Nikon fm2 инструкция на русском

Nikon FM2 Instruction Manual

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Summary of Contents for Nikon FM2

  • Page 1
  • Page 2: Nomenclature

    NOMENCLATURE Shutter speedlASAIiSO film speed ® Shutter release button ® Shutter release fingerguard ® Depth-of-field preview lever ® Self-timer lever Lens flange ® Film advance lever ® Viewfinder eyepiece Rewind fork (jj) Shutter curtains Film cartridge chamber ® Film guide pin Film guide rails Data back contacts…

  • Page 3
    Meter coupling shoe Meter coupling ridge ® Hot-shoe contact contact R .. «nv-linlht Accessory shoe ® Camera back lock lever Film rewind knob Film rewind crank ® Film plane indicator Motor drive shutter coupling Motor drive coupling Film rewind button Memo holder Distance scale…
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Ready-light. . ACCESSORIES … Interchangeable focusing screens … 5 6-15 Close-up equipment. 16-35 Motor Drive MD-12 . Nikon Speed lights Data Back MF-16 Anti -Cold Battery Pack OB·2 Right-Angle Viewing Attachment DR-3 Eyepiece Magnifier DG-2 18-25 18-19 Rubber eyecup .

  • Page 5: Foreword

    FOREWORD——— Thank you for your purchase of the Nikon FM2 and welcome to Nikon’s world of photography. The Nikon FM2 offers many special features including top shutter speed of 1/4000 and flash synchronization speeds as fast as 1/250 FM2 also incorporates a TTL full·aperture metering system…

  • Page 6: Basic Operation

    BASIC O P E R A T I O N — — — — — — — — — — — — Remove the battery • chamber lid • Use a coin to unscrew the lid in a counter- clockwise direction.

  • Page 7
    Pull out the film advance • lever to unlock the shutter release button • advance lever doubles as a shutter release button lock. You can lock the shutter release button by simply pulling out the film advance lever slightly from the flush to the standoff position Press the shutter…
  • Page 8: Basic Operation

    -BASIC OPERATION-continued———- Mount the lens onto the camera. • Place the lens onto the camera, focusing index on the lens with the lens mounting on the camera body. Then twist the lens mounting ring counterclockwise until it clicks aperture/focusing index is right on To remove: Push the lens release button…

  • Page 9
    Install the film cartridge. • Position the film cartridge in the film cartridge chamber with the film leader pointing towards the takeup spool push the rewind knob back down to secure it in place. Note: can use any the 3Smm film car- tridges available on the market.
  • Page 10
    -BASIC OPERATION-continued———- Close the camera • back. Close the camera back until it snaps making sure that the perforations are perfectly meshed with the sprockets and that the film is set between the film guide rails Take up film slack. •…
  • Page 11
    Set the ASAIISO film • speed. Lift the ASA/ISO film speed ring rotate it in either direction until the red ® ASAIISO film speed indicator is oppo- site the ASAIISO film speed indication use. Unless the film speed correctly, you cannot obtain correct exposure.
  • Page 12
    -BASIC OPERATION-continued———- Set the correct exposure. • First, position your main subject at the center 12mm-diameter circle) of the field of view inside the Then turn shutter speed dial ® until the LED lamp for the symbol for correct exposure lights (i.e., Important!
  • Page 13
    Focus on the subject • by rotating the lens focusing ring • The FM2 provided with the Type cusing screen as standard. Look through viewfinder while turning the focusing ring until the two halves of split image rangefinder coincide perfectly…
  • Page 14
    Depress the shutter • release button. Look through the viewfinder, and depress the shutter release button. In depressing the shutter release button, apply light but steady pressure with the ball of your index finger to avoid camera shake that might result in image blur. Advance the film.
  • Page 15
    Rewind the film. • Lift the film rewind crank and turn it in the direction of the arrow. At the end of film rewind you will feel a slight resistance. Continue winding one or two more turns until the crank feels lighter this will indicate that the film leader is now fully rewound into the cartridge.
  • Page 16: Controls In Detail

    CONTROLS IN Film advance lever ® The film advance lever also functions as a lock for the shutter release button The shutter release button is unlocked when the lever is pulled out to the standoff position. wind the lever to the right all the way until it matically returns to the standoff position the moment you take your thumb off it.

