Ricoh sp 330h заправка инструкция

МФУ Ricoh SP 311SFN использует моноблочный принт-картридж  SP 311XE. Внешне картридж похож на картридж Ricoh sp3400


Картридж, как и большинство других, состоит из двух частей —  часть с тонером и бункер с отработанным тонером. Такая конструкция позволяет картриджу печатать без потери качества, вплоть до полного окончания ресурса картриджа.  Для заправки картриджа его необходимо располовинить, для этого необходимо открутить боковые крышки картриджа, но, перед этим, нужно по бокам открутить пластиковые заглушки «Г» образной формы, скрывающие пружины натяжения.

Боковая крышка

Боковая крышка


После снятия боковых заглушек снимаем пружины. Обратите внимание — пружины имеют разные цвета. Это сделано специально, что бы на заводе при сборке их не перепутали местами. Визуально пружины выглядят одинаково, но они имеют разную силу натяжения. Пружины стягивают между собой половинку с тонером и половинку с фотобарабаном (похожая конструкция используется в картриджах Lexmark E321 и Phaser 3600).


После того, как мы сняли пружины, откручиваем винт и снимаем боковую крышку картриджа. Обратите внимание на то,  как закреплены пружины на боковой крышке картриджа — это сильно поможет, когда будете собирать картридж обратно.

Крепление пружины на крышке

В отличии от картриджей других производителей, после того, как была снята половинка картриджа шестерни не пытаются вывалиться и упасть куда попало. Исключение составляет фотобарабан, вал которого закреплен только с одной стороны. Так что, будьте аккуратнее с фотобарабаном, чтобы не испортить его!

После успешного снятия боковой крышки картриджа разделяем картридж на две половинки. Многие специалисты, разбирая картридж, обратят внимание, что картридж имеет общие  технические решения  с картриджем от Ricoh sp1000/Xerox 3100.  И действительно при разработке картриджа Ricoh sp311 использованы конструктивные решения от картриджа  Ricoh sp1000.

Половина с фотобарабаном

Емкость с тонером

Первым делом вытряхнем отработанный тонер. Для этого извлекаем фотобарабан, потянув за металлический вал и извлекаем ролик заряда просто потянув его на себя. После извлечения фотобарабана и ролика заряда, для более тщательной очистки снимаем ракель. 

Сняли фотобарабан

Снимаем ролик заряда

Снимаем ракель

Вытряхиваем отработанный тонер, убираем остатки пылесосом. Ставим на место ракель. Устанавливаем фотобарабан и ролик заряда обратно. Устанавливая ролик заряда обратно будьте предельно аккуратны, края вала ролика разные!

Далее переходим ко второй половине картриджа, содержащей тонер. С торца картриджа, как видно на фотографии, имеется пробка, через которую и засыпаем тонер.  Для заправки картриджа Ricoh sp311 используется монохромный тонер Samsung.

После заправки, перед сборкой, необходимо обратить внимание на флажок, указывающий на количество тонера.

Флажок пустого картриджа

 Горизонтальное положение сообщает принтеру, что картридж пуст. Если заправить картридж, прошить чип, но забыть взвести флажок, то отпечатав небольшое количество страниц принтер запишет в чип информацию о том, что картридж снова пуст. Поэтому, чтобы избежать скорой повторной прошивки чипа, внимательно следите за положением флажка.

Флажок полного картриджа

После заправки нужно рукой взвести флажок в вертикальное положение и, удерживая в таком положении, немного прокрутить шестерню вала переноса.

После всех вышеописанных действий собираем картридж, не путая местами пружины. Порядок сборки немного отличается от порядка разборки. Сперва к бункеру для отработки прикручиваем крышку, как показано на фото, на нее устанавливаем пружину.

Надеваем боковую крышку

Затем, держа бункер вертикально, надетой крышкой вниз, устанавливаем бункер с тонером.

Далее, кладем другую крышку на стол, устанавливаем на место крепления пружину. Помните, не меняем местами пружины!

Крышка с пружиной

На лежащую крышку вертикально устанавливаем полусобранный картридж.

Устанавливаем вторую крышку

 Прикручиваем крышки, следя за тем, чтобы пружины внутри не слетели с креплений. Надеваем пружины на места крепления на картридже.

Устанавливаем пружины

После закручиваем все винты.

Закручиваем винты на крышках

Закручиваем винты на крышках

Все готово, теперь осталось только прошить чип!

P.S.: При разборке и сборке картриджа обратите внимание на мелкие шестеренки, расположенные на бункере с отработкой. При малейшем неосторожном движении они норовят соскочить с места и укатиться в неизвестном направлении)))

Те самые шестеренки


Как и все производители, компания Ricoh защищает свои картриджи от повторного использования. В качестве защиты используется стандартный чип на микросхеме 5МЕ3, для прошивки которого у меня получилось использовать только универсальный программатор чипов картриджа по USB. В качестве программы можно использовалась CrumResetter. К сожалению, никаким более дешевым программатором прошить этот чип у меня не получилось. Схему подключения смотрите на фотографии ниже.

Распиновка чипа

Прошился чип прошивкой картриджа Ricoh 3400 на 5000 страниц без каких либо проблем.

Опишу процесс прошивки.

Программатор, который я использовал, при подключении к USB порту определяется, как Устройства HID (Human Interface Devices и никаких настроек не требует. Работает он с программой CrumResetter.

Запускаем программу CrumResetter. Смотрим, определился ли программатор (выделено красным).

Проверяем подключение программатора

 Если то, что Вы видите, соответствует скриншоту выше, переходим к следующему шагу.

Подключаем сам чип.

Подключаем чип

Нажимаем кнопку «Scan», чтобы убедиться, что чип правильно подключен и читается.

Сканируем чип

Смотрим результат. Если все нормально, то программа отобразит тип и адрес чипа.

Тип и адрес чипа

Выбираем файл прошивки.

Выбираем файл прошивки

Выбираем файл прошивки

Прошиваем чип. Жмем кнопку «Programm Device»

Прошиваем чип

При удачном процессе прошивки мы увидим следующий результат:

Удачная прошивка

Поздравляю, чип прошит!

При каких либо проблемах с прошивкой проверьте правильность подключения!

Заправка картриджей


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10:00 — 18:00
режим работы

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Форма поиска:

заправка картриджа Ricoh SP 330H (408281)

Марка: Ricoh

Цвет: черный

Ресурс: 7000

Замена чипа: обязательно ?

Чип — это счетчик копий в виде микросхемы, установленной в картридже.

Когда счетчик доходит до 0, чип блокирует картридж и не дает печатать. В данном аппарате чип менять обязательно.










В корзину

Другие картриджи комплекта / совместимые.


Мы постарались сделать услугу заправки картриджей максимально удобной для наших клиентов:

Выезд бесплатный!

Как быстро? В течение 4-х часов!

Заправим картридж при Вас, проверим на месте.

При заправке обязательно проведем техобслуживание картриджа — бесплатно!

Оплата после работы как наличными, так и по безналичному расчету.

Ресурс: 3500

Цвет: черный

Тип: тонер-картридж


Заправка картриджа Ricoh SP330L

Стоимость заправки
одного картриджа

Заправка на выезде У нас в офисе
1 шт от 2 шт от 5 шт
1200 1000 900 900

Заправка картриджа Ricoh SP 330L

Выезд мастера по Москве (в пределах МКАД) — бесплатный

Модель аппарата SP330 / SP330DN / SP330SN / SP330SFN
Модель картриджа SP 330L
Ресурс картриджа 7000 ( 3500 ) стр.
Новый оригинальный Цену уточняйте у менеджера
Новый совместимый Цену уточняйте у менеджера

Заправка картриджа SP330L занимает 10 — 15 минут и может производится прямо у Вас в офисе или дома при условии предоставления нашему специалисту рабочего пространства (свободный стол).

Насколько выгодна заправка картриджа SP330L

Стоимость заправки картриджа SP 330L в разы ниже стоимости нового оригинального картриджа, что позволяет значительно сэкономить на расходных материалах.

Заправка картриджа SP 330L c сохранением высокого качества

Заправка катриджа SP 330L осуществляется только проверенными тонерами с привлечением к работе высококвалифицированных специалистов, благодаря чему качество печати заправленного картриджа остаётся на очень высоком уровне.

Как производится заправка картриджа Ricoh SP 330L

Заправка катриджа Ricoh SP330L производится только после предварительной очистки бункера от старого тонера, что позволяет избежать таких проблем, как серый фон и бледная печать.

В процессе заправки картридж Ricoh SP 330L заполняется сухим порошком и герметично закрывается, поэтому он не высохнет и не испортится даже после длительного хранения.

Заправка картриджа SP 330L с заменой чипа

Процесс заправки катриджа SP 330L включает в себя замену чипа, поскольку это является непременным условием его дальнейшей работоспособности. К тому же это значительно облегчает работу с принтером — Вы всегда будете знать сколько тонера осталось и когда пришло время заправить картридж. Стоимость замены чипа уже включена в стоимость заправки.

Узнать более подробно о заправке картриджа SP 330L и получить бесплатную косультацию специалиста сервис центра Вы можете по номеру: 920-98-43

Заправка картриджа Ricoh SP 330SFN с выездом

Компания «Мега-Заправка» осуществляет качественную заправку картриджа Ricoh SP 330SFN с выездом мастера к Вам в офис или домой. Заправка картриджа производится тонером премиум-класса для достижения лучшего качества печати.

Как мы заправляем картридж Ricoh SP 330SFN

  1. Полная диагностика картриджа

      Мастер обязательно должен проверить, как картридж печатает до заправки. Это поможет ему определить какие у картриджа существуют проблемы, а также, какие детали картриджа изношены и требуют замены.

  2. Разборка, чистка, продувка

      Включает в себя разборку картриджа, полную очистку картриджа от старого тонера, очистку бункера отработанного тонера.

  3. Смазывание шестеренок, чистка деталей 

      На данном этапе производится очистка всех основных деталей картриджа (вала заряда, магнитного вала, фотобарабана, дозирующего лезвия, ракеля), а также смазывание шестеренок, контактов токопроводной смазкой. Этап включает в себя заправку картриджа подходящим тонером, а также замену чипа при необходимости. Картридж заправляется полностью на соответствующий ему ресурс.

Стоимость заправки картриджей Ricoh SP 330H

Выезд по Москве бесплатно.

Гарантия на заправку до конца ресурса.

Ресурс картриджа SP330H (408281) — 7000 страниц  
Заправка 1 картриджа с выездом 1100 рублей
Заправка от 2 картриджей на выезде по 900 рублей
Заправка у нас в офисе 900
Новый совместимый картридж SP 330H (408281) 1580 рублей
Модель картриджа Ricoh SP330H
Новый оригинальный Уточните у менеджера

В принтерах сериии Ricoh SP 330DN и SP 330SFN используются следующие модели картриджей:

Картридж Ricoh SP 330L черный (black) 3500 стр (408278)

— Картридж Ricoh SP 330H черный (black) 7000 стр (408281)

Заправка картриджей Ricoh для лазерных принтеров включает в себя выполнение следующих операций:

  • — Разборка картриджа
  • — Оценка элементов картриджа на исправность
  • — Очистка картриджа от остатков неизрасходованного тонера
  • — Заправка новым тонером
  • Установка нового чипа
  • — Сборка картриджа
  • — Выдача гарантии на выполненные работы

Дополнительные услуги:

Помимо заправки, при необходимости мы производим восстановление картриджей.

Услуга по заправке картриджей Ricoh SP330H (408281) предоставляется на территории всей Москвы и Подмосковья.

Как производится заправка картриджей в нашей компании.

Заправка лазерных принтеров Ricoh происходит с использованием сертифицированного тонера высокого качества. В услугу по заправке картриджа входит его очистка от остатков старого тонера и заправка картриджа новым тонером.

Клиент лично выбирает, где будет произведена заправка картриджей. Если у вас нет возможности приехать к нам в офис, наши мастера приедут к вам. Для выполнения заправки картриджей на выезде требуется предоставить нашему специалисту рабочее пространство – чистый стол. Заправка картриджа на выезде занимает 10-20 минут.

Так же возможен заказ услуги в праздничные и выходные дни. Для выезда нашего мастера вам необходимо оформить только заявку.

Благодаря многолетнему опыту работы, мы выполняем заправку картриджей качественно и быстро, гарантируя исправность картриджей без ограничения по времени, вплоть до выработки всего тонера.

При желании клиента, представители нашей имеют возможность обменять заправленные картриджи на пустые по указанному клиентом адресу или осуществить экспресс заправку картриджей на месте. При заказе наших услуг на заправку картриджей от 2 штук и более, вы получаете скидку.

