Miele w classic инструкция по применению на русском

В какие сроки происходит доставка техники Miele?

Товар из наличия доставят завтра в удобное для вас время или передадут в транспортную компанию, в случае отправки товара в другие регионы России. При наличии свободного транспорта возможна доставка в течение 2-5 часов, необходимо уточнить у оператора. Товар под заказ согласовывается дополнительно и в некоторых случаях требует частичную предоплату, обычно срок поставки занимает 1-4 недели.

Мы непрерывно работаем с 2010 года, наш магазин был среди первых официальных фирменных интернет магазинов Miele в России


Откуда бытовая техника? Это оригинал?

Вся техника оригинальная, привозится из Евросоюза и стран СНГ в заводской упаковке и обрешетке для большей безопасности ее сохранности.

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Возможны установка и подключение техники?

Да. Техника будет установлена и подключена специалистами сервисного центра, тарифы подразумевают установку на готовые коммуникации. Все необходимые дополнительные работы согласовываются на месте с мастером.

Где можно посмотреть товары? Есть ли самовывоз?

Ознакомиться с товаром вы можете в нашем магазине на Рублевке, там же находится наш склад, который мы с радостью покажем. Посетив склад, вы сможете лично убедиться в широком ассортименте, качестве товара и его происхождении. При желании можно забрать товар со склада самостоятельно.

Действует ли гарантия на товар?

На все приборы действует гарантия 1 год. При желании за дополнительную плату +5% к стоимости товара, можно приобрести продленную гарантию общим сроком в 2 года. В этот период мы ремонтируем технику Miele за свой счет или меняем ее на новую в случае, если она не подлежит ремонту.

Как можно оплатить товар, и когда внести оплату?

После доставки и приема товара оплату можно совершить наличным средствами или банковской картой (предварительно требуется уведомить оператора для выделения экипажа с терминалом).Так же можно произвести оплату по выставленному банковскому счету (отправка товаров в регионы России осуществляется после полной предоплаты).

Техника в наличии в России или это предзаказ?

На складе в Москве хранится около 1.500 — 2.500 ед техники Miele в наличии. Это позволяет оперативно собирать полноценные комплекты для покупателей. При необходимости так же возможна поставка практически любого товара из ЕС в максимально короткие сроки, 1-4 недели.

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Инструкция по применению Miele W1 Classic

Miele W1 Classic — это классическая отдельностоящая стиральная машина с фронтальной загрузкой. Имеет компактные габариты. Загрузку сухого белья — до 7 кг.

Как начать пользоваться

Подключение стиральной машины Miele Classic W1 производится к стационарной розетке. При этом следует соблюдать определенные условия в электросети. Необходимы:

  • заземление;
  • автомат УЗО;
  • выделенная розетка. Нельзя применять удлинители, сетевые фильтры.

Подключение стиральной машины осуществляется к водопроводному крану с резьбой ¾. Такие работы должны выполнять квалифицированные электрик и сантехник или специалисты сервисной службы Miele.

При первом запуске:

  1. Включите питание стиральной машины, плавно откройте водопроводный кран. Следите за возможными протечками.
  2. Поворотным переключателем выберите режим «‎Хлопок».
  3. Запустите стирку, не загружая вещи в барабан — кнопкой «‎Старт / Стоп».
  4. Через 10 минут (по окончании программы) нажмите кнопку «‎Старт / Cтоп», когда она начнет мигать пульсирующим светом.
  5. Следите за отсутствием протечек в сливе.
  6. Откройте дверцу, дайте барабану просохнуть.

После этого можно начинать пользоваться стиральной машиной Miele Classic W1 и запускать стирку с бельем. В качестве моющих средств используйте порошки и жидкости, разработанные для автоматических стиральных машин. Разделяют несколько видов средств:

  1. Универсальные. Подходят для хлопка, синтетики, смесовых тканей.
  2. Для черных вещей. В виде жидкости — сохраняют цвет, восстанавливают его.
  3. Для цветных тканей.
  4. Для деликатной стирки. Сохраняют структуру вещей из шелка, шерсти.
  5. Кондиционер для белья.

Дозировка моющих средств указана на упаковке. При использовании Miele Classic W1 не применяют отбеливатели с хлором и серой — это может привести к повреждению стиральной машины, коррозии элементов.

