Mm1805x phonic подробная инструкция на русском

Phonic MM 1805 User Manual

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Summary of Contents for Phonic MM 1805

  • Page 2
    Your Phonic MM1805 / MM1805X was carefully packed in the factory and the packing box was designed to protect the unit from rough handling. We recommend that you carefully examine the packaging and its contents for any signs of physical damage, which may have occurred in transportation.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ………………4 2. GETTING STARTED………………. 4 2.1 FRONT-PANEL DESCRIPTION …………….5 2.1.1 MONO CHANNEL 1~6 …………………. 5 2.1.2 STEREO CHANNEL 7~14 ………………..10 2.1.3 OUTPUT & INPUT SOCKETS ………………12 2.1.4 DIGITAL EFFECT (1805X ONLY) ………………16 2.1.5 GRAPHIC EQUALIZER ………………..

  • Page 4
    Phonic reserves the right to improve or alter any information suppied within this document without prior notice. V1.4 Nov. 22, 2002…
  • Page 5: Introduction

    1. INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of the MM 1805(X) Mixer with built-in 255 programmed digital effects(MM only). The MM 1805(X) is 1805X built into a rugged construction, which is ideal for both touring and fixed PA installations. In order to get the best performance of the MM 1805(X), please read this owner manual carefully, and look after it.

  • Page 6: Front-Panel Description

    Standard connection as tip-ring-sleeve for send-return-ground. Properly utilize the outboard gears is the general practice for the working pro. Please check out Phonic lines of signal processor products; such as PCL 3200, PCL 4200 . . TRIM This rotary knob adjusts the channel signal level. Too high, the signal will distort as it overloads the channel.

  • Page 7
    . HIGH Each input channel except 7~14 of the MM 1805(X) has a three-band swept EQ. Turn to the right to boost high frequency, adding crispness to cymbals, vocals and electronic instruments. Turn to the left to cut this frequency, reducing sibilance or hiss.
  • Page 8
    . AUX This rotary fader sends out the channel signal to AUX bus. The signal can be pre-fader so that the aux send will not be affected by the fader, which is suitable for foldback or monitor; it can be Post-fader, which is suitable for effects signal that fade up and fade down with the fader.
  • Page 9
    . GP GROUP SWITCH The input channel signal always routes to ST; press the GP switch rout the channel signal to the GP output only, Select GP1 or GP 2 by channel PAN control. Turn fully to the left, the channel signal will be routed to GP 1; turn fully to the right, the channel signal will be routed to GP 2;…
  • Page 10
    shaped Polar Pattern is called a cardioid microphone. The cardioid is most sensitive to the sounds which are arriving from the front, the sounds which are arriving from 90 degrees to the side is 6 Decibels less sensitive to the front .
  • Page 11: Stereo Channel 7~14

    2.1.2 Stereo Channel 7~14 These 4 stereo input channels are designed for stereo line level signal, stereo source such as keyboards, drum machines, synths, hi-fi equipment or DAT players, It has the same function as mono channel except TRIM setting, 2 band EQ and balance adjustment. .

  • Page 12
    . BALANCE The BALANCE control sets the amount of the channel signal feeding the ST mix output, allowing you to balance the source in the stereo image. When the control knob turn fully to the left or right, you send only that side of the signal to the mix.
  • Page 13: Output & Input Sockets

    Outputs . MAIN OUT These sockets send line level signals (after the Main Mix, before the graphic equalizer) from the MM 1805(X) to external devices (for example: EQ or a power amplifier). . MAIN INS These sockets send line level signals (after the Main Master control) to external effects (for example: a compressor, limiter, gate, etc) and return to the MM 1805(X).

  • Page 14
    . 2T REC The signals are sent to the tape recorder via the associate RCA socket. . EFX OUT This socket sends out the signals from mix bus. . AUX OUT This socket sends out the signals from aux bus. Inputs .
  • Page 15
    . AUX RTN FADER This fader controls the AUX RETURN level. . EFX RTN FADER This fader controls the EFFECT RETURN level. . AUX OUT FADER This fader controls the AUX OUT level. . EFX OUT FADER This fader controls the mix signals level to send to the built-in effect or external effect.
  • Page 16
    . 2T RTN /CTRL RM ON SWITCH Push down this button feeds the 2T RTN signals into control room. . MASTER Push down this button feeds the 2T RTN signal to the master output and its indicated LED lights. . PHANTOM PWR This switch turn the master phantom power on and off.
  • Page 17: Digital Effect (1805X Only)

    2.1.4 Digital Effect (1805X only) The built-in 255 programmed Digital Effect is operated by the pattern selec- tion buttons. Use the rotary mode selector to select one effect out of the 255 programs. HOW TO USE THE BUILT-IN EFFECT PROCESSOR 1.

