Никон д750 инструкция на русском

Данная лицензия не предназначена для продажи этого Руководства и Вы не становитесь владельцем этого Руководства после приобретения любого продукта, загрузки и/или использования.  Nikon сохраняет за собой право владения данным Руководством и, следовательно, всеми копиями и все соответствующие права, относящиеся к интеллектуальной собственности, и сохраняет за собой все права, которые явно не предоставлены Вам в рамках данного Соглашения.  Данное Соглашение представляет собой полное и эксклюзивное соглашение, устное и письменное, между Вами и Nikon.


Руководство предназначено для клиентов, которые приобрели наши продукты.  Мы можем не иметь возможности ответить на запрос физических лиц, которые не приобрели наши продукты.  Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что данное руководство и контактная информация, указанные здесь, могут быть изменены без уведомления.

Данное Руководство защищено Законом об авторском праве Японии и международными законами об авторском праве и международными договорами.  Вам необходимо воспроизвести на каждой копии уведомление об авторском праве Nikon и любую другую информацию о праве собственности, которые присутствовали на оригинале.






Данное соглашение регулируется и должно истолковываться в соответствии с законами Японии независимо от его принципов коллизионного права.  В случае возникновения спора в рамках или в связи с данным соглашением Вы, таким образом, даете согласие на персональную юрисдикцию Японии и отказываетесь от любого возражения, что такая дискуссия вызывает затруднение.  Далее Вы соглашаетесь на получение судебных извещений в любом действии, возникающем из данного Соглашения по обычной почте или другими коммерчески оправданными способами доставки расписки в получении.  Если любое положение данного Соглашения должно быть определено недействительным по какой-либо причине, то оставшиеся положения не должны быть признаны недействительными и должны остаться в силе без изменений.  Данное Соглашение устанавливает в дальнейшем целое соглашение и понимание между Вами и компанией Nikon, и замещает собой и заменяет любые другие соглашения, относящиеся к сути дела данного Соглашения.  Неуспех любой стороны в настаивании на строгом исполнении любого правила или положения данного соглашения, или выполнение любой опции, права или защиты прав, содержащихся в данном документе, не должны толковаться в качестве отказа от любого применения такого правила, положения, опции, права или защиты прав в будущем, и такое правило, положение, опция, право или защита прав должны продолжиться и сохранить полную юридическую силу и действие.  Заголовки разделов данного Соглашения вставлены только для удобства и не должны составлять часть данного документа или влиять каким-либо образом на значение или толкование данного Соглашения.  Кроме случаев, когда иначе явно указано в данном документе, положения раздела 3 и раздела 4 вместе с любыми положениями, которые с помощью своих прямо выраженных условий относятся к периодам после прекращения срока действия данного Соглашения, должны оставаться в силе после прекращения действия данного Соглашения по какой-либо причине.

Руководства для продуктов Nikon/ 2018/02/15/   Вер. 2.0.0

инструкцияNikon D750

AMA16120 Отпечатано в Европе



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Руководство пользователя


Nikon Manual Viewer 2

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Посмотреть инструкция для Nikon D750 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории фотокамеры, 32 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.3. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Nikon D750 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

  • Содержимое упаковки
  • Оглавление
  • Меры безопасности
  • Уведомления
  • Беспроводная
  • Введение
  • Основная фотосъемка и просмотр
  • Выбор настроек в соответствии с объектом или ситуацией (Сюжетный режим)
  • Специальные эффекты
  • Фотосъемка «Live View»
  • Видео Live view
  • Режимы P, S, A и M
  • Пользовательские настройки: Режимы U1 и U2
  • Режим съемки
  • Параметры записи изображения
  • Фокусировка
  • Чувствительность ISO
  • Экспозиция
  • Баланс белого
  • Коррекция изображения
  • Фотосъемка со вспышкой
  • Съемка с дистанционным управлением
  • Другие параметры съемки
  • Дополнительные сведения о просмотре
  • Подключения
  • Wi-Fi
  • Сведения о параметрах меню
  • Технические примечания
D750 | VBA420AE
фото камера
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Качество изображения
Мегапиксели 24.3 MP
Тип камеры Однообъективный зеркальный фотоаппарат без объектива
Размер сенсора изображения — «
Тип сенсора CMOS
Максимальное разрешение изображения 6016 x 4016 пикселей
Разрешение фотоснимков 6016 x 4016, 4512 x 3008, 3008 x 2008, 5008 x 3336, 3752 x 2504, 2504 x 1664, 3936 x 2624, (M) 2944 x 1968, 1968 x 1312, 6016 x 3376, 4512 x 2528, 3008 x 1688, 3936 x 2224, 2944 x 1664, 1968 x 1112
Стабилизатор изображения Нет
Всего мегапикселей 24.93 MP
Размер сенсора (Ш х В) 35.9 x 24 mm
Поддерживаемые форматы изображения JPG, RAW
Оптическое увеличение — x
Цифровой зум — x
Фокусное расстояние — mm
Минимальное фокусное расстояние (эквив. пленки 35 мм) — mm
Максимальное фокусное расстояние (эквив. пленки 35 мм ) — mm
Минимальное число установки диафрагмы
Максимальное число установки диафрагмы
Интерфейс крепления объектива Nikon F
Тип крепления Байонет
Фокус TTL
Фокусировка Авто
Режимы автофокусировки Continuous Auto Focus, Servo Auto Focus, Single Auto Focus
Нормальное фокусное расстояние 0.5 — 3 m
Удержание автофокусировки Да
Чувствительность по ISO 100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400,12800
Режимы световой экспозиции Aperture priority AE, Shutter priority AE
Контроль световой экспозиции Программный автоматический режим
Коррекция световой экспозиции ±5EV (1/2; 1/3 EV step)
Экспонометр Centre-weighted, Matrix, Spot
Удержание автоматической настройки экспозиции Да
ISO чувствительность (мин) 100
ISO чувствительность (макс) 12800
Наивысшая скорость выдержки камеры 1/4000 s
Самая низкая скорость выдержки камеры 30 s
Тип затвора камеры Электронный
Режимы вспышки Auto, Fill-in, Red-eye reduction, Slow synchronization
Коррекция экспозиции вспышки -3EV — +1EV (1/3 EV step)
Прочие свойства
Встроенная вспышка Да
Тип источника питания Аккумулятор
Максимальное разрешение видео 1920 x 1080 пикселей
Разрешение видео 1280 x 720,1920 x 1080 пикселей
Частота кадров Motion JPEG 60 fps
Тип HD Full HD
Поддерживаемый видеоформат H.264, MOV, MPEG4
Запись видео Да
Встроенный микрофон Да
Запись голоса Да
Поддерживаемые форматы аудио PCM
Оперативная память — MB
Совместимые карты памяти SD, SDHC, SDXC
Слоты памяти 2
Дисплей ЖК
Диагональ экрана 3.2 «
Разрешение дисплея (числовое) 1228800 пикселей
Увеличение 0.7 x
Тип видоискателя Оптический
Порты и интерфейсы
PictBridge Да
Версия USB 2.0
Линейные выходы наушников 1
Wi-Fi Да
Wi-Fi стандартов 802.11b, 802.11g
Баланс белого Auto, Cloudy, Flash, Fluorescent, Incandescent, Shade, Sunny
Сюжетные режимы Beach, Candlelight, Children, Close-up (macro), Dusk, Night landscape, Night portrait, Party (indoor), Pet, Portrait, Sports, Sunset, Landscape (scenery)
Режимы съемки Aperture priority, Auto, Program, Shutter priority
Фотоэффекты Neutral, Vivid
Задержка автоcпуска 2, 5,10, 20 s
Режимы воспроизведения Movie, Slide show
Гистограмма Да
Файловая система камеры DCF 2.0, DPOF, Exif 2.3
Диапазон изменения диоптрий (D-D) -3 — 1
Календарь Да
Просмотр в реальном времени Да
Удаление выходного зрачка 21 mm
Поддерживается монтаж на штатив Да
Технология батареи Литий-ионная (Li-Ion)
Тип батареек EN-EL15
Число поддерживаемых батарей 1
Условия эксплуатации
Диапазон температур при эксплуатации 0 — 40 °C
Вес и размеры
Ширина 140.5 mm
Глубина 78 mm
Высота 113 mm
Вес 750 g
Вес с батареей 840 g
Содержимое упаковки
Сетевой адаптер в комплекте Да

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  • Инструкции по эксплуатации




Nikon D750 инструкция по эксплуатации
(2 страницы)

  • Языки:Английский, Арабский, Болгарский, Венгерский, Вьетнамский, Греческий, Датский, Индонезийский, Испанский, Итальянский, Казахский, Китайский, Корейский, Латышский, Литовский, Немецкий, Нидерландский, Польский, Португальский, Румынский, Русский, Сербский, Словацкий, Словенский, Тайский, Турецкий, Украинский, Финский, Французский, Хинди, Чешский, Шведский, Эстонский, Японский
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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Nikon D750. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Nikon D750. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Nikon D750, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

  • Page 1
    DIGITAL CAMERA User’s Manual Nikon Manual Viewer 2 Use the Nikon Manual Viewer 2 app to view manuals anytime, anywhere on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Page 2
    The explanations in this manual assume that default settings are used. Nikon Manual Viewer 2 Install the Nikon Manual Viewer 2 app on your smartphone or tablet to view Nikon digital camera manuals, anytime, anywhere. Nikon Manual Viewer 2 can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store and Google Play.
  • Page 3: Package Contents

    DK-21 rubber eyecup (0 107) BF-1B body cap (0 27, 442) D750 camera (0 1) EN-EL15 rechargeable Li-ion battery with terminal cover (0 25, 26) MH-25a battery charger (comes with either an AC wall adapter or power cable of a type and shape that varies with the country or region of sale;…

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Package Contents…………….i For Your Safety…………….xiii Notices………………xvii Wireless ………………xxiv Introduction Getting to Know the Camera…………1 The Camera Body ……………… 1 The Mode Dial ………………6 The Release-Mode Dial……………. 7 The Control Panel……………… 8 The Viewfinder ………………

  • Page 5
    n Close Up………………. 43 o Night Portrait …………….. 43 r Night Landscape…………..43 s Party/Indoor …………….43 t Beach/Snow…………….44 u Sunset ………………44 v Dusk/Dawn …………….44 w Pet Portrait…………….44 x Candlelight …………….45 y Blossom ………………45 z Autumn Colors……………
  • Page 6
    The Information Display: Movie Live View……… 75 Image Area………………… 76 Taking Photos During Movie Live View ……..77 Viewing Movies…………….79 Editing Movies …………….81 Trimming Movies …………….81 Saving Selected Frames…………..86 P, S, A, and M Modes P: Programmed Auto…………….89 S: Shutter-Priority Auto…………..
  • Page 7
    Focus Autofocus ……………… 120 Autofocus Mode…………….121 AF-Area Mode ………………123 Focus Point Selection…………..127 Focus Lock………………. 129 Manual Focus …………….132 ISO Sensitivity Auto ISO Sensitivity Control ……….136 Exposure Metering ………………139 Autoexposure Lock…………..141 Exposure Compensation …………143 White Balance Fine-Tuning White Balance …………
  • Page 8
    Flash Photography Using the Built-in Flash …………180 Auto Pop-up Modes ……………. 180 Manual Pop-up Modes…………..182 Flash Compensation …………… 188 FV Lock ………………190 Remote Control Photography Using an Optional ML-L3 Remote Control……193 Wireless Remote Controllers ……….197 WR-1 Wireless Remote Controllers ……….
  • Page 9
    Deleting Photographs…………. 258 Full-Frame, Thumbnail, and Calendar Playback….258 The Playback Menu…………….260 Connections Installing ViewNX 2…………..262 Using ViewNX 2 ……………. 266 Copy Pictures to the Computer……….. 266 Ethernet and Wireless Networks……….269 Printing Photographs………….. 271 Connecting the Printer …………..271 Printing Pictures One at a Time ………..
  • Page 10
    Copy Image(s)…………….303 Image Review …………….307 After Delete …………….307 Rotate Tall ……………… 308 Slide Show …………….. 308 C The Photo Shooting Menu: Photo Shooting Options ……….. 310 Photo Shooting Menu Options ……….. 310 Reset Photo Shooting Menu ……….311 Storage Folder…………….
  • Page 11
    a: Autofocus ………………326 a1: AF-C Priority Selection ………… 326 a2: AF-S Priority Selection…………. 327 a3: Focus Tracking with Lock-On ……..328 a4: Focus Point Illumination ……….329 a5: AF Point Illumination…………329 a6: Focus Point Wrap-Around ……….330 a7: Number of Focus Points……….330 a8: Store Points by Orientation………..
  • Page 12
    d11: MB-D16 Battery Type ……….. 343 d12: Battery Order…………..344 e: Bracketing/Flash…………… 345 e1: Flash Sync Speed………….. 345 e2: Flash Shutter Speed …………346 e3: Flash Cntrl for Built-in Flash………. 347 e4: Exposure Comp. for Flash ……….353 e5: Modeling Flash…………..353 e6: Auto Bracketing Set…………
  • Page 13
    Time Zone and Date …………… 381 Language………………381 Auto Image Rotation ………….. 382 Battery Info …………….383 Image Comment…………..384 Copyright Information…………385 Save/Load Settings …………..386 Virtual Horizon…………….388 AF Fine-tune …………….389 Eye-Fi Upload …………….391 Conformity Marking …………… 392 Firmware Version…………..
  • Page 14
    Recent Settings …………….. 425 Technical Notes Compatible Lenses…………..426 Optional Flash Units (Speedlights) ……..433 The Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS)……433 Other Accessories …………..441 Attaching a Power Connector and AC Adapter ….445 Caring for the Camera …………447 Storage………………..
  • Page 15: For Your Safety

    For Your Safety To prevent damage to your Nikon product or injury to yourself or to others, read the following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equipment. Keep these safety instructions where all those who use the product will read them.

  • Page 16
    (3 ft 4 in.) from AC adapter and then take the product the subject. Particular care should to a Nikon-authorized service center be observed when photographing for inspection. infants. Do not place the strap around the neck of…
  • Page 17
    Observe proper precautions when • When the battery is not in use, attach the terminal cover and store handling batteries Batteries may leak or explode if in a cool, dry place. • The battery may be hot improperly handled. Observe the following precautions when handling immediately after use or when the batteries for use in this product:…
  • Page 18
    When connecting cables to the input thunderstorms. Failure to observe and output jacks, use only the cables this precaution could result in provided or sold by Nikon for the electric shock. purpose to maintain compliance with • Do not damage, modify, or forcibly product regulations.
  • Page 19: Notices

    Notices • No part of the manuals included with • Nikon will not be held liable for any this product may be reproduced, damages resulting from the use of transmitted, transcribed, stored in a this product. retrieval system, or translated into •…

  • Page 20
    • Increase the separation between the after handling. equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an Nikon Inc., 1300 Walt Whitman Road, outlet on a circuit different from that Melville, New York 11747-3064, U.S.A. to which the receiver is connected.
  • Page 21
    Notice Concerning Prohibition of Copying or Reproduction Note that simply being in possession of material that has been digitally copied or reproduced by means of a scanner, digital camera, or other device may be punishable by law. • Items prohibited by law from being copied •…
  • Page 22
    Disposing of Data Storage Devices Please note that deleting images or formatting memory cards or other data storage devices does not completely erase the original image data. Deleted files can sometimes be recovered from discarded storage devices using commercially available software, potentially resulting in the malicious use of personal image data.
  • Page 23
  • Page 24
    Only Nikon brand electronic accessories (including chargers, batteries, AC adapters, and flash accessories) certified by Nikon specifically for use with this Nikon digital camera are engineered and proven to operate within the operational and safety requirements of this electronic circuitry.
  • Page 25
    Use Only Nikon Brand Accessories Only Nikon brand accessories certified by Nikon specifically for use with your Nikon digital camera are engineered and proven to operate within its operational and safety requirements. T HE USE OF NON IKON ACCESSORIES COULD DAMAGE YOUR CAMERA AND MAY VOID YOUR…
  • Page 26: Wireless

    FCC WARNING The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by Nikon Corporation may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.

  • Page 27
    RF exposures have not found any biological effects. Some studies have suggested that some biological effects might occur, but such findings have not been confirmed by additional research. The D750, which is equipped with a LBWA1U5YR1 (FCC ID:VPYLBYR650 / IC ID:772C-LBYR650)
  • Page 28
    Notices for Customers in Europe Hereby, Nikon Corporation, declares that the D750 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The declaration of conformity may be consulted at http://imaging.nikon.com/support/pdf/DoC_D750.pdf Notice for Customers in Singapore…
  • Page 29: Introduction

    Introduction Getting to Know the Camera Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with camera controls and displays. You may find it helpful to bookmark this section and refer to it as you read through the rest of the manual. The Camera Body Accessory shoe (for optional flash Movie-record button ….

  • Page 30
    The Camera Body (Continued) D button Built-in flash……… 180 Bracketing…. 203, 208, 212 M/Y button Flash mode….180, 182 Mirror……..109, 451 Flash compensation …. 188 Meter coupling lever ….480 Infrared receiver (front)….. 194 Accessory terminal….. 443 Cover for accessory terminal … 443 Headphone connector….73 Audio connector cover..73, 443 Connector for external…
  • Page 31
    Stereo microphone..68, 71, 320 Battery-chamber cover ….26 CPU contacts Power connector cover ….. 445 Lens mount ……27, 133 Memory card slot cover ….26 Contact cover for optional MB-D16 Pv button ….70, 92, 361, 372 battery pack……..441 AF-assist illuminator ….332 Tripod socket Self-timer lamp ……
  • Page 32
    The Camera Body (Continued) Viewfinder eyepiece ….10, 29 Tilting monitor …….17 Viewing settings……12 Rubber eyecup ……107 Live view……54, 66 Diopter adjustment control ..29 Viewing pictures……37 A button Full-frame playback….. 241 Using the AE/AF lock P button button..129, 141, 361, 373 Changing shooting R (info) button….
  • Page 33
    X/T button G button Playback zoom in….255 Menu …….. 20, 300 Image quality/size..116, 118 K button L/U button Playback……37, 241 Help……….21 O/Q button Protect……..257 Delete……. 38, 258 White balance Formatting memory cards..375 ….146, 149, 154, 156 LCD Illuminators Rotating the power switch Power switch toward D activates the standby…
  • Page 34: The Mode Dial

    The Mode Dial The camera offers the modes listed below. To choose a mode, press the mode dial lock release and rotate the mode dial. Mode dial Mode dial lock release e, f, g, and h modes: • e—Programmed auto (0 89) •…

  • Page 35: The Release-Mode Dial

    Non-CPU Lenses Non-CPU (0 427) lenses can be used only in modes A and M. Selecting another mode when a non-CPU lens is attached disables the shutter release. The Release-Mode Dial To choose a release mode, press the release mode dial lock release and turn the release mode dial to the desired setting (0 103).

  • Page 36: The Control Panel

    The Control Panel Shutter speed ……90, 93 Aperture stop indicator ..92, 431 Exposure compensation Aperture (f-number)….91, 93 value……….143 Aperture (number of Flash compensation value..188 stops)……..92, 431 White balance fine-tuning ..150 Bracketing increment..204, 209 Color temperature….. 145, 154 Number of shots in ADL White balance preset bracketing sequence….

  • Page 37
    Wi-Fi indicator ……288 Number of exposures remaining……..31 Flash sync indicator….345 Number of shots remaining before Exposure/bracketing indicator memory buffer fills ..105, 492 Exposure ……..94 AF-area mode indicator …. 126 Exposure compensation ..143 Preset manual white balance Exposure/flash bracketing…203 recording indicator ….
  • Page 38: The Viewfinder

    The Viewfinder 12 13 14 24 25 28 29 30 Special effects mode Framing grid (displayed when indicator ………46 is selected for Custom Setting d7, Viewfinder grid display)… 341 Monochrome indicator (displayed in % mode or when the Focus points..36, 127, 329, 330 Monochrome Picture Control or AF-area mode……

  • Page 39
    Focus indicator …. 36, 129, 133 Flash sync indicator….345 Metering ……139, 140 Aperture stop indicator..92, 431 Autoexposure (AE) lock …..141 Exposure indicator ……. 94 Exposure compensation Flexible program indicator ..89 display………. 143 Shutter speed ……90, 93 Flash compensation Autofocus mode….120, 121 indicator ……..
  • Page 40: The Information Display

    The Information Display Press the R button to display shutter speed, aperture, the number of exposures remaining, AF-area mode, and other shooting information in the monitor. R button Shooting mode ..6, 34, 41, 46, 88 Aperture stop indicator ..92, 431 Flexible program indicator..89 Aperture (f-number)….

