Mindeo cs2x90bt инструкция на русском

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для сканеров Mindeo

ВНИМАНИЕ! Модель и модификация сканера чувствительны к версии прошивки и приложения.

Сканер может быть поврежден в случае использования некорректного файла, гарантийный ремонт в этом случае не осуществляется.

Перед загрузкой ПО/перепрошивкой сканера проверьте, что загружаете соответствующую вашей модели сканера версию прошивки/приложения.

Mindeo MS3690
Для модели MS3690 нельзя использовать файлы от модели MS3690 Mark,
для модели с Bluetooth нельзя использовать прошивку WiFi и наоборот, для модели с 1D прошивку от 2D (и наоборот).

Mindeo MD6600 и MP725
Для модели MD6600 нельзя использовать прошивку от MD6600S, для MP725 от MP725S (и наоборот).
Прошивки для модификаций сканеров с индексом «S» имеют следующую маску Модель сканера_APP_V2.х.х_Release.bin.

Ознакомьтесь с отличиями модификаций сканеров MD6600 / 6600S и MP725 / 725S.
Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть.

При нарушении указанной в руководстве процедуры при самостоятельном обновлении пользователем встроенного программного обеспечения (перепрошивки) возможно повреждение устройства.
В этом случае его ремонт производится на платной основе.

Обновление «прошивки» сканера MINDEO MD6600

Обновление «прошивки» сканера MINDEO CS2290

Серия Mindeo MD6600

Дата обновления прошивки: 13.07.2021

Серия Mindeo MD6600S

Дата обновления прошивки: 06.04.2023

Серия Mindeo MP725

Дата обновления прошивки: 17.09.2020

Серия Mindeo MP725S

Дата обновления прошивки: 01.11.2022

Серия Mindeo MP86XX

Дата обновления прошивки: 25.05.2023

Серия Mindeo CS2290BT

Данная прошивка совместима только с Bluetooth версией CS2290 с прошивками версий _APP_V2.х.х_Release.bin
Визуально проверить поколение (модификацию) CS2290 можно аналогичным MD6600 способом – лампы подсветки для версии «S» будут ниже фотолинзы

Дата обновления прошивки: 24.02.2022

Утилита для перепрошивки сканеров серий Mindeo MD и MP

Дата обновления прошивки: 03.06.2019

Прошивки и утилита для серии Mindeo MS3690 (CITYSOFT Lite) *

Дата обновления прошивки: 20.07.2022

* Обратите внимание! Прошивка, утилита и инструкция по прошивке для серий Mindeo MS3690 и Mindeo MS3690 Mark содержатся в составе дистрибутива CTsoft Lite.


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CS2290&CS2290-BT Cordless Image

Scanner User Manual

Version: CS2290&CS2290-BT_UM_EN_V1.2.3



Make sure you carefully read the following information to ensure that your barcode scanner is able to

perform at the level for which it is designed.

1) All software, including firmware, furnished to the user is on a licensed basis.

2) The right is reserved to make changes to any software or product to improve reliability, function, or


3) The material in this manual is subject to change without notice.

4) The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise

from the use of this manual.

5) A standard kit contains: a handheld unit, a cradle, a USB cable, and a CDROM (containing software

and electrical manuals).

6) Do not throw or drop the scanner or otherwise subject it to strong impact, which can damage the

scanner, interrupt program execution, corrupt memory contents, or otherwise interfere with proper


7) Use a blunt object to operate the stroke keys. Use of a sharp pointed object can damage stroke

keys and cause shorting of internal circuitry.

8) Do not remove the battery from the barcode scanner before you read the instructions carefully.

9) Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to form on the scanners case. Operating

the scanner while condensation is present can interfere with proper operation. Take care to avoid

conditions that cause the formation of condensation. If condensation does form, wait until it dries

completely before using the scanner.

10) If multiclusters are working in the same area, it is strongly recommended that different radio

frequency channel numbers are applied to different clusters. While setting up, only the radio

frequency channel number of the first handheld unit of a single cluster is required to be set. When

the first handheld unit binds to the cradle, the cradle will automatically obtain the radio frequency

channel number of the handheld unit. The consecutive joined handheld units will automatically

obtain the radio frequency channel number of the cradle.

11) In order to obtain constantly good communication quality, when in multiclusters working mode, the

physical space between two cradles is required to be at least 2 meters.

12) In order to obtain constantly good communication quality, it is recommended to place the cradle on a

higher location, generally more than 1 meter above the ground. If working outdoor, the higher

location the better.

NoteArticle 10 and 11 are only for CS2290


Safety precautions Danger!

Be sure to read the following safety precautions carefully before trying to use the barcode scanner for

the first time. Keep this manual in handy place for future reference.

1) Never allow the battery to become wet. Water can create the danger of battery heat emission,

explosion, and fire.

2) Never use or leave the battery next to open flame, near a stove, or any other area exposed to

high heat. Doing so creates the danger of battery heat emission, explosion, and fire.

3) Never use the battery with any device other than this unit. Doing so can creates the danger of

battery heat emission, explosion, and fire.

4) Note that the batterys positive (+) and negative () terminals must be oriented correctly when it is

loaded into the Barcode Scanner. Connecting the battery with its terminals reversed creates the

danger of battery fluid leakage, heat emission, explosion, and fire.

5) Never dispose of the battery by incinerating it or otherwise expose it to heat. Doing so creates the

danger of battery heat emission, explosion, and fire.

6) Never allow the positive (+) and negative (

) terminals of the battery to become connected

(shorted) by metal. Doing so create the danger of battery heat emission, explosion, and fire.

7) N

ever transport or store the battery together with a necklace, hair pins or other metal objects.

Doing so can short battery terminals, and create the danger of battery heat emission, explosion

and fire. Be sure to place the battery in its case whenever transporting or storing it.

8) Never throw the battery or otherwise subject it to strong impact. Dong so creates the danger of

battery heat emission, explosion, and fire.

9) Never pierce the battery with nails, hit it with a hammer, or step on it. Doing so can create the

danger of battery heat emission, explosion, and fire.

10) Never try to take apart the battery in any way. Doing so creates the danger of battery heat

emission, explosion, and fire.

11) Use only the specified charger to charge the battery. Use of other types of charger creates the

danger of battery heat emission explosion, and fire.


Safety precautions Warning!

Disassembly and modification

Never try to disassemble or modify the unit in any way. High voltage inside creates the danger of

electrical shock.

Interior parts and components

Never touch interior high

voltage parts or components. Doing so creates the danger of electrical


Should the unit become hot or start to emit smoke or a strange odor, immediately turn off the power

and contact your original dealer. Continued use creates the danger of fire and electrical shock.

Should any foreign matter ever get into the unit, immediately turn off the power and contact your

original dealer. Continued use creates the danger of fire and electrical shock.

Should you drop the unit and damage it, immediately turn off the power and contact your original

dealer. Continue use creates the danger of fire and electrical shock.

Never look directly into the laser beam. Doing so can cause serious eye damage.

1) Do not put a battery in microwave ovens or pressure cookers. Doing so may cause the battery to

overheat, explode or burst into flames.

2) Do not use a battery that smells strange, is overheating, is a strange color, or is a strange shape.

Doing so may cause the battery to overheat, explode or burst into flames.

3) If the amount of time period the battery can serve becomes considerably short, stop using it. It

may indicate the possibility of a malfunction in the battery. Continued charging the battery creates

the danger of heat emission, explosion, and fire.

4) Stop charging the battery after the recommended time even if it is not fully charged. Continuing to

charge the battery may cause the battery to over heat, explode or burst into flames.

5) If the battery leaks fluid or emits a strange smell, remove it from near heat or flames. Burning may

cause the battery to explode or burst into flames. Should fluid from the battery accidentally get

into your eyes, do not rub them. Immediately rinse your eyes with clean water such as tap water

and then consult a physician immediately.


Cradle with RS232 cable and adaptor

1) Power the cradle only with a power outlet whose voltage matches that marked on the adaptor

specified in this manual.

2) Avoid conditions that can cause damage or breaks in the power cord. D

objects on the power cord. Keep it away from sources of heat. Any of these conditions can

damage the power cord, creating the danger of fire and electrical shock.

3) Never modify, sharply bend, twist, or pull on the power cord. Doing so creates the danger of fire

and electrical shock.

4) Use only the AC/DC adaptor and charger specified in this manual. Use of other AC/DC adaptor

models or chargers creates the danger of fire and electrical shock.

5) Should the power cord ever become severely damaged, contact your original dealer. Use of a

damaged electrical cord creates the danger of fire and electrical shock.

Keep the Basic Unit and the Barcode Scanner away from vases, planters, cups, glasses and other

containers of liquid. Also keep it away from metal. Water and metal getting into the unit creates the

danger of fire and electrical shock.


Safety precautions Caution!

Take care to ensure that metal or combustible objects are not inserted into the openings of the unit.

Such objects create the danger of fire and electrical shock.

1) Do not locate the unit on a surface that is unstable or uneven. Doing so creates the danger of the

unit falling, which can cause personal injury.

2) Do not locate the unit in an area subjected to large amounts of humidity or dust. Doing so creates

the danger of fire and electrical shock.

3) Do not leave the unit for long periods in a car parked in direct sunlight.

Never place heavy objects on top of the unit. Doing so creates the risk of a loss of balance and the

object falling, which can cause personal injury.

