Mercury f10 mh efi инструкция по эксплуатации

2,5 и 3,5 четырехтактные

(4,1 МБ)

4/5/6 четырехтактные

(1,7 МБ)

6/8/9,8 двухтактные

(2,9 МБ)

9,9/15 двухтактные

(3,1 МБ)

25/30 EFI четырехтактные

(10,7 МБ)

25/30 двухтактные

(3,6 МБ)

40/50 двухтактные

(3,2 МБ)

80/100/115 четырехтактные_2

(6,7 МБ)

80/100/115 четырехтактные

(6,7 МБ)


(5,0 МБ)

30/40 двухтактные

(1,2 МБ)

8/9,9/15 четырехтактные

(1,3 МБ)

4/5 двухтактные

(1,7 МБ)

Электромоторы R3

(803,9 КБ)

Электромоторы Varimax

(3,3 МБ)

40 / 50 / 60 четырехтактные

(1,1 МБ)

25 JET двухтактный

(1,5 МБ)

Соответствие номера инструкции по эксплуатации типу двигателя

(57,0 КБ)

9,9/15 двухтактные с переключением передач на румпеле

(3,6 МБ)

150 EFI (3-х литровый) четырехтактный

(5,0 МБ)

25 Jet четырехтактный

(6,6 МБ)

60 двухтактный

(969,8 КБ)

15/20 четырехтактные

(6,8 МБ)

2,5-3,3 двухтактные

(1,9 МБ)

Стандартная комплектация мотора

(111,5 КБ)

40-50 TMC 2-х тактные

(3,6 МБ)

8-9,9 MH 169CC TMC 2х тактные

(3,0 МБ)

9,9/15 MH 247/294CC TMC 2х тактные

(3,1 МБ)

F40 EFI Jet

(3,8 МБ)

Verado L6 200-225-250-300

(4,0 МБ)

F80/100/115/115 Pro XS, Sea pro 2L( новые)

(5,3 МБ)

Новые V6(175-225), V8(200-300) с подвеской CMS и управлением DTS-безтросовым

(6,8 МБ)

Стандартная комплектация в коробке с мотором 2020

(166,0 КБ)

F 30-40-50-60 (новые)

(4,9 МБ)


(7,2 МБ)

F15-20 EFI

(7,4 МБ)

О нас

Официальный дилер ПЛМ Mercury в Москве. Осуществляем доставку по всей России. Предоставляем гарантии, заботимся о каждом клиенте!

Лодочные моторы Mercury

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Лодочные моторы Mercury

Ни у кого нет модельного ряда подвесных двигателей, которые были бы надежнее, мощнее и экономичнее двигателей Mercury: Optimax, Verado, SeaPro, двухтактные, четырехтактные, водометные.

Подвесные двигатели Mercury, за которыми стоят десятилетия инноваций и лидерства, созданы для надежной службы и славятся своими характеристиками, опирающимися на передовые технологии.

Условные обозначения

М — ручной пуск EFI — электрон. впрыск топлива
Е — электрический пуск SW — для соленой воды
L — длина корп. прив. вала 508мм F — четырехтактный мотор
XL — длина корп. прив. вала 635 мм SeaPro — для коммерч. использования
нет L, XL — длина корп. прив. вала 381 мм Sail — доп. мотор на яхтах
O — автомат. смеш. масла с бенз. BF — груз. редуктор для тяж. судов
PT — электрический гидроподъем OptiMax — прямой впрыск топлива
C — обратное вращение винта

Mercury F 10 M EFI — 4-тактный подвесной мотор нового поколения, не имеющий аналогов по совокупности технических характеристик, удобству управления и топливной эффективности. Этот двигатель японской сборки обладает целым рядом уникальных технических решений и прогрессивным дизайном, что делает его невероятно удобным в управлении.

В Mercury F 10 M EFI 2023 года реализовано всё, о чем только можно было мечтать: невероятное ускорение, самый низкий уровень шума и вибраций, лёгкий вес (45 кг) и при этом один из самых больших объемов мотора — 333 см³.

Двигатель имеет электронный впрыск топлива, который работает без аккумулятора и позволяет достичь невероятной топливной эффективности. 

На моторе установлен инновационный многофункциональный румпель с возможностью переоборудования как под правую, так и под левую руку, а также регулировкой в вертикальной и горизонтальной плоскости. Вибрация мотора на него практически не передаётся.

Ручку газа можно настроить на добавление газа и по часовой стрелке, и против неё. Она оснащена специальной пружиной, которая автоматически возвращает ручку в положение холостого хода, когда её отпускают. Фиксатор усилия ручки газа теперь большой и удобный, так что выставить необходимую скорость для троллинга теперь можно одним движением.

Благодаря небольшим размерам Mercury F 10 M EFI вместе с лодкой ПВХ и вещами можно разместить в багажнике стандартного автомобиля.

В сравнении с конкурентами мотор Mercury F 10 M EFI имеет ряд преимуществ:

  • надежная и проверенная конструкция;
  • эксклюзивный многофункциональный румпель с регулировкой под любую руку;
  • возможность регулировки румпеля в двух плоскостях;
  • японская сборка;
  • электронный впрыск, не требующий аккумулятора;
  • система предупреждения максимальных оборотов с защитой от перегрева и низкого давления;
  • внешний бак на 12 литров;
  • встроенный сепараторный фильтр со сливом;
  • полная комплектация;
  • выхлоп через гребной винт;
  • выделено положение для мелководья;
  • дешевые и доступные расходные материалы;
  • долговечность и ремонтопригодность;
  • расширенная гарантия до 5-ти лет;
  • высокая стоимость на вторичном рынке;
  • удобное обслуживание — слив масла без пролива.

На моторе Mercury F 10 M EFI установлена сигнализация низкого давления в системе смазки и перегрева с ограничением максимально допустимых оборотов. Эти опции очень удобны и позволяют не задумываться о технической стороне в процессе эксплуатации.

В стандартную комплектацию Mercury F 10 M EFI входит новая безаккумуляторная система электронного впрыска топлива, которая обеспечивает простой старт при любой погоде, мгновенный отклик на ручку газа, экономию топлива и надежность.

Шестипозиционная регулировка положения мотора относительно транца с режимом для мелководья позволяет лодке с мотором Mercury F 10 MH EFI заходить практически в любое место водоема.

