Powerbreathe тренажер для дыхания инструкция по применению

POWERbreathe has a range of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) devices that are designed to strengthen your breathing muscles, reduce breathing fatigue and improve your quality of life. We offer breathing trainers with different resistance levels to suit specific needs.

Read our guide to learn how POWERbreathe IMT works.

  • How does the breathing trainer strengthen your muscles?
  • How to use your POWERbreathe IMT device
  • How often do you need to use the breathing trainer?
  • Who is the breathing trainer for?
  • When will you begin to see results?
  • Will you need to train forever?

  • How does the breathing trainer strengthen your muscles?

    The POWERbreathe breathing trainer strengthens your inspiratory muscles using a technique called resistance training. Your inspiratory muscles are the muscles you use to breathe in.

    The device creates a resistance to your in-breath, which makes your breathing muscles work harder. Think of it in the same way as you might use weighted dumbbells to strengthen your biceps. This is why POWERbreathe IMT is often referred to as the ‘dumbbell for your diaphragm’.

    When performing breathing training with POWERbreathe, you’ll notice that you have to work harder to breathe in. This is the effect of the resistance training acting on the breathing muscles you use to inhale. Primarily, these muscles are the diaphragm, your main breathing muscle, and the rib cage/intercostal muscles.

    Just as you would use a heavier dumbbell as your bicep strength improves, you can increase the resistance on the breathing device as your breathing strength improves.

    As you can see from the video, breathing training focuses on strengthening your diaphragm rather than your lungs. This is because your lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs, and not muscle, and therefore cannot be strengthened.

  • How to use your POWERbreathe IMT device

    Our Plus and Classic breathing trainers require you to manually change the level of resistance. In comparison, the K-Series automatically adjusts the load to match your breath using tapered flow resistance.

    Using your POWERbreathe IMT device is simple. Make sure you breathe out fully and evacuate all the air from your lungs before taking a sharp intake of breath through the device. Repeat this for 30 breaths.

    Adjust the load to match your breath with Plus & Classic range

    For our Plus and Classic range, we recommend that you start at the lowest resistance and only move up a level once you feel comfortable. As you grow stronger and fitter, the resistance may stop challenging you. This indicates it’s time to increase the resistance.

    To adjust the resistance of your Plus device, twist the wheel at the bottom of the breathing trainer. You will be able to see the valve move up the column, and you can read the precise training level on the device.

    To adjust the resistance of your Classic device, remove the handle cover and rotate the load adjustment knob clockwise to increase the training level.

    We suggest turning up the resistance by a quarter of a turn until you can easily manage 30 breaths again.

    On the electronic K-Series, the resistance is constantly monitored and tapered to match your reducing strength throughout the breath. So, the device decides on the best training level based on your breathing.

  • How often do you need to use the breathing trainer?

    You should use your breathing trainer for 30 breaths, twice a day – preferably in the morning and evening.

    Following scientific testing, the POWERbreathe protocol was established. This highlights the best way to use your breathing device to produce the desired results.

  • Who is the breathing trainer for?

    Put simply, breathing training is for anyone who breathes since everyone will benefit from stronger breathing muscles.

    POWERbreathe IMT devices are popular amongst three main groups: sport & fitness enthusiasts, people with health conditions, and those working in the performing arts. We’ll take a closer look at how breathing training benefits these individuals.

    Sport & Fitness

    Whether you want to get fit or enhance your sports performance, improving the strength and stamina of your breathing muscles will make exercise feel easier.

    As a result, you will be able to do more, or train more, with less effort. Furthermore, stronger breathing muscles will help delay the onset of metaboreflex – the body’s built-in brake. With a well-trained and strong diaphragm there is greater blood flow to your limbs, and sports performance improves. In fact, there are many benefits of IMT in sport and fitness.

    Older adults & people with medical conditions

    Our IMT devices are also ideal for those with breathing muscle weakness, such as breathlessness. This may be due to a sedentary lifestyle, advancing age or a medical condition such as COPD or heart failure.

    Using IMT, your breathing muscles will become stronger and resistant to fatigue. As a result, these muscles will require less effort during a given task, reducing shortness of breath. Research has found many more benefits of IMT for health and medical conditions.

    Singers, musicians & dancers

    Breath control is essential to perform at your best in all of the performing arts. Exercising your breathing muscles with POWERbreathe will improve their strength. And the stronger your muscles are, the more you’re able to control them.

    With a stronger diaphragm, you will be in a better position to control the movement of your thoracic cavity whilst singing, dancing, or playing a wind instrument. Research shows many benefits of IMT for singers, musicians and dancers.

  • When will you begin to see results?

    After 4-6 weeks.

    To see results, you need to be consistent in your training program. Follow the protocol of 30 breaths twice a day, and you should feel less breathless during activity. At this stage, scientific research shows that you no longer need to use the breathing trainer every day to maintain your improved breathing.

    Once you have reached the peak of your ability, use your POWERbreathe device twice every other day to enjoy reduced breathlessness and improved exercise performance.

  • Will you need to train forever?

    After four to six weeks your breathing muscles should have improved substantially and you should feel less breathless during activity. At this stage, you will not need to use your POWERbreathe IMT breathing device every day to maintain your improved breathing. Rather, using your POWERbreathe IMT device twice every other day will be sufficient to continue to enjoy reduced breathlessness and improved exercise performance.