1) Never apply strong pressure to the mirror or subject it to strong impact. Doing so can crack the

mirror and create the danger of personal injury.

2) Should the mirror ever break, never touch the mirror broken. Doing so can cause personal injury.


1) Never leave the battery in an area expose to direct sunlight, in a car parked in direct sunlight, or

any other very hot area. D

oing so creates the danger of heat emission and fire, as well as

deterioration of battery performance and shortening of its service life.

2) Do not use the battery in areas where static electricity is being generated. Doing so creates the

danger of battery heat emission, explosion, and fire.

3) Temperature ranges for battery use, charging and storage are specified below. Temperatures

outside these ranges create the danger of deterioration of battery performance and shortening of

its service life as well as fluid leakage and heat generation.

4) Operating Temperature: 20 to 60.

5) Charging Temperature: 0 to 45.

6) Storage Temperature: 20 to 45.

7) Should fluid from the battery accidentally get onto clothing or your skin, immediately rinse it off

with clean tap water. Prolonged contact with battery fluid can cause skin irritation.

8) Keep the battery out of the reach of small children. Do not let small children remove the battery

from the charger or the unit it is powering.

Cradle with RS232 cable and adaptor

1) Keep the power cord away from stoves and other sources of extreme heat. Heat can melt the

insulation of the power cord and create the danger of fire and electrical shock.

2) Never pull on the power cord when unplugging it. Doing so can damage the cord and create the

danger of personal injury, fire and electrical shock. Always hold onto the pug when unplugging it

from the wall outlet.

3) Never touch the plug while your hands are wet. Doing so can create the danger of electrical


4) Be sure to unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before moving the Basic Unit. Failure to do

so can result in damage to the power cord caused by pulling it, which creates the danger of fire

and electrical shock.

5) Be sure to unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before cleaning the Basic Unit and charger.

6) Be sure to turn the power off and unplug the power cord after use.

7) Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet and clean the area around the plugs at least once a

year. I

f dust collects on the AC/DC adaptor, humidity or moisture may cause a fault in the

insulation, which may result in a fire.



1 Specifications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

1-1 Technical specifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

1-2 Default setting for each barcode ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

2 Get started ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

2-1 Cable connector pinouts descriptions for cradle ………………………………………………………………….. 4

2-2 Dimensions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

2-3 Parts of the scanner …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

2-4 Charge battery …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

2-5 Installation of cradle………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

2-5-1 PS/2 keyboard cable ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

2-5-2 USB cable …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

2-5-3 RS232 cable …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

3 Progamming menus ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

3-1 Example 1: Singleparameter setting by scanning 1D barcodes …………………………………………….. 9

3-2 Example 2: Multipleparameter setting by scanning a QR code barcode ………………………………. 10

3-3 CS2290 Wireless communication setting …………………………………………………………………………… 11

3-3-1 Wireless communication setting for handheld unit …………………………………………………………. 11

3-3-2 example ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

3-4 CS2290BT Wireless communication setting ……………………………………………………………………… 16

3-4-1 example ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16

3-5 Batch data mode ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17

3-6 Keyboard wedge interface for cradle ………………………………………………………………………………… 18

3-7 RS232 interface for cradle ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

3-8 USB interface for cradle ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24

3-9 Handheld scan & some global settings ……………………………………………………………………………… 27

3-10 Indication for handheld unit ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 32

3-11 Decode illumination and decode aiming pattern ……………………………………………………………….. 33

3-12 Single type of barcode read …………………………………………………………………………………………… 35

3-13 DPM, Multiple symbols, Structured append read, etc. ……………………………………………………….. 36

3-14 UPC-A…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 38

3-15 UPC-E…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40

3-16 UPCE1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 42

3-17 EAN13 (ISBN/ISSN) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44

3-18 EAN-8 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46

3-19 Code 39 (Code 32, Trioptic Code 39) ……………………………………………………………………………… 48

3-20 Interleaved 2 of 5 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 51

3-21 Industrial 2 of 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53

3-22 Matrix 2 of 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 54

3-23 Codabar ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 55

3-24 Code 128 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 57

3-25 UCC/EAN 128 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59

3-26 ISBT 128 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61

3-27 Code 93 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 62

3-28 Code 11 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 63

3-29 MSI/Plessey …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 65

3-30 UK/Plessey ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67

3-31 China Post …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 68

3-32 China Finance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69

3-33 GS1 DataBar (GS1 DataBar Truncated) ………………………………………………………………………….. 71

3-34 GS1 DataBar Limited ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 72

3-35 GS1 DataBar Expanded ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73

3-36 PDF417……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 74

3-37 MicroPDF417 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 75

3-38 QR Code ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 76

3-39 Data Matrix ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 77

3-40 Aztec Code ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 78

3-41 G1G6 & C1C2 & FN1 substitution string setting …………………………………………………………….. 79

3-42 G1G4 string position & Code ID position ………………………………………………………………………… 83

3-43 String transmission ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 84


4 Test barcode symbols …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 87

5 Maintenance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 91

6 ASCII Table …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 92

7 Barcode representing nonprintable character ……………………………………………………………………. 93

8 Return default parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 94

8-1 CS2290 return default parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………. 94

8-2 CS2290BT return default parameters ………………………………………………………………………………. 95

9 Display firmware version & radio communication setting ……………………………………………………. 96

9-1 CS2290 display firmware version & radio communication setting …………………………………………. 96

9-2 CS2290BT display firmware version ………………………………………………………………………………… 97

10 Configuration alphanumeric entry barcode ……………………………………………………………………….. 98


1 Specifications

1-1 Technical specifications

Handheld unit

CS2290 CS2290BT

Radio Link

434.7 MHz

with adaptive frequency hopping

2.42.5GHz, Bluetooth 4.0, Class 2

100 meters (open air); 30 meters (open air)

Dimensions Length × Width × Depth: 90.2 × 70 × 180 mm

225 g

Color Gray

Indicator LED, Beeper, Vibrator

Operating Mode Handheld

Manual (reading special barcode)

Program Upgrade Using Flash Utility software, while a cradle unit is required.

Input Voltage 5 ± 0.25 VDC

Current 20 mA (standby), 350 mA (scanning)

Battery 2600 mAh Lithiumion battery

Charge Time 6 hours

Standby Time 6.5 days

Working Time 70 hours (1 scan per 5 seconds)

Image Size 1280 × 800 pixels

Field of View Horizontal: 42°, vertical: 26.5°

Scanning Angle ±70°, ±75°, 360° (Skew, Pitch, Roll)

Print Contrast 20% minimum reflectance difference

Decoding Capability



8, ISBN (Bookland EAN), ISSN,

Code 39, Code 39 full ASCII, Code 32, Trioptic Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5,

Industrial 2 of 5, Matrix 2 of 5, Codabar (NW7), Code 128, UCC/EAN 128,

ISBT 128, Code 93, Code 11 (USD8), MSI/Plessey, UK/Plessey, China Post,

China Finance, GS1 DataBar (formerly RSS) variants


PDF417, MicroPDF417, QR code, DataMatrix, Aztec Code


HD: 1D (Code 39): 3 mil, 2D (QR): 5 mil

SR: 1D (Code 39): 4 mil, 2D (PDF417): 6.7 mil

Decoding Depth

Standard range

series (SR)

3 mil Code39 (3 chars) 10 mm 61 mm /

4 mil Code 128 (9 chars) 5 mm 88 mm 55 mm 106 mm

5 mil Code39 (3 chars) 0 mm – 108 mm 43 mm 141 mm

10 mil Code39 (3 chars) 0 mm 167 mm 0 mm 310 mm

13 mil UPC (6 chars) 0 mm 179 mm 0 mm 335 mm

20 mil Code39 (1 char) 10 mm 253 mm 8 mm 480 mm

5 mil QR (40 chars) 7 mm 65 mm /

6.7 mil PDF417 (20 chars) 0 mm 105 mm 37 mm 145 mm


10 mil QR (20 chars) 0 mm 134 mm 0 mm 168 mm

20 mil QR (20 chars) 0 mm 215 mm 0 mm 345 mm


0° to 50°C (32° to 120°F), operating

40° to 60°C (40° to 140°F), storage

Humidity 5% to 95% (noncondensing)


Electrical Safety: EN609501

Photobiological Safety: EN62471:2008

Illumination: 0~100,000 LUX

Protection Class: IP51

Drop Resistance: Withstands multiple 1.5 m (5 ft.) drops to concrete

Note: Test condition: temperature at 27°C, sunny day, and visibility of 5 kilometers. Natural

surroundings significantly affect the communication distance in practice. The distance drops quickly in

the rainy, highhumidity, or heavy haze day; radio interference also shortens the communication



Input Voltage 5 ± 0.25 VDC

Current 60 mA (working), 500 mA (charging)

Cable Straight 2.0 m (PS/2) / Straight 1.5 m (USB) / Straight 2.0 m (RS232 )

Dimensions Length × Width × Depth: 118 × 89.5 × 74 mm

Weight 140 g (without cable)

Indicator LED

Manual (reading special barcode)

Program Upgrade PC online using Flash Utility software.


