Makita uc4001a инструкция на русском

Makita UC 4001A Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual

UC 3001A

UC 3501A

UC 4001A


Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the chain saw into operation and strictly observe

the safety regulations!

Keep this instruction manual!



Related Manuals for Makita UC 4001A

Summary of Contents for Makita UC 4001A

  • Page 1: Instruction Manual

    Instruction Manual UC 3001A UC 3501A UC 4001A Important: Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the chain saw into operation and strictly observe the safety regulations! Keep this instruction manual!

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Thank you for your trust in our product Table of contents Page We congratulate you on your new MAKITA electric chain saw. Symbols …………….2 Delivery inventory ………….. 3 We are convinced that you will be satisfied with this modern EU conformity declaration ……….

  • Page 3: Delivery Inventory

    EU Conformity Declaration Packing The MAKITA electric chain saw will be delivered in a protective The undersigned, Junzo Asada and Rainer Bergfeld, as cardboard box to prevent transport damages. authorized by DOLMAR GmbH, declare that the MAKITA…

  • Page 4: Safety Precautions General Precautions

    SAFETY PRECAUTIONS General precautions To ensure correct operation the user has to read this instruction manual to make himself familiar with the characteristics of the electric chain saw. Users insufficiently informed will risk danger to themselves as well as others due to improper handling.

  • Page 5: Working Behavior/Method Of Working

    Pay attention to the diameter of the extension cable. When using a cable roll the cable should be completely wound off. Use only extension cords that meet the specifications in “Technical data”. If using the saw out of doors make sure that the extension cord is approved for such use.

  • Page 6
    Guide the electric chain saw in such a way that no part of your body is within the elongated swiveling range of the saw (11). Use the electric chain saw for sawing wood only. Do not let the chain touch the ground when it is running. If you are cutting wood lying directly on the ground, turn it over before completing the cut so that you do not cut into the ground.
  • Page 7: Kickback

    CAUTION: Do not fell or debranch trees unless you are specially trained for it! There is a high risk of injury! Make sure to follow local regulations. Before cutting down a tree ensure that a) only those persons are within the working range which are actually involved in cutting down the tree b) b) all persons involved in the felling have an unhindered retreat route (the retreat path should be about 45°…

  • Page 8: Transport And Storage

    MAKITA service. Use only original MAKITA spare parts and accessories. Applying spare parts which are not original MAKITA parts or accesories and bar/chain combinations or lengths results in a high risk of accidents. For accidents and damage resulting from using sawing devices or accesories which have not been approved we cannot accept any responsibility.

  • Page 9: Technical Data

    DIN 57282/ HO 7RN-F L= 30 m max., 3×1.5 mm (not included) Figures derived in equal part from full-load and top-speed operation. Denomination of components Figure: Identification plate UC 4001A Serial number Year of manufacture Indicate when ordering spare parts! 1 Tubular handle…

  • Page 10: Putting Into Operation

    PUTTING INTO OPERATION Mounting the guide bar and saw chain CAUTION: When working on the guide bar or saw chain Use the universal wrench delivered with the machine. always wear protective gloves and pull out the Put the electric chain saw on a stable surface and carry out the power supply plug.

  • Page 11: Checking The Chain Tension

    Releasing the chain brake Run-out brake Pull the hand guard (I/11) towards you (arrow 2) until you feel The UC 3001A, UC 3501A and UC 4001A come with a run-out it catch. The brake is now released. brake as standard equipment.

  • Page 12: Saw Chain Oil

    The saw chain oil sold by MAKITA, called BIOTOP, is made of In the case of damage caused by using waste oil or unappropriate special vegetable oils and is biologically decomposeable to saw chain oil the product guarantee will be null and void.

  • Page 13: Switching On The Motor

    Switch the motor off Immediately and release the chain brake. IMPORTANT: If the saw chain does not stop instantly when you carry out this test, do not under any circum- stances use the saw! Take the chain saw to a MAKITA service center.

  • Page 14: Checking The Run-Out Brake

    Testing the run-out brake Do not work with the saw without first testing the run-out brake! Start the motor as described (make sure you have a good footing, and place the chain saw on the ground in such a way that the guide bar is free of contact). Grasp the tubular handle firmly with one hand and hold the grip with the other.