Ricoh SP 330DN User Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

User’s Guide

Guide to the Machine

Paper Specifications and Adding Paper

Printing Documents

Configuring the Machine Using the Control


Configuring the Machine Using Utilities

Maintaining the Machine


Configuring Network Settings Using OS X


For safe and correct use, be sure to read Safety Information before

using the machine.



Related Manuals for Ricoh SP 330DN

Summary of Contents for Ricoh SP 330DN

МФУ Ricoh SP 311SFN использует моноблочный принт-картридж  SP 311XE. Внешне картридж похож на картридж Ricoh sp3400


Картридж, как и большинство других, состоит из двух частей —  часть с тонером и бункер с отработанным тонером. Такая конструкция позволяет картриджу печатать без потери качества, вплоть до полного окончания ресурса картриджа.  Для заправки картриджа его необходимо располовинить, для этого необходимо открутить боковые крышки картриджа, но, перед этим, нужно по бокам открутить пластиковые заглушки «Г» образной формы, скрывающие пружины натяжения.

Боковая крышка

Боковая крышка


После снятия боковых заглушек снимаем пружины. Обратите внимание — пружины имеют разные цвета. Это сделано специально, что бы на заводе при сборке их не перепутали местами. Визуально пружины выглядят одинаково, но они имеют разную силу натяжения. Пружины стягивают между собой половинку с тонером и половинку с фотобарабаном (похожая конструкция используется в картриджах Lexmark E321 и Phaser 3600).


После того, как мы сняли пружины, откручиваем винт и снимаем боковую крышку картриджа. Обратите внимание на то,  как закреплены пружины на боковой крышке картриджа — это сильно поможет, когда будете собирать картридж обратно.

Крепление пружины на крышке

В отличии от картриджей других производителей, после того, как была снята половинка картриджа шестерни не пытаются вывалиться и упасть куда попало. Исключение составляет фотобарабан, вал которого закреплен только с одной стороны. Так что, будьте аккуратнее с фотобарабаном, чтобы не испортить его!

После успешного снятия боковой крышки картриджа разделяем картридж на две половинки. Многие специалисты, разбирая картридж, обратят внимание, что картридж имеет общие  технические решения  с картриджем от Ricoh sp1000/Xerox 3100.  И действительно при разработке картриджа Ricoh sp311 использованы конструктивные решения от картриджа  Ricoh sp1000.

Половина с фотобарабаном

Емкость с тонером

Первым делом вытряхнем отработанный тонер. Для этого извлекаем фотобарабан, потянув за металлический вал и извлекаем ролик заряда просто потянув его на себя. После извлечения фотобарабана и ролика заряда, для более тщательной очистки снимаем ракель. 

Сняли фотобарабан

Снимаем ролик заряда

Снимаем ракель

Вытряхиваем отработанный тонер, убираем остатки пылесосом. Ставим на место ракель. Устанавливаем фотобарабан и ролик заряда обратно. Устанавливая ролик заряда обратно будьте предельно аккуратны, края вала ролика разные!

Далее переходим ко второй половине картриджа, содержащей тонер. С торца картриджа, как видно на фотографии, имеется пробка, через которую и засыпаем тонер.  Для заправки картриджа Ricoh sp311 используется монохромный тонер Samsung.

После заправки, перед сборкой, необходимо обратить внимание на флажок, указывающий на количество тонера.

Флажок пустого картриджа

 Горизонтальное положение сообщает принтеру, что картридж пуст. Если заправить картридж, прошить чип, но забыть взвести флажок, то отпечатав небольшое количество страниц принтер запишет в чип информацию о том, что картридж снова пуст. Поэтому, чтобы избежать скорой повторной прошивки чипа, внимательно следите за положением флажка.

Флажок полного картриджа

После заправки нужно рукой взвести флажок в вертикальное положение и, удерживая в таком положении, немного прокрутить шестерню вала переноса.

После всех вышеописанных действий собираем картридж, не путая местами пружины. Порядок сборки немного отличается от порядка разборки. Сперва к бункеру для отработки прикручиваем крышку, как показано на фото, на нее устанавливаем пружину.

Надеваем боковую крышку

Затем, держа бункер вертикально, надетой крышкой вниз, устанавливаем бункер с тонером.

Далее, кладем другую крышку на стол, устанавливаем на место крепления пружину. Помните, не меняем местами пружины!

Крышка с пружиной

На лежащую крышку вертикально устанавливаем полусобранный картридж.

Устанавливаем вторую крышку

 Прикручиваем крышки, следя за тем, чтобы пружины внутри не слетели с креплений. Надеваем пружины на места крепления на картридже.

Устанавливаем пружины

После закручиваем все винты.

Закручиваем винты на крышках

Закручиваем винты на крышках

Все готово, теперь осталось только прошить чип!

P.S.: При разборке и сборке картриджа обратите внимание на мелкие шестеренки, расположенные на бункере с отработкой. При малейшем неосторожном движении они норовят соскочить с места и укатиться в неизвестном направлении)))

Те самые шестеренки


Как и все производители, компания Ricoh защищает свои картриджи от повторного использования. В качестве защиты используется стандартный чип на микросхеме 5МЕ3, для прошивки которого у меня получилось использовать только универсальный программатор чипов картриджа по USB. В качестве программы можно использовалась CrumResetter. К сожалению, никаким более дешевым программатором прошить этот чип у меня не получилось. Схему подключения смотрите на фотографии ниже.

Распиновка чипа

Прошился чип прошивкой картриджа Ricoh 3400 на 5000 страниц без каких либо проблем.

Опишу процесс прошивки.

Программатор, который я использовал, при подключении к USB порту определяется, как Устройства HID (Human Interface Devices и никаких настроек не требует. Работает он с программой CrumResetter.

Запускаем программу CrumResetter. Смотрим, определился ли программатор (выделено красным).

Проверяем подключение программатора

 Если то, что Вы видите, соответствует скриншоту выше, переходим к следующему шагу.

Подключаем сам чип.

Подключаем чип

Нажимаем кнопку «Scan», чтобы убедиться, что чип правильно подключен и читается.

Сканируем чип

Смотрим результат. Если все нормально, то программа отобразит тип и адрес чипа.

Тип и адрес чипа

Выбираем файл прошивки.

Выбираем файл прошивки

Выбираем файл прошивки

Прошиваем чип. Жмем кнопку «Programm Device»

Прошиваем чип

При удачном процессе прошивки мы увидим следующий результат:

Удачная прошивка

Поздравляю, чип прошит!

При каких либо проблемах с прошивкой проверьте правильность подключения!

Ricoh SP 330DN Field Service Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

SP 330DN, SP 330SN, SP 330SFN,

SP 3710DN, SP3710SF

Machine Code: M0C3, M0C4, C0C5,

M0C6, M0C7

Field Service Manual

Ver 1.0

Latest Release: June, 2018

Initial Release: June, 2018

(c) 2018 Ricoh Co.,Ltd.


Related Manuals for Ricoh SP 330DN

Summary of Contents for Ricoh SP 330DN

  • Page 1
    SP 330DN, SP 330SN, SP 330SFN, SP 3710DN, SP3710SF Machine Code: M0C3, M0C4, C0C5, M0C6, M0C7 Field Service Manual Ver 1.0 Latest Release: June, 2018 Initial Release: June, 2018 (c) 2018 Ricoh Co.,Ltd.
  • Page 3: Important Safety Notices

    Important Safety Notices Warnings, Cautions, Notes In this manual, the following important symbols and notations are used.  A Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to obey a Warning could result in death or serious injury.  A Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to obey a Caution could result in minor or moderate injury or damage to the machine or other property.

  • Page 4
    Safety Prevention of Physical Injury Before disassembling or assembling parts of the machine and peripherals, make sure that the machine and peripheral power cords are unplugged. The plug should be near the machine and easily accessible. Note that some components of the machine and the paper tray unit are supplied with electrical voltage even if the main power switch is turned off.
  • Page 5
    small children. 19. For machines installed with the anti-tip components: The anti-tip components are necessary for meeting the requirements of IEC60950-1, the international standard for safety. The aim of these components is to prevent the products, which are heavy in weight, from toppling as a result of people running into or leaning onto the products, which can lead to serious accidents such as persons becoming trapped under the product.
  • Page 6
    Handling Toner  Work carefully when removing paper jams or replacing toner bottles or cartridges to avoid spilling toner on clothing or the hands.  If toner is inhaled, immediately gargle with large amounts of cold water and move to a well- ventilated location.
  • Page 7
    Laser Safety The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) prohibits the repair of laser-based optical units in the field. The optical housing unit can only be repaired in a factory or at a location with the requisite equipment. The laser subsystem is replaceable in the field by a qualified Customer Engineer. The laser chassis is not repairable in the field.
  • Page 9: Symbols And Abbreviations

    Symbols and Abbreviations This manual uses several symbols and abbreviations. The meaning of those symbols and abbreviations are as follows: Symbol What it means Clip ring Screw Connector Clamp E-ring Flat Flexible Cable Timing Belt Short Edge Feed Long Edge Feed Black Cyan Magenta…

  • Page 10
    Trademarks Adobe and Acrobat are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Android and Google Play are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google Inc. OS X, TrueType, App Store, and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
  • Page 11
    Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home Premium Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate Microsoft® Windows® 7 Enterprise  The product names of Windows 8.1 are as follows: Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Pro Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Enterprise  The product names of Windows 10 are as follows: Microsoft®…
  • Page 12
     The product names of Windows Server 2016 are as follows: Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016 Datacenter Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016 Standard Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016 Essentials Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their respective companies.
  • Page 13: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Product Information ……………………… 6 Machine Codes and Peripherals Configuration ………………6 Main Frame ……………………….6 Options ……………………….. 6 Specifications ……………………….7 Installation ……………………….8 Installation Requirements ……………………8 Environment ……………………….8 Main Machine Installation ……………………. 8 Moving and Transporting the Machine ………………..8 Settings for @Remote Service (for Printer Models) …………….

  • Page 14
    Laser Unit ……………………….62 Caution Decal Locations ……………………. 62 Laser Unit ……………………….62 Laser Unit Thermistor ……………………62 Paper Feed ……………………….64 Paper Feed Roller ……………………… 64 Friction Pad ……………………….. 64 Paper End Sensor ……………………… 65 By-pass Feed Solenoid ……………………65 By-pass Feed Roller ……………………
  • Page 15
    Cooling Fan ………………………. 97 Environment Thermistor ……………………98 ID Chip Board ……………………..98 Front Cover Switch, Rear Cover Switch ………………99 USB Port (Only for MF Models) …………………. 99 FCU (Only for Fax Models) ………………….100 Speaker (Only for Fax Models) ………………… 100 Image Adjustment ……………………..
  • Page 16
    SC 4xx (Image Transfer and Transfer Errors) …………….173 SC 5xx (Motor and Fusing Errors) ………………..173 SC 6xx (Communication and Other Errors) ……………… 178 Error Messages ……………………..179 Overview ……………………….179 Error Messages……………………..179 Fax Error Codes ……………………..187 Fax Error Code Structure ………………….
  • Page 17
    Overview ……………………….215 Laser Exposure ……………………..216 Overview ……………………….216 Mechanism ……………………… 216 Print Cartridge (AIO) ……………………. 218 Overview ……………………….218 Mechanism ……………………… 219 Paper Feed ……………………….223 Overview ……………………….223 Mechanism ……………………… 223 Image Transfer ……………………..227 Overview ……………………….227 Mechanism ………………………
  • Page 18: Product Information

    1.Product Information 1. Product Information Machine Codes and Peripherals Configuration Main Frame Printer Models: Name Machine Code Operation Panel Remarks SP 330DN M0C3 Four-line LCD For NA/EU/AA/CHN/TWN SP 3710DN M0C6 Four-line LCD For NA/EU/AA MF Models: Name Machine Code Operation Panel…

  • Page 19: Specifications

    1.Product Information Specifications See «Appendices» for the following information:  «General Specifications»  «Supported Paper Sizes»…

  • Page 20: Installation

    2.Installation 2. Installation Installation Requirements Environment Temperature Range: 10°C to 32°C (50°F to 89.6°F) Humidity Range: 15% to 80% RH Ambient Illumination: Less than 2,000 lux (do not expose to direct sunlight) Ventilation: 3 times/hr/person Do not install the machine at locations over 2,000 m (6,562 ft.) above sea level. Atmospheric pressure: more than 740 hPa.

  • Page 21
    2.Installation  When disconnecting the power cord from the wall outlet, always pull the plug, not the cord. Pulling the cord can damage the power cord. Use of damaged power cords could result in fire or electric shock.  The printer weighs approximately 17.5 kg (38.6 lb.). When moving the printer, use the inset grips on both sides, and lift slowly.
  • Page 22: Settings For @Remote Service (For Printer Models)

    2.Installation Settings for @Remote Service (for Printer Models)  Prepare the necessary equipment and check the following points before you visit the customer site. For details, ask the @Remote key person.  For information on how to enter the «Maintenance Mode (SP mode)», contact the supervisor in your branch office.