0° to 50°C (32° to 120°F), operating

40° to 60°C (40° to 140°F), storage

Humidity 5% to 95% (noncondensing)

Drop Resistance Unit functions normally after repeated 1.5 m (5 ft.) drops to concrete


1-2 Default setting for each barcode

Code type Read

enable Check digit

verification Check digit





code ID

UPC-A (12)2 A ]Em

UPC-E (8)2 D ]Em

UPCE1 (8)2 D ]Em

EAN13 (13)2 A ]Em

EAN-8 (8)2 C ]Em

ISBN (Bookland EAN)

/ ISSN1 (13)2 B ]Em

Code 39 1 M ]Am

Interleaved 2 of 5 6 I ]Im

Industrial 2 of 5 4 H ]Im

Matrix 2 of 5 6 X ]Im

Codabar 4 N ]Fm

Code 128 1 K ]Cm

ISBT 128 1 K ]Cm

Code 93 1 L ]Gm

Code 11 4 V

MSI/Plessey 4 O ]Mm

UK/Plessey 1 U ]Mm

UCC/EAN 128 1 K ]Cm

China Post (11)2 T ]Im

China Finance (10)2 Y

GS1 DataBar (16)2 R ]em

(16)2 R ]em

GS1 DataBar Limited (16)2 R ]em

GS1 DataBar Expanded

1 R ]em




QR code

Aztec Code

Note: 1The settings for ISBN/ISSN and EAN13 must be the same except the code ID.

2 Fixed-length barcodes.

3The settings for GS1 DataBar Truncated and GS1 DataBar must be the same.


2 Get started

2-1 Cable connector pinouts descriptions for cradle

Figure 21 Cable connector interface pinouts

The pinouts descriptions in Table 2-1 apply to the cable connector on the cradle and are for reference

only. Table 2-1 Cable connector pinouts descriptions

Keyboard (PS/2)


Power (+5V)


+3.3V ( for interface auto

selection purpose)

Ground (for interface auto

selection purpose)

+3.3V ( for interface auto

selection purpose)




+3.3V ( for interface auto

selection purpose)


Ground (for interface auto

selection purpose)













Note: Voltage level of all RS232 Pinouts (RxD, TxD, CTS and RTS) is 0V for logic low and 3.3V for logic


Pin 1 Pin 10


2-2 Dimensions


2-3 Parts of the scanner

Figure 2-2 Handheld unit

Scan window

Trigger (Press to triggr / Long press 3 seconds to turn on)


On base indicator (Blue LED)

Successful decoding indicator (Green LED) / Communication fail indicator (Red LED) / Charging

indicator (Red/Green LED)

Figure 2-3 Cradle

Power indicator (Blue LED)

Communication indicator (Green LED)

Key (Long press 10 seconds to restore factory default setting of cradle)


2-4 Charge battery

1. Please charge the battery before the first time of use. The charge indicator (red LED) on the

handheld unit is turned on when the charging is in process. When the charging process completes,

the red LED is turned off.

2. Charging time: 6 hours for fully charged.

3. You can charge the battery via a USB port on the device or a 5 VDC power adapter.

Note: The 5 VDC power adapter is an optional accessory.

Figure 2-4


2-5 Installation of cradle

Note: If any of the below operation is incorrect, turn off the power immediately and check the scanner for

any improper connections. Go through all steps again.

2-5-1 PS/2 keyboard cable

Plug one end of the PS/2 keyboard cable to the cradle, one end to PS/2 port on PC, and one end to the


2-5-2 USB cable

1) Plug one end of the USB cable to the cradle. Plug the other end into the USB port of the computer.

2) Windows gives message on “new hardware found USB HID input device found”, then driver will be

installed on request.

3) After successfully installing the new hardware, message will be given: “hardware installed

successfully and ready to use”.

4) If any problem encounters during the installation process, please unplug the USB cable from the

computer and repeat step 1) and 2).

2-5-3 RS232 cable

1) Connect the DB9 serial communication cable with the cradle and the COM port of the computer.

2) Plug the output of the AC/DC adaptor into the power terminal of on the cradle. Plug the AC/DC

adaptor provided by the manufacturer into an electrical outlet.


3 Progamming menus

3-1 Example 1: Singleparameter setting by scanning 1D barcodes

Important notes:

1. During the process of programming, LED is lighting to indicate the programming correctness. LED

will go off if any incorrect programming operation performed.

2. After each successful programming, LED will go off and the scanner will beep twice.

3. Throughout the programming barcode menus, the factory default settings are indicated with

asterisks (*).

Two programming modes have been provided as bellows:

Singlescan setting

Scan the appropriate Singlescan setting (e.g. %0101D00%) according to the users demand.

Example: To set Flow control to be XON/XOFF.

Steps: Scan the following barcode.

Multiplescan setting

Step 1. Scan the Option barcode barcode (e.g. %0101M%) according to the user‘s demand.

Step 2. To the right of the option barcode, the necessary alphanumeric inputs are listed. Scan

two alphanumeric entries from 0 to 9 or A to F, refer to 10 Configuration alphanumeric entry


Step 3. Repeat Step 2, if more user parameters input are required.

Step 4. Scan the %END% barcode, listed on the lower left hand corner of each parameter

setting part.

Example: To set Flow control to be XON/XOFF.

Steps: Referring to 3-7 RS232 interface for cradle, scan the following barcodes in order.


3-2 Example 2: Multipleparameter setting by scanning a QR code


User can customize a QR code barcode to set multiple parameters. The scanner can set multiple

parameters by scanning this single QR code barcode.

1. The data format of the QR code barcode is as following.

%Param eter set 1%P aram eter set 2%P aram eter set N %

<O ption barcode index><D/H><Alpha. entries>


Note that:

<Option barcode index> means the corresponding 4 digits of Option barcode.

<D/H> means “D” or “H” character. D means that the type of alphanumeric entry is decimal; and H

means that the type of alphanumeric entry is hexadecimal.

<Alpha. entries> is a character string with various length of 2, 4, or other values.

Example: Set 0401>03 (decimal); 8002>0D0A (hexadecimal); 8202>01 (decimal). The customized

QR code barcode contents and symbol are as following.


2. Notes of making QR code barcode

The model is chosen as M2. Other requirements, e.g. ECC level, Start mode, etc, are not specified.

Other notes

1- The contents of a QR code barcode can include several same <Option barcode index> associated

with same or different <Alpha. entries>. In the case of with different <Alpha. entries>, the latest

<Alpha. entries> is the valid one.

2- If any one of the parameter settings is invalid, the total setting is failed. The invalid setting can be

caused by one of the following problems: invalid <Option barcode index>, invalid type of <D/H>,

invalid type, length or value range of <Alpha. entries>, etc.


3-3 CS2290 Wireless communication setting

3-3-1 Wireless communication setting for handheld unit

Handheld unit RF channel No.: The scanner offers 16 different radio frequency channels for the data

transmission between handheld unit and cradle. The number of channel can be increased.

Singlescan setting

Handheld unit RF channel No.





3-3-2 example

Example 1: One handheld unit and one cradle

The following takes channel No.5 for instance.

Step 1): Set Handheld unit RF channel No. of the handheld unit to 5.


Step 2): Scan the following barcode to bind the handheld unit with the cradle.

Firmly position the handheld unit onto the cradle. Within 10 seconds, two beeps will be emitted to

signal that the cradle has been paired to the handheld unit, and the blue LED on the handheld unit will

go off. If three beeps are emitted, it indicates unsuccessful pairing between the cradle and the

handheld unit, then repeat step 2).

Test barcode:


Example 2: Two handheld units and one cradle

The following takes channel No.5 for instance.

Step 1): Set Handheld unit RF channel No. of the first handheld unit to 5.


Step 2): Make the first handheld unit scan the following barcode to bind the handheld unit with the


Firmly position the handheld unit onto the cradle. Within 10 seconds, two beeps will be emitted to

signal that the cradle has been paired to the handheld unit, and the blue LED on the handheld unit will

go off. If three beeps are emitted, it indicates unsuccessful pairing between the cradle and the

handheld unit, then repeat step 2).


Step 3): Make the second huandhend unit scan %%JOIN barcode to pair the second handheld unit

with the cradle.

Firmly position the handheld unit onto the cradle. Within 10 seconds, two beeps will be emitted to

signal that the cradle has been paired to the handheld unit, and the blue LED on the handheld unit will

go off. If three beeps are emitted, it indicates unsuccessful pairing between the cradle and the

handheld unit, then repeat step 3).

Test barcode:

Example 3: Three handheld units and one cradle

The following takes channel No.5 for instance.

Step 1): Set Handheld unit RF channel No. of the first handheld unit to 5.


Step 2): Make the first handheld unit scan the following barcode to bind the handheld unit with the


Firmly position the handheld unit onto the cradle. Within 10 seconds, two beeps will be emitted to

signal that the cradle has been paired to the handheld unit, and the blue LED on the handheld unit will

go off. If three beeps are emitted, it indicates unsuccessful pairing between the cradle and the

handheld unit, then repeat step 2).


Step 3): Make the second huandhend unit scan %%JOIN barcode to pair the second handheld unit

with the cradle.

Firmly position the handheld unit onto the cradle. Within 10 seconds, two beeps will be emitted to

signal that the cradle has been paired to the handheld unit, and the blue LED on the handheld unit will

go off. If three beeps are emitted, it indicates unsuccessful pairing between the cradle and the

handheld unit, then repeat step 3).

