Rigol dl3031 инструкция на русском


  • Входное постоянное напряжение: 0~150 В ±0,1%
  • Входной постоянный ток: 0~60 А ±0,1%
  • Входная мощность: 0~350 Вт ±0,2%
  • Максимальная частота переключения: 15 кГц
  • Опция повышения частоты переключения
  • Максимальная скорость нарастания тока: 2,5 A/мкс
  • Опция повышения скорости нарастания


>> инструкция по эксплуатации на нагрузку электронную Rigol DL3031 (англ.)


>> подробнее о нагрузке электронной Rigol DL3031 (рус.)

>> подробнее о нагрузке электронной Rigol DL3031 (англ.)



Порядок вывода комментариев:

  • Rigol DL3021/DL3021A: одноканальная, 150 В/40 А, максимальная мощность до 200 Вт
  • Rigol DL3031/DL3031A: одноканальная, 150 В/60 А, максимальная мощность до 350 Вт
  • Динамический режим: до 30 кГц
  • Регулируемая скорость нарастания тока: от 0.001 до 5 А/мкс
  • Наилучшее разрешение: 0.1 мВ, 0.1 мА
  • ЖК-дисплей·4.3 дюйма TFT, возможность одновременного отображения нескольких параметров и состояний
  • Защита от перегрузки по напряжению, по току, по мощности, от перегрева, от напряжения другой полярности
  • 4 статических режима: постоянный ток (CC), постоянное напряжение (CV), постоянное сопротивление (CR), постоянная мощность (CP)
  • 4 динамических режима: непрерывный, импульсный, переключение, по списку
  • Возможность программирования до 512 шагов
  • Функции проверки батареи, проверки защиты от перегрузки по току (OCP), проверки защиты от перегрузки по мощности (OPP) и т.д.
  • Функция проверки на короткое замыкание
  • Функция сохранения настроек при выключении питания
  • Встроенные коммуникационные интерфейсы RS232/USB/LAN
  • Модуль USB-GPIB (опция)


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Этот товар может иметь другие альтернативные названия, такие как: Нагрузка электронная программируемая Rigol DL3031, для диагностики аккумуляторных батарей, 150 В, 60 А, 350 Вт
Всего этот товар посмотрели 1479 человек, оценили 2 (чел.), средняя оценка 4.0.

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Нагрузка электронная программируемая Rigol DL3031

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122 305,00 

Мощность – 350 Вт; Напряжение – 150 В; Ток – 60 А; Частота – 15 кГц; Скорость нарастания – 2.5 А / мкс

Срок поставки: 8-10 недель.

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  • Кабель питания
  • Клеммный изолятор Fuse 50T-0200H 250 V 0.20 A

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  • Краткое руководство по эксплуатации


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Rigol DL3000 Series Manual

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Performance Verification Manual

DL3000 Series Programmable DC

Electronic Load

Feb. 2018



Related Manuals for Rigol DL3000 Series

Summary of Contents for Rigol DL3000 Series

  • Page 1
    RIGOL Performance Verification Manual DL3000 Series Programmable DC Electronic Load Feb. 2018 RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
  • Page 3
    Notices RIGOL products are covered by P.R.C. and foreign patents, issued and pending.  RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications  and pricing policies at the company’s sole decision. Information in this publication replaces all previously released materials.
  • Page 4: General Safety Summary

    RIGOL General Safety Summary Please review the following safety precautions carefully before putting the instrument into operation so as to avoid any personal injury or damage to the instrument and any product connected to it. To prevent potential hazards, please follow the instructions specified in this manual to use the instrument properly.

  • Page 5
    Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect that any damage may occur to the instrument, have it inspected by RIGOL authorized personnel before further operations. Any maintenance, adjustment or replacement especially to circuits or accessories must be performed by RIGOL authorized personnel.
  • Page 6: Document Overview

    Chapter 2 Specifications Test This chapter introduces the test method for the specifications of the DL3000 series. Appendix The appendix provides the test record forms for all the models of the DL3000 series and its performance verification. Content Conventions in this Manual: The number of channels and the rated values of input parameters for the DL3000 series are listed in the following table.

  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Contents RIGOL Contents Guaranty and Declaration …………….. I General Safety Summary ……………. II Document Overview …………….IV Chapter 1 Test Overview …………..1-1 Test Preparations ………………. 1-2 Recommended Test Devices …………..1-3 Test Precautions ………………1-4 Test Result Records …………….1-4 Chapter 2 Specifications Test ………….

