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на ваш запрос и как можно быстрее помочь. Ваше устройство имеет характеристики:Комплектация: база, трубка, Рабочая частота: 900/2400 МГц, Стандарт DECT: нет, Дисплей: на базовом блоке, на трубке, Крепление на пояс: есть, Цифровой автоответчик: есть, на 15 минут, полные характеристики смотрите в следующей вкладке.
Для многих товаров, для работы с Panasonic KX-TG2247 могут понадобиться различные дополнительные файлы: драйвера, патчи, обновления, программы установки. Вы можете скачать онлайн эти файлы для конкретнй модели Panasonic KX-TG2247 или добавить свои для бесплатного скачивания другим посетителями.
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2018-02-05 23:01:10
Прикольный телефон
2020-07-31 19:07:21
впечатлений еще не получил
Основные и самые важные характеристики модели собраны из надежных источников и по характеристикам можно найти похожие модели.
Общие характеристики | |
Комплектация | база, трубка |
Рабочая частота | 900/2400 МГц |
Стандарт DECT | нет |
Конструкция | |
Дисплей | на базовом блоке, на трубке |
Крепление на пояс | есть |
Автоответчик | |
Цифровой автоответчик | есть, на 15 минут |
Функциональные возможности | |
АОН/Caller ID | нет/есть, журнал на 30 номеров |
Сервис коротких сообщений (SMS) | нет |
Громкая связь (спикерфон) | есть |
Внутренняя связь (интерком) | между трубкой и базовым блоком |
Конференц-связь (между базой, трубкой/трубками и внешним абонентом) | нет |
Память | |
Ускоренный набор | нет |
Встроенная телефонная книга | есть, на 50 номеров |
Питание | |
Время работы трубки (режим разговора / режим ожидания) | 5 / 264 ч |
Дополнительно | |
Другие функции и особенности | отключение микрофона |
Дополнительная информация | Клавиша Hold. |
Здесь представлен список самых частых и распространенных поломок и неисправностей у Радиотелефонов. Если у вас такая поломка то вам повезло, это типовая неисправность для Panasonic KX-TG2247 и вы можете задать вопрос о том как ее устранить и вам быстро ответят или же прочитайте в вопросах и ответах ниже.
Название поломки | Описание поломки | Действие |
Нет Сигнала | ||
Нет Звука | ||
Не Включается | ||
Сломалась Кнопка | ||
Не Заряжается | Приобрела Новый Оригинальный Аккумулятор , Так Как Со Старым Трубка Не Заряжалась. Новый Аккумулятор Был Немного Заряжен , Скоро Тоже Разрядится Так Как Трубка Не Заряжается. | |
Хрипит Наушник (Телефон) | Неразборчивая Речь | |
Микрофон | В Обоих Трубках Одновременно Перестал Работать Микрофон | |
Не Набирается Номер На Базовом Телефоне | ||
Не Все Сегменты На Дисплее Трубки Индицируются | Телефон Voxtel Profi 2500 W 0312001597 | |
На Дисплее Не Видно Букв Цифры. | Здравствуйте Уменя Проблема С Трубкой Техзет Пропали На Дисплее Вся Информация Что Делать. | |
На Дисплее Не Могу Ввести Дату И Время.сегодня Поменяла Батарейки | Сегодня Поменяла Батарейки, Дисплей Не Работает .Звонки Принимаю,Звонить Тоже Могу | |
Неработает Микрофон | Нас Не Слышат | |
Не Регистрируется Трубка На Базу | ||
Работает Трубка Только На Громкой Связи. | Пока Не Включишь Громкую Связь Трубка Молчит, Хотя Соединение Прошло. А На Громкой Всё Отлично. С Настройками Не Смогла Разобраться, Вернула К Заводским-Без Результата. | |
Ключ На Экране | Не Работает | |
Определитель Входящего Звонка | Нет Опознования Номера Телефона Звонка | |
Входящий Звонок Есть , Исходящие Все Время Заняты |
В нашей базе сейчас зарегестрированно 18 353 сервиса в 513 города России, Беларусии, Казахстана и Украины.
ул. Электродная, дом 2, стр.14
Время работы
Время работы не указано
шоссе Варшавское, д. 143а стр 2
Время работы
Время работы не указано
Лубянский проезд д.15
Время работы
Ежедневно: с 1000 до 1900
Ореховый бульвар, д. 111
Время работы
Будни: с 1000 до 1900
Суббота: выходной
Воскресенье: выходной
Большой Спасоглинищевский переулок 9/1 стр.1
Время работы
Ежедневно: с 1000 до 2100
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Charge the battery for about 15 hours before initial use.
Panasonic World Wide Web address: http://www.panasonic.com
for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico
2.4GHz Digital Cordless Answering System
Model No.
Operating Instructions
Pulse-or-tone dialing capability
Caller ID Compatible
Related Manuals for Panasonic KX-TG2247S
Summary of Contents for Panasonic KX-TG2247S
Page 1
2.4GHz Digital Cordless Answering System PLEASE READ BEFORE USE AND SAVE. Charge the battery for about 15 hours before initial use. Panasonic World Wide Web address: http://www.panasonic.com for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico KX-TG2247S Model No. Pulse-or-tone dialing capability… -
Page 2: Before Initial Use
Please read IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS on page 84 before use. Read and understand all instructions. Thank you for purchasing your new Panasonic cordless telephone. Caller ID and Call Waiting Service, where available, are telephone company services. After subscribing to Caller ID, this phone will display a caller’s name and phone number.
Page 3: For Best Performance
For Best Performance Battery Charge A rechargeable Ni-Cd battery powers the handset. Charge the battery for about 15 hours before initial use (p. 14). Base Unit Location/Noise Calls are transmitted between the base unit and the handset using wireless radio waves. For maximum distance and noise-free operation, the recommended base unit location is: Away from electrical appliances such as a TV, personal computer or…
Page 4: Table Of Contents
Greeting Message…23 Programming Summary for Answering System …25 Day and Time…26 Caller’s Recording Time…28 Number of Rings …29 Cordless Telephone Making Calls …30 Answering Calls …34 Caller ID Service …35 Using the Caller List …36 Viewing the Caller List …36 Calling Back from the Caller List…38…
Page 5
Battery Replacement…73 Adding Another Phone …74 Troubleshooting …75 openLCR Service for Caller IQ Feature…80 Setting Caller IQ to OFF and ON…81 Downloading the Telephone Directory Data …82 Information Download …83 Important Safety Instructions …84 FCC and Other Information …86 Index …89… -
Page 6: Location Of Controls
Location of Controls Base unit Charge Contacts (p. 15) IN USE/CHARGE/HOLD Indicator (p. 14, 32) VOLUME (p. 23, 57) Display (p. 12) Hook (p. 70, 71) Buttons (LOCATOR/INTERCOM) (p. 51) Antenna (p. 3, 13) Button…
Page 7
(MESSAGEÒPLAYBACK/SLOW!TALK) (GREETING) Button and Indicator (ANSWERÒON) (p. 56, 60) Button (p. 24, 60) (ERASE) Button (p. 61) (MEMO) MIC (Microphone) (p. 23, 51) For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Button (p. 57) Button (p. 23) MESSAGE PLAYBACK Indicator (p. 57, 61) Button (p. -
Page 8
Location of Controls Handset Back side Speaker (p. 30) Button (p. 53) (MUTE) (FUNCTION/2WAYÒREC) Button (p. 18, 25, 40, 44, 61) Headset Jack (p. 72) (TALK) Button (p. 30, 34, 38, 68) (Speakerphone) Button (p. 31, 34, 38, 68) Button (p. 53) (TONE) (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) Button (p. -
Page 9: Displays
Displays Both the handset and the base unit show you instructions and information on the displays. These display prompts are shown below. Handset display Recharge Received calls (Handset on the base unit) Received calls (Handset off the base unit) 12 new calls =Directory Ringer off ROBINSON,TINA…
Page 10
Displays No link to base Place on cradle and try again. SMITH,JACK 1-222-333-4444 11:20A JAN10 123-456-7890 BROWN,NANCY 1-555-666-7777 —-Waiting—- Please lift up and try again. Not available The handset has lost communication with the base unit. Place the handset on the base unit and try again. -
Page 11
Directory full Save error Remote operation [Caller IQ on] Set Caller IQ to on. Download incomplete. Directory full. Download incomplete. Try again. For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) When trying to store an item or Caller List information in the directory, the directory memory is full (p. -
Page 12
Displays Base unit display FULL The clock needs adjusting (p. 26). Your greeting or memo message was not recorded correctly. Record it again (p. 23, 61). The unit is in the answering system programming mode. The speaker volume level is set to “5”. You can select: —9 levels (0–8) are available while using the answering system (p. -
Page 13: Settings
Hook Raise the antenna. •USE ONLY WITH Panasonic AC ADAPTOR PQLV1 (Order No. PQLV1Z). •The AC adaptor must remain connected at all times. (It is normal for the adaptor to feel warm during use.) •To connect a standard telephone on the same line, see page 74.
Page 14: Installing The Battery In The Handset
Settings Installing the Battery in the Handset Insert the battery into the handset as shown (#), matching the correct polarity. Press the battery down until it places into the compartment ($). When finished, close the cover. Battery Charge Place the handset on the base unit and charge for about 15 hours before initial use.
