Монополия стар варс инструкция на русском языке

Инструкция для «Звездных войн Монополия»


Judy Howell

Дата создания:

26 Июль 2021

Дата обновления:

8 Июль 2023

A "DATING" GAME... | Deep Space Waifu

Видео: A «DATING» GAME… | Deep Space Waifu


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«Звездные войны Монополия» имеет те же цели и задачи, что и классический вариант. Другими словами, каждый игрок пытается накапливать больше всего имущества и богатства и выводить других игроков из бизнеса. Разница в том, что корабли и корабли заменяют дома и отели. Есть два набора свойств. Один представляет Повстанцев (светлая сторона силы), а другой представляет Империю (темная сторона). Также имперские кредиты заменяют традиционные деньги.


Разместите игровое поле на столе с достаточным количеством места. Поместите карты Империи и Повстанцев на доску, где они отмечены.

Раздайте 1500 имперских кредитов каждому игроку. Каждый получает по два счета на 500, 100 и 50 долларов, шесть на 20 долларов и пять на 10, 5 и 1 доллар.

Выберите банкира, который будет отвечать за деньги и карты собственности на протяжении всей игры.


Поместите игровые фигуры, выбранные каждым игроком, в поле «go».

Бросьте оба кубика. Игрок с наибольшим количеством очков идет первым. Первый игрок снова бросает и перемещает игровую фигуру влево в соответствии с количеством мест на кости.

Следуйте указаниям на каждом месте. Игрок может купить собственность, заплатить арендную плату или штрафы, взять карту имперского или мятежного или отправить в тюрьму.

Снова бросьте и переместите количество пробелов на кости, если игрок бросил два одинаковых числа. Повторите этот шаг, пока она не катит удваивается. Однако, если двойные броски выпадают три раза подряд, игрок должен пройти в тюрьму до конца хода. Когда у первого игрока нет ходов, игрок слева от него берет свой ход.

Вознаграждение 200 имперских кредитов игроку, который проходит или приземляется на поле «go».

Покупка недвижимости

Купите невостребованную недвижимость или решите подождать. Если вы решите купить, заплатите банкиру сумму, указанную в поле, и получите карту документа, подтверждающего право собственности. Получите арендную плату от других игроков, которые приземляются на собственность.

Поместите собственность на аукцион, за которую отвечает банкир, если игрок отказывается покупать его. Каждый игрок, включая игрока, который не хотел собственности, может делать ставки. Торги могут начаться по любой цене. Самый высокий участник выигрывает и платит банкиру.

Купите бойца у банкира, когда у вас есть все свойства в цветовой группе. Когда у вас есть четыре бойца, купите фрахтовщик или эсминец, который собирает еще больше ренты. Игроки могут иметь только одного фрахтовщика / эсминца на каждое имущество.

Introduction: Star Wars Monopoly (GlowForge)

May the 4th be with you!

Having recently invested in a GlowForge laser cutter, Almost all of my initial projects and pieces coming off the Glowforge were gifts for others. I cut some things on wood, engraved from slate, and even made an multi-level topographic map. However, I wanted to do something for myself. There were a ton of users on the GlowForge forums making Settlers of Catan boards, which is awesome. I decided to try something different, and create my own custom Monopoly board, but better yet, an original Star Wars Trilogy Monopoly board. This game will go into my personal collection. It is not for sale.

Having recently played Monopoly for the first time in a long time, I thought that I could create pretty much everything needed for a custom Monopoly board with my GlowForge. it ended up being a much bigger project than just creating a custom board, as I also made the tokens, property cards, dice, money, community chest, chance cards, bankers tray, and custom box. My version of the game is based loosely off the Parker Brothers original trilogy Star Wars Monopoly edition, with many variations.

«I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me…»

*** I used a GlowForge laser cutter using .SVG files from Adobe Illustrator. The files I share in this thread are Illustrator .AI files, which would need to be re-saved as .SVG files to work on a GlowForge.

