Sako инструкция на русском частотный преобразователь


Определение безопасности: предупреждения о безопасности в данном руководстве делятся на следующие два типа:

Опасность: опасность, вызванная тем, что операция не в соответствии с требованиями может привести к серьезным травмам, даже к смерти человека;

Опасность: вызванная тем, что операция не в соответствии с требованиями может привести к травмам средней тяжести или незначительным травмам.

Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте эту главу, когда пользователь устанавливает, отлаживает и обслуживает эту систему, должен работать в соответствии с необходимыми предупреждениями о безопасности в содержании этой главы. Любые повреждения и потери, вызванные работой, которая не соответствует оговоренным требованиям, не относятся к нашей компании.

Схема подключения преобразователя

визуальная схема подключения SAKO SKI-70

Схема подключения преобразователя  SAKO SKI-70

Таблица параметров

Примечание: Полный список параметров доступен в файле в конце страницы!

  Код функции   Название   Диапазон настройки Заводское значение EDC   Адрес EDC
P0-01 Выбор источника заказа 0 no датчик скорости векторное управление 2 V/F V/F контроль   2  61441
P0-02 Выбор источника заказа 0 LED панель прохода заказа (светодиод потух)
1LED Терминальный проход заказа (светодиодное освещение)
2LED Проход для заказа связи (светодиод мигает)
      0       61442
            P0-03 Выбор источника о с н о в н о й частоты   0P0-08, UP/DOWN Настройка цифр (предустановленная частота P0-08, UP/DOWN может быть изменена, не запоминается при выключении питания) 1P0-08, UP/DOWN Настройка цифр (предустановленная частота P0-08, UP/DOWN может быть изменена, память при выключении питания) 2 Все 3 AI2 4 AI3 устройство электрического потенциала клавиатуры 5 HDI X5 Настройка импульса HDI (X5) 6 умножение порядков секций 7PLC простой и легкий PLC 8 PID 9Настройка связи                         4                         61443
P0-04 Выбор источника вспомогательной частоты     P0-03 X То же, что и P0-03 (выбор источника основной частоты X).     0     61444
P0-05   Y   Выбор диапазона Y источника частоты при наложении 0 против максимальной частоты 1 X напротив источника частоты X     0     61445
 P0-06   Y Частота выбор диапазона Y источника, когда   0% 150%   100%  61446
        The блок: выбор источника частоты 0X основной источник частоты X 1: основная и вспомогательная арифметика (арифметический метод определяется по декаде) 2X Y Декада: основная источник частоты X и источник вспомогательной частоты Y сдвиг 3X main частота        
    P0-07   Выбор метода наложения источника частоты   источник X и сдвиг результата основной/вспомогательной арифметики 4Y Assist источник частоты Y и сдвиг результата основной/вспомогательной арифметики Decade: источник частоты арифметическое                        отношение основной/помощник 0  +  основной + помощник 1- главный помощник 2 максимальное значение из обоих 3 минимальное значение из обоих 4x main x assist     00       61447  
P0-08 Частота предустановки 0.00Hz максимальная частотаP0-10 50.00Hz 61448
P0-09 Направление движения 0 направление согласования 1 противоположное направление 0 61449
  P0-10 Максимальная частота 50.00Hz 320.00Hz (P0-22=2) 50,0 Гц 3200,0 Гц (P0-22=l) 50.00Hz 50,0 Гц   61450
      P0-11 Источник частоты верхнего предела 0 P0-12 setting 1 All 2 AI2 3  электрический потенциал клавиатуры 4 HDI HDI установка импульса 5 настройка телекоммуникаций       0       61451
P0-12   Предельная частота подъема P0-14P0-10 Предельная частота P0-14~Максимальная частота P0-10 50.00Hz   61452
P0-13 Up предельное отклонение частоты 0.00Гц Максимальная частота P0-10 0,00 Гц 61453
P0-14 Предельная частота падения 0.00ГцP0-12 Предельная частота P0-12 0,00 Гц 61454
P0-15 Частота несущей волны 0.5KHz16.0KHZ 0,00 Гц 61455
      P0-16 Частота несущей волны регулируется вдоль с температурой 0 Нет
1 Да
      0       61456
P0-17 Время ускорения 1 0с 65000с (P0-19=0) 0.0с 6500.0с (P0-19=l) 0.00s 650.00s (P0-19=2)   Подтверждение модели 61457
P0-18 Время замедления 1 0с 65000с (P0-19=0) 0.0с 6500.0с (P0-19=l) 0.00s 650.00s (P0-19=2) Подтверждение модели 61458
P0-19  Ускорение и умеренная единица времени 0согласное направление 1противоположное направление   0   61459
P0-21  Помощь источнику частоты при наложении Девиантная частота     0.00ГцМаксимальная частота P0-10     0,00 Гц     61460
P0-22  Источник частоты верхнего предела 1 0.1Hz 2 0.01Hz 2 61461
P0-23  Частота установки цифр Остановить память машины   0нет памяти 1память     0     61462
P0-24 Remain 1 61463
 P0-25 Ускорение и умеренность времени Данная частота 0Максимальная частота (P0-10) 1:установка частоты   0   61464
  P0-26   ВВЕРХ/ВНИЗ   Порядок ч а с т о т ы Вверх/Вниз при работе    0частота работы 1:частота настройки   0   61465
 P1-00 Выбо р типа двигателя 0 обычный асинхронный двигатель 1 асинхронный двигатель с преобразователем частоты   0   61696
  P1-01 Номинальная мощность двигателя 0,1 1000KW Подтве рждение модели   61697
  P1-02 Номинальное напряжение двигателя 1 В 2000 В Подтве рждение модели   61698
  P1-03 Номинальный ток двигателя 0.01A 655.35A Подтве рждение модели   61699
  P1-04 Номинальная частота двигателя 0.01ГцМаксимальная частота Подтве рждение модели   61700
  P1-05 Номинальная скорость двигателя   1 ~ 65535 об/мин Подтве рждение модели   61701
    P1-10 Ток разгрузки асинхронного двигателя   0.01 P1-03 Парам етры настройки     61706
P1-37 Выбор настройки 0 no operation
1 статическая настройка асинхронного двигателя
2asynchronous полная настройка двигателя
3 2 статическая мелодия 2
      0       61733
P2-00    1 Коэффициент усиления кольцевого передаточного отношения 1  1-100   30   61952
P2-01  1 Интегральное   0.01 10.00s   0.50s   61953
P2-04 2 Интегральное время кольца скорости 2 0.01с 10.00с   1.00s   61956
P2-05 Сдвиг частота 2 P2-02Максимальная частота 10.00Hz 61957
P2-06 Коэффициент усиления разности скоростей при векторном управлении   50 200%   150%  61958
  P2-07 Волновая постоянная времени кольцевого фильтра скорости 0.000 1.000s   0.050s   61959
P2-08 Векторное управление коэффициентом усиления возбуждения   0 200   64   61960
  P2-09 Источник предельного увеличения крутящего момента при методе управления скоростью 0P2-10  код функции P2-10 настройка 1 Все 2 AI2 3  электрический потенциал клавиатуры 4  PULSE  настройка импульса PULSE 5 настройка связи 6 MIN (AI1,AI2) 7 MAX (AI1,AI2) 1-7 P2-10 Полный диапазон позиций 1-7, соответствующих P2-10           0           61961
P2-10 Крутящий момент установка при регулировании скорости     0.0% 200.0%     150.0%  
P2-13 KOREAN Коэффициент усиления коэффициента регулировки возбуждения    0 60000   2000   61965
P2-14 KOREAN Интегральный коэффициент усиления регулировки возбуждения    0 60000   1300   61966
P2-15 Коэффициент усиления коэффициента регулировки крутящего момента   0 60000  2000  61967
P2-16 Интегральный коэффициент усиления регулировки крутящего момента   0 60000  1300  61968
    P2-17 Свойство интеграла скоростного кольца Единица: интегральная отдельная 0 недействительная 1 действительный     0     61969
              P4-04 HDIX5 Выбор функции терминала HDI (x5) 39X Frequency source X and preset frequency shift 40Y Источник частоты Y и заданный сдвиг частоты 43ПИД PID сдвиг параметров 44user самостоятельное определение отказа 1 45user самостоятельное определение отказа 2 46/ управление скоростью/переключение управления крутящим моментом 47 аварийная остановка 48 внешняя парковая клемма 2 49moderate тормоз постоянного тока 50сброс времени работы               12               62464
  P4-10 X Терминал X время волны фильтра   0.000s 1.000s   0.010s   62474
  P4-11 Режим команд терминала 0two line 1 2three line 1 1two line 2 3three line 2   0   62475
P4-12 UP/ DOWN   Коэффициент изменения терминала UP/DOWNN   0,001 Гц/с 65,535 Гц/с 1,00 Гц/сек     62476
  P4-13 Al 1 Min вход кривой AI 1 0.00V P4-15   0.00v   62477
  P4-14 AI 1 Min вход, соответствующий настройке кривой AI 1   -100.0% +100.0%   0.0%   62478
  P4-15 AI  1 Max вход кривой AI 1 P4-13 +10.00V   10.00V   62479
  P4-16 AI  1 Max вход, соответствующий настройке кривой AI 1   -100.0% +100.0%   100.0%   62480
P4-17 Все AI1 время волны фильтра 0.00s 10.00s 0.10s 62481
P6-02   Быстрая/медленная скорость трассировки 1 100     20
P6-03  Начальная частота 0 P0-08   0,00 Гц
  P6-04 Время ожидания частоты запуска   0.0с ~ 100.0с     0.0s
    P6-05 Пусковой постоянный ток торможения/ ток предварительного возбуждения   0% 100%       0%
    P6-06 Время торможения постоянным током/время предварительного возбуждения   0.0с 100.0с       0.0s
    P6-07 Метод ускорения и умеренности 0линия            ускоренная      и умеренная 1 S A Кривая S ускоренная и умеренная A 2 S B Кривая S ускоренная и умеренная B     0     62983
  P6-08 S    Соотношение времени начального участка кривой S 0.0% (100.0%-P6-09)   30.0%   62984
  P6-09 S    Отношение времени конечного участка кривой S 0.0% (100.0%-P6-08)   30.0%   62985
  P6-10 Метод остановки машины 0 умеренная остановка машины 1 свободная остановка машины   0   62986
    P6-11 Частота запуска тормоза постоянного тока   0.00HzМаксимальная частота     0,00 Гц     62987
P6-12   Остановка машины постоянного тока тормоз ожидания время     0.0с ~ 100.0с     0.0s     62988
P6-13    Тормозной ток постоянного тока стоп-машины   0% 100%     0%     62989
P6-14    Время остановки машины тормозом постоянного тока   0,0с ~ 100,0с   0.0s   62990
P6-15 Коэффициент использования тормозов 0% 100% 100% 62991