  • Page 17: Shutter Release Button

    Shutter re.e •• e button The shutter release button also serves to activate the FM2’s built-in exposure meter. When the film advance lever is in the flush position, the shutter release button is locked and will not operate. To release the button from its locked position, pull out…

  • Page 18: Asaiiso Film Speed Dial

    -CONTROLS IN ASAIISO film speed dial The ASAIISO scale on the dial has numbered settings speeds from ASAIISO 12 to 6400. The dots between each pair of ASAIISO numbers stand for intermediate settings, such as etc. The illustration above gives the speeds for all mediate settings.

  • Page 19
    Fast shutter speed SlOw snutter speed…
  • Page 20: Setting The Aperture

    28). With the exception of a few special lenses, Nikkor and DETAIL-continued- — — — — — — — — Nikon Series E lenses enable full-aperture light measurement even when the aperture ring is moved said to have an automatic…

  • Page 21: Exposure Determination

    Exposure determination amount of light reaching the film plane combination the shutter speed and the lens aperture. A shutter speed of 1/500 sec. lets in twice ting of 1/1000 and only half much light aperture setting 1111 lets twice as much light as much as 118.

  • Page 22: Metering Range Of Exposure Meter

    DETAIL-contlnued———-, Metering range of exposure meter When there is a proper combination of lens aperture and shutter speed, lights up, indicating correct light up when the aperture and shutter speed combination is not suitable for correct exposure. Also, ture and shutter speed is improper for the subject, the exposure meter will not give an indication for rect exposure even if you vary the neighboring settings within…

  • Page 23: Stop-Down Exposure Measurement

    Stop-down exposure measurement This exposure measurement method phragm on the lens does not link with camera body, such as when sion ring mounted on the camera. The procedure is 1) Set the ASA/ number. Compose your picture and·secure subject focus Press the shutter release button lightly to turn the meter…

  • Page 24: Exposure Measurement In Special Cases

    DETAIL-continued—— — — — Exposure measurement in special cases exposure meter of Nikon FM2 weighted exposure measurement mately total amount of light 12 mm·diameter circle at the center of the focusing When background of main subject is too main subject is not centered within…

  • Page 25: Duplication Work And Photomicrography

    -112 to stop for white letters on black background. Approx. +2 stops Micro-Nikkor Micro-Nikkor Approx. +1-112 Nikon Slide Copying stops black 2-1/2 Adapter letters on white background Nikon Bellows Focus- approx. stop ing Attachment white letters on black Cable release background Approx.

  • Page 26: Viewfinder/Viewing & Focusing

    ‘s another way of securing correct focus on the lens, set the focusing ring in accordance distance. Be sure to gauge indicator-e-@ The FM2 viewfinder covers approx. the actual picture comes out larger tha Note that the picture comes lens’ A-M Using…

  • Page 27
    Split· image focusing Microprism grid focusing Matte outer field focusing of focus In focus…
  • Page 28
    -CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued——— Depth-of-fleld preview lever What depth of field is When you focus on your subject find that not only is the subject certain distance range both in front of and behind it appear sharp. Objects increasingly out of this range become creasingly out of focus.
  • Page 29
    1/1.4 1/16 Lens set at Lens set at Only major subject focus. Most objects near to far in focus.
  • Page 30: Depth-Of-Field Preview Lever

    -CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued——— ® Depth-of-field preview lever When a lens with an automatic diaphragm is in the viewfinder is viewed with the aperture diaphragm of the lens wide open. However, pressing the depth-of-field preview lever will cause the lens to be stopped down to the to enable you to examine depth of field before shooting image in the viewfinder «…

  • Page 31: Multiple Exposure Lever

    But it may occur due to film slack inappropriate film winding. exposure. To make a fully. only the shutter is ready repeat the the FM2 is designed to reduce curling, film ‘ — — » «tt —— -~-~—~—…

