Roadrelay 4 инструкция на русском языке

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Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2008 06:51
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Сообщение N14+ Система безопасности Roadrelay 4

Сработала противоугонная система, двигатель не стартует.

RoadRelay требует пароль, которого, вот незадача никто не знает. Понятно, что в данном случае необходимо удаление пароля. Что необходимо сделать?

К ремонтникам не отправлять, ибо местные ничего вразумительного сказать не могут и просят не реальные деньги. (В Москве эта услуга стоит 4500 р.)

Грузовик находиться во Владивостоке.

В московском Cummins’е вообще сказали, что RoadRelay к ним ни каким боком не относиться, чем сильно удивили.

18 мар 2008 03:57

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Аватара пользователя

Предупреждения: 1

Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 21:53
Сообщения: 7480
Откуда: Москва

Автомобиль/VIN: Бывший владелец.
Volvo VNL610/4VG7DEPG0XN761196

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Боюсь виртуально помочь не смогу :( но отключить безболезненно систему могу правда мене тож нужно видить машину, если что звони 89060810722.

18 мар 2008 07:13

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  • ICQ


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    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
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    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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    Сообщение Re: N14+ Система безопасности Roadrelay 4

    А к кому это относится ????

    Насколько я знаю в нем нет функций противоугонной системы. Это просто удобный дисплей.

    19 мар 2008 09:50

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  • WWW



    Аватара пользователя

    Предупреждения: 1

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 21:53
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    Автомобиль/VIN: Бывший владелец.
    Volvo VNL610/4VG7DEPG0XN761196

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    В последнем Роад релей есть функция противоугонки расчитанная на 6ть водителей и один мастер код.

    19 мар 2008 14:35

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  • ICQ


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    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
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    Может и так, спорить не буду, не изучал сильно.

    19 мар 2008 18:18

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  • WWW



    Аватара пользователя

    Предупреждения: 1

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 21:53
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    Автомобиль/VIN: Бывший владелец.
    Volvo VNL610/4VG7DEPG0XN761196

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    Кароче после каждого включения зажигания (если охрана активна) система требует ввести код после чего разрешит запуск двигателя,

    А вот если охрана не активна то при каждом повороте ключа просит чтоб ее активировали и вот в этот момент как правило шаловливые рученки тукают по кнопочкам и вуаля галстук лучший друг :wink: .

    19 мар 2008 18:52

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  • ICQ


    Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2008 06:51
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    Сообщение Re: N14+ Система безопасности Roadrelay 4 … m&fid=anti

    Расковырял все, что мог, даже амерам написал, те как всегда, мы вам так рады, так рады, но позвоните плиз нам в нашу штаб квартиру где 90 лет назад мистер Камминз выточил свой первый дизель.

    19 мар 2008 22:23

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    Eugeny Perkel

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    Нужно перезалить прошивку. Эта система блокирует ЕСМ. Алгоритма сброса пароля на закрывшихся мозгах нету.

    19 мар 2008 22:24


    Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2008 06:51
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    А что делает и как работает утилита OEM, ESM Password Removal?

    19 мар 2008 22:36

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    Аватара пользователя

    Предупреждения: 1

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 21:53
    Сообщения: 7480
    Откуда: Москва

    Автомобиль/VIN: Бывший владелец.
    Volvo VNL610/4VG7DEPG0XN761196

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    Абсолютно нет необходимости перепрошивать блок все отключается причем в дальнейшем такого не произайдет кудаб не тыкали пальцами(правда охранной функции не будит) но роад релей так и будит работать в превычном режиме. :wink:

    19 мар 2008 23:06

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  • ICQ



    Аватара пользователя

    Предупреждения: 1

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 21:53
    Сообщения: 7480
    Откуда: Москва

    Автомобиль/VIN: Бывший владелец.
    Volvo VNL610/4VG7DEPG0XN761196

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    На такие вопросы тут не отвечают :wink:

    Вам это не поможет это не имеет отношения к проблеме.

    19 мар 2008 23:07

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  • ICQ



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 11 май 2005 13:49
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    +1 , спросите тех у кого пароль купили :wink:

    я не настаиваю , может быть не прав
    20 мар 2008 14:35

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    Site Admin

    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
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    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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    Вот тут спросите, и ЕСМ пишется через Си

    20 мар 2008 15:00

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  • WWW

    Eugeny Perkel

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    Не догнал. Такая проблема была у одного из дилеров, консультировались в Камминсе. Насколько я понимаю, RoadRelay выступает как клавиатура к мозгу, когда пароль забыт и система активирована, мозги заблокированы. Или я неправ?

    20 мар 2008 17:29


    Site Admin

    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
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    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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    А что ZAP-IT не укрошит этот пароль ??? :? :? :?

    20 мар 2008 18:47

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  • WWW

    Eugeny Perkel

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    Насколько я знаю, нет. ZAP-IT укокошит ECM PASSWORD а это другого рода код.

    20 мар 2008 19:45


    Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2008 06:51
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    В инструкции написано, что пароль от угона храниться и сверяется в RR4, а вот с него передается сигнал на ECM о блокировке дросельной заслонки. Кроме инструкции это описывается как рекламная фича RR4. То есть без него этой системы безопасности не было бы.

    Но и при подключении к ECM перепрошить просто так ECM не дается, просит что-то особое. То есть в будущем можно и с диагностикой обломиться.

    Где это особое можно получить, не знаю. Подскажите, плиз. Если это так секретно, то напишите в личку.

    По английски пишу и читаю свободно, но говорить совершенно не могу. Может кто подскажет адресок американца кому можно написать. Писал в саппорт Cummins, пришел стандартный ответ — звоните.

    20 мар 2008 23:01

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    Зарегистрирован: 19 дек 2007 06:39
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    Сообщение Re: N14+ Система безопасности Roadrelay 4

    Ежели не секрет, то кто из московского Cummins’а так ответил??????? Если есть информация, плиз, бросьте в личку.

    Но постарайтесь понять — никто из официальных представителей Вам не скажет, дескать — нажимите ту и вон ту кнопочку, и будет Вам Щастье. Причины, я думаю, понятны. Для решения проблемы необходим соответствующий человек с соответствующим оборудованием.

    21 мар 2008 12:22

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    Eugeny Perkel

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    Вы хоть ответьте, можно снять код без перезаливки?

    21 мар 2008 12:48



    Зарегистрирован: 19 дек 2007 06:39
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    Ответ ушел в личку

    21 мар 2008 12:58

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    Зарегистрирован: 19 дек 2007 06:39
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    Судя по приведенной Вами ссылке, Вы установили себе программу PowerSpec. Диагностировать этой программулей можно, но для внесения изменений в настройки ECM необходим лицензионный ключ (license).

    21 мар 2008 13:05

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    Аватара пользователя

    Предупреждения: 1

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 21:53
    Сообщения: 7480
    Откуда: Москва

    Автомобиль/VIN: Бывший владелец.
    Volvo VNL610/4VG7DEPG0XN761196

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    Ну не диагностировать а точнее скажем почитать :wink:. Роад релей можно отключить не пребегая к презоливке программы, он всеголишь прибамбас к мозгам и на работу блока влияет незначительно а точнее никак кроме вот этой функции защиты и считывания трипа и показателей с мотора.

    23 мар 2008 14:56

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  • ICQ

    RoadRelay™ 4



    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 4

    2 Assumptions ……………………………………………………………………………… 4

    3 Getting Started ………………………………………………………………………….. 5

    4 Using the Keypad ………………………………………………………………………. 5


    Menu Screens …………………………………………………………………….. 6


    Entry Screens……………………………………………………………………… 7


    Up/Down Entry Screens ………………………………………………………. 7


    Data Screens………………………………………………………………………. 8


    Changing Display Brightness from AUTO LEG ……………………… 8

    5 Leg Information…………………………………………………………………………. 8


    Automatic Leg Screens………………………………………………………… 8


    Automatic Idle Display…………………………………………………. 9


    Heavy Duty Automatic Driving Display………………………… 10


    RV Automatic Driving Display ……………………………………. 11


    Automatic PTO Display ……………………………………………… 11


    Manual Leg Screens ………………………………………………………….. 12


    Manual Driving Display ……………………………………………… 12


    Manual Idle Display …………………………………………………… 12


    Manual PTO Display………………………………………………….. 12


    Leg Summary ……………………………………………………………. 13


    Operating Hours ………………………………………………………… 13


    Resetting Leg Data ……………………………………………………………. 14

    6 Anti-Theft……………………………………………………………………………….. 14


    Selecting the Anti-theft Mode …………………………………………….. 15


    How to Lock the Engine…………………………………………………….. 16


    Manual Mode ……………………………………………………………. 16


    Semi-automatic Mode ………………………………………………… 17


    Automatic Mode………………………………………………………… 17


    How to Unlock the Engine …………………………………………………. 18


    Changing the Password ……………………………………………………… 19


    Idle Lock …………………………………………………………………………. 20

    7 Driver ID ………………………………………………………………………………… 20


    Turning Driver ID On or Off………………………………………………. 20


    Choosing a Driver …………………………………………………………….. 21

    8 Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) ………………………………………………. 22


    Changing ETA Arrival Time and Distance …………………………… 23


    Changing ETA Average Speed……………………………………………. 23

    9 Using the Clock……………………………………………………………………….. 24


    Choosing a 12 or 24-hour Clock …………………………………………. 24


    Setting Clock Time……………………………………………………………. 24


    10 Using the Alarm …………………………………………………………………… 24


    Turning the Alarm On or Off ……………………………………………… 24


    Setting the Alarm Time ……………………………………………………… 25

    11 Setting the Date ……………………………………………………………………. 25

    12 Route Recording…………………………………………………………………… 26


    Starting a New Route…………………………………………………………. 26


    Entering the New Route Number ………………………………………… 26


    Reviewing Route Records ………………………………………………….. 27


    Printing Route Records ……………………………………………………… 28


    Resetting Route Records ……………………………………………………. 28


    Turning Route Recording On or Off ……………………………………. 29

    13 Vehicle Monitor …………………………………………………………………… 29


    Vehicle Monitor Configuration …………………………………………… 33

    14 Fault Information………………………………………………………………….. 34


    Fault Pop-ups …………………………………………………………………… 34


    RoadRelay Loss of Power Fault Pop-up……………………………….. 35


    Fault Log …………………………………………………………………………. 36


    Resetting the Fault Log ……………………………………………………… 37


    Printing the Fault Log………………………………………………………… 37

    15 Preventative Maintenance ……………………………………………………… 38


    Viewing Preventative Maintenance Schedules ………………………. 38


    Preventative Maintenance Schedule Setup ……………………………. 39


    Preventative Maintenance Pop-ups ……………………………………… 41


    Resetting a Preventative Maintenance Schedule ……………………. 41

    16 Service History Log………………………………………………………………. 41

    17 Parts Information………………………………………………………………….. 42

    18 Selecting a Language…………………………………………………………….. 42

    19 Units of Measure ………………………………………………………………….. 43


    Units of Measure — US, UK, Europe, or Metric System ………….. 43


    Economy Units …………………………………………………………………. 44


    Volume Units …………………………………………………………………… 45

    20 Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application …………………….. 45

    21 Software Version………………………………………………………………….. 46

    22 Trip Information…………………………………………………………………… 46


    Resetting Trip Data …………………………………………………………… 50


    Printing a Trip Report ……………………………………………………….. 50

    23 Driver Messages…………………………………………………………………… 51

    24 Help……………………………………………………………………………………. 51


    25 Fuel Information…………………………………………………………………… 54


    State-Line Crossing …………………………………………………………… 54


    Recording a State-Line Crossing ………………………………….. 55


    Recording New State Crossed Into……………………………….. 55


    Reviewing State-Line Crossing Information ………………….. 56


    Fuel Purchases………………………………………………………………….. 56


    Recording a Fuel Purchase ………………………………………….. 56


    Recording the Fuel-Purchase State……………………………….. 57


    Reviewing Fuel Purchase Information…………………………… 57


    Printing Fuel Tax Records………………………………………………….. 58


    Resetting Fuel Tax Records………………………………………………… 59


    Acu-trac Fuel Sensor Information ……………………………………….. 59

    26 Setting Transmission Type …………………………………………………….. 59

    27 Road Speed Recorder……………………………………………………………. 60

    28 Pop-ups……………………………………………………………………………….. 61


    Coaching Pop-ups …………………………………………………………….. 61


    Shift Reminder ………………………………………………………….. 61


    Vehicle Over Speed……………………………………………………. 62


    Engine Over RPM ……………………………………………………… 64


    Other Driver Coaching Pop-ups …………………………………… 65


    Driver Reward Pop-ups ……………………………………………………… 65


    Driver reward ……………………………………………………………. 66


    Aftertreatment Pop-ups ……………………………………………………… 66


    Active Regeneration …………………………………………………… 67


    Stationary Regeneration Due Notification……………………… 69


    Cruise Set-Speed Pop-ups ………………………………………………….. 70


    Other Pop-ups…………………………………………………………………… 70


    Memory Usage Pop-ups ……………………………………………… 70


    RoadRelay ………………………………………………………………… 71


    Data Link………………………………………………………………….. 72


    Backup Power Connection ………………………………………….. 72


    RoadRelay Loss of Power …………………………………………… 73

    29 Printing to HyperTerminal …………………………………………………….. 73

    30 Environmental Information ……………………………………………………. 74

    31 Disconnecting Power for Extended Periods ……………………………… 74

    32 Cleaning the RoadRelay 4……………………………………………………… 74

    33 Troubleshooting and Technical Support ………………………………….. 74

    34 Calibration Updates………………………………………………………………. 75

    35 Warranty……………………………………………………………………………… 76


    1 Introduction

    The RoadRelay 4 is a vehicle monitoring system that helps drivers perform better and helps owners collect important information about the operation and performance of the vehicle.

    Driver benefits include fuel economy feedback information (See

    «Leg Information» section), estimated time of arrival (See

    «Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)» section), a built-in clock with alarm (See «Using the Clock» and «Using the Alarm» sections), driver coaching and driver information pop-ups (See «Pop-ups» section), and many other features.

    For protection of the vehicle and the property it is carrying, the anti-theft feature (See «Anti-Theft» section) can be used.

    To help service the vehicle, information from the Engine Control

    Module can be viewed (See «Vehicle Monitor» section). To help troubleshoot vehicle problems fault information is displayed when a fault occurs and then stored for later access by service personnel

    (See «Fault Information» section). Maintenance is assisted by the use of periodic maintenance pop-ups and stored service information (See «Scheduled Maintenance» and «Service History» sections).

    Additionally, if the fleet owner purchases INFORM™ or uses the

    PowerSpec™ office software, many other types of stored information such as trip data, route data, fuel purchases, and much more can be extracted and presented in easy-to-read reports.

    RoadRelay 4 configurations and calibrations are changed with the office software.

    2 Assumptions

    This User’s Guide assumes that the RoadRelay 4 has been properly installed ( See Installation Guide for installation and troubleshooting information ).


    The RoadRelay 4 will work with all electronic engines. The examples assume that the engine is a late-model Cummins engine

    (Celect Plus, ISB, ISC, ISL, ISM, ISX, and Signature 600). Some

    (very few) screens and features will not be present when the

    RoadRelay 4 is used with engines other than those listed. Contact your distributor for details.

    When first using the RoadRelay 4, reading a few sections of this manual will allow you to quickly start using the product. The recommended sections are «Using the Keypad», «Configuring for a

    RV or Heavy Duty Application», «Selecting a Language», «Using the Clock», and «Units of Measure». Scan the Table of Contents to find other sections that explain features you wish to use.

    4 Using the Keypad

    Related sections: Leg Information- Automatic Leg Screens

    NOTE: All examples will start from an AUTO LEG screen. See the «Leg Information» section to view these screens. To reach an

    AUTO LEG screen keep pressing until the screen stays the same.


    The RoadRelay 4 has a back-lit keypad which is used to move through the different screens and to enter data. A picture of each key and its name is shown below.












    Note: The RoadRelay 4 will automatically power down 30 seconds after the key switch is turned off. The RoadRelay 4 may be powered by pressing the ENTER key. As a long as any key is pressed within 30 seconds the RoadRelay 4 will remain powered


    Menu screens can be identified by the presence of a SELECTOR

    (<=) on the right side of the screen. When in a menu, use and

    to move the SELECTOR up or down in a list. and will automatically repeat if held down. If you reach the top or bottom of a menu it will «wrap around» to the other end of the menu. To select an item, move the SELECTOR to the right side of the desired item and press .


    Example: To see a menu screen, press the key. The

    SELECTOR is to the right of the item to be selected. Press to return to the previous screen.

    Entry screens can be identified by the presence of a CURSOR

    (blinking rectangle) on the screen. Use , , , , , ,

    , , , and to enter numbers. The numbers appear in the upper left-hand corner of the key. When the first key is pressed the old numbers will disappear and the new number will be updated as keys are pressed. When you are finished entering all numbers, press . If you want to undo the last key-press use . If you wish to leave a screen and NOT modify the number, keep pressing

    until the screen is gone. When on an entry screen you may not

    be able to «jump» between menus, because the key is currently interpreted to be number entry. Use

    to exit the screen and

    normal functioning will return.

    Example: Press ; move the SELECTOR until it is to the right of

    «Time». Press . You will see the current RoadRelay 4 time and a blinking CURSOR. Press any key with a number on it. The screen will now show the number you have currently selected.

    Press several times to discard the change and return to the

    AUTO LEG screen.

    4.3 Up/Down Entry Screens

    Some screens use and to move through a set of possible choices. The screen changes to show the new choice as and are pressed.

    Example: Press ; move the SELECTOR until it is to the right of

    «Time Format». Press . You will see the current time format.

    Press and to see the format switch between 12 and 24-hours.


    Press several times to discard any change and return to the

    AUTO LEG screen.

    Screens showing data, such as leg or vehicle monitor, will update every second. If data is unavailable or invalid, the screen will have question marks in place of numerical data.

    4.5 Changing Display Brightness from AUTO LEG

    The RoadRelay 4 has five levels of brightness (including off).

    When in an AUTO LEG screen, pressing will increase the display brightness; pressing will decrease the brightness. When at the lowest level (off) any key press will turn the display on at the lowest brightness level.

    The RoadRelay 4 saves separate brightness settings — one if the headlights are OFF and another if they are ON. If the headlights are

    OFF you may adjust the setting for headlights being off. If the headlights are ON you may adjust the setting for headlights being on.

    Related sections: Driver ID, Using the Clock, Estimated Time of

    Arrival (ETA), Units of Measure, Trip Information, Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    A «leg» is data collected since the last time the leg information was reset. A leg has less information than a trip. Leg information can not be retrieved using office software — it is only used for driver feedback.

    5.1 Automatic Leg Screens

    The leg screens are the «top-level» screens. By repetitively pressing you will eventually reach an AUTO LEG screen.

    When vehicle operation changes, the screen will automatically change between the AUTO LEG screens. «Heavy Duty» mode has


    Idle, Driving, and PTO screens; RV mode has Idle and Driving screens. The change will occur immediately, or after 5 minutes; depending upon whether «Short Stop Mode» is ON or OFF (Short

    stop mode can only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or

    PowerSpec™ office software). All examples in this User’s Guide start from an AUTO LEG screen.

    5.1.1 Automatic Idle Display

    125 3:44 PM

    Idle Time:

    4:12( 7%)+++

    Shutdown: 43:22


    125 3:44 PM

    Idle Time:


    8.2 gal

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.