Step 4): Make the third huandhend unit scan %%JOIN barcode to pair the third handheld unit with the


Firmly position the handheld unit onto the cradle. Within 10 seconds, two beeps will be emitted to

signal that the cradle has been paired to the handheld unit, and the blue LED on the handheld unit will

go off. If three beeps are emitted, it indicates unsuccessful pairing between the cradle and the

handheld unit, then repeat step 4).

Test barcode:


3-4 CS2290BT Wireless communication setting

3-4-1 example

The handheld terminal shall ensure that the connection of the base and PC is successful before

communicating with the base.

Connect the base:

The handheld terminal scans the connection barcode at the bottom of the base, and the handheld

terminal will attempt to connect to the base, at the same time ,the handheld terminal will make a

beep-beepbeep sound. If the connection is successful, the handheld terminal can be used directly. If the

connection is unsuccessful, the handheld terminal will make a beep—beepsound, and the red LED on

the handheld will blinks 2 times, and then turns off.


The handheld terminal scan disconnects the bar code, and the handheld terminal can be disconnected

from the base


3-5 Batch data mode

DisableDo not batch data. The handheld unit attempts to transmit every scanned barcode. If the

transmission is failed, the barcode data is ignored.

Outofrange batch The handheld unit starts storing barcode data when it loses its connection to a

remote device (for example, when a user holding the handheld unit walks out of range). Data

transmission is triggered by reestablishing the connection with the cradle (for example, when a user

holding the handheld unit walks back into range).

Standard batchThe handheld unit starts storing barcode data after %%%EBM” (Enter Batch Mode)

is scanned. Data transmission is triggered by scanning %%%SBD” (Send Batch Data).

If you wish to output the total number of barcodes scanned when in Standard batch Mode, scan%%%BDN”.

In Outofrange batch or Standard batch modes, calculate the number of barcodes the handheld unit

can store as follows:

Number of storable barcodes = 524,288 bytes of memory / (number of characters in the barcode + 2).

Singlescan setting

Batch data mode

Disable 00* *

Outofrange batch 01

Standard batch 02

Enter batch mode

Send batch data

Total Records


3-6 Keyboard wedge interface for cradle

Keyboard type: As a keyboard interface, the scanner supports most of the popular PCs and IBM


Keyboard layout: The scanner supports different national keyboard layouts.

Clock period: According to the PS2 protocol, the clock is provided by the device, e.g. keyboard or

scanner, with the period between 60us to 100us.

Delayaftercompoundkey: In some rare occasions, machine with low speed PS2 communication port

would require a free time gap following the press/release of the compound key (Shift, Ctrl or Alt).

Numeric key:

Alphabetic key The scanner will output code result as alphabetic key.

Numeric key The scanner will output code result as pressing numeric keypad ( ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’,

‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9, ‘., ‘+, ‘-‘, ‘/’, * only).

Alt + keypadThe scanner will output code result as pressing Alt+ numeric key (on keypad). Note

that the Num Lock control key must be ON. This setting can be specially adapted for use with

different national keyboard layout.

Poweron simulation: All of the PCs check the keyboard status during poweron self test. It simulates

keyboard timing and passes keyboard present status to the PC during poweron.

Intercharacter delay: This delay is inserted after each data character transmitted.

Interbyte delay: This delay is inserted after each byte transmitted. Normally a character is comprised

of three or above bytes.

Block trans. delay: It is a delay timer between barcode data output. This feature is used to transfer

continually with shorter barcode data.

Caps Lock reversion: By setting enable, the status of Caps Lock key (i.e. being pressed ON or OFF) on

the keyboard is simulated in a reversion status.

Caps Lock override: If this function is enabled, on AT or AT notebook hosts, the keyboard ignores the

state of the Caps Lock key. Therefore, an ‘Ain the bar code is sent as an ‘A no matter what the state of

the keyboards Caps Lock key.

A guide of setting while the scanned data is incorrectly displayed on the host

If some characters are missed or some additional characters are incorrectly displayed on the host,

set the Interbyte delay (0208) to be 01or greater value.

If some capital character (e.g. “A”) or compound-keycharacters (e.g.shift+, Ctrl+”, Alt+)are

displayed incorrectly, set the Delayaftercompound-key to be 01or greater value.

If some digits are incorrectly displayed as some symbol characters (e.g. “1” and “2” are displayed

incorrectly as !” and “@”), set the Clock period (0203) to be greater value (e.g. 04, 05).


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry

Keyboard type

IBM AT, PS/2 00* *

Apple Mac

compatibles 01

Keyboard layout

USA 00* *

Turkish F 01

Turkish Q 02

French 03

Italian 04

Spanish 05

Slovak 06

Denmark 07

Japanese 08

German 09

Belgian 10

Russian 11

Czech 12

Character encoding system

Refer to 3-9 Handheld scan & some global settings.

Clock period

60 us 00

70 us 01

80 us 02* *

90 us 03

100 us 04


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry

200 us 05


0 ms 00* *

10 ms 01

20 ms 02

40 ms 03

80 ms 04

Numeric key

Alphabetic key 00* *

Numeric keypad 01

Alt + keypad 02

Poweron simulation

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Intercharacter delay

0 ms 00* *

5 ms 01

10 ms 02

20 ms 03

40 ms 04

80 ms 05

Interbyte delay

1 ms 00* *

2 ms 01

4 ms 02

8 ms 03

Caps Lock reversion Disable 00* *


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry

Enable 01

Caps Lock override

Disable 00* *

Enable 01


3-7 RS232 interface for cradle

Flow control:

NoneThe communication only uses TxD and RxD signals without any hardware or software

handshaking protocol.

RTS/CTS-If the scanner wants to send the barcode data to host computer, it will issue the RTS signal

first, wait for the CTS signal from the host computer, and then perform the normal data communication.

If there is no replied CTS signal from the host computer after the timeout duration, the scanner will

issue an error indication. By setting (Host idle: Low RTS) or (Host idle: High RTS), the scanner can

be set to match the Serial Host RTS line.

XON/XOFFAn XOFF character turns the scanner transmission off until the scanner receives an XON


ACK/NAKAfter transmitting data, the scanner expects either an ACK (acknowledge) or NAK (not

acknowledge) response from the host. When a NAK is received, the scanner transmits the same

data again and waits for either an ACK or NAK. After three unsuccessful attempts to send data when

NAKs are received, the scanner issues an error indication and discards the data.

Intercharacter delay: Refer to Intercharacter delay of 3-6 Keyboard wedge for cradle.

Response delay: This delay is used for serial communication of the scanner when it waits for a

handshaking acknowledgment from the host.

Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry

Flow control

None 00* *


(Host idle: Low RTS) 01


(Host idle: High RTS) 02



Intercharacter delay

0 ms 00* *

5 ms 01

10 ms 02

20 ms 03

40 ms 04

80 ms 05

Response delay

0099 (100 ms)


00* *

Baud rate 300 00


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry

600 01

1200 02

2400 03

4800 04

9600 05* *

19200 06

38400 07

57600 08

115200 09


None 00* *

Odd 01

Even 02

Data bit

8 bits 00* *

7 bits 01

Stop bit

1 bit 00* *

2 bits 01


3-8 USB interface for cradle

USB device type:

HID keyboardBy setting, the scanner is used as a USB HID keyboard emulation device. The

keyboard layout setting follows the setting of keyboard layout in 3-6 Keyboard wedge for cradle.

USB virtual COMBy setting, the scanner emulate a regular RS232based COM port. If a Microsoft

Windows PC is connected to the scanner, a driver is required to install on the connected PC. The

driver will use the next available COM Port number. The driver and the installation guide can be

found in the associated CD and on the manufacturer’s website. A Windowsbased software

COM_Text is recommended to display the barcode data in text format. COM_Text emulates some

kind of serialkey typing.

Note: When changing USB Device Type, the scanner automatically restarts.

Simple COM Port EmulationPlease contact the manufacturer for the instruction.

Keyboard layout: The scanner supports different national keyboard layouts.

Intercharacter delay: This delay is inserted after each data character transmitted. By selecting, the

user can change the output speed of the scanner to match the speed of the host USB communication


Numeric key:

Alphabetic key The scanner will output code result as alphabetic key.

Numeric key The scanner will output code result as pressing numeric keypad ( ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’,

‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9, ‘., ‘+, ‘-‘, ‘/’, * only).

Alt + keypadThe scanner will output code result as pressing Alt+ numeric key (on keypad). Note

that the Num Lock control key must be ON. This setting can be specially adapted for use with

different national keyboard layout.


Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option

USB device type

HID keyboard 00* *

HID keyboard for Apple Mac 01

USB virtual COM 02

Simple COM Port Emulation 03

Keyboard layout

USA 00* *

Turkish F 01

Turkish Q 02

French 03

Italian 04

Spanish 05

Slovak 06

Denmark 07

Japanese 08

German 09

Belgian 10

Russian 11

Czech 12

Thailand 13

Hungary 14

Character encoding system

Refer to 3-9 Handheld scan & some global settings.