  • Page 41
    Exposure indicator……94 Copyright information ….385 Exposure compensation “Clock not set” indicator ..15, 381 display ……….143 Image quality ……116 Bracketing progress indicator Role played by card in slot 2 ..119 Exposure and flash Image size……..118 bracketing……203 Autofocus mode ……
  • Page 42
    The Information Display (Continued) 30 31 Wi-Fi connection indicator..288 Number of exposures Eye-Fi connection indicator ..392 remaining ……..31 Time-lapse recording Satellite signal indicator … 240 indicator ……..233 Long exposure noise reduction Fn button assignment ….356 indicator ……..317 AE-L/AF-L button assignment …
  • Page 43
    See Also For information on choosing how long the monitor stays on, see Custom Setting c4 (Monitor off delay, 0 337). For information on changing the color of the lettering in the information display, see Custom Setting d9 (Information display, 0 341). The Y (“Clock Not Set”) Icon The camera clock is powered by an independent, rechargeable power source, which is charged as necessary when the main battery is…
  • Page 44: The P Button

    The P button Use the P button for quick access to frequently-used settings in playback mode (0 245) and during viewfinder (0 198) and live view photography (0 61) and movie live view (0 71). P button Viewfinder photography Playback Live view photography Movie live view…

  • Page 45: Using The Tilting Monitor

    Using the Tilting Monitor The monitor can be angled and rotated as shown below. Approx. 75 ° Approx. 90 ° Normal use: The monitor is normally used in storage position. Low-angle shots: Take shots with the camera held low. High-angle shots: Take shots with the camera held high.

  • Page 46
    Using the Monitor Rotate the monitor gently within the limits shown on page 17. Do not use force. Failure to observe these precautions could damage the camera or monitor. If the camera is mounted on a tripod, care should be taken to ensure that the monitor does not contact the tripod. Do not lift or carry the camera by the monitor.
  • Page 47: The Multi Selector

    The Multi Selector In this manual, operations using the multi selector are represented by 1, 3, 4, and 2 icons. 1: Press the multi selector up J button 4: Press the multi 2: Press the multi selector left selector right 3: Press the multi selector down…

  • Page 48: Camera Menus

    Camera Menus Most shooting, playback, and setup options can be accessed from the camera menus. To view the menus, press the G button. G button Tabs Choose from the following menus: • D: Playback (0 300) • B: Setup (0 374) •…

  • Page 49: Using Camera Menus

    Using Camera Menus ❚❚ Menu Controls The multi selector and J button are used to navigate the camera menus. Move cursor up J button: select highlighted item Cancel and return to Select highlighted item or previous menu display sub-menu Move cursor down The d (Help) Icon If a d icon is displayed at the bottom left corner of the monitor, help can be displayed by pressing the L (U) button.

  • Page 50
    ❚❚ Navigating the Menus Follow the steps below to navigate the menus. Display the menus. Press the G button to display the menus. G button Highlight the icon for the current menu. Press 4 to highlight the icon for the current menu. Select a menu.
  • Page 51
    Highlight a menu item. Press 1 or 3 to highlight a menu item. Display options. Press 2 to display options for the selected menu item. Highlight an option. Press 1 or 3 to highlight an option. Select the highlighted item. Press J to select the highlighted item.
  • Page 52: First Steps

    First Steps Follow the seven steps below to ready the camera for use. Attach the strap. Attach the strap as shown. Repeat for the second eyelet.

  • Page 53
    Charge the battery. Insert the battery and plug the charger in (depending on the country or region, the charger comes with either an AC wall adapter or a power cable). An exhausted battery will fully charge in about two hours and 35 minutes. •…
  • Page 54
    Insert the battery and memory card. Before inserting or removing the battery or memory cards, confirm that power switch is in the OFF position. Insert the battery in the orientation shown, using the battery to keep the orange battery latch pressed to one side. The latch locks the battery in place when the battery is fully inserted.
  • Page 55
    Attach a lens. Be careful to prevent dust from entering the camera when the lens or body cap is removed. The lens generally used in this manual for illustrative purposes is an AF-S NIKKOR 24– 85mm f/3.5–4.5G ED VR. Remove the camera body cap Remove the rear lens cap Mounting mark (camera)
  • Page 56
    Turn the camera on. Power switch The control panel will light. If this is the first time the camera has been turned on, a language-selection dialog will be displayed. Control panel Image Sensor Cleaning The camera vibrates the low-pass filter covering the image sensor to remove dust when the camera is turned on or off (0 448).
  • Page 57
    Focus the viewfinder. Rotate the diopter adjustment control until the AF area brackets are in sharp focus. When operating the control with your eye to the viewfinder, be careful not to put your fingers or fingernails in your eye. AF area brackets Viewfinder not in focus Viewfinder in focus The camera is now ready for use.
  • Page 58
    ❚❚ Battery Level The battery level is shown in the control panel and viewfinder. Control panel Viewfinder Control panel Viewfinder Description — Battery fully charged. — — Battery partially discharged. — Low battery. Charge battery or ready spare battery. Shutter release disabled. Charge or exchange battery.
  • Page 59
    ❚❚ Number of Exposures Remaining The camera has two memory card slots: Slot 1 slot 1 and slot 2. Slot 1 is for the main card; the card in slot 2 plays a backup or secondary role. If the default setting of Overflow is selected for Role played by card in Slot 2 (0 119) when two memory cards are inserted, the card in…
  • Page 60
    ❚❚ Removing the Battery and Memory Cards Removing the Battery Turn the camera off and open the battery-chamber cover. Press the battery latch in the direction shown by the arrow to release the battery and then remove the battery by hand. Removing Memory Cards After confirming that the memory card access lamp is off, turn the camera off,…
  • Page 61
    No Memory Card If no memory card is inserted, the control panel and viewfinder will show S. If the camera is turned off with a charged battery and no memory card inserted, S will be displayed in the control panel. The Write Protect Switch SD memory cards are equipped with a write protect switch to…
  • Page 62: Basic Photography And Playback

    Basic Photography and Playback “Point-and-Shoot” Photography (i and j Modes) This section describes how to take photographs in i and j modes. i and j are automatic “point-and-shoot” modes in which the majority of settings are controlled by the camera in response to shooting conditions.

  • Page 63
    Ready the camera. When framing photographs in the viewfinder, hold the handgrip in your right hand and cradle the camera body or lens with your left. When framing photographs in portrait (tall) orientation, hold the camera as shown at right. Frame the photograph.
  • Page 64
    Press the shutter-release Focus point button halfway. Press the shutter-release button halfway to focus (if the subject is poorly lit, the flash may pop up and the AF-assist illuminator may light). When the focus Focus indicator operation is complete, the active focus point and in- focus indicator (I) will appear in the viewfinder.
  • Page 65: Basic Playback

    Basic Playback Press the K button. A photograph will be displayed in the monitor. The memory card containing the picture currently displayed is shown by an icon. K button View additional pictures. Additional pictures can be displayed by pressing 4 or To end playback and return to shooting mode, press the shutter-release button halfway.

  • Page 66: Deleting Unwanted Photographs

    Deleting Unwanted Photographs To delete the photograph currently displayed in the monitor, press the O (Q) button. Note that photographs can not be recovered once deleted. Display the photograph. Display the photograph you wish to delete as described on the preceding page.

  • Page 67
    Delete To delete selected images (0 260), all images taken on a selected date (0 261), or all images in a chosen location on a selected memory card (0 260), use the Delete option in the playback menu. The Standby Timer (Viewfinder Photography) The viewfinder indicator display and control panel shutter speed and aperture display will turn off if no operations are performed for about six seconds, reducing the drain on…
  • Page 68
    The Built-in Flash If additional lighting is required for correct exposure in i mode, the built-in flash will pop up automatically when the shutter- release button is pressed halfway. If the flash is raised, photographs can only be taken when the flash-ready indicator (M) is displayed.
  • Page 69: Matching Settings To The Subject Or Situation (Scene Mode)

    Matching Settings to the Subject or Situation (Scene Mode) The camera offers a choice of “scene” modes. Choosing a scene mode automatically optimizes settings to suit the selected scene, making creative photography as simple as selecting a mode, framing a picture, and shooting as described on pages 34–36.

  • Page 70: Portrait

    Portrait Use for portraits with soft, natural- looking skin tones. If the subject is far from the background or a telephoto lens is used, background details will be softened to lend the composition a sense of depth. Landscape Use for vivid landscape shots in daylight.

  • Page 71: Close Up

    Close Up Use for close-up shots of flowers, insects, and other small objects (a macro lens can be used to focus at very close ranges). Night Portrait Use for a natural balance between the main subject and the background in portraits taken under low light.

  • Page 72: Beach/Snow

    Beach/Snow Capture the brightness of sunlight expanses of water, snow, or sand. Note The built-in flash and AF-assist illuminator turn off. Sunset Preserves the deep hues seen in sunsets and sunrises. Note The built-in flash and AF-assist illuminator turn off. Dusk/Dawn Preserves the colors seen in the weak natural light before dawn or…

  • Page 73: Candlelight

    Candlelight For photographs taken by candlelight. Note The built-in flash turns off. Blossom Use for fields of flowers, orchards in bloom, and other landscapes featuring expanses of blossoms. Note The built-in flash turns off. Autumn Colors Captures the brilliant reds and yellows in autumn leaves.

  • Page 74: Special Effects

    Special Effects Special effects can be used when taking photographs and shooting movies. The following effects can be selected by rotating the mode dial to q and rotating the main command dial until the desired scene appears in the monitor. To view the currently selected effect, press R.

  • Page 75: Night Vision

    Night Vision Use under conditions of darkness to record monochrome images at high ISO sensitivities. Note Pictures may be affected by noise in the form of randomly-spaced bright pixels, fog, or lines. Manual focus can be used if the camera is unable to focus. The built- in flash turns off.

  • Page 76: Miniature Effect

    Miniature Effect Create photos that appear to be pictures of dioramas. Works best when shooting from a high vantage point. Miniature effect movies play back at high speed, compressing about 45 minutes of footage shot at 1920 × 1080/30p into a movie that plays back in about three minutes.

  • Page 77: High Key

    High Key Use when shooting bright scenes to create bright images that seem filled with light. Note The built-in flash turns off. Low Key Use when shooting dark scenes to create dark, low-key images with prominent highlights. Note The built-in flash turns off. Preventing Blur Use a tripod to prevent blur caused by camera shake at slow shutter speeds.

  • Page 78: Options Available In Live View

    Options Available in Live View Settings for the selected effect are adjusted in the live view display but apply during live view and viewfinder photography and movie recording. ❚❚ g Color Sketch Select live view. Press the a button. The view through the lens will be displayed in the monitor.

  • Page 79
    ❚❚ i Miniature Effect Select live view. Press the a button. The view through the lens will be displayed in the monitor. a button Position the focus point. Use the multi selector to position the focus point in the area that will be in focus and then press the shutter- release button halfway to check focus.
  • Page 80
    Press J. Press J to exit when settings are complete. To resume viewfinder photography, press the a button. The selected settings will continue in effect and will apply to photographs and movies recorded in live view or using the viewfinder. ❚❚…
  • Page 81
    Choose the color range. Color range Press 1 or 3 to increase or decrease the range of similar hues that will be included in the final image. Choose from values between 1 and 7; note that higher values may include hues from other colors.
  • Page 82: Live View Photography

    Live View Photography Follow the steps below to take photographs in live view. Rotate the live view selector to C (live view photography). Live view selector Cover the Viewfinder To prevent light entering via the viewfinder from interfering with photographs and exposure, remove the rubber eyecup and cover the viewfinder with the supplied eyepiece cap before shooting (0 107).

  • Page 83
    Focus. Press the shutter-release button halfway to focus. The focus point will flash green while A AE-L/AF-L button the camera focuses. If the camera is able to focus, the focus point will be displayed in green; if the camera is unable to focus, the focus point will flash red (note that pictures can be taken even when the focus point…
  • Page 84
    Exit live view mode. Press the a button to exit live view mode. Live View Zoom Preview Press the X (T) button to magnify the view in the monitor up to a maximum of about 19 ×. A navigation window will appear in a gray frame at the bottom right corner of the display.
  • Page 85: Focus

    Focus To focus using autofocus, Focus-mode selector rotate the focus-mode selector to AF and follow the steps below to choose autofocus and AF-area modes. For information on focusing manually, see page 60. ❚❚ Choosing a Focus Mode The following autofocus modes are available during live view photography and movie live view: Mode Description…

  • Page 86
    ❚❚ Choosing an AF-Area Mode The following AF-area modes can be selected during live view photography and movie live view: Mode Description Face-priority AF: Use for portraits. The camera automatically detects and focuses on portrait subjects; the selected subject is indicated by a double yellow border (if multiple faces are detected, the camera will focus on the closest subject;…
  • Page 87: In The Monitor

    To choose an AF-area mode, press the AF-mode button and rotate the sub-command dial until the desired mode is displayed in the monitor. AF-mode button Sub-command Monitor dial Using Autofocus in Live View Photography and Movie Live View Use an AF-S lens. The desired results may not be achieved with other lenses or teleconverters.

  • Page 88: Manual Focus

    Manual Focus To focus in manual focus mode (0 132), rotate the lens focus ring until the subject is in focus. To magnify the view in the monitor for precise focus, press the X (T) button. X (T) button…

  • Page 89: Using The P Button

    Using the P Button The options listed below can be accessed by pressing the P button during live view photography. Highlight items using the multi selector and press 2 to view options for the highlighted item. After choosing the desired setting, press J to return to the P-button menu.

  • Page 90
    Option Description Press 1 or 3 to adjust monitor brightness for live view photography (note that this affects live view only and has no effect on photographs or movies or Monitor on the brightness of the brightness monitor for menus or playback;…
  • Page 91: The Live View Display: Live View Photography

    The Live View Display: Live View Photography Item Description The amount of time remaining before live q Time remaining view ends automatically. Displayed if shooting will end in 30 s or less. w Autofocus mode The current autofocus mode. e AF-area mode The current AF-area mode.

  • Page 92: The Information Display: Live View Photography

    The Information Display: Live View Photography To hide or display indicators in the monitor during live view photography, press the R button. Virtual horizon (0 388) Information on Information off Histogram (exposure Framing guides preview only; 0 62)

  • Page 93
    Shooting in Live View Mode Although they will not appear in the final picture, jagged edges, color fringing, moiré, and bright spots may appear in the monitor, while bright bands may appear in some areas with flashing signs and other intermittent light sources or if the subject is briefly illuminated by a strobe or other bright, momentary light source.
  • Page 94: Movie Live View

    Movie Live View Movies can be recorded in live view. Rotate the live view selector to 1 (movie live view). Live view selector Press the a button. The mirror will be raised and the view through the lens will be displayed in the camera monitor as it would appear in the actual movie, modified for the effects of exposure.

  • Page 95
    Choose an AF-area mode (0 58). Focus. Frame the opening shot and focus as described in Steps 3 and 4 on pages 54 and 55 (for more information on focusing in movie live view, see page 59). Note that the number of subjects that can be detected in face-priority AF drops during movie recording.
  • Page 96
    White Balance In modes P, S, A, and M, white balance can be set at any time by pressing the L (U) button and rotating the main command dial (0 145). Start recording. Press the movie-record button to start recording. A recording indicator and the time available are displayed in the monitor.
  • Page 97
    End recording. Press the movie-record button again to end recording. Recording will end automatically when the maximum length is reached, or the memory card is full. Maximum Length The maximum length for individual movie files is 4 GB (for maximum recording times, see page 319); note that depending on memory card write speed, shooting may end before this length is reached (0 491).
  • Page 98: Indices

    Indices If Index marking is selected as the “press” option for Custom Setting g1 (Assign Fn button, 0 370), g2 (Assign preview button, 0 372), or g3 (Assign AE-L/AF-L button, 0 373), you can press the selected button during recording to Pv button add indices that can be used to locate frames during editing and playback…

  • Page 99: Using The P Button

    Using the P Button The options listed below can be accessed by pressing the P button in movie live view (Microphone sensitivity, Frequency response, Wind noise reduction, Multi-selector power aperture, and Highlight display can be P button adjusted while recording is in progress). Highlight items using the multi selector and press 2 to view options for the highlighted item.

  • Page 100
    Option Description Wind noise Enable or disable wind noise reduction using the reduction built-in microphone’s low-cut filter (0 321). Choose a Picture Control (0 321). The Clarity Set Picture Control parameter does not apply to movies. When two memory cards are inserted, you can choose Destination the card to which movies are recorded (0 319).
  • Page 101
    Power Aperture Power aperture is not available with some lenses. Power aperture is available only in modes A and M and can not be used while photo shooting info is displayed (a 6 icon indicates that power aperture can not be used). Using an External Microphone The optional stereo microphone can be used to record sound in stereo or to avoid recording focus noise and other sounds made by the lens…
  • Page 102: The Live View Display: Movie Live View

    The Live View Display: Movie Live View Item Description q “No movie” icon Indicates that movies can not be recorded. — Volume of audio output to headphones. w Headphone volume Displayed when third-party headphones are connected. Microphone Microphone sensitivity. sensitivity Sound level for audio recording.

  • Page 103: The Information Display: Movie Live View

    The Information Display: Movie Live View To hide or display indicators in the monitor during movie live view, press the R button. Virtual horizon (0 388) Information on Information off Histogram Framing guides…

  • Page 104: Image Area

    Image Area Movies and photographs recorded in movie live view (0 66) have an aspect ratio of 16 : 9. FX-format crop DX-format crop (0 111) (0 111) DX-based movie FX-based movie format crop format crop Images recorded with On selected for a icon Image area >…

  • Page 105: Taking Photos During Movie Live View

    Taking Photos During Movie Live View If Take photos is selected for Custom Setting g4 (Assign shutter button, 0 373), photographs can be taken at any time during movie live view by pressing the shutter-release button all the way down. If movie recording is in progress, recording will end and the footage recorded to that point will be saved.

  • Page 106
    HDMI If the camera is connected to an HDMI device (0 277), the view through the lens will appear both in the camera monitor and on the HDMI device. To use live view when the camera is connected to an HDMI-CEC device, select Off for HDMI >…
  • Page 107: Viewing Movies

    Viewing Movies Movies are indicated by a 1 icon in full-frame playback (0 241). Press J to start playback; your current position is indicated by the movie progress bar. 1 icon Length Current position/total length Movie Volume Guide progress The following operations can be performed: Description Pause Pause playback.

  • Page 108
    Description Rotate the main command dial one stop Skip 10 s to skip ahead or back 10 s. Rotate the sub-command dial to skip to Skip ahead/ next or previous index, or to skip to the back last or first frame if the movie contains no indices.
  • Page 109: Editing Movies

    Editing Movies Trim footage to create edited copies of movies or save selected frames as JPEG stills. Option Description Create a copy from which the opening or Choose start/end point closing footage has been removed. Save selected frame Save a selected frame as a JPEG still. Trimming Movies To create trimmed copies of movies: Display a movie full frame (0 241).

  • Page 110
    Select Choose start/end point. Press the P button, then highlight Choose start/end point and press P button…
  • Page 111
    Choose the current frame as the new start or end point. To create a copy that begins from the current frame, highlight Start point and press J. The frames before the current frame will be removed when you save the copy. Start point To create a copy that ends at the current frame, highlight End point and press J.
  • Page 112
    Create the copy. Once the desired frame is displayed, press 1. Preview the movie. To preview the copy, highlight Preview and press J (to interrupt the preview and return to the save options menu, press 1). To abandon the current copy and return to Step 5, highlight Cancel and press J;…
  • Page 113
    Trimming Movies Movies must be at least two seconds long. The copy will not be saved if there is insufficient space available on the memory card. Copies have the same time and date of creation as the original. Choosing the Role of the Current Frame To make the frame displayed in Step 5 the new end point (x) instead of the new start point (w) or vice versa, press the L (U) button.
  • Page 114: Saving Selected Frames

    Saving Selected Frames To save a copy of a selected frame as a JPEG still: Pause the movie on the desired frame. Play the movie back as described on page 79, pressing J to start and resume playback and 3 to pause. Pause the movie at the frame you intend to copy.

  • Page 115
    Create a still copy. Press 1 to create a still copy of the current frame. Save the copy. Highlight Yes and press J to create a fine-quality (0 115) JPEG copy of the selected frame. Save Selected Frame JPEG movie stills created with the Save selected frame option can not be retouched.
  • Page 116: P, S, A, And M Modes

    P, S, A, and M Modes P, S, A, and M modes offer different degrees of control over shutter speed and aperture. Mode Description Programmed auto (0 89): Camera sets shutter speed and aperture for optimal exposure. Recommended for snapshots and in other situations in which there is little time to adjust camera settings.

