Table of Contents
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Premium Dual Delay, Reverb and Looper pedal
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Summary of Contents for Mooer Ocean Machine
Page 1
Premium Dual Delay, Reverb and Looper pedal… -
Page 2
Precautions Power Supply Please connect the designated AC adapter to an AC outlet of the correct voltage. Please be sure to use only an AC adapter which supplies 9V DC(±10%), , center negative. Unplug the AC power adapter when not in use or during electrical storms. Connections or disconnecting, this will help prevent malfunction and / or damage to other devices. -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Contents Panel Layout Front Panel Layout Back Panel Layout Setup Modes Play Mode Patch Mode Effect Types Reverb Delay B Delay A Expression pedal Looper Settings Menu Wireless Exp. Tone Merge Midi Mapping Trail IN & OUT Global EQ Reset Storing Presets Wireless Footswitch MIDI…
Page 4: Panel Layout
D.MixA: DelayA level operation rotate the R.Mix: Reverb wet/dry mix D.MixB: DelayB level Menu control to adjust the master mix of the ocean machine. Press to access the on screen menu. Rotate to navigate, press to enter. DelayB type Selects the…
Page 5: Back Panel Layout
Back Panel Layout LEFT/MONO INPUT LEFT/MONO OUTPUT MIDI THRU Left channel input Left channel output Bypass output from Mono input Mono output midi in signal EXPRESSION 9V DC /EXTERNAL Input for external Power input (9 v DC, 500 ma, centre expression pedals or control switches pin negative)
Page 6: Setup
Setup Front of amp…
Page 7: Modes
The Ocean Machine has two main operation modes to allow the device to be used in different ways. PLAY Mode — In this mode the Ocean machine operates like a tradition effects pedal and every basic effect parameter value is the same as that of it’s corresponding control knob.
Page 8: Play Mode
Play Mode Ocean Machine will boot directly to Play mode by default when powered on. In this mode the ocean machine will operate like a traditional stompbox. All basic effect parameters are depicted directly by the values of the physical control knobs.
Page 9
Menu Screen The menu screen allows access to deeper editing options. To access the menu screen options press the Menu control knob once. When inside the menu screen the currently selected effect block or parameter will be highlighted with a red border. 917ms 970ms Echo… -
Page 10: Patch Mode
Patch Mode In patch mode the ocean machine recalls all effect settings from the stored presets and the controls work slightly differently. Reverb — Dedicated master Tap tempo. The footswitch LED will always show the current Tap tempo DelayB — Previous preset…
Page 11
Preset selection screen Patch 862ms Real Crystal Press the menu button whilst in patch mode on the preset selection screen to enter the Patch Control page. Alternatively you can simultaneously depress the Reverb + DelayB footswitches to toggle between the Patch Control page and the preset selection screen Patch Control Page 998ms 970ms… -
Page 12: Effect Types
Effect Types Reverb Room:Small room Reverb with a short decay Hall:Large spacious Reverb with a long decay Plate:Based on a traditional mechanical plate reverb Dist Verb:Distorted Reverb FL-Verb:Reverb with a modulated Flanger Filter:Reverb with a modulated envelope follower Reverse:Backwards Reverb Spring:Based on a vintage, large tank, spring reverb Mod:Reverb with a modulated Chorus Delay B…
Page 13: Delay A
An external expression pedal can be used to control various parameters of the ocean machine Connect an expression pedal to the EXP input of Ocean Machine using a TRS stereo jack cable You can select the parameters which the expression pedal controls on the…
Page 14: Looper
Looper Ocean machine comes complete with a looper with up to 44 seconds of recording time, overdubbing, independent level control and full featured half speed + reverse effects. To access the looper simultaneously depress the DelayB + DelayA footswitches. Looper lever…
Page 15
When on the Looper screen, rotating the Menu control will adjust the playback level * Note: You can go back and forth between the looper and your current operation screen while the looper is in operation by simultaneously pressing DelayB and DelayA footswitches… -
Page 16: Settings Menu
Settings Menu Inside this menu you will find various global settings Press the Setting button to enter the settings menu Press the Back button to exit the settings menu Setting Setting Wireless Wireless Trail: OFF Trail: OFF Exp. Exp. Tone Tone IN &…
Page 17: Exp
At the bottom of this page is a parameter named “Min Value”. Changing this percentage will adjust the minimum threshold when the expression pedal is in the heel down position Tone The tone controls on Ocean machine’s delay and reverb effect blocks can independently be setup as high pass or as low pass filters Patch…
