Omron HeartGuide BP8000
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- Следуйте инструкциям в совместимом приложении OMRON для сопряжения HeartGuide.
Наденьте манжету на рукав.
Вставьте длинную сторону манжеты в отверстие рукава, как показано на рисунке.
Продолжайте надевать рукав на манжету, затем растяните отверстие рукава на короткой стороне манжеты BP8000.
1. Наденьте HeartGuide на запястье.
Для обеспечения точности HeartGuide необходимо выровнять на запястье и правильно расположить во время измерения.
Расположите циферблат на верхней части запястья и двумя пальцами расположите ремешок на расстоянии 2 дюйма от основания руки.
2. Плотно закрепите и выровняйте
Перед измерением HeartGuide должен плотно прилегать; Не слишком облегающий, не слишком свободный. Указательный палец НЕ ДОЛЖЕН легко скользить между ремешком и запястьем.
Найдите знак «●» на ремешке. Поверните HeartGuide на запястье, чтобы совместить отметку со средним пальцем.
3. Сядьте, расслабьтесь, начните
Сядьте в удобный стул, поддерживая спину, поставив ступни на пол, а ноги не скрещены. Выделите несколько минут, чтобы расслабиться.
Нажмите синюю кнопку, чтобы начать измерение.
4. Положение на уровне сердца.
Расположите HeartGuide дисплеем наружу на уровне сердца на расстоянии 2 дюйма между запястьем и грудью.
Как только вы окажетесь в правильном положении, вы почувствуете вибрацию, и начнется измерение.
Для обеспечения точности не сгибайте запястье и не смотрите на дисплей во время измерения.
Оставайтесь неподвижными, пока не почувствуете новую вибрацию, сигнализирующую об окончании измерения.
5. Проверьте свои показания.
После завершения измерения view последнее чтение HeartGuide.
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Table of Contents
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53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto, 617-0002 JAPAN
Distributed by:
1925 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 U.S.A.
Made in Japan
Related Manuals for Omron HeartGuide BP8000-M
Summary of Contents for Omron HeartGuide BP8000-M
Page 1
OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. 53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto, 617-0002 JAPAN Distributed by: OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC. 1925 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 U.S.A. ©2019 OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC. Made in Japan… -
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Model BP8000-M Instruction Manual Instruction Manual 4615954-8A… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Table of ConTenTs Introduction …………….3 Safety Instructions ………………….. 3 Intended Use ……………………4 Receiving and Inspection ………………4 Symbols Glossary ………………….4 Important Safety Information ……….5 1. Know Your Monitor …………. 13 1.1 Contents ……………………13 1.2 Monitor ……………………14 1.3 Display and Symbols ………………15 1.4 Classification of BP (Blood Pressure) …………18 2.
Page 4
5. Recording an Event …………. 42 6. Viewing the Readings Stored in Memory ……43 Readings Details ………………….45 Sleep Mode Details ………………..46 7. Settings …………….47 7.1 Function Settings ………………..47 7.2 Bluetooth Settings ………………..49 7.3 Restoring Your Monitor to the Default Settings ……..51 7.4 Turning Off Your Monitor………………52 8. -
Page 5: Introduction
Safety Instructions This instruction manual provides you with important information about the OMRON BP8000-M Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor. To ensure the safe and proper use of your monitor, READ and UNDERSTAND all of the safety and operating instructions. If you do not understand these instructions or have any questions, contact 1-800-634-4350 before attempting to use your monitor.
Page 6: Intended Use
Introduction Intended Use The device is a digital monitor intended for use in measuring blood pressure and pulse rate in adult patient population with wrist circumference ranging from 6.3 to 7.5 inches (16 to 19 cm). The device detects the appearance of irregular heartbeats during measurement and gives a warning signal with readings.
