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Barnes & Noble NOOK BNVR300 User Manual

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  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links


Related Manuals for Barnes & Noble NOOK BNVR300

Summary of Contents for Barnes & Noble NOOK BNVR300

  • Page 2
    Barnes & Noble, Inc. 122 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 USA. © 2010-2011 Barnes & Noble, Inc. All rights reserved. NOOK™, NOOK Color™, NOOK Book™, NOOK Bookstore™, NOOK Friends™, NOOK Kids™, NOOK Newsstand™, NOOK Store™, NOOK Study™, Read In Store™, More In Store™, Free Friday™, LendMe®, PubIt!™, Lifetime Library™, Read What You Love.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Introduction …………………………7 Contact Us ………………………………..7 Getting to Know Your NOOK ………………………….. 7 Getting Started with Your NOOK ………………….10 Registering Your NOOK …………………………..11 Power and Charging …………………………….13 Safety and Care ………………………………15 Caring for Your NOOK ……………………………. 16 Locking and Unlocking Your NOOK ………………………..

  • Page 4
    Archiving Books and Periodicals …………………………56 Unarchiving Books and Periodicals …………………………57 Opening Files on an SD Memory Card ……………………….57 Transferring Files from Your Personal Computer to Your NOOK ………………..57 Using the LendMe Program ……………………59 Lending and Borrowing Books …………………………. 59 Guidelines for Lending and Borrowing Books ……………………..
  • Page 5
    Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks …………………………..87 Secured Wi-Fi Networks …………………………..87 Updating the Software on Your NOOK ………………… 88 Using an SD Memory Card ……………………. 89 Types of Memory Cards Supported ………………………… 89 Installing a Memory Card …………………………..89 Removing a Memory Card …………………………..91 Tips and Troubleshooting ……………………..
  • Page 7: Introduction

    Introduction This User Guide is designed to help you get the most enjoyment out of your NOOK eReader. Contact Us If you have questions about your NOOK that this guide doesn’t answer, be sure to visit the NOOK online support center at: The online support center offers additional information about your NOOK, including:…

  • Page 8
    The picture below shows the features on the front of your NOOK. The front of your NOOK. E-Ink Touchscreen Display ® Your NOOK features a high-resolution 6-inch E-Ink touchscreen for easy navigation and page turns. Page-Turn Buttons Built into the black frame on either side of the E-Ink touchscreen display are two narrow buttons for paging forward and backward in books and periodicals.
  • Page 9: Power Button

    If your NOOK is sleeping, press the Quick Nav button to wake your NOOK up and turn it on. If your NOOK is already on, press this button to open the Quick Nav Bar, a navigation menu that appears at the bot- tom of the NOOK touchscreen and lets you jump to features such as the Library or Shop.

  • Page 10: Getting Started With Your Nook

    Getting Started with Your NOOK The first time you use your NOOK, you’ll need to go through a short set-up process that will take about 5 to 10 min- utes. Make sure that you’re in an area that has a Wi-Fi® connection (a wireless connection to the Internet), because part of the process is registering your NOOK with your Barnes &…

  • Page 11: Registering Your Nook

    Registering Your NOOK NOTE: You will need to connect to a Wi-Fi network to complete your registration. 1. Read the Welcome screen. Tap the Next in the lower right corner of the screen. Your NOOK displays its Terms of Service. 2.

  • Page 12
    Tutorial Videos The Barnes & Noble Web site offers tutorial videos and other useful information about your NOOK. To watch the videos on your personal computer, visit Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide…
  • Page 13: Power And Charging

    Power and Charging Turning Your NOOK On and Off Turning On Your NOOK To turn on your NOOK, press the power button on the back of your NOOK. Hold the button down for 2 seconds and release it. Your NOOK starts up. Turning Off Your NOOK You do not need to turn your NOOK off when you stop using it.

  • Page 14
    Wall Charging To charge your NOOK, plug it into a wall socket. Plug the small end of the microUSB cable into the microUSB slot on the bottom of your NOOK. Plug the large end of the microUSB cable into the power adapter. Plug the adapter into a wall outlet.
  • Page 15: Safety And Care

    Resetting Your NOOK Performing a Soft Reset If for some reason your NOOK becomes unresponsive, you can perform a soft reset to restart the device. Press and hold the power button for 20 seconds, then release the power button. Press the power button again for 2 seconds to turn on your NOOK. Low Power You can see how much power remains in your battery by checking the battery icon in the Status Bar, or by checking the Battery indicator on the Device Info settings screen.

  • Page 16: Caring For Your Nook

    Airplanes When using your NOOK on an airplane, be sure to follow the instructions of the flight crew. To turn your NOOK’s wireless networking on or off, do this: Tap on the right end of the Status Bar to open the Quick Settings dialog box. Slide the Wireless switch on or off.

  • Page 17: Locking And Unlocking Your Nook

    Warranty Coverage and the B&N Protection Plan Your NOOK is backed by a one-year manufacturer’s warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. For a copy of this warranty, see “One Year Limited Warranty”. The warranty is also available at: In the event of any changes to the warranty, the version in effect on the Web site as of the date of purchase shall apply.”…

  • Page 18: Using Gestures To Control Your Nook

    Using Gestures to Control Your NOOK Your NOOK puts great reading material right at your fingertips. To read that material, to share it, to rate it, and so on, you’ll use your fingers in different ways. Your NOOK recognizes these different gestures: •…

  • Page 19: Press And Hold

    Press and Hold Pressing and holding means touching your finger to the screen and holding it there for 2 seconds. In many situations, pressing and holding causes your NOOK to open menu at the bottom of the screen. The menu offers you choices about the image your finger is resting on.

