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ESY 1~
User Manual
Vac stepless Controllers
single-phase Asynchronous Motors
on Axial & Centrifugal Fans
Ventilated Heat Exchangers
Drycoolers & Air Cooled Condensers
FAN speed Control Solutions
Related Manuals for SELPRO ESY 1
Summary of Contents for SELPRO ESY 1
Page 1
ESY 1~ User Manual Specialized Vac stepless Controllers single-phase Asynchronous Motors on Axial & Centrifugal Fans Ventilated Heat Exchangers Drycoolers & Air Cooled Condensers YEAR FAN speed Control Solutions… -
Page 2: Precautions
WARNING ! HIGH LEAKAGE CURRENT First connect to Earth ! DO NOT touch the electrical parts of the circuit when the power supply is connected under any circumstances Safety Warnings • We disclaim all responsibility for accident, loss or damage caused by the use of these appliances. These must be correctly installed by qualified personnel in conformity with their intended use and, whenever needed, must undergo correct maintenance which should be carried out while ensuring the safety of people, domestic animals and goods.
Page 3: Table Of Contents
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ………………….Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito. 5.1. Power Supply Connection (Terminal Block M1) ……………………….7 SIGNAL CONNECTIONS for the 4 CONFIGURATIONS (ALL-in-ONE) ………………..8 6.1. OM CONFIGURATION (STANDARD SELPRO) ……………………….8 6.2. OX Configuration (on request) …………………………….8 6.3. OV Configuration (on request) …………………………….9 6.4.
Page 4: Ec Directives & Technical Standards
EC DIRECTIVES & TECHNICAL STANDARDS This series has been designed and manufactured for use in industrial environments, and complies therefore with the following European Directives: • Machine Directive 98/37 CE and following amendments • Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2006/95/EC • EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Thanks to its advanced technical solutions, the ESY100 series has obtained the CE mark in compliance with the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) directive 2004/108/EC also in household environment.
Page 5: Operating Modes And Applications
3. OPERATING MODES AND APPLICATIONS The ESY1 devices are electronic analog regulators of single-phase AC voltage, which use the phase-cutting principle (Triac) in order to vary the output active voltage applied to a resistive or inductive load. When connected to asynchronous high-slip electric motors of fans or pumps, they control their rotational speed in order to maintain the key parameter within desired values.
Page 6: Technical Characteristics Esy-1
4. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ESY-1 Voltage 230V ± 10 % single phase – (on request 110V — 400V Frequency 50Hz standard (60 Hz only factory calibration) OWER UPPLY Overvoltage Protection for installation Category II (4 KV) Electronic analog regulators of single-phase AC voltage, which use the phase-cutting principle (Triac) in order to vary the PERATING output active voltage applied to a resistive or inductive load.
Page 7
Transducer voltage supply 22V (+10/-20%) max. 25mA Transducer voltage supply 22V (+10/-20%) max. 25mA Config. + 10V Transducer voltage supply 10,0V (±1%) Output signal for slave unit: 0-10Vdc or PWM (MAX 5 modules) Transducer voltage supply 22V (+10/-20%) max. 25mA Transducer voltage supply 22V (+10/-20%) max. -
Page 8: Electrical Connections
5. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Connect the controller as shown in the figure below, paying attention to the following points 5.1. Power Supply Connection (Terminal Block M1) -Before supplying power to the unit, check carefully the power connection and the efficiency of EARTH connection. -Ensure that power conductors and EARTH CABLES have a cross section suitable to the connected load.
Page 9: Signal Connections For The 4 Configurations (All-In-One)
— SLAVE, using the input In4 ( for 0-10V control signal) The controllers of the ESY-1/ALL-in-ONE series can be set in the following four (4) configurations, described below. The OM configuration is standard SELPRO 6.1. OM CONFIGURATION (STANDARD SELPRO) N°…
Page 10: Ov Configuration (On Request)
6.3. OV Configuration (on request) N° Name Function CONF. Output voltage supply + 5,0V ±1% Transducer Input 0-5 Vdc N° 1 Ground Transducer Input 0-5 Vdc N° 2 Output voltage supply + 5,0V ±1% Transducer Input NTC 10kohm N° 3 @ 25°C Ground Input N°…
Page 11: Electrical Connection For Slave Module/S
7. Electrical connection for Slave Module/s The controllers of the ESY-1 / ALL-in-ONE series include moreover the SLAVE-ONE power units, in the two following versions: SLAVE-SV with input for 0-10Vdc control signal SLAVE-SP with input for PWM control signal All the models of the series share the same technical characteristics and are available in different sizes: 8 A –…
Page 12: Connection Of Slave Modules, Sp Series (Pwm Power Units)
7.3. Connection of SLAVE modules, SP series (PWM power units) The SLAVE-SP unit allows the connection of the only PWM (PPM-Triac) control signal. The input is optimized in order to be compatible with every device having a PWM control signal, from 5V to 30V. All connected SLAVE-SP units require the same supply phase as the remote controller, which generates the PWM control signal (network synchronization) SLAVE –…
Page 13: Esy-1: Control & Power Card In Detail, All-In-One Version
8. ESY-1: CONTROL & POWER CARD IN DETAIL, ALL-in-ONE version Led Led Led Led MAX OUT SPadj CUT-OFF (MIN OUT ) SP1adj SP2adj Double Set-Point optional card Jumper Description ESY-1 / ALL-in-ONE & LED DIRECT-REVERSE mode selection VAC Output at SET-POINT CUT-OFF / MIN OUT selection EXTRA-power control Output Power supply O.K.
Page 14: Led Signals
LED signals 8.2. The cards present LED signals, which point out the state and the operation of the controller. The LED signals of the complete version ESY-1 / ALL-in-ONE are shown in the table below: 230Vac Green LED Power supply O.K. Green LED SP higher than the signal value 100%…
Page 15: Set-Up Of Operating Limits And Parameters
9. Set-up of operating LIMITS and PARAMETERS 9.1. Available regulations in the standard ESY-1 version (ALL-in-ONE) The ESY-1 controllers present two regulation Trimmers for setting up the operating limits (MIN out / Cut-Off and MAX out), the automatic regulation performs the variations of fans speed, and a couple of 13-positions rotary switches for setting up the SET-Point of reference with ease.
Page 16: How To Set Up The Operating Limits For Slave-One Modules (Only Slave-Sv Version)
9.3. How to set up the operating limits for SLAVE-ONE modules (only SLAVE-SV version) The following procedures allow to set up the AC voltage limits, within which the 0-10 Vdc control signal is automatically controlled. It allows to set up manually the minimum AC output voltage MIN Vac supplied to the fan, from 20% to 90%, and permits to check: — the correct phase-cutting of the controller…
Page 17: Tables For The Set-Point Selection
After selecting the operating modes and setting up the operating limits, it is necessary to determine the operating point of the regulation: the SET-POINT, on the basis of the scales and ranges referring to the connected sensor (*). The Set-Point is easily and quickly fixed through the couple of 13-position rotary switches, named as follows: SP (main reference point for the regulation) and SPadj.
Page 18: Set Point Values, Range 0-25 Bar (Transducer 4-20 Ma)
12,74 12,83 12,93 13,02 13,11 13,21 13,30 13,40 13,49 13,58 13,68 12,69 13,73 13,16 13,21 13,30 13,40 13,49 13,58 13,68 13,77 13,87 13,96 14,05 14,15 14,20 9.5.3. Set Point values, range 0-25 bar (Transducer 4-20 mA) 0-25 bar adj. adj. 4,69 4,77 4,93…
Page 19: Set-Point Values, Range 0-45 Bar (Transducer 4-20 Ma)
9.5.5. Set-Point values, range 0-45 bar (Transducer 4-20 mA) 0-45 bar adj. adj. 8,45 8,59 8,87 9,15 9,43 9,72 10,00 10,28 10,56 10,85 11,13 11,41 11,55 10,00 10,28 10,56 10,85 11,13 11,41 11,69 11,97 12,26 12,54 12,82 9,86 12,96 12,82 13,10 13,38 13,67…
Page 20: Set-Point Values, Range 10°C To 60°C (Ntc Probe 10Kohm@25°C)
9.5.7. Set-Point values, range 10°C to 60°C (NTC probe 10kohm@25°C) 10-60 °C adj. adj. 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 5,50 6,00 6,50 7,00 7,50 8,00 7,50 8,00 8,50 9,00 9,50 10,50 11,00 11,50 12,00 12,50 7,00 13,00 12,50 13,00 13,50 14,00 14,50…
Page 21: Function Diagrams & Operating Parameters In Master & Slave Modes
10. Function diagrams & Operating parameters in MASTER & SLAVE modes Standard values of the proportional band (Pb): transducer 4-20 mA Pb=2.5 mA, transducer 0-5 Vdc Pb=0,65 Vdc, sensor NTC 10kohm@25°C Pb=7.0°C Min= Off= Vac= =fans maximum rpm — fans minimum rpm — fans off — voltage supply to the load;…
Page 22: Accessories
11. ACCESSORIES 11.1. Manual Remote Control Units ♦ Series of potentiometers for manual remote control Potentiometer for external remote control Manual speed setting with 0-10 Vdc Available 1 & 10 turn versions, with standard knob ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ 22 and silk screen label Available 10 turn version, with knob ∅…
Page 23: Pressure Transducer For 4-20 Ma & 0-5 V
11.2 Pressure Transducer for 4-20 mA & 0-5 V Description 4-20 mA 0-5 Vdc Control signal 4 … 20 mA 0,5 … 4,5 V Power supply 8 … 28 V 5 V +/- 0,25V Range (bar) 0 … 15/25/30/45 0 … 30/45 Linearity <…
Page 24
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FORM 1. All ESY-1 equipments are guaranteed for 36 months from the date of testing. 2. The guarantee will be rendered invalid under these circumstances: • evidence of tampering with the mechanical or electrical parts • improper use •… -
Page 25
Via P. G. Piamarta, 5/11 Tel. (+39) 030.6821611 info@selproweb.com 25021 Bagnolo Mella (Bs) Fax (+39) 030.622274 www.selproweb.com User Manual ESY-1 / rev. 9 15.01.2008 www.selproweb.com…
1.1. Important
Read these instructions carefully before installation.
