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Protect QUMULUS Installation Manual

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Version 1.0

Installation Manual


Manuel d’installation


Manuale installatore


Manual de la instalación






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Summary of Contents for Protect QUMULUS

  • Page 1
    Installation Manual Version 1.0 Installation Manual Manuel d’installation Manuale installatore Manual de la instalación Installationsmanual WWW.PROTECTGLOBAL.COM…
  • Page 2
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® Table of contents 1. Begin here – very important if you are installing a Fog Cannon for the first time Please read the installation manual ……. 4 Removal of cover .
  • Page 3
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® Contenido 1. Empezar por aquí – importante si es su primera instalación de un generador de niebla Por favor lea detenidamente el manual de instalación ….4 Retire las cubiertas .
  • Page 4
    DK: Start her – Særlig vigtigt, når du monterer første gang As an installer you must participate in a PROTECT training session. Avant l’installation, les installateurs doivent suivre les cours techniques de PROTECT Suggeriamo la partecipazione ad un corso di Formazione organizzato da PROTECT ITALIA Como instalador, debe participar en un curso de capacitación de PROTECT Som installatør skal du have deltaget i et…
  • Page 5
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® Measurements for installation of the Fog Cannon. Dimensions du générateur de fumée lors du montage. Dimensioni del generatore nebbiogeno. PROTECT QUMULUS ® Medidas del generador de niebla. 580 mm 140 mm 148 mm Tågekanonens ophængsmål. Hold the Fog Cannon on the mounting spot. Mark the mounting holes in the back plate before drilling.
  • Page 6
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® The Fog Cannon must be placed to ensure immediate coverage of possible access points Placer le générateur de fumée de façon à couvrir immédiatement toute voie d’accès. Per assicurare una buona copertura, la nebbia non deve in- contrare ostacoli. Sono disponibili vari ugelli per l’emissione della nebbia con inclinazioni e direzioni diverse. 30° E I generador de niebla debe colocarse de manera que las posibles vías de acceso se cubran inmediatamente. Tågekanonen placeres, så mulige adgangsveje dækkes øjeblikkeligt. P revent sabotage by installing the Fog Cannon correctly out of reach and avoid blocking exit routes. Eviter les risques de sabotage en installant le généra- teur correctement hors de portée, ne pas couvrir les voies de fuite.
  • Page 7
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® For horizontal mounting, place the Fog Cannon as shown in the picture. Montage horizontal: installer le générateur de fumée comme illustré. Posizionamento corretto e distanze minime da pareti e soffitti. En caso de montaje horizontal, el generador de niebla debe colocarse tal como aquí se indica. Ved horisontal montage placeres tågekanonen som vist her.
  • Page 8
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® Press the needle all the way into the rubber closing of the fl uid bag. Place the fl uid bag as shown. Enfoncez la pointe à fond dans la partie en caoutchouc de la recharge. Placez la recharge comme indiqué. Inserire completamente l’ago nel tappo di chiusura in gomma. Posizionare la sacca del fl uido come mostrato. Introduzca la totalidad de la aguja a través del tope de goma de la bolsa del fl uido. Coloque el fl uido de…
  • Page 9
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® 2. Connections, setting and test Connections, réglages et tests Conexiones, configuración y prueba Collegamenti, impostazioni e test Tilslutning, indstillinger og test GB: Printed circuit board F: Carte à circuit imprimé (PCB) I: Circuito stampato E: Placa de circuito impreso (PCB) DK: Printkort GB: Voltage F: Tension I: Alimentazione E: Tensión DK: Spænding PROTECT QUMULUS ®…