    The second line identifies this as the idle screen.

    The third line shows the amount of time the engine has been idling, the percentage of total leg time the engine has been idling, and performance vs. a 20% goal. Plus (+) and minus (-) symbols indicate performance against this idle-time goal. Therefore, each + or — indicates a 2% difference in actual idle time vs. the goal. A «-» minus indicates too much time is being spent idling; a «+» indicates better performance than the goal. If the RoadRelay

    4 is in «RV

    Mode» you will not see the feedback for performance vs. idle-time goal . RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.


    The last line will show the remaining time until the engine automatically shuts down, or how much fuel has been used while idling. This is determined by the type of engine and how the engine is set up.

    5.1.2 Heavy Duty Automatic Driving Display

    125 12:44 PM

    ETA: 2:48 PM 0:12

    1234.4 mi

    6.7 mpg +

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.

    The second line shows Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) information. This can be read as: “At your current speed you will arrive at 2:48 PM, which is 12 minutes ahead of when you are scheduled to arrive.»

    The third line shows the number of miles traveled on this leg.

    The last line shows the average leg fuel economy, and performance vs. this average fuel economy. Each + or — indicates a 10% change in the displayed fuel consumption rate. For example, ++ indicates a fuel rate that is currently 20% better (less than) than the rate displayed. If the RoadRelay

    4 is in «RV Mode» you will not see the feedback for performance vs. this average fuel economy . RV or

    Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the «Vehicle Setup» configuration.


    5.1.3 RV Automatic Driving Display

    125 3:44 PM

    Cruise On 722.3 mi

    63.5 mph 10.4 mpg

    D3 /D3 172 F 168 F

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.

    The second line shows that cruise control is activated and leg distance. If cruise control is off, the cruise status will not be shown.

    The third line shows the cruise control set speed and current fuel economy. If cruise control is off, the cruise set speed will not be shown.

    The last line shows the transmission gear selected/attained, transmission fluid temperature, and coolant temperature. If the transmission information is not available, it will not be shown.

    5.1.4 Automatic PTO Display

    This screen will only show up if the Power Take-Off (PTO) is engaged, the vehicle is not moving, and displaying of PTO mode is

    ON (This is set by INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software). If

    the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode» you will not be able to access this screen. RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.

    125 3:44 PM

    PTO Time:

    0:12( 3%)

    3.2 gal

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.


    The second line identifies this as the PTO screen.

    The third line shows how long the PTO has been engaged while the vehicle was not moving, and percentage of total leg time the PTO has been engaged with the vehicle not moving.

    The last line shows the amount of fuel used while the PTO was engaged and the vehicle was not moving.

    5.2 Manual Leg Screens

    In addition to Automatic leg screens, you may manually select one of the three engine mode displays (Drive, Idle, and PTO). These screens do NOT automatically switch as the vehicle operation changes; you can use this to always show a particular leg screen.

    Manual leg screens are selected by pressing and then selecting an item from the menu. Use and to move between the screens. If the RoadRelay

    4 is powered-down or another menu is selected you will need to return to this menu to restore the manual

    leg screen.

    5.2.1 Manual Driving Display

    Identical to Automatic Driving Display except that this screen is always shown regardless of vehicle operation. See Automatic

    Driving Display description.

    5.2.2 Manual Idle Display

    Identical to Automatic Idle Display except that this screen is always shown regardless of vehicle operation. See Automatic Idle

    Display description.

    5.2.3 Manual PTO Display

    Identical to Automatic PTO Display except that this screen is always shown regardless of vehicle operation. See Automatic PTO

    Display description.


    125 Summary

    44.3 mph

    351.6 gal

    83.1 %

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the screen title. If the Driver ID feature is OFF the driver name will be blank.

    The second line the shows average speed of the vehicle on this leg.

    The third line shows the amount of fuel used on this leg.

    The last line shows the average engine load on this leg.

    Operating Hours

    Drive: 6:21 (92%)

    Idle: 0:35 ( 8%)

    PTO: 0:00 ( 0%)

    The top line of the screen shows the screen title.

    The second line shows the amount of time and percentage of total time spent driving on this leg.

    The third line shows the amount of time and percentage of total time spent idling on this leg.

    The last line shows the amount of time and percentage of total time spent idling with PTO engaged on this leg.


    5.3 Resetting Leg Data

    To erase the leg data and start over, hold for 3 seconds while viewing the leg data. Or, press and select «Reset Leg» from the menu. Press to reset, press to leave this screen and NOT reset leg.

    Reset Leg?


    6 Anti-Theft

    Related sections: Keypad-Entry Screens, Units of Measure

    The Anti-theft feature deters vehicle theft by requiring the driver to enter a password, using the RoadRelay 4 keypad, before allowing the engine to start. Anti-theft will work with Cummins Celect Plus

    (revision 4 software and later), ISB, ISC, ISL, ISM, ISX, and

    Signature 600 engines.

    Important Note:

    The engine control module determines whether this feature is ON or

    OFF. ALL Cummins engines leave the factory with Anti-theft turned OFF.

    Also, the key must be in the ON position in order for the engine to be locked or unlocked.

    A customer desiring to use this feature must visit a distributorship or certified dealership and request to have INSITE™ (Cummins authorized service tool) turn the feature to ON (There may be a fee). In addition, while connected, it is VITAL that the customer choose their password or passwords (all numeric) and write them to the ECM at this time. The factory default passwords are all 000000’s and can not be changed via the RoadRelay keypad initially. Once changed to some meaningful sequence, the user can work with their selection of password or change via the RoadRelay keypad.


    6.1 Selecting the Anti-theft Mode

    Anti-theft modes affect how the engine is locked.

    The four choices for the anti-theft mode are:

    • Off

    • Manual

    The anti-theft feature is off.

    The driver locks the engine by entering a password.

    • Semi-Automatic The driver locks the engine by selecting

    «Yes» when asked to «Arm Vehicle

    Security” at key-off.

    • Automatic

    The engine is automatically locked after the ignition key is turned off.

    Read «How to Lock the Engine» for more details.

    To select the Anti-theft mode press and select «Security Mode».

    Use or to select the mode you wish to use. Press to select the mode. Press to quit. If the RoadRelay

    4 is in «Fleet

    Mode» you will not be able to change this setting. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™

    office software).

    Security Mode


    The user must enter the password.

    Enter Password



    If the engine is a Celect Plus and the previous mode was “Off”, the user must confirm the new password.

    Confirm Password


    If confirmation fails, then the mode is not changed and the following screen is shown:

    Vehicle Security

    Change Failed

    6.2 How to Lock the Engine

    How the engine gets locked depends upon the «Anti-theft

    Mode»(Off, Manual, Semi-automatic, and Automatic). See

    «Selecting the Anti-theft Mode» for more information.

    At key-off you will see the screen below.

    Key On to Arm

    Vehicle Security

    Turn the key ON. Enter the password on the following screen:

    To Arm

    Vehicle Security

    Enter Password



    If the password is correct, you will see this screen and the engine is locked:

    Vehicle Security


    Otherwise, you must try again.

    Password Incorrect

    Enter Password


    At key-off you will see the screen below.

    Key On to Arm

    Vehicle Security

    Turn key ON. Press to lock the vehicle. Press to leave this screen and NOT lock the engine.


    Vehicle Security?


    In Automatic Mode the engine automatically locks 30 seconds after the ignition key is turned OFF. If the engine is a CELECT Plus, it will automatically lock 20 seconds after a key-off or stall. This delay prevents the user from having to enter the password for inadvertent key-offs or engine stalls.


    6.3 How to Unlock the Engine

    If the engine is locked you must enter a six-number password. As the password is entered, each «?» will be replaced with a «*». Press

    when you have finished entering 6 numbers.

    Vehicle Security


    Enter Password


    If the password is correct the following screen will be displayed, and the engine is now unlocked.

    Vehicle Security


    If the password is incorrect, the following screen will be displayed:

    Password Incorrect

    Enter Password


    If you enter a correct password after an incorrect password, you must confirm the password by entering it again.

    Confirm Password


    If the units of measure are «US» or «Metric» and you fail to enter the password correctly after five attempts, you will be locked out for 10 minutes. If the units of measure are «UK» or «Europe» and you fail to enter the password correctly after three attempts, you


    will be locked out for 30 minutes. When this occurs, the following screen will be shown:

    Password Incorrect

    Vehicle Secured

    Note: The ignition key must be ON to allow the lockout timers to operate for the required 10 or 30 minutes.

    6.4 Changing the Password

    Press . Select «Change Password». If the RoadRelay

    4 is in

    «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change this setting. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or

    PowerSpec™ office software).

    Enter Existing



    Once the existing password has been correctly entered, the new password can be entered on this display:

    Enter New



    You must confirm the new password on the following display. If this fails the password is not changed.

    Confirm Password



    Do not forget your password! When protected by the anti-theft feature, the engine will not start without entering the password. Do not write your password where a thief can find it. Keep it

    someplace safe where you can find it easily. See the «Warranty» section for important anti-theft warranty information.

    If the engine is a Cummins ISB, ISC, ISL, ISM, ISX, or Signature

    600 it may be locked while idling. If locked while idling it will ignore accelerator pedal changes until unlocked. Note: This feature

    is not available if the units of measure are «UK» or «Europe».

    To lock or unlock the engine, press and select «Lock/Unlock

    Engine». Refer to the «How to Lock the Engine» section. The unlocking procedure can be seen in the «How to Unlock the

    Engine» section.

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    RoadRelay 4 can record separate information for up to four drivers, using the Driver ID function. You can select up to three drivers.

    In addition, you can select the “Other” driver.

    7.1 Turning Driver ID On or Off

    To turn Driver ID On or Off press . Select «Driver ID».




    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the choice. If the RoadRelay

    4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able


    to change this setting. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF

    using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    7.2 Choosing a Driver

    If the Driver ID feature is ON, the following screen will appear at power on OR by pressing , selecting «Driver ID», and pressing

    . If Driver ID is OFF, the «Driver ID» selection will not appear

    under the


    When this screen is selected, and when it appears at power-up, 3 beeps will be heard to alert the driver.

    The screen will be different if IDs have already been entered.

    Select Driver:

    Driver (New) —- <=


    If your ID appears on this screen you may use or to select it.

    Pressing will accept the selection.

    If you need to enter a new driver ID, select «Driver (New)». Press

    . Enter up to ten numbers to create an ID and press when finished.

    Enter Driver ID:



    If you pressed you would see the following:

    Enter Driver ID:


    Press and the driver menu will update with a new driver number.

    Select Driver:

    Driver (New)

    123456 ———- <=


    Note: A driver ID can only be cleared by extracting trip data with

    the INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software or resetting trip data using the “Reset Trip” menu item. This will clear all but the

    currently selected driver’s ID.

    8 Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

    Related sections: Leg Information-Automatic Leg Screens-Driving

    Display, Using the Clock, Units of Measure, Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode» you will not be able to access this feature. RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.

    The ETA feature can be used by the driver to quickly show how he or she is doing vs. a scheduled arrival time. ETA information appears on the leg «Driving Screen».


    8.1 Changing ETA Arrival Time and Distance

    Press . Select «ETA Setup».

    Distance to


    0 mi

    Use the number keys to enter your travel distance. Press to accept the new distance and go to the next screen. Use to quit.




    6:30 PM

    Use the number keys to enter your time. If using a 24-hour clock, press to finish ETA setup. If using a 12-hour clock, press ; then use or to toggle between AM and PM. Press to finish ETA setup.

    8.2 Changing ETA Average Speed

    Related sections: Units of Measure

    Press . Select «ETA Speed».

    Average ETA


    42.0 mph

    Use the keys with numbers to enter your speed. Press to accept the new speed. Use to quit.


    9 Using the Clock

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    9.1 Choosing a 12 or 24-hour Clock

    Use 12-Hour Clock

    To change between a 12 and 24-hour clock, press . Select «Time

    Format». Use or to toggle between 12 and 24-hours. Press

    to finish.

    9.2 Setting Clock Time

    Clock Time:

    10:31 PM

    To set the clock time press . Select «Time». Use the keys with numbers to enter your time. If using a 24-hour clock, press to finish. If using a 12-hour clock, press ; then use or to toggle between AM and PM. Press to finish.

    10 Using the Alarm

    Related sections: Using the Keypad, Using the Clock

    10.1 Turning the Alarm On or Off




    To turn the alarm On or Off press . Select «Alarm Enable». Use

    or to toggle between On and Off. Press to finish.

    10.2 Setting the Alarm Time

    Alarm Time:

    6:30 AM

    To set alarm time press . Select «Alarm Time». Use the keys with numbers to enter your time. If using a 24-hour clock, press

    to finish. If using a 12-hour clock, press ; then use or to toggle between AM and PM. Press to finish.

    When the alarm goes off, the buzzer will sound and the alarm screen will appear:

    11/21/07 6:30 AM


    Press any key to shut off the buzzer. If a key is not pressed the alarm will shut off after 1 minute.

    11 Setting the Date

    Related sections: Using the Keypad



    To set the date press . Select «Date». Use the keys with numbers to enter the date. Press to finish. To leave without saving changes, keep pressing .


    12 Route Recording

    Related sections: Keypad-Entry Screens, Units of Measure, Setting the Clock Time, 12 or 24-Hour Clock Time, Setting the Date,

    Printing to HyperTerminal, Printers and Printer Cables for

    RoadRelay 4

    A route is the distance and time traveled since the last time a new route was started. This feature is used to create a record for each route. A route does not need to include any travel. It can be used to record time waiting to unload, stuck in traffic, etc.

    12.1 Starting a New Route

    To start a new route press and select «Record Route».

    Route 1200


    667.3 mi

    10/12/07 12:20 AM

    This screen will be shown for 5 seconds. It indicates the previous route number, distance traveled on the previous route, and the time this previous route began.

    If this feature is off you will see this screen:

    Route Recording


    12.2 Entering the New Route Number

    Please Enter Route

    Number: 0000


    When the truck is stopped the screen above will appear asking for the route number.

    If the vehicle is moving when a new route is started, this screen will immediately appear if Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is OFF

    (Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software). A passenger may enter the new route number; for safety reasons the driver should

    never enter data while driving. If Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is

    ON this screen will wait to appear until 5 minutes have passed while idling, or a key on the RoadRelay 4 is pressed while idling.

    If you leave without entering a route number, route numbers will be asked for when another route is started, at key-off, and at keyon.

    If the entered route number matches a previously entered route number, the user will be asked if this is a new route (as opposed to continuing the present route).

    Start New Route?


    Use or to toggle between Yes and No. Press to finish.

    12.3 Reviewing Route Records

    To review the route information saved in the RoadRelay 4 press

    . Select «Review Routes».

    Route 1200 12/20/07

    Drive 22:12

    Idle 2:34

    1084.5 mi 157.2 gal

    Use and to review the routes. To leave, press . The route information shown is the sum of all records in a route. The top line shows the route number and date when the route started.


    The second and third lines show the amount of time spent driving and idling. The last line shows the total distance and fuel used on the indicated route.

    12.4 Printing Route Records

    Print Route Log?


    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™ operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Routes». Press to print. To leave, press . The printed report will have a header section with the report title, time of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading. It will then show all Route information, with each route separated by a line of asterisks (*).

    12.5 Resetting Route Records

    Press ; select «Reset Routes».

    Reset Route?


    This reset will erase all route information. Press to reset, press

    to leave this screen and NOT clear the route log. If the

    RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to reset the information. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).


    12.6 Turning Route Recording On or Off

    Press . Select «Route Enable».

    Route Enable


    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the choice. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able

    to change this setting. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF

    using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    13 Vehicle Monitor

    Related sections: Units of Measure, Vehicle Monitor configuration

    The vehicle monitor shows data currently being received by the

    RoadRelay 4 from the data link.



    Select «Vehicle Monitor». Use and to move between the screens. Note that your screens may not show all the data – if the information is not available, question marks may be shown or the entire line may be blank.

    1850 rpm 19.0 psi

    38.3 % 13.2 V

    55.7 mph 35.0 psi

    181.3 F

    This screen is the Configurable Vehicle Monitor screen. Refer to the Vehicle Monitor Configuration section for instructions on customizing this screen. The default screen setting is shown above. Holding the Enter key down for 5 seconds will reset this screen to factory defaults.


    Engine RPM and boost pressure are on the first line.

    Percent engine load and battery voltage are on the second line.

    Road speed and oil pressure are displayed on the third line

    Engine coolant temperature is displayed on the last line.

    RPM 1850.0 rpm

    Boost Pres 32.3 psi

    Load 38.3 %

    Inst Econ 8.2 mpg

    This screen shows engine RPM, boost pressure, current engine load, and instantaneous fuel economy.

    Cool Temp 130.0 F

    Oil Pres 82.5 psi

    Oil Temp 110.0 F

    Battery ??.? V

    This screen shows coolant temperature, oil pressure, oil temperature, and battery voltage. In this example, the battery

    voltage is not available from the vehicle and therefore is shown as question marks.

    Road Speed 70.0 mph

    Fuel Rate 17.08 gph

    Air Pres 30.1 «Hg

    Air Temp 110.0 F

    This screen shows road speed, fuel rate, outside air pressure, and outside air temperature.


    Gear Actual 9

    Gear Requested 10

    Trans Fluid 105.7 F

    This screen shows the gears selected and requested. The bottom line shows the temperature of the transmission fluid. This screen


    can only be seen on trucks with automatic transmissions which send this information to the RoadRelay 4. The gear values are sent by the transmission and the displayed gears will vary by transmission manufacturer.


    Reward Level 2

    RoadSpd Gov 68 mph

    Cruise Limit 72 mph

    This screen shows the current driver reward level, road speed governor limit, and cruise control limit. This screen can only be

    seen on trucks with the Driver Reward feature on.

    ECM 132356.2 mi

    RR4 132102.7 mi

    RR4 22390.17 gal

    RR4 3308:52 hrs

    This screen shows the accumulated totals for distance traveled, fuel used, and hours of operation. «ECM» in the first column indicates the total is from the engine control module. «RR4» indicates the total is from the RoadRelay 4. If the ECM data is not available, this data will not be shown.


    DPF Outlet 725.0 F

    AFT1 278.9 gal

    Status: Due NOW

    This screen displays information and status of the Cummins

    Aftertreatment System.

    The second line shows the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) temperature.


    The third line shows the lifetime fuel used by the aftertreatment system.

    The fourth line shows the current status of the Aftertreatment system. The valid aftertreatment status conditions are defined in the table below:



    Status: Soon

    Status Condition

    No regeneration activity

    Stationary (Parked) regeneration is due soon

    Status: Due NOW

    Status: Active

    Status: Passive

    Stationary (Parked) regeneration is due now

    The aftertreatment system is performing an

    Active regeneration.

    The aftertreatment system is performing a Passive

    Halted by Clutch regeneration.

    An Active regeneration has been halted by the clutch.

    Halted Service Brake An Active regeneration has been halted by the

    Halted by PTO

    Halted by Throttle

    Halted Not Neutral service brake.

    An Active regeneration has been halted by PTO.

    An Active regeneration has been halted by the throttle.

    An Active regeneration has been halted by the vehicle not being in neutral.

    This screen can only be seen on vehicles equipped with the

    Cummins EPA 2007 Aftertreatment System. Reference your

    Cummins Owners Manual for complete details on your vehicle’s aftertreatment system



    13.1 Vehicle Monitor Configuration

    The Vehicle Monitor Summary screen can be customized to display up to eight vehicle monitor parameters. The default settings are defined in the Vehicle Monitor section of this manual.