Отсек для моющих средств имеет три ячейки:

  • для предварительной стирки;
  • для основной стирки и замачивания;
  • для заливки кондиционера и специальных капсул для стирки.

Периодически проводите чистку машины от бактерий. Для этого 1 раз в месяц запускайте программу стирки при 80-90 градусах. Это предупреждает появление:

  • плесени на резиновых и силиконовых прокладках;
  • неприятного запаха.

Основные функции

Стиральная машина имеет следующие встроенные программы стирки:

  1. Тонкого белья. Из синтетики, смесовой ткани, вискозы.
  2. Шерсти. Свитера и прочие изделия из чистой шерсти или с ее добавлением.
  3. Сорочки. А также блузки — изделия из хлопка и смешанных волокон.
  4. Экспресс. Быстрый цикл стирки для хлопковых изделий с незначительными загрязнениями.
  5. Темные вещи / джинсы. Черное и темное белье из джинсовой или смесовой ткани, хлопка.
  6. Верхняя одежда. Куртки, брюки, в том числе с применением мембранной технологии (например Gore-Tex®).
  7. Пропитывание. Дополнительная обработка вещей из синтетики.
  8. Полоскание. Для деликатных текстильных изделий, которые прошли ручную стирку.

Машина автоматически настраивает температуру и время цикла. При ручной настройке выберите температуру и один из режимов стирки:

  1. Короткая. Для легких загрязнений на текстильных изделиях.
  2. Больше воды. Применение большего объема воды и двух циклов полоскания.
  3. Предварительная. Для удаления сильных загрязнений.
  4. Замачивание. Позволяет удалить сильные жирные и белковые загрязнения, пятна от крови и кофе.
  5. Отжим. Со скоростью до 1400 оборотов в минуту.

По окончании стирки просто достаньте белье из барабана. Забытые вещи при повторной стирке могут окрасить другую ткань или дать усадку.

Для вызова специалиста необходимо позвонить в сервисный центр «РемБытТех» по телефонам (с 8 до 22.00):

+7 (495) 215 – 14 – 41

+7 (903) 722 – 17 – 03

Либо отправить электронную заявку с сайта (в любое время суток). В вашем обращении сообщите, пожалуйста:

  • Марку и модель неисправной машинки.
  • Симптомы неисправного поведения. Например, стиральная машина не открывается, не включается или не забирает стиральный порошок из лотка для моющих средств.
  • Подходяще вам время приезда мастера.
  • Контактные данные: ваши имя, адрес, телефон.

В день ремонта мастер свяжется с вами по указанному в обращении номеру, чтобы согласовать время приезда, удобное для вас.

Если ваша стиральная машина Miele WDA 200 WPM W CLASSIC сломалась, не медлите с ее ремонтом! Чем скорее вы обратитесь к специалистам, тем выше шансы избежать более сложного и дорогого ремонта. В сервисном центре «РемБытТех» вашу заявку на ремонт примут и обработают уже в течение 24 часов после обращения. Наш мастер качественно отремонтирует стиральную машину любого года выпуска с гарантией до 2 лет на работы и новые установленные запчасти.

Miele W1 White Edition Operating Instructions Manual

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Operating instructions

for washing machines

To avoid the risk of accidents or damage to the machine, it is essen-

tial to read these instructions before it is installed and used for the

first time.

en-GB, IE

M.-Nr. 12 029 850


Related Manuals for Miele W1 White Edition

Summary of Contents for Miele W1 White Edition

  • Page 1
    Operating instructions for washing machines To avoid the risk of accidents or damage to the machine, it is essen- tial to read these instructions before it is installed and used for the first time. en-GB, IE M.-Nr. 12 029 850…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Before using for the first time …………….16 Miele@home ………………….17 1. Remove the transit bars ……………… 18 2. Setting up Miele@home ……………… 18 3. Commissioning TwinDos …………….19 4. Starting the calibration programme…………..20 Washing environmentally and economically ……….21 1.