  • Page 15: Cleaning The Guide Bar, Lubricating The Sprocket Nose

    All cutters must be sharpened to the same angle, 30°. Files and how to work with them Different angles result in a roughly, irregularly running Sharpen using a special file holder with a saw chain round chain, increase wear and tear and cause chain beakage. file dia.

  • Page 16: Replacing The Saw Chain

    (C/2) back done at a MAKITA service centre. Run the saw briefly (about a minute) so the brushes can run in again.

  • Page 17: Instructions For Periodic Maintenance

    Please, take in mind that in the case that foreign spare parts are used instead of the original MAKITA spare parts this will automatically invalidate the MAKITA product guarantee.

  • Page 18: Extract Of Spare Parts List

    Damage caused by overheating due to dirt obstructing the cool air supply at the motor case. • Use of unsuitable spare parts or parts which are not original MAKITA parts, as far as they have caused the damage. • Use of unsuitable or old oil.

  • Page 19
    Space for your notes…
  • Page 20
    Makita Werkzeug GmbH Specifications subject to change without notice Postfach 70 04 20 D–22004 Hamburg Form: 995 704 113 (3.02 GB) Germany…


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Instruction Manual

UC 3001A
UC 3501A
UC 4001A


Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the chain saw into operation and strictly observe

the safety regulations!

Keep this instruction manual!

Makita UC4001A

PDF инструкция  · 20 страниц(ы) английский

инструкцияMakita UC4001A


Instruction Manual

UC 3001A

UC 3501A

UC 4001A


Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the chain saw into operation and strictly observe

the safety regulations!

Keep this instruction manual!

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Что означает «16 В» или «20 В»?

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Makita UC4503A Chain Saw Benutzerhandbuch




Power chainsaws


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Makita UC 4001A Instruction manual




Power chainsaws


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Power chainsaws


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на ваш запрос и как можно быстрее помочь. Ваше устройство имеет характеристики:Тип: электрическая цепная, Конструкция: ручная, Мощность: 1800 Вт, Количество скоростей: 1, Шаг цепи: 3/8 дюйма, Длина шины: 40 см, полные характеристики смотрите в следующей вкладке.

Для многих товаров, для работы с Makita UC4001A могут понадобиться различные дополнительные файлы: драйвера, патчи, обновления, программы установки. Вы можете скачать онлайн эти файлы для конкретнй модели Makita UC4001A или добавить свои для бесплатного скачивания другим посетителями.

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Основные и самые важные характеристики модели собраны из надежных источников и по характеристикам можно найти похожие модели.

Общие характеристики
Тип электрическая цепная
Конструкция ручная
Мощность 1800 Вт
Количество скоростей 1
Шаг цепи 3/8 дюйма
Длина шины 40 см
Максимальная длина шины 40 см
Дополнительная информация
Функции и возможности тормоз цепи
Уровень шума 102 дБ
Вес 4.2 кг

Здесь представлен список самых частых и распространенных поломок и неисправностей у Электро- и бензопил. Если у вас такая поломка то вам повезло, это типовая неисправность для Makita UC4001A и вы можете задать вопрос о том как ее устранить и вам быстро ответят или же прочитайте в вопросах и ответах ниже.

Название поломки Описание поломки Действие
Не Включается
Сильно Шумит
Плохо Пилит
Не Заводится Компресия В Норме Свеча Искрит Топливо Подается
Не Включается Из-За Сгоревшего Микрика
Не Смазывается Цепь Не Поступает Масло Из Бочка
Тормозная Система Цепь Не Останавливается Мгновенно После Отключения Кнопки
Не Заводица
Не Выключается. После Запуска Пилы, Хоть В Холодном , Хоть В Горячем Состоянии — Двигатель Пилы Не Выключается. Глушится Только После Отсоединении Свечи.
Сломан Тумблер Пуск-Стоп
Заводится , Газуешь Глохнет
Каррбюратор Не Набирает Обороты
Нет Искры Пропадает Контакт В Свечном Колпачке
Залипают Щетки Прекращает Пилить, Т.к. Пружина Не Поджимает Щетки
Вращается Цепь На Холостом Ходу Пила Заводится И Сразу Начинает Вращаться Цепь
Глохнет Под Нагрузкой
Сломалась Рамка Натяжения Цепи
Сломалась Рамка Натяжения Цепи
Вакуум В Бензобаке Не Поступает Топливо
Вакуум В Бензобаке Не Поступает Топливо

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