  • Page 20: Scroll

    Scroll Slide your finger up or down the screen to scroll through any list displaying up and down arrows at the bottom of the screen. A scroll gesture is like a vertical swipe. You can scroll up and down through shelves of books and periodicals. Barnes &…

  • Page 21: The Quick Nav Bar

    The Quick Nav Bar The Quick Nav Bar is a row of five icons that appears at the bottom of the NOOK touchscreen and enables you to navigate from one feature to another. If your NOOK is turned on and active, you can make the Quick Nav Bar appear by pressing the Quick Nav button below the touchscreen.

  • Page 22: The Status Bar

    The Status Bar A Status Bar runs along the top of the NOOK touchscreen. The Status Bar looks like this: The Status Bar The Left Side of the Status Bar The left side of the Status Bar presents: • A NOOK symbol that appears when new software updates have been installed •…

  • Page 23: The Home Screen

    The Home Screen The Home screen gives you easy access to the books and periodicals you have recently read or purchased. In the top portion of the screen, you’ll see the cover of the most recent book or periodical you’ve been reading. Here’s an example of a Home screen: Reading Now Status Bar…

  • Page 24: The New Reads List

    The New Reads List To the right of that item, you’ll see the New Reads list–a list of three books or periodicals that you have recently purchased or received. The Recent Reads list includes: • books and periodicals you have recently purchased •…

  • Page 25: Returning To The Home Screen

    The picture below shows an example of a details page about a recommended book. The Details page for a book. Returning to the Home Screen You can return to the Home screen at any time by pressing the Quick Nav button (the raised button in the shape of the NOOK logo) on the lower front of your NOOK to open the Quick Nav Bar and then tapping the Home icon.

  • Page 26: Reading Books On Your Nook

    Reading Books on Your NOOK You can read books, magazines, and newspapers on your NOOK. You can make notes about what you’re reading, highlight and annotate favorite passages, and share your thoughts and recommendations with friends on social sites such as Facebook. Your NOOK makes reading books fun.

  • Page 27: The Reading Tools Menu

    The Reading Tools Menu The Reading Tools menu makes it easy to move through a book, to search for content, share content, adjust the display of text, and adjust the brightness of the screen. To call up the Reading Tools menu, tap anywhere in the center of the page or tap on the small dark arrow at the bot- tom of the page.

  • Page 28
    Reading Tools: content Tap on the content icon in the Reading Tools to open a window with three tabs: • Chapters — a Table of Contents listing chapters or sections • Notes & Highlights — list of all the passages you have highlighted or written notes about •…
  • Page 29
    Tapping on the Notes & Highlights tab displays the Notes & Highlights screen. The Notes & Highlights screen. The Notes & Highlights screen lists all the passages you have highlighted or written notes about. Each passage is iden- tified by its page number and opening line. If the list of notes and highlights runs longer than one screen, you can tap the arrows at the bottom of the screen to scroll down and up through the list.
  • Page 30
    Tapping on the Bookmarks tab displays the Bookmarks screen. Here’s an example of a Bookmarks screen. The Bookmarks screen. For each bookmarked page, the screen lists the page number and either the chapter number (if you bookmarked the first page of a chapter) or the first line of text that appears on the page (if you bookmarked any page other than the first page of a chapter).
  • Page 31
    Reading Tools: goto Tap on the goto icon in the Reading Tools to jump to another page in the book. When you tap on goto, a navigation dialog box appears at the bottom of the screen, as shown below. The goto dialog box. The dialog box includes a slider bar that shows your current position in the book.
  • Page 32
    If instead of moving to the new page, you want to jump back to the previous page you had navigated from, tap the Go Back button in the goto dialog box. You can tap the Go Back button repeatedly to through several previous loca- tions.
  • Page 33
    Reading Tools: find Tap on the find icon in the Reading Tools to search for a word or phrase in the book you’re reading. When you tap on find, a keyboard appears on the screen. Type a word or phrase you want to search for in the book, then tap the search button in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Page 34
    The image below shows an example of search results. Search results within a book. Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide…
  • Page 35
    If the word or phrase you searched for appears more than once in the book, your NOOK displays a search navi- gation tool at the bottom of the screen when you jump to the location of a search result. This toolbar includes a forward arrow and a backward arrow for moving from one appearance of the word or phrase to another.
  • Page 36
    Reading Tools: text Tap on the text icon in the Reading Tools to open a window for adjusting the font size, line spacing, margin size, and background color of the screen. The Text dialog box. The Text dialog box lets you pick: •…
  • Page 37
    Reading Tools: more Tap on the more icon in the Reading Tools to open a page with details about the book, along with buttons for opening Social features. The More screen. The More screen presents details about the book you are reading, as well as options for sharing quotes and recom- mendations with NOOK friends or for searching for other books like it.
  • Page 38
    Tapping the Share button opens a dialog box like that shown below. (The contents of this dialog box may vary, de- pending on whether you are reading a book you own or a sample and whether the book is eligible for lending.) The Share dialog box.
  • Page 39
    Archiving Books and Periodicals To save storage space on your NOOK, you can archive books and periodicals you’re not currently reading. Archiving keeps a copy of a book in your account on the Barnes & Noble Web site, while removing all but the most basic infor- mation about the book (such as its cover, title, author, and description) from your NOOK.
  • Page 40: Using Bookmarks

    Using Bookmarks Adding a Bookmark A bookmark marks a location in a book. In a printed book, a bookmark helps you find the page where you left off reading. You can set bookmarks in books to make it easy to jump to specific locations You can set as many bookmarks as you like.