  • Page 3
    Water softeners ………………..45 Dispensing aids ………………..45 Fabric conditioner and liquid starch …………..45 Recommended Miele detergents ……………. 46 Recommended detergents in accordance with Directive (EU) Nr. 1015/2010..47 Cleaning and care ………………… 48 Cleaning the external casing and the control panel ……….48 Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer …………
  • Page 4
    Contents Installation………………….64 Front view ………………….64 Rear view………………….65 Installation surface ………………..66 Transporting the washing machine to its installation site……..66 Removing the transit bars ………………. 67 Fitting the transit bars ………………69 Levelling the machine………………70 Screwing out and adjusting the feet…………… 70 Installing under a continuous worktop …………
  • Page 5
    Contents Networking ………………….86  Remote control ………………… 86  SmartGrid………………… 86  RemoteUpdate ………………… 87 Switching off WiFi………………..88 Copyrights and licences for the communication module……..88 Detergents and care products …………….. 89 Detergent………………….89 Specialist detergents ………………90 Fabric care ………………..91 Additives …………………..
  • Page 6: Caring For The Environment

    / recycling centre for electrical and electronic ap- pliances, or contact your dealer or Miele for advice. You are also respons- ible for deleting any personal data that may be stored on the appliance being disposed of. Please ensure that your old appliance poses no risk to children while being stored prior to disposal.

  • Page 7: Warning And Safety Instructions

    It must be used only as a domestic appliance to wash items which are specified by the manufacturer as being washable on the wash care label. Miele cannot be held liable for damage resulting from in- correct or improper use or operation.

  • Page 8
    Warning and Safety instructions  The washing machine can only be used by people with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience or knowledge, if they are supervised whilst using it or have been shown how to use it safely and recognise and understand the con- sequences of incorrect operation.
  • Page 9
     Faulty components must only be replaced by genuine Miele ori- ginal spare parts. Only when these parts are fitted can Miele guaran- tee the safety standards of the machine.  The electrical socket must be easily accessible after installation so that the machine can be disconnected from the electricity supply if necessary.
  • Page 10
     If the electrical connection cable is faulty it must only be replaced by a Miele authorised service technician to protect the user from danger.  The machine must be isolated from the electricity supply when cleaning and maintaining the machine and in the event of a fault.
  • Page 11
    Warning and Safety instructions Correct use  Do not install the washing machine in a room where there is a risk of frost. Frozen hoses may burst or split. The reliability of the elec- tronic control unit may be impaired at temperatures below freezing point.
  • Page 12
    If, however, you do wish to descale it, only use a proprietary natural citric acid based descaling agent. Miele recommends using Miele descaling agent which is available to order online at www.miele.co.uk or from Miele. Strictly observe the instructions on the packaging.
  • Page 13
     A Miele tumble dryer can be stacked on top of a Miele washing machine using the appropriate stacking kit (available as an optional accessory). Please make sure you order the correct one for the Miele washing machine and Miele tumble dryer.
  • Page 14: Operating The Washing Machine

    Operating the washing machine Control panel             a Control field e Indicator lights The control field consists of a time  Lights up if there are faults af- display and various sensor controls. fecting the water inlet and The individual sensor controls are drainage.

  • Page 15: How The Control Field Works

    Operating the washing machine g Time display i Start/Add laundry sensor control After the programme has started, the  The programme can be started programme duration will appear in as soon as the sensor control the display in hours and minutes. is flashing on and off.

  • Page 16: Before Using For The First Time

    Before using for the first time  Take the two cartridges and the el-  Damage resulting from incorrect bow piece out of the drum. installation and connection. Installing and connecting the wash- ing machine incorrectly will cause serious property damage. See “Installation”.

  • Page 17: Miele@Home

    — a WiFi network Therefore, the availability of featured functions cannot be guaranteed. — the Miele@mobile App — a Miele user account. The user ac- Miele@home availability count can be created via the The ability to use the Miele app de- Miele@mobile App.

  • Page 18: Remove The Transit Bars

    Tip: If the connection has not been set There are 2 ways of connecting: up when the timeout has finished counting down, repeat the process. 1. Via the Miele app (default) 2. Via WPS Logging in via the Miele app  Turn the programme selector to the MobileStart …

  • Page 19: Commissioning Twindos

    Before using for the first time 3. Commissioning TwinDos The TwinDos system can only be oper- ated with the Miele UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 detergent cartridges. It is not possible to use any other detergent in the TwinDos system. The dispensing quantities for UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 are pre-…

  • Page 20: Starting The Calibration Programme

    Before using for the first time Opening the door at the end of the 4. Starting the calibration pro- programme gramme The door remains locked during the For optimum water and energy con- anti-crease phase. The control field sumption and excellent wash results, it lights up for the first 10 minutes.