  • POWERbreathe K Series Manual

    1. Manuals
    2. Brands
    3. POWERbreathe Manuals
    4. Fitness Equipment
    5. K-Series
    6. Manual

    • Contents

    • Table of Contents

    • Troubleshooting

    • Bookmarks

    Quick Links

    The world’s 1st intelligent

    digital breathing trainer


    W I T H



    L I V E F E E D B A C K S O F T W A R E



    Related Manuals for POWERbreathe K Series

    • Personal Care Products POWERbreathe K-Series Quick Start Manual

    Summary of Contents for POWERbreathe K Series

    • Page 1
      The world’s 1st intelligent digital breathing trainer W I T H L I V E F E E D B A C K S O F T W A R E…
    • Page 2
      Large text version available at powerbreathe.com…
    • Page 3: Table Of Contents

      Contents 8. After Training …………20 1. Product Description ……….2 8.1 Viewing Training Results………………..…..20 2. Introduction ………….. 3 8.2 Deleting Training Session Results ….. 21 3. Precautions ………….. 4 8.3 About the Training Results …….. 22 4. Quick Start Guide …………. 6 9.

    • Page 4: Product Description

      1. Product Description Mouthpiece USB Cable Air Inlet Valve Head Valve Head POWERbreathe POWERbreathe K4 Handset K4 Handset LCD Screen Charging LED Charge Socket Nose Clip Cradle Mains USB Charger (EU Version Shown)

    • Page 5: Introduction

      The POWERbreathe K4 training regime of 30 breaths, twice a day typically takes only a few minutes a day and, used properly, you should start to feel the benefits within just a few weeks. The POWERbreathe K4 can also be used to warm-up and cool-down the breathing muscles before and after exercise.

    • Page 6: Precautions

      3. Precautions The POWERbreathe K4 is suitable for almost anyone and will cause no harmful side effects when used properly. Please read the following precautions to ensure that you use your POWERbreathe K4 safely and appropriately. Contraindications: Caution: Inspiratory muscle training, such as training with POWERbreathe, creates a • If you feel light headed or dizzy whilst training with POWERbreathe, slow…

    • Page 7
      If you have any doubts about the suitability of POWERbreathe for you, or you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor. Handling: • Do not drop, disassemble, open, crush, bend, deform, puncture,…
    • Page 8: Quick Start Guide

      4. Quick Start Guide The quick start section is provided for quick reference only. We recommend that you read the full manual before starting training for the first time. 2. Power on 3. Start the training mode 1. Recharge Press and hold the button for Ensure that the mouthpiece and valve head Plug in the mini-USB charger provided.

    • Page 9
      (you may ) using the button, then press leave on a clean towel to dry. remove the POWERbreathe from your mouth to view the highlighted result See section 11.1 for detailed cleaning during exhalation if you prefer). Repeat for 30 See section 8.1 for detailed information on…
    • Page 10: Basics

      5. Basics 5.1 Charging Remove the POWERbreathe K4 and power adapter from the packaging. For portable use, recharge your POWERbreathe K4 by following the instructions below. Alternatively, the POWERbreathe K4 may be used whilst connected to the mains using the power/charge adapter provided. 4. Once the red charging light has switched off (up to 16 hours), 1. Plug the USB cable into the adapter remove the power adapter from the wall socket and from the base of and then plug the adapter into a suitable the unit.

    • Page 11: Buttons And Display Symbols

      Scroll Battery Fully Charged On /Select Charge Battery Empty Mains Power Connected To switch on your POWERbreathe K4, press and hold button for 1 second or more. To turn off your POWERbreathe K4 scroll to the option under the Number of breaths remaining screen using the button and select by pressing in current breathing session button.

    • Page 12: Menu System

      5.3 Menu System POWERbreathe K4 uses an LCD menu system to navigate between different settings and to view training results. Use the button to move between different options and use the button to select the highlighted option. Scroll past the last option within a screen using the button in order to return to the previous screen.

    • Page 13: Before Training

      6.2 Setting Training Load The POWERbreathe K4 creates a resistance to inhalation (or load) that is equivalent to weight training for the muscles used to breathe (primarily the diaphragm and ribcage muscles). As with any other form of weight training, the POWERbreathe K4 resistance must be set at a level appropriate to the user in order to train these muscles effectively.

    • Page 14: Automatic Set-Up

      Automatic set-up of this load takes place during the first two breaths of each training session. During these breaths there is no load and you should breathe in as quickly and as fully as possible to ensure that the POWERbreathe K4 can measure your maximum breathing capability –…

    • Page 15: Manual Set-Up

      Increase the training load by pressing the button (press and hold to scroll rapidly, scroll past the maximum of 200cmH O to start again). Press Press Press to increase or to select then press decrease load to scroll intensity. to manual When using the manual set-up method it may take some time to find your ideal training level. Try gradually increasing the load by around 5 to 10cmH O each time you train with the POWERbreathe until you reach a level at which you can only just complete a full session of 30 breaths. Over time, as your breathing muscles strengthen, you will find that it becomes easier to complete 30 breaths at this level. Each time this happens, increase the training level by about 5cmH O to maintain the training intensity.

    • Page 16: Pacing Your Breathing

      6.5 Pacing Your Breathing POWERbreathe is equipped with an adaptive pacing guidance This feature is for guidance only. If you feel dizzy or feature, which is intended to guide the user to breathe at an light-headed, try and slow down your breathing or appropriate rate (see also section 7.3 Breathing Technique). This is…

    • Page 17: Disabling Pacing Guidance

      6.6 Disabling Pacing Guidance: If you are happy to regulate your own breathing patterns during a training session you may wish to disable the pacing guidance feature. In order to do this, navigate to the screen and select by following the button sequence below: Press Press Press…

    • Page 18: Training

      POWERbreathe K4 variable loading, which changes during the breath in order to match the changes in breathing muscle strength. The recommended POWERbreathe training routine consists of 30 breaths, twice a day (once in the morning and once in the evening).

    • Page 19: Holding The Device Correctly

      7.2 Holding the Device Correctly Make sure you are standing or sitting upright and feel relaxed. Hold the device with your hand cupped around the lower rear section of the device, with your fingers and thumb on the coloured rubber grips. Make sure that your hand doesn’t cover the air inlet.

