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OMT-M3 Ebike Intelligent Display


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    All manuals and user guides at Manual OMT-M3 Ebike Intelligent Display…
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    All manuals and user guides at 1. Material&Dimension 1) Material Caser and Cover and Press button: ABS, LCD window: PMMA 2)Outside and mounting dimension(mm) Scew…
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    All manuals and user guides at Connection diagram: To Head Light To Controller Wire definition: Red: Power supply-VCC Blue: Electronic lock-DS Black: GND Green: Data RXD Yellow: Data TXD BROWN: Head light(+) -DD White: Head light(-)-GND Remark: Connectors and Wire colors could be customized 5) Installation ●Install the display in the middle of handlebar, then adjust to suitable angle, install the press button to left side ofhandlebar.
  • Page 4
    All manuals and user guides at 2. Overview of OMT-M3 UART protocol: Equipped with independent press buttons Speed: Real-time SPEED, MAX SPEED, Average SPEED kmh/mile: Kmh/MPH according to habit Battery level: Indicates the battery level in real time Back light control:…
  • Page 5
    All manuals and user guides at From 1 to 3, press button to change assist level. Distance: ODO/Trip/Driving duration Error code: Please refer to appendix table 1 for definition 6km mode: In this mode, it will display on the screen. Parameter setting:…
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    1~3. Back light icon: indicates when back light are on. Distance: Trip/ODO. Error code: “REE” and code when there is error 4. Press button definition OMT-M3 uses independent press button, in total three buttons: Power DOWN “ ” “ ”…
  • Page 7
    All manuals and user guides at Figure 2 2) Different Speed display: Long press o switch different speed information, Real time speed( SPEED)→ Max speed( MAX SPEED)→Average speed( AVGSPEED) Real Speed Figure 3…
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    All manuals and user guides at Max speed Average speed Figure 4 Figure 5 3)ODO/TRIP/ Driving Time/Error Code Short press to switch ODO/TRIP/ Driving Time/Error Code Trip(Single trip distance)→ODO(Accumulated distance) → Driving Time )→REE(Error Code)。 Trip Figure 7 Figure 6 Driving Time Error Code Figure 8…
  • Page 9
    All manuals and user guides at 4)Assist level Short press to change assist level, default value is level 1 Level 5 Level 1 Figure 10 Figure 11 5) Back light control for 3 seconds turn on/off the back light. Long press Bike Light On Bike Light Off…
  • Page 10: Parameter Setting

    All manuals and user guides at the speed will be 4.5~7.5km/h according to different road conditions, “ ” will show up on screen, long press again or short press will quit 6km/h mode. Long press or short press , could be customized by clients.

  • Page 11
    All manuals and user guides at change parameter value, short press will save current value and switch to next parameter. P01-back light lightness: short press will switch from 1 to 3, Level 3 is lightest. Level 2 is default value. Back Light Level 2 — default value Figure 14…
  • Page 12
    All manuals and user guides at P03-Working voltage: short press to switch 24V,36V,48V, Default value is 36V. 36V by default Figure 17 P04-Auto shutdown time: short press to switch from 0 to 60, it is the time(in minutes) to shut down the screen automatically if no operation 0 means never shut down, Default value is 10 minutes 5minutes Figure 18…
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    All manuals and user guides at Short press to change level 0->1->2. 0: 3 assist levels 1: 5 assist levels 2: 9 assist levels Assist Level Assist Level Figure 19 Figure 20 P06-Wheel size selection: short press to switch wheel size, in inch, step: 0.1 inch Wheel Size Figure 21…
  • Page 14
    All manuals and user guides at short press to switch fromt 1 to 100. Magnet quantity of Speed Sensor Figure 22 P08-speed limit: short press to set the speed limit from 0 to 100Km/h, 100 means no limit. Max Speed Limit Figure 23 P09-Non-zero speed start:…
  • Page 15
    All manuals and user guides at Zero speed start Figure 24 P10-Driving mode selection: short press to switch from 0->1->2. 0: Assist mode (throttle does not work, only assist); 1: Electrical driving mode(only throttle works, assist does not work) ; 2:…
  • Page 16
    All manuals and user guides at Assist sensitivity 3 Figure 26 P12-assist starting power setting: short press to switch from 0 to 5. Starting assist power Figure 27 P13-Assist magnetic disc types to switch from 5->8->12, different short press numbers of magnets.
  • Page 17
    All manuals and user guides at Magnet quantity- 12 magnets Figure 28 P14-Current limit for the controller: short press to switch from 1 to 20A Max current in controller limits to 13A Figure 29 P15-low voltage protection for controller Controller is protected under 29V…
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    All manuals and user guides at P16-Reset ODO distance: long press during 5 seconds ODO reset to 0 Cleared to 0 Figure 31 Figure 32 P17-Reset all parameters: long press 5 seconds , when it displays “SSSS” , all parameters reset to default values(except for the ODO distance) SSSS means reset to default value…
  • Page 19
    All manuals and user guides at Max RPM of the motor is 270 Figure 34 P19-PAS Magnet calibration for the controller: short press to switch from 0 to 1 0 for calibration OK, 1 for start calibration Figure 35 P20-Number of magnets for freewheel speed sensor:…
  • Page 20: Specifications