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Sako SKI780W. Переведённый скан англоязычной инструкции инвертора. Описана минимальная конфигурация настроек для работы с асинхронным двигателем.

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Related Manuals for Sako SKI600

Summary of Contents for Sako SKI600

  • Page 1
    Add: No. 5, Yaojia Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Tel: 0086-571-88183319 Email:…
  • Page 2
    High-performance Vector Inverter SKI600 MANUAL V1.0 Please read this manual carefully before use and keep it for future reference…
  • Page 4
    High-performance Vector Inverter Operating Instruction Manual 8 8 8 8 8…
  • Page 5
    Contents 1 Safety Precautions and Product Model 1.1 Safety Precautions 1.2 VFD Series Type 1.3 Technical Index and Specification 2 Installation and Wiring 2.1 Operation Environment 2.2 Installing Direction and Space 2.3 Appearance and Dimension of Keypad 2.4 Whole Structure 2.5 Basic Running Wiring 2.6 Main Circuit Terminal Wiring 2.7 Schematic of The Main Circuit Terminal…
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    4 Function Parameter Table and Description 4.0 Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record 4.1 Function Code 4.2 Detailed Function Description F8 Process PID Parameter F9 Programmable Operation Parameter FA Protection Parameter FB Communication Parameter FC Advance Function Parameter and Performance Parameter FD Pump Use Parameter FE Panel Function Setting and Parameter Management (PD group reserved) FF Factory Parameter…
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    1 Safety Precautions and Product Model 1.1 Safety Precautions ◇ Do not install this equipment in an explosive gas atmosphere, or there will be explosion hazards. ◇ Only qualified individuals should proceed with wiring, or there will be electric shock hazards. Do not conduct any wiring during the system power on to avoid the electric shock.
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    1.2 VFD Series Type Rated Rated Output Adapted Input Voltage Power(KW) Current (A) Motor 0.75 0.75 Single Phase 230V±15% 0.75 0.75 4.0/5.5 9.0/13 4.0/5.5 5.5/7.5 13/17 5.5/7.5 7.5/11.0 17/25 7.5/11.0 11.0/15.0 25/32 11.0/15.0 15.0/18.5 32/37 15.0/18.5 18.5/22.0 37/45 18.5/22.0 22.0/30.0 45/60 22.0/30.0 Three Phase…
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    1.2 VFD Series Type Rated Rated Output Adapted Input Voltage Power(KW) Current (A) Motor 200.0/220.0 380/415 200.0/220.0 220.0/250.0 415/470 220.0/250.0 250.0/280.0 470/520 250.0/280.0 280.0/315.0 520/600 280.0/315.0 Three Phase 380V±15% 315.0/350.0 600/640 315.0/350.0 1.3 Technical Index and Specification Rated Voltage, 3-phase (4T#series) 380V;50/60HZ 1-phase (2S#series) 220V;50/60HZ Frequency Input…
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    1.3 Technical Index and Specification Analog Input Within 0.2% of maximum output frequency Frequency Precision Digital Setting Within 0.01% of set output frequency Reference frequency setting 5 ~ 600 Hz, V/F Curve (voltage multipoint V/F curve setting, or fixed curve frequency character) of constant torque, low decreasing torque 1, low decreasing torque 2, square torque…
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    1.3 Technical Index and Specification 16 segments programmable multi-velocity control, multiple Multi-velocity operation mode. Traverse operation: preset frequency and Traverse and center frequency adjustable, parameter memory and Operation recovery after power cut. Built-in PID controller (able to preset frequency). Standard PID Control configuration RS485 communication function, multiple R5485…
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    1.3 Technical Index and Specification Low Noise Carrier frequency 1.0kHz ~ 16.0kHz continuous Running adjustable, minimize motor noise Speed Tracking and Smooth restart during operation, instantaneous stop Restart Function and restart Counter A built-in counter, facilitate system integration Typical function Upper limit and lower limit frequency setting, frequency hopping operation, reversal running restraint, slip Operation…
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    2 Installation and wiring Danger ◇ Ensure the power has been cut off before wiring. Electric chock and fire hazard. ◇ Ask electric engineering professionals to conduct wiring. Electric chock and fire hazard. ◇ Earth terminals must be reliable grounded. (380V class: especially the third grounding) Electric shock and fire hazard.
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    2.1 Operation Environment ◇ No corrosive gases, vapors, dust or oily dust, no direct sunlight. ◇ No floating dust and metal particle. ◇ Ambient humidity 20% ~ 90% RH. ◇ Vibration less than 5.9m/s (0.6g). ◇ No electromagnetic interference. ◇ Ambient temperature -10℃…
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    2.4 Whole Structure The main technical parameters Installation size Outline size Mounting Power hole size Note (kw) (mm) A(mm) B(mm) H(mm) W(mm) D(mm) 0.75 ~ 2.2 — 4.0 ~ 7.5 — 11 ~ 18.5 — — 30 ~ 37 — 45 ~…
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    2.4 Whole Structure Dimensions Figure A-2 Outline size for 11 ~ 110KW model(380V) Figure A-3 Outline size for 160 ~ 350KW model(with base and without base 380V)
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    2.5 Basic Running Wiring The wiring parts of VFD include major loop and control loop. Open the cover of I/O terminals, users can see the major loop terminal and control loop terminal, and must conduct the wiring according to the following diagram.
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    2.6 Main Circuit Terminal Wiring Single phase 220V: Three phase 380V: 2.7 Schematic of The Main Circuit Terminal Single phase 220V: Terminal Function L、N Single phase 220V AC power supply input terminal P+、PB External brake resistor reserved terminal DC negative bus output terminal U、V、W Three phase AC output terminal 、E…
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    2.7 Schematic of The Main Circuit Terminal Three phase 380V: (0.75kW ~ 2.2kW) (3kW ~ 7.5kW) (11kW ~ 18.5kW) (22kW) (30kW ~ 37kW) (45kW ~ 110kW) Terminal Function R. S. T Three phase power supply input terminal ( + )、( — ) External brake unit reserved terminal P+、PB External brake resistor reserved terminal…
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    2.8 Control Loop Terminal Function Table Functional Specification of Control Loop Terminal Category Terminal Functions Specification Number Effective when short circuit between(FWD、 Multi- REV、X3、X4、X5、X6、X7) ~ COM, and the functional functions are set by parameters F7.00 ~ F7.06 INPUT, 0 ~ 24V level (common port: COM) Digital signal, low level effective,…
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    2.8 Control Loop Terminal Function Table Functional Specification of Control Loop Terminal Terminal Category Functions Specification Number AO1 is able to output analog voltage/current (total 13 kinds of signals). Jumper Jp4 (for OUTPUT, 0 ~ 10VDC jumper terminal AO1) can select volt age or voltage.
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    2.9 Dial Switch A of A/D is effective, output voltage signal D of A/D is effective, output pulse signal Non-connecting for matched resistance of 485 communication Connecting for matched resistance of 485 communication AI1 input current signal AI1 input voltage signal Vout1 AO1 output voltage signal Cout1…
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    2.10 Wiring Notices ◇ Cut off the input power of VFD while dismantling and changing the motor. ◇ Switching of motor or work frequency power supply should only be conducted when the VFD stops output. ◇ To reduce the effect of EMI (electromagnetic interference), add a surge absorber when electromagnetic connector and relay are close to VFD.
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    3 Operation Panel and Operation Method 3.1 Operation Panel Keys Name Function Description Programming Enter or escape from programming /escape key Choose the bit of the data which is to be set and modified Shift/monitor when the VFD is in edit status; switch monitor parameter to be shown when the VFD is in other modes.
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    3.2 LED and Indicator Light Description: Item Function Description Digital Display Display current run status parameter and set parameter. Hz、A、V Displayed physical quantity unit (current A, voltage V, frequency Hz) Alarm indicator light, indicate that the VFD is in over current or over Display voltage suppressing status or failure alarm status currently.
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    3.4 Run Status Parameter Display The VFD enters into run status when receiving effective run command and run status monitoring parameters normally output frequency is displayed on the keypad. As figure 1-4 shows, unit is displayed as Hz. Press the current run status parameter will display circularly (default set is output frequency, output current, two monitoring parameters in sequence.
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    Warning: For some serious fault, such as inverse module protect, over current, over voltage, etc., do not conduct fault reset forcibly to make the inverter run again without fault elimination confirmed, or might cause damage to the inverter. 3.6 Function Code Editing Display Under stop, run or fault alarm status, press key to enter editing status which is displayed as two classes menu (input the password first if it is preset, see password unlock instruction).