  • Page 23
    2.Installation and click [OK]. When using a USB cable, select «USB port». Click [Printer Configuration] in the [User Tools] tab. Input the access code in the access code input screen and click [OK]. (Administrator’s password:…
  • Page 24: Service Menu

    2.Installation Admin) 10. Select the [@Remote] tab in the printer setting screen. 11. Input the following items if necessary, then click [OK]. [RC Gate Proxy Server: Proxy Server]: Select [Enable] in the pull down menu. [RC Gate Proxy Server: Proxy Address]: Input the address of the proxy server. [RC Gate Proxy Server: Port Number]: Input the HTTP proxy port number.

  • Page 25: Check The Network Environment

    2.Installation Confirm the Request Number. SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Instl:Reference] Check the confirmation result. SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Instl:Ref Rslt] Value Meaning Solution/ Workaround Succeeded Request number error Check the request number again. Communication error (proxy enabled) Check the network condition.

  • Page 26
    2.Installation Error Codes When other errors occur, check the following error code list. SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Instl: ErrorCode] Caused by Operation Error, Incorrect Setting Code Meaning Solution/ Workaround -12003 Attempted registration without execution of a Perform Confirmation before attempting confirmation and no previous registration.
  • Page 27: Settings For @Remote Service (For Mf Models)

    2.Installation Settings for @Remote Service (for MF Models)  Prepare the necessary equipment and check the following points before you visit the customer site. For details, ask the @Remote key person.  For information on how to enter the «Maintenance Mode (SP mode)», contact the supervisor in your branch office.

  • Page 28
    2.Installation Four-line LCD panel: SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Function Flag] Touch panel: SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Function Flag] Execute the @Remote Settings Enter the «Maintenance Mode (SP mode)». Check if the @Remote status is «0». Four-line LCD panel: SP menu >…
  • Page 29
    2.Installation Center GUI. Four-line LCD panel: SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Instl:Ref Section] Touch panel: SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Confirm Place] Execute the registration. Four-line LCD panel: SP menu > [@Remote] > [Remote Service] > [Instl:Rgstltn] Touch panel: SP menu >…
  • Page 30
    2.Installation Code Meaning Solution/ Workaround certification and ID2. -12006 A confirmation request was made after the Execute registration. confirmation had been already completed. -12008 Update certification failed because mainframe Check the machine condition. If the was in use. machine is in use, try again later. Error Caused by Response from GW URL Code Meaning…
  • Page 31: Preventive Maintenance

    3.Preventive Maintenance 3. Preventive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Tables There are no PM parts in this machine.

  • Page 32: Image Quality Standards

    3.Preventive Maintenance Image Quality Standards Engine Item Specification Remarks Assured Image Area Except Envelopes Except Envelopes Leading edge: 4.2 mm Left/Right: 4.2 mm Trailing edge: 4.2 mm Envelopes Leading edge: 15 mm Left/Right: 10 mm Trailing edge: 10 mm Envelopes Magnification Error ±0.75% or less Except when duplexing.

  • Page 33
    3.Preventive Maintenance Item Specification Remarks Leading edge: 4.0 ± 2.0 mm Trailing edge: 4.0 ± 3.0 mm (Reference value) Scan Item Specification Remarks Magnification Error Main: ± 0.5% Sub: ± 1.5% Magnification Error Deviation Main: ±2.0% Sub: ± 3.0% Perpendicularity ±…
  • Page 34: Paper Transfer Quality Standards

    3.Preventive Maintenance Paper Transfer Quality Standards Item Specification Remarks Registration Single Side: Scale Width: 0±2.5mm (Main Scan Direction) Vertical: 0±2.0mm (Sub Scan Direction) Duplex: Width: 0±2.5mm (Main Scan Direction) Vertical: 0±2.0mm (Sub Scan Direction) Skew Single Side: Except by-pass tray. ±1.0mm/100mm or less (Less than B5 SEF) ±1.2mm/200mm or less (B5 SEF or more) Duplex:…

  • Page 35: Replacement And Adjustment

    4.Replacement and Adjustment 4. Replacement and Adjustment General Cautions  If there are printer jobs in the machine, print out all jobs in the printer buffer.  Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before you do the procedures in this section.

  • Page 36: Exterior Covers (Printer Models)

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Exterior Covers (Printer Models) Front Cover Pull out the standard paper tray [A]. Open the bypass tray and push in the two tabs [A]. Pull out the bypass tray [A].

  • Page 37: Left Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Push the cover release button [B] and open the front cover [A]. Push the right hinge [A] to release it, and then remove the front cover [B]. Left Cover Remove the front cover (Front Cover). Remove two screws on the front side of the left cover [A].

  • Page 38
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Pull the front upper part of the left cover [A] to release the hook.  The outside of the cover has marks indicating the position of the hooks. Pull the front bottom part of the left cover [A] to release the hook. Lift the machine, and release the two hooks of the left cover [A].
  • Page 39: Rear Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Open the left cover [A] about 30 degrees, and then slide it backward to remove it.  There are many hooks and tabs inside the left cover. Before removing the left cover, see the photos below. Rear Cover Open the rear cover [A].

  • Page 40: Right Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Right Cover Remove the front cover (Front Cover). Remove the rear cover (Rear Cover). Remove the three screws of the right cover [A]. Pull the rear part of the right cover [A] to release the hook. The outside of the cover has marks indicating the position of the hooks. Lift the machine, and release the hook of the right cover [A].

  • Page 41: Top Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Pull the front bottom part of the right cover [A] to release the hook. Remove the right cover [A].  There are many hooks and tabs inside the right cover. Before removing the right cover, see the photos below.

  • Page 42
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the right cover (Right Cover). Remove the four screws and a connector, and release the three hooks, and then remove the top cover [A].  When re-installing the top cover, always verify that the two paperweights [A] are lifted. If they are not lifted to fit into the paper slot, the paperweights could be damaged.
  • Page 43: Operation Panel Unit

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Operation Panel Unit Remove the top cover (Top Cover). Turn the top cover over, and release the two hooks to remove the operation panel [A].

  • Page 44: Exterior Covers (Mf Models)

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Exterior Covers (MF Models) Front Cover Pull out the standard paper tray [A]. Open the bypass tray and push in the two tabs [A]. Pull out the bypass tray [A].

  • Page 45: Left Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Push the cover release button [B], and open the front cover [A]. Push the right hinge [A] to release it, and then remove the front cover [B]. Left Cover Remove the front cover (Front Cover). Remove the two screws on the front side of the left cover [A].

  • Page 46
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Pull the front upper part of the left cover [A] to release the hook.  The outside of the cover has marks indicating the position of the hooks. Pull the front bottom part of the left cover [A] to release the hook. Lift the machine, and release the two hooks of the left cover [A].
  • Page 47
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Open the scanner unit, and pull the upper part of the left cover [A] to release the hook. Open the left cover [A] about 30 degrees, and then slide it backward to remove it.  There are many hooks and tabs inside the left cover. Before removing the left cover, see the photos below.
  • Page 48: Rear Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Rear Cover Open the rear cover [A]. Slide the shaft [B] in the direction of the blue arrow, and remove the rear cover [A]. Right Cover Remove the front cover (Front Cover). Remove the rear cover (Rear Cover).

  • Page 49
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Pull the rear part of the right cover [A] to release the hook. The outside of the cover has marks indicating the position of the hooks. Lift the machine, and release the hook of the right cover [A]. Pull the front bottom part of the right cover [A] to release the hook.
  • Page 50: Top Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the right cover [A].  There are many hooks and tabs inside the right cover. Before removing the right cover, see the photos below. Top Cover Remove the front cover (Front Cover). Remove the left cover (Left Cover).

  • Page 51
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Models with No Fax:…
  • Page 52
    4.Replacement and Adjustment  When re-installing the top cover, always verify that the two paperweights [A] are lifted. If they are not lifted to fit into the paper slot, the paperweights [A] could be damaged.  Make sure that these paperweights [A] can be moved smoothly (up and down) after installing the top cover.
  • Page 53: Scanner Unit (Only Mf Models)

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Scanner Unit (Only MF Models) Scanner Unit Remove the front cover (Front Cover). Remove the left cover (Left Cover). Disconnect the harnesses, FFCs, and ground wires. Four-line LCD models: Touch panel models: Disconnect the scanner FFC by pulling it out straight, because it does not have a lock mechanism. Disconnect the touch panel FFC while pressing the lock release button.

  • Page 54
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Move the harnesses out of the frame so that they do not interfere when lifting the scanner unit. Open the scanner unit [A] and remove the stopper [B]. Remove the spring [A] and the guide plate [B], and then lift the scanner unit while in the wide-open…
  • Page 55: Operation Panel Unit

    4.Replacement and Adjustment state. Remove the ADF unit [B] (ADF/ARDF Unit (Only MF Models)) and the operation panel unit [C] (Operation Panel Unit) from the scanner unit [A]. Operation Panel Unit Remove the scanner unit (Scanner Unit).

  • Page 56
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Turn the scanner unit [A] over, and remove the seven screws. Turn the scanner unit over, and release the hooks of the operation panel [A] with a flat head screwdriver. Remove the operation panel unit [A]. Four-line LCD models: Touch panel models:…
  • Page 57
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Disconnect the FFC while pressing the lock release button.
  • Page 58: Adf/Ardf Unit (Only Mf Models)

    4.Replacement and Adjustment ADF/ARDF Unit (Only MF Models) ADF Unit (for Four-line LCD Models) ADF Unit Remove the scanner unit (Scanner Unit). Turn the scanner unit over, and move the harnesses out of the frame. Open the ADF unit [A] and remove it in the direction of the blue arrow (hooks).

  • Page 59
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Original Tray Open the original tray [A] and remove it (two tabs). ADF Pick-Up Roller Open the ADF top cover [A]. Remove the ADF feed unit [B] (tab). Remove the ADF pick-up roller [A]. ADF Feed Roller Remove the ADF feed unit (ADF Pick-Up Roller).
  • Page 60
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the ADF feed roller [A]. ADF Separation Pad Open the ADF top cover. Remove the ADF separation pad [A] (2 hooks, spring x 1). ADF Front Cover Remove the ADF unit (ADF Unit). Turn the ADF unit over. Remove the ADF front cover [A] ( x 3).
  • Page 61
    4.Replacement and Adjustment cover, see the photos below. ADF Rear Cover Remove the ADF unit (ADF Unit). Turn the ADF unit over. Remove the ADF rear cover [A] ( x 1).  There are many hooks and tabs inside the ADF rear cover [A]. Before removing the ADF rear…
  • Page 62
    4.Replacement and Adjustment cover, see the photos below. ADF Motor Remove the ADF unit (ADF Unit). Remove the ADF front cover (ADF Front Cover). Remove the ADF rear cover (ADF Rear Cover). Remove the ADF drive unit [A] while the ADF top cover [B] remains closed ( x 2).
  • Page 63
    4.Replacement and Adjustment brush). Remove the ADF motor [A] ( x 2). ADF Top Cover Remove the ADF drive unit (ADF Motor). Open the ADF top cover [A] and remove it (two tabs). Original Set Sensor Remove the ADF drive unit (ADF Motor).
  • Page 64
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the pressure plate [A] (4 hooks, 2 springs). Remove the lower guide ( x 3, ground plate, 6 hooks, 2 tabs). Remove the original set sensor [A] ( x 1). ADF Feed Sensor Remove the ADF drive unit (ADF Motor).
  • Page 65: Ardf Unit (For Touch Panel Models)

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the ADF feed sensor [A] ( x 1). ARDF Unit (for Touch Panel Models) ARDF Unit Remove the scanner unit (Scanner Unit). Turn the scanner unit over, and move the harnesses out of the frame. Open the ARDF unit [A] and remove it in the direction of the blue arrow (hooks).