  • Page 21: Washing Environmentally And Economically

    60 °C programme. The and odours to build up in the washing ECO 40-60 programme is more effi- machine. Miele therefore recommends cient in terms of energy and water cleaning the washing machine once consumption but has a longer run- every month.

  • Page 22: Prepare The Laundry

    1. Prepare the laundry Tip: Stains (e.g. blood, egg, coffee, tea) can be pre-treated using some handy tricks which can be found in the Miele guide to laundry care.  Damage due to solvent-based cleaning agents Cleaning agents containing benzine, stain remover, etc., can damage…

  • Page 23: Select A Programme

    2. Select a programme Switching on the washing ma- 2. Selecting programmes using chine the MobileStart  programme selector position and Miele  Turn the programme selector to a programme. Tip: To use MobileStart , the washing 1. Selecting wash programmes…

  • Page 24: Load The Washing Machine

    3. Load the washing machine Open the door Close the door  Take hold of the door and pull it  Make sure that no items are caught open. between the door and the seal. Check the drum for pets or foreign objects before loading it with laun- dry.

  • Page 25: Select Programme Settings

    4. Select programme settings Selecting a temperature and Selecting Extras spin speed The selection of extras available for the wash programme lights up dimly. The wash programme’s preset tem- perature and spin speed light up brightly. The choice of available tem- peratures and spin speeds for the wash programme light up dimmed.

  • Page 26: Add Detergent

    UltraPhase 1 and UltraPhase 2 single-  Touch the TwinDosWhites sensor use cartridges are available to order control if required. from Miele, your Miele dealer or via the Miele online shop. Deactivating TwinDos dispensing Activating TwinDos dispensing  Touch the brightly lit Twin Dos whites or TwinDos colours sensor control.

  • Page 27: Degree Of Soiling Of The Laundry

    5. Add detergent Degree of soiling of the laundry Replacing detergent cartridges 1. An empty cartridge for compartment There are 3 different degrees of soil- 1 is indicated by the Twin Dos whites ing. sensor control flashing at the start of The quantity of detergent dispensed the programme.

  • Page 28: Detergent Dispenser Drawer

    5. Add detergent Adding fabric conditioner Detergent dispenser drawer Any detergent suitable for automatic front loading washing machines can be used. Please observe the instructions for use and dosage on the detergent packaging. Ensure that TwinDos dispensing is deactivated. Adding detergent …

  • Page 29
    5. Add detergent Tips on dosing Using liquid detergent with a pre- wash Adjust the detergent dosage to the level of soiling of the laundry and the size of Liquid detergent cannot be used for the the load. Reduce the amount of deter- main wash if the pre-wash has been se- gent with smaller loads (e.g.
  • Page 30: Capdosing

    Each capsule contains the correct amount for one wash cycle. Caps are available to order from Miele  Open the lid of the / compart- or from the Miele online shop (see the ment. end of this booklet for contact details). …

  • Page 31
    5. Add detergent The wash programme will dispense the contents of the capsule at the correct time. Water intake to the  compartment is solely via the capsule. Do not add any additional fabric con- ditioner to the  compartment.  Remove the empty capsule at the end of the programme.
  • Page 32: Starting The Programme

    6. Starting the programme Starting a programme Adding laundry during a pro- gramme sequence (AddLoad) Laundry can be added or removed at any time, provided that the  symbol is not illuminated on the control field.  Touch the Start/Add laundry sensor control.

  • Page 33: End Of Programme

    7. End of programme Opening the door and remov- Items left in the drum could discolour ing the laundry other items in the next wash or be- come discoloured themselves. The door remains locked during the Remove all items from the drum. anti-crease phase.

  • Page 34: Spinning

    Spinning Final spin speed in wash pro- Selecting Rinse hold (final spin) grammes  Touch the  sensor control (Rinse hold). When a programme is selected, the sensor control for the optimum spin The laundry is not spun after the final speed for that programme will be rinse and remains in the rinse water.