Выхлоп производится через винт, что снижает проскальзывание, понижает уровень шума и выхлопных газов для большего комфорта и меньшей вибрации.

Mercury F 10 M EFI комплектуется гребным винтом Mercury Black Max из алюминия с демпферной втулкой, которая при ударе о камень или препятствие защищает детали редуктора, принимая силу удара на себя.

В комплекте с мотором идёт фирменный выносной бак Quicksilver на 12 литров с указателем уровня топлива, торцевой ключ, шнур стартера, устройство для промывки мотора и бумажная инструкция на русском языке. Инструкцию в электронном виде вы можете скачать на этой странице.

Для долговечной и безопасной работы мы рекомендуем приобрести фирменное масло Quicksilver 10W-30 для 4-х тактных двигателей. Одного литра фирменного масла вам хватит на три замены масла в моторе. В редукторе используется фирменное масло Quicksilver Gear Lube, которое требует замены через каждые 100 часов работы мотора либо один раз в год. Объём редуктора Mercury F 10 M EFI — 460 мл. Мотор поставляется с заправленным редуктором.

Внимание! Для безопасной транспортировки мотор поставляется с сухим картером! Канистра с маслом для заправки картера мотора находится в коробке с мотором и перед началом эксплуатации необходимо самостоятельно произвести заправку. Процедура заправки подробно описана в инструкции, прилагающейся к мотору. Масло в редукторе заправлено.

Мотор перед началом работы должен пройти обкатку. Эта несложная процедура займет 10 часов и позволит получить от мотора рабочие характеристики и существенно продлить ресурс работы. После прохождения процедуры обкатки рекомендуется заменить масло в двигателе и редукторе.

Подробную инструкцию по обкатке мы кладём в комплект с документами, а также Вы можете ознакомиться с ней в разделе «Как пройти процедуру обкатки мотора Mercury».

Мотор Mercury F 10 M EFI надежно упакован в оригинальную картонную коробку, предназначенную для дальней перевозки. Внутри коробки двигатель находится в формованном пенопласте и целлофане. Мы дополнительно упаковываем коробку снаружи стрэйч-пленкой и проклеиваем все торцевые части. Все моторы при перевозке транспортной компанией застрахованы нами на полную стоимость.

Каждый мотор Mercury собирается из высококачественных деталей и тщательно тестируется перед поступлением в продажу.

Покупая мотор у официального дилера Mercury Вы можете быть уверены, что получите официальный мотор Mercury со всеми необходимыми для регистрации и эксплуатации документами, заводской гарантией, действующей на всей территории Российской Федерации, а также обслуживанием на высшем уровне.

Mercury 10 EFI FourStroke Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

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Summary of Contents for Mercury 10 EFI FourStroke

  • Page 1
    Outboard Installation Operation Maintenance Manual…
  • Page 3
    Thank you for purchasing one of our products. We sincerely hope your boating will be pleasant! Mercury Marine, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Name / function: John Pfeifer, President, Mercury Marine…
  • Page 4
    Warranty Message The product you have purchased comes with a limited warranty from Mercury Marine; the terms of the warranty are set forth in the Warranty Manual included with the product. The Warranty Manual contains a description of what is…
  • Page 5
    Copyright and Trademark Information © MERCURY MARINE. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Alpha, Axius, Bravo One, Bravo Two, Bravo Three, GO BOLDLY., Circle M with Waves Logo, K‑planes, Mariner, MerCathode, MerCruiser, Mercury, Mercury…
  • Page 7
    Fuel Requirements………………. 25 Low Permeation Fuel Hose Requirement …………26 EPA Pressurized Portable Fuel Tank Requirements……..26 Fuel Demand Valve (FDV) Requirement…………26 Mercury Marine’s Pressurized Portable Fuel Tank……….. 27 Filling Fuel Tank………………..28 Engine Oil Recommendations…………….28 Checking Engine Oil………………29…
  • Page 8
    Features and Controls Tiller Handle Features………………32 Remote Control Features…………….. 38 General Features………………..40 Manual Tilt Features and Operation…………..41 Power Tilt Features and Operation, if Equipped……….46 Warning System………………..50 Operation Prestarting Check List………………53 Operating in Freezing Temperatures…………..53 Operating in Saltwater or Polluted Water…………
  • Page 9
    Storage Storage Preparation………………100 Protecting External Outboard Components………… 100 Protecting Internal Engine Components…………101 Gearcase………………….101 Positioning Outboard for Storage…………..101 Battery Storage………………..102 Troubleshooting Starter Motor Will Not Crank the Engine (Electric Start Models) ….103 Engine Will Not Start………………103 Engine Runs Erratically………………
  • Page 10
  • Page 11: Boater’s Responsibilities

    GENERAL INFORMATION Boater’s Responsibilities The operator (driver) is responsible for the correct and safe operation of the boat and the safety of its occupants and general public. It is strongly recommended that each operator read and understand this entire manual before operating the outboard.

  • Page 12: High‑Speed And High‑Performance Boat Operation

    For additional information, obtain a copy of our Hi‑Performance Boat Operation booklet from your dealer, distributor, or Mercury Marine. Outboard Remote Control Models The remote control connected to your outboard must be equipped with a start in neutral only protection device.

  • Page 13: Remote Steering Notice

    GENERAL INFORMATION Remote Steering Notice The steering link rod that connects the steering cable to the engine must be fastened utilizing self‑locking nuts. These self‑locking nuts must never be replaced with common nonlocking nuts; they will work loose and vibrate off, allowing the link rod to disengage from the steering cable.

  • Page 14
    GENERAL INFORMATION The lanyard cord is usually 122–152 cm (4–5 feet) in length when stretched out, with an element on one end made to be inserted into the switch and a clip on the other end for attaching to the operator’s PFD or wrist. The lanyard is coiled to make its at‑rest condition as short as possible to minimize the likelihood of lanyard entanglement with nearby objects.
  • Page 15: Protecting People In The Water

    GENERAL INFORMATION WARNING If the operator falls out of the boat, stop the engine immediately to reduce the possibility of serious injury or death from being struck by the boat. Always properly connect the operator to the stop switch using a lanyard. WARNING Avoid serious injury or death from deceleration forces resulting from accidental or unintended stop switch activation.