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  • Page 12
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® 1. GB: Dipswitch F: Dipswitch I: Dipswitches E: Dipswitch DK: Dipswitch GB: Function F: Fonction I: Funzione E: Función DK: Funktion ON = l’elemento termico è Heat disable Heat disable Chauffage désactivé Desactivar calentamiento disattivato quando è attivo il On = The heating element dis- On = l’élément chauffant s’éteint…
  • Page 13
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® GB: Inputs F: Entrées I: Ingressi E: Entradas DK: Indgange Potential-free switches activate Des contacts libres sont installés I contatti puliti si attivano Las conexiones libres de po- Der er monteret potentiale- (open) when the covers are re- et sont activés (ouverts) lorsque (aprono) alla rimozione del co-…
  • Page 14
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® GB: Fog Volume F: Volume de fumée I: Volume di nebbia E: Volumen de niebla DK: Tågevolumen esclusivamente su di un calcolo treorico dei metri cubi da saturare. Una variazione della visibilità è ottenibile tramite un maggiore/minore In the tables below the fog volume mentioned is based on the industry tempo di emissione della nebbia (vedi tabella di programmazione), standard of security fog. It’s important to perform a test firing of the un numero maggiore/minore di sistemi nebbiogeni e/o una differente installation — and not only rely on the calculation of cubic metres. A disposizione degli stessi.
  • Page 15
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® QUMULUS 230V & 115/130V ® Fog Time / Durée de la fumée / Fog Volume / Volume de fumée / Dip Setting / Réglage DIP / Posizione DIP Tempo di erogazione nebbia / Volume di nebbia prodotto Dip Configuración / Dip instillinger Tiempo de niebla / Tågetid Volumen de niebla / Tågevolumen DIP 2 DIP 3 DIP 4 m³/pied³/pies³…
  • Page 16
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® Check the control signals before testing. Contrôler les signaux de commande avant de tester. Controllare i segnali di attivazione prima di iniziare Il test. Controle las sen ˜ ales de mando antes de realizar el ensayo. Kontroller styresignaler før afprøvning. Installation of backup batteries. 2 pcs. of 12V (1.2 Ah) batteries are placed as shown. Red wire to the plus (+) and black wire to the minus (-) on the 2 poles in the middle. Connect the two other poles to the brown wires. Press the reset button on the PCB for 4 seconds.
  • Page 17
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® Install the fluid bag and attach the metal cover. Installez la recharge et remettez le capot. Installare la sacca del fluido e chiudere la cover. Fije el depósito de fluido y la tapa metálica. Installer væskeposen og sæt metalkabinettet på. Remember to heat the system before testing. Ne pas oublier le temps de chauffe avant de tester. Permettere al sistema di riscaldarsi prima di eseguire il test. Recuerde el tiempo de calentamiento antes de realizar el ensayo. PROTECT QUMULUS ® Husk opvarmningstid før test.
  • Page 18
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® 3. Hand over F: Remise I: Consegna dell’impianto E: Entrega DK: Aflevering Check the fluid level after testing (hand over the Fog Cannon with a full fluid bag). Contrôler le niveau de liquide après l’essai (refermez le générateur avec une recharge pleine). Controllare il livello di liquido nel contenitore dopo il test. Consegnare al cliente il generatore di nebbia con il contenitore pieno. (consegnare il nebbiogeno con un serbatoio pieno). Controle el nivel del Iíquido después del ensayo (entregue el generador de niebla con el recipiente de Iíquido lleno).
  • Page 19