  • Page 117: P: Programmed Auto

    P: Programmed Auto In this mode, the camera automatically adjusts shutter speed and aperture according to a built-in program to ensure optimal exposure in most situations. Flexible Program In mode P, different combinations of shutter speed and aperture can be selected by rotating the main command dial while the exposure meters are on (“flexible program”).

  • Page 118: S: Shutter-Priority Auto

    S: Shutter-Priority Auto In shutter-priority auto, you choose the shutter speed while the camera automatically selects the aperture that will produce the optimal exposure. To choose a shutter speed, rotate the main command dial while the exposure meters are on. Shutter speed can be set to “v”…

  • Page 119: A: Aperture-Priority Auto

    A: Aperture-Priority Auto In aperture-priority auto, you choose the aperture while the camera automatically selects the shutter speed that will produce the optimal exposure. To choose an aperture between the minimum and maximum values for the lens, rotate the sub-command dial while the exposure meters are on.

  • Page 120
    Custom Setting e5—Modeling Flash This setting controls whether the built-in flash and optional flash units that support the Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS; 0 433) will emit a modeling flash when the Pv button is pressed. See page 353 for more…
  • Page 121: M: Manual

    M: Manual In manual exposure mode, you control both shutter speed and aperture. While the exposure meters are on, rotate the main command dial to choose a shutter speed, and the sub-command dial to set aperture. Shutter speed can be set to “v” or to values between 30 s and s, or the shutter can be held open 4000…

  • Page 122
    AF Micro NIKKOR Lenses Provided that an external exposure meter is used, the exposure ratio need only be taken into account when the lens aperture ring is used to set aperture. The Exposure Indicators If a shutter speed other than “bulb” or “time” is selected, the exposure indicators in the viewfinder and control panel show whether the photograph would be under- or over-exposed at current settings.
  • Page 123: Long Time-Exposures (M Mode Only)

    (0 107). Nikon recommends using a fully charged battery or an optional AC adapter and power connector to prevent loss of power while the shutter is open.

  • Page 124
    ❚❚ Bulb Rotate the mode dial to M. Mode dial Choose a shutter speed. While the exposure meters are on, rotate the main command dial to choose a shutter speed of “Bulb” (A). Main command dial Control panel Take the photograph. After focusing, press the shutter-release button on the camera, optional wireless remote controller or remote cord all the way down.
  • Page 125
    ❚❚ Time Rotate the mode dial to M. Mode dial Choose a shutter speed. While the exposure meters are on, rotate the main command dial left to choose a shutter speed of “Time” (%). Main command dial Control panel Open the shutter. After focusing, press the shutter-release button on the camera or optional remote control, remote cord, or wireless remote controller all the way down.
  • Page 126
    ML-L3 Remote Controls If you will be using an ML-L3 remote control, select a remote control mode (Delayed remote, Quick-response remote, or Remote mirror- up) using the Remote control mode (ML-L3) option in the photo shooting menu (0 193). Note that if you are using an ML-L3 remote control, pictures will be taken in “Time”…
  • Page 127: User Settings: U1 And U2 Modes

    User Settings: U1 and U2 Modes Assign frequently-used settings to the U1 and U2 positions on the mode dial. Saving User Settings Select a mode. Mode dial Rotate the mode dial to the desired mode. Adjust settings. Make the desired adjustments to flexible program (mode P), shutter speed (modes S and M), aperture (modes A and M), exposure and flash compensation, flash mode, focus point, metering, autofocus and AF-area modes, bracketing, and…

  • Page 128
    Select Save user settings. Press the G button to display the menus. Highlight Save user settings in the setup menu and press 2. G button Select Save to U1 or Save to U2. Highlight Save to U1 or Save to U2 and press 2.
  • Page 129: Recalling User Settings

    Recalling User Settings Simply rotate the mode dial to Mode dial U1 to recall the settings assigned to Save to U1, or to U2 to recall the settings assigned to Save to U2. Resetting User Settings To reset settings for U1 or U2 to default values: Select Reset user settings.

  • Page 130
    Reset user settings. Highlight Reset and press J.
  • Page 131: Release Mode

    Release Mode Choosing a Release Mode To choose a release mode, press the release mode dial lock release and turn the release mode dial to the desired setting. Mode Description Single frame: Camera takes one photograph each time shutter- release button is pressed. Continuous low speed: While shutter-release button is held down, camera records 1–6 frames per second.

  • Page 132
    Mode Description Mirror up: Choose this mode to minimize camera shake in telephoto or close-up photography or in other situations in which the slightest camera movement can result in blurred photographs (0 109). * Average frame rate with an EN-EL15 battery, continuous-servo AF, manual or shutter-priority s or faster, remaining settings (or in the case of T, auto exposure, a shutter speed of remaining settings other than Custom Setting d2) at default values, and memory remaining in…
  • Page 133
    The Memory Buffer The camera is equipped with a memory buffer for temporary storage, allowing shooting to continue while photographs are being saved to the memory card. Up to 100 photographs can be taken in succession; note, however, that the frame rate will drop when the buffer is full (tAA).
  • Page 134: Self-Timer Mode (E)

    Self-Timer Mode (E) The self-timer can be used to reduce camera shake or for self- portraits. Mount the camera on a tripod. Mount the camera on a tripod or place the camera on a stable, level surface. Select self-timer mode. Press the release mode dial lock release and turn the release mode dial to E.

  • Page 135
    Frame the photograph and focus. In single-servo AF (0 121), photographs can only be taken if the in-focus (I) indicator appears in the viewfinder. Cover the Viewfinder When taking photos without your eye to the viewfinder, remove the rubber eyecup (q) and insert the supplied eyepiece cap as shown (w).
  • Page 136
    Using the Built-in Flash Before taking a photograph with the flash in modes that require the flash to be raised manually, press the M (Y) button to raise the flash and wait for the M indicator to be displayed in the viewfinder (0 182). Shooting will be interrupted if the flash is raised after the self-timer has started.
  • Page 137: Mirror Up Mode (V)

    Mirror up Mode (V) Choose this mode to minimize blurring caused by camera movement when the mirror is raised. To use mirror-up mode, press the release mode dial lock release and rotate the release mode dial to V (mirror up). Release mode dial lock release Release mode dial After pressing the shutter-release button halfway to set focus…

  • Page 138: Image Recording Options

    Image Recording Options Image Area Choose from image areas of FX (36 × 24) 1.0× (FX format), DX (24 × 16) 1.5× (DX format), and 1.2× (30 × 20) 1.2×. See page 492 for information on the number of pictures that can be stored at different image area settings.

  • Page 139
    ❚❚ Image Area Options The camera offers a choice of the following image areas: Option Description Images are recorded in FX format using the full FX (36×24) area of the image sensor (35.9 × 24.0 mm), 1.0× producing an angle of view equivalent to a (FX format) NIKKOR lens on a 35mm format camera.
  • Page 140
    Image Area The selected option is shown in the information display. DX Lenses DX lenses are designed for use with DX format cameras and have a smaller angle of view than lenses for 35mm format cameras. If Auto DX crop is off and an option other than DX (24×16) (DX format) is selected for Choose image area when a DX lens is attached, the edges of the image may be eclipsed.
  • Page 141
    The image area can be selected using the Image area > Choose image area option in the shooting menus or by pressing a control and rotating a command dial. ❚❚ The Image Area Menu Select Image area. Highlight Image area in either of the shooting menus and press 2.
  • Page 142
    ❚❚ Camera Controls Assign image area selection to a camera control. Select Choose image area as the “press + command dials” option for a camera control in the Custom Settings menu (0 323). Image area selection can be assigned to the Fn button (Custom Setting f2, Assign Fn button, 0 356), the Pv button (Custom Setting f3, Assign preview button, 0 361), or the A AE-L/AF-L button (Custom Setting f4, Assign AE-L/…
  • Page 143: Image Quality And Size

    Image Quality and Size Together, image quality and size determine how much space each photograph occupies on the memory card. Larger, higher quality images can be printed at larger sizes but also require more memory, meaning that fewer such images can be stored on the memory card (0 492).

  • Page 144
    Image quality can be set by pressing the X (T) button and rotating the main command dial until the desired setting is displayed in the information display. X (T) button Main command Information display dial NEF (RAW) Images NEF (RAW) images can be viewed on the camera or using software such as ViewNX 2 or Capture NX-D (ViewNX 2 can be installed from the supplied installer CD, while Capture NX-D can be downloaded from a link in the ViewNX 2 installer;…
  • Page 145
    ❚❚ JPEG Compression To choose the type of compression for JPEG images, highlight JPEG compression in the photo shooting menu and press 2. Option Description Images are compressed to produce relatively Size priority uniform file size. Optimal image quality. File size varies with scene Optimal quality recorded.
  • Page 146: Image Size

    Image Size Image size is measured in pixels. Choose from # Large, $ Medium, or % Small (note that image size varies depending on the option selected for Image area, 0 110): Image area Option Size (pixels) Print size (cm/in.) Large 6016 ×…

  • Page 147: Using Two Memory Cards

    Using Two Memory Cards When two memory cards are inserted in the camera, you can use the Role played by card in Slot 2 item in the photo shooting menu to choose the role played by the card in Slot 2. Choose from Overflow (the card in Slot 2 is used only when the card in Slot 1 is full), Backup (each picture is recorded twice, once to the card in Slot 1 and again to the card in Slot 2), and RAW Slot 1—…

  • Page 148: Focus

    Focus This section describes the focus options available when photographs are framed in the viewfinder. Focus can be adjusted automatically (see below) or manually (0 132). The user can also select the focus point for automatic or manual focus (0 127) or use focus lock to focus to recompose photographs after focusing (0 129).

  • Page 149: Autofocus Mode

    Autofocus Mode The following autofocus modes can be selected during viewfinder photography: Mode Description Auto-servo AF: Camera automatically selects single-servo autofocus if subject is stationary, continuous-servo autofocus if subject is AF-A moving. Single-servo AF: For stationary subjects. Focus locks when shutter- release button is pressed halfway.

  • Page 150
    Predictive Focus Tracking In AF-C mode or when continuous-servo autofocus is selected in AF-A mode, the camera will initiate predictive focus tracking if the subject moves toward or away from the camera while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway. This allows the camera to track focus while attempting to predict where the subject will be when the shutter is released.
  • Page 151: Af-Area Mode

    AF-Area Mode Choose how the focus point is selected during viewfinder photography. • Single-point AF: Select the focus point as described on page 127; the camera will focus on the subject in the selected focus point only. Use with stationary subjects. •…

  • Page 152
    • 3D-tracking: Select the focus point as described on page 127. In AF-A and AF-C focus modes, the camera will track subjects that leave the selected focus point and select new focus points as required. Use to quickly compose pictures with subjects that are moving erratically from side to side (e.g., tennis players).
  • Page 153
    AF-area mode can be selected by pressing the AF-mode button and rotating the sub- command dial until the desired setting is displayed in the viewfinder or control panel. AF-mode button Sub-command dial Control panel Viewfinder 3D-tracking When the shutter-release button is pressed halfway, the colors in the area surrounding the focus point are stored in the camera.
  • Page 154
    AF-Area Mode AF-area mode is shown in the control panel and viewfinder. AF-area mode Control panel Viewfinder Single-point AF 9-point dynamic-area AF 21-point dynamic-area AF 51-point dynamic-area AF 3D-tracking Group-area AF Auto-area AF *Only active focus point is displayed in the viewfinder. Remaining focus points provide information to assist focus operation.
  • Page 155: Focus Point Selection

    Focus Point Selection The camera offers a choice of 51 focus points that can be used to compose photographs with the main subject positioned almost anywhere in the frame. Follow the steps below to choose the focus point (in group-area AF, you can follow these steps to choose a group of focus points).

  • Page 156
    Auto-area AF The focus point for auto-area AF is selected automatically; manual focus-point selection is not available. See Also For information on choosing when the focus point is illuminated, see Custom Setting a5 (AF point illumination, 0 329). For information on setting focus-point selection to “wrap around, ”…
  • Page 157: Focus Lock

    Focus Lock Focus lock can be used to change the composition after focusing, making it possible to focus on a subject that will not be in a focus point in the final composition. If the camera is unable to focus using autofocus (0 131), focus lock can also be used to recompose the photograph after focusing on another object at the same distance as your original subject.

  • Page 158
    AF-S focus mode: Focus locks automatically when the in-focus indicator (I) appears, and remain locked until you remove your finger from the shutter-release button. Focus can also be locked by pressing the A AE-L/AF-L button (see above). Recompose the photograph and shoot. Focus will remain locked between shots if you keep the shutter-release button…
  • Page 159
    Getting Good Results with Autofocus Autofocus does not perform well under the conditions listed below. The shutter release may be disabled if the camera is unable to focus under these conditions, or the in-focus indicator (I) may be displayed and the camera may sound a beep, allowing the shutter to be released even when the subject is not in focus.
  • Page 160: Manual Focus

    Manual Focus Manual focus is available for lenses that do not support autofocus (non-AF NIKKOR lenses) or when the autofocus does not produce the desired results (0 131). • AF lenses: Set the lens focus Focus-mode selector mode switch (if present) and camera focus-mode selector to M.

  • Page 161
    ❚❚ The Electronic Rangefinder The viewfinder focus indicator can be used to confirm whether the subject in the selected focus point is in focus (the focus point can be selected from any of the 51 focus points). After positioning the subject in the selected focus point, press the shutter-release button halfway and rotate the lens focus ring until the in-focus indicator (I) is displayed.
  • Page 162: Iso Sensitivity

    ISO Sensitivity The camera’s sensitivity to light can be adjusted according to the amount of light available. Choose from settings that range from ISO 100 to ISO 12800 in steps equivalent to EV. Settings of from about 0.3 to 1 EV below ISO 100 and 0.3 to 2 EV above ISO 12800 are also available for special situations.

  • Page 163
    ISO Sensitivity The higher the ISO sensitivity, the less light needed to make an exposure, allowing faster shutter speeds or smaller apertures, but the more likely the image is to be affected by noise (randomly-spaced bright pixels, fog, or lines). Noise is particularly likely at settings between Hi 0.3 and Hi 2.
  • Page 164: Auto Iso Sensitivity Control

    Auto ISO Sensitivity Control (P, S, A, and M Modes Only) If On is selected for ISO sensitivity settings > Auto ISO sensitivity control in the photo shooting menu, ISO sensitivity will automatically be adjusted if optimal exposure can not be achieved at the value selected by the user (ISO sensitivity is adjusted appropriately when the flash is used).

  • Page 165
    Adjust settings. The maximum value for auto ISO sensitivity can be selected using Maximum sensitivity (note that if the ISO sensitivity selected by the user is higher than that chosen for Maximum sensitivity, the value selected by the user will be used instead). In modes P and A, sensitivity will only be adjusted if underexposure would result at the shutter speed selected for Minimum shutter speed (…
  • Page 166
    Minimum Shutter Speed Auto shutter-speed selection can be fine-tuned by highlighting Auto and pressing 2: for example, values faster than those usually selected automatically can be used with telephoto lenses to reduce blur. Note, however, that Auto functions only with CPU lenses; if a non-CPU lens is used without lens data, minimum shutter speed is fixed at Shutter speeds may drop below the selected minimum if optimum exposure can not be achieved at the ISO sensitivity chosen for…
  • Page 167: Exposure

    Exposure Metering (P, S, A, and M Modes Only) Choose how the camera sets exposure in P, S, A, and M modes (in other modes, the camera selects the metering method automatically). Option Description Matrix: Produces natural results in most situations. Camera meters a wide area of the frame and set exposure according to tone distribution, color, composition, and, with type G, E, or D lenses (0 429), distance information (3D color matrix metering…

  • Page 168: Control Panel

    To choose a metering option, press the Z (Q) button and rotate the main command dial until the desired setting is displayed in the viewfinder and control panel. Z (Q) button Main command dial Control panel Viewfinder Non-CPU Lens Data Specifying the focal length and maximum aperture of non-CPU lenses using the Non-CPU lens data option in the setup menu (0 236) allows the camera to use color matrix metering when matrix is selected…

  • Page 169: Autoexposure Lock

    Autoexposure Lock Use autoexposure lock to recompose photographs after using center-weighted metering and spot metering (0 139) to meter exposure. Lock exposure. Shutter-release button Position the subject in the selected focus point and press the shutter- release button halfway. With the shutter-release button pressed halfway and the subject positioned in the focus point, press the A AE-L/…

  • Page 170
    Metered Area In spot metering, exposure will be locked at the value metered in a 4-mm (0.16 in.) circle centered on the selected focus point. In center- weighted metering, exposure will be locked at the value metered in a 12-mm circle in the center of the viewfinder. Adjusting Shutter Speed and Aperture While exposure lock is in effect, the following settings can be adjusted without altering the metered value for exposure:…
  • Page 171: Exposure Compensation

    Exposure Compensation (P, S, A, M, h, and % Modes Only) Exposure compensation is used to alter exposure from the value suggested by the camera, making pictures brighter or darker. It is most effective when used with center-weighted or spot metering (0 139).

  • Page 172
    At values other than ±0.0, the 0 at the center of the exposure indicators will flash (modes P, S, A, h, and %) and a E icon will be displayed in the control panel and viewfinder after you release the E button. The current value for exposure compensation can be confirmed in the exposure indicator by pressing the E button.
  • Page 173: White Balance

    White Balance (P, S, A, and M Modes Only) White balance ensures that colors are unaffected by the color of the light source. In modes other than P, S, A, and M, white balance is set automatically by the camera. Auto white balance is recommended for most light sources in P, S, A, and M modes, but other values can be selected if necessary according to the type of source:…

  • Page 174
    White balance is set by pressing the L (U) button and rotating the main command dial until the desired setting is displayed in the information display. L (U) button Main command Information display dial The Shooting Menus White balance can also be adjusted using the White balance option in either of the shooting menus (0 310, 321), which also can be used to fine-tune white balance (0 149) or measure a value for preset manual white balance (0 155).
  • Page 175
    Color Temperature The perceived color of a light source varies with the viewer and other conditions. Color temperature is an objective measure of the color of a light source, defined with reference to the temperature to which an object would have to be heated to radiate light in the same wavelengths.
  • Page 176
    See Also When WB bracketing is selected for Custom Setting e6 (Auto bracketing set, 0 353), the camera will create several images each time the shutter is released. White balance will be varied with each image, “bracketing” the value currently selected for white balance (0 208).
  • Page 177: Fine-Tuning White Balance

    Fine-Tuning White Balance At settings other than K (Choose color temp.), white balance can be “fine-tuned” to compensate for variations in the color of the light source or to introduce a deliberate color cast into an image. ❚❚ The White Balance Menu To fine-tune white balance from the shooting menus, select White balance and follow the steps below.

  • Page 178
    Press J. Press J to save settings and return to the shooting menus. ❚❚ The L (U) Button At settings other than K (Choose color temp.) and L (Preset manual), the L (U) button can be used to fine-tune white balance on the amber (A)–blue (B) axis (0 149;…
  • Page 179
    White Balance Fine-Tuning If white balance has been fine-tuned, an asterisk (“E”) will be displayed in the information display. Note that the colors on the fine-tuning axes are relative, not absolute. For example, moving the cursor to B (blue) when a “warm” setting such as J (incandescent) is selected for white balance Information display will make photographs slightly “colder”…
  • Page 180: Choosing A Color Temperature

    Choosing a Color Temperature Follow the steps below to choose a color temperature when K (Choose color temp.) is selected for white balance. Choose Color Temperature Note that the desired results will not be obtained with flash or fluorescent lighting. Choose N (Flash) or I (Fluorescent) for these sources.

  • Page 181
    Select a value for green-magenta. Press 4 or 2 to highlight the G (green) or M (magenta) axis and press 1 or 3 to select a value. Value for green (G)- magenta (M) axis Press J. Press J to save changes and return to the shooting menus.
  • Page 182
    ❚❚ The L (U) Button When K (Choose color temp.) is selected, the L (U) button can be used to select the color temperature, although only for the amber (A)–blue (B) axis. Press the L (U) button and rotate the sub-command dial until the desired value is displayed in the control panel and information display (adjustments are made in mireds;…
  • Page 183: Preset Manual

    Preset Manual Preset manual is used to record and recall custom white balance settings for shooting under mixed lighting or to compensate for light sources with a strong color cast. The camera can store up to six values for preset manual white balance in presets d-1 through d-6.