  • Page 16: Passenger Safety Message ‑ Pontoon Boats And Deck Boats

    GENERAL INFORMATION Always slow down and exercise extreme caution any time you are boating in an area where there might be people in the water. Whenever a boat is moving (coasting) and the outboard gear shift is in neutral position, there is sufficient force by the water on the propeller to cause the propeller to rotate.

  • Page 17: Wave And Wake Jumping

    GENERAL INFORMATION WARNING Sitting or standing in an area of the boat not designed for passengers at speeds above idle can cause serious injury or death. Stay back from the front end of deck boats or raised platforms and remain seated while the boat is in motion.

  • Page 18: Impact With Underwater Hazards

    GENERAL INFORMATION WARNING Wave or wake jumping can cause serious injury or death from occupants being thrown within or out of the boat. Avoid wave or wake jumping whenever possible. There is another less common hazardous result from allowing your boat to launch off a wave or wake.

  • Page 19
    Operating a boat or engine with impact damage can result in product damage, serious injury, or death. If the vessel experiences any form of impact, have an authorized Mercury Marine dealer inspect and repair the vessel or power package. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR HAND-TILLED OUTBOARDS No person or cargo should occupy the area directly in front of the outboard while the boat is in motion.
  • Page 20: Exhaust Emissions

    GENERAL INFORMATION Models with Clamp Screws: Some outboards come with transom bracket clamp screws. The use of clamp bracket screws alone is insufficient to properly and safely secure the outboard to the transom. Proper installation of the outboard includes bolting the engine to the boat through the transom.

  • Page 21
    GENERAL INFORMATION WARNING Inhaling engine exhaust gases can result in carbon monoxide poisoning, which can lead to unconsciousness, brain damage, or death. Avoid exposure to carbon monoxide. Stay clear from exhaust areas when engine is running. Keep the boat well‑ventilated while at rest or underway. STAY CLEAR OF EXHAUST AREAS 41127 Engine exhaust gases contain harmful carbon monoxide.
  • Page 22: Selecting Accessories For Your Outboard

    Some accessories not manufactured or sold by Mercury Marine are not designed to be safely used with your outboard or outboard operating system. Acquire and read the installation, operation and maintenance manuals for all your selected accessories.

  • Page 23
    GENERAL INFORMATION • We recommend that all powerboat operators complete a boating safety course. In the U.S., the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Power Squadron, the Red Cross, and your state or provincial boating law enforcement agency provide courses. For more information in the U.S., call the Boat U.S.
  • Page 24
    (refer to your boat’s capacity plate). Know your boat’s operating and loading limitations. Know if your boat will float if it is full of water. When in doubt, contact your authorized Mercury Marine dealer or the boat manufacturer. Ensure that everyone in the boat is properly seated.
  • Page 25: Recording Serial Number

    GENERAL INFORMATION • Boat operators are required by law to file a boating accident report with their state boating law enforcement agency when their boat is involved in certain boating accidents. A boating accident must be reported if 1) there is loss of life or probable loss of life, 2) there is personal injury requiring medical treatment beyond first aid, 3) there is damage to boats or other property where the damage value exceeds $500.00, or 4) there is…

  • Page 26: Model Year Production Code

    GENERAL INFORMATION Model Year Production Code The serial number decal lists the year of manufacture as an alpha code. This code can be deciphered into a corresponding number utilizing the following table. XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX 62972 Serial number decal alpha code Model Year Manufactured Code Alpha Production Code Corresponding Number…

  • Page 27
    GENERAL INFORMATION Attributes Specification Starting system Manual/electric Starter fuse 15 A, mini ATC Computer controlled CDI Ignition type (capacitor discharge ignition) Voltage regulator fuse 20 A, mini ATC Spark plug NGK DCPR6E Spark plug gap 0.9 mm (0.035 in.) Ignition timing at idle 6°…
  • Page 28: Conditions Affecting Performance

    All values are corrected to the power the engine will produce at sea level, at 30% relative humidity, at 25 °C (77 °F) temperature, and a barometric pressure of 29.61 inches of mercury. Summer conditions of high temperature, low barometric pressure, and high humidity all combine to reduce the engine power.

  • Page 29
    GENERAL INFORMATION For boaters to realize optimum engine performance under changing weather conditions, it is essential the engine has the proper propeller to allow it to operate at, or near, the top end of the recommended maximum RPM range at wide‑open throttle with a normal boat load.
  • Page 30
    GENERAL INFORMATION CAVITATION Cavitation occurs when water flow cannot follow the contour of a fast‑moving underwater object, such as a gear housing or a propeller. Cavitation increases propeller speed while reducing boat speed. Cavitation can seriously erode the surface of the gear housing or the propeller. Common causes of cavitation are: •…
  • Page 31
    RPM range, normal engine operation resumes. The boat manufacturer and the selling dealer are responsible for equipping the power package with the correct propeller. Refer to Mercury Marine’s web page‑one. Select a propeller that will allow the engine power package to operate at or near the top end of the recommended WOT operating RPM range with a normal load.
  • Page 32: Carrying, Storing, And Transporting Your Outboard When Removed From Boat

    TRANSPORTING Carrying, Storing, and Transporting Your Outboard when Removed from Boat IMPORTANT: Ensure the proper procedures are followed for transportation and storage of the outboard to avoid the possibility of oil leaks. 1. With the outboard in the water, disconnect the remote fuel line and run the engine until it stops.

  • Page 33: Trailering Boat/Outboard

    TRANSPORTING • The port side lower cowl has two bumpers to help reduce damage to the cowl when the engine is stored in the laying down position. Storing the engine on the port side will prevent oil from draining out of the crankcase into the cylinders or crankcase ventilation system.

  • Page 34
    TRANSPORTING Shift the outboard into reverse gear. This prevents the propeller from spinning.
  • Page 35: Fuel Requirements

    USA is alcohol (ethanol, methanol, or butanol). GASOLINE CONTAINING ALCOHOL Bu16 Butanol Fuel Blends Fuel blends of up to 16.1% butanol (Bu16) that meet the published Mercury Marine fuel rating requirements are an acceptable substitute for unleaded gasoline. Contact your boat manufacturer for specific recommendations on your boat’s fuel system components (fuel tanks, fuel lines, and fittings).