  • Page 41
    To visit any bookmarked passage, tap on its bookmark in the list. To close the bookmark list without visiting a bookmark, tap the Close button in the upper right corner of the Con- tents window. Removing a Bookmark To remove a bookmark on the current page, tap on the ribbon in the upper right corner of the page. The ribbon disappears, and the bookmark is cleared.
  • Page 42
    Selecting Text to Look up Words, Add Highlighting or Notes, and Share Quotes with Friends You can select a word or a passage of text. Once you have selected a word, you can look it up in a dictionary. You can also select words or passages for highlighting, making notes, or sharing through email or social media networks such as Facebook.
  • Page 43
    Changing the Selection from a Word to a Passage To select an entire passage, rather than just a word, select the word that you want to have at the beginning or end of the selected passage and drag the vertical bar that’s closest to the direction in which you want to extend the selec- tion.
  • Page 44
    Looking Up Words in the Dictionary It’s easy to look up information about a word or topic when you’re reading. Looking Up a Word in the Dictionary Your NOOK includes the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. ® To look up a word in the dictionary, do this: Press and hold on a word to select it.
  • Page 45: Sharing Quotes Through Social Media And Email

    Sharing Quotes through Social Media and Email You can share a highlighted passage with friends through email, Facebook, or Twitter. NOTE: Before you can share quotes through Facebook or Twitter, you need to link your NOOK to your Facebook or Twitter account. Use the Social settings page to link your NOOK to social sites. On the Quick Nav Bar, tap Settings, and then tap the Social menu choice to open the Social settings page.

  • Page 46
    Viewing a Note To open a note and read it, tap the note icon in the margin. When you’re done viewing the note, you can close the note window by tapping the X in the upper right corner of the window.
  • Page 47
    Tap the On/Off switch labeled “Notes & Highlights.” Tap the switch On to display notes and highlights, or tap it off to hide notes and highlights. Sharing a Quote If you have entered contacts in your NOOK or linked your NOOK to Facebook or Twitter, you can share quotations from the book you’re reading with your friends.
  • Page 48
    Fill in the form to finish sharing the quote. • If you opted to share the quote with contacts, you will see an email form with a Select Contacts but- ton. Tap the button to see a list of your contacts. Select the contacts with whom you want to share the quote.
  • Page 49
    NOTE: Some publishers define recommended settings for their eBooks; other publishers do not. If the Pub- lisher Settings toggle switch is grayed out, the publisher of the eBook you are reading has not defined recommended settings. All other page controls in the dialog box appear grayed out. To change the appearance of the book, do this: Tap the center of the page to make the Reading Tools appear.
  • Page 50: Reading Magazines And Newspapers On Your Nook

    Reading Magazines and Newspapers on Your NOOK Reading magazines and newspapers on your NOOK is similar to reading books. You use the same gestures—tapping and swiping–to turn pages. You have access to the same Reading Tools, such as Contents and GoTo. Some periodicals may include their own table of contents with live links to specific articles and features, but otherwise the features are similar to the features used in reading books.

  • Page 51: The Library On Your Nook

    The Library on Your NOOK Your library is where you keep everything you want to read on NOOK. In your library, you will find: • Books you have purchased from the NOOK Store • Newsstand magazines and newspaper you have purchased from the NOOK Store •…

  • Page 52
    The Category Menu The category menu (sometimes called the filter menu) is a pull-down menu in the upper left corner of the Library lets you select the Library contents you want to display. Choices include: • All — shows everything in your Library •…
  • Page 53: The Sync Button

    The Sort Menu The sort menu is a pull-down menu that lets you sort the content shown on the screen according to rules such as Most Recent, Title (an alphabetical listing of titles), or Author (an alphabetical listing of authors’ last names). The Sort Menu.

  • Page 54: Memory Card

    Memory Card If you have an SD Memory Card installed in your NOOK, you’ll see two links appear at the top of the Library screen when you select My Files from the Category menu. • My NOOK • Memory Card You can tap on these links to switch between viewing files stored on NOOK and files content stored on your SD Memory Card.

  • Page 55: Organizing Your Library On Shelves

    If you tap on a book with a Download banner, your NOOK begins downloading the book. A progress bar on the book’s cover indicates how much of the book has been downloaded. Once the book has fully downloaded, you can open it.

  • Page 56: Archiving Books And Periodicals

    Tap the checkbox next to any item to you want to add to the shelf you just created. Use the page up and down buttons on your NOOK to scroll through the list. As you add items to the library, your NOOK updates the number which appears in parentheses by the shelf ’s name, indicating the number of items on the shelf.

  • Page 57: Unarchiving Books And Periodicals

    basic information about the book (such as its cover, title, author, and description) from your NOOK. You can unar- chive a book at any time, so your reading material is not lost. To archive a book or periodical, do this: In the Library, double-tap on the cover or title of the book or periodical.

  • Page 58
    NOTE: Transferring files from your personal computer to your NOOK is sometimes called “sideloading.” To transfer files from your personal computer to your NOOK, do this: Using the custom microUSB cable provided with your NOOK, connect your NOOK to your personal computer. NOTE: Use only the microUSB cable provided with your NOOK.
  • Page 59: Using The Lendme Program

    Using the LendMe Program Lending and Borrowing Books With Barnes & Noble’s exclusive LendMe technology, you can share lendable NOOK Books with any NOOK Friend or any friend who has a Barnes & Noble account with a valid credit card number. Your NOOK Friend or friend can read the book on any NOOK or NOOK Color eReader or on any NOOK application such as NOOK for iPhone®, NOOK for iPod touch®, and NOOK for PC.

  • Page 60: Determining Whether A Book Can Be Lent

    Determining whether a Book Can Be Lent Not all books can be lent. Here’s how you can determine whether or not a book is lendable. • Any book eligible for lending has a LendMe badge on its cover. • If your Library includes any books eligible to be lent out, they will appear on the shelf of lendable books in the LendMe section of your Library.

  • Page 61
    To find out which of your friends have lendable books, use the Manage my NOOK friends™ feature on the Social set- tings screen. NOTE: If you’re enjoying a book sample or a book you’ve borrowed, you can purchase the book at any time. Simply tap the Buy button at the top of any page in the book to purchase the book using your Barnes &…
  • Page 62: Shopping On Your Nook

    Shopping on Your NOOK Introduction NOTE: To access the Shop on your NOOK, you must be connected to a Wi-Fi network. If you are not con- nected to a network but you are in an area with Wi-Fi access, your NOOK will guide you through the process of connecting to a network.