    • Page 20: Breathing Technique

      7.3 Breathing Technique Breathe in as hard, as fast and as deeply Breathe out slowly as possible Now breathe out slowly and passively through your mouth until your lungs feel completely empty, letting the muscles in your Breathe out as far as you can, then take a fast, forceful breath in chest and shoulders relax.

    • Page 21: Using The Nose-Clip

      To quit the training session, press then select by pressing the button again. Once you have completed 30 breaths the POWERbreathe K4 will beep to indicate the end of the session and the valve will open. 7.5 Maintaining Your Breathing Press After four to six weeks of training for 30 breaths, twice a day, your…

    • Page 22: After Training

      8.1 Viewing Training Results The POWERbreathe K4 Results system provides feedback on your respiratory training sessions. Using these results you can monitor your training progress, allowing you to optimise your training sessions and to meet your training targets. To view training results, select…

    • Page 23: Deleting Training Session Results

      8.2 Deleting training session results Individual training session results may be deleted whilst in the graphical results display screen. Scroll to the session number that you wish to delete using the button, press and hold the button for at least 3 seconds then select to delete the results for that session. Press Press Press and hold…

    • Page 24: About The Training Results

      8.3 About the Training Results (LOAD)is a measure of the resistance to inhalation and is equivalent to the ‘weight lifted’ or force exerted by the inspiratory muscles. Load is measured in units of cmH O, a unit of pressure commonly used in respiratory medicine to represent the pressure generated in the lungs due to Highest Load the force of the inspiratory muscles.

    • Page 25
      (VOLUME) indicates the average amount of air inhaled per breath during a training session. A higher value of volume indicates that you are breathing deeply and training the Average volume inspiratory muscles across their full range of movement. Try to inhale as deeply as possible for inhaled per breath each breath of the training session in order to maximise this value.
    • Page 26: Modes

      Once you have completed the breath, the POWERbreathe K4 will beep to indicate that the test is complete and you can remove the POWERbreathe K4 from your mouth. The test results menu will automatically be displayed once you have completed the test. Use the…

    • Page 27: About The Test Results

      9.2 About the Test Results: Strength index) is a measure of your inspiratory muscle strength. Your strength index result is rated (V. Poor to Excellent) based upon predicted normal values of inspiratory muscle strength for an individual of your age, height, weight and gender. This is calculated using the profile data (section 6.1). As you continue Strength Index to train your inspiratory muscles over a period of weeks you should see improvements in your S-Index result.

    • Page 28: Warm-Up Mode

      Research has shown that a normal pre-exercise warm-up routine neglects to warm-up the breathing muscles, leading to excessive breathlessness during the start of exercise. The POWERbreathe K4 can be used to specifically warm-up these muscles prior to exercise using a reduced load setting leading to improved exercise performance.

    • Page 29: Cool-Down Mode

      During exercise, lactic acid accumulates in the tissues and blood, leading to discomfort and muscle fatigue. Research shows that breathing against a light resistance following exercise reduces lactic acid more rapidly (by up to 16%), aiding recovery and enhancing performance during subsequent exercise.. The POWERbreathe K4 cool-down session consists of 60 breaths against a low level load. Select from the menu to begin an inspiratory muscle cool-down session. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply during the cool-down session until you have completed 60 breaths.

    • Page 30: Pc Connection And Software Installation

      10. PC Connection and Software Installation The POWERbreathe K4 Breathe-Link software allows you to view live training and test data and record your training progress. Please follow the instructions below to install the software and connect your POWERbreathe K4. • Insert the POWERbreathe Breathe-Link software installation disk into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.

    • Page 31: Care And Maintenance

      11. Care and Maintenance POWERbreathe K4 is designed to be as robust and durable as possible. With a little care, your POWERbreathe K4 should last a long time. Please read the following precautions to ensure that your POWERbreathe K4 remains in top condition: 11.1 Cleaning…

    • Page 32: Blocked Valve Head

      Please store your POWERbreathe K4 at a temperature between -10°C and 60°C. Please Shake off excess water and leave on a clean store your POWERbreathe K4 in the storage pouch provided or a suitable clean and hygienic towel to dry. container. Always make sure that your POWERbreathe K4 is dry before storage.

    • Page 33: Technical Specifications

      12. Technical Specifications Charge indicator: ……..Red LED during charging Load display: ……… 5 to 200cmH Training session counter ……up to 999 sessions Battery Life: ……….. Approx 60mins in Graphical load display: ……Last 36 sessions training mode Battery: ……….3x AAA NiMH rechargeable Power display: ……..0 to 99.9 Watts Graphical power display: …….

    • Page 34
      Note: Materials are compliant with regards to composition, additives and properties, where applicable, in accordance with the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC Essential Requirements (Annex 1) Precedes the batch number of the device. Available POWERbreathe Accessories: — Additional Valve Heads The first four integers of the LOT number — Cleansing Tablets…
    • Page 35: Disposal

      Disposal of the battery: The built-in, rechargeable POWERbreathe battery pack contains substances that may pollute the environment. Please remove the battery pack as described below before you discard the product at an official collection point. Dispose of the batteries separately at a battery recycling point.

    • Page 36: About Inspiratory Muscle Training

      This increase in respiration may occur at very low levels of exercise in individuals whose breathing is impaired (e.g. through respiratory The POWERbreathe K4 uses the principle of resistance training to illness). train the inspiratory muscles. It creates a resistance to inhalation,…

    • Page 37: Troubleshooting And Faqs

      POWERbreathe K4 sets your training load based upon the speed 3. The POWERbreathe K4 will not switch on. and depth of your inhalation during the first two breaths of the 4. The POWERbreathe K4 is switched on but will not respond to any session. The harder you inhale during these breaths, the higher button presses.

