameters are grayed out unless the Input Gate param- eter is turned on:

Guitar In-Z

Auto Input Multi (Guitar, Variax)

Input Gate DecayThreshold

500 ms48.0dBOff

-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0

Input > Multi and Input > Guitar blocks have an additional Guitar In-Z parameter. Helix LT has an impedance circuit on its Guitar Input that affects tone and feel by loading your guitars pickups as they would by an effect pedal or amplifier. A lower value will typically result in some high frequency attenuation, lower gain, and an overall softer feel. A higher value provides full frequency response, higher gain, and an overall tighter feel. The Auto option allows the impedance to reflect the impedance of the first block on Path 1Aalso see the Auto Impedance option in Global Settings > Preferences

Multi and Variax input blocks have additional pages for Variax parameters:

James Tyler Variax, Shuriken Variax, or Variax Standard

NOTE: All Input block — Variax parameters on pages 2 through 4 change functionality between Per Preset vs. Global following how you set the Variax Settings parameter (Knob 1 on page 2).

Page Knob Parameter Description


1 Variax Settings Determines whether all Variax settings (pages 2~4) are applied per preset or globally.

2 Variax Model Selects the Variax model and pickup position set- ting. When set to Dont Force, Helix LT respects the Variax current setting.

3 Variax Volume Knob

Remotely sets the Variax volume knob setting. When set to Dont Force, Helix LT respects the current Variax volume knob position.

4 Variax Tone Knob

Remotely sets the Variax tone knob setting. When set to Dont Force, Helix LT respects the current Variax tone knob position.

5 Variax Lock Control

When set to Unlocked, the Variax tone knob, vol- ume knob, and toggle switch remain active. When locked, the Variax knobs and/or switches no longer control the guitar’s local functions. Turning the Variax model knob resets all to Unlocked.

6 Variax Tuning When set to Dont Force, Helix LT respects the Variax guitars current tuning. When set to Custom, Helix LT engages any custom tuning on page 3.


Page Knob Parameter Description


1 Variax String 6

Choose the number of half-steps, positive or negative, for which you want to raise or lower the selected string’s pitch. The note labels assume the guitar is tuned to standard pitch (E, A, D, G, B, E), with the A using a 440 Hz reference pitch.

2 Variax String 5

3 Variax String 4

4 Variax String 3

5 Variax String 2

6 Variax String 1

Page Knob Parameter Description


1 String Level 6

Attenuate the volume levels individually per string, if desired.

2 String Level 5

3 String Level 4

4 String Level 3

5 String Level 2

6 String Level 1

Output Each preset can have up to four Output blocks (one or two per path).

Multi 1/4″, XLR, Digital, and USB 1/2 outputs are all active simultaneously. Normally, it is best to choose Multi.

Path 2A, 2B, or 2A+B

These outputs only appear for Path 1 output blocks and route Path 1 into Path 2.

1/4″ 1/4″ outs only

XLR XLR outs only

Send 1/2 Send 1/2 can act as an additional output block

Digital AES/ EBU,


You can configure the Digital Output Level and Sample Rate for AES/ EBU input within the Global Settings > Ins/Outs. The Global Ins/Outs settings are not necessary for L6 LINKSee L6 LINK — Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 Amp Options

USB 1/2, USB 3/4, USB 5/6

USB 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6 can act as additional output blocks for rout- ing paths to your computer, or iPad or iPhone mobile device (with an optional Apple Camera Connection Kit). USB 7 and 8 are dedicated for re-amping and are not available as output block destinations. See USB Audio for details

All output blocks display Knob 1 (Pan) and Knob 2 (Level), as well as output meters (see Block Level Indicators and Meters on page 44):




0.0dB Output Multi (1/4, XLR, Digital, USB 1/2)

SHORTCUT: Press Knob 1 (Pan) to return Pan to center. Press Knob 2 (Level) to return Level to unity (0.0dB).

TIP: Use Knob 2 (Level) to set the paths overall level, which is important to ensure all of your presets maintain a consistent volume throughout your set.

L6 LINK — Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 Amp Options Alternatively, the digital XLR connector can be used for L6 LINK output to the L6 LINK input of up to two Line 6 Powercab Plus active guitar speaker systems or DT 25/50 amplifiers, with one or more of these receiving devices connected in series (use of a 110 XLR cable is recommended for all L6 LINK connections). When more than one Powercab Plus or DT 25/50 units are connected via L6 LINK, your stereo Helix LT signal is intelligently split, with the left channel going to the first unit and the right channel to the second. If you have one Powercab or DT connected, the Helix LT output is col- lapsed to mono and fed to the single unit. L6 LINK also sends remote control mes- sages, providing customizable control over your connected devices right from Helix LTglobally or per preset!

The Output block — Powercab and DT 25/50 settings are available on pages 2~5 for any Multi or Digital output block type, allowing you to customize the desired options for your respective device(s) from Helix LT. (Please also refer to your Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 Pilots Guides.)

NOTE: Powercab Plus and DT 25/50 firmware v2.00 or later are required for L6 LINK functionality.


Output Block — Powercab Settings Output Block — Powercab Plus Remote Settings

Page Knob Parameter Description


1 Powercab Remote

Determines the behavior for all page 2~3 settings sent to your connected Powercab Plus unit(s): Off — No Powercab Remote settings are sent. Preset — All Powercab Remote settings are stored with the current preset and sent upon preset load. Global — All Powercab Remote settings are sent, with all settings remaining the same, regardless of the current Helix preset.

2 Powercab Mode

Determines the Powercab mode: Flat, Speaker, or User IR. (Note that some page 2~3 Powercab set- tings will change reflecting the Mode selected here.)

3 Flat Voicing

When in Flat Mode, determines its speaker Voicing type: FRFR, LF Flat, or LF Raw.

4 Speaker Select

Determines which Powercab unit(s) you want to con- trol: Powercab 1, Powercab 2, or both simultaneously (1+2 Link). Normally, you should leave this set to 1+2 Link, which edits both Powercabs simultaneously, to maintain phase coherence. Note that with Powercab 212 Plus, Powercab 1 targets the left speaker in each (or both) amp(s), and Powercab 2 targets the right speaker in each (or both) amp(s). Youll see the following Powercab page 2~3 settings reflect the option selected here.

5 Speaker Type

When in Speaker Mode, determines the Powercab speaker model.

6 Speaker DI mic

When in Speaker Mode, determines the Powercab mic model used on Powercabs XLR output(s).


1 Speaker Mic Dist

When in Speaker Mode, determines the Powercab mic distance, used on Powercabs XLR output(s): 1.0~12.0 inches,.

2 Speaker User IR

When in User IR Mode, determines the Powercab User IR used: index 0~127.

3 Speaker Low Cut

When in Speaker or User IR Mode, configures the Low Cut EQ applied, Off or 20Hz~500Hz.

4 Speaker Hi Cut

When in Speaker or User IR Mode, configures the Hi Cut EQ applied: 500Hz~20kHz or Off.

5 Speaker Level

When in Speaker or User IR Mode, configures the volume trim applied: -60dB~+6dB.

6 Speaker Color

When in Speaker or User IR Mode, choose the LED ring color on any connected Powercab(s): Auto, color choice, or Off.

Output Block — DT25/50 Settings Output Block — DT25/50 Remote Settings

Page Knob Parameter Description


1 DT 25/50 Remote

Determines the behavior for all page 4~5 settings sent to your connected DT 25/50 unit(s): Off — No DT Remote settings are sent. Preset — All DT Remote settings are stored with the current preset and sent upon preset load. Global — All DT Remote settings are sent, with all settings remaining the same regardless of the cur- rent Helix preset.

2 DT Select Determines which DT you want to control: DT 1, DT 2, or both simultaneously (1+2 Link). (Note that page 4~5 DT settings reflect the option selected here.

3 DT Channel

When set to A (Helix), the DT unit(s) switch to Chan. A and its preamp bypassed, allowing your Helix signal to be utilized. When set to B (DT Pre), the DT switches to Chan. B, and its internal preamp is activated.

4 DT Topology Determines the negative feedback loop Topology: I~IV.

5 DT Power Amp

Determines the tube Power Amp mode: Class A or Class AB.

6 DT Tube Config

Determines the configuration of the DT power tubes: Triode or Pentode.


1 DT Reverb Determines the On/Off state of the DT amps on- board Reverb.

2 DT Rev Mix

Determines the wet/dry Mix of the Reverb effect: 0~100%.

3 DT 12AX7 Boost

(DT50 only) Determines the On/Off state of the DT amps 12AX7 Boost. Available when the DT50 Low Volume Mode is Off.

4 DT Feedback Cap

(DT50 only) Determines the DT feedback capacitor type: X (Tight) or Y (Smooth).

5 DT B+ Voltage

(DT50 only) Determines the level of the DT phase inverter B+ Voltage: Low or High.


TIPS: Just like with any amp, cab, or effect parameter, Powercab and DT remote parameters can be quickly assigned to footswitches or snapshots. When using the L6 LINK Out, often, the Helix LT Preamp models are a better choice than Amp or Amp+Cab models, allowing you to adjust the power amp and speaker cab options offered by the Powercab or DT units to taste. Powercab Plus users can also utilize the IR and Reverb options available on the Powercab, thereby alleviating the need to add IR or Reverb blocks within their Helix LT presets!

It is possible to use Helix LT to remotely control several parameters on your DT- Series amp (channel select, power amp topology, reverb, etc.) via MIDI. Connect a 5-pin MIDI cable from Helixs MIDI Out to the DT amps MIDI In and use the Helix LT Command Center to configure the desired MIDI commands for any preset. Start by loading the TEMPLATES > 04D DT25-DT50 Remote preset since it has several handy DT commands already mapped to Helix LT switches for you. You can customize this template and create your own sets of controls to add to your presets. Also, see the DT MIDI Implementation Guide for a complete list of MIDI commands, available from

Effects Many Helix effects blocks are offered in mono or stereo versions. Stereo effects display

after the model name. In addition, Helix includes selected effects from the classic Line 6 DL4, DM4, MM4, and FM4 stompboxes, as well as M13, M9, and M5 processors. These appear in the Legacy subcategory (also, see Block Order and Stereo Imaging on page 24).

Select an effects block and turn the joystick to change its model.

TIP: The Favorites category that appears at the start of the Model menu is initially empty, awaiting you to add your preferred models to itsee page 19.

Distortion Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Kinky Boost Mono, Stereo Xotic EP Booster

Deranged Master Mono, Stereo Dallas Rangemaster Treble Booster

Minotaur Mono, Stereo Klon Centaur

Teemah! Mono, Stereo Paul Cochrane Timmy Overdrive

Heir Apparent Mono, Stereo Analogman Prince of Tone

Distortion Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Tone Sovereign Mono, Stereo Analogman King of Tone

Alpaca Rogue Mono, Stereo Way Huge Red Llama (modded)

Compulsive Drive Mono, Stereo Fulltone OCD

Dhyana Drive Mono, Stereo Hermida Zendrive

Horizon Drive Mono, Stereo Horizon Precision Drive

Valve Driver Mono, Stereo Chandler Tube Driver

Top Secret OD Mono, Stereo DOD OD-250

Scream 808 Mono, Stereo Ibanez TS808 Tube Screamer

Hedgehog D9 Mono, Stereo MAXON SD9 Sonic Distortion

Stupor OD Mono, Stereo BOSS SD-1 Overdrive

Deez One Vintage Mono, Stereo BOSS DS-1 Distortion (Made-in-Japan)

Deez One Mod Mono, Stereo BOSS DS-1 Distortion (Keeley modded)

Vermin Dist Mono, Stereo Pro Co RAT

KWB Mono, Stereo Benadrian Kowloon Walled Bunny Distortion

Legendary Drive Mono, Stereo Carvin VLD1 Legacy Drive (hi gain channel)

Swedish Chainsaw Mono, Stereo BOSS HM-2 Heavy Metal Distortion (MIJ)

Arbitrator Fuzz Mono, Stereo Arbiter Fuzz Face

Pocket Fuzz Mono, Stereo Jordan Boss Tone Fuzz

Bighorn Fuzz Mono, Stereo 73 Electro-Harmonix Rams Head Big Muff Pi

Triangle Fuzz Mono, Stereo Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi

Ballistic Fuzz Mono, Stereo Euthymia ICBM Fuzz

Industrial Fuzz Mono, Stereo Z.Vex Fuzz Factory

Tycoctavia Fuzz Mono, Stereo Tycobrahe Octavia

Wringer Fuzz Mono, Stereo Garbages modded BOSS FZ-2

Thrifter Fuzz Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Xenomorph Fuzz Mono, Stereo Subdecay Harmonic Antagonizer

Megaphone Mono, Stereo Megaphone

Bitcrusher Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Ampeg Scrambler Mono, Stereo Ampeg Scrambler Bass Overdrive

ZeroAmp Bass DI Mono, Stereo Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI V1

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.


Distortion Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Obsidian 7000 Mono, Stereo Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B7K Ultra

Clawthorn Drive Mono, Stereo Wounded Paw Battering Ram

Tube Drive Legacy Chandler Tube Driver

Screamer Legacy Ibanez Tube Screamer

Overdrive Legacy DOD Overdrive/Preamp 250

Classic Dist Legacy ProCo RAT

Heavy Dist Legacy BOSS Metal Zone

Colordrive Legacy Colorsound Overdriver

Buzz Saw Legacy Maestro Fuzz Tone

Facial Fuzz Legacy Arbiter Fuzz Face

Jumbo Fuzz Legacy Vox Tone Bender

Fuzz Pi Legacy Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi

Jet Fuzz Legacy Roland Jet Phaser

L6 Drive Legacy Colorsound Overdriver (modded)

L6 Distortion Legacy Line 6 Original

Sub Oct Fuzz Legacy PAiA Roctave Divider

Octave Fuzz Legacy Tycobrahe Octavia

Dynamics Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Deluxe Comp Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Red Squeeze Mono, Stereo MXR Dyna Comp

Kinky Comp Mono, Stereo Xotic SP Compressor

Rochester Comp Mono, Stereo Ashly CLX-52 (in conjunction w/ B. Sheehan)

LA Studio Comp Mono, Stereo Teletronix LA-2A

3-Band Comp Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Noise Gate Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Hard Gate Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Dynamics Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Horizon Gate Mono, Stereo Horizon Precision Drive — Gate Circuit

Autoswell Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Tube Comp Legacy Teletronix LA-2A

Red Comp Legacy MXR Dyna Comp

Blue Comp Legacy BOSS CS-1

Blue Comp Treb Legacy BOSS CS-1 (Treble switch on)

Vetta Comp Legacy Line 6 Original

Vetta Juice Legacy Line 6 Original

Boost Comp Legacy MXR Micro Amp

TIP: Dynamics — Compressor and Gate models display a handy gain reduction metersee page 44.

EQ Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Simple EQ Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Low and High Cut Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Low/High Shelf Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Parametric Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Tilt Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

10 Band Graphic Mono, Stereo MXR 10-Band Graphic EQ

Cali Q Graphic Mono, Stereo MESA/Boogie Mark IV Graphic EQ

Acoustic Sim Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.


Modulation Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Optical Trem Mono, Stereo Fender optical tremolo circuit

60s Bias Trem Mono, Stereo Vox AC-15 Tremolo

Tremolo/Autopan Mono, Stereo BOSS PN-2

Harmonic Tremolo Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Bleat Chop Trem Mono, Stereo Lightfoot Labs Goatkeeper

Script Mod Phase Mono, Stereo MXR Phase 90

Pebble Phaser Mono, Stereo Electro-Harmonix Small Stone

Ubiquitous Vibe Mono, Stereo Shin-ei Uni-Vibe

Deluxe Phaser Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Gray Flanger Mono, Stereo MXR 117 Flanger

Harmonic Flanger Mono, Stereo A/DA Flanger

Courtesan Flange Mono, Stereo Electro-Harmonix Deluxe EM

Dynamix Flanger Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Chorus Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

70s Chorus Mono, Stereo BOSS CE-1

PlastiChorus Mono, Stereo Modded Arion SCH-Z chorus

Trinity Chorus Stereo Dytronics Tri-Stereo Chorus

Bubble Vibrato Mono, Stereo BOSS VB-2 Vibrato

Vibe Rotary Stereo Fender Vibratone

122 Rotary Stereo Leslie 122

145 Rotary Stereo Leslie 145

Double Take Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Poly Detune Mono Line 6 Original

AM Ring Mod Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Pitch Ring Mod Stereo Line 6 Original

Modulation Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Pattern Tremolo Legacy Line 6 Original

Panner Legacy Line 6 Original

Bias Tremolo Legacy 1960 Vox AC-15 Tremolo

Opto Tremolo Legacy 1964 Fender Deluxe Reverb

Script Phase Legacy MXR Phase 90 (script logo version)

Panned Phaser Legacy Ibanez Flying Pan

Barberpole Legacy Line 6 Original

Dual Phaser Legacy Mu-Tron Bi-Phase

U-Vibe Legacy Shin-ei Uni-Vibe

Phaser Legacy MXR Phase 90

Pitch Vibrato Legacy BOSS VB-2

Dimension Legacy Roland Dimension D

Analog Chorus Legacy BOSS CE-1

Tri Chorus Legacy Dytronics Tri-Stereo Chorus

Analog Flanger Legacy MXR Flanger

Jet Flanger Legacy A/DA Flanger

AC Flanger Legacy MXR Flanger

80A Flanger Legacy A/DA Flanger

Frequency Shift Legacy Line 6 Original

Ring Modulator Legacy Line 6 Original

Rotary Drum Legacy Fender Vibratone

Rotary Drum/Horn Legacy Leslie 145

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development. The Poly Detune model utilizes polyphonic pitch shifting and, therefore, is extremely DSP-intensivepossibly utilizing up to half of all DSP available for Path 1 or Path 2!