Page 18: Merge
Press the Menu control to switch Merge on/off Midi Mapping Ocean Machine contains a full contents table of it’s midi mapping so you don’t need to carry a manual with it for programming midi control MIDI CC#…
Page 19: In & Out
Rotate the Menu control to adjust the level Global EQ Ocean Machine is equipped with a Global EQ section which will affect both your dry guitar signal and the sound of the effects. This can be switched on or off…
Page 20: Reset
Reset This will perform a factory reset of your ocean machine Rotate the Menu control to select YES Press the Menu control to confirm factory reset Select NO or press the Back button to cancel the factory reset procedure Setting…
Page 21: Wireless Footswitch
Press and hold C+D footswitches on the wireless controller (4 FS type) Connect power to the Ocean Machine Wait for the Ocean Machine to fully finish booting up before releasing the wireless controllers footswitch Navigate to: «Setting > Wireless» and set the parameter to the correct controller type…
Page 22: Midi
MIDI Ocean Machine operates on Midi Channel 1. It can receive midi signals but can not transmit them Programme Change signals (PC) are used to recall presets Control Change signals (CC) are used to switch effects on/off and control parameter values…
Page 23
Value Range Function Looper In&Out 0-127(In:>=64;Out:<64) Rec/Dub 0-127 Play 0-127 Stop 0-127 Clear All 0-127 HalfSpeed 0-127(On:>=64;Off:<64) Reverse 0-127(On:>=64;Off:<64) Loop-Level 0-60 wireless Expression pedal 0-18 Expression Min Value 0-100 Trail On/Off 0-127(On:>=64;Off:<64) EQ On/Off 0-127(On:>=64;Off:<64) L.FREQ BASS 0-24 0-24 TREBLE 0-24 H.FREQ Input Level… -
Page 24
Midi program NO. Preset Midi program #1 Midi program #2 Midi program #3 Midi program #4 Midi program #5 Midi program #6 Midi program #7 Midi program #8 Midi program #9 Midi program #10 Midi program #11 Midi program #12 Preset Midi program NO. -
Page 25: Firmware Update
Connect the MIDI IN cable to Ocean Machine’s MIDI THRU socket 4.Press and hold the «BACK» and «SETTING» buttons on the Ocean Machine. Connect power to the Ocean Machine and do not release the buttons until the screen displays a «Loading» message 5.Open the «OM_IAP.exe»…
инструкцияMooer Ocean Machine
Premium Dual Delay, Reverb and Looper pedal
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Более двух лет разработок в сотрудничестве с легендарным Devin Townsend позволили создать Ocean Machine — высококачественную профессиональную станцию Delay, Reverb и Looper, вобравшую в себя лучшие, доступные на рынке комплектующие и уникальные комплексные алгоритмы, позволяющие создавать по-настоящему роскошные, неземные эффекты. Концепция Ocean Machine заключается в том, чтобы прибор не только соответствовал творческим запросам Таунсенда, но и предоставлял множество универсальных возможностей для программирования и управления, что делает Ocean Machine идеальным устройством как для гитаристов любителей, так и для профессиональных гастролирующих музыкантов, к тому же она легко интегрируется в любой гитарный сетап. И все это объединено в компактном, стильном и прочном корпусе.
Основные функции:
• 2 независимых эффекта Delay с 15 различными типами
• Время задержки: 0 — 2 секунды
• Опциональный Ping Pong эффект
• Высококачественный просторный эффект реверберации (9 различных типов) и Shimmer эффект
• Программируемая последовательность эффектов в цепи
• Функция freeze для Delay и Reverb эффектов
• Tap Tempo функциональность с независимыми опциями Relative Tempo
• Аудио лупер с памятью 32 МБ, обеспечивающий до 44 секунд записи
• 2 стандартных режима работы
• Множество дополнительных возможностей программирования через LCD меню
• Входы для дополнительного футсвича и педали экспрессии
• Базовые параметры дилея и реверберации можно регулировать через выделенные кнобы для быстрой и легкой настройки на лету
• 24 ячейки памяти (8 банков с 3 пресетами в каждом)
• Midi программируемый
• Стерео входы и выходы
• Настраиваемый Global EQ
• Возможность регулировки входных и выходных уровней для легкой интеграции и великолепных результатов с различного рода инструментами и сетапами
Режимы работы:
Ocean Machine способна функционировать в двух режимах, позволяя использовать устройство в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями.
1. Режим PLAY — в данном режиме Ocean Machine работает как традиционная педаль эффектов: значение каждого базового параметра эффекта соответствует положению регуляторов
2. Режим PATCH — в данном режиме Ocean Machine позволяет вызывать из памяти сохраненные пресеты: все значения базовых параметров эффекта будут соответствовать сохраненным, пока вы не измените положение регуляторов
Встроенный Looper
Ocean Machine оснащена встроенным лупером, позволяющим записать до 44 секунд собственного исполнения. Помимо этого вам доступны функции overdubbing, независимая регулировка уровня и эффекты half speed + reverse.