Intercharacter delay 0 ms 00


Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option

5 ms 01* *

10 ms 02

20 ms 03

40 ms 04

60 ms 05

Numeric key

Alphabetic key 00* *

Numeric keypad 01

Alt + keypad 02


3-9 Handheld scan & some global settings

Scanning mode:

Goodread offThe trigger button must be pressed once to activate scanning. The scanner will stop

scanning when there is a successful reading or no code is decoded after the Standby duration


MomentaryThe trigger button acts as a switch. Press button to activate scanning and release

button to stop scanning. The scanner will stop scanning when there is a successful reading or no

code is decoded after the Standby duration elapsed.

Alternate continueThe trigger button acts as a toggle switch. Press button to activate or stop


ContinueThe scanner always keeps scanning, and it does not matter when the trigger button is

pressed or duration is elapsed.

Timeout offThe trigger button must be pressed once to activate scanning. The scanner will stop

scanning when no code is successful decoded after the Standby duration elapsed.

AutodetectionGoodread off By setting Enable, the scanner will start operating if any nearby

object has been detected. The scanner will stop scanning when there is a successful reading or no

code is decoded after the Standby duration elapsed. Once the scanner stops scanning, the present

object must be removed to enable Autodetection.

AutodetectionGoodread on By setting Enable, the scanner will start operating if any nearby

object has been detected. The scanner stops scanning when no code is successful decoded after the

Standby duration elapsed. Once the scanner stops scanning, the present object must be removed to

enable Autodetection.

Autodetection sensitivity: It is the sensitivity of scanner to ambient brightness change. Sensitivity is

expressed as a percentage value of ambient light change, in the range of 5% to 50%. The smaller the

percentage value, the higher the sensitivity, the easier the scanner will be triggered

Same barcode delay time: If a barcode has been scanned and output once successfully, the scan

operation should be interrupted for delay time or the focus of the scanner must be moved away from the

barcode beyond delay time to active scanning the same barcode. When this feature is set to be 0xFF,

then the delay time is indefinite.

Double confirm: If it is enabled, the scanner will require a several times of samedecodeddata to

confirm a valid reading.

Global Max./Min. code length for 1D symbol: These two lengths are defined as the valid range of

decoded 1D barcode data length. Make sure that the minimum length setting is no greater than the

maximum length setting, or otherwise the labels of the symbol will not be readable. In particular, the

same value can be set for both minimum and maximum reading length to force the fixed length barcode


Same barcode delay time for 2D symbol: If a 2D barcode has been scanned and output once

successfully, the scanner must output the same barcode data beyond delay time. When this feature is

set to be 0xFF, then the delay time is indefinite.


1. Please set the max./min. length for individual barcode in later sections, if special demand is


2. The number of check digits is included in max./min. code length.

3. These two settings have no effect on the symbols with fixedlength, e.g. UPCA, UPCE, EAN13,

EAN8 and China Post.

Global G1G6 string selection: The scanner offer one or two string group for ALL symbols. By setting

one or two digits to indicate which string group you want to apply. You may refer to 3-41 G1G6 & C1C2

& FN1 substitution string setting and 3-42 G1G4 string position & Code ID position.

Example: Group 1 set 01 or 10. Group 2 and 4 set 24 or 42.

All valid settings include 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,

30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and


Element amendment: If it is enabled, the scanner can read the barcode comprised with bars and

spaces in different scale.

Character output restraint:

Printable character only If this option is selected, the scanner will output the printable characters

only, i.e. in ASCII from 20H to 7EH.

Alphanumeric character only If this option is selected, the scanner will output the alphanumeric

characters only, i.e. “A”-“Z”, “a”-“z”, 0”-“9”.


Decoder optimization: If it is enabled, the scanner will optimize the decoder with error correction. This

function is not effective for all types of barcodes.

Data output delay in continuescan mode: If it is enabled, in the continuescan mode, the scanner can

store the data while continuescanning. The scanner will output the data after the predefined delay

elapsed. The maximum storage of data is 1000 characters. If this parameter is set to be 00, the

scanner will not store data. And if the parameter is set to be FF, the scanner will output data after

stopping scanning.

Character encoding system: A character encoding system consists of a code that pairs each character

from a given repertoire. Common examples include Morse code, the Baudot code, the ASCII and

Unicode. If the data received does not display with the proper characters (e.g. domestic language), it

maybe because the barcode being scanned was created using a character encoding system that is

different from the one the host program is expecting. Try alternate options to find the proper one.

Complete data output before next decode attempt: This setting is active only when USB device type

is set as HID keyboardor HID keyboard for Apple Mac, refer to 3-8 USB interface for cradle. If it is

enabled, the imager will not start next decode attempt until previous data output is completed.


Singlescan setting

Scan mode

Goodread off 00

Momentary 01* *

Alternate continue 02

Continue 03

Goodread on 04

AutodetectionGoodread on 06

AutodetectionGoodread off 07

Auto-detection sensitivity

5%* 00* *

10% 01

15% 02

20% 03

25% 04

30% 05

35% 06

40% 07

45% 08

50% 09

Standby duration

4 seconds 00* *

8 seconds 01

16 seconds 02

24 seconds 03

30 seconds 04


Singlescan setting

1 minute 05

1.5 minutes 06

2 minutes 07

5 minutes 08

7 minutes 09

10 minutes 10

15 minutes 11

20 minutes 12

30 minutes 13

45 minutes 14

1 hour 15

Same barcode delay time for

1D symbol

00FF16 (50 ms)



08* *

Same barcode delay time for

2D symbol

00-FF16 (50 ms)



08* *

Double confirm

0009 (00: none )


00* *

Global max. code length for

1D symbol



99* *

Global min. code length for

1D symbol 0199 0199


Singlescan setting

04* *

Global G1G6 string selection


(00: none )


00* *

Element amendment

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Character output restraint

None 00* *

Printable character only 01

Alphanumeric character only 02

Decoder optimization

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Data output delay in

continuescan mode

0099 (100 ms)

FF (Never)


00* *

Character encoding system

ASCII 00* *

UTF-8 01

Windows1251 02

Complete data output before

next decode attempt

Disable 00* *

Enable 01


3-10 Indication for handheld unit

Power on alert: After poweron the scanner will generate an alert signal to indicate a successful


LED indication: After each successful reading, the LED above the scanner will light up to indicate a

good barcode reading.

Beeper indication: After each successful reading, the scanner will beep to indicate a good barcode

reading, and its beep tone duration is adjustable.

Beep tone duration: This parameter can be adjusted for a good reading upon favorite usage.

Volume of beeper: This parameter can be adjusted for different level of the volume of the beeper.

Vibrator indication: After each successful reading, the vibrator will vibrate to indicate a good barcode


Singlescan setting

Power on alert

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

LED indication

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Beeper indication

Disable 00

Enable 01*

Beep tone duration

0109 (10 ms )


05* *

Volume of beeper

Low 00

Middle 01

High 02* *

Vibrator indication

Disable 00

Enable 01* *


3-11 Decode illumination and decode aiming pattern

Decode illumination mode: Enable illumination causes the scanner to turn on the illumination to aid

decoding. Disable illumination to turn off illumination for the scanner during decoding. Better quality

images could be obtained with illumination support. The effectiveness of the illumination decreases as

the distance to the target increases.

Decode aiming pattern: When this option is enabled, the scanner will project the aiming pattern during

the code capture.

Level of decode illumination: This parameter can be adjusted for different level of decode illumination.

Illumination mode of Autodetection:

Always off Illumination LED will be always turned off.

Enable illumination in low light conditions In low light conditions, the scanner will turn on

illumination LED automatically to ensure normal work. While in other light conditions, the illumination

LED will be turned off automatically.

Always on Illumination LED will be always turned on (Default).

Note: This function is only valid in Autodetection mode.


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. Entry

Decode illumination

Always Off 00

Flashing 02* *

On when reading 03

Decode aiming pattern

Always Off 00

Always On 01

On before reading 02

On when reading 03* *

Level of decode illumination

Disable decode

illumination 00

Low 01

Middle 02* *

High 03

Illumination mode of


Always off 00

Enable illumination in

low light conditions 01* *

Always on 02


3-12 Single type of barcode read

1D symbols read: A global setting of 1D symbols readability.

2D symbols read: A global setting of 2D symbols readability.

Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option barcode Option Alpha. entry

1D symbols read

Follow respective 1D

symbol setting 00* *

All 1D Disable 01

All 1D Enable 02

2D symbols read

Follow respective 2D

symbol setting 00* *

All 2D Disable 01

All 2D Enable 02

Only PDF417 Enable 03

Only QR code Enable 04

Only Data Matrix Enable 05

Only MaxiCode Enable 06

Only Aztec Code Enable 07

Only Han Xin Code Enable 08


3-13 DPM, Multiple symbols, Structured append read, etc.

DPM format read: By setting Enable, the scanner can read 2D symbols in DPM (Direct Park Marking)

format. Some barcodes in DPM format are shown below.

Multiple symbols & structured append symbols read:

1) By setting Enable, the scanner allows to read multiple symbols with a single pull of the scanner’s

trigger. If the user pulls and holds the trigger, aiming the scanner at a series of symbols, it reads unique

symbols once, beeping for each success read. The scanner attempts to find and decode new symbols

as long as the trigger is pulled.

2) By setting Enable, the scanner will output data only when all Structured Append symbols have been

decoded. The lower part of below figure shows an example of four Structured Append symbols, with

the same data as that in the upper symbol.

3) By setting Disable, the scanner will only read the symbol closest to the aiming beam.