    VM 1 RPM ——— <=

    VM 2 Engine Load

    VM 3 Road Speed

    VM 4 Leave Blank

    VM 5 Boost Pres

    VM 6 Battery Volts

    VM 7 Oil Pressure

    VM 8 Coolant temp

    To customize the Vehicle Monitor Summary screen for your vehicle, press , use or to scroll to VMonitor Config, then press to select. This screen displays the current (default) settings of the Vehicle Monitor Summary screen. The Vehicle

    Monitor Summary screen is divided into eight fields. Fields 1 through 4 will be displayed on the left of the Vehicle Monitor

    Summary screen and fields 5 through 8 will be displayed on the right side of the Vehicle Monitor Summary screen. The default parameter for each field is shown above.

    For example, the steps necessary to change the parameter currently defined in field 5 “Boost Pres” to “Fuel Rate” are outlined below.

    Note that field 5 is displayed in upper right-hand corner of the

    Vehicle Monitor Summary screen.

    Use to move to VM 5 Boost Press. Press to select this field. «. Use and to move between the list of available parameters for your vehicle. Move the curser to the “Fuel Rate” parameter. Press to select this parameter. Now to verify the results of the change, press


    use or to move to «Vehicle

    Monitor». Press to select Vehicle Monitor. Use or to


    move to the Vehicle Monitor Summary Screen. Notice that field 5

    (upper right-hand corner of screen) now displays the Fuel Rate.

    1850 rpm 1.35 gph

    38.3 % 13.2 V

    55.7 mph 35.0 psi

    181.3 F

    Additional notes:

    1. Vehicle Monitor configuration can only be changed while the ignition switch is in the ON or RUNNING position.

    2. Your list of parameters may be different from those of other vehicles. The RoadRelay will only display those parameters available for your particular vehicle.

    3. The list of parameters also contains a “Leave Blank” and a

    “Reset To Default” option. The Leave Blank option will not display any information in the field. The Reset To Default option will reset the field to the default parameter assigned by the factory.

    4. Refer to the Vehicle Monitor Section for instructions on resetting the entire Vehicle Monitor Summary screen to factory defaults.

    14 Fault Information

    Related sections: Printing to HyperTerminal, Printers and Printer

    Cables for RoadRelay 4

    14.1 Fault Pop-ups

    When a fault occurs for the first time a pop-up will occur warning the driver that a fault condition exists. Reminders for an active fault will then pop-up every 24 hours.


    Example fault pop-ups:

    If the engine is a late-model Cummins engine it will contain fault information and advice on the seriousness of the fault.

    Water in Fuel

    Circuit Failure:

    Service Soon.

    If the engine is not a late-model Cummins the following would be shown:

    Engine Controller

    Water in Fuel indic.

    Voltage > Normal

    14.2 RoadRelay Loss of Power Fault Pop-up

    The following fault occurs when the RoadRelay has experienced a power interruption (initial RoadRelay 4 installation, battery removed from vehicle, cab power disconnected, etc.). This fault serves two purposes. First, it serves as a reminder to set the

    RoadRelay clock. Second, if it continues to pop-up after vehicle power interruptions, it signifies that the RoadRelay internal backup battery is dead (flat). Follow the procedure below to determine a properly functioning back-up battery:

    Note: Data may be lost while performing this procedure. Verify that data is extracted and/or backed-up before continuing.

    1. Install the RoadRelay as outlined in the RoadRelay 4

    Installation Manual. Verify the loop-back connector (P/N

    4003226) is installed.

    2. Set the time of day using the RoadRelay 4 clock (refer to

    “Setting the Clock Time” section in this manual).

    3. Remove power from the vehicle (disconnect vehicle battery or disconnect RR4 power harness) for a least 10 seconds.

    4. Re-connect vehicle power.


    5. Verify that the RoadRelay 4 retained the time of day as set in step #2.

    If the time of day is retained, the back-up battery is functioning properly. Refer to “Resetting the Fault Log” section of this manual to reset the Loss of Power fault.

    If the time of day is reset to 12:00 AM (time will be flashing), then the internal back-up battery is dead (flat). The RoadRelay will continue to collect and monitor vehicle information, but data will be lost in situations where vehicle (battery) power is removed from the RoadRelay 4 (such as removing the battery from vehicle, disconnecting power to the cab/dashboard, servicing the vehicle, during accidents, etc). The RoadRelay back-up battery is not a customer replaceable part.


    Loss of Power

    Set RoadRelay Clock

    Note that this fault will be displayed in the Fault Table as PID 168

    RoadRelay; Loss of Power; Set RoadRelay Clock. Refer to the

    Fault Log section for instructions on viewing the Fault Table.

    14.3 Fault Log

    To view fault information press , and select «Fault Table». If no faults have been received you will see:

    No Faults


    Otherwise, faults will be listed in the order they occurred, last seen first. Use and to move between the screens. Fault code


    information is provided to help service personnel trouble-shoot problems. The fault log will contain a short description of each fault.

    Example fault log screens:

    If the engine is a late-model Cummins engine it will contain a fault code and advice on the seriousness of the fault.

    Code 428 Active 1

    Water in Fuel

    Circuit Failure:

    Service Soon.

    If the engine is not a late-model Cummins the following will be shown:

    PID 97 Active 1

    Engine Controller

    Water in Fuel indic.

    Voltage > Normal

    14.4 Resetting the Fault Log

    To clear all inactive faults, press and select «Reset Faults».

    Press to reset, press to leave this screen and NOT reset faults.

    Reset Faults?


    14.5 Printing the Fault Log

    Print Faults?



    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™ operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Faults». Press to print. To leave, press . The printed report will have a header section with the report title, time of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading. It will also show all faults with each separated by a line of asterisks (*).

    15 Preventative Maintenance

    Related sections: Service History

    Preventative Maintenance is used to indicate when it is time to perform scheduled maintenance.

    15.1 Viewing Preventative Maintenance Schedules

    To view the Preventative Maintenance schedules press . Select

    «PM Schedules». There are four schedules. Use or to move between the schedules.

    PM Schedule 1 *

    Oil Change

    5000 of

    6000 mi

    The screen summarizes the schedule information. The first line indicates this is schedule 1. An asterisk (*) at the end of the line indicates that the pop-up is on; no asterisk would indicate the popup is off. The second line shows the schedule title (oil change).

    The next two lines show that oil is changed every 6000 miles, and

    5000 miles have been driven since the last oil change. If the display shows “5000 to go”, instead of “5000 of”, there are 5000 miles until the next oil change is due.


    15.2 Preventative Maintenance Schedule Setup

    Preventative maintenance schedules are used to alert the driver that it is time to have the vehicle serviced. The RoadRelay 4 has four maintenance schedules. A maintenance schedule has settings for pop-up on/off, title, duration, base count, and count direction. The schedules may also be entered using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software.

    To setup a maintenance schedule press , select “Prev Maint


    PM1 (Oil Change )<=

    PM2 (Tire Change )

    PM3 (Brake Change)

    PM4 (Fuel Filter )

    Use or to select the schedule you would like to change.

    Press to continue. Press to leave the screen.

    Maintenance Schedule



    Use or to turn the pop-up on or off. Press to continue.

    Select Title:

    Tire Change

    Use or to see all of the pre-loaded maintenance titles. Press

    to select the item. If none of the pre-loaded titles are appropriate you may create your own by selecting “Custom”. This will put the RoadRelay 4 into a special entry mode for entering a


    title. You must fill one line with letters and spaces to finish the title.

    Enter Title:

    Grease Axl_

    Use and to move through the different letters and numbers.

    If the arrow keys are held down they will repeat. To change from lower case to upper case or vice versa, press . To get variants of letters (such as ‘e’ to ‘è’ or ‘n’ to ‘ñ’) press until the correct variant is found. Special characters (%, -, etc.) are variants of spaces. Press to move to the next letter in the line. Press to move backwards. You must fill one line with letters and spaces to finish the title.

    Next the interval information is selected.


    Type: Distance

    Range: 30000 mi

    Count: Up

    The cursor starts on the “Type” line. Use and to move through the different types of intervals. Press to make a selection. Next, use the numbered keys to enter a range. Press when finished. Finally, use and to select between counting up or down on the “PM Schedules” displayed under the key.

    Press to finish.

    If a maintenance schedule is already running, the title and count direction may be changed without resetting the elapsed count.

    Changing the maintenance interval type and range will reset the schedule.


    15.3 Preventative Maintenance Pop-ups

    When a schedule reaches 90% (and every 5% of schedule thereafter) a Preventative Maintenance Pop-up will occur to warn the operator that it is time to schedule maintenance.

    PM Schedule 2 *

    Oil Change

    18000 of

    20000 mi

    15.4 Resetting a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

    To reset a Preventative Maintenance schedule press . Select

    «PM Schedules». There are four schedules. Use or to move to the schedule to be reset. Press and hold until you hear a

    «beep» from the RoadRelay 4. Or, press , select «Reset PM

    Schedules», Select PM1, 2, 3, or 4. Press to reset, press to leave this screen and NOT reset the maintenance schedule.

    Reset PM?


    Resetting the schedule will cause it to restart and create an entry in the Service History Log.

    16 Service History Log

    To view the Service History records, press . Select «Service


    Engine Oil

    7/05/07 123010 mi

    Fuel Filter

    3/22/07 81729 mi


    There can be up to 6 entries (2 per screen). Use or to move between the screens. Each record indicates the item serviced, date of service, and odometer reading when serviced. The odometer reading will be from the engine, if available; otherwise, it will be the RoadRelay 4 odometer reading.

    No Service History


    If no service history records are in the log, this screen will be shown.

    17 Parts Information

    If your vehicle has a Cummins engine, the following screen can be seen by pressing , and selecting «Parts Information».

    For Engine Parts

    Information Call:


    Engine SN: 12345678

    The last line shows the engine serial number.

    18 Selecting a Language

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    Language: English <=

    Idioma: Espanol

    Langue: Francais

    Idioma: Português

    Lingua: Italiano

    Kieli: Suomi


    The RoadRelay 4 provides six languages: English, French,

    Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Finnish. To change the language press . Select the language you prefer. After you press you will be in the «Help» screens. Press to review these screens.

    To leave, press .

    19 Units of Measure

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    The RoadRelay 4 allows the user to select the measurement system desired. Press to reach the menu items for selecting units of measure. Most units can be changed to US, UK, or metric under the «Units» selection. Economy (mpg, mpG, kpl, and lpk) and volume (gallons, imperial gallons, and liters) must be selected separately because of the greater number of choices.

    19.1 Units of Measure — US, UK, Europe, or Metric


    Press , select «Units». Select desired choice.

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change the units of measure. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or

    OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Units: US — <=




    US units are miles (mi), miles per hour (mph), degrees Fahrenheit

    (F), and pounds per square inch (psi). US date format is month/day/year. The volume unit is gallons (gal). The economy unit is miles per gallon (mpg). The fuel rate is gallons per hour

    (gph). Units for barometric pressure are inches of Mercury («Hg).

    The clock is in 12-hour format.


    UK units are miles (mi), miles per hour (mph), metric horsepower

    (PS), degrees Celsius (C), and kilopascals (kPa). UK date format is day/month/year. The volume unit is imperial gallons (Gal). The economy unit is miles per gallon (mpG). The fuel rate is imperial gallons per hour (Gph). Units for barometric pressure is millibars

    (mb). The clock is in 24-hour format.

    Europe units are kilometers (km), kilometers per hour (kph), metric horsepower (PS), degrees Celsius (C), and kilopascals (kPa).

    Europe date format is day/month/year. The volume unit is liters

    (lit). The economy unit is kilometers per liter (kpl). The fuel rate is liters per hour (lph). Units for barometric pressure are inches of

    Mercury («Hg). The clock is in 24-hour format.

    Metric units are kilometers (km), kilometers per hour (kph), metric horsepower (PS), degrees Celsius (C), and kilopascals (kPa).

    Metric date format is day/month/year. The volume unit is liters

    (lit). The economy unit is kilometers per liter (kpl). The fuel rate is liters per hour (lph). Units for barometric pressure are inches of

    Mercury («Hg). The clock is in 12-hour format.

    19.2 Economy Units

    Press ; select «Economy Units». Select desired choice.

    Economy: mpg <=




    Choices are miles per gallon (mpg), miles per Imperial gallon

    (mpG), kilometers per liter (kpl), and liters per 100 kilometers



    19.3 Volume Units

    Press ; select «Volume Units». Select desired choice.

    Volume: Gallons <=


    Imperial Gallons

    20 Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty


    Related sections: Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), Mark and Go

    To, Driver Messages, Leg Information

    Press ; select «Vehicle Setup». Select desired choice.

    Vehicle Setup:

    Heavy Duty — <=


    Vehicle Setup shall define the RR4 feature functionality based upon the vehicle’s primary use: Heavy-Duty or RV.

    When RV mode is selected, the following features will be unavailable:

    1. ETA

    2. Driver Messages

    3. Average vs. Instantaneous Fuel economy feedback on leg driving screen

    4. Idle Display Fleet Goal percent feedback on leg idle screen

    5. PTO Mode screen under leg

    6. Manual State Line Crossing

    7. Trip – PTO, Coast, Idle Shutdown, and Driver Reward screens not shown


    21 Software Version

    Press ; select «Software Version».

    Software Version



    The information on this screen may be useful if making a call to

    Cummins for support.

    22 Trip Information

    Related sections: Driver ID, Leg Information, Printing to

    HyperTerminal, Printers and Printer Cables for RoadRelay 4,

    Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    A «trip» is data collected since the last time the trip information was reset. A trip has more information than a leg. Trip information can be retrieved using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software.

    To see trip information press , select «Trip Information». Trip information shall be displayed for the driver currently selected.

    Use or to move between the screens. To leave, press .

    Trip Information


    1252.1 mi

    6.81 mpg

    110:23 hrs

    644.5 gal

    44.8 mph

    23.9 %

    This screen shows the time, fuel, average speed and average engine load.


    Operating Hours

    Drive: 55:25 (51%)

    Idle: 54:58 (49%)

    PTO: 0:00 ( 0%)

    PTO information will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV


    Operating Fuel gal

    Drive: 40.3 (78%)

    Idle: 5.1 (22%)

    PTO: 0.0 ( 0%)

    PTO information will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV



    Coast Out of Gear 3

    Panic Stops 2

    Service Brakes 17


    12:25 (12%) hrs

    133.2 mi

    20.3 gal


    10:49 ( 9%) hrs

    123.4 mi

    19.5 gal



    15:25 (17%) hrs

    923.2 mi

    20.3 gal

    This screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode».


    2890 rpm @ 12.0 mph

    74.0 mph @ 2430 rpm


    0:25 ( 2%) hrs

    23.2 mi

    7.3 gal

    This screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode».


    Hot Shutdowns: 2

    Warm-up Wear: 0

    Derate Time: 0:00


    Shutdowns: 2

    Overrides: 14

    This screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode».



    5:25 ( 2%) hrs

    193.2 mi

    20.3 gal


    5:25 ( 2%) hrs

    923.2 mi

    25.3 gal


    15:25 (22%) hrs

    923.2 mi

    29.3 gal


    9:25 (12%) hrs

    923.2 mi

    13.7 gal


    1:05 ( 2%) hrs

    12.2 mi

    Number: 1123


    0:45 ( 2%) hrs

    3.2 mi

    Number: 523



    11:25 (12%) hrs

    823.2 mi

    14.3 gal

    This screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode».

    22.1 Resetting Trip Data

    Press and hold while looking at a trip screen until the

    RoadRelay 4 beeps. Or, press ; select «Reset Trip».

    Reset Trip?


    Press to reset, press to leave this screen and NOT reset trip.

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to reset the data. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    22.2 Printing a Trip Report

    Print Trip Report?


    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™ operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Trip». Press to print. To leave, press . The printed report will have a header section with the report title, time of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading.


    It will show all trip-information screens, each separated by a line of asterisks (*).

    23 Driver Messages

    Related sections: Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode» you will not be able to access this feature. RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.

    Driver messages are entered into the RoadRelay 4 using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software.

    If an unread driver message is in the RoadRelay 4 the word

    “Message” will blink in the upper left-hand corner of the auto-leg screens, alternating with the driver ID if one is shown.

    To see the messages press and select «Driver Messages».

    No Driver


    If there are no messages you will see this screen.

    24 Help

    Press . Select the language you prefer. After pressing the first «Help» screen will be shown. Use and to review these screens. To leave, press .

    Language: English <=

    Idioma: Espanol

    Langue: Francais

    Idioma: Português

    Lingua: Italiano

    Kieli: Suomi




    Press the Down

    Arrow to review help topics.

    Steering Wheel(0)

    Driver ID, ETA and

    Vehicle Security.

    Up Arrow (1)

    Menu control, data selection, and brightness control.

    Truck Key (2)

    Leg data menu.

    Reset leg by holding the Enter key.

    Road Key (3)

    Records route data.

    Backspace Key

    Backs out of screens or corrects data entry mistakes.

    Wrench Key (4)

    Aids in service and maintenance of the vehicle.

    Configuration (5)

    Configures the


    Pages (6)

    Displays trip information and driver messages.


    Accepts data entry.

    Hold three seconds to reset.

    Down Arrow (7)

    Menu control, data selection, and brightness control.

    Question Mark (8)

    Accesses help information.


    Fuel Pump (9)

    Records data by state.

    Numeric Entry

    The numbers on the keys are used for numeric entry.

    For More




    25 Fuel Information

    Related sections: Using the Keypad, Printing to HyperTerminal,

    Printers and Printer Cables for RoadRelay 4, Units of Measure,

    Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    A manual state-line-crossing feature is present in the RoadRelay 4.

    It can also save fuel purchase information. This information can be used to help with fuel tax records.

    25.1 State-Line Crossing

    This feature is used to record state-line crossings.

    Note: This feature is not available if the units of measure are «UK» or «Europe» or if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode».


    25.1.1 Recording a State-Line Crossing

    When you cross a state line, you must press


    If you are moving, a screen, as shown below, will appear with the distance traveled since the last time was pressed. If you are not moving you may record a state-line crossing by pressing , and then selecting

    «State Line Cross». This same screen will appear.

    State Line


    267.3 mi

    Odom: 101303.6 mi

    25.1.2 Recording New State Crossed Into

    Indiana to:

    Indiana ——— <=






    If the truck is moving when is pressed, this screen will immediately appear if Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is OFF (Vehicle-

    in-Motion Lockout can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software). A passenger may enter the new state; the driver should never enter data while

    driving. If Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is ON this screen will not appear until 5 minutes have passed while idling, or a key on the

    RoadRelay 4 is pressed while idling. The screen will also appear at key-off.


    If you do not select a jurisdiction at power-down, you will not be asked to enter it again and it will be marked as «Unknown» in the records!

    The first line will show the state you are leaving. Use and to move through the list of states, provinces, territories and Mexico.

    The list has the current state first, followed by all the states next to this state. A full list of all states follows these. Press when you have selected the state you want.

    25.1.3 Reviewing State-Line Crossing Information

    To review state-line crossing information press , select «Review

    Crossings». Use and to review these screens. To leave, press .

    Fuel by State 1


    164.6 mi

    Odom: 165303.6 mi

    The top line indicates this is a review of fuel used by state and the record number. The oldest records have the lowest numbers. The second line shows the jurisdiction for which the data was collected.