    • Page 38
      4. The POWERbreathe K4 is switched on but will not respond 8. How often should I clean the valve head? to any button presses. The valve head should be cleaned after every training session in Press and hold the buttons simultaneously for at least 3 order to maintain hygiene and effective operation.
    • Page 39
      POWERbreathe K4, you may find that your results vary widely 16. How is strength Index calculated? between different training sessions. As you get used to the action of Strength index is a measure of inspiratory muscle strength that inhaling against a resistance with maximum effort, you should find is based upon the maximum flow of inhaled air that the user can that your results become more consistent and controllable.
    • Page 40: Warranty

      The warranties contained herein are expressly in lieu of any This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights. The purchaser other warranties including implied warranty of merchantability may also have other statutory rights. POWERbreathe International Ltd. and / or fit for purpose. hereby warrants to the original purchaser whose name shall be duly registered with the company, that the product sold by it is free from manufacturing defects in material and/or workmanship.

    • Page 41: Customer Service Contact

      17. Customer Service Contact If you need to send your POWERbreathe K4 to an official service centre, please refer to the contact information below. To help us to provide a better service, please include a description of the reason for returning the unit. Please also include proof of purchase. We recommend that returns are sent by recorded delivery.

    • Page 44
      For International enquiries, please visit our website for your local distributor: www.powerbreathe.com POWERbreathe is not a toy. This product is designed to be used for breathing exercises only. Any other use is not recommended. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

    This manual is also suitable for:



    Тренировка мощного дыхания – как это работает

    Дыхательный тренажер POWERbreathe – это устройство для тренировки респираторных дыхательных мышц на вдохе. POWERbreathe – это научно доказанный дыхательный тренажер, который полезен пациентам с респираторными заболеваниями, здоровым людям, а также спортсменам на всех уровнях соревнований, включая олимпийцев.

    Что такое тренировка дыхательных мышц?

  • How does the breathing trainer strengthen your muscles?

    The POWERbreathe breathing trainer strengthens your inspiratory muscles using a technique called resistance training. Your inspiratory muscles are the muscles you use to breathe in.

    The device creates a resistance to your in-breath, which makes your breathing muscles work harder. Think of it in the same way as you might use weighted dumbbells to strengthen your biceps. This is why POWERbreathe IMT is often referred to as the ‘dumbbell for your diaphragm’.

    When performing breathing training with POWERbreathe, you’ll notice that you have to work harder to breathe in. This is the effect of the resistance training acting on the breathing muscles you use to inhale. Primarily, these muscles are the diaphragm, your main breathing muscle, and the rib cage/intercostal muscles.

    Just as you would use a heavier dumbbell as your bicep strength improves, you can increase the resistance on the breathing device as your breathing strength improves.

    As you can see from the video, breathing training focuses on strengthening your diaphragm rather than your lungs. This is because your lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs, and not muscle, and therefore cannot be strengthened.

  • How to use your POWERbreathe IMT device

    Our Plus and Classic breathing trainers require you to manually change the level of resistance. In comparison, the K-Series automatically adjusts the load to match your breath using tapered flow resistance.

    Using your POWERbreathe IMT device is simple. Make sure you breathe out fully and evacuate all the air from your lungs before taking a sharp intake of breath through the device. Repeat this for 30 breaths.

    Adjust the load to match your breath with Plus & Classic range

    For our Plus and Classic range, we recommend that you start at the lowest resistance and only move up a level once you feel comfortable. As you grow stronger and fitter, the resistance may stop challenging you. This indicates it’s time to increase the resistance.

    To adjust the resistance of your Plus device, twist the wheel at the bottom of the breathing trainer. You will be able to see the valve move up the column, and you can read the precise training level on the device.

    To adjust the resistance of your Classic device, remove the handle cover and rotate the load adjustment knob clockwise to increase the training level.

    We suggest turning up the resistance by a quarter of a turn until you can easily manage 30 breaths again.

    On the electronic K-Series, the resistance is constantly monitored and tapered to match your reducing strength throughout the breath. So, the device decides on the best training level based on your breathing.

  • How often do you need to use the breathing trainer?

    You should use your breathing trainer for 30 breaths, twice a day – preferably in the morning and evening.

    Following scientific testing, the POWERbreathe protocol was established. This highlights the best way to use your breathing device to produce the desired results.

  • Who is the breathing trainer for?

    Put simply, breathing training is for anyone who breathes since everyone will benefit from stronger breathing muscles.

    POWERbreathe IMT devices are popular amongst three main groups: sport & fitness enthusiasts, people with health conditions, and those working in the performing arts. We’ll take a closer look at how breathing training benefits these individuals.

    Sport & Fitness

    Whether you want to get fit or enhance your sports performance, improving the strength and stamina of your breathing muscles will make exercise feel easier.

    As a result, you will be able to do more, or train more, with less effort. Furthermore, stronger breathing muscles will help delay the onset of metaboreflex – the body’s built-in brake. With a well-trained and strong diaphragm there is greater blood flow to your limbs, and sports performance improves. In fact, there are many benefits of IMT in sport and fitness.

    Older adults & people with medical conditions

    Our IMT devices are also ideal for those with breathing muscle weakness, such as breathlessness. This may be due to a sedentary lifestyle, advancing age or a medical condition such as COPD or heart failure.

    Using IMT, your breathing muscles will become stronger and resistant to fatigue. As a result, these muscles will require less effort during a given task, reducing shortness of breath. Research has found many more benefits of IMT for health and medical conditions.

    Singers, musicians & dancers

    Breath control is essential to perform at your best in all of the performing arts. Exercising your breathing muscles with POWERbreathe will improve their strength. And the stronger your muscles are, the more you’re able to control them.

    With a stronger diaphragm, you will be in a better position to control the movement of your thoracic cavity whilst singing, dancing, or playing a wind instrument. Research shows many benefits of IMT for singers, musicians and dancers.

  • When will you begin to see results?

    After 4-6 weeks.

    To see results, you need to be consistent in your training program. Follow the protocol of 30 breaths twice a day, and you should feel less breathless during activity. At this stage, scientific research shows that you no longer need to use the breathing trainer every day to maintain your improved breathing.