  • Page 35: Delay Start/Smartstart

     Delay start/SmartStart Starting Delay start Delay start  Touch the flashing Start/Add laundry With the Delay start function, you can sensor control. delay the start of the programme. The Delay start process starts and This function is active when the  counts down on the time display.

  • Page 36
     Delay start/SmartStart Setting the time period SmartStart If the  SmartGrid programming The SmartStart function lets you function is activated, the function of define a time period during which your the  sensor control changes. The washing machine will start automatic- time display no longer shows the ally based on an external signal.
  • Page 37: Programme Chart

    Programme chart ECO 40-60 Max. load 8.0 kg Items For normally soiled cotton garments A laundry load consisting of mixed cottons that are intended for washing at 40 °C or 60 °C can be washed in the same wash cycle. This programme is the most efficient in terms of energy and water consumption for washing cottons.

  • Page 38
    Max. load 2.0 kg Items Wool or wool blend fabric Reduce the spin speed for fabric that creases easily. MobileStart  The Miele app is used for selecting programmes and operating the appliance. Express 20 Cold to 40 °C Max. load 3.5 kg Items…
  • Page 39
    Programme chart Dark garments/Denim Cold to 60 °C Max. load 3.0 kg Items Black and dark items made of cotton, mixed fibre or denim — Wash inside out. — Denim often contains excess dye and may run during the first few washes. Therefore, wash light and coloured items separately. Shirts Cold to 60 °C Max.
  • Page 40: Extra Options

    Extra options You can use the extra options buttons The following extra options to augment the wash programmes. can be selected in addition to the programmes Extras are selected and deselected us- ing the relevant sensors on the control panel. ECO 40-60 –…

  • Page 41: Garment Care Label Symbols

    Garment care label symbols Washing Drying The figure quoted in the bucket is the  Normal temperature maximum temperature at which the  Low temperature garment can be washed.  Do not tumble dry  Normal agitation  Reduced agitation Ironing …

  • Page 42: Programme Sequence

    Programme sequence Main wash Rinses Spinning Water Wash Water Rinses level rhythm level     ECO 40-60 2–3     Cottons     Minimum iron     Delicates Woollens    …

  • Page 43
    Programme sequence Special features in the pro-  = low water level gramme sequence  = medium water level Anti-crease:  = high water level At the end of the programme, the drum  = intensive rhythm continues to turn at intervals for up to 30 minutes to help prevent creasing.
  • Page 44: Changing The Programme Sequence

    Changing the programme sequence Changing a programme (safety Cancelling a programme lock) You can cancel a programme at any time after it has started. A programme, temperature, spin speed or selected options cannot be changed  Turn the programme selector to the once the machine has been success-  position.

  • Page 45: Detergent

    Detergent The correct detergent Dispensing aids All detergents produced for automatic Use dispensing aids, (e.g. balls) if these washing machines are suitable. Follow are supplied with the detergent, particu- the manufacturer’s instructions and larly when using liquid detergent. dosage recommendations on the pack- Refill packs of detergent aging.

  • Page 46: Recommended Miele Detergents

    Detergent Recommended Miele detergents Miele detergents have been specially designed for day-to-day use in Miele wash- ing machines. See “Detergents and care products” for more information about these detergents. Miele Miele single-use capsules UltraPhase 1 and 2   …

  • Page 47: Recommended Detergents In Accordance With Directive (Eu) Nr. 1015/2010

    Detergent Recommended detergents in accordance with Directive (EU) Nr. 1015/2010 The recommendations apply to the temperature ranges given in the Programme chart. Universal Coloureds Delicates and Specialist woollens detergent   ECO 40-60 – –   Cottons – – …

  • Page 48: Cleaning And Care

    Cleaning and care Cleaning the external casing Cleaning the detergent dis- and the control panel penser drawer  Washing at low temperatures and the Risk of electric shock! use of liquid detergent can lead to a Mains voltage is present when the build-up of bacteria in the detergent washing machine is switched off dispenser drawer.