  • Page 9: Chapter 1 Test Overview

    Chapter 1 Test Overview RIGOL Chapter 1 Test Overview Contents in this chapter: Test Preparations  Recommended Test Devices  Test Precautions  Test Result Records  DL3000 Performance Verification Manual…

  • Page 10: Test Preparations

    Note: Before connecting to power, make sure that the setting of the voltage selector on the rear panel of DL3000 series matches the AC power supply to be connected. Ensure that the fuse currently installed matches the input voltage. The specifications for AC input voltages and their matched fuses supported by the DL3000 series are as shown in Table 1-1.

  • Page 11: Recommended Test Devices

    «Performance Requirement» listed in Table 1-2. Table 1-2 Recommended Test Devices Performance Recommended Device Usage Requirement Model Digital Measures DC Readout Resolution: 6½ RIGOL DM3068 Multimeter voltage DC 150 V/1 A DSP-150-005HD Provides voltage DC Power Supply DC 8 V/90 A DSP-008-090HD and current Measures Current 0.01 Ω…

  • Page 12: Test Precautions

    Please record and save the test results for each test item. The «Appendix A: Test Record Forms» in this manual provides the test record forms for all the models of the DL3000 series. The form lists the test item and its corresponding performance specification limits. You can record the test results in the form.

  • Page 13: Chapter 2 Specifications Test

    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Chapter 2 Specifications Test Contents in this chapter: CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy  CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy  CR Programming Accuracy  DL3000 Performance Verification Manual…

  • Page 14: Preparations

    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Programming Accuracy Readback Accuracy Preparations Before performing the test, select the appropriate AC voltage via the «AC Selector» on the rear panel of the electronic load according to the AC voltage standard of your country (230 Vac is taken as an example in all the tests in this manual). At room temperature (25℃), connect the recommended devices specified in…

  • Page 15
    DL3000 series. Note: During the test, please select the corresponding test record form according to the model of the DL3000 series under test to set the corresponding parameters, record and calculate the corresponding specifications. Specification: Annual Accuracy (25℃…
  • Page 16
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL current setting value is a low value. a) Power on DL3031A. Send the following commands via the remote interface to set the current of the input channel, and then enable the channel input. :SOUR:CURR:RANG 60 /*Sets the current range of the electronic load to 60 A.*/…
  • Page 17
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL d) Calculate the CC programming accuracy (|I |) and the CC readback accuracy (|I |). Compare them with the specified specifications in Table 2-4. Wherein, I is the rated current value of the input channel.
  • Page 18
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL b) Turn on the digital multimeter. Select the DC voltage (DCV) measurement function and set the range to «Auto». Make sure that the electronic load works in CC mode. Read the digital multimeter and record the reading (U ) of the digital multimeter.
  • Page 19
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Test Record Forms: Table 2-1 Test Record Form of DL3021 CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021 (150 V/40 A) The current range is 40 A. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.02 A) Specification Readback Accuracy ±…
  • Page 20
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-2 Test Record Form of DL3021A CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021A (150 V/40 A) The current range is 40 A. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.02 A) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.02 A)
  • Page 21
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-3 Test Record Form of DL3031 CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031 (150 V/60 A) The current range is 60 A. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 A) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 A)
  • Page 22
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-4 Test Record Form of DL3031A CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031A (150 V/60 A) The current range is 60 A. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 A) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 A)
  • Page 23: Preparations

    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Programming Accuracy Readback Accuracy Preparations Before performing the test, select the appropriate AC voltage via the «AC Selector» on the rear panel of the electronic load according to the AC voltage standard of your country (230 Vac is taken as an example in all the tests in this manual). At room temperature (25℃),…

  • Page 24: Test Procedures

    DL3000 series. Note: During the test, please select the corresponding test record form according to the model of the DL3000 series under test to set the corresponding parameters, record and calculate the corresponding specifications. Specification: Annual Accuracy (25℃…

  • Page 25
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL a) Power on DL3031A. Send the following commands via the remote interface to set the voltage of the input channel, and then enable the channel input. :SOUR:VOLT:RANG 150 /*Sets voltage range electronic load to 150 V.*/…
  • Page 26
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL specifications in Table 2-8. Wherein, U is the rated voltage value of the input channel. Measure the CV programming accuracy and readback accuracy when the voltage range is 15 V. (1) Measure the CV programming accuracy and readback accuracy when the voltage setting value is a low value.
  • Page 27
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL measurement function and set the range to «Auto». Make sure that the electronic load works in CV mode. Read the digital multimeter and record the reading (U ) of the digital multimeter. Send the :MEAS:VOLT?
  • Page 28
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Test Record Forms: Table 2-5 Test Record Form of DL3021 CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021 (150 V/40 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ±…
  • Page 29
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-6 Test Record Form of DL3021A CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021A (150 V/40 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 V)
  • Page 30
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-7 Test Record Form of DL3031 CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031 (150 V/60 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 V)
  • Page 31
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-8 Test Record Form of DL3031A CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031A (150 V/60 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 V)
  • Page 32: Cr Programming Accuracy