The main materials I used:

  • 2 x 1/4″ x 12″ x 20″ Cherry Proofgrade Plywood (Game board)
  • 2 x 1/8″ x 12″ x 20″ Proofgrade Draftboard (Property Cards)
  • Different Color Cardstock paper for the Money, chance, and community chest cards.
  • Scrap proofgrade plywood for tokens, houses, and hotels.
  • Acrylic paint for property cards and board spaces.
  • Blank Dice

Step 1: Board Design

Doing a quick google search brought up a number of resources for helping getting started on a personalized version of Monopoly.

  • Use the Hasbro My Monopoly website to create a custom board
  • Plenty of Etsy sellers with custom boards
  • Google it.

I found a few sites with templates as well.

  • Hobbylark
  • Brad Frost Photoshop Template
  • Seminopoly Illustrator Template

I ended up redrawing the entire board, as I didn’t find anything that was precise enough to use on my project. Since I knew that I was going to use the GlowForge to score the board grid on the wood, I wanted to ensure that all the lines were joined properly and the exact length. The GlowForge bed is limited to wood that is currently 12″ x 20″. Even though I have the pro model with pass through slot, I wanted a board the would fold up, so ended up making this in 2 halves.

Knowing that the GlowForge would do a combination of cutting, engraving, and scoring, I kept each of these elements on their own layer in Illustrator, and used different colors for fill and stroke so the GlowForge webapp separates each of these into their own configurable instance.

I have attached the board grid Illustrator files below. Feel free to use them as you see fit. None of the graphics or artwork is included in those files, just the layout and grid for you to use in your own Monopoly board.***

*** Since this is a Star Wars monopoly board, I used clip art and images I found through a google image search. I do not own the copyright to these images, and am using them for my own personal use. This instructable is here to show you my process in making this Monopoly board using a GlowForge, but cannot directly share any of the individual trademarked or images that were created by other artists. Add images to a new layer in Illustrator for whatever theme Monopoly board you are making.

Step 2: Cutting / Scoring / Engraving the Board!

Each half of the board took almost 3 hours each to run its course through the GlowForge. I tried a couple if different types of plywood including Maple and Cherry. I also tried inverting the middle image to save time on the engrave, but ended up using the non-inverted image for the final board. The time lapse video above is 2 hours an 57 minutes condensed down to just over a minute for the top half of the game board. The masking tape prevents excessive burn and creates clean lines when the process is complete.

Step 3: Property Cards

I designed the property cards to look similar to the original design, but moved the title outside of the color box. I used the GlowForge to score the lettering into the tiles using the Kabel Monopoly font, and cut each tile out. I also scored the mortgage information into each tile individually on the back. The tiles were painted with acrylic paint in a similar color to the original game, which will match the spaces on the game board.. The tiles were cut from medium draft board, and will be spray painted with a sealant at some point. The masking tape that comes on proofgrade draftboard from GlowForge acted as a good mask for painting the property colors. I peeled off the rectangle that was scored in each card, painted the box, and then removed the rest of the masking after the paint dried.

Instead of having houses and hotels, or cities and spaceports, my properties each have custom «houses» and «Hotels.» For example, if you land on Dabobah, you get huts for houses, and the Dark side cave for the hotel. If you land on the Death Star, your houses are Storm Troopers, and you hotel is the Tractor beam. On Jabba’s Sail barge, it has servant droids, and the Sarlacc Pit. You get the jist. Prices for these custom houses and hotels are the same as the original game.

Step 4: $15,140 Galactic Credits! (Laser Cut Monopoly Money)

I used a monopoly money template that I found on Google search., and added some Star Wars flair by making each denomination include an image from the Empire, with laser cut Galactic Empire logo cut out of each bill. I ended up printing the design of the Monopoly money on thicker cardstock paper, versus the thin paper the original money comes on. I did this because I had access to free colored paper, so it was an easy choice. I used a standard black and white laser printer to print 10 bills on each piece of paper, and then used the template to cut each bill the same size on the GlowForge.

I used Adobe Photoshop to create the layers for the bills with 10 bills on each page. I then used Illustrator to create the outlines that will be cut using the GlowForge, and saved as an .SVG format.

The money comes in 20, $500 bills, 20, $100 bills, 30, $50 bills, 50, $20 bills, 40, $10 bills, 40, $5 bills, and 40, $1 bills.