Page 15: Battery Information
•If you DO NOT recharge the handset battery for more than 15 minutes, the display will keep indicating “Recharge” and/or “ Battery information After your Panasonic battery is fully charged (p. 14): Operation While in use (TALK) While not in use (Standby) •The battery operating time may be shortened depending on usage conditions,…
Page 16: Dialing Mode
Settings Dialing Mode If you have touch tone service, set to “Tone”. If rotary or pulse service is used, set to “Pulse”. Your phone comes from the factory set to “Tone”. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 17: Line Mode
Line Mode If the line is connected to a low voltage system such as a PBX, set to “B”. Your phone comes from the factory set to “A”. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 18: Programmable Functions
Programmable Functions You can program the following function items using the handset near the base unit. The display shows the programming instructions. See the corresponding pages for function details. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 19: Auto Talk Feature
Auto Talk Feature The Auto Talk feature allows you to answer a call by lifting the handset off the base unit without pressing feature, turn the feature ON by programming. Your phone comes from the factory set to OFF. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 20: Ringer Volume
Programmable Functions Ringer Volume You can program the handset ringer volume to HIGH, LOW or OFF. If set to OFF, the handset will not ring. Your phone comes from the factory set to HIGH. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 21: Ringer Pattern
Ringer Pattern You can select the handset ringer pattern out of 6 patterns. When an incoming call is being received, the unit rings in the selected pattern. Your phone comes from the factory set to 1. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 22: Lcd Contrast
Programmable Functions LCD Contrast You can program the handset LCD contrast (5 levels). To make the handset display clearer, set to high level. Your phone comes from the factory set to level 3. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 23: Preparing The Answering System
Preparing the Answering System Greeting Message You can record a personal greeting message of up to 2 minutes. If a greeting message is not recorded, one of two pre-recorded greetings will be played when a call is received (p. 24). All messages (greeting, incoming, memo, etc.) are stored in digital memory (p.
Page 24
Preparing the Answering System To check the recorded greeting message Press (GREETING). To erase the recorded greeting message Press , and then press (GREETING) played. •The unit will answer a call with a pre-recorded greeting. Pre-recorded greeting message If you do not record a greeting message (p. 23), one of two messages will be played when a call is received, depending on the caller’s recording time (p. -
Page 25: Programming Summary For Answering System
Programming Summary for Answering System You can program the following functions using the handset near the base unit. The display shows the programming instructions. See the corresponding pages for function details. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 26: Day And Time
Preparing the Answering System Day and Time Voice Day/Time Stamp: During playback, a synthesized voice will announce the day and time that each message was recorded. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 27
•In step 6, you cannot enter numbers greater than 12. Do not use military time. (To set 13:00 hours, enter “0100”, and select “PM” by pressing (*).) If a power failure occurs, the time may be shifted. When “ on the base unit display, reprogram the current day/time. To check the day/time Repeat steps 1 to 5 on page 26. -
Page 28: Caller’s Recording Time
Preparing the Answering System Caller’s Recording Time You can select “1 minute”, “2 minutes”, “3 minutes” or “Greeting only” for the caller’s recording time. Your phone comes from the factory set to “3 minutes”. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 29: Number Of Rings
Number of Rings You can select the number of times the unit rings before the answering system answers a call, from “2” to “7” or “Toll saver” Your phone comes from the factory set to “4”. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 30: Making Calls
Making Calls Back side Speaker Press Dial a phone number. •The dialed number is displayed. •After a few seconds, the display will show the length of the call and the battery strength. To hang up, press handset on the base unit. •If the handset has lost communication with the base unit, 3 beeps sound and “No link to base Place on cradle and try again.”…
Page 31
To have a hands-free phone conversation (Using Digital Duplex Speakerphone) Press Dial a phone number. •The dialed number is displayed. •After a few seconds, the display will show the length of the call and the battery strength. When the other party answers, talk into the microphone. -
Page 32
Making Calls To dial after confirming the entered number Dial a phone number. •If you misdial, press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR). One digit is erased. Dial the correct phone number. Press To have a hands-free phone conversation, press , and when the other party answers, talk into the microphone. -
Page 33: Lighted Handset Keypad
To adjust the receiver volume (HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW) or speaker volume (6 levels) while talking To increase, press Ñ To decrease, press Ö •The display will return to the length of the call. While using •Each time you press Ö level will change among 3 levels (HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW).
Page 34: Answering Calls
Answering Calls When a call is received, the unit rings and “Incoming call” is displayed and the IN USE/CHARGE/HOLD indicator on the base unit flashes quickly. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, the calling party information will be displayed after the first ring (p. 35). In order to view the Caller ID information, please wait until the second ring to answer a call.
Page 35: Caller Id Service
Caller ID Service This unit is compatible with a Caller ID service offered by your telephone company. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, the calling party’s information will be shown on the handset after the first ring. The unit can record information of up to 30 different callers, including the time and date received and the number of times called, in the Caller List.
Page 36: Using The Caller List
Using the Caller List If you have received new calls, “Received calls” will be displayed while the unit is not in use. Handset on the base unit Received calls Viewing the Caller List To check who has called, follow the steps below. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 37
Ex. When you search from the most recent call: Press to enter the Caller List. Ö Ñ 2 new calls =Directory Press Ö SMITH,JACK 1-222-333-4444 3:10P JUN10 Press Ö BROWN,NANCY 222-3333 1:54P JUN 9 Press Ö TURNER,CINDY 1-234-456-7890 10:38A JUN 9 √ Press Ö… -
Page 38: Calling Back From The Caller List
Using the Caller List Calling Back from the Caller List Press Ö Ñ Scroll to the desired caller by pressing Ñ Press •The displayed phone number is dialed automatically. •In some cases, you may have to edit the number before dialing (p. 39). (Ex.
Page 39: Editing The Caller’s Phone Number
– Area code •The order in which patterns a–c are displayed depends on how the telephone number is displayed in step 3. After editing the number, you can continue with calling back or storing procedures. To call back, press To store the number in the directory, press instructions on the display (p.
Page 40: The Caller Id Number Auto Edit Feature
•To exit the programming mode, press (OFF). •When the feature is set to OFF, the unit will still be able to display Caller ID, like regular Caller ID telephone, but the in-coming Caller ID number will not be edited by pattern and by area codes.
Page 41: Storing Caller List Information In The Directory
Storing Caller List Information in the Directory You can store phone numbers that are in the Caller List into the directory. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. Press to enter the Caller List. Ö…
Page 42: Erasing Caller List Information
Using the Caller List Erasing Caller List Information After checking the Caller List, you can erase some or all of the entries. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. To erase a specific caller from the Caller List Press Ö…
Page 43: Directory
Directory You can store up to 50 names and phone numbers in the directory using the handset. All directory items are sorted by the first word in alphabetical order. Using the directory, you can make a call by selecting a name on the handset display.
Page 44
Directory Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) Press at “Save directory”. á •The display shows the number of stored items in the directory. Enter a name, up to 15 characters with the dialing buttons, •See the steps for entering names and symbols (p. 45). •If a name is not required, press Ö… -
Page 45: Entering Names And Symbols
Entering Names and Symbols The handset dialing buttons ( can be used to enter letters and symbols. á The letters are printed on the dialing buttons. Pressing each button selects a character as shown below. Keys & Blank To move the cursor to the left Ü…
Page 46
Directory For example, to enter “Tom Jones”: Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) Press at “Save directory”. á Press four times. Press three times, then press move the cursor to the right. Press Press twice to enter a blank. á Press four times. Press three times, then press move the cursor to the right. -
Page 47: Finding Stored Items
•You can exit the directory list any time by pressing (OFF). •If “No items stored” is displayed in step 2, the directory list is empty. For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) (OFF) Press Ö. Press Ñ. Alphabet letter Symbol Number Telephone number (If no name is stored)
Page 48: Dialing
Directory Index table Keys Other symbols, 1 A, B, C, 2 D, E, F, 3 G, H, I, 4 J, K, L, 5 Dialing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. Press Ü…
Page 49: Editing
Editing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. Press to enter the directory list. Ü á Press Ö Ñ •The first item is displayed. Scroll to the directory item you want to change by pressing á…
Page 50: Erasing
Directory Erasing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. Press Ü á Press Ö Ñ •The first item is displayed. Scroll to the directory item that you want to erase by pressing •To search for the item by initial, see page 47.
Page 51: Intercom
Intercom A 2-way intercom is possible between the handset and the base unit. Paging the base unit from the handset Handset: Press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR) Talk to the paged party after the beeps. •“Intercom” is displayed. Base unit: When the other party’s voice is heard, answer using the MIC.
Page 52
Intercom Paging the handset from the base unit (Handset locator) Using this feature, you can also locate a misplaced handset. Base unit: Press (LOCATOR/INTERCOM) •The handset beeps for 1 minute and displays “Paging Press INTERCOM”. •To stop paging, press (LOCATOR/INTERCOM) on the base unit. -
Page 53: Special Features
Each time you place the handset on the base unit, the unit automatically selects one of more than a million security codes. These codes help prevent the unauthorized use of your telephone line by another cordless telephone user. Temporary Tone Dialing…
Page 54: For Call Waiting Service Users
•The call waiting service cannot be used when: —the answering system is recording someone’s message or —a parallel connected telephone is in use. •If this function does not operate properly, consult your telephone company for details. Call Waiting Caller ID Feature Call Waiting Caller ID Feature allows your handset to display the second caller’s…
Page 55: Flash Button
—recording your conversation. Selecting the flash time The flash time depends on your telephone exchange or host PBX. You can select the following flash times: “700, 600, 400, 300, 250, 110, 100 or 90 ms (milliseconds)”. Your phone comes from the factory set to “700 ms”.