    The third line shows the distance traveled in the jurisdiction. The last line shows the odometer value at the time of the crossing.

    25.2 Fuel Purchases

    This feature is used to record fuel purchases.

    25.2.1 Recording a Fuel Purchase

    Press , select «Fuel Purchase».


    7 12:20 AM

    Fuel Purchased:

    000.0 gal


    Use the keys with numbers to enter the amount of fuel purchased.

    Press to finish.

    25.2.2 Recording the Fuel-Purchase State

    You will then be asked to enter the state in which you purchased the fuel.

    Fuel Purchase In:

    Indiana ——— <=






    Use and to move through the list of states, provinces, territories and Mexico. The list has the current state first followed by all the states next to this state. A full list of states follows these.

    Press when you have selected the state you want.

    If you leave this screen without entering anything, it will be marked as «Unknown» in the records!

    Note: This menu will not appear if the units of measure are «UK» or «Europe».

    25.2.3 Reviewing Fuel Purchase Information

    To review fuel purchase information press , select «Review

    Purchases». Use and to review these screens. To leave, press .

    Fuel Purchase 1


    58.4 gal

    11/23/07 11:12 PM


    The top line indicates this is a review of fuel purchases and the record number. The oldest records have the lowest numbers. The second line shows the jurisdiction for which the data was collected.

    The third line shows the amount of fuel purchased in the jurisdiction. The last line shows the time of the purchase.

    25.3 Printing Fuel Tax Records


    Fuel Log?


    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™ operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Fuel Log». Press to print. To leave, press . The printed report will have a header section with the report title, time of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading. It will then show all state-line crossing information and fuel purchases, each separated by a line of asterisks (*).


    25.4 Resetting Fuel Tax Records

    Press ; select «Reset Fuel Log».


    Fuel Log?


    This reset will erase all state-line crossing and fuel purchase information. Press to reset, press to leave this screen and

    NOT clear the fuel log. If the RoadRelay

    4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to reset the information. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    25.5 Acu-trac Fuel Sensor Information

    The sensor information is only available if the vehicle is equipped

    with this device. To view the Acu-trak information press . Select

    «Fuel Sensor Data».

    Fuel Sensor

    Level 41.8% 83 gal

    Economy 6.92 mpg

    Range 574.4 mi

    26 Setting Transmission Type

    Related sections: Coaching Pop-ups

    This setting does not affect the transmission in any way; it tells the

    RoadRelay 4 what type of transmission is present. It also prevents coaching pop-ups for automatic transmissions. For TOP-2

    transmissions it prevents pop-ups while in the top 2 gears.


    To select a transmission type press . Select «Transmission». Use

    or to select «Manual», «Top-2», or «Automatic». Press to finish. To leave without saving changes, press .

    27 Road Speed Recorder

    This feature is for the recording of data after a vehicle incident. An incident can be defined as any situation where a 75 second recording of road speed, engine speed, brake activity and clutch activity may be of value to the driver or end user. To record the road speed, engine speed, brake activity, and clutch activity press and hold the Truck key ( or


    and key together, for three seconds.

    The following screen will appear asking if you really want to record the information. Use or to select Yes or No. Press

    to finish.


    Road Speed Report?


    If you select «Yes», the previous 60 seconds and the next 15 seconds of information are stored while moving. If you are stopped, the 60 seconds before stopping and 15 seconds after stopping are stored. You will see the following screen and hear a siren-like sound while the information is stored. The information can only be seen using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software.

    Recording Last

    60 Seconds of

    Road Speed

    11/26/07 6:22 PM


    28 Pop-ups

    Pop-ups are seen when the driver may need to be warned of certain events.

    28.1 Coaching Pop-ups

    Related sections: Setting Transmission Type

    Coaching pop-ups are used to help the driver operate the vehicle in a more economical and safer manner.

    28.1.1 Shift Reminder

    All engines have a RPM zone in which it gets the best fuel economy. Shift reminder can be used to remind the driver that it is time to shift up or down to remain in this range. Setting up Shift Reminder

    Press . Select «Shift Reminder».




    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the choice. If the RoadRelay

    4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change this coaching pop-up setup. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Next, the engine RPM at which to shift down is entered.

    Shift Down RPM



    Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired shift-down RPM.

    Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and

    NOT update the shift reminder RPM.

    Shift Up RPM


    Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired shift-up RPM. Press

    to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the shift reminder RPM. Shift Reminder Pop-ups

    After the shift reminder has been enabled and engine RPM has been entered, the following pop-ups may occur.

    Shift Up

    To Improve

    Fuel Economy

    This pop-up appears when the engine is operating above the shiftup RPM. Staying below this RPM improves fuel economy.

    Shift Down

    To Improve

    Fuel Economy

    This pop-up appears when the engine is operating below the shiftdown RPM. Staying above this RPM improves fuel economy.

    28.1.2 Vehicle Over Speed

    Vehicle over speed is used to warn the driver when the vehicle is moving too fast. Driving too fast may be an unsafe condition.

    62 Setting Up Vehicle Over Speed

    Press . Select «Over Speed».

    Over Speed



    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the choice. Turning the pop-up off does NOT prevent an over speed

    occurrence from being recorded in trip data. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change this coaching popup setup. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Over Speed 1


    62 mph

    Over speed 1 is the speed at which the warning pop-up occurs. Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired speed. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the speed.

    Over Speed 2


    65 mph

    No pop-up occurs when this speed is reached. The time spent above this speed is part of the recorded trip information. Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired speed. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the speed.

    63 Vehicle Over Speed Pop-up

    Press . Select «Over RPM».

    Vehicle Speed

    Over 62 MPH

    This pop-up appears when the vehicle is moving faster than the over speed 1 setting.

    28.1.3 Engine Over RPM

    Engine over RPM is used to warn the driver when the engine is being run too fast. Over-revving the engine may damage it. Setting Up Engine Over RPM

    Press . Select «Over RPM».

    Over RPM



    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the choice. Turning the pop-up off does NOT prevent an over RPM

    occurrence from being recorded in trip data. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change this coaching popup setup. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Over RPM


    The entered number is the RPM at which the warning pop-up occurs. Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired speed. Press


    to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the speed. Engine Over RPM Pop-up

    Engine Speed

    Over 2300 RPM

    This pop-up appears when the engine is going faster than recommended.

    28.1.4 Other Driver Coaching Pop-ups

    Engine Warming Up

    Please Wait

    This screen will be shown while the engine is too cold to be driven.

    When the engine temperature has increased, then this screen will go away. Revving or loading the engine while it is cold may reduce its useful life.

    Turn On

    Engine Brake

    to Increase

    Service Brake Life

    This pop-up appears when service brakes are applied on an enginebrake-equipped vehicle, and the engine-brakes are currently not being used. The use of engine brakes reduces the amount of wear on the service brakes.

    28.2 Driver Reward Pop-ups

    Driver Reward pop-ups tell the driver when a changed the Reward

    Level has been achieved.


    28.2.1 Driver reward

    The Driver Reward feature seeks to modify driver behavior by rewarding desirable habits (low percentage of idle time, high percentage of top gear time, high MPG, etc.). The rewards are in the form of an increase in the maximum allowable road speed. Turning Driver Reward Pop-up On or Off

    Press . Select «Driver Reward».

    Driver Reward



    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the choice. Driver Reward Pop-up

    Driver Reward:



    This pop-up indicates that the reward level has changed. Level 1 is the highest reward level; 4 is the lowest reward level.

    28.3 Aftertreatment Pop-ups

    Aftertreatment pop-ups provide information to the driver in the event that the High Exhaust System Temperature (HEST) lamp or the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) lamp becomes active

    (illuminate). In addition, other informational aftertreatment popups will be displayed if regeneration is halted due to certain vehicle conditions not being met.

    These Pop-ups shall only be displayed on engines equipped with the Cummins EPA 2007 Aftertreatment System. In addition, the

    RoadRelay 4 must be connected to the J1939 vehicle


    communications datalink. Refer to the RoadRelay 4 Installation

    Manual for further details on datalink wiring configurations. Refer to your Cummins Owners Manual for further information on the

    Cummins Aftertreatment system.

    28.3.1 Active Regeneration

    An active regeneration is signified by the illumination of the HEST lamp and the RoadRelay Active Regeneration in Progress pop-up.

    In this condition, high exhaust temperature may exist due to aftertreatment regeneration. Ensure that the exhaust pipe outlet is not directed at any surface or material that will melt, burn, or explode. Reference your Cummins Owners Manual for complete instructions. Active Regeneration in Progress Pop-up

    Active Regeneration

    In Progress

    DPF Temp 1123 F

    The third line displays the current DPF Outlet temperature. Active Regeneration Complete Pop-up



    67 Active Regeneration Halted Pop-ups

    Active Regeneration

    Halted Due To


    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due to the clutch being engaged.

    Active Regeneration

    Halted Due To

    Service Brake


    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due to the service brake being depressed.

    Active Regeneration

    Halted Due To

    PTO Active

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due to PTO being activated.

    Active Regeneration

    Halted Due To

    Accelerator Pedal

    Off Idle

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due to the accelerator pedal being depressed.


    Active Regeneration

    Halted Due To

    Out of Neutral

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due to the vehicle not being in neutral.

    28.3.2 Stationary Regeneration Due Notification

    These pop-ups signify that your vehicle’s aftertreatment system needs to perform a stationary (parked) regeneration. Refer to your vehicle’s owners manual for further information on performing a stationary regeneration. Stationary Regeneration Due Soon Pop-up



    Due Soon!

    This pop-up signifies that the Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate

    Filter needs to be regenerated within the next 2-6 hours of operation. This can be accomplished by:

    1. Changing to a more challenging duty cycle, such as highway driving, for at least 20 minutes


    2. Performing a Stationary (Parked) regeneration.

    69 Stationary Regeneration Due Immediately

    Soon Pop-up



    Due Immediately!

    This pop-up signifies that the Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate

    Filter needs to be regenerated within the next 1-2 hours. In addition, engine power may be reduced automatically.

    Regeneration can be accomplished by:

    1. Changing to a more challenging duty cycle, such as highway driving, for at least 20 minutes


    2. Performing a Stationary (Parked) regeneration.

    28.4 Cruise Set-Speed Pop-ups

    When the cruise control set-speed is changed the following screen will be shown:

    Cruise Set Speed

    72 mph

    28.5 Other Pop-ups

    28.5.1 Memory Usage Pop-ups

    Fuel Records


    Almost Full

    Extract Soon


    Route Memory

    Almost Full

    Extract Soon

    These screens indicate that RoadRelay 4 information storage for the indicated feature is 90 %, or more, full. This is a warning that data needs to be removed soon or it may be lost.

    Fuel Records

    Memory Full

    Data Lost


    Memory Full

    Data Lost

    These screens indicate that RoadRelay 4 information storage for the indicated feature is full and some data has been lost.

    28.5.2 RoadRelay



    This screen indicates a defect in the RoadRelay 4. Return the unit for repair.


    28.5.3 Data Link


    Data Link Failure

    This screen indicates that no data has being received by the

    RoadRelay 4, during the last 30 seconds, from the engine. This failure indicates something is wrong with the engine electronics, wiring to the RoadRelay 4, or possibly the RoadRelay 4 itself.

    Check that all wires are attached correctly and that the engine electronics have power.


    Data Link


    This screen indicates a problem with the connection between the

    RoadRelay 4 and the engine. This failure indicates something is wrong with the engine electronics, wiring to the RoadRelay 4, or possibly the RoadRelay 4 itself. Check that all wires are attached correctly.

    28.5.4 Backup Power Connection

    No Power


    Backup Battery

    If this pop-up occurs the backup battery, inside the RoadRelay 4

    (and not replaceable), is not connected or is dead. Check that all wires are properly connected to the RoadRelay 4. All data is lost when this error occurs.


    28.5.5 RoadRelay Loss of Power


    Loss of Power

    Set RoadRelay Clock

    The RoadRelay 4 will display the following fault pop-up if the

    RoadRelay clock has not been set after the initial installation.

    Time/date stamping of data is very important for RoadRelay data integrity. This pop-up is intended as a reminder for the user to set the clock and NOT that the RoadRelay has malfunctioned or has been improperly installed.


    29 Printing to HyperTerminal

    HyperTerminal is a program included with the Windows™ operating system. It is a communications program, and by using it you may connect the RoadRelay 4 to the PC and create electronic copies of printed reports.

    To connect the RoadRelay 4 to a PC, you will need a RoadRelay extraction harness (Cummins part number 4003775) and a serial cable to connect to your PC (You’ll need to get this on your own – the Cummins cable has a female, 9-pin DB connector).

    To launch HyperTerminal:

    1. Select


    2. The program will ask for a name – enter the desired file name.

    3. You will then be asked for a serial port to which to connect.

    Choose the desired port.

    4. Set the port settings as follows: 9600 Bits per second, 8 Data bits, Parity None, Stop bits 1, and Flow control None.


    After connecting the cables and starting HyperTerminal you may copy data from the RoadRelay 4 to your PC. The output will appear in the HyperTerminal window. The file may be saved by doing File|Save As and selecting a name such as RR4data.txt.

    30 Environmental Information

    The RoadRelay 4 is designed to operate within a temperature range of -40

    ° to 185° F (-40° — 85° C ).

    It will operate from a voltage supply of 9.5 to 40 volts.

    31 Disconnecting Power for Extended Periods

    In situations where primary power (vehicle battery) will be disconnected from the RoadRelay 4, the backup battery should also be disconnected. This can be done by removing the loop-back connector from the RoadRelay 4. It is the large, white connector with 10 pins. Failure to remove the connector may result in a dead backup battery. Some data will be lost when the connector is removed.

    Loop-Back Connector

    32 Cleaning the RoadRelay 4

    Do NOT use petroleum-based solvents or cleaners. Do NOT use abrasive cleansers or materials on the faceplate — they may cause

    scratches. Most standard household cleaners are suitable for use on the RoadRelay 4.

    33 Troubleshooting and Technical Support

    Related sections: Software Version; Fault Information

    Always check all wiring to the RoadRelay 4 if you are having problems. Do not open the RoadRelay 4, doing so will void any


    warranty you may have. The RoadRelay 4 has no user-serviceable parts.

    If you believe the unit is properly wired and still not working call

    Technical Support. They may be reached at:

    • 1-800-433-9341 in The USA

    • 0800-286646 in the United Kingdom

    • +1-812-3778136 for international calls

    To make your call go as smoothly as possible, please have the following information handy when you call:

    • Make and model of the vehicle in which the RoadRelay

    4 is installed

    • Engine Type (for example, 2007 Cummins ISX)

    • Software Version of your RoadRelay

    4 (refer to Software

    Version section of this manual)

    • Transmission Type

    • Any electronic systems on the vehicle (for example ABS)

    34 Calibration Updates

    The RoadRelay 4 is software upgradeable to support the latest features and updates. Visit us on the web at for details on the availability of new calibrations and other technical information.


    35 Warranty


    Products Warranted

    This warranty applies to New RoadRelay 4’s™, sold by Cummins Inc.

    (hereinafter ‘Cummins’) and delivered to the first user on or after October 23,

    1998, anywhere in the world where Cummins-approved service is available*.

    Base Warranty

    The Base Warranty covers any failure of the Product that results, under normal use and service, from defects in material or workmanship (Warrantable Failure).

    This Coverage begins with the sale of the Product by Cummins and ends 1 (one) year from the date of delivery of the Product to the first user.

    Consumer Products

    This warranty on Consumer Products in the United States is a LIMITED warranty. CUMMINS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR


    Any implied warranties applicable to Consumer Products in the United

    States terminate concurrently with the expiration of the express warranties applicable to such products. In the United States, some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the limitations or exclusions herein may not apply to you.

    This warranty is made to the first Owner in the chain of distribution, and

    Coverage continues until the end of the period of coverage.


    During the Base Warranty

    Cummins will pay for all parts and labor needed to repair the damage to the

    Products resulting from a Warrantable Failure.

    Cummins will pay for the Products including, but not limited to: Associated harnesses and installation materials and RoadRelay™ that are not reusable due to the Warrantable Failure.

    In the event the engine does not start because of a malfunction of the

    Cummins Antitheft feature anytime during the warranty period, Cummins will repair or replace the feature when the truck is brought to an authorized

    Cummins Repair Facility or a mechanic, authorized by Cummins, visits the vehicle. This is Cummins sole obligation and your sole remedy.


    During the Base Warranty

    Owner must deliver the Products to the repair location.

    Owner is responsible for the cost of the Products provided during warranty repairs unless such items are not reusable due to the Warrantable Failure.

    At the time when the parts are installed, Owner is responsible for the preparation of a written record containing the following: (1) The date of installation of the


    Product(s); (2) the Engine serial number; (3) the Engine miles, kilometers, or hours of operation; (4) the Product(s) installed; and (5) the location of the

    Product(s) in the application. The purpose of this record is to protect Owner’s interests and support any claim for a Warrantable Failure. Owner is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Products as specified in the applicable

    User’s Guide. Owner is also responsible for providing proof that all recommended maintenance has been performed. Before the expiration of the warranty, Owner must notify a Cummins Distributor, Authorized Dealer, or other repair location* approved by Cummins of any Warrantable Failure, and deliver the Products to such facility for repair.

    Owner is responsible for communication expenses, meals, lodging, and similar costs incurred as a result of a Warrantable Failure.

    Owner is responsible for non-Product repairs and for “downtime” expenses, passenger delays, cargo damage, fines, all applicable taxes, all business costs, and other losses resulting from a Warrantable Failure.

    Owner is responsible for Antitheft Feature repairs due to incorrect passwords, including lack of RoadRelay™ display caused by use of the RoadRelay™ outside of specified operating temperatures.


    Cummins is not responsible for radio frequency interference. Cummins is not responsible for failures or damage resulting from what Cummins determines to be abuse, neglect, including, but not limited to: incorrect operation and maintenance as stated in the appropriate user’s guide and installation guide, use of cleaners other than a moist cloth to clean RoadRelay™ keypads, displays, and enclosures.

    This warranty does not apply to Products that bear the name of another company.

    The Product(s) and parts used to repair a Warrantable Failure may be new

    Cummins parts, Cummins-approved rebuilt parts, or repaired parts. Cummins is

    not responsible for failures resulting from the use of parts not approved by


    A new Cummins or Cummins-approved rebuilt part used to repair a Warrantable

    Failure assumes the identity of the part it replaced and is entitled to the remaining coverage hereunder.

    For warranty purposes, parts used in a warrantable repair assume the identity of the parts they replace.
















    This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

    In case of consumer sales, in some countries the Owner has statutory rights that cannot be affected or limited by the terms of this warranty.

    Nothing in this warranty excludes or restricts any contractual rights the

    Owner may have against third parties.

    * Locations in the United States and Canada are listed in the Cummins United

    States and Canada Sales and Service Directory; other locations are listed in the

    Cummins International Sales and Service Directory.




    Technical Support


    © 2007 Cummins Inc.

    Software Version RR46L01E

    Bulletin No. 3401765, Rev. G, 10-May-2007

    Printed in U.S.A.