Before use, follow all the installation and electrical connection
Keep these instructions with the regulator for future use.
Observe current technical and safety regulations.
The device must be professionally installed and commissioned by a
qualified technician. INCORRECT installation may cause damages.
Before turning on device power, always check that it is correctly
DO NOT tamper with or REMOVE internal regulator components;
this NULL AND VOIDS THE WARRANTY and can cause damages.
The user must be protected against electrical shock and the motor
must be equipped with overload protection, as per current pertinent
According to safety regulations, protection against any contact with
live parts must be ensured by correct device installation; all parts
that ensure protection must be secured so as irremovable without
the help of a tool.
DO NOT turn on the regulator without the protection lid.
NEVER touch electrical circuit parts when the power is on.
Install the regulator away from direct sunlight so as not to overheat
the case.
Make sure working conditions (working temperature, humidity, etc.)
are within the indicated limits (see point 7).
Do not install the device near heat sources (resistances, hot air
ducts, etc.) where room temperature can exceed 50 °C, devices
that generate strong magnetic fields, sites subject to rain, humidity,
dust, excessive mechanical vibrations or shocks.
2.1. Overview
The VTS series three-phase regulators are built on a Vetronite(R)
support in an IP55 grade GW PLAST box. The control zone is at the
top of the board while the power zone is at the bottom.
In addition to the M3 and M4 terminal boards, regulation, connection
and signal devices are found in the control zone.
The fan speed command varies according to the command signal
received from the input. Output increases as input increases.
2.2. Key
VTS300 key
Wire clamps — connection wires
Three-phase output terminal board (U-V-W) + load
Three-phase power supply terminal board (L1-L2-
L3) + PE
TPN lock screws with max 2.5 N m torque
Wall mount perforated fin
Minimum voltage settings (MIN / CUT-OFF)
Maximum voltage settings (MAX)
Command input terminal board
Alarm relay terminal board
Signal led
Programming dip switch (0-10Vdc std setting)
Reset button
SELPRO – Via P.G. Piamarta 5/11 – 25021 Bagnolo Mella (BS) – www.selpro.it – info@selpro.it — Tel. +39 030 6821611 – Fax +39 030 622274
2.3. Mechanical dimensions
Plate data
Mechanical dimensions
kV A
* Packaging included
Vertically install the device with the wire inlet facing down. To permit
correct heat dissipation, guarantee ≥150 mm clearance over and under
the regulator.
Reassemble and make sure the external protection lid is fully closed.
3.2. Electrical connections
Flexible wire section.
rated section 1.5 mm² (15 AWG)
VTS 308 ≥ 1.5 mm² (15 AWG)
VTS 312 ≥ 2.5 mm² (13 AWG)
VTS 320 ≥ 4.0 mm² (11 AWG)
N.B. Protection devices: see point 8.
3.2.1. Power (M1) and load (M2*) connection:
(*)The regulator can be set to directly connect no. 4 fans (Three-phase +
Ground) upon request
3.2.2. Command signal connections (M3)
Reference grounding
ON-OFF input (see point 3.3.3)
Reference voltage output
+5.0 Vdc/+10.0 Vdc (±1.0%)
(automatic switching)
Power supply voltage output
+20 Vdc (±20%)
Reference grounding
Command signal input
3.2.3. Alarm relay connection (M4)
3.3. Dip-Switch function settings (DSw1 – DSw6)
3.3.1. Default settings
3.3.2. Command input function programming
WARNING Press button SB1 after changing DSw settings to apply
3.3.3. Functional programming for the ON-OFF input (S0)
rev.3.1 dated 30/06/14
Normally open contact
Normally closed
Shared terminal
Command signal selection (see point 3.3.2)
OFF = P1 (MIN) minimum voltage settings
ON = P1 cut-off voltage settings
ON-OFF input function (see point 3.3.3)
0-20 mA signal
4-20 mA signal
0-10 Vdc signal
0-5 Vdc signal
PWM signal
Cos Phi calibration (reserved)
Start/Stop function (open = start)
Thermal contact function (closed = start)
Output function at 100% (closed = 100%)
Output function at MAX (closed = MAX (P2))
PID Dynamic-CONTROL-Technology 5 td ti d I P Derivative time action Integral time action Derivative action Integral action Proportional action Set-Point Time Loa d Time AIR-Energy Software l a b o l G 3 ty n a r War YEAR FAN speed Control Solutions RGM 3~ Specialized Vac Stepless Controllers for Ventilated Heat Exchangers Dry Coolers & Air Cooled Condensers Description of symbols used in the present manual ! Attention ! i EMC LVD Information Compliance with: CE mark –Electromagnetic Emissions – Low Voltage Directives PRODUCT End of Life – WEEE directive EU 2002/96/EC (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive) User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 1 www.selpro.it ! WARNING ! Safety warnings • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Follow the instructions in this manual exactly and observe all safety measures in force. Always keep the present documentation close to the control device. The purchaser must previously ascertain the suitability of the product for the use it is intended for and assume all consequent risks and responsibility. This product has been designed to be used only as an operational control device. In the event delicate or great value products should be held within specific working limits, it is recommended to install a separated control device, equipped with alarm contacts. The commissioning, start-up and operation of the present device must be performed by qualified technicians with knowledge of the technical regulations in force, in compliance with all the safety standards and able to understand the indications of danger. The regulator must be installed by qualified personnel who will connect the electric supply, attach the cables in their permanent positions and commission the plant. Incorrect installation of the RGM300 voltage regulator or the fan connected to it may cause damage to objects or people. Before supplying power to the unit, make sure that the regulator is correctly connected to the power supply and to earth. The information provided in the present manual consent to install and control correctly the fan speed regulator RGM300. Do NOT tamper with or disassemble the regulator internal components; doing so will INVALIDATE THE GUARANTEE and may cause unnecessary damage. The regulator does not contain components that can be repaired by the user. The regulator must be suitably and effectively earthed by the installer according to the standards in force; Earth is essential for the EMC filter to operate correctly. The user must be protected from the electric supply and the motor must be protected from possible overloads in compliance with the standards in force. DO NOT supply the regulator without the external protection cover. DO NOT touch any electrical parts of the circuit when the power supply is connected under any circumstances. Before supplying power to the unit, make sure that the regulator is correctly connected to the power supply and to earth; If the mains supply is "disturbed", which may be due to other electrical power components causing irregularities in the supply (power contactors), it is recommended that supplementary three phase ‘SURGE ARRESTER’ filters are installed directly on the regulator supply. Avoid repeatedly connecting and disconnecting the power supply to the regulator; a constant supply keeps the regulator at working temperature and eliminates problems caused by condensate inside the protection case. Alternatively, use the remote terminal board contact ‘M3’ S2 = ON/OFF. The S2 = ON/OFF contact on the terminal card M3 does not cut the mains supply and therefore cannot be used as a safety switch. Install the regulator out of direct sunlight, in order to protect the case from overheating. The appliance can operate at environmental temperatures up to 50°C. Do not install it where this temperature may exceed, otherwise the integrity of the regulator will be compromised, since the controller may make the user appliance operate at full load (100%) with all consequent effects. The equipment must be placed vertically, in order to encourage heat dissipation and to ensure sufficient air circulation in a free space measuring at least 150 mm above and below the regulator. If several regulators are to be grouped together on a single electric board, please provide forced air circulation with a fan or with a sufficiently powerful cooling unit. Use the holes on the lower and power terminal board sides of the appliance, for entrance of the connection cables. This will prevent water, dust etc. from getting in and will ensure the IP55 protection level is maintained using adequately sized cables and sheaths of suitable quality. Reassemble and check the cover of the external protection panel is properly closed. DO NOT alter or damage the identification stickers on the equipment. i Terms of use The RGM 300 series devices are designed to vary the three-phase AC voltage thanks to the phase cutting principle, in order to regulate the rotational speed of three-phase asynchronous high-slip motors, to be used with axial and centrifugal fans in Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air Treatment Systems. Any different use of the equipment is strictly FORBIDDEN. i Manufacturer Declaration This series is manufactured for the employment into the industrial environments and responds the following communitarian directives: • Machine Directive 2006/42/EC and following amendments • Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2006/95/EC and 93/68 EC • EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and following amendments (*) ELECTRONIC FANS REGULATION - FULL ENVIRONMENTAL RESPECT Thanks to the electronic solutions used, the device responds totally to the emission limits required from the European Directives for Residential, Commercial and Light Industrial environments (EMC and PDS applications), and can therefore be installed without particular precautions ( ex.: shielded cables). The equipment does NOT contain filters for the suppression of harmonic distortions. It is not allowed to commission our equipment when installed in machines that do not comply with the legislation in force. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 2 www.selpro.it Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 PRESENTATION…. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 RGM300: TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS INTRODUCTION ……… ............................................................................................ 4 1.2 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 OPERATING MODES GENERAL FUNCTIONS RGM 300 SERIES...................................................................................................... 6 1.4 EC DIRECTIVES & TECNICAL STANDARDS ........................................................................................................................................ 7 ELETTRICAL CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 CONNECTION OF POWER SUPPLY AND LOAD .................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 ELECTRIC MOTORS................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2.1 MAGNETOTHERMAL PROTECTION..................................................................................................................................... 10 2.3 CONTROL SIGNALS & AUXILIARY CONTACTS CONNECTION ................................................................................................... 11 2.4 CONTROL SENSORS & SIGNALS (M1) ................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.4.1 TRANSDUCERS NTC 10 KOHM @ 25°. ................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.2 TRANSDUCERS 4-20 MA. ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.3 VOLTAGE TRANSDUCERS 0-5VDC (RATIOMETRIC) - MASTER RUU ............................................................................. 12 VOLTAGE TRANSDUCERS 0-5VDC (RATIOMETRIC) - MASTER - MASTER RPU ...................................................... 12 VOLTAGE TRANSDUCERS 0-10VDC - MASTER RUU......................................................................................................... 12 2.4.4 REMOTE 0-10 VDC AND 4-20 mA CONTROL SIGNALS ...................................................................................................... 12 2.4.5 OUTPUT VDC CONTROL SIGNAL TO REMOTE SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 12 2.5 AUXILIARY CONTACTS & SIGNALS (M3 & M4)) .............................................................................................................................. 14 2.6 AUXILIARY RELAY (M3) FOR ALARM OR ADIABATIC ON-OFF COMAND............................................................................... 14 2.7 RRS-485 MODBUS CONNECTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.7.1 CONNECTION SCHEME FOR RS-485 SERIAL LINE .......................................................................................................... 16 2.7.2 SUPERVISING SOFTWARE CLIMA-SINERGY .................................................................................................................... 18 2.8 RGM300 CONTROL CARD ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20 VISUALIZATIONS AND MESSAGES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21 3.1 CODES SHOWN THROUGH KEYPAD & DISPLAY............................................................................................................................. 22 SETTINGS THROUGH KEYPAD............................................................................................................................................................................... 24 4.1 PREDEFINED DEFAULT CONFIGURATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 24 4.2 SET-UP PROCEDURE FOR DEFAULT CONFIGURATIONS ............................................................................................................. 24 4.3 SET-UP SEQUENCE FOR THE CHOICE OF THE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................. 24 HOW TO MODIFY THE REGULATION PARAMETERS ...................................................................................................................................... 25 5.1 PARAMETERS “L” (FREE SETTING) ................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.2 SET-UP PROCEDURE "L" PARAMETERS: S1 – S2 – LH ................................................................................................................... 25 5.3 SET-UP SEQUENCE FOR L PARAMETERS: S1 –S2 –LH.................................................................................................................... 25 5.4 SET-UP PROCEDURE "L" PARAMETERS: JH & JL (1-2-3) .............................................................................................................. 26 5.5 SET-UP SEQUENCE FOR L PARAMETERS: JH & JL (1-2-3)............................................................................................................. 26 5.6 SET-UP PROCEDURE "K" PARAMETERS: MENU PARA & CONF ................................................................................................ 27 5.7 SET-UP PROCEDURE MENU PARA & CONF....................................................................................................................................... 27 5.8 SET-UP SEQUENCE FOR PARAMETERS PARA.................................................................................................................................. 27 5.9 MENU “PARA”. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 5.10 SET-UP SEQUENCE FOR CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS "CONF". ......................................................................................... 30 5.11 MENU “CONF" ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 FUNCTION DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 6.1 MASTER REGULATOR - FUNCTION DIAGRAMS.............................................................................................................................. 31 6.2 SLAVE POWER UNIT - FUNCTION DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................................................. 33 ACCESSORIES……… .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35 7.1 MANUAL REMOTE CONTROL UNITS .................................................................................................................................................. 35 7.2 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER FOR 4-20 mA & 0-5 V ................................................................................................................................ 35 7.3 TEMPERATURE PROBE NTC (10 [email protected]°C) ................................................................................................................................ 35 7.3.1 NTC HOUSING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35 7.4 RGF-MEI-4 / UNIVERSALE INPUT EXPANSION MODULE ............................................................................................................. 35 7.5 NOISE (EXTRA-DB) SUPPRESSION FILTER FOR PHASE-CUTTING REGULATORS ................................................................ 37 7.6 HWF300 FILTER FOR SUPPRESSION OF HARMONIC DISTORTIONS (IEC 61000-3-2 & 61000-3-12) ..................................... 38 RGM300 - ELECTRICAL TESTS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 39 User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 3 www.selpro.it 1.0 1.1 Presentation RGM300: Technical Characteristics POWER SUPPLY OPERATING PRINCIPLE CURRENT Voltage Frequency Overvoltage Protection 420VAC +/- 10 % Three-phase - ( on request 230VAC / 500 VAC) 50 / 60 Hz automatic selection For Installation Category II ( 4 KV ) Electronic three-phase voltage regulators for the phase-cutting regulation (through SCR, total control on the three phases) of the active voltage applied to the load; compensation for inductive loads and motors. 