Delay Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Simple Delay Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Mod/Chorus Echo Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Dual Delay Stereo Line 6 Original

Multitap 4 Stereo Line 6 Original

Multitap 6 Stereo Line 6 Original

Ping Pong Stereo Line 6 Original

Sweep Echo Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Ducked Delay Mono, Stereo TC Electronic 2290

Reverse Delay Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Vintage Digital Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Vintage Swell Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Pitch Echo Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Transistor Tape Mono, Stereo Maestro Echoplex EP-3

Cosmos Echo Mono, Stereo Roland RE-201 Space Echo

Harmony Delay Stereo Line 6 Original

Bucket Brigade Mono, Stereo BOSS DM-2

Adriatic Delay Mono, Stereo BOSS DM-2 w/ Adrian Mod

Adriatic Swell Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Elephant Man Mono, Stereo Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man

Multi Pass Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Poly Sustain Mono Line 6 Original

Glitch Delay Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Ping Pong Legacy Line 6 Original

Dynamic Legacy TC Electronic 2290

Stereo Legacy Line 6 Original

Digital Legacy Line 6 Original

Dig w/Mod Legacy Line 6 Original

Reverse Legacy Line 6 Original

Lo Res Legacy Line 6 Original

Delay Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Tube Echo Legacy Maestro Echoplex EP-1

Tape Echo Legacy Maestro Echoplex EP-3

Sweep Echo Legacy Line 6 Original

Echo Platter Legacy Binson EchoRec

Analog Echo Legacy BOSS DM-2

Analog w/Mod Legacy Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man

Auto-Volume Echo Legacy Line 6 Original

Multi-Head Legacy Roland RE-101 Space Echo

Reverb Models Model Subcategory Based On*

Glitz Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Ganymede Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Searchlights Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Plateaux Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Double Tank Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Plate Legacy Line 6 Original

Room Legacy Line 6 Original

Chamber Legacy Line 6 Original

Hall Legacy Line 6 Original

Echo Legacy Line 6 Original

Tile Legacy Line 6 Original

Cave Legacy Line 6 Original

Ducking Legacy Line 6 Original

Octo Legacy Line 6 Original

63 Spring Legacy Line 6 Original

Spring Legacy Line 6 Original

Particle Verb Legacy Line 6 Original

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development. The Poly Sustain model utilizes polyphonic pitch shifting and, therefore, is extremely DSP-intensivepossibly utilizing up to half of all DSP available for Path 1 or Path 2!


Pitch/Synth Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Pitch Wham Mono, Stereo Digitech Whammy

Twin Harmony Mono, Stereo Eventide H3000

Simple Pitch Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Dual Pitch Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

3 OSC Synth Stereo Line 6 Original

Poly Pitch Mono Line 6 Original

Poly Wham Mono Line 6 Original

Poly Capo Mono Line 6 Original

12 String Mono Line 6 Original

3 Note Generator Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

4 OSC Generator Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Bass Octaver Legacy EBS OctaBass

Smart Harmony Legacy Eventide H3000

Octi Synth Legacy Line 6 Original

Synth O Matic Legacy Line 6 Original

Attack Synth Legacy Korg X911 Guitar Synth

Synth String Legacy Roland GR700 Guitar Synth

Growler Legacy Line 6 Original

Filter Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Mutant Filter Mono, Stereo Musitronics Mu-Tron III

Mystery Filter Mono, Stereo Korg A3

Autofilter Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Asheville Pattrn Mono, Stereo Moog Moogerfooger MF-105M MuRF Filter

Filter Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Voice Box Legacy Line 6 Original

V Tron Legacy Musitronics Mu-Tron III

Q Filter Legacy Line 6 Original

Seeker Legacy Z Vex Seek Wah

Obi Wah Legacy Oberheim voltage-controlled S&H filter

Tron Up Legacy Musitronics Mu-Tron III (up position)

Tron Down Legacy Musitronics Mu-Tron III (down position)

Throbber Legacy Electrix Filter Factory

Slow Filter Legacy Line 6 Original

Spin Cycle Legacy Craig Andertons Wah/Anti-Wah

Comet Trails Legacy Line 6 Original

Wah Models Model Subcategories Based On*

UK Wah 846 Mono, Stereo Vox V846

Teardrop 310 Mono, Stereo Dunlop Cry Baby Fasel model 310

Fassel Mono, Stereo Dunlop Cry Baby Super

Weeper Mono, Stereo Arbiter Cry Baby

Chrome Mono, Stereo Vox V847

Chrome Custom Mono, Stereo Modded Vox V847

Throaty Mono, Stereo RMC Real McCoy 1

Vetta Wah Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Colorful Mono, Stereo Colorsound Wah-fuzz

Conductor Mono, Stereo Maestro Boomerang

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development. These indicated Pitch/Synth models utilize polyphonic pitch shifting and, therefore, are extremely DSP-intensive. Each one might take up half of all DSP available for Path 1 or Path 2! The 3 Note Generator and 4 OSC Generator models make sound without any instrument connected, therefore, their blocks are turned off by default. Be sure to first set your Helix volume to low, and press BYPASS to turn them on.


Volume/Pan Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Volume Pedal Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Gain Mono, Stereo Line 6 Original

Pan Stereo Line 6 Original

Stereo Width Stereo Line 6 Original

Stereo Imager Stereo Line 6 Original

Parameter Description

Drive Adjusts the amount of overdrive, distortion, or fuzz.

Bass Adjusts the bass level.

Mid Adjusts the midrange level.

Treble Adjusts the treble level.


Adjusts the speed of the effect, with higher settings providing faster rates. Press the knob to toggle between Hz and note values. Choosing a Hz value provides a specific modulation speed in cycles per second; choosing a note value provides a time based on the current tempo. Not all Speed parameters can be synced to note values, as they may be non-linear and highly interactive. (Note that stepping on TAP once resets any LFO-based effects, such as tremolos and rotary speakers.)


Adjusts the rate of the effect, with higher settings providing faster rates. Press the knob to toggle between numeric and note values. Not all Rate parameters can be synced to note values, as they may be non- linear and highly interactive. (Note that stepping on TAP once resets any LFO-based effects, such as tremolos and rotary speakers.)


Adjusts the delay/repeat time, with higher settings providing longer delays. Press the knob to toggle between ms and note values. Choosing a ms value provides a specific time in milliseconds; choosing a Note Division value provides a time based on the current tempo. With a note division value, this parameters value is retained when changing models.

Depth Adjusts the intensity of the modulation. Higher settings result in more extreme pitch bending, wobble, or throb, depending on the effect.

Feedback Adjusts the amount of delayed signal fed back into the effect. Higher settings can provide more dramatic textures.

Decay Sets the length of time the reverb effect sustains.

Predelay Determines the time before the reverb effect is heard.

Parameter Description


On stereo delays, the Scale offers control over the left & right channel repeats proportionately. The left channel repeats following the Time value, and the right channel repeats at a time that is the percentage of the left time. For example, if a delays Time is set for 1 second and the Scale set to 75%, the left channel will repeat at 1 second and the right at 750 milliseconds (ms).


Spread differs slightly among stereo delay effects. For most delays, it adjusts how widely the repeats bounce left and right. For example, with the Ping Pong Delay, 0 is in the middle (mono), and 10 is full left to right panning for the repeats. For modulated stereo delays, Spread affects the LFOs (low frequency oscillators) stereo modulation behavior. At 0, the LFOs are in sync. At 10, the two LFOs are 180 degrees out of sync, so that when one side is modulating up, the other side is modulating down.


Some mod and delay pedals internal signal paths exhibit a bit of grit, especially when placed after a high-gain amp block. Negative values increase the perceived amount of grit; positive values clean things up a bit. At 0dB, the model behaves like the original pedal.

Low Cut Filters a portion of the blocks bass and/or treble frequencies, which can help remove rumble and/or high-end harshness.High Cut


Blends the effected wet signal vs. the dry signal passed through the block. When set to 0%, the path bypasses the effect completely. When set to 100%, the entire path is fed through the effect, and no dry thru signal is heard.


Adjusts the overall output level of the effects block. Be careful not to boost this parameter too high on multiple blocks to avoid clipping (also see Block Level Indicators and Meters on page 44). You should typically leave this at 0.0dB for most blocks. Where the original pedals level or volume knob behavior doesnt really apply to dB values, 0.0-10 may be used.


Trails Off: Any delay repeats or reverb decays are instantly muted when the block is bypassed. Trails On: Any delay repeats or reverb decays continue to decay natu- rally when the block is bypassed, or a different snapshot is selected.

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.


Amp+Cab Amp+Cab blocks are convenient in that when you select an Amp model, its matching Cab model is automatically loaded.

To change the amp model in an Amp+Cab block, press until the cab icon is white and turn the joystick.

The first page of Amp+Cab parameters is called the tonestack, and represents the knobs you would see on the real amps panel:

Ch VolPresenceBass MidDrive Treble Amp+Cab Stone Age 185

SHORTCUT: Press to quickly select the Amp+Cab, Amp, or Preamp block and access its tonestack parameters (Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, etc.). If a preset has more than one of these blocks, press repeatedly to cycle through all tonestacks.

Amp Models Model Subcategory Based On*

WhoWatt 100 Guitar Hiwatt DR-103 Brill

Soup Pro Guitar Supro S6616

Stone Age 185 Guitar Gibson EH-185

Voltage Queen Guitar Victoria Vintage Queen

Tweed Blues Nrm Guitar Fender Bassman (normal channel)

Tweed Blues Brt Guitar Fender Bassman (bright channel)

Fullerton Nrm Guitar Fender 5C3 Tweed Deluxe (normal channel)

Fullerton Brt Guitar Fender 5C3 Tweed Deluxe (bright channel)

Fullerton Jump Guitar Fender 5C3 Tweed Deluxe (jumped channels)

Grammatico Nrm Guitar Grammatico LaGrange (normal channel)

Grammatico Brt Guitar Grammatico LaGrange (bright channel)

Amp Models Model Subcategory Based On*

Grammatico Jump Guitar Grammatico LaGrange (jumped channels)

US Small Tweed Guitar Fender Champ

US Princess Guitar Fender Princeton Reverb

US Deluxe Nrm Guitar Fender Deluxe Reverb (normal channel)

US Deluxe Vib Guitar Fender Deluxe Reverb (vibrato channel)

US Double Nrm Guitar Fender Twin Reverb (normal channel)

US Double Vib Guitar Fender Twin Reverb (vibrato channel)

Mail Order Twin Guitar Silvertone 1484

Divided Duo Guitar 13 JRT 9/15

Interstate Zed Guitar Dr Z Route 66

Derailed Ingrid Guitar Trainwreck Circuits Express

Jazz Rivet 120 Guitar Roland JC-120 Jazz Chorus

Essex A15 Guitar Vox AC-15

Essex A30 Guitar Vox AC-30 with top boost

A30 Fawn Nrm Guitar Vox AC-30 Fawn (normal channel)

A30 Fawn Brt Guitar Vox AC-30 Fawn (bright channel)

Matchstick Ch1 Guitar Matchless DC30 (channel 1)

Matchstick Ch2 Guitar Matchless DC30 (channel 2)

Matchstick Jump Guitar Matchless DC30 (jumped)

Mandarin 80 Guitar Orange OR80

Brit J45 Nrm Guitar Marshall JTM-45 (normal channel)

Brit J45 Brt Guitar Marshall JTM-45 (bright channel)

Brit Trem Nrm Guitar Marshall JTM-50 (normal channel)

Brit Trem Brt Guitar Marshall JTM-50 (bright channel)

Brit Trem Jump Guitar Marshall JTM-50 (jumped)

Brit Plexi Nrm Guitar Marshall Super Lead 100 (normal channel)

Brit Plexi Brt Guitar Marshall Super Lead 100 (bright channel)

Brit Plexi Jump Guitar Marshall Super Lead 100 (jumped)

Brit P75 Nrm Guitar Park 75 (normal channel)

Brit P75 Brt Guitar Park 75 (bright channel)

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.


Amp Models Model Subcategory Based On*

Brit 2204 Guitar Marshall JCM-800

Placater Clean Guitar Friedman BE-100 (clean channel)

Placater Dirty Guitar Friedman BE-100 (BE/HBE channel)

Cartographer Guitar Ben Adrian Cartographer

German Mahadeva Guitar Bogner Shiva

German Ubersonic Guitar Bogner berschall

Cali Texas Ch1 Guitar MESA/Boogie Lone Star (clean channel)

Cali Texas Ch2 Guitar MESA/Boogie Lone Star (drive channel)

Cali IV Rhythm 1 Guitar MESA/Boogie Mark IV (channel I)

Cali IV Rhythm 2 Guitar MESA/Boogie Mark IV (channel II)

Cali IV Lead Guitar MESA/Boogie Mark IV (lead channel)

Cali Rectifire Guitar MESA/Boogie Dual Rectifier

Archetype Clean Guitar Paul Reed Smith Archon (clean channel)

Archetype Lead Guitar Paul Reed Smith Archon (lead channel)

ANGL Meteor Guitar ENGL Fireball 100

Solo Lead Clean Guitar Soldano SLO-100 (clean channel)

Solo Lead Crunch Guitar Soldano SLO-100 (crunch channel)

Solo Lead OD Guitar Soldano SLO-100 (overdrive channel)

PV Panama Guitar Peavey 5150

Revv Gen Purple Guitar Revv Generator 120 (purple/gain ch. 3)

Revv Gen Red Guitar Revv Generator 120 (red/high gain ch. 4)

Das Benzin Mega Guitar Diezel VH4 (mega chanel)

Das Benzin Lead Guitar Diezel VH4 (lead chanel)

Line 6 Elektrik Guitar Line 6 Original

Line 6 Doom Guitar Line 6 Original

Line 6 Epic Guitar Line 6 Original

Amp Models Model Subcategory Based On*

Line 6 2204 Mod Guitar Line 6 Original

Line 6 Fatality Guitar Line 6 Original

Line 6 Litigator Guitar Line 6 Original

Line 6 Badonk Guitar Line 6 Original

Ampeg B-15NF Bass Ampeg B-15NF Portaflex

Ampeg SVT Nrm Bass Ampeg SVT (normal channel)

Ampeg SVT Brt Bass Ampeg SVT (bright channel)

Ampeg SVT-4 PRO Bass Ampeg SVT—4 PRO

Woody Blue Bass Acoustic 360

Agua 51 Bass Aguilar DB51

Cali Bass Bass MESA/Boogie M9 Carbine

Cali 400 Ch1 Bass MESA/Boogie Bass 400+ (channel 1)

Cali 400 Ch2 Bass MESA/Boogie Bass 400+ (channel 2)

G Cougar 800 Bass Gallien-Krueger GK 800RB

Del Sol 300 Bass Sunn Coliseum 300

Busy One Ch1 Bass Pearce BC-1 preamp (channel 1)

Busy One Ch2 Bass Pearce BC-1 preamp (channel 2)

Busy One Jump Bass Pearce BC-1 preamp (jumped)

Studio Tube Pre Preamp > Mic Requisite Y7 mic preamp

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.


Tonestack and deeper amp parameters found on subsequent pages may differ depend- ing on the amp model selected.

Common Amp Settings Parameter Description

Master Adjusts the amount of power amp distortion. This parameter is highly interactive with all other power amp parametersthe lower the Master is set, the less effect the other controls will have.