  • Page 49
    Cleaning and care Cleaning the siphon and the / compartment channel Liquid starch results in clogging. If clogged, the siphon in the / compartment will not work and the compartment can overflow. Clean the siphon particularly thor- oughly after using liquid starch a few times.
  • Page 50: Hygiene Info(Cleaning The Drum)

    Cleaning and care  Clean the filter. Hygiene info (Cleaning the drum)  Reassemble in reverse order. Washing at low temperatures and/or us- Cleaning the filter in the inlet valve ing liquid detergent can cause bacteria  Using pliers, carefully loosen the and unpleasant odours to build up in ribbed plastic nut on the inlet valve the washing machine.

  • Page 51: Twindos Maintenance

    To clean the system, you need a  Touch the  sensor control. “TwinDosCare” cleaning cartridge, which is available  will light up on the time display. from www.shop.miele.com.  Confirm with the Start/Add laundry The washing machine has a cleaning sensor control. programme for the TwinDos system.

  • Page 52: Problem Solving Guide

    Problem solving guide Many malfunctions and faults that can occur in daily operation can be easily remedied. Time and money will be saved because a service call will not be needed. The following guide may help you to find the reason for a malfunction or a fault, and to correct it.

  • Page 53: The Programme Is Cancelled And A Fault Indicator Light Lights Up In The Control Panel

     Wait at least 2 minutes before reconnecting the washing machine to the electricity supply.  Switch the washing machine on again.  Restart the programme. If the fault message appears again, contact the Miele Customer Service Department.

  • Page 54: During The Programme Sequence, A Symbol Appears In The Time Display

     programme is selected.  lights up in the time Miele@home is not set up. display when the Mo-  Network the washing machine; see “Before using bileStart  programme for the first time – 2. Setting up Miele@home”. is selected.

  • Page 55: At The End Of The Programme, An Indicator Light Lights Up In The Control Panel

    (see “Installation – Levelling the ma- chine”).  Check whether the maximum drainage head height of 1 m has been exceeded. If the fault message appears again, contact the Miele Customer Service Department. The washing machine can still be used, but without the Pre-ironing extra.

  • Page 56: Messages Or Faults With The Twindos System

    Twin Dos whites or TwinDos colours sensor control was activated.  Start another programme with TwinDos dispens- ing.  If detergent is still not dispensed, call the Miele Customer Service Department. A new detergent cart- The washing machine was switched off when the de- ridge has been inserted, tergent cartridge was replaced.

  • Page 57: General Problems With The Washing Machine

     In order to prevent bacteria and unpleasant odours building up in the washing machine, run the Cot- tons 90 °C programme using Miele machine cleaner or a multi-purpose powder detergent. The door and the detergent drawer were closed after washing.

  • Page 58
    Problem solving guide General problems with the washing machine Problem Cause and remedy Large amounts of deter- The water pressure is too low. gent residue remain in  Clean the water inlet filter. the detergent dispens-  Please note that the water pressure must be at ing drawer.
  • Page 59: An Unsatisfactory Wash Result

    They do not remove fruit, coffee and tea result. stains.  Use the Miele 2 Phase System. The targeted addi- tion of UltraPhase 2 during the wash process re- moves stains effectively.  Use a general purpose powder detergent contain- ing a bleaching agent.

  • Page 60: The Door Will Not Open

    Problem solving guide The door will not open Problem Cause and remedy The door cannot be The drum is locked during a programme. pulled open during a  Follow the description in “5. Starting a programme programme. – Adding or removing laundry”. After the programme is For safety reasons the drum door cannot be opened cancelled, flashing bars…

  • Page 61: Opening The Door In The Event Of A Blocked Drain Outlet And/Or Power Cut

    Problem solving guide Draining the washing machine Opening the door in the event of a blocked drain outlet and/ Remove the drain filter, though not or power cut completely.  Switch off the washing machine.  Place a suitable container under the access panel, e.g.

  • Page 62
    Problem solving guide Open the door  Danger of injury due to rotating drum! Reaching into a moving drum is ex- tremely dangerous. Always make sure that the drum is stationary before reaching in to re- move laundry.  Clean the drain filter thoroughly. …
  • Page 63: Service

    In the event of any faults which you Optional spare parts and accessories cannot remedy yourself, please contact for this washing machine are available your Miele dealer or the Miele Customer from your Miele Dealer, the Miele Spare Service Department. Parts Department or via the internet at www.miele.co.uk.