  • Page 36: Low Permeation Fuel Hose Requirement

    IMPORTANT: When operating a Mercury Marine engine on gasoline containing methanol or ethanol, do not store the gasoline in the fuel tank for long periods. Cars normally consume these blended fuels before they can absorb enough moisture to cause trouble;…

  • Page 37: Mercury Marine’s Pressurized Portable Fuel Tank

    Vent/water drain holes 46273 Mercury Marine’s Pressurized Portable Fuel Tank Mercury Marine has created a new portable pressurized fuel tank that meets the preceding EPA requirements. These fuel tanks are available as an accessory or are provided with certain portable outboard models.

  • Page 38: Filling Fuel Tank

    As an optional choice, Mercury or Quicksilver or SAE 25W‑40 Marine 4‑Stroke Engine Oil may be used when temperatures are above 4 °C (40 °F). If the recommended Mercury or Quicksilver NMMA FC‑W certified oils are not available, a major outboard manufacturer’s brand of NMMA…

  • Page 39: Checking Engine Oil

    FUEL AND OIL IMPORTANT: The use of nondetergent oils, multiviscosity oils (other than Mercury or Quicksilver NMMA FC‑W certified oil or a major brand NMMA FC‑W certified oil), synthetic oils, low quality or oils that contain solid additives are not recommended.

  • Page 40: Fuel And Oil

    Outboard engines can typically handle large amounts of oil dilution without causing durability problems. However, to ensure extended life of the outboard engine, Mercury recommends that the oil and filter be changed regularly following the oil change interval and using the recommended oil quality.

  • Page 41
    FUEL AND OIL 8. Install top cowl.
  • Page 42: Tiller Handle Features

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Tiller Handle Features • A decal on the tiller handle is a quick reference guide for starting a cold or hot engine. • Throttle grip friction knob ‑ Turn the friction knob to set and maintain the throttle at desired speed.

  • Page 43
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS • Tiller handle adjustment knob ‑ Turn the adjustment knob to raise or lower the tiller handle in its operating position. Tiller lock release lever Tiller handle adjustment knob 63082 a. Adjustment knob at the lowest setting. 63908 b.
  • Page 44
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS b. Loosen the 15 mm nut so it is almost completely off. Clamp screw nut Rubber boot 63258 c. Loosen the 6 mm Allen socket head pivot screw. 63259 6 mm Allen socket head pivot screw…
  • Page 45
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS d. Lift the clamp with your fingers and rotate the tiller handle to the desired angle. Clamp Clamp screw nut Center demarcation 63260 e. Tighten the clamp screw nut to the specified torque and install the rubber boot. Description lb‑in.
  • Page 46
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS NOTE: A spare lanyard stop switch clip is stored on the tiller handle. Lanyard stop switch Spare lanyard stop switch clip Lanyard 63083 • Engine stop switch ‑ Push the button in to stop the engine. 63084…
  • Page 47
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS • Throttle grip ‑ Controls the engine speed. Align the throttle grip with the idle mark on the tiller handle when starting or shifting into or out of gear. Twist the throttle grip to increase the engine speed. 63086 •…
  • Page 48: Remote Control Features

    Electric start button (electric start models) Remote Control Features Your boat may be equipped with one of the Mercury Precision or Quicksilver remote controls shown. If not, consult your dealer for a description of the functions and operations of the remote control.

  • Page 49
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS • Throttle only button ‑ The throttle only button allows throttle advancement without shifting the engine. The throttle only button disengages the shifting mechanism from the control handle. The throttle only button can be pressed and held in only when the remote control handle is in the neutral position.
  • Page 50: General Features

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS • After shifting into gear, advance the lever further to increase speed. 58239 General Features • Steering friction adjustment (if equipped) ‑ Adjust this lever to achieve the desired steering friction (drag) on the tiller handle. Move the lever to the starboard to increase the friction, or move the lever to the port to decrease the friction.

  • Page 51: Manual Tilt Features And Operation

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS • Cooling water intake ‑ The outboard water intake for cooling the engine is located on both sides of the gear housing. If overheating is encountered, this area should be inspected first for debris blocking the intake. 63098 Cooling water intake •…

  • Page 52
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS • Tilt pin ‑ Set the vertical operating angle on the outboard. Refer to Setting the Operation Angle of the Outboard. Manual tilt models only Tilt lever Tilt pin 63093 BASIC TILT LEVER OPERATION When operating the outboard in forward gear, the tilt lever must be in the down position.
  • Page 53
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS 4. Take hold of the top cowl grip and tilt the outboard all the way up until it locks in place. 32150 LOWERING OUTBOARD DOWN TO RUN POSITION Position the tilt lever to the locked tilt release position. Raise the outboard slightly to release it from its locked position and gently lower it.
  • Page 54
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS 5. To release the outboard out of shallow water drive, position the tilt lever to the locked tilt release position. Slightly lift up the outboard, and gently lower it down. 32151 SETTING THE OPERATION ANGLE OF THE OUTBOARD The vertical operating angle of your outboard is adjusted by changing the position of the tilt pin.
  • Page 55
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Arrange passengers and load in the boat so the weight is distributed evenly. 15927 Too much angle (stern down ‑ bow up) Not enough angle (stern up ‑ bow down) Angle adjusted properly (bow slightly up) Consider the following lists carefully when adjusting the operating angle of your outboard.
  • Page 56: Power Tilt Features And Operation, If Equipped

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS • In excess, can cause boat porpoising (bouncing) or propeller ventilation Power Tilt Features and Operation, if Equipped POWER TILT Models equipped with power tilt allows the operator to use the tilt switch to adjust the tilt position of the outboard from full down to full up. This tilt system is designed to be adjusted when the engine speed is at idle speed or with the engine turned off.

  • Page 57
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS TILTING THE OUTBOARD TO FULL UP POSITION To tilt the outboard, shut off the engine and press the tilt switch to the up position. The outboard will tilt up until the switch is released or it reaches its maximum tilt position.
  • Page 58
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS SHALLOW WATER OPERATION When operating your boat in shallow water, the outboard can be tilted up to a higher tilt angle. Reduce engine speed to idle for tilting. Operate the outboard at slow speed while tilted up for shallow water operation. Keep the cooling water intake holes submerged in the water and continue to check for water discharge from the water pump indicator.
  • Page 59
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS The adjustment of the tilt‑in stop pins will set the vertical operating angle of your outboard. Proper adjustment allows the boat to run stable, achieve optimum performance, and minimize steering effort. Power tilt models only Tilt‑in stop pins 32192 NOTE: Refer to the following lists when adjusting the operating angle of your outboard.
  • Page 60: Warning System

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Consider the following lists carefully when adjusting the operating angle of your outboard. Adjusting the outboard close to the boat transom can: • Lower the bow • Result in quicker planing off, especially with a heavy load or a stern heavy boat •…

  • Page 61: Operation

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS WARNING SYSTEM OPERATION 10 HP The warning horn will emit either a continuous beep or intermittent short beeps and engine speed will be limited. This will alert the operator and help identify the following listed situations. Warning Function Warning Horn Description…

  • Page 62: Operation

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS If no water is coming out of the water pump indicator hole, or flow is intermittent, stop the engine and check the cooling water intake holes for obstruction. If no obstruction is found, there may be a blockage in the cooling system or a water pump problem.