    Page 1: Road Relay 4 User's Manual

    RoadRelay™ 4


    Page 2: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Table of Contents 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 4 2 Assumptions ……………………………………………………………………………… 4 3 Getting Started ………………………………………………………………………….. 5 4 Using the Keypad ………………………………………………………………………. 5

    4.1 Menu Screens …………………………………………………………………….. 6 4.2 Entry Screens……………………………………………………………………… 7 4.3 Up/Down Entry Screens ………………………………………………………. 7 4.4 Data Screens………………………………………………………………………. 8 4.5 Changing Display Brightness from AUTO LEG……………………… 8

    5 Leg Information…………………………………………………………………………. 8 5.1 Automatic Leg Screens………………………………………………………… 8

    5.1.1 Automatic Idle Display…………………………………………………. 9 5.1.2 Heavy Duty Automatic Driving Display………………………… 10 5.1.3 RV Automatic Driving Display ……………………………………. 11 5.1.4 Automatic PTO Display ……………………………………………… 11

    5.2 Manual Leg Screens ………………………………………………………….. 12 5.2.1 Manual Driving Display ……………………………………………… 12 5.2.2 Manual Idle Display …………………………………………………… 12 5.2.3 Manual PTO Display………………………………………………….. 12 5.2.4 Leg Summary ……………………………………………………………. 13 5.2.5 Operating Hours ………………………………………………………… 13

    5.3 Resetting Leg Data ……………………………………………………………. 14 6 Anti-Theft……………………………………………………………………………….. 14

    6.1 Selecting the Anti-theft Mode …………………………………………….. 15 6.2 How to Lock the Engine…………………………………………………….. 16

    6.2.1 Manual Mode ……………………………………………………………. 16 6.2.2 Semi-automatic Mode ………………………………………………… 17 6.2.3 Automatic Mode………………………………………………………… 17

    6.3 How to Unlock the Engine …………………………………………………. 18 6.4 Changing the Password ……………………………………………………… 19 6.5 Idle Lock …………………………………………………………………………. 20

    7 Driver ID………………………………………………………………………………… 20 7.1 Turning Driver ID On or Off………………………………………………. 20 7.2 Choosing a Driver …………………………………………………………….. 21

    8 Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) ………………………………………………. 22 8.1 Changing ETA Arrival Time and Distance …………………………… 23 8.2 Changing ETA Average Speed……………………………………………. 23

    9 Using the Clock……………………………………………………………………….. 24 9.1 Choosing a 12 or 24-hour Clock …………………………………………. 24 9.2 Setting Clock Time……………………………………………………………. 24

    Page 3: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    10 Using the Alarm …………………………………………………………………… 24 10.1 Turning the Alarm On or Off ……………………………………………… 24 10.2 Setting the Alarm Time ……………………………………………………… 25

    11 Setting the Date ……………………………………………………………………. 25 12 Route Recording…………………………………………………………………… 26

    12.1 Starting a New Route…………………………………………………………. 26 12.2 Entering the New Route Number ………………………………………… 26 12.3 Reviewing Route Records ………………………………………………….. 27 12.4 Printing Route Records ……………………………………………………… 28 12.5 Resetting Route Records ……………………………………………………. 28 12.6 Turning Route Recording On or Off ……………………………………. 29

    13 Vehicle Monitor …………………………………………………………………… 29 13.1 Vehicle Monitor Configuration …………………………………………… 33

    14 Fault Information………………………………………………………………….. 34 14.1 Fault Pop-ups …………………………………………………………………… 34 14.2 RoadRelay Loss of Power Fault Pop-up……………………………….. 35 14.3 Fault Log …………………………………………………………………………. 36 14.4 Resetting the Fault Log ……………………………………………………… 37 14.5 Printing the Fault Log………………………………………………………… 37

    15 Preventative Maintenance ……………………………………………………… 38 15.1 Viewing Preventative Maintenance Schedules ………………………. 38 15.2 Preventative Maintenance Schedule Setup ……………………………. 39 15.3 Preventative Maintenance Pop-ups ……………………………………… 41 15.4 Resetting a Preventative Maintenance Schedule ……………………. 41

    16 Service History Log………………………………………………………………. 41 17 Parts Information………………………………………………………………….. 42 18 Selecting a Language…………………………………………………………….. 42 19 Units of Measure ………………………………………………………………….. 43

    19.1 Units of Measure — US, UK, Europe, or Metric System ………….. 43 19.2 Economy Units …………………………………………………………………. 44 19.3 Volume Units …………………………………………………………………… 45

    20 Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application …………………….. 45 21 Software Version………………………………………………………………….. 46 22 Trip Information…………………………………………………………………… 46

    22.1 Resetting Trip Data …………………………………………………………… 50 22.2 Printing a Trip Report ……………………………………………………….. 50

    23 Driver Messages…………………………………………………………………… 51 24 Help……………………………………………………………………………………. 51

    Page 4: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    25 Fuel Information…………………………………………………………………… 54 25.1 State-Line Crossing …………………………………………………………… 54

    25.1.1 Recording a State-Line Crossing ………………………………….. 55 25.1.2 Recording New State Crossed Into……………………………….. 55 25.1.3 Reviewing State-Line Crossing Information ………………….. 56

    25.2 Fuel Purchases………………………………………………………………….. 56 25.2.1 Recording a Fuel Purchase ………………………………………….. 56 25.2.2 Recording the Fuel-Purchase State……………………………….. 57 25.2.3 Reviewing Fuel Purchase Information…………………………… 57

    25.3 Printing Fuel Tax Records………………………………………………….. 58 25.4 Resetting Fuel Tax Records………………………………………………… 59 25.5 Acu-trac Fuel Sensor Information ……………………………………….. 59

    26 Setting Transmission Type …………………………………………………….. 59 27 Road Speed Recorder……………………………………………………………. 60 28 Pop-ups……………………………………………………………………………….. 61

    28.1 Coaching Pop-ups …………………………………………………………….. 61 28.1.1 Shift Reminder ………………………………………………………….. 61 28.1.2 Vehicle Over Speed……………………………………………………. 62 28.1.3 Engine Over RPM ……………………………………………………… 64 28.1.4 Other Driver Coaching Pop-ups …………………………………… 65

    28.2 Driver Reward Pop-ups ……………………………………………………… 65 28.2.1 Driver reward ……………………………………………………………. 66

    28.3 Aftertreatment Pop-ups ……………………………………………………… 66 28.3.1 Active Regeneration …………………………………………………… 67 28.3.2 Stationary Regeneration Due Notification……………………… 69

    28.4 Cruise Set-Speed Pop-ups ………………………………………………….. 70 28.5 Other Pop-ups…………………………………………………………………… 70

    28.5.1 Memory Usage Pop-ups ……………………………………………… 70 28.5.2 RoadRelay ………………………………………………………………… 71 28.5.3 Data Link………………………………………………………………….. 72 28.5.4 Backup Power Connection ………………………………………….. 72 28.5.5 RoadRelay Loss of Power …………………………………………… 73

    29 Printing to HyperTerminal …………………………………………………….. 73 30 Environmental Information ……………………………………………………. 74 31 Disconnecting Power for Extended Periods ……………………………… 74 32 Cleaning the RoadRelay

    4……………………………………………………… 74

    33 Troubleshooting and Technical Support ………………………………….. 74 34 Calibration Updates………………………………………………………………. 75 35 Warranty……………………………………………………………………………… 76

    Page 5: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    1 Introduction

    The RoadRelay 4 is a vehicle monitoring system that helps drivers

    perform better and helps owners collect important information

    about the operation and performance of the vehicle.

    Driver benefits include fuel economy feedback information (See

    «Leg Information» section), estimated time of arrival (See

    «Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)» section), a built-in clock with

    alarm (See «Using the Clock» and «Using the Alarm» sections),

    driver coaching and driver information pop-ups (See «Pop-ups»

    section), and many other features.

    For protection of the vehicle and the property it is carrying, the

    anti-theft feature (See «Anti-Theft» section) can be used.

    To help service the vehicle, information from the Engine Control

    Module can be viewed (See «Vehicle Monitor» section). To help

    troubleshoot vehicle problems fault information is displayed when

    a fault occurs and then stored for later access by service personnel

    (See «Fault Information» section). Maintenance is assisted by the

    use of periodic maintenance pop-ups and stored service

    information (See «Scheduled Maintenance» and «Service History»


    Additionally, if the fleet owner purchases INFORM™ or uses the

    PowerSpec™ office software, many other types of stored

    information such as trip data, route data, fuel purchases, and much

    more can be extracted and presented in easy-to-read reports.

    RoadRelay 4 configurations and calibrations are changed with the

    office software.

    2 Assumptions

    This User’s Guide assumes that the RoadRelay 4 has been properly

    installed ( See Installation Guide for installation and

    troubleshooting information ).

    Page 6: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The RoadRelay 4 will work with all electronic engines. The

    examples assume that the engine is a late-model Cummins engine

    (Celect Plus, ISB, ISC, ISL, ISM, ISX, and Signature 600). Some

    (very few) screens and features will not be present when the

    RoadRelay 4 is used with engines other than those listed. Contact

    your distributor for details.

    3 Getting Started

    When first using the RoadRelay 4, reading a few sections of this

    manual will allow you to quickly start using the product. The

    recommended sections are «Using the Keypad», «Configuring for a

    RV or Heavy Duty Application», «Selecting a Language», «Using

    the Clock», and «Units of Measure». Scan the Table of Contents to

    find other sections that explain features you wish to use.

    4 Using the Keypad

    Related sections: Leg Information- Automatic Leg Screens

    NOTE: All examples will start from an AUTO LEG screen. See

    the «Leg Information» section to view these screens. To reach an

    AUTO LEG screen keep pressing until the screen stays the


    Page 7: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The RoadRelay 4 has a back-lit keypad which is used to move

    through the different screens and to enter data. A picture of each

    key and its name is shown below.







    Note: The RoadRelay 4 will automatically power down 30 seconds

    after the key switch is turned off. The RoadRelay 4 may be

    powered by pressing the ENTER key. As a long as any key is

    pressed within 30 seconds the RoadRelay 4 will remain powered.

    4.1 Menu Screens

    Menu screens can be identified by the presence of a SELECTOR

    (<=) on the right side of the screen. When in a menu, use and

    to move the SELECTOR up or down in a list. and will

    automatically repeat if held down. If you reach the top or bottom of

    a menu it will «wrap around» to the other end of the menu. To

    select an item, move the SELECTOR to the right side of the

    desired item and press .

    Page 8: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Example: To see a menu screen, press the key. The

    SELECTOR is to the right of the item to be selected. Press to

    return to the previous screen.

    4.2 Entry Screens

    Entry screens can be identified by the presence of a CURSOR

    (blinking rectangle) on the screen. Use , , , , , ,

    , , , and to enter numbers. The numbers appear in the

    upper left-hand corner of the key. When the first key is pressed the

    old numbers will disappear and the new number will be updated as

    keys are pressed. When you are finished entering all numbers,

    press . If you want to undo the last key-press use . If you

    wish to leave a screen and NOT modify the number, keep pressing

    until the screen is gone. When on an entry screen you may not

    be able to «jump» between menus, because the key is currently

    interpreted to be number entry. Use to exit the screen and

    normal functioning will return.

    Example: Press ; move the SELECTOR until it is to the right of

    «Time». Press . You will see the current RoadRelay 4 time and

    a blinking CURSOR. Press any key with a number on it. The

    screen will now show the number you have currently selected.

    Press several times to discard the change and return to the

    AUTO LEG screen.

    4.3 Up/Down Entry Screens

    Some screens use and to move through a set of possible

    choices. The screen changes to show the new choice as and

    are pressed.

    Example: Press ; move the SELECTOR until it is to the right of

    «Time Format». Press . You will see the current time format.

    Press and to see the format switch between 12 and 24-hours.

    Page 9: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Press several times to discard any change and return to the

    AUTO LEG screen.

    4.4 Data Screens

    Screens showing data, such as leg or vehicle monitor, will update

    every second. If data is unavailable or invalid, the screen will have

    question marks in place of numerical data.

    4.5 Changing Display Brightness from AUTO LEG

    The RoadRelay 4 has five levels of brightness (including off).

    When in an AUTO LEG screen, pressing will increase the

    display brightness; pressing will decrease the brightness. When

    at the lowest level (off) any key press will turn the display on at the

    lowest brightness level.

    The RoadRelay 4 saves separate brightness settings — one if the

    headlights are OFF and another if they are ON. If the headlights are

    OFF you may adjust the setting for headlights being off. If the

    headlights are ON you may adjust the setting for headlights being


    5 Leg Information

    Related sections: Driver ID, Using the Clock, Estimated Time of

    Arrival (ETA), Units of Measure, Trip Information, Configuring

    for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    A «leg» is data collected since the last time the leg information was

    reset. A leg has less information than a trip. Leg information can

    not be retrieved using office software — it is only used for driver


    5.1 Automatic Leg Screens

    The leg screens are the «top-level» screens. By repetitively

    pressing you will eventually reach an AUTO LEG screen.

    When vehicle operation changes, the screen will automatically

    change between the AUTO LEG screens. «Heavy Duty» mode has

    Page 10: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Idle, Driving, and PTO screens; RV mode has Idle and Driving

    screens. The change will occur immediately, or after 5 minutes;

    depending upon whether «Short Stop Mode» is ON or OFF (Short

    stop mode can only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or

    PowerSpec™ office software). All examples in this User’s Guide

    start from an AUTO LEG screen.

    5.1.1 Automatic Idle Display

    125 3:44 PM Idle Time: 4:12( 7%)+++ Shutdown: 43:22

    OR 125 3:44 PM Idle Time: —12:34(14%) 8.2 gal

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.

    The second line identifies this as the idle screen.

    The third line shows the amount of time the engine has been idling,

    the percentage of total leg time the engine has been idling, and

    performance vs. a 20% goal. Plus (+) and minus (-) symbols

    indicate performance against this idle-time goal. Therefore, each +

    or — indicates a 2% difference in actual idle time vs. the goal. A «-«

    minus indicates too much time is being spent idling; a «+» indicates

    better performance than the goal. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV

    Mode» you will not see the feedback for performance vs. idle-time

    goal . RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.

    Page 11: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The last line will show the remaining time until the engine

    automatically shuts down, or how much fuel has been used while

    idling. This is determined by the type of engine and how the

    engine is set up.

    5.1.2 Heavy Duty Automatic Driving Display

    125 12:44 PMETA: 2:48 PM 0:12 1234.4 mi 6.7 mpg +

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.

    The second line shows Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

    information. This can be read as: “At your current speed you will

    arrive at 2:48 PM, which is 12 minutes ahead of when you are

    scheduled to arrive.»

    The third line shows the number of miles traveled on this leg.

    The last line shows the average leg fuel economy, and performance

    vs. this average fuel economy. Each + or — indicates a 10% change

    in the displayed fuel consumption rate. For example, ++ indicates a

    fuel rate that is currently 20% better (less than) than the rate

    displayed. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode» you will not see the

    feedback for performance vs. this average fuel economy . RV or

    Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the «Vehicle Setup»


    Page 12: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    5.1.3 RV Automatic Driving Display

    125 3:44 PMCruise On 722.3 mi 63.5 mph 10.4 mpgD3 /D3 172 F 168 F

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.

    The second line shows that cruise control is activated and leg

    distance. If cruise control is off, the cruise status will not be shown.

    The third line shows the cruise control set speed and current fuel

    economy. If cruise control is off, the cruise set speed will not be


    The last line shows the transmission gear selected/attained,

    transmission fluid temperature, and coolant temperature. If the

    transmission information is not available, it will not be shown.

    5.1.4 Automatic PTO Display

    This screen will only show up if the Power Take-Off (PTO) is

    engaged, the vehicle is not moving, and displaying of PTO mode is

    ON (This is set by INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software). If

    the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode» you will not be able to access

    this screen. RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.

    125 3:44 PM PTO Time: 0:12( 3%) 3.2 gal

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the time.

    If the Driver ID feature is OFF, only time will be displayed.

    Page 13: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The second line identifies this as the PTO screen.

    The third line shows how long the PTO has been engaged while the

    vehicle was not moving, and percentage of total leg time the PTO

    has been engaged with the vehicle not moving.

    The last line shows the amount of fuel used while the PTO was

    engaged and the vehicle was not moving.

    5.2 Manual Leg Screens

    In addition to Automatic leg screens, you may manually select one

    of the three engine mode displays (Drive, Idle, and PTO). These

    screens do NOT automatically switch as the vehicle operation

    changes; you can use this to always show a particular leg screen.

    Manual leg screens are selected by pressing and then selecting

    an item from the menu. Use and to move between the

    screens. If the RoadRelay 4 is powered-down or another menu is

    selected you will need to return to this menu to restore the manual

    leg screen.

    5.2.1 Manual Driving Display

    Identical to Automatic Driving Display except that this screen is

    always shown regardless of vehicle operation. See Automatic

    Driving Display description.

    5.2.2 Manual Idle Display

    Identical to Automatic Idle Display except that this screen is

    always shown regardless of vehicle operation. See Automatic Idle

    Display description.

    5.2.3 Manual PTO Display

    Identical to Automatic PTO Display except that this screen is

    always shown regardless of vehicle operation. See Automatic PTO

    Display description.

    Page 14: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    5.2.4 Leg Summary

    125 Summary 44.3 mph 351.6 gal 83.1 %

    The top line of the screen shows the current driver ID and the

    screen title. If the Driver ID feature is OFF the driver name will be


    The second line the shows average speed of the vehicle on this leg.

    The third line shows the amount of fuel used on this leg.

    The last line shows the average engine load on this leg.

    5.2.5 Operating Hours

    Operating Hours Drive: 6:21 (92%) Idle: 0:35 ( 8%) PTO: 0:00 ( 0%)

    The top line of the screen shows the screen title.

    The second line shows the amount of time and percentage of total

    time spent driving on this leg.

    The third line shows the amount of time and percentage of total

    time spent idling on this leg.

    The last line shows the amount of time and percentage of total time

    spent idling with PTO engaged on this leg.

    Page 15: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    5.3 Resetting Leg Data

    To erase the leg data and start over, hold for 3 seconds while

    viewing the leg data. Or, press and select «Reset Leg» from the

    menu. Press to reset, press to leave this screen and NOT

    reset leg.

    Reset Leg? Yes

    6 Anti-Theft

    Related sections: Keypad-Entry Screens, Units of Measure

    The Anti-theft feature deters vehicle theft by requiring the driver to

    enter a password, using the RoadRelay 4 keypad, before allowing

    the engine to start. Anti-theft will work with Cummins Celect Plus

    (revision 4 software and later), ISB, ISC, ISL, ISM, ISX, and

    Signature 600 engines.

    Important Note: The engine control module determines whether this feature is ON or

    OFF. ALL Cummins engines leave the factory with Anti-theft turned OFF.

    Also, the key must be in the ON position in order for the engine to be

    locked or unlocked.

    A customer desiring to use this feature must visit a distributorship or

    certified dealership and request to have INSITE™ (Cummins authorized

    service tool) turn the feature to ON (There may be a fee). In addition,

    while connected, it is VITAL that the customer choose their password or

    passwords (all numeric) and write them to the ECM at this time. The

    factory default passwords are all 000000’s and can not be changed via

    the RoadRelay keypad initially. Once changed to some meaningful

    sequence, the user can work with their selection of password or change

    via the RoadRelay keypad.

    Page 16: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    6.1 Selecting the Anti-theft Mode

    Anti-theft modes affect how the engine is locked.

    The four choices for the anti-theft mode are:

    • Off The anti-theft feature is off.