    Compilare il modulo garanzia su Cumplimente y envie el formulario de la garantía en Garantiformularen udfyldes og sendes til PROTECT WWW.PROTECTGLOBAL.COM på Complete the sheet for the authorities and send it to your local police and fire department. Remplir la notification aux autorités publiques et l’envoyer à…
  • Page 20
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® Finally, a contract of service must be made, which should contain an agreement for min. one test a year. Finalement, dresser un contrat d’entretien qui doit comprendre au minimum un essai par an. Si suggerisce infine di stipulare con il cliente un contratto di manutenzione. Por último, debe firmarse un contrato de servicio que incluya un acuerdo de 1 prueba anual como mínimo. Afslutningsvis indgås serviceaftale, som bør indeholde en aftale om min. 1 årlig test.
  • Page 21
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® GB: Service and maintenance agreement E: Acuerdo de servicio y mantenimiento A service agreement with the customer includes the follow- Un acuerdo de mantenimiento con el cliente, que debe in- ing: Visually inspect the fog fluid level. Durability: 5 years cluir lo siguiente: Inspeccione visualmente el nivel de fluido from production date in unopened packaging.
  • Page 22
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® 4. In case of faults F: En cas de défauts In caso di funzionamento anomalo En caso de averías I tilfælde af fejl GB: A n identified error can be reset by pressing the Reset button for approx. 4 seconds. The button is located in the centre of the circuit board. Une faute enregistrée est remise à zéro en appuyant pendant environ 4 secondes sur la touche “Reset” qui est située au milieu de la carte électronique. Un errore segnalato sul display può essere cancellato premendo il pulsante reset per circa 4 secondi. Il pulsante si trova al centro della scheda elettronica.
  • Page 23
    PROTECT QUMULUS ® GB: Display/fault codes Significato dei codici a display Display/fejlkoder F: Afficheur/Codes d’erreur Display/códigos de avería PrO Ec CULU EU b.A. . H.d. bat: battery Hd: Heat disable B. . C: Charge Bt: Blocking timer E: Error + no H: Heat A: Arm trig 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0…
  • Page 24
    — A void prolonged stays in fog filled premises as this can irritate the — This PROTECT Fog Cannon is only to be installed and used in the mucous membrane in the eyes, nose and throat. The effect is tem- country, from where it is purchased. Local PROTECT dealers/in- porary and only occurs in connection with prolonged stays in the stallers only service machines purchased in their own countries. dense fog.
  • Page 25
    L’activation du générateur doit être bloquée pendant l’utilisation tivi collegati (sistema di allarme), assicurarsi che lo stesso non possa normale des locaux protégés. essere attivato accidentalmente. Bisogna prevenire l’attivazione ac- — En cas de non-respect de ces consignes, PROTECT A/S s’exonère de cidentale quando l’ambiente protetto è utilizzato regolarmente. la responsabilité des suites éventuelles. — Il non rispetto di queste norme di sicurezza esonera PROTECT — C ertains papiers ou étiquettes thermosensibles et certaines encres…
  • Page 26
    — Særlige forholdsregler skal træffes, hvor tågesikring installeres i — E n caso de no respetar las pautas arriba expuestas, PROTECT A/S lokaler med automatiske brandalarmsystemer samt i etageejen- declina cualquier responsabilidad sobre las consecuencias de su in- domme. cumplimiento.
  • Page 27
  • Page 28
    PROTECT NS es el mayor productor mundial de can ˜ ones de niebla y el único en Escandinavia. PROTECT se halla representada en más de 40 países. PROTECT A/S er Skandinaviens eneste og verdens største producent af tågekanoner. PROTECT™ er repræsenteret i 40 lande og i Danmark af over 330 professionelle alarminstallatører. WWW.PROTECTGLOBAL.COM PROTECT A/S · Hasselager Centervej 5 · DK-8260 Viby J · Tel.: (+45) 86 72 18 81 · Fax: (+45) 86 72 18 82 · Mail:…