Page 7: Important Safety Information
Important Safety Information Read the Important Safety Information in this instruction manual before using this monitor. Follow this instruction manual thoroughly for your safety. Keep for future reference. For specific information about your own blood pressure, CONSULT WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not Warning avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
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Important Safety Information • Consult with your physician before using this monitor if you have common arrhythmias such as atrial or ventricular premature beats or atrial fibrillation; arterial sclerosis; poor perfusion; diabetes; pregnancy; pre- eclampsia or renal disease. NOTE that any of these conditions in addition to patient motion, trembling, or shivering may affect the blood pressure measurement reading. -
Page 9
Important Safety Information • Plug the AC adapter into the appropriate voltage outlet. DO NOT use in a multi-outlet plug. • NEVER plug in or unplug the AC adapter from the electric outlet with wet hands. • DO NOT disassemble or attempt to repair the AC adapter. • DO NOT touch (with wet hands) or wet the charging port of the band, terminal of the charging clip and plugs of cables. -
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Important Safety Information • DO NOT leave the battery that has been removed within the reach of infants, toddlers, children or pets. Doing so may result in an injury or an accident. If liquid comes in contact with the battery, a fire or an accident may occur. -
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Important Safety Information • Consult with your physician before using this monitor on a wrist where intravascular access or therapy, or an arterio-venous (A-V) shunt, is present because of temporary interference to blood flow which could result in injury. • Consult with your physician before using this monitor if you have had a mastectomy. -
Page 12
Important Safety Information • The monitor, AC adapter and charging cable are not designed for use in water or wet environments. • DO NOT use this monitor in a moving vehicle such as in a car. • DO NOT drop or subject this monitor to strong shocks or vibrations. • DO NOT use this monitor in places with high or low humidity or high or low temperatures. -
Page 13
• Ensure that this monitor has acclimated to room temperature before taking a measurement. Taking a measurement after an extreme temperature change could lead to an inaccurate reading. OMRON recommends waiting for approximately 2 hours for the monitor to warm… -
Page 14
Important Safety Information • When handling the charging cable: — DO NOT damage it. -DO NOT break it. — DO NOT tamper with it. -DO NOT forcibly bend or pull it. — DO NOT twist it. -DO NOT use it if it is gathered in a bundle. — DO NOT pinch it. -
Page 15: Know Your Monitor
1. Know Your Monitor 1.1 Contents … Monitor … Charging clip … AC adapter Model: HEM-CLIP-01 Model: HHP-AM02 … Charging cable … Replacement cuff … Instruction manual sleeve Model: HHX-CB07U … Quick start guide Model: HEM-CUCV-01 (2 pcs.) … Paper sizing guide…
Page 16: Monitor
1. Know Your Monitor 1.2 Monitor a Display e Band f Charging port [START/STOP] button g Cuff [FORWARD] button [HOME] button Press this button from any screen to go back to HOME screen.
Page 17: Display And Symbols
1. Know Your Monitor 1.3 Display and Symbols <HOME screen> Battery symbol Appears when any button is pressed or battery is low. 12 : 35 Date WED 4 Refer to page 17. Sync symbol Time Appears when your data needs to be transferred because the stored memory is either almost or completely full.
Page 18
1. Know Your Monitor Movement error symbol Appears along with a blood pressure reading when your body is moving during a blood pressure measurement. If it appears, check if the band is applied correctly. Refer to sub-section 2.3 (page 21). After applying the band correctly, wait for 2 to 3 minutes. -
Page 19
1. Know Your Monitor Storable Readings of Each Measurement Your monitor can store readings in its internal memory as follows: Blood pressure measurements Up to 100 readings Activity data Up to 7 days Sleep data Up to 7 times Event data Up to 100 items Battery Symbols Indicates current battery remaining. -
Page 20: Classification Of Bp (Blood Pressure)
1. Know Your Monitor 1.4 Classification of BP (Blood Pressure) ACC/AHA 2017 Hypertension guidelines define categories of BP in adults as below. Categories of BP in Adults* BP Category Systolic BP Diastolic BP Normal < 120 mmHg < 80 mmHg Elevated 120-129 mmHg <…
Page 21: Preparation
2. Preparation 2.1 Charging the Battery We recommend charging the battery to a full 100 % charge. Once fully charged, the battery will last for approximately 2 days. It takes about 2.5 hours to fully charge once the battery is empty. Plug the smaller end of the charging cable into the charging clip.