Page 56: Automatic Answering Operation
Automatic Answering Operation When the unit answers a call, a greeting message is played and the caller’s message is recorded. •The total recording time (including greeting message) is about 15 minutes. If messages are recorded in noisy rooms, the time may be shortened by up to 3 minutes.
Page 57: Listening To Messages
Listening to Messages You can see the total number of recorded messages on the base unit display. If MESSAGE PLAYBACK indicator flashes, new messages have been recorded. To play back messages, press (MESSAGE!PLAYBACK/SLOW!TALK) When you have new messages: the unit announces the number of new messages and only new messages are played back.
Page 58
Listening to Messages During playback To repeat Press •If you press within 5 seconds of playback, the previous message message will be played. To skip Press message To stop Press •To resume playback, press operation (MESSAGE!PLAYBACK/SLOW!TALK). •If you do not press any button for 60 seconds or if you press (STOP) again, the playback mode will be canceled. -
Page 59: From The Handset
From the Handset If someone else is in the room and you want to listen to the recorded messages privately, you can use the handset. Handset: Press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) •The number of new messages is heard on the handset. •“Remote operation” will be displayed. Base unit: To listen to messages: Press…
Page 60: Erasing Messages
Erasing Messages The unit will announce the remaining recording time after playback, if it is less than 5 minutes. New messages cannot be recorded when: —“Memory full” is heard. —“ ” is displayed on the base unit. FULL —the ANSWER ON indicator flashes rapidly. Erase some, or all, of the messages.
Page 61: Recording A Memo Message
•While recording your conversation, Call Waiting Caller ID feature cannot be used. Many states have imposed regulations on the manner in which 2-way telephone conversations may be recorded, so you should inform the other party that the conversation is being recorded. Consult your local telephone company for further information.
Page 62: Remote Operation From A Touch Tone Phone
Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone You can operate the answering system from any touch tone phone. A synthesized voice menu will guide you on how to operate the unit (p. 64). •To skip the voice menu and operate the unit directly, see page 66.
Page 63: Remote Code
Remote Code The remote code prevents unauthorized people from accessing your unit and listening to your messages. Choose any 2-digit number (00–99). The factory preset remote code is “11”. If you do not program your own remote code, you can use “11”. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit.
Page 64: Voice Menu
Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone Voice Menu The shaded boxes are voice prompts. Press 1 to play back all messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to play back new messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to record your message. Press 2 for other functions.
Page 65
All Message Playback All recorded messages are played back. At the end of the last message, “End of final message” is heard. The unit will announce the remaining recording time if it is less than 5 minutes. New Message Playback Only new messages are played back. -
Page 66: Direct Remote Operation
Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone Direct Remote Operation Once you have entered the remote code, you can also control your unit by direct commands instead of using the voice menu. To end the remote operation, hang up anytime. Direct commands NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK…
Page 67: Turning On The Answering System
•The answering system will turn on. Hang up or enter the remote code for other options. •When turning on the answering system using a rotary or pulse service telephone, you cannot enter the remote code for other options. Skipping the greeting message After calling your unit, press •The unit skips the rest of the greeting message and you can start recording your…
Page 68: Remote Operation With The Handset
Remote Operation with the Handset You can operate your answering system with the handset. The announcements and recorded messages can only be heard with the handset. Summary of remote operation Press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) •The number of new messages is heard. •“Remote operation” is displayed on the handset. To listen to the announcements and messages from the speaker, press •To switch back to the receiver, press…
Page 69: Direct Commands
Direct commands NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK ALL MESSAGE PLAYBACK REPEAT (During playback) SKIP (During playback) CHANGING PLAYBACK SPEED (During playback) STOP ERASING A (*) (4) SPECIFIC MESSAGE (During playback) ERASING ALL (*) (5) MESSAGES ANSWERING SYSTEM OFF ANSWERING SYSTEM ON For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) •Only new messages are played back.
Page 70: Wall Mounting
Push the hook and turn it around. Turn the hook until a click is heard. Connect the AC adaptor. Tuck the telephone line cord inside the wall mounting adaptor, then push it in the direction of the arrow. •The word “UP” should face upward.
Page 71
Connect the telephone line cord. Mount the unit, then slide down. •Raise the antenna. •Fasten the telephone line cord to prevent it from being disconnected. To charge the handset battery: Fix the charge contacts (#) and insert the hook to the handset hole ($). -
Page 72: Belt Clip
Optional Headset Plugging an optional headset into the handset allows a hands-free phone conversation. Please use only a Panasonic KX-TCA88 or KX-TCA90 headset. To order, call the accessories telephone number on page 2. Connecting an optional headset to the handset Open the headset jack cover, and connect an optional headset to the headset jack as shown below.
Page 73: Battery Replacement
Battery Replacement If “Recharge” is displayed and/or “ charged, replace the battery with a new Panasonic P-P511 (PQPP511SVC) battery. To order, call the accessories telephone number on page 2. Press the notch on the handset cover firmly and slide it as indicated by the arrow.
Page 74: Adding Another Phone
Adding Another Phone This unit will not function during a power failure. To connect a standard telephone on the same line, use the Panasonic T-adaptor KX-J66. To order, call the accessories telephone number on page 2. Standard Telephone Single-Line Telephone Jack…
Page 75: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Cordless Telephone Problem “No link to base Place on cradle and try again.” is displayed and an alarm tone sounds. Static, sound cuts in/out, fades. Interference from other electrical units. The unit does not ring. The handset display is blank.
Page 76
•Other electrical appliances connected to the same outlet may be interfering with the Caller ID information. •Telephone line noise may be affecting the Caller ID information. •Do not pause for over 60 seconds while searching. •The line mode selection is incorrect. See page 17. -
Page 77
Problem You cannot have a conversation using the headset. Answering System Problem The answering system is on, but incoming messages are not recorded. You cannot listen to the recorded messages. “ ” is displayed and the FULL ANSWER ON indicator flashes rapidly, and no new messages are recorded. -
Page 78
Troubleshooting Problem You cannot operate the answering system with the handset. While recording a greeting message, the unit starts to ring and stops recording. During playback, the unit starts to ring and stops playback. General Problem The unit does not work. You cannot program items, such as the dialing mode. -
Page 79
•Install a new battery (p. 73). ” •This is normal. •Call our customer call center at 1-800-211-PANA(7262). •Panasonic’s e-mail address for customer inquiries: consumerproducts@panasonic.com for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico ONLY •Place the handset on the base unit, lift the handset and try again. -
Page 80: Openlcr Service For Caller Iq Feature
openLCR Service for Caller IQ Feature The Caller IQ feature is compatible with service provided by openLCR. Important: • If you have any questions regarding the openLCR service, call openLCR’s customer service department at 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527). • NEITHER KYUSHU MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (KME) NOR MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA (MECA) IS IN ANY WAY AFFILIATED WITH, OR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF, OPENLCR.COM, INC.
Page 81: Setting Caller Iq To Off And On
Setting Caller IQ to OFF and ON After the first download to your phone, the Caller IQ features are automatically turned on. If you need, you can turn off Caller IQ. To set Caller IQ to OFF Press (CALLER!IQ) Press Press Press •A beep sounds and Caller IQ function is set to…
Page 82: Downloading The Telephone Directory Data
Service for Caller IQ Feature Downloading the Telephone Directory Data To edit your telephone directory, go to the openLCR web site to update your directory, and then download the data to your unit. Accessing the openLCR web site can be done from any computer with Internet access, such as your home, work, library, Internet cafe, etc.
Page 83: Information Download
•You cannot access the openLCR server if a telephone or fax machine on the same phone line is in use. •While the unit is downloading the data from openLCR, the Call Waiting Service cannot be used. Information Download This enables you to view information such as weather, lottery results and stock quotes from the LCD display on your openLCR-ready unit.
Page 84: Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions When using this unit, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or personal injury. 11. Read and understand all instructions. 12. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit. 13.
Page 85
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire or injury to persons, read and follow these instructions. 1. Use only the battery(ies) specified. 2. Do not dispose of the battery(ies) in a fire. They may explode. Check with local waste management codes for special disposal instructions. 3. -
Page 86: Fcc And Other Information
The REN is useful in determining the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the REN’s of all devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5.0).