    • Manual The driver locks the engine by entering a


    • Semi-Automatic The driver locks the engine by selecting

    «Yes» when asked to «Arm Vehicle

    Security” at key-off.

    • Automatic The engine is automatically locked after the

    ignition key is turned off.

    Read «How to Lock the Engine» for more details.

    To select the Anti-theft mode press and select «Security Mode».

    Use or to select the mode you wish to use. Press to

    select the mode. Press to quit. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet

    Mode» you will not be able to change this setting. (Fleet mode can

    only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™

    office software).

    Security Mode Automatic

    The user must enter the password.

    Enter Password ??????

    Page 17: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    If the engine is a Celect Plus and the previous mode was “Off”, the

    user must confirm the new password.

    Confirm Password ??????

    If confirmation fails, then the mode is not changed and the

    following screen is shown:

    Vehicle Security Change Failed

    6.2 How to Lock the Engine

    How the engine gets locked depends upon the «Anti-theft

    Mode»(Off, Manual, Semi-automatic, and Automatic). See

    «Selecting the Anti-theft Mode» for more information.

    6.2.1 Manual Mode

    At key-off you will see the screen below.

    Key On to Arm Vehicle Security

    Turn the key ON. Enter the password on the following screen:

    To Arm Vehicle Security Enter Password ??????

    Page 18: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    If the password is correct, you will see this screen and the engine is


    Vehicle Security Armed

    Otherwise, you must try again.

    Password Incorrect Enter Password ??????

    6.2.2 Semi-automatic Mode

    At key-off you will see the screen below.

    Key On to Arm Vehicle Security

    Turn key ON. Press to lock the vehicle. Press to leave this

    screen and NOT lock the engine.

    Arm Vehicle Security? Yes

    6.2.3 Automatic Mode

    In Automatic Mode the engine automatically locks 30 seconds after

    the ignition key is turned OFF. If the engine is a CELECT Plus, it

    will automatically lock 20 seconds after a key-off or stall. This

    delay prevents the user from having to enter the password for

    inadvertent key-offs or engine stalls.

    Page 19: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    6.3 How to Unlock the Engine

    If the engine is locked you must enter a six-number password. As

    the password is entered, each «?» will be replaced with a «*». Press

    when you have finished entering 6 numbers.

    Vehicle Security Armed Enter Password ??????

    If the password is correct the following screen will be displayed,

    and the engine is now unlocked.

    Vehicle Security Disarmed

    If the password is incorrect, the following screen will be displayed:

    Password Incorrect Enter Password ??????

    If you enter a correct password after an incorrect password, you

    must confirm the password by entering it again.

    Confirm Password ??????

    If the units of measure are «US» or «Metric» and you fail to enter

    the password correctly after five attempts, you will be locked out

    for 10 minutes. If the units of measure are «UK» or «Europe» and

    you fail to enter the password correctly after three attempts, you

    Page 20: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    will be locked out for 30 minutes. When this occurs, the following

    screen will be shown:

    Password Incorrect Vehicle Secured

    Note: The ignition key must be ON to allow the lockout timers to

    operate for the required 10 or 30 minutes.

    6.4 Changing the Password

    Press . Select «Change Password». If the RoadRelay 4 is in

    «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change this setting. (Fleet

    mode can only be turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or

    PowerSpec™ office software).

    Enter Existing Password ??????

    Once the existing password has been correctly entered, the new

    password can be entered on this display:

    Enter New Password ??????

    You must confirm the new password on the following display. If

    this fails the password is not changed.

    Confirm Password ??????

    Page 21: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Do not forget your password! When protected by the anti-theft

    feature, the engine will not start without entering the password. Do

    not write your password where a thief can find it. Keep it

    someplace safe where you can find it easily. See the «Warranty»

    section for important anti-theft warranty information.

    6.5 Idle Lock

    If the engine is a Cummins ISB, ISC, ISL, ISM, ISX, or Signature

    600 it may be locked while idling. If locked while idling it will

    ignore accelerator pedal changes until unlocked. Note: This feature

    is not available if the units of measure are «UK» or «Europe».

    To lock or unlock the engine, press and select «Lock/Unlock

    Engine». Refer to the «How to Lock the Engine» section. The

    unlocking procedure can be seen in the «How to Unlock the

    Engine» section.

    7 Driver ID

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    RoadRelay 4 can record separate information for up to four drivers,

    using the Driver ID function. You can select up to three drivers.

    In addition, you can select the “Other” driver.

    7.1 Turning Driver ID On or Off

    To turn Driver ID On or Off press . Select «Driver ID».

    Driver ID Off

    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save

    the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the

    choice. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able

    Page 22: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    to change this setting. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF

    using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    7.2 Choosing a Driver

    If the Driver ID feature is ON, the following screen will appear at

    power on OR by pressing , selecting «Driver ID», and pressing

    . If Driver ID is OFF, the «Driver ID» selection will not appear

    under the menu.

    When this screen is selected, and when it appears at power-up, 3

    beeps will be heard to alert the driver.

    The screen will be different if IDs have already been entered.

    Select Driver: Driver (New) —- <=Other

    If your ID appears on this screen you may use or to select it.

    Pressing will accept the selection.

    If you need to enter a new driver ID, select «Driver (New)». Press

    . Enter up to ten numbers to create an ID and press when


    Enter Driver ID: 0000000000

    Page 23: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    If you pressed you would see the


    Enter Driver ID: 123456

    Press and the driver menu will update with a new driver


    Select Driver: Driver (New) 123456 ———- <=Other

    Note: A driver ID can only be cleared by extracting trip data with

    the INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software or resetting trip

    data using the “Reset Trip” menu item. This will clear all but the

    currently selected driver’s ID.

    8 Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

    Related sections: Leg Information-Automatic Leg Screens-Driving

    Display, Using the Clock, Units of Measure, Configuring for a RV

    or Heavy Duty Application

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode» you will not be able to access

    this feature. RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.

    The ETA feature can be used by the driver to quickly show how he

    or she is doing vs. a scheduled arrival time. ETA information

    appears on the leg «Driving Screen».

    Page 24: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    8.1 Changing ETA Arrival Time and Distance

    Press . Select «ETA Setup».

    Distance to Destination: 0 mi

    Use the number keys to enter your travel distance. Press to

    accept the new distance and go to the next screen. Use to quit.

    Scheduled Delivery Time: 6:30 PM

    Use the number keys to enter your time. If using a 24-hour clock,

    press to finish ETA setup. If using a 12-hour clock, press ;

    then use or to toggle between AM and PM. Press to

    finish ETA setup.

    8.2 Changing ETA Average Speed

    Related sections: Units of Measure

    Press . Select «ETA Speed».

    Average ETA Speed: 42.0 mph

    Use the keys with numbers to enter your speed. Press to accept

    the new speed. Use to quit.

    Page 25: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    9 Using the Clock

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    9.1 Choosing a 12 or 24-hour Clock

    Use 12-Hour Clock

    To change between a 12 and 24-hour clock, press . Select «Time

    Format». Use or to toggle between 12 and 24-hours. Press

    to finish.

    9.2 Setting Clock Time

    Clock Time: 10:31 PM

    To set the clock time press . Select «Time». Use the keys with

    numbers to enter your time. If using a 24-hour clock, press to

    finish. If using a 12-hour clock, press ; then use or to

    toggle between AM and PM. Press to finish.

    10 Using the Alarm

    Related sections: Using the Keypad, Using the Clock

    10.1 Turning the Alarm On or Off

    Alarm: On

    Page 26: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    To turn the alarm On or Off press . Select «Alarm Enable». Use

    or to toggle between On and Off. Press to finish.

    10.2 Setting the Alarm Time

    Alarm Time: 6:30 AM

    To set alarm time press . Select «Alarm Time». Use the keys

    with numbers to enter your time. If using a 24-hour clock, press

    to finish. If using a 12-hour clock, press ; then use or

    to toggle between AM and PM. Press to finish.

    When the alarm goes off, the buzzer will sound and the alarm

    screen will appear:

    11/21/07 6:30 AM Alarm!

    Press any key to shut off the buzzer. If a key is not pressed the

    alarm will shut off after 1 minute.

    11 Setting the Date

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    Date: 7/20/07

    To set the date press . Select «Date». Use the keys with numbers

    to enter the date. Press to finish. To leave without saving

    changes, keep pressing .

    Page 27: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    12 Route Recording

    Related sections: Keypad-Entry Screens, Units of Measure, Setting

    the Clock Time, 12 or 24-Hour Clock Time, Setting the Date,

    Printing to HyperTerminal, Printers and Printer Cables for

    RoadRelay 4

    A route is the distance and time traveled since the last time a new

    route was started. This feature is used to create a record for each

    route. A route does not need to include any travel. It can be used to

    record time waiting to unload, stuck in traffic, etc.

    12.1 Starting a New Route

    To start a new route press and select «Record Route».

    Route 1200 Recorded 667.3 mi 10/12/07 12:20 AM

    This screen will be shown for 5 seconds. It indicates the previous

    route number, distance traveled on the previous route, and the time

    this previous route began.

    If this feature is off you will see this screen:

    Route Recording Off

    12.2 Entering the New Route Number

    Please Enter Route Number: 0000

    Page 28: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    When the truck is stopped the screen above will appear asking for

    the route number.

    If the vehicle is moving when a new route is started, this screen

    will immediately appear if Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is OFF

    (Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software). A passenger may

    enter the new route number; for safety reasons the driver should

    never enter data while driving. If Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is

    ON this screen will wait to appear until 5 minutes have passed

    while idling, or a key on the RoadRelay 4 is pressed while idling.

    If you leave without entering a route number, route numbers will

    be asked for when another route is started, at key-off, and at key-


    If the entered route number matches a previously entered route

    number, the user will be asked if this is a new route (as opposed to

    continuing the present route).

    Start New Route? Yes

    Use or to toggle between Yes and No. Press to finish.

    12.3 Reviewing Route Records

    To review the route information saved in the RoadRelay 4 press

    . Select «Review Routes».

    Route 1200 12/20/07 Drive 22:12 Idle 2:34 1084.5 mi 157.2 gal

    Use and to review the routes. To leave, press . The route

    information shown is the sum of all records in a route. The top line

    shows the route number and date when the route started.

    Page 29: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The second and third lines show the amount of time spent driving

    and idling. The last line shows the total distance and fuel used on

    the indicated route.

    12.4 Printing Route Records

    Print Route Log? Yes

    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing

    the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™

    operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information

    to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this

    manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Routes». Press to print. To leave, press . The

    printed report will have a header section with the report title, time

    of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading. It will

    then show all Route information, with each route separated by a

    line of asterisks (*).

    12.5 Resetting Route Records

    Press ; select «Reset Routes».

    Reset Route? Yes

    This reset will erase all route information. Press to reset, press

    to leave this screen and NOT clear the route log. If the

    RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to reset the

    information. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Page 30: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    12.6 Turning Route Recording On or Off

    Press . Select «Route Enable».

    Route Enable On

    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save

    the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the

    choice. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able

    to change this setting. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF

    using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    13 Vehicle Monitor

    Related sections: Units of Measure, Vehicle Monitor configuration

    The vehicle monitor shows data currently being received by the

    RoadRelay 4 from the data link.

    Press . Select «Vehicle Monitor». Use and to move

    between the screens. Note that your screens may not show all the

    data – if the information is not available, question marks may be

    shown or the entire line may be blank.

    1850 rpm 19.0 psi 38.3 % 13.2 V 55.7 mph 35.0 psi 181.3 F

    This screen is the Configurable Vehicle Monitor screen. Refer to

    the Vehicle Monitor Configuration section for instructions on

    customizing this screen. The default screen setting is shown

    above. Holding the Enter key down for 5 seconds will reset this

    screen to factory defaults.

    Page 31: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Engine RPM and boost pressure are on the first line.

    Percent engine load and battery voltage are on the second line.

    Road speed and oil pressure are displayed on the third line

    Engine coolant temperature is displayed on the last line.

    RPM 1850.0 rpmBoost Pres 32.3 psiLoad 38.3 % Inst Econ 8.2 mpg

    This screen shows engine RPM, boost pressure, current engine

    load, and instantaneous fuel economy.

    Cool Temp 130.0 F Oil Pres 82.5 psiOil Temp 110.0 F Battery ??.? V

    This screen shows coolant temperature, oil pressure, oil

    temperature, and battery voltage. In this example, the battery

    voltage is not available from the vehicle and therefore is shown as

    question marks.

    Road Speed 70.0 mphFuel Rate 17.08 gphAir Pres 30.1 «HgAir Temp 110.0 F

    This screen shows road speed, fuel rate, outside air pressure, and

    outside air temperature.

    Transmission Gear Actual 9Gear Requested 10Trans Fluid 105.7 F

    This screen shows the gears selected and requested. The bottom

    line shows the temperature of the transmission fluid. This screen

    Page 32: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    can only be seen on trucks with automatic transmissions which

    send this information to the RoadRelay 4. The gear values are sent

    by the transmission and the displayed gears will vary by

    transmission manufacturer.

    DRIVER REWARD STATUS Reward Level 2 RoadSpd Gov 68 mph Cruise Limit 72 mph

    This screen shows the current driver reward level, road speed

    governor limit, and cruise control limit. This screen can only be

    seen on trucks with the Driver Reward feature on.

    ECM 132356.2 mi RR4 132102.7 mi RR4 22390.17 galRR4 3308:52 hrs

    This screen shows the accumulated totals for distance traveled, fuel

    used, and hours of operation. «ECM» in the first column indicates

    the total is from the engine control module. «RR4» indicates the

    total is from the RoadRelay 4. If the ECM data is not available, this

    data will not be shown.

    Aftertreatment DPF Outlet 725.0 F AFT1 278.9 galStatus: Due NOW

    This screen displays information and status of the Cummins

    Aftertreatment System.

    The second line shows the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)


    Page 33: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The third line shows the lifetime fuel used by the aftertreatment


    The fourth line shows the current status of the Aftertreatment

    system. The valid aftertreatment status conditions are defined in

    the table below:

    Status Status Condition

    <blank> No regeneration activity

    Status: Soon Stationary (Parked) regeneration is due soon

    Status: Due NOW Stationary (Parked) regeneration is due now

    Status: Active The aftertreatment system is performing an

    Active regeneration.

    Status: Passive The aftertreatment system is performing a Passive


    Halted by Clutch An Active regeneration has been halted by the


    Halted Service Brake An Active regeneration has been halted by the

    service brake.

    Halted by PTO An Active regeneration has been halted by PTO.

    Halted by Throttle An Active regeneration has been halted by the


    Halted Not Neutral An Active regeneration has been halted by the

    vehicle not being in neutral.

    This screen can only be seen on vehicles equipped with the

    Cummins EPA 2007 Aftertreatment System. Reference your

    Cummins Owners Manual for complete details on your vehicle’s

    aftertreatment system.

    Page 34: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    13.1 Vehicle Monitor Configuration

    The Vehicle Monitor Summary screen can be customized to

    display up to eight vehicle monitor parameters. The default

    settings are defined in the Vehicle Monitor section of this manual.

    VM 1 RPM ——— <=VM 2 Engine Load VM 3 Road Speed VM 4 Leave Blank VM 5 Boost Pres VM 6 Battery Volts VM 7 Oil Pressure VM 8 Coolant temp

    To customize the Vehicle Monitor Summary screen for your

    vehicle, press , use or to scroll to VMonitor Config,

    then press to select. This screen displays the current (default)

    settings of the Vehicle Monitor Summary screen. The Vehicle

    Monitor Summary screen is divided into eight fields. Fields 1

    through 4 will be displayed on the left of the Vehicle Monitor

    Summary screen and fields 5 through 8 will be displayed on the

    right side of the Vehicle Monitor Summary screen. The default

    parameter for each field is shown above.

    For example, the steps necessary to change the parameter currently

    defined in field 5 “Boost Pres” to “Fuel Rate” are outlined below.

    Note that field 5 is displayed in upper right-hand corner of the

    Vehicle Monitor Summary screen.

    Use to move to VM 5 Boost Press. Press to select this

    field. «. Use and to move between the list of available

    parameters for your vehicle. Move the curser to the “Fuel Rate”

    parameter. Press to select this parameter. Now to verify the

    results of the change, press ; use or to move to «Vehicle

    Monitor». Press to select Vehicle Monitor. Use or to

    Page 35: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    move to the Vehicle Monitor Summary Screen. Notice that field 5

    (upper right-hand corner of screen) now displays the Fuel Rate.

    1850 rpm 1.35 gph 38.3 % 13.2 V 55.7 mph 35.0 psi 181.3 F

    Additional notes:

    1. Vehicle Monitor configuration can only be changed while the

    ignition switch is in the ON or RUNNING position.

    2. Your list of parameters may be different from those of other

    vehicles. The RoadRelay will only display those parameters

    available for your particular vehicle.

    3. The list of parameters also contains a “Leave Blank” and a

    “Reset To Default” option. The Leave Blank option will not

    display any information in the field. The Reset To Default option

    will reset the field to the default parameter assigned by the factory.

    4. Refer to the Vehicle Monitor Section for instructions on

    resetting the entire Vehicle Monitor Summary screen to factory


    14 Fault Information

    Related sections: Printing to HyperTerminal, Printers and Printer

    Cables for RoadRelay 4

    14.1 Fault Pop-ups

    When a fault occurs for the first time a pop-up will occur warning

    the driver that a fault condition exists. Reminders for an active

    fault will then pop-up every 24 hours.

    Page 36: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Example fault pop-ups:

    If the engine is a late-model Cummins engine it will contain fault

    information and advice on the seriousness of the fault.

    Water in Fuel Circuit Failure: Service Soon.

    If the engine is not a late-model Cummins the following would be


    Engine Controller Water in Fuel indic. Voltage > Normal

    14.2 RoadRelay Loss of Power Fault Pop-up

    The following fault occurs when the RoadRelay has experienced a

    power interruption (initial RoadRelay 4 installation, battery

    removed from vehicle, cab power disconnected, etc.). This fault

    serves two purposes. First, it serves as a reminder to set the

    RoadRelay clock. Second, if it continues to pop-up after vehicle

    power interruptions, it signifies that the RoadRelay internal back-

    up battery is dead (flat). Follow the procedure below to determine

    a properly functioning back-up battery:

    Note: Data may be lost while performing this procedure. Verify

    that data is extracted and/or backed-up before continuing.

    1. Install the RoadRelay as outlined in the RoadRelay 4

    Installation Manual. Verify the loop-back connector (P/N

    4003226) is installed.

    2. Set the time of day using the RoadRelay 4 clock (refer to

    “Setting the Clock Time” section in this manual).

    3. Remove power from the vehicle (disconnect vehicle battery

    or disconnect RR4 power harness) for a least 10 seconds.

    4. Re-connect vehicle power.

    Page 37: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    5. Verify that the RoadRelay 4 retained the time of day as set

    in step #2.

    If the time of day is retained, the back-up battery is functioning

    properly. Refer to “Resetting the Fault Log” section of this manual

    to reset the Loss of Power fault.

    If the time of day is reset to 12:00 AM (time will be flashing), then

    the internal back-up battery is dead (flat). The RoadRelay will

    continue to collect and monitor vehicle information, but data will

    be lost in situations where vehicle (battery) power is removed from

    the RoadRelay 4 (such as removing the battery from vehicle,

    disconnecting power to the cab/dashboard, servicing the vehicle,

    during accidents, etc). The RoadRelay back-up battery is not a

    customer replaceable part.