  • Page 66
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Original Tray Open the original tray [A] and remove it (two tabs). ARDF Pick-Up Roller, ARDF Feed Roller Open the ARDF top cover [A]. Remove the ARDF feed unit [B] (tab). Remove the ARDF pick-up roller [A]. Remove the ARDF feed roller [B].
  • Page 67
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the ARDF separation pad [A] (2 hooks, spring x 1). ARDF Front Cover Remove the ARDF unit (ARDF Unit). Turn the ARDF unit over. Remove the ARDF front cover [A].  There are many hooks and tabs inside the ARDF front cover. Before removing the ARDF front…
  • Page 68
    4.Replacement and Adjustment cover, see the photos below. ARDF Rear Cover Remove the ARDF unit (ARDF Unit). Turn the ARDF unit over. Remove the ARDF rear cover [A].  There are many hooks and tabs inside the ARDF rear cover. Before removing the ARDF rear…
  • Page 69
    4.Replacement and Adjustment cover, see the photos below. ARDF Motor Remove the ARDF unit (ARDF Unit). Remove the ARDF front cover (ARDF Front Cover). Remove the ARDF rear cover (ARDF Rear Cover). Remove the original tray [A].
  • Page 70
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the ARDF drive unit [A]. When removing/attaching the ARDF drive unit, make sure to route the harnesses carefully so that they will not be damaged. Remove the ARDF motor assembly [A].
  • Page 71
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the ARDF motor [A]. ARDF Top Cover Remove the ARDF drive unit (ARDF Motor). Open the ARDF top cover [A] and remove it (two tabs). Original Set Sensor Remove the ARDF drive unit (ARDF Motor). Turn the ARDF drive unit over.
  • Page 72
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the sensor cover [A]. Remove the original set sensor [A]. ARDF Feed Sensor Remove the ARDF drive unit (ARDF Motor). Turn the ARDF drive unit over. Remove the pressure plate [A] (4 hooks).
  • Page 73
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the lower guide [A] (6 hooks). Remove the ARDF feed sensor [A].
  • Page 74: Laser Unit

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Laser Unit  Turn off the main power switch and unplug the machine before attempting any of the procedures in this section. Laser beams can seriously damage your eyes. Caution Decal Locations A caution decal is attached as shown below. …

  • Page 75
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Release the four hooks, and remove the laser unit top cover [A]. Remove the laser unit thermistor [A].
  • Page 76: Paper Feed

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Paper Feed Paper Feed Roller Pull out the standard paper tray. Remove the AIO. Set the machine with the rear side facing down, resting on the table. Remove the two clips, and slide the paper feed shaft [A] to the left side. Release the hook, and slide the paper feed roller [B] to the right side to remove it.

  • Page 77: Paper End Sensor

    4.Replacement and Adjustment The spring is a different service part from the friction pad. If the spring has no problems, it can continue to be used. Paper End Sensor Remove the paper feed roller (Paper Feed Roller). Remove the paper end sensor [A]. If it is difficult to remove it, pull out the shaft of the paper feed roller completely before removing.

  • Page 78: By-Pass Feed Roller

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the solenoid cover [A]. Remove the by-pass feed solenoid [A]. By-pass Feed Roller Remove the left cover (Printer models: Left Cover, MF models: Left Cover). Remove the right cover (Printer models: Right Cover, MF models: Right Cover).

  • Page 79
    4.Replacement and Adjustment the frame, and then attach the upper hooks.  Be careful that the springs [B] and the ground plate [C] do not fall inside the machine during re-installation. Remove the by-pass upper guide plate [A]. Remove the by-pass solenoid cover, and the by-pass solenoid [B] ( x 1).
  • Page 80: By-Pass Feed Roller Friction Pad

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the gear [C] (hook). Slide the by-pass feed roller shaft [A] to the left side, and remove it. Remove the metal cover [B] from the by-pass feed roller [C]. By-pass Feed Roller Friction Pad Remove the by-pass feed roller (By-pass Feed Roller).

  • Page 81: Paper Feed Clutch

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the by-pass feed sensor [A]. Paper Feed Clutch Remove the drive unit (Drive Unit). Remove the paper feed clutch [A]. Fit the stopper of the paper feed clutch over the tab on the machine. Relay Clutch Remove the drive unit (Drive Unit).

  • Page 82: Registration Clutch

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the relay clutch [A]. Registration Clutch Remove the drive unit (Drive Unit). Remove the registration clutch [A]. Registration Roller Remove the AIO. Only for MF models, remove the scanner unit (Scanner Unit). Remove the top cover (Printer models: Cover, MF models: Cover).

  • Page 83
    4.Replacement and Adjustment 11. Remove the heat insulating plate [A]. 12. Remove the duplex motor base [A]. 13. Slightly flex the side frames outward, and remove the exit roller base [A] and grounding plate [B]. When re-installing the exit roller base, remove the gear [C] temporarily so that it does not get damaged.
  • Page 84
    4.Replacement and Adjustment 14. Pass the harnesses through the hole inside the machine. 15. Slightly flex the side frames outward, and remove the laser unit base [A]. 16. Remove the main power cord [A] on the right side.
  • Page 85
    4.Replacement and Adjustment 17. Remove the rear lower cover [A]. There is a screw behind the tray cover [B]. 18. Remove the bushings on both sides, and remove the duplex cover [A]. 19. Set the machine with the front side facing down, resting on the table. 20.
  • Page 86
    4.Replacement and Adjustment 21. Remove the bracket [A] on the left side. 22. Remove the bushings on both sides and pass the harness [B] through the hole inside the machine, and then remove the duplex transport guide [A]. 23. Remove the clamp [B], and then remove the bracket [A].
  • Page 87
    4.Replacement and Adjustment 24. Pass the harness [B] through the hole inside the machine, and remove the registration unit [A]. 25. Remove the upper guide plate [A] (2 hooks).
  • Page 88: Registration Sensor

    4.Replacement and Adjustment 26. Remove the registration roller (follower) [A] as shown below (spring x 2, plastic parts x 2). 27. Remove the registration roller (drive) [A] ( x 2, bushing x 2). Registration Sensor Remove the registration unit (Registration Roller).

  • Page 89
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the registration sensor [A] ( x 1, 3 hooks).
  • Page 90: Image Transfer

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Image Transfer Transfer Roller Remove the front cover (Printer models: Front Cover, MF models: Front Cover). Remove the AIO. Remove the transfer roller [A] as shown below. Remove the bushing x 2 [C], spring x 2 [D], gear x 1 [B], collar x 1 [A] from the transfer roller. …

  • Page 91: Toner End Sensor

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Toner End Sensor Remove the left cover (Printer models: Left Cover MF models: Left Cover). Remove the drive unit (Drive Unit). Remove the toner end sensor [A]. Quenching Lamp Remove the top cover (Printer models: Top Cover MF models: Cover).

  • Page 92
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the quenching lamp [A] from the case (hook x 3).
  • Page 93: Fusing And Exit

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Fusing and Exit  Switch off the main power, unplug the machine from its power source, and allow the fusing unit to cool before removing it. Fusing Unit The non-contact thermistor is installed so that there is a gap of 1 mm between it and the surface of the hot roller.

  • Page 94
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Disconnect the connectors from the fusing unit [A]. Pass the harnesses through the hole [A] inside the machine. Remove the fusing unit [A] ( x 4).
  • Page 95: Fusing Upper Cover

    4.Replacement and Adjustment  Make sure that the two bushings [A] on both sides remain in position. Fusing Upper Cover Remove the fusing unit (Fusing Unit). Remove the fusing upper cover [A]. Thermostat Remove the fusing unit (Fusing Unit). Remove the fusing upper cover (Fusing Upper Cover)

  • Page 96: Fusing Thermistor

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the thermostat [A]. Fusing Thermistor Remove the fusing unit (Fusing Unit). Remove the fusing upper cover (Fusing Upper Cover). Remove the fusing front cover [A]. Remove the fusing thermistor [A]. Fusing Lamp Remove the fusing unit (Fusing Unit).

  • Page 97
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the fusing side covers [A] ( x 2 each). Turn the fusing unit over. Remove the screws on both sides ( x 1 each). Hold the terminal and flat nut with your finger firmly. Otherwise, the lamp secured together with the flat nut moves with rotation of the screw, which causes the lamp to break.
  • Page 98: Hot Roller Stripper Pawls

    4.Replacement and Adjustment hot roller. When installing a new lamp, the flat terminal [A] as shown below must be on the right side of the fusing unit (fusing cable side). Hot Roller Stripper Pawls Remove the fusing unit (Fusing Unit). Remove the fusing upper cover (Fusing Upper Cover).

  • Page 99: Paper Exit Sensor

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the hot roller stripper pawls [A] (1 spring for each pawl). Paper Exit Sensor Open the rear cover. Remove the paper exit sensor [A].

  • Page 100: Duplex

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Duplex Duplex Sensor Open the rear cover. Remove the duplex sensor [A].

  • Page 101: Drive

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Drive Main Motor Remove the left cover (Printer models: Left Cover, MF models: Left Cover). Remove the main board (Main Board). For MF models, remove the main board bracket (FCU (Only for Fax Models)). Remove the harness guide plate [A]. Remove the main motor [A].

  • Page 102: Drive Unit

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Make sure that the stoppers of the clutches are set over the projections on the harness guide plate. Drive Unit Remove the left cover (Printer models: Left Cover MF models: Left Cover). Remove the main board (Main Board (Printer Models)).

  • Page 103
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the drive unit [A]. Printer models: MF models: When re-installing the harness guide plate, first set the stopper of the relay clutch [A] over the projection. Make sure that the stoppers of the clutches are set over projections on the harness guide plate.
  • Page 104: Duplex Motor

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Duplex Motor Remove the top cover (Printer models: Top Cover MF models: Cover). Remove the duplex motor [A].

  • Page 105: Electrical Components

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Electrical Components Main Board Settings such as network settings and initial settings are registered in the flash memory on the main board. When replacing the main board, ask the customer to back up/restore the settings in Administrator Tools in the WIM.

  • Page 106
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the main board [A]. Disconnect the scanner FFC by pulling it out straight, because it does not have a lock mechanism. Main Board (MF Touch Panel Models) Remove the left cover (Left Cover). Remove the main board [A]. Disconnect the scanner FFC by pulling it out straight, because it does not have a lock mechanism.
  • Page 107
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Disconnect the touch panel FFC while pressing the lock release button. When installing the main board [A], be careful of the connection to the FCU behind it. When Installing the New Main Board After replacing the main board, the following settings must be made correctly. Enter the «Maintenance Mode», and set the SPs below;…
  • Page 108: Psu

    4.Replacement and Adjustment  Serial No. Four-line LCD models: SP menu > [Engine Maintenance] > [Serial No.] Touch panel models: SP menu > [Engine Service Setting] > [Serial No.] Ask your supervisor about how to enter the «Maintenance Mode». Do the registration adjustment (Registration Adjustment) For @Remote models, make sure that the manual call can be performed.

  • Page 109: Hvp

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the right cover (Printer models: Right Cover, MF models: Right Cover). Remove the HVP [A]. After removing the HVP, the terminal pins are left in the machine, so be careful not to lose them. When installing the HVP, make sure that the terminal pins contact the terminals of the HVP straight, and not at an angle.

  • Page 110: Environment Thermistor

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the cooling fan [A].  Install the cooling fan with its decal facing the outside of the machine. Environment Thermistor Remove the left cover (Printer models: Left Cover, MF models: Left Cover). Remove the environment thermistor [A]. ID Chip Board Remove the top cover (Printer models: Cover, MF models:…

  • Page 111: Front Cover Switch, Rear Cover Switch

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Release the three hooks, and remove the ID chip board [A]. Front Cover Switch, Rear Cover Switch Remove the left cover (Printer models: Left Cover, MF models: Left Cover). For MF models, remove the main board (Main Board).

  • Page 112: Fcu (Only For Fax Models)

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the USB port [A]. FCU (Only for Fax Models) Remove the main board (Main Board (MF Touch Panel Models)). Remove the main board bracket [A]. Remove the FCU [A]. Speaker (Only for Fax Models) Remove the left cover (Left Cover).

  • Page 113
    4.Replacement and Adjustment Remove the speaker [A].
  • Page 114: Image Adjustment

    4.Replacement and Adjustment Image Adjustment Registration Adjustment User Adjustment The paper registration can also be adjusted with the user mode («User Tools «). For details, see the «User Guide». Service Adjustment Enter the «Maintenance Mode (SP mode)». For information on how to enter the «Maintenance Mode (SP mode)», contact the supervisor in your branch office.