Page 87
TVs and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV or VCR. If interference is experienced, move the cordless telephone further away from the TV or VCR. -
Page 88
If there is any trouble — disconnect the unit from the telephone line and connect a known working phone. If the known working phone operates properly, have your unit repaired by one of the authorized Panasonic Factory Service Centers. If the known working phone does not operate properly, consult your telephone company. -
Page 89: Index
H Headset, optional … 72 Hold alarm… 32 I Installation AC adaptor … 13 Adding another phone… 74 Battery…14 Telephone line cord … 13 For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Intercom call… 51 Intercom paging … 51 L LCD contrast … 22 Lighted Handset Keypad…33 Line mode …
Page 90
•Send the unit to an authorized servicenter, prepaid and adequately insured. •Do not send your unit to the Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company listed on the back cover or to executive or regional sales offices. These locations do not repair consumer products. -
Page 92
1-800-211-PANA(7262) Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company, Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Panasonic Sales Company, Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc. Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9.5, San Gabriel Industrial Park…
Panasonic KX-TG2247S
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Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 1
Preparation Cordless Telephone Answering System Useful Information 2.4GHz Digital Cordless Answering System Model No. KX-TG2247S Pulse-or-tone dialing capability Operating Instructions PLEASE READ BEFORE USE AND SAVE. Panasonic World Wide Web address: http://www.panasonic.com for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico Charge the battery for about 15 h …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 2
2 Before Initial Use Please read IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS on page 84 before use. Read and understand all instructions. Thank you for purchasing your new Panasonic cordless telephone. Attach your purchase receipt here. Caller ID and Call Waiting Service, where available, are telephone company services. After subscribing to Caller ID, this phone …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 3
3 For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) For Best Performance Battery Charge A rechargeable Ni-Cd battery powers the handset. Charge the battery for about 15 hours before initial use (p. 14). Base Unit Location/Noise Calls are transmitted between the base unit and the handset using wirele …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 4
Contents 4 Preparation Location of Controls ……………………………………………………………. 6 Displays ………………………………………………………………………………. 9 Settings ……………………………………………………………………………….13 Connections …………… …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 5
Muting Your Conversation ……………………………………………………53 For Call Waiting Service Users ……………………………………………..54 How to Use the PAUSE Button (For Analog PBX Line/Long Distance Service Users) ……………54 FLASH Button ………………………………………………………… …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 6
Location of Controls 6 Base unit …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 7
7 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) I N U N U SE/ SE/ CH CH ARG E/ E/ HOLD HOLD V O L VOL U M E UME MIC S K IP SKIP R E P E A T REPEAT ERASE M E M O MEMO S L O W SLOW T A L K TALK GREETING STOP KX-TG KX-TG 2257 2257 L O C A T O R / I N T E R C O M (REPEAT) Button (p. 58) (SKIP) Button (p. 58) (ERASE) Button (p. 24, 60) ( …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 8
8 Handset CH EDI T …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 9
9 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Displays Both the handset and the base unit show you instructions and information on the displays. These display prompts are shown below. The battery needs to be charged. Place the handset on the base unit to charge the battery (p. 15). The display shows that you have received new call …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 10
10 Displays Please lift up and try again. The handset has lost communication with the base unit. Place the handset on the base unit and try again. This is a name from the Caller List. The display shows: — the caller ’ s name, — the caller ’ s number, — the time and date of the last call (ex. Jan. 10, 11:20 AM), and — the number of times …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 11
11 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) When trying to store an item or Caller List information in the directory, the directory memory is full (p. 41, 44). While programming procedure, the handset has lost communication with the base unit. Move closer to the base unit and try again. The handset is operating the answering sy …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 12
12 Base unit display The clock needs adjusting (p. 26). Your greeting or memo message was not recorded correctly. Record it again (p. 23, 61). The unit is in the answering system programming mode. The speaker volume level is set to “ 5 ” . You can select: — 9 levels (0 –
are available while using the answering system (p. 23, 57). — 8 l …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 13
13 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Settings Connections • USE ONLY WITH Panasonic AC ADAPTOR PQLV1 (Order No. PQLV1Z). • The AC adaptor must remain connected at all times. (It is normal for the adaptor to feel warm during use.) • To connect a standard telephone on the same line, see page 74. • If your unit is c …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 14
14 Settings Battery Charge Place the handset on the base unit and charge for about 15 hours before initial use. • The IN USE/CHARGE/HOLD indicator lights and a beep sounds. Installing the Battery in the Handset …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 15
15 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Up to 11 days Operation Operating time While in use (TALK) Up to 5 hours While not in use (Standby) • The battery operating time may be shortened depending on usage conditions, such as viewing the Caller ID Caller List or directory list, and ambient temperature. • Clean the handse …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 16
16 Dialing Mode If you have touch tone service, set to “ Tone ” . If rotary or pulse service is used, set to “ Pulse ” . Your phone comes from the factory set to “ Tone ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Program ” by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 17
17 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Line Mode If the line is connected to a low voltage system such as a PBX, set to “ B ” . Your phone comes from the factory set to “ A ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Program ” …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 18
18 Programmable Functions You can program the following function items using the handset near the base unit . The display shows the programming instructions. See the corresponding pages for function details. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. During programming: *To select a desired function item, scro …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 19
19 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Auto Talk Feature The Auto Talk feature allows you to answer a call by lifting the handset off the base unit without pressing or . If you want to use this feature, turn the feature ON by programming. Your phone comes from the factory set to OFF. Make sure the unit is not being used an …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 20
20 Programmable Functions Ringer Volume You can program the handset ringer volume to HIGH, LOW or OFF. If set to OFF, the handset will not ring. Your phone comes from the factory set to HIGH. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Ringer volume ” by pressing …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 21
21 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Ringer Pattern You can select the handset ringer pattern out of 6 patterns. When an incoming call is being received, the unit rings in the selected pattern. Your phone comes from the factory set to 1. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 22
22 LCD Contrast You can program the handset LCD contrast (5 levels). To make the handset display clearer, set to high level. Your phone comes from the factory set to level 3. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Program ” by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 Press á . …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 23
23 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) To increase the volume, press VOLUME . To decrease, press VOLUME . Preparing the Answering System Greeting message sample “ Hello, this is (your name and/or number). Sorry I cannot take your call. Please leave a message after the beep. Thank you. ” Greeting Message You can record …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 24
24 Preparing the Answering System To check the recorded greeting message Press (GREETING) . To erase the recorded greeting message Press (GREETING) , and then press (ERASE) while the message is being played. • The unit will answer a call with a pre-recorded greeting. Pre-recorded greeting message If you do not record a greeting message (p. 23), o …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 25
25 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Programming Summary for Answering System You can program the following functions using the handset near the base unit. The display shows the programming instructions. See the corresponding pages for function details. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off t …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 26
26 Day and Time Voice Day/Time Stamp: During playback, a synthesized voice will announce the day and time that each message was recorded. ————— H Save directory Ringer volume Ringer pattern H Program ————— ————— H TAD program Set flash time ————— H Day and time Remote code 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll t …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 27
27 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) If a power failure occurs, the time may be shifted. When “” fl ashes on the base unit display, reprogram the current day/time. To check the day/time Repeat steps 1 to 5 on page 26. • The base unit announces the current day/time displayed on the handset. When fi nished, press ( …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 28
28 Caller’s Recording Time You can select “ 1 minute ” , “ 2 minutes ” , “ 3 minutes ” or “ Greeting only ” for the caller ’ s recording time. Your phone comes from the factory set to “ 3 minutes ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to ? …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 29
29 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Number of Rings You can select the number of times the unit rings before the answering system answers a call, from “ 2 ” to “ 7 ” or “ Toll saver ” * . Your phone comes from the factory set to “ 4 ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off t …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 30
30 1 Press . 2 Dial a phone number. • The dialed number is displayed. • After a few seconds, the display will show the length of the call and the battery strength. 3 To hang up, press (OFF) or place the handset on the base unit. • If the handset has lost communication with the base unit, 3 beeps sound and “ No link to base Place on cradle a …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 31
31 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Hands-free Digital Duplex Speakerphone For best performance, please note the following: • Talk alternately with the caller in a quiet room. • If the other party has difficulty hearing you, press Ö to decrease the speaker volume. • If the other party ’ s voice from the …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 32
32 Making Calls To dial after confirming the entered number 1 Dial a phone number. • If you misdial, press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR) . One digit is erased. Dial the correct phone number. 2 Press . OR To have a hands-free phone conversation, press , and when the other party answers, talk into the microphone. • After a few seconds, the display will …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 33
33 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) To adjust the receiver volume (HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW) or speaker volume (6 levels) while talking To increase, press Ñ . To decrease, press Ö . • The display will return to the length of the call. While using • Each time you press Ö or Ñ , the volume level will change amon …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 34
34 Answering Calls When a call is received, the unit rings and “ Incoming call ” is displayed and the IN USE/CHARGE/HOLD indicator on the base unit fl ashes quickly. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, the calling party information will be displayed after the fi rst ring (p. 35). In order to view the Caller ID information, please wait un …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 35
35 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Caller ID Service This unit is compatible with a Caller ID service offered by your telephone company. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, the calling party ’ s information will be shown on the handset after the fi rst ring. The unit can record information of up to 30 di …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 36