  • Page 18: Graphic Equalizer

    .A full 31-band EQ is recommended for that purpose, please refer PHONIC 29-band or 31- band EQ(PHONIC MQ3229/4130/4230 or MQ 3300/3600).

  • Page 19
    right channel of the stereo mix, push down the L button, the LED on the button will light,it means you patched the Group signal to the left channel of the ST (66) outputs, push down both the L and R buttons, the LEDs on the L and R will light, it means you patched the group signals to the both sides of the ST outputs.
  • Page 20
    EXAMPLE 2 If only a mono PA output is required, one channel of the amplifier can be fed from the Mono Output by overplugging as shown, and the second channel of the amplifier may be used to drive foldback speaker from Aux out. EXAMPLE 3 An external mixer output plugs directly into the EQ IN, providing some signal correction if required.
  • Page 21: Back-Panel Description

    2.2 Back-panel Description . DIP-SWITCH Individual Phantom Power On/Off Switch of channel 1~6. . Power Supply Input Socket Connect the power supply unit to this socket. Make sure the power supply unit is not plug into mains before connecting to the mixer. .

  • Page 22: Balanced/Unbalanced System

    l Set the CTRL RM Level and Headphone level to about 50%. l If you want to hear what you’re doing later, plug your headphone into the phone output socket, or hook up your control room amplifier system to the Control Room outputs. l Release the channel on button, the LED will not light.

  • Page 23
    conductors.(known as common mode signal) Because of the real signal is carried by the 2 conductors out of phase, so it is perfectly carry to the input. At the same time, the interference occurs during transmission will be identical part (common mode), because the signal conductors are run together, there is no chance they can be different, and all the interference will be removed by the balanced input amplifier.
  • Page 24: Application


  • Page 25: Submixing

    3.3 SUBMIXING…

  • Page 26: Standard Connection


  • Page 27: Appendix


  • Page 28
  • Page 29
  • Page 30
  • Page 31
  • Page 32
  • Page 33
  • Page 34
  • Page 35
  • Page 36
  • Page 37
  • Page 38: Specifications


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Mm1805x phonic подробная инструкция

Mm1805x phonic подробная инструкция

Руководство по эксплуатации Phonic 17

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Микшерные пульты MM и MMX обеспечивают высокие эксплуатационные показатели и функциональные возможности, и самое главное, превосходное качество звука. Имеют шесть монолинеек, с микрофонными и линейными входами, и четыре стереолинейки, с линейными входами. Микрофонные усилители в монолинейках, обеспечивают чрезвычайно низкий уровень шума порядка Дб. Монолинейки оснащены трёхполосными эквалайзерами, с полупараметрической от Гц до 8кГц серединой, и обрезным НЧ-фильтром LOW CUT, которые обеспечивают широчайший диапазон регулировок частотного спектра сигнала. Эквалайзеры стереолинеек — двухполосные. Общие уровни AUX Send — посылов, регулируются с помощью мм фейдеров, расположенных над стереолинейками. Там же располагаются фейдеры уровня стереовозвратов AUX Return, для микширования их в шины мастера. Каждый вход пульта может подключаться к стереоподгруппе или непосредственно в мастер, с помощью соответствующих кнопок на линейках. Сигналы с подгрупп могут быть поданы в мастер, или выведены на независимые выходные разъёмы подгрупп. В качестве регуляторов уровня входных линеек, подгрупп и шин мастера использованы высококачественные мм фейдеры. Кроме основных выходов левого и правого каналов, мастер-секция имеет дополнительную моно-шину с отдельным выходом, куда подаётся смешанный сигнал обоих каналов. Моно-шина имеет независимый фейдер уровня. Все входные линейки, подгруппы и шины мастера имеют кнопки PFL для прослушивания. В мастер-секции имеется отключаемый семиполосный стереоэквалайзер. Кроме того, предусмотрены стереофонические вход и выход, для записи на магнитофон и воспроизведения с него, стереовыход на контрольные мониторы, а также разъём для подключения наушников. Уровень выходного сигнала показывает сдвоенный сегментный светодиодный индикатор. Модель MMX отличается от MM наличием встроенного процессора эффектов, со встроенными программами, который позволяет использовать реверберацию для вокала и инструментов без использования дополнительных внешних приборов обработки. Особенности MM и MMX: Стереофонические магнитофонные вход и выход с разъемами RCA. Мастер-выход с симметричными разъемами TRS. Моно-выход с симметричным разъемом TRS, с раздельным регулятором уровня. Регуляторы AUX-посылов на всех каналах. Регуляторы панорамы на всех каналах. Разъемы INSERT на моноканалах. Регуляторы чувствительности входов на моноканалах. Двойной ти сегментный светодиодный индикатор уровня. Phonic MMx ти канальный микшерный пульт, 4BUS, с эквалайзером. Технические характеристики Частотный диапазон. Остальные входы кроме INSERT. Обрезной фильтр LOW CUT.

