Table of Contents
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1200 Ventilator
Operator’s Manual
P/N 18247-001, Rev. B
May 2006
Summary of Contents for Viasys Healthcare LTV 1200
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www.ardusmedical.com ® 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual P/N 18247-001, Rev. B May 2006… -
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Document Revision History Document Revision Level Revision Date Rev A, ECO 3891 April 2006 Rev B, ECO 4016 May 2006 Contact Information Pulmonetic Systems, Inc. 17400 Medina Rd., Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55447-1341 Phone: (763) 398-8300 Customer Care Center: (800) 754-1914 Fax: (763) 398-8400 E-mail: info@pulmonetic.com Website: http://www.pulmonetic.com… -
Page 3
Warranty ® Pulmonetic Systems warrants that the LTV 1200 ventilator is free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, or 8,800 hours as measured on the usage meter, whichever comes first, with the following limitations: 1) The internal battery is warranted for ninety (90) days from date of shipment. -
Page 4
Notices ® The LTV 1200 ventilator complies with limitations as specified in IEC 601-1-2 for Medical Products. It does however, use and radiate radio frequency energy. The function of this machine may be adversely affected by the operation of other nearby equipment, such as high frequency surgical diathermy equipment, short-wave therapy equipment, defibrillators or MRI equipment. -
Page 5
Notice To Operators ® Unsafe Operation — Operating the LTV 1200 ventilator without a complete and thorough understanding of its attributes is unsafe and may cause harm to the patient. It is important that this manual be read and understood in its entirety before operating the ventilator. Warnings and Cautions Section — Read the section on Warnings and Cautions carefully before ®… -
Page 6: Table Of Contents
Contents Warranty ……………………….. ii Notices …………………………iii Chapter 1 — Introduction ………………1-1 Operator’s Safety Information………………….1-2 Warnings……………………….1-3 Cautions……………………….1-11 Symbols ……………………….1-17 Chapter 2 — Ventilator Overview…………….2-1 Intended Use ………………………2-1 Power/Supplies Required ……………………2-2 Information/Assistance ……………………2-3 Chapter 3 — Breath Types ………………3-1 Breath Types ………………………3-1 Volume Control Breaths …………………..
Page 7
Chapter 6 — Controls………………..6-1 Assist/Control — SIMV/CPAP — NPPV ………………..6-1 Breath Rate ……………………….. 6-2 Control Lock ………………………. 6-3 High Pressure Limit ……………………. 6-4 Inspiratory / Expiratory Hold………………….6-5 Inspiratory Hold……………………..6-6 Expiratory Hold ……………………..6-8 Inspiratory Time……………………..6-10 Low Minute Volume……………………6-11 Low Pressure …………………….. -
Page 8
I:E xx:xx ……………………….8-3 I:Ecalc xx:xx ……………………..8-4 Vcalc xxx Lpm ……………………..8-4 SBT xxx min ……………………..8-4 xxx f/Vt xx f ……………………… 8-4 Chapter 9 — Ventilator Alarms…………….9-1 Alarms…………………………9-2 APNEA, APNEA xx bpm ………………….9-2 BAT EMPTY ……………………..9-3 BAT LOW ……………………….. -
Page 9
LPPS OFF……………………..9-36 SBT f OFF……………………..9-36 SBT f/Vt OFF ……………………..9-37 SBT HI f OFF ……………………..9-37 SBT LO f OFF ……………………..9-37 SBT TIME ……………………..9-38 WARMUP xx ……………………..9-38 Chapter 10 — Extended Features……………..10-1 Navigating the Extended Features Menus………………10-2 Alarm Operations …………………….. -
Page 10
Transducer Autozero ……………………10-27 Airway Pressure Transducer Autozero ………………10-27 Bi-directional Flow Transducer Differential Autozero……………10-28 Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Narrow …………10-29 Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Wide …………10-30 Real Time Transducers …………………..10-31 Chapter 11 — Ventilator Checkout Tests …………11-1 Alarm Test ………………………..11-3 Display Test ………………………11-4 Control Test ………………………11-6… -
Page 11
Ventilator Performance ……………………. 15-6 Power and Battery Operation…………………. 15-15 Alarms ……………………….15-17 Checkout Test Failures ………………….. 15-23 Test Lung Operations……………………15-25 Appendix A — Ventilator Specifications ………….. A-1 Appendix B — Set Up / Maintenance …………..B-1 Recommended Maintenance Schedule ………………B-1 Service Assistance ……………………..B-2 Appendix C — Installation and Checkout…………. -
Page 12: Chapter 1 — Introduction
Chapter 1 — NTRODUCTION This Operator’s Manual contains detailed information and instructions which when adhered to, ensure ® the safe and effective set up, use and simple maintenance of the LTV 1200 ventilator. It is designed for use by Respiratory Therapists or other qualified and trained personnel under the direction of a physician and in accordance with applicable state laws and regulations.
Page 13: Operator’s Safety Information
Operator’s Safety Information All Operators are to read and understand the following information about Warning, Caution and ® Note statements before operating the LTV 1200 ventilator. WARNING “WARNING” statements alert the reader to potentially hazardous situations which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Page 14: Warnings
Warnings WARNING ® Untrained Personnel – Only properly trained personnel should operate the ventilator. The LTV 1200 ventilator is a restricted medical device designed for use by Respiratory Therapists or other properly trained and qualified personnel under the direction of a physician and in accordance with applicable state laws and regulations.
Page 15
WARNING Battery run time — When the battery reaches the BAT LOW level, the ventilator will only run for approximately 10 minutes before generating a battery empty alarm (BAT EMPTY). The approximate time shown is based on tests using the nominal settings, a new battery and a full 8 hour charge cycle as specified in Appendix A — Ventilator Specifications. -
Page 16
WARNING Ventilation Variables and O Consumption — Variations in the patient’s minute ventilation, I:E ratio and/or ventilator setting changes or equipment status (i.e. circuit leaks) affect the consumption rate of oxygen. When warranted by a patients condition, it is recommended that a back-up cylinder or alternative source of oxygen be available at all times. -
Page 17
WARNING Low Minute Volume Control Settings — The Low Min. Vol. control should be set to its highest clinically appropriate value. If there is a clinical need to set the Low Minute Volume alarm to lower values or off (“- — -“), perform a clinical assessment to determine if an alternative monitor (i.e. a Pulse Oxymeter with an audible alarm, or a Cardio Respiratory Monitor) should be used. -
Page 18
AVERTISSEMENT Personnel non qualifié — Seul le personnel qualifié doit opérer le ventilateur. Le ventilateur de la ® 1200 LTV est un dispositif médical restreint conçu pour être utilisé par les inhalothérapeutes ou autres personnes qualifiées, et par le personnel qualifié sous la supervision d’un médecin et en conformité… -
Page 19
AVERTISSEMENT Durée d’utilisation de la batterie – Lorsque la batterie atteint le niveau BAT INT BASS, le ventilateur fonctionne pendant environ 10 minutes avant d’émettre une alarme de batterie faible (BAT INT VIDE). Cette durée approximative est basée sur des tests avec des paramètres nominaux, une nouvelle batterie et un cycle de chargement complet de 8 heures, tel que spécifié… -
Page 20
AVERTISSEMENT Concentration d’oxygène inspiré (FIO ) – Si la fréquence respiratoire du patient est variable, sa ventilation-minute va fluctuer. Lorsqu’une concentration exacte d’oxygène inspiré (FIO ) est nécessaire pour une transmission au patient, il est recommandé d’utiliser un analyseur de niveau d’oxygène2 précis, comportant des alarmes. -
Page 21
AVERTISSEMENT Utilisation des vis de montage – Vous pourriez causer des dommages internes au ventilateur si des vis de montage de mauvaise longueur sont utilisées lors de l’installation ou de la dépose des accessoires externes. Emplacement des vis de remplacement d’un gaine spécifique – Une patte de la gaine protectrice supérieure possède un trou de vis supplémentaire (le plus éloigné… -
Page 22: Cautions
Cautions CAUTION ® Ventilator Sterilization – To avoid irreparable damage to the LTV 1200 ventilator, do not attempt to sterilize it. Cleaning Agents – To avoid damaging the ventilator’s plastic components and front panel, do not use cleaning agents containing ammonium chloride, other chloride compounds, more than 2% glutaraldehyde, phenols, or abrasive cleaners.
Page 23
CAUTION ® Oxygen Supply Contamination — The accuracy of the oxygen delivery capabilities of LTV 1200 ventilator can be compromised by foreign debris contamination in the oxygen supply system. To reduce the risk of airborne contaminants entering the ventilator, ensure that any oxygen supply connected to the ventilator is clean, properly filtered and that the ventilator’s O Inlet Port Cap is… -
Page 24
CAUTION Electrostatic Discharge – The use of electrically conductive hoses and tubing is not recommended. The use of such materials may result in damage to the ventilator from electrostatic discharge. ® External DC Power Source or External Battery — When connecting the LTV 1200 ventilator to an external DC power source or external battery, use only the approved method and connectors specified in Chapter 14 — Power and Battery Operation. -
Page 25
ATTENTION Stérilisation du ventilateur — Afin d’éviter des dommages irréparables au ventilateur de la 1200 ® , ne tentez pas de stériliser ce dernier. Produits de nettoyage — Afin d’éviter d’endommager les composants plastiques et le panneau frontal du ventilateur, n’utilisez pas des produits de nettoyage contenant : chlorure d’ammonium, composés de chlorure, plus de 2% de glutaraldéhyde, ou phénol. -
Page 26
ATTENTION Filtres mouillés ou humides — Ne pas installer des filtres mouillés ou humides dans les ventilateurs ® de la série LTV . Cela pourrait endommager le ventilateur. Contamination de la réserve d’oxygène — La précision de la capacité d’alimentation en oxygène ®… -
Page 27
ATTENTION Choc électrostatique – L’utilisation de tuyaux et de tubes conductibles n’est pas recommandée. L’utilisation de ces matériaux risque de causer une décharge électrostatique qui endommagerait le ventilateur. Source de courant continu ou pile externe — Lorsque vous branchez les ventilateurs de la 1200 ®… -
Page 28: Symbols
Symbols Symbol Compliance Title Application ISO 3864 Caution (refer to Used to direct the user to the instruction accompanying manual where it is necessary to follow (Prev. IEC 348) documents) certain specified instructions where Symbol No.B.3.1 safety is involved. IEC 417 Fuse To indicate the fuse boxes, for example, and their location.
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® Page 1-18 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual p/n 18247-001, Rev. B… -
Page 30: Chapter 2 — Ventilator Overview
Indications for Use The LTV 1200 ventilator is intended to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for the care of the individuals who require mechanical ventilation. The ventilator is a restricted medical device intended for use by qualified, trained personnel under the direction of a physician.
Page 31: Power/Supplies Required
Power/Supplies Required ® To operate the LTV 1200 ventilator, you will need the following: • Power source: Pulmonetic Systems P/N 10537, 110V or 220V AC power source, or 11V to 15V DC power source. This may be an external battery or a DC power system •…
Page 32: Information/Assistance
Information/Assistance ® For additional information or troubleshooting assistance concerning the operation of the LTV 1200 ventilator, contact a certified Pulmonetic Systems’ service technician or: Pulmonetic Systems, Inc. 17400 Medina Rd., Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55447-1341 Phone: (763) 398-8300 Customer Care Center: (800) 754-1914 Fax: (763) 398-8400 E-mail: info@pulmonetic.com Website: http://www.pulmonetic.com…
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® Page 2-4 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual p/n 18247-001, Rev. B… -
Page 34: Chapter 3 — Breath Types
Chapter 3 — REATH YPES ® This chapter contains information regarding the breath types available on the LTV 1200 ventilator. It covers how breaths are initiated, limited and cycled, and when each type of breath is given. The following terms are used in discussing how breaths are given: Initiate What causes a breath to be given.
Page 35: Volume Control Breaths
Volume Control Breaths For Volume Control breaths, the set Tidal Volume is delivered over the set Inspiratory Time and flow is delivered in a decelerating taper flow waveform. Peak flow is calculated based on the Tidal Volume and Inspiratory Time and the final flow is 50% of the peak flow. Volume breaths may be machine or assist type breaths.
Page 36: Pressure Control Breaths
Pressure Control Breaths For Pressure Control breaths , flow is delivered to elevate the circuit pressure to the Pressure Control setting and maintain it at that pressure for the set Inspiratory Time. Pressure Control breaths may be machine or assist type breaths. Adjusting the Rise Time Profile changes the flow and pressure waveforms for Pressure Control breaths.
Page 37
Pressure Control Breaths (cont) Pressure Control breaths have an optional flow termination criteria. If PC Flow Termination is ON Pressure Control breaths may be time or flow terminated. If the flow drops to the set FLOW TERM level before the inspiratory time is completed, the inspiration is cycled. ®… -
Page 38: Pressure Support Breaths
Pressure Support Breaths For Pressure Support breaths , flow is delivered to elevate the circuit pressure to the Pressure Support setting and maintain it at that pressure until the flow drops below a variable percentage of the peak flow. Pressure Support breaths may also be cycled by a variable time limit, or by exceeding 2 breath periods.
Page 39: Spontaneous Breaths
Spontaneous Breaths For Spontaneous breaths, flow is delivered to meet patient demand and maintain the circuit pressure at the measured PEEP from the previous breath. The breath is cycled when the flow drops below the Pressure Support Flow Termination setting, or below 3 lpm. Spontaneous breaths may also be terminated by exceeding 2 breath periods.