36 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. • The display will show, for example, the following. • You can go to the directory list by pressing á (p. 47). 2 To search from the most recent call, press Ö . To search from the oldest call, press Ñ . • To scroll between callers, press Ö or Ñ . 3 To exit the list, press (OFF) . 2 new calls G …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 37
37 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Ex. When you search from the most recent call: SMITH,JACK 1-222-333-4444 3:10P JUN10 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List . Press Ö . Press Ö . Press Ö . Press Ö . Press Ö . To return to the previous caller, press Ñ . To exit the Caller List, press (OFF) . • If there …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 38
38 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. 2 Scroll to the desired caller by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 Press or . • The displayed phone number is dialed automatically. TURNER,CINDY 1-234-456-7890 11:20A JAN12 ✕ 3 Talk 12344567890 Calling Back from the Caller List • In some cases, you may have to edit the number before dialing (p. 39). (Ex. You …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 39
39 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Editing the Caller’s Phone Number You can edit a phone number into one of 3 patterns (see below a , b , and c on this page) to call back or store it into the directory. The Caller ID Number Auto Edit Feature (p. 40) This feature will allow the unit to edit a Caller ID number …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 40
40 Using the Caller List The Caller ID Number Auto Edit Feature There are 3 patterns of phone number ( a , b , and c , p. 39). This feature allows your phone to automatically edit an in-coming Caller ID number into one pattern you preferred, and display the Caller ID number with that pattern on the handset automatically. After this feature is activ …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 41
41 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Storing Caller List Information in the Directory You can store phone numbers that are in the Caller List into the directory. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. 2 Scroll to the caller you w …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 42
42 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. 2 Scroll to the caller you want to erase from the Caller List by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 Press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR) . • A beep sounds and the information is erased. • To erase other items, repeat from step 2. • To exit the Caller List, press (OFF) . To erase all entries in the Caller List Before er …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 43
43 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) You can store up to 50 names and phone numbers in the directory using the handset. All directory items are sorted by the fi rst word in alphabetical order. Using the directory, you can make a call by selecting a name on the handset display. Storing Names and Numbers Make sure …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 44
44 Directory 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Press á at “ Save directory ”. • The display shows the number of stored items in the directory. 3 Enter a name, up to 15 characters with the dialing buttons, Ü or á . • See the steps for entering names and symbols (p. 45). • If a name is not required, press Ö ( Next key) and go to step 5. 4 …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 45
45 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) # & ’ ( ) ,–. /1 ab c A B C 2 de f D E F 3 g h iG HI 4 jklJ K L 5 mn oM N O 6 pq r sP Q R S 7 tu v T U V 8 w xyz W X Y Z 9 0 Blank To move the cursor to the left To move the cursor to the right (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (0) Ü á 123456789 1 0 1 1 Number of ti …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 46
46 For example, to enter “Tom Jones”: 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Press á at “ Save directory ” . 3 Press (8) four times. 4 Press (6) three times, then press á to move the cursor to the right. 5 Press (6) . 6 Press á twice to enter a blank. 7 Press (5) four times. 8 Press (6) three times, then press á to move the cursor to the right …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 47
47 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Finding Stored Items You can search the directory using the handset. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. • You can go to the Caller List by pressing á (p. 37). 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 48
48 Directory Directory list GF H =Caller’s list Dialing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • The fi rst item is displayed. 3 Scroll to the desired item that you want to dial by pressing Ö or Ñ . • To search for the item by initia …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 49
49 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Jane Walker 1-234-456-7890 Editing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • The fi rst item is displayed. 3 Scroll to the directory item you want to change by pressing …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 50
50 Erasing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • The fi rst item is displayed. 3 Scroll to the directory item that you want to erase by pressing Ö or Ñ . • To search for the item by initial, see page 47. 4 Press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 51
51 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Intercom A 2-way intercom is possible between the handset and the base unit. Paging the base unit from the handset 1 Handset: Press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR) . Talk to the paged party after the beeps. • “ Intercom ” is displayed. 2 Base unit: When the other party ’ s voice …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 52
52 During an intercom call: • If the handset user has difficulty hearing the base unit user, decrease the base unit speaker volume by pressing VOLUME . • If an incoming call is received, the intercom call stops and the unit starts to ring. To answer, press or . Intercom Paging the handset from the base unit (Handset locator) Using this feature, …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 53
53 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Special Features (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) (TONE) (OFF) (REDIAL/PAUSE) , , (MUTE) (FUNCTION /2WAY!REC ) Automatic Security Code Setting Each time you place the handset on the base unit, the unit automatically selects one of more than a million security codes. These codes help …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 54
54 Special Features For Call Waiting Service Users Press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) if you hear a call-waiting tone while talking. • The fi rst call is put on hold and you can answer the second call. • To return to the fi rst caller, press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) again. • The call waiting service cannot be used when: — the answering sy …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 55
55 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Flash time :700ms GF H =Save TAD program H Set flash time Set line mode Flash time :110ms Ringer pattern H Program ————— FLASH Button Pressing (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) allows you to use special features of your host PBX such as transferring an extension call or acces …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 56
56 Automatic Answering Operation When the unit answers a call, a greeting message is played and the caller’s message is recorded. • The total recording time (including greeting message) is about 15 minutes . If messages are recorded in noisy rooms, the time may be shortened by up to 3 minutes. • A maximum of 64 messages (including greeting me …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 57
57 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Listening to Messages You can see the total number of recorded messages on the base unit display. If MESSAGE PLAYBACK indicator fl ashes, new messages have been recorded. To play back messages, press (MESSAGE!PLAYBACK/SLOW!TALK) . When you have new messages: the unit announces t …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 58
Listening to Messages 58 For Caller ID service users (p. 35) During playback, when the handset is on the base unit, the handset display will show the name and/or number of the caller whose message is being played. To call back the displayed number: During playback, lift the handset and press or within 10 seconds. — The unit stops playback and aut …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 59
59 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) From the Handset If someone else is in the room and you want to listen to the recorded messages privately, you can use the handset. 1 Handset: Press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) . • The number of new messages is heard on the handset. • “ Remote operation ” will be displayed …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 60
60 Erasing Messages The unit will announce the remaining recording time after playback, if it is less than 5 minutes. New messages cannot be recorded when: —“ Memory full ” is heard. —“ ” is displayed on the base unit. — the ANSWER ON indicator fl ashes rapidly. Erase some, or all, of the messages. We recommend you erase unnecessary …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 61
61 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Recording a Memo Message You may record a personal message in memory. 1 Press (MEMO) . • A long beep sounds. 2 After the beep, talk clearly approximately 8 inches (20 cm) away from the MIC . • The base unit display shows the elapsed recording time. 3 When fi nished, press (M …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 62
62 Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone You can operate the answering system from any touch tone phone. A synthesized voice menu will guide you on how to operate the unit (p. 64). • To skip the voice menu and operate the unit directly, see page 66. Summary of remote operation Call your unit from a touch tone phone. Enter your remote code (p. …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 63
63 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) ————— H Save directory Ringer volume Ringer pattern H Program ————— ————— H TAD program Set flash time ————— H Day and time Remote code Day and time H Remote code Number of ring Remote code :11 H =Save Remote code :35 Remote Code The remote cod …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 64
64 Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone Voice Menu The shaded boxes are voice prompts. Press 1 to play back all messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to play back new messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to record your message. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to erase all messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 65
65 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) All Message Playback All recorded messages are played back. At the end of the last message, “ End of final message ” is heard. The unit will announce the remaining recording time if it is less than 5 minutes. New Message Playback Only new messages are played back. At the end …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 66
66 [ Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone Direct Remote Operation Once you have entered the remote code, you can also control your unit by direct commands instead of using the voice menu. To end the remote operation, hang up anytime. Direct commands NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK ALL MESSAGE PLAYBACK REPEAT (During playback) SKIP (During playback) CHANGI …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 67
67 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) ERASING A SPECIFIC MESSAGE (During playback) ERASING ALL MESSAGES ANSWERING SYSTEM OFF (0) • The current message is erased. • A short beep will sound and the next message will be played. • All recorded messages are erased. • A long beep sounds and “ No messages ” is h …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 68
68 Remote Operation with the Handset Voice menu If no commands are entered after you press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) , the unit will start the following voice menu. “ Press 4 to play back new messages. Press 5 to play back all messages. ” • You can enter direct commands even if the voice menu has started. You can operate your answering syste …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 69
69 Answering System Direct commands For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK ALL MESSAGE PLAYBACK REPEAT (During playback) SKIP (During playback) CHANGING PLAYBACK SPEED (During playback) STOP ERASING A SPECIFIC MESSAGE (During playback) ERASING ALL MESSAGES ANSWERING SYSTEM OFF ANSWERING SYSTEM ON (4) (5) (1) (2) (9) …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 70
70 Wall Mounting This unit can be mounted on a wall phone plate. 2 Connect the AC adaptor. 3 Tuck the telephone line cord inside the wall mounting adaptor, then push it in the direction of the arrow. • The word “UP” should face upward. 1 Push the hook and turn it around. Turn the hook until a click is heard. …
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71 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) 4 Connect the telephone line cord. Mount the unit, then slide down. • Raise the antenna. • Fasten the telephone line cord to prevent it from being disconnected. 5 To charge the handset battery: Fix the charge contacts ( # ) and insert the hook to the handset hole ( $ ). • …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 72