Типы эффектов:
• Room: имитация реверберации небольшой комнаты с быстрым затуханием
• Hall: массивная просторная реверберация с продолжительным затуханием
• Plate: основан на традиционном механическом пластинчатом ревербераторе
• Dist Verb: реверберация с эффектом дисторшн
• FL-Verb: реверберация с модулированным Flanger
• Filter: реверберация с последовательной модулированной огибающей
• Reverse: эффект реверсивной реверберации
• Spring: основан на винтажной пружинной реверберации
• Mod: реверберация с модулированным хорусом
• Digital: HiFi дилей с чистыми повторами
• Analog: винтажный дилей BB стиля с теплыми затухающими повторами
• Tape: основан на классическом «reel to reel» ленточном эхо
• Echo: основан на винтажном echorec
• Liquid: Digital Delay с модулированными Phaser повторами
• Rainbow: специальный эффект pitch Delay с модуляцией
• Crystal: специальный эффект pitch Delay + искрящиеся верха
• Low-Bit: эффект Delay + bit crusher
• Fuzzy: дилей + фузз
• Digital: HiFi дилей с чистыми повторами
• Analog: винтажный дилей BB стиля с теплыми затухающими повторами
• Tape: основан на классическом «reel to reel» ленточном эхо
• Real: чистый дилей с натурально звучащими повторами
• Dyna: динамический дилей
• Galaxy: эффект дилей с нарастающими повторами + легкая модуляция
• Mod: эффект дилей с модулированными повторами
• Tri mod: дилей в духе 80-х с плотными модулированными повторами
• Mod-Inv: Reverse delay с модуляцией
Входы: 1/4″ х 2 (Left/Mono + Right) / вход для дополнительного футсвича и педали экспрессии / MIDI вход / MIDI THRU
Сопротивление на входе: 1 мОм
Выходы: 1/4″ х 2 (Left/Mono + Right)
Сопротивление на выходе: 100 Ом
Частота сэмплирования: 44,1 К
Точность сэмплирования: 24 бит
Источник питания: DC 9V 500 мА адаптер (отрицательный внутри положительного)
Размеры: 215 х 127 х 56 мм
Вес: 1,1 кг
*2 independent DELAYS with 15 different delay types, 0-2 seconds of delay time and optional ping pong effect
* A high fidelity spacious REVERB with 9 different reverb types and shimmer effect
*Programmable order of effects chain
*Delay and Reverb freeze effect
* Tap Tempo functionality with independent relative tempo options
*An audio looper with 32 MB of storage memory providing a total of up to 44 seconds of recording time
*2 standard modes of operation
*A multitude of extra programmability options via the LCD menu
* External switch and expression pedal inputs for more control options
*All basic delay and reverb parameters can be adjusted via dedicated control knobs for fast and easy adjustment on the fly
* 8 banks with 3 presets on each, providing a total of 24 preset spaces
* Midi programmable
* Full stereo inputs and outputs
* Adjustable Global EQ settings, input and output levels for easy integration and great results with all different kinds of instruments and setups
*Input: 1/4’ signal input audio interface X2 (impedance 1M ohms)
*Output: 1/4 «left and right channel audio interface x2 (impedance 100 ohms)
*Sampling rate: 44.1K
*Sampling accuracy: 24bit
*Power supply: DC 9V 500mA power adapter (negative inside positive)
*Size: 215 mm (D) X 127 mm (W) X 56 mm (H)
*Weight: 1.1KG
*2 independent DELAYS with 15 different delay types, 0-2 seconds of delay time and optional ping pong effect
* A high fidelity spacious REVERB with 9 different reverb types and shimmer effect
*Programmable order of effects chain
*Delay and Reverb freeze effect
* Tap Tempo functionality with independent relative tempo options
*An audio looper with 32 MB of storage memory providing a total of up to 44 seconds of recording time
*2 standard modes of operation
*A multitude of extra programmability options via the LCD menu
* External switch and expression pedal inputs for more control options
*All basic delay and reverb parameters can be adjusted via dedicated control knobs for fast and easy adjustment on the fly
* 8 banks with 3 presets on each, providing a total of 24 preset spaces
* Midi programmable
* Full stereo inputs and outputs
* Adjustable Global EQ settings, input and output levels for easy integration and great results with all different kinds of instruments and setups
*Input: 1/4’ signal input audio interface X2 (impedance 1M ohms)
*Output: 1/4 «left and right channel audio interface x2 (impedance 100 ohms)
*Sampling rate: 44.1K
*Sampling accuracy: 24bit