Step 5: Tokens / Houses / Hotels


I cut the tokens out of scrap cherry plywood, using the GlowForge or course, and used a 2 piece design for the pieces. Each character has a 1/8″ tab at the bottom of each piece, and a .75″ base to with a .115″ square cut out of the middle. It creates a snug fit, but the pieces could be taken apart if needed. To create each character, I use Adobe illustrator to create an outline using the offset path tool to give the GlowForge some room to do the engraving. The cut path was a different layer than the engrave path. Simple, but fun and unique tokens for the Monopoly game!

Houses / Hotels:

I didn’t really have any clever idea for the houses and hotels, and went with a generic tile for each. Since my properties could be anything from a hut, to a spaceship, to a planet, I thought going with something simple was warranted for this custom game. I cut the 32 houses out of clear 1/8″ acrylic and the hotels out of black 1/8″ acrylic.

Step 6: Chance & Community Chest

I changed the Chance spaces on the Board to read Galactic Empire, and the Community Chest spaces to say Rebel Alliance. I created custom cards for both of these, and printed them out on cardstock. The plan is to have them professionally printed by, which has square business cards that can have a different design on a=each card. I’ll wait for a sale or discount code to come my way, but until then, the printed versions will work just fine. I used the GlowForge to cut the cards out with rounded corners.

*** I was educated by someone on the Glowforge forum that I misspelled Wookiee on these cards. Thanks for the heads up, as I should have known that. I haven’t finalized the cards that i’m going to have printed professionally, so the good news is that this is an easy fix.

Step 7: Bankers Tray

Using Illustrator, I created a bankers tray to cut on the GlowForge in 1/8″ Proofgrade Cherry. This was also my first attempt at a living hinge, as I added this to the top piece on each side to create a curve. Bills fit nicely, and this is a nice addition to the entire set. I have included the SVG file if you want to cut your own and customize the template.

Step 8: Dice

To engrave the dice, I created a jig out of cardboard to use in the GlowForge. It’s pretty simple, as I measured the dice, and drew 2 square boxes with a width of 1.765″. I use the GlowForge to cut these 2 squares out of the cardboard, which is held down to the crumb tray using magnets and tape so it doesn’t move. Remove the cardboard squares that were cut out, leaving the rest of the cardboard in there as a template, and insert the dice into the GlowForge in the 2 new empty slots.

Step 9: Admiration Hour, Show and Tell.

Haven’t been able to get a proper game board box, so in the meantime, I used a Uline packaging box and engraved it. Also engraved the bottom of the board with my contact info and limited edition status. I will eventually make a proper wood box for this, but for now, everything is complete.

Step 10: Change Up the Design: Make Another Board!

Since I had all of the design elements created, I did make a second board for a summer camp fundraiser to send kids who normally could not afford to go to camp. I am raffling off this board to the camp staff alumni. The only difference in this board is that I used cherry plywood from Owyn’s, which gave a more solid result. The Star Wars board has a bit of warp to it, whereas the Owyn’s wood does not. This is my last monopoly board for a while.

Step 11: Box!

Finally got around to making a proper box for the monopoly board. Wood from Owyn’s along with draft board for the dividers. The problem with my Glowforge laser cutter is that the bed width has a maximum width of ~19″, or the same size as the board game itself. Glowforge hasn’t released the software upgrade for the pass though slot yet to make accurate cuts using the pass through slot. So, I decided to improvise and use a puzzle approach with multiple woods. Had to use more sheets of plywood, but aI am happy with the result.

Play in teams to build Bases around the galaxy and use the Force cards to turn the battle in your favor! But remember: there can only be one ultimate winner! May the Force be with you!


  • 1 Gameboard
  • 4 Character Tokens
  • 48 Bases (all double-sided)
  • 36 Force Cards
  • 4 Symbol Cards
  • 2 Dice,
  • 1 Money Pack
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

  • Travel around the galaxy, buying planets to build Bases on.

  • When every planet is owned, the battle Is over! Count up the Bases.