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    Method 2: Under monitoring mode interface, press key, switch to next monitoring parameter item d-xx, ENTER ▲ press key to move flicker bit to ones digit of the monitoring code, then adjust ▼ key until the monitoring code displays d-05, then operate according to step 2 and step 3 of method 1.
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    ▲ ▼ ENTER 0.00 F0.00 F1.20 5.00 ▲ ▼ ENTER Escape F1.21 10.00 3.9 User Password Setting and Function Code Edit User password setting is used for preventing unauthorized people form checking and modifying function parameter. Factory set of user password F0.00 is «00000», user can conduct parameter setting in this interface (parameter set here is only not restricted by password protection, but is restricted by conditions like whether is revisable during running, the monitoring parameters, etc.).
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    3.9 User Password Setting and Function Code Edit ▲ ▼ ③ Press key or key to modify the digit in the according digit place. LED displays F1. 02. ④ Press , the according data «——» of F1. 02 is displayed. ENTER ⑤…
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    4 Function Parameter Table and Description 4.0 Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record ○—modifiable parameter under any candition ×—nat modifiable parameter under run status ◆—the actual detected parameter, not modifiable ◇—factory parameter, only modifiable for factory, not allowed for users modifying D Group — Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record Function Minimum…
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    4.0 Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record D Group — Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default d-15 PID Feedback (V) 0.00 ~ 10.00V 0.01V 0.00 ◆ d-16 Analog Input AI1(V/mA) 0.00 ~…
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    4.0 Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record D Group — Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default d-24 Current stage of multistage speed 0 ~ 15 ◆ d-25 reserved — — ◆…
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    4.0 Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record D Group — Monitoring Parameter Group and Fault Record Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default Special model monitoring d-44 — — ◆ parameter (reserved) Special model monitoring d-45 — —…
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    4.1 Function Code ○—modifiable parameter under any candition ×—nat modifiable parameter under run status ◆—the actual detected parameter, not modifiable ◇—factory parameter, only modifiable for factory, not allowed for users modifying F0 Group — Basic Run Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification…
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    4.1 Function Code F0 Group — Basic Run Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: common V/F control (manually torque boost) 1: advanced V/F control (automatically torque boost) 2: open loop current vector control (SVC) 3: closed loop current vector control Depending (rserved)
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    4.1 Function Code F0 Group — Basic Run Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: digital set 1 (keypad ▲ / ▼ key, encoder+F0.12) 1: digital set 2 (terminal UP/DOWN adjust +F0.13) 2: digital set 3 (communication set) Auxiliary 3: AI1 analog set (0 ~…
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    4.1 Function Code F0 Group — Basic Run Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default LED ones digit: power down storage F0.10 Digital set 1 control ○ 0: storage 1: not storage LED tens digit: hold when stop 0: hold 1: not hold LED hundred digit: ▲…
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    4.1 Function Code F0 Group — Basic Run Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: low frequency mode (0.00 ~ 300.00Hz) Frequency output 1: high frequency mode F0.18 × mode (0.0 ~ 3000.0Hz) Note: high frequency mode is only effective to VF control Depending 0.1 ~…
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    4.1 Function Code F1 Group — Auxiliary Operating Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: start at start frequency 1: DC braking + start at start F1.00 Start mode × frequency 2: start with speed tracking F1.01 Start frequency 0.00 ~…
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    4.1 Function Code F1 Group — Auxiliary Operating Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default F1.19 Acc/Dec time unit 0: second 1: minute 2: 0.1s ○ Frequency setting of 0.00 ~【F0.16】upper limit F1.20 0.01Hz 5.00 ○ forward jog operation frequency Frequency setting of…
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    4.1 Function Code F2 Group — Motor Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default O: AC asynchronous motor 1: PMSM ( reserved ) Note 1: only closed-loop vector control is acceptable F2.00 Motor type × by synchronous machine at present Note 2: this parameter can not be initialized, please modify it manually.
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    4.1 Function Code F2 Group — Motor Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default No-load current Depending F2.10 of asynchronous 0.01 ~ 655.35A 0.01A × on model motor F2.11- Reserved — — ◆ F2.15 0: no action 1: static tuning F2.16 Motor tuning…
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    4.1 Function Code F4 Group — Speed Loop, Torque and Flux Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default Speed loop (ASR2) F4.04 0.000 ~ 6.000 0.001 1.500 ○ proportional gain Speed loop (ASR2) F4.05 0.000 ~ 32.000s 0.001s 0.500 ○…
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    4.1 Function Code F4 Group — Speed Loop, Torque and Flux Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default -200.0% ~ 200.0%*rated F4.13 Tarque set by keypad 0.1% 0.0% ○ current of motor Speed limit channel 0: keypad set 1 F4.14 1 of torque control…
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    4.1 Function Code F4 Group — Speed Loop, Torque and Flux Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: detect invalid 1: keep running after over torque detected during constant speed 2: keep running after over torque detected during running 3: cut off output after over torque detected during constant speed…
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    4.1 Function Code F5 Group — VF Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: linear curve 1: decreasing torque curve 1( 1.3 power) 2: decreasing torque curve 2(1.5 power) F5.00 V/F curve set × 3: decreasing torque curve 3(1.7 power) 4: square curve…
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    4.1 Function Code F5 Group — VF Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default O: VF half separated mode, voltage open-loop output 1: VF half separated mode, voltage closed-loop output 2: VF complete separated mode, voltage open-loop output 3: VF complete separated mode, Separated…
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    4.1 Function Code F5 Group — VF Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default VF curve max. 0.0 ~ 100.0%*rated voltage of motor F5.17 voltage of half note: this voltage represents output 0.1% 80.0% × separation mode voltage of VFD controller…
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    4.1 Function Code F6 Group — Analog Quantity and Pulse Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: speed command (output freq., -100.0% ~ 100.0%) AI1 input 1: torque command (output corresponding F6.00 torque, -200.0% ~…
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    4.1 Function Code F6 Group — Analog Quantity and Pulse Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default F6.09 AI2 input upper limit 0.00V ~ 10.00V 0.01V 10.00 ○ AI2 upper limit -200.0% ~ 200.0% corresponding F6.10 note: range is relevant to…
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    4.1 Function Code F6 Group — Analog Quantity and Pulse Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: output frequency ( before AO1 multi-function slip compensation) F6.21 analog output ○ 1: output frequency (after slip terminal compensation) 2: set frequency…
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    4.1 Function Code F6 Group — Analog Quantity and Pulse Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default Physical quantity F6.32 correspond to DO -200.0% ~ 200.0% 0.1% 0.0% ○ output lower limit F6.33 DO output lower limit 0.00 ~…
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    4.1 Function Code F6 Group — Analog Quantity and Pulse Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default AI1 curve inflexion F6.39 【F6.37】~【F6.41】 0.01V 3.00 ○ point 1 input AI1 curve inflexion -200.0% ~ 200.0% F6.40 point 1 input 0.1%…
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    4.1 Function Code F7 Group — Digital Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: control terminal idle Input X1 1: forward run (FWD) function 2: reverse run (REV) (when F8.21 is F7.00 ×…
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    4.1 Function Code F7 Group — Digital Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 32: reserved 33: PID control input Input X5 function 34: PID control pause (when F8.21 is 35: start traverse operation F7.04 non-zero, default ×…
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    4.1 Function Code F7 Group — Digital Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default F7.07 reserved — — ◆ Digital filtering 1 ~ 10 1: 2MS unit of scanning F7.08 ○ times time 0: terminal operation command Terminal function invalid when power on…