  • Page 115: System Maintenance

    5.System Maintenance 5. System Maintenance Maintenance Mode (for Four-line LCD Models) Overview This model has several service menus. Each service menu has several adjustment items. Maintenance Mode Menu  Display Info  Engine Maintenance  Scan Maintenance (only for MF models) …

  • Page 116
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Counter Printer Black image Displays the total counters of the printer engine. Counter Scanner Total Page Displays the sum total of scanner counters for each Counter Color Image mode. (Only for MF models) Black Image ADF Used Jam Counter Jam Total Displays the number of paper jams at each location.
  • Page 117
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description [-8 to 8 / 0 / 1/step] Trans Roller Bias Adjusts the transfer roller bias. [-6 to 6 / 0 / 1/step] Developer Bias Adjusts the developer bias. [270 to 330 / 250 / 15/step] Charge Bias [1100 to 1300 / 1200 / 25/step] Fusing Unit Plain Paper…
  • Page 118
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Vert .Dup. [-8 to 8 / 0 (Default) / 1mm/step] Plain Paper Vert .Dup. [-8 to 8 / 0 (Default) / 1mm/step] Thick Paper Vert .Dup.1 [-8 to 8 / 0 (Default) / 1mm/step] Thin Paper Output Check Main Motor Output check (Main motor)
  • Page 119
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Transfer Displays the EM counter (Transfer Roller: pages). Roller — Pages Fusing Unit — Displays the EM counter (Fusing Unit: pages). Pages Transfer Displays the remainder until the service life (Transfer roller: %) Roller Remain Paper Feed Displays the remainder until the service life (Paper feed roller: %) Roller Remain…
  • Page 120
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description does not change. [-40.0 to 40.0 / -7.0 (Default) / 0.1 mm/step] Vert. Tray1 [-40.0 to 40.0 / 23.0 (Default) / 0.1 mm/step] Plain Vert. Tray1 [-40.0 to 40.0 / 23.0 (Default) / 0.1 mm/step] Thick Vert.
  • Page 121
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description to stop printing after the print total exceeds a certain set value. If the print count exceeds this value, then «Replace Print Cartridge» remains in the display. Then a new AIO cartridge must be installed. This feature is a safety measure to prevent the used toner tank from becoming full (there is no toner overflow detection mechanism).
  • Page 122: Menu Description

    5.System Maintenance Menu Description [-2.0 to 2.0 / 0 (Default)/ 0.1mm/step] Flatbed Sub Reg. Adjusts the Flatbed Scan sub-scan registration. [-2.0 to 2.0 / 0 (Default)/ 0.1mm/step] Size Adjust ADF Main Reg. Adjusts the ADF Scan main-scan magnification. [-0.9 to 0.9 / 0 (Default)/ 0.1 %/step] ADF Sub Reg.

  • Page 123
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Validity [Inactive (Default)/ Active] Setting System Maintenance Menu Description Air Print Enable Sets whether the Air Print function is enabled or disabled [Disable/ Enable (Default)] Debug Tools [Off (Default)/ NIC/ USB] @Remote Menu Description Supply Alarm Toner Supply Alarm Sets the toner supply alarm.
  • Page 124
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description [1 to 90 / 30 / 1 sec/step] HTTP Sen Timeout Specifies the send timeout interval when calling the RCG. [0 to 100 / 30 / 1 sec/step] HTTP Rec Timeout Specifies the receive timeout interval when calling the RCG. [0 to 100 / 30 / 1 sec/step] HTTP Retry Interval If the HTTP connection fails, specify the interval at which the…
  • Page 125
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description communication between the RCG Device and the gateway. HTTP Proxy Port Sets the HTTP proxy port number. [0 to 65535 / 8080 / 1/step] HTTP Prox AutUsr Displays the HTTP proxy authentication user. HTTP Prox AutPass Displays the HTTP proxy authentication password.
  • Page 126: Maintenance Mode (For Touch Panel Models)

    5.System Maintenance Maintenance Mode (for Touch Panel Models) Overview This model has several service menus. Each service menu has several adjustment items. Maintenance Mode Menu  Information Display  Engine Service Setting  Scanner Service Setting  FAX Service Setting …

  • Page 127
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Tray2 Duplex WiFi Channel Type Displays the WiFi channel type. Engine Service Setting Menu Description PnP Name DFU (Designed for Factory Use). [0x00 to 0x7F] Destination Sets the destination and updates the engine setting. [DOM/ NA/ EU/ ASIA/ CHN/ TAIWAN] Brand ID Displays the current brand ID number.
  • Page 128
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Thick Vert. Bypass [-40.0 to 40.0 / 17.0 (Default) / 0.1 mm/step] Thin Horiz. Dup. [-40.0 to 40.0 / 8.0 (Default) / 0.1 mm/step] Back Vert. Dup. [-40.0 to 40.0 / 17.0 (Default) / 0.1 mm/step] Plain Vert.
  • Page 129
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description [170 to 200 / 185 / 5°C/step] Envelope Adjusts the fusing temperature for envelopes. [170 to 200 / 185 / 1°C/step] Thin Paper Adjusts the fusing temperature for thin paper. [155 to 180 / 170 / 1°C/step] Low Power Adjusts the fusing temperature in the low power mode.
  • Page 130
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Thin Paper Output Check Main Motor Output check (Main motor) Middle Clutch Output check (Relay clutch) Tray1 Clutch Output check (Paper feed clutch) Bypass Output check (By-pass feed solenoid) Solenoid Regist Clutch Output check (Registration clutch) Fan High Output check (Cooling fan high speed) Speed…
  • Page 131
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Transfer Displays the remainder until the service life (Transfer roller: %) Roller Remain Paper Feed Displays the remainder until the service life (Paper feed roller: %) Roller Remain Fusing Unit Displays the remainder until the service life (Fusing unit: %) Remain Prt Cartridge Kind ID…
  • Page 132
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Alert Status Subscan Magnification Adjusts the sub scan magnification. [-8 to 8 / 0 / 1/step] Page Dot 0%-2% Displays the number of pages printed with coverage 0 to 2%. Coverage 3%-4% Displays the number of pages printed with coverage 3 to 4%. 5%-7% Displays the number of pages printed with coverage 5 to 7%.
  • Page 133
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description [-0.9 to 0.9 / 0 (Default)/ 0.1 %/step] ADF Main Reg. Adjusts the ADF Scan main-scan magnification. [-0.9 to 0.9 / 0 (Default)/ 0.1 %/step] Flatbed Main Reg. Adjusts the Flatbed Scan main-scan magnification. [-0.9 to 0.9 / 0 (Default)/ 0.1 %/step] Fax Service Setting Menu Description…
  • Page 134
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Stop/Clear Key Pressing the Stop/Clear key can stop the current receiving operation. Received data is lost. [No Functional (Default)/ Functional] Off-Hook Sets the Off-Hook detection period. Detection [200 msec (Default)/ 800 msec] Number for [0~9 / 2 (Default/ 1digit/step] Remote Switch Number of time [1~3 / 2 (Default/ 1time/step]…
  • Page 135
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description DTMF Delta Sets the level difference between high band frequency signals and low band frequency signals when sending DTMF tones. [1 dBu/ 2 dBu (Default)/ 3 dBu] 1Dial Tone Wait Time The machine starts dialing after the specified interval without Detection detection of a dial tone when dial tone detection is set to «No detection».
  • Page 136
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description First TX Speed Sets the first transmission speed choice, before fallback. [2400 Bps/ 4800 Bps/ 7200 Bps/ 9600 Bps/ 12000 Bps/ 14400 Bps/ 16800 Bps/ 19200 Bps/ 21600 Bps/ 24000 Bps/ 26400 Bps/ 28800 Bps/ 31200 Bps/ 33600 Bps (Default)] Symbol Rate This setting limits the transmission speed range in V.34 mode by masking the desired symbol rate(s).
  • Page 137
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Setting PDL Mode ON = «PDL Settings» is shown in [Print List/Report] menu (Default) OFF = «PDL Settings» is hidden FW Update If updating the firmware for a machine in which LDAP authentication is set, execute this Mode mode.
  • Page 138
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Setting Remote CE Call Performs the CE Call at the start or end of the service. Service Function Flag Enables or disables the remote service function. [Disable (Default)/ Enable] Communication Test Executes the communication test. Device Information Executes the device information notification.
  • Page 139
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Timing Next Regular Notify Displays the next periodic notification date and time. Next Counter Notify Displays the next counter notification date and time. Next Counter Displays the next counter closing date and time. Closing Center Polling Displays the center control polling date and time.
  • Page 140
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Manual Polling Executes polling. Regist Status Displays the @Remote status. Letter Number Inputs the request number. Confirm Execute Executes the reference. Confirm Result Displays the reference result. Confirm Place Displays the section name. Register Execute Executes registration. Register Result Displays the registration result.
  • Page 141: Smart Organizing Monitor (Som)

    5.System Maintenance Smart Organizing Monitor (SOM) Overview This machine has an operation panel, so the machine status can be checked and setup can be performed from the operation panel. However, as in the previous product, the SOM (Smart Organizing Monitor) utility can be executed from a PC.

  • Page 142: Menu List

    5.System Maintenance Each mode has a different access code.  Guest mode: (none)  Administrator mode: Admin  Service engineer mode: Contact the supervisor in your branch office. Menu List The displayed menu depends on the login mode Menu Description Guest Admin Service…

  • Page 143
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Guest Admin Service mode mode mode SP mode 3 Adjusts and executes service program modes. SP mode 4 Adjusts and executes service program modes. Paper Input Item Selections Remarks Tray 1 Paper A4 */ Letter */ B5/ B6/ A5/ A6/ Legal/ 8.5″ x 13″/ 8.5″ x *: Default (NA: Letter, EU: Size 13.4″/ 8.5″…
  • Page 144
    5.System Maintenance Item Selections Remarks (Tray 1, mm */ Inch * If the paper size factory Bypass Tray) default is A4, then the Custom Paper custom size factory default Size: Unit unit is mm. If the paper size factory default is Letter, then the custom size factory default unit is inch.
  • Page 145
    5.System Maintenance Item Selections Remarks Detection *: Default Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks Registration Tray 1 Print Test Sheet Sends a PCL command to the printer to print a test sheet. Adjustment (-15 to +15) 0.34 mm per step. Range is -5.4 mm to Horizontal * step +5.1 mm.
  • Page 146
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks Adjustment (-15 to +15) 0.34 mm per step. Range is -5.4 mm to Horizontal * step +5.1 mm. Adjustment (-15 to +15) 0.24 mm per step. Range is -3.6 mm to Vertical * step +3.6 mm *: If the machine settings are reset to the factory defaults, this value does not change.
  • Page 147
    5.System Maintenance Item Selections Remarks Page Device Null string* Up to 32 alphanumeric Comment characters. The factory default is ‘null string’. Restore to Restores all settings to the Factory Default factory default settings for button the market area setting. Language English */ French/ German/ Italian/ Spanish/ Dutch/ The factory setting is Danish/ Swedish/ Norwegian/ Portuguese/ Polish/…
  • Page 148
    5.System Maintenance Menu Selections Remarks IPv6 DHCP Disable */ Enable Address From DHCP Displays Address from DHCP Stateless Auto Address Displays Stateless Auto Address. Link Local Address Displays Link Local Address. IPv6 default router (Gateway) Displays IPv6 Default Gateway. Manual Address Input IPv6 Address Manually.
  • Page 149
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks If this setting is changed, the printer power must be turned off/on for the new setting to take effect. Subnet Mask This setting is not available if DHCP is enabled. If this setting is changed, the printer power must be turned off/on for the new setting to take effect.
  • Page 150
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks on to off is the previous setting when DHCP was on. If this setting is changed, the printer power must be turned off/on for the new setting to take effect. Interface I/O Timeout 15 */ 60/ 300 (USB) I/O Timeout 15 / 60 */ 300…
  • Page 151
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks POP before SMTP SMTP Server Null string* Up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Name The factory default is ‘null string’. Port Number 1 to 65535 The factory default is 25. User Name Null string* Up to 32 alphanumeric characters. The factory default is ‘null string’.
  • Page 152
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks Print Cartridge Empty Service Required E-mail Address Up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Print Cartridge Near Empty No Paper Cover Open Alert 2 Display Name Up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Paper Jam Print Cartridge Empty Service Required E-mail Address Up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
  • Page 153
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks communication method. Authentication Open System */ Shared Key/ WP Selects the A2-PSK/ Mix Mode WPA/WPA2 authentication method. Encryption None */ WEP/ CCMP (AES)/ Selects the encryption TKIP/AES method. WPA Passphrase Input the WPA passphrase. WEP Key Length 64bit */ 128bit Selects the WEP key…
  • Page 154
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks Symbol Set Roman-8, Roman-9, ISO L1, ISO L2, ISO L5, PC-8* , PC-8 D/N, PC-850, PC-852, PC-858, PC-8 TK, Win L1, Win L2, Win L5, Desktop, PS Text, VN Intl, VN US, MS Publ, Math-8, PS Math, VN Math, Pi Font, Legal, ISO 4, ISO 6, ISO 11, ISO 15, ISO 17, ISO 21, ISO 60, ISO 69, Win 3.0, MC Text, ISO L6, ISO L9, PC-775, PC-1004, Win Balt…
  • Page 155
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Selections Remarks Register Service Test Call *: Default SP Mode 1 Group Item Remarks Registration: Horizontal Adjusts the horizontal registration for each tray and paper type. Tray 1 If the machine settings are reset to the factory defaults, this value does not change.
  • Page 156
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Remarks Paper Vertical: Thin [-40 to 40 / 23* / 0.1 mm/step] Paper Registration: Horizontal [-40 to 40 / 8* / 0.1 mm/step] Duplex Tray Vertical: Plain [-40 to 40 / 23* / 0.1 mm/step] Paper Vertical: Thick [-40 to 40 / 23* / 0.1 mm/step] Paper…
  • Page 157
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Remarks AirPrint Enable */ Disable Disable USB port Off */ On Machine Type Inactive */ Active 1Beam LD Power [42 to 108 / 74 (Default) / 1 /step] 2Beam LD Power [74 to 137 / 106 (Default) / 1/step] *: Default SP Mode 2 Group…
  • Page 158
    5.System Maintenance Group Item Remarks Paper Amount of Paper Buckle at the Vertical: Plain [-8 to 8 / 0* / 1 mm/step] Registration Roller: Duplex Tray Paper Vertical: Thick [-8 to 8 / 0* / 1 mm/step] Paper Vertical: Thin [-8 to 8 / 0* / 1 mm/step] Paper Fusing Temperature…
  • Page 159
    5.System Maintenance SP Mode 3 Item Remarks Destination [JPN/ NA/ EU / ASIA/ CHN/ TAIWAN] PnP ID Serial No Main Motor Rotation Time Displays the main motor rotation time. Charge Bias Setting [1100 to 1300 / 1200* / 24/step] Sub Scan Magnification Adjusts the sub scan magnification.
  • Page 160
    5.System Maintenance Item Remarks [0 to 255 / 100 / 1 dot/step] Counter Information Display the counter information. Clear Transfer Roller EM Counter Clears the EM counter of the transfer roller. Clear Paper Feed Roller EM Counter Clears the EM counter of the paper feed roller. Clear Fusing Unit EM Counter Clears the EM counter of the fusing unit.
  • Page 161
    5.System Maintenance Item Remarks CERT:MacroVsn Displays the Macro Version. CERT:PAC Vsn Displays the PAC Version. CERT:GW URL Displays the NRS Gateway URL. Instl:ID # Displays the request number. InstlRef Section Displays the section name. Confirm Executes the reference. Register Executes the registration. Service Test Call Executes the test call.
  • Page 162: Fax Service Test (Only For Fax Models)