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2. Preparation Plug the AC adapter into an electrical outlet. — — The charging screen shown as the image on the right will appear. Note If your monitor has not been used for 3 months, recharge it. Do not charge battery in environments where there is high heat or cold temperatures. -
Page 23: Installing The Cuff Sleeve
2.3 Wearing the Monitor on the Left Wrist Blood pressure can differ between the right and left wrists, and readings can be different. OMRON recommends always using the same wrist when measuring blood pressure. Consult with your physician to determine which wrist you should use for your measurements.
Page 24
2. Preparation Note • Your monitor does not have water-resistant functionality. Do not immerse your monitor in water. Position the monitor and leave approximately 1 inch (2.5 — 3 cm) between the band and the bottom of your palm. Use your forefinger and middle finger as a guide. If you cannot determine which hole is appropriate, use the “paper sizing guide”. -
Page 25: Turn Your Monitor On
2. Preparation 2.4 Turn Your Monitor On Press and hold the [FORWARD] button for more than 3 seconds. The monitor turns on and the screen below appears on the display. Connect to the Smart device app for pairing. Note • You can use your monitor without pairing to your smart device. Refer to section 3 (page 24).
Page 26: Using Your Monitor Without A Smart Device
3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device You can use your monitor as a blood pressure monitor without pairing to a smart device. To pair your monitor with a smart device, refer to sub-section 4.1. Caution • DO NOT use this monitor with other medical electrical (ME) equipment simultaneously.
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3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device 3.1 Taking a Blood Pressure Measurement 3.1.1 Blood Pressure Measurement Tips To help ensure an accurate reading, be aware of the following: • Stress raises blood pressure. Avoid taking measurements during stressful times. -
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3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device 3.1.2 Positioning the Band To take an accurate blood pressure measurement, the position of the band is important. Find the positioning mark on the Positioning mark band. Position the positioning mark on the center of your wrist (align with your middle finger). -
Page 29
3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device 3.1.3 Sitting Correctly To take a blood pressure measurement, you need to be relaxed and comfortably seated in a room with a comfortable temperature. • Keep your upper arm next to the body. • Sit in a comfortable chair with your back supported. -
Page 30
3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device Adjust the position of your wrist. Place your monitor over your heart 2 inches while a measurement. Once the heart space zone indicator appears, raise or lower your wrist until it is at heart level. Make sure your wrist is about 2 inches apart from your chest. -
Page 31
3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device Remain still and do not move or talk until the entire measurement process is completed. As the cuff inflates, your monitor automatically determines your ideal inflation level. Your monitor detects your blood pressure and pulse rate during inflation. The heatbeat symbol flashes at every heartbeat. -
Page 32
3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device Heart Zone Indicator Your monitor has a built-in heart zone indicator that is used as an aid in determining if your monitor is at the correct height and position. It has been designed to work with most people so that when your wrist is at the correct position relative to your heart, your monitor will vibrate once. -
Page 33
3. Using Your Monitor without a Smart Device Error Symbols If the error screens below are displayed, please take another measurement. Refer to sub-section 1.3 (page 16). • Your monitor is • Your body not at the correct moved during height. -
Page 34: Using Your Monitor With A Smart Device
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device 4.1 Pairing Your Monitor with a Smart Device Pairing your monitor with the “HeartAdvisor” app on your smart device will set the date and time on the monitor. Once you have paired with the app, all future measurements will include the date and time when you transfer.
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• “HeartAdvisor” is the only app that we recommend that you use with your monitor to transfer data correctly. • Be aware that OMRON will not be responsible for the loss of data and/or information in the app. • If you change your smart device that was paired with your monitor, delete the pairing information from your old smart device to avoid communication issue. -
Page 36: Taking A Blood Pressure Measurement
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device 4.2 Taking a Blood Pressure Measurement Take a measurement. Refer to sub-section 3.1 (page 25) to start a measurement. Your reading will be transferred to your smart device automatically. Past readings cannot be viewed on either of the monitor’s displays. Open the app on your smart device and follow the instructions.