  • The player with the most Bases on the winning side Is the ultimate winnerl

Game Elements

Choose your Side

Choose to play as either Rebel (blue) or Empire (red) In this galactic battle for ultimate power. Team up to confront your enemy, but remember there can be only one winner!

Bases and Symbols

Once you’ve picked your character token, pick a symbol card of the same color.

Rebel players, choose either or

Empire players, choose either or

Take a closer look…

  • Pick up a matching colored Base.
  • You’ll find your chosen symbol on one side.
  • Place the Base this side up during the game to show you own a planet space!

Use the Force Cards!

Land on Rebel or Empire spaces to pick up Force cards!

If you land on a Rebel space … or an Empire space

pick up a matching card and take a closer look…

Planet Spaces

Travel around the galaxy, buying planets to build Bases on. Charge rent every time players land on your space!

Owning a whole planet (color set) means double the rent!

Out of Cash?

No one goes bankrupt in MONOPOLY Star Wars, but if you can’t pay the rent, you will lose your most valuable Base!


  1. Players need to choose which side they are on: Rebel (blue) or Empire (red).

  2. Ensure there are even players on each side. For a three player game, see the page opposite.

  3. Choose your character token and put it on GO. Place your chosen symbol card in front of you for everyone to see.

  4. Shuffle the Rebel Force cards and place them face down on this card space:

  5. Shuffle the Empire Force cards and place them face down on this card space:

  6. Rebel players each take three Rebel Force cards, and Empire players each take three Empire Force cards.

    • Look at them now, but keep them secret.
    • Keep cards until needed, then use them at any time.
  7. 7. Choose a player to be Banker. The Banker is in charge of:

    • The Bank’s money
    • Rebel and Empire Bases
    • Auctions

    The Banker can play too, but must keep their money separate from the Bank’s.

  8. Give each player:

    Total = 1500 Credits.

    Keep the rest of the money in the plastic tray as the Bank.

  9. The youngest Rebel player goes first. Play continues to the left.

Three-player Game Setup

The solo player always goes first and takes six Rebel or Empire Force cards at the beginning of the game, depending on their chosen side.

Game Play

  • Once every planet on the board has Bases built on it, the side with the most Bases wins, Rebel or Empire.

  • The player with the most Bases on the winning side is the ultimate winner!

  • In case of any draws, the balance of power Is tipped by the highest-placed Base.

Game Turn

  1. Roll both dice.

  2. Move your token forward that number of spaces.

  3. Where did you land? Check The Board Spaces section of this guide.

  4. If you rolled a double, move, then roll and move again.

    Watch out! If you roll a double three times in the same turn, you must Go To Jail!

  5. Your turn Is over. The player on your left goes next.

Start playing! That’s all you need to know, so get going! Look up the spaces as you land on them.

The Board Spaces

Unowned Planet Spaces

You must either buy or auction any unowned planet space.

  • To buy it, pay the price shown on the outer board space, then put one of your Bases on to the linked hexagonal space on the planet itself. Make sure the Base has your symbol face up to show you own it!

  • If you don’t want to buy it, the Banker must auction it. Bidding starts at 10 Credits. Anyone can Increase the bid (even the player who originally landed on the space). The winning bid is paid to the Bank.

  • If no one wants it, that’s fine. Leave the planet space empty.

Owned Planet Spaces

You must pay the owner rent. Rent Is shown on the planet Itself next to the owned hexagonal Base space, but the amount you have to pay depends on which side the owner is on.

  • If the owner Is an enemy, you must pay the full rent.

  • If an ally, you only pay half the rent!

  • Out of money to pay the rent? Turn to page 9 for instructions. Watch out! The owner must ask for the rent before the next player rolls the dice; you snooze, you lose!

Color Set = Double the Rent!

If you, on your own or as part of the Rebel/Empire side, own all the Bases on a planet, the rent owed is doubled!


Every time you land on or pass the GO space, collect 200 Credits (except when engaged in Hyperdrive).

Force Card Spaces

Land on Rebel or Empire spaces to pick up Force cards!

If you land on a Rebel space … or an Empire space

Remember: Don’t forget the cards in your hand from the start of the game.