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Congratulations on your purchase of the MM 1805(X) Mixer with built-in

255 programmed digital effects(MM

built into a rugged construction, which is ideal for both touring and fixed

PA installations. In order to get the best performance of the MM

1805(X), please read this owner manual carefully, and look after it. If you

ignore the manual and directly jump into the unknown, there s some-

thing might happen and makes the fool out of you. Please at least find

out something different and check if you are familiar with the other



l 6 mono input channels are able to accept a wide range of Micro-

phone and Line level from separate input sockets.

l 4 stereo inputs feature the 2 band EQ and other same control

functions as mono inputs.

l Additional 2T return inputs, for CD playback or link to submixer.

l Built-in 7-band graphic equalizer offers precise correction of the

output signal if required.

l Individual +48V phantom power dip-switch on 1-6 channel with

global switch at master section.

l Built-in digital effect with 255 programs allows the user to add

reverberation or specific effect to vocals or instrumental sounds

(MM 1805X only).


1.Check the AC voltage before connecting the AC plug. This product is

equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plug; this is a safety feature and

should not be defeated. Proper grounding is a must practice to prevent

electric shock hazard to the operator, the microphone user, and the

musicians who wired to this unit.

2.Before switch on the main power, keep all the output fader all the way

down to prevent damaging or excessive noise caused by bad level

adjustment, wrong wiring, defective cables, or bad connection.

3.Always turn on the MM1805(X) before the power amplifier, turn off the

amplifier before the MM 1805(X).

4.Always turn off the power before connecting and disconnecting the


5.Never use solvents to clean the unit. Clean with a soft, dry cloth.


only). The MM 1805(X) is

1805X - service forum & info



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Hello, good afternoon, good people from the Forum, someone have a Phonic Powerpod 410R schematic with (Class D amplifier) I will really appreciate it

Adott egy Phonic Powerpod 1062 keverőerősítő. Úgy került hozzám, hogy bekapcsol, de nem szól. Szétszedtem és akkor szembesültem azzal, hogy az egyik oldalban szét van égve több ellenállás, valamint az egyik végtranyó. Pár mérés után kiderült, hogy zárlatos mindkét végtranyó, a meghajtók, valamint 2 fet, ami a végtranyók tápellátását szolgálja, ha jól látom a rajzon. Jelzem nem vagyok profi, csak hobbi szinten javítgatok. A rajz szerint 2 féle tápról üzemel, ha jól tudom ezt hívják emeletes tápnak. A rajz fent van itt a tanyán. Most odáig eljutottam, hogy kicseréltem a szétégett ellenállásokat és az összes zárlatos tranyót, fetet. Most indul a végfok, behúz a védelem reléje is, de még nem mertem indítani, csak a hálózati bizti helyére kötött 100W-os izzóval. Működik, szól is, de ahogy írtam nem vagyok profi, így nem tudom esetleg kell-e még valamit cserélni/megnézni, mielőtt beteszem a biztit és élesben próbálom. Nem szeretném ha ellőné az új alkatrészeket és azt sem tudom, hogy mi a fene okozhatott ekkora pusztítást. Aki esetleg javított már ilyet, vagy tudna adni néhány jó tanácsot, azt megköszönném.


A címben említett erősítőm egyik csatornája nagyon alacson jelszintnél elkezd torzítani. Ilyenkor a végfokot meghajtó műveleti erősítő kimenete az egekbe szökik. A végtranzisztorok mégsem követik ezt. A tápfeszültségeket megvizsgáltam. Egyik alkatrészen sem látható fizikai hiba vagy égésnyom. Kis jelszintnél tökéletes jelet ad az erősítő. 

Ha valaki nálam jobban ismerik az ilyen és hozzá hasonló «H» osztályú erősítőket, illetve bármi ötlete van azt megköszönöm!

Az erősítő rajza megtalálható ezen az oldalon.

Kezdem feladni a dolgot, a bal oldalon fix 12V-ra felakadt a kimenet. Átmértem mindent, végtranzisztorok jók, tápfetek jók, elégve nincs semmi, melegedni nem melegszik semmi, kh hiba nincs, LDR ledje aktív így az IC5 kimenetén 13V van, tápegység rendben van, és mégsem jó… Van valakinek tippje, mit csinálhatnék még vele?indecision

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