Page 37: Taking Activity Measurements
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device 4.3 Taking Activity Measurements Your monitor automatically measures your activities when you are wearing your monitor. The following items will be measured: • Steps • Calories burned • Distance • Aerobic steps Refer to “Readings Details“…
Page 38
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device Example: Total distance = 320’’ 320 ÷ 10 = 32’’ (2 feet 8 inches) Conversion Chart 12 inches = 1 foot START 24 inches = 2 feet 36 inches = 3 feet 320 inches 48 inches = 4 feet Wear your monitor wherever you go. -
Page 39
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device Your monitor may not track your activity data correctly: Improperly Wearing • Wearing your monitor somewhere other than your wrist. • Putting your monitor inside a bag or pocket. Moving Irregularly • Placing your monitor inside or attached to a bag and the bag moves irregularly. • Moving your arm continuously when not walking. -
Page 40: Taking Sleep Measurements
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device 4.4 Taking Sleep Measurements Your monitor measures your sleep by detecting movement of your body while you sleep. The following items will be measured: • Sleep period time • Awake time Refer to “Readings Details” in section 6 (page 45) for more information. Note • Only wear your monitor on your wrist.
Page 41
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device Go to sleep with your monitor on. To detect and track your sleep automatically, set your approximate daily bedtime and wake-up time on the app first. Note • When you take a measurement, do not place your monitor on the floor, bed or shelf. -
Page 42: Receiving Notification From Your Smart Device
Your monitor receives a notification (phone call, message and email) from your smart device. When your monitor receives a notification, your monitor vibrates. Press any button to close the notification. Message from Call from Mail from Brian 1-847-555-1212 Phone call Message Email Note • Refer to “HeartAdvisor”…
Page 43: Receiving A Reminder
4. Using Your Monitor with a Smart Device 4.6 Receiving a Reminder The reminder function will alert you at a specific time of day with vibration and the “Reminder” icon on the display. The reminder can only be set on the app.
Page 44: Recording An Event
5. Recording an Event You can record the time of your action or activity as an “Event”, such as time you ate, took a medicine, exercised or had another event. Note The recorded time of your events can be viewed on the app only. Press and hold the [FORWARD] button for more than 3 seconds.
Page 45: Viewing The Readings Stored In Memory
6. Viewing the Readings Stored in Memory Only your latest reading can be viewed on the monitor’s display. Use the “HeartAdvisor” app to view all the readings stored in the memory. Press the [FORWARD] button. 8 : 38 THU 17 Press the [FORWARD] button one by one.
Page 46
6. Viewing the Readings Stored in Memory If this monitor detects any errors during a measurement, the following symbols will appear on the display. Alternating pulse/symbols Symbol Meaning display This monitor is not at the correct height. mmHg mmHg Irregular heartbeats are mmHg mmHg detected. -
Page 47: Readings Details
6. Viewing the Readings Stored in Memory Readings Details Calories burned Indicates the amount of calories burned by measuring the intensity of your activity. Distance Indicates you distance traveled by using your step count. Note If you have jogged, climbed up or down stairs, or walked at brisk walking pace, some errors may occur in the value.
Page 48: Sleep Mode Details
6. Viewing the Readings Stored in Memory Sleep Mode Details Bedtime Fall asleep time Wake up time Sleep period time Time until Total amount of sleep period time is from when the time you fall asleep sleep mode is enabled to the time sleep mode is disabled, except the awake time.
Page 49: Settings
7. Settings 7.1 Function Settings To change the function settings on your monitor, press and hold ON / OFF 8 : 38 THU 17 both the [START/STOP] button L / R and the [FORWARD] button for more than 3 seconds. 7.1.1 Enabling/Disabling Heart Zone Indicator ( Press the [START/STOP] button for heart zone indicator setting.