  • Page 63: Browsing Lists And Categories

    Browsing Lists and Categories To browse lists and categories of books and periodicals, tap the Browse button at the top of the Shop screen. The Shop displays a menu showing lists, such as BN Top 100, and categories such as books, magazines, and newspa- pers.

  • Page 64: Buying A Book

    Buying a Book Once you’re in the Shop, you can buy any book you see that has a button displaying the book’s price. (If you don’t see a button with a price next to a particular book, it’s because you’ve already purchased the book. A label reading Purchased appears where the price button used to be.) Tap on the price button to purchase a book.

  • Page 65: Buying A Single Issue Of A Magazine Or Newspaper

    Buying a Single Issue of a Magazine or Newspaper To buy a single issue of a newspaper or magazine, do this: Open the details page for the magazine or newspaper you want to buy. Tap the Buy Current Issue button. The button changes to a gray Confirm button.

  • Page 66
    Adding to Your WishList To add a book, magazine, or newspaper to your WishList, do this: Tap on the book or periodical’s cover to display the details page for the item. On the details page, tap on the checkbox next to the word WishList. Your NOOK adds the item to your WishList.
  • Page 67: Using Your Nook In A Barnes & Noble Store

    Using Your NOOK in a Barnes & Noble Store When you turn on your NOOK in a Barnes & Noble store, your NOOK automatically detects the Wi-Fi network running in the store. Your NOOK displays a special window, asking if you would like to connect to the InStore net- work.

  • Page 68: Searching Your Nook

    Searching Your NOOK Your NOOK includes a search tool to help you quickly find what you’re looking for. To access the search tool, tap the white Quick Nav Arrow in the status bar, then tap the Search icon in the Quick Nav Bar.

  • Page 69: Configuring Your Nook

    Configuring Your NOOK Your NOOK gives you full control over many areas of its operations, from Wi-Fi connections to font sizes. To adjust the configuration of your NOOK, you’ll often work with the Settings tool. To call up Settings, do this: Tap the Quick Nav button to open the Quick Nav Bar.

  • Page 70: Viewing And Configuring Device Info

    Viewing and Configuring Device Info To display device information, do this: On the Settings screen, tap Device Info. Your NOOK displays the Device Info page, which shows: • a Battery charge status bar, showing how much power is left on your battery •…

  • Page 71
    • Owner, the name of the owner of this NOOK • Account, the email address of the Barnes & Noble account linked to this NOOK • Software version, the version number of your NOOK software • Model number, the model number of your NOOK •…
  • Page 72: Configuring Wireless Settings

    Configuring Wireless Settings The Wireless settings screen provides: • a switch for turning on and off Wi-Fi networking • a list of all the Wi-Fi networks your NOOK has detected Turning Wi-Fi Networking On or Off On the Wireless settings page, tap the Wi-Fi button to change its status from On to Off or from Off to On. NOTE: If Wi-Fi networking is turned off, you will not be able to access the Shop, share information with friends, download new books, magazines, or newspapers, or perform any other action that requires a live network connection.

  • Page 73: Configuring Screen Settings

    Configuring Screen Settings On the Screen settings page, you can: • Change the amount of time your NOOK should wait when no activity is taking place before turning off the screen. • Select the screensaver your NOOK displays when it turns off the screen and goes into sleep mode. To display the Screen settings page, tap the word Screen on the main Settings screen.

  • Page 74
    Adjusting the Screen Timeout When your NOOK has been setting for some amount of time and no activity has taken place (e.g., you haven’t tapped the screen or pressed any buttons), your NOOK turns off its screen to conserve power. When that happens, you can turn on your NOOK again simply by pressing the Quick Nav button.
  • Page 75: Configuring Time Settings

    Configuring Time Settings On the Time settings page, you can control whether your NOOK uses a 12-hour clock or a 24-hour clock. You can also select a Time Zone for your NOOK. The Time Settings screen. To return to the main Settings page, tap the back arrow under the title Settings. Switching to a 24-hour Format To switch to a 24-hour format in which hours after 12 noon are added to the number 12, so that 1:15 p.m.

  • Page 76
    Selecting a Time Zone To select a time zone for your NOOK, do this: Tap the Select Time Zone field on the Time Settings screen. Your NOOK display a screen for selecting time zones. NOTE: By default, the list of time zones includes only time zones in the United States. To see a list of all time zones around the world, tap the checkbox labeled Show all world time zones.
  • Page 77: Configuring Navigation Buttons In The Reader

    Configuring Navigation Buttons in the Reader When reading a book or periodical, you can use the buttons built into the frame of your NOOK to page forward or backward. By default, the top buttons turn the page forward, and the bottom buttons turn the page backward. If you would like to switch the functions of these buttons, use the Reader Settings screen.

  • Page 78: Configuring The Shop

    Configuring the Shop Requiring Your Account Password for Purchases By default, your NOOK asks you to confirm all purchases by tapping a Confirm button. If you like, you can require that your Barnes & Noble account password be entered before your NOOK authorizes a purchase.

  • Page 79: Configuring Social Features

    Configuring Social Features You can use the Social settings screen to manage: • your links to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google accounts • your email contacts • your NOOK friends™ • the visibility of your lendable books to your NOOK friends A NOOK friend™…

  • Page 80
    Linking Your NOOK to Your Facebook Account You can import your friends on Facebook as contacts for lending books, sharing quotations, and other social activities. You can post a LendMe offer, a quotation, and a recommendation on the wall of a friend. You can also post a quote, a recommendation, and reading status on your own wall.
  • Page 81: Managing Your Contacts

    To link your NOOK to your Google account, do this: On the Social screen in Settings, tap the button labeled Link your Facebook, Twitter, and Google Accounts. Tap the Link Your Account button under the Google logo. Your NOOK displays a Google login screen. Tap in the Email address field.