    RoadRelay Loss of Power Set RoadRelay Clock

    Note that this fault will be displayed in the Fault Table as PID 168

    RoadRelay; Loss of Power; Set RoadRelay Clock. Refer to the

    Fault Log section for instructions on viewing the Fault Table.

    14.3 Fault Log

    To view fault information press , and select «Fault Table». If no

    faults have been received you will see:

    No Faults Recorded

    Otherwise, faults will be listed in the order they occurred, last seen

    first. Use and to move between the screens. Fault code

    Page 38: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    information is provided to help service personnel trouble-shoot

    problems. The fault log will contain a short description of each


    Example fault log screens:

    If the engine is a late-model Cummins engine it will contain a fault

    code and advice on the seriousness of the fault.

    Code 428 Active 1 Water in Fuel Circuit Failure: Service Soon.

    If the engine is not a late-model Cummins the following will be


    PID 97 Active 1 Engine Controller Water in Fuel indic. Voltage > Normal

    14.4 Resetting the Fault Log

    To clear all inactive faults, press and select «Reset Faults».

    Press to reset, press to leave this screen and NOT reset


    Reset Faults? Yes

    14.5 Printing the Fault Log

    Print Faults? Yes

    Page 39: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing

    the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™

    operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information

    to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this

    manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Faults». Press to print. To leave, press . The

    printed report will have a header section with the report title, time

    of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading. It will

    also show all faults with each separated by a line of asterisks (*).

    15 Preventative Maintenance

    Related sections: Service History

    Preventative Maintenance is used to indicate when it is time to

    perform scheduled maintenance.

    15.1 Viewing Preventative Maintenance Schedules

    To view the Preventative Maintenance schedules press . Select

    «PM Schedules». There are four schedules. Use or to move

    between the schedules.

    PM Schedule 1 * Oil Change 5000 of 6000 mi

    The screen summarizes the schedule information. The first line

    indicates this is schedule 1. An asterisk (*) at the end of the line

    indicates that the pop-up is on; no asterisk would indicate the

    popup is off. The second line shows the schedule title (oil change).

    The next two lines show that oil is changed every 6000 miles, and

    5000 miles have been driven since the last oil change. If the

    display shows “5000 to go”, instead of “5000 of”, there are 5000

    miles until the next oil change is due.

    Page 40: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    15.2 Preventative Maintenance Schedule Setup

    Preventative maintenance schedules are used to alert the driver that

    it is time to have the vehicle serviced. The RoadRelay 4 has four

    maintenance schedules. A maintenance schedule has settings for

    pop-up on/off, title, duration, base count, and count direction. The

    schedules may also be entered using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™

    office software.

    To setup a maintenance schedule press , select “Prev Maint


    PM1 (Oil Change )<=PM2 (Tire Change ) PM3 (Brake Change) PM4 (Fuel Filter )

    Use or to select the schedule you would like to change.

    Press to continue. Press to leave the screen.

    Maintenance Schedule Popup On

    Use or to turn the pop-up on or off. Press to continue.

    Select Title: Tire Change

    Use or to see all of the pre-loaded maintenance titles. Press

    to select the item. If none of the pre-loaded titles are

    appropriate you may create your own by selecting “Custom”. This

    will put the RoadRelay 4 into a special entry mode for entering a

    Page 41: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    title. You must fill one line with letters and spaces to finish the


    Enter Title: Grease Axl_

    Use and to move through the different letters and numbers.

    If the arrow keys are held down they will repeat. To change from

    lower case to upper case or vice versa, press . To get variants of

    letters (such as ‘e’ to ‘è’ or ‘n’ to ‘ñ’) press until the correct

    variant is found. Special characters (%, -, etc.) are variants of

    spaces. Press to move to the next letter in the line. Press to

    move backwards. You must fill one line with letters and spaces to

    finish the title.

    Next the interval information is selected.

    Interval Type: Distance Range: 30000 mi

    Count: Up

    The cursor starts on the “Type” line. Use and to move

    through the different types of intervals. Press to make a

    selection. Next, use the numbered keys to enter a range. Press

    when finished. Finally, use and to select between counting

    up or down on the “PM Schedules” displayed under the key.

    Press to finish.

    If a maintenance schedule is already running, the title and count

    direction may be changed without resetting the elapsed count.

    Changing the maintenance interval type and range will reset the


    Page 42: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    15.3 Preventative Maintenance Pop-ups

    When a schedule reaches 90% (and every 5% of schedule

    thereafter) a Preventative Maintenance Pop-up will occur to warn

    the operator that it is time to schedule maintenance.

    PM Schedule 2 * Oil Change 18000 of 20000 mi

    15.4 Resetting a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

    To reset a Preventative Maintenance schedule press . Select

    «PM Schedules». There are four schedules. Use or to move

    to the schedule to be reset. Press and hold until you hear a

    «beep» from the RoadRelay 4. Or, press , select «Reset PM

    Schedules», Select PM1, 2, 3, or 4. Press to reset, press to

    leave this screen and NOT reset the maintenance schedule.

    Reset PM? Yes

    Resetting the schedule will cause it to restart and create an entry in

    the Service History Log.

    16 Service History Log

    To view the Service History records, press . Select «Service


    Engine Oil 7/05/07 123010 mi Fuel Filter

    3/22/07 81729 mi

    Page 43: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    There can be up to 6 entries (2 per screen). Use or to move

    between the screens. Each record indicates the item serviced, date

    of service, and odometer reading when serviced. The odometer

    reading will be from the engine, if available; otherwise, it will be

    the RoadRelay 4 odometer reading.

    No Service History Record

    If no service history records are in the log, this screen will be


    17 Parts Information

    If your vehicle has a Cummins engine, the following screen can be

    seen by pressing , and selecting «Parts Information».

    For Engine Parts Information Call: 1-800-DIESELS Engine SN: 12345678

    The last line shows the engine serial number.

    18 Selecting a Language

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    Language: English <= Idioma: Espanol Langue: Francais Idioma: Português Lingua: Italiano Kieli: Suomi

    Page 44: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The RoadRelay 4 provides six languages: English, French,

    Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Finnish. To change the language

    press . Select the language you prefer. After you press you

    will be in the «Help» screens. Press to review these screens.

    To leave, press .

    19 Units of Measure

    Related sections: Using the Keypad

    The RoadRelay 4 allows the user to select the measurement system

    desired. Press to reach the menu items for selecting units of

    measure. Most units can be changed to US, UK, or metric under

    the «Units» selection. Economy (mpg, mpG, kpl, and lpk) and

    volume (gallons, imperial gallons, and liters) must be selected

    separately because of the greater number of choices.

    19.1 Units of Measure — US, UK, Europe, or Metric System

    Press , select «Units». Select desired choice.

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to

    change the units of measure. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or

    OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Units: US — <= UK Europe Metric

    US units are miles (mi), miles per hour (mph), degrees Fahrenheit

    (F), and pounds per square inch (psi). US date format is

    month/day/year. The volume unit is gallons (gal). The economy

    unit is miles per gallon (mpg). The fuel rate is gallons per hour

    (gph). Units for barometric pressure are inches of Mercury («Hg).

    The clock is in 12-hour format.

    Page 45: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    UK units are miles (mi), miles per hour (mph), metric horsepower

    (PS), degrees Celsius (C), and kilopascals (kPa). UK date format is

    day/month/year. The volume unit is imperial gallons (Gal). The

    economy unit is miles per gallon (mpG). The fuel rate is imperial

    gallons per hour (Gph). Units for barometric pressure is millibars

    (mb). The clock is in 24-hour format.

    Europe units are kilometers (km), kilometers per hour (kph), metric

    horsepower (PS), degrees Celsius (C), and kilopascals (kPa).

    Europe date format is day/month/year. The volume unit is liters

    (lit). The economy unit is kilometers per liter (kpl). The fuel rate is

    liters per hour (lph). Units for barometric pressure are inches of

    Mercury («Hg). The clock is in 24-hour format.

    Metric units are kilometers (km), kilometers per hour (kph), metric

    horsepower (PS), degrees Celsius (C), and kilopascals (kPa).

    Metric date format is day/month/year. The volume unit is liters

    (lit). The economy unit is kilometers per liter (kpl). The fuel rate is

    liters per hour (lph). Units for barometric pressure are inches of

    Mercury («Hg). The clock is in 12-hour format.

    19.2 Economy Units

    Press ; select «Economy Units». Select desired choice.

    Economy: mpg <= mpG kpl Lp100k

    Choices are miles per gallon (mpg), miles per Imperial gallon

    (mpG), kilometers per liter (kpl), and liters per 100 kilometers


    Page 46: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    19.3 Volume Units

    Press ; select «Volume Units». Select desired choice.

    Volume: Gallons <= Liters Imperial Gallons

    20 Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty


    Related sections: Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), Mark and Go

    To, Driver Messages, Leg Information

    Press ; select «Vehicle Setup». Select desired choice.

    Vehicle Setup: Heavy Duty — <= RV

    Vehicle Setup shall define the RR4 feature functionality based

    upon the vehicle’s primary use: Heavy-Duty or RV.

    When RV mode is selected, the following features will be


    1. ETA

    2. Driver Messages

    3. Average vs. Instantaneous Fuel economy feedback on

    leg driving screen

    4. Idle Display Fleet Goal percent feedback on leg idle


    5. PTO Mode screen under leg

    6. Manual State Line Crossing

    7. Trip – PTO, Coast, Idle Shutdown, and Driver Reward

    screens not shown

    Page 47: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    21 Software Version

    Press ; select «Software Version».

    Software Version 4.2L00B 4.6L01E

    The information on this screen may be useful if making a call to

    Cummins for support.

    22 Trip Information

    Related sections: Driver ID, Leg Information, Printing to

    HyperTerminal, Printers and Printer Cables for RoadRelay 4,

    Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    A «trip» is data collected since the last time the trip information

    was reset. A trip has more information than a leg. Trip information

    can be retrieved using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office


    To see trip information press , select «Trip Information». Trip

    information shall be displayed for the driver currently selected.

    Use or to move between the screens. To leave, press .

    Trip Information 125 1252.1 mi 6.81 mpg

    110:23 hrs 644.5 gal

    44.8 mph 23.9 %

    This screen shows the time, fuel, average speed and average engine


    Page 48: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Operating Hours Drive: 55:25 (51%) Idle: 54:58 (49%) PTO: 0:00 ( 0%)

    PTO information will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV


    Operating Fuel gal Drive: 40.3 (78%) Idle: 5.1 (22%) PTO: 0.0 ( 0%)

    PTO information will not be shown if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV


    SAFETY Coast Out of Gear 3 Panic Stops 2Service Brakes 17

    OVERSPEED 1 12:25 (12%) hrs 133.2 mi

    20.3 gal

    OVERSPEED 2 10:49 ( 9%) hrs 123.4 mi

    19.5 gal

    Page 49: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    SWEET SPOT 15:25 (17%) hrs 923.2 mi

    20.3 galThis screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay

    4 is in «RV Mode».

    MAXIMUM VALUES 2890 rpm @ 12.0 mph 74.0 mph @ 2430 rpm

    COAST 0:25 ( 2%) hrs 23.2 mi

    7.3 gal This screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay

    4 is in «RV Mode».

    ENGINE WEAR Hot Shutdowns: 2 Warm-up Wear: 0

    Derate Time: 0:00

    IDLE SHUTDOWNS Shutdowns: 2 Overrides: 14

    This screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay

    4 is in «RV Mode».

    Page 50: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    ROAD SPEED GOVERNOR 5:25 ( 2%) hrs 193.2 mi

    20.3 gal

    CRUISE CONTROL 5:25 ( 2%) hrs 923.2 mi

    25.3 gal

    TOP GEAR 15:25 (22%) hrs 923.2 mi

    29.3 gal

    NEXT GEAR DOWN 9:25 (12%) hrs 923.2 mi

    13.7 gal

    ENGINE BRAKES 1:05 ( 2%) hrs 12.2 mi

    Number: 1123

    SERVICE BRAKES 0:45 ( 2%) hrs 3.2 mi

    Number: 523

    Page 51: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    DRIVER REWARD 11:25 (12%) hrs 823.2 mi

    14.3 galThis screen will not be shown if the RoadRelay

    4 is in «RV Mode».

    22.1 Resetting Trip Data

    Press and hold while looking at a trip screen until the

    RoadRelay 4 beeps. Or, press ; select «Reset Trip».

    Reset Trip? Yes

    Press to reset, press to leave this screen and NOT reset trip.

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to reset

    the data. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    22.2 Printing a Trip Report

    Print Trip Report? Yes

    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing

    the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™

    operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information

    to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this

    manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Trip». Press to print. To leave, press . The

    printed report will have a header section with the report title, time

    of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading.

    Page 52: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    It will show all trip-information screens, each separated by a line of

    asterisks (*).

    23 Driver Messages

    Related sections: Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    If the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode» you will not be able to access

    this feature. RV or Heavy Duty mode can be selected by using the

    «Vehicle Setup» configuration.

    Driver messages are entered into the RoadRelay 4 using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software.

    If an unread driver message is in the RoadRelay 4 the word

    “Message” will blink in the upper left-hand corner of the auto-leg

    screens, alternating with the driver ID if one is shown.

    To see the messages press and select «Driver Messages».

    No Driver Messages

    If there are no messages you will see this screen.

    24 Help

    Press . Select the language you prefer. After pressing the

    first «Help» screen will be shown. Use and to review these

    screens. To leave, press .

    Language: English <= Idioma: Espanol Langue: Francais Idioma: Português Lingua: Italiano Kieli: Suomi

    Page 53: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    ROADRELAY HELP Press the Down Arrow to review helptopics.

    Steering Wheel(0) Driver ID, ETA and Vehicle Security.

    Up Arrow (1) Menu control, data selection, and brightness control.

    Truck Key (2) Leg data menu. Reset leg by holding the Enter key.

    Road Key (3) Records route data.

    Backspace Key Backs out of screens or corrects data entry mistakes.

    Page 54: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Wrench Key (4) Aids in service and maintenance of the vehicle.

    Configuration (5) Configures the RoadRelay

    Pages (6) Displays trip information and driver messages.

    Enter/Reset Accepts data entry. Hold three seconds to reset.

    Down Arrow (7) Menu control, data selection, and brightness control.

    Question Mark (8) Accesses help information.

    Page 55: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Fuel Pump (9) Records data by state.

    Numeric Entry The numbers on the keys are used for numeric entry.

    For More Information Call 1-800-433-9341

    25 Fuel Information

    Related sections: Using the Keypad, Printing to HyperTerminal,

    Printers and Printer Cables for RoadRelay 4, Units of Measure,

    Configuring for a RV or Heavy Duty Application

    A manual state-line-crossing feature is present in the RoadRelay 4.

    It can also save fuel purchase information. This information can be

    used to help with fuel tax records.

    25.1 State-Line Crossing

    This feature is used to record state-line crossings.

    Note: This feature is not available if the units of measure are «UK»

    or «Europe» or if the RoadRelay 4 is in «RV Mode».

    Page 56: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    25.1.1 Recording a State-Line Crossing

    When you cross a state line, you must press . If you are moving,

    a screen, as shown below, will appear with the distance traveled

    since the last time was pressed. If you are not moving you may

    record a state-line crossing by pressing , and then selecting

    «State Line Cross». This same screen will appear.

    State Line Crossing 267.3 mi Odom: 101303.6 mi

    25.1.2 Recording New State Crossed Into

    Indiana to: Indiana ——— <= Illinois Kentucky Michigan Ohio Alabama

    If the truck is moving when is pressed, this screen will

    immediately appear if Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is OFF (Vehicle-

    in-Motion Lockout can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software). A passenger may

    enter the new state; the driver should never enter data while

    driving. If Vehicle-in-Motion Lockout is ON this screen will not

    appear until 5 minutes have passed while idling, or a key on the

    RoadRelay 4 is pressed while idling. The screen will also appear

    at key-off.

    Page 57: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    If you do not select a jurisdiction at power-down, you will not be

    asked to enter it again and it will be marked as «Unknown» in the


    The first line will show the state you are leaving. Use and to

    move through the list of states, provinces, territories and Mexico.

    The list has the current state first, followed by all the states next to

    this state. A full list of all states follows these. Press when you

    have selected the state you want.

    25.1.3 Reviewing State-Line Crossing Information

    To review state-line crossing information press , select «Review

    Crossings». Use and to review these screens. To leave,

    press .

    Fuel by State 1Indiana 164.6 mi Odom: 165303.6 mi

    The top line indicates this is a review of fuel used by state and the

    record number. The oldest records have the lowest numbers. The

    second line shows the jurisdiction for which the data was collected.

    The third line shows the distance traveled in the jurisdiction. The

    last line shows the odometer value at the time of the crossing.

    25.2 Fuel Purchases

    This feature is used to record fuel purchases.

    25.2.1 Recording a Fuel Purchase

    Press , select «Fuel Purchase».

    10/12/07 12:20 AM Fuel Purchased: 000.0 gal

    Page 58: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Use the keys with numbers to enter the amount of fuel purchased.

    Press to finish.

    25.2.2 Recording the Fuel-Purchase State

    You will then be asked to enter the state in which you purchased

    the fuel.

    Fuel Purchase In: Indiana ——— <= Illinois Kentucky Michigan Ohio Alabama

    Use and to move through the list of states, provinces,

    territories and Mexico. The list has the current state first followed

    by all the states next to this state. A full list of states follows these.

    Press when you have selected the state you want.

    If you leave this screen without entering anything, it will be

    marked as «Unknown» in the records!

    Note: This menu will not appear if the units of measure are «UK»

    or «Europe».

    25.2.3 Reviewing Fuel Purchase Information

    To review fuel purchase information press , select «Review

    Purchases». Use and to review these screens. To leave,

    press .

    Fuel Purchase 1Indiana 58.4 gal 11/23/07 11:12 PM

    Page 59: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    The top line indicates this is a review of fuel purchases and the

    record number. The oldest records have the lowest numbers. The

    second line shows the jurisdiction for which the data was collected.

    The third line shows the amount of fuel purchased in the

    jurisdiction. The last line shows the time of the purchase.

    25.3 Printing Fuel Tax Records

    Print Fuel Log? Yes

    Connect the RoadRelay 4 to your PC serial port and by utilizing

    the HyperTerminal PC utility provided by the Windows™

    operating systems, you can output RoadRelay screen information

    to the PC (refer to Printing to HyperTerminal section of this

    manual). To start data streaming from the serial port, press .

    Select «Print Fuel Log». Press to print. To leave, press . The

    printed report will have a header section with the report title, time

    of printing, engine serial number, and odometer reading. It will

    then show all state-line crossing information and fuel purchases,

    each separated by a line of asterisks (*).

    Page 60: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    25.4 Resetting Fuel Tax Records

    Press ; select «Reset Fuel Log».

    Reset Fuel Log? Yes

    This reset will erase all state-line crossing and fuel purchase

    information. Press to reset, press to leave this screen and

    NOT clear the fuel log. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you

    will not be able to reset the information. (Fleet mode can only be

    turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office


    25.5 Acu-trac Fuel Sensor Information

    The sensor information is only available if the vehicle is equipped

    with this device. To view the Acu-trak information press . Select

    «Fuel Sensor Data».