  • Page 184
    Set white balance to L (Preset manual). Press the L (U) button and rotate the main command dial until L is displayed in the information display. L (U) button Main command Information display dial Select a preset. Press the L (U) button and rotate the sub-command dial until the desired white balance preset (d-1 to d-6) is displayed in the information display.
  • Page 185
    Select direct measurement mode. Release the L (U) button briefly and then press the button until D starts to flash in the control panel Control panel and viewfinder. The displays will flash for about six seconds. Viewfinder Measure white balance. Before the indicators stop flashing, frame the reference object so that it fills the viewfinder and press the…
  • Page 186
    Check the results. If the camera was able to measure a value for white balance, C will flash in the control panel for about six seconds, while the Control panel viewfinder will show a flashing a. Viewfinder If lighting is too dark or too bright, the camera may be unable to measure white balance.
  • Page 187: Live View (Spot White Balance)

    Live View (Spot White Balance) In live view photography and movie live view (0 54, 66), white balance can be measured in a selected area of the frame, eliminating the need to prepare a reference object or change lenses during telephoto photography. Press the a button.

  • Page 188
    Select a preset. Press the L (U) button and rotate the sub-command dial until the desired white balance preset (d-1 to d-6) is displayed in the monitor. L (U) button Sub-command Monitor dial Select direct measurement mode. Release the L (U) button briefly and then press the button until the L icon in the monitor starts to flash.
  • Page 189
    Measure white balance. Press J or press the shutter-release button all the way down to measure white balance. The time available to measure white balance is that selected for Custom Setting c4 (Monitor off delay) > Live view (0 337). If the camera is unable to measure white balance, the message shown at right will be displayed.
  • Page 190: Managing Presets

    Managing Presets ❚❚ Copying White Balance from a Photograph Follow the steps below to copy a value for white balance from an existing photograph to a selected preset. Select Preset manual. Select White balance in either of the shooting menus, then highlight Preset manual and press 2.

  • Page 191
    Highlight a source image. Highlight the source image. Copy white balance. Press J to copy the white balance value for the highlighted photograph to the selected preset. If the highlighted photograph has a comment (0 384), the comment will be copied to the comment for the selected preset.
  • Page 192
    Choosing a White Balance Preset Press 1 to highlight the current white balance preset (d-1–d-6) and press 2 to select another preset. Fine-Tuning Preset Manual White Balance The selected preset can be fine-tuned by selecting Fine-tune and adjusting white balance as described on page 149. Edit Comment To enter a descriptive comment of up to 36 characters for the current white-balance…
  • Page 193: Image Enhancement

    Image Enhancement Picture Controls (P, S, A, and M Modes Only) In P, S, A, and M modes, your choice of Picture Control determines how pictures are processed (in other modes, the camera selects a Picture Control automatically). Selecting a Picture Control Choose a Picture Control according to the subject or type of scene.

  • Page 194
    Select Set Picture Control. Highlight Set Picture Control in either of the shooting menus and press 2. Select a Picture Control. Highlight a Picture Control and press Custom Picture Controls Custom Picture Controls are created through modifications to existing Picture Controls using the Manage Picture Control option in the shooting menus (0 170).
  • Page 195: Modifying Picture Controls

    Modifying Picture Controls Existing preset or custom Picture Controls (0 170) can be modified to suit the scene or the user’s creative intent. Choose a balanced combination of settings using Quick adjust, or make manual adjustments to individual settings. Select a Picture Control. Highlight the desired Picture Control in the Picture Control list (0 165) and press 2.

  • Page 196
    ❚❚ Picture Control Settings Option Description Mute or heighten the effect of the selected Picture Control (note that this resets all manual adjustments). Quick adjust Not available with Neutral, Monochrome, Flat, or custom Picture Controls (0 170). Control the sharpness of outlines. Select A to adjust sharpening automatically according to the type of Sharpening scene.
  • Page 197
    “A” (Auto) Results for auto sharpening, clarity, contrast, and saturation vary with exposure and the position of the subject in the frame. Use a type G, E, or D lens for best results. Switching Between Manual and Auto Press the X (T) button to switch back and forth between manual and auto (A) settings for sharpening, clarity, contrast, and saturation.
  • Page 198: Creating Custom Picture Controls

    Toning (Monochrome Only) Pressing 3 when Toning is selected displays saturation options. Press 4 or 2 to adjust saturation in increments of 1, or rotate the sub-command dial to choose a value in increments of 0.25. Saturation control is not available when B&W (black-and-white) is selected.

  • Page 199
    Edit the selected Picture Control. See page 168 for more information. To abandon any changes and start over from default settings, press the O (Q) button. Press J when settings are complete. Select a destination. Choose a destination for the custom Picture Control (C-1 through C-9) and press 2.
  • Page 200
    Press X (T). Press the X (T) button to save changes and exit. The new Picture Control will appear in the Picture Control list. X (T) button Manage Picture Control > Rename Custom Picture Controls can be renamed at any time using the Rename option in the Manage Picture Control menu.
  • Page 201: Sharing Custom Picture Controls

    Sharing Custom Picture Controls Use the Load/save option in the Manage Picture Control menu to copy custom Picture Controls to and from memory cards. Custom Picture Controls can be created on a computer using Picture Control Utility 2, a utility launched from ViewNX 2 (supplied) or Capture NX-D (0 268), then saved to a memory card and copied to the camera.

  • Page 202
    Saving Custom Picture Controls Up to 99 custom Picture Controls can be stored on the memory card at any one time. The memory card can only be used to store user-created custom Picture Controls. The preset Picture Controls supplied with the camera (0 165) can not be copied to the memory card, renamed, or deleted.
  • Page 203: Preserving Detail In Highlights And Shadows

    Preserving Detail in Highlights and Shadows Active D-Lighting (P, S, A, and M Modes Only) Active D-Lighting preserves details in highlights and shadows, creating photographs with natural contrast. Use for high contrast scenes, for example when photographing brightly lit outdoor scenery through a door or window or taking pictures of shaded subjects on a sunny day.

  • Page 204
    To use Active D-Lighting: Select Active D-Lighting. Highlight Active D-Lighting in the photo shooting menu and press 2. Choose an option. Highlight the desired option and press J. If Y Auto is selected, the camera will automatically adjust Active D-Lighting according to shooting conditions (in mode M, however, Y Auto is equivalent to Q Normal).
  • Page 205: High Dynamic Range (Hdr)

    High Dynamic Range (HDR) Used with high-contrast subjects, High Dynamic Range (HDR) preserves details in highlights and shadows by combining two shots taken at different exposures. HDR is most effective when used with matrix metering (0 139; with spot or center-weighted metering and a non-CPU lens, a strength of Auto is equivalent to Normal).

  • Page 206
    Select a mode. Highlight HDR mode and press 2. Highlight one of the following and press J. • To take a series of HDR photographs, select 6 On (series). HDR shooting will continue until you select Off for HDR mode. •…
  • Page 207
    Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot. The camera takes two exposures when the shutter-release button is pressed all the way down. l j will flash in the control panel and l l in the viewfinder while the Control panel images are combined; no photographs can be taken until recording is complete.
  • Page 208: Flash Photography

    Flash Photography Using the Built-in Flash The built-in flash can be used not only when natural lighting is inadequate but to fill in shadows and backlit subjects or to add a catch light to the subject’s eyes. Auto Pop-up Modes In i, k, p, n, o, s, w, and g modes, the built-in flash automatically pops up and fires as required.

  • Page 209
    Take pictures. The flash will pop up as required when the shutter- release button is pressed halfway and fire when a photograph is taken. If the flash does not pop up automatically, attempt to raise it by hand. Failure to DO NOT observe this precaution could damage the flash.
  • Page 210: Manual Pop-Up Modes

    Manual Pop-up Modes In P, S, A, M, and 0 modes, the flash must be raised manually. The flash will not fire if it is not raised. Raise the flash. Press the M (Y) button to raise the flash. Note that if the flash is off or an optional external flash unit is attached, the built-in flash will not pop up;…

  • Page 211
    ❚❚ Flash Modes The following flash modes are available: Fill flash: The flash fires with every shot. Red-eye reduction: Use for portraits. The flash fires with every shot, but before it fires, the red-eye reduction lamp lights to help reduce “red-eye. ” Not available in 0 mode. Red-eye reduction with slow sync: As for “red-eye reduction”, above, except that shutter speed slows automatically to capture background lighting at night or under low light.
  • Page 212
    Metering Select matrix, center-weighted, or highlight-weighted metering to activate i-TTL balanced fill-flash for digital SLR. Standard i-TTL flash for digital SLR is activated automatically when spot metering is selected. Lowering the Built-in Flash To save power when the flash is not in use, press it gently downward until the latch clicks into place.
  • Page 213
    Shutter Speeds Available with the Built-in Flash The following shutter speeds are available with the built-in flash. Mode Shutter speed i, k, p, n, s, w, 0, g – –1 s – –30 s –30 s, A, % * Speeds as fast as s are available with optional flash units that support auto FP high- 4000 speed sync (0 436) when 1/250 s (Auto FP) or 1/200 s (Auto FP) is selected…
  • Page 214
    The flash control mode for the built-in flash can be selected using Custom Setting e3 (Flash cntrl for built-in flash, 0 347). The information display shows the flash control mode for the built-in flash as follows: Flash sync Auto FP (0 345) —…
  • Page 215
    Aperture, Sensitivity, and Flash Range Flash range varies with sensitivity (ISO equivalency) and aperture. Aperture at ISO equivalent of Range 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 0.7–8.5 2ft 4in.–27ft 10in. 0.6–6.0 2ft–19ft 8in. 0.6–4.2 2ft–13ft 9in. — 0.6–3.0 2ft–9ft 10in. — —…
  • Page 216: Flash Compensation

    Flash Compensation (P, S, A, M, and h Modes Only) Flash compensation is used to alter flash output by from –3EV to +1EV in increments of EV, changing the brightness of the main subject relative to the background. Flash output can be increased to make the main subject appear brighter, or reduced to prevent unwanted highlights or reflections.

  • Page 217
    At values other than ±0.0, a Y icon will be displayed in the control panel and viewfinder after you release the M (Y) button. The current value for flash compensation can be confirmed by pressing the M (Y) button. Normal flash output can be restored by setting flash compensation to ±0.0.
  • Page 218: Fv Lock

    FV Lock This feature is used to lock flash output, allowing photographs to be recomposed without changing the flash level and ensuring that flash output is appropriate to the subject even when the subject is not positioned in the center of the frame. Flash output is adjusted automatically for any changes in ISO sensitivity and aperture.

  • Page 219
    Lock flash level. After confirming that the flash ready indicator (M) is displayed in the viewfinder, press the button selected in Step 1. The flash will emit a monitor preflash to determine the appropriate flash level. Flash output will be locked at this level and FV lock icons (e) will appear in the viewfinder.
  • Page 220
    Using FV Lock with the Built-in Flash FV lock is only available with the built-in flash when TTL is selected for Custom Setting e3 (Flash cntrl for built-in flash, 0 347). Using FV Lock with Optional Flash Units FV lock is also available with optional flash units in TTL and (where supported) monitor pre-flash AA and monitor pre-flash A flash control modes.
  • Page 221: Remote Control Photography

    Remote Control Photography Using an Optional ML-L3 Remote Control The optional ML-L3 remote control (0 444) can be used to reduce camera shake or for self-portraits. Select Remote control mode (ML-L3). Highlight Remote control mode (ML-L3) in the photo shooting menu and press 2.

  • Page 222
    Take the photograph. From a distance of 5 m (16 ft) or less, aim the transmitter on the ML-L3 at either of the infrared receivers on the camera (0 2, 4) and press the ML-L3 shutter-release button. In delayed remote mode, the self-timer lamp will light for about two seconds before the shutter is released.
  • Page 223
    Using the Built-in Flash Before taking a photograph with the flash in manual pop-up modes (0 182), press the M (Y) button to raise the flash and wait for the M indicator to be displayed in the viewfinder (0 11). Shooting will be interrupted if the flash is raised while remote control mode is in effect.
  • Page 224
    Assign Shutter Button If Record movies is selected for Custom Setting g4 (Assign shutter button, 0 373), the ML-L3 can not be used when the live view selector is rotated to 1. Cover the Viewfinder To prevent light entering via the viewfinder from appearing in photographs or interfering with exposure, remove the rubber eyecup and cover the viewfinder with the supplied eyepiece cap (0 107).
  • Page 225: Wr-1 Wireless Remote Controllers

    Wireless Remote Controllers When the camera is used with optional WR-1 (0 444) and WR-R10/WR-T10 (0 444) wireless remote controllers, the shutter-release buttons on the WR-1 and WR-T10 perform the same functions as the camera shutter-release button, allowing remote continuous and self-timer photography. WR-1 Wireless Remote Controllers The WR-1 can function as either a transmitter or a receiver and is used in combination either with another WR-1 or a WR-R10 or…

  • Page 226: Other Shooting Options

    Other Shooting Options Viewfinder Photography: The P Button Pressing the P button during viewfinder photography displays a menu with the following options: P button Option Option Choose image area Assign Fn button Set Picture Control Assign preview button Active D-Lighting Assign AE-L/AF-L button HDR (high dynamic range) Long exposure NR…

  • Page 227: Two-Button Reset: Restoring Default Settings

    Two-Button Reset: Restoring Default Settings The camera settings listed E button below can be restored to default values by holding the W (S) and E buttons down together for more than two seconds (these buttons are marked by a green dot). The control panel turns off briefly W (S) button while settings are reset.

  • Page 228
    Option Default Autofocus (viewfinder) Autofocus mode AF-S Other modes AF-A AF-area mode n, x, 0, 1, 2, 3 Single-point AF m, w 51-point dynamic-area AF i, j, k, l, p, o, r, s, t, u, v, y, z, Auto-area AF g, u, P, S, A, M Autofocus (live view/movie) Autofocus mode…
  • Page 229
    Option Default Flash mode i, k, p, n, w, g Auto Auto+red-eye reduction 181, Auto+slow sync 0, P, S, A, M Fill flash FV lock Multiple exposure Flexible program + NEF (RAW) 1 Current Picture Control only. 2 HDR strength is not reset. 3 If interval timer shooting is currently in progress, shooting will end.
  • Page 230: Bracketing

    Bracketing (P, S, A, and M Modes Only) Bracketing automatically varies exposure, flash level, Active D-Lighting (ADL), or white balance slightly with each shot, “bracketing” the current value. Choose in situations in which it is difficult to set exposure, flash level (i-TTL and, where supported, auto aperture flash control modes only;…

  • Page 231
    Choose the number of shots. Pressing the D button, rotate the main command dial to choose the number of shots in the bracketing sequence. The number of shots is shown in the information display and control panel. Number of shots D button Main command Exposure and flash bracketing…
  • Page 232
    Select an exposure increment. Pressing the D button and rotate the sub-command dial to choose the exposure increment. Exposure increment D button Sub-command Information display dial At default settings, the size of the increment can be chosen from 0.3 ( ), 0.7 ( ), 1, 2, and 3 EV.
  • Page 233
    Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot. The camera will vary exposure and/or flash level shot-by-shot according to the bracketing program selected. Modifications to exposure are added to those made with exposure compensation (see page 143). A bracketing progress indicator is displayed while bracketing is in effect.
  • Page 234
    ❚❚ Canceling Bracketing To cancel bracketing, press the D button and rotate the main command dial until the number of shots in the bracketing sequence is zero (0F/r) and the exposure/flash bracketing indicators are no longer displayed. The program last in effect will be restored the next time bracketing is activated.
  • Page 235
    Exposure Bracketing The camera modifies exposure by varying shutter speed and aperture (mode P), aperture (mode S), or shutter speed (modes A and M). If On is selected for ISO sensitivity settings > Auto ISO sensitivity control (0 136) in modes P, S, and A, the camera will automatically vary ISO sensitivity for optimum exposure when the limits of the camera exposure system are exceeded;…
  • Page 236
    ❚❚ White Balance Bracketing The camera creates multiple copies of each photograph, each with a different white balance. For more information on white balance, see page 145. Select white balance bracketing. Choose WB bracketing for Custom Setting e6 Auto bracketing set. Choose the number of shots.
  • Page 237
    Select a white balance increment. Pressing the D button, rotate the sub-command dial to choose from increments of 1 (5 mired; 0 151), 2 (10 mired), or 3 (15 mired). The B value indicates the amount of blue, the A value the amount of amber (0 149). White balance increment D button Sub-command…
  • Page 238
    Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot. Each shot will be processed to create the number of copies specified in the bracketing program, and each copy will have a different white balance. Modifications to white balance are added to the white balance adjustment made with white balance fine- tuning.
  • Page 239
    ❚❚ Canceling Bracketing To cancel bracketing, press the D button and rotate the main command dial until the number of shots in the bracketing sequence is zero (0F/r) and the white balance bracketing indicators are no longer displayed. The program last in effect will be restored the next time bracketing is activated.
  • Page 240
    ❚❚ ADL Bracketing The camera varies Active D-Lighting over a series of exposures. For more information on Active D-Lighting, see page 175. Select ADL bracketing. Choose ADL bracketing for Custom Setting e6 Auto bracketing set. Choose the number of shots. Pressing the D button, rotate the main command dial to choose the number of shots in the bracketing sequence.
  • Page 241
    Choose two shots to take one photograph with Active D-Lighting off and another at a selected value. Choose three to five shots to take a series of photographs with Active D-Lighting set to Off, Low, and Normal (three shots), Off, Low, Normal, and High (four shots), or Off, Low, Normal, High, and Extra high (five shots).
  • Page 242
    Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot. The camera will vary Active D-Lighting shot-by- shot according to the bracketing program selected. A bracketing progress indicator is displayed while bracketing is in effect. A segment will disappear from the indicator after each shot. No.
  • Page 243
    ❚❚ Canceling Bracketing To cancel bracketing, press the D button and rotate the main command dial until the number of shots in the bracketing sequence is zero (0F/r) and the ADL bracketing indicators are no longer displayed. The program last in effect will be restored the next time bracketing is activated.
  • Page 244: Multiple Exposure

    Multiple Exposure (P, S, A, and M Modes Only) Follow the steps below to record a series of two or three exposures in a single photograph. Multiple exposures can make use of RAW data from the camera image sensor to produce colors noticeably superior to those in software-generated photographic overlays.

  • Page 245
    Select a mode. Highlight Multiple exposure mode and press 2. Highlight one of the following and press J. • To take a series of multiple exposures, select 6 On (series). Multiple exposure shooting will continue until you select Off for Multiple exposure mode.
  • Page 246
    Choose the number of shots. Highlight Number of shots and press Press 1 or 3 to choose the number of exposures that will be combined to form a single photograph and press Choose the amount of gain. Highlight Auto gain and press 2. The following options will be displayed.
  • Page 247
    Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot. In continuous release modes (0 103), the camera records all exposures in a single burst. If On (series) is selected, the camera will continue to record multiple exposures while the shutter-release button is pressed; if On (single photo) is selected, multiple exposure shooting will end after the first photograph.
  • Page 248
    ❚❚ Interrupting Multiple Exposures To interrupt a multiple exposure before the specified number of exposures have been taken, select Off for multiple exposure mode. If shooting ends before the specified number of exposures have been taken, a multiple exposure will be created from the exposures that have been recorded to that point.
  • Page 249
    Multiple Exposures Do not remove or replace the memory card while recording a multiple exposure. Multiple exposures can not be recorded in live view. Taking photographs in live view resets Multiple exposure mode to Off. The shooting information listed in the playback photo information display (including metering, exposure, shooting mode, focal length, date of recording and camera orientation) is for the first shot in the multiple exposure.
  • Page 250: Interval Timer Photography

    Interval Timer Photography The camera is equipped to take photographs automatically at preset intervals. Before Shooting Select a release mode other than self-timer (E) and V when using the interval timer. Before beginning interval timer photography, take a test shot at current settings and view the results in the monitor. Once settings have been adjusted to your satisfaction, remove the rubber eyecup and cover the viewfinder with the supplied eyepiece cap to prevent light entering via the viewfinder interfering with photographs…

  • Page 251
    Adjust interval timer settings. Choose a start option, interval, number of shots per interval, and exposure smoothing option. • To choose a start option: Highlight Start options and Highlight an option and press 2. press J. To start shooting immediately, select Now. To start shooting at a chosen date and time, select Choose start day and start time, then choose the date and time and press J.
  • Page 252
    • To choose the number of shots per interval: Highlight No. of intervals × Choose the number of intervals shots/interval and press 2. and the number of shots per interval and press J. In S (single frame) mode, the photographs for each interval will be taken at the rate chosen for Custom Setting d2 (Continuous low-speed, 0 338).
  • Page 253
    Start shooting. Highlight Start and press J. The first series of shots will be taken at the specified starting time, or after about 3 s if Now was selected for Start options in Step 2. Shooting will continue at the selected interval until all shots have been taken.
  • Page 254
    ❚❚ Pausing Interval Timer Photography Interval timer photography can be paused between intervals by pressing J or selecting Pause in the interval timer menu. ❚❚ Resuming Interval Timer Shooting To resume shooting: Starting Now Highlight Restart and press J. Starting at a Specified Time For Start options, Choose a starting date Highlight Restart and…
  • Page 255
    ❚❚ No Photograph The camera will skip the current interval if any of the following situations persist for eight seconds or more after the interval was due to start: the photograph or photographs for the previous interval have yet to be taken, the memory card is full, or the camera is unable to focus in AF-S or when single-servo AF is selected in AF-A (note that the camera focuses again before each shot).
  • Page 256
    Release Mode Regardless of the release mode selected, the camera will take the specified number of shots at each interval. Bracketing Adjust bracketing settings before starting interval timer photography. If exposure, flash, or ADL bracketing is active while interval timer photography is in effect, the camera will take the number of shots in the bracketing program at each interval, regardless of the number of shots specified in the interval timer menu.
  • Page 257: Time-Lapse Photography

    Time-Lapse Photography (i, j, P, S, A, M, and h Modes Only) The camera automatically takes photos at selected intervals to create a silent time-lapse movie at the frame size and rate currently selected in the movie shooting menu (0 318). For information on the image area used for time-lapse movies, see page 76.