  • Page 82
    Inviting Individual Friends to Become NOOK Friends To send an NOOK Friends™ invitation to a user in your Contacts list, do this: On the Manage my Contacts page, tap on the user’s name. Your NOOK displays the Contact Information page for that user. Tap in the checkbox labeled Invite as NOOK friend™.
  • Page 83
    Managing Your NOOK friends™ Tap the Manage my NOOK friends™ menu choice on the Social settings screen to sent and accept NOOK friends invitations and to see a list of all your current NOOK friends™ The Manage my NOOK friends™ feature includes three tabs under the Manage my NOOK friends title. The three tabs are: •…
  • Page 84
    If the Suggested button is not grayed out, you can tap it to see a list of your contacts who already have Barnes & Noble accounts and who can easily become your NOOK friends™. Tap the Invite button next to a contact’s name to send that contact a NOOK friends™…
  • Page 85
    To control the visibility of individual books, use the Show/Hide toggle switches next to book titles. • Set the toggle to Show to show the book to your NOOK friends. • Set the toggle to Hide to hide the book from your NOOK friends. NOTE: Only NOOK friends can see the books you make visible, and they can see the books only through NOOK friends™…
  • Page 86: Configuring Search

    Configuring Search You can clear the history of recent searches you have run on your NOOK. To clear the list of search-result shortcuts, do this: On the Settings screen, tap Search. Tap the menu choice Clear recent NOOK searches. A dialog box appears, explaining that this will clear shortcuts to recently searched items. Tap OK.

  • Page 87: Using Your Nook At Wi-Fi Hotspots

    Using Your NOOK at Wi-Fi Hotspots In addition to connecting to your Wi-Fi network in your home or office, you can use your NOOK to connect to Wi- Fi hot spots in stores, restaurants, hotels, and restaurants. This section summarizes how your NOOK works with various types of Wi-Fi hotspots. Wi-Fi Networks in Barnes &…

  • Page 88: Updating The Software On Your Nook

    Updating the Software on Your NOOK From time to time Barnes & Noble will release software updates for your NOOK. Your NOOK will automatically install these updates. NOTE: Updating software does not delete any of your books, magazines, or newspapers, nor does it delete any of the files you have transferred onto your NOOK from your personal computer.

  • Page 89: Using An Sd Memory Card

    Using an SD Memory Card You can install an SD Memory Card in your NOOK to add up to 32 GB of memory to your NOOK—enough for many thousand more books, along with periodicals, music, and personal files. NOTE: This extra storage space appears in the My Files section of your Library, not in the Books or Newsstand sections.

  • Page 90
    Push gently against the card, guiding it into the slot until it clicks into place. Close the small gray lid and snap it into place. Turn on your NOOK. Opening the microSD slot on the upper right side of your NOOK. Barnes &…
  • Page 91: Removing A Memory Card

    Positioning the microSD card in the slot. Formatting a New Card If you have installed a new, never-before-used microSD Memory Card into your NOOK, a dialog box appears, re- porting that the SD Memory Card is unformatted and that it needs to be formatted. To format the memory card, do this: Tap the Format Now button to format the memory card.

  • Page 92: Tips And Troubleshooting

    Tips and Troubleshooting Solving Problems I want to change my account password. What should I do? Before you change your password on, first deregister your NOOK, so your NOOK isn’t configured to use a password that you have made obsolete. NOTE: You must be connected to a Wi-Fi network to de-register your NOOK.

  • Page 93
    I transferred a ZIP archive from my personal computer. Why can’t I access the files? Unzip files on your personal computer before transferring them to your NOOK. Your NOOK can read EPUB files and PDFs, but not .zip files. Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide…
  • Page 94: Appendix A: Page Numbering And File Formats

    Appendix A: Page Numbering and File Formats When you read a book or periodical on your NOOK, you’re reading the same words that appear in the paper edi- tion of the book or periodical. In most books, the page number that appears at the bottom of the screen is the page number you would see if you were reading the printed version of the same book.

  • Page 95: Appendix B: International Use And Languages

    Appendix B: International Use and Languages This chapter summarizes information about using your NOOK outside of the United States and explains your NOOK’s support of languages. Using Your NOOK Abroad Your is designed for use in the United States and United States territories. You can use it to read anything NOOK already on your NOOK when travelling anywhere in the world.

  • Page 96
    Languages Your has fonts that support languages based on a Latin character set for reading eBooks and other digital NOOK content, when fonts are not embedded as part of the eBook or digital content file. Examples of supported languages include: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indo- nesian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish Your NOOK can display eBooks in other languages if the fonts are embedded in the eBook files.
  • Page 97: Appendix C: One Year Limited Warranty


  • Page 98
    HOW DO I RETURN MY NOOK TO B&N? When you contact B&N at one of the numbers above, B&N will provide instructions to you as to how and where to return your NOOK. Your NOOK must be shipped, prepaid and insured, in appropriate protective packaging, together with proof of purchase and the Return Authorization Number provided by B&N, to the address specified by B&N.
  • Page 99
    This Limited Warranty also does not cover cosmetic damage or normal wear and tear. This Limited Warranty does not apply to NOOKs sold as used, refurbished or reconditioned, except to the extent that such NOOK is a certified pre-owned NOOK that was purchased directly from B&N or from a B&N authorized reseller of certified pre-owned NOOKs.
  • Page 100: Appendix D: Trademarks And Copyrights

    Appendix D: Trademarks and Copyrights Adobe Reader Mobile Software Your NOOK contains Adobe® Reader® Mobile software under license from Adobe Systems Incorporated, Copy- right © 1995-2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and Reader are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. AT&T AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/ or AT&T affiliated companies.

  • Page 101: Appendix E: Fcc Notices

    Appendix E: FCC Notices FCC IDs NOOK WI-FI: XHHBNRV300-A MODEL: BNRV300 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this de- vice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interfer- ence that may cause undesired operation.