    5.System Maintenance Fax Service Test (Only for Fax Models) Fax Service Test Menu Entering the Fax Service Test Menu Turn on the machine while pressing the [Home] key, and hold on pressing it until displayed «Fax Service Test». Selecting an Item Select the item which you want to execute.

  • Page 163
    5.System Maintenance Menu Description Signal Stop Generates the Stop signal.
  • Page 164: Reports

    5.System Maintenance Reports Types of Reports You can check reports with [Print List/Report] in the «User Tools». Item Description Configuration Page Prints the information about the machine’s status. Fax Journal Only for Fax models. Prints a fax transmission and reception journal for the last 50 jobs. TX/RX Standby Files List Only for Fax models.

  • Page 165: Report Examples

    5.System Maintenance The configuration page is printed. The [Print List/Report] screen appears on completion of printing. For MF Touch Panel Models: Press the [Setting] icon on the [Home] screen. Press [Print List/Report]. Press the report name you want. Press [Yes]. Report Examples Configuration Page Fax Journal…

  • Page 166
    5.System Maintenance Fax/Scanner Quick Dial Dest. List Fax Speed Dial List Scanner Destination List Scanner Journal Maintenance Page…
  • Page 167
    5.System Maintenance Total Counter: The total counter is incremented by the main board each time the board issues a print command to the engine. The value is calculated as follows: Total counter = Copier counter + Printer counter + Fax counter + Reports printed Application Counters: Application counters exist for each individual primary machine function (Printer, Scanner, Copier, Facsimile, and paper misfeed), and are incremented by the main board each time the board issues a…
  • Page 168: Test Page

    5.System Maintenance Test Page When you check an image problem or other problems, it might be necessary to print a test page. Follow the test page print procedure below to print a test page. To Print the Test Page For Printer Models Press the [Menu] key.

  • Page 169: Test Pattern Printing

    5.System Maintenance For MF Touch Panel Models Press the [Setting] icon on the [Home] screen. Press [Printer Features]. Press [List/Test Print]. Press [Test Page]. The test page is printed. Test Page Example Test Pattern Printing Follow the test pattern print procedure below to print a test pattern. To Print the Test Pattern For information on how to enter the «Maintenance Mode (SP mode)», contact the supervisor in your branch office.

  • Page 170
    5.System Maintenance For Touch Panel Models Enter the «Maintenance Mode (SP mode)». Press [Engine Service Setting]. Press [Test Pattern]. The three test pattern pages are printed. Test Pattern Examples…
  • Page 171: Updating The Firmware

    5.System Maintenance Updating the Firmware  Never turn the machine’s main power off while the firmware is being updated, because this could damage the main board. Before Updating the Firmware Check your operating environment before beginning the update. Compatible Operating Systems The computer must be running one of the following operating systems: …

  • Page 172: Updating The Main Firmware

    5.System Maintenance Computer Settings Make sure that the computer does not enter standby or hibernation mode during the update process. The following is the procedure for Windows 10. On the [Start] menu, click [Settings]. Click [System]. Click [Power & sleep]. Make sure [Sleep] is set to «Never».

  • Page 173
    5.System Maintenance page). Double-click the [FwUpdateTool.exe] (Windows) or [Firmware Update Tool] (OS X) icon to launch the firmware update tool. A dialog box with cautionary statements appears. Read the cautionary statements, and then click [OK]. For a USB connection, click [Firmware Update (USB)] [A]. For a network connection, enter the machine’s IP address in [Machine IP Address] [B], and then click [Firmware Update (LAN)] [C].
  • Page 174: Troubleshooting

    5.System Maintenance Touch panel models: “Please wait.” appears on the machine’s control panel. Four-line LCD models: “Warming up…” appears on the machine’s control panel. 10. Wait until the Home screen (touch panel models) or “Ready” (four-line LCD models) appears on the machine’s control panel.

  • Page 175
    5.System Maintenance Read the cautionary statements, and then click [OK]. Click [Firmware Update (USB)] [A]. Make sure that you keep the power of the machine turned on. Wait until the Home screen (touch panel models) or “Ready” (four-line LCD models) appears on the machine’s control panel.
  • Page 176
    5.System Maintenance Touch panel models: “Please wait.” appears on the machine’s control panel. Four-line LCD models: “Warming up…” appears on the machine’s control panel. Wait until the Home screen (touch panel models) or “Ready” (four-line LCD models) appears on the machine’s control panel.
  • Page 177
    5.System Maintenance Messages Causes Solutions machine has been broken. longer able to acquire update from the computer should not ***Please check the machine’s progress from the machine interrupt any ongoing update. control panel to see if updating because the connection between Check the machine’s control the firmware has already the machine and computer has…
  • Page 178
    5.System Maintenance Messages Causes Solutions another USB cable. The USB printer driver is not Install the USB printer driver in installed in the computer. the computer. The machine is turned off or an Turn the machine’s power off, error has occurred. wait a moment, and then turn it back on again.
  • Page 179
    5.System Maintenance Display Likely Cause Solution minute following a firmware update. Control Panel Indicator Patterns (Only for Four-line LCD Models) The indicators of the control panel show the machine’s status during and after firmware updates. If an update fails or does not complete normally, refer to the following table to resolve the problem. Indicator Pattern Likely Cause Solution…
  • Page 180: Capturing The Debug Logs

    5.System Maintenance Capturing the Debug Logs Overview You can use the Web Image Monitor to get debug logs. Retrieving the Debug Logs A PC is necessary to acquire the debug log. Enter the following URL in the browser: http://<ip address>/Primax-debug-info.asp?en-us After going to the «Webpage Debug Page», select the following items one at a time.

  • Page 181
    5.System Maintenance Item name Description be selected. Offset and Size should be smaller than the total engine flash memory size. Get Debug Get the debug log data from the log buffer. Message The log buffer is set to 3000 lines by default for MF models and 2000 lines by default for P models.
  • Page 182: Troubleshooting

    6.Troubleshooting 6. Troubleshooting Self-Diagnostic Mode Self-Diagnostic Mode at Power On As soon as the main machine is powered on, the controller waits for the initial settings of the copy engine to take effect and then starts an independent self-diagnostic test program. The self-diagnostic test checks the CPU, memory and so on.

  • Page 183: Service Call

    6.Troubleshooting Service Call Service Call Conditions The ‘SC Table’ section shows the SC codes for controller errors and other errors. The latter are put into four types. The type is determined by their reset procedures. The table shows the classification of the SC codes.

  • Page 184
    6.Troubleshooting Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution Turn the power OFF and ON. Replace the polygon mirror motor/ laser unit. Replace the interface harness of the laser unit. Replace the main board. Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution SC203 D Polygon mirror motor off timeout error The polygon mirror motor does not leave the READY status within 20 sec.
  • Page 185: Sc 4Xx (Image Transfer And Transfer Errors)

    6.Troubleshooting Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution SC268 D Laser unit thermistor error  The laser unit thermistor detected a temperature lower than -30°C for more than 4 sec.  The laser unit thermistor detected a temperature higher than 105°C for more than 1 sec.

  • Page 186
    6.Troubleshooting Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution  Defective main motor  Disconnected or defective motor harness Turn the power OFF and ON. Replace the main motor if the torque load is normal. Clean/replace the AIO and/or fusing unit if the torque load is abnormal. Replace the motor harness.
  • Page 187
    6.Troubleshooting Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution The fusing unit does not attain reload temperature within a predetermined time after the fusing temperature control starts.  Defective fusing lamp  The overheat protection mechanism started working Reset the SC. Replace the fusing unit. Replace the drawer harness.
  • Page 188
    6.Troubleshooting Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution  Deformed thermistor  Thermistor not in the correct position  Defective fusing lamp Reset the SC. Replace the fusing unit. Replace the drawer harness. Replace the PSU. Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution SC546 D Unstable fusing thermistor temperature While the machine is warming-up or printing, the detected temperature stays at 100℃…
  • Page 189
    6.Troubleshooting Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution Replace the PSU. Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution SC552 A Fuser reload error (non-contact thermistor) The fusing temperature rises 1°C or less in 1.5 seconds; and this continues 5 times consecutively.  Defective or deformed non-contact thermistor …
  • Page 190: Sc 6Xx (Communication And Other Errors)

    6.Troubleshooting Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution SC557 B Zero-crossing frequency exceeded The number of zero cross signal interrupts do not reach a specified value during frequency detection.  Unstable frequency of the power supply line None Type Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution SC559 A Fuser 3 times jam error The paper jam counter for the fusing unit reaches 3.

  • Page 191: Error Messages

    6.Troubleshooting Error Messages Overview Error codes will be displayed on the operation panel if the machine has a problem. These can be viewed by a customer. Messages are listed in alphabetical order in the table. «X» indicates a number in an error code that appears differently depending on a specific situation. When using the four-line LCD model: If the alert indicator lights up continuously or flashes, switch to copier mode and check the displayed message.

  • Page 192
    6.Troubleshooting Message Causes Solutions  remove paper. Check the originals are suitable for scanning. ADF Orig. Misfeed Open ADF Cover and remove paper.  Available: IDCard Copy ID card copy could not be Set the machine to print copies A4/A5 performed because the tray using A4 or Letter size paper in the SEF/A6/8.5×11/5.5×8.5…
  • Page 193
    6.Troubleshooting Message Causes Solutions the ADF. glass, select [Off] or [Manual 2Sd Scan Mode] in [Duplex/Combine] under [Copier Features], and then try again.  Check Paper Size The paper size set for the When using the touch panel document differs from the size models of the paper in the indicated Press [Form Feed] to begin…
  • Page 194
    6.Troubleshooting Message Causes Solutions specified in accordance with the telephone line in use.  When using the four-line LCD models Check that [PSTN / PBX] in [Admin. Tools] has been specified in accordance with the telephone line in use.  Exceeded MaxE-mail The scan file exceeds the size Configure [Resolution] under…
  • Page 195
    6.Troubleshooting Message Causes Solutions the original to store a fax job in memory before transmission.  The machine’s memory reached capacity while storing a fax in memory in Memory Transmission mode. Memory Overflow TX Memory has reached capacity Press [TX] to send only the pages that Cancel while scanning the second or have been scanned in memory, or…
  • Page 196
    6.Troubleshooting Message Causes Solutions Network is not Ready A scanned file could not be Wait until the machine receives the IP sent because the machine has address information completely, and not received IP address then try the operation again. information from the DHCP server completely.
  • Page 197
    6.Troubleshooting Message Causes Solutions Scan (USB) The USB cable was Reconnect the USB cable properly, and Disconnected disconnected while scanning then try the operation again. from a computer. Server Connection Failed A scanned file could not be Confirm that the destination is sent because the destination registered correctly, and then try the could not be reached.
  • Page 198
    6.Troubleshooting Message Causes Solutions machine is in Immediate Transmission mode, the fax will not be transmitted. Try the operation again.
  • Page 199: Fax Error Codes

    6.Troubleshooting Fax Error Codes Fax Error Code Structure This section describes the dial, transmission (TX), and reception (RX) error codes that are printed on the TX Report/Activity Report. Error codes consist of six hexadecimal digits (0-5). Digit 5 (far left) TX or RX 1xxxxx TX (Fax)

  • Page 200: Fax Error Code Table

    6.Troubleshooting Digit 2 Modem speed xxxbxx 26400 xxxcxx 28800 xxxdxx 31200 xxxexx 33600 Fax Error Code Table Error Code Error Type Error Description General Normal (No Error) xxxx01 STOP Xxxx1f H/W Error Not logged in activity RX T1 Time Out report 1xxx11 Scanner Error during TX…

  • Page 201
    6.Troubleshooting Error Code Error Type Error Description xxxx61 3. Phase-D Error T2 Time Out xxxx62 DCN received xxxx63 Too many CRPs xxxx64 Too many PPRs xxxx65 RNR Time Out xxxx66 RTN/PIN Received, EOR/ERR/DCN xxxx67 Invalid Command/Response RX xxxx68 Command Rec Error xxxx69 Resp Rec Error xxxx70…
  • Page 202: Jam Detection

    6.Troubleshooting Jam Detection Paper Jam Jam Sensor Layout The sensors used for jam detection are shown below. Registration sensor Paper exit sensor Duplex sensor Paper feed sensor (optional tray) Jam Message List Here is a list of common jam messages, and descriptions of the causes. See the drawings shown above to check the sensor locations.