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    4.1 Function Code F7 Group — Digital Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: no output 1: VFD forward running 2: VFD reverse running 3: fault output Open collector 4: freq./speed level detection signal F7.18 output ×…
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    4.1 Function Code F7 Group — Digital Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 26: dynamic braking action 27: DC braking action 28: flux braking action 29: torque limiting 30: over torque signal 31: auxiliary motor 1 32: auxiliary motor 2 33: accumulated operation time out…
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    4.1 Function Code F7 Group — Digital Input and Output Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0.00Hz ~【F0.16】upper limit F7.25 FDT1 level 0.01Hz 50.00 ○ freq. F7.26 FDT1 lag 0.0 ~ 100.0% *【F7.25】 0.1% 2.0% ○…
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    4.1 Function Code F8 Group — PID Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: auto PID operation F8.00 1: manually input via defined multi- × input mode function terminal 0: digital setting 1: AI1 2: AI2 PID input F8.01…
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    4.1 Function Code F8 Group — PID Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default Proportional gain F8.05 0.01 ~ 100.00 0.01 ○ F8.06 Integral time Ti1 0.01 ~ 10.00s 0.01s 0.10 ○ Derivative time 0.01 ~ 10.00s F8.07 0.01s 0.00…
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    4.1 Function Code F8 Group — PID Control Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0.0 ~ 200.0% Note: this threshold value is the Threshold value of F8.15 percentage of given pressure, 0.1% 100.0% ○ sleeping and it is only valid for the first sleep mode.
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    4.1 Function Code F9 Group — MS and PLC Running, Traverse and Fixed Length Control Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: stop after single cycle PLC running 1: retain value after single cycle F9.00 × mode 2: continuous cycle of limited times 3: continuous cycle…
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    4.1 Function Code F9 Group — MS and PLC Running, Traverse and Fixed Length Control Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default -upper limit Freq. ~ upper F9.13 MS frequency 7 0.01Hz 50.00 ○ limit Freq. -upper limit Freq. ~ upper F9.14 MS frequency 8 0.01Hz…
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    4.1 Function Code F9 Group — MS and PLC Running, Traverse and Fixed Length Control Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default F9.33 Run time of stage 5 0.0 ~ 65535.5s(M) 0.1s(M) ○ F9.34 Acc/Dec time of stage 6 0 ~…
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    4.1 Function Code F9 Group — MS and PLC Running, Traverse and Fixed Length Control Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: fixed amplitude F9.57 Amplitude control × 1: varied amplitude 0: start to the state before stop Restart method of traverse F9.58…
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    4.1 Function Code FA Group — Protective Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: disabled 1: common motor (electronic heat relay, with low speed Motor overload FA.00 compensation) × protection 2: variable frequency motor ( electronic heat relay, without low speed compensation) Motor overload…
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    4.1 Function Code FA Group — Protective Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default G type: 20%~ 200% *VFD rated Overload pre-alarm current 160% Depending FA.12 ○ level P type: 20%~ 200% *VFD rated on model current 120% Overload pre-alarm FA.13…
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    4.1 Function Code FA Group — Protective Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default Feedback disconnection FA.21 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0.1% 0.0% ○ detection value Feedback disconnection FA.22 0.0 ~ 3600.0s 0.1s 10.0 ○ detection time FA.23 reserved —…
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    4.1 Function Code FB Group — RS485 Communication Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: MODBUS FB.00 Protocol × 1: user-defined 0: broadcast address FB.01 Local address × 1 ~ 247: slave 0: 2400BPS 1: 4800BPS 2: 9600BPS FB.02 Baud rate setting…
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    4.1 Function Code FC Group — Advanced Function and Performance Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: disabled 1: always enabled FC.00 Dynamic braking × 2: only enabled when decelerating Initial voltage of 220V: 340 ~ 380V 360V Depending FC.01…
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    4.1 Function Code FC Group — Advanced Function and Performance Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: the function of immunity Freq. decreasing factor to transient power failure is FC.13 of instantaneous ○ disabled power failure 1 ~…
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    4.1 Function Code FC Group — Advanced Function and Performance Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default LED one’s place: AVR function 0: disabled 1: always enabled 2: only disabled when decelerating LED ten’s place: overmodulation 0: disabled 1: enabled FC.19…
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    4.1 Function Code FC Group — Advanced Function and Performance Parameters Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: disabled 1: the jog has the highest FC.24 Jog priority × priority during the driver operation LED one’s place: A02 and D0 output selection 0: A02 enabled 1: D0 enabled…
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    4.1 Function Code FD Group — Pump Use Parameter Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: General function 1: Solar use for pump 2: constant pressure water Special function of FD.00 supply use × software Note: When Fd.00 = 2, set sensor range at F8.25 and pressure at F8.26.
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    4.1 Function Code FE Group — Panel Function Setting and Parameter Management Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: Chinese LCD language option FE.00 1: English ○ (only for LCD panel) 2: reserved 0: JOG (jog control) 1: FWD/REV switch 2: clear frequency set by ▲…
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    4.1 Function Code FE Group — Panel Function Setting and Parameter Management Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default Monitoring parameters FE.10 0 ~ 57 ○ selection 1 in stop status Monitoring parameters FE.11 0 ~ 57 ○…
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    4.1 Function Code FE Group — Panel Function Setting and Parameter Management Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0: allow all parameters to be modified some are not during operation) 1: only allow F0.12, F0.13 and F0.14 to be modified FE.14 Write-protect 2: only allow FE.14 to be…
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    4.1 Function Code FF Group — Factory Parameter Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default 0 ~ 65535 Note: After password setup was FF.00 Factory Password ○ successful, it will take 3 minutes to take effect FF.01 Reserved —…
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    4.1 Function Code FF Group — Factory Parameter Function Minimum Factory Name Set Range Modification Code Unit Default Temperature FF.12 Detection Mode 0: type Ⅰ 1: type Ⅱ ◇ Selection First Temperature FF.13 Sensor Protection 50.0℃~ 90.0℃ 0.1℃ 85.0 ◇ Threshold Second Temperature FF.14…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description F0 system management parameter VFD type F0.04 0 ~ 1 F0.00 0: G type (constant torque load type) User password setting function could prevent 1: P type (fan and water pump load type) unauthorized person from checking and F o r o u r V F D p r o d u c t s , G / P t y p e a r e modifying the function parameters.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description output. But considering its sensitivity to Main freq. source A F0.07 motor parameter, the operator had better 0 ~ 10 activate the dynamic self-learning of motor 0: digital set 1( , encoder) ▲ / ▼ parameters for a better effect. The frequency is originally set as F0.12, but 3: reserved can be adjust with key…
  • Page 84