Page 40: Chapter 4 — Ventilation Modes
Chapter 4 — ENTILATION ODES ® The LTV 1200 ventilator provides the following modes of ventilation: • Control • Assist/Control • SIMV — Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation • CPAP — Continuous Positive Airway Pressure • Apnea Backup Ventilation • NPPV — Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation Each of these modes is described below.
Page 41: Simv Mode
SIMV Mode SIMV mode is selected when SIMV/CPAP is selected and the Breath Rate is set between 1 and 80. In SIMV mode, machine, assist and patient breaths may be given. For the first patient trigger detected within a breath period, an assist breath is given. For all subsequent patient triggers within the same breath period, spontaneous patient breaths or pressure support if set, are given.
Page 42: Cpap Mode
CPAP Mode CPAP mode is selected when SIMV/CPAP is selected and the Breath Rate is set to dashes “- -”. In CPAP mode, when a patient trigger is detected, a patient breath is given. Breaths will be Pressure Support or Spontaneous breaths according to the Pressure Support setting. NOTE ®…
Page 43: Nppv Mode
(PEEP). When a patient trigger is detected, a Pressure Support patient breath is given. NOTE Masks used with the LTV 1200 must be non-vented. With a vented mask, the patient’s exhaled air escapes via holes in the mask, elbow or swivel connector. With a non-vented mask, the patient’s exhaled air escapes through the ventilator exhalation valve.
Page 44: Apnea Backup
Apnea Backup ® The LTV 1200 ventilator provides an Apnea Backup mode of ventilation. Apnea Backup ventilation begins when the time since the last breath start is greater than the set Apnea Interval. When an apnea alarm occurs: • If an inspiration is in progress, the ventilator cycles to exhalation. •…
Page 45: Volume Pressure Ventilation
Volume Pressure Ventilation ® The LTV 1200 ventilator offers both Volume and Pressure ventilation. When Volume is selected, all machine and assist breaths are Volume Control breaths. Breaths are given according to the Tidal Volume and Insp. Time controls. For more information on Volume Control breaths, see Chapter 6 — Controls, Tidal Volume.
Page 46: Chapter 5 — Using The Controls And Indicators
Chapter 5 — SING THE ONTROLS AND NDICATORS Ventilator Controls The following diagram shows how the front panel controls and displays are arranged. ® Operator’s Manual 1200 Ventilator Page 5-1 p/n 18247-001, Rev.B…
Page 47: Setting A Control
Setting a Control ® There are 5 kinds of controls on the LTV 1200 ventilator. They are: Variable Controls Controls and alarms that have front panel displays. Buttons Push buttons that select an option or perform a function. Set Value Knob Used to set control values and navigate extended features menus.
Page 48: Buttons
Buttons Button controls do one of three things: • Turn a feature on or off, such as Control Lock. • Toggle between two features, such as Volume or Pressure ventilation. • Perform a function, such as Manual Breath. Push the button to activate the feature or change the feature state. A green LED next to the button indicates when a feature is on.
Page 49: Bright, Dim And Blank Control Displays
Bright, Dim and Blank Control Displays Variable controls will be displayed at normal or dimmed intensity, or may be blanked. A display will be displayed at normal intensity: • When it is selected for change. All other displays will be dimmed. •…
Page 50: Flashing Controls
Flashing Controls Variable controls and alarms will be displayed solid or flashing. A flashing control means one of the following things: • If you are changing a control setting, and the display flashes, you have reached a limited value for the control.
Page 51: Control Locking
Control Locking The front panel controls may be locked so that settings cannot be accidentally changed. When the controls are locked, the Control Lock LED will be on. If you try to select or change a control while the Control Lock is on, the message LOCKED will be displayed in the display window and the Control Lock LED will flash.
Page 52: Chapter 6 — Controls
Chapter 6 — ONTROLS ® This section explains how each of the LTV 1200 ventilator front panel controls work. Assist/Control — SIMV/CPAP — NPPV This button toggles between Assist/Control, SIMV/CPAP, and NPPV modes of ventilation. Each press of the button advances or confirms your selection as follows: •…
Page 53: Breath Rate
Breath Rate Use the Breath Rate control to establish the minimum rate of machine or assist breaths that the ventilator will deliver per minute. To set the Breath Rate: 1) Push the Breath Rate button. 2) Change the setting using the Set Value knob. Range: “- -”, 1 — 80 bpm NOTE When SIMV/CPAP is selected, the ventilator will be in SIMV or CPAP mode, depending on the…
Page 54: Control Lock
Control Lock ® The LTV 1200 ventilator front panel controls may be locked so that settings are not accidentally changed. Two different levels of difficulty can be set for control unlocking: Easy and Hard. Easy unlocking is the default and this setting is changed using the Extended Features menus .
Page 55: High Pressure Limit
High Pressure Limit Use the High Pressure Limit to establish the maximum pressure permitted the patient circuit. When this limit is reached: • A HIGH PRES alarm is displayed • The audible alarm is sounded • Inspiration is terminated and exhalation begins The turbine is stopped to allow the circuit pressure to evacuate when the high pressure condition persists for more than four times the set inspiratory time or more than 3.0 seconds, whichever is less.
Page 56: Inspiratory / Expiratory Hold
Inspiratory / Expiratory Hold Pushing the Insp/Exp (Inspiratory/Expiratory) Hold control button causes the ventilator to toggle between the following messages in the display window. Each push causes the next item in sequence to be displayed: INSP HOLD EXP HOLD Normal monitor display While INSP HOLD or EXP HOLD is displayed: •…
Page 57: Inspiratory Hold
Inspiratory Hold An Inspiratory Hold maneuver holds the inspiratory phase of a delivered breath for a duration sufficient to determine Δ Pres pressure and static lung compliance of the patient. To perform the Inspiratory Hold maneuver: 1) Push the Insp/Exp (Inspiratory/Expiratory) Hold control button once and the display window will toggle from normal monitor display to INSP HOLD.
Page 58
NOTE The ventilator will not perform an Inspiratory Hold maneuver during Pressure Control, Pressure Support or Spontaneous breaths. If the button is held during exhalation or any non-volume inspiration: • The associated LED will be blinking. • All buttons that are not lockable will operate normally. •… -
Page 59: Expiratory Hold
Expiratory Hold An Expiratory Hold maneuver holds the expiratory phase of a delivered breath for a duration sufficient to determine the AutoPEEP of a patient. To perform the Expiratory Hold maneuver: 1) Push the Insp/Exp (Inspiratory/Expiratory) Hold button twice and the display widow will toggle from normal monitor display to EXP HOLD.
Page 60
NOTE The ventilator will not perform an Expiratory Hold maneuver during Pressure Support or Spontaneous breaths. If the button is held during inspiration or during Pressure Support or spontaneous exhalation: • The associated LED will be blinking. • All buttons that are not lockable will operate normally. •… -
Page 61: Inspiratory Time
Inspiratory Time This control sets the length of the inspiratory period for Volume Controlled and Pressure Controlled breaths. The Insp. Time setting, along with the Volume control setting are used to determine the peak flow for Volume controlled breaths. While the Inspiratory Time is being updated, the Calculated Peak Flow will be displayed in the display window.
Page 62: Low Minute Volume
Low Minute Volume The Low Minute Volume alarm sets the minimum expected exhaled Minute Volume. The exhaled Minute Volume is recalculated after every breath. If the Minute Volume does not meet or exceed the Low Minute Volume setting: • A LOW MIN VOL alarm is displayed •…
Page 63: Low Pressure
Low Pressure The Low Pressure alarm can be set to apply to All breaths or to Volume Control and Pressure Control breaths only. (For information on selecting breath types, see Chapter 10 — Extended Features, Low Peak Pressure Alarm.) The Low Pressure alarm establishes the minimum expected circuit pressure for the selected breath types.
Page 64: Low Pressure O Source
Low Pressure O Source When selected, this option allows oxygen to be supplied from a low pressure / low flow oxygen source such as an oxygen concentrator or line mounted flow meter. Oxygen from the low pressure source is mixed with air inside the ventilator. The O percent delivered to the patient is determined by the O inlet flow and the total minute volume and is not regulated by the ventilator.
Page 65
Low Pressure O Source (cont.) NOTE The Oxygen Inlet High Pressure alarm at 10 PSIG is only active when Low Pressure O Source is on. REMARQUE L’alarme de haute pression d’entrée de l’oxygène réglée sur 10 PSIG ne sera active que lorsque la source de basse pression O est activée. -
Page 66
Low Pressure O Source (cont) Low Pressure O Blending: Oxygen will be applied through the low pressure, low flow inlet. Use this chart to determine the approximate O flow required to deliver the desired FIO WARNING Inspired Oxygen (FIO ) Concentration – If the patient has a variable respiratory rate, his/her minute ventilation will fluctuate. -
Page 67
Low Pressure O Source (cont.) To determine the required O input flow: 1) Find the desired FIO (bottom of chart). 2) Calculate the patient’s minute ventilation rate by using the following formula: Tidal volume x breath rate. 3) Follow the FIO up to the applicable slanted VE (minute volume) line (right side of chart). -
Page 68: Manual Breath
Manual Breath Use the Manual Breath button to deliver one (1) Machine breath. The breath will be a Volume Control or Pressure Control breath as defined by the current ventilator settings. The Manual Breath LED is on during the Manual Breath inspiration. To deliver a Manual breath: 1) Push the Manual Breath button.
Page 69: Flush)
% (O Flush) The O % (O Flush) button is a dual function control (O % and O Flush). • When being used to set the percentage of oxygen delivered by the ventilator through the oxygen blending system (O %), push and release the O % (O Flush) button, as described below.
Page 70
% (O Flush) (cont) ATTENTION Contamination de la réserve d’oxygène — La précision de la capacité d’alimentation en oxygène ® des ventilateur 1200 LTV peut être compromise par la présence de corps étrangers dans le système d’alimentation en oxygène. Afin de diminuer le risque de présence d’agents contaminants atmosphériques dans le ventilateur, assurez-vous que la réserve d’oxygène reliée au ventilateur est propre et filtrée de manière adéquate , et que le bouchon de l’orifice d’alimentation en oxygène est… -
Page 71: On/Standby
On/Standby ® This button switches the LTV 1200 ventilator between Standby and On. When the ventilator is on, the On/Standby LED will be on. The ventilator will operate on external power if it is available, or internal battery, if there is no external power or the external power source is depleted.
Page 72: Peep Control
PEEP Control The PEEP control establishes the Positive End Expiratory Pressure. To set the PEEP: 1) Push the PEEP control button. 2) Change the setting using the Set Value knob. Range: 0 – 20 cmH ® The LTV 1200 has PEEP Compensated Pressure Support and Pressure Control. On the left waveform (breath), the ventilator is set to deliver Pressure Support (or Pressure Control) of 20 cmH O with no PEEP.
Page 73: Pressure Control
Pressure Control This control establishes the target pressure above the PEEP setting for Pressure Control breaths. NOTE Pressure Control and Pressure Support breaths do compensate for PEEP. Delivered pressure is controlled by the Pressure Control setting and is affected by the PEEP setting. For example, a Pressure Control setting of 20cmH O and a PEEP setting of 10cmH O results in a Peak Inspiratory…
Page 74: Pressure Support
Pressure Support This control establishes the target pressure above the PEEP setting for Pressure Support patient breaths. If Pressure Support is set to dashes “- -“, all patient breaths will be given as Spontaneous breaths. Inspiratory flow for Pressure Support and Spontaneous breaths is controlled to meet the patient demand.
Page 75: Select
Select Use this button to change the monitor in the display window and to select items in the Extended Feature menus. Monitored Data: The monitored data displays may be automatically or manually scrolled. To cycle through the available monitored data automatically from a halted scan: Push the monitor Select button twice within 0.3 sec.
Page 76: Sensitivity
Sensitivity Use the Sensitivity control to establish the threshold level to allow the patient to flow trigger Assist and Patient breaths. A flow trigger occurs when: • The Sensitivity is set to any value from 1 to 9, • And the ventilator is in exhalation phase, •…
Page 77: Set Value Knob
Set Value Knob Use the Set Value knob to establish control values and navigate extended features menus. Variable Controls: To change the setting for a variable control: 1) Push the button for the control to be modified. 2) Turn the Set Value knob clockwise to increase the value, or 3) Turn the Set Value knob counter-clockwise to decrease the value.
Page 78: Silence Reset
Silence Reset Use this button to silence an alarm for 60 seconds, to reset an alarm, to start a 60 second preemptive silence period, and to permanently silence the Vent Inop and Standby alarms. Two important definitions for understanding how the Silence Reset button works: •…
Page 79: Tidal Volume
Tidal Volume Use the Tidal Volume control to establish the volume of gas which the ventilator will produce and deliver during Volume Controlled breaths. Flow is delivered in a taper waveform over the set Inspiratory Time. The peak flow is calculated based on the Tidal Volume and Inspiratory Time with a maximum flow of 100 lpm and a minimum flow of 10 lpm.
Page 80: Volume Pressure Mode
Volume Pressure Mode Use this button to toggle between Pressure control and Volume control modes of ventilation. To toggle between the modes: 1) Push the mode button once. The associated LED will flash for 5 seconds. 2) To confirm the mode change, push the mode button again while the LED is flashing. The ventilator will begin operating in the new mode as soon as the mode change is complete.