Sag Lower Sag values offer tighter responsiveness for faster metal perfor- mances; higher values provide more touch dynamics & sustain for blues and classic rock riffs.

Hum Controls how much heater hum and AC ripple interacts with your tone. At higher settings, things get freaky.Ripple

Bias Changes the Bias of the power tubes. Lower values achieve a colder Class AB biasing. At maximum, the amp is operating in Class A.

Bias X Determines how the power amp tubes voicing reacts when pushed hard. Set low for a tighter feel. Set high for more tube compression. This parameter is highly reactive with the Drive and Master settings.

Amp Amp blocks are identical to Amp+Cab blocks, except they contain no matched cab model.

Preamp Weve also included a complete set of Preamp versions of each Amp model, which provide the tone of just the preamp stage of the amprecommended when feeding Helix LT into an external amplifier (either via 1/4″ to your traditional amp or via L6 LINK to a Line 6 Powercab Plus, DT25, or DT50).

Preamp blocks require less DSP than a full Amp block.

Cab There are two subcategories of Cab blocksSingle and Dual. Not surprisingly, dual Cabs take twice as much DSP as single Cabs.

To change the first cab model in a Cab > Dual block, press until the right cab icon is white and turn the joystick.

Cab Models Model Subcategories Based On*

Soup Pro Ellipse Single, Dual 1 x 6×9″ Supro S6616

1×8 Small Tweed Single, Dual 1×8″ Fender Champ

1×10 US Princess Single, Dual 1×10 Fender Princeton Reverb

1×12 Field Coil Single, Dual 1×12″ Gibson EH185

1×12 Fullerton Single, Dual 1×12″ Fender 5C3 Tweed Deluxe

1×12 Grammatico Single, Dual 1×12″ Grammatico LaGrange

1×12 US Deluxe Single, Dual 1×12″ Fender Deluxe Oxford

1×12 US Princess Single, Dual 1×12″ Fender Princeton Reverb

1×12 Celest 12H Single, Dual 1×12″ 13 JRT 9/15 G12 H30

1×12 Blue Bell Single, Dual 1×12″ Vox AC-15 Blue

1×12 Lead 80 Single, Dual 1×12″ Bogner Shiva CL80

1×12 Cali IV Single, Dual 1×12″ MESA/Boogie Mk IV

1×12 Cali Ext Single, Dual 1×12″ MESA/Boogie EVM12L

2×12 Double C12N Single, Dual 2×12″ Fender Twin C12N

2×12 Mail C12Q Single, Dual 2×12″ Silvertone 1484

2×12 Interstate Single, Dual 2×12″ Dr Z Z Best V30

2×12 Jazz Rivet Single, Dual 2×12″ Roland JC-120

2×12 Silver Bell Single, Dual 2×12″ Vox AC-30TB Silver

2×12 Blue Bell Single, Dual 2×12″ Vox AC-30 Fawn Blue

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.


Cab Models Model Subcategories Based On*

2×12 Match H30 Single, Dual 1×12″ Matchless DC-30 G12H30

2×12 Match G25 Single, Dual 1×12″ Matchless DC-30 Greenback 25

4×10 Tweed P10R Single, Dual 4×10″ Fender Bassman P10R

4×12 WhoWatt 100 Single, Dual 4×12″ Hiwatt AP Fane

4×12 Mandarin EM Single, Dual 4×12″ Orange Eminence

4×12 Greenback25 Single, Dual 4×12″ Marshall Basketweave G12 M25

4×12 Greenback20 Single, Dual 4×12″ Marshall Basketweave G12 M20

4×12 Blackback30 Single, Dual 4×12″ Park 75 G12 H30

4×12 1960 T75 Single, Dual 4×12″ Marshall 1960 AT75

4×12 Uber V30 Single, Dual 4×12″ Bogner Uberkab V30

4×12 Uber T75 Single, Dual 4×12″ Bogner Uberkab T75

4×12 Cali V30 Single, Dual 4×12″ MESA/Boogie 4FB V30

4×12 XXL V30 Single, Dual 4×12″ ENGL XXL V30

4×12 SoloLead EM Single, Dual 4×12″ Soldano

1×12 Del Sol Single, Dual 1×12″ Sunn Coliseum

1×15 Ampeg B-15 Single, Dual 1×15″ Ampeg B-15

1×18 Del Sol Single, Dual 1×18″ Sunn Coliseum

1×18 Woody Blue Single, Dual 1×18″ Acoustic 360

2×15 Brute Single, Dual 2×15″ MESA/Boogie 2×15 EV

4×10 Ampeg HLF Single, Dual 4×10″ Ampeg SVT 410HLF

6×10 Cali Power Single, Dual 6×10″ MESA/Boogie Power House

8×10 Ampeg SVT E Single, Dual 8×10″ Ampeg SVT

Mic Models Model Based On*

57 Dynamic Shure SM57

409 Dynamic Sennheiser MD 409

421 Dynamic Sennheiser MD 421-U

30 Dynamic Heil Sound PR 30

20 Dynamic Electro-Voice RE20

121 Ribbon Royer R-121

160 Ribbon Beyerdynamic M 160

4038 Ribbon Coles 4038

414 Cond AKG C414 TLII

84 Cond Neumann KM84

67 Cond Neumann U67

87 Cond Neumann U87

47 Cond Neumann U47

112 Dynamic AKG D112

12 Dynamic AKG D12

7 Dynamic Shure SM7

Cab Settings Parameter Description

Mic Selects one of the 16 available mic models.

Distance Sets the distance (1 inch to 12 inches) between the mic and the speaker grille.

Low Cut Filters a portion of the cabs bass and/or treble frequencies, which can help remove rumble and/or high-end harshness.High Cut

EarlyReflc Sets the amount of early reflections. Higher values add more reflective room sound to your Amp tone.

Level Adjusts the overall output level of the Cab.

*See U.S. Registered Trademarks on page 45. All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trademarks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.


Impulse Response (IR) Impulse Responses are mathematical functions representing the sonic measurements of specific audio systems (for Helix LT, speaker cabinet, and microphone combinations). Helix can load and store up to 128 custom or third-party IRs at a time.

TIP: You can get a free pack of IRs right now, available at, or check out the ever-growing number of custom Helix presets and IR bundles on Line 6 Marketplace.

IR Formats For all Helix family devices, as well as the Helix Native plugin, the following IR file types are supported.

Helix Impulse Response (.hir) — This is the proprietary Line 6 IR file format. All IRs purchased through the Line 6 Marketplace are of this file typesee Marketplace on page 6.

WAV (.wav) — Most IR producers and vendors typically offer IRs in the .wav format. It is possible to import a mono or stereo .wav file IR, regardless of its bit depth, length, or sample rate frequency. Upon import, IR .wav files are automatically converted to 48kHz sample rate, 32-bit, mono, and 2,048 sample length for Helix. You can use the HX Edit apps Preferences to set the preferred behavior for importing Stereo WAV IRs (import the left or right channel data of the file, or a mix of both).

Loading IRs into Helix LT Loading Impulse Response files into Helix LT requires connecting to the HX Edit appli- cation in your Mac or Windows computer. The HX Edit application is available as a free download from

1. Connect Helix LT to your computer via USB and open the HX Edit application.

2. Click the IRs tab.

3. Drag one or more IR files from the desktop or any Finder window directly into the HX Edit applications IRs list (or use the HX Edit IR — Import command). The HX Edit app updates the Helix LT hardwares IR list automatically. Helix LT can load and store up to 128 IRs at a time.

Loading an IR in an IR Block Once youve imported IR files into Helix LT (see the previous section), you can then put them to use by adding one or more IR blocks into your tone. It is recommended to use an Amp block preceding an IR block (rather than an Amp+Cab type block).

1. Move the joystick knob to select an empty block location just to the right of your Amp block on the signal path.

2. Push the joystick knob and turn it to select the Impulse Response category.

3. Push the joystick knob to select Mono, and push again to select 1024-sample IR.

NOTE: You may optionally choose the higher fidelity 2048-sample IR (there is a max. limit of one 2048-sample IR block per Path, or two 1024-sample IR blocks per path).

4. Turn Knob 1 (IR Select) to choose the IR index (1~128) to utilize the preferred IR file within your IR library. Use Knobs 2~5 to fine-tune the IR settings to tastesee below.

TIP: Optionally, you can create a Snapshot assignment (see Using Snapshots) on the IR Select parameter, which then allows you to change between different IRs within the

block per snapshot!

Impulse Response Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 IR Select Selects one of the 128 available IR locations. If a location con- tains an IR, the inspector header displays its name; otherwise, it reads .

2 Low Cut Filters a portion of the IRs bass and/or treble frequencies, which can help remove rumble and/or high-end harshness.3 High Cut

4 Mix

Blends the IR signal with the dry signal passed through the IR block. When set to 0%, the path bypasses the IR completely. When set to 100%, the entire path is fed through the IR, and no dry signal is heard.

5 Level Adjusts the overall output level of the IR block.


IR File Reference Once an IR block is configured to utilize an IR index slot that includes an imported IR (.wav or .hir) file, and the preset then saved, the preset creates a reference signature to the imported IR from its file name. Likewise, if you save your IR block as a Favorite (see page 19), or set the IR blocks current settings as the User Model Defaults (see page 19), the IR bock also creates a reference to the specific IR file within your IR library. Therefore, if you re-order IRs within the IR library list, your preset (or IR Favorite or User Model Default block) will still intelligently reference the originally associated IR file, even if it now resides in a different IR Library index location. This also makes it easy to share your presets with friends, since they can then insert the same IR file in any slot within their Helix IR library, and the preset will find it. Please also refer to the HX Edit Pilots Guide for additional info regarding the use of IRs.

Send/Return Each of the sends and returns can be used independently or used together as an FX loop.

FX loops let you dynamically insert your favorite external stompboxes (or rack effects) into any location in your tone.

NOTE: The send and return pair can be set for instrument level (for inserting stompboxes) or line-level operation. See Global Settings > Ins/Outs. Send/Return blocks also offer clip indicators for level managementsee page 44.

NOTE: Each return can be used only once in a preset. For example, if you add a Return 1 block (or assign one of the input blocks to Return 1), Return 1/2, FX Loop 1, and FX Loop 1/2 items will all appear grayed out in the model list, as they also utilize Return 1.

Send Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 Send Adjusts the level sent to your external devices.

2 Dry Thru Adjusts the signals level through the Send block, independent of the Knob 1 (Send) level. Normally, this should be set to 0.0dB.

Return Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 Return Adjusts the level received at the Return jack.

2 Mix

Blends the Return signal vs. the dry signal passed through the Return block. When set to 0%, the path bypasses the Return completely. When set to 100%, the entire signal is fed from the Return, and no dry thru signal is heard.

FX Loop Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 Send Adjusts the level sent to your external device.

2 Return Adjusts the level received at the Return jack.

3 Mix

Blends the FX loop signal vs. the dry signal passed through the FX Loop block. When set to 0%, the path bypasses the FX loop completely. When set to 100%, the entire path is fed through the FX loop, and no dry thru signal is heard. (This means that if you dont currently have your external gear connected to the Send & Return jacks, you wont hear any output signal unless you bypass the FX Loop block!)

4 Trails

Trails Off: An external stompbox would be instantly muted when the FX Loop block is bypassed. Trails On: An external delay or reverb stompbox would continue to decay naturally when the FX Loop block is bypassed, or a dif- ferent snapshot is selected.


Looper Helix LT offers three different Looper types: the 1 Switch, 6 Switch, and Shuffling Looper. Many factory presets already include a Looper block, which is also already assigned to a Stomp mode footswitch. A Looper block can exist anywhere on either Path 1 or Path 2one Looper block per preset maximum.

Looper Models (Mono & Stereo)

Model Based On* Max. Loop Length

Half Speed Full Speed

6 Switch Looper (Mono) Line 6 Original 120 seconds 60 seconds

1 Switch Looper (Mono) Line 6 Original 120 seconds 60 seconds

Shuffling Looper (Mono) Line 6 Original n/a 60 seconds

6 Switch Looper (Stereo) Line 6 Original 60 seconds 30 seconds

1 Switch Looper (Stereo) Line 6 Original 60 seconds 30 seconds

Shuffling Looper (Stereo) Line 6 Original n/a 30 seconds

IMPORTANT! You may change presets while looping, but loop playback will stop unless the preset you select includes the same type of looper block (same 6 Switch, 1 Switch, or Shuffle looper type, and same mono or stereo type).

TIP: The Command Center — HX Looper options allow you to customize your Stomp Mode footswitches further to easily trigger multiple looper functions for the 6 Switch or 1 Switch Looperssee Command Center on page 58.

The 6 Switch or 1 Switch Loopers can also be controlled via external MIDIsee MIDI on page 73.

Looper Settings (6 Switch & 1 Switch Looper) Knob Parameter Description

1 Playback Adjusts looper playback level. You may find it useful to turn this down a bit so your live guitar can be slightly louder.

2 Overdub

Relatively sets the level of your loop while overdubbing. For example, if your Overdub Level is set to 90%, each time your loop repeats, its volume will be reduced by 10%, sounding quieter and quieter with each overdub pass.

3 Low Cut Filters a portion of the loops bass and/or treble frequencies, which can improve the mix with your live guitar.4 High Cut

Using the 6 Switch Looper Once assigned, pressing the Stomp mode footswitch for a 6 Switch Looper activates its Looper Footswitch mode, where all its functions are conveniently laid out and labeled on the Helix LT footswitches.

1. Add a 6 Switch Looper block to your preset and assign it to a footswitch in Stomp mode. See Quick Bypass Assign on page 52.

2. From Stomp mode, press the 6 Switch Looper footswitch. Looper mode appears:




16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Press MODE to EXIT Looper

Overdub Low CutPlayback High Cut

20Hz 20.0kHz0.0dB0.0dB



Switch Description

Step on to start recording a loop. Step on to end the loop and immediately start playback. Step on to overdub additional parts. Step on again to stop playback.

If you make a mistake on your last overdub, step on UNDO to erase it.

Step on to play the recorded loop once through.

Recording at full speed and then switching to 1/2 speed will also drop the loop down one octave. Recording at 1/2 speed will double your looping memory, and switching to full speed will cause the loop to play at double speed (up an octave).

Step on REV/FWD to hear your loop backwards.

NOTES: If you press while loop playback is stopped, this will always record a new loop, and any previous recording will be discarded.

While in Looper mode, stepping on BANK or BANK temporarily enters Preset mode. Once youve selected a preset, Helix returns to Looper mode.

3. To return to the previous mode, press FS6 (EXIT).


Using the 1 Switch Looper As its name implies, all functions for the 1 Switch Looper are available from its assigned Stomp mode footswitch, described as follows.

1. Add a 1 Switch Looper block to your preset and assign it to a footswitch in Stomp mode. See Quick Bypass Assign on page 52.

2. Press the 1 Switch Looper switch. The LED lights red, indicating the loop is recording.

3. Press the 1 Switch Looper switch again. The LED lights green, indicating the loop is playing back.

4. Press the 1 Switch Looper switch again. The LED lights amber, indicating the loop is in overdub mode. Subsequent presses of the switch toggle between play and overdub mode.

5. While the Looper is in play or overdub mode, press and hold the switch for 1 second. The most recent recording is undone. Holding the switch again will redo the recording.

6. Quickly double-press the 1 Switch Looper switch. Playback/recording stops and the LED lights white, indicating a loop is in memory.

7. While Looper playback/recording is stopped, press and hold the switch for 1 second. The most recent recording is deleted, and the LED lights dim white.

Using the Shuffling Looper Part looper, part sampler, part performance instrument the Shuffling Looper chops up your recorded loop, randomizes the slices, and gives you control over reordering, octave shifting, reversing, repeating, and more.

1. Add a Shuffling Looper block to your preset and assign it to a footswitch in Stomp mode. See Quick Bypass Assign on page 52.

2. Turn Knob 1 (Slices) to set the number of slices your loop will be chopped into.

3. Press the switch to begin recording. The LED lights red, indicating the loop is recording.

4. When done recording your loop, press the switch. The LED lights green, and the sliced loop sequence immediately plays.