    4.2 Detailed Function Description The VFD runs in process PID control mode in 2: digital set 3 (communication set) Modify the set frequency via serial port this frequency setting mode. Function codes of F8 group are needed to be set such as frequency set command, for details check FB group communication parameter.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 7: switch between A and (A+K*B) frequency source combinational This function is used together with number algorithm F0.09 30 item of F7 group parameter X1 ~ X8. 0 ~ 8 When F0.09=7, and X terminal function 0: principle frequency source A is 30, the X terminal is valid, frequency 1: A+K*B…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 1: not save LED hundreds digit : UP/DOWN ▲ / ▼ Once power on, the keypad and terminal frequency adjustment frequency increment will be initialized to 0. 0: invalid LED tens digit: keep when stop 1: valid 0: keep when stop When valid, operating with key ▲…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description running. Upper limit freq. F0.16 ◇ Apart from upper limit frequency and 【F0.17】~【F0.15】 50.00 lower limit frequency, the output Lower limit freq. f r e q u e n c y o f r u n n i n g V F D i s a l s o F0.17 restricted by parameters like start 0.00Hz ~【F0.16】…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description Accelerating time is the time for VFD to 2: reverse run forbidden In any condition, motor can only run a cce l e rate f ro m ze ro f re q u e n c y to t h e forward.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 3: Write protection is not valid for this Notice: ◇ parameter and cannot be initialized Start frequency is not effective by lower limit frequency. Jog frequency is not effective by lower F1 Basic Running Parameter limit frequency but is restricted by start frequency. ◇…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description the accelerating start and speed reaching it may takes a period of stop DC brake period, and decrease start and decreasing waiting time), the VFD will conduct DC brake reaching period, set the speed as S curve. process and then stop.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description Frequency setting of forward jog Accelerating time 2 operation F1.13 Depending on F1.20 0.1 ~ 3600.0 0.00 ~【F0.16】upper model 5.00 limit freq. Decelerating time 2 Frequency setting of reverse jog F1.14 Depending on 0.1 ~ 3600.0 operation model F1.21…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 0: run at lower limit frequency Hopping freq. 1 F1.25 VFD runs at lower limit frequency when 0.00 ~ upper limit freq. 0.00 set frequency is lower than lower limit Hopping freq. 1 range F1.26 frequency setting value (F0.17). 0.00 ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description Notice FWD/REV switch mode F1.35 0 ~ 1 These above function codes must be set 0: over zero frequency switch according to motor nameplate parameter. And please deploy the corresponding 1: over start frequency switch motor according the the VFD power, or the control performance of VFD will decrease if emergency stop standby the motor power differs too much from VFD…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description Fig. F2-1 parameters R1, X11, R2, X21, Xm, I0 Parameter measurement mode when motor represent stator resistance, stator leakage stays in static state. This mode is suitable for i n d u ct i ve rea cta n ce , m u t u a l i n d u ct i ve condition where motor can’t be apart from resistance, no-load current.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description F3 Encoder and Zero-servo Parameter ASR2 filer time constant F4.06 0.000 ~ 0.100s 0.000 PG pulses per revolution (reserved) F3.00 Switch high point frequency 1 ~ 9999 1024 F4.07 【F4.03】~【F0.16】upper Motor and encoder speed ratio (reserved) 10.00 limit freq.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 1: AI1 speed and torque control selection F4.10 Torque command is set by analog input AI1. 0 ~ 2 The positive or negative value of AI1 input 0: speed control correspond to torque command value of Speed control when without PG current forward or reverse direction.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 1: AI1 Torque rise time F4.18 Forward speed limit channel is given by 0.0 ~ 10.0s AI1 in torque control. See function code Torque decline time F6.00 ~ F6.05. F4.19 0.0 ~ 10.0s 2: AI2 Forward speed limit channel is given by Torque rise/decline time defines the time of AI2 in torque control.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description When actual torque is within F4.24 (torque running process, and the VFD keeps on detection time) and continuously greater than running after it is detected. F4.23 (torque detection level), the VFD will 7: output cut off after insufficient torque respond with corresponding action according detected during constant speed running to F4.22 setting.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 4: square curve V/F frequency value F3 Square curve is suitable for square torque F5.05 Frequency value F2 ~ 37.50 type load such as draught fan and water motor rated frequency pump to achieve the optimum energy- V/F voltage value V3 saving effect.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 0: VF half separated mode, open loop voltage Notice output ◇ In common V/F mode, auto torque boost In this control mode, VFD starts in normal V/ mode is invalid. F curve, and adjusts voltage to value of set ◇…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 2: VF fully separated mode, voltage open-loop output In this mode, output frequency and voltage o f V F D a re co m p l ete l y i n d e p e n d e n t . Frequency changes according to set acc/ dec time, voltage is adjust to target value according to rise/fall time defined by F5.19,…
  • Page 102
    4.2 Detailed Function Description 1: AI1 VF curve max. voltage of half Specify target voltage value by analog separated mode F5.17 0.0 ~ 100.0% *motor rated q u a n t i t y A I 1 , a n d t h e co r re s p o n d i n g 80.0% voltage physical quantity F6.00 of AI1 should be set…
  • Page 103
    4.2 Detailed Function Description 0 : sp e e d comm and ( out put fre que nc y, Detection value of voltage feedback -100.0% ~ 100.0%) disconnection F5.22 0.0 ~ 100.0% *motor rated 1 : t o r q u e c o m m a n d ( o u t p u t t o r q u e , 2.0% voltage -200.0% ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description AI2 input lower limit Error limit of analog input F6.07 F6.12 0.00V ~ 10.00V 0.00 0.00V ~ 10.00V 0.10 AI2 lower limit corresponding physical When analog input signal shows frequent quantity setting F6.08 fluctuation around the set point, set F6.12 to -200.0% ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description setting frequency is fa, the VFD will stop External impulse input lower limit F6.16 output. This fb is defined as zero-frequency 0.00 ~ 50.00kHz 0.00 running threshold value, determined by F6.13; External impulse lower limit fb-fa is defined as zero-frequency hysteresis, corresponding physical quantity F6.17 determined by F6.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description item range Output freq. 0V/0mA ~ AO upper limit 0 ~ max. output freq. (before slip 2V/4mA ~ AOupper limit 0 ~ max. output freq. compensatio) Output freq. 0V/0mA ~ AOupper limit 0 ~ max. output freq. (after slip 2V/4mA ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description Corresponding physical quantity of AI multipoint curve selection AO1 output lower limit F6.24 0000 ~ 0011 0000 -200.0% ~ 200.0% 0.0% the unit of LED: AI1 multipoint curve AO1 output lower limit selection F6.25 0.00 ~ 10.00V 0.00 0: forbidden 1: effective…
  • Page 108
    4.2 Detailed Function Description AI1 curve inflexion point 2 input AI2 curve max input corresponding corresponcling setting setting F6.42 -200.0% ~ 200.0% F6.52 -200.0% ~ 200.0% Note: range associated 60.0% Note: range associated 100.0% with F6.00 with F6.00 AI1 input voltage protection upper AI1 curve max input F6.43 limit…
  • Page 109
    4.2 Detailed Function Description F7 digital input and output 0: control terminal idle Input terminal X1 function (when 1: forward running (FWD) F8.21 is non-zero, default as function Short-circuit terminal with COM, VFD runs F7.00 NO.58) forward. Valid only when F0.06=1. 0 ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 10: emergency stop function (brake with Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- fastest speed) speed speed speed speed Speed selection selection selection selection segment This function is used in emergency stop condition. The terminal is short-circuited with COM, and the braking will proceed with emergency standby decreasing time (F1.36).
  • Page 111
    4.2 Detailed Function Description ready to run will be prohibited to start. Acc/Dec Acc/Dec This function is mainly used as safety time time Acc/Dec time selection selection selection protection. terminal 2 terminal 1 25: switch operating command to keypad Acc time 1/Dec When this terminal function is enabled, the time 1 operating command is switched to keypad…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description terminal can clear the information about F0.09 (frequency combinational algorithm) is set as 7, the frequency setting channel is traverse status no matter the drive is in auto or manual start mode. Traverse switched to frequency source (A+K*B), and back to A if it is disabled.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description speed control is on. See F4.10 ~ F4.11 for driver. The counting value increase by 1 each time receiving one impulse (decrease relevant parameter setting (F4.11 is the delay time of speed and torque switch). by 1 for down-counting). The max. pulse frequency is 200Hz.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 0: positive logic, which refers that the terminal digital filtering times F7.08 Xi is enabled when it connects with the 1 ~ 10 common port and disabled if disconnected. This function is used to set sensitivity of input 1: negative logic, which refers that the terminal terminal.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 1: 2-wire control mode 2 2: 3-wire control mode 2 Xm: forward command (FWD); Xn: reverse X m : o p e ra t i n g co m m a n d ; X n : r u n n i n g command (REV).
  • Page 116
    4.2 Detailed Function Description 5: freq./speed level detection signal (FDT2) reserved F7.13 Refer to F7.27 ~ F7.29 fuction description. — 6: freq./speed arrival signal (FAR) Refer to F7.23 function description. Y1 output delay time F7.14 7: indicator during zero-speed running 0.0 ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 15: one cycle finished of programmable multi- Notice speed running When undedrvoltage of DC bus happens After one cycle of programmable multi- during stopping, the LED displays «PoFF»; speed (PLC) run is finished, one effective when it happens during running, if FA.02=0, impulse signal is sent with width of 500ms.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description braking action. Refer to function code 57: AI1 input over limit FC.21 for corresponding setting. The output indication signal is output when the value of the analog input AI1 29: torque limiting is more than F6.53 (AI1 input voltage This signal is sent during torque control.