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® Page 6-30 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual p/n 18247-001, Rev. B… -
Page 82: Chapter 7 — Displays And Indicators
Chapter 7 — ISPLAYS AND NDICATORS ® This section describes each of the LTV 1200 ventilator front panel displays. Airway Pressure The Airway Pressure display is a bar of 60 LEDs that is used to display the real-time airway circuit pressure.
Page 83: Battery Level
Battery Level The Battery Level indicator shows the level of available internal battery power while running from the internal battery. When the ventilator is running from an external power source, the Battery Level indicator is off. When running from the internal battery at the nominal settings shown below, the indicator shows the following levels: Approximate Battery Time Alarm…
Page 84
Battery Level (cont) WARNING Battery run time — When the battery reaches the BAT LOW level, the ventilator will only run for approximately 10 minutes before generating a battery empty alarm (BAT EMPTY). The approximate times shown here are based on tests using the nominal settings, a new battery and a full 8- hour charge cycle as specified in Appendix A — Ventilator Specifications. -
Page 85: Charge Status
Charge Status The Charge Status indicator shows the charge state of the internal battery. This LED is on when the ventilator is supplied with external power and the internal battery is being charged. The charge status is indicated as follows: LED Color Charge Status Flashing Amber…
Page 86: External Power
External Power The External Power indicator shows the level of external power while the ventilator is operating from an external power source. When the ventilator is running from the internal battery, the External Power indicator is off. When running from external power, the indicator shows the following levels: (See Chapter 7 — Battery Level for approximate battery time.) LED Color Power Level…
Page 87: Nppv
NPPV The NPPV indicator LED is lit when NPPV mode is selected. For more information on NPPV mode, see NPPV Mode in Chapter 4 — Ventilation Modes and Procedure for NPPV Mode Set Up in Chapter 12 – Operating Procedure. Patient Effort This LED is lit briefly each time a patient trigger is detected.
Page 88
Chapter 8 — ONITORED This section describes each of the monitored data displays and how the data is calculated. Monitored data is shown in the Display Window and is actively updated whenever alarms and extended features are not displayed. NOTE Some monitored data depends on valid transducer calibrations. -
Page 89: Chapter 8 — Monitored Data
Automatic or Manual Data Display Scrolling The monitored data displays may be automatically or manually scrolled. To cycle through the available monitored data automatically from a halted scan: Push the monitor Select button twice within 0.3 seconds. Pushing the Select button once while scan is active will halt scanning and the currently displayed data will remain in the display window.
Page 90: Pip Xxx Cmh2O
PIP xxx cmH2O The Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) monitor displays the greatest pressure measured during the inspiratory phase and the first 300 ms of exhalation Monitored PIP data is measured and displayed at the completion of inspiration. MAP xx cmH2O The Mean Airway Pressure (MAP) monitor displays a running average of the airway pressure for the last 60 seconds.
Page 91: I:ecalc Xx:xx
I:Ecalc xx:xx The Calculated I:E ratio (I:Ecalc) display is based on the set Breath Rate and Inspiratory Time. The display is updated in real-time while either setting is being changed. In modes where Vcalc is displayed during Inspiratory Time changes, the display can be toggled between Vcalc and I:E calc using the Select button.
Page 92: Chapter 9 — Ventilator Alarms
Chapter 9 — ENTILATOR LARMS ® When conditions requiring immediate operator interaction are detected by the LTV 1200 ventilator, an alarm is generated. Some alarms can reset themselves, for instance, a high pressure alarm that is caused by a cough. Other alarms require some action from the operator and the audible and visual alarms will continue until the problem is corrected.
Page 93: Alarms
Alarms APNEA, APNEA xx bpm When the time since the start of the last breath is longer than the set Apnea Interval, the APNEA alarm is generated. When an Apnea alarm occurs, the ventilator will enter Apnea Backup ventilation mode. For more information on Apnea Backup mode, see Chapter 4 — Ventilation Modes, Apnea Backup.
Page 94: Bat Empty
BAT EMPTY When the ventilator is operating on internal battery power and the battery charge level falls below the empty threshold, the BAT EMPTY alarm is generated. For patient safety, this alarm can only be silenced once for 30 seconds and cannot be silenced preemptively. After the 30 seconds has elapsed, the alarm cannot be silenced again and will continue to sound and display until an alternate power source is provided or the battery is depleted and the ventilator goes INOP.
Page 95
BAT EMPTY (cont.) NOTE When the battery reaches empty, the ventilator may run for approximately 5 minutes before shutdown, based on the nominal settings, a new battery and a full 8 — hour charge cycle as specified in Appendix A — Ventilator Specifications. Actual run time may be more or less depending on ventilator settings, patient demand, and battery age. -
Page 96: Bat Low
BAT LOW When the ventilator is operating on internal battery power and the battery charge level falls below the low threshold, a BAT LOW alarm is generated. When a BAT LOW alarm occurs: • The Battery Level LED is displayed Amber. •…
Page 97
BAT LOW (cont) NOTE Internal Battery Use: The internal battery is intended for use during short periods while switching between external power supply connections, emergency situations or short duration transports. The length of time the ventilator will operate on internal power is a function of factors such as settings, charge level and condition or age of the battery;… -
Page 98: Defaults
DEFAULTS ® All controls and extended features on the LTV 1200 ventilator have factory-set default values. When the operator makes changes to the controls or extended features settings, the ventilator stores the new settings in non-volatile memory . During POST, the ventilator checks the stored settings. If the ventilator detects an invalid stored setting, the DEFAULTS alarm occurs and the affected settings are set to the default values.
Page 99
DEFAULTS (cont.) The factory-set default Control settings are: • See Chapter 6 — Controls, for detailed information concerning specific Controls. Control — Default Control — Default Breath Rate — 12 bpm % (O Flush) — 21% Control Lock — On PEEP — 0 cmH Data Display Scrolling — Auto-On Pressure Control — 1 cmH… -
Page 100: Defaults Set
DEFAULTS SET ® The DEFAULTS SET alarm is generated when the LTV 1200 ventilator is first powered up after the SET DEFAULTS option has been used to reset all controls and extended features settings to their factory-set default values • Language, Time/Date Format and Com settings are not reset to default values when the SET DEFAULTS option is used in Extended Features.
Page 101: Disc/Sense
DISC/SENSE When the ventilator detects one of the following conditions, the DISC/SENSE alarm is generated: • When a sense line is pinched or blocked. • When a sense line has become disconnected. • When a sense line is occluded (e.g., excessive condensation in the line). The ventilator detects circuit pressure during the beginning of each inspiration.
Page 102: High F
HIGH f When the Total Breath Rate (f) exceeds the high breath rate and time period alarm values, the HIGH f alarm is generated. • To prevent nuisance alarms, the HIGH f alarm is suspended for the first 60 seconds of ventilator operation after power up and passing the Power On Self Tests.
Page 103: High O 2 Pres
HIGH O PRES When the average oxygen inlet pressure exceeds the acceptable limit for the type of oxygen source, the HIGH O2 PRES alarm is generated. • If Low Pressure O Source is selected, the inlet pressure is >10 PSIG. •…
Page 104: High Peep
HIGH PEEP When the patient circuit positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) exceeds the High PEEP alarm setting, the HIGH PEEP alarm is generated. When a HIGH PEEP alarm occurs: • The HIGH PEEP message is flashed in the display window. •…
Page 105: High Pres
HIGH PRES When the pressure in the patient circuit is greater than the High Pressure Limit setting, the HIGH PRES alarm is generated. When this alarm occurs, any inspiration in progress is terminated and the exhalation valve is opened. The turbine is stopped to allow the circuit pressure to evacuate when the high pressure condition persists for more than four times the set inspiratory time or more than 3.0 seconds, whichever is less.
Page 106
High PRES (cont.) The HIGH PRES alarm becomes inactive and is automatically silenced using the following criteria: High Pressure Circuit Pressure at which HIGH PRES alarm is silenced Limit Setting 31 to 100 cmH Less than 25 cmH 8 to 30 cmH More than 5 cmH O lower than current High Pressure Limit Setting 5 to 7 cmH… -
Page 107: Hw Fault
HW FAULT When the ventilator detects one of the following hardware faults, the HW FAULT alarm is generated: • The cooling fan is not operating, or the fan filter may be blocking the fan (see page 13-2 for cleaning and installation instructions). •…
Page 108: Inop
INOP An INOP alarm is generated when: • The ventilator is switched from On to Standby. • The ventilator detects any condition that is deemed to make the ventilator unsafe. When an INOP occurs, the ventilator shuts down and sets the hardware to a safe state so the patient can breathe from room air.
Page 109: Low Min Vol
LOW MIN VOL When the exhaled minute volume (VE) is less than the Low Minute Volume setting, the LOW MIN VOL alarm is generated. • To prevent nuisance alarms, the LOW MIN VOL alarm is suspended for the first 20 seconds of ventilator operation after power up and passing the Power On Self Tests.
Page 110: Low O 2 Pres
LOW O PRES When the average oxygen inlet pressure is less than the minimum inlet pressure of 35 PSIG, the LOW O2 PRES alarm is generated. This alarm is only active when Low Pressure O Source is not selected and the oxygen concentration is set to greater than 21%. NOTE ®…
Page 111: Low Peep
LOW PEEP When the patient circuit positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) is less than the Low PEEP alarm setting, the LOW PEEP alarm is generated. When a LOW PEEP alarm occurs: • The LOW PEEP message is flashed in the display window. •…
Page 112: Low Pres
LOW PRES When the peak inspiratory pressure for a selected breath is less than the Low Pressure setting, the LOW PRES alarm is generated. The Low Pressure alarm can be set to apply to all breaths (ALL BREATHS) or to Volume Control (VC) and Pressure Control (PC) breaths only. (For information on selecting breath types, see Chapter 10 — Extended Features, Low Peak Pressure Alarm.) When a LOW PRES alarm occurs: •…
Page 113: No Cal Data, No Cal Monitor Display
NO CAL DATA, NO CAL Monitor Display When the ventilator detects invalid or missing calibration records on power up, the NO CAL DATA alarm is generated. When this happens, default calibration values are used, and although the ventilator will continue to operate, the accuracy of volumes and pressures may be reduced. A NO CAL message is posted in place of affected monitored values when the ventilator is operating without valid transducer calibration data.
Page 114: Power Lost
POWER LOST When the ventilator is powered up without an external source of power, or is operating on external power and switches to the internal battery, the POWER LOST alarm is generated. • The change to internal battery is made when the external power voltage drops below the usable level.
Page 115: Power Low
POWER LOW When the ventilator is operating on external power and the voltage drops to the low level, the POWER LOW alarm is generated. When a POWER LOW alarm occurs: • The POWER LOW message is flashed in the display window. •…
Page 116: Remove Ptnt
REMOVE PTNT When the ventilator is powered up in the Ventilator Checkout or Ventilator Maintenance modes, the REMOVE PTNT alarm is generated to remind you to remove the patient from the ventilator before proceeding. Use the Ventilator Checkout mode to check for correct operation of the displays and controls and to check the patient circuit for leaks.
Page 117: Reset
RESET A RESET alarm occurs if the ventilator restarts following a condition other than being shut down by pressing the On/Standby button. The ventilator runs an ongoing set of self-tests to verify that it is operating correctly. If the ventilator detects a condition that makes safe ventilator operation uncertain, it reinitializes itself to allow the more sophisticated Power On Self Tests (POST) to be performed.
Page 118: Sbt < F
SBT < f When the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation is on and the Total Breath Rate ( f ) is less than the SBT LOW f setting (low limit of breath rate range) for 30 seconds, the SBT < f alarm is generated.
Page 119
SBT > f When the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation is on and the Total Breath Rate ( f ) is greater than the SBT HIGH f setting (high limit of breath rate range) for 30 seconds, the SBT > f alarm is generated. -
Page 120: Sbt < F/Vt
SBT < f/Vt When the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation is on and the monitored f/Vt (Total Breath Rate divided by the Average Exhaled Tidal Volume) is less than the LOW f/Vt setting (low limit of the f/Vt range) for 30 seconds, the SBT < f/Vt alarm* is generated. For additional information concerning the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation, see SBT (Spontaneous Breathing Trial) Operations in Chapter 10 — Extended Features.
Page 121: Sbt > F/Vt
SBT > f/Vt When the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation is on and the monitored f/Vt (Total Breath Rate divided by the Average Exhaled Tidal Volume) is greater than the HIGH f/Vt setting (high limit of the f/Vt range) for 30 seconds, the SBT > f/Vt alarm* is generated. For additional information concerning the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation, see SBT (Spontaneous Breathing Trial) Operations in Chapter 10 — Extended Features.
Page 122: Sbt Off
SBT OFF When the minutes preset in the SBT OP, MINUTES menu have elapsed and a Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation is terminated, the SBT OFF alarm is generated. For additional information concerning the Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) mode of ventilation, see SBT (Spontaneous Breathing Trial) Operations in Chapter 10 — Extended Features.
Page 123: Xdcr Fault
XDCR FAULT When a transducer autozero test fails, the XDCR FAULT alarm is generated. Transducer autozeros are scheduled at periodic intervals during ventilator operation. This allows the ventilator to adjust the zero pressure readings as the ventilator warms up and environmental conditions change. If an autozero test fails, it will be automatically rescheduled to run again on the next breath.
Page 124: Alarm Status Messages
Alarm Status Messages f PEEP OFF The f PEEP OFF message is displayed when; • The High Breath Rate alarm is turned off by being set to HIGH f OFF and, • The High PEEP alarm is turned off by being set to HI PEEP OFF. This is an informational message only.