5. During playback, adjust the following knobs (or assign them to controllers, like expression pedals): SlicesDetermines the number of slices your loop will be chopped into

SeqLengthDetermines the number of steps in the sequence before it loops

ShuffleDetermines the likelihood of slices shuffling/reordering

OctavesDetermines the likelihood of slices playing back an octave higher or lower

ReverseDetermines the likelihood of slices playing backward

RepeatDetermines the likelihood of slices repeating

SmoothingHigher values apply smoothing between slices and can give a synth-pad type quality. Lower values maintain transients. Or set it just high enough to avoid pops and clicks

Seq DriftDetermines the likelihood of a slice changing after it has played

PlaybackSets the playback level of the loop sequence

Low Cut and High CutAdjust these to filter some of the bass or treble fre- quencies of the loop playback

TIP: To only use pitch and reverse effects on your loop, turn Shuffle down to 0% and set the Slices and SeqLength to the same value.

6. Want to change it up? While the loop is playing, press the switch to randomize its slice sequence.

7. Quickly double-press the Looper switch. Playback/recording stops, and the LED lights white, indicating a loop is in memory.

8. While the loop is playing or stopped, press and hold the switch. The recording is deleted, and the LED lights dim white.


Split A Split block appears any time a parallel path is created but is visible only when selected:

Helix LT has four different types of Split blocks: Y, A/B, Crossover, and Dynamic.

Y By default, the signal is fed to Paths A (upper) and B (lower) evenly. The individual Balance (pan) options offer control of the stereo balance sent to each path.

A/B The signal can be sent in different amounts to Paths A (upper) and B (lower).

Crossover Treble frequencies are sent to Path A (upper) and bass frequencies are sent to Path B (lower).

Dynamic Similar to a crossover, except the audio content exceeding the audio Threshold is sent to Path A, and the content below the audio Threshold is sent to Path B.

Split > Y Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 Balance A Adjusts the stereo balance (pan) of the signal sent to Path A (upper).

2 Balance B Adjusts the stereo balance (pan) of the signal sent to Path B (lower).

Split > A/B Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 Route To Determines the amount of the signal sent to Path A vs. Path B. Press the knob to set to Even Split.

Split > Crossover Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 Frequency Any signal above this frequency is sent to Path A (upper); any signal below this frequency is sent to Path B (lower).

2 Reverse When on, reverses the path assignments (any signal above the crossover frequency is sent to Path B, any signal below the crossover frequency is sent to Path A).

Split > Dynamic Settings Knob Parameter Description

1 Threshold Any signal below the Threshold volume level is routed to Path A; any signal above the Threshold is routed to Path B.

2 Attack Determines how fast the signal is routed to Path B once reach- ing the Threshold.

3 Decay Determines how fast the signal returns to Path A once falling below the Threshold.

4 Reverse When on, reverses the path assignments (any signal above the Threshold value is sent to Path B, any signal below the Threshold value is sent to Path A).

NOTE: Much like any Effects type block, a Split block can be bypassed, as well as have a bypass assignment created for it. When bypassed, regardless of the Split type in use, the block sends both left and right signals to both paths equally.


Merge A Merge > Mixer block appears any time a parallel path is created but is visible only when selected:

Knob Parameter Description

1 A Level Adjusts the output level of Path A (upper).

2 A Pan Adjusts the left/right stereo balance of Path A.

3 B Level Adjusts the output level of Path B (lower).

4 B Pan Adjusts the left/right stereo balance of Path B.

5 B Polarity Inverts the polarity of Path B. Typically, this should be set to Normal.

6 Level Adjusts the overall output level of the Merge block.

Block Level Indicators and Meters Helix LT includes real-time level indicators and metering for specific block types, which are very handy for visually checking and optimizing the gain staging throughout your tones signal flow.

Signal Present and Clip Indicators For path Input and Output blocks — These blocks are displayed with a green fill to indicate a signal is present, and a red fill if the signal is too hot. If clipping is indicated, reduce the signal level before and/or at the red indicated Input/Output block.

31B Level Best 1

Signal Present Signal Clipping

For Send/Return — Send, Return, and FX Loop blocks — Whenever the signal level at any of these block types is too hot, a red fill color is displayed as a clip indicator. If clipping is indicated, you should reduce the signal level preceding and/or at the red indicated Send/Return block.

Level Meters For Output, Send, or FX Loop type blocks — When one of these block types is selected within the Signal Flow, youll see its meter appear within the lower Inspector portion of the Helix LT Home screen. The meter measures output level and is displayed green for normal signal levels. Whenever the signal is too hot, the meter is displayed red to alert you of clipping. A single meter bar is displayed for mono blocks, and a dual bar for stereo blocks.




0.0dB Output Multi (1/4, XLR, Digital, USB 1/2)




0.0dB Output Multi (1/4, XLR, Digital, USB 1/2)

Gain Reduction Meters For all Dynamics — Compressor and Input block — Gate type blocks — A meter mea- sures the dB amount of gain reduction being applied by the effect, providing a helpful indicator for adjusting your compression and gate parameters. A single gain reduction meter is displayed for mono and stereo Dynamics models, and a triple meter is displayed for the 3-Band Comp model (one for each frequency band).

Mix LevelSensitivity

+5.0dB100%5.0 Dynamics Red Squeeze

-42 -35 -28 -21 -14 -7 0

Guitar In-Z

Auto Input Multi (Guitar, Variax)

Input Gate Threshold Decay

500 ms48.0dBOff

-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0


U.S. Registered Trademarks *All product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners and neither Yamaha Guitar Group nor Line 6 are associated or affiliated with them. These trade- marks appear solely to identify products whose tones and sounds were studied by Line 6 during sound model development.

5150 is a registered trademark of ELVH Inc.

Acoustic is a registered trademark of GTRC Services, Inc.

Aguilar is a registered trademark David Boonshoft.

AKG and Digitech Whammy are registered trademarks of Harman International Industries, Inc.

Arbiter is a registered trademark of Sound City Amplification LLC.

Ashly is a registered trademark of Ashly Audio, Inc.

Binson, Dytronics, LA-2A and Teletronix are registered trademarks of Universal Audio, Inc.

Beyerdynamic is a registered trademark of Beyer Dynamic GmbH & Co. KG.

Bogner and berschall are registered trademarks of Bogner Amplification.

BOSS and Roland are registered trademarks of Roland Corporation U.S.

Carvin is a registered trademark of Carvin Corp.

Colorsound is a registered trademark of Sola Sound Limited Corporation, UK.

Cry Baby, Dunlop, Fuzz Face, MXR and Uni-Vibe are registered trademarks of Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc.

Darkglass and Microtubes are registered trademarks of Darkglass Electronics, TMI Douglas Castro.

DOD is a registered trademark of DOD Electronics Corporation.

Dr. Z is a registered trademark of Dr. Z Amps, Inc.

EBS is a registered trademark according of EBS Holding.

EchoRec is a registered trademark of Nicholas Harris.

Electrix is a trademark or registered trademark of IVL Technologies, Ltd. in the U.S. and/ or other jurisdictions.

Electro-Harmonix is a registered trademark of New Sensor Corp.

Electro-Voice is a registered trademark of Bosch Security Systems, Inc.

Eminence is a registered trademark of Eminence Speaker, LLC.

Engl is a registered trademark of Beate Ausflug and Edmund Engl.

Eventide is a registered trademark of Eventide Inc.

Fane is a trademark of Fane International Ltd.

Fender, Twin Reverb, Bassman, Champ, Deluxe Reverb, Princeton Reverb, and Sunn are registered trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments Corp.

Fulltone is a registered trademark of Fulltone Musical Products, Inc.

Gallien-Krueger is a registered trademark of Gallien Technology, Inc.

Gibson and Maestro are registered trademarks of Gibson Guitar Corp.

Heil Sound is a registered trademark of Heil Sound Ltd.

Hiwatt is a registered trademark of 9574565 Canada Inc.

Ibanez is a registered trademark of Hoshino, Inc.

Klon is a registered trademark of Klon, LLC.

Korg is a registered trademark of Korg, Inc.

Leslie is a registered trademark of Suzuki Musical Instrument Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

Marshall is a registered trademark of Marshall Amplification Plc.

Matchless is a registered trademark of Matchless, LLC.

MAXON is a registered trademark of Nisshin Onpa Co., Ltd.

Mesa/Boogie, Lone Star, and Rectifier are registered trademarks of Mesa/Boogie, Ltd.

Moog and Moogerfooger are registered trademarks of Moog Music, Inc.

Musitronics is a registered trademark of Mark S. Simonsen.

Mu-Tron is a registered trademark of Henry Zajac.

Neumann is a registered trademark of Georg Neumann GmbH.

Orange is a registered trademark of Orange Brand Services Limited.

Park is a registered trademark of AMP RX LLC.

Paul Reed Smith and Archon are registered trademarks of Paul Reed Smith Guitars, LP.

Peavey is a registered trademark of Peavey Electronics Corporation.

Revv is a registered trademark of Revv Amplification Inc.

RMC is a registered trademark of Richard McClish.

Royer is a registered trademark of Bulldog Audio, Inc. DBA Rover Labs.

Sennheiser is a registered trademark of Sennheiser Electronic GmbH & Co. KG.

Shure is a registered trademark of Shure Inc.

Silvertone is a registered trademark of Samick Music Corporation.

Supro is a registered trademark of DAG Audio Group LLC.

TC Electronic is a registered trademark of MUSIC Group IP Ltd.

Tech21 is a registered trademark of Tech21 Licensing Ltd.

Timmy is a registered trademark of Paul Cochrane AKA PAULCAUDIO.

Trainwreck is a registered trademark of of Scott Alan Fischer and Mona Fischer.

Tube Screamer is a registered trademark of Hoshino Gakki Co. Ltd.

Tycobrahe is a registered trademark of Kurt Stier.

Vox is a registered trademark of Vox R&D Limited.

Way Huge is a registered trademark of Saucy Inc.

Xotic is a registered trademark of Prosound Communications, Inc.


Tuner Helix LT offers three Tuner types, Fine (shown below), Coarse, and Strobe, selectable from Knob 4 of the Tuner Settingssee the following table.

1. Hold the TAP footswitch until the Tuner screen appears:






440 Hz




Multi Off


2. Pluck an individual string on your guitar. When a box left of center is lit red or yellow, your string is flat. When a box right of center is lit red or yellow, your string is sharp. When one of the center boxes on the lower row is lit green, the top row of smaller bars can be used for more precision. When both arrows are illuminated, your string is perfectly in tune.

3. To exit the Tuner, step on any footswitch. All tuner settings are global.

TIP: If you have a favorite pedal or rack tuner and wish to use it instead of Helix LTs tuner, connect Send 1 or 2 to your tuners input and turn Knob 2 (Tuner Out) to select Send 1/2. This way, every time you hold the TAP footswitch, Helix LT will automatically route the signal to your favorite tuner.

Tuner Settings Page Knob Parameter Description


1 Tuner In Determines which input the tuner will listen to. Normally, you should choose Multi, which listens to the Guitar and Variax inputs simultaneously.

2 Tuner Out Determines the active output while the Tuner screen is active. If you prefer to hear nothing while tuning, choose Mute. Normally, you should choose Multi, which routes the input to 1/4″, XLR, Digital, and USB 1/2.

3 Reference If youd like to tune to a reference other than standard 440 Hz, select from 425 to 455 Hz.

4 Type Choose between three Tuner types: Fine (color-changing, needle tuner with fine-tuning bar, the default type), Course (color-changing needle tuner with no fine-tuning bar), or Strobe. The Tuner accurately tunes notes down to 21.83 Hz (low F) for 5-string basses.

6 Offsets Enables the Tuner offsets displayed on Page 2.


1 String 6 Offset

Some guitarists feel that tuning certain strings slightly sharp or flat in relation to concert tuning can improve intonation. String offsets calibrate the tuner so that these slightly out-of-tune pitches appear as in tune. String 6 is low E, and String 1 is high E. Tuning offsets wont be applied unless Knob 6 (Offsets) on Page 1 is turned on.

2 String 5 Offset

3 String 4 Offset

4 String 3 Offset

5 String 2 Offset

6 String 1 Offset


Snapshots In the upper right corner of the LCD, youll see a camera icon. The number indicates the current snapshot.


What are Snapshots? Snapshots are presets within a preset.

Imagine you have eight pet octopuses, all slithering around your amp and pedalboard. Instead of tap-dancing on your pedals (and accidentally stepping on a tentacle), you shout, Okay, gangheres the verse… now! and your octopuses switch some pedals on, switch other pedals off, and tweak all your amps and pedals knobs to make the best possible settings for your songs verse, all seamlessly with spillover delay and reverb trails. Then you shout, Ready for the chorus… now! and your octopuses instantly tweak everything for your songs chorus. Thats the power of snapshots.

The only thing your octopuses/snapshots cant do is rearrange your pedalboard or swap out an effect or amp for a different one (unless both effect blocks exist in the same preset).

Each preset can have up to 64 parameters assigned to Snapshots; hence, eight octo- puses with eight tentacles each. The octopuses can remember eight separate groups of on/off statuses and setting tweaks per preset; that is, Helix has eight snapshots per preset.

Each of the eight snapshots in Helix stores and recalls the state of certain elements in the current preset, including:

Block BypassThe bypass (on/off) state of all processing blocks (except Looper), independent of any footswitch bypass assignments.

NOTE: The bypass state of blocks is automatically stored and recalled per snapshot. Optionally, you can exclude a blocks bypass state from being affected by snapshots see Snapshot Block Bypass On/Off below.

Parameter ControlThe values of any parameters assigned to controllers (up to 64 per preset).

Command CenterThe values of any instant MIDI CC, Bank/Prog, MMC, Qwerty Hotkey, and HX Looper messages, plus the state (dim or lit) of any CC Toggle, and Ext Amp messages. Also, see Command Center

TempoThe current system tempo, if Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo > Tempo Select is set to Per Snapshot. (By default, its set to Per Preset)

Depending on how you set them up, snapshots can act as eight variations of the same tone, eight drastically different tones, or any combination thereofall within the same preset. A single presets snapshots may accommodate all the various tones required for a song in many cases.

IMPORTANT! Snapshots make it easy for multiple blocks assigned to the same footswitch to end up in unexpected states. For example, if FS2 toggles between Delay (ON) and Reverb (OFF) blocks and a snapshot turns the Reverb on, FS2 will suddenly turn both blocks on and off together.

Snapshot Block Bypass On/Off There may be situations where you dont want snapshots to control a particular blocks bypass state; that is, youd prefer to turn it on and off manually. For example, you may want manual control of a Boost block at any time without worrying whether a particular snapshot might turn it on or off.

1. Within the Home screen, select a processing block within the signal flow and press ACTION.

2. Turn Knob 5 (Snapshot Bypass) to set the behavior for the block.

Use joystick to move block; move down to create Path B

Clear Block

Clear All Blocks

Copy Block

Paste Block

Snapshot Bypass

On Add to


By default, all blocks are set to On so that their bypass state is controlled by snapshots automatically. Change to Off to disable snapshot control of the selected blocks bypass state.


Using Snapshots 1. Press BANK and BANK simultaneously to enter Snapshot

footswitch mode. On the LCD screen, the middle eight switches labels flash, indicating a snapshot is ready to be selected, and the current snapshots camera lens appears inverted. The respective footswitchs LED for the current snapshot is lit red.




16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Delay Elephant Man

LevelMixFeedback ModeTime Depth

0.0 dB40%8.4Vibrato1/8 [37%]




21 3 4



2. Press one of the eight snapshot switches to select a different snapshot.

NOTE: If you dont want Snapshot footswitches to disappear after selecting one, set Global Settings > Footswitches > Knob 4 (Snapshot Mode Switches) to Manual Return. In this case, Helix LT stays in Snapshot footswitch mode until you press FS6 (CANCEL).

Alternatively, press the PRESETS knob and turn Knob 5 (Select Snapshot).

NOTE: If you select a snapshot that hasnt yet been altered, it appears the same as the snapshot you came from. As soon as you edit a new snapshot (say, by enabling or bypassing an amp or effect block), the snapshot becomes active and remembers any changes.

Adjust the preset by doing one or more of the following:

Turn several blocks on or off by pressing stomp mode footswitches and/or the BYPASS button

Push-turn a few knobs to assign their parameters to the Snapshots controller automatically. The parameters values appear white and in brackets) to indicate it is assigned.



On the Command Center page, adjust the Instant messages values or press a footswitch assigned to CC Toggle, Ext Amp, Qwerty Hotkey, or HX Looper. These Command Center assigned messages are sent when recalling a snap- shotalso see Command Center

SHORTCUT: Hold ACTION and press a parameter knob to quickly remove any controller assignment (including the Snapshots controller). The value appears in color, indicating no controller is assigned to it.

NOTE: You can also manually assign the Snapshots controller. From the Controller Assign page, select the desired block and parameter and turn Knob 2 (Controller) to select Snapshot.