  • Page 63: Prestarting Check List

    Wash the outboard exterior and flush out the exhaust outlet of the propeller and gearcase with fresh water after each use. Each month, spray Mercury Precision or Quicksilver Corrosion Guard on external metal surfaces. Do not spray on…

  • Page 64: Operating Outboard As An Auxiliary Engine

    OPERATION Operating Outboard as an Auxiliary Engine If the outboard is used as an auxiliary engine, stop the engine and tilt the outboard out of the water when using the main power source. IMPORTANT: The outboard must be restrained from bouncing while operating the boat using the main power source.

  • Page 65
    OPERATION 2. Check the engine oil level. 62881 Oil fill cap Dipstick Oil level operating range NOTICE Without sufficient cooling water, the engine, the water pump, and other components will overheat and suffer damage. Provide a sufficient supply of water to the water inlets during operation. 3.
  • Page 66: Engine Break‑In Procedure

    OPERATION 4. Tiller handle models with manual or electric start, have a quick reference decal on the tiller handle that shows the sequence for starting the engine. Use this quick reference for cold or hot starting. 63078 Quick reference decal Shift lever Throttle grip friction knob Engine Break‑in Procedure…

  • Page 67
    OPERATION 1. Open the fuel tank vent screw on the manual venting type tanks. Fuel cap Manual vent screw Tab lock 46290 2. Position the fuel line primer bulb so the arrow on the side of the bulb is pointing up. Squeeze the fuel line primer bulb several times until it feels firm.
  • Page 68
    OPERATION 4. Verify the shift handle is in the neutral (N) position. 63077 5. Verify the throttle grip is set to the idle position. 63086 6. Manual starting models ‑ Pull the starter rope slowly until you feel the starter engage, then pull rapidly to crank the engine. Allow rope to return slowly.
  • Page 69: Starting The Engine ‑ Remote Control Models

    OPERATION 8. Flooded engine ‑ If the engine will not start, advance the throttle grip slightly and attempt to start the engine. After the engine has started, immediately reduce the throttle speed to idle. 9. Verify the warning light turns off. NOTE: The warning light will remain illuminated for up to five seconds after the outboard starts.

  • Page 70
    OPERATION 1. Open the fuel tank vent screw on the manual venting type tanks. Fuel cap Manual vent screw Tab lock 46290 2. Position the fuel line primer bulb so the arrow on the side of the bulb is pointing up. Squeeze the fuel line primer bulb several times until it feels firm.
  • Page 71
    OPERATION 4. Verify the remote control handle is in the neutral position. 63103 IMPORTANT: Outboards with battery charging capabilities must not be operated with battery cables disconnected from the battery. Damage to the charging system may result. 5. Turn the ignition key to the START position and start the engine. If the engine fails to start in ten seconds, wait 30 seconds and try again.
  • Page 72: Gear Shifting

    OPERATION 7. Check for a steady stream of water flowing out of the water pump indicator. 62870 IMPORTANT: If no water is coming out of the water pump indicator, stop the engine and check the cooling water intake for obstruction. No obstruction may indicate a water pump failure or blockage in the cooling system.

  • Page 73
    OPERATION • Tiller handle models ‑ Your outboard has three gear shift positions to provide operation: forward (F), neutral (N), and reverse (R). When shifting, always stop at the neutral position and allow the engine speed to return to idle. 63077 •…
  • Page 74: Stopping The Engine

    OPERATION Stopping the Engine 1. Remote control models ‑ Reduce the engine speed and shift the outboard to the neutral position. Turn the ignition key to the «OFF» position. 26843 2. Tiller handle models ‑ Reduce the engine speed and shift the outboard to the neutral position.

  • Page 75: Emergency Starting Procedure

    OPERATION Emergency Starting Procedure If the starter system fails, use the tools provided with the engine to remove the recoil assembly to start the engine. Read the following procedure before attempting to remove the recoil assembly. WARNING The neutral‑speed‑protection device is inoperative when starting the engine with the emergency starter rope.

  • Page 76
    OPERATION 3. Lift the neutral interlock cable up and remove the neutral interlock cable tension spring from the recoil housing. 63118 Neutral interlock cable tension spring Neutral interlock cable 4. Remove one long and one medium length screw and washers securing the air box to the engine.
  • Page 77
    OPERATION IMPORTANT: If the air box is rotated too far, or disengages from the throttle body, a hose attached to the air box (hidden in the following illustration) could disengage. This hose must be restored to its original location. If this hose is not restored to its original location, the engine will not operate properly.
  • Page 78
    OPERATION WARNING The exposed moving flywheel can cause serious injury. Keep your hands, hair, clothing, tools, and other objects away from engine when starting or running the engine. Do not attempt to reinstall the rewind starter or top cowl when engine is running. 11.
  • Page 79: Cleaning Care Recommendations

    Record maintenance performed in the Maintenance Log at the back of this book. Save all maintenance work orders and receipts. Selecting Replacement Parts For Your Outboard We recommend using original Mercury Precision or Quicksilver replacement parts and Genuine Lubricants. DO NOT USE CAUSTIC CLEANING CHEMICALS IMPORTANT: Do not use caustic cleaning chemicals on the outboard power package.

  • Page 80: Epa Emissions Regulations

    Compound (92‑859026K 1). EPA Emissions Regulations All new outboards manufactured by Mercury Marine are certified to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, as conforming to the requirements of the regulations for the control of air pollution from new outboard motors. This certification is contingent on certain adjustments set to factory standards.