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Protect Manuals
  4. Security System

Manuals and User Guides for Protect QUMULUS. We have 3 Protect QUMULUS manuals available for free PDF download: Installation Manual, Important Information Manual, Service Manual

Protect QUMULUS Important Information Manual

Protect QUMULUS Important Information Manual (16 pages)

Fog Cannon

Brand: Protect
Category: Security System
Size: 0.41 MB

Table of Contents
  • Table of Contents


  • Before Use


  • Operation


  • Cleaning and Maintenance


  • A Safe Product — Guaranteed


  • What the Leds Mean


  • Warnings


  • Instructions for Preventing Unintentional Activation


  • Instructions for Intentional Activation


  • Interaction between Fog Protection


  • And Fire Alarm Systems


  • Annual Service


  • Power Consumption



Protect QUMULUS Installation Manual

Protect QUMULUS Installation Manual (28 pages)

Brand: Protect
Category: Fog Machine
Size: 2.73 MB

Protect QUMULUS Service Manual

Protect QUMULUS Service Manual (12 pages)

Brand: Protect
Category: Fog Machine
Size: 1.83 MB

Table of Contents
  • Display Explanation


  • Typical Spare Parts


  • Electrical Installation


  • System Monitor


  • Typical Installation




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Fog Machine

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Table of Contents for Protect QUMULUS:

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 23 GB F I E DK H Heating. The system is in the heating phase and has not reached operating temperature. Chauffage. La machine est en train de chauffer et n’a pas encore atteint la température de fonction- nement. Heat Il sistema è in fase di riscalda- mento, la temperatura di esercizio non è ancora stata raggiunta. Calentamiento. La máquina está en la fase de calentamiento y no ha alcanzado su

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 10 GB: Typical Installation F: Installation type I: Installazione tipica E: Instalación típica DK: Typisk Installation Fog Generator Service Fog Rly. Fault Rly. Fluid Rly. N/A COM. NC NO COM. NC NO COM. NC NO Fire Disable Sec. Prim. ARM 12V Output Tamper – + – + – + – + – + ON OFF 1 10 Service Switch PIR Alarm System Zone Fog Zone Fault Zone Fluid Zone Tamper Zone Swich Position Disable Signal Contact Closed During Daytime Alarm Signal Contact closes when

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 14 GB Inthetablesbelowthefogvolumementionedisbasedontheindustry standardofsecurityfog.It’simportanttoperformatestringofthe installation-andnotonlyrelyonthecalculationofcubicmetres.A changeinvisibilityisgainedthroughlonger/shortertimewithfog(ad- justmentoftheunit),

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 6 PreventsabotagebyinstallingtheFogCannon correctlyoutofreachandavoidblockingexitroutes. Eviterlesrisquesdesabotageeninstallantlegénéra- teur correctement hors de portée, ne pas couvrir les voies de fuite. Evitatelapossibilitàdisabotaggioinstallandoilgeneratore dinebbiafuoriportata.Lanebbianondeveostruireleviedi fuga Evitelaposibilidadde�

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 16 Checkthecontrolsignalsbeforetesting. Contrôler les signaux de commande avant de tester. Controllare i segnali di attivazione prima di iniziare Il test. Controle las sen˜ales de mando antes de realizar el ensayo. Kontrollerstyresignalerførafprøvning. GB F F I I E E 16 DK Installationofbackupbatteries.2pcs.of12V(1.2Ah) bat

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 5 Measurements for installation of the Fog Cannon. Dimensions du générateur de fumée lors du montage. Dimensionidelgeneratorenebbiogeno. Medidasdelgeneradordeniebla. Tågekanonens ophængsmål. DK I I I GB F F F E E E 4 Hold the Fog Cannon on the mounting spot. Mark the mountingholesinthebackplatebeforedrilling. Maintenirlecanonàbrouillardàl’emplacementprévu, tracezlest

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 15 GB: Total time in max pulse mode = 1 min. fog + 4 min. pulse shots. Total fog production = 900 m 3 .Totalcapacityintheuidcontainer=2complete sequences in pulse mode. F:Tempstotalenmodepulsemaximum=1mindebrouillard+4minde tirs en mode pulse. Production totale = 900 m 3 . Capacité totale de la re- charge = 2 séquences complètes en mode pulse. I:

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 25 — Il faut régler le générateur correctement pour éviter tout surdosage. Ne jamais effectuer l’installation sans surveillance (branchement aupanneaud’alarmesetàlacentraledecontrôle).Effectuerune opération de service/un essai du générateur une fois par an. Pour cela, faire appel à un technicien d’alarme. — Placer le générateur hors de portée normale, p.ex. pas trop près du plancher d’où les enfants et les animaux peuvent le toucher. — Installer