    Once you have reached the peak of your ability, use your POWERbreathe device twice every other day to enjoy reduced breathlessness and improved exercise performance.

  • Will you need to train forever?

    After four to six weeks your breathing muscles should have improved substantially and you should feel less breathless during activity. At this stage, you will not need to use your POWERbreathe IMT breathing device every day to maintain your improved breathing. Rather, using your POWERbreathe IMT device twice every other day will be sufficient to continue to enjoy reduced breathlessness and improved exercise performance.

  • POWERbreathe K Series Manual

    1. Manuals
    2. Brands
    3. POWERbreathe Manuals
    4. Fitness Equipment
    5. K-Series
    6. Manual

    • Contents

    • Table of Contents

    • Troubleshooting

    • Bookmarks

    Quick Links

    The world’s 1st intelligent

    digital breathing trainer


    W I T H



    L I V E F E E D B A C K S O F T W A R E



    Related Manuals for POWERbreathe K Series

    • Personal Care Products POWERbreathe K-Series Quick Start Manual

    Summary of Contents for POWERbreathe K Series

    • Page 1
      The world’s 1st intelligent digital breathing trainer W I T H L I V E F E E D B A C K S O F T W A R E…
    • Page 2
      Large text version available at powerbreathe.com…
    • Page 3: Table Of Contents

      Contents 8. After Training …………20 1. Product Description ……….2 8.1 Viewing Training Results………………..…..20 2. Introduction ………….. 3 8.2 Deleting Training Session Results ….. 21 3. Precautions ………….. 4 8.3 About the Training Results …….. 22 4. Quick Start Guide …………. 6 9.

    • Page 4: Product Description

      1. Product Description Mouthpiece USB Cable Air Inlet Valve Head Valve Head POWERbreathe POWERbreathe K4 Handset K4 Handset LCD Screen Charging LED Charge Socket Nose Clip Cradle Mains USB Charger (EU Version Shown)

    • Page 5: Introduction

      The POWERbreathe K4 training regime of 30 breaths, twice a day typically takes only a few minutes a day and, used properly, you should start to feel the benefits within just a few weeks. The POWERbreathe K4 can also be used to warm-up and cool-down the breathing muscles before and after exercise.

    • Page 6: Precautions

      3. Precautions The POWERbreathe K4 is suitable for almost anyone and will cause no harmful side effects when used properly. Please read the following precautions to ensure that you use your POWERbreathe K4 safely and appropriately. Contraindications: Caution: Inspiratory muscle training, such as training with POWERbreathe, creates a • If you feel light headed or dizzy whilst training with POWERbreathe, slow…

    • Page 7
      If you have any doubts about the suitability of POWERbreathe for you, or you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor. Handling: • Do not drop, disassemble, open, crush, bend, deform, puncture,…
    • Page 8: Quick Start Guide

      4. Quick Start Guide The quick start section is provided for quick reference only. We recommend that you read the full manual before starting training for the first time. 2. Power on 3. Start the training mode 1. Recharge Press and hold the button for Ensure that the mouthpiece and valve head Plug in the mini-USB charger provided.

    • Page 9
      (you may ) using the button, then press leave on a clean towel to dry. remove the POWERbreathe from your mouth to view the highlighted result See section 11.1 for detailed cleaning during exhalation if you prefer). Repeat for 30 See section 8.1 for detailed information on…
    • Page 10: Basics

      5. Basics 5.1 Charging Remove the POWERbreathe K4 and power adapter from the packaging. For portable use, recharge your POWERbreathe K4 by following the instructions below. Alternatively, the POWERbreathe K4 may be used whilst connected to the mains using the power/charge adapter provided. 4. Once the red charging light has switched off (up to 16 hours), 1. Plug the USB cable into the adapter remove the power adapter from the wall socket and from the base of and then plug the adapter into a suitable the unit.

    • Page 11: Buttons And Display Symbols

      Scroll Battery Fully Charged On /Select Charge Battery Empty Mains Power Connected To switch on your POWERbreathe K4, press and hold button for 1 second or more. To turn off your POWERbreathe K4 scroll to the option under the Number of breaths remaining screen using the button and select by pressing in current breathing session button.

    • Page 12: Menu System

      5.3 Menu System POWERbreathe K4 uses an LCD menu system to navigate between different settings and to view training results. Use the button to move between different options and use the button to select the highlighted option. Scroll past the last option within a screen using the button in order to return to the previous screen.

    • Page 13: Before Training

      6.2 Setting Training Load The POWERbreathe K4 creates a resistance to inhalation (or load) that is equivalent to weight training for the muscles used to breathe (primarily the diaphragm and ribcage muscles). As with any other form of weight training, the POWERbreathe K4 resistance must be set at a level appropriate to the user in order to train these muscles effectively.

    • Page 14: Automatic Set-Up

      Automatic set-up of this load takes place during the first two breaths of each training session. During these breaths there is no load and you should breathe in as quickly and as fully as possible to ensure that the POWERbreathe K4 can measure your maximum breathing capability –…

    • Page 15: Manual Set-Up

      Increase the training load by pressing the button (press and hold to scroll rapidly, scroll past the maximum of 200cmH O to start again). Press Press Press to increase or to select then press decrease load to scroll intensity. to manual When using the manual set-up method it may take some time to find your ideal training level. Try gradually increasing the load by around 5 to 10cmH O each time you train with the POWERbreathe until you reach a level at which you can only just complete a full session of 30 breaths. Over time, as your breathing muscles strengthen, you will find that it becomes easier to complete 30 breaths at this level. Each time this happens, increase the training level by about 5cmH O to maintain the training intensity.