    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL CR Programming Accuracy Preparations Before performing the test, select the appropriate AC voltage via the «AC Selector» on the rear panel of the electronic load according to the AC voltage standard of your country (230 Vac is taken as an example in all the tests in this manual). At room temperature (25℃), connect the recommended devices specified in…

  • Page 33: Test Procedures

    DL3000 series. Note: During the test, please select the corresponding test record form according to the model of the DL3000 series under test to set the corresponding parameters, record and calculate the corresponding specifications. Specification: Annual Accuracy (25℃…

  • Page 34
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL interface to set the resistance, and then enable the channel input. :SOUR:RES:RANG 15 /*Sets the resistance range of the electronic to a low range (0.08 Ω to 15 Ω).*/ :SOUR:RES:LEV:IMM /*Sets the resistance value of the electronic 0.125…
  • Page 35
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL (1) Measure the CR programming accuracy when the resistance is set to a low value. a) Power on DL3031A. Send the following commands via the remote interface to set the resistance, and then enable the channel input.
  • Page 36
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL specified specifications in Table 2-12. Wherein, R is the high resistance value. Send the following command via the remote interface to disable the channel input. :SOUR:INP:STAT 0 /*Disables the channel input.*/ 2-24 DL3000 Performance Verification Manual…
  • Page 37
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Test Record Forms: Table 2-9 Test Record Form of DL3021 CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3021 (150 V/40 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.08 A…
  • Page 38
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-10 Test Record Form of DL3021A CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3021A (150 V/40 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.08 A DL3021A Setting…
  • Page 39
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-11 Test Record Form of DL3031 CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3031 (150 V/60 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.12 A DL3031 Setting…
  • Page 40
    Chapter 2 Specifications Test RIGOL Table 2-12 Test Record Form of DL3031A CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3031A (150 V/60 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.12 A DL3031A Setting…
  • Page 41: Appendix

    Appendix RIGOL Appendix Appendix A: Test Record Forms DL3021 Performance Verification Test Record Form RIGOL DL3021 Programmable DC Electronic Load Performance Verification Test Record Form CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021 (150 V/40 A) The current range is 40 A.

  • Page 42
    Appendix RIGOL Programming Accuracy: |I Readback Accuracy: |I CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021 (150 V/40 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 V) DL3021 Setting Voltage Test Result…
  • Page 43
    Appendix RIGOL CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3021 (150 V/40 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.08 A DL3021 Setting Resistance Test Result Programming Accuracy: |R DL3021 Setting Resistance…
  • Page 44: Dl3021A Performance Verification Test Record Form

    Appendix RIGOL DL3021A Performance Verification Test Record Form RIGOL DL3021A Programmable DC Electronic Load Performance Verification Test Record Form CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021A (150 V/40 A) The current range is 40 A. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.02 A)

  • Page 45
    Appendix RIGOL CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3021A (150 V/40 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 V) DL3021A Setting Voltage Test Result Programming Accuracy: |U Readback Accuracy: |U…
  • Page 46
    Appendix RIGOL CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3021A (150 V/40 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.08 A DL3021A Setting Resistance Test Result Programming Accuracy: |R DL3021A Setting Resistance…
  • Page 47: Dl3031 Performance Verification Test Record Form

    Appendix RIGOL DL3031 Performance Verification Test Record Form RIGOL DL3031 Programmable DC Electronic Load Performance Verification Test Record Form CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031 (150 V/60 A) The current range is 60 A. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 A)

  • Page 48
    Appendix RIGOL CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031 (150 V/60 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 V) DL3031 Setting Voltage Test Result Programming Accuracy: |U Readback Accuracy: |U…
  • Page 49
    Appendix RIGOL CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3031 (150 V/60 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.12 A DL3031 Setting Resistance Test Result Programming Accuracy: |R DL3031 Setting Resistance…
  • Page 50: Dl3031A Performance Verification Test Record Form

    Appendix RIGOL DL3031A Performance Verification Test Record Form RIGOL DL3031A Programmable DC Electronic Load Performance Verification Test Record Form CC Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031A (150 V/60 A) The current range is 60 A. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 A)

  • Page 51
    Appendix RIGOL CV Programming Accuracy and Readback Accuracy Model DL3031A (150 V/60 A) The voltage range is 150 V. Programming Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.0375 V) Specification Readback Accuracy ± (0.05%+0.03 V) DL3031A Setting Voltage Test Result Programming Accuracy: |U Readback Accuracy: |U…
  • Page 52
    Appendix RIGOL CR Programming Accuracy Model DL3031A (150 V/60 A) The resistance range of the electronic load is from 0.08 Ω to 15 Ω. Specification Programming Accuracy Vin/Rset*(0.2%)+0.12 A DL3031A Setting Resistance Test Result Programming Accuracy: |R DL3031A Setting Resistance…
  • Page 53: Appendix B: Specifications