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 7 Min. 35 cm. For horizontal mounting, place the Fog Cannon as shown in the picture. Montage horizontal: installer le générateur de fumée comme illustré. Posizionamento corretto e distanze minime da pareti e softti. Encasodemontajehorizontal,elgeneradordeniebla debecolocarsetalcomoaquíseindica. Ved horisontal montage placeres tågekanonen som vist her. DK I I GB F E 10 Min. safety distance – risk of scalding. Distance de sécurité minimum – danger d’échaudage. Distanza minima di sic

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 19 Theusersmustbeinformedthatfurtherinformation canbefoundon Les utilisateurs doivent être informés de la possi- bilitéd’obtenirplusderenseignementssurlesite Informare il cliente che ulteriori informazioni Sonodisponibilisulsito Informe a los usuarios que pueden consultar www.p

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Document’s Content and Additional Information Share Manual

Protect QUMULUS Installation manual

  • Protect
  • Fog Machine
  • Installation manual for Protect QUMULUS
  • protect-600i-installation-manual-28_manual.pdf
  • 28 |

Pages Preview:

Document Transcription:

  • PROTECT 600i ™ , 1100i ™ , 2200i ™ 7 Min. 35 cm. Min. installation distance from objects. Ecart minimal entre le générateur et d’autres objets. Distanza minima per ottenere un buon effetto. Distancia de instalación mín. respecto a otros objetos. …

  • PROTECT 600i ™ , 1100i ™ , 2200i ™ 4 1. Begin here — very important if you are installing a Fog Cannon TM for the rst time F: Commencez ici – Particulièrement important quand vous installez un canon à fumée pour la première fois I: Import …

  • PROTECT 600i ™ , 1100i ™ , 2200i ™ 5 Measurements for installation of the Fog Cannon TM . Dimensions du générateur de fumée lors du montage. Dimensioni del generatore nebbiogeno. Medidas del generador de niebla. Tågekanonens ophængsmål. F I E DK …

See Details

Protect QUMULUS Service manual

  • Protect
  • Fog Machine
  • Service manual for Protect QUMULUS
  • protect-600i-service-manual-12_manual.pdf
  • 12 |

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Document Transcription:

  • PROTECT A/S is the world’s largest supplier and the only producer of fog cannons in Scandinavia. PROTECT TM is represented worldwide in 50 countries. GB PROTECT A/S · Hasselager Centervej 5 · DK-8260 Viby J · Tel.: (+45) 86 72 18 81 · Fax: (+45) 86 72 1 …

  • SPECIFICATIONS: DIP Function 1 Heat disable On = The heating element disconnects if disarm is activated OFF = Constantly heating 2 Trig 1* 3 Trig 2* 4 Reserved. Leave in OFF position 5 Error indicator/buzzer ON = Beeper/buzzer connected * ON = Normal open. …

  • Setup PROTECT IntelliSuite TM • Install Driver to IntelliConnector TM (cable) • Install IntelliSuite TM (Software) from PROTECT TM Download Center • Connect the IntelliConnector TM (Cable) to the Fog Cannon TM • Choose communications port • …

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Protect QUMULUS Installation manual

  • Protect
  • Fog Machine
  • Installation manual for Protect QUMULUS
  • protect-qumulus-installation-manual-28_manual.pdf
  • 28 |

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Document Transcription:

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 22 GB F I E DK 1 Identify the error (seecodeonthedisplay) Identierl’erreur (voirlecodesurl’écran) Identicailtipodierrore (vediilcodicesuldisplay) Identiqueelfal …

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 13 GB: Inputs F: Entrées I: Ingressi E: Entradas DK: Indgange GB F I E DK Tamper Potential-free switches activate (open) when the covers are re- moved.Theycanbeusedinthe alarm system’s tamper …