    Fuel Sensor Level 41.8% 83 galEconomy 6.92 mpgRange 574.4 mi

    26 Setting Transmission Type

    Related sections: Coaching Pop-ups

    This setting does not affect the transmission in any way; it tells the

    RoadRelay 4 what type of transmission is present. It also prevents

    coaching pop-ups for automatic transmissions. For TOP-2

    transmissions it prevents pop-ups while in the top 2 gears.

    Page 61: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    To select a transmission type press . Select «Transmission». Use

    or to select «Manual», «Top-2», or «Automatic». Press to

    finish. To leave without saving changes, press .

    27 Road Speed Recorder

    This feature is for the recording of data after a vehicle incident. An

    incident can be defined as any situation where a 75 second

    recording of road speed, engine speed, brake activity and clutch

    activity may be of value to the driver or end user. To record the

    road speed, engine speed, brake activity, and clutch activity press

    and hold the Truck key ( or ) and key together, for three


    The following screen will appear asking if you really want to

    record the information. Use or to select Yes or No. Press

    to finish.

    Save Road Speed Report? Yes

    If you select «Yes», the previous 60 seconds and the next 15

    seconds of information are stored while moving. If you are

    stopped, the 60 seconds before stopping and 15 seconds after

    stopping are stored. You will see the following screen and hear a

    siren-like sound while the information is stored. The information

    can only be seen using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office


    Recording Last 60 Seconds of Road Speed 11/26/07 6:22 PM

    Page 62: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    28 Pop-ups

    Pop-ups are seen when the driver may need to be warned of certain


    28.1 Coaching Pop-ups

    Related sections: Setting Transmission Type

    Coaching pop-ups are used to help the driver operate the vehicle in

    a more economical and safer manner.

    28.1.1 Shift Reminder

    All engines have a RPM zone in which it gets the best fuel

    economy. Shift reminder can be used to remind the driver that it is

    time to shift up or down to remain in this range. Setting up Shift Reminder

    Press . Select «Shift Reminder».

    Shift Reminder Off

    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save

    the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the

    choice. If the RoadRelay 4 is in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able

    to change this coaching pop-up setup. (Fleet mode can only be

    turned ON or OFF using INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office


    Next, the engine RPM at which to shift down is entered.

    Shift Down RPM 1200

    Page 63: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired shift-down RPM.

    Press to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and

    NOT update the shift reminder RPM.

    Shift Up RPM 1700

    Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired shift-up RPM. Press

    to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT

    update the shift reminder RPM. Shift Reminder Pop-ups

    After the shift reminder has been enabled and engine RPM has

    been entered, the following pop-ups may occur.

    Shift Up To Improve Fuel Economy

    This pop-up appears when the engine is operating above the shift-

    up RPM. Staying below this RPM improves fuel economy.

    Shift Down To Improve Fuel Economy

    This pop-up appears when the engine is operating below the shift-

    down RPM. Staying above this RPM improves fuel economy.

    28.1.2 Vehicle Over Speed

    Vehicle over speed is used to warn the driver when the vehicle is

    moving too fast. Driving too fast may be an unsafe condition.

    Page 64: Road Relay 4 User's Manual

    63 Setting Up Vehicle Over Speed

    Press . Select «Over Speed».

    Over Speed Indicator Off

    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save

    the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the

    choice. Turning the pop-up off does NOT prevent an over speed

    occurrence from being recorded in trip data. If the RoadRelay 4 is

    in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change this coaching pop-

    up setup. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Over Speed 1 Threshold 62 mph

    Over speed 1 is the speed at which the warning pop-up occurs. Use

    the keys with numbers to enter the desired speed. Press to save

    the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the


    Over Speed 2 Threshold 65 mph

    No pop-up occurs when this speed is reached. The time spent

    above this speed is part of the recorded trip information. Use the

    keys with numbers to enter the desired speed. Press to save the

    selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the speed.

    Page 65: Road Relay 4 User's Manual

    64 Vehicle Over Speed Pop-up

    Press . Select «Over RPM».

    Vehicle Speed Over 62 MPH

    This pop-up appears when the vehicle is moving faster than the

    over speed 1 setting.

    28.1.3 Engine Over RPM

    Engine over RPM is used to warn the driver when the engine is

    being run too fast. Over-revving the engine may damage it. Setting Up Engine Over RPM

    Press . Select «Over RPM».

    Over RPM Indicator Off

    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save

    the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the

    choice. Turning the pop-up off does NOT prevent an over RPM

    occurrence from being recorded in trip data. If the RoadRelay 4 is

    in «Fleet Mode» you will not be able to change this coaching pop-

    up setup. (Fleet mode can only be turned ON or OFF using

    INFORM™ or PowerSpec™ office software).

    Over RPM 2400

    The entered number is the RPM at which the warning pop-up

    occurs. Use the keys with numbers to enter the desired speed. Press

    Page 66: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    to save the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT

    update the speed. Engine Over RPM Pop-up

    Engine Speed Over 2300 RPM

    This pop-up appears when the engine is going faster than


    28.1.4 Other Driver Coaching Pop-ups

    Engine Warming Up Please Wait

    This screen will be shown while the engine is too cold to be driven.

    When the engine temperature has increased, then this screen will

    go away. Revving or loading the engine while it is cold may reduce

    its useful life.

    Turn On Engine Brake to Increase Service Brake Life

    This pop-up appears when service brakes are applied on an engine-

    brake-equipped vehicle, and the engine-brakes are currently not

    being used. The use of engine brakes reduces the amount of wear

    on the service brakes.

    28.2 Driver Reward Pop-ups

    Driver Reward pop-ups tell the driver when a changed the Reward

    Level has been achieved.

    Page 67: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    28.2.1 Driver reward

    The Driver Reward feature seeks to modify driver behavior by

    rewarding desirable habits (low percentage of idle time, high

    percentage of top gear time, high MPG, etc.). The rewards are in

    the form of an increase in the maximum allowable road speed. Turning Driver Reward Pop-up On or Off

    Press . Select «Driver Reward».

    Driver Reward Indicator On

    Use the or to change between On and Off. Press to save

    the selection. Press to leave this screen and NOT update the

    choice. Driver Reward Pop-up

    Driver Reward: Level 2

    This pop-up indicates that the reward level has changed. Level 1 is

    the highest reward level; 4 is the lowest reward level.

    28.3 Aftertreatment Pop-ups

    Aftertreatment pop-ups provide information to the driver in the

    event that the High Exhaust System Temperature (HEST) lamp or

    the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) lamp becomes active

    (illuminate). In addition, other informational aftertreatment pop-

    ups will be displayed if regeneration is halted due to certain vehicle

    conditions not being met.

    These Pop-ups shall only be displayed on engines equipped with

    the Cummins EPA 2007 Aftertreatment System. In addition, the

    RoadRelay 4 must be connected to the J1939 vehicle

    Page 68: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    communications datalink. Refer to the RoadRelay 4 Installation

    Manual for further details on datalink wiring configurations. Refer

    to your Cummins Owners Manual for further information on the

    Cummins Aftertreatment system.

    28.3.1 Active Regeneration

    An active regeneration is signified by the illumination of the HEST

    lamp and the RoadRelay Active Regeneration in Progress pop-up.

    In this condition, high exhaust temperature may exist due to

    aftertreatment regeneration. Ensure that the exhaust pipe outlet is

    not directed at any surface or material that will melt, burn, or

    explode. Reference your Cummins Owners Manual for complete

    instructions. Active Regeneration in Progress Pop-up

    Active Regeneration In Progress DPF Temp 1123 F

    The third line displays the current DPF Outlet temperature. Active Regeneration Complete Pop-up

    Regeneration Complete

    Page 69: Road Relay 4 User's Manual

    68 Active Regeneration Halted Pop-ups

    Active Regeneration Halted Due To Clutch

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due

    to the clutch being engaged.

    Active Regeneration Halted Due To Service Brake Active

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due

    to the service brake being depressed.

    Active Regeneration Halted Due To PTO Active

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due

    to PTO being activated.

    Active Regeneration Halted Due To Accelerator Pedal Off Idle

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due

    to the accelerator pedal being depressed.

    Page 70: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Active Regeneration Halted Due To Out of Neutral

    This pop-up indicates that the Active Regeneration was halted due

    to the vehicle not being in neutral.

    28.3.2 Stationary Regeneration Due Notification

    These pop-ups signify that your vehicle’s aftertreatment system

    needs to perform a stationary (parked) regeneration. Refer to your

    vehicle’s owners manual for further information on performing a

    stationary regeneration. Stationary Regeneration Due Soon Pop-up

    Stationary Regeneration Due Soon!

    This pop-up signifies that the Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate

    Filter needs to be regenerated within the next 2-6 hours of

    operation. This can be accomplished by:

    1. Changing to a more challenging duty cycle, such as

    highway driving, for at least 20 minutes


    2. Performing a Stationary (Parked) regeneration.

    Page 71: Road Relay 4 User's Manual

    70 Stationary Regeneration Due Immediately

    Soon Pop-up

    Stationary Regeneration Due Immediately!

    This pop-up signifies that the Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate

    Filter needs to be regenerated within the next 1-2 hours. In

    addition, engine power may be reduced automatically.

    Regeneration can be accomplished by:

    1. Changing to a more challenging duty cycle, such as

    highway driving, for at least 20 minutes


    2. Performing a Stationary (Parked) regeneration.

    28.4 Cruise Set-Speed Pop-ups

    When the cruise control set-speed is changed the following screen

    will be shown:

    Cruise Set Speed 72 mph

    28.5 Other Pop-ups

    28.5.1 Memory Usage Pop-ups

    Fuel Records Memory Almost Full Extract Soon

    Page 72: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Route Memory Almost Full Extract Soon

    These screens indicate that RoadRelay

    4 information storage for

    the indicated feature is 90 %, or more, full. This is a warning that

    data needs to be removed soon or it may be lost.

    Fuel Records Memory Full Data Lost

    Route Memory Full Data Lost

    These screens indicate that RoadRelay 4 information storage for

    the indicated feature is full and some data has been lost.

    28.5.2 RoadRelay

    RoadRelay Failure

    This screen indicates a defect in the RoadRelay 4. Return the unit

    for repair.

    Page 73: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    28.5.3 Data Link

    RoadRelay Data Link Failure

    This screen indicates that no data has being received by the

    RoadRelay 4, during the last 30 seconds, from the engine. This

    failure indicates something is wrong with the engine electronics,

    wiring to the RoadRelay 4, or possibly the RoadRelay

    4 itself.

    Check that all wires are attached correctly and that the engine

    electronics have power.

    Improper Data Link Connection

    This screen indicates a problem with the connection between the

    RoadRelay 4 and the engine. This failure indicates something is

    wrong with the engine electronics, wiring to the RoadRelay 4, or

    possibly the RoadRelay 4 itself. Check that all wires are attached


    28.5.4 Backup Power Connection

    No Power From Backup Battery

    If this pop-up occurs the backup battery, inside the RoadRelay 4

    (and not replaceable), is not connected or is dead. Check that all

    wires are properly connected to the RoadRelay 4. All data is lost

    when this error occurs.

    Page 74: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    28.5.5 RoadRelay Loss of Power

    RoadRelay Loss of Power Set RoadRelay Clock

    The RoadRelay 4 will display the following fault pop-up if the

    RoadRelay clock has not been set after the initial installation.

    Time/date stamping of data is very important for RoadRelay data

    integrity. This pop-up is intended as a reminder for the user to set

    the clock and NOT that the RoadRelay has malfunctioned or has

    been improperly installed.


    29 Printing to HyperTerminal

    HyperTerminal is a program included with the Windows™

    operating system. It is a communications program, and by using it

    you may connect the RoadRelay 4 to the PC and create electronic

    copies of printed reports.

    To connect the RoadRelay 4 to a PC, you will need a RoadRelay

    extraction harness (Cummins part number 4003775) and a serial

    cable to connect to your PC (You’ll need to get this on your own –

    the Cummins cable has a female, 9-pin DB connector).

    To launch HyperTerminal:

    1. Select


    2. The program will ask for a name – enter the desired file name.

    3. You will then be asked for a serial port to which to connect.

    Choose the desired port.

    4. Set the port settings as follows: 9600 Bits per second, 8 Data

    bits, Parity None, Stop bits 1, and Flow control None.

    Page 75: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    After connecting the cables and starting HyperTerminal you may

    copy data from the RoadRelay 4 to your PC. The output will

    appear in the HyperTerminal window. The file may be saved by

    doing File|Save As and selecting a name such as RR4data.txt.

    30 Environmental Information

    The RoadRelay 4 is designed to operate within a temperature range

    of -40° to 185° F (-40° — 85° C ).

    It will operate from a voltage supply of 9.5 to 40 volts.

    31 Disconnecting Power for Extended Periods

    In situations where primary power (vehicle battery) will be

    disconnected from the RoadRelay 4, the backup battery should also

    be disconnected. This can be done by removing the loop-back

    connector from the RoadRelay 4. It is the large, white connector

    with 10 pins. Failure to remove the connector may result in a dead

    backup battery. Some data will be lost when the connector is


    Loop-Back Connector

    32 Cleaning the RoadRelay 4

    Do NOT use petroleum-based solvents or cleaners. Do NOT use

    abrasive cleansers or materials on the faceplate — they may cause

    scratches. Most standard household cleaners are suitable for use on

    the RoadRelay 4.

    33 Troubleshooting and Technical Support

    Related sections: Software Version; Fault Information

    Always check all wiring to the RoadRelay 4 if you are having

    problems. Do not open the RoadRelay 4, doing so will void any

    Page 76: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    warranty you may have. The RoadRelay 4 has no user-serviceable


    If you believe the unit is properly wired and still not working call

    Technical Support. They may be reached at:

    • 1-800-433-9341 in The USA

    • 0800-286646 in the United Kingdom

    • +1-812-3778136 for international calls

    To make your call go as smoothly as possible, please have the

    following information handy when you call:

    • Make and model of the vehicle in which the RoadRelay 4 is


    • Engine Type (for example, 2007 Cummins ISX)

    • Software Version of your RoadRelay 4 (refer to Software

    Version section of this manual)

    • Transmission Type

    • Any electronic systems on the vehicle (for example ABS)

    34 Calibration Updates

    The RoadRelay 4 is software upgradeable to support the latest

    features and updates. Visit us on the web at

    for details on the availability of new calibrations and other

    technical information.

    Page 77: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    35 Warranty COVERAGE

    Products Warranted

    This warranty applies to New RoadRelay 4’s™, sold by Cummins Inc.

    (hereinafter ‘Cummins’) and delivered to the first user on or after October 23,

    1998, anywhere in the world where Cummins-approved service is available*.

    Base Warranty

    The Base Warranty covers any failure of the Product that results, under normal

    use and service, from defects in material or workmanship (Warrantable Failure).

    This Coverage begins with the sale of the Product by Cummins and ends 1 (one)

    year from the date of delivery of the Product to the first user.

    Consumer Products

    This warranty on Consumer Products in the United States is a LIMITED



    Any implied warranties applicable to Consumer Products in the United

    States terminate concurrently with the expiration of the express warranties

    applicable to such products. In the United States, some states do not allow the

    exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an

    implied warranty lasts, so the limitations or exclusions herein may not apply to


    This warranty is made to the first Owner in the chain of distribution, and

    Coverage continues until the end of the period of coverage.


    During the Base Warranty

    Cummins will pay for all parts and labor needed to repair the damage to the

    Products resulting from a Warrantable Failure.

    Cummins will pay for the Products including, but not limited to: Associated

    harnesses and installation materials and RoadRelay™ that are not reusable due

    to the Warrantable Failure.

    In the event the engine does not start because of a malfunction of the

    Cummins Antitheft feature anytime during the warranty period, Cummins

    will repair or replace the feature when the truck is brought to an authorized

    Cummins Repair Facility or a mechanic, authorized by Cummins, visits the

    vehicle. This is Cummins sole obligation and your sole remedy.


    During the Base Warranty

    Owner must deliver the Products to the repair location.

    Owner is responsible for the cost of the Products provided during warranty

    repairs unless such items are not reusable due to the Warrantable Failure.

    At the time when the parts are installed, Owner is responsible for the preparation

    of a written record containing the following: (1) The date of installation of the

    Page 78: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Product(s); (2) the Engine serial number; (3) the Engine miles, kilometers, or

    hours of operation; (4) the Product(s) installed; and (5) the location of the

    Product(s) in the application. The purpose of this record is to protect Owner’s

    interests and support any claim for a Warrantable Failure. Owner is responsible

    for the operation and maintenance of the Products as specified in the applicable

    User’s Guide. Owner is also responsible for providing proof that all

    recommended maintenance has been performed. Before the expiration of the

    warranty, Owner must notify a Cummins Distributor, Authorized Dealer, or

    other repair location* approved by Cummins of any Warrantable Failure, and

    deliver the Products to such facility for repair.

    Owner is responsible for communication expenses, meals, lodging, and

    similar costs incurred as a result of a Warrantable Failure.

    Owner is responsible for non-Product repairs and for “downtime” expenses,

    passenger delays, cargo damage, fines, all applicable taxes, all business costs,

    and other losses resulting from a Warrantable Failure.

    Owner is responsible for Antitheft Feature repairs due to incorrect passwords,

    including lack of RoadRelay™ display caused by use of the RoadRelay™

    outside of specified operating temperatures.


    Cummins is not responsible for radio frequency interference. Cummins is not

    responsible for failures or damage resulting from what Cummins determines to

    be abuse, neglect, including, but not limited to:

    incorrect operation and maintenance as stated in the appropriate user’s guide and

    installation guide, use of cleaners other than a moist cloth to clean RoadRelay™

    keypads, displays, and enclosures.

    This warranty does not apply to Products that bear the name of another


    The Product(s) and parts used to repair a Warrantable Failure may be new

    Cummins parts, Cummins-approved rebuilt parts, or repaired parts. Cummins is

    not responsible for failures resulting from the use of parts not approved by


    A new Cummins or Cummins-approved rebuilt part used to repair a Warrantable

    Failure assumes the identity of the part it replaced and is entitled to the

    remaining coverage hereunder.

    For warranty purposes, parts used in a warrantable repair assume the identity of

    the parts they replace.









    Page 79: Road Relay 4 User's Manual








    This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights

    which vary from state to state.

    In case of consumer sales, in some countries the Owner has statutory rights that

    cannot be affected or limited by the terms of this warranty.

    Nothing in this warranty excludes or restricts any contractual rights the

    Owner may have against third parties.

    * Locations in the United States and Canada are listed in the Cummins United

    States and Canada Sales and Service Directory; other locations are listed in the

    Cummins International Sales and Service Directory.

    Page 80: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Page 81: Road Relay 4 User's Manual


    Page 82: Road Relay 4 User's Manual

    Printed in U.S.A.

    Technical Support


    © 2007 Cummins Inc.Software Version RR46L01EBulletin No. 3401765, Rev. G, 10-May-2007

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    Summary of Contents:

    [Page 1] CUMMINS RoadRelay 4

    RoadRelay 4 — The world’s number one engine and electronic systems monitor gives you a window into your engine, right from your driver’s seat. RoadRelay 4 Quick Start and Configuration Guide Setup and configuration Vehicle Setup: Heavy Duty— &…

    [Page 2] CUMMINS RoadRelay 4

    Voltage Engine Oil Press Trip Distance Average Fuel Economy Fault Count Interval Type: Distance Range: 15000 Count: Up Interval Type: Distance Range: 15000 Count: Up 3. Setting the Date, Over-speed, Over-RPM, an…

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