    • Page 16: Pacing Your Breathing

      6.5 Pacing Your Breathing POWERbreathe is equipped with an adaptive pacing guidance This feature is for guidance only. If you feel dizzy or feature, which is intended to guide the user to breathe at an light-headed, try and slow down your breathing or appropriate rate (see also section 7.3 Breathing Technique). This is…

    • Page 17: Disabling Pacing Guidance

      6.6 Disabling Pacing Guidance: If you are happy to regulate your own breathing patterns during a training session you may wish to disable the pacing guidance feature. In order to do this, navigate to the screen and select by following the button sequence below: Press Press Press…

    • Page 18: Training

      POWERbreathe K4 variable loading, which changes during the breath in order to match the changes in breathing muscle strength. The recommended POWERbreathe training routine consists of 30 breaths, twice a day (once in the morning and once in the evening).

    • Page 19: Holding The Device Correctly

      7.2 Holding the Device Correctly Make sure you are standing or sitting upright and feel relaxed. Hold the device with your hand cupped around the lower rear section of the device, with your fingers and thumb on the coloured rubber grips. Make sure that your hand doesn’t cover the air inlet.

    • Page 20: Breathing Technique

      7.3 Breathing Technique Breathe in as hard, as fast and as deeply Breathe out slowly as possible Now breathe out slowly and passively through your mouth until your lungs feel completely empty, letting the muscles in your Breathe out as far as you can, then take a fast, forceful breath in chest and shoulders relax.

    • Page 21: Using The Nose-Clip

      To quit the training session, press then select by pressing the button again. Once you have completed 30 breaths the POWERbreathe K4 will beep to indicate the end of the session and the valve will open. 7.5 Maintaining Your Breathing Press After four to six weeks of training for 30 breaths, twice a day, your…

    • Page 22: After Training

      8.1 Viewing Training Results The POWERbreathe K4 Results system provides feedback on your respiratory training sessions. Using these results you can monitor your training progress, allowing you to optimise your training sessions and to meet your training targets. To view training results, select…

    • Page 23: Deleting Training Session Results

      8.2 Deleting training session results Individual training session results may be deleted whilst in the graphical results display screen. Scroll to the session number that you wish to delete using the button, press and hold the button for at least 3 seconds then select to delete the results for that session. Press Press Press and hold…

    • Page 24: About The Training Results

      8.3 About the Training Results (LOAD)is a measure of the resistance to inhalation and is equivalent to the ‘weight lifted’ or force exerted by the inspiratory muscles. Load is measured in units of cmH O, a unit of pressure commonly used in respiratory medicine to represent the pressure generated in the lungs due to Highest Load the force of the inspiratory muscles.

    • Page 25
      (VOLUME) indicates the average amount of air inhaled per breath during a training session. A higher value of volume indicates that you are breathing deeply and training the Average volume inspiratory muscles across their full range of movement. Try to inhale as deeply as possible for inhaled per breath each breath of the training session in order to maximise this value.
    • Page 26: Modes

      Once you have completed the breath, the POWERbreathe K4 will beep to indicate that the test is complete and you can remove the POWERbreathe K4 from your mouth. The test results menu will automatically be displayed once you have completed the test. Use the…

    • Page 27: About The Test Results

      9.2 About the Test Results: Strength index) is a measure of your inspiratory muscle strength. Your strength index result is rated (V. Poor to Excellent) based upon predicted normal values of inspiratory muscle strength for an individual of your age, height, weight and gender. This is calculated using the profile data (section 6.1). As you continue Strength Index to train your inspiratory muscles over a period of weeks you should see improvements in your S-Index result.

    • Page 28: Warm-Up Mode

      Research has shown that a normal pre-exercise warm-up routine neglects to warm-up the breathing muscles, leading to excessive breathlessness during the start of exercise. The POWERbreathe K4 can be used to specifically warm-up these muscles prior to exercise using a reduced load setting leading to improved exercise performance.

    • Page 29: Cool-Down Mode

      During exercise, lactic acid accumulates in the tissues and blood, leading to discomfort and muscle fatigue. Research shows that breathing against a light resistance following exercise reduces lactic acid more rapidly (by up to 16%), aiding recovery and enhancing performance during subsequent exercise.. The POWERbreathe K4 cool-down session consists of 60 breaths against a low level load. Select from the menu to begin an inspiratory muscle cool-down session. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply during the cool-down session until you have completed 60 breaths.

    • Page 30: Pc Connection And Software Installation

      10. PC Connection and Software Installation The POWERbreathe K4 Breathe-Link software allows you to view live training and test data and record your training progress. Please follow the instructions below to install the software and connect your POWERbreathe K4. • Insert the POWERbreathe Breathe-Link software installation disk into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.

    • Page 31: Care And Maintenance

      11. Care and Maintenance POWERbreathe K4 is designed to be as robust and durable as possible. With a little care, your POWERbreathe K4 should last a long time. Please read the following precautions to ensure that your POWERbreathe K4 remains in top condition: 11.1 Cleaning…

    • Page 32: Blocked Valve Head

      Please store your POWERbreathe K4 at a temperature between -10°C and 60°C. Please Shake off excess water and leave on a clean store your POWERbreathe K4 in the storage pouch provided or a suitable clean and hygienic towel to dry. container. Always make sure that your POWERbreathe K4 is dry before storage.

    • Page 33: Technical Specifications

      12. Technical Specifications Charge indicator: ……..Red LED during charging Load display: ……… 5 to 200cmH Training session counter ……up to 999 sessions Battery Life: ……….. Approx 60mins in Graphical load display: ……Last 36 sessions training mode Battery: ……….3x AAA NiMH rechargeable Power display: ……..0 to 99.9 Watts Graphical power display: …….

    • Page 34
      Note: Materials are compliant with regards to composition, additives and properties, where applicable, in accordance with the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC Essential Requirements (Annex 1) Precedes the batch number of the device. Available POWERbreathe Accessories: — Additional Valve Heads The first four integers of the LOT number — Cleansing Tablets…
    • Page 35: Disposal

      Disposal of the battery: The built-in, rechargeable POWERbreathe battery pack contains substances that may pollute the environment. Please remove the battery pack as described below before you discard the product at an official collection point. Dispose of the batteries separately at a battery recycling point.