  • Page 81: Inspection And Maintenance Schedule

    MAINTENANCE EMISSION CERTIFICATION LABEL An emission certification label, showing emission levels and engine specifications directly related to emissions, is placed on the engine at the time of manufacture. EM I SS I O N C O NTR O L Regulated emission M FI 2 0x x I NFO R M ATI O N limit for the engine…

  • Page 82
    MAINTENANCE AFTER EACH USE • Flush the outboard cooling system with fresh water if operating in salt or polluted water. Refer to Flushing the Cooling System. • Wash off all salt deposits and flush out the exhaust outlet of the propeller and gearcase with fresh water if operating in saltwater.
  • Page 83: Flushing The Cooling System

    MAINTENANCE • Check the outboard mounting fasteners that secure the outboard to the boat transom. Tighten the fasteners to the specified torque—dealer service. • Check tightness of bolts, nuts, and other fasteners—dealer service. • Check for loose hose clamps and rubber boots on the air intake assembly —dealer service.

  • Page 84: Top Cowl Removal And Installation

    MAINTENANCE 2. Remove the plug from the flush fitting, and attach a water hose. Turn on the water to half of the maximum flow. 62842 Flush fitting 3. Start the engine and run it at idle speed in neutral shift position. IMPORTANT: Do not run the engine above idle while flushing.

  • Page 85: Battery Inspection

    MAINTENANCE 2. Lift up the rear of the cowl and push it towards the front of the engine to clear the front hook. 63227 INSTALLATION 1. Engage the front hook and position the cowl over the engine. 2. Lock the rear latch. Battery Inspection The battery should be inspected at periodic intervals to ensure proper engine starting capability.

  • Page 86: Fuel System

    MAINTENANCE Fuel System FUEL SYSTEM PRECAUTIONS WARNING Fuel is flammable and explosive. Ensure that the key switch is off and the lanyard is positioned so that the engine cannot start. Do not smoke or allow sources of spark or open flame in the area while servicing. Keep the work area well ventilated and avoid prolonged exposure to vapors.

  • Page 87
    MAINTENANCE 3. Pull the filter assembly—including the rubber mount—off of the mounting bracket on the engine, and swing the assembly over the edge of the engine cowl. 63109 Filter assembly mounting bracket 4. Loosen the threaded drain fitting approximately 2.5 turns and empty the filter bowl’s contents into an approved container.
  • Page 88
    MAINTENANCE FUEL FILTER REPLACEMENT Filter Removal 1. Pull the filter assembly—including the rubber mount—off of the mounting bracket on the engine, and swing the assembly over the edge of the engine cowl. 63109 Filter assembly mounting bracket 2. Remove the rubber mount from the filter assembly. 3.
  • Page 89
    MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT: The filter is secured and sealed to the filter housing with an O‑ring. The O‑ring may remain on the filter housing. The O‑ring should be removed before installing the fuel filter. 63112 Fuel filter Filter Installation 63113 Fuel filter O‑ring seal Fuel filter Red ring Sight bowl O‑ring seal…
  • Page 90
    MAINTENANCE 1. Install the fuel filter O‑ring seal into the fuel filter. Verify the O‑ring does not have any folds or kinks. 63114 2. Lubricate the O‑ring with clean engine oil. 3. Push the fuel filter element onto the filter housing. Verify the filter is completely installed by pushing on the filter in the locations shown in the following illustration.
  • Page 91: Propeller Replacement

    MAINTENANCE 6. Verify the rubber mount is properly aligned with the filter housing and install the rubber mount. 63116 Rubber mount properly aligned 7. Install the filter assembly onto the mounting bracket. 8. Connect the fuel line to the engine and prime the engine fuel system. Inspect the fuel filter area for fuel leaks.

  • Page 92
    MAINTENANCE 2. Shift the outboard into neutral (N). 63077 Tiller handle models 63103 Remote control models 3. Straighten the cotter pin and pull it out using a pair of pliers. 4. Place a block of wood between the gearcase and the propeller to prevent rotation and remove the propeller nut.
  • Page 93
    MAINTENANCE 5. Pull the propeller straight off of the shaft. If the propeller is seized to the shaft and cannot be removed, have the propeller removed by an authorized dealer. 31926 Cotter pin Rear thrust washer Front thrust hub IMPORTANT: To prevent the propeller hub from corroding and seizing to the propeller shaft (especially in saltwater), always apply the recommended lubricant to the entire propeller shaft at the recommended maintenance intervals and also each time the propeller is removed.
  • Page 94: Fuse Replacement ‑ Electric Start Models

    MAINTENANCE 8. Install the propeller, rear thrust washer, and propeller nut onto the shaft. 9. Place a block of wood between the gearcase and the propeller to prevent rotation and tighten the propeller nut to the specified torque. NOTE: If the propeller nut doesn’t align with the propeller shaft hole after tightening, tighten the nut further to align with the hole.

  • Page 95
    MAINTENANCE The voltage regulator circuit and the electric starting circuit are protected from overload by 20‑amp and 15‑amp ATC fuses, respectively. If a fuse opens, try to locate and correct the cause of the overload. If the cause is not found, the fuse may open again.
  • Page 96: Spark Plug Inspection And Replacement

    MAINTENANCE Spark Plug Inspection and Replacement WARNING Damaged spark plug boots may emit sparks that can ignite fuel vapors under the engine cowl, resulting in serious injury or death from a fire or explosion. To avoid damaging the spark plug boots, do not use any sharp object or metal tool to remove the spark plug boots.

  • Page 97: Timing Belt Inspection

    MAINTENANCE Timing Belt Inspection Inspect the timing belt. Replace the belt if any of the following conditions are found: • Cracks in the back of the belt or in the base of the belt teeth • Excessive wear at the roots of the cogs •…

  • Page 98
    MAINTENANCE 1. Position the engine for a full starboard turn. NOTE: For models with kicker straps, temporarily disconnect one end of the port kicker strap. This will allow the engine to be rotated when the engine is in the full tilt position. 2.
  • Page 99
    MAINTENANCE 4. Route the oil filter drain hose into an approved container. 64179 Drain hose storage location Drain hose 5. Remove the oil filter by turning the filter counterclockwise. If necessary, carefully move wires temporarily out of the way, to gain clearance for the oil filter wrench.
  • Page 100
    MAINTENANCE 5. Inspect the drain plug seal and replace it if damaged. Lubricate the seal on the drain plug with oil and install. Tighten to the specified torque. 4537 63034 Description lb‑in. lb‑ft Drain plug 23.7 – 17.5 FILLING THE CRANKCASE WITH OIL IMPORTANT: Do not try to fill the oil level to the top of the operating range (upper hole).
  • Page 101: Corrosion Control Anodes And Continuity Wire

    MAINTENANCE 2. Remove the oil fill cap and add the recommended oil to the midpoint of the oil level operating range. Adding approximately 1.0 liter (1.1 U.S. quart) of oil to an empty crankcase will bring the oil level to the midpoint of the oil level range.