  • Page 119
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Frequency arrival of FAR detection FDT2 level setting range F7.28 0.00Hz ~【F0.16】upper F7.23 25.00 0.0 ~ 100.0% *【F0.15】 limit Freq. 100.0% max. freq. FDT2 lag F7.29 0.0 ~ 100.0% *【F7.28】 4.0% This function is supplementary instruction to NO.6 function of F7.18 ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description Counting start condition F7.31 0 ~ 1 0: start during power on 1: start in running status, stop in stop status T h e s e a b o v e i s ba s e d o n p re m i s e o f counting impulse.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description F8 Process PID Parameter PID input channel F8.01 An integrated analog feedback control 0 ~ 6 system can be formed through this group of 0: digital setting parameters setting. PID input is given by digital setting, and determined by F8.02.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 0: AI1 LED ten’s place: proportion regulation PID feedback is given by external analog characteristic (reserved) signal AI1 0: integral regulation of constant proportion 1: AI2 1: integral regulation of automatically PID feedback is given by external analog changing proportion signaI A12 LE D hund re d ‘s p l ace : i ntegral control…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description of the regulating speed, which may result regulation is processed according to variation in fluctuation. The regulating method is as trend when feedback signal is changing so as follows: set integral time a large value and to suppress the change.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 1) if feedback value is smaller than reference Closed loop preset freq. F8.10 and larger than reference * (1-set deviation 0.00 ~ upper limit freq. 0.00 【F8.14】), and output frequency change Preset freq. hold time F8.11 rate is within 6%, the sleep mode is entered 0.0 ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description operation) after delay time defined by F8.17. F8.19 ~ F8.20 are delay time of adding and reducing pump in constant pressure water F8.16 defines the feedback limit when the supply system, see function NO.31 and NO.32 driver is entering operating state from sleep in F7.18 ~…
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 1: maintain value of the last stage after single PLC running state saving after cycle poweroff F9.02 As Fig.F9-2 shows, the driver holds the 0 ~ 1 frequency and direction of the last stage 0: not save after single cycle.
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    4.2 Detailed Function Description 2: start from the frequency where it stops Multi-speed freq. 0 F9.06 (fault) -upper limit ~ upper limit 5.00 When the driver stops caused by stop Multi-speed freq. 1 F9.07 command, fault or poweroff, it can record -upper limit ~…
  • Page 128
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Acc/Dec time of MS stage 0 Acc/Dec time of MS stage 9 F9.22 F9.40 0 ~ 3 0 ~ 3 Run time of MS stage 9 Run time of MS stage 0 F9.23 F9.41 0.0 ~ 6553.5s(M) 0.0 ~…
  • Page 129
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Notice Amplitude control F9.57 0 ~ 1 1: A stage is ineffective if its run time is set 0: fixed amplitude to 0. The reference value of amplitude is max. 2: The control of PLC process including frequency F0.15.
  • Page 130
    4.2 Detailed Function Description operate according to traverse amplitude Traverse amplitude F9.62 (F9.62), hopping frequency 0.0 ~ 100.0% 0.0% (F9.63), rise time (F9.64) and fall time Reference value of traverse amplitude is (F9.65) one cycle after another until the stop determined by F9.57.
  • Page 131
    4.2 Detailed Function Description ◇ Preset length Function of stop at fixed length is disabled if F9.68 F9.68 0.000 ~ 65.535(KM) 0.000 is set to 0, but the calculated length is still effective. Actual length F9.69 Application of stop at fixed length: 0.000 ~…
  • Page 132
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Since cooling conditions of common motor When the power of VFD is larger than the deteriorates at low speed, the motors motor, in order to apply effective overload thermal protection threshold should also p r o t e c t i o n t o m o t o r s w i t h d i f f e r e n t be adjusted.
  • Page 133
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Notice Notice When the network voltage is low, the In the normal VF mode, FA.06 is used for output torque of motor will decrease. In amplitude limiting during accelerating conditions of constant power load and or constant speed running; in Vector VF constant torque load, the low network mode, FA.06 is used for amplitude limiting voltage will increase the input an output…
  • Page 134
    4.2 Detailed Function Description overload pre-alarm action, and the set value is Off load detection time FA.10 the percentage relative to the rated current of 0.1S ~ 60.0S VFD. Off load detection level FA.11 0.0 ~ 100.0%*rated 0.0% Overload pre-alarm delay current of VFD FA.13 0.0 ~…
  • Page 135
    4.2 Detailed Function Description 0: no action Delay time of input phase loss 1: alarm and run at frequency of disconnection protection FA.16 0.0S ~ 30.0s moment 2: protection action and coast to stop When input phase loss protection is valid, 3: alarm and decelerate to zero-speed running and input phase loss fault occurs, protection according to set mode…
  • Page 136
    4.2 Detailed Function Description 0: protection action and coast to stop Action of RS485 communication error FA.24 1: alarm and keep on running 0 ~ 2 0: protection action and coast to stop Output ground protection when 1: alarm and maintain current operation power on (reserved) FA.29 2: alarm and stop according to set mode…
  • Page 137
    4.2 Detailed Function Description FB Communication Parameter Data format FB.03 0 ~ 5 Communication protocol FB.00 0 ~ 1 0: no parity(N, 8, 1) for RTU 1: even parity(E, 8, 1) for RTU Communication protocol selection 2: odd parity(0, 8, 1) for RTU 0: MODBUS 3: no parity (N, 8, 2) for RTU 1: user-defined…
  • Page 138
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Ratio correlation FB.06 0.01 ~ 10.00 1.00 This function code is used to set weight coefficient of frequency command received via RS485 when the driver is set as slave. The actual operation frequenc y is this parameter value multiplied by the command value received via RS485.
  • Page 139
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Notice Password of operation limit function FC.09 0 ~ 65535 ◇ FA.02 needs to be set at 0 to ensure the By default, the password is 0, and FC.10 and restart after power off is valid. FC.11 can be set;…
  • Page 140
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Limit time delay time of rotating speed tracking FC.11 FC.15 0 ~ 65535h 0.1 ~ 5.0s Note :this parameter can be reset, see description of The driver will start rotating speed tracking FC.09. after this period of time. Freq.
  • Page 141
    4.2 Detailed Function Description large for power tube of low frequency, and AVR function FC.19 small for that of high frequency. 0000 ~ 0112 0102 LED ten’s place: PWM temperature correlation LED one’s place: AVR function 0: disabled 0: disabled 1: enabled 1: always enabled I f t h i s f u n c t i o n i s e n a b l e , w h e n t h e…
  • Page 142
    4.2 Detailed Function Description when the driver works with a heavy load for The larger of the setting value, the better a long time or high frequency (over 50Hz) of the energy saving effect, but may cause operation torque is insufficient. unstable operation.
  • Page 143
    4.2 Detailed Function Description FD Pump Use Parameter Special function of software Antifreeze action interval FD.08 0: General function 0 ~ 9999s/min 1: Solar use for pump 2: constant pressure water FD.00 Antifreeze protection action supply use frequency Note: When Fd.00 = 2, set FD.09 0.00 ~…
  • Page 144
    4.2 Detailed Function Description FE Panel Function Setting and Parameter Notice : Management (PD group reserved) In all command giving methods, reset function is LCD language option (LCD) enabled. FE.00 0 ~ 2 STOP + RUN emergency stop FE.03 0: Chinese 1: English 2: reserved 0 ~…
  • Page 145
    4.2 Detailed Function Description 2: only display parameters modified after Monitoring parameters selection 1 in power on of the last time (reserved). operation status FE.08 0 ~ 57 LED ten’s place: monitoring parameters Monitoring parameters selection 2 in display mode operation status FE.09 0: only display main monitoring parameters…
  • Page 146
    4.2 Detailed Function Description FF Factory Parameter write-protect FE.14 0 ~ 2 Factory password FF.00 0 ~ 65535 0: allow all parameters to be modified (some are not during operation) 1: only allow F0.12, F0.13 and FE.14 to be Reserved FF.01 modified Reserved…
  • Page 147
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Software overcurrent point Factory Bar Code 1 FF.09 FF.16 50.0 ~ 250.0% 220.0% 0 ~ 65535 Voltage correction factor Factory Bar Code 2 FF.10 FF.17 80.0 ~ 120.0% 100.0% 0 ~ 65535 Current correction factor Manufacture Date(Mon, Day) FF.11 FF.18 50.0 ~…
  • Page 148
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Monitoring Parameter Output frequency (before slip Set Linear Velocity (m/s) D-11 compensation) D-00 0.01 ~ 655.35m/s 0.00 0.00 ~ max. output freq. 【F0.15】 0.00 Bus voltage (V) D-12 Output frequency (after slip 0 ~ 999V compensation) D-01 0.00 ~…
  • Page 149
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Output Terminal Status Set count value D-22 D-28 0 ~ FH 0 ~ 65535 VFD Running Status Current timing value (S) D-23 D-29 0 ~ FFFFH 0 ~ 65535S O ~ FFFFH BIT0: run/stop Set timing value (S) D-30 BIT1: reverse/forward 0 ~…
  • Page 150