Just say no! cards can be played at any time to cancel any player’s action against youl If that player has another Just say no! card, they can use It to cancel yours; sorry!

Discard used Force and Chance cards face up. If you run out of cards, shuffle the discard piles to create new Rebel and Empire decks.


Move to any unowned planet space between you and the next Hyperdrive space.

If all the spaces are owned in that zone, you can make a bigger leap to any unowned space in the next zone, and the next if necessary.

If you pass GO while in Hyperdrive, do not collect 200 Credits.

Bounty Hunter

Make any planet space your ownl

Take one of your Bases from the Bank and use it to either:

  • Take over an unowned planet space; or

  • Replace any existing Base on the board, returning that player’s Base to the Bank.

Just Visiting

If you land here, do nothing. Pop your token on the Just Visiting section.

Free Parking

Do nothing. Take a load off and recharge your power couplings.

Go to Jail

Move your token to the In Jail space immediately. Do not pass GO.

Do not collect 200 Credits. Your turn is over. You cannot collect any rent or take part in auctions while you’re In Jail.

So, how do you get out of Jail?

  • Pay 100 Credits to the Bank at the start of your next turn, then roll and move as normal.

  • Use a Get Out of Jail Free card.

  • Roll a double on your next turn. If you do, you’re freel Use the roll to move. You can use up to three turns to try for a double. If you don’t roll a double by your third turn in Jail, pay 100 Credits and use your last roll to move as normal.

Trade Federation Tax

Pay 200 Credits to the Bank.

Are you out of money

  • If you owe the Bank, keep any cash you do have and remove your highest-placed Base.

  • If you owe another player, keep your cash and remove your highest-placed Base from the board. The player owed puts one of their Bases in Its placel

  • If you have no money or Bases, do nothing; you’ve got It bad enough! Win!

End of the Game

As soon as every planet space has a Base on it, the game ends. The side with the most Bases on the board wins!

The player with the most Bases on the winning side is the ultimate winner!

In case of a draw, the winner is the player who owns the highest-placed Base.



Kashyyyk is the Wookiee homeworld, covered in dense forest. While Wookiees build their homes in the planet’s trees, they are not a primitive species, and Kashyyyk architecture incorporates sophisticated technology.

One of the last battles of the Clone Wars was fought here under the leadership of Yoda, with Wookiees and clones battling the Separatist droid army — until the Emperor issued Order 66, commanding the clones to slaughter all Jedi.


Hoth is the sixth planet in the remote system of the same name, and was the site of the Rebel Alliance’s Echo Base. It is a world of snow and ice, surrounded by numerous moons, and home to deadly creatures like the wampa.


A harsh rocky world less than a parsec away from Tatooine, Geonosis is a ringed planet beyond the borders of the Galactic Republic. Its uninviting surface is made up of harsh, rocky desert.

The most advanced life-form are the Geonosians, sentient insectoids that inhabit towering spire-hives. The Geonosians maintained large factories for the production of droids and weapons for the Separatist cause in the Clone Wars.


Home to Yoda during his final years, Dagobah is a swamp-covered planet — a forgotten world where the wizened Jedi Master could escape the notice of Imperial forces.

Characterized by its bog-like conditions and fetid wetlands, the murky and humid quagmire remains undeveloped, with no signs of technology. Though it lacks civilization, the planet is teeming with life — from its dense, jungle undergrowth to its diverse animal population.


A harsh desert world orbiting twin suns along the Outer Rim of the galaxy, Tatooine is ruled by the immoral Hutts. Most settlers operate moisture farms in the desert, but cities such as Mos Espa and Mos Eisley attract a wide range of criminals and rogues. T

atooine’s many dangers include sudden sandstorms, bands of roving Tusken Raiders, and carnivorous krayt dragons. Tatooine is also known for dangerous Podraces, rampant gambling, and legalized slavery.


A lonely world beyond the Outer Rim, few could have predicted that Kamino would become a key contributor to a massive shift in political power in the final days of the Republic.

Kamino is a planet of endless oceans and storms. Few features mark its surface, save for massive stilt-mounted cities wherein reside the planet’s natural inhabitants, the Kaminoans.