  • Page 102
    MAINTENANCE • One anode is mounted on the starboard side of the midsection, just above the antiventilation plate. A screw and nut secure the anode to the midsection. 62958…
  • Page 103
    MAINTENANCE • One anode is located on the bottom of the lower engine mount. A screw secures it and two continuity wires to the mount. 62942 Anode Screw Continuity wire (from swivel bracket to lower mount) Lubrication fitting Continuity wire (from lower mount to driveshaft housing) •…
  • Page 104: Lubrication Points

    MAINTENANCE Description lb‑in. lb‑ft Anode fasteners – Lubrication Points 1. Lubricate the following with 2‑4‑C with PTFE or Extreme Grease. Tube Ref Description Where Used Part No. Swivel bracket, transom clamp screws, Extreme Grease tilt tube, propeller shaft, steering cable 8M0071842 grease Swivel bracket, transom clamp screws,…

  • Page 105
    MAINTENANCE • Transom clamp screws lubrication fittings. 63285 Tilt tube lubrication fittings Transom clamp screws lubrication fittings • Steering cable lubrication fitting (if equipped) ‑ Steer the outboard to fully retract the steering cable end into the outboard tilt tube. Lubricate the steering cable through the fitting.
  • Page 106: Gearcase Lubricant

    MAINTENANCE • Steering link rod pivot points ‑ Lubricate points. 63287 3. Lubricate the following with Extreme Grease or 2‑4‑C with PTFE. Tube Ref Description Where Used Part No. Extreme Grease Propeller shaft 8M0071842 2-4-C with PTFE Propeller shaft 92-802859A 1 •…

  • Page 107
    Oil that is stabilized will be a clear yellow brown in color. GEARCASE LUBRICANT CAPACITY Approximately 460 ml (15.6 fl oz). GEARCASE LUBRICANT RECOMMENDATION Mercury or Quicksilver Premium or High Performance Gear Lubricant.
  • Page 108: Checking Power Tilt Fluid If Equipped

    MAINTENANCE FILLING THE GEARCASE 1. Place the outboard in a vertical operating position or in the full tilt position. 2. Remove the vent plug from the vent hole. 3. Place the lubricant tube into the fill hole and add lubricant until it appears at the vent hole.

  • Page 109: Submerged Outboard

    MAINTENANCE 2. Remove the fill cap and check the fluid level. The fluid level should be even with the bottom of the fill hole. Add Mercury or Quicksilver Power Trim and Steering Fluid. If not available, use automotive automatic transmission fluid (ATF).

  • Page 110: Storage Preparation

    STORAGE Storage Preparation The major consideration in preparing your outboard for storage is to protect it from rust, corrosion, and damage caused by freezing of trapped water. The following storage procedures should be followed to prepare your outboard for out‑of‑season storage or prolonged storage (two months or longer). NOTICE Without sufficient cooling water, the engine, the water pump, and other components will overheat and suffer damage.

  • Page 111: Protecting Internal Engine Components

    STORAGE • Spray Quicksilver or Mercury Precision Lubricants Corrosion Guard on external metal surfaces (except corrosion control anodes). Tube Ref Description Where Used Part No. Corrosion Guard External metal surfaces 92-802878 55 Protecting Internal Engine Components • Remove the spark plugs and add approximately 30 ml (1 oz) of engine oil or inject a five second spray of storage seal inside of each cylinder.

  • Page 112: Battery Storage

    STORAGE • The port side lower cowl has two bumpers to help reduce damage to the cowl when the engine is stored in the laying down position. Storing the engine on the port side will prevent oil from draining out of the crankcase into the cylinders or crankcase ventilation system.

  • Page 113: Starter Motor Will Not Crank The Engine (Electric Start Models)

    TROUBLESHOOTING Starter Motor Will Not Crank the Engine (Electric Start Models) POSSIBLE CAUSES • Blown 15‑amp fuse in the starting circuit. Refer to Maintenance section. NOTE: Reverse battery connection will blow the 15‑amp fuse. • Outboard is not shifted to neutral position. •…

  • Page 114: Performance Loss

    TROUBLESHOOTING • Fuel pump failure. • Ignition system component failure. Performance Loss POSSIBLE CAUSES • Low oil pressure. Check the oil level. • Warning system activated. • Throttle not fully open. • Damaged or improper size propeller. • Incorrect throttle linkage setup. •…

  • Page 115: Service Assistance

    STOLEN POWER PACKAGE If your power package is stolen, immediately advise the local authorities and Mercury Marine of the model and serial numbers and to whom the recovery is to be reported. This information is maintained in a database at Mercury Marine to aid authorities and dealers in the recovery of stolen power packages.

  • Page 116
    OWNER SERVICE ASSISTANCE RESOLVING A PROBLEM Satisfaction with your Mercury product is important to your dealer and to us. If you ever have a problem, question or concern about your power package, contact your dealer or any authorized Mercury dealership. If you need additional assistance: 1.
  • Page 117: Ordering Literature

    Before ordering literature, have the following information about your power package available: Model Serial Number Horsepower Year UNITED STATES AND CANADA For additional literature for your Mercury Marine power package, contact your nearest Mercury Marine dealer or contact: Mercury Marine Telephone Mail Mercury Marine (920) 929‑5110 (920) 929‑4894…

  • Page 118
    OWNER SERVICE ASSISTANCE Mercury Marine Submit the following Attn: Publications Department order form with payment W6250 Pioneer Road P.O. Box 1939 Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1939 Ship To: (Copy this form and print or type–This is your shipping label) Name…
  • Page 119: Boat Horsepower Capacity

    Some accessories not manufactured or sold by Mercury Marine are not designed to be safely used with your outboard or outboard operating system. Acquire and read the installation, operation and maintenance manuals for all…

  • Page 120: Low Permeation Fuel Hose Requirement

    ENGINE INSTALLATION Low Permeation Fuel Hose Requirement Required for outboards manufactured for sale, sold, or offered for sale in the United States. • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that any outboard manufactured after January 1, 2009, must use low permeation fuel hose for the primary fuel hose connecting the fuel tank to the outboard.