NOTE: Each preset can have up to 64 controller assignments, including parameters controlled by Snapshots. If you attempt to add a 65th, Too many controller assign- ments! appears in the header:

Too many controller assignments!



LevelMixKey Scale

0.0 dB[40%][Minor][D][1/8]

In this case, you must clear some controllers to free up assignments. See Clearing a Blocks Controller Assignment(s) or Clearing All Controller Assignments

3. Switch back to the snapshot you started with. Helix LT instantly and seamlessly returns to its previous state.

NOTE: If youve changed Global Settings > Preferences > Snapshot Edits to Dis- card, you must save the preset before selecting a different snapshot; otherwise, your edits will be discarded!


Copying/Pasting a Snapshot Instead of creating a new snapshot from scratch, you may want to copy an existing one to another snapshot location and tweak just a few things. There are two ways to do this:

Quick Copy/Paste Snapshot from Footswitches 1. Press BANK and BANK simultaneously to enter Snapshot

footswitch mode.

2. While touch-holding the footswitch for the snapshot you want to copy, briefly touch and release the footswitch for the snapshot you want to overwrite. A dialog panel appears:


Copy Snapshot 4 to Snapshot 5?

3. Press Knob 6 (OK).

NOTE: The touch behavior for footswitches can be disabled using the Stomp Select option in Global Settings > Footswitches

Copying/Pasting a Snapshot from the Front Panel 1. Press PRESETS to open the Setlist menu and turn Knob 5 (Select

Snapshot) to select the snapshot you want to copy.

2. Press ACTION and then Knob 1 (Copy Snapshot). Helix LT returns to the Setlist menu.

3. Turn Knob 5 (Select Snapshot) to choose the snapshot you want to overwrite.

4. Press ACTION and then Knob 2 (Paste Snapshot). A dialog panel appears:


Copy Snapshot 4 to Snapshot 5?

5. Press Knob 6 (OK).

Swapping Snapshots 1. Touch (but dont press) the two snapshot switches you want to

swap until the following dialog appears:


Swap Snapshots 1 and 5?

2. Press Knob 6 (OK).

Customizing a Snapshot Footswitch Name & Color Instead of having to remember the difference between SNAPSHOT 1 and SNAPSHOT 2, its helpful to rename your snapshots something descriptive, such as VERSE, BIG SOLO, or D. IGLOO.

1. Press PRESETS to open the Setlist menu.

2. Press Knob 6 (Rename Snapshot). The Rename Snapshot screen appears:

Cancel Delete Insert

Rename Snapshot





Remove Switch LED

Auto Color

Move the joystick left or right to move the cursor. Snapshot names are limited to 10 characters.

Turn the joystick (or move it up/down) to change the selected character.

Press Knob 2 (Delete) to delete the selected character and shift all following characters to the left.

Press Knob 3 (Insert) to insert a space and shift all following characters to the right.

SHORTCUT: Press the joystick to cycle through A, a, 0, and [SPACE].

Press Knob 4 (Remove) to remove the custom name. Remove is grayed out until a custom name is applied.


3. To optionally change a footswitchs LED color, turn Knob 5 (Switch LED) to select the desired color. The default Auto Color setting is red.

Cancel Delete Insert SaveRemove Switch LED

Auto Color

4. Press Knob 6 (Save). Snapshot switch LED colors (and names) are only retained if you also save the current preset. See the next section.

Saving Snapshots Press SAVE twice to save the preset. Saving a preset stores all of its 8 snapshots automatically.

NOTE: Selecting a preset recalls the Snapshot that was active when the preset was saved.

Determining Snapshot Edit Behavior Say youre on Snapshot 2 (VERSE), and you change a few thingsswitch a delay block on, switch a mod block off, tweak an Amps Gain parameter from your Variaxs Tone knob, etc. If you switch to Snapshot 4 (CHORUS) and then back to Snapshot 2 for the second verse, should Helix LT recall those changes or return Snapshot 2 to its state when the preset was last saved? Theres no right answer. Therefore, Helix LT lets you choose.

1. Press and then Knob 6 (Global Settings).

2. Move the joystick to select the Preferences submenu.

Ins/Outs MIDI/Tempo


Global Settings


EXP Pedals

Firmware Version 3.00.0

Preferences 01A-32D

Preset Numbering

EXP 2 In



Snapshot Select


Joystick Encoder


Tap Tempo Pitch

Snapshot Edits


3. Turn Knob 1 (Snapshot Edits) to set snapshot edit behavior: RecallYour snapshot edits are recalled when jumping from snapshot to

snapshot and appear as you last left them (the default).

DiscardYour snapshot edits are discarded when jumping from snapshot to snapshot and appear as you last saved the preset. If you want to save changes made to a snapshot while Snapshot Edits is set to Discard, press SAVE twice before selecting another snapshot

The camera icon on the home screen shows you the Snapshot Edits setting at a glance When set to Recall, the camera is gray; when set to Discard, the camera is red.

1 1

SHORTCUT: At any time, hold BYPASS and press SAVE to toggle this setting.

Snapshot Reselect This additional Global Settings > Preferences > Snapshot Reselect parameter adds even more flexibility to the Snapshot footswitches. For example, say youre playing along on Snapshot 2 (VERSE), then you press the Snapshot 4 (CHORUS) to load it. What should happen if you press the Snapshot 4 footswitch again? With Snapshot Reselect set to the default Reload, Snapshot 4 is simply reloaded again. But when set to Toggle, it will now load the previously loaded snapshot (Snapshot 2, in this example)and successive presses of the Snapshot 4 footswitch then continues to toggle between Snapshot 2 and Snapshot 4.


Arranging Preset, Snapshot, and Stomp Switches 1. Press and then Knob 6 (Global Settings).

2. Move the joystick to select the Footswitches submenu.

Ins/Outs MIDI/Tempo


Global Settings


EXP Pedals

Firmware Version 3.00.0

Snapshot Mode Switches

Footswitches Auto Return8 PresetsTouch

Up/Down Switches


Swap Up/Down


Preset Mode SwitchesStomp Select

3. Turn Knob 2 (Preset Mode Switches) to customize the middle eight switches: 8 PresetsTwo banks of presets (the default)

Preset/StompOne bank of presets on the top row, switches from stomp mode on the bottom row

Stomp/PresetSwitches from stomp mode on the top row, one bank of presets on the bottom row

Preset/SnapOne bank of presets on the top row, Snapshots 1-4 on the bot- tom row

Snap/PresetSnapshots 1-4 on the top row, one bank of presets on the bot- tom row

Snap/StompSnapshots 1-4 on the top row, switches from stomp mode on the bottom row

Stomp/SnapSwitches from stomp mode on the top row, Snapshots 1-4 on the bottom row

8 SnapshotsSnapshots 1-8

4. Turn Knob 4 (Up/Down Switches) to customize FS1 and FS7 on the far left. Select Banks (Bank Queue), Presets, or Snapshots

SHORTCUT: At any time, press and hold both FS1 and FS7 to cycle through BANK / , PRESET / , and SNAPSHOT / .

5. Turn Knob 5 (Swap Up/Down) to On to invert the FS1 and FS7 behaviors. When set to On, FS7 selects the next snapshot (up), and FS1 the previous snap- shot (down).

SHORTCUT: Touch (dont press) hold both FS1 and FS7 for two seconds to swap their / behaviors.

Tips for Creative Snapshot Use The obvious use case for snapshots is designating them to specific sections

of your song. For example, Snapshot 1 would be the Intro, Snapshot 2 would be Verse 1, Snapshot 3 might be the Chorus, and so on.

Turn any Delay, Reverb, and/or FX Loops blocks Trails parameter to On for seamless spillover between snapshots.

SNAPSHOT (X) on a Performance view box isnt very descriptive. Dont forget to name your snapshotsSee Customizing a Snapshot Footswitch Name & Color

Worried that further tweaking might make your tone worse, not better? Snap- shots are a great way to compare minor changes between tones without having to take your hands off the guitar.

Want to switch channels on your external amp but dont want to waste a stomp footswitch on it? Command Center MIDI and Ext Amp Instant messages are automatically transmitted when a Snapshot is recalled.

Set different keys in Harmony Delay blocks or intervals in Pitch blocks per snapshot.

Set different Variax models (or tuning!) per snapshot.

Having difficulty maintaining consistent volume throughout a song? Set the Output blocks Level parameter per snapshot.

In a preset that includes a Looper block, open Command Center, and config- ure an Instant command with the HX Looper — Play message assigned for Snapshot 7 and with the HX Looper — Stop message assigned for Snapshot 8. Now, record a loop and you can toggle between Snapshot 7 and 8 to play and stop your loop (along with any other actions you might additionally set to happen on these two snapshots).


Bypass Assign Aside from the BYPASS button, Helix LT has a variety of additional methods for turning blocks on and off.

Quick Bypass Assign 1. From the Home screen, use the joystick to select the block you

wish to assign to a footswitch. Input, Output, and Merge blocks cannot be assigned to footswitches. Any Split block type can be assigned to a footswitch; when bypassed, the signal is split and routed equally to Path A (upper) and Path B (lower).

2. Step on FS6 (MODE) to select Stomp mode (if not already there).

3. Touch and hold (but dont press) the desired footswitch until the following dialog appears:


Assign footswitch to bypass selected block?






If you want to replace any other blocks that may already be assigned to the foot- switch, turn Knob 3 (Assign) to Replace. Otherwise, leave it set to Merge, which allows for multiple blocks to be assigned to the same switch.

If you want to change the way the switch behaves, turn Knob 4 (Type) to Momentary or Latching.

Momentary The block is bypassed (or enabled, if already bypassed) for as long as you hold the switch.

Latching The block is bypassed (or enabled, if already bypassed) every time you press the switch. This is the default.

4. Press Knob 6 (OK).

NOTE: This touch behavior for footswitches can be disabled using the Stomp Select option in Global Settings > Footswitches

Manual Bypass Assign A Stomp mode footswitch is the most obvious method for turning blocks on and off, but Helix LT can also engage or bypass a block automatically when moving an expression pedal or the Volume or Tone knob on a Variax guitar. For example, moving EXP 1 forward past the heel down position can enable a Wah or Poly Wham block, and returning EXP 1 to the heel position will bypass it again.

1. Press to open the Menu.

2. Press Knob 1 (Bypass Assign). The Bypass Assign screen looks very similar to the Home screen:

Delay Harmony Delay None




Bypass Assign 1


3. Move the joystick to select the block you want to bypass. Input, Output, and Merge blocks cannot be bypassed or bypass assigned. Any Processing or Split block type can be bypassed or bypass assigned; when a Split block is bypassed, the signal is split and routed equally to both Path A (upper) and Path B (lower).

4. Turn Knob 1 (Switch) to select the desired footswitch, expres- sion pedal, or Variax knob. Optionally, you can also use Knob 4 to control the blocks bypass via MIDIsee step 5.)

None Removes the bypass assignment.

Footswitch 2-5, 8-11

Stepping on the Stomp mode footswitch turns the block on and off. Selecting Footswitch 2-5 or 8-11 displays Knob 2 (Type). Turn knob 2 to select Momentary or Latching. When set to Momentary, the block is bypassed (or enabled, if already bypassed) for as long as you hold the switch. When set to Latching, the block is bypassed (or enabled, if already bypassed) every time you press the switch. NOTE: Footswitch type (momentary or latching) is determined per footswitch, not per assignment.


EXP Toe You can also choose to assign a blocks bypass to the onboard pedals Toe Switch. However, its behavior is always Latching, with no option to change to Momentary. NOTE: Adding a Volume Pedal, Pan, Wah, Pitch Wham, or Poly Wham block automatically assigns it to EXP Toe.

EXP Pedal 1, 2

Moving the expression pedal automatically enables (or bypasses) the block. Selecting EXP Pedal 1 or 2 displays Knob 2 (Position) and Knob 3 (Wait). Position determines at which point within the expression pedals travel where the block is enabled or bypassed. 0% is heel down; 99% is toe down. Wait determines how long Helix LT waits before bypassing the block; for example, you wouldnt want the wah to turn off every time you touched the heel down position in your big funk wah solo.

Variax Vol, Variax Tone

Moving the Variax Volume or Tone knob automatically enables (or bypasses) the block. Selecting Variax Vol or Variax Tone displays Knob 2 (Position) and Knob 3 (Wait). Position determines where in the knobs travel the block is enabled or bypassed. 0% is all the way down (counter- clockwise), 99% is all the way up (clockwise). Wait determines how long Helix LT waits before bypassing the block.

NOTE: Each footswitch can have up to 8 assignments. If you attempt to add a ninth, a warning appears in the header:

Cant assign any more blocks to this footswitch!



Switch Customize LearnMIDI In


TIP: To reverse bypass behavior, press BYPASS. In such a case, the block will be bypassed when moving the expression pedal or Variax knob past the Position loca- tion. Since multiple blocks can be assigned to an expression pedal, moving the pedal can turn some blocks on and others off at different positions in the pedals travel.

5. If desired, turn Knob 4 (MIDI In) to assign an incoming MIDI CC message to turn the block on and off. Incoming CC values 0-63 turn the block off; values 64-127 turn the block on. Note that some MIDI CCs are reserved for global functions and cannot be selected.

SHORTCUT: Alternatively, press Knob 6 (Learn) and then send Helix LT a MIDI CC message. The incoming message is automatically selected. See Controller Assign for more info.

Clearing Bypass Assignment(s) While in the Bypass Assign screen, press ACTION and then press Knob 1 to clear the currently selected blocks assignment(s). Or, press Knob 2 to clear all the assignments from all blocks within the preset.

Delay Harmony Delay

Clear Assignment

Clear All Assignments

Customizing a Footswitch Label 1. From the Bypass Assign screen, use the joystick to select a

block whose bypass is assigned to a footswitch and press Knob 5 (Customize). The Customize screen appears:

16B Dream Rig+Vocals

Cancel Delete Insert






Remove Switch LED

Auto Color

T o g g al e eD l y / eV r b

Move the joystick left or right to move the cursor.

Turn the joystick (or move it up/down) to change the selected character.

Press Knob 2 (Delete) to delete the selected character and shift all following characters to the left.

Press Knob 3 (Insert) to insert a space and shift all following characters to the right.

SHORTCUT: Press the joystick to cycle through A, a, 0, and [SPACE].

Press Knob 4 (Remove) to remove the custom label, after which the footswitch label displays its normal assignment. Remove is grayed out until a custom name is applied.

2. To customize the footswitchs LED color, turn Knob 5 (Switch LED) to select the desired color (or turn it off). Normally, you should leave this set to Auto Color.


3. Press Knob 6 (OK).

SHORTCUT: Once any item has been assigned to a footswitch, touch and hold (but dont press) the footswitch, and a duplicate Customize button appears above Knob 5.

NOTE: Footswitches can also be customized from the Command Center screen (or HX Edit application!).

Swapping Footswitches If you want to change the location of Stomp mode footswitches (especially those with multiple items assigned or custom labels and LED ring colors), instead of manually reas- signing everything, you can quickly swap all assignments between two footswitches.

1. Touch (but dont press) any two Stomp mode footswitches until the following dialog appears:


Swap all assignments between footswitches 2 and 8?

2. Press Knob 6 (OK).

NOTE: This touch behavior for footswitches can be disabled using the Stomp Select option in Global Settings > Footswitches

Tips for Creative Bypass Assignment If you assign a footswitch to more than one block or other item, MULTIPLE

(X) isnt very descriptive. Dont forget to custom label it — See Customizing a Footswitch Label

If you find yourself constantly toggling one switch off and another on, assign both blocks to the same footswitch, and while one is selected, press BYPASS. Now pressing the footswitch will toggle one off and the other on simultaneously. A footswitch can have up to simultaneous eight blocks assigned.

Assign a Wah block to be engaged only when moving an expression pedal past 1%. Set the Wait time long enough so that natural foot movements dont turn the wah off every time you reach the heel-down position.

Different blocks can be enabled or bypassed at different locations of an expres- sion pedal or Variax knobs travel. Experiment with turning on multiple overdrive blocksone at Position 5%, another at Position 30%, another at Position 70%, and so on.

When using a footswitch to toggle between two Amp or Amp+Cab blocks, the amp models may sound notably different from one another (just like real amps!). Use an EQ block to make one Amp block sound a bit closer to the other Amp block and assign its bypass to the same footswitch.

Assign a delay block with very high feedback to be turned on only when reach- ing the toe position of an expression pedal (or fully clockwise Variax knob). Squeals galore.