  • Page 64: Installation

    *INSTALLATION* Installation Front view a Water inlet hose (pressure tested to e Detergent dispenser drawer 7000 kPa) f Door b Mains connection cable g Access to drain filters, drain pumps c Flexible drain hose (with detachable and emergency release swivel elbow) h Access panel for TwinDos cartridges d Control panel i Four height-adjustable feet…

  • Page 65: Rear View

    *INSTALLATION* Installation Rear view a Drain hose e Water inlet hose (pressure tested to 7000 kPa) b Transport clips for inlet and drain f Safety caps for transit bars hoses and mains connection cable c Mains connection cable g Transport clips for inlet and drain hoses and for storing transit bars d Protruding lid for holding when mov- when not in use…

  • Page 66: Installation Surface

    (concrete or brick), in order to ensure it cannot fall or slip. Secure the washing machine using a clamp/fastening bracket (MTS floor mounting kit – available from your Miele dealer or Miele spare parts de- partment).

  • Page 67: Removing The Transit Bars

    *INSTALLATION* Installation Removing the right-hand transit bar Removing the transit bars Removing the left-hand transit bar  Push the cover out and turn the left- hand transit bar 90° using the span-  Push the cover out and turn the left- ner supplied.

  • Page 68
    *INSTALLATION* Installation Covering holes Securing the transit bars  Risk of injury from sharp edges. There is a risk of injury from reaching into holes that are not covered. Cover the holes for the transit bars after they have been removed. …
  • Page 69: Fitting The Transit Bars

    *INSTALLATION* Installation Fitting the transit bars Opening the covers  Press against the retainer with a sharp object (a narrow screwdriver, for example). The cover opens. Fitting the transit bars  To fit the bars, follow the instructions for removing them in reverse order. Tip: The bars will slide in more easily if you lift the drum slightly.

  • Page 70: Levelling The Machine

    *INSTALLATION* Installation Levelling the machine The washing machine must stand per- fectly level on all four feet to ensure safe and proper operation. Incorrect installation may increase elec- tricity and water consumption and may cause the machine to move about. Screwing out and adjusting the feet The four adjustable screw feet are used for levelling the washing machine.

  • Page 71: Installing Under A Continuous Worktop

    *INSTALLATION* Installation Installing under a continuous work- Washer-dryer stack The washing machine can be combined with a Miele tumble dryer in a washer-  Risk of electric shock due to ex- dryer stack. The appropriate “WTV” posed cables stacking kit* to match your dryer is re- There is a risk of coming into contact quired.

  • Page 72: The Water Protection System

    *INSTALLATION* Installation The water protection system Connection to the water supply The Miele water protection system pro-  Health risk and risk of damage tects all parts of the washing machine due to contaminated incoming water. from water damage. The quality of the incoming water…

  • Page 73
    *INSTALLATION* Installation Maintenance Only use a genuine Miele hose that has been pressure tested to withstand at least 7,000 kPa should you ever need a replacement.  Damage caused by dirty water. A filter is located in the open end of…
  • Page 74: Water Drainage

    If required, the hose can be extended to a length of up to 5 m. Accessories are available from Miele or from your Miele dealer. For a delivery head of more than 1 m (up to a max. of 1.8 m) a replacement drain pump will need to be fitted.

  • Page 75: Electrical Connection

    Miele product must also be maintained  Risk of fire from overheating. in isolated operation or in operation that…

  • Page 76: Technical Data

    Technical data Height 850 mm Width 596 mm Depth 643 mm Depth with door open 1077 mm Height for building under 850 mm Width for building under 600 mm Weight Approx. 90 kg Capacity 8.0 kg dry laundry Supply voltage See data plate Rated load See data plate Fuse rating See data plate Consumption data…

  • Page 77: Eu Conformity Declaration

    UK Conformity declaration Miele hereby declares that this washing machine complies with UK Radio Equip- ment Regulations 2017, as amended. The complete text of the UK declaration of conformity is available from one of the following internet addresses: — Products, Download from www.miele.co.uk…

  • Page 78: Consumption Data

    Consumption data…

  • Page 79: Programmable Functions

    Programmable functions Programmable functions The programmable functions are used to alter the machine’s electronics to  Keypad tone suit changing requirements. Program-  PIN code mable functions can be altered at any  Control field switch-off behaviour time.  Memory The programming is carried out in eight …

  • Page 80: Editing And Saving A Programmable Function

    Programmable functions  Confirm the chosen selection with Editing and saving a program- the Start/Add laundry sensor control. mable function The number of the programmable func- You can either switch a programmable tion, e.g. , will then light up again. function on/off or select different op- tions.