  • Page 258
    Adjust time-lapse photography settings. Choose an interval, total shooting time, and exposure smoothing option. • To choose the interval between frames: Highlight Interval and Choose an interval longer than press 2. the slowest anticipated shutter speed (minutes and seconds) and press J. •…
  • Page 259
    • To enable or disable exposure smoothing: Highlight Exposure Highlight an option and smoothing and press 2. press J. Selecting On smooths abrupt changes in exposure in modes other than M (note that exposure smoothing only takes effect in mode M if auto ISO sensitivity control is on). Start shooting.
  • Page 260
    ❚❚ Ending Time-Lapse Photography To end time-lapse photography before all the photos are taken, highlight Off in the time-lapse photography menu and press J, or press J between frames or immediately after a frame is recorded. A movie will be created from the frames shot to the point where time-lapse photography ended.
  • Page 261
    Calculating the Length of the Final Movie The total number of frames in the final Length recorded/ movie can be approximated by dividing the maximum length shooting time by the interval and rounding up. The length of the final movie can then be calculated by dividing the number of shots by the frame rate selected for Frame size/frame rate in movie shooting menu…
  • Page 262
    Image Review The K button can not be used to view pictures while time-lapse photography is in progress, but the current frame will be displayed for a few seconds after each shot if On is selected for Image review in the playback menu (0 307).
  • Page 263: Non-Cpu Lenses

    Non-CPU Lenses Non-CPU lenses can be used in modes A and M, with aperture set using the lens aperture ring. By specifying lens data (lens focal length and maximum aperture), the user can gain access to the following CPU lens functions. If the focal length of the lens is known: •…

  • Page 264
    The camera can store data for up to nine non-CPU lenses. To enter or edit data for a non-CPU lens: Select Non-CPU lens data. Highlight Non-CPU lens data in the setup menu and press 2. Choose a lens number. Highlight Lens number and press 4 or 2 to choose a lens number.
  • Page 265
    Focal Length Not Listed If the correct focal length is not listed, choose the closest value greater than the actual focal length of the lens. Teleconverters and Zoom Lenses The maximum aperture for teleconverters is the combined maximum aperture of the teleconverter and the lens. Note that lens data are not adjusted when non-CPU lenses are zoomed in or out.
  • Page 266
    To recall lens data when using a non-CPU lens: Assign non-CPU lens number selection to a camera control. Select Choose non-CPU lens number as the “Press + command dials” option for a camera control in the Custom Settings menu (0 323). Non-CPU lens number selection can be assigned to the Fn button (Custom Setting f2, Assign Fn button, 0 356), the Pv button (Custom Setting f3, Assign preview button, 0 361), or the A AE-L/AF-L button (Custom…
  • Page 267: Location Data

    Location Data The GP-1/GP-1A GPS unit (available separately) can be connected to the camera’s accessory terminal (0 443) using the cable supplied with the GP-1/GP-1A, allowing information on the camera’s current position to be recorded when photographs are taken. Turn the camera off before connecting the GP-1/ GP-1A;…

  • Page 268
    Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) UTC data is provided by the GPS device and is independent of the camera clock. The o Icon Connection status is shown by the o icon: • o (static): The camera has established communication with GP-1/GP-1A. Photo information for pictures taken while this icon is displayed includes an additional page of location data (0 253).
  • Page 269: More On Playback

    More on Playback Viewing Pictures Full-Frame Playback To play photographs back, press the K button. The most recent photograph will be displayed in the monitor. K button Description Press 2 to view photographs in order View additional recorded, 4 to view photographs in photographs reverse order.

  • Page 270
    Rotate Tall To display “tall” (portrait-orientation) photographs in tall orientation, select On for the Rotate tall option in the playback menu (0 308). Image Review When On is selected for Image review in the playback menu (0 307), photographs are automatically displayed in the monitor after shooting (because the camera is already in the correct orientation, images are not rotated automatically during image review).
  • Page 271: Thumbnail Playback

    Thumbnail Playback To display images in “contact sheets” of four, nine, or 72 images, press the W (S) button. W (S) W (S) X (T) X (T) Full-frame Thumbnail playback Calendar playback playback Description Use multi selector to highlight images for full-frame playback, Highlight images playback zoom (0 255), deletion (0 258), or protection (0 257).

  • Page 272: Calendar Playback

    Calendar Playback To view images taken on a selected date, press the W (S) button when 72 images are displayed. Date list W (S) W (S) X (T) X (T) Thumbnail list Full-frame Thumbnail playback Calendar playback playback The operations that can be performed depend on whether the cursor is in the date list or the thumbnail list: Description Press W (S) or J button in…

  • Page 273: The P Button

    The P Button Pressing the P button during full-frame or thumbnail playback displays the options listed below. • Playback slot and folder: Choose a folder for playback. Highlight a slot and press 2 to list the folders on the selected P button card, then highlight a folder and press J to view the pictures in the…

  • Page 274: Photo Information

    2014 10 : 02 : 28 6016×4016 6016×4016 File information None (image only) Overview data º ‘ º ‘ 100 — 1 N I KON D750 Highlights Location data , F2 . 8 100 — 1 N I KON D750 RGB histogram Shooting data…

  • Page 275: File Information

    ❚❚ File Information 1 2 3 4 100ND750 DSC _ 0001 . JPG N N OR ORMAL AL 2014 10 : 02 : 28 6016×4016 Protect status…….257 Image size……..118 Retouch indicator …….393 Image area ……..110 Upload marking ……290 Time of recording ….

  • Page 276
    ❚❚ Highlights Image highlights Current channel Folder number—frame number ……..311 *Flashing areas indicate highlights (areas that may be overexposed) for the current channel. Hold W (S) button and press 4 or 2 to cycle through channels as follows: W (S) button (all channels) (red) (green)
  • Page 277
    ❚❚ RGB Histogram Image highlights Histogram (RGB channel). In all histograms, horizontal axis gives Folder number—frame pixel brightness, vertical axis number ……..311 number of pixels. White balance……145 Histogram (red channel) Color temperature….152 White balance Histogram (green channel) fine-tuning……149 Histogram (blue channel) Preset manual……155 Current channel *Flashing areas indicate highlights (areas that may be…
  • Page 278
    Playback Zoom To zoom in on the photograph when the histogram is displayed, press X (T). Use the X (T) and W (S) buttons to zoom in and out and scroll the image with the multi selector. The histogram will be updated to show only the data for the portion of the image visible in the monitor.
  • Page 279
    ❚❚ Shooting Data , F2 . 8 100 — 1 N I KON D750 Metering ……..139 Flash type ……180, 433 Shutter speed ……90, 93 Commander mode….. 348 Aperture……..91, 93 Flash mode……181, 183 Shooting mode ……..6 Flash control ….347, 435, 437 ISO sensitivity ……134…
  • Page 280: High Iso Noise Reduction

    SPR I NG HAS COME . COMMENT 100 — 1 N I KON D750 High ISO noise reduction..317 Vignette control……315 Long exposure noise Retouch history……393 reduction……..317 Image comment ……384 Active D-Lighting ……. 175 HDR strength ……. 177…

  • Page 281
    ❚❚ Location Data (0 239) º ‘ º ‘ 100 — 1 N I KON D750 Latitude Altitude Longitude Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) * Data for movies are for start of recording.
  • Page 282
    ❚❚ Overview Data NIKON D750 17 18 19 20 21 Hi 0 . 3 1 4000 F2 . 8 85mm + 1 . 0 – 1. 3 SLOW 1 4000 F2 . 8 Hi 0 . 3 85mm + 1 . 0 –…
  • Page 283: Taking A Closer Look: Playback Zoom

    Taking a Closer Look: Playback Zoom Press the X (T) button to zoom in on the image displayed in full-frame playback. The following operations can be performed while zoom is in effect: X (T) button Description Press X (T) to zoom 36 ×…

  • Page 284
    Description Faces detected during zoom are indicated by white borders in Select faces navigation window. Rotate sub-command dial to view other faces. Rotate main command dial to view same View other location in other photos at current zoom images ratio. Playback zoom is cancelled when a movie is displayed.
  • Page 285: Protecting Photographs From Deletion

    Protecting Photographs from Deletion In full-frame, zoom, thumbnail, and calendar playback, press the L (U) button to protect the current picture from accidental deletion. Protected files are marked with a P icon and can not be deleted using the O (Q) button or the Delete option in the playback menu.

  • Page 286: Deleting Photographs

    Deleting Photographs To delete the photograph displayed in full-frame playback or highlighted in the thumbnail list, press the O (Q) button. To delete multiple selected photographs, all photographs taken on a selected date, or all photographs in the current playback folder, use the Delete option in the playback menu.

  • Page 287
    Calendar Playback During calendar playback, you can delete all photographs taken on a selected date by highlighting the date in the date list and pressing the O (Q) button (0 244). See Also The After delete option in the playback menu determines whether the next image or the previous image is displayed after an image is deleted (0 307).
  • Page 288: The Playback Menu

    The Playback Menu The Delete option in the playback menu contains the following options. Note that depending on the number of images, some time may be required for deletion. Option Description Delete selected pictures. Selected Delete all pictures taken on a selected date (0 261). Select date Delete all pictures in the folder currently selected…

  • Page 289
    Delete the selected pictures. Press J. A confirmation dialog will be displayed; highlight Yes and press J. ❚❚ Select Date: Deleting Photographs Taken on a Selected Date Select dates. Highlight a date and press 2 to select all pictures taken on the highlighted date.
  • Page 290: Connections

    264. Be sure to use the latest version of ViewNX 2, which is available for download from the websites listed on page xxiii, as earlier versions that do not support the D750 may fail to transfer NEF (RAW) images correctly. Launch the installer.

  • Page 291
    Click Yes Click OK Remove the installer CD from the CD-ROM drive. Viewing the Nikon Website To visit the Nikon website after installing ViewNX 2, select All Programs > Link to Nikon from the Windows start menu (Internet connection required).
  • Page 292
    System Requirements Windows • Photos: Intel Celeron, Pentium 4, or Core series, 1.6 GHz or better • Movies (playback): Pentium D 3.0 GHz or better; Intel Core i5 or better recommended when viewing movies with a frame size of 1280 × 720 or more at a frame rate of 30 fps or above or movies with a frame size of 1920 ×…
  • Page 293
    • Photos: Intel Core or Xeon series • Movies (playback): Core Duo 2 GHz or better; Intel Core i5 or better recommended when viewing movies with a frame size of 1280 × 720 or more at a frame rate of 30 fps or above or movies with a frame size of 1920 ×…
  • Page 294: Using Viewnx 2

    Using ViewNX 2 Copy Pictures to the Computer Before proceeding, be sure you have installed the software on the supplied ViewNX 2 CD (0 262). Connect the USB cable. After turning the camera off and ensuring that a memory card is inserted, connect the supplied USB cable as shown and then turn the camera on.

  • Page 295
    If a message is displayed prompting you to choose a program, select Nikon Transfer 2. Windows 7 If the following dialog is displayed, select Nikon Transfer 2 as described below. 1 Under Import pictures and videos, click Change program. A program selection dialog will be displayed;…
  • Page 296
    Consult online help for more information on using ViewNX 2. Capture NX-D Use Nikon’s Capture NX-D software to retouch photos or to change settings for NEF (RAW) pictures and save them in other formats. Capture NX-D also offers an Image Dust Off feature that removes image artifacts caused by dust inside the camera.
  • Page 297: Ethernet And Wireless Networks

    Ethernet and Wireless Networks The optional UT-1 communication unit (0 442) can be used to upload photographs to a computer or ftp server. The camera connects to the UT-1 using the USB cable supplied with the camera, while the UT-1 in turn connects to the network via an Ethernet cable or an optional WT-5 wireless transmitter (0 442).

  • Page 298
    Image Upload Once a connection has been established to the UT-1, the P button functions during playback to select pictures for upload in ftp and image transfer modes (upload only takes place when the UT-1 is connected). Other playback operations that use the P button, such as Side-by-side comparison (0 419), can not be performed.
  • Page 299: Printing Photographs

    Printing Photographs Selected JPEG images can be printed on a PictBridge printer (0 488) connected directly to the camera. Connecting the Printer Connect the camera using the supplied USB cable. Do not use force or attempt to insert the connectors at an angle. When the camera and printer are turned on, a welcome screen will be displayed in the monitor, followed by a PictBridge playback display.

  • Page 300: Printing Pictures One At A Time

    Printing Pictures One at a Time Display the desired picture. Press 4 or 2 to view additional pictures. Press the X (T) button to zoom in on the current frame (press K to exit zoom). To view thumbnails, press the W (S) button. Use the multi selector to highlight pictures, or press W (S) again to display the highlighted picture full frame.

  • Page 301
    Start printing. Select Start printing and press J to start printing. To cancel before all copies have been printed, press J. See Also See page 476 for information on what to do if an error occurs during printing.
  • Page 302: Printing Multiple Pictures

    Printing Multiple Pictures Display the PictBridge menu. Press the G button in the PictBridge playback display. Choose an option. Highlight one of the following options and press 2. • Print select: Select pictures for printing. Use the multi selector to highlight pictures (to display the current picture full screen, press and hold the X/T button) and, keeping the W (S) button pressed, press 1 or 3 to choose the number of prints (maximum 99).

  • Page 303: Creating A Dpof Print Order: Print Set

    Adjust printing options. Adjust printer settings as described in Step 2 on page 272. Start printing. Select Start printing and press J to start printing. To cancel before all copies have been printed, press J. Creating a DPOF Print Order: Print Set The DPOF print order option in the playback menu is used to create digital “print orders”…

  • Page 304
    Select imprint options. Highlight the following options and press 2 to toggle the highlighted option on or off. • Print shooting data: Print shutter speed and aperture on all pictures in print order. • Print date: Print date of recording on all pictures in print order.
  • Page 305: Viewing Photographs On Tv

    Viewing Photographs on TV The optional High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) cable (0 442) or a type C HDMI cable (available separately from third- party suppliers) can be used to connect the camera to high- definition video devices. Always turn the camera off before connecting or disconnecting an HDMI cable.

  • Page 306: Hdmi Options

    HDMI Options The HDMI option in the setup menu (0 374) controls output resolution and other advanced HDMI options, and can also be used to enable the camera for remote control from devices that support HDMI-CEC (High-Definition Multimedia Interface– Consumer Electronics Control, a standard that allows HDMI devices to be used to control peripherals to which they are connected).

  • Page 307
    ❚❚ Advanced Option Description Auto is recommended in most situations. If the camera is unable to determine the correct RGB video signal output range for the HDMI device, you can choose from the following options: • Limited range: For devices with an RGB video signal Output range input range of 16 to 235.
  • Page 308
    HDMI and Live View When the camera is connected via an HDMI cable, HDMI displays can be used for live view photography and movie live view (0 65, 78). Note that if 1920 × 1080; 60p is selected for the Frame size/frame rate in the movie shooting menu (0 319), the selected setting will only be reflected in the HDMI output during movie recording if all the following conditions are met: Auto or 1080p (progressive) is selected…
  • Page 309: Wi-Fi

    Internet. Pictures can also be uploaded from the camera to the smart device (0 289). Download pictures Share pictures Remote control See the Wireless Mobile Utility manual for details (0 283). Wi-Fi Wi-Fi is available with the D750 only. The D750 (K) does not support Wi-Fi.

  • Page 310: Accessing The Camera

    Accessing the Camera Before connecting via Wi-Fi (wireless LAN), install the Wireless Mobile Utility on your Android or iOS smart device. Instructions for accessing the camera vary with the type of connection used by the smart device. Android • Push-button WPS: If the smart device supports push-button WPS (i.e., has a WPS button connection option in its Wi-Fi settings menu), you can use this easy method to connect to the smart device (0 284)

  • Page 311
    Installing the Wireless Mobile Utility App 1 Find the app. On the smart device, connect to the Google Play service, the App Store, or another app marketplace and search for “Wireless Mobile Utility”. For more information, see the instructions provided with the smart device.
  • Page 312: Wps (Android Only)

    WPS (Android Only) Enable the camera’s built-in Wi-Fi. Highlight Wi-Fi in the setup menu and press 2. Highlight Network connection and press 2, then highlight Enable and press J. Wait a few seconds for Wi-Fi to activate. Connect. Enable WPS button connections on the camera and smart device: •…

  • Page 313: Pin Entry (Android Only)

    Launch the Wireless Mobile Utility. Launch the Wireless Mobile Utility on the smart device. The main dialog will be displayed. PIN Entry (Android Only) Enable the camera’s built-in Wi-Fi. Highlight Wi-Fi in the setup menu and press 2. Highlight Network connection and press 2, then highlight Enable and press J.

  • Page 314: Ssid (Android And Ios)

    Enter the PIN. Enter the PIN displayed by the smart device. Press 4 or 2 to highlight digits and press 1 or 3 to change. Press J when entry is complete. Launch the Wireless Mobile Utility. Launch the Wireless Mobile Utility on the smart device. The main dialog will be displayed.

  • Page 315
    Display the camera SSID. Highlight Network settings and press 2. Highlight View SSID and press 2. Select the camera SSID. Select the camera SSID in the list of networks displayed by the smart device. Launch the Wireless Mobile Utility. Launch the Wireless Mobile Utility on the smart device. The main dialog will be displayed.
  • Page 316: Network Settings

    ❚❚ Terminating the Connection Wi-Fi can be disabled by: • Selecting Wi-Fi > Network connection > Disable in the camera setup menu • Starting movie recording • Connecting an optional UT-1 communication unit • Turning the camera off ❚❚ Restoring Default Settings To restore default network settings, select Wi-Fi >…

  • Page 317: Selecting Pictures For Upload

    Selecting Pictures for Upload Follow the steps below to select photos for upload to the smart device. Movies can not be selected for upload. Selecting Individual Pictures for Upload Select an image. Display the image or highlight it in the thumbnail list in thumbnail or calendar playback.

  • Page 318
    Choose Select to send to smart device/deselect. Highlight Select to send to smart device/deselect and press J. Pictures selected for upload are indicated by a & icon; to deselect, display or highlight the image and repeat Steps 2 and 3.
  • Page 319: Selecting Multiple Pictures For Upload

    Selecting Multiple Pictures for Upload To change the upload status of multiple pictures, use the Wi-Fi > Select to send to smart device option in the setup menu. Choose Select to send to smart device. Select Wi-Fi in the setup menu, then highlight Select to send to smart device and press 2.