Page 125: H&L Peep Off
H&L PEEP OFF The H&L PEEP OFF message is displayed when; • The High Breath Rate alarm (HIGH f) is turned on/set to a value and, • Both the High PEEP and Low PEEP alarms are turned off This is an informational message only. The message is displayed at power up, when monitored data is being scrolled automatically, and when no front panel activity is detected for 60 seconds.
Page 126: Lmv Off
LMV OFF The LMV OFF message is displayed when; • The Low Minute Volume alarm is turned off by being set to dashes and, • The LPP alarm is set to ALL BREATHS. This is an informational message only. The message is displayed at power up, when monitored data is being scrolled automatically, and when no front panel activity is detected for 60 seconds.
Page 127: Lo F/Vt Off
LO f/Vt OFF The LO f/Vt OFF message is only displayed during the Spontaneous Breath Trial mode of ventilation when the SBT Low f/Vt alarm is turned off by being set to LO f/Vt OFF. This is an informational message only. The message is displayed when monitored data is being scrolled automatically, and when no front panel activity is detected for 60 seconds.
Page 128: Sbt F/Vt Off
SBT f/Vt OFF The SBT f/Vt OFF message is only displayed during the Spontaneous Breath Trial mode of ventilation when; • The SBT High f/Vt alarm is turned off by being set to HI f/Vt OFF and, • The SBT Low f/Vt alarm is turned off by being set to LO f/Vt OFF. This is an informational message only.
Page 129: Sbt Time
SBT TIME The SBT TIME message is displayed during the Spontaneous Breath Trial mode of ventilation when only two (2) minutes of SBT mode of ventilation remain. This is an informational message only. When a SBT TIME message is generated: •…
Page 130: Chapter 10 — Extended Features
Chapter 10 — XTENDED EATURES This section describes the options and features available under the Extended Features Menus and how to access them. ® 1200 The Extended Features menus shown below are representative of the LTV ventilator. Alarm Operations, Ventilator Operations, Transducer Autozero and Real-time Transducers are covered in this chapter.
Page 131: Navigating The Extended Features Menus
Navigating the Extended Features Menus To enter the Extended Features menu (in normal ventilation mode): Push and hold the Select button for three seconds. To view the next item in a menu: Turn the Set Value knob clockwise. To view the previous item: Turn the Set Value knob counterclockwise.
Page 132: Alarm Operations
Alarm Operations Use the Alarm Operations menu to set up alarm conditions that are not available directly from front panel controls. The menu is set up as follows: ALARM OP ALARM VOL APNEA INT HP DELAY LPP ALARM HIGH f HIGH PEEP LOW PEEP PNT ASSIST…
Page 133: Apnea Interval
Apnea Interval Use this menu item to establish the apnea interval. The apnea interval is the maximum time allowed between the beginning of one breath and the beginning of the next breath. To modify the Apnea Interval: 1) Push the Select button while APNEA INT is displayed. 2) APNEA xx sec is displayed.
Page 134: High F
High f Use this menu item to set the high breath rate and time period alarm values. When the Total Breath Rate ( f ) exceeds the set high breath rate and time period alarm values, an audible alarm will be sounded and a flashing HIGH f message will be displayed.
Page 135: Patient Assist
Patient Assist Use the PNT ASSIST menu item to configure the Patient Assist port output signal to be generated for use with remote alarm systems. • Allows for the changing of the patient assist alarm output signal used with remote alarm systems, which in turn will allow users a means of distinguishing the high pressure alarm (HIGH PRES) from other alarms.
Page 136: Vent Operations
Vent Operations Use the Vent Operations menu to set up ventilator controls and options that are not available directly from front panel controls. The menu is set up as follows: VENT OP RISE TIME FLOW TERM TIME TERM PC FLOW TERM LEAK COMP O2 FLUSH CTRL UNLOCK…
Page 137: Variable Rise Time
Variable Rise Time Use the Variable Rise Time option to select the rise time profile for Pressure Control and Pressure Support breaths. The rise time profiles are numbered 1 through 9 where 1 is the fastest rise time and 9 is the slowest rise time. Starting with the fastest rise time, each time is 33% longer than the previous one.
Page 138: Variable Flow Termination
Variable Flow Termination Use the Variable Flow Termination to select the percentage of peak flow used for cycling Pressure Support breaths. Pressure Support breaths are cycled from inspiration to exhalation when the flow reaches the set percentage of the peak flow, or when flow goes below 2 lpm. When Pressure Control Flow Termination is enabled, the Variable Flow Termination setting is used for flow termination of Pressure Control breaths as well.
Page 139: Variable Time Termination
Variable Time Termination Use the Variable Time Termination to select the maximum inspiratory time for cycling Pressure Support breaths. Pressure Support Breaths are cycled from inspiration to exhalation if this time is reached before the flow reaches the set percentage of the peak flow. When a breath is cycled based on the time setting, the Pres.
Page 140: Pressure Control Flow Termination
Pressure Control Flow Termination Use the Pressure Control Flow Termination option to enable or disable flow termination for Pressure Control breaths. When this option is ON, Pressure Control breaths are cycled at the set percentage of the peak flow if it is reached before the set Inspiratory Time elapses.
Page 141: Leak Compensation
Leak Compensation Use the Leak Compensation option to enable or disable tracking of the baseline flow to improve triggering when a circuit leak is present. When Leak Compensation is on, the system is gradually adjusted to maintain set sensitivity if the leak is stable and there is no autocycling.
Page 142: O 2 Flush
Flush Use the O Flush option to elevate the delivered FIO to 100% for a preset period of time. To initiate an O Flush: 1) Push and hold the O % (O Flush) button (FIO ) on the ventilator front panel for three seconds to initiate the elevation (ramp up) of delivered FIO to 100% for the preset number of minutes.
Page 143: Control Unlock
Control Unlock Use the Control Unlock option to select the Easy or Hard unlocking method for unlocking the controls. The Easy unlocking method should be used when only trained personnel have access to the ventilator. The Hard method should be used when children or others may have access to the ventilator and you want to prevent accidental changes to the control settings.
Page 144: Software Version
Software Version Use the Software Version option to verify the software version installed in the ventilator. The software version number is displayed as: VER xx.xx Usage Meter Use the Usage Meter to view the time the ventilator has been in use. It is updated every 1/10 hour up to 139,000.0 hours and is displayed as: USAGE xxxxxx.x Communications Setting…
Page 145: Set Date
Set Date Use the Set Date option to view or set the current date stored in the ventilator. To view the Date: 1) Push the Select button while SET DATE is displayed. 2) The current date is displayed in the currently selected date format. 3) Push the Control Lock button to exit.
Page 146: Set Time
Set Time Use the Set Time option to view or set the current time stored in the ventilator. To view the Time: 1) Push the Select button while SET TIME is displayed. 2) The current time is displayed. 3) Push the Control Lock button to exit. To modify the Time: 1) Push the Select button while SET TIME is displayed.
Page 147: Pip Led
PIP LED Use the PIP LED option to turn the display of the PIP LED on the airway display on or off. When the PIP LED is on, the Airway Pressure display LED representing the Peak Inspiratory Pressure of the previous breath remains lit during exhalation.
Page 148: Valve Home Position
Valve Home Position Use the Valve Home Position option to view the home position for the LTV’s flow valve. The home position is displayed as: VHome xxx where xxx is the home position for the valve installed in the ventilator. The home position is determined by the revision of the flow valve and is set when the ventilator is manufactured or when the flow valve is replaced by a certified Pulmonetic Systems’…
Page 149: O 2 Cylinder Duration
Cylinder Duration Use the O Cylinder Duration option to calculate the approximate remaining usable time (in hours and minutes) of an external O cylinder. • To obtain an accurate duration time estimate, the current cylinder pressure must be entered prior to each calculation.
Page 150
Cylinder Duration (cont.) 4) Turn the Set Value knob until CYL PRES is displayed, push the Select button and xxx psi is displayed. 5) Turn the Set Value knob until the applicable cylinder pressure is displayed, push the Select button and the cylinder pressure is set. •… -
Page 151: Presets
Presets Use the Presets section of the Extended Features menu to: • Turn the Patient Query feature on or off • Select the Patient Size so that the ventilator settings and Extended Features menu settings are adjusted to accommodate the type of patient (infant, pediatric or adult) Turning Patient Query on or off 1) After entering the Extended Features menu, turn the Set Value knob until PRESETS is displayed and press the Select button.
Page 152: Ltv ® 1200 Presets Table
1200 Presets Table ® Infant Pediatric Adult Feature/Function (>5 kg < 10 kg) (10-40 kg) (> 40 kg) Alarm volume HP delay NO DELAY NO DELAY NO DELAY LPP alarm ALL BREATHS ALL BREATHS ALL BREATHS High f alarm 80 bpm, 30 sec 60 bpm, 30 sec 40 bpm, 30 sec High PEEP alarm…
Page 153: Sbt (Spontaneous Breathing Trial) Operations
SBT (Spontaneous Breathing Trial) Operations Use the SBT Operations menu to set up ventilator controls and options that are not available directly from front panel controls. The menu is set up as follows: SBT OP SBT START PRES SUPPORT PEEP SBT FIO2 MINUTES HIGH f/Vt…
Page 154
SBT Operations (cont.) When the Spontaneous Breathing Trial mode is turned on (SBT ON selected); • The ventilator switches to CPAP mode. • Pressure Support and FIO control settings on the front panel are overridden with the values preset in the SBT OP menus. •… -
Page 155: Sbt Alarms
SBT Operations (cont.) Turn the Set Value knob until SBT FIO2 is displayed, push the Select button, and xxx O2% is displayed. Turn the Set Value knob until the desired setting is displayed, push the Select button, and the SBT O % value is set.
Page 156: Transducer Autozero
Transducer Autozero Use the Transducer Autozero menu to manually schedule transducer autozeros and to view previous autozero results. Autozeros are automatically scheduled at appropriate intervals during ventilator operation, so manual scheduling of autozeros is not commonly performed, but may occasionally be done.
Page 157: Bi-Directional Flow Transducer Differential Autozero
Bi-directional Flow Transducer Differential Autozero Use this item to view the Bi-directional Flow Transducer Differential Autozero results and schedule Autozeros to be run. To view the Bi-directional Flow Transducer Differential Autozero results: 1) The previous results, FDb xxxx P, are displayed. If the results are displayed as FDb xxxx -, the Bi-directional Flow Transducer is not installed on your unit.
Page 158: Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Narrow
Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Narrow Use this item to view the Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero – Narrow results and schedule the Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Narrow to be run. To view the Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero – Narrow results: 1) The previous results, FDn xxxx P, are displayed.
Page 159: Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Wide
Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Wide Use this item to view the Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero — Wide results and schedule the Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozeros — Wide to be run. To view the Exhalation Flow Transducer Differential Autozero – Wide results: The previous results, FDw xxxx P, are displayed.
Page 160: Real Time Transducers
Real Time Transducers Use the Real Time Transducer data to view the real time activity in the ventilator. The real time transducer menu is set up as follows: RT XDCR DATA xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx FTw or FTn xx.xx Lpm x.xx LEAK xx.xx xx.xx…
Page 161
Display Real Time Data LEAK xx.xx Lpm Leak flow calculated from the differential pressure transducer, measured at the patient wye during exhalation. This value will be approximately 0.0 when the ventilator is autocycling. Eliminate autocycling by turning the sensitivity off before reviewing this measurement. -
Page 162
Chapter 11 — ENTILATOR HECKOUT ESTS This chapter details five test procedures accessed through the Vent Check menu and used to verify ® 1200 the proper operation of the LTV . These tests should be performed as shown in the schedule in Appendix B — Set Up / Maintenance for periodic maintenance and testing of the ventilator. -
Page 163
To enable the Ventilator Checkout menu: Disconnect the patient from the ventilator and ventilate the patient using an alternative method. Turn the ventilator off. Ensure that the AC Adapter is connected to a valid AC power source and verify that the External Power and Charge Status LEDs are illuminated. -
Page 164: Alarm Test
Alarm Test Use the Alarm Test to verify that the audible alarm is working correctly. To run the Alarm Test: 1) Push the Select button while ALARM is displayed. 2) Verify that the audible alarm is sounded. • If a Patient Assist Call System or Remote Alarm is connected via the ventilator’s Patient Assist Port, verify the device also activates (audible/visual), as specified by its manufacturer.
Page 165: Display Test
Display Test Use the Display Test to verify that the ventilator displays are working correctly. To run the Display Test: 1) Push the Select button while DISPLAY is displayed. 2) All segments of the 7-segment control displays, all dots of the dot-matrix window displays and all LEDs are illuminated.
Page 166
Display Test (cont) Verify displays are illuminated in the following colors: Display Color Display Color Airway Pressure Display Green Assist/Control Mode LED Green Display Window SIMV/CPAP Mode LED Green Breath Rate Green NPPV Mode LED Green Tidal Volume Green Inspiratory / Expiratory Green Pressure Control Green… -
Page 167: Control Test
Control Test Use the Control Test to verify that the ventilator buttons and the Set Value knob are working correctly. To run the Control Test: 1) Push the Select button while CONTROL is displayed. 2) SELECT is displayed in the display window. ®…
Page 168
Control Test (cont) 3) Test each control by pressing each button, one at a time. When pressed, verify that the name of the button pressed is displayed in the display window. Control names are as shown in the table below. Control Display Display Select… -
Page 169: Leak Test
Leak Test Use the Leak Test to test the patient circuit for leaks. To run the Leak Test: 1) Attach all patient circuit accessories (such as water traps, heated circuits and humidifiers) to the patient circuit. 2) Connect the patient circuit to the ventilator. 3) With a clean, gloved hand or 4”X4”…
Page 170
Leak Test (cont) 5) To perform the Leak Test, the ventilator does the following: a) Closes the exhalation valve and sets the flow valve to a near-closed state. The display briefly shows HOMING VALVE. b) Elevates the turbine motor speed. The display shows SET TURBINE. If the display shows LEAK xx.x FAIL, see Chapter 15 — Troubleshooting for more information. -
Page 171: Vent Inop Alarm Test
Vent Inop Alarm Test Use the Vent Inop Alarm Test to verify that the Vent Inop alarm is working correctly. To run the Vent Inop Alarm Test: To run the Vent Inop Alarm Test, the ventilator must be on (running) for at least 60 seconds and the Ventilator Checkout menu must be enabled.