    4.2 Detailed Function Description Accumulative electricity consumption Current fault type D-51 (high order digit) D-39 0 ~ 30 0 ~ 9999KWH(*10000) Run frequency of current fault Special model monitoring parameter D-52 0.00 ~【F0.16】upper limit 0.00 (reserved) D-40 freq. reserved 0.00 Special model monitoring parameter Output current of current fault (reserved)
  • Page 151
    5 Communication Protocol 5.1 RTU mode and format When controller communicates via Modbus in RTU mode, each byte is divided into 2 hexadecimal characters of 4 bits. The main advantage of this mode is that it can transfer characters with higher density compared with ASCII mode given the condition of the same baud rate, and each information must be transported continuously.
  • Page 152
    Communication Protocol 2) register address Register function Address Control command input 0x2000 Read monitor parameter 0xD000(0x1D00)~ 0xD039(0x1D39) MODBUS frequency setting 0x2001 MODBUS torque setting 0x2002 MODBUS PID frequency given 0x2003 MODBUS PID feedback setting 0x2004 MODBUS analog output AO1 control 0x2005(0 ~…
  • Page 153
    Communication Protocol Response information frame format (return frame): Address Function DataNum*2 Data1[2Byte] Data2[2Byte] CRC CHK High CRC CHK Low Analysis of this segment data: 01H is the address of the driver 03H read function code 04H is the product of (read item)*2 0064H read the data of F0.01 0064H read the data of F0.02 BA07H is 16 bits of CRC check code…
  • Page 154
    Communication Protocol Example: Name Frame format Send frame: 01H 03H E000H 0001H B3CAH Read fault code E-19 (address E000H and Return frame: 01H 03H 02H 0013H F989H 1E00H interchangeable, refer to the fault code Send frame: 01H 03H 1E00H 0001H 8222H table) Return frame: 01H 03H 02H 0013H F989H Send frame: 01H 03H E001H 0001H E20AH…
  • Page 155
    Communication Protocol Response information frame format(Return frame): Address Function Starting data address Number of Data(Byte) CRC CHK High CRC CHK Low Analysis of this segment data: if set right, return the same input data Example: Name Frame format Send frame: 01H 06H 2000H 0001H 43CAH forward Return frame: 01H 06H 2000H 0001H 43CAH Send frame: 01H 06H 2000H 0009H 420CH…
  • Page 156
    Communication Protocol Example: Name Frame format Send frame: 01H 06H 0800H 0001H 4A6AH Set F8.00 parameter at 1 Return frame: 01H 06H 0800H 0001H 4A6AH Send frame: 01H 06H 2001H 0FA0H D642H MODBUS reference frequency 40HZ Return frame: 01H 06H 2001H 0FA0H D642H Send frame: 01H 06H 2003H 01F4H 721DH MODBUS PID reference 5V Return frame: 01H 06H 2003H 01F4H 721DH…
  • Page 157
    Communication Protocol 5) 10H write multiple parameters continuously Inquiry information frame format (send frame): Address Function Starting data address Number of Data(Byte) DataNum*2 Data1(2Byte) Data2(2Byte) CRC CHK High CRC CHK Low Analysis of this segment data: 01H is the address of the driver 10H write function code 0100H start address, equivalent to F1.00 of control panel 0002H amout of registers…
  • Page 158
    Communication Protocol Response information frame format(Return frame): Address Function Starting data address Number of Data(Byte) CRC CHK High CRC CHK Low Analysis of this segment data: 01H address of the driver 10H write function code 0100H write data of F1.00 0002H item count of write menu, i.e.
  • Page 159
    Communication Protocol 6) 13H read single parameter (including attribute, min.value, max.value) Inquiry information frame format (Send frame): Address Function Starting data address Number of Data(Byte) CRC CHK High CRC CHK Low Analysis of this segment data: 01H address of the driver 13H read function code 000CH start address, equivalent to F0.12 0f control panel 0004H register amount…
  • Page 160
    Communication Protocol Analysis of this segment data: 01H address of the driver 13H write function code 000CH start address, equivalent to F0.12 of control panel 1388H parameter value 0322H attribute value 0000H min.value 1388H max.value 2831H 16 bits of CRC check code Example: Name Frame format…
  • Page 161
    Communication Protocol 5.3 Functions of other Register Address: function address description byte meaning 0: no action Bit7 1: overload pre-alarm 0: INV_220V 1: INV_380V Bit6 ~ Bit5 2: INV_660V 3: INV_1140V 0: no action Bit4 VFD operation Byte1 1: power off save A000H(1A00H) status 0: no action…
  • Page 162
    Communication Protocol 5.4 Fault Code: Fault code Displayed code Fault information 0000H —— No fault 0001H E-01 Overcurrent when accelerating 0002H E-02 Overcurrent when decelerating 0003H E-03 Overcurrent at constant speed 0004H E-04 Overvoltage when accelerating 0005H E-05 Overvoltage when decelerating 0006H E-06 Overvoltage at constant speed…
  • Page 163
    Communication Protocol 5.5 Pre-alarm Code of the Driver: Alarm code displayed Fault information 0000H —— No fault 0009H A-09 Driver overload alarm 0011H A-17 RS485 communication fault alarm 0012H A-18 Keypad communication fault alarm 0015H A-21 Motor tuning alarm 0016H A-22 EEPROM read-write fault alarm 0018H…
  • Page 164
    Communication Protocol 5.7 Parameter Attribute: meaning Bit15 reserved Bit14 menu Bit13 system Bit12 reset to factory defaults Bit11 EEPROM » ○ «: 01 » × «: 10 Bit10 ~ Bit9 » ◆ «: 11 » ◇ «: 00 Bit8 sign 1: 00000 KHZ: 01100 us: 10001…
  • Page 165
    Communication Protocol 5.9 Communication Address of all Parameters: Function code Communication address F0.00 ~ F0.22 0000H ~ 0016H F1.00 ~ F1.37 0100H ~ 0125H F2.00 ~ F2.17 0200H ~ 0211H F3.00 ~ F3.08 0300H ~ 0308H F4.00 ~ F4.27 0400H ~ 041BH F5.00 ~…
  • Page 166
    6 Troubleshooting 6.1 Fault information and Troubleshooting Any abnormity occurs during operation, the driver will lock PWM output immediately and enter protection status. Meanwhile, the keypad will display function codes indicating the current fault, and the ALM indicator light will be on. Follow the method described in Table 6-1 to check the fault cause and conduct according actions.
  • Page 167
    6.1 Fault information and Troubleshooting Fault Fault Possible reasons Actions code descriptions Abnormal of supply voltage Check the power supply Over voltage in E-06 constant-speed Connect suitable braking resistor or Special potential energy load operating braking unit Abnormal of supply voltage Check supply voltage or seek help E-07 or disconnecting of contactor…
  • Page 168
    6.1 Fault information and Troubleshooting Fault Fault Possible reasons Actions code descriptions Short trouble of E-14 reserved reserved output to ground Ambient over-temperature Lower the ambient temperature Heatsink E-15 overheat 1 Fan damage Replace the fan E-16 Heatsink Obstruction of ventilation Clear the ventilation channel overheat 2 channel…
  • Page 169
    6.1 Fault information and Troubleshooting Fault Fault descriptions Possible reasons Actions code Upload fault of the driver Check wiring of operation parameter to operation panel panel Download fault of parameter Check wiring of operation E-23 Parameter copy fault from operation panel to the panel driver Parameter download without…
  • Page 170
    6.2 Abnormal Phenomena Solution During the driver operation, the common abnormal phenomena and solving actions are as showed in Table 6-2. Phenomena Possible reasons of fault and actions to take Check whether there is power failure, or phase loss of input power, check LED no display if the power line is connected correctly.
  • Page 171
    6.2 Abnormal Phenomena Solution Phenomena Possible reasons of fault and actions to take Improper setting of upper and lower limit of frequency The frequency is set too low, or the frequency gain is set too low The motor can rotate, but speed Check whether the speed adjustment mode is in consistent with frequency regulation can’t be setting…
  • Page 172
    7 Maintenance 7.1 Routine Maintenance Many factors such as ambient temperature, humidity, smog, internal component aging will give rise to the occurrence of potential faults. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct routine and periodic maintenance during storage or using of the driver. When the driver operates normally, please check if there are the following items: ◇…
  • Page 173
    7.2 Periodic Maintenance You should check the driver every 3 months or 6 months according to the actual environment, thus could lower fault risks and maintain a long-term stable operation. General Inspection: ◇ whether screws of control terminals are loose. If so, tighten them with a screwdriver; ◇…
  • Page 174
    Appendix 1: Parameters for Photovoltaic Pumps Special Use Function Factory Name Set Range Code Default F0.07 Main frequency source A 10: MPPT 开启 0: General function FD.00 Special function of software 1: Solar use for pump 2: constant pressure water supply use 380V:【Fd.01】~…
  • Page 175
    Appendix 1: Parameters for Photovoltaic Pumps Special Use Photovoltaic pump control process ◇ The corresponding relationship between DC bus voltage and output frequency If that bus voltage (d-12) is higher than the set value of the MPPT upper operating voltage (Fd.01), run at the maximum frequency;…
  • Page 176
    Appendix 2: 600 Series Guide for Rapid Debugging of Constant-pressure Water Supply Wiring Parameters Setting F0.05=0 V/F control F0.06=1 terminal run command F0.07=8 PID control F8.01=5 pressure setting(MPa、Kg) F8.06=0.5 integral time F8.13=1 coast to stop in sleep mode F8.15=100 sleep threshold value F8.16=90 awake threshold value F8.17=1.0…
  • Page 177
    Appendix 3: 610 Series Guide for Rapid Debugging of CNC Machine Wiring Parameter setting Function Code Name Set Value Parameter Description F0.05 Control mode Open loop current vector control(SVC) Operation command F0.06 Terminal run command channel channel F0.07 Main frequency source A AI2 analog set(DC 0 ~…