    • Page 36: About Inspiratory Muscle Training

      This increase in respiration may occur at very low levels of exercise in individuals whose breathing is impaired (e.g. through respiratory The POWERbreathe K4 uses the principle of resistance training to illness). train the inspiratory muscles. It creates a resistance to inhalation,…

    • Page 37: Troubleshooting And Faqs

      POWERbreathe K4 sets your training load based upon the speed 3. The POWERbreathe K4 will not switch on. and depth of your inhalation during the first two breaths of the 4. The POWERbreathe K4 is switched on but will not respond to any session. The harder you inhale during these breaths, the higher button presses.

    • Page 38
      4. The POWERbreathe K4 is switched on but will not respond 8. How often should I clean the valve head? to any button presses. The valve head should be cleaned after every training session in Press and hold the buttons simultaneously for at least 3 order to maintain hygiene and effective operation.
    • Page 39
      POWERbreathe K4, you may find that your results vary widely 16. How is strength Index calculated? between different training sessions. As you get used to the action of Strength index is a measure of inspiratory muscle strength that inhaling against a resistance with maximum effort, you should find is based upon the maximum flow of inhaled air that the user can that your results become more consistent and controllable.
    • Page 40: Warranty

      The warranties contained herein are expressly in lieu of any This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights. The purchaser other warranties including implied warranty of merchantability may also have other statutory rights. POWERbreathe International Ltd. and / or fit for purpose. hereby warrants to the original purchaser whose name shall be duly registered with the company, that the product sold by it is free from manufacturing defects in material and/or workmanship.

    • Page 41: Customer Service Contact

      17. Customer Service Contact If you need to send your POWERbreathe K4 to an official service centre, please refer to the contact information below. To help us to provide a better service, please include a description of the reason for returning the unit. Please also include proof of purchase. We recommend that returns are sent by recorded delivery.

    • Page 44
      For International enquiries, please visit our website for your local distributor: www.powerbreathe.com POWERbreathe is not a toy. This product is designed to be used for breathing exercises only. Any other use is not recommended. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

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    Тренировка мощного дыхания – как это работает

    Дыхательный тренажер POWERbreathe – это устройство для тренировки респираторных дыхательных мышц на вдохе. POWERbreathe – это научно доказанный дыхательный тренажер, который полезен пациентам с респираторными заболеваниями, здоровым людям, а также спортсменам на всех уровнях соревнований, включая олимпийцев.

    Что такое тренировка дыхательных мышц?

    Тренировка дыхательных мышц (IMT-Inspiratory muscle training ) похожа на “гантели для диафрагмы”. Это можно сравнить с этим, потому что, точно так же, как вы могли бы использовать гантели для улучшения силы ваших бицепсов, IMT использует тренировку сопротивления для повышения силы ваших дыхательных мышц. Ваши основные дыхательные мышцы – это диафрагма и межреберные мышцы. И, тренируя их с помощью тренировки мышц на вдохе, вы можете улучшить их силу, выносливость и уменьшить усталость при дыхании. Это полезно не только спортсменам для улучшения спортивных результатов, но и людям с проблемами дыхания и здоровые люди, которые хотят меньше задыхаться от напряжения. Powerbreath IMT-это научно доказанное дыхательное устройство, не содержащее лекарств. Фактически, POWERbreathe IMT-это дыхательный тренажер, который исследователи часто выбирают для исследований и испытаний.

    Дыхательная работа в гребном спорте

    Если вы занимаетесь гребле, ваши дыхательные мышцы используются не только для дыхания, но и для поддержания осанки и передачи силы во время активной фазы. Это происходит потому, что ваши дыхательные мышцы, включая диафрагму, участвуют в укреплении вашего туловища и защите позвоночника. Как дыхание, так и контроль позы требуются в “конце” гребка, чтобы помочь вам не упасть назад. Но при “захвате” дыхание затруднено из-за менее удобной анатомической посадки. Это сдавливает живот и затрудняет работу диафрагмы, затрудняя наполнение легких и глубокое дыхание.

    Работа дыхательной системы на гребном тренажере

    Усталость мышц при вдохе также возрастает при интенсивности упражнений выше 85% от максимального поглощения кислорода (VO2max). Если вы являетесь конкурентоспособным гребцом в помещении, значительная часть ваших тренировок будет проводиться выше этого уровня. Кроме того, во время прохождения дистанции 2000 м или испытания на время вы будете работать выше 90% вашего VO2max. Это может привести к тому, что дыхание будет преобладать над вашей осанкой, что увеличит риск травм и ухудшит производительность.

    Когда вы дышите нормально, вы обычно используете от 10 до 15 процентов от общей емкости легких. Однако с помощью тренировки мышц на вдохе вы, как правило, можете увеличить объем легких, который вы используете в обыденной жизни. Более глубокое дыхание с помощью IMT требует немного больше энергии, как и любой другой вид силовой тренировки. Но с каждым глубоким вдохом он также позволяет большему количеству кислорода поступать в ваш кровоток. И в то же время вы укрепляете свои дыхательные мышцы. Выполнение 30 вдохов два раза в день с помощью powerbreath IMT в течение как минимум шести недель значительно снижает количество кислорода, которое вам потребуется во время тренировки. Это приводит к тому, что больше кислорода становится доступным для других ваших работающих мышц, таких как ноги во время бега или езды на велосипеде.