  • Page 102
    • For information about wireless configuration settings, see “Configuring Wireless Settings”. • Use only the custom, shielded micrtoUSB cable provided with your NOOK when connecting your NOOK to a personal computer. Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide…
  • Page 103: Appendix F: Industry Canada Notice

    Appendix F: Industry Canada Notice The term “IC” before the equipment certification number only signifies that the Industry Canada technicalspecifica- tions were met. IC: 8961A-BNRV300A Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

  • Page 104: Appendix G: Nook™ Terms Of Service

    Appendix G: NOOK™ Terms of Service The NOOK™ Terms of Service are located here: Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide…

  • Page 105: Appendix H: At&T Terms Of Service & Acceptable Use Policy

    Appendix H: AT&T Terms of Service & Acceptable Use Policy These Terms of Service & Acceptable Use Policy (the “Terms”) govern your use of AT&T Internet Services’ AT&T Wi-Fi service (“Service”) and the AT&T Internet Services network (“Network”). If you connect to the AT&T Wi-Fi service via one of AT&T’s roaming partners, your use of the Service will also be governed by that provider’s Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy, which will be available on the first screen that you see when you access the Wi-Fi service.

  • Page 106
    your license to use any Software. AT&T may also terminate or suspend your Service if you provide false or inaccurate information that is required for the provision of Service or is necessary to allow AT&T to bill you for Service. Mem- bership customers: customer cancellation of Services is governed by the terms and conditions of your Membership Agreement.
  • Page 107
    Privacy Policy Registration data and certain other information about you is subject to the AT&T Wi-Fi Privacy Policy. For more information see: General Use Restrictions Subject to your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms, payment to AT&T for the Service and compli- ance with all AT&T Online Policies identified below, you are hereby granted the right to use the Service through a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable limited license.
  • Page 108
  • Page 109
    Kingdom and Australia. You acknowledge and agree that Materials are subject to the U.S. Export Administration Laws and Regulations. Diversion of such Materials contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. You agree that none of the Materi- als, nor any direct product there from, is being or will be acquired for, shipped, transferred, or re-exported, directly or indirectly, to proscribed or embargoed countries or their nationals, nor be used for nuclear activities, chemical biological weapons, or missile projects unless authorized by the U.S.
  • Page 110
    Customers are responsible for avoiding the prohibited activities and strictly following the AUP terms set forth herein. AUP Coverage The AT&T Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) applies to the services that provide (or include) access to the Internet, services provided over the Internet, and Hosting services (collectively “IP Services”). Customer is responsible for the actions of others who may be using the IP Service(s) under Customer’s account.
  • Page 111
    it may terminate your Service without further notice. In such case, you are responsible for any applicable early termi- nation charges. AT&T will not issue any refunds, credits or other forms of compensation for the period when IP Service(s) have been suspended as a result of violation(s) or alleged violation(s) of this AUP.
  • Page 112
    damage or security breaches to AT&T’s network or to the network of any other IP Service provider. Customer shall not create or attempt to utilize a domain name that is fraudulent, indecent, offensive, deceptive, threatening, abusive or harassing. Interaction with Minors AT&T has a zero tolerance policy regarding use of its Service to engage in inappropriate conduct with a minor (any- one under 18 years of age).
  • Page 113
    posting messages to or canceling or superseding messages on an online forum or newsgroup in a manner that violates the rules of the forum or newsgroup or that contain forged header information. sending bulk electronic messages in quantities that exceed standard industry norms or that create the poten- tial for disruption of the AT&T network or of the networks with which AT&T interconnects intercepting, redirecting or otherwise interfering or attempting to interfere with e-mail intended for other parties…
  • Page 114
    unauthorized monitoring of data or traffic on any network or system without express authorization of the owner of the system or network; this would include use of sniffers or SNMP tools; falsifying packet header, sender, or User information whether in whole or in part to mask the identity of the sender, originator or point of origin;…
  • Page 115
    Customer agrees to indemnify and hold AT&T harmless from any claim, action, demand, loss, or damage (including attorneys’ fees) made by any third party against AT&T as a provider of the IP Service(s) arising out of or relating to any violation(s) of this AUP by Customer (or its Users). Incident Reporting Any complaints (other than claims of copyright or trademark infringement) regarding violation of this AUP by an AT&T Customer (or its User) should be directed to
  • Page 116
    Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide…
  • Page 117
    Index de-registration 71 archiving books or periodicals 39, 56 dictionary AT&T Terms of Service & Acceptable Use Policy 105 looking up a word in a book 44 downloading Library items with the Sync button 53 drag 20 back DRM-protected files 49 swiping left to move to a previous activity 19 tapping the book icon in the Status Bar to return to your most recent book, magazine, or newspaper…
  • Page 118
    odical you’re reading 38 clearing the history of recent Shop searches 78 keeping your list of lendable books private 61 MAC address 71 magazine Quick Nav Bar 21 buying a single issue 65 buying a subscription 65 free 14-day trial 65 rating and reviewing on 38 memory reading status…
  • Page 119
    configuring 79 software updates 88 software version 71 sorting Library items 54 Status Bar 22 subscribing to a magazine or newspaper 65 swipe 19 Sync button in the Library 53 tap 18 Terms of Service AT&T 105 NOOK 104 viewing legal notices 71 time settings 75 time zones 76 trademarks 100…
  • Page 120
    Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide…

Краткое содержание страницы № 1
Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Barnes & Noble, Inc. 122 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 USA. © 2010-2011 Barnes & Noble, Inc. All rights reserved. NOOK™, NOOK Color™, NOOK Book™, NOOK Bookstore™, NOOK Friends™, NOOK Kids™, NOOK Newsstand™, NOOK Store™, NOOK Study™, Read In Store™, More In Store™, Free Friday™, LendMe®, PubIt!™, Lifetime Library™, Read What You Love. Anywhere You Like™, The Simple Touch Reader™, and Read Forever™ are trademarks of Barnes & Noble, Inc. Patent Pend- ing. Screenshots and product images are s

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Table of Contents Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Contact Us …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Getting to Know Your NOOK …………………………………………………………………………………

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Archiving Books and Periodicals ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 56 Unarchiving Books and Periodicals ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 57 Opening Files on an SD Memory Card …………………………………………………………………………………….