SKI600-7D5G/011P-4 7,5 кВт, 380В SAKO Частотный преобразователь


SKI600-7D5G/011P-4 7,5 кВт, 380В SAKO

  • Диапазон мощностей: 0.75 кВт~ 22 кВт/380В, 0.75 кВт ~ 2.2 кВт/220В.
  • Диапазон входных напряжений: 380В±15% или 220В±15%, 50/б0 Гц.
  • Диапазон выходных частот: 0 ~ 500 Гц.
  • Тип управления: векторное.
  • Автоматическое ограничение тока во время работы, что предотвращает частые отключения по перегрузке.
  • Контроль напряжения во время торможения, который предотвращает срабатывание аварии от перенапряжения.
  • Перегрузочная способность: 110% номинального тока в течение длительного времени; 150% номинального тока 1 минута; 180% номинального тока 5 секунд.
  • Возможность работы с ступенчатыми скоростями через встроенный ПЛК или терминал управления.
  • Встроенный ПИД-регулятор: замкнутая система управления параметрами процесса (такими как давление, температура, расход).
  • Более 20 функций защиты, таких как перегрузка по току, перенапряжение, пониженное напряжение, перегрев, обрыв фазы и др.
  • Встроенный порт RS-485 и поддержка протокола связи Modbus.
  • Гарантийный срок 18 месяцев с момента продажи.

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Max потреб. мощность, кВт


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Инвертор SAKO VFD SKI780, 220 В, кВт/кВт, 1HP, преобразователь частоты переменного тока для управления скоростью двигателя

Отзывов: 21
Рейтинг: 4.90

отзыв: 28.06.22

Сортировка отзывов

Оценка: 5

Рейтинг отзыва: 4
Дата: 09.11.21


Продавец отправил заказ на восьмой день из десяти. Вна Украину доставка менее месяца. Инструкцию продавец приложил только на английском языке, хотя по отзывам другие получили на русском. По сути: частотник вполне себе рабочий, испытал на движке 1.1 кВт, на разных частотах, полчаса нагрева нет ни на частотнике ни в движке. Настроек много, для каждого свои, искать по форумам. Товар рекомендую.

Страница отзыва

Отзывов у пользователя: 35

Оценка: 5

Рейтинг отзыва: 3
Дата: 10.10.20


Сначала заказал 1.5кв из России, прождал две недели, заказ не отправили, деньги вернули. Затем заказал 2.2кв, доставили за 3 дня. Качественное исполнение, руководство на русском.

Дополненный отзыв:
Изначально настроен на 50Гц. Пришёл шпиндель 2.2Квт 24000об/мин 400Гц, по-умолчанию не запустился, настроил параметры под мотор, все заработало. Вентилятор шумит, но как-то пофиг т.к. шпиндель при раскрутке на полную шумит ещё больше. Размер все-таки не большой по сравнению с другими. Хотел управлять им по modbus, но в руководстве чёт ничего нет, надо искать.

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Отзывов у пользователя: 1

Оценка: 5

Рейтинг отзыва: 1
Дата: 11.02.21


chegou incrivelmente rápido e muito bonito

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Отзывов у пользователя: 4

Оценка: 5

Рейтинг отзыва: 1
Дата: 15.01.22


Заказываю уже второй, первый брал на 1,5 кВт, Продавец отправил заказ в течении нескольких дней. Доставка вна Украину менее месяца. На второй раз продавец отправил инструкцию на русском языке. Есть также информация по форумам относительно настроек. Всё работает, напругу даёт, под нагрузкой пока не проверял. Товар и продавца рекомендую, цена — качество нормальное.

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Отзывов у пользователя: 1

Оценка: 5

Дата: 25.01.21


Товар пришел очень быстро. Качественно упаковано. Прибор испытали в день получения. Работает без нареканий, обороты двигателя плавно регулируются. Единственное замечание неудобные винты соединения проводов.

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Отзывов у пользователя: 1

Оценка: 5

Дата: 21.01.21


Schneller Versand, gut Verpackt und top Qualität!

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Оценка: 4

Дата: 16.01.21


Package never arrived, I said gls told me that package sent back to seller. I have provided the seller, gls italian traking to prove it. Seller never replied to my numerous emails, never interested in verifying italy traking. Now i am expecting complaint from aliexpress , but I am very disappointed with both seller and aliexpress service

Дополненный отзыв:
Dopo giorni il pacco, rimandato indietro, è fermo in un magazzino internazionale. Attenzione il traking di gls non funziona, quindi aliexpress non risarcisce. Il negozio non ha mai risposto alle mie domande ne si è interessato al problema. Alla fine l’unico che ha perso i soldi sono io. Sarà anche un buon prodotto, non mi è mai arrivato, ma per me non vale il rischio. Non ripeterò l’errore.

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Отзывов у пользователя: 2

Оценка: 5

Дата: 08.11.20


Buena compra, llega dentro de la fecha señalada de entrega y con seguimiento, me llego integro el Inverter con su manual, falta instalarlo y realizar pruebas

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Отзывов у пользователя: 1

Оценка: 4

Дата: 27.03.21


Отличный частотный за свои деньги, правда мелкие разъёмы(не особо удобно подключать) порадовала инструкция на русском языке

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Отзывов у пользователя: 77

Оценка: 5

Дата: 23.03.21


Good service and quality. Convertet my tool grinder from 3x380v to 3x220v Running Perfect on one phase 220v. Thanks

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Отзывов у пользователя: 1

Оценка: 5

Дата: 08.03.21


Świetny falownik, polecam.

Дополненный отзыв:
Wszystko sprawdzone, podłączone i działa bardzo dobrze, polecam.

Страница отзыва

Отзывов у пользователя: 2

Оценка: 5

Дата: 23.06.22


рекомендую к закупке
отличный частотник за такие деньги.
доставка 4 дня, качество сборки отличное!

Страница отзыва

Отзывов у пользователя: 2

Оценка: 5

Дата: 23.06.22


рекомендую к закупке
отличный частотник за такие деньги.
доставка 4 дня, качество сборки отличное!

Страница отзыва

Отзывов у пользователя: 21

Оценка: 5

Дата: 07.01.22


Отличный частотник. Настоящий заводской Китай. Доставка — молния! Подключил к эл. двигателю-отличный результат! Рекомендую! Жаль, хотел 10звезд поставить, а можно только 5!

Страница отзыва

Отзывов у пользователя: 5

Оценка: 5

Дата: 30.12.21


Пристигна за 10 дена от Испания. Работи перфектно на компресор за въздух. Препоръчвам.

Страница отзыва

Отзывов у пользователя: 34

Оценка: 5

Дата: 30.10.21


Приехало очень быстро. Хороший частотник, маленький, до 400 Гц, шпиндели запускает.

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