From Tipoca City, the planet’s Prime Minister, Lama Su, closely monitored the operations of Kamino’s most prized export: clones.


Secluded in a remote corner of the galaxy, the forest moon of Endor would easily have been overlooked by history were it not for the decisive battle that occurred there.

The lush, forest home of the Ewok species is the gravesite of Darth Vader and the Empire itself. It was here that the Rebel Alliance won its most crucial victory over the Galactic Empire.


A city-covered planet, Coruscant is the vibrant heart and capital of the galaxy, featuring a diverse mix of citizens and culture.

It features towering skyscrapers, streams of speeder-filled air traffic, and inner levels that stretch far below the world’s surface.

Coruscant was the seat of government for the Galactic Republic and the Empire that followed, and was the site of numerous historic events during the Clone Wars.

Other Monopoly Editions

  • Anti-Monopoly
  • Monopoly City
  • Monopoly Cheaters Edition
  • Monopoly Deadpool
  • Monopoly Deal
  • Monopoly Fortnite
  • Monopoly for Millennials
  • Monopoly Frozen II
  • Monopoly Game of Thrones
  • Monopoly Friends
  • Monopoly Gamer
  • Monopoly Junior
  • Monopoly Junior Electronic Banking
  • Monopoly Junior Party
  • Ms. Monopoly
  • Monopoly Marvel Avengers
  • Monopoly — Longest Game Ever
  • Monopoly Original
  • Monopoly Peppa Pig
  • Monopoly Socialism
  • Monopoly Stranger Things
  • Monopoly — The Mega Edition
  • Monopoly The Simpsons
  • Monopoly Speed
  • Monopoly Revolution
  • Monopoly Toy Story
  • Monopoly Ultimate Banking
  • Monopoly Voice Banking

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Правила игры и описание игрового поля


Принципы игрового процесса на проекте «Monopoly Star» приближены к стандартам таких настольных игр как «Монополия», «НЭП», «Миллионер». Для удобства пользователей мы постарались максимально автоматизировать игровой процесс, при этом позволив вам, игрокам, лично принимать экономические решения для достижения главной цели игры.

Цель игровой партии одна – стать монополистом и обанкротить других участников игры. Все ваши действия и принимаемые решения должны служить именно этой цели.

Начало игры и значение клеток.

Игра начинается с поля «Старт». Система в случайном порядке определяет того игрока, чей ход будет первым, либо этот порядок определяется наличием «талисманов» у кого то из игроков.

Игроки по очереди бросают кубики и перемещают свои фишки по полю по часовой стрелке. Если вы выбросили дубль (одинаковое число на обоих кубиках), то вы имеете право на дополнительный ход. Однако, если дубль выпадает три раза подряд, вы отправляетесь в тюрьму.

Каждый раз, проходя через поле «Старт», вы получаете круговой доход в размере 400k. В том случае, если ваша фишка завершает ход на этом поле, вы получаете дополнительный доход +200k.
Если вы не были «отправлены в Тюрьму», а просто остановились на поле «Тюрьма» в ходе игры, вы отправляетесь на поле «Отпуск». Вы отправляетесь в тюрьму, если: остановились на поле «Отпуск», или у вас выпало одинаковое число на обоих кубиках три раза подряд в течении одного хода.
Чтобы выйти из Тюрьмы, вы можете:

  • заплатить штраф в размере 150k и продолжить игру, когда до вас дойдет очередь,
  • оставаться там, пропуская три своих очередных хода, но каждый раз, когда до вас доходит очередь, бросать кубики, и если на обоих кубиках в один из таких ходов у вас выпадает одинаковое число очков, вы можете выйти из тюрьмы и пройти такое число полей, которое выпадает на кубиках.

После того как вы пропустили три хода, находясь в Тюрьме, вы должны уплатить 300k, прежде чем вы сможете сделать следующий ход.
Находясь в Тюрьме, вы можете получать арендную плату за Вашу Недвижимость, если она не заложена.
Находясь в Тюрьме, вы не сможете участвовать в аукционах и обменах.