  • Page 81: Lock Code

    Programmable functions  Lock code  Control panel switch-off status The lock code prevents the washing machine being used without your To save energy the time display and knowledge. sensors will go out after 10 minutes, and only the Start/Add laundry sensor When the code has been activated, you will flash slowly.

  • Page 82: Memory

     Longer pre-wash Cottons The boiling point for water is lower at If you require a longer pre-wash you high altitudes. In order to avoid water boiling, Miele recommend activating can extend the pre-wash time. the reduce temperature setting at alti- Options tudes of more than 2000 m above sea…

  • Page 83: Maximum Rinse Level

    Programmable functions  Maximum rinse level  Anti-crease The water level in the rinse cycle can The anti-crease function helps prevent be permanently set to the highest creasing if laundry is not going to be value. removed immediately after the end of the programme.

  • Page 84: Backlight Brightness Dimmed

    Programmable functions  Backlight brightness  UltraPhase 1 dispensing dimmed quantity The brightness of the dimmed sensors The dispensing quantity is preset to in the control panel can be set to one 58 ml at the factory (water hardness of seven different levels. level II).

  • Page 85: Twindos Maintenance

    Programmable functions  TwinDos maintenance  Degree of soiling The washing machine has a cleaning The quantity of detergent dispensed programme for the TwinDos system. via TwinDos and the quantity of water Running the cleaning programme will required for rinsing depend on factors clean the hoses inside the washing including the degree of soiling.

  • Page 86: Networking

     SmartGrid You can set your washing machine to  Remote control start automatically based on an ex- You can use the Miele app to check ternal signal within a certain time period. the status of your washing machine from anywhere and start it remotely.

  • Page 87: Remoteupdate

    If you do not install an update, you can tion manually. Deactivate RemoteUp- continue to use your washing machine date if you do not want any updates to in the usual way. However, Miele re- be downloaded automatically. commends installing updates. Options Running a RemoteUpdate …

  • Page 88: Switching Off Wifi

    The next time you switch on the wash- tected by copyright. The copyrights ing machine, you will be prompted to held by Miele and third parties must be start the update again. respected. Switching off WiFi Furthermore, this communication mod- …

  • Page 89: Detergents And Care Products

    — Best results at 20/30/40/60/95 °C this washing machine. All the products — Radiant white laundry thanks to have been designed for Miele washing powerful formula with active oxygen machines. — Excellent stain removal even at low…

  • Page 90: Specialist Detergents

    — For down-filled items — Visibly renews fabric with just one wash — Retains the elasticity and breathabil- ity of down — Special Miele formula with No- vozymes technology — Lanolin for effective cleaning and gentle care — Removes pilling and renews colour…

  • Page 91: Fabric Care

    Detergents and care products Fabric care  Machine care These fabric care products are available TwinDosCare as convenient single-use capsules. — Cleaning agent for the TwinDos dis- Fabric conditioner cap pensing system — Fabric conditioner for freshly scented — Use before a prolonged downtime (at laundry least 2 months) — Pure and thorough cleanliness with a…

  • Page 95
    United Kingdom Miele Co. Ltd., Fairacres, Marcham Road, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 1TW Tel: 0330 160 6600, Internet: www.miele.co.uk/service, E-mail: info@miele.co.uk Australia Ireland South Africa Miele Australia Pty. Ltd. Miele Ireland Ltd. Miele (Pty) Ltd. ACN 005 635 398 2024 Bianconi Avenue…
  • Page 96
    WWD 660 en-GB, IE M.-Nr. 12 029 850 / 00…

инструкцияMiele WDB 030 WCS W1 Classic

Operating instructions

for washing machines

To avoid the risk of accidents or damage to the machine, it is essential

to read these instructions before it is installed and used for the first time.

en-GB M.-Nr. 10 834 350

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При какой температуре следует стирать одежду?

Стоит ли использовать средство для удаления накипи при стирке в стиральной машине?

Как предотвратить появление неприятного запаха в стиральной машине?

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