Page 50
7. Settings 7.1.2 Selecting Your Wrist to Wear ( Left or Right Press the [HOME] button for wrist setting. ON / OFF L / R Press the [START/STOP] button if you wear your monitor on the left wrist, or [ L ] press the [HOME] button if you wear the monitor on the right wrist. -
Page 51: Bluetooth Settings
7. Settings 7.2 Bluetooth Settings To enter the pairing mode or change Bluetooth setting, follow the instructions below. 7.2.1 Entering Pairing Mode Press and hold the [HOME] button for more than 3 seconds. 8 : 38 Refer to sub-section 4.1 (page THU 17 32) to pair your monitor with Connect to the…
Page 52
7. Settings 7.2.2 Disabling/Enabling Bluetooth Warning This product emits radio frequencies (RF) in the 2.4 GHz band. DO NOT use this product in locations where RF is restricted, such as on an aircraft or in hospitals. Turn off the Bluetooth feature in those areas. For further information on potential restrictions refer to documentation on the Bluetooth usage by the FCC. -
Page 53: Restoring Your Monitor To The Default Settings
7. Settings 7.3 Restoring Your Monitor to the Default Settings To delete all the information stored in your monitor, follow the instructions below. Press and hold both the [START/STOP] button and the [HOME] button for at least 7 seconds. When the confirmation screen appears, press the [START/STOP] button to restore your monitor.
Page 54: Turning Off Your Monitor
7. Settings 7.4 Turning Off Your Monitor Press and hold both the [FORWARD] button and the [HOME] button for more than 7 8 : 38 THU 17 seconds. Turn off and restart your monitor if either of the following occurs: • When “Error”…
Page 55: Error Messages And Troubleshooting
8. Error Messages and Troubleshooting In case any of the below problems occur during measurement, first check that no other electrical device is within 12 inches (30 cm). If the problem persists, please refer to the table below. 8.1 Error Messages Display Cause Solution…
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8. Error Messages and Troubleshooting Display Cause Solution The battery is Charge the battery. depleted. Refer to sub-section 2.1 (page 19). 12 : 35 The monitor cannot Follow the instructions shown in the connect to a smart “HeartAdvisor” app. If it still appears after device or transmit checking the app, contact customer service. -
Page 57
8. Error Messages and Troubleshooting Display Cause Solution The band may be Apply the band correctly, then take another applied too loosely. measurement. Refer to sub-section 2.3 (page 21). Please see the manual. Error 2 The cuff was inflated Do not touch your monitor while taking a exceeding the measurement. -
Page 58
8. Error Messages and Troubleshooting Display Cause Solution Your wrist is moved Take another measurement making sure not up and down during to move your wrist. Refer to sub-section 3.1 a measurement. (page 25). Please see the manual. Error 7 Temperature error is Wait for few minutes, then take another detected. -
Page 59: Troubleshooting
8. Error Messages and Troubleshooting Display Cause Solution The monitor has Turn off and restart your monitor. Refer to sub- malfunctioned. section 7.4 (page 52). If the error still appears, contact customer Error service. Refer to section 13 (page 69). 8.2 Troubleshooting Problem Cause and Solution…
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8. Error Messages and Troubleshooting Problem Cause and Solution The monitor or the AC The monitor or the AC adapter may be damaged. Unplug adapter is abnormally the AC adapter from the outlet immediately and contact hot when charging the customer service. -
Page 61: Maintenance
9. Maintenance 9.1 Maintenance To protect this monitor from damage, please follow the directions below: • Changes or modifications not approved by the manufacturer will void the user warranty. Caution DO NOT disassemble or attempt to repair this monitor or other components.
Page 62: Storage
9. Maintenance 9.3 Storage • Store your monitor in a clean, safe location. • Do not store your monitor: — If your monitor is wet. — In locations exposed to extreme temperatures, humidity, direct sunlight, dust or corrosive vapors such as bleach. — In locations exposed to vibrations or shocks.
Page 63: Disposal
9. Maintenance Caution • Stop using this monitor and consult with your physician if you experience skin irritation or discomfort. • Prolonged rubbing and pressure may irritate the skin. Give your wrist a break by removing your monitor for a while after extended wear. • Be careful not to let chemical products such as lotions, oils, skin creams or cosmetics collect on the band.