Page 172
Vent Inop Alarm Test (cont) For all ventilators, verify that both of the following conditions existed; • The alarm tone sounded continuously for the full 15-second duration. • The Vent Inop LED illuminated continuously for the full 15-second duration. If a Patient Assist Call System or Remote Alarm is connected via the ventilator’s Patient Assist Port, verify the device also activates (audible/visual), as specified by its manufacturer. -
Page 173: Exit
Exit To exit the vent check mode and return to normal ventilation mode at any point proceed as follows: Enter normal ventilation mode: 1) Turn the Set Value knob to scroll through the main menu entries (VENT OPS, ALARM OPS, VENT CHECK, etc.) until EXIT is displayed.
Page 174: Chapter 12 — Operating Procedure
Chapter 12 — PERATING ROCEDURE ® This section describes how to turn the LTV 1200 ventilator on and off, and how to set up the ventilation modes. To Turn the Ventilator On 1) Connect the unit to an external source of power. The AC power adapter may be used or the ventilator may be connected to an external battery.
Page 175: Before Connecting The Ventilator To A Patient
To Turn the Ventilator On (cont.) If the Power On Self Tests are passed successfully; The ventilator starts operation using the stored control settings, with the following exceptions: If the Patient Query feature is enabled/on when the ventilator is powered up, ventilation and alarm activation are suspended and the message SAME PATIENT is displayed (see Presets in Chapter 10 — Extended Features).
Page 176
If required, connect a low or high pressure oxygen source to the ventilator. If you connect a low pressure oxygen source, make sure to select the Low Pressure O Source option on the front panel. See Appendix C — Installation and Checkout for connection and setup details. WARNING Inspired Oxygen (FIO ) Concentration –… -
Page 177: Procedure For Control Mode Set Up
Procedure for Control Mode Set Up Set any desired Extended Features options and: Push the mode Select button twice to toggle the modes between Assist/ Ctrl and SIMV/CPAP. Select the Assist/ Ctrl mode. Push the mode Select button twice to toggle between Volume and Pressure ventilation. Select Volume or Pressure, as desired.
Page 178: Procedure For Assist/Control Mode Set Up
Procedure for Assist/Control Mode Set Up Set any desired Extended Features options and: Push the mode Select button twice to toggle the modes between Assist/ Ctrl and SIMV/CPAP. Select the Assist/ Ctrl mode. Push the mode Select button twice to toggle between Volume and Pressure ventilation. Select Volume or Pressure, as desired.
Page 179: Procedure For Simv Mode Set Up
Procedure for SIMV Mode Set Up Set any desired Extended Features options and: Push the mode Select button twice to toggle the modes between Assist/ Ctrl and SIMV/CPAP. Select the SIMV/CPAP mode. Push the mode Select button twice to toggle between Volume and Pressure ventilation. Select Volume or Pressure, as desired.
Page 180: Procedure For Cpap Mode Set Up
Procedure for CPAP Mode Set Up Set any desired Extended Features options and: Push the mode Select button twice to toggle the modes between Assist/ Ctrl and SIMV/CPAP. Select the SIMV/CPAP mode. Push the mode Select button twice to toggle between Volume and Pressure ventilation for apnea backup.
Page 181: Procedure For Nppv Mode Set Up
Procedure for NPPV Mode Set Up Set any desired Extended Features options and: Push the Assist/Control, SIMV/CPAP mode button until the NPPV LED flashes. Press the button once more to confirm. The NPPV LED continues to flash and SET IPAP displays. The Pres.
Page 182: To Turn The Ventilator Off
To Turn the Ventilator Off 1) Disconnect the ventilator from the patient. 2) Push and hold the On/Standby button for 3 seconds. The ventilator ceases operating, the audible alarm sounds continuously and the Vent Inop LED is lit. 3) Stop the audible alarm from sounding by pushing the Silence Reset button. •…
Page 183: Ltv® Ventilator Settings Checklist
LTV® Ventilator Settings Checklist ® The LTV 1200 Ventilator Settings Checklist may be used by caregivers as a reminder that all appropriate controls on the ventilator were properly set, adjusted and/or recorded. Patient Name: Ordered By: Date: Controls: (Fill in (x.x), or Confirm (X)) Check-up Volume Mode: — or -…
Page 184: Chapter 13 — Cleaning, Disinfecting And Sterilizing
Chapter 13 — LEANING ISINFECTING AND TERILIZING Cleaning the Ventilator All ventilator external surfaces should be cleaned before and after each patient use, and as may be required. To clean the ventilator: 1) Wipe the exterior surfaces of the ventilator with a clean, damp cloth. The use of an anti-bacterial cleaning solution is recommended.
Page 185: Cleaning Or Replacing The Fan Filter
Cleaning or replacing the Fan Filter To clean the fan filter: Using a small screwdriver, detach the fan filter grill from its housing. Remove the fan filter by squeezing the foam filter gently with your fingers and pulling it out. NOTE Hardware Fault -If you touch the fan blades while removing the fan filter grill or filter, a HW FAULT may occur.
Page 186: Cleaning Or Replacing The Inlet Filter
Cleaning or replacing the Inlet Filter To clean the Inlet Filter: 1) Remove the Inlet Filter by squeezing the foam filter gently with your fingers and pulling it out. 2) Gently bathe the filter in a solution of mild detergent and warm water. 3) Rinse thoroughly in warm water.
Page 187: Cleaning Or Replacing The O Inlet Filter
Cleaning or Replacing the O Inlet Filter The O filter should be cleaned or replaced when it becomes soiled. Failure to do this can affect ventilator performance. CAUTION ® Oxygen Supply Contamination — The accuracy of the oxygen delivery capabilities of LTV 1200 ventilator can be compromised by foreign debris contamination in the oxygen supply system.
Page 188
3) Using a pick, gently remove the rubber O-Ring from inside the O inlet port. Use caution: Do not damage the O-Ring while removing it. Tip the ventilator to allow the O Inlet Filter to slide out. 4) Clean the filter using a mild cleanser, warm water and a soft brush. Rinse the filter thoroughly to remove all traces of the cleanser. -
Page 189: Cleaning The Exhalation Valve And Reusable Patient Circuit
Cleaning the Exhalation Valve and Reusable Patient Circuit WARNING Patient Circuits – Pulmonetic Systems’ Patient Circuits, Exhalation Valve Assemblies and Water Traps are shipped clean, not sterile. Ultra Violet Light Sensitivity – The material used in the tubing of the “Reusable” Patient Circuits is not UV stable.
Page 190
CAUTION Cleaning the Water Trap – Do NOT use KlenZyme to clean Pulmonetic water traps. It will cause deterioration of the water trap material. Reusable Patient Circuit Components — To avoid degradation of the reusable patient circuit components, do not exceed the following constraints: •… -
Page 191
ATTENTION Entretien de la soupape d’expiration — La soupape d’expiration est une pièce fragile et peut être endommagée si : • Des précautions ne sont pas prises lors de sa manipulation ou de son nettoyage. • Des instruments de nettoyage ou des corps étrangers sont insérés dans celle-ci. •… -
Page 192
To clean the exhalation valve, sense lines, wye and reusable patient circuit: Remove all particulate matter and bathe for a minimum of 10 minutes using one of the following solutions warmed to 95°F to 150°F (35°C to 65.5°C): • mild detergent, 50% water / 50% white vinegar solution, or liquid cleaner (e.g., KlenZyme®… -
Page 193
Align the tab on the valve body with the notch on the valve cap and press until the cap and body “snap” together. NOTE Be careful not to dislodge the diaphragm when snapping the parts together. REMARQUE S’assurer de ne pas déplacer le diaphragme lors de l’assemblage des pièces. Inspect the patient circuit and all accessories, replace any excessively worn or damaged components and reassemble. -
Page 194: Chapter 14 — Power And Battery Operation
Chapter 14 — OWER AND ATTERY PERATION ® The LTV 1200 ventilator operates on Direct Current (11 to 15 VDC), supplied by an external AC to DC power adapter, an external battery or other suitable external DC power source such as the Pulmonetic Systems Universal Power Supply or Transport Battery System.
Page 195: Using The Ac Adapter
Using the AC Adapter To run the ventilator from the Pulmonetic Systems AC Power Adapter: 1) Attach the power connector from the AC Adapter to the ventilator as shown here. 2) Connect the proper AC power cable (110V or 220V plug) to the AC Power Adapter. 3) Connect the 110V or 220V power cable to a suitable power source.
Page 196: Using An External Battery
Using an External Battery Optional External Batteries , Cables and Charger are available from Pulmonetic Systems. The Large External Battery Pack includes a large capacity battery and hard case with a fuse and power cable and is pre-wired with a locking quick-connector. The Small External Battery Pack includes a medium capacity battery, soft bag and power cable with fuse and locking quick-connector.
Page 197
2) Connect the power connector on the battery cable to the power port on the left side of the ventilator as shown here. Verify the External Power LED shows green or amber. While the ventilator is connected to the external battery, the internal battery is being continuously charged. -
Page 198
For more detailed information on using or charging the external batteries, or for information on ® replacing battery box or bag fuse, see the LTV External Battery Kit Operator’s Manual. The battery may be set and operated from any position, but always secure the battery box in place ®… -
Page 199: Using The Automobile Cigarette Lighter Adapter
Using the Automobile Cigarette Lighter Adapter ® An optional Automobile Cigarette Lighter Adapter is available to power the LTV 1200 ventilator while operating in a vehicle. This adapter is designed to connect to “high power” pre-wired +12V automobile cigarette lighter or auxiliary power outlets capable of supplying at least 20 amperes of current.
Page 200
CAUTION Automobile Cigarette Lighter and Power Outlets — Automobile cigarette lighter and power outlets are normally wired for a positive center contact and ground sleeve contact. Connecting the ventilator to an improperly wired outlet will cause the adapter fuse to blow and may damage the adapter or the ventilator. -
Page 201
CAUTION Release Button — To avoid damaging the ventilator or the power connector, push the release button on the connector before removing it from the ventilator power port or the power port pigtail connector. ATTENTION Bouton de déclenchement – Pour éviter d’endommager le ventilateur ou le connecteur d’alimentation, appuyer sur le bouton de déclenchement situé… -
Page 202
4) Verify the ventilator is being powered by the vehicle battery, through the Automobile Cigarette Lighter Adapter. • The vehicle battery is powering the ventilator if the External Power LED shows green. • An amber External Power LED and/or a POWER LOW alarm indicates the external power level is low. -
Page 203: Replacing The Automobile Adapter Fuse
Replacing the Automobile Adapter Fuse To replace the fuse: 1) Unscrew the knurled nut. 2) Remove the contact point, nut, fuse and spring as shown below. Be careful not to lose the internal spring, as the adapter will not operate correctly without it. 3) Replace the spring and new fuse as shown.
Page 204: Caring For The Internal Battery
Caring for the Internal Battery ® The LTV 1200 ventilator uses a rechargeable, sealed lead acid internal battery. To preserve maximum battery life: • Fully recharge the battery every 2 months while the ventilator is in storage. Recharge the battery by plugging the ventilator into an AC power source for 24 hours.
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® Page 14-12 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual p/n 18247-001, Rev. B… -
Page 206: Chapter 15 — Troubleshooting
Chapter 15 — ROUBLESHOOTING ® This chapter describes troubleshooting for the LTV 1200 ventilator. Some problems can result from improper operation and can easily be corrected without any modification to the ventilator. Other problems may require that the ventilator be recalibrated or have parts replaced. Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of the ventilator unless you are trained and ®…
Page 207: Displays And Buttons
Displays and Buttons Some of the symptoms listed in this section are part of the normal operation of the ventilator and do not indicate any problem with the ventilator. They are included here for completeness. Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Pres.