    4) Leakage current after power off: <1uA 5) Current supply to controller:50mA 6) Working Temperature: -18~65℃ Storage temperature: -30~80℃ 8. Error code definition When an error appears, OMT-M3 will notice users by different codes, please refer to table 1 for different codes: Code Signification (Decimal)

  • Page 21: Warranty

    2) Q: What can I do if an error code displays? A: Find a nearest shop to get repair 11. Warranty 1 year of warranty for quality issue except frame is broken. 12. Version This is a universal manual for OMT-M3.It could be customized by…

  • Page 22
    All manuals and user guides at each client. Please confirm all details before purchasing.

Аксессуары для электровелосипеда OMT M3 36V48V ЖК дисплей с аксессуарами

Тип: дисплей
Преимущество: панель дисплея для электрического велосипеда
Дисплей: OMT-M3 дисплей для аксессуаров для электрического велосипеда
Номинальное напряжение: 36 в 48 в
Модель: дисплей для электрического велосипеда
Цвет: черный
Материал: пластик
1 * велосипедный измеритель
Только вышеуказанная посылка, другие товары не включены.
Примечание: светильник и различные дисплеи могут привести к тому, что цвет товара на картинке немного отличается от реального. Допускается погрешность в измерениях +/- 1-3 см.

Напоминание о кэшбэке: Что бы получить кешбек при покупке этого или другого товара на Aliexpress. Авторизуйтесь или зарегистрируйетсь в кэшбэк-сервисе, далее появиться подробная инструкция как получать кэшбэк при покупках на Алиэкспресс.

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Gonow OMT-M3 Manual | Manualzz