12 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 0,6 A/°C RGM 312 18 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 0,6 A/°C RGM 318 20 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 1,0 A/°C RGM 320 26 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 1,0 A/°C RGM 326 32 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 1,5 A/°C RGM 332 40 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 2,0 A/°C RGM 340 60 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 2,0 A/°C RGM 360 90 A up to 50°C environment; if over, decrease 2,5 A/°C RGM 390 200% of the rated current (max. 10” every 3’) Control circuits 10VA RGM 312 48 W @ 12A RGM 332 128 W @ 32A RGM 318 72 W @ 18A RGM 340 160 W @ 40A RGM 320 80 W @ 20A RGM 360 240 W @ 60A RGM 326 104 W @ 26A RGM 390 360 W @ 90A Rated Overload Control circuits POWER Thermally dissipated MASTER CONTROLLERS OPERATING rtE / rPr / rUu / rPu : CHARACTERISTICS SLAVE CONTROLLERS rS Analog control signals INPUT SIGNALS & CONTACTS Direct/ Reverse MAX Night RPM Stop / Start Thermal Protection for N° 1 fan ALARM SIGNALS NTC (*) 0 – 10 Vdc 4 – 20 mA 10 kohm Ri = 10 kOhm Ri = 100 Ohm Config. Config. Config. 4 – 20 mA Ri = 100 Ohm Config. 0 – 5 Vdc Ri = 10 kOhm Config. rtE-01 (*) rS-010 - rUu010 rS-420 rPr420 rPr015–rPr025–rPr030–rPr045 rUu-05 - rPu030 – rPu045 (*) DEFAULT CONFIGURATION Set-Point 1/ Set-Point 2 OUTPUT SIGNALS The output voltage varies in order to maintain at the Set-Point the prevailing value measured by one of the two transducers (the highest or the lowest value) connected to the inputs. This action can be: DIRECT: the output increases as the input increases, REVERSE: the output decreases as the input increases. Default: the VAC output increases as the controlled variable increases. The output voltage varies according to the value of the remote control signal DIRECT: the output increases as the input increases, REVERSE: the output decreases as the input increases. Default: the VAC output increases as the controlled variable increases The controller can be preset through the keypad on board. Any combination of the following operating modes is available: S1 SP S5 S2 TK Alarm relay RL1 Transducers Power Supply Transducers Power Supply Potentiometer Power Supply n. 01 6 digit Display n. 11 Led n. 05 Led User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 S1 = ON Reverse Mode S1 = OFF Direct Mode SP = ON Set-Point 2 (S2) SP = OFF Set-Point 1 (S1) S5 = ON Lh Night rpm% Limit active S5 = OFF hi MAX RPM% Limit active S2 = ON STOP regulation RGM-OFF S2 = OFF Regulation OK (RGM-RUN) TK = ON Regulation OK (RGM-RUN) TK = OFF STOP regulation RGM-OFF Relay contact NO/NC, for alarm signal (FAIL) = Led L2 ON Two outputs +22V -10/+20% 40mA non stabilized, protected from short-circuit Two outputs + 5 V/10mA stabilized, protected from short-circuit Two outputs +10V/5mA stabilized with protection, for manual control It shows operating/regulation parameters & alarm codes They indicate the current situation and the operating mode They indicate the measurement unit used showed by the display 4 www.selpro.it Mains monitoring PROTECTIONS Mains filter EMC (**) CASE INSULATION WORK ENVIRONMENT INSTALLATION It checks the simultaneous presence of all the three mains phases; in case of lack of one phase, or insufficient power supply, the device is stopped and the situation is displayed by: Led FAIL=ON and ALARM=OFF + relay RL1=OFF Suitable for the installation in PDS systems (Power Drive System = Controller with connected fan/s), for Residential, Commercial and Light Industry environment (** ATTENTION! : In presence of a protection with DIFFERENTIAL system, use switches with leakage current to ground ≥ 60 mA ) Complying with EN 61000-4-5: Overvoltage Category II (4 KV) Overvoltage protection GW-Plast 120°C (max. temperature 120°C) and aluminium Materials TPN series with max. tightness 2,5 Nm. (according to CEI 23-58) Locking screws Protection degree IP 55 High pollution Environmental pollution D Category Fire resistance Class I (use of protective earthing conductor) Case 4000Vac between control input and mains voltage components Control circuits -20 T 50 (from –20°C to + 50°C) for temperatures < -10°C , use S2 Working temperature -30 T 85 (from –30°C to + 85°C) Storage temperature HUMIDITY RH < 85% non condensing Lower than 1G (9.8 m/s2) Vibrations Wall mounting ONLY in vertical position, with N° 4 holes ∅ 6 mm. 1.2 Mechanical Dimensions Model RGM 312 RGM 318 RGM 320 RGM 326 RGM 332 RGM 340 RGM 360 RGM 390 Nominal Current RMS Ampere - kVA 12 18 20 26 32 40 60 90 8,0 12,0 13,0 17,0 21,0 27,0 41,0 61,0 User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 DIMENSIONS (mm) WEIGHT A B C E F Kg 285 285 350 350 350 415 460 590 201 201 235 235 235 315 315 408 130 160 181 204 204 178 228 290 153 173 185 185 185 273 260 378 255 255 320 320 320 385 410 530 3,8 4,5 6,5 7,5 9,0 11,0 17,0 25,0 5 www.selpro.it ! WARNING ! Before installing the RGM300 regulator, you are invited to read this manual, which describes the necessary procedures for correct installation and commissioning of the controller RGM300 The digital RGM300 series, dedicated to applications for Air-cooled Heat Exchangers, consist of: • • • • i Configurable controller in n. 14 of available MASTER or SLAVE modes, simply by recalling from a keypad one of the already preset default configurations, with the possibility to modify the values of default parameters Two (2) inputs, for the connection and the management of one or two sensors through mA – Vdc – kohm (NTC probes) signals Two complete and independent ranges of settings, one for each SET of regulation parameters (SP1 & SP2), selectable through the “SP” input For each SET of regulation parameters (including double setting of: Set-Point – Proportional Band - Cut-Off/Minimum RMP% limit Maximum RPM% limit - Starter, with acceleration/deceleration time of the regulation control), the following regulation contacts are also available: S1: REVERSE operating mode, active by closing the contact SP: contact for SP2, active by closing the contact S5: Maximum RPM% Night limit (one limit for both Set-Point), active by closing the contact S2: contact for remote OFF, active by closing the contact T.K.: NO/NC contact for the connection of the thermal motor protection RL1: GENERAL relay, with programmable activation modes (C6 parameter) for ALARMs or ADIABATIC command (ON-OFF) And the following regulation controls too: COS φ: adjustment of the phase-shift (COS-PHI) due to the motor (C5 parameter) NOISE-JUMP: selection of up to 3 RPM% jump-zones, in order to avoid keeping the control values in correspondence with high acoustic disturbance (extra dB) zones, to be defined for both Set-Points (S1 & S2) through the Min RPM% limit (JL 1/2/3) and Max RPM% limit (Jh 1/2/3) ALARM M&M: setting of operating POINTS with Minimum-SET (So) & Maximum-SET (Sh), which allow to set alarm values for both MINIMUM RPM% and MAXIMUM RPM% limitation, so that the fan speed can be driven: down to ZERO% (with control signal exceeding So value) – CUToff function up to MAX RPM% (with control signal exceeding Sh value) – OVERspeed function (when the values of MIN & MAX RPM% limits are selected, the system may not be completely stable); it is also possible to define separately the respective hysteresis values, through: io (for So) & ih (for Sh) • Analog output (M2: 9/10), which can be programmed (C7) and used in order to control: i - - Up to ten Slave DRIVER POWER UNITS (rS), with control signal 0-10Vdc or 10-0Vdc (with S1=ON) Up to ten external Water-Power UR% UNITS with 1-10Vdc input for the management of the ADIABATIC system (with up to 4 steps/magnet valves controls, pump and drainage); all the units are controlled by the same input signal/sensor, and their operating range is defined by setting the Set-Point USP (+/-shifting from the main Set-Point for fans control) and the Proportional Band UPb Up to ten external units with 1-10Vdc input, controlled by the same input signal/sensor but with Set-Point USP (+/-shifting from the main Set-Point for fans control) and Proportional Band UPb (ex. Shutters) Up to ten external units with 1-10Vdc input, controlled by the same input signal/sensor but in REVERSE mode, with Set-Point USP (+/-shifting from the main Set-Point for fans control) and Proportional Band UPb Once the desired regulation mode and the Set-Point value have been selected, the controller is ready to operate and control the fan speed, so as to maintain the system constantly stable within the preset operating range. 1.3 Operating modes Phase cutting regulation, totally controlled over the three phases, in order to vary the active voltage applied to the load, no neutral connection required. Through a keypad it is possible to program the device in one of the following modes: • MASTER CONTROLLER (rtE/rPr): the VAC output varies according to the Vdc-mA-kohm input signal, and increases/decreases as the controlled parameter increases; the regulation depends on the signal with the highest (default) or the lowest (C1 parameter) value, measured through two sensors (inputs IN1 and IN2) • SLAVE POWER UNIT (rS): the VAC output varies according to the Vdc-mA signal received at the input IN1, and increases/decreases as the control signal increases. The number of regulation signals/sensors/transducers can be increased by connecting the control unit to the Universal Input Expansion Module RGFMEI-4, which allows to connect up to 4 mA – Vdc – NTC sensors/signals to each controller input; it is always possible to select the signal with Highest/Lowest value as a reference point for the regulation; the controller allows the cascade connection of up to 6 RGFMEI-4 units. Expansion Modules MEI-4 have been designed to be connected to diverse regulation and control devices, such as inverters or PLC, which accept a 0-10Vdc or 0-20mA control signal. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 6 www.selpro.it 1.4 EC Directives & Technical Standards Like all of our products, the RGM300 series has obtained the CE mark in compliance with the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) directive 2004/108/EC. The essential requirements of the directive are satisfied by the conformity to the “generic standards” for industrial environments. i Directive 2006/42/EC 2006/95/EC Standard code EN 60204-1 EN 60204-1 EN 50178 2004/108/EC EN 61800-3 Description Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Electronic equipment for use in power installations. Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Part 3: EMC product standard including specific test methods. All products have been tested in accordance with the procedures and test conditions laid down in the standards specified in the product technical file. Since these products are destined to be used not only as “stand alone” systems, but also as components of other machines or plants, all compatibility tests to the standards have been performed under typical conditions of use. In particular, the tests have been performed in a system consisting of a voltage controller RGM300, a control cable and relative commands, a supply cable, a motor cable and a group of fans with an equivalent power to the value of the nominal current of the controller. With reference to EMC Compatibility, according to the Marking EMC LVD with CDM System with PDS System All SELPRO controllers are suitable for the installation in PDS systems (Power Drive System = Controller with connected fan/s), which guarantee the EMC compliance of the System “Controller + Fan/s”. The final specifications of the system or plant, in compliance with the EMC directive, are in any case the responsibility of the installer, who must put the system into operation carefully, according to the rules in force and following the information provided by the present manual. i PRODUCT end of life EU 2002/96/EC The device must be disposed of separately, according to the local authority advice. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 7 www.selpro.it 1.5 2.0 Electrical connection 2.1 Connection of Power Supply and Load Connect the power supply and the load as shown in the figure below, being careful to employ conductors with a cross section suitable to the connected load. The power cables (power supply and load), must be installed separately from the control cables (analog inputs and ON-OFF input/outputs), keeping the maximum possible distance between the power and signal conductors. Do not place power cables with signal cables in the same raceway. In case the cables cross one another, ensure it is at 90°. SURGE ARRESTER: electric protection placed between the regulator supply and the earth, meant to protect the device from transient overvoltage. WARNING: disconnect the faston contact from the PE earth reference, before making the “ELECTRIC STRENGTH TEST”. WARNING: In presence of a protection with DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM, use switches with leakage current to earth ≥ 60 mA ) The RGM300 regulators allow the connection of three-phase loads without requiring the connection of the neutral. This simplifies installation and facilitates the STAR or DELTA load configuration. It is advisable to provide a Bypass Switch to allow the load activation, even when the cutting regulator is faulty (emergency by-pass). When connecting the Bypass, the following precautions should be taken into consideration: The connection through the Bypass Switch must keep the phase correspondence unaltered so as to avoid destructive short-circuits and maintain the sense of rotation of the motor. Before supplying the load with maximum voltage, the supply should be disconnected from the Regulator. Therefore: o o It is advisable to use a three-position manual switch as a commutation device If automatic commutation is performed by means of contactors, make sure there is some delay (at least 2 seconds) between regulator disconnection and load activation SURGE ARRESTER complying EN 61000-4-5 U V W PE R S T BY-PASS PE L1 L2 L3 User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 8 www.selpro.it For connection, use silicone (FG7) or PVC insulated cables, and remember that the silicone insulation, which does not allow the cable to cool optimally, tolerates higher temperatures Model RGM 308/312 RGM 318/320 RGM 326 RGM 340 RGM 360 RGM 390 Flexible cable rated section Signal Power 1.5 mm² (13 AWG) 1.5 mm² (13 AWG) 1.5 mm² (13 AWG) 1.5 mm² (13 AWG) 1.5 mm² (13 AWG) 1.5 mm² (13 AWG) 2.5 mm² (13 AWG) 6.0 mm² (9 AWG) 10.0 mm² (7 AWG) 10.0 mm² (7 AWG) 16.0 mm² (7 AWG) 25.0 mm² (7 AWG) For the connection of an overvoltage protector to the mains network (L1, L2, L3, N), the cross section of the conductor must be of the same size as the cross section of the existing conductor. Otherwise, in case the cable has a smaller rated section, it is necessary to provide a surge protection by means of a 100A fuse, gL type. For the connection of the overvoltage protector to the ground, the rated cross section of the conductor must measure the 50% of the main equipotential bonding conductor cross section; in any case it doesn’t have to be smaller than 6 mm, nor larger than 25 mm. The connector between overvoltage protector and earth must be installed so as to be as shorter as possible.. The figure below shows the circuit diagram of a three phase surge filter, for the connection of a controller RGM300 to the supply line. The filter has a small window, situated on the interchangeable cartridge, which shows the status of the overvoltage protector (OK = green - KO = red). User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 9 www.selpro.it 2.2 Electric motors The regulator RGM300 allows the connection of three-phase asynchronous motors, in applications whose motor torque-speed characteristic IS quadratic. Thus it is especially suitable with axial fans, while centrifugal fans can be connected only if purposely specialized for the phase-cutting regulation. The correct electrical connection and the supply voltage are reported on the motor data plate; the direction of rotation of the motor can be changed by swapping two of the three supply cables. It is important to keep the power supply cable as short as possible, so as to minimize interferences and leakage (10 / 15 mt); otherwise it is recommended to install an auxiliary three-phase filter on the controller’s output. The figure below shows the DELTA (High speed) & STAR (Low speed) connections respectively. DELTA for High speed connection (100% RPM) STAR for Low speed connection (70% RPM) Problems may increase in the vicinity of the connection terminals, where the variations in the conductor temperatures can cause loosening of the clamping screws, thus leading the terminal to overheat due to increased electrical resistance. The temperature of the PVC cables should not exceed 70°C, while the silicone insulated cables withstand temperatures of 90°C. OK NO NO The RGM300 regulator can control several motors connected in parallel, assuming that the absorption of their total current does not exceed the rated current indicated on the RGM300 data plate. The speeds of the motors vary at the same time; variances in behaviour during start up and at low speeds are due to slight differences between the motors, even if they are of the same type; However, if the required motor speeds have to be different, motors with different rated speeds must be used. Bear in mind that motors with very different characteristics create heterogeneous electrical situations, which may show problems on start up and at low speeds because of different resistances of the stators which require different voltages on start up and at low speeds. 2.2.1 Magnetothermal protection The RGM300 devices must be protected by a magnetothermal switch fitted upstream of the cutting regulators. Installation of magnetothermal protections is the responsibility of the installer. It is advisable to fit an automatic magnetothermal protection with a 'C' intervention curve having the following capacity: Codice Magneto termico RGM 312 RGM 318 RGM 320 RGM 328 RGM 332 RGM 340 RGM 360 RGM 390 20 A 32 A 32 A 40 A 50 A 60 A 80 A 120 A Fusibili di protezione moduli SCR (*) Dimensioni V~ AMP Catalogo 10 x 38 14 x 51 22 x 58 NH Size 000 NH Size 000 NH Size 00 690 V 16 25 25 32 40 50 80 125 FR10GB69V16 FR10GB69V25 FR14GC69V25 FR14GC69V32 FR22UD69V40 NH000GS69V50PV NH000GS69V80PV NH00GS69V125PV (*) to protect SCR-Power-Semiconductor of the RGM controller, use MERSEN specialized fuse for electronic power applications. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 10 www.selpro.it 2.3 CONTROL SEGNALS & AUXILIARY CONTACTS Connections The figure below shows the label placed inside the regulator, which reproduces the electrical connections of control sensors/signals and of the available auxiliary contacts. 2.4 CONTROL SENSORS & SEGNALS (M1) According to the type of control sensors (in Master mode) or control signals (in Slave mode) connected to the terminal block M1 of the RGM300 device, a configuration code is determined, indicated in the paragraphs of below; to set the correct configuration code by using the keyboard. Control signals for MASTER mode: - 4-20 mA - 0.5 – 4.5 Vdc - 0-10 Vdc - Kohm (NTC sensor 10 [email protected]°C) Control scale for MASTER mode: - 4-20 mA sensor o 0-15bar / 0-25bar / 0-30bar / 0-45bar - 0.5 – 4.5 Vdc sensor o - 0-30bar NTC sensor (10 [email protected]°C) o -20/90°C o 10/90°C Control signals for SLAVE mode: - 4-20 mA - 0-10 Vdc 1&5 2 – 6 - 10 INPUTs 3&7 Power Supply & Control OUTPUT Mode 4&8 9 Analog Inputs Gnd reference Transducers Power Supply Power Supply for Transducers & Potentiometer Programmable Vdc Control Output (Max 20mA) Inputs for IN 1 & IN 2 connections (selection for the higher in value) Ground connections for inputs signals & Vdc transducers 2 outputs 22V 10/+20% 40mA NOT stabilized, protect from short circuit towards IN1 , IN2 , GND N. 2 outputs +10,0V/+5,0V (automatic commutation according to the configuration), 10mA, stabilized and protected from short-circuit towards IN1 , IN2 , GND C7 = 0 0-10Vdc (*) C7 = 1 1-10Vdc C7 = 2 0-10 Vdc C7 = 3 10-0 Vdc Control Output, 0-10Vdc (direct) Control Output 1-10Vdc for the regulation of the WETPower UR% unit with selectable Set-Point (USP) and Proportional Band (UPb) Control Output for direct remote control Control Output for reverse remote control (*) Factory Default User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 11 www.selpro.it 2.4.1 Transducer/s NTC 10 kohm @ 25°C Selection for MASTER rtE-01 & rtE-02 (range 01: -20T90 range 02: 10T90 °C) 2.4.2 See below the connection of two NTC probes . GND 10 OUT VR (5/10V) +V(22V) GND IN 2 . VR (5/10V) +V(22V) GND IN 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 See below the connection of two 4-20 mA transducers NTC TEMPERATURE PROBE NTC GND 10 T. C. OUT Airflow = 35" NO-Air = 70" °C Transducer/s 4-20 mA Selection for MASTER rPr (range 4-20mA & 0/15, 25, 30, 45 bar) VR (5/10V) +V(22V) GND IN 2 STE 2 VR (5/10V) +V(22V) STE 1 GND IN 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PRECISION 4-20mA +/- 0,5% FS SPR 2 SPR 1 ATTENTION : - - The controller Factory configuration is : rtE-01 for NTC probe in standard configuration, the Set-point corresponds with the fan MAX. speed (C4=hi) the regulator selects automatically the signal with the higher value (C1 = hi) 2.4.3 Voltage transducers 0-5Vdc (ratiometric) - MASTER rUu (range 0-5Vdc) Voltage transducers 0-5Vdc (ratiometric) - MASTER rPu (range 0/30 bar) Voltage transducers 0-10Vdc – MASTER rUu (range 0-10Vdc) See below the connection of two Vdc transducers GND OUT VR (5/10V) +V(22V) GND IN 2 VR (5/10V) +V(22V) GND IN 1 2.4.4 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PRESSURE TRANSDU CER 0-5 Vdc 0-10 Vdc PRECISION ATTENTION : +/- 0,5% FS - SPR 2 - The controller selects automatically the Vdc supply for the transducer (5Vdc or 10Vdc stabilized in standard configuration, the Set-point corresponds with the fan MAX. speed (C4=hi) the regulator selects automatically the signal with the higher value (C1 = hi) SPR 1 Remote 0-10 Vdc and 4-20 mA control signals See below the connection of the 0-10 Vdc and 4-20 mA remote control signals for Automatic & Manual regulation GND OUT VR(5/1 0V) +V(2 2V) GND IN 2 VR(5/1 0V) +V(2 2V) GND IN 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Remote contro l s ig nals ATTENTION : for AUTOMATIC & MANUAL reg ulation - AUTOMATIC COMAND 2/6 2/6 - 1/5 1/5 - 0-10Vdc 4-20mA 4 The controller is configured to receive N° 2 remote control signal: 0-10Vdc or 4-20mA the regulator selects automatically the signal with the higher value (C1 = hi) in the configurations rS010 (Vdc) and rS420 (mA) it is possible to connect to the controller also manual control devices 3 2 1 User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 0% 1 100% MANUAL COMAND 12 www.selpro.it 2.4.5 Output Vdc control signal to remote SYSTEMs Into the control signals (IN1 & IN2) terminal block, it’s available the Vdc output (0-10Vdc), programmable by the C7 parameter selection (see table) IN 2 Vr(5/10V) 4 +V (1) 3 Gnd 2 IN 1 1 (*)Default Here the regulation function by C7 parameter available selections. a) Remote control for EXTRA-Power SLAVE unit C7=0 b) SLAVE For application with SLAVE extra power unit, working with the MASTER controller. In this configuration (C7=0) the controller give to the Slave unit the working command (Co) to synchronize the fans working. 6 +V (2) Gnd 5 MASTER command for Reverse regulation of motorized systems 7 10-0 Vdc Vr (5/10V) 8 0-10 Vdc 1-10 Vdc Gnd Vdc OUTput 9 C7 SLAVE command for extra power unit (rS configurated) MASTER command for SELPRO Water-Spray Step & Stepless Systems MASTER command for Direct regulation of motorized systems 0-10 Vdc 10 0 1(*) 2 3 Remote control signal for Adiabatic Systems, with selectable working field (USP & UPb) C7=1 For application with Adiabatic Systems for Water Cooling, to have a controlled extra power for the ventilated heat exchanger. With C7=1, we have the software for the direct control of the adiabatic system, working with dedicated USP (Set-Point) and UPb (Proportional Band) parameters. The USp and UPb setting it’s with (+) and (-) from SP, the fans set-point. N.B.: It’s possible to use RL1 relay, for a direct drive of an adiabatic system (through ON-OFF command), always connected to USp & UPb parameters (see at 4.2), only by setting C6=3. In this way we can Start and Stop the water cooling action of an external adiabatic system c) Remote control for Motorized Auxiliary systems, with selectable working field (USP & UPb) C7=2 C7=3 For application with Shutter or Valves working with fan regulation. With C7=2, we have the software for the direct control of the auxiliary system (valves or shutters), working with dedicated USP (Set-Point) and UPb (Proportional Band) parameters. The USp and UPb setting it’s with (+) and (-) from SP, the fans set-point. With C7=3, we have the same work, but for Reverse control mode. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 13 www.selpro.it 2.5 AUXILIARY CONTACTS & SIGNALS (M4) All the contacts of the auxiliary signals and inputs are located on the device M4 terminal block. The S2 contact (terminals 7 and 8) does not disconnect the mains power supply: do not use it as a safety switch. DIR/REV Mode S1=OFF 3–4 S1 SP Double Set-Point SP=OFF 5–6 S5 Night RPM% Limit S5=OFF Remote Start – Stop Thermal Protection S2=OFF 1–2 LOGIC SIGNALS & ISOLATED ON-OFF INPUTS 7–8 9 – 10 RL1 = ON 1–3 S2 TK NO RGM = O.K. Direct Mode Led S1 = OFF Set-Point1 Led SP2 = OFF Limit EXCLUDED Led S5 = OFF Start Led S2 = ON Start enable Led RL1 = ON TK=ON 2–3 RL1 = OFF Reverse Mode Led S1 = ON Set-Point2 Led SP2 = ON S1=ON SP=ON Limit ACTIVE S5=ON S2=ON TK=OFF NC Led S5 = ON Stop Led S2 = OFF Alarm + Stop Led L2 = ON RGM = ALARM 2.6 Auxiliary relay (M3) for ALARM or ADIABATIC on-off command A relay is located on the board, and its operation is programmable for various Alarm levels or for the On-Off commando of an Adiabatic System (ready for Start & Stop). In factory mode, when starting up the device, the relay switches for Alarm : from the rest position (NC, contacts 3 and 2) to the active position (NO, contacts 3 and 1). To change the relay work, select from C6 parameter the right mode C6 = 0/1/2 Relay for ALARM mode Normally set open C6 = 3 Relay for ON-OFF spray command (see 6.2) Normally set closed Vac SET POINT SP Pb Ouput 0-10V Spray Control ih 100 % hi 10.0 V 9.0 V Jh1 JL1 Spray ON 7.0 V Jh2 JL2 The various alarm levels can be activated by C6 settings 5.0 V RL1 Jh3 JL3 3.0 V Spray OFF UPB io Lo 1.0 V in USP So User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 14 UPB www.selpro.it Sh mA , bar V , °C 2.7 RS-485 MODBUS connection ( PLUG PB1073C) On the RGM300 control card, it’s available the connection for the MODBUS (RTU) plug. The two terminal M1 & M2 are for the connection (SLAVE input from PC-Host) for the serial line RS-485 (RTU), 1.000 mt. insulated line. M1 & M2 terminal 1 D+ 2 D3 REF Description In/Out Serial RS485 Dritta In/Out Serial RS485 Negata Gnd insulated reference The connection terminal 1 / 2 / 3 of M1 and M2 are electrically connected Seriale COM 0 Posiz. Terminazione (120 ohm) RS-485 MODBUS (RTU std.) 2/3 Linea passante 1/2 Terminale di Linea N.B. Il Jumper J1 deve essere posizionato in ON al termine del collegamento della linea seriale For the connection of the Modbus serial line RS-485, apply cable for external ambient application, like: ITC BELDEN 15S7D Seriale cable for LAN net. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 15 www.selpro.it 2.7.1 CONNECTION SCHEME FOR SERIAL LINE RS-485 Connect the cable to the terminal blocks, as indicated on the down schema: M1 1 D0 + 2 D0 - 3 REF Insulated input for 1.000 mt. cable M2 1 D0 + 2 D0 - 3 REF Insulated output (if end-line, put J1 = ON) ------------------------------Rt MASTER ---------------------------------- 120R INSULATED ADAPTER PC < - > RS485 1 2 3 D0+ D0- END OF RS-485 LINE REF0 PE Rt =120R OFF Rt =120R 1 2 3 OFF J1 PB1073_C 3 2 J1 PB1073_C 1 120R ON 1 2 3 J1 1 Rt =120R 1 2 3 3 2 N°1 PB1073_C 1 120R 3 2 N°2 MAX N° 32 120R Factory DEFAULT 1 2 3 1 2 3 M2 M1 D0+ D0- REF 1 D0+ D0- REF 2 3 1 2 3 1 M2 M1 D0+ D0- REF D0+ D0- REF 2 1 3 2 3 M2 M1 D0+ D0- REF END OF RS-485 LINE Each station shall have a univocal reserved address; the address is input during installation through a keyboard and display for each device. Right after inputting the address, each machine shall be visibly marked with the assigned address number in order to avoid any confusion when the system is used. By default the address is input at the highest number (247) N.B. : Verify the correct connection of the Modbus RS-485 line ; All the terminal “D+”,“D-” and “REF” must be connected with the same conductor cable. La schermatura del cavo và collegata a Terra ed a REF, dal solo lato “PC < - > RS485” . • • • • • • • Il cavo della linea dati (la rete Modbus), và connesso da un regolatore al successivo, partendo dall’unità Master per finire all’ultimo dispositivo servito; NON è ammesso altro metodo di cablaggio. I collegamenti devono essere realizzati con cavo adatto ad ambiente esterno, e non superare la lunghezza massima di 1.000 mt. Assicurarsi di NON mescolare il cavo della rete Modbus con gli altri cavi dell’impianto, soprattutto quelli a tensione di rete V~. Gli estremi della linea (Master ed ultimo dispositivo servito) vanno terminati con una resistenza da 120ohm. Attivare la terminazione 120ohm su adattatore RS-485 < > PC Host; sull’ultimo apparecchio della linea, posizionare J1 su ON (2-1); su tutte le unità intermedie lasciare J1 su OFF (2-3). Collegare a Terra il cavo che collega tutti i morsetti “REF” unicamente in prossimità della stazione Master, in modo che tutte le stazioni si trovino allo stesso potenziale, quello del PC Host . Collegare a Terra lo schermo del cavo in partenza dall’adattatore RS-485<>PC Host, solo in prossimità dell’adattatore stesso; lo schermo và collegato unicamente lato PC Host, come da schema riportato in figura. Il cavo risulterà diviso in spezzoni, uno per ogni tratta; collegare lo schermo della prima tratta solo dal lato adattatore RS-485< > PC Host, e collegare lo schermo della seconda tratta solo dal lato Slave N°1, e così via. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 16 www.selpro.it La linea che collega tutti morsetti REF deve essere collegato a Terra in un punto solo, preferibilmente presso il PC che funge da stazione Master. In questo stesso punto si collega al morsetto REF anche lo schermo del cavo. Per il buon funzionamento è richiesto l’uso di una resistenza di terminazione del valore di 120R posta ai due estremi fisici della linea: all’inizio ed alla fine. In tutte le unità di regolazione, la terminazione iniziale è già presente ed attivabile con l’apposito Jumper J1. The latest generation of controllers can be equipped with the RS-485 isolated serial interface. The RS485 isolated interface has three terminal boards called: D+ / D- / REF. Links between all units part of the communication installation are made through parallel connection: all D+ terminals shall be connected like the D- and REF terminals as well. The line which connects all REF terminals shall be grounded in one point only, preferably at the PC which shall act as master station In this same point the screen of the cable is connected to the REF terminal. The use of a termination resistance equal to a value of 120R placed at the two physical ends of the line is required for proper functioning. The speed of communication 4,800, 9,600, 19200, 38400 bit/s adopted allow for extremely satisfying performance levels, even while remaining below the limitations prescribed by standard RS485. This ensures the line wiring can be made using a twisted and shielded average quality duplex cable: as long as the total range of the line does not exceed 200nF The total length of the line can reach at least 1000 meters. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 17 www.selpro.it 2.7.2 CLIMA-Sinergy : supervising and monitoring software Il programma “SELPRO CLIMA-Sinergy” è un applicativo per sistemi operativi Windows che realizza la gestione di connessione e colloquio con tutti i regolatori Selpro che supportano la funzionalità di connessione, tramite protocollo MODBUS (RTU), via seriale RS232-485. Il Software prevede l’utilizzo di una connessione seriale che connette il PC ad uno o più moduli hardware (standard max 32); ogni modulo risponde ad un particolare ID (indirizzo modbus – max 247). Nelle seguenti tabelle le informazioni riguardanti i principali registri (Input & Holding registers), disponibili sulle unità RGM300. Available Input Register N° Register 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 symbol Hw/SW c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 Add. SPE. tyP. Ps tL tP out cur Co in SP i1 i2 Err Description Equipment model / Input configuration Type of control Board / Model S/W : XX Working Modes Input Selection Input Type Display Conversion Type Set Point Position Cos Phi Value Alarm relay (RL1) use Analog Out 0-10V Use Device address on Modbus RTU Communication Baud rate Communication Parameters Nominal current of the equipment ( in Ampères RMS) logic Board Temperature, in °C power Board Temperature, in °C Analog Output 0-10V value Output current RMS value Output value ( in % of Vac sup.) Input signal in use (or ruling) Set-Point value in use Input 1 value Input 2 value State of Relevant Logic Signals State of alarm relay (RL1) Running state Error code “symbol” : initials displayed on the screen of board PB1073 in correspondence to the register; if the symbol is “ - “ that register is displayed on screen For the PC remote control, it’s available the CLIMA-Sinergy Supervising & Monitoring software, through MODBUS Communication System (RS-485) It allows remote administration (reading, monitoring and modification) of the working parameters of the controlled Ventilation System, and permits to monitor and acquire working data from connected units, also with GPRS-GSM option. Are also available bridge systems for different working protocol, like: BACnet, LonWork, … User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 18 www.selpro.it Available Holding Register This section contains information on data with the possibility both of reading and writing numeric and non numeric numbers contained in the “Holding Register”; each register is composed by only one word (16 bit). N° Register 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Symbol CMD VAL Lh Jh1 JL1 Jh2 JL2 Jh3 JL3 P. I. d. ti. td. S1 Pb hi Lo dE Sh ih So io US Upb S2 P.b. h.i. L.o. d.E. S.h. i.h. S.o. i.o. U.S. U.p.b. Description Command from master modbus (cleared after execution) Value in writing relative to the previous command code Limitation of MAX RPM% general nighttime RPM% upper limit for jump n°1 of VAC output voltage RPM% lower limit for jump n°1 of VAC output voltage RPM% upper limit for jump n°2 of VAC output voltage RPM% lower limit for jump n°2 of VAC output voltage RPM% upper limit for jump n°3 of VAC output voltage RPM% lower limit for jump n°3 of VAC output voltage PID Proportional Band ( in units of inputs) PID integral component value PID Derivative Component value PID Integration time PID Derivation time Set-point Value Proportional band RPM% maximum limit RPM% minimum limit Soft-Start Time of acceleration/deceleration Input value to force maximum output voltage Hysteresis on the Sh value Input value to force output voltage zero Hysteresis on the So value Set Point UR% for Spray Unit Proportional band UR% for Spray Unit Set-point Value Proportional band RPM% Maximum limit RPM% minimum limit Soft-Start , Time of acceleration/deceleration Input value to force maximum output voltage Hysteresis on the S.h. value Input value to force output voltage zero Hysteresis on the S.o. value Set Point UR% for Spray Unit Proportional band UR% for Spray Unit User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 19 GROUP N°1 GROUP N°2 www.selpro.it 2.8 RGM300: CONTROL CARD 14 13 12 Code 1 2 Power Supply CPU run FAIL - K.O --TX 11 Value S1 SP S5 S2 RX Scale mA bar °C Vdc sec SW1 10 1234 3 9 4 Insulated Connection (MAX 1000 mt.) 5 6 7 8 See above: all the components in the PB1073 control card of the controller RGM300. 