72 H You can hang the handset on your belt or pocket using the belt clip. To attach the belt clip To remove the belt clip Headset Jack The illustration headset is a KX-TCA88. Connecting an optional headset to the handset Open the headset jack cover, and connect an optional headset to the headset jack as shown below. …
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73 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Battery Replacement A nickel cadmium battery that is recyclable powers the product you have purchased. At the end of its useful life, under various state and local laws, it is illegal to dispose of this battery into your municipal waste stream. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for i …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 74
74 Adding Another Phone This unit will not function during a power failure. To connect a standard telephone on the same line, use the Panasonic T-adaptor KX-J66. To order, call the accessories telephone number on page 2. …
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75 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Problem “ No link to base Place on cradle and try again. ” is displayed and an alarm tone sounds. Static, sound cuts in/out, fades. Interference from other electrical units. The unit does not ring. The handset display is blank. You cannot store a name and phone number in th …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 76
76 Troubleshooting Problem The unit does not display the caller ’ s name and/or phone number. The handset display exits the Caller List. When a second call is received during a conversation, the unit does not display the new caller ’ s name and/or phone number. You cannot page the handset. You cannot redial by pressing (REDIAL/PAUSE) . You pres …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 77
77 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Problem The answering system is on, but incoming messages are not recorded. You cannot listen to the recorded messages. “” is displayed and the ANSWER ON indicator fl ashes rapidly, and no new messages are recorded. You cannot operate the answering system with the base uni …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 78
78 General Problem The unit does not work. You cannot program items, such as the dialing mode. Remedy • Check the settings (p. 13 – 17). • Charge the battery fully (p. 14). • Clean the charge contacts and charge again (p. 15). • Install the battery properly (p. 14). • Place the handset on the base unit and unplug the AC adaptor to reset …
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79 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Problem Previously programmed information is erased. “ Recharge ” is displayed, “” fl ashes or the unit beeps intermittently. You charged the battery fully, but “ Recharge ” is still displayed and/or “” continues to fl ash. The IN USE/CHARGE/ HOLD indicator li …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 80
80 openLCR Service for Caller IQ Feature The Caller IQ feature is compatible with service provided by openLCR. Important: • If you have any questions regarding the openLCR service, call openLCR’s customer service department at 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527). • NEITHER KYUSHU MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (KME) NOR MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CORPORAT …
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81 Useful Information For assistance, please call openLCR: 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527) To set Caller IQ to OFF (When Caller IQ is ON.) 1 Press (CALLER!IQ) . 2 Press (0) . 3 Press (3) . 4 Press (#) . • A beep sounds and Caller IQ function is set to OFF. • The handset will exit the programming mode. • If 3 beeps sound, Caller IQ is not set t …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 82
82 To get new Info., please press # . Download in process. Please wait. Download OK! Talk Listen & follow phone guidance. Downloading the Telephone Directory Data To edit your telephone directory, go to the openLCR web site to update your directory, and then download the data to your unit. Accessing the openLCR web site can be done from any com …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 83
83 Useful Information For assistance, please call openLCR: 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527) Ex. Weather [Caller IQ on] Press “ 1 ” or “ # ” . 1:View Info. #:Get new Info. 1:Weather 2:Lottery 3:Stock H 90 L 70 F UV 2 Dew 64 F Humidity 42% 6-28 12:58pm Fort Collins CO 78 F PartlyCldy To view information 1 Press (CALLER!IQ) . 2 Press (1) • The …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 84
84 Important Safety Instructions When using this unit, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fi re, electric shock, or personal injury. 1 1. Read and understand all instructions. 1 2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit. 1 3. Unplug this unit from AC outlets before cleaning. Do not use liquid …
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85 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fi re or injury to persons, read and follow these instructions. 1. Use only the battery(ies) speci fi ed. 2. Do not dispose of the battery(ies) in a fi re. They may explode. Check with local waste management codes for special disposal instructi …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 86
86 FCC and Other Information If requested by the telephone company, inform them as follows: Registration No. …………………………………………….(found on the bottom of the unit) Ringer Equivalence ……………………………………………………………………………….0.1B The particular telephone line to which t …
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87 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) CAUTION: Any changes or modi fi cations not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user ’ s authority to operate this device. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 88
88 FCC and Other Information • Environment — do not place the unit in a room where the temperature is less than 5 ° C (41 ° F) or greater than 40 ° C (104 ° F). Allow 10 cm (4″) clearance around the unit for proper ventilation. Avoid excessive smoke, dust, mechanical vibration, shock, or direct sunlight. • Medical — consult the man …
Panasonic KX-TG2247S — page 89
89 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Index A Accessories …………………………….. 2 Answering calls ……………………… 34 Auto talk ………………………….. 19, 34 Automatic Security Code Setting .5 3 B Backlit LCD …………………………… 33 Base location ………………… …
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90 For product service • Call 1-800-211-PANA(7262) for the location of an authorized servicenter. • Panasonic ’ s e-mail address for customer inquiries: consumerproducts@panasonic.com for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico ONLY When you ship the product • Carefully pack your unit, preferably in the original carton. • Attach a letter, det …
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Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company, Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Panasonic Sales Company, Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc. Ave. 65 de Infanter í a, Km. 9.5, San Gabriel Industrial Park Carolina, Puerto Rico 00985 If you need assistance with the set-up o …
Page 1: Panasonic KX-TG2247S
Preparation Cordless Telephone Answering System Useful Information 2.4GHz Digital Cordless Answering System Model No. KX-TG2247S Pulse-or-tone dialing capability Operating Instructions PLEASE READ BEFORE USE AND SAVE. Panasonic World Wide Web address: http://www.panasonic.com for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico Charge the battery for about 15 h[…]
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2 Before Initial Use Please read IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS on page 84 before use. Read and understand all instructions. Thank you for purchasing your new Panasonic cordless telephone. Attach your purchase receipt here. Caller ID and Call Waiting Service, where available, are telephone company services. After subscribing to Caller ID, this phone[…]
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3 For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) For Best Performance Battery Charge A rechargeable Ni-Cd battery powers the handset. Charge the battery for about 15 hours before initial use (p. 14). Base Unit Location/Noise Calls are transmitted between the base unit and the handset using wirele[…]
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Contents 4 Preparation Location of Controls ……………………………………………………………. 6 Displays ………………………………………………………………………………. 9 Settings ……………………………………………………………………………….13 Connections ……………[…]
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Muting Your Conversation ……………………………………………………53 For Call Waiting Service Users ……………………………………………..54 How to Use the PAUSE Button (For Analog PBX Line/Long Distance Service Users) ……………54 FLASH Button …………………………………………………………[…]
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Location of Controls 6 Base unit[…]
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7 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) I N U N U SE/ SE/ CH CH ARG E/ E/ HOLD HOLD V O L VOL U M E UME MIC S K IP SKIP R E P E A T REPEAT ERASE M E M O MEMO S L O W SLOW T A L K TALK GREETING STOP KX-TG KX-TG 2257 2257 L O C A T O R / I N T E R C O M (REPEAT) Button (p. 58) (SKIP) Button (p. 58) (ERASE) Button (p. 24, 60) ([…]
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8 Handset CH EDI T[…]
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9 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Displays Both the handset and the base unit show you instructions and information on the displays. These display prompts are shown below. The battery needs to be charged. Place the handset on the base unit to charge the battery (p. 15). The display shows that you have received new call[…]
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10 Displays Please lift up and try again. The handset has lost communication with the base unit. Place the handset on the base unit and try again. This is a name from the Caller List. The display shows: — the caller ’ s name, — the caller ’ s number, — the time and date of the last call (ex. Jan. 10, 11:20 AM), and — the number of times[…]
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11 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) When trying to store an item or Caller List information in the directory, the directory memory is full (p. 41, 44). While programming procedure, the handset has lost communication with the base unit. Move closer to the base unit and try again. The handset is operating the answering sy[…]
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12 Base unit display The clock needs adjusting (p. 26). Your greeting or memo message was not recorded correctly. Record it again (p. 23, 61). The unit is in the answering system programming mode. The speaker volume level is set to “ 5 ” . You can select: — 9 levels (0 –
are available while using the answering system (p. 23, 57). — 8 l[…]
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13 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Settings Connections • USE ONLY WITH Panasonic AC ADAPTOR PQLV1 (Order No. PQLV1Z). • The AC adaptor must remain connected at all times. (It is normal for the adaptor to feel warm during use.) • To connect a standard telephone on the same line, see page 74. • If your unit is c[…]
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14 Settings Battery Charge Place the handset on the base unit and charge for about 15 hours before initial use. • The IN USE/CHARGE/HOLD indicator lights and a beep sounds. Installing the Battery in the Handset[…]
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15 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Up to 11 days Operation Operating time While in use (TALK) Up to 5 hours While not in use (Standby) • The battery operating time may be shortened depending on usage conditions, such as viewing the Caller ID Caller List or directory list, and ambient temperature. • Clean the handse[…]
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16 Dialing Mode If you have touch tone service, set to “ Tone ” . If rotary or pulse service is used, set to “ Pulse ” . Your phone comes from the factory set to “ Tone ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Program ” by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 […]
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17 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Line Mode If the line is connected to a low voltage system such as a PBX, set to “ B ” . Your phone comes from the factory set to “ A ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Program ”[…]
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18 Programmable Functions You can program the following function items using the handset near the base unit . The display shows the programming instructions. See the corresponding pages for function details. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. During programming: *To select a desired function item, scro[…]
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19 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Auto Talk Feature The Auto Talk feature allows you to answer a call by lifting the handset off the base unit without pressing or . If you want to use this feature, turn the feature ON by programming. Your phone comes from the factory set to OFF. Make sure the unit is not being used an[…]