Page 208
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Control display Control setting is A control’s value may be limited by the current flashing when setting limited. settings of other controls. (See page 5-5 for an a control. explanation of Control Limiting.) A display or LED Internal problem with Do a display test (see page 11-4 for instructions.) does not illuminate. -
Page 209
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do ® Can’t unlock the Hard unlock method Two unlock methods are available on the LTV controls. selected under CTRL ventilator: (See pages 5-6 and 10-14 for an UNLOCK. explanation of CTRL UNLOCK.) To unlock in EASY mode, push the Control Lock button. -
Page 210
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do LO f/Vt OFF is The SBT Low f/Vt alarm This is an informational message only (see displayed. is turned off during the Chapter 9 — LO f/Vt OFF for an explanation of this SBT mode of feature). -
Page 211
Ventilator Performance Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Ventilator is Sense lines are The sense lines are not designed to be removed autocycling, reversed. from either the wye or the luer fittings. If the monitored volumes sense lines have been removed and replaced are very small, RT incorrectly, they may not seal correctly when XDCR DATA item… -
Page 212
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do continued… Low side sense line or Check high and low pressure sense lines to be elbow at patient wye sure they are correctly attached and securely Monitored volume is loose or leaking. seated at both the ventilator and wye ends. high. -
Page 213
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do continued… Exhalation drive line Check the exhalation drive line at both the leaking or loose. ventilator and exhalation valve ends. Verify the Monitored volume is line is securely seated and not leaking. Exhalation valve low. -
Page 214
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Continued… High or low side sense Check high and low pressure sense lines to be line or elbow at patient sure they are correctly attached and securely Delivered pressure is wye loose or leaking. seated at both the ventilator and wye ends. -
Page 215
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Delivered pressure is Diaphragm is Open the exhalation valve and remove the high. incorrectly seated in diaphragm. Reseat the diaphragm and snap the exhalation valve. exhalation valve in place. See page 13-9 for a Monitored pressure is diagram of correct exhalation valve assembly. -
Page 216
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Sensitivity does not Circuit leak. Run a leak test and reseat or replace the leaking appear to be parts or connections. See page 11-8 for accurate. instructions. Ventilator is Sense lines are The sense lines are not designed to be removed autocycling. -
Page 217
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Continued… Low Pressure O Verify that the Low Pressure O Source is on Source incorrectly when using a low flow, low pressure source and % is high. selected. off when using a high pressure source. (See pages 6-13 and 6-18 for information on using the Low Pressure O Source and O… -
Page 218
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do High side sense line or Check high and low pressure sense lines to be Continued… elbow at patient wye sure they are correctly attached and securely PEEP not working. loose or leaking. seated at both the ventilator and wye ends. PEEP low. -
Page 219
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Ventilator gets Patient circuit leaks. Perform a Leak Test and reseat or replace the excessively hot. ventilator must run leaking parts or connections. See page 11-8 for harder to maintain instructions. PEEP. Internal problem with Immediately contact a certified Pulmonetic the ventilator. -
Page 220
Power and Battery Operation Problem Possible Causes What To Do The ventilator does Faulty power Verify the power cord for the AC adapter is fully not power up. connection, AC power seated. Connect the ventilator to a verified source or adapter and source of AC power. -
Page 221
Problem Possible Causes What To Do Battery doesn’t reach Internal battery deeply Charge the internal battery for 24 hours by full charge. discharged. connecting the external AC adapter and plugging it into a good AC source. If the battery is deeply Battery depletes too discharged, it may take several cycles of quickly. -
Page 222: Alarms
Alarms Many alarms such as HIGH PRES or LOW O2 PRES can occur during normal operation. Information on addressing alarms is covered in the Operator’s Manual. Single occurrences of some alarms, such as HW FAULT or RESET may be caused by ESD. If these alarms reoccur, and for other alarms that do not usually occur during normal operation, follow the instructions in this section or immediately contact Pulmonetic Systems.
Page 223
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do continued… Exhalation Drive line Check the exhalation drive line to be sure it occluded or pinched. is correctly attached and secured at both Ventilator won’t the ventilator and exhalation valve ends. exhale, repeated Verify the line is not occluded or pinched. HIGH PRES alarms, turbine stops and Internal problem with the… -
Page 224
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do continued… Exhalation drive line leaking Check the exhalation drive line at both or loose. the ventilator and exhalation valve ends. Repeated Verify the line is securely seated and not Exhalation valve leaking DISC/SENSE alarms. leaking. -
Page 225
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do DEFAULTS alarm. Electro static discharge Some or all control settings were found (ESD). to be invalid or out of range on power up Event Log shows and were restored to the default settings. DEFAULTS. Clear the alarm. -
Page 226
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Remote Alarm System PNT ASSIST option set to Set PNT ASSIST option to PULSE. See (dual tone system) NORMAL. page 10-6 for instructions. only generates one Defective Remote Alarm Contact Remote Alarm System continuous tone. System. -
Page 227
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Repeated SBT > f/Vt Total Breath Rate (f) Check SBT > f/Vt alarm value. See page alarms. exceeds the set SBT > f/Vt 10-26 for instructions. alarm value. Patient Circuit leak. Do a Leak test and reseat or replace the leaking parts or connections. -
Page 228: Checkout Test Failures
Checkout Test Failures Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Alarm Test Alarm volume set too high. Set the alarm volume under the Extended Features Menu. (See page 10-3 for an Audible alarm level explanation of the ALARM VOL feature.) excessive. Alarm Test Alarm volume set too low.
Page 229
Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Leak Test Circuit connections or Reseat or replace the leaking circuit parts, accessories are leaking. accessories or connections. Verify the wye Leak test fails is securely capped. Wye is not properly capped. Internal problem with the Immediately contact a certified Pulmonetic ventilator. -
Page 230: Test Lung Operations
Test Lung Operations Symptoms Possible Causes What to Do Delivered pressure Pressure> 40 cmH O used The compliance characteristics of some higher than set on small test lung small test lungs (Pulmonetic Systems or pressure on test lung. (Pulmonetic Systems or Siemens 190) cause incorrect readings Siemens 190.) when high pressures are used.
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® Page 15-26 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual p/n 18247-001, Rev. B… -
Page 232
Appendix A — V ENTILATOR PECIFICATIONS Modes and Breath Types Breath Types Volume Control, Pressure Control, Pressure Support, Spontaneous Modes Control, Assist/Control, SIMV, CPAP, NPPV, Apnea Backup Variable Controls Control Range Tolerance Backup Pressure Trigger -3 cmH ± 2 cmH Breath Rate “—”, 1 to 80 bpm ±… -
Page 233
Control Range Tolerance PEEP/CPAP 0 to 20 cmH Uncalibrated PIP LED Display On, Off Pressure Control 1 to 99 cmH ± 2 cmH O or 8% whichever is greater, steady-state only Pressure Control Flow On, Off Termination Pressure Support “—”, 1 to 60 cmH ±… -
Page 234
Alarms Variable Alarms Control Range Tolerance Apnea Interval 10 to 60 seconds ± 0.5 seconds High Breath Rate Rate: 5 — 80 bpm — HIGH f OFF ± 1 bpm or within 5% of breath period, whichever is greater. Time: 0 — 60 sec ±… -
Page 235
Fixed Alarms Control Range Tolerance / Indicators Default Settings EEPROM problem detected DISC/SENSE Positive (exhaled) airway flow during first 200 ms of (Low Pressure Sense inspiration and exhaled tidal Line Disconnect) volume (Vte) of previous breath is more than 4000 ml DISC/SENSE Airway pressure changes by <… -
Page 236
Mechanical Controls Control Range Tolerance Over Pressure Relief ≤120 cmH Sub-Ambient Relief Pressure Drop: ≤ 5 cmH at 50 lpm Internal Compliance Compliance < 0.1 mL/cm Monitors Monitor Range Tolerance Calculated Peak Flow 10 to 100 lpm 2 lpm or ± 10%, whichever is greater Exhaled Tidal Volume 0 to 4000 ml ±… -
Page 237
Displays Display Range Tolerance Airway Pressure -10 to 108 cmH ± 3 cmH O or 5%, whichever is greater Display Window 12 characters Patient Effort Green LED Vent Inop Red LED External Power Amber / Green LED Charge Status Red / Amber / Green LED Battery Level Red / Amber / Green LED Usage Meter… -
Page 238
Storage and Operating Conditions (cont.) Specification Tolerance Oxygen Inlet DISS or NIST Connector Inlet Pressure Range 40 to 80 PSIG ± 2 PSIG Tapered Tubing Connector Inlet Pressure Range 0 to 10 PSIG ± 2 PSIG Shock and Vibration The ventilator is designed to withstand shock and vibration in accordance with relevant requirements set forth in the following standards: IEC 68-2-27 Shock… -
Page 239
Power Feature Range Tolerance / Indicators Input Voltage 11 to 15 VDC External Power AC Adapter Input: 90 to 250 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz ± 2.5% Output: 12.8 VDC Full Power Voltage ≥ 11.5 V ± 2% Green LED Low Power Voltage <… -
Page 240
Power (cont.) Internal Battery 12V sealed lead acid battery. 4.5Ah. Feature Range Tolerance / Indicators Full Power Green LED Medium Power Amber LED Low Power Red LED Charge Time Battery shall be capable of being >90% When external power is charged within 8 hours, from fully present, and the vent is discharged state to state indicated by… -
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® Page A-10 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual p/n 18247-001, Rev. B… -
Page 242: Recommended Maintenance Schedule
Appendix B — S AINTENANCE Recommended Maintenance Schedule ® The LTV 1200 ventilator is designed to operate for extended periods of time with minimal routine maintenance. The following periodic maintenance is recommended: Hours of Service Maintenance Required • Prior to initial use Charge the Internal Battery by plugging the ventilator into an AC power source for 24 hours.
Page 243: Service Assistance
Service Assistance ® For assistance in servicing the LTV 1200 ventilator, contact a certified Pulmonetic Systems’ service technician, or: Pulmonetic Systems, Inc. 17400 Medina Rd., Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55447-1341 Phone: (763) 398-8300 Customer Care Center: (800) 754-1914 Fax: (763) 398-8400 E-mail: info@pulmonetic.com Website:…
Page 244: Appendix C — Installation And Checkout
Appendix C — I NSTALLATION AND HECKOUT Installation and Setup Unpacking the Ventilator – Instructions 1) Inspect the exterior of the ventilator transport container for evidence of damage during transit. If present, notify the delivering service. 2) Take the ventilator and all accessories out of the transport container. 3) Confirm the presence of all items listed on the packing slip.
Page 245: Protective Boots
Protective Boots ® Rubberized protective boots are installed on the top and bottom of all current versions of LTV ventilators to protect them from accidental shocks and strikes to the casing. If desired, they may be removed and/or re-installed using the following instructions. WARNING Mounting Screw Use –…
Page 246: Protective Boot Removal
Protective Boot Removal Supplies/Tools Required: • Replacement Screws Kit, P/N 11149 • Torque wrench (20 in-oz / 0.14 Nm to 60 in-oz / 0.42 Nm range) • Phillips-head screwdriver To Remove the Upper Protective Boot Carefully place and support the disconnected ventilator in an upright position on a clean, dry surface.
Page 247
Insert and thread two #4-40 X 1/4” flat-head mounting screws (5) with finish washers (6) into the screw holes in the ventilator’s side panels, as indicated in the illustration. • Finish washers (6) should be already in place. Torque tighten the mounting screws to these specified values (do not over tighten to avoid damage to the finish washers);… -
Page 248
To Remove the Lower Protective Boot Lay the ventilator down (front up) and use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the four flat- head mounting screws and finish washers in the sides of the lower protective boot (2), as indicated in the illustration. Remove the lower boot (2) and insert and thread four #4-40 X 1/4”… -
Page 249: Protective Boot Installation
Protective Boot Installation Supplies/Tools Required: • Item (1), Protective Boot, Upper (1) P/N 11421 • Item (2), Protective Boot, Lower (1) P/N 11420 • Replacement Screws Kit, P/N 11149 • Torque wrench (20 in-oz / 0.14 Nm to 60 in-oz / 0.42 Nm range) •…
Page 250
• Item (5), #4-40 X 1/4” Flat-head mounting screw (1) P/N 10430 • Item (6), Finish Washers (8) P/N 10191 • Item (7), #4-40 X 1/2” Flat-head mounting screws (6) P/N 10338 • Item (8), #4-40 X 3/8” Flat-head mounting screws (2) P/N 10474 Insert and thread two #4-40 X 1/2”… -
Page 251
To Install the Lower Protective Boot Lay the ventilator down (front up) and use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the four flat- head mounting screws in the ventilator’s side panels, as indicated in the illustration. • Do not remove the mating finish washers. Orient the lower protective boot (2) to the ventilator as shown in the illustration. -
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® Operator’s Manual 1200 Ventilator Page C-9 p/n 18247-001, Rev.B… -
Page 253: Patient Breathing Circuit — Connection Instructions
Patient Breathing Circuit – Connection Instructions 1) Connect the main breathing tube to the 22 mm outlet port on the right side of the ventilator. 2) Connect the two exhalation flow transducer sense lines to the ports marked Flow Xducer on the right side of the ventilator.
Page 254
Ventilator without Humidifier 1) Connect the main breathing tube to the 22mm outlet port on the right side of the ventilator. 2) Connect the two exhalation flow transducer sense lines to the ports marked Flow Xdcer on the right side of the ventilator. These are non-interchangeable Luer fittings. 3) Connect the exhalation valve drive line to the port marked Exh Valve on the right side of the ventilator. -
Page 255: Oxygen Lines — Connection Instructions
Oxygen Lines – Connection Instructions CAUTION ® Oxygen Supply Contamination — The accuracy of the oxygen delivery capabilities of LTV ventilators can be compromised by foreign debris contamination in the oxygen supply system. To reduce the risk of airborne contaminants entering the ventilator, ensure that any oxygen supply connected to the ventilator is clean, properly filtered and that the ventilator’s O Inlet Port Cap is…
Page 256
For Operation from a High Pressure Oxygen Source: To operate from a high pressure (40 — 80 PSIG) oxygen source, connect an oxygen hose to the female DISS oxygen inlet fitting labeled O2 INLET on the left side of the ventilator. High pressure O2 hose For Operation from a Low Pressure Oxygen Source:… -
Page 257: Patient Assist Call System — Connection Instructions
Patient Assist Call System – Connection Instructions The ventilator is configured to interface with a Patient Assist Call system requiring either normally- closed or normally-open contact sets. • If your patient assist system is Normally Open, use Patient Assist Cable, Normally Open P/N 10780.