  • Page 203: Original Jam (Adf/Ardf)

    6.Troubleshooting Jam message Cause Sensor sensor (optional tray) sensor [4] Internal Misfeed Paper stays at the registration sensor Registration sensor [1] Paper does not reach the exit sensor Paper exit sensor Misfeed: Duplex Unit Remove Paper Paper does not reach the registration Registration (Touch panel models) sensor (duplex feed)

  • Page 204
    6.Troubleshooting Original set sensor ADF feed sensor (ARDF feed sensor) Jam Message List Jam message Cause ADF Original Misfeed Original set sensor [1] ADF feed sensor (ARDF feed sensor) [2]…
  • Page 205: Image Quality

    6.Troubleshooting Image Quality Problem at Regular Intervals Image problems may appear at regular intervals that depend on the circumference of certain components. The following diagram shows the possible symptoms (black or white dots at regular intervals). Paper feed direction Problems at regular intervals Problems Intervals Defective parts…

  • Page 206: Other Problems

    6.Troubleshooting Other Problems Dark Lines in Halftone Areas at 75mm Intervals Using the machine in a room where the humidity is too low may cause dark lines in halftone areas at 75mm intervals. This is because low-humidity conditions tend to cause variations in light sensitivity across the surface of the drum.

  • Page 207: Stain Appears In The Right And The Left Edges

    6.Troubleshooting Solutions Set [Flicker Control] to «On». Four-line LCD panel: SP menu > [Engine Maintenance] > [Flicker Control] Touch panel: SP menu > [Engine Service Setting] > [Flicker Control] Side Effect  The power consumption is increased: When using thinner paper than Thick 1, the fusing temperature is controlled to increase 5°C (*).

  • Page 208: Poor Printing (Offset)

    6.Troubleshooting [A]: Paper feed direction [B]: Image area of the drum Solution When there are gaps between the paper and the side or the end fences of the paper tray, adjust the side or the end fences of the paper tray to remove the gaps. If the problem still exists, set [Interval Setting] of SP.

  • Page 209: Wrinkles Appear When Using Limp Paper

    6.Troubleshooting setting of the fusing temperature in SP). Set the Paper type to one level thinner than the paper now being used (e.g., change «Normal» to «Thin»). Wrinkles appear When Using Limp Paper The wrinkles may occur in the ejected paper. Set the [Paper Buckle Amount] in the SP menu to between [-3] and [-8] and set the appropriate value while checking the status of the wrinkles and the skew.

  • Page 210: Mottled Image On Solid Images

    6.Troubleshooting development roller. Solutions Lower the image density in UP mode. Four-line LCD panel: UP menu > [System Settings] > [Image Density]: Set to [-3]. Touch panel: UP menu > [Setting] > [System Settings] > [Image Density]: Set to [-3]. Mottled Image on Solid Images Problem Mottled image may occur around the toner near end alert of a 7K cartridge on solid images on the…

  • Page 211: Detailed Descriptions

    7.Detailed Descriptions 7. Detailed Descriptions Guidance for Those Who Are Familiar with Predecessor Products Printer Models: Function New Series Previous Series SP 330DN DP 3710DN SP 320DN 325DNw 377DNwX Print Speed 32 ppm 26 ppm 28 ppm Operation Four-line LCD…

  • Page 212
    7.Detailed Descriptions Function New Series Previous Series 330SN 330SF 3710S 320SN 320SFN 325SNw 325SFN 377SFNw Installed on the left side of Installed on the bottom of the machine the machine Supported Not supported @Remot Supported Not supported…
  • Page 213: Product Overview

    7.Detailed Descriptions Product Overview Component Layout Laser unit Paper feed roller Quenching lamp Friction pad Drum Optional paper tray Cartridge (AIO-type) Paper tray Development roller Pressure roller Transfer roller Hot roller Registration roller Fusing unit By-pass feed roller Paper exit roller By-pass feed tray…

  • Page 214: Paper Path

    7.Detailed Descriptions Paper Path Item Standard paper tray path Bypass paper feed path Duplex paper transport path Optional paper feed unit path Drive Layout Item Main motor Duplex motor…

  • Page 215: Component Layout (Printer Models)

    7.Detailed Descriptions Item Registration clutch Relay clutch Paper feed clutch Component Layout (Printer Models) Laser Exposure Description Quenching lamp Toner end sensor ID chip board LD driver board Polygon mirror motor Laser unit thermistor…

  • Page 216
    7.Detailed Descriptions Paper Feed Description Description Registration sensor Paper feed clutch By-pass feed sensor Relay clutch Paper end sensor Registration clutch By-pass feed solenoid Main motor…
  • Page 217
    7.Detailed Descriptions Fusing, Duplex, Paper Exit Description Description Fusing lamp Paper exit sensor Non-contact thermistor Duplex motor Fusing thermistor Duplex sensor Thermostat Boards, Switches…
  • Page 218: Component Layout (Mf Models)

    7.Detailed Descriptions Description Description Cooling fan Operation panel board Main board Environment thermistor Rear cover switch Front cover switch Component Layout (MF Models) ADF, Scanner Description Original set sensor ADF motor (ARDF motor) Scanner carriage unit ADF feed sensor (ARDF feed sensor) Scanner motor Home position sensor…

  • Page 219
    7.Detailed Descriptions Laser Exposure Description Quenching lamp Toner end sensor ID chip board LD driver board Polygon mirror motor Laser unit thermistor…
  • Page 220
    7.Detailed Descriptions Paper Feed Description Description Registration sensor Paper feed clutch By-pass feed sensor Relay clutch Paper end sensor Registration clutch By-pass feed solenoid Main motor…
  • Page 221
    7.Detailed Descriptions Fusing, Duplex, Paper Exit Description Description Fusing lamp Paper exit sensor Non-contact thermistor Duplex motor Fusing thermistor Duplex sensor Thermostat…
  • Page 222
    7.Detailed Descriptions Boards, Switches Description Description Operation panel unit Environment thermistor Cooling fan Speaker Main board Fax board Front cover switch Rear cover switch…
  • Page 223: Adf/Ardf (For Mf Models)

    7.Detailed Descriptions ADF/ARDF (for MF models) Overview Item Original set sensor Pick-up roller Separation roller Feed roller ADF feed sensor Exposure glass Exit roller Stopper ARDF Item Original set sensor…

  • Page 224: Mechanism

    7.Detailed Descriptions Item Pick-up roller Feed roller Registration roller ARDF feed sensor Scanning guide plate Transport roller Original exit roller Mechanism ADF Paper Path When the original set sensor [1] detects an original and the machine has a copying or scanning job, the ADF motor rotates to drive the pick-up roller [2], separation roller [3] and feed roller [4] to feed the original to the ADF feed sensor [5].

  • Page 225
    7.Detailed Descriptions Back Side After a certain time passes since the original reached the ARDF feed sensor [A], the original exit roller [B] is reversed and the back side of the original is fed. There is no switching mechanism such as a junction gate;…
  • Page 226: Scanner (For Mf Models)

    7.Detailed Descriptions Scanner (for MF models) Overview Callout Item Scanner carriage unit DF exposure glass Scanner exposure glass Carriage drive shaft White sheet Mechanism The scanner motor [A] drives the scanner carriage unit [B] through gears and a timing belt [C]. The scanner carriage unit moves along the carriage drive shaft [D].

  • Page 227: Printing Process

    7.Detailed Descriptions Printing Process Overview Note Drum Charge: The charge roller gives the drum a negative charge. Laser Exposure: A laser beam writes the print data on the drum. Toner: The development roller moves toner to the latent image on the drum surface. Image Transfer: The transfer roller moves the toner from the drum to the paper.

  • Page 228: Laser Exposure

    7.Detailed Descriptions Laser Exposure Overview Item Item Synchronization detector Polygon mirror motor Laser synchronization detector lens Laser unit thermistor LD driver board Drum Aperture FTL lens Cylindrical lens Shield glass Shield glass Mirror Mechanism Synchronization Detector The mirror reflects the beam from the LD unit to the synchronization detector.

  • Page 229
    7.Detailed Descriptions Automatic Power Control (APC) The LD driver on the LD drive board automatically controls power for the laser diodes. The laser diode power is adjusted at the factory. LD Safety Mechanisms Laser Safety Switch: There are safety switches on the front and rear covers. These switches stop the laser while the cover is open.
  • Page 230: Print Cartridge (Aio)

    7.Detailed Descriptions Print Cartridge (AIO) Overview This type of cartridge is known as an “All-in One” (AIO) cartridge. Callout Item Callout Item ID Chip Toner tank ID chip PCB Agitator Waste toner tank Toner supply roller Quenching lamp Development roller Charge roller Drum Scraper…

  • Page 231: Mechanism

    7.Detailed Descriptions Mechanism Drum Charge The charge roller [B] gives the drum surface [A] a negative charge of approximately –550V. High voltage is supplied from the power pack (HVP) flow bias plate [C]. Toner Supply and Development Item Scraper Toner tank Agitator Toner detection feeler Toner supply roller…

  • Page 232
    7.Detailed Descriptions Toner Supply: The agitator mixes toner and sends it to the toner supply roller and development roller. Toner End: The toner detection feeler [4] detects toner end. The toner end sensor is on the outside of the development unit. Development Unit: This machine uses a one-roller development system.
  • Page 233
    7.Detailed Descriptions Toner end sensor The agitator mixes toner and sends it to the toner supply roller and development roller as shown above [1]. The toner detection feeler comes down when the toner tank is out of toner as shown [2], and then the toner end sensor [B] detects toner end.
  • Page 234
    7.Detailed Descriptions Normally, the AIO is replaced by the user. But some users will refill the old AIO with toner, and use the same AIO again. If this occurs, the used toner tank will not be emptied. So there must be a way to stop users from repeatedly filling the old AIO with fresh toner.
  • Page 235: Paper Feed

    7.Detailed Descriptions Paper Feed Overview Callout Item Callout Item Registration roller Feed roller Relay roller Friction pad By-pass feed roller Registration sensor By-pass friction pad Paper tray Paper end sensor Mechanism Paper Tray Tray Extension Item Lock lever…

  • Page 236
    7.Detailed Descriptions When using paper longer than A4/Letter size, release the lock lever on the paper feed tray and extend the paper feed tray. Paper Lift Item Projection Release arm Bottom plate Paper tray Compressed spring When the paper tray is inserted into the machine, a projection on the copier frame pushes the latch release arm (on the bottom part of the paper tray), enabling the compressed spring to lift the bottom plate.
  • Page 237
    7.Detailed Descriptions By-pass Tray Item By-pass feed sensor The by-pass paper sensor detects when paper is placed on the tray. Item By-pass feed clutch By-pass feed solenoid By-pass feed roller By-pass tray Driving power for the by-pass feed roller is provided from the main motor, via the paper feed clutch and the by-pass feed clutch.
  • Page 238
    7.Detailed Descriptions Item By-pass feed roller Metal plate In addition to the two cams allowing the by-pass tray to lower slightly after feeding, a curved metal plate (attached to one side of the by-pass feed roller) allows paper to slide past the roller upon completion of each single rotation of the roller while the paper is still feeding.
  • Page 239: Image Transfer

    7.Detailed Descriptions Image Transfer Overview Item Transfer roller Drum Discharge plate…

  • Page 240: Mechanism

    7.Detailed Descriptions Mechanism Transfer/Separation The transfer roller is pressed against the OPC drum. The HVP supplies a positive current to the transfer roller, attracting the toner from the drum onto the paper. The current is set in accordance with the paper’s type, size, and feed tray.