OMT-M3 Ebike Intelligent Display
1. Material&Dimension
1) Material
Caser and Cover and Press button: ABS,
LCD window: PMMA
2)Outside and mounting dimension(mm)
3) Connection diagram:
To Head Light
To Controller
Wire definition:
Power supply-VCC
Electronic lock-DS
Data RXD
Data TXD
Head light(+) -DD
Head light(-)-GND
Connectors and Wire colors could be customized
5) Installation
●Install the display in the middle of handlebar, then adjust
to suitable angle, install the press button to left side ofhandlebar.
●Power off the device, connect the device to controller.
●Power on
2. Overview of OMOT-M3
1) UART protocol:
Equipped with independent press buttons
2) Speed:
Real-time SPEED,
Average SPEED
3) kmh/mile:
Kmh/MPH according to habit
4) Battery level:
Indicates the battery level in real time
5) Head light control:
button for 3 seconds to power on/off
6) Back light adjustment:
3-level adjustment
7) Assist level:
From 1 to 3, press button to change assist level.
8) Distance:
ODO/Trip/Driving duration
9) Error code:
Please refer to appendix table 1 for definition
10)6km mode:
on the screen。
In this mode, it will display
11)Parameter setting:
Set parameters, such as: wheel size, speed limit etc
3. Presentation of screen
Head Light
Speed Mode
6Km Mode
Battery Level
Assist Level
Driving Duration
Error Code
Distance Mode
1) Battery level: 5
2) Speed:Average SPEED/MAX SPEED/Real-time SPEED
3) Speed unit:Kmh/MPH
4) 6km mode:6km mode Display .
5) Assist level:actual assist level 1~3.
6) Head light icon:indicates when head light and back light are on.
7) Distance:Trip/ODO.
8) Error code:“REE” and code when there is error
4. Press button definition
OMT-M3 uses independent press button, in total three
5. Operation instructions
1) Power ON/OFF
When the power is off, Long press
seconds ,
during 3
screen will display all contents and start to normal
working mode, and controller will be turned on When the power is
on, Long press
(Power) during 3 seconds,screen will be
powered off,and controller will be turned off . If no any operation
both on bike and display during 10 minutes (time could be set), the
display will turn off automatically , in this case, no power
consumption for both display and controller.
Figure 2
2) Different Speed display:
Long press
o switch different speed information,
Real time speed(SPEED)→ Max speed(MAX SPEED)→Average
Real time speed
Figure 3
Average speed
Max speed
Figure 4
Figure 5
3)ODO/TRIP/ Driving Time/Error Code
Short press
to switch ODO/TRIP/ Driving Time/Error Code
Trip(Single trip distance)→ODO(Accumulated distance)→
TM(Driving Time)→REE(Error Code)。
Figure 7
Figure 6
Figure 8
4)Assist level
Short press
Figure 9
to change assist level,default value is
level 1
Level 5
Level 1
Figure 10
Figure 11
5) Head light control
Long press
for 3 seconds turn on/off the head light。
Head Light
Figure 12
6) 6km mode
When the bike is stopped, long press
, will enter 6km/h mode,
the speed will be 4.5~7.5km/h according to different road
conditions, “
short press
” will show up on screen, long press
again or
,will quit 6km/h mode. Long press or short press
could be customized by clients.
6Km Mode
Figure 13
6. Parameter setting
When the display is powered on,long press
enter parameter setting mode(Figure 14),in this mode, can
change parameter values,long press again
quit parameter setting mode or no operation during 10s will also
quit this mode.
In parameter setting mode,short press
change parameter value,
short press
will save current
value and switch to next parameter.
1) P01-back light lightness:
short press
will switch from 1 to 3,Level 3 is
lightest. Level 2 is default value.
Level 2 – default value
Figure 14
2) P02-kmh/MPH:
Short press
to Switch kmh/MPH.
Km by default
Figure 15
3) P03-Working voltage:
short press
to switch 24V,36V,48V, Default value
is 36V.
36V by default
4) P04-Auto shutdown time:
short press
to switch from 0 to 60, it is the time(in
minutes) to shut down the screen automatically if no operation 0
means never shut down, Default value is 10 minutes
5) P05-Number of Assist levels:
Short press
3 assist levels
5 assist levels
9 assist levels
to change level 0->1->2.
P05 = 1
6) P06-Wheel size selection:
short press
to switch wheel size,in inch,step:0.1
26 inch
7) P07-Number of magnets for speed sensor:
short press
to switch fromt 1 to 100.
One magnet for
Speed sensor
8) P08-speed limit:
short press
to set the speed limit from 0 to 100Km/h,
100 means no limit.
Speed limit 50Km/h
9) P09-Non-zero speed start:
short press
to switch from0 to 1. 0:
zero speed
start,1:non-zero speed start.
Zero speed start
short press
P10-Driving mode
to switch from 0->1->2.
Assist mode (throttle does not work, only assist);
Electrical driving mode(only throttle works, assist does not work) ;
Both assist and Electrical driving mode(Not available if in zero speed
start and electrical driving mode);
Driving mode :2
P11-assist sensitivity setting:
short press
to switch from 1 to 24.
Assist sensitivity 3
short press
P12-assist starting power
to switch from 0 to 5.
P13-Assist magnetic disc types
short press
to switch from 5->8->12 ,
numbers of magnets.
12 magnets in the
short press
P14-Current limit for the
to switch from 1 to 20A
MAX current in controller
Is limited to 13A
15) P15-low voltage protection for controller
Controller is protected
under 29V
P16-Reset ODO distance:
long press
during 5 seconds
Cleared to 0
ODO is 0
17) P18-Reset all parameters:
long press
5 seconds,when it displays “SSSS”,all
parameters reset to default values(except for the ODO distance)
Ssss means reset to default value
7. Specifications
1) Power supply: 24V,36V,48V
2) Rated current: 10mA
3) Max current: 30mA
4) Leakage current after power off: <1uA
5) Current supply to controller:50mA
6) Working Temperature:-18~65℃
7) Storage temperature:-30~80℃
8. Error code definition
When an error appears, OMT-M3 will notice users by different
codes, please refer to table 1 for different codes:
Low Battery level
Motor error
Throttle error
Controller error
UART receive error
UART receive error
Table 1
9. Notices
Power on and power off must keep an interval of at least 3 seconds,
please don’t press “
” button frequently when it is powered off.
When the temperature is under -10℃, the screen will be a little
darker than normal, when the temperature increases, the screen
can go back to normal
10. FAQ
1) Q:Why I can not power off?
A:Please check connection between display and controller.
2) Q:What can I do if an error code displays?
A:Find a nearest shop to get repair
11. Warranty
1 year of warranty for quality issue except frame is broken.
12. Version
This is a universal manual for OMT-M3.It could be customized by
each client. Please confirm all details before purchasing.

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