    Зачем Тренировать Дыхательные Мышцы

    Во время тренировки потребность вашего организма в кислороде возрастает. В результате объем вашего дыхания или вентиляции также должен увеличиться, чтобы удовлетворить потребность в кислороде. Чтобы это сработало, многочисленные мышцы, окружающие ваши легкие, должны сокращаться чрезвычайно скоординированным образом. По мере увеличения интенсивности упражнения ваши дыхательные мышцы должны сокращаться более сильно и быстро, чтобы идти в ногу со значительным увеличением метаболизма в организме. Эта важная роль тренировки силы мышц на вдохе обладает огромными преимуществами для дыхательной гимнастики в области здоровья, фитнеса и спортивных тренировок, а также повышения спортивных результатов.

    Как Тренировать Дыхательные Мышцы

    Для повышения силы ваших дыхательных мышц потребуются регулярные тренировки. Точно так же, как регулярные физические упражнения улучшат вашу физическую форму. На самом деле, наука показывает, что всего 30 вдохов два раза в день будут иметь значение. Научно доказано, что powerbreath IMT, используемый в исследовании, делает это всего через 4 недели. Просто сделайте 30 вдохов через дыхательный тренажер POWERbreathe утром и еще раз вечером. Делая это, вы даете время своим дыхательным мышцам восстановиться между тренировками дыхательных мышц. Кроме того, тренировка мышц на вдохе полезна в также разогревайте дыхательные мышцы перед тренировкой. Наконец, также стоит использовать ваш дыхательный тренажер IMT, чтобы ускорить очистку лактата в рамках активной стратегии восстановления после тренировки.

    Тренируйте Дыхательные Мышцы

    Вы можете тренировать свои дыхательные мышцы, чтобы стать сильнее, так же, как вы тренируете другие мышцы. Но нацелиться на дыхательные мышцы сложнее, чем, например, на мышцы конечностей. Вам действительно нужно дыхательное устройство, которое будет стимулировать вашу самую большую дыхательную мышцу, диафрагму, работать усерднее, чем при нормальном дыхании. И, поскольку доказанные мероприятия по укреплению мышц включают в себя поднятие тяжестей, логично, что поднятие тяжестей для ваших дыхательных мышц будет иметь тот же эффект. Решением является устройство для тренировки дыхания, такое как POWERbreathe IMT. Но не все устройства для тренировки мышц на вдохе созданы равными. Существуют различные виды ‘поднятия тяжестей ” или “нагрузки” для тренировки ваших дыхательных мышц.

    Тренировка Мышц На Вдохе Приносит Пользу Всем

    Люди, страдающие астмой, бронхитом, эмфиземой легких и ХОБЛ, получат пользу от Powerbreath IMT. Тем не менее, многие другие примут IMT как часть своей спортивной подготовки. Это происходит потому, что IMT укрепляет дыхательные мышцы, повышая выносливость и силу дыхания. На самом деле, исследования показывают, что регулярная ИМТ повышает вашу выносливость во время физических упражнений или занятий спортом, таких как бег и езда на велосипеде.

    Восстановление после ОРВИ, Covid-19

    2021 год-это еще один год, который мы запомним из-за последствий COVID-19. А поскольку причиной этой инфекции является вирусное респираторное заболевание, ОРВИ (тяжелый острый респираторный синдром), в результате многие люди испытывают проблемы с дыханием. Поэтому неудивительно, что люди обращаются к дыхательной работе для питания как тела, так и ума. На самом деле, дыхательная гимнастика в настоящее время является одной из самых быстрорастущих тенденций в области оздоровления.


    Дыхательная работа включает в себя использование дыхательных упражнений и дыхательных техник в качестве средства терапии для самопомощи. Это происходит потому, что это помогает снять физическое, умственное и эмоциональное напряжение и напряжение. Например, глубокое диафрагмальное дыхание может стимулировать блуждающий нерв и снизить реакцию на стресс. Он активирует вашу парасимпатическую нервную систему, также известную как система “отдыха и переваривания”. На самом деле, научное исследование, проведенное в 2021 году, показывает, что тренировка диафрагмального дыхания с использованием силовой тренировки дыхательных мышц (IMT) также снижает кровяное давление.

    Как Работает Дыхание

    Ваши дыхательные пути, легкие, кровеносные сосуды и мышцы, которые позволяют вам дышать, являются основной частью вашей дыхательной системы. Ваши дыхательные мышцы включают диафрагму, межреберные мышцы, мышцы живота и вспомогательные мышцы в области шеи и ключиц. Из всего этого ваша диафрагма является основной мышцей, которую вы используете для дыхания. В дополнение к этой основной мышце мышцы между ребрами, ваши межреберные мышцы, также играют важную роль в дыхании.

    Когда вы вдыхаете, ваша диафрагма сжимается, чтобы втянуть воздух глубоко в легкие. Затем, когда ваши мышцы расслабляются, вы выдыхаете. Этот глубокий, питательный вдох является вдохом. Выдох-это выдох. Хотя это происходит автоматически, вы можете влиять на свое дыхание. И вот тут-то и вступает в действие работа с дыханием.

    Дыши Сильнее

    Поскольку ваша диафрагма-это мышца, как и любая другая мышца, вы можете сделать ее сильнее. И, поскольку это мышца, которая втягивает дыхание в ваше тело, это мышца, которой вы не должны пренебрегать. Но как прицелиться в него? Ну, точно так же, как вы могли бы использовать гантели для улучшения мышц бицепса, есть гантель для вашей диафрагмы. Устройства для тренировки дыхательных мышц Powerbreath (IMT) нацелены на мышцу, которая отвечает за то, чтобы вы делали вдох, – вашу диафрагму.

    Зачем Тренировать Свое Дыхание

    Используя POWERbreathe IMT для тренировки дыхательных мышц, вы улучшите силу дыхания, выносливость и уменьшите утомляемость при дыхании. Это выгодно всем – даже здоровым людям. На самом деле, научно доказано, что дыхательная тренировка Powerbreath полезна для:

    1. Спортсмены для улучшения спортивных результатов.
    2. Люди с проблемами дыхания.
    3. Певцы, музыканты и танцоры.
    4. Люди в форме службы.

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