Попадание на поле «Джек-пот» может принести вам как дополнительный доход, так и убыток (от -300k до +300k).
Если фишка игрока попадёт на поле «Отпуск«, игрок попадает в «Тюрьму«, со всеми вытекающими от сюда последствиями.
При попадании на поле «Плохая погода» вы пропускаете следующий ход.
При остановке на поле «Встречный ветер» следующий ваш ход будет сделан в обратном направлении.
«Ураган» переносит фишку игрока вперёд. «Верхний ураган», перенесёт фишку случайном образом на Фрукты, Осётр, Кофе, или Кедр.

«Нижний ураган», доставит игрока на Опал, Золото, Нефть, или Горох.
Тем самым «Ураган» повышает вероятность получения прибыли с крайних (по часовой стрелке) полей каждой монополии. Примечание: в классической игре «Монополия» крайние поля имеют повышенную аренду, а у нас повышенную вероятность дохода.

«Плюс» приносит игроку доход от 100k до 300k. Мелочь, но очень приятно!
«Минус» придётся заплатить штраф от 100k до 300k. Эх..

Визитка игрока

Фирмы и монополии

Увеличение дохода с монополий. Постройка звёзд

Чтобы получать больший доход с аренды, вам необходимо создать монополию, т.е. иметь в собственности участки одной цветовой группы. Для этого вы можете совершать сделки по обмену и купли-продажи с другими участниками игровой партии. Важно помнить то, что сумма сделки не должна отклоняться более чем на 50% от установленной банком стоимости игровых полей, участвующих в сделке.

Собрав все поля одной монополии, вы сможете увеличивать доход с этих участков. Для этого, вам необходимо «строить звезды». Во время своего хода вы нажимаете кнопку «

СТРОИТЬ», выбираете то поле, на котором вы хотите увеличить доход, и в открывшемся окне вновь нажимаете кнопку «СТРОИТЬ». За один ход вы можете построить по одной «звезде» на каждой из своих монополий. Уточняем, не на каждом поле, а лишь одну «звезду» на одном из полей монополии. Максимальное количество «звёзд» на одном поле — четыре, после чего появляется возможность приобрести одну золотую звезду. Если одно из полей монополии заложено, то постройка «звезд» невозможна на всей монополии. При необходимости вы можете продавать «звёзды» обратно в банк. Стоимость «звезды» в этом случае будет такой же, какую вы платили за ее установку. Продавать/менять поля, на которых установлены «звезды» нельзя. Сначала необходимо снизить стоимость аренды, затем проводить с ними операции обмена, залога или купли-продажи.

На игровом поле также присутствуют участки, не объединяемые в монополию для постройки «звезд». То есть, увеличение дохода с них зависит от количества этих полей у одного игрока. Речь идет об участках, расположенных посередине каждой из сторон игрового поля: Воздух, Огонь, Вода, Земля.

Залог и выкуп

Вывод полей из залога, производится по их номинальной стоимости, т.е. в два раза дороже получаемых денег от залога, поэтому пользоваться этой возможностью нужно очень осторожно и обдуманно.

Круговой доход, круговой налог и банк

В правом верхнем углу игрового поля виден таймер, отсчитывающий время партии с её начала. Начиная со второго часа игры, Банк перестаёт выплачивать круговой доход и начинает собирать Налоги.

Таблица доходов и Налогов

После часа игры, круговой доход не выплачивается, а взимается круговой налог, увеличивающийся каждые 30 минут.

Рядом с таймером отображается текущее действие Банка:

Банк бережно подсчитывает все выплаченные игроками Налоги и аккумулирует их на своём счету до тех пор, пока не определится победитель партии, которому и будут отданы накопления.

Банкротство или окончание игры

Если Вы должны банку или другим игрокам больше денег, чем Вы можете получить по вашим игровым активам, Вас объявляют банкротом, и Вы выбываете из игры. Так же Вы можете стать банкротом, если не успеете выполнить какое-либо игровое действие в отведенное на него время. Последний оставшийся в игре участник является победителем.

Последний раз редактировалось Oboronitel; 31.03.2020 в 04:59.

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