Single symbol (above) and Structured Append series of symbols (below) encoding


Mobile screen read: By setting enable, the scanner can read barcodes on a mobile screen better.

However, this will slow the reading speed of normal barcodes a little bit, and the decode illumination will



Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry

DPM format read

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

structured append

symbols read

Disable 00*

Enable 01 *

Mobile screen read

Disable 00* *

Enable 01


3-14 UPC-A



Check digit verification: The check digit is optional.

Check digit trans.: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Code ID setting: Code ID is a oneortwocharacter string used to represent the symbol upon a

succeeding reading. If you want application to transmit Code ID, you must set Code ID transmission to

be enabled, refer to 3-43 String transmission.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Global insertion group selection of 3-9 Handheld scan & some

global settings.

Supplement digits: The Supplement digits barcode is the supplemental 2 or 5 characters.



Truncate leading zerosThe leading “0” digits of UPCA data characters can be truncated when the

feature is enabled.

Expand to EAN13It extends to 13digits with a “0leading digit when the feature is enabled.

Truncate system characterThe system character of UPCA data can be truncated when the feature

is enabled.

Add country codeThe country code (“0” for USA) can be added when the feature is enabled.


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option barcode Option Alpha. entry


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit trans.

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Code ID setting

00FF16 (ASCII)


<A>* *

Insert group selection




Supplement digits

None 00* *

2 digits 01

5 digits 02

2 or 5 digits 03


None 00* *

Truncate leading zeros 01

Expand to EAN13 02

Truncate system character 03

Add country code 04


3-15 UPC-E



Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum of the numerical value of the

data digits.

Check digit trans.: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Supplement digits:



Truncate leading zerosRefer to Truncation/Expansion of 3-14 UPC-A.

Expand to EAN13 It extends to 13digits with “0” digits when the feature is set to be enabled.

Example: Barcode “0123654”,

Output: “0012360000057”.

Expand to UPC-A It extends to 12-digits when the feature is set to be enabled.

Truncate system character The system character “0” of UPCE data can be truncated when the

feature is enabled.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit trans.

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Code ID setting

00FF16 (ASCII)



Insert group selection



00* *

Supplement digits

None 00* *

2 digits 01

5 digits 02

2 or 5 digits 03


None 00* *

Truncate leading zeros 01

Expand to EAN13 02

Expand to UPC-A 03

Truncate system character 04


3-16 UPC-E1



Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum of the numerical value of the

data digits.

Check digit trans.: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Supplement digits:



Expand to EAN13 It extends to 13digits with “0” digits when the feature is set to be enabled.

Expand to UPC-AIt extends to 12-digits when the feature is set to be enabled.

Truncate system character The system character “1” of UPC-E1 data can be truncated when the

feature is enabled.


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit trans.

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Code ID setting

00FF16 (ASCII)


<D>* *

Insert group selection



00* *

Supplement digits

None 00* *

2 digits 01

5 digits 02

2 or 5 digits 03


None 00* *

Expand to EAN13 02

Expand to UPC-A 03

Truncate system character 04


3-17 EAN13 (ISBN/ISSN)



Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum of the numerical value of the

data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

EAN13 code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Supplement digits:


ISBN/ISSN conversion: The ISBN (International Standard Book Number, or Bookland EAN) and ISSN

(International Standard Serial Number) are two kinds of barcode for books and magazines. The ISBN is

10 digits with leading “978” and the ISSN is 8 digits with leading “977” of the EAN13 symbol.


Barcode “9780194315104, Output: “019431510X”.

Barcode “9771005180004”, Output: “10051805”.

ISBN/ISSN code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit transmission

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

EAN-13 code ID setting




<A>* *

Insert group selection



00* *

Supplement digits

None 00* *

2 digits 01

5 digits 02

2 or 5 digits 03

ISBN/ISSN conversion

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

ISBN/ISSN code ID setting




<B>* *


3-18 EAN-8



Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum of the numerical value of the

data digits.

Check digit trans.: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Supplement digits:


Truncation/Expansion: Refer to Truncation/Expansion of 3-14 UPC-A.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit trans.

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Code ID setting




<C>* *

Insert group selection



00* *

Supplement digits

None 00* *

2 digits 01

5 digits 02

2 or 5 digits 03


None 00* *

Truncate leading zero 01

Expand to EAN13 02


3-19 Code 39 (Code 32, Trioptic Code 39)



Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum module 43 of the numerical

value of the data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Each symbol has own max./min. code length. If both setting of max./min. code

length are00”s, the setting of global max./min. code length is effective. The length is defined as to the

actual barcode data length to be sent. Label with length exceeds these limits will be rejected. Make

sure that the minimum length setting is no greater than the maximum length setting, or otherwise all the

labels of the symbol will not be readable. In particular, you can see the same value for both minimum

and maximum reading length to force the fixed length barcode decoded.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Start/End transmission: The start and end characters of Code 39 are *s. You can transmit all data

digits including two *s.

* as data character: By setting Enable, * can be recognized as data character.

Convert Code 39 to Code 32: Code 32 is a variant of Code 39 used by the Italian pharmaceutical

industry. Note that Code 39 must be enabled in order for this parameter to function.

Format of Code 32

Code 32 Prefix “Atransmission: By setting Enable, the prefix character “A” can be added to all Code

32 barcodes.

Trioptic Code 39 read: Trioptic Code 39 is a variant of Code 39 used in the marking of magnetic tapes

and computer cartridges. Trioptic Code 39 symbols always contain six characters.


Trioptic Code 39 Start/End transmission: The start and end characters of Trioptic Code 39 are $

s. You can transmit all data digits including two $s.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



01* *

Code ID setting




<M>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


Standard 00* *

Full ASCII 01

Start/End transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

* as data character

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Convert Code 39 to Code 32

Disable 00* *

Enable 01


Singlescan setting

Code 32 Prefix “A” transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Trioptic Code 39 read

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Trioptic Code 39 Start/End


Disable 00* *

Enable 01


3-20 Interleaved 2 of 5



Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 10 of the numerical values of all

data digits. There are two optional check digit algorithms: the specified Uniform Symbol Specification

(USS) and the Optical Product Code Council (OPCC).

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00* *

USS 01


Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



06* *

Code ID setting




<I>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-21 Industrial 2 of 5



Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Singlescan setting


Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



00* *

Code ID setting




<H>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-22 Matrix 2 of 5



Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 10 of the numerical values of all

data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



06* *

Code ID setting




<X>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-23 Codabar



Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 16 of the numerical values of all

data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Start/End type: Codabar has four pairs of Start/End pattern; you may select one pair to match your


Start/End transmission: Refer to Start/End transmission of 3-19 Code 39.

Start/End character equality: By setting Enable, the start and end character of a Codabar barcode

must be the same.

Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



00* *

Code ID setting




<N>* *

Insert group selection



00* *

Start/End type ABCD/ABCD 00* *


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry

abcd/abcd 01


abcd/tn*e 03

Start/End transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Start/End character equality

Disable 00* *

Enable 01


3-24 Code 128



Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 103 of all data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Truncate leading zeros: The leading “0” digits of Code 128 barcode characters can be truncated when

the feature is enabled.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Reserved 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



01* *

Code ID setting




<K>* *

Insert group selection



00* *

Truncate leading zeros

Disable 00* *

All leading “0”s 01

Only the first “0” 02


3-25 UCC/EAN 128



Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 103 of all data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max. /Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Truncate leading zeros: Refer to Truncate leading zeros of 3-24 Code 128.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01*

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit transmission

Disable 00*

Reserved 01

Max. code length




Min. code length




Code ID setting





Insert group selection




Truncate leading zeros

Disable 00*

All leading “0”s 01

Only the first “0” 02


3-26 ISBT 128



Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 103 of all data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Reserved 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length




Code ID setting




<K>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-27 Code 93



2 check digits (optional)

Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 47 of the numerical values of all

data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01*

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01*

Check digit transmission

Disable 00*

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



01* *

Code ID setting




<L>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-28 Code 11



Check digit 1 (optional )

Check digit verification: The check digit is presented as the sum module 11 of all data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit 1 and check digit 2 will be transmitted upon

your selected check digit verification method.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry


Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Check digit verification

Disable 00

One digit 01* *

Reserved 02

Reserved 03

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



00* *

Code ID setting




<V>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-29 MSI/Plessey



Check digit verification: The MSI/Plessey has one or two optional check digits. There are three

methods of verifying check digits, i.e. Mod10, Mod10/10 and Mod 11/10. The check digit 1 and check

digit 2 will be calculated as the sum module 10 or 11 of the data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit 1 and check digit 2 will be transmitted upon

your selected check digit verification method.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.


Singlescan setting


Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Check digit verification

Disable 00* *

1 digit (mod 10) 01

Reserved 02

Reserved 03

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



00* *

Code ID setting




<O>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-30 UK/Plessey



2 check digits (optional)

Check digit verification: The UK/Plessey has one or two optional check digits. The check digit 1 and

check digit 2 will be calculated as the sum module 10 or 11 of the data digits.

Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.

Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Singlescan setting


Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Check digit verification

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Check digit transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



01* *

Code ID setting




<U>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


3-31 China Post



Max. /Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39. The code length of China

Post is 11.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01*

Max. code length




Min. code length




Code ID setting





Insert group selection





3-32 China Finance

Note: This type of barcode is not Omnidirectionally decodable. The encodable character set includes

numeric 0 to 9. Among the symbol of 0 to 9, 0 and 2, 4 and 9, 5 and 8, 6 and 7, have the symmetrical

pattern; the pattern of 1 and 3 is symmetrical.