Page 64: Optional Accessories
10. Optional Accessories ■ Charging clip ■ AC adapter Model: HHP-AM02 Model: HEM-CLIP-01 ■ Charging cable ■ Cuff sleeve Model: HHX-CB07U Model: HEM-CUCV-01 For further information, visit our website at
Page 65: Specifications
11. Specifications Model BP8000-M HEM-6411T-ZM Display Transflective memory-in-pixel LCD Memory Blood pressure measurement: Up to 100 times Activity measurement: Up to 7 days Sleep measurement: Up to 7 times Event: Up to 100 items Transmission method Bluetooth® low energy technology Wireless Frequency range: 2.4 GHz (2400 — 2483.5 MHz) communication…
Page 66
11. Specifications Battery Life Up to 2 days (48 hours) battery life* per charge. * Refer to “Battery Life Information” (page 65) for the terms of the battery life. Durable period Monitor: 2 years (Service life) AC adapter: 2 years Cuff sleeve: 0.5 years Operating conditions 41 to 104 °F (5 to 40 °C) / 15 to 90 % RH (non-condensing) -
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11. Specifications Applied part Type BF (cuff) Protection against Internally powered ME equipment electric shock Class II ME equipment (AC adapter) Maximum temperature Lower than +118.4 °F (+48 °C) of the applied part Battery Life Information The battery life is based on 2 days (48 hours) with the following use: in 23°C environment, 170 mm wrist circumference, 8 times of blood pressure measurement (inflates to 150 mmHg) per day, 16-hour step counting per day, 8-hour sleep measurement per day, 96 times of button pressing per… -
Page 68
11. Specifications Activity / Sleep measurement Measurement range Steps: 0 to 99,999 steps Distance: 0.0 to 621.3 mile Time: 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM Calories burned: 0 to 59,999 kcal Setting range Time: 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM (0:00 to 23:59) Weight: 22 to 300 lb (in increments of 1 lb) Height: 3’… -
Page 69
11. Specifications About a wireless communication interference This product operates in an unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHz. In the event this product is used near other wireless devices such as microwave and wireless LAN, which operate on the same frequency band as this product, there is a possibility that interference may occur. -
Page 70: Fcc Statement
12. FCC Statement FCC CAUTION Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Page 71: Limited Warranty
Page 72: Guidance And Manufacturer’s Declaration
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. is under license. App Store and the App Store logo are service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.
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Что такое систолическое давление?
Что означает диастолическое давление?
Какой показатель считается нормой артериального давления?
Инструкция Omron HeartGuide доступно в русский?
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Omron Heartguide — первые в мире часы с функцией измерения артериального давления. Часы оснащены сокращающимся в обхвате ремешком для физического пережатия запястья во время измерения артериального давления, что обеспечивает точные показания систолического и диастолического артериального давления.
Компанию Omron вы возможно знаете по популярным тонометрам.
Сейчас они выпускают часы с функцией замера кровяного давления и мы считаем, что это прорыв в области компактной медицины.
Теперь результаты можно анализировать и хранить на своем смартфоне. Также, часы ведут учет вашего артериального давления в течении всего дня, следя за состоянием вашего сердца.
Часы немного отличаются от классических наручных часов тем, что ремешок заменен манжетой для измерения давления, которая надувается подобно манжете тонометра.
Помимо этого, часы обладают всеми функциями фитнес трекера: пульсометр, учет потраченных калорий, умный будильник, шагомер, умные уведомления.
Созданный для того, чтобы держать вас в курсе, HeartGuide – это носимый монитор артериального давления в инновационной форме наручных часов. Вместе с приложением HeartAdvisor, HeartGuide предлагает новую мощную технологию, которая делает отслеживание и контроль вашего артериального давления проще, чем когда-либо прежде. Активно следите за состоянием своего сердца, превращая данные в постоянные показатели.
С HeartGuide, куда бы вы ни пошли, вы всегда будете знать уровень своего давления.
Внимание! Перед покупкой данной модели часов, необходимо произвести замер вашего запястья, чтобы правильно подобрать ремешок. Так как от правильно подобранного ремешка зависит точность замеров.