  • PROTECT QUMULUS ® 5 Measurements for installation of the Fog Cannon. Dimensions du générateur de fumée lors du montage. Dimensionidelgeneratorenebbiogeno. Medidasdelgeneradordeniebla. Tågekanonens ophængsmål. DK I I I GB F F F E E …

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Protect QUMULUS Important information manual

  • Protect
  • Security System
  • Important information manual for Protect QUMULUS
  • protect-xtratus-important-information-manual-16_manual.pdf
  • 16 |

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Document Transcription:

  • PROTECT A/S Hasselager Centervej 5 · DK-8260 Viby J · Tel.: (+45) 86 72 18 81 [email protected] ·

  • Instructions for preventing unintentional activation If the fog protection is activated unintentionally, contact the alarm company’s control centre immediately. You should also inform the police and re service without delay. In order to prevent injury a …

  • Failure to comply with the guidelines laid down in these instruc- tions will result in PROTECT A/S waiving all liability for any conse- quences of same. All certicates, CE declarations, product approvals, etc. are pub- lished online at …

See Details

  • Макатаева 117 (уг.ул. Масанчи), корпус «А» офис 423В


  • +7 (727) 313 20 75

  • +7 (705) 563 16 22


Категории товаров


Генератор тумана PROTECT QUMULUS™ является избранной моделью для частных домов и эксклюзивных офисов и магазинов.

Модель QUMULUS® — революция дизайна в сфере тумане безопасности. Даже с его элегантным и сдержанным внешним видом он способен отгонять злобных грабителей — даже до того, как они примутся за дело. Из-за эстетичного, запатентованного дизайна и высокого качества, QUMULUS® является избранной моделью для частных домов и эксклюзивных офисов и магазинов.


  • Выпускает 400 м3 тумана на полной скорости за 60 секунд — достаточно для заполнения гостиной до 50 м2
  • Гибкая регулировка между 140 и 400 м3, чтобы точно соответствовать размеру помещения
  • Импульсная функция до 4 мин. (Эффективное поддержание тумана)
  • Совместимость с любой системой сигнализации
  • Совместимость с IPCard™, MultiCard™ и IntelliBox™
  • Память журнала данных доступна с помощью IntelliSuite™
  • Интеграция со всеми типами систем сигнализации
  • 100% тихий режим ожидания
  • Предназначен для 2 разных угловых сопел
  • Запатентованная конструкция для установки в углах


  • Эффективность тумана, примеры:
    • 40 сек.: 230 м3
    • 60 с. + 4 мин. импульс: 900 м3
  • 3 настройки времени от 140-400 м3
  • Дополнительная импульсная функция (может срабатывать несколько раз)
  • Контейнер с жидкостью 0,4 л.
  • В одном контейнере достаточно жидкости для 4 разрядов
  • Электронное измерение жидкости
  • Потребляемая мощность: 1050 Вт
  • Подключение к сети: 230 В, 50 Гц
  • Потребление в режиме ожидания после нагревания: 60 Вт (в среднем)
  • Потребление в режиме ожидания при отключении тепла: 5-10 Вт
  • Время нагрева от холода: 8-10 мин.
  • Время повторного нагрева после разряда тумана: 0-5 мин.
  • Рабочая температура (мин./ макс.): 5/80 °C.
  • Вход: 5 сигналов
  • Выход: 3 сигнала
  • Включение/выключение dip-переключателей для настройки времени тумана, сигналов и нагрева
  • Резерв электроники и насоса
  • (выборочно — батареи не входят в стандартную комплектацию)
  • Резервное питание после сбоя питания: До 1 часа (требуется наличие батарей)
  • Оптические, звуковые и электрические сигналы/индикаторы
  • Индикатор состояния на печатной плате (PCB)
  • Индикатор внешнего статуса
  • Антисаботаж, ударопрочный стальной корпус
  • Доступные цвета: белый
  • Размеры: Д: 650, Ш: 140, В: 148 мм
  • Вес установки: 10 кг

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