  • Page 320: Menu Guide

    Menu Guide Defaults The default settings for the options in the camera menus are listed below. For information on two-button resets, see page 199. ❚❚ Playback Menu Defaults Option Default Playback folder (0 300) ND750 Image review (0 307) After delete (0 307) Show next Rotate tall (0 308) Slide show (0 308)

  • Page 321
    Option Default White balance (0 145) Auto > Normal Fine-tuning (0 149) A-B: 0, G-M: 0 Choose color temp. (0 152) 5000 K Preset manual (0 155) Set Picture Control (0 165) Standard Color space (0 314) sRGB Active D-Lighting (0 175) P, S, A, M, %, g, i, u, 1, 2, 3 Other modes Auto…
  • Page 322
    Option Default Interval timer shooting (0 222) Start options (0 223) Interval (0 223) 1 min. No. of intervals×shots/interval (0 224) 0001×1 Exposure smoothing (0 224) 1 Default settings restored with Reset photo shooting menu (0 311). 2 Reset photo shooting menu can not be selected while shooting is in progress. ❚❚…
  • Page 323
    Option Default Time-lapse photography (0 229) Interval (0 230) Shooting time (0 230) 25 minutes Exposure smoothing (0 231) * Default settings restored with Reset movie shooting menu (0 318). ❚❚ Custom Settings Menu Defaults Option Default a1 AF-C priority selection (0 326) Release a2 AF-S priority selection (0 327) Focus…
  • Page 324
    Option Default c1 Shutter-release button AE-L (0 336) c2 Standby timer (0 336) c3 Self-timer (0 337) Self-timer delay 10 s Number of shots Interval between shots 0.5 s c4 Monitor off delay (0 337) Playback 10 s Menus 1 min Information display 10 s Image review…
  • Page 325
    Option Default e1 Flash sync speed (0 345) 1/200 s e2 Flash shutter speed (0 346) 1/60 s e3 Flash cntrl for built-in flash/Optional flash (0 347) e4 Exposure comp. for flash (0 353) Entire frame e5 Modeling flash (0 353) e6 Auto bracketing set (0 353) AE &…
  • Page 326
    Option Default f6 Release button to use dial (0 365) f7 Slot empty release lock (0 365) Enable release f8 Reverse indicators (0 366) f9 Assign movie record button (0 366) Press + command dials None f10 Assign MB-D16 4 button (0 367) AE/AF lock f11 Assign remote (WR) Fn button (0 368) None…
  • Page 327
    ❚❚ Setup Menu Defaults Option Default Save user settings (0 99) Save to U1 Shooting mode defaults to P Save to U2 Monitor brightness (0 376) Monitor color balance (0 377) A-B: 0, G-M: 0 Clean image sensor (0 448) Clean at startup/shutdown (0 449) Clean at startup &…
  • Page 328: D The Playback Menu: Managing Images

    G button ➜ D playback menu Choose a folder for playback (0 241): Option Description Pictures in all folders created with the D750 will be ND750 visible during playback. Pictures in all folders will be visible during playback. Only pictures in the current folder will be visible during Current playback.

  • Page 329: Hide Image

    Hide Image G button ➜ D playback menu Hide or reveal pictures. Hidden pictures are visible only in the Hide image menu and can only be deleted by formatting the memory card. Option Description Select/set Hide or reveal selected pictures. Selecting this option displays a list of dates.

  • Page 330: Playback Display Options

    Select pictures. Use the multi selector to scroll through the pictures on the memory card (to view the highlighted picture full screen, press and hold the X/T button) and press W (S) to select W (S) button the current picture. Selected pictures are marked by a R icon;…

  • Page 331: Copy Image(S)

    Copy Image(s) G button ➜ D playback menu Copy pictures from one memory card to another. This option is only available when two memory cards are inserted in the camera. Option Description Choose card from which pictures will be Select source copied.

  • Page 332
    Select the source folder. Highlight the folder containing the images to be copied and press 2. Make the initial selection. Before going on to select or deselect individual images, you can mark all or all protected images in the folder for copying by choosing Select all images or Select protected images.
  • Page 333
    Choose Select destination folder. Highlight Select destination folder and press 2. Select a destination folder. To enter a folder number, choose Select folder by number, enter the number (0 311), and press J. If the folder with the selected number does not already exist, a new folder will be created.
  • Page 334
    Copy the images. Highlight Copy image(s)? and press A confirmation dialog will be displayed; highlight Yes and press J. Press J again to exit when copying is complete. Copying Images Images will not be copied if there is insufficient space on the destination card.
  • Page 335: Image Review

    Image Review G button ➜ D playback menu Choose whether pictures are automatically displayed in the monitor immediately after shooting. If Off is selected, pictures can only be displayed by pressing the K button. After Delete G button ➜ D playback menu Choose the picture displayed after an image is deleted.

  • Page 336: Rotate Tall

    Rotate Tall G button ➜ D playback menu Choose whether to rotate “tall” (portrait-orientation) pictures for display during playback. Note that because the camera itself is already in the appropriate orientation during shooting, images are not rotated automatically during image review. Option Description “Tall”…

  • Page 337
    To start the slide show, highlight Start and press J. The following operations can be performed while the slide show is in progress: Press Description Skip back/skip Press 4 to return to previous frame, 2 ahead to skip to next frame. View additional Change or hide photo info displayed (still images only;…
  • Page 338: C The Photo Shooting Menu

    C The Photo Shooting Menu: Photo Shooting Options To display the photo shooting menu, press G and select the C (photo shooting menu) tab. G button Photo Shooting Menu Options The photo shooting menu contains the following options: Option Option Reset photo shooting menu Color space Storage folder…

  • Page 339: Reset Photo Shooting Menu

    Reset Photo Shooting Menu G button ➜ C photo shooting menu Select Yes to restore photo shooting menu options to their default values (0 292). Storage Folder G button ➜ C photo shooting menu Select the folder in which subsequent images will be stored. ❚❚…

  • Page 340
    Save changes and exit. Press J to complete the operation and return to the main menu (to exit without choosing the storage folder, press the G button). If a folder with the specified number does not already exist, a new folder will be created. Subsequent photographs will be stored in the selected folder unless it is already full.
  • Page 341: File Naming

    Folder and File Numbers If the current folder is numbered 999 and contains 999 pictures or a picture numbered 9999, the shutter-release will be disabled and no further photographs can be taken. To continue shooting, create a folder with a number less than 999, or select an existing folder with a number less than 999 and less than 999 images.

  • Page 342: Color Space

    For accurate color reproduction, Adobe RGB images require applications, displays, and printers that support color management. Color Space ViewNX 2 (supplied) and Nikon’s Capture NX-D software (0 268) automatically select the correct color space when opening photographs created with this camera. Results can not be guaranteed…

  • Page 343: Vignette Control

    Vignette Control G button ➜ C photo shooting menu “Vignetting” is a drop in brightness at the edges of a photograph. Vignette control reduces vignetting for type G, E, and D lenses (PC lenses excluded). Its effects vary from lens to lens and are most noticeable at maximum aperture.

  • Page 344: Auto Distortion Control

    Auto Distortion Control G button ➜ C photo shooting menu Select On to reduce barrel distortion when shooting with wide- angle lenses and to reduce pin-cushion distortion when shooting with long lenses (note that the edges of the area visible in the viewfinder may be cropped out of the final photograph, and that the time needed to process photographs before recording begins may increase).

  • Page 345: Long Exposure Nr (Long Exposure Noise Reduction)

    Long Exposure NR (Long Exposure Noise Reduction) G button ➜ C photo shooting menu If On is selected, photographs taken at shutter speeds slower than 1 s will be processed to reduce noise (bright spots, randomly-spaced bright pixels, or fog). The time required for processing roughly doubles;…

  • Page 346: The Movie Shooting Menu

    1 The Movie Shooting Menu: Movie Shooting Options To display the movie shooting menu, press G and select the 1 (movie shooting menu) tab. G button Movie Shooting Menu Options The movie shooting menu contains the following options: Option Option Reset movie shooting menu Image area File naming…

  • Page 347: Destination

    Destination G button ➜ 1 movie shooting menu Choose the slot to which movies are recorded. The menu shows the time available on each card; recording ends automatically when no time remains. Frame Size/Frame Rate G button ➜ 1 movie shooting menu Choose from the following options: Maximum bit rate (Mbps) Maximum length…

  • Page 348: Movie Quality

    Movie Quality G button ➜ 1 movie shooting menu Together with Frame size/frame rate (0 319), Movie quality determines the movie recording bit rate and maximum length. Choose from High quality and Normal. Microphone Sensitivity G button ➜ 1 movie shooting menu Turn the built-in or optional stereo microphones on or off or adjust microphone sensitivity.

  • Page 349: Wind Noise Reduction

    Wind Noise Reduction G button ➜ 1 movie shooting menu Select On to enable the low-cut filter for the built-in microphone (optional stereo microphones are unaffected), reducing noise produced by wind blowing over the microphone (note that other sounds may also be affected). Wind-noise reduction for optional stereo microphones can be enabled or disabled using microphone controls.

  • Page 350: Movie Iso Sensitivity Settings

    Movie ISO Sensitivity Settings G button ➜ 1 movie shooting menu Adjust the following ISO sensitivity settings: • ISO sensitivity (mode M): Choose the ISO sensitivity for mode M from values between ISO 100 and Hi 2. Auto ISO sensitivity control is used in other shooting modes.

  • Page 351: A Custom Settings: Fine-Tuning Camera Settings

    A Custom Settings: Fine-Tuning Camera Settings To display the Custom Settings menu, press G and select the A (Custom Settings menu) tab. G button Custom Settings are used to Custom Setting groups customize camera settings to suit individual preferences. Main menu Reset custom settings (0 326)

  • Page 352: Custom Settings

    Custom Settings The following Custom Settings are available: Custom Setting Reset custom settings a Autofocus a1 AF-C priority selection a2 AF-S priority selection a3 Focus tracking with lock-on a4 Focus point illumination a5 AF point illumination a6 Focus point wrap-around a7 Number of focus points a8 Store points by orientation a9 Built-in AF-assist illuminator…

  • Page 353
    Custom Setting d Shooting/display d9 Information display d10 LCD illumination d11 MB-D16 battery type d12 Battery order e Bracketing/flash e1 Flash sync speed e2 Flash shutter speed e3 Flash cntrl for built-in flash e4 Exposure comp. for flash e5 Modeling flash e6 Auto bracketing set e7 Bracketing order Controls…
  • Page 354: Reset Custom Settings

    Reset Custom Settings G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Select Yes to restore Custom Settings to their default values (0 295). a: Autofocus a1: AF-C Priority Selection G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu When AF-C is selected for viewfinder photography (0 121), this option controls whether photographs can be taken whenever the shutter-release button is pressed (release priority) or only when the camera is in focus (focus priority).

  • Page 355: A2: Af-S Priority Selection

    a2: AF-S Priority Selection G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu When AF-S is selected for viewfinder photography (0 121), this option controls whether photographs can be taken only when the camera is in focus (focus priority) or whenever the shutter- release button is pressed (release priority).

  • Page 356: A3: Focus Tracking With Lock-On

    a3: Focus Tracking with Lock-On G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu This option controls how autofocus adjusts to sudden large changes in the distance to the subject when AF-C is selected or continuous-servo autofocus is selected when the camera is in AF-A mode for viewfinder photography (0 121).

  • Page 357: A4: Focus Point Illumination

    a4: Focus Point Illumination G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose from the following focus point display options. Option Description Choose On to display the active focus point in manual Manual focus focus mode, Off to display the focus point only during mode focus point selection.

  • Page 358: A6: Focus Point Wrap-Around

    a6: Focus Point Wrap-Around G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose whether focus-point selection “wraps around” from one edge of the viewfinder to another. Option Description Focus-point selection “wraps around” from top to bottom, bottom to top, right to left, and left to right, so that, for example, Wrap pressing 2 when a focus point at…

  • Page 359: A8: Store Points By Orientation

    a8: Store Points by Orientation G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose whether separate focus points can be selected for “wide” (landscape) orientation, for “tall” (portrait) orientation with the camera rotated 90 ° clockwise, and for “tall” orientation with the camera rotated 90 ° counterclockwise. Select No to use the same focus point regardless of camera orientation.

  • Page 360: A9: Built-In Af-Assist Illuminator

    a9: Built-in AF-assist Illuminator G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose whether the built-in AF-assist illuminator lights to assist the focus operation when lighting is poor. Option Description The AF-assist illuminator lights when lighting is poor (viewfinder photography only). AF-assist illumination is only available when both of the following conditions are met: 1.

  • Page 361: B: Metering/Exposure

    b: Metering/Exposure b1: ISO Sensitivity Step Value G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Select the increments used when making adjustments to ISO sensitivity (0 134). If possible, the current ISO sensitivity setting is maintained when the step value is changed. If the current setting is not available at the new step value, ISO sensitivity will be rounded to the nearest available setting.

  • Page 362: B3: Easy Exposure Compensation

    b3: Easy Exposure Compensation G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu This option controls whether the E button is needed to set exposure compensation (0 143). If On (Auto reset) or On is selected, the 0 at the center of the exposure display will flash even when exposure compensation is set to ±0.

  • Page 363: B4: Matrix Metering

    Easy ISO Custom Setting b3 (Easy exposure compensation) can not be used with Custom Setting d8 (Easy ISO, 0 341). Adjustments to either of these items reset the remaining item; a message is displayed when the item is reset. b4: Matrix Metering G button ➜…

  • Page 364: B6: Fine-Tune Optimal Exposure

    b6: Fine-tune Optimal Exposure G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Use this option to fine-tune the exposure value selected by the camera. Exposure can be fine-tuned separately for each metering method by from +1 to –1 EV in steps of Fine-Tuning Exposure Exposure fine-tuning is not affected by two-button resets.

  • Page 365: C3: Self-Timer

    c3: Self-Timer G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the length of the shutter release delay, the number of shots taken, and the interval between shots in self-timer mode (0 106). • Self-timer delay: Choose the length of the shutter-release delay. •…

  • Page 366: D: Shooting/Display

    d: Shooting/Display d1: Beep G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the pitch and volume of the beep that sounds when the camera focuses using single-servo AF (AF-S or when single-servo AF is selected for AF-A; 0 121), when focus locks during live view photography, while the release timer is counting down in self- timer and delayed remote release modes (0 193), when a photograph is taken in quick-response remote or remote mirror-…

  • Page 367: D3: Max. Continuous Release

    d3: Max. Continuous Release G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu The maximum number of shots that can be taken in a single burst in continuous mode can be set to any value between 1 and 100. Note that this setting has no effect at shutter speeds of 4 s or slower.

  • Page 368: D6: File Number Sequence

    d6: File Number Sequence G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu When a photograph is taken, the camera names the file by adding one to the last file number used. This option controls whether file numbering continues from the last number used when a new folder is created, the memory card is formatted, or a new memory card is inserted in the camera.

  • Page 369: D7: Viewfinder Grid Display

    d7: Viewfinder Grid Display G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose On to display on-demand grid lines in the viewfinder for reference when composing photographs (0 10). d8: Easy ISO G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu If On is selected, ISO sensitivity can be set in modes P and S by rotating the sub-command dial or in mode A by rotating the main command dial.

  • Page 370: D10: Lcd Illumination

    d10: LCD Illumination G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu If Off is selected, the control panel backlight (LCD illuminator) will only light while the power switch is rotated toward D. If On is selected, the control panel will be illuminated whenever the standby timer is active (0 39).

  • Page 371: D11: Mb-D16 Battery Type

    d11: MB-D16 Battery Type G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu To ensure that the camera functions as expected when the optional MB-D16 battery pack is used with AA batteries, match the option selected in this menu to the type of batteries inserted in the battery pack.

  • Page 372: D12: Battery Order

    d12: Battery Order G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose whether the battery in the camera or the batteries in the battery pack are used first when an optional MB-D16 battery pack is attached. Note that if the MB-D16 is powered by an optional AC adapter and power connector, the AC adapter will be used regardless of the option selected.

  • Page 373: E: Bracketing/Flash

    e: Bracketing/Flash e1: Flash Sync Speed G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu This option controls flash sync speed. Option Description Auto FP high-speed sync is used when a compatible flash unit is attached (0 435). If the built-in flash or other flash 1/250 s units are used, shutter speed is set to s.

  • Page 374: E2: Flash Shutter Speed

    ❚❚ Auto FP High-Speed Sync When 1/250 s (Auto FP) or 1/200 s (Auto FP) is selected for Custom Setting e1 (Flash sync speed, 0 345), the built-in flash can be used at shutter speeds as fast as s or s, while compatible optional flash units (0 435) can be used at any shutter speed (Auto FP High-Speed Sync).

  • Page 375: E3: Flash Cntrl For Built-In Flash

    e3: Flash Cntrl for Built-in Flash G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the flash mode for the built-in flash. Option Description Flash output is adjusted automatically in response to shooting conditions. Choose the flash level (0 347). The camera Manual does not emit monitor pre-flashes.

  • Page 376
    Flash Control Mode The flash control mode for the built-in flash is shown in the information display (0 185). “Manual” and “Repeating Flash” Y icons flash in the control panel and viewfinder when these options are selected. The SB-500, SB-400, and SB-300 When an optional SB-500, SB-400, or SB-300 flash unit is attached and turned on, Custom Setting e3 changes to Optional flash, allowing the flash control mode for the optional flash unit to be selected from TTL…
  • Page 377
    Option Description Choose a flash mode for the built-in flash (commander flash). When an optional SB-500 flash unit is attached, this Built-in option changes to Optional flash and is used to choose a flash flash mode for the SB-500. Otherwise this option is identical to Built-in flash.
  • Page 378
    Follow the steps below to take photographs in commander mode. Adjust settings for the built-in flash. Choose the flash control mode and output level for the built-in flash. Note that output level can not be adjusted in – – mode. Adjust settings for group A.
  • Page 379
    Compose the shot. Compose the shot and arrange the flash units as shown below. Note that the maximum distance at which the remote flash units can be placed may vary with shooting conditions. 60 ° or less 5 m/15 ft or less 10 m/33 ft or less 30 °…
  • Page 380
    Frame the photograph, focus, and shoot. After confirming that the camera flash-ready light and the flash-ready lights for all other flash units are lit, frame the photograph, focus, and shoot. FV lock (0 190) can be used if desired. The Flash Sync Mode Display M does not appear in the information display when –…
  • Page 381: E4: Exposure Comp. For Flash

    G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu If On is selected when the camera is being used with the built-in flash or an optional flash unit that supports the Nikon Creative Lighting system (0 435), a modeling flash will be emitted when the camera Pv button is pressed (0 92).

  • Page 382: E7: Bracketing Order

    e7: Bracketing Order G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu At the default setting of MTR > under > over (H), exposure, flash, and white balance bracketing are performed in the order described on pages 204 and 209. If Under > MTR > over (I) is selected, shooting will proceed in order from the lowest to the highest value.

  • Page 383
    ❚❚ Playback Mode Role assigned to J button Option Toggle between full-frame and thumbnail Thumbnail on/off playback. In both full-frame and thumbnail playback, a histogram is displayed while the J button is View histograms pressed (0 250). Toggle between full-frame or thumbnail playback and playback zoom.
  • Page 384: F2: Assign Fn Button

    f2: Assign Fn Button G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the role played by the Fn button, either by itself (Press) or when used in combination with the command dials (Press + command dials). ❚❚ Press Selecting Press displays the following options: Option Description During viewfinder photography, you can preview…

  • Page 385
    Option Description If the Fn button is pressed while exposure, flash, or ADL bracketing is active in single frame or quiet shutter-release mode, all shots in the current bracketing program will be taken each time the shutter-release button is pressed. If white Bracketing burst balance bracketing is active or continuous release mode (mode U, T or M) is selected, the camera…
  • Page 386
    Option Description Press the Fn button to jump to the top item in “MY Access top item MENU. ” Select this option for quick access to a in MY MENU frequently-used menu item. Fn button performs same function as K button. Select when using a telephoto lens or in other Playback circumstances in which it is difficult to operate…
  • Page 387
    Viewfinder Virtual Horizon When Viewfinder virtual horizon is selected for Custom Setting f2 (Assign Fn button) > Press, pressing the Fn button displays a roll indicator in the viewfinder. Press the button a second time to return to clear the indicators from display. Camera tilted right Camera level Camera tilted left…
  • Page 388
    ❚❚ Press + Command Dials Selecting Press + command dials displays the following options: Option Description Keeping the Fn button pressed, rotate a Choose image command dial to choose an image area (0 114). area If the Fn button is pressed when the command dials are rotated, changes to shutter speed 1 step spd/ (modes S and M) and aperture (modes A and M)
  • Page 389: F3: Assign Preview Button

    f3: Assign Preview Button G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the role played by the Pv button, either by itself (Press) or when used in combination with the command dials (Press + command dials). The options available are the same as for Assign Fn button (0 356).

  • Page 390
    Option Description Focus locks while the A AE-L/AF-L button is AF lock only pressed. The A AE-L/AF-L button initiates autofocus. The AF-ON shutter-release button can not be used to focus. Press the A AE-L/AF-L button to lock flash value (built-in flash and compatible optional flash FV lock units only, 0 190, 435).
  • Page 391: F5: Customize Command Dials

    f5: Customize Command Dials G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu This option controls the operation of the main and sub- command dials. Option Description Reverse the direction of rotation of the command dials when they are used to make adjustments to Exposure compensation and/or Reverse Shutter speed/aperture.