Page 258: Communications Port
Communications Port ® The Communications Port on the LTV 1200 ventilator allows for attachment to, and communication with, accessories such as graphics monitors or printers. Currently the printer option is only available for use by service personnel. Use the Communications Setting option in the Extended Features menu to modify the communications protocol (see Chapter 10 — Extended Features, Communications Setting for instructions).
Page 259: Using The Remote Alarm Cable
Using the Remote Alarm Cable ® Use the Remote Alarm Cable (P/N 10893) to connect the LTV ventilator to third party, single or dual tone remote alarm systems requiring a normally closed input signal terminated with a 51K ohm series resistor.
Page 260
3) If the remote alarm has a male BNC plug, insert the included BNC adapter into the cable’s connector and twist to secure. Then connect the adapter to the remote alarm’s input cable or connector. 4) Create an alarm condition at the ventilator and verify that the remote alarm reflects the alarm state properly. -
Page 261: Checking The Ventilator For Proper Operation
Checking the Ventilator for Proper Operation 1) Verify that the ventilator is functioning properly by performing the Ventilator Checkout Tests. • Disconnect the patient from the ventilator and ventilate the patient using an alternative method before running the Ventilator Checkout tests. 2) Connect the AC adapter to a valid AC power source.
Page 262
Ventilator Settings and Procedure Performance Requirement H) Reset O % control to 21. Disconnect the high pressure sense • DISC/SENSE alarm activates on the next line from the ventilator breath (see the illustration in Appendix C — Patient Breathing Circuit – Instructions Connection Reconnect the high pressure sense… -
Page 263: Ventilator Proper Operation Worksheet
Ventilator Proper Operation Worksheet SERIAL NUMBER: ________________ CONDUCTED BY: _______________________ DATE: ________________ TEST PAGE / MEAS. REQUIREMENT PASS / STEP FAIL DESCRIPTION VALUE Ventilator Checkout Tests (Chapter 11 -) Alarm Test 11-3 Audible alarm must activate for minimum 2 sec’s. Confirming audible Chirp must activate after alarm is silenced Display Test…
Page 264
Procedure: Set the O % control to 22% C-18 LOW O2 PRES alarm activates after a short pause 2) B) Reset O % to 21 and clear the C-18 alarm. Set the Low Min. Vol. alarm LOW MIN VOL alarm activates 2) C) to 10 L Reset the Low Min. -
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® Page C-22 1200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual p/n 18247-001, Rev. B… -
Page 266: Appendix D — Principles Of Operation
Appendix D — P RINCIPLES OF PERATION Overview ® The LTV 1200 ventilator utilizes an electromechanical pneumatic system under the control of a microprocessor to deliver patient ventilation. The following diagram and description illustrates the major components of the ventilator and their respective functions. Room air enters the ventilator through a flexible foam Inlet Filter.
Page 267
Ventilation flow enters the Flow Valve, which controls all inspiratory gas flow to the patient. The valve is driven by a rotary actuator, and translates circular motion to a poppet position, which in turn meters flow to the patient. The valve is characterized such that gas flow is a known function of differential pressure across the valve and actuator position. -
Page 268: Appendix E — Event Trace
Appendix E — E VENT RACE The Event Trace is a list of events recorded by the ventilator. These events may be normal conditions, such as turning the ventilator on or off, or alarm conditions such as HW FAULT or HIGH PRES.
Page 269
5) Push the Select button. • xx:eventdate is displayed. • xx is the chronological number of the event occurrence. • eventdate is the date of the first occurrence. 6) Push the Select button. • xx:hh:mm:ss is displayed. • xx is the chronological number of the event occurrence. •… -
Page 270: Event Codes
Event Codes This section includes a list of the event codes that can be recorded in the Event Trace. Event Codes by Code # Code Event Name Event Associated Alarm VENT 1 Power on None VENT 0 Power off None HOUR MTR Set hour meter None…
Page 271
Code Event Name Event Associated Alarm SYNCER0 Stepper motor lost sync exited HW FAULT HOME ER1 Stepper motor home failure occurred HW FAULT HOME ER0 Stepper motor home failure exited HW FAULT EEPROM EEPROM degraded HW FAULT Memory CRC check failed RESET HI PRES1 High pressure occurred… -
Page 272
Code Event Name Event Associated Alarm SNDRERR0 Recovery from alarm sounder error HW FAULT HIGH f1 High breath rate alarm occurred HIGH f HIGH f0 High breath rate alarm recovered HIGH f HI PEEP1 Monitored PEEP HIGH PEEP HI PEEP0 Monitored PEEP HIGH PEEP HI SBTf1… -
Page 273: Event Codes By Event Name
Event Codes by Event Name Event Name Code Event Associated Alarm AD MMTCH ADC mismatch HW FAULT AD MTCH0 ADC mismatch cleared HW FAULT AD MTCH1 ADC mismatch occurred HW FAULT ADC1 VAL AD mismatch primary channel fault value HW FAULT APNEA 0 Apnea mode exited APNEA…
Page 274
Event Name Code Event Associated Alarm HOME ER1 Stepper motor home failure occurred HW FAULT HOUR MTR Set hour meter None INTRRPT1 Spurious interrupt occurred ms RESET INTRRPT2 Spurious interrupt occurred ls RESET LN VENT1 Shutdown for other than pressing On/Standby RESET LO f/VtT0 Rapid Shallow Breathing Index… -
Page 275
Event Name Code Event Associated Alarm VENT 1 Power on None Entered VENT CHECK VENT CHK Set vent check mode WDOG TST Watchdog test run Inop XDC FLT0 XDCR fault exited XDCR FAULT XDC FLT1 XDCR fault occurred XDCR FAULT XDCR AIR Airway pressure transducer fault XDC FLT1… -
Page 276: Appendix F — Glossary
Appendix F — G LOSSARY EFINITION Alternating Current. Airway circuit The airway tubing that connects the ventilator and the patient. The airway pressure measured at the exhalation valve. Airway pressure A bar graph type display composed of 60 LEDs. This display shows Airway pressure display the real-time airway circuit pressure from –10 cmH O to 108 cmH…
Page 277
EFINITION Control mode A ventilation mode where the ventilator delivers machine breaths at a set rate. In Control Mode, patient triggers are not allowed. CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. The ventilator continuously maintains Positive gas pressure through the patient circuit during the entire breath cycle. -
Page 278
EFINITION Light Emitting Diode. An indicator that is illuminated on the front panel. Liters Per Minute. Flow rate. Machine breath A volume or pressure breath that is started by the operator or the ventilator, and is controlled and cycled by the ventilator. Machine Breaths may occur in Control and Assist/Control modes. -
Page 279
EFINITION PreSet A feature allowing ventilator parameters to be “preset” for an infant, pediatric, or an adult patient. Pressure control breath A machine or assist breath where the circuit pressure is elevated to a operator-set pressure for a operator-set period of time. Pressure Control breaths have an optional flow termination criteria. -
Page 280: Appendix G — Index
Appendix G — I NDEX LOW PRES · 6-12, 9-21, 10-4, 15-2 NO CAL · 8-1, 9-22 NO CAL DATA · 9-22, 15-19 POWER LOST · 1-5, 9-23, 14-6 POWER LOW · 9-24 AC Adapter · 14-2 REMOVE PTNT · 9-25 AC Power Source ·…
Page 281
DEFAULTS SET · 9-9 Car Lighter Adapter · 14-8 Cautions · iv Dimmed Controls, Displays · 5-4, 15-3 Charge Status · 7-4, 14-1, 14-11 DISC/SENSE · 9-10, 15-18, 15-19 Checklist, Ventilator Settings · 12-10 Disconnect, Sense Line · 9-10 Checkout Tests · 11-1 DISPLAY ·… -
Page 282
HIGH f OFF · 9-34 HIGH f/Vt · 10-26 HIGH O2 PRES · 9-12, 15-2 Maintenance · B-1 HIGH PEEP · 9-13, 10-5, 15-20 Manometer · See Displays:Airway Pressure HIGH PRES · 6-4, 9-14, 10-4, 15-2, 15-17, 15-18 Manual Breath Button · 6-17 High Pressure Alarm Delay ·… -
Page 283
Flush · 10-13 Inlet Filter · 13-4 % · 15-2 Real Time Transducers · 10-31 % (O Flush) · 6-14, 6-18, 6-19, 9-19, 15-4 Remote Alarm Cable · C-16 On/Standby Button · 6-20 Remote Alarm System · 15-20 Operating Procedures · 12-1 REMOVE PTNT ·… -
Page 284
Silence Period · 6-27 VE · 8-2, 8-3 Silencing Alarms · See Alarms:Silencing VENT CHECK SIMV Mode · 4-2 exit · 11-12 Software Version · 10-15 VENT CHECK Menu · 11-1 Specifications · A-1 Vent Inop · 7-6 Spontaneous Breath · 3-6 Vent Inop Alarm Test ·…
№ п/п
Наименование параметра
Значение параметра
Предназначен для проведения продолжительной искусственной вентиляции легких у взрослых и детей (от 5 кг) в условиях отделений интенсивной терапии и реанимации, послеоперационных палат и при длительной транспортировке пациентов
Год выпуска
Привод компактная и бесшумная встроенная турбина
Ресурс работы встроенной турбины, часов
20 000
Параметры электропитания:
— переменный, 210-240 В;
— постоянный 11-15 В (от внутренней или от внешней батареи)
Потребляемая мощность, Вт
Автономное время работы от источника резервного питания, мин
Русифицированное программное обеспечение
Съемная противоударная защита корпуса или быстросъемная металлическая рамка с системой крепления на любой поручень
Съемная противоударная защита корпуса
Экстренная вентиляция без необходимости прохождения тестирования
Система самодиагностики неполадок:
— внутренние тесты самодиагностики;
— фоновые тесты в течение работы
Подача кислорода высокого давления, бар
Диапазон не уже 2,8 – 4,8
Функция отслеживания запаса кислорода во внешнем баллоне
Встроенный смеситель кислород/воздух
Компенсация утечки при всех режимах вентиляции
Измерение концентрации кислорода по технологии, не требующей кислородного датчика
Индикация типа дыхания пациента
Индикация заряда батареи
Цифровая и аналоговая индикация инспираторного давления
Встроенный дисплей цветной или монохромный матричный дисплей
Наличие, монохромный
Универсальный (взрослые-дети) датчик потока, не требующий калибровки, многоразовый, автоклавируемый, встраиваемый в контур
Блокировка клавиатуры и экрана
Режимы и методы ИВЛ
Вспомогательная/принудительная вентиляция
Контролируемая принудительная вентиляция с контролем по объему
Контролируемая принудительная вентиляция с контролем по давлению
Синхронизированная принудительная прерывистая вентиляция
Вентиляция с поддержкой по подавлению
Постоянное положительное давление в дыхательных путях
Положительное давление конца выдоха
Неинвазивная вентиляция с положительным давлением
Спонтанное дыхание
Вентиляция Апноэ
Остановка вентиляции легких с сохранением последних настроек
Начало экстренной вентиляции по выбору массы пациента
Индекс Тобина
Вентиляция с двумя уровнями положительного давления
Устанавливаемые параметры вентиляции
Частота дыханий, дых/мин
Время вдоха, сек
Дыхательный объем, мл
Предел установки дыхательного объема, мл
Пиковый поток, л/мин
Давление в дыхательных путях, см Н2О
Ограничение по давлению, см Н2О
Поддержка давлением, см Н2О
Давление плато, см Н2О
Чувствительность триггера по потоку, л/мин
Подача 100 % кислорода, мин
Концентрация кислорода на вдохе
21-100 %
Ручной вдох обеспечивает один принудительный вдох для оценки респираторной активности пациента
Клавиша «Инспираторная пауза» для измерения комплайнса и сопротивления
Клавиша «Экспираторная пауза» для измерения общего РЕЕР и ауто-РЕЕР пациента
Компенсация утечки
Мониторируемые параметры, отображаемые на дисплее вентилятора
Общий минутный объем
Дыхательный объем выдоха
Отношение I:E
Пиковое давление вдоха, мл Н2О
Среднее давление контура
Пиковый поток
Общая частота дыхания
Усилие пациента
Кривая поток — время
Кривая давление — время
Петля поток-давление
Петля давление-объем
Петля поток-объем
Режим крупных цифр с выводом основным параметров ИВЛ на главный экран и визуализацией дыхательного цикла пациента
Система тревог
Журнал тревог
Емкость журнала тревог, событий
Неправильные настройки
Сбой сетевого питания
Рассоединение контура
Окклюзия контура
Неисправность вентилятора
Высокое давление в контуре
Высокое содержание О2
Тревога высокой ЧД
Тревога PEEP
Батарея не работает
Низкий заряд батареи
Батарея разряжена
Низкое содержание О2
Низкий минутный объем
Низкое пиковое давление
Высокое давление О2
Низкое давление О2
Защита от установки параметров, превышающих физиологические нормы
Вес респираторного блока, кг
Возможность использования аппарата при транспортировке пациента с внешним опциональным монитором или без него
Размеры вентилятора (ВхЩхГ), см
Связь с внешними устройствами
Серийный порт RS232, порт RJ12, порт RJ11-4
Комплектующие и расходные материалы
Аппарат ИВЛ, шт.
Одноразовый детский контур, шт.