Controller Assign Helix LT provides a wide variety of tools for controlling your tone during a performance. The most obvious one is the built-in expression pedal (often assigned to wah or volume). But you may also assign footswitches to toggle between two values of a given parameter or parameters, control a parameter from an external MIDI device, or the volume and tone knobs on a James Tyler Variax, Shuriken Variax, or Variax Standard guitar. You can even have parameters instantly change when selecting different snapshots within a preset.

If a controller has been assigned to a parameter, the value appears white and in brack- ets. White dots appear on the slider to indicate the controllers Minimum and Maximum range values (see next section for details).



NOTE: Adding a Wah, Pitch Wham, or Poly Wham block automatically assigns its Position parameter to be controlled by EXP 1. Adding a Volume Pedal or Pan block automatically assigns its Position to be controlled by EXP 2.

NOTE: Each preset can have up to 64 controller assignments. If you attempt to add a 65th, Too many controller assignments! appears in the header:

Learn ControllerParameter



None Too many controller assignments!

In this case, you must clear some controllers to free up assignments. See Clearing a Blocks Controller Assignment(s) or Clearing All Controller Assignments

Quick Controller Assign 1. From the Home screen, press and hold the knob for the param-

eter you wish to control. Helix LT jumps to the Controller Assign page and displays your parameter above Knob 1 (Parameter).

2. Press Knob 6 (Learn Controller). The buttons brain icon glows blue, and the header reads, Engage switch, pedal, Variax knob, or MIDI CC to learn…:

Learn ControllerParameter



None Engage switch, pedal, Variax knob, or MIDI CC to learn…

3. Move the expression pedal, turn the Volume or Tone knob on a connected Variax, step on a Stomp mode footswitch, send a MIDI CC message from your keyboard, etc. The controller name appears above Knob 2 (Controller).

NOTE: Helix LT has reserved specific MIDI CC messages for global functions; these CCs cannot be used as controllers. If you attempt to learn a CC message reserved for global functions, the following dialog appears:

Learn ControllerParameter



None This MIDI CC# is reserved for global functions!

See MIDI for more information.

4. Press to return to the Home screen.

SHORTCUT: To assign a parameter to the Snapshots controller, its even easierjust push and turn the parameters knob. The value appears white and in brackets, indicat- ing its now assigned to a controller.

SHORTCUT: Hold BYPASS and press a parameter knob to quickly remove any controller assignment (including the Snapshots controller). The value appears without brackets, indicating no controller is assigned to it.


Manual Controller Assign The Controller Assign screen is where you manually assign parameters to be adjusted in real-time by controllers.

1. Press to open the Menu.

2. Press Knob 2 (Controller Assign). The Controller Assign screen looks very similar to the Home screen:

Delay Harmony Delay


0.0 dB




None Learn


Controller Assign 1

3. Move the joystick to select the block containing the parameter to which you want to assign a controller. The most recently accessed parameter appears above Knob 1 (Parameter).

NOTE: Amp+Cab and Cab > Dual blocks are unique in that they represent two models within a single block. To assign controllers to the amp parameters in an Amp+Cab block, press until the cab icon is white.

To assign controllers to the first cabs parameters in a Cab > Dual block, press until the right cab icon is white.

4. Turn Knob 1 (Parameter) to select the parameter you wish to control.

5. Turn Knob 2 (Controller) to select the desired controller.

None Removes the controller assignment.

Exp Pedal 1 or 2

The most common type of controller. Used to control volume, wah, Pitch Wham, etc.

Variax Vol, Variax Tone

If you have a James Tyler Variax or Variax Standard guitar, its vol- ume and tone knobs can be used to adjust a wide variety of Helix LT parameters.

Footswitch 1-5, 7-11

Stepping on a Stomp mode footswitch can toggle between a param- eters min and max values. Selecting Footswitch 1-5 or 7-11 will display Knob 3 (Type). Turn knob 3 to select Momentary or Latching. Momentary means the value will change for as long as you hold the switch. Latching toggles between Min and Max values every time you press the switch. Footswitch type (momentary or latching) is determined per footswitch, not per assignment. You can customize footswitches using the Command Center screen.

MIDI CC Selecting MIDI CC will display Knob 3 (MIDI CC#). Turn Knob 3 to select the desired MIDI CC number.

Snapshots Although all controller-assigned parameters are updated per snap- shot, an additional Snapshots controller is available when other controllers are already used.

NOTE: Some CC#s cannot be selected, as they are reserved for the Helix LT global functions. See MIDI for more information.

6. If desired, turn Knob 4 (Min Value) and Knob 5 (Max Value) to set the range you wish to control.

TIP: To reverse controller behavior, swap the min and max values.

When you return to the Home screen, youll see the assigned parameter appears with its value in brackets and in white text to indicate it includes a controller assignment. For any footswitch, pedal, or Variax knob type controller assignment, youll also see the Min and Max values indicated with white dots. For a snapshot assignment, youll see the white indicators above and below the sliders value, as shown below.





Min indicator

Max indicator

Snapshot indicator


Tips for Creative Controller Assignment If you assign a footswitch to more than one controller or other item, MULTIPLE

(X) isnt very descriptive. Dont forget to custom label it See the following sections.

By default, a parameters Min and Max values will be pretty extreme. It pays to play pretty conservatively here, as subtle parameter adjustments go a long way.

To smoothly blend between the tone on parallel paths A and B, select a Split > A/B block and assign the Route To parameter to an expression pedal. By default, a heel-down position means the signal passes fully through Path A. Moving the pedal toward the toe-down position will gradually crossfade into Path B. Alternatively, assign a footswitch to control the Route To parameter for instantly switching back and forth.

If youre looking for a gritty boost for a solo, instead of adding a Distortion block, try assigning a footswitch to increase both the Mid and Channel Volume parameters of an Amp+Cab, Amp, or Preamp block.

If youre looking for an ultra-clean boost, instead of adding a Volume/Pan > Gain block, try assigning a footswitch to increase the Level parameter of a Merge > Mixer or Output block.

If you have a favorite delay or reverb pedal, use an FX Loop block to insert it into your tone. Assign EXP 1 or 2 to control the blocks Mix parameter, which will smoothly blend the pedal into your tone.

For extreme psychedelic dub delay squeals, assign a footswitch to both increase a Delays feedback, and decrease its time.

Assign a footswitch to toggle between two Delay > Time parameter values, such as 1/4 and 1/8 dotted.

Assign the tone knob on your JTV Variax or Variax Standard guitar to a Pitch Wham blocks Position parameter. Watch guitarists in the audience try to figure out how a knob on your guitar generates huge dive-bomb effects.

Assign multiple Amp+Cab parameters to a single switch. With enough assign- ments, you could almost treat the switch as an A/B amp channel switcher.

Assign IR Select to a footswitch. Set the two IRs as min and max values. Now you can instantly toggle between them.

Clearing a Blocks Controller Assignment(s) 1. From the Controller Assign screen, select the block whose

controller assignments you want to clear and press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 1 (Clear Controllers).

Clearing All Controller Assignments 1. From the Controller Assign screen, press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 2 (Clear All Controllers). The following dialog appears:


Clear all controllers?

3. Press Knob 6 (OK).

IMPORTANT! Clearing All Controller Assignments also removes the Wah and Volume assignments from EXP 1 and EXP 2. Use this function with caution!

Customizing a Controller Footswitch Label As theres no room for a dedicated Customize button on the Controller Assign page, customizing footswitches only assigned to one or more controllers must be done from the Command Center page.

SHORTCUT: Once any item has been assigned to a footswitch, touch and hold the footswitch (but dont press), and a Customize button appears above Knob 5.


Command Center Helix LT also just so happens to be a world-class master remote control for your entire touring or studio rig. Each of its Stomp mode footswitches and expression pedals can be used to send a variety of messages:

Transmit MIDI, CV/expression, or External Amp commands to your guitar amps, pedals, synths, or even other modelers.

Send QWERTY Hotkey messages, emulating a computer keyboard, to practi- cally any software to control it from your device (see QWERTY Hotkey Com- mands on page 60).

Configure footswitches to expand your devices Stomp mode with additional control functions (see HX Preset, Snapshot and Looper Commands on page 60).

In addition, up to six Instant commands can be transmitted automatically when a Helix preset is recalled, for starting your DAW, triggering a MIDI-controlled lighting system, or switching presets on external gear.

All Command Center assignments are stored per preset, but they can be copied and pasted to other presets. See Copying and Pasting a Command

NOTE: The Value parameters of any instant MIDI CC, Bank/Prog, MMC, and HX Looper messages, plus the state (dim or lit) of any CC Toggle and Ext Amp messages are automati- cally recalled when selecting a snapshot.

NOTE: By default, all MIDI-based Command Center messages are transmitted via MIDI and USB simultaneously. You can customize MIDI behaviors using the Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo options.

Assigning a Command 1. Press to open the Menu.

2. Press Knob 3 (Command Center). Any switches, pedals, or instant locations with commands assigned appear with turquoise triangles above them:

Instant 2







Command Center 1

3. Move the joystick to select the footswitch, pedal, Variax knob, or instant location you wish to use to send the command.

4. Turn Knob 1 (Command) to select the type of command you wish to transmit. Not all command sources can send the same types of commands.

Select None to remove any existing command assignment.

5. Turn Knobs 2-5 to adjust the commands settings, which are determined by the type of command:

MIDI CC (Continuous Controller)

Knob Parameter Description

2 MIDI Ch Sets the CC messages MIDI channel (1-16). When set to Base, Helix LT follows the Global MIDI channel, which is set from the Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo page.

3 CC # Sets the CC number (0-127).

4 Value [Min Value]

Sets the CC numbers value (0-127). For EXP 1/2 and Variax Volume/Tone Knob, sets the minimum CC value controlled by the pedal or knob.

5 [Max Value]

For EXP 1/2 and Variax Volume/Tone Knob, sets the maximum CC value controlled by the pedal or knob.

CC Toggle

Page Knob Parameter Description


2 MIDI Ch Sets the CC messages MIDI channel (1-16). When set to Base, Helix follows the Global MIDI channel, set from the Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo page.

3 CC # Sets the CC number (0-127).

4 Dim Value Sets the CC numbers value (0-127) when the foot- switch ring is dim. For Footswitches 7 (MODE) and 12 (TAP), it appears as Initial Val.

5 Lit Value Sets the CC numbers value (0-127) when the foot- switch ring is lit. For Footswitches 7 (MODE) and 12 (TAP), it appears as Toggle Val.

2 1 Type Sets the footswitchs behavior to either Latching (the default) or Momentary.

NOTE: For CC Toggle commands, one of two values is automatically transmitted upon preset recall, determined by the footswitchs state (dim or lit) when the preset was saved. Subsequent presses of the footswitch toggle between the two states CC valuesKnob 4 (Dim Value) and Knob 5 (Lit Value).



Knob Parameter Description

2 MIDI Ch Sets the Bank/Program messages MIDI channel (1-16). When set to Base, Helix LT follows the Global MIDI channel, which is set from the Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo page.

3 Bank CC00

Sets the CC#00 (Bank MSB) value. Select Off if the receiv- ing device shouldnt respond to Bank MSB.

4 Bank CC32

Sets the CC#32 (Bank LSB) value. Select Off if the receiving device shouldnt respond to Bank LSB.

5 Program Sets the Program Change (PC) value. Select Off if you only want to send a Bank MSB and/or Bank LSB message.

Note On

Knob Parameter Description

2 MIDI Ch Sets the notes MIDI channel (1-16). When set to Base, Helix LT follows the Global MIDI channel, which is set from the Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo page.

3 Note Sets the MIDI note value (C-1 ~ G9). Middle C is C3.

4 Velocity Sets the MIDI notes velocity (0-127).

5 Note Off Determines whether the MIDI note sustains until pressing the switch again (Latching) or sustains only while the switch is held (Momentary).

MMC (MIDI Machine Control)

Knob Parameter Description

2 Message Determines the message type.

Ext Amp

Knob Parameter Description

2 Select

Determines the Ext Amp connection [1 (Tip-to-sleeve), 2 (Ring-to-sleeve), or both] for switching an external amps channel, reverb, or other functions. When assigned to an Instant command, there is also the option to choose None, thereby allowing you to send a different (or None) message per snapshot.

3 Type When assigned to a footswitch, determines whether the footswitch behavior is Latching (default) or Momentary.

IMPORTANT! Connect EXT AMP 1/2 only to amplifiers that utilize short-to-sleeve footswitch inputs. Connecting to any other sort of input could cause permanent dam- age to both your amp and Helix LT! If youre not sure if your amp has short-to-sleeve inputs, contact the manufacturer.

IMPORTANT! Your ability to control external amp channel and/or reverb switching with the Helix LT device has been tested with many popular amps and heads. Unfor- tunately, this does not guarantee compatibility with all products. Note that, depending on the circuitry of the channel switching jack in the guitar amp used, the EXT Amp function may not operate as expected.

NOTE: When an Ext Amp command is assigned to Instant 1-6, the connection deter- mined by Knob 2 (Select) is made when the preset is loaded. When an Ext Amp com- mand is assigned to a footswitch, the footswitchs current state (dim or lit) determines whether or not the External Amp connection is made when the preset is loaded; when dim, no connection is made; when lit, the connection determined by Knob 2 (Select) is made. Subsequent presses of the footswitch toggle the connection On (LED lit) and Off (LED dark).


QWERTY Hotkey Commands QWERTY hotkeys (computer keyboard shortcuts with or without modifiers, such as Shift, Control, Option/Alt, and Command) can be sent to your Mac, PC, or iOS device via USB. This allows you to control virtually any DAWs, YouTube, Spotify, looping soft- ware, DJ software, media players, lighting software, and more!

QWERTY command assignments can be made to any footswitch, or any Instant command, allowing them to be sent automatically from any preset or snapshot recall. To follow are steps to configure on Helix LT (but youll likely find it faster and easier to configure Hotkey assignments using the HX Edit app).

1. From the Command Center page, select a footswitch or Instant command and turn Knob 1 (Command) to select Hotkey.

2. Turn Knobs 2~5 to select the desired key combination. If the keystroke doesnt have modifiers, leave Knobs 2, 3, and 4 set to None. Just like a standard computer keyboard, hotkeys wont work unless the software or app you want to control is in focus.

QWERTY Hotkeys

Page Knob Parameter Description


2 Modifier 1 Set up to three key modifier(s) to be sent with the key- stroke: Choose Shift, Alt, Ctrl, or Mac/PC (corresponds to the Windows key on Windows OS systems, and the Command key on macOS systems. Choose None for Knob 2~4 for no added modifier.

3 Modifier 2

4 Modifier 3

5 Keystroke Sets the alpha, numeric, or other computer keyboard key value to be sent.

2 1 Type Sets the footswitch type as either Momentary or Latch- ing.

TIP: To get you started, weve provided several factory presets within the Templates setlist pre-configured with hotkey commands to remotely control numerous popular DAW, multimedia, and productivity computer apps!

HX Preset, Snapshot and Looper Commands These HX commands allow you to configure Stomp mode switches for even greater control of your devices internal functions. These commands are saved per preset.

NOTE: Although Stomp mode switches can be assigned to multiple functions, to avoid unintended behavior, we strongly recommend the HX Preset, HX Snapshot, and HX Looper commands are assigned only to empty footswitches.

HX Preset The HX Preset command allows you to configure a Stomp mode footswitch to imme- diately jump to any other preset within the current setlist.

1. From the Command Center page, select a footswitch and turn Knob 1 (Command) to HX Preset.

2. Turn Knob 2 (Preset) to Next, Previous, or choose a specific preset number (01A~32D).

HX Preset

Knob Parameter Description

2 Preset Sets the preset to be selected by the command: Next, Previ- ous, or a presets number (01A~32D), which resides within the current setlist.

HX Snapshot The HX Snapshot command allows you to configure a Stomp mode footswitch to recall any snapshot within the current preset immediately.

1. From the Command Center page, select a footswitch and turn Knob 1 (Command) to HX Snapshot.

2. Turn Knob 2 (Behavior) to either Press/Release or Press/ Hold.

3. Turn Knobs 3 and 4 to configure which snapshots are recalled per the Press and the Release (or Hold) of the footswitch.

HX Snapshot

Knob Parameter Description

2 Behavior

Sets the behavior for the footswitch. This allows you to recall the desired snapshot index number, or Next or Previous snap- shot, independently per each Press and Release, or each Press and Hold of the footswitch. (Note that the assigned Stomp mode footswitchs label and LED will only indicate the command assigned to the Press function.)