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 87 Secured Wi-Fi Networks ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 87 Updating the Software on Your NOOK ………………………………………………………………………………….

Краткое содержание страницы № 6
Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Introduction This User Guide is designed to help you get the most enjoyment out of your NOOK eReader. Contact Us If you have questions about your NOOK that this guide doesn’t answer, be sure to visit the NOOK online support center at: The online support center offers additional information about your NOOK, including: • A PDF version of this NOOK User Guide that you can download to your computer • Tutorial videos • Frequently Asked Questions You can also contact B

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

The picture below shows the features on the front of your NOOK. The front of your NOOK. ® E-Ink Touchscreen Display Your NOOK features a high-resolution 6-inch E-Ink touchscreen for easy navigation and page turns. Page-Turn Buttons Built into the black frame on either side of the E-Ink touchscreen display are two narrow buttons for paging forward and backward in books and periodicals. You can also use the buttons for scrolling up and down lists and shelves in the Library and Shop. By default,

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

If your NOOK is sleeping, press the Quick Nav button to wake your NOOK up and turn it on. If your NOOK is already on, press this button to open the Quick Nav Bar, a navigation menu that appears at the bot- tom of the NOOK touchscreen and lets you jump to features such as the Library or Shop. microUSB Port Your NOOK features a microUSB port for charging and for connecting to a personal computer. The image below shows the back of your NOOK. Power Button ™ microSD Memory Card Slot The back of y

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Getting Started with Your NOOK The first time you use your NOOK, you’ll need to go through a short set-up process that will take about 5 to 10 min — utes. Make sure that you’re in an area that has a Wi-Fi® connection (a wireless connection to the Internet), because part of the process is registering your NOOK with your Barnes & Noble account on NOTE: You will not be able to set up your NOOK without a Wi-Fi connection. In the set-up process, you will do the following: • Turn on your NOO

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Registering Your NOOK NOTE: You will need to connect to a Wi-Fi network to complete your registration. 1. Read the Welcome screen. Tap the Next in the lower right corner of the screen. Your NOOK displays its Terms of Service. 2. Read the NOOK Terms of Service. If you agree to them, tap the Agree button. If you do not accept the Terms of Service, you will not be able to use your NOOK. If you tapped the Agree button, your NOOK displays a list of time zones. 3. Select your Time Zone by tapping

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Tutorial Videos The Barnes & Noble Web site offers tutorial videos and other useful information about your NOOK. To watch the videos on your personal computer, visit 12 Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

Power and Charging Turning Your NOOK On and Off Turning On Your NOOK To turn on your NOOK, press the power button on the back of your NOOK. Hold the button down for 2 seconds and release it. Your NOOK starts up. Turning Off Your NOOK You do not need to turn your NOOK off when you stop using it. With a fully charged battery and Wi-Fi turned off, your NOOK has enough power to support up to two months of casual reading. With a fully charged battery and Wi-Fi turned on, your NOOK has enough power

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

Wall Charging To charge your NOOK, plug it into a wall socket. Plug the small end of the microUSB cable into the microUSB slot on the bottom of your NOOK. Plug the large end of the microUSB cable into the power adapter. Plug the adapter into a wall outlet. Wall Outlet microUSB Port USB Power Cable Adapter CAUTION: Only use the Barnes & Noble power adapter and custom microUSB cable supplied with your NOOK. Other power adapters might damage your NOOK and its battery. Do not use a power adapter

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

Resetting Your NOOK Performing a Soft Reset If for some reason your NOOK becomes unresponsive, you can perform a soft reset to restart the device. 1. Press and hold the power button for 20 seconds, then release the power button. 2. Press the power button again for 2 seconds to turn on your NOOK. Low Power You can see how much power remains in your battery by checking the battery icon in the Status Bar, or by checking the Battery indicator on the Device Info settings screen. (To see the Device

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

Airplanes When using your NOOK on an airplane, be sure to follow the instructions of the flight crew. To turn your NOOK’s wireless networking on or off, do this: 1. Tap on the right end of the Status Bar to open the Quick Settings dialog box. 2. Slide the Wireless switch on or off. 3. Tap anywhere outside the Quick Settings dialog box to close it. Electronic Equipment If you are around sensitive electronic equipment–for example, if you are in a hospital–ask if you may use your NOOK. Settings

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

Warranty Coverage and the B&N Protection Plan Your NOOK is backed by a one-year manufacturer’s warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. For a copy of this warranty, see “One Year Limited Warranty”. The warranty is also available at: In the event of any changes to the warranty, the version in effect on the Web site as of the date of purchase shall apply.” You can extend your NOOK’s coverage by purchasing a two-year B&N Protection Plan to help safeguard NOOK

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

Using Gestures to Control Your NOOK Your NOOK puts great reading material right at your fingertips. To read that material, to share it, to rate it, and so on, you’ll use your fingers in different ways. Your NOOK recognizes these different gestures: • Tap • Double tap • Press and hold • Swipe • Scroll Tap A tap on the screen is a quick touch of your fingertip. It’s the same gesture you use when you tap a key on a com- puter keyboard. Tapping on an icon in the Quick Nav Bar. Double Tap Tapp

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

Press and Hold Pressing and holding means touching your finger to the screen and holding it there for 2 seconds. In many situations, pressing and holding causes your NOOK to open menu at the bottom of the screen. The menu offers you choices about the image your finger is resting on. For example, if you press and hold on a word in a book, your NOOK opens a menu offering you choices of things you can do with that book: highlight the word, write a note, look the word up in a dictionary, and so

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

Scroll Slide your finger up or down the screen to scroll through any list displaying up and down arrows at the bottom of the screen. A scroll gesture is like a vertical swipe. You can scroll up and down through shelves of books and periodicals. 20 Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide

Barnes & Noble
Nook BNRV300 Инструкция по эксплуатации


7694 просмотры

Подсчет страниц:

120 страницы

Тип файла:


Размер файла:

3.94 Mb

Знакомство с NOOK Simple Touch GlowLight

Ваш NOOK является устройством для чтения электронных книг с сенсорным экраном.