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20 Programmable Functions Ringer Volume You can program the handset ringer volume to HIGH, LOW or OFF. If set to OFF, the handset will not ring. Your phone comes from the factory set to HIGH. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Ringer volume ” by pressing […]
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21 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Ringer Pattern You can select the handset ringer pattern out of 6 patterns. When an incoming call is being received, the unit rings in the selected pattern. Your phone comes from the factory set to 1. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 […]
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22 LCD Contrast You can program the handset LCD contrast (5 levels). To make the handset display clearer, set to high level. Your phone comes from the factory set to level 3. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to “ Program ” by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 Press á .[…]
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23 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) To increase the volume, press VOLUME . To decrease, press VOLUME . Preparing the Answering System Greeting message sample “ Hello, this is (your name and/or number). Sorry I cannot take your call. Please leave a message after the beep. Thank you. ” Greeting Message You can record […]
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24 Preparing the Answering System To check the recorded greeting message Press (GREETING) . To erase the recorded greeting message Press (GREETING) , and then press (ERASE) while the message is being played. • The unit will answer a call with a pre-recorded greeting. Pre-recorded greeting message If you do not record a greeting message (p. 23), o[…]
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25 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Programming Summary for Answering System You can program the following functions using the handset near the base unit. The display shows the programming instructions. See the corresponding pages for function details. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off t[…]
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26 Day and Time Voice Day/Time Stamp: During playback, a synthesized voice will announce the day and time that each message was recorded. ————— H Save directory Ringer volume Ringer pattern H Program ————— ————— H TAD program Set flash time ————— H Day and time Remote code 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll t[…]
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27 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) If a power failure occurs, the time may be shifted. When “” fl ashes on the base unit display, reprogram the current day/time. To check the day/time Repeat steps 1 to 5 on page 26. • The base unit announces the current day/time displayed on the handset. When fi nished, press ([…]
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28 Caller’s Recording Time You can select “ 1 minute ” , “ 2 minutes ” , “ 3 minutes ” or “ Greeting only ” for the caller ’ s recording time. Your phone comes from the factory set to “ 3 minutes ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Scroll to ?[…]
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29 Preparation For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Number of Rings You can select the number of times the unit rings before the answering system answers a call, from “ 2 ” to “ 7 ” or “ Toll saver ” * . Your phone comes from the factory set to “ 4 ” . Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off t[…]
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30 1 Press . 2 Dial a phone number. • The dialed number is displayed. • After a few seconds, the display will show the length of the call and the battery strength. 3 To hang up, press (OFF) or place the handset on the base unit. • If the handset has lost communication with the base unit, 3 beeps sound and “ No link to base Place on cradle a[…]
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31 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Hands-free Digital Duplex Speakerphone For best performance, please note the following: • Talk alternately with the caller in a quiet room. • If the other party has difficulty hearing you, press Ö to decrease the speaker volume. • If the other party ’ s voice from the […]
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32 Making Calls To dial after confirming the entered number 1 Dial a phone number. • If you misdial, press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR) . One digit is erased. Dial the correct phone number. 2 Press . OR To have a hands-free phone conversation, press , and when the other party answers, talk into the microphone. • After a few seconds, the display will […]
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33 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) To adjust the receiver volume (HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW) or speaker volume (6 levels) while talking To increase, press Ñ . To decrease, press Ö . • The display will return to the length of the call. While using • Each time you press Ö or Ñ , the volume level will change amon[…]
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34 Answering Calls When a call is received, the unit rings and “ Incoming call ” is displayed and the IN USE/CHARGE/HOLD indicator on the base unit fl ashes quickly. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, the calling party information will be displayed after the fi rst ring (p. 35). In order to view the Caller ID information, please wait un[…]
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35 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Caller ID Service This unit is compatible with a Caller ID service offered by your telephone company. If you subscribe to a Caller ID service, the calling party ’ s information will be shown on the handset after the fi rst ring. The unit can record information of up to 30 di[…]
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36 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. • The display will show, for example, the following. • You can go to the directory list by pressing á (p. 47). 2 To search from the most recent call, press Ö . To search from the oldest call, press Ñ . • To scroll between callers, press Ö or Ñ . 3 To exit the list, press (OFF) . 2 new calls G[…]
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37 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Ex. When you search from the most recent call: SMITH,JACK 1-222-333-4444 3:10P JUN10 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List . Press Ö . Press Ö . Press Ö . Press Ö . Press Ö . To return to the previous caller, press Ñ . To exit the Caller List, press (OFF) . • If there[…]
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38 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. 2 Scroll to the desired caller by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 Press or . • The displayed phone number is dialed automatically. TURNER,CINDY 1-234-456-7890 11:20A JAN12 ✕ 3 Talk 12344567890 Calling Back from the Caller List • In some cases, you may have to edit the number before dialing (p. 39). (Ex. You[…]
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39 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Editing the Caller’s Phone Number You can edit a phone number into one of 3 patterns (see below a , b , and c on this page) to call back or store it into the directory. The Caller ID Number Auto Edit Feature (p. 40) This feature will allow the unit to edit a Caller ID number […]
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40 Using the Caller List The Caller ID Number Auto Edit Feature There are 3 patterns of phone number ( a , b , and c , p. 39). This feature allows your phone to automatically edit an in-coming Caller ID number into one pattern you preferred, and display the Caller ID number with that pattern on the handset automatically. After this feature is activ[…]
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41 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Storing Caller List Information in the Directory You can store phone numbers that are in the Caller List into the directory. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. 2 Scroll to the caller you w[…]
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42 1 Press Ö or Ñ to enter the Caller List. 2 Scroll to the caller you want to erase from the Caller List by pressing Ö or Ñ . 3 Press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR) . • A beep sounds and the information is erased. • To erase other items, repeat from step 2. • To exit the Caller List, press (OFF) . To erase all entries in the Caller List Before er[…]
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43 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) You can store up to 50 names and phone numbers in the directory using the handset. All directory items are sorted by the fi rst word in alphabetical order. Using the directory, you can make a call by selecting a name on the handset display. Storing Names and Numbers Make sure […]
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44 Directory 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Press á at “ Save directory ”. • The display shows the number of stored items in the directory. 3 Enter a name, up to 15 characters with the dialing buttons, Ü or á . • See the steps for entering names and symbols (p. 45). • If a name is not required, press Ö ( Next key) and go to step 5. 4[…]
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45 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) # & ’ ( ) ,–. /1 ab c A B C 2 de f D E F 3 g h iG HI 4 jklJ K L 5 mn oM N O 6 pq r sP Q R S 7 tu v T U V 8 w xyz W X Y Z 9 0 Blank To move the cursor to the left To move the cursor to the right (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (0) Ü á 123456789 1 0 1 1 Number of ti[…]
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46 For example, to enter “Tom Jones”: 1 Press (FUNCTION/2WAY!REC) . 2 Press á at “ Save directory ” . 3 Press (8) four times. 4 Press (6) three times, then press á to move the cursor to the right. 5 Press (6) . 6 Press á twice to enter a blank. 7 Press (5) four times. 8 Press (6) three times, then press á to move the cursor to the right[…]
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47 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Finding Stored Items You can search the directory using the handset. Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. • You can go to the Caller List by pressing á (p. 37). 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • […]
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48 Directory Directory list GF H =Caller’s list Dialing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • The fi rst item is displayed. 3 Scroll to the desired item that you want to dial by pressing Ö or Ñ . • To search for the item by initia[…]
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49 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Jane Walker 1-234-456-7890 Editing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • The fi rst item is displayed. 3 Scroll to the directory item you want to change by pressing[…]
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50 Erasing Make sure the unit is not being used and the handset is lifted off the base unit. 1 Press Ü or á to enter the directory list. 2 Press Ö or Ñ . • The fi rst item is displayed. 3 Scroll to the directory item that you want to erase by pressing Ö or Ñ . • To search for the item by initial, see page 47. 4 Press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR[…]
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51 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Intercom A 2-way intercom is possible between the handset and the base unit. Paging the base unit from the handset 1 Handset: Press (HOLD/INTERCOM/CLEAR) . Talk to the paged party after the beeps. • “ Intercom ” is displayed. 2 Base unit: When the other party ’ s voice […]
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52 During an intercom call: • If the handset user has difficulty hearing the base unit user, decrease the base unit speaker volume by pressing VOLUME . • If an incoming call is received, the intercom call stops and the unit starts to ring. To answer, press or . Intercom Paging the handset from the base unit (Handset locator) Using this feature,[…]
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53 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Special Features (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) (TONE) (OFF) (REDIAL/PAUSE) , , (MUTE) (FUNCTION /2WAY!REC ) Automatic Security Code Setting Each time you place the handset on the base unit, the unit automatically selects one of more than a million security codes. These codes help […]
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54 Special Features For Call Waiting Service Users Press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) if you hear a call-waiting tone while talking. • The fi rst call is put on hold and you can answer the second call. • To return to the fi rst caller, press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) again. • The call waiting service cannot be used when: — the answering sy[…]
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55 Cordless Telephone For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Flash time :700ms GF H =Save TAD program H Set flash time Set line mode Flash time :110ms Ringer pattern H Program ————— FLASH Button Pressing (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) allows you to use special features of your host PBX such as transferring an extension call or acces[…]