  • Page 241
    7.Detailed Descriptions The HVP first supplies a negative cleaning current to the transfer roller, causing negatively charged toner on the roller to move back to the drum. It then applies a positive cleaning current to the roller, causing any positively charged toner to migrate back to the drum.
  • Page 242: Fusing And Exit

    7.Detailed Descriptions Fusing and Exit Overview Item Item Paper exit roller Thermostat Stripper pawls Fusing thermistor Pressure spring Non-contact thermistor Pressure roller Fusing lamp Cleaning roller Hot roller Paper entrance guide…

  • Page 243: Mechanism

    7.Detailed Descriptions Mechanism Fusing Drive Item Main motor Duplex motor Paper exit roller Hot roller Pressure roller The main motor drives the fusing unit through a gear train.

  • Page 244
    7.Detailed Descriptions Parts Layout of the Fusing Unit Item Item Hot roller stripper pawl Non-contact thermistor Paper exit sensor Cleaning roller Hot roller Fusing thermistor Fusing lamp Thermostat Pressure roller Envelope Lever Envelope levers are provided on the right and left side of the fusing unit. When the lever is pulled down, the fusing pressure decreases (approx.
  • Page 245
    7.Detailed Descriptions Fusing Temperature Control Callout Item Warm up mode Standby mode Print mode Standby mode Energy saver mode 1 Energy saver mode 2 When the main switch is turned on, the CPU turns on the fusing lamp using the soft start process. (The soft start process prevents the room lights from flickering.) The lamp stays on until the thermistor detects the standby temperature.
  • Page 246
    7.Detailed Descriptions Unit Temperature” in the “Maintenance Mode (SP menu)». Overheat Protection The surface temperature of the hot roller is monitored with the fusing thermistor and the non-contact thermistor (which is kept at a gap of 1mm from the surface of the hot roller). If the fusing thermistor temperature becomes greater than 235 °C or the non-contact thermistor temperature becomes greater than 220°C, the CPU cuts off the power to the fusing lamp.
  • Page 247
    7.Detailed Descriptions Paper Exit The paper exit guide-plate [A] holds down the trailing edge of each sheet of paper after it exits in order to prevent it from obstructing following sheets of paper as they exit.
  • Page 248: Duplex

    7.Detailed Descriptions Duplex Overview Item Paper exit roller Duplex sensor Paper exit sensor Registration sensor Mechanism Duplex Printing Process Item Duplex motor Paper exit roller…

  • Page 249
    7.Detailed Descriptions Item Paper exit sensor Registration sensor Duplex sensor An independent drive motor in the duplex machine handles paper ejection and reversing. Paper from the registration roller is sent to the paper exit roller. The paper exit roller reverses its rotation after the trailing edge of the paper has passed the paper exit sensor (but the paper has not fully exited into the output tray), and then sends the paper into the duplex paper path.
  • Page 250: Electrical Components

    7.Detailed Descriptions Electrical Components Overview Block Diagram Printer models MF models…

  • Page 251
    7.Detailed Descriptions Board Outline Main Board Printer models: Controls overall operation of the printer, mainly:  SDRAM  Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)  USB 2.0  Controller I/F  Engine  Image data processing…
  • Page 252
    7.Detailed Descriptions  LD (Laser Diode) Main Board Specifications  CPU: Quatro 5305-350MHz  Memory: 128 MB MF models: Controls overall operation of the printer, mainly:  SDRAM  Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)  USB 2.0  Controller I/F  Engine  Image data processing …
  • Page 253: Energy Save

    7.Detailed Descriptions Energy Save Energy Saver Modes Customers should use energy saver modes properly, to save energy and protect the environment. The backlight of the screen is turned off and «Energy Saver Mode1» appears on the screen, and then the fusing lamp is turned off and «Energy Saver Mode2» appears on the screen. The area shaded grey in this diagram represents the amount of energy that is saved when the timers are at the default settings.

  • Page 254
    7.Detailed Descriptions Recommendation We recommend that the default settings should be kept.  If the customer requests that these settings should be changed, please explain that their energy costs could increase, and that they should consider the effects on the environment of extra energy use.
  • Page 255
    SP 330DN, SP 330SN, SP 330SFN, SP 3710DN, SP3710SF Machine Code: M0C3, M0C4, C0C5, M0C6, M0C7 Appendices Ver 1.0 Latest Release: June, 2018 Initial Release: June, 2018 (c) 2018 Ricoh Co.,Ltd.
  • Page 257
    Table of Contents Specifications ………………………. 2 General Specifications …………………….. 2 System (for Printer Models) ………………….2 System (for MF Models) ……………………4 Printer …………………………. 6 Copier (Only for MF Models) ………………….7 Scanner (Only for MF Models) ………………….8 Fax (Only for Fax Models) …………………… 9 Option ………………………….
  • Page 258: Specifications

    1.Specifications 1. Specifications General Specifications System (for Printer Models) Item Description Configuration Desktop Laser type Class 1 ARM11-350MHz Memory 128MB Interface Ethernet (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T) x1, USB2.0 TypeB Option: Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac) Operating system Windows: Windows Vista (SP 2 or later), Windows 7 (SP 1 or later), Windows 8.1, Windows 10 RS1 or later, Windows Server 2008 (SP2 or later), Windows Server 2008R2, Windows Server 2012/2012R2, Windows Server 2016…

  • Page 259
    1.Specifications Item Description Length: 140 — 356 mm (5.51″ -14.02″) Optional tray «Paper Feed Unit». Paper type Standard Tray/ Plain 1 (64-74g/m ), Plain 2 (75-90g/m ), Middle Thick (91- Duplex 105g/m ), Thick 1 (106-120g/m ), Recycled Paper, Colored Paper, Special Paper 1, Special Paper 2, Special Paper 3, Letterhead, Pre-printed Paper, Bond Paper By-pass tray…
  • Page 260: System (For Mf Models)

    1.Specifications Item Description value) Operating/ in EU: 512 W use of printing NA: 555 W (Nominal value) Ready EU: 63.8 W (Nominal NA: 64.9 W value) Energy saver EU: 0.711 W (sleep) NA: 0.655 W (Nominal value) Dimensions 370 x 392 x 262mm (14.6″ x 15.4″ x 10.3″) (W x D x H) Weight Less than 13Kg / 28.7lb.

  • Page 261
    1.Specifications Item Description (HLT) SEF, 16K SEF, 8 «x13 » SEF Custom size: Width: 100 — 216 mm (3.94″ -8.50″) Length: 148 — 356 mm (5.83″ -14.02″) By-pass tray A4 SEF, A5 SEF/LEF, A6 SEF, B5 SEF, B6 SEF, 8 «x14″…
  • Page 262
    1.Specifications Item Description Copying: 67.0dB(A) or less Sound pressure level Stand by/Energy Saving: 21.5dB(A) or less (Bystander) Copying: 57.0dB(A) or less Power requirement NA: 120-127V, 60Hz, 7.7A EU: 220-240V, 50/60Hz, 4A China: 220-240V, 50/60Hz, 4.3A Taiwan: 110V, 60Hz, 8A Power Operating 960 W consumption…
  • Page 263: Copier (Only For Mf Models)

    1.Specifications Item Description 14ppm(600dpi), 14ppm(1200dpi) /LT SEF First print (Nominal Guaranteed Value: Less than 7.5 sec (A4/LT) value) Resolution 600x600dpi, 1200x600dpi (Normal speed) 1200x1200dpi (Half speed) Depending on the OS, applicable values are different  Windows: 1200x1200dpi, 1200x600dpi, 600x600dpi  MAC: only 600x600dpi …

  • Page 264: Scanner (Only For Mf Models)

    1.Specifications Item Description ADF/ARDF 25-400% (When the resolution is 600x300dpi), 1% steps Resolution (H x V) Scanning Book 600 x 600 dpi ADF/ARDF 300 x 600 dpi Printing Default: 600x600dpi, 1200x600dpi Half speed: 1200x1200dpi Grayscale 256 levels Copy quantity Up to 99 copies Scanner (Only for MF Models) Item Description…

  • Page 265: Fax (Only For Fax Models)

    1.Specifications Fax (Only for Fax Models) Item Description Compatibility ITU-T G3 SAF memory size 4MB (Approx. 320 pages) Network PSTN, PBX Resolution Standard: 200dpi x 100dpi (8 dot/mm x 3.85 line/mm) Fine/Photo: 200dpi x 200dpi (8 dot/mm x 7.7 line/mm) Transmission G3: Approx.2 seconds (200×100 dpi, JBIG, ITUT #1 chart TTI off, memory speed…

  • Page 266: Supported Paper Sizes

    1.Specifications Supported Paper Sizes Paper SEF/LEF Size Standard Optional By-pass Duplex Tray Tray Tray (Tray 1) (Tray 2) 210 x 297 297 x 210 182 x 257 257 x 182 148 x 210 210 x 148 128 x 182 182 x 128 105 x 148 148 x 105 8.5″…

  • Page 267
    1.Specifications Paper SEF/LEF Size Standard Optional By-pass Duplex Tray Tray Tray (Tray 1) (Tray 2) 195 x 267 Com10 4.125” x 9.5” Monarch 3.875” x 7.5” 162 x 229 114 x 162 Custom Width 100 — 216 90 — 216 mm (3.54”-8.5”) (3.94”-8.5”) Length…
  • Page 268: Sp Mode Table

    2.SP Mode Table 2. SP Mode Table Service Menu See «Main Chapters» for the following information:  Maintenance Mode (for Four-line LCD Models)  Maintenance Mode (for Touch Panel Models)

  • Page 269: Setting For Paas (Only For Chn)

    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) 3. Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) PaaS (Printer as a service) is a system that ensures device uptime is maximized through real time monitoring of machine status and proactive handling of maintenance requirements. PaaS Setup Procedure The customer Contract ID and the customer authentication key are required for authentication.

  • Page 270: Paas Registration

    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) PaaS Registration Make sure the machine’s main power is always turned on and connected to the internet during registration. Launch the web browser. In the web browser’s address bar, enter http://(machine’s IP address)/ to access the machine. On the Web Image Monitor menu, select NPB Settings.

  • Page 271
    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Check and enter [Contract ID], [Authentication Key], and [NPB URL]. Registration Configurations List: Item Description Contract ID Enter the customer Contract ID. Authentication Key Enter the customer Authentication Key. NPB URL China: If no NPB URL is specified, enter the PaaS URL above. If using a proxy server, enter the proxy information.
  • Page 272
    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Item Description edited and should not be left blank. When “None” is selected, the User Name and Password are read only. User Name The account connecting to the proxy server. Use ASCII characters only. The max. length is 32. Password The password for the user name connecting to the proxy server.
  • Page 273: Unregistering Paas

    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Unregistering PaaS To unregister, it is necessary to follow the cancellation procedure on the PaaS server side in advance. Launch the web browser. In the web browser’s address bar, enter http://(machine’s IP address)/ to access the machine. On the Web Image Monitor menu, select NPB Settings.

  • Page 274: Changing Registered Device/ Main Board

    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Changing Registered Device/ Main Board To change the PaaS registered device or if the main board has been replaced, follow the procedure below on the new device. The existing customer Contract ID and customer authentication key are required for authentication. Note: It is not necessary to obtain a new contract ID and authentication key to change a registered device or main board.

  • Page 275
    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Launch the web browser. In the web browser’s address bar, enter http://(machine’s IP address)/ to access the machine. On the Web Image Monitor menu, select NPB Settings. Check that [Operation] is set to «Device Replacement». Operation List: Item Description…
  • Page 276
    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Item Description Contract ID Enter the customer Contract ID. Authentication Key Enter the customer Authentication Key. NPB URL China: If no NPB URL is specified, enter the PaaS URL above. If using a proxy server, enter the proxy information. Proxy Function List: Item Description…
  • Page 277
    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Message Description Registration Configuration is The Contract ID or Authentication Key you have entered is either not correct wrong or already being used. Check that the Contract ID and Authentication Key are correct. Operation failed, please Contact the service center.
  • Page 278: Technical Tips

    3.Setting for PaaS (Only for CHN) Technical Tips  Only execute the “Factory Default” when it is necessary. If the machine is reset by the Factory Default operation, the PaaS settings will be reset and deleted. In the event that the Factory Default is executed, set the PaaS again through the procedure in «Overwrite Registration on Server».

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