При помощи NOOK, Вы можете:

• Читать книги, журналы, и газеты.

• Покупать в онлайн магазине книги, периодические издания, а также осуществлять подписку на периодические издания (при наличии зарегистрированного аккаунта и привязанной к нему банковской карты)

• Хранить сотни книг, журналов, газет и личных файлов.

• Просматривать бесплатные образцы книг.

• Одалживать, брать, предоставлять, и рекомендовать книги друзьям через Facebook®, Twitter®, или Google® используя Barnes &

Noble’s эксклюзивную технологию LendMe® .

• Хранить и просматривать файлы, включая PDF.

Ваш NOOK компактен, его легко держать в руках и переносить в сумочке или кармане.

На картинке внизу указаны органы управления, расположенные на лицевой части NOOK.


Сенсорный экран E-Ink® со встроенной подсветкой.

В NOOK установлен 6-ти дюймовый  сенсорный экран высокого разрешения E-Ink , который позволяет легко управлять книгой и переворачивать страницы.

Технология встроенной подсветки GlowLight позволяет вам читать книги не используя источник внешнего освещения.

Кнопки перелистывания страниц

В окантовку экрана E-Ink  встроены кнопки для перемещения в книгах и газетах вперед и назад. Также  при помощи этих кнопок можно переходить вверх и вниз между страницами и книжными полками в Библиотеке или Магазине.

По умолчанию, верхние кнопки с каждой стороны экрана переворачивают страницы назад, а нижние кнопки переворачивают страницы вперед. Вы можете изменить настройки этих кнопок  в меню установок книги, которое доступно по кнопке Settings(Установки) в Панели быстрого перехода на Главной странице.

Также эти кнопки используются для прокрутки страниц в Библиотеке или в Магазине. Для прокрутки вниз – нажмите любую нижнюю кнопку. Для прокрутки вверх – нажмите любую верхнюю кнопку.

Кнопка перехода на Главную страницу

Кнопка с символом NOOK в нижней части окантовки экрана служит для быстрого перехода на Главную страницу.

Если Nook находится в «спящем» режиме, нажмите эту кнопку для выхода из «спящего» режима.

Если NOOK уже включен, нажмите эту кнопку для вызова меню быстрой навигации, это меню появится в нижней части экрана NOOK и обеспечит Вам доступ к дополнительным функциям в Библиотеке или Магазине.

Порт microUSB

В нижнем торце NOOK расположен microUSB порт для зарядки книги и для соединения ее с компьютером.

На картинке внизу показана тыльная сторона NOOK.


Тыльная сторона NOOK.

Кнопка Питания

Кнопка питания NOOK расположена на тыльной стороне книги в верхней части. Нажмите и удерживайте эту кнопку в течении 2 секунд, чтобы включить NOOK. Чтобы узнать больше о включении и зарядке NOOK, смотрите раздел “Питание и зарядка”.

Слот для карты памяти microSD

В NOOK достаточно встроенной памяти для хранения сотен книг, журналов, газет, и персональных файлов таких как PDF.

Вы можете увеличить объем для хранения в NOOK ваших личных файлов установив стандартную карту памяти microSD.

Карта устанавливается в слот в верхнем правом углу корпуса NOOK. Карта microSD может быть емкостью до 32 GB

Примечание: Файлы на карте памяти отображаются в секции My Files(Мои файлы) в Библиотеке(Library). Они не отображаются в секции Книги(Books) или секции Новые поступления(Newsstand).

Чтобы узнать больше об установке  карты microSD в NOOK, смотрите раздел “Использование карты памяти SD”.

Приступая к работе

 Прежде чем начать пользоваться Вашим NOOK, Вам необходимо пройти процесс первоначальной инициализации, что отнимет у Вас не более 5-10 минут.

Перед началом процесса инициализации убедитесь, что у Вас есть доступ к сети Wi-Fi® (беспроводной доступ в Интернет), потому что часть процесса потребует регистрации Вашего NOOK в аккаунте Barnes & Noble на портале

Примечание: Вы не можете инициализировать NOOK без доступа к сети Wi-Fi. (Прим.перев. Инструкция по инициализации NOOK без регистрации приведена ниже)

Во время инициализации, будет необходимо проделать следующие шаги:

• Включить NOOK нажав кнопку питания на тыльной стороне книги.

• Согласиться с условиями производителя.

• Установить часовой пояс.

• Подключиться к сети Wi-Fi.

• Зарегистрировать Ваш NOOK на Barnes & Noble аккаунте.

Примечание: Если у Вас нет аккаунта Barnes & Noble, Вы сможете создать его в процессе регистрации.

Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Contact Us …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Getting to Know Your NOOK  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Getting Started with Your NOOK ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

Registering Your NOOK ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Power and Charging …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Safety and Care …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Caring for Your NOOK ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Locking and Unlocking Your NOOK …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17

Using Gestures to Control Your NOOK ………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

Tap …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

Double Tap ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18

Press and Hold  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Swipe ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19

Scroll ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

The Quick Nav Bar …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

The Status Bar …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

The Home Screen ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23

The Reading Now Panel …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

The New Reads List …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24

The What to Read Next Shelf ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24

Reading Books on Your NOOK ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26

Opening a Book ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26

Page Layout ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26

Turning Pages ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26

The Reading Tools Menu ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27

Reading Magazines and Newspapers on Your NOOK …………………………………………………………………… 50

The Library on Your NOOK ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 51

Pull-down Menus ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 51

The Sync Button ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 53

The Search Tool for Your Library ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53

Memory Card ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 54

Viewing and Sorting the Contents of Your Library ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 54

Organizing Your Library on Shelves …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55

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