  • Page 32: Memo Holder

    CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued- — Memo holder To remind yourself of the film type and number of exposures on the roll of film in use, clip off the end of the film package and insert it into the memo holder. Of course, holder to store anything including your name…

  • Page 33: Flash Photography

    The FM2’s built-in hot-shoe contact enables direct mounting of the Nikon S8-27, S8-26, S8-25, S8-24, S8-22, S8-20, S8-19 or S8-168 Speedlight, requiring no special connecting cords. When shooting with a flash unit,…

  • Page 34: Ready-Light

    DETAIL-continued— Picture taken by balancing the flash exposure with daylight. — — — — — — 1111111 ® Ready-light When the 8B-28, 8B-27, 8B-26, 8B-25, 8B-19 or 8B-16B is attached to the ready-light tells you when the speed light is recycled and ready to fire or when the shutter speed is set outside sync without your having to remove your eye from the viewfinder.

  • Page 35
    Use of any other flash which operates at high voltages may damage the camera circuitry. damage caused by such use the Nikon Warrant Combination Chart of Nlkon FM2 and Nlkon Speed lights Speedlight charging Speedloght incomplete 88-21A’ 88-21 S B-241SB-2WB-2&SB-2…
  • Page 36: Accessories

    Two optional focusing screens (matte/Fresnel with focusing spot) and Type E2 (matte/Fresnel with focusing spot and etched grid lines) are also available for the FM2 to match your particular requirements To change focusing screens, follow this procedure: Remove the lens from the camera…

  • Page 37
    Focusing Screen Selector Qulde Type Name/style Suitable lor general Has microprism central split-image rangefinder spot. Split-image range- With finder/microprism maximum aperature slower than system prism collar is on the surrounding matte Works well for general close-up photography and duplication work. who prefer to focus on Matte system…
  • Page 38: Close-Up Equipment

    AF Micro- 200mm pho- Micro-Nikkor lenses). the lenses are 0.25m (0.82 0.219m (0.719 ft.), respectively. depth of field is generally shallow. the Type K2’s matte outer Non-AI extension rings such PK-I, FM2. Auto Extension Rings Close-Up lenses PN-I , etc. cannot…

  • Page 39: Motor Drive Md·12

    Motor Drive MD·12 The use of the MO-12 motor drive unit with the FM2 enables automatic film advance when the unit’s trigger button is pressed. In addition to single -frame shooting, maximum rate of 3.2 frames per second is possible the shutter speed set is between 1/125 and 1/4000 sec.).

  • Page 40: Nikon Speed Lights

    88-28, 88-27, 88-26, 88-25, 88-24, 88-22, 88-20 , 88-19, or 88-168 Speed light can be directly mounted onto the FM2’s built-in hot shoe speed lights also activate the camera’s LED ready-light inside the viewfinder which lights up when the and ready to fire, and blinks when…

  • Page 41: Data Back Mf·16

    Note: The Nikon FM2 a/so accepts Data Back cord provided with the da ta back to connect the socket contact MF-12 to the sync termina/of the camera.

  • Page 42: Anti-Cold Battery Pack

    -ACCESSORIES-contlnued———— Anti-Cold Battery Pack DB-2 In cold weather, use Anti-Cold accepts two M -type batteries, to the batteries inside the camera OB-2 to the camera body, then slip the assembly inside your pocket or coat to keep it warm. metering system will function even in very cold temperatures. Right-Angie Viewing Attachment DR-3 Screws onto the viewfinder eyepiece…

  • Page 43: Filters

    Filters shown the table, Nikon filters are broadly divided screw-in, drop-in, and bayonet incorporates a TIL full-aperture metering, the filter factor be ignored except the case of using the in daylight, set the aperture three f/stops wider than figure indicated…

  • Page 44: Camera Cases

    -ACCESSORIES-contlnued———— Camera cases Semi-soft cases such as the CF-27, available. The CF-27 case accommodates the FM2 mounted with a lens smaller than 50 camera mounted with any lens from 50mm fl1 .2 to 105mm f/2 When a motor drive is attached to the soft-type CS -16 case is also available.