3 Press Sets the snapshot to be recalled on the Press action of the footswitch.

4 Release/ Hold

Sets the snapshot to be recalled on the Release (or Hold, depending on your Knob 2 selection) of the footswitch.


HX Looper For a preset that includes a Looper block, this command allows you to configure an Instant or Stomp mode footswitch to trigger the Looper (Play, Stop, Record, etc.).

NOTE: A 6 Switch or 1 Switch Looper block must be present in your preset for HX Looper commands to function.

HX Looper — Instant Command Assignment:

1. In the Command Center window, select an Instant command controller and turn knob 1 (Command) to HX Looper.

2. Turn knob 2 (Function) to choose the specific Looper function you wish to trigger. The selected Function action is automatically stored and recalled per snapshot. This allows you to record a loop and, for example, configure an Instant command to automatically Play the Loop when loading one Snapshot and Stop when loading a different Snapshot (also see Command Center).

HX Looper — Instant Command

Knob Parameter Description

2 Function

Sets the Looper action to triggered: Play, Stop, Play/Stop, Rec, Overdub, Record/Overdub, Play Once, Reverse, For- ward, Reverse/Forward, Half Speed, Full Speed, Toggle Speed, or Undo.

HX Looper — Footswitch Assignment:

1. In the Command Center window, select a footswitch and turn Knob 1 (Command) to HX Looper.

2. Turn Knob 2 (Behavior) to either Press/Release or Press/ Hold.

3. Turn Knobs 3 and 4 to configure which Looper commands are sent per the Press and the Release (or Hold) of the footswitch.

The selected Behavior, Press, and Release/Hold actions are automatically stored and recalled per snapshot.

HX Looper — Footswitch

Knob Parameter Description

2 Behavior

Sets the behavior for the footswitch. This allows you to send up to two different Looper commands, independently per each Press and Release or each Press and Hold of the footswitch. (Note that the assigned, Stomp mode footswitchs label and LED will only indicate the command assigned to the Press function.)

3 Press Sets the Looper command to be sent on the Press action of the footswitch.

4 Release/ Hold

Sets the Looper command to be sent on the Release (or Hold, depending on your Knob 2 selection) of the footswitch.

Note that the assigned, Stomp mode footswitchs label and LED will only indicate the command assigned to the Press function.

Copying and Pasting a Command 1. Select the location containing the command you wish to copy

and press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 1 (Copy Command).

3. Select the location to which you want to paste the command even in a different presetand press ACTION.

4. Press Knob 3 (Paste Command).


Copying and Pasting All Commands Setting up the same or similar set of commands across multiple presets can quickly become tiresome. Fortunately, Helix LT lets you quickly copy and paste all commands to another preset.

1. From the Command Center page, press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 2 (Copy All Commands).

3. Select the preset to which you want to paste the commands and press ACTION.

4. Press Knob 3 (Paste All Commands).

Clearing a Command 1. Select the location containing the command you want to clear

and press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 4 (Clear Command).

Clearing All Commands 1. From the Command Center page, press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 5 (Clear All Commands). The following dialog appears:


Clear all Command Center assignments?

3. Press Knob 6 (OK).

Customizing a Command Footswitch Label & Color 1. From the Command Center screen, select Footswitch 1-5,

7-11, or Exp Toe with a command assigned and press Knob 6 (Customize). The Customize screen appears:

16B Dream Rig+Vocals

Cancel Delete Insert






Remove Switch LED

Auto Color

T o g g al e eD l y / eV r b

Move the joystick left or right to move the cursor.

Turn the joystick (or move it up/down) to change the selected character.

Press Knob 2 (Delete) to delete the selected character and shift all following characters to the left.

Press Knob 3 (Insert) to insert a space and shift all following characters to the right.

SHORTCUT: Press the joystick to cycle through A, a, 0, and [SPACE].

Press Knob 4 (Remove) to remove the custom label, after which the footswitch displays its normal assignment. Remove is grayed out until a custom name is applied.

2. To customize the footswitchs LED color, turn Knob 5 (Switch LED) to select the desired color (or turn it off). Normally, you should leave this set to Auto Color.

3. Press Knob 6 (Save).

NOTE: You can also customize the footswitches from the Bypass Assign screen (or the HX Edit editor application!)

Command Center — The Customize footswitch label option is not available if you have selected an HX Preset, HX Snapshot, or HX Looper type command.


Global EQ The Global EQ has three fully parametric bands plus variable low and high cut filters and is used for compensating for the wide disparity in acoustic environments on tour or when traveling from studio to studio. Global EQ is applied to all setlists and presets and can be heard from the 1/4″ outputs, XLR outputs, or both.

NOTE: Global EQ is never heard from Send, Digital, or USB outputs.

When Global EQ is active, the Home screen shows the Global EQ icon to the left of the snapshots icon:


1. Press to open the Menu.

2. Press Knob 5 (Global EQ). The Global EQ screen appears:

Mid Gain

0.0 dB

Mid QMid Freq

2.0 kHz 0.7

Low Freq

110 Hz

Low Q


Low Gain

0.0 dB Press BYPASS to turn Global EQ on/off

Global EQ

3. Press BYPASS to turn Global EQ on and off.

SHORTCUT: From the Home screen, press and hold BYPASS to turn Global EQ on and off without navigating to the Global EQ page.

TIP: Press PAGE> to view page 3 of parameters and turn Knob 1 (Apply EQ) to set whether Global EQ is applied to only the 1/4″ outputs, only the XLR outputs, or both.

Resetting Global EQ Resetting the Global EQ returns its settings to factory default (flat).

1. From the Global EQ screen, press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 1 (Reset Global EQ). The following dialog appears:


Reset Global EQ?

3. Press Knob 6 (OK).


Global Settings The Global Settings menu contains additional parameters that apply to all setlists and presets, such as input and output levels, custom footswitch mode settings, etc. The upper right corner displays the current firmware version. Visit for information on the latest Helix LT firmware updates.

1. Press to open the Menu.

2. Press Knob 6 (Global Settings). The Global Settings screen appears:

Ins/Outs MIDI/Tempo


Global Settings


EXP Pedals

Firmware Version 3.00.0

1/4 Outputs

InstrumentLineLineOff Send/

Return 1 XLR

Outputs Guitar In


Ins/Outs MultiInstrument

USB In 1/2 Destination

Send/ Return 2

3. Move the joystick to select one of the six submenus. If necessary, press to view more parameters.

Resetting All Global Settings Resetting the Global Settings returns them to factory default. Performing this reset does not affect any presets you may have created.

1. From any Global Settings submenu, press ACTION.

2. Press Knob 1 (Factory Settings). The following dialog appears:


Restore Global Settings to factory defaults?

3. Press Knob 6 (OK).

TIP: Using the HX Edit app’s Create & Restore Backup features, you can choose to include your device’s global settings, along with Setlists, IRs, Favorites, and/User Model Defaults!


Global Settings > Ins/Outs Page Knob Parameter Description


1 Guitar In Pad If your guitar or bass has active or really loud pickups, you may want to turn this on. Theres really no rule; use what sounds best.

2 1/4″ Outputs Choose Instrument when connecting the 1/4″ outputs to stompboxes or the front of guitar amps; choose Line when connecting to mix- ers, studio monitors, or standalone recorders. When using a single amp or speaker, connect only the LEFT/MONO 1/4″ jack.

3 XLR Outputs Choose Mic when connecting the XLR outputs to standalone mic preamps or the XLR mic inputs on mixers; choose Line when con- necting to studio monitors or the line inputs on mixers. When using a mono playback system, connect only the LEFT/MONO XLR jack.

4 Send/Return 1 Choose Instrument when using a Send/Return pair as an FX loop for stompboxes; choose Line when using a Send/Return pair as an FX loop for line-level rack processors or as additional inputs and outputs for connecting keyboards, drum machines, mixers, and other gear.5 Send/Return 2

6 USB In 1/2 Destination

If you like to jam along with the iTunes or YouTube apps or your DAW, this setting determines from which outputs your computer or iPad devices primary stereo audio stream will be heard. USB In 1/2 bypasses all Helix LT processing; USB 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 can be selected as input blocks for processing DAW tracks or re-amping. Normally, you should choose Multi, which sends USB In 1/2 directly to the 1/4″, XLR, and Digital outputs. See USB Audio


1 USB In 1/2 Trim Sets the level of incoming audio from USB 1/2, which bypasses all Helix LT processing. Normally, this should be left at 0.0dB.

2 Re-amp Src (USB 7) USB out 7 and 8 are dedicated to recording a DI signal which can be used for re-amping; choose which two inputs will be sent dry (unpro- cessed) to your DAW. See USB Audio3 Re-amp Src (USB 8)

4 Volume Knob Controls Determines which output(s) are affected when turning the top panel VOLUME knob. For example, you may want to control the level sent from the 1/4″ outputs to your stage monitor without affecting the XLR level sent to the front-of-house mixer. Or you may want to disable the VOLUME knob altogether; in this case, set it to Digital, at which point Helix LTs 1/4″ and XLR outs will be at unity level.

5 Headphones Monitor Determines which signal(s) are heard from the PHONES output. Normally you would set this to Multi (1/4″+XLR+Digital+USB 1/2), but there may be a situation where you only want to hear whats sent from the 1/4″ or XLR outs, particularly if they are fed different signals (or band members!)

6 Digital Out Level Sets the AES/EBU output level. Normally, this should be left at 0.0dB.

3 1 Sample Rate Determines the sample rate of the AES/EBU output; choose 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz (the default), 88.2 kHz, or 96 kHz. When connecting to another devices AES/EBU input, make sure both units are set to the same sample rate. Note that this setting does not affect the Helix LT USB audio sample rate operation.


Global Settings > Preferences Page Knob Parameter Description


1 Snapshot Edits

Determines whether any edits made to a snapshot (block on/off, parameter control, Command Center, tempo) are remembered when returning to that snapshot. When set to Recall, any snapshot edits are recalled when jumping from snapshot to snapshot and appear as you last left them. When set to Discard, any snapshot edits are discarded when jumping from snapshot to snapshot and appear as the preset was last saved. If you want to save changes made to a snapshot while Snapshot Edits is set to Discard, press SAVE twice before selecting another. The camera icon on the home screen shows you the Snapshot Edits setting at a glanceWhen set to Recall, the camera is gray; when set to Discard, the camera is red. At any time, hold BYPASS and press SAVE to toggle this setting. Also, see Determining Snapshot Edit Behavior

2 Tap Tempo Pitch

Determines how delay repeats behave when repeatedly pressing TAP. Accurate respects the natural pitch fluctuations inherent when changing a real delay pedals time knob; Transparent minimizes these artifacts.

3 Preset Num- bering

Determines whether each setlists presets appear as 32 banks of four (A B C D) or are numbered 000-127 (convenient when recalling presets via MIDI program change messages).


Determines whether the rear panel EXP 2/EXT AMP jack acts as an additional expression pedal input (EXP 2) or as a dual amp control output for switching channels on external guitar amplifiers (EXT AMP).

5 Snapshot Reselect

Determines the behavior when pressing a Snapshot mode footswitch again after loading its assigned snapshot. Reload (the default) simply reloads the stored state of the footswitchs assigned snapshot again. Toggle Previous toggles between loading the previously selected snapshot and the footswitchs assigned snapshot.

6 Joystick Encoder

Determines the joystick behavior when a block is selected within the Home screen — signal flow. For Model (the default), turning the joystick knob scrolls through available models for the selected block. For Selection, turning the joystick knob quickly navigates selecting blocks across the signal flow. SHORTCUT: Pressing while turning the joystick reverses the current joystick behavior.

2 1 Auto


Determines how the Guitar Ins impedance circuit behaves when the Input block > Guitar In-Z is set to Auto. When set to First Block (the default), the impedance circuit reflects the first blocks impedance on Path 1A, regardless of whether its enabled or bypassed. When set to First Enabled, the impedance circuit reflects the first enabled blocks impedance on Path 1A.

2 Preset Spill- over

Please see True Preset Spillover on page 23. Determines whether Helix LT runs only Path 1 blocks with seamless delay and reverb spillover and minimal gap when switching presets (Spillover On), or runs both Path 1 and Path 2 blocks (Spillover Off, the default).


Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo Page Knob Parameter Description


1 MIDI Base Channel

Sets the system base MIDI channel that Helix uses to receive and send MIDI communication via MIDI and USB. Note that MIDI messages assigned from the Command Center page can be set to any MIDI channel.

2 MIDI Thru When on, MIDI OUT also acts as a MIDI THRU; that is, it passes through any MIDI messages received at the MIDI IN jack.

3 Receive MIDI Clock

Determines whether Helix LT responds to incoming MIDI clock received at its MIDI IN port, via USB, or whichever it senses first (Auto). If you dont want Helix LT to respond to MIDI clock at all, set this to Off. The Helix LT TAP footswitch LED flashes blue to tempo when synchronized to incom- ing MIDI clock.

4 Send MIDI Clock

Determines whether Helix LT transmits MIDI clock from its MIDI OUT port, via USB, or both. If you dont want Helix LT to transmit MIDI clock at all, set this to Off.

5 Tempo Select

The Speed or Time parameters of all tempo-based FX can be set to a note value that follows Tap Tempo or the tempo set with Knob 6 (Snapshot BPM/Preset BPM/Global BPM). Choose whether the Helix LT tempo is stored and recalled with each snapshot, recalled with each preset, or is applied globally across all presets and snapshots. NOTE: Helix LT does not respond to pressing TAP at tempi lower than 40.0 BPM to ensure that multiple fast tap entries are recognized properly. You may still manually select a tempo as low as 20.0 BPM using this Tempo Select setting.


Snapshot BPM/Preset BPM/Global BPM

This is an alternative way to set the Helix LT tempo, instead of repeatedly stepping on the TAP footswitch. Depending on the Knob 5 (Tempo Select) setting, this value is saved per snapshot, per preset, or globally. The Helix LT devices tempo has a resolution of 0.1 BPM (beats per minute). You can also quickly access this parameter at any time by briefly touching the TAP footswitch.



When on, Helix LT receives and transmits MIDI data via USB in the same capacity as its MIDI jacks. (USB MIDI can be used with any computer to send and receive MIDI between Helix LT and DAW and MIDI software applications.)

2 MIDI PC Receive Determines whether or not Helix LT receives and responds to MIDI program change (PC) messages for recalling Helix presets.

3 MIDI PC Send Determines if Helix LT sends MIDI program change messages and to which MIDI outputs. Set to MIDI to send via MIDI 5-pin out only, USB to send via USB only, or MIDI+USB to send out both. If you dont want Helix LT to transmit MIDI PC messages at all, set to Off.

4 Duplicate PC Send

Determines whether Helix LT automatically sends matching MIDI program change (PC) messages when selecting presets. (Configure Knob 3, MIDI PC Send, for which MIDI Outs to which the MIDI PC is transmitted.) A PC message is sent immediately when a preset is selected on HelixLT.


Global Settings > Footswitches Knob Parameter Description

1 Stomp Select

By default, this option is set to Touch, which enables the footswitches capacitive touch features: While in Stomp FS mode, lightly touching a footswitch selects its assigned block for editing and offers a Quick Bypass Assign when touching and holding for two seconds, or offers a swap of assignments when touching and holding two assigned footswitches simultaneously for two seconds. If you dont want this touch behavior (such as if you play barefoot!), set this to Off. Choosing Press changes the Stomp FS mode behavior so that when an assigned footswitch is pressed, it also selects the assigned block (in addition to toggling the blocks bypass). If you want all these behaviors enabled, select Touch+Press.

2 Preset Mode Switches

By default, Preset footswitch mode displays eight presets (four on each row). Choose from 8 Presets, Preset/Stomp (one bank of presets on the top row, switches from stomp mode on the bottom row), Stomp/Preset (switches from stomp mode on the top row, one bank of presets on the bottom row), Preset/Snap (one bank of presets on the top row, Snapshots 1-4 on the bottom row), Snap/Preset (Snapshots 1-4 on the top row, one bank of presets on the bottom row), Snap/Stomp (Snapshots 1-4 on the top row, switches from stomp mode on the bottom row), Stomp/Snap (switches from stomp mode on the top row, Snapshots 1-4 on the bottom row), and 8 Snapshots (Snapshots 1-8).

3 Snap- shot Mode Switches

When set to Auto Return, Helix LT returns to the previous footswitch mode after selecting a snapshot. When set to Manual Return, Helix LT stays in Snapshot footswitch mode until you press FS6 (MODE).