    Appendix RIGOL Appendix B: Specifications All the technical specifications are guaranteed when the instrument has been working for more than 30 minutes under the specified operating temperature. DC Input(0℃~ 40℃) Maximum Minimum Operating Voltage Model Voltage Current Power (DC) DL3021…

  • Page 54
    Appendix RIGOL CP Mode Model Range Resolution DL3021 0 ~ 200 W 100 mW DL3021A DL3031 0 ~ 350 W 100 mW DL3031A Con Mode Frequency Frequency Model Frequency Range Duty Cycle Range Resolution Accuracy DL3021 0.001 Hz~15 kHz DL3021A 0.001 Hz~30 kHz…
  • Page 55
    Appendix RIGOL Resistance Readback Model Range Resolution DL3021 0.08 Ω~15 kΩ 2 mA/Vsense (0.0667 S~0.5 S) DL3021A DL3031 0.08 Ω~15 kΩ 2 mA/Vsense (0.0667 S~0.5 S) DL3031A Power Readback Model Range Resolution DL3021 0 ~ 200 W 100 mW DL3021A…
  • Page 56
    EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-3 Under following condition: The maximum length of all connecting cables and wires to the DL3000 series are less than 3 m. Complies with the requirements of the following directive and standards: Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU EN 61010-1: 2010…

Серия DL3000 представляет собой бюджетную программируемую электронную нагрузку постоянного тока с множеством интерфейсов для удовлетворения разных исследовательских задач при разработках и тестировании.

Функции и особенности

Динамический режим 30 кГц

Скорость изменения тока до 5А/мкс, и настройка частоты до 30 кГц.

Функция отображения формы сигнала
Легко перенастраивайте DL3000 удаленно, через USB или Ethernet, с помощью бесплатного программного обеспечения UltraLoad. Записывайте захваченные данные и сохраняйте результаты длительных измерений.

Режим тестирования АКБ

Бесплатное программное обеспечение UltraLoad для удаленной работы и мониторинга


Описание программируемой электронной нагрузки RIGOL DL3031

DL3031 — программируемая электронная нагрузка, предназначенная для разработки источников питания. Данный прибор позволяет имитировать нагрузку в статических, динамических и специальных режимах работы и проводить измерения основных параметров источников питания. Устройство легко транспортируется и подключается, не требует сложной предварительной настройки. DL3031 предназначена для разработки и измерения параметров источников питания в производственных, лабораторных и учебных целях.

Особенности и преимущества

  • Одноканальная нагрузка, 150 В/60 А, максимальная мощность до 350 Вт
  • Динамический режим: до 30 кГц
  • Регулируемая скорость нарастания тока: от 0,001 до 5 А/мкс
  • Наилучшее разрешение по измеряемому напряжению/току: 0,1 мВ / 0,1 мА
  • ЖК-экран 4,3 дюйма TFT, возможность одновременного отображения нескольких параметров и состояний
  • Защита от перегрузки по напряжению, по току, по мощности, от перегрева, от напряжения другой полярности
  • 4 статических режима: постоянный ток (CC), постоянное напряжение (CV), постоянное сопротивление (CR), постоянная мощность (CP)
  • 3 динамических режима: непрерывный, импульсный, переключение
  • Возможность программирования до 512 шагов
  • Проверка батареи, проверка защиты от перегрузки по току (OCP), проверка защиты от перегрузки по мощности (OPP) и т.д.
  • Проверка на короткое замыкание
  • Функция сохранения настроек при выключении питания
  • Встроенные интерфейсы RS232/USB/LAN (опция)
  • Адаптер USB-GPIB (опция)

Динамический режим.png

Непрерывный режим.png

Непрерывный режим

Электрические параметры.png

Электрические параметры

Мы предлагаем купить программируемую электронную нагрузку RIGOL DL3031 в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. Также осуществляем доставку в другие регионы России. Контрольно-измерительное оборудование RIGOL имеет сертификаты соответствия, подтверждающие его высокое качество, надежность и продолжительность службы. Все программируемые электронные нагрузки имеют официальные гарантии производителя — китайской компании RIGOL, заслужившей признание во многий европейских странах, благодаря оптимальному соотношению технических параметров, надежности и цены.

Заказать программируемую электронную нагрузку DL3031 можно через корзину сайта, по телефону или отправить запрос по эл.почте. Специалисты магазина расскажут более подробно о выбранном оборудовании, его возможностях, сфере применения, организуют доставку товара по России.


Масса, кг
23.9 х 15.7 х 44.2
350 Вт


К данной модели совместимых пробников не предусмотрено.

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