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56 Automatic Answering Operation When the unit answers a call, a greeting message is played and the caller’s message is recorded. • The total recording time (including greeting message) is about 15 minutes . If messages are recorded in noisy rooms, the time may be shortened by up to 3 minutes. • A maximum of 64 messages (including greeting me[…]
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57 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Listening to Messages You can see the total number of recorded messages on the base unit display. If MESSAGE PLAYBACK indicator fl ashes, new messages have been recorded. To play back messages, press (MESSAGE!PLAYBACK/SLOW!TALK) . When you have new messages: the unit announces t[…]
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Listening to Messages 58 For Caller ID service users (p. 35) During playback, when the handset is on the base unit, the handset display will show the name and/or number of the caller whose message is being played. To call back the displayed number: During playback, lift the handset and press or within 10 seconds. — The unit stops playback and aut[…]
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59 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) From the Handset If someone else is in the room and you want to listen to the recorded messages privately, you can use the handset. 1 Handset: Press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) . • The number of new messages is heard on the handset. • “ Remote operation ” will be displayed[…]
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60 Erasing Messages The unit will announce the remaining recording time after playback, if it is less than 5 minutes. New messages cannot be recorded when: —“ Memory full ” is heard. —“ ” is displayed on the base unit. — the ANSWER ON indicator fl ashes rapidly. Erase some, or all, of the messages. We recommend you erase unnecessary […]
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61 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Recording a Memo Message You may record a personal message in memory. 1 Press (MEMO) . • A long beep sounds. 2 After the beep, talk clearly approximately 8 inches (20 cm) away from the MIC . • The base unit display shows the elapsed recording time. 3 When fi nished, press (M[…]
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62 Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone You can operate the answering system from any touch tone phone. A synthesized voice menu will guide you on how to operate the unit (p. 64). • To skip the voice menu and operate the unit directly, see page 66. Summary of remote operation Call your unit from a touch tone phone. Enter your remote code (p. […]
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63 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) ————— H Save directory Ringer volume Ringer pattern H Program ————— ————— H TAD program Set flash time ————— H Day and time Remote code Day and time H Remote code Number of ring Remote code :11 H =Save Remote code :35 Remote Code The remote cod[…]
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64 Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone Voice Menu The shaded boxes are voice prompts. Press 1 to play back all messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to play back new messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to record your message. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to erase all messages. Press 2 for other functions. Press 1 to[…]
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65 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) All Message Playback All recorded messages are played back. At the end of the last message, “ End of final message ” is heard. The unit will announce the remaining recording time if it is less than 5 minutes. New Message Playback Only new messages are played back. At the end[…]
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66 [ Remote Operation from a Touch Tone Phone Direct Remote Operation Once you have entered the remote code, you can also control your unit by direct commands instead of using the voice menu. To end the remote operation, hang up anytime. Direct commands NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK ALL MESSAGE PLAYBACK REPEAT (During playback) SKIP (During playback) CHANGI[…]
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67 Answering System For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) ERASING A SPECIFIC MESSAGE (During playback) ERASING ALL MESSAGES ANSWERING SYSTEM OFF (0) • The current message is erased. • A short beep will sound and the next message will be played. • All recorded messages are erased. • A long beep sounds and “ No messages ” is h[…]
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68 Remote Operation with the Handset Voice menu If no commands are entered after you press (FLASH/CALL!WAIT/PLAYBACK) , the unit will start the following voice menu. “ Press 4 to play back new messages. Press 5 to play back all messages. ” • You can enter direct commands even if the voice menu has started. You can operate your answering syste[…]
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69 Answering System Direct commands For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) NEW MESSAGE PLAYBACK ALL MESSAGE PLAYBACK REPEAT (During playback) SKIP (During playback) CHANGING PLAYBACK SPEED (During playback) STOP ERASING A SPECIFIC MESSAGE (During playback) ERASING ALL MESSAGES ANSWERING SYSTEM OFF ANSWERING SYSTEM ON (4) (5) (1) (2) (9) […]
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70 Wall Mounting This unit can be mounted on a wall phone plate. 2 Connect the AC adaptor. 3 Tuck the telephone line cord inside the wall mounting adaptor, then push it in the direction of the arrow. • The word “UP” should face upward. 1 Push the hook and turn it around. Turn the hook until a click is heard.[…]
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71 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) 4 Connect the telephone line cord. Mount the unit, then slide down. • Raise the antenna. • Fasten the telephone line cord to prevent it from being disconnected. 5 To charge the handset battery: Fix the charge contacts ( # ) and insert the hook to the handset hole ( $ ). •[…]
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72 H You can hang the handset on your belt or pocket using the belt clip. To attach the belt clip To remove the belt clip Headset Jack The illustration headset is a KX-TCA88. Connecting an optional headset to the handset Open the headset jack cover, and connect an optional headset to the headset jack as shown below.[…]
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73 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Battery Replacement A nickel cadmium battery that is recyclable powers the product you have purchased. At the end of its useful life, under various state and local laws, it is illegal to dispose of this battery into your municipal waste stream. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for i[…]
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74 Adding Another Phone This unit will not function during a power failure. To connect a standard telephone on the same line, use the Panasonic T-adaptor KX-J66. To order, call the accessories telephone number on page 2.[…]
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75 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Problem “ No link to base Place on cradle and try again. ” is displayed and an alarm tone sounds. Static, sound cuts in/out, fades. Interference from other electrical units. The unit does not ring. The handset display is blank. You cannot store a name and phone number in th[…]
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76 Troubleshooting Problem The unit does not display the caller ’ s name and/or phone number. The handset display exits the Caller List. When a second call is received during a conversation, the unit does not display the new caller ’ s name and/or phone number. You cannot page the handset. You cannot redial by pressing (REDIAL/PAUSE) . You pres[…]
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77 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Problem The answering system is on, but incoming messages are not recorded. You cannot listen to the recorded messages. “” is displayed and the ANSWER ON indicator fl ashes rapidly, and no new messages are recorded. You cannot operate the answering system with the base uni[…]
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78 General Problem The unit does not work. You cannot program items, such as the dialing mode. Remedy • Check the settings (p. 13 – 17). • Charge the battery fully (p. 14). • Clean the charge contacts and charge again (p. 15). • Install the battery properly (p. 14). • Place the handset on the base unit and unplug the AC adaptor to reset[…]
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79 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Problem Previously programmed information is erased. “ Recharge ” is displayed, “” fl ashes or the unit beeps intermittently. You charged the battery fully, but “ Recharge ” is still displayed and/or “” continues to fl ash. The IN USE/CHARGE/ HOLD indicator li[…]
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80 openLCR Service for Caller IQ Feature The Caller IQ feature is compatible with service provided by openLCR. Important: • If you have any questions regarding the openLCR service, call openLCR’s customer service department at 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527). • NEITHER KYUSHU MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (KME) NOR MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CORPORAT[…]
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81 Useful Information For assistance, please call openLCR: 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527) To set Caller IQ to OFF (When Caller IQ is ON.) 1 Press (CALLER!IQ) . 2 Press (0) . 3 Press (3) . 4 Press (#) . • A beep sounds and Caller IQ function is set to OFF. • The handset will exit the programming mode. • If 3 beeps sound, Caller IQ is not set t[…]
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82 To get new Info., please press # . Download in process. Please wait. Download OK! Talk Listen & follow phone guidance. Downloading the Telephone Directory Data To edit your telephone directory, go to the openLCR web site to update your directory, and then download the data to your unit. Accessing the openLCR web site can be done from any com[…]
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83 Useful Information For assistance, please call openLCR: 1-866-openLCR (1-866-673-6527) Ex. Weather [Caller IQ on] Press “ 1 ” or “ # ” . 1:View Info. #:Get new Info. 1:Weather 2:Lottery 3:Stock H 90 L 70 F UV 2 Dew 64 F Humidity 42% 6-28 12:58pm Fort Collins CO 78 F PartlyCldy To view information 1 Press (CALLER!IQ) . 2 Press (1) • The[…]
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84 Important Safety Instructions When using this unit, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fi re, electric shock, or personal injury. 1 1. Read and understand all instructions. 1 2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit. 1 3. Unplug this unit from AC outlets before cleaning. Do not use liquid[…]
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85 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fi re or injury to persons, read and follow these instructions. 1. Use only the battery(ies) speci fi ed. 2. Do not dispose of the battery(ies) in a fi re. They may explode. Check with local waste management codes for special disposal instructi[…]
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86 FCC and Other Information If requested by the telephone company, inform them as follows: Registration No. …………………………………………….(found on the bottom of the unit) Ringer Equivalence ……………………………………………………………………………….0.1B The particular telephone line to which t[…]
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87 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) CAUTION: Any changes or modi fi cations not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user ’ s authority to operate this device. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to[…]
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88 FCC and Other Information • Environment — do not place the unit in a room where the temperature is less than 5 ° C (41 ° F) or greater than 40 ° C (104 ° F). Allow 10 cm (4″) clearance around the unit for proper ventilation. Avoid excessive smoke, dust, mechanical vibration, shock, or direct sunlight. • Medical — consult the man[…]
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89 Useful Information For assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262) Index A Accessories …………………………….. 2 Answering calls ……………………… 34 Auto talk ………………………….. 19, 34 Automatic Security Code Setting .5 3 B Backlit LCD …………………………… 33 Base location …………………[…]
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90 For product service • Call 1-800-211-PANA(7262) for the location of an authorized servicenter. • Panasonic ’ s e-mail address for customer inquiries: consumerproducts@panasonic.com for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico ONLY When you ship the product • Carefully pack your unit, preferably in the original carton. • Attach a letter, det[…]
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Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company, Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Panasonic Sales Company, Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc. Ave. 65 de Infanter í a, Km. 9.5, San Gabriel Industrial Park Carolina, Puerto Rico 00985 If you need assistance with the set-up o[…]