4 Up/Down Switches

When set to Presets or Snapshots, FS1 (BANK ) and FS7 (BANK ) change to PRESET / or SNAPSHOT / , where pressing either switch instantly selects the next/previous preset or snapshot, without a bank queue. This is useful if youve programmed a fixed set list for your show and just want to increment through all your presets or snapshots. You can also cycle through all three switch types by pressing and holding both the and switches for two seconds. At any time, press and hold both FS1 and FS7 to cycle through BANK / , PRESET / , and SNAPSHOT / . The inspector will read FS1/FS7 set to BANK UP/DOWN (or similar).

6 Swap Up/ Down

When Stomp Mode Switches (see Knob 3 item above) is set to 8 Switches, use the On setting here to reverse the direction of the FS1 and FS7 BANK, PRESET, or SNAPSHOT up/down actions. SHORTCUT: Touch (but dont press) the Up and Down Stomp Mode FS1 and FS7 switches together for one sec- ond, and then press Knob 6.

Global Settings > EXP Pedals Knob Parameter Description

1 EXP 1 Polarity If your external expression pedal appears to work backwardfor example, a Volume pedal block is loudest with the heel all the way downset this to Inverted.2 EXP 2 Polarity

3 EXP 1 Pedal Position Determines whether expression pedal positions are recalled per snapshot, per preset, or applied globally. If you want a Volume Pedal or Wah to maintain its

position when switching presets, set this to Global. 4 EXP 2 Pedal


Global Settings > Displays Knob Parameter Description

1 LED Ring Brightness

Determines whether the Stomp mode footswitches colored LED rings appear dim when bypassed or off when bypassed. When playing in bright sunlight, you may want to set this to Off/Bright to increase contrast.

2 Tap Tempo LED If youd prefer not to see the FS12 (TAP) red LED constantly flashing, you can turn it off.


USB Audio Helix LT functions as a USB 2.0, multiple-input/output, 24-bit — 96kHz, low-latency audio interface for Windows and Mac computers, as well as for iPad and iPhone mobile devices (with optional Apple Camera Connection Kit adapter), and is compatible with all major DAW software.

NOTE: For USB audio operation:

For Windows computers, it is necessary to download and install the Line 6 Helix ASIO driver (see page 72).

For Mac computers, it is only necessary to download and install the Line 6 Mac Core Audio driver if you desire audio sample rate operation at rates other than 48kHz (see page 72).

For iPad or iPhone mobile devices, there is no driver installation necessary.

All drivers are available from Please refer to Helix firmware Release Notes for driver support specific to the latest Windows and Mac operating systems.

With the Helix LT default Multi Input and Output block settings in use, youll automati- cally hear audio software playback on USB 1/2 routed directly to the XLR, 1/4″ and Phones outputs. This lets you jam along with the YouTube or iTunes apps or your DAW tracks without hearing them through a bunch of amps and effects.

If you set your DAW software track to record from Helix LT USB 1/2, youll capture your processed input signal in the DAW trackwith zero-latency monitoring, since you hear your input from the Helix LT hardware outputs before it is routed through your software.

The additional Helix LT USB Inputs and Outputs are available within the Input and Out- put blocks, and within your DAW software track menus. You can utilize these USB ins and outs for numerous routing configurations, all without patching extra cablessee the following examples.



1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

16B Dream Rig+Vocals

Ch VolPresenceBass MidDrive Treble Amp+Cab Stone Age 185

In 3/4 5/6 7/8 In 1/2

Out 1/2 3/4 5/6

Out 7 Out 8


Jam m

ing w ith You-

Tub e, iTunes, etc.

D I (

d ry

) s ig

na l f


R e-

am p

in g







Hardware Monitoring vs. DAW Software Monitoring Use of the default Multi settings for both the Input and Output blocks provides hard- ware monitoring, which allows you to hear your live input signal at all times, independent of your DAW softwares monitor settings. Hardware monitoring can be desirable since it allows you to hear your live guitar with Helix LT processing added and essentially latency-free, since the monitor signal is not routed through your DAW software.

In some DAW recording scenarios, it may be preferable to utilize your recording appli- cations input monitoring or software monitoring feature. This routes your live input signal through the armed recording track, thus allowing you to monitor the input effected by any plugins you may have inserted on the track. However, the one downside of DAW software monitoring is that your live input signal is delayed slightly due to being routed through the software and back to the Helix LT outputs. This is referred to as latency. Helix LT is designed to provide very low latency operationsee ASIO Driver Settings (Windows) for info and settings.

When a DAW tracks software monitoring is active, youll likely not want to hear the Helix LT hardware monitoring signal simultaneously. To achieve this, you can set the Helix LT Output block to USB Out 3/4 or 5/6. These Output block options will route your processed, stereo signal out to your DAW software without also providing the Helix LT hardware monitoring to USB 1/2. Youll then need to set your DAW track to receive from the same selected Helix LT USB Out to record the processed signal into the track — or, you can optionally set the DAW track input to Helix LT USB 7 or USB 8 to record a dry DI signalsee the next section.

NOTE: Keep the Helix LT Input block set to Multi and your DAW softwares main, Master output to Helix LT USB 1/2 to also hear playback of your full DAW mix.

DI Recording and Re-amplification A common DAW recording technique is to record a dry DI (Direct Input) signal, such as the unprocessed signal from your guitar or Variax. This allows you to process the DI track later with plugins (such as the Line 6 Helix Native plugin) and/or re-amplify the DI track through an amp or other outboard gear. Helix LT has handy options built right in for recording DI tracks, as well as for easy re-amplification of DI tracks back through your own Helix LT tones, all without extra hardware or cabling!

Helix LT offers two special DI outputs, USB Outs 7 and 8, which appear as available options within your DAW software track input menus. These two dedicated USB Outs are tapped directly from the Helix LT input sources of your choice. To configure the Helix LT input source for each, go to Global Settings > Ins/Outs > Re-amp Src (USB 7) and Re-amp Src (USB 8), where you can select Guitar, Variax, or Variax Mags:

16B Dream Rig Duet 1

Ins/Outs MIDI/Tempo


Global Settings


EXP Pedals

Firmware Version 3.00.0

Reamp Src (USB 8)

MultiMultiVariaxGuitar0.0dB Headphones

Monitor Volume Knob

Controls USB In 1/2

Trim Reamp Src

(USB 7)

Ins/Outs 0.0 dB

Digital Out Level

Recording a Dry DI Track For this example, well record guitar into two DAW tracks simultaneously, with one capturing the processed tone and the other the unprocessed DI guitar.

1. On the Global Settings > Ins/Outs > Page 2 screen, set Re-amp Src (USB 7) to Guitar (as shown above).

2. Dial in your desired Helix LT tone, while keeping the Input and Output blocks both set to the default Multi setting.

3. Create two new audio tracks in your DAW software project: Create one mono track to record the dry DI guitar, and set the tracks input to Helix LT USB 7.

Create one stereo track to record your full, stereo, processed tone and set the tracks input to Helix LT USB 1/2.

16B Dream Rig Duet


37% Delay Harmony Delay

LevelMixKey Scale

0.0 dB40%MinorD1/8





Track 1 (Dry DI Guitar) Track 2 (Processed Guitar)


4. Set both tracks outputs, as well as the DAW Master output, to Helix LT USB 1/2 to allow all tracks to play back through Helix LT.

NOTE: Setting the stereo tracks output to Helix LT USB 1/2 allows you to hear your Helix-processed tone via the Helix LT hardware monitoring while recording. For this configuration, disable software monitoring on all DAW tracks.

5. Arm both these DAW audio tracks, hit the Record button and start laying down your guitar performance!

Now you have your processed recording to hear with the project and a separate DI track with which you can further experiment at any time with DAW plugins and/or re- amping (see the next section).

Re-amping Through Helix LT If your DAW software provides options for routing individual audio tracks to outputs other than just the main Helix LT USB Out 1/2, then you can use these steps for re- amping a dry recorded DI track through Helix LT.

1. In your DAW software, set the DI tracks Output setting to a Helix LT stereo USB Out other than USB Out 1/2. For this example well use Helix LT USB Out 3/4.

2. Create a new stereo track in your DAW project and set this tracks Input and Output both to USB 1/2 — Lets name this track Re-amped. Arm the track for recording.

NOTE: In some DAW software, it may be necessary to also activate the software moni- toring feature on this re-amped track to monitor the processed signal when playing back your project. See your softwares documentation.

3. On Helix LT, select the Input block and set it to receive from the same USB stereo pair (USB In 3/4) and keep the Output block set to Multi. Load your choice of amps and effects on the current Helix LT preset.

16B Dream Rig Duet


37% Delay Harmony Delay

LevelMixKey Scale

0.0 dB40%MinorD1/8





Track 1 (Dry DI Guitar) Track 2 (Processed Guitar) Track 3 (Re-amped Guitar)

4. Now play your DAW project and youll hear the DI track re- amped through Helix LT! Adjust the DI tracks volume slider to make sure the signal feeding into Helix LT is not too hot. Tweak your Helix LT amp & effects as desired while listening with the playback of your project mix.

5. Once you have your re-amplified guitar tone they way you like it, Solo both the DI and re-amped tracks, rewind to the start of the project and hit the DAW Record button, allowing it to capture the signal into the new re-amped track in real-time.

Allow the DI track to play to the end, stop recording, and youve created your new re- amped guitar track!

TIP: Note that you still have your original Guitar DI track, and you can repeat this process to create additional re-amped tracks with different Helix LT settings, add plugins, blend with your original guitar, and more.


ASIO Driver Settings (Windows) When using Helix LT as an audio interface for Windows DAW applications, it is highly recommended to configure the software to utilize the ASIO Helix driver. The Line 6 ASIO driver offers the superior, low-latency audio performance required for DAW recording. This driver selection is typically found in your DAW softwares Preferences or Options dialog — see your softwares documentation.

NOTE: Download and install the latest Line 6 Helix ASIO driver from

Once the ASIO Helix LT driver has been selected in your DAW software, youll also see a button in the same dialog for ASIO Settings (or with a similar title). Press this button to launch the Helix LT Control Panel, where you make the following Helix LT driver settings.

Sound Control


This button launches the Windows Sound Control Panel, which is where you can optionally configure Helix LT to be the audio play- back device for multimedia applications (such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, etc.) These settings are not relevant for your DAW software since these applications utilize the standard Windows driver.

Default Bit Depth

Select the Bit Depth at which Helix LT will operate for recording and playback with your DAW software. 24 bit or 32 bit are recommended for quality audio production.

ASIO Buffer Size

Your goal is to achieve the lowest latency possible in your DAW software, but with glitch-free audio performance. Smaller buffer size results in lower latency, however, also increases the demands on your computer, which can result in clicks, pops, or other audio artifacts. Start with a lower slider setting here and if you encounter audio performance issues, come back to this panel and move this slider to the right incrementally to remedy the problem.

Click the Apply and OK buttons when your Helix LT Control Panel settings are complete to return to your DAW software. Please also refer to your DAW softwares documentation for more about its own specific audio device, buffer, and project settings.

Core Audio Driver Settings (macOS) To use Helix LT as an audio interface for Mac applications, it is not necessary to install any additional driver. Helix LT will automatically utilize the Mac computers Class Compliant USB driver when connected to your USB port. Helix LT will then appear as a selectable Core Audio device within the Mac Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup panel and/or directly within your audio and multimedia applications. However, note that this Apple Class Compliant driver offers strictly 48kHz native sample rate operation. If you prefer to use a different native sample rate (or if your particular DAW application requires it), you can optionally download and install the Line 6 Mac Core Audio driver from This Line 6 driver offers 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88kHz, or 96kHz sample rate operation.


MIDI NOTE: Helix LT transmits and responds to MIDI messages over USB in the same manner as via its MIDI connectors. For USB MIDI operation on Windows computers, it is necessary to download and install the Line 6 Helix ASIO driver, available from There is no driver installation necessary for an Apple Mac computer or iPad or iPhone device.

MIDI Bank/Program Changes Helix LT responds to traditional MIDI CC and Program change messages from an external MIDI device (or from MIDI software via USB) and will recall setlists, presets, and/or snapshots accordingly.

Remotely Selecting a Setlist, Preset, and/or Snapshot Press PRESETS to open the Setlist menu:

Rename Setlist

Rename Preset

Reorder Preset

Select Snapshot

Rename Snapshot

CC32: 000 PC: 005

CC69: 000



01A 01B 01C 01D 02A 02B 02C 02D

US Double Norm Essex A30 Brit Plext Brt Cali Rectire Grammatico Brt Essex A15 Brit 2204 German Ubersonic

1 FACTORY 1 16B Bottle Message

The dark text above Knob 2 displays the required MIDI messages for recalling setlists, presets, and/or snapshots from external MIDI devices or software. In the illustration above, the FACTORY 1 setlist is recalled with a CC32 message of 000, the 02B Essex A15 preset is recalled with a PC (program change) message of 005, and Snapshot 1 is recalled with a CC69 message of 000.

NOTE: When navigating Presets from the Helix LT hardware (PRESETS encoder, preset foot- switches, PRESET / PRESET , etc.), Helix LT automatically transmits a MIDI Program Change message corresponding to the selected preset. If youd prefer not to automatically transmit or receive PC messages, turn Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo > Knob 4 (MIDI PC Send/Receive) off.

MIDI Clock Send and Receive Helix LT can send and receive MIDI clock via its MIDI 5-pin in/out, as well as via USB. MIDI Clock options can be enabled and configued within the Global Settings > MIDI/ Tempo options.

MIDI Clock Send: Transmit MIDI clock to synchronize the tempo of external ped- als, rack gear, and software to the current Helix LT TAP Tempo rate.

MIDI Clock Receive: Synchronize the Helix LT time-based effects (such as delay and modulation) to incoming MIDI clock from external DAW software, drum machines, keyboard workstations, or other modelers. Note that the Helix LT TAP footswitch will flash blue (instead of the default red) to indicate the incoming tempo rate when receiving MIDI clock.

MIDI CC Helix LT has reserved specific MIDI CC messages for global functions; these CCs can- not be used as controllers. If you attempt to learn a CC message reserved for global functions (see Controller Assign), the following dialog appears:

Learn ControllerParameter



None This MIDI CC# is reserved for global functions!

MIDI CC# Value Function

Pedal and Footswitch Assignments

1 0-127 Emulates EXP 1 Pedal

2 0-127 Emulates EXP 2 Pedal

49 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS1

50 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS2

51 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS3

52 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS4

53 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS5

54 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS7

55 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS8

56 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS9

57 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS10

58 0-127 Emulates Stomp footswitch modes FS11

59 0-127 Emulates EXP Toe switch


MIDI CC# Value Function

Looper Controls

60 0-63: Overdub; 64-127: Record Looper Record/Overdub switch (FS8)

61 0-63: Stop; 64-127: Play Looper Play/Stop switch (FS9)

62 64-127 Looper Play Once switch (FS3)

63 64-127 Looper Undo/Redo switch (FS2)

65 0-63: Forward; 64-127: Reverse Looper Forward/Reverse switch (FS11)

66 0-63: Full; 64-127: Half Looper Full/Half Speed switch (FS10)

67 0-63: Off; 64-127: On

Looper block on/off (if available); also enters/exits Looper footswitch mode

Additional Controls

0 0-7 Bank MSB

32 0-7 Bank LSB

Manualsnet FAQs

If you want to find out how the Helix LT Line 6 works, you can view and download the Line 6 Helix LT Owner’s Manual on the Manualsnet website.

Yes, we have the Owner’s Manual for Line 6 Helix LT as well as other Line 6 manuals. All you need to do is to use our search bar and find the user manual that you are looking for.

The Owner’s Manual should include all the details that are needed to use a Line 6 Helix LT. Full manuals and user guide PDFs can be downloaded from

The best way to navigate the Line 6 Helix LT Owner’s Manual is by checking the Table of Contents at the top of the page where available. This allows you to navigate a manual by jumping to the section you are looking for.

This Line 6 Helix LT Owner’s Manual consists of sections like Table of Contents, to name a few. For easier navigation, use the Table of Contents in the upper left corner.

You can download Line 6 Helix LT Owner’s Manual free of charge simply by clicking the “download” button in the upper right corner of any manuals page. This feature allows you to download any manual in a couple of seconds and is generally in PDF format. You can also save a manual for later by adding it to your saved documents in the user profile.

To be able to print Line 6 Helix LT Owner’s Manual, simply download the document to your computer. Once downloaded, open the PDF file and print the Line 6 Helix LT Owner’s Manual as you would any other document. This can usually be achieved by clicking on “File” and then “Print” from the menu bar.

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