  • Page 392
    Option Description If Sub-command dial is selected, aperture can only be adjusted with the sub-command dial (or with the main command dial if On is selected for Change main/sub > Exposure setting). If Aperture ring is selected, aperture can only be adjusted with the lens aperture ring and the Aperture setting camera aperture display will show aperture in increments of…
  • Page 393: F6: Release Button To Use Dial

    f6: Release Button to Use Dial G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Selecting Yes allows adjustments that are normally made by holding a button and rotating a command dial to be made by rotating the command dial after the button is released. Setting ends when the button is pressed again, the shutter-release button is pressed halfway, or the standby timer expires.

  • Page 394: F8: Reverse Indicators

    f8: Reverse Indicators G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu (W) is selected, the exposure indicators in the control panel, viewfinder, and information display are displayed with negative values on the left and positive values on the right. Select (V) to display positive values on the left and negative values on the right.

  • Page 395: F10: Assign Mb-D16 4 Button

    f10: Assign MB-D16 4 Button G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the function assigned to the A AE-L/AF-L button on the optional MB-D16 battery pack. Option Description Focus and exposure lock while the MB-D16 AE/AF lock A AE-L/AF-L button is pressed. Exposure locks while the MB-D16 A AE-L/AF-L AE lock only button is pressed.

  • Page 396: F11: Assign Remote (Wr) Fn Button

    f11: Assign Remote (WR) Fn Button G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the role played by the Fn button on the wireless remote controller. Option Description During viewfinder photography, you can preview depth of field while the Fn button is pressed (0 92).

  • Page 397
    Option Description If image quality is set to JPEG fine, JPEG normal, or JPEG basic, e will be displayed in the viewfinder and an NEF (RAW) copy will be recorded with the next picture taken after the Fn button is pressed (the original image quality + NEF (RAW) setting will be restored when you remove your finger from the shutter-release button).
  • Page 398: G: Movie

    g: Movie g1: Assign Fn Button G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the role played by the Fn button during movie live view (the default option is None). ❚❚ Press Option Description Aperture widens while the button is pressed. Use in combination with Custom Setting g2 Power aperture (Assign preview button) >…

  • Page 399
    Power Aperture Power aperture is not available with some lenses. Power aperture is available only in modes A and M and can not be used while photo shooting info is displayed (a 6 icon indicates that power aperture can not be used).
  • Page 400: G2: Assign Preview Button

    g2: Assign Preview Button G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu Choose the role played by the Pv button during movie live view (the default option is Index marking). ❚❚ Press Option Description Aperture narrows while the button is pressed. Use in combination with Custom Setting g1 Power aperture (Assign Fn button) >…

  • Page 401: G3: Assign Ae-L/Af-L Button

    g3: Assign AE-L/AF-L Button G button ➜ A Custom Settings menu ❚❚ Press Choose the role played by the A AE-L/AF-L button during movie live view. The options available are the same as for Assign Fn button (0 370), except that Power aperture (open) is not available and the default setting is AE/AF lock.

  • Page 402: B The Setup Menu: Camera Setup

    B The Setup Menu: Camera Setup To display the setup menu, press G and select the B (setup menu) tab. G button Setup Menu Options The setup menu contains the following options: Option Option Format memory card Image comment Save user settings Copyright information Reset user settings Save/load settings…

  • Page 403: Format Memory Card

    Format Memory Card G button ➜ B setup menu Memory cards must be formatted before first use or after being used or formatted in other devices. Note that formatting permanently deletes all pictures and other data on the card. Before formatting, be sure to make backup copies as required (0 266).

  • Page 404: Monitor Brightness

    Press the buttons together again a second time to format the card (to exit without formatting the card, press any other button or wait for about six seconds until C stops flashing). When formatting is complete, the control panel and viewfinder will show the number of photographs that can be recorded at current settings.

  • Page 405: Monitor Color Balance

    Monitor Color Balance G button ➜ B setup menu Use the multi selector as shown below to adjust monitor color balance with reference to a sample image. The sample image is the last photograph taken or, in playback mode, the last photograph displayed;…

  • Page 406: Image Dust Off Ref Photo

    Image Dust Off Ref Photo G button ➜ B setup menu Acquire reference data for the Image Dust Off option in Capture NX-D (available for download, 0 268; for more information, refer to Capture NX-D on-line help). Image Dust Off ref photo is available only when a CPU lens is mounted on the camera.

  • Page 407
    Frame a featureless white object in the viewfinder. With the lens about ten centimeters (four inches) from a well- lit, featureless white object, frame the object so that it fills the viewfinder and then press the shutter-release button halfway. In autofocus mode, focus will automatically be set to infinity; in manual focus mode, set focus to infinity manually.
  • Page 408: Flicker Reduction

    Image Sensor Cleaning Dust off reference data recorded before image sensor cleaning is performed can not be used with photographs taken after image sensor cleaning is performed. Select Clean sensor and then start only if the dust off reference data will not be used with existing photographs.

  • Page 409: Time Zone And Date

    Time Zone and Date G button ➜ B setup menu Change time zones, set the camera clock, choose the date display order, and turn daylight saving time on or off. Option Description Choose a time zone. The camera clock is Time zone automatically set to the time in the new time zone.

  • Page 410: Auto Image Rotation

    Auto Image Rotation G button ➜ B setup menu Photographs taken while On is selected contain information on camera orientation, allowing them to be rotated automatically during playback (0 242) or when viewed in ViewNX 2 (supplied) or in Capture NX-D (available for download; 0 268). The following orientations are recorded: Landscape (wide) Camera rotated 90°…

  • Page 411: Battery Info

    Battery Info G button ➜ B setup menu View information on the battery currently inserted in the camera. Item Description The current battery level expressed as a percentage. Charge The number of times the shutter has been released with the current battery since the battery was last charged. No.

  • Page 412: Image Comment

    Image Comment G button ➜ B setup menu Add a comment to new photographs as they are taken. Comments can be viewed as metadata in ViewNX 2 (supplied) or Capture NX-D (available for download; 0 268). The comment is also visible on the shooting data page in the photo information display (0 251).

  • Page 413: Copyright Information

    Attach copyright information is not selected and that the Artist and Copyright fields are blank before lending or transferring the camera to another person. Nikon does not accept liability for any damages or disputes arising from the use of the…

  • Page 414: Save/Load Settings

    G button ➜ B setup menu Select Save settings to save the following settings to the memory card in Slot 1 (0 119; if the card is full, an error will be displayed). Use this option to share settings among D750 cameras. Menu…

  • Page 415
    Menu Option Microphone sensitivity Frequency response Wind noise reduction Image area Movie shooting White balance (with fine-tuning and presets d-1–d-6) Set Picture Control (Custom Picture Controls are saved as Standard) High ISO NR Movie ISO sensitivity settings Custom All Custom Settings except Reset custom settings settings Clean image sensor Flicker reduction…
  • Page 416: Virtual Horizon

    Saved Settings Settings are saved in a file named NCSETUPG. The camera will not be able to load settings if the file name is changed. Virtual Horizon G button ➜ B setup menu Display roll and pitch information based on information from the camera tilt sensor.

  • Page 417: Af Fine-Tune

    AF Fine-tune G button ➜ B setup menu Fine-tune focus for up to 12 lens types. AF tuning is not recommended in most situations and may interfere with normal focus; use only when required. Option Description • On: Turn AF tuning on. AF fine-tune (On/Off) •…

  • Page 418
    Option Description List previously saved AF tuning values. To delete a lens from the list, highlight the desired lens and press O (Q). To change a lens identifier (for example, to choose an identifier that is the same as the last two digits of the lens serial number to distinguish it from other lenses of the same type in light of the fact that Saved value can be used with only one lens of each type), highlight the…
  • Page 419: Eye-Fi Upload

    Eye-Fi Upload G button ➜ B setup menu This option is displayed only when an Eye-Fi memory card (available separately from third-party suppliers) is inserted in the camera. Choose Enable to upload photographs to a preselected destination. Note that pictures will not be uploaded if signal strength is insufficient.

  • Page 420: Conformity Marking

    When an Eye-Fi card is inserted, its status is indicated by an icon in the information display: • d: Eye-Fi upload disabled. • e: Eye-Fi upload enabled but no pictures available for upload. • f (static): Eye-Fi upload enabled; waiting to begin upload. •…

  • Page 421: N The Retouch Menu: Creating Retouched Copies

    N The Retouch Menu: Creating Retouched Copies To display the retouch menu, press G and select the N (retouch menu) tab. G button Retouch Menu Options The options in the retouch menu are used to create trimmed or retouched copies of existing pictures. The retouch menu is only displayed when a memory card containing photographs is inserted in the camera.

  • Page 422
    Retouching Copies Most options can be applied to copies created using other retouch options, although with the exceptions of Image overlay and Edit movie > Choose start/end point each option can be applied only once (note that multiple edits may result in loss of detail). Options that can not be applied to the current image can not be selected.
  • Page 423: Creating Retouched Copies

    Creating Retouched Copies To create a retouched copy: Select an item in the retouch menu. Press 1 or 3 to highlight an item, 2 to select. Select a picture. Highlight a picture and press J. To view the highlighted picture full screen, press and hold the X (T) button.

  • Page 424
    Create a retouched copy. Press J to create a retouched copy. Retouched copies are indicated by a o icon. Creating Retouched Copies During Playback To create a retouched copy of the picture currently displayed in full- frame playback (0 245), press P, then highlight Retouch and press J and select a retouch option.
  • Page 425: D-Lighting

    D-Lighting G button ➜ N retouch menu D-Lighting brightens shadows, making it ideal for dark or backlit photographs. Before After Press 4 or 2 to choose the amount of correction performed. The effect can be previewed in the edit display. Press J to save the retouched copy.

  • Page 426: Red-Eye Correction

    Red-Eye Correction G button ➜ N retouch menu This option is used to correct “red-eye” caused by the flash, and is available only with photographs taken using the flash. The photograph selected for red-eye correction can be previewed in the edit display. Confirm the effects of red-eye correction and create a copy as described in the following table.

  • Page 427: Trim

    Trim G button ➜ N retouch menu Create a cropped copy of the selected photograph. The selected photograph is displayed with the selected crop shown in yellow; create a cropped copy as described in the following table. Description Press W (S) to reduce the size of the W (S) Reduce size of crop crop.

  • Page 428: Monochrome

    Monochrome G button ➜ N retouch menu Copy photographs in Black-and-white, Sepia, or Cyanotype (blue and white monochrome). Selecting Sepia or Cyanotype displays a Increase saturation preview of the selected image; press 1 to increase color saturation, 3 to decrease. Press J to create a monochrome copy.

  • Page 429: Filter Effects

    Filter Effects G button ➜ N retouch menu Choose from the following filter effects. After adjusting filter effects as described below, press J to save the retouched copy. Option Description Creates the effect of a skylight filter, making the picture less Skylight blue.

  • Page 430: Color Balance

    Option Description Add a soft filter effect. Press 4 or 2 to choose the filter Soft strength. Color Balance G button ➜ N retouch menu Use the multi selector to create a copy with modified color balance as shown below. The effect is displayed in the monitor together with red, green, and blue histograms (0 250) giving the distribution of tones in the copy.

  • Page 431: Image Overlay

    Image Overlay G button ➜ N retouch menu Image overlay combines two existing NEF (RAW) photographs to create a single picture that is saved separately from the originals; the results, which make use of RAW data from the camera image sensor, are noticeably better than overlays created in an imaging application.

  • Page 432
    Select the first image. Use the multi selector to highlight the first photograph in the overlay. To view the highlighted photograph full frame, press and hold the X (T) button. Press J to select the highlighted photograph and return to the preview display.
  • Page 433
    Preview the overlay. Press 4 or 2 to place the cursor in the Preview column and press 1 or 3 to highlight Overlay. Press J to preview the overlay as shown at right (to save the overlay without displaying a preview, select Save).
  • Page 434: Nef (Raw) Processing

    NEF (RAW) Processing G button ➜ N retouch menu Create JPEG copies of NEF (RAW) photographs. Select NEF (RAW) processing. Highlight NEF (RAW) processing in the retouch menu and press 2 to display a picture selection dialog listing only NEF (RAW) images created with this camera.

  • Page 435
    Choose settings for the JPEG copy. Adjust the settings listed below. Note that white balance and vignette control are not available with multiple exposures or pictures created with image overlay and that exposure compensation can only be set to values between –2 and +2 EV.
  • Page 436: Resize

    Resize G button ➜ N retouch menu Create small copies of selected photographs. Select Resize. To resize selected images, highlight Resize in the retouch menu and press Choose a destination. If two memory cards are inserted, you can choose a destination for the resized copies by highlighting Choose destination and pressing 2 (if only one card is inserted, proceed…

  • Page 437
    Choose a size. Highlight Choose size and press 2. The options shown at right will be displayed; highlight an option and press J. Choose pictures. Highlight Select image and press 2. Highlight pictures using the multi selector and press the W (S) button to select or deselect (to view the highlighted picture full screen, press and hold the X/T button).
  • Page 438
    Save the resized copies. A confirmation dialog will be displayed. Highlight Yes and press J to save the resized copies. Viewing Resized Copies Playback zoom may not be available when resized copies are displayed. Image Quality Copies created from NEF (RAW) or NEF (RAW) + JPEG photos have an image quality (0 115) of JPEG fine;…
  • Page 439: Quick Retouch

    Quick Retouch G button ➜ N retouch menu Create copies with enhanced saturation and contrast. D-Lighting is applied as required to brighten dark or backlit subjects. Press 4 or 2 to choose the amount of enhancement. The effect can be previewed in the edit display.

  • Page 440: Distortion Control

    Distortion Control G button ➜ N retouch menu Create copies with reduced peripheral distortion. Select Auto to let the camera correct distortion automatically and then make fine adjustments using the multi selector, or select Manual to reduce distortion manually (note that Auto is not available with photos taken using auto distortion control;…

  • Page 441: Fisheye

    Fisheye G button ➜ N retouch menu Create copies that appear to have been taken with a fisheye lens. Press 2 to increase the effect (this also increases the amount of that will be cropped out at the edges of the image), 4 to reduce it. The effect can be previewed in the edit display.

  • Page 442: Color Sketch

    Color Sketch G button ➜ N retouch menu Create a copy of a photograph that resembles a sketch made with colored pencils. Press 1 or 3 to highlight Vividness or Outlines and press 4 or 2 to change. Vividness can be increased to make colors more saturated, or decreased for a washed-out, monochromatic effect, while outlines can be made thicker or…

  • Page 443: Perspective Control

    Perspective Control G button ➜ N retouch menu Create copies that reduce the effects of perspective taken from the base of a tall object. Use the multi selector to adjust perspective (note that greater amounts of perspective control result in more of the edges being cropped out).

  • Page 444: Miniature Effect

    Miniature Effect G button ➜ N retouch menu Create a copy that appears to be a photo of a diorama. Works best with photos taken from a high vantage point. The area that will be in focus in the copy is indicated by a yellow frame. Press Description Press W (S) to choose orientation of area…

  • Page 445: Selective Color

    Selective Color G button ➜ N retouch menu Create a copy in which only selected hues appear in color. Select Selective color. Highlight Selective color in the retouch menu and press 2 to display a picture selection dialog. Select a photograph. Use the multi selector to highlight a photograph (to view the highlighted photograph full frame, press and hold…

  • Page 446
    Highlight the color range. Color range Rotate the main command dial to highlight the color range for the selected color. Choose the color range. Press 1 or 3 to increase or decrease the range of similar hues that will be included in the final photograph.
  • Page 447: Side-By-Side Comparison

    Save the edited copy. Press J to save the retouched copy. Side-by-side Comparison Compare retouched copies to the original photographs. This option is only available if the retouch menu is displayed by pressing the P button and selecting Retouch when a copy or original is played back full frame.

  • Page 448
    Select Side-by-side comparison. Highlight Side-by-side comparison and press J. Compare the copy with the original. Options used to create The source image is displayed on the copy left, the retouched copy on the right, with the options used to create the copy listed at the top of the display.
  • Page 449: O My Menu/M Recent Settings

    O My Menu/m Recent Settings To display My Menu, press G and select the O (My Menu) tab. G button The MY MENU option can be used to create and edit a customized list of options from the playback, photo shooting, movie shooting, Custom Settings, setup, and retouch menus for quick access (up to 20 items).

  • Page 450
    Select an item. Highlight the desired menu item and press J. Position the new item. Press 1 or 3 to move the new item up or down in My Menu. Press J to add the new item. Add more items. The items currently displayed in My Menu are indicated by a check mark.
  • Page 451
    ❚❚ Deleting Options from My Menu Select Remove items. In My Menu (O), highlight Remove items and press 2. Select items. Highlight items and press 2 to select or deselect. Selected items are indicated by a check mark. Delete the selected items. Press J.
  • Page 452
    ❚❚ Reordering Options in My Menu Select Rank items. In My Menu (O), highlight Rank items and press 2. Select an item. Highlight the item you wish to move and press J. Position the item. Press 1 or 3 to move the item up or down in My Menu and press J.
  • Page 453: Recent Settings

    Recent Settings To display the twenty most recently used settings, select m RECENT SETTINGS for O MY MENU > Choose tab. Select Choose tab. In My Menu (O), highlight Choose tab and press 2. Select m RECENT SETTINGS. Highlight m RECENT SETTINGS and press J.

  • Page 454: Technical Notes

    Technical Notes Read this chapter for information on compatible accessories, cleaning and storing the camera, and what to do if an error message is displayed or you encounter problems using the camera. Compatible Lenses Camera setting Shooting Focus mode Metering system mode M (with electronic…

  • Page 455
    Spot metering meters selected focus point (0 139). The tilt knob for the PC-E NIKKOR 24mm f/3.5D ED may contact the camera body when the lens is revolved. This can be prevented by installing a smaller tilt knob; contact a Nikon- authorized service representative for more information.
  • Page 456
    12 Manual shooting mode only. 13 Can be used with AF-S and AF-I lenses only (0 430). For information on the focus points available for autofocus and electronic rangefinding, see page 430. 14 When focusing at minimum focus distance with AF 80–200mm f/2.8, AF 35–70mm f/2.8, AF 28–85mm f/3.5–4.5 <New>, or AF 28–85mm f/3.5–4.5 lens at maximum zoom, in-focus indicator may be displayed when image on matte screen in viewfinder is not in focus.
  • Page 457
    Recognizing CPU and Type G, E, and D Lenses CPU lenses (particularly types G, E, and D) are recommended, but note that IX-NIKKOR lenses can not be used. CPU lenses can be identified by the presence of CPU contacts, type G, E, and D lenses by a letter on the lens barrel.
  • Page 458
    AF-S/AF-I Teleconverters The table below shows the focus points available for autofocus and electronic rangefinding when an AF-S/AF-I teleconverter is attached. Note that the camera may be unable to focus on dark or low-contrast subjects if the combined aperture is slower than f/5.6. Autofocus is not available when teleconverters are used with the AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED.
  • Page 459
    Incompatible Accessories and Non-CPU Lenses The following can be used with the D750: • TC-16A AF teleconverter • AF lenses for the F3AF (AF 80mm f/2.8, AF • Non-AI lenses 200mm f/3.5 ED, AF Teleconverter TC-16)
  • Page 460
    Calculating Angle of View The D750 can be used with Nikon lenses for 35mm (135) format cameras. If Auto DX crop is on (0 111) and a 35mm format lens is attached, the angle of view will be the same as a frame of 35mm film (35.9 ×…
  • Page 461: Optional Flash Units (Speedlights)

    Optional Flash Units (Speedlights) The camera supports the Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS) and can be used with CLS-compatible flash units. The built-in flash will not fire when an optional flash unit is attached. The Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS) Nikon’s advanced Creative Lighting System (CLS) offers…

  • Page 462
    • SU-800 Wireless Speedlight Commander: When mounted on a CLS- compatible camera, the SU-800 can be used as a commander for remote SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600, SB-500, or SB-R200 flash units in up to three groups. The SU-800 itself is not equipped with a flash.
  • Page 463
    The following features are available with CLS-compatible flash units: i-TTL balanced fill-flash for z z z — — z z digital SLR i-TTL Standard i-TTL flash for z — — z z digital SLR AA Auto aperture — — — — — — — A Non-TTL auto —…
  • Page 464
    z z z — — z z Color Information Communication (flash) — — z — — — — Color Information Communication (LED light) — z z z z z — — Auto FP High-Speed Sync z z z z z z z FV lock z z —…
  • Page 465
    ❚❚ Other Flash Units The following flash units can be used in non-TTL auto and manual modes. Flash unit SB-80DX, SB-30, SB-27 SB-23, SB-28DX, SB-22S, SB-22, SB-29 SB-28, SB-26, SB-20, SB-16B, SB-21B Flash mode SB-25, SB-24 SB-50DX SB-15 SB-29S ✔ ✔…
  • Page 466
    Refer to the flash unit manual for detailed instructions. If the flash unit supports CLS, refer to the section on CLS-compatible digital SLR cameras. The D750 is not included in the “digital SLR” category in the SB-80DX, SB-28DX, and SB-50DX manuals.
  • Page 467
    The SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600, SB-500, and SB-400 provide red-eye reduction, while the SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600, and SU-800 provide AF-assist illumination with the following restrictions: • SB-910 and SB-900: AF-assist illumination is 17–19 mm available with 17–135 mm AF lenses, however, autofocus is available only with 20–105 mm the focus points shown at right.
  • Page 468
    Before using a Nikon flash unit not listed in this section, contact a Nikon- authorized service representative for more information.
  • Page 469: Other Accessories

    Other Accessories At the time of writing, the following accessories were available for the D750. • Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL15 (0 25, 26): Additional EN-EL15 batteries are available from local retailers and Nikon-authorized service representatives. • Battery Charger MH-25a (0 25): The MH-25a can be used to recharge EN-EL15 batteries.