  • Page 45: Tips On Battery Use

    TIPS ON BATTERY USE • Keep batteries away from infants and small children case a battery is accidentally swallowed, immediately as the material inside the batteries can cause serious problems. • Battery power falls off extremely this may cause the camera ‘s photometeric function In this situation,…

  • Page 46: Tips On Camera Care

    Observe the fol- lowing tips, and the FM2 will always work as perfectly • Don’t touch the reflex mirror or the day you bought it. the focusing them from getting Remove dust with a blower·type…

  • Page 47
    …» that storing leather cases vinyl bag may cause the deteriorate, exer· care. metallic parts with a • Before usi dry. good practice to check oughly first camera malfunctions, it immediately Nikon dealer the camera. thor·…
  • Page 48: Specifications

    Type of camera 35mm single-lens reflex (SLR) focal plane shutter camera Usable film Any cartridge-type 35 mm film Picture format: 24mmx36mm Lens mount: Nikon F bayonet mount Shutter: Vertical-travel, shutter Shutter speed settings «‘ 1/4000 fixed sett Self-timer: Set/cancel type provided; approx.

  • Page 49: Specifications

    Film sensitivity range: ASAIISO Power source: Choice of one 3V lithium 1.55V 1.5V batteries Exposure meter switch: Light pressure on shutter release button switches stays on for finger leaves matically Battery power check: exposure finder lights meter is sufficient speed dial should be set anywhere except Camera back:…

  • Page 50: Important I

    IMPORTANT! The Nikon FM2 is an AI-type (Automatic which performs full-aperture metering with AI -type these lenses are fitted with meter coupling ridges (see illustration). now manufactured Nikon are the not your lens is AI before using it with the…

  • Page 51
    In whole or In part (except for brief quotation In critical articles reviews). may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION. NIKON CORPORATION FUJI BLDG., 2-3, MARUNOUCHI3-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8331, JAPAN PHONE:…

background image

     Nikon FМ2

     Руководство по эксплуатации



 1 — Диск установки выдержки/ светочувствительности
 2 — Кнопка спуска затвора
 3 — Пальцевый упор взвода затвора
 4 — Ушко для ремня
 5 — Рычаг оценки глубины резко изображаемого пространства
 6 — Рычаг взвода автоспуска
 7 — Фланец для крепления объектива
 8 — Рычаг протяжки пленки
 9 — Индикатор готовности  вспышки
10- Окуляр видоискателя
11 — Вилка обратной перемотки пленки
12 — Шторки затвора
13 — Отделение для кассеты с пленкой
14 — Направляющий штифт
15 — Направляющие для пленки
16 — Контакты соединения с датирующей крышкой
17 — Окошко прямого считывания диафрагмы
18 — Рычаг  привода экспонометра
19 — Разъем  под  синхрошнур
20 — Установочный индекс  для объектива
21 — Защелка фокусировочного экрана
22 — Кнопка отпирания объектива
23 — Зеркало
24 — Зубчатый механизм протяжки пленки
25 — Серийный номер
26 — Приемная катушка
27 — Противоизгибный ролик 
28 — Защелка крышки


29 — Индикаторы глубины резко  изображаемого  пространства/Кольцо 
       установки  объектива
30 — Индекс диафрагмы/расстояния
31 — Индекс поправки при инфракрасной съемке
32 — Поводок диафрагмы
33 — Ребро соединения с экспонометром
34 — Контакт  “горячего башмака”
35 — Контакт готовности вспышки
36 — Полозки для вспышки/ принадлежностей
37 — Рычаг блокировки задней крышки камеры
38 — Головка обратной перемотки пленки
39 — Ручка обратной перемотки пленки
40 — Индикатор плоскости пленки
41 — Контакт соединения затвора с моторным приводом
42 — Узел стыковки с моторным приводом
43 — Кнопка обратной перемотки пленки
44 — Держатель для информационного вкладыша
45 — Шкала расстояний
46 — Фокусировочное кольцо

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