Max./Min. code length: Refer to Max./Min. code length of 3-19 Code 39.

Check digit verification: The check digit is made as the sum module 10 of the numerical values of all

data digits.

Leading character 5/6/7/8/9 converted to A/B/C/D/E: By setting, leading character 5/6/7/8/9 can be

converted to A/B/C/D/E.

Leading character assignment: By setting, only the barcode with the assigned leading character can

be output.

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Max. code length



10* *

Min. code length




Check digit verification

Disable 00*

Reserved 01

Leading character 5/6/7/8/9

converted to A/B/C/D/E

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Only 5 converted to A 02

Only 6 converted to B 03

Only 7 converted to C 04

Only 8 converted to D 05


Singlescan setting

Only 9 converted to E 06

Leading character assignment

Disable 00

Assigned to 0 01* *

Assigned to 5(A) 02

Assigned to 6(B) 03

Assigned to 7(C) 04

Assigned to 8(D) 05

Assigned to 9(E) 06

Assigned to 1 07

Assigned to 2 08

Assigned to 3 09

Assigned to 4 10

Code ID setting





Insert group selection





3-33 GS1 DataBar (GS1 DataBar Truncated)

GS1 DataBar Truncated is structured and encoded the same as the standard GS1 DataBar format,

except its height is reduced to a 13 modules minimum; while GS1 DataBar should have a height greater

than or equal to 33 modules.



Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.


UCC/EAN 128 Refer to Code ID transmission of 3-43 String transmission, ]Cm will be identified as


UPCA or EAN13 Barcode beginning with a single zero as the first digit has the leading 010

stripped and the barcode reported as EAN13. Barcode beginning with two or more zeros but not six

zeros has the leading 0100stripped and the barcode reported as UPCA.

Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Code ID setting




<R>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


None 00* *

UCC/EAN 128 01

UPCA or EAN-13 02


3-34 GS1 DataBar Limited



Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.

Conversion: Refer to Conversion of 3-33 GS1 DataBar (GS1 DataBar Truncated).

Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Code ID setting




<R>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


None 00* *

UCC/EAN 128 01

UPCA or EAN-13 02


3-35 GS1 DataBar Expanded



Data characters (variable)

Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of 3-14 UPC-A.

Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of 3-14 UPC-A.


UCC/EAN 128 Refer to Code ID transmission of 3-43 String transmission, ]Cm will be identified as


Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry


Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Max. code length



00* *

Min. code length



01* *

Code ID setting




<R>* *

Insert group selection



00* *


None 00* *

UCC/EAN 128 01


3-36 PDF417



Data characters (variable)

Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *


3-37 MicroPDF417



Data characters (variable)

Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *


3-38 QR Code



Data characters (variable)

Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option Alpha. entry


Disable 00

Enable 01* *


3-39 Data Matrix



Data characters (variable)

Singlescan setting


Disable 00

Enable 01* *


3-40 Aztec Code



Data characters (variable)

Singlescan setting


Disable 00* *

Enable 01


3-41 G1-G6 & C1C2 & FN1 substitution string setting

Format of barcode data transmission:

Prefix Code name Preamble Code ID Code length Code data Code ID Postamble Suffix

Suffix string setting: The <enter > key is represented in different ASCII when it is applied by different

OS. For a Windows/DOS OS, <enter> is represented as <CR><LF> (0x0D 0x0A); for an Apple MAC

OS, <enter> is represented as <CR> (0x0D); for a Linux/Unix OS, <enter> is represented as <LF>


Prefix/Suffix/Preamble/Postamble string setting:

They are appended to the data automatically when a barcode is decoded.

Example: Add a symbol of “$” as a prefix for all symbols.


1) Scan the option barcode of Prefix string setting.

2) Use the ASCII table to find the value of $24.

3) Scan 2 and 4 from the barcode on the last page.

4) Scan END barcode.

Scanning steps: Scan the following barcodes in order.

Insert G1/G2/G3/G4 string setting: The scanner offers 4 positions and 4 character strings to insert

among the symbol.

Example: Set G1 string to be AB”.


1) Scan the option barcode of Insert G1 string setting.

2) Use the ASCII table to find the value of A41, B42.

3) Scan 4, 1 and 4, 2 from the barcode on the last page.

4) Scan END barcode.

5) Refer to 3-42 G1G4 string position & Code ID position.

6) Refer to 3-9 Handheld scan & some global settings.


Testing barcode:

FN1 substitution string setting: The FN1 character (0x1D) in an UCC/EAN128 barcode, or a Code

128 barcode, or a GS1 DataBar barcode can be substituted with a defined string.

Truncate leading G5 string setting: By setting, a defined leading character or string can be truncated.

Also a single character can be undefined.

Repeat of a G5 character setting: While G5 is set as a single defined/undefined character, G5 can

also be set to be repeated. This setting is ignored when the truncate number is more than the barcode

data characters. The option of FFfor this setting is not active while the option of Truncate leading G5

string setting is “00.

Example: Truncate all leading zeros for all symbols.

Steps: scan the following data in order.

Testing barcode:

Truncate ending G6 string setting: By setting, a defined ending character or string can be truncated.

Also a single character can be undefined.

Repeat of a G6 character setting: While G5 is set as a single defined/undefined character, G6 can

also be set to be repeated. This setting is ignored when the truncate number is more than the barcode

data characters. The option of FFfor this setting is not active while the option of Truncate ending G6

string setting is “00”.

Single character C1/C2 replacement: By setting, a defined character in the data string can be replaced

by another defined character. The C1 and C2 replacement are applied simultaneously.

Example: Replace all the A” character in a data string to be “B” character.

Steps: scan the following barcodes in order. The ASCII value for “A” is 41, and the ASCII value for “B” is


Testing barcode:


Singlescan setting

Prefix string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16

None 00* *

Suffix string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16


Preamble string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16

None 00* *

Postamble string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16

None 00* *

Insert G1 string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16

None 00* *

Insert G2 string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16

None 00* *

Insert G3 string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16

None 00* *

Insert G4 string setting

0-22 characters 00FF16

None 00* *

FN1 substitution string setting

0-4 characters 00FF16

<SP> 20* *

Truncate leading G5 string setting

A undefined character 00

1-22 defined characters 017F16

<0> 30* *


Singlescan setting

Repeat of a G5 character setting

Once 01* *

Defined times 0122

Undefined times (All) FF

Truncate ending G6 string setting

A undefined character 00

1-22 defined characters 017F16

<0> 30* *

Repeat of a G6 character setting

Once 01* *

Defined times 0122

Undefined times (All) FF

Single character C1 replacement



0000FFFF 16

Single character C2 replacement



0000FFFF 16


3-42 G1-G4 string position & Code ID position

Format of barcode data transmission:

Prefix Code name Preamble Code ID Code length Code data Code ID Postamble Suffix

Insert G1/G2/G3/G4 string position: The scanner offers 4 positions to insert strings among the symbol.

In case of the insertion position is greater than the length of the symbol, the insertion of string is not


Code ID position: It is allowed to select different positions of code ID placement.

Singlescan setting

Insert G1 string position



00* *

Insert G2 string position



00* *

Insert G3 string position



00* *

Insert G4 string position



00* *

Code ID position

Before code data 00* *

After code data 01


3-43 String transmission

Note: The information in this chapter is closely related to the chapter of String setting.

Format of barcode data transmission:

Prefix Code name Preamble Code ID Code length Code data Code ID Postamble Suffix

Prefix transmission: By setting Enable, prefix will be appended before the data transmitted.

Suffix transmission: By setting Enable, suffix will be appended after the data is transmitted.

Code name transmission: By setting Enable, code name will be transmitted before code data.

Preamble transmission: By setting Enable, preamble will be appended before the data transmitted.

Postamble transmission: By setting Enable, postamble will be appended after the data is transmitted.

Code ID transmission: Code ID can be transmitted in the format of either Proprietary ID or AIM ID.

Refer to the chapter of Default setting for each barcode.

Code length transmission: The length of code data string can be transmitted before the code data

when Enable is selected. The length is represented by a number with two digits.

Case conversion: The characters within code data or the whole output string can be set in either upper

case or lower case.

FN1 substitution transmission: The scanner supports a FN1 substitution feature for keyboard wedge,

USB and RS232 interface. The replacement string of FN1 can be chosen by user (see 3-41 G1G6 &

C1C2 & FN1 substitution string setting).

Allnonprintablecharacter string transmission with string setting: By setting enable, all string

settings, e.g. Preamble transmission or Insert G1 string setting, are active for an

allnonprintablecharacter string. Here a nonprintable character means a character with ASCII value

between 0x00 to 0x1F.

Transmit the first N data characters only: The scanner supports to only transmit the first N data

characters of a barcode. The number of N can be set as a digit between 1 and 99.

Transmit the last N data characters only: The scanner supports to only transmit the last N data

characters of a barcode. The number of N can be set as a digit between 1 and 99.