  • Page 470
    • Filters intended for special-effects photography may interfere with autofocus or the electronic rangefinder. • The D750 can not be used with linear polarizing filters. Use C-PL or C-PL II circular polarizing filters instead. • Use NC filters to protect the lens.
  • Page 471
    (for example, from directly above when the camera is horizontal). The D750 is equipped with an accessory terminal for WR-1 and WR-R10 wireless remote controllers (0 197,…
  • Page 472
    At default settings, Nikon Message Center 2 will periodically check for updates to Nikon software and firmware while you are logged in to an account on the computer and the computer is connected to the Internet. A message is automatically displayed when an update is found.
  • Page 473: Attaching A Power Connector And Ac Adapter

    Attaching a Power Connector and AC Adapter Turn the camera off before attaching an optional power connector and AC adapter. Ready the camera. Open the battery-chamber (q) and power connector (w) covers. Insert the EP-5B power connector. Be sure to insert the connector in the orientation shown, using the connector to keep the orange battery latch pressed to one side.

  • Page 474
    Connect the EH-5b AC adapter. Connect the AC adapter power cable to the AC socket on AC adapter (e) and the power cable to the DC socket (r). A V icon is displayed in the monitor when the camera is powered by the AC adapter and power connector.
  • Page 475: Caring For The Camera

    Caring for the Camera Storage When the camera will not be used for an extended period, remove the battery and store it in a cool, dry area with the terminal cover in place. To prevent mold or mildew, store the camera in a dry, well-ventilated area.

  • Page 476: The Low-Pass Filter

    The Low-Pass Filter The image sensor that acts as the camera’s picture element is fitted with a low-pass filter to prevent moiré. If you suspect that dirt or dust on the filter is appearing in photographs, you can clean the filter using the Clean image sensor option in the setup menu.

  • Page 477
    ❚❚ “Clean at Startup/Shutdown” Choose from the following options: Option Description The image sensor is automatically cleaned Clean at startup each time the camera is turned on. The image sensor is automatically cleaned during shutdown each time the camera is Clean at shutdown turned off.
  • Page 478
    Cleaning is performed by vibrating the low-pass filter. If dust can not be fully removed using the options in the Clean image sensor menu, clean the image sensor manually (0 451) or consult a Nikon- authorized service representative. If image sensor cleaning is performed several times in succession, image sensor cleaning may be temporarily disabled to protect the camera’s internal circuitry.
  • Page 479
    (0 448), the filter can be cleaned manually as described below. Note, however, that the filter is extremely delicate and easily damaged. Nikon recommends that the filter be cleaned only by Nikon-authorized service personnel. Charge the battery or connect an AC adapter.
  • Page 480
    Press J. The message shown at right will be displayed in the monitor and a row of dashes will appear in the control panel and viewfinder. To restore normal operation without inspecting the low-pass filter, turn the camera off. Raise the mirror. Press the shutter-release button all the way down.
  • Page 481
    Do not use a blower-brush, as the bristles could damage the filter. Dirt that can not be removed with a blower can only be removed by Nikon-authorized service personnel. Under no circumstances should you touch or wipe the filter. Turn the camera off.
  • Page 482
    Should foreign matter find its way onto the low-pass filter, clean the filter as described above, or have the filter cleaned by authorized Nikon service personnel. Photographs affected by the presence of foreign matter on the filter can be retouched using the clean image options available in some imaging applications.
  • Page 483: Caring For The Camera And Battery: Cautions

    Caring for the Camera and Battery: Cautions Do not drop: The product may malfunction if subjected to strong shocks or vibration. Keep dry: This product is not waterproof, and may malfunction if immersed in water or exposed to high levels of humidity. Rusting of the internal mechanism can cause irreparable damage.

  • Page 484
    Cleaning: When cleaning the camera body, use a blower to gently remove dust and lint, then wipe gently with a soft, dry cloth. After using the camera at the beach or seaside, wipe off any sand or salt using a cloth lightly dampened in pure water and then dry the camera thoroughly.
  • Page 485
    Notes on the monitor: The monitor is constructed with extremely high precision; at least 99.99% of pixels are effective, with no more than 0.01% being missing or defective. Hence while these displays may contain pixels that are always lit (white, red, blue, or green) or always off (black), this is not a malfunction and has no effect on images recorded with the device.
  • Page 486
    If the problem persists, cease use immediately and take battery and charger to your retailer or a Nikon-authorized service representative. • Do not move the charger or touch the battery during charging. Failure…
  • Page 487
    • Charge the battery before use. When taking photographs on important occasions, ready a spare battery and keep it fully charged. Depending on your location, it may be difficult to purchase replacement batteries on short notice. Note that on cold days, the capacity of batteries tends to decrease.
  • Page 488: Available Settings

    Available Settings The following table lists the settings that can be adjusted in each mode. Note that some settings may be unavailable depending on the options selected. P, S, % g i u A, M — — ✔ — — — — — — — White balance —…

  • Page 489
    P, S, % g i u A, M Autofocus mode ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ — — — ✔ (viewfinder) AF-area mode (viewfinder) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ — ✔ — ✔ ✔ AF mode (Live view/movie) ✔ ✔ ✔…
  • Page 490: Exposure Program (Mode P)

    Exposure Program (Mode P) The exposure program for mode P is shown in the following graph: ISO 100; lens with maximum aperture of f/1.4 and minimum aperture of f/16 (e.g., AF 50mm f/1.4D) f/1.4 f/2.8 f/5.6 f/11 f/16 f/22 f/32 15 1 30 1 60 1…

  • Page 491: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common problems below before consulting your retailer or Nikon-authorized service representative. Battery/Display The camera is on but does not respond: Wait for recording to end. If the problem persists, turn the camera off.

  • Page 492: Shooting (All Modes)

    Shooting (All Modes) Camera takes time to turn on: Delete files or folders. Shutter-release disabled: • Memory card is locked, full, or not inserted (0 26, 33). • Release locked is selected for Custom Setting f7 (Slot empty release lock; 0 365) and no memory card is inserted (0 33). •…

  • Page 493
    Can not select focus point: • Unlock focus selector lock (0 127). • Auto-area AF or face-priority AF selected for AF-area mode: choose another mode. • Camera is in playback mode (0 241) or menus are in use (0 292). •…
  • Page 494
    Smudges appear in photographs: Clean front and rear lens elements. If problem persists, perform image sensor cleaning (0 448). Sound is not recorded with movies: Microphone off is selected for Microphone sensitivity in the movie shooting menu (0 320). Live view ends unexpectedly or does not start: Live view may end automatically to prevent damage to the camera’s internal circuits if: •…
  • Page 495: Shooting (P, S, A, M)

    Can not measure white balance: Subject is too dark or too bright (0 158). Image can not be selected as source for manual preset white balance: Image was not created with D750 (0 162). White balance bracketing unavailable: • NEF (RAW) or NEF+JPEG image quality option selected for image quality (0 115).

  • Page 496: Playback

    Playback NEF (RAW) image is not played back: Photo was taken at image quality of NEF + JPEG (0 115). Can not view pictures recorded with other cameras: Pictures recorded with other makes of camera may not be displayed correctly. Message is displayed stating that no images are available for playback: Select All for Playback folder (0 300).

  • Page 497: Wi-Fi (Wireless Networks)

    Computer displays NEF (RAW) images differently from camera: Third-party software does not display effects of Picture Controls, Active D-Lighting, or vignette control. Use ViewNX 2 (supplied) or Nikon software such as Capture NX-D (available for download; 0 268). Wi-Fi (Wireless Networks) Smart devices do not display the camera SSID (network name): •…

  • Page 498: Error Messages

    Ready a fully-charged d Low battery. spare battery. • Battery exhausted. • Recharge or replace battery. • Battery can not be • Contact Nikon- used. authorized service representative. • An extremely • Replace the battery, or xxii, 25, exhausted…

  • Page 499
    Indicator Control View- panel finder Problem Solution • No lens attached. • Attach non-IX Nikkor 27, 426 lens. If a CPU lens is attached, remove and reattach the lens. (flashes) • Non-CPU lens • Select mode A or M. attached. Camera unable to focus Change composition or 131,…
  • Page 500
    (flashes) (flashes) camera has run out of computer or other file or folder numbers. device. • Insert new memory card. Release shutter. If error persists or appears Camera malfunction. frequently, consult — (flashes) Nikon-authorized service representative.
  • Page 501
    Camera cannot and confirm that No memory card. detect memory card is correctly card. inserted. • Error accessing • Use Nikon- memory card. approved card. • Check that — contacts are clean. If card is damaged, contact This memory card…
  • Page 502
    Indicator Control Monitor panel Problem Solution Memory card is Memory card is locked (write locked. Slide lock to Slide card write- “write” position. (flashes) protected). protect switch to Eye-Fi card is “write” position. Not available if locked (write Eye-Fi card is locked. protected).
  • Page 503
    Indicator Control Monitor panel Problem Solution File has been created or modified using a File can not be Cannot display this — computer or played back on — file. different make of camera. camera, or file is corrupt. Images created Selected image Cannot select this with other devices…
  • Page 504
    Indicator Control Monitor panel Problem Solution The internal Turn camera off Network access not temperature of and try again after available until — — the camera is waiting for camera camera cools. high. to cool. Check printer. To resume, select —…
  • Page 505: Specifications

    Specifications ❚❚ Nikon D750 Digital Camera Type Type Single-lens reflex digital camera Lens mount Nikon F mount (with AF coupling and AF contacts) Effective angle of view Nikon FX format Effective pixels 24.3 million Effective pixels Image sensor 35.9 × 24.0 mm CMOS sensor Image sensor 24.93 million…

  • Page 506
    Storage File format • NEF (RAW): 12 or 14 bit, lossless compressed or compressed • JPEG: JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine (approx. 1 : 4), normal (approx. 1 : 8), or basic (approx. 1 : 16) compression (Size priority); Optimal quality compression available •…
  • Page 507
    Viewfinder Focusing screen Type B BriteView Clear Matte Mark III screen with AF area brackets (framing grid can be displayed) Reflex mirror Quick return Depth-of-field preview Pressing Pv button stops lens aperture down to value selected by user (A and M modes) or by camera (other modes) Lens aperture Instant return, electronically controlled…
  • Page 508
    Release S (single frame), T (continuous low speed), Release mode U (continuous high speed), J (quiet shutter- release), M (quiet continuous shutter-release), E (self-timer), V (mirror up) 1–6 fps (T), 6.5 fps (U), or 3 fps (M) Frame advance rate 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s;…
  • Page 509
    Exposure Auto modes (i auto; j auto (flash off)); scene Mode modes (k portrait; l landscape; p child; m sports; n close up; o night portrait; r night landscape; s party/ indoor; t beach/snow; u sunset; v dusk/dawn; w pet portrait;…
  • Page 510
    Focus Autofocus Nikon Advanced Multi-CAM 3500 II autofocus sensor module with TTL phase detection, fine- tuning, 51 focus points (including 15 cross-type sensors; f/8 supported by 11 sensors), and AF- assist illuminator (range approx. 0.5–3 m/1 ft 8 in.–9 ft 10 in.) Detection range –3 –…
  • Page 511
    Accessory shoe ISO 518 hot-shoe with sync and data contacts and safety lock Nikon Creative Lighting Nikon CLS supported; commander mode option available System (CLS) AS-15 sync terminal adapter (available Sync terminal separately)
  • Page 512
    Live view Modes Live view photography (still images), movie live view (movies) • Autofocus (AF): Single-servo AF (AF-S); full-time Lens servo servo AF (AF-F) • Manual focus (M) Face-priority AF, wide-area AF, normal-area AF, AF-area mode subject-tracking AF Autofocus Contrast-detect AF anywhere in frame (camera selects focus point automatically when face- priority AF or subject-tracking AF is selected) Movie…
  • Page 513
    Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5 mm diameter; plug-in power supported) Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5 mm diameter) Audio output Wireless (D750 only; not available with the D750 (K)) Standards IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g Communications protocols • IEEE 802.11b: DSSS/CCK • IEEE 802.11g: OFDM Operating frequency 2412–2462 MHz (channels 1–11)
  • Page 514
    • Nikon reserves the right to change the specifications of the hardware and software described in this manual at any time and without prior notice. Nikon will not be held liable for damages that may result from any mistakes that this manual may contain.
  • Page 515
    • Nikon reserves the right to change the specifications of the hardware and software described in this manual at any time and without prior notice. Nikon will not be held liable for damages that may result from any mistakes that this manual may contain.
  • Page 516
    ❚❚ Supported Standards • DCF Version 2.0: The Design Rule for Camera File Systems (DCF) is a standard widely used in the digital camera industry to ensure compatibility among different makes of camera. • DPOF: Digital Print Order Format (DPOF) is an industry-wide standard that allows pictures to be printed from print orders stored on the memory card.
  • Page 517
    Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other trade names mentioned in this manual or the other documentation provided with your Nikon product are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
  • Page 518
  • Page 519: Approved Memory Cards

    Approved Memory Cards The following SD memory cards have been tested and approved for use in the camera. Cards with class 6 or faster write speeds are recommended for movie recording. Recording may end unexpectedly when cards with slower write speeds are used. SD cards SDHC cards SDXC cards…

  • Page 520: Memory Card Capacity

    Memory Card Capacity The following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on a 16 GB SanDisk SDSDXPA-016G-J35 UHS-I SDHC card at different image quality (0 115), image size (0 118), and image area settings (0 110). ❚❚…

  • Page 521
    ❚❚ DX (24×16) Image Area No. of Buffer Image quality Image size File size images capacity NEF (RAW), Lossless compressed, — 10.5 MB 12-bit NEF (RAW), Lossless compressed, — 13.1 MB 14-bit NEF (RAW), Compressed, 12-bit — 9.8 MB NEF (RAW), Compressed, 14-bit —…
  • Page 522: Battery Life

    One EN-EL15 battery (camera): Approximately 1230 shots One EN-EL15 battery (MB-D16): Approximately 1230 shots Six AA alkaline batteries (MB-D16): Approximately 430 shots • Photographs, continuous release mode (Nikon standard One EN-EL15 battery (camera): Approximately 4420 shots One EN-EL15 battery (MB-D16): Approximately 4420 shots Six AA alkaline batteries (MB-D16): Approximately 780 shots •…

  • Page 523: Wireless Transmitter

    • Using Wi-Fi or an optional UT-1 communication unit or WT-5 wireless transmitter • Using VR (vibration reduction) mode with VR lenses To ensure that you get the most from Nikon EN-EL15 rechargeable Li-ion batteries: • Keep the battery contacts clean. Soiled contacts can reduce battery performance.

  • Page 524: Lenses That May Block The Built-In Flash And Af-Assist Illuminator

    Lenses That May Block the Built-in Flash and AF-Assist Illuminator The lenses listed in this section may block the built-in flash or AF-assist illuminator under some conditions. ❚❚ AF-Assist Illumination Some lenses may block the illuminator at certain focus distances. Remove lens hoods when using the illuminator. AF-assist illumination is not available with the following lenses: •…

  • Page 525
    At ranges under 1.0 m (3 ft 3 in.), the following lenses may block the AF-assist illuminator and interfere with autofocus when lighting is poor: • AF-S DX NIKKOR 18–200mm f/3.5–5.6G ED VR II • AF-S DX NIKKOR 18–300mm f/3.5–5.6G ED VR •…
  • Page 526
    ❚❚ The Built-in Flash The built-in flash has a minimum range of 0.6 m (2 ft) and can not be used in the macro range of macro zoom lenses. It can be used with CPU lenses with focal lengths of 24 mm (16 mm in DX format) to 300 mm, although in some cases the flash may be unable to entirely light the subject at some ranges or focal lengths due to shadows cast by the lens.
  • Page 527
    Minimum distance Lens Zoom position without vignetting AF-S NIKKOR 16–35mm 35 mm 1.5 m/4 ft 11 in. f/4G ED VR 28 mm 1.5 m/4 ft 11 in. AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 17–35mm f/2.8D IF-ED 35 mm No vignetting 24 mm 1.0 m/3 ft 3 in. AF Zoom-Nikkor 18–35mm f/3.5–4.5D IF-ED 28–35 mm…
  • Page 528
    The built-in flash can also be used with the following non-CPU lenses: Nikon Series E and 24–300 mm NIKKOR (AI-S, AI-, and AI- modifed). AI 50–300mm f/4.5, modified AI 50–300mm f/4.5, AI-S 50–300mm f/4.5 ED, and AI 50–300mm f/4.5 ED lenses must be…
  • Page 529: Index

    Index M (Qc shutter-release) ….103 Symbols E (Self-timer)……103 , 106 i (Auto mode)……..34 V (Mirror up)……104 , 109 j (Auto (flash off) mode)….34 ! (Face-priority AF) ……58 h (Scene mode) ……41 $ (Wide-area AF) …….. 58 q (Special effects) …….46 % (Normal-area AF)……

  • Page 530
    Accessory terminal ……443 Auto FP high-speed sync..345 , 346 Active D-Lighting….175 , 212 Auto image rotation ……382 Add items (My Menu) ….. 421 Auto ISO sensitivity control 136 , 322 ADL bracketing ……212 , 353 Auto-area AF ……124 , 126 Adobe RGB ………
  • Page 531
    Choose image area71 , 111 , 113 , 360 , Daylight saving time……381 362 , 366 DCF…………488 Choose start/end point…..81 Default settings … 199 , 292 , 311 , 318 , Clean image sensor ……448 Clock …………. 381 Delayed remote (Remote control Clock battery………15 mode (ML-L3))……..193 Cloudy (White balance)….
  • Page 532
    Exposure preview ……55 , 62 Focus point illumination….329 Exposure program ……462 Focus point wrap-around….330 External microphone ……73 Focus tracking……122 , 328 Eye-Fi upload……..391 Focus tracking with lock-on..328 Focusing screen ……..479 Focus-mode selector….57 , 120 Format memory card ……375 Face detection……..
  • Page 533
    Lo (Sensitivity)……..135 Location data ……239 , 253 Image area ..76 , 77 , 110 , 113 , 118 Lock mirror up for cleaning…451 Image comment ……. 384 Long exposure NR ……317 Image Dust Off ref photo ….378 Lossless compressed (Type)..117 Image overlay ……..
  • Page 534
    Predictive focus tracking ….122 Network connection ……. 284 Preset manual (White balance)…145 , Neutral (Set Picture Control)..165 Nikon Transfer 2 ……. 267 Press the shutter-release button all No. of copies (PictBridge [Setup] the way down ……..36 menu) ……….272 Press the shutter-release button Non-CPU lens….235 , 427 , 431…
  • Page 535
    Save user settings……. 99 Save/load settings ……386 Rank items (My Menu)….424 Saving camera settings….386 RAW Slot 1 — JPEG Slot 2 (Role played Scene mode ………. 41 by card in Slot 2) ……119 SD memory card..26 , 31 , 119 , 491 , Rear-curtain sync……
  • Page 536
    Spot white balance……159 Viewfinder ….10 , 29 , 443 , 478 sRGB…………314 Viewfinder eyepiece ……107 SSID …………286 Viewfinder eyepiece cap….107 Standard (Set Picture Control) ..165 Viewfinder focus ……29 , 443 Standard i-TTL flash for digital SLR ..Viewfinder grid display….341 185 , 435 ViewNX 2……..
  • Page 537
    No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION. SB4H01(11) 6MB25511-01…

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