  • Page 121
    ENGINE INSTALLATION INSTALLING OUTBOARD ON TRANSOM WARNING Failure to correctly fasten the outboard could result in the outboard propelling off the boat transom resulting in property damage, serious injury, or death. Before operation, the outboard must be correctly installed with the required mounting hardware.
  • Page 122: Steering Cable Installation

    Description lb‑in. lb‑ft Transom bracket mounting bolts— 13.5 – all models Steering Cable Installation 1. Lubricate the entire cable end with Mercury or Quicksilver 2‑4‑C with PTFE. 28722 Tube Ref Description Where Used Part No. 2-4-C with PTFE Steering cable end 92-802859A 1 2.

  • Page 123: Steering Link Rod Fasteners

    ENGINE INSTALLATION 4. Thread the steering cable seal onto the end of the tilt tube. 63262 Steering cable nut Steering cable seal Description lb‑in. lb‑ft Steering cable nut 47.5 – Steering Link Rod Fasteners IMPORTANT: The steering link rod that connects the steering cable to the engine must be fastened using the steering link rod fastening hardware supplied with the engine.

  • Page 124: Remote Wiring Harness And Control Cable Installation

    ENGINE INSTALLATION Assemble the steering link rod to the engine with bolt, locknut, spacer, and flat washers. Tighten the locknut to the specified torque. 63289 Bolt Flat washer Spacer Nylon insert locknut Steering bracket Nylon insert locknut ‑ tighten until it seats, then back off 1/4 turn Description lb‑in.

  • Page 125
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 3. Loosen, but do not remove the screw that secures the cowl latch to the driveshaft housing covers. 63041 4. Loosen the seven screws that secure the starboard driveshaft cover, and remove the cover. 63039 Installation Install the starboard cover after the shift and throttle cables are installed. 1.
  • Page 126
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 3. Attach the cowl seal. 4. Position the top cowl and secure it with the cowl latch. SHIFT CABLE INSTALLATION Install the cables into the remote control following the instructions provided with the remote control. NOTE: The shift cable is the first cable to move when moving the control box out of neutral.
  • Page 127
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 4. Adjust the cable barrel so the center mark on the cable is aligned with the end guide when the cable barrel is placed in the barrel receptacle. 63123 Bow‑tie retainer Flat washer Shift cable Cable barrel 5. Check shift cable adjustments as follows: a.
  • Page 128
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 1. Verify the throttle actuator timing mark is aligned with the timing mark on the bracket. Adjust the throttle link if necessary to achieve proper alignment. 63126 Throttle against stop Throttle link Timing marks aligned 2. Locate the center point of the slack or lost motion that exists in the throttle cable as follows: a.
  • Page 129
    ENGINE INSTALLATION c. Make a center mark (c), midway between marks (a and b). Align the end guide with this center mark when installing the cable onto the engine. 6098 3. Attach the throttle cable end guide to the throttle lever with a washer and bow‑tie retainer.
  • Page 130
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 6. Install the cable barrel retainer and secure with the screw. Tighten the screw to the specified torque. Cable barrel retainer Screw 63131 Description lb‑in. lb‑ft Screw – REMOTE WIRE HARNESS AND GROMMET INSTALLATION 1. Connect the 14‑pin remote wire harness connector to the engine harness. 63133…
  • Page 131: Changing The Tiller Handle Throttle Grip Rotation

    ENGINE INSTALLATION 2. Install the egress grommet. Throttle cable Shift cable Battery cables 14‑pin harness 63135 3. Install the starboard driveshaft housing cover. Carefully align the egress grommet while installing the driveshaft housing cover. Be certain to tighten all screws to the specified torque. 63136 Description lb‑in.

  • Page 132
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 3. Loosen the nuts securing the throttle cables to the bracket. 64613 Nuts securing the throttle cables to the bracket Flag on top throttle cable 4. Remove the top cable from the bracket and the throttle drum. 64614 Throttle drum Bracket…
  • Page 133
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 5. Remove the lower cable from the throttle drum and bracket. 64615 Lower cable 6. Install the cable with the flag onto the throttle drum lower guide and bracket. 7. Install the cable without the flag onto the throttle drum top guide and bracket.
  • Page 134
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 8. Rotate the throttle grip so the idle alignment mark is to the left of the idle alignment mark on the tiller handle. Idle mark on the tiller handle Throttle grip idle alignment mark 64617 9. Push on the top cable threaded end while observing the tiller handle idle alignment marks.
  • Page 135
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 10. Push on the lower cable threaded end while observing the throttle drum. When the throttle drum moves, the cable is too tight. Apply less tension and thread the lower cable nut that is on the right side up to the bracket. Thread the nut on the left side up to the bracket finger‑tight.
  • Page 136
    ENGINE INSTALLATION 13. Verify the throttle drum idle stop is contacting the idle stop on the bracket when the idle marks on the tiller handle and grip are aligned. 64620 Throttle drum idle stop Idle stop on bracket 14. Rotate the throttle grip to WOT and back to idle several times. The idle marks must be aligned and the throttle drum idle stop must be contacting the idle stop on the bracket.
  • Page 137: Battery Installation ‑ Electric Start Models

    ENGINE INSTALLATION IMPORTANT: There should be a slight amount of cable slack on the upper cable when the throttle is at WOT. 64623 Throttle drum WOT stop and cable slack 16. Rotate the throttle grip to WOT and back to idle several times, checking to ensure the throttle drum stop is contacting the bracket stop.

  • Page 138: Battery Connections

    ENGINE INSTALLATION Battery Connections CONNECTING OUTBOARD BATTERY CABLES First, connect the red battery cable to the (+) positive battery terminal and then connect the black battery cable to the (–) negative battery terminal. DISCONNECTING OUTBOARD BATTERY CABLES First, disconnect the black battery cable from the (–) negative terminal and then disconnect the red battery cable from the (+) positive terminal.

  • Page 139: Maintenance Log

    MAINTENANCE LOG Maintenance Log Record all maintenance performed on your outboard here. Be sure to save all work orders and receipts. Date Maintenance Performed Engine Hours…

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