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option

Prefix transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Suffix transmission

Disable 00

Enable 01*

Code name transmission

Disable 00*

Enable 01

Preamble transmission

Disable 00*

Enable 01

Postamble transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Code ID transmission

Disable 00* *

Proprietary ID 01


Code length transmission

Disable 00* *

Enable 01

Case conversion

Disable 00* *

Upper (data only) 01

Lower (data only) 02

Upper (whole string) 03

Lower (whole string) 04

FN1 substitution transmission Disable 00* *


Multiplescan setting Singlescan setting

Option bar code Option

Keyboard wedge/USB 01

RS232 02

Keyboard wedge

/ USB / RS232 03

All-nonprintablecharacter string

transmission with string setting

Disable 00

Enable 01* *

Transmit the first N data characters


All 99* *


Transmit the last N data characters


All 99* *



4 Test barcode symbols






Code 39

Code 32

Code 128

Interleaved 2 of 5

Industrial 2 of 5

(Default setting: Read disable)

Matrix 2 of 5

Code 93



Code 11

(Default setting: Read disable)


(Default setting: Read disable)



China Post

GS1 DataBar (GS1 DataBar Truncated)

GS1 DataBar Limited

GS1 DataBar Expanded






QR code


Data Matrix



Aztec Code


Han Xin Code



5 Maintenance

Cleaning the scan window is the only maintenance required. A dirty window may affect scanning


1) Do not allow any abrasive material to touch the window.

2) Remove any dirt particles with a damp cloth.

3) Wipe the window using a tissue moistened with water.

4) Do not spray water or other cleaning liquids directly into the window.

5) Use a piece of soft and dry cloth when cleaning the scanner.


6 ASCII Table

for keyboard wedge for RS232

0 1 0 1

0 Null NUL DLE

1 Up F1 SOH DC1

2 Down F2 STX DC2

3 Left F3 ETX DC3

4 Right F4 EOT DC4




8 Bs F8 BS CAN

9 Tab F9 HT EM


B Home Esc VT ESC

C End F11 FF FS

D Enter F12 CR GS

E Insert Ctrl+ SO RS

F Delete Alt+ SI US

Notes: The 2nd and the 3rd columns above are used for keyboard wedge only.

2 3 4 5 6 7

0 SP 0 @ P ` p

1 ! 1 A Q a q

2 2 B R b r

3 # 3 C S c s

4 $ 4 D T d t

5 % 5 E U e u

6 & 6 F V f v

7 7 G W g w

8 ( 8 H X h x

9 ) 9 I Y i y

A * : J Z j z

B + ; K [ k {

C , < L l |

D = M ] m }

E . > N ^ n ~

F / ? O _ o DEL

Example: ASCII “A” = “41”.


7 Barcode representing nonprintable character

Notes to make the following barcode:

1. According to different barcode printing software, the method of printing following barcode is different.

2. If using CODESOFT software, firstly read the information through HelpIndexCode128Special

input syntax. Also refer to ASCII table. For example, if we wish to make F1barcode, select

“Code128, then select CODE Atype, and input {DC1}” as data.

Up ↑



Right →

Page Up

Page Down


















8 Return default parameters

8-1 CS2290 return default parameters

All parameters of handheld unit return to default setting

WARNING: If you wish to return all parameters of the handheld unit, including radio communication

setting, to default setting, please scan the barcode above.

All parameters of cradle return to default setting

WARNING: If you wish to return all parameters of the cradle, including radio communication

setting, to default setting, please scan the barcode above.

Some parameters of handheld unit return to default setting

WARNING: If you wish to return all parameters of the handheld unit, excluding radio

communication setting, to default setting, please scan the barcode above.

Some parameters of cradle return default value initialization

WARNING: If you wish to return all parameters of the cradle, excluding radio communication

setting, to default setting, please scan the barcode above.

Turn off handheld unit

If you wish to turn off the handheld unit, please scan the barcode above. If you want to turn on the

handheld unit again, please keep the trigger key being pressing for 2 seconds.

If you want to turn off the handheld unit via trigger key, please press and hold the trigger key, after the

laser beam turns off, wait for another 5 seconds, the handheld unit will be turned off, then you can

release the trigger key at this moment.


8-2 CS2290BT return default parameters

Some parameters of handheld unit return to default setting

WARNING: If you wish to return all parameters of the handheld unit, to default setting, please scan

the barcode above.

Some parameters of cradle return default value initialization

WARNING: If you wish to return all parameters of the cradle, please scan the barcode above.

Turn off handheld unit

If you wish to turn off the handheld unit, please scan the barcode above. If you want to turn on the

handheld unit again, please keep the trigger key being pressing for 2 seconds.

If you want to turn off the handheld unit via trigger key, please press and hold the trigger key, after the

laser beam turns off, wait for another 5 seconds, the handheld unit will be turned off, then you can

release the trigger key at this moment.


9 Display firmware version & radio communication setting

9-1 CS2290 display firmware version & radio communication setting

Cradle firmware version display

If you wish to display the firmware version of the cradle, please scan the barcode above.

Handheld unit firmware version display

If you wish to display the firmware version of the handheld unit, please scan the barcode above.

Cradle radio communication setting display

If you wish to display the radio communication setting of the cradle, please scan the barcode above.

Handheld unit radio communication setting display

If you wish to display the radio communication setting of the handheld unit, please scan the barcode



9-2 CS2290BT display firmware version

Cradle firmware version display

If you wish to display the firmware version of the cradle, please scan the barcode above.

Handheld unit firmware version display

If you wish to display the firmware version of the handheld unit, please scan the barcode above.


10 Configuration alphanumeric entry barcode

To finish parameter setting, please scan the bar code below.


changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for

compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the

following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and

(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that

may cause undesired operation. changes or modifications not expressly approved

by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate

the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a

Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are

designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a

residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio

frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the

instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,

there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.

If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,

which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is

encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following


— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different

from that to which the receiver is connected.

—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

NOTE: This device and its antenna(s) must not be coÿlocated or operation in

conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.


CS2290 Cordless Image Scanner Quick Guide


A standard kit contains: a handheld unit, a cradle, a USB cable, and a CD-ROM

(containing software and manuals).

 It is suggested to read the user manual in details before use.

Parts of the handheld unit

① Scan window

② Trigger (Press to triggr / Long press 2 seconds to turn on)

③ Beeper ④ Power indicator (Blue LED)

(Green LED) / Communication fail indicator (Red LED) / Charging (Red LED)

Parts of the cradle

⑥ Power indicator (Blue LED)

⑦ Communication indicator (Green LED)

⑧ Key (Long press 2 seconds to restore factory default

setting of cradle)

Installation of cradle

1. Switch off power of the host. Refer to the below pictures, connect the host with the

scanner with different cables firstly, and then connect the adaptor to the power socket.

2. Ensure that all connections are secure. Switch on the power of the host. After a few

seconds, if only the blue LED on the cradle is ON, it indicates the cradle is in normal

working mode.

USB cable

Note: 1. See user manuals for more information. 2. For better readability, please print this document with laser printer. 3. Version: CS2290_QG_EN_V1.1.

⑤ Successful decoding indicator

RS232 cable

PS/2 keyboard cable

Charge battery

1. Please charge the battery before the first time of use.

The charge indicator (Red LED) on the handheld unit is

turned on when the charging is in process. When the

charging process completes, the charge indicator (Red

LED) is turned off.

2. Charging time: 4 hours for fully charged.

3. You can charge the battery via a USB port on the device or

an optional 5 VDC adapter.

Indication of handheld unit for wireless data transmission







Three beeps

Programming instruction and example

Two programming modes have been provided as bellows:

Single-scan setting

Scan the appropriate

Single-scan setting

Multiple-scan setting

Scan «Option bar code»

Scan «The 1st character of option»

Scan «The 2nd character of option»

Scan «END»





Blinks 3 times, and

Short vibrates 3 times,

then turns off

and then turns off

Example: To set Flow control to be XON/XOFF.

Example: To set Flow control to be XON/XOFF.


Страница из 109

CS2290&CS2290-BT Cordless Image   


User Manual

Version: CS2290&CS2290-BT_UM_EN_V1.2.3 


  • Документация CS2290 User Manual_V2.2.5.pdf
  • Инструкция по быстрой настройке: CS2290 Quick Guide_V1.1.pdf
  • Драйвер COM порта USB VCOM drivers_V1.6.rar, либо на официальном сайте 

Сброс на настроек

Если нужно, сбрасываем все настройки считывателя.

Привязка к кредлу

В ряде случаев может потребоваться привязка считывателя к кредлу (подставке). Надо снять считыватель с подставки, отсканировать штрих-код, и в течение 15 секунд поставить на подставку.

Подключение Mideo CS2290-HD к 1С

Переводим устройство в режим USB virtual COM, для этого сканируем штрих-код.

Перевод в режим виртуального COM-порта нужен что бы не нажимать F7 для вызова окна ввода штрих-кода.

Вернуть в клавиатурный режим

Ставим драйвер, в настройках выставляем желаемый порт, например 10

Новый интерфейс:

Добавляем оборудование в УТ через «НСИ и администрирование — РМК и оборудование — Подключаемое оборудование — Создать»

Старый интерфейс:

Компания → Настройки → Администрирование → Подключаемое оборудование → Подключаемое оборудование → Создать

Выставляем требуемый порт.

Если в поле Версия указано «Не определена», закройте вкладки использующие сканер, например Номенклатура.

Отключение передачи непечатных символов

Отключить SYN или U+0016

Проверка работы сканера


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