*Power supply: DC 9V 500mA power adapter (negative inside positive)
*Size: 215 mm (D) X 127 mm (W) X 56 mm (H)
*Weight: 1.1KG
*2 independent DELAYS with 15 different delay types, 0-2 seconds of delay time and optional ping pong effect
* A high fidelity spacious REVERB with 9 different reverb types and shimmer effect
*Programmable order of effects chain
*Delay and Reverb freeze effect
* Tap Tempo functionality with independent relative tempo options
*An audio looper with 32 MB of storage memory providing a total of up to 44 seconds of recording time
*2 standard modes of operation
*A multitude of extra programmability options via the LCD menu
* External switch and expression pedal inputs for more control options
*All basic delay and reverb parameters can be adjusted via dedicated control knobs for fast and easy adjustment on the fly
* 8 banks with 3 presets on each, providing a total of 24 preset spaces
* Midi programmable
* Full stereo inputs and outputs
* Adjustable Global EQ settings, input and output levels for easy integration and great results with all different kinds of instruments and setups
*Input: 1/4’ signal input audio interface X2 (impedance 1M ohms)
*Output: 1/4 «left and right channel audio interface x2 (impedance 100 ohms)
*Sampling rate: 44.1K
*Sampling accuracy: 24bit
*Power supply: DC 9V 500mA power adapter (negative inside positive)
*Size: 215 mm (D) X 127 mm (W) X 56 mm (H)
*Weight: 1.1KG
*2 independent DELAYS with 15 different delay types, 0-2 seconds of delay time and optional ping pong effect
* A high fidelity spacious REVERB with 9 different reverb types and shimmer effect
*Programmable order of effects chain
*Delay and Reverb freeze effect
* Tap Tempo functionality with independent relative tempo options
*An audio looper with 32 MB of storage memory providing a total of up to 44 seconds of recording time
*2 standard modes of operation
*A multitude of extra programmability options via the LCD menu
* External switch and expression pedal inputs for more control options
*All basic delay and reverb parameters can be adjusted via dedicated control knobs for fast and easy adjustment on the fly
* 8 banks with 3 presets on each, providing a total of 24 preset spaces
* Midi programmable
* Full stereo inputs and outputs
* Adjustable Global EQ settings, input and output levels for easy integration and great results with all different kinds of instruments and setups
*Input: 1/4’ signal input audio interface X2 (impedance 1M ohms)
*Output: 1/4 «left and right channel audio interface x2 (impedance 100 ohms)
*Sampling rate: 44.1K
*Sampling accuracy: 24bit
*Power supply: DC 9V 500mA power adapter (negative inside positive)
*Size: 215 mm (D) X 127 mm (W) X 56 mm (H)
*Weight: 1.1KG
Reverb Parameter controls
Shimmer: Mix shimmer effect
Decay: Length of reverb decay
Menu/Mix Control
Tone: Reverb tonality
During standard
operation rotate the
R.Mix: Reverb wet/dry mix
Menu control to adjust
the master mix of the
ocean machine.
Press to access the on
screen menu. Rotate
to navigate, press to
Looper: Rotate to
adjust looper level
(this is independent
from the master mix)
Reverb type
Selects the Reverb effect type
Back Button
Used for stepping backwards
during menu navigation
Setting button
Enter/Exit global settings menu
Reverb Footswitch
Play Mode: Reverb on/off.
Hold for Reverb frozen
feedback effect
Patch Mode: Tap tempo
Looper: Record/Play/Stop
When in Play mode simultaneously depress
Reverb and DelayB footswitches to enter
tap tempo. Then use the Reverb footswitch
for master tap tempo or DelayA/DelayB
footswitch for their corresponding tap tempos
Front Panel Layout
Delay B parameter controls
FeedbackB: DelayB repeats
TimeB: DelayB time
ToneB: DelayB tonality
D.MixB: DelayB level
DelayB Footswitch
Play Mode: DelayB on/off. Hold
for DelayB feedback effect
Patch Mode: Previous preset
Looper: Half speed on/off
Simultaneously depress
DelayB and DelayA
footswitches to access Looper
DelayA parameter controls
FeedbackA: DelayA repeats
TimeA: DelayA time
ToneA: DelayA tonality
D.MixA: DelayA level
DelayB type
Selects the
delay type for
DelayB type
Selects the
delay type
for DelayB
Mode button
operation mode
Store button
Used for storing
DelayA Footswitch
Play mode: DelayA on/off. Hold for
DelayA feedback effect
Patch Mode: Next preset
Looper: Reverse on/off