Одноразовый взрослый контур, шт.
Сетевой кабель автомобильный 12V, с адаптером, шт.
Шланг для подачи кислорода, 15 , DISS стандарт, шт.
Инструкция по эксплуатации на русском языке, шт.
Транспортная система автономного питания с рюкзаком и зарядкой, шт.
Крепление типа «ласточкин хвост», шт.
Крепление для аппарата на кровать, шт.
Легкий и компактный, универсальный аппарат Предназначен для продленной ИВЛ.
Функция “Идеальный вес пациента” предустанавливает режимы вентиляции для взрослых и детей.
Встроенная турбина обеспечивает необходимый поток воздуха.
Возможно подключение кислорода при давлении меньше 1 атм.
Работает от внутренней батареи, бортовой сети и сети переменного тока.
Минимальный вес пациента 5 кг
Предусмотренны различные виды крепления аппарата: на мобильной тележке, настольной подставке, зажиме на кровать и каталку.
Для переноса предусмотрены плечевой ремень или рюкзак.
Аппарат обладает всеми современными режимами вентиляции (VCV, PCV, SIMV, PEEP, PS и спонтанное дыхание) Неинвазивная масочная вентиляция. Потоковый триггер, компенсация утечки.
Используя функцию «Тест спонтанного дыхания», вы можете провести клиническую оценку зависимости пациента от ИВЛ и возможности отучения от аппарата
Графический цветной ЖК дисплей обеспечивает визуальный контроль параметров вентиляции (кривые Давления, Потока, Объема; петли Давление — Объем, Поток — Объем.) Спирометрия и тренды
Простота в управлении и эксплуатации позволяет использовать его даже в
домашних условиях
Графический монитор
Цветной конфигурируемый ЖК touch_screen монитор с диагональю 10,4” наглядно и ясно отображает диагностическую информацию в цифровом и графическом видах на интерактивном дисплее.
Пользователь получает постоянно обновляемую информацию о состоянии настроек и параметров вентиляции.
6 вариантов экрана обеспечивают удобство и простоту получения информации.
Поворотно наклонный механизм позволяет оптимально для пользователя расположить экран.
Предусмотрена возможность сохранения трендов до 960 дней.
Волновые формы
Отображение от 1 до 3 кривых:
Давление во времени, Поток во времени, Объем во времени, Анализ дыхательного цикла
Давление _ Объем, Поток_ Объем
Отображение на дисплее 1 или 2 петель
Индикация зон Вдоха и Выдоха
мониторинг последних 4 дыханий
контрольная петля
Отображает установленные и мониторируемые параметры.
Вывод на экран заданных и мониторируемых параметров. Волновых форм и петель
Вывод на экран параметров
дыхания в графическом и
цифровом видах и их анализ
Spf, PIP, Staic Compliance
Vte, MAP, AutoPEEP
Габариты и масса |
Вес: 6.5 кг Высота: 8.4 см Ширина: 27 см Длина: 38 см |
Настройки респиратора |
Электропитание |
Вкл/Standby |
Режимы |
Control, Assist/Control, SIMV, CPAP |
Типы дыхания |
VC, PС, PS, Спонтанный |
Частота дыхания |
0 _ 80 дыханий в минуту |
Дыхательный объем |
50 _ 2000 мл |
Время вдоха |
0.3 _ 9.9 секунд (100 л/мин) |
PC/PS/Спонтанное |
до 160 л/мин |
Pressure Control |
1 _ 99 смH2O |
Pressure Support |
Выкл, 1 _ 60 смH2O |
Чувствительность |
Выкл, 1 _ 9 л/мин |
% O2 |
21% _ 100% |
Подача 100% O2 |
1 _ 3 мин |
Источник O2 низкого давления |
Вкл/Выкл |
Базовый поток |
10 л/мин |
0 _ 20 cmH2O |
Блокировка клавиатуры |
Есть |
Измерение комплайнс / AUTOPEEP |
Ручной вдох |
1 x с данными установками |
Тревоги |
Интервал Апноэ |
10 _ 60 секунд |
Высокое давление |
5 _ 100 смH2O |
Низкое давление |
Выкл, 1 _ 60 смH2O |
Низкий минутный объем |
Выкл, 0.1 _ 99 литров |
Громкость тревоги |
60 _ 85 dBA в 1 метре |
Заглушить/Сбросить тревоги |
60 секунд |
Другие тревоги |
Отсоединение, Нет питания & Низкое напряжение Низкий заряд батареи /батарея разряжена Высокое & Низкое давление O2 на входе |
Мониторируемые параметры |
Пиковое давление |
0 _ 120 смH2O |
Среднее давление |
0 _ 99 смH2O |
0 _ 99 смH2O |
Частота дыхания |
0 _ 250 л/мин |
Давление в дыхательных путях |
-10 — 108 смH2O |
Объем выдоха |
0 _ 4000 мл |
Минутный объем выдоха |
0 _ 99.9 л |
Соотношение ВДОХ/ВЫДОХ |
99:1 _ 1:99 |
Расчетный пиковый поток |
10 _ 100 л/мин |
AutoPEEP |
0 _ 100 смH2O |
Статический комплайнс |
1.999 мл/смH2O |
Резервные батареи |
Внутреняя батарея |
до 2 часов |
Внешняя батарея (опция) |
до 9 часов |
Расширеные функции:
Идеальный вес пациента
Предустановки: (новорожденный, ребенок, взрослый)
Неинвазивная масочная вентиляция Вентиляция апноэ Pressure Control и Pressure Support с регулируемым ускорением потока Чувствительность к выдоху по потоку при Pressure Control и Pressure Support
Чувствительность к выдоху при Pressure Support
Компенсация утечки
Индекс поверхностного дыхания
Технические характеристики:
Питание |
11 _ 15 В постояного тока 90 _ 250 В переменного тока 7 _ 63 Гц: |
Источник O2 высокого давления |
2.8 _ 4.8 bar |
Источник O2 низкого давления |
< 80 л/мин |
Условия эксплуатации и хранения: |
Рабочие: температура |
5 _ 40 C |
Относительная влажность |
15% _ 95% |
Хранение: температура |
20 _ 60 C |
Относительная влажность |
10% _ 95% |
Аппарат ИВЛ LTV1200 — это идеальное решение при внутрибольничной транспортировке пациентов, транспортировке в автомобилях скорой помощи и санитарной авиации без ограничения длительности транспортировки. Встроенная турбина делает транспортный аппарат ИВЛ полностью автономным от источника газоснабжения. Обратная связь Транспортный аппарат ИВЛ LTV1200 имеет ряд отличительных особенностей:
№ |
Параметры |
Характеристики/значения требуемых параметров |
1 |
Общие данные о продукции |
Полное наименование |
Полное наименование продукции в соответствии с Регистрационным удостоверением |
2 |
Общие требования к аппарату ИВЛ |
Область применения |
Проведения пролонгированной искусственной вентиляции легких у взрослых и детей (от 5 кг) в условиях отделений реанимации, интенсивной терапии, послеоперационных палат и при транспортировке пациентов |
Степень мобильности |
Проведение респираторной терапии при внутрибольничной транспортировке пациентов, транспортировке в автомобилях скорой помощи и средствах санавиации без ограничения длительности транспортировки |
Привод |
Электрический беcкомпрессорный (встроенная турбина) |
Ресурс привода |
Не менее 40 000 часов |
Питание от электроисточника |
Переменный: 210-240В Постоянный: 11-15В |
Автономная работа от внутренней батареи |
Не менее 60 мин |
Панель управления и программное обеспечение |
На русском языке |
Автоматическое самотестирование аппарата перед подключением |
Наличие |
Система самодиагностики неполадок |
Внутренние тесты самодиагностики |
Система самодиагностики неполадок |
Фоновые тесты в течение работы |
Подача О2 высокого давления |
2.8 — 4.8 бар |
Подача О2 низкого давления |
< 80 л/мин, < 0,3 бар |
Автоматическое переключение режимов давления подачи O2 |
Наличие |
Функция отслеживания запаса кислорода во внешнем баллоне |
Наличие |
Встроенный смеситель кислород/воздух |
Наличие |
Индикация типа дыхания пациента |
Наличие |
Индикация заряда батареи |
Наличие |
Индикация цифровая и аналоговая инспираторного давления |
Наличие |
Встроенный дисплей |
Русифицированный |
12-разрядный дисплей с точечной матрицей 5×7 для отображения сообщений тревог, мониторируемых параметров и меню Расширенных функций |
Наличие |
Информация выводится на дисплей со следующей приоритетностью (от более значимой к менее значимой) |
• Сообщения тревог • Функции расширенного меню • Мониторируемые данные |
Мониторинг и вывод параметров вентиляции на передней панели вентилятора и графического монитора одновременно |
Наличие |
Датчик потока, встраиваемый в контур |
Универсальный (взрослые-дети), не требующий калибровки Многоразовый, автоклавируемый |
Защита от непреднамеренных изменений параметров |
Не менее двух типов блокировки |
3 |
Режимы и методы ИВЛ |
Вспомогательная / Принудительная вентиляция (ACV) |
Наличие |
Контролируемая принудительная вентиляция с контролем по объему (СMV/VCV) |
Наличие |
Контролируемая принудительная вентиляция с контролем по давлению (PСV) |
Наличие |
Синхронизированная принудительная прерывистая вентиляция (SIMV) |
Наличие |
Вентиляция с поддержкой по подавлению (PSV) |
Наличие |
Постоянное положительное давление в дыхательных путях (CPAP) |
Наличие |
Положительное давление конца выдоха (PEEP) |
Наличие |
Неинвазивная вентиляция с положительным давлением (NPPV) |
Наличие |
Спонтанное (Spont) |
Наличие |
Вентиляция Апноэ |
Наличие |
Ручная вентиляция |
Наличие |
Режим работы Stand By |
Наличие |
Начало экстренной вентиляции по выбору массы пациента |
Наличие |
Индекс Тобина (RSBI) |
Наличие |
Вентиляция с двумя уровнями положительного давления |
Наличие |
4 |
Параметры вентиляции |
Частота Дыханий |
0-80 д/мин |
I:E(вдох: выдох) |
4:1-1:99 |
Время вдоха |
0,3-8,0 сек |
Дыхательный объем |
50 – 2000 мл |
Пиковый поток |
0-140 л/мин |
Базовый поток |
Выкл., 1-10 л/мин |
Давление в дыхательных путях |
1-99 см Н2О |
0-20 см Н2О |
Ограничение по давлению |
1-99 см Н2О |
Поддержка давлением |
1-60 см Н2О |
Давление Плато |
0-100 см Н2О |
Форма графика потока |
Квадратная, трапециевидная |
Чувствительность триггера |
1-9 л/мин |
Подача 100 % кислорода |
1-3 мин |
Концентрация %О2 |
21-100% |
Ручной вдох |
Обеспечивает один принудительный вдох |
Инспираторная пауза |
Измерение комплайнса и сопротивления |
Экспираторная пауза |
Измерение общего и ауто-РЕЕР пациента |
Компенсация утечки |
Не менее 6 л/мин |
Время ускорения потока |
1-9 |
Чувствительность к выдоху по потоку |
10-40% |
Чувствительность к выдоху по времени |
0,3 — 3,0 сек |
Чувствительность к выдоху по потоку с контролем по давлению |
Наличие |
5 |
Мониторируемые параметры |
Общий минутный объем |
0-99,9 л |
Дыхательный объем выдоха |
0-4000 мл |
Отношение I:E |
99:1-1:99 |
Пиковое давление вдоха |
0-120 мл Н2О |
Среднее давление контура |
0-99 см Н2О |
Пиковый поток |
10-100 л/мин |
Общая частота дыхания |
0-250 д/мин |
0-99 см Н2О |
Комплайнс |
1-999 мл/см Н2О |
АутоPEEP |
1-100 см Н2О |
Усилие пациента |
Наличие |
6 |
Система тревог |
Неправильные настройки |
Наличие |
Сбой сетевого питания |
Наличие |
10-60 сек |
Рассоединие контура |
Наличие |
Окклюзия контура |
Наличие |
Неисправность вентилятора |
Наличие |
Высокое давление в контуре |
5-100 см Н2О |
Высокое содержание %О2 |
Наличие |
Тревога высокой ЧД |
Наличие |
Тревога PEEP |
Наличие |
Батарея не работает |
Наличие |
Низкий заряд батареи |
Наличие |
Батарея разряжена |
Наличие |
Низкое содержание %О2 |
Наличие |
Низкий минутный объем |
0,1 — 99 л |
Низкое пиковое давление |
1-60 см Н2О |
Высокое давление О2 |
Наличие |
Низкое давление О2 |
Наличие |
Защита от установки параметров, превышающих физиологические нормы |
Наличие |
7 |
Вес вентилятора |
Не более 6,5 кг |
8 |
Комплектующие и расходные материалы единицы медицинской техники |
Аппарат ИВЛ с противоударной защитой корпуса |
1 шт. |
Мобильная стойка |
1 шт. |
Держатель контура пациента |
1 шт. |
Многоразовый взрослый контур |
1 шт. |
Сетевой кабель автомобильный 12V, с адаптером, не менее 3 метров |
1 шт. |
Крепление типа «ласточкин хвост» |
1 шт. |
Антибактериальные дыхательные фильтры |
10 шт. |
Шланг для подачи кислорода, 4.5 м, DISS стандарт |
1 шт. |
Адаптер низкого давления, О2 |
1 шт. |
Тестовое легкое |
1 шт. |