1 2 3 (*) 4 (*) 5 6 7 SB5 RESET Button SW1 Switch to enable modification of operating parameter Led for RS-485 line OK Jumper to end the modbus connections line (set J1=ON) M1 - Connection of control sensors and signals CN6 Optional connection of RS-485 / Modbus (RTU) M4 Connection of auxiliary contacts 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 M3 - RL1 Connection for NO-NC contacts Led for relay RL1 state Keypad for programming the operating parameters Led for displayed measurement units Display for the operating parameters Led signals for Auxiliary Contacts ON Led for the regulation state (*) Optional plug for insulated (max. 1.000 meters) RS-485 ModBus (RTU) connection User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 20 www.selpro.it 3.0 Visualizations and Messages After switching on the regulator or pushing the reset button, the display shows the following messages in quick succession: 3Ph nn rel. X.x rtE-01 in ……. Type : three-phases regulator (3Ph), & the current size “nn” Last “release” of the firmware the presently active configuration Input value: display start position, showing also after the reset button pushing SW1 Subsequently the display shows always the value of the active signal (in) connected to one of the inputs (IN) of the regulator. By pressing the buttons + & - it is possible to scroll through all parameters reported in the table below, divided in three groups: ON OFF V : display only L : FREE modification K : modification only by authorized personnel, through the Dip-Switch SW1=1 to ON i Control card LEDs Power Supply CPU run FAIL - K.O --TX ON OFF Code Value Start condition SW1 Scale S1 SP S5 S2 RX 1234 mA bar °C Vdc sec ON OFF 1234 L To enter to all the parameters SW1 SW1 ON 1234 OFF 1234 K Above the control card components to see & to set all the regulations parameters SB5 LEDs Code Value Scale SW1 RESET button Show the controller status and the auxiliary contacts Selected parameters code Selected parameter value Input signals working scale DIP-Switch for available functions selection ENTER ESCAPE To select SAVE To save all the new values, only by pushing together To delete To select the code and to increase the selected value (+) (-) To decrease the selected value User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 21 www.selpro.it 3.1 Codes shown through Keypad & Display: The following table shows the codes of the regulation parameters, which the user can always modify when switching on the regulator VISUALIZATIONS AND MESSAGES i V: display only L: always changeable SW1 all “OFF” SW1 ON OFF 1234 L K: changeable by expert SW1 with 1 to “ON” SW1 ON OFF 1234 K F: factory configuration User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 Description Code rtE-01 Configuration in use: if the DEFAULT parameters K are modified, a point is displayed after every character (rtE-01 factory standard) tYP SPE Add 3Ph tL tP out Co Instantaneous temperature in °C of the control card Instantaneous temperature in °C of the power card (just new power cards) Output current in A (powers with current transducer) Value in % of the control output, visible also on the Service DIGIT in Value of the active signal selected between the inputs IN1 or IN2 SP i1 i2 S1 S2 Lh Jh1 JL1 Jh2 JL2 Jh3 JL3 Pb hi Lo dE Sh ih So io US(P) V Active Set-point (S1 for SP1 and S2 for SP2) Value of the active signal at input IN 1 Value of the active signal at input IN 2 Set point N.1 (SP1) Set-point N.2 ( SP2) Max RPM% Night Limit for SP1 and SP2 RPM% upper limit of the VAC output for jump N.1 RPM% lower limit of the VAC output for jump N.1 RPM% upper limit of the VAC output for jump N.2 RPM% lower limit of the VAC output for jump N.2 RPM% upper limit of the VAC output for jump N.3 RPM% lower limit of the VAC output for jump N.3 Proportional Band Set-Point SP1 Maximum RPM% limit Minimum RPM% limit Soft-Start – acceleration/deceleration time Set-Point value for MAX limit = OFF and VAC = 100% Hysteresis of the value Sh Set-Point value for MIN limit = OFF and VAC = 0% Hysteresis of the value So Set Point UR% for external Spray Unit (if negative, “P” is absent) Proportional Band UR% for external Spray Unit (if negative, “b” is UP(b) absent) P.b. Proportional Band Set-Point SP2 h.i. Maximum RPM% limit L.o. Minimum RPM% limit d.E. Soft-Start – acceleration/deceleration time S.o. Set-Point value for MIN limit = OFF and VAC = 0% i.o. Hysteresis of the value So S.h. Set-Point value for MAX limit = OFF and VAC = 100% i.h. Hysteresis of the value Sh U.S.(P.) Set Point UR% for external Spray Unit (if negative, “P” is absent) Proportional Band UR% for external Spray Unit (if negative, “b” is U.P.(b.) absent) 22 www.selpro.it L Set-ingPoint 1 mA bar °C Vdc sec Operat. Parameters Scale K Set-Point 2 Value Operating Parameters Code i K: SW1 with 1 on “ON” F: factory configuration c1 L K c3 c4 c5 c6 ON OFF 1234 1234 Available operating mode: SLAVE rS by codes selections, for 1 or 2 inputs signals MASTER rtE / rPr by codes selections, for 1 or 2 sensors Selection Mode of the prevailing input: selection of the input with the HIGHEST or the LOWEST value Input type : in Current 4-20 mA, in Voltage 0-5V or 0-10V, in kohm for STE probe Linear conversion, from mA to bar: Input 4-20 mA with conversion to ranges 0-15bar/25bar/30bar/45bar c0 c2 SW1 K Set-Point presence and position on the operating characteristic Setting of cos-phi motor/s (from 0 to 15) Management of relay RL1 (closed in absence of alarms – led ALARM = ON) Analog control output 1-10Vdc, 0-10Vdc or 10-0Vdc for: External WS Spray Unit –rS SLAVE power unit - EC fans c7 Name of the configuration in use (if the DEFAULT parameters K are modified, a point is displayed after every character) …… F ALARM MESSAGES (*) Code Value Scale mA bar °C Vdc sec (*)The alarms are displayed according to the priority indicated in the table above; the presence of an alarm with higher priority prevents from displaying alarms with lower priority. (**) In order to reset the alarm showed on the DISPLAY, press “ESCAPE”: the DISPLAY will show for an instant the message CANCER”, so as to confirm that the alarm has been erased. If the ALARM does not disappear, call the SAT (Technical Assistance Service, 0039.0306821611) i Code Scale S1 SP S5 S2 RX P t tP tL it iP Err U Err O Value Led signals (ON) Power Supply CPU run FAIL - K.O --TX Err Err Err Err Err Err mA bar °C Vdc sec Power Cpu Run Fail TX S1 SP S5 S2 RX DL1 Absence of one supply phase Activation of the external thermal protection (of the fans) Stop caused by overheating of the power card – temperature > 80°C (just new power cards) Stop caused by overheating of the control card – temperature > 80°C Stop caused by activation of the protection from maximum thermal current (just powers with current transducer) Stop caused by activation of the protection from maximum peak current (just powers with current transducer) - Input signal lower than the minimum value Value of the lower limit for every configuration rS-420 mA rPr030(*) 2,0 mA rS-010 Vdc rPr045(*) 2,0 mA rtE-01 -24 °C rUu-05 Vdc rPr420 2,0 mA rPu030(*) Vdc rPr015(*) 2,0 mA rUu010 Vdc rPr025(*) 2,0 mA (*) Scale conversion on display - Input signal higher than the maximum value Value of the higher limit for every configuration rS-420 rS-010 rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015(*) rPr025(*) green green red green green yellow yellow yellow yellow green green 48 Vac 5 Amp User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 24 11 +94 24 24 24 mA Vdc °C mA mA mA rPr030(*) rPr045(*) rUu-05 rPu030(*) rUu010 mA mA Vdc Vdc Vdc (*) Scale conversion on display Power supply OK The microcontroller is active (LED blinking intermittently) Regulation K.O. – Presence of an alarm ( see message) Not in use Serial Line: data transmission Operation of the REVERSE mode Regulation with Set-Point 2 Activation of RPM% night limit Start enable (input S2 = OFF) Serial Line: data transmission Indicates the state of the ALARM relay DL1=ON DL1=OFF 1-3=OFF / 2-3=ON 23 24 24 5,5 5,5 11 1-3=ON / 2-3=OFF www.selpro.it 4.0 Settings through keypad 4.1 Predefined Default Configurations After switching on the regulator, it is possible to choose the desired operating mode among the n.11 factory preset DEFAULT configurations. When it is selected right after the activation of the regulator, such operation erases any previous modification to the regulation parameters and always restores all the default values of the selected code (default parameters table). i N.B.: In case of first installation, the display will present the DEFAULT (rtE-01) configuration or the most recently selected one. Config. N° Input Analog Input NTC [email protected]°C rtE-01 rtE-02 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 Operating Mode Transducer Model Display message STE STE -20 / 90 °C 10 / 90 °C 4-20 mA 0-15 bar 0-25 bar 0-30 bar 0-45 bar 0,5 – 4,5 Vdc 0-30 bar 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc NTC [email protected]°C SPR 0-15 bar 4-20mA Ri= 100 ohm SPR 0-25 bar MASTER Controller 2 SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar - rS 420 rS 010 1 1 0-5Vdc Ri= 10Kohm - 0-10Vdc Ri= 10Kohm - SLAVE Power Unit 4-20mA Ri = 100 ohm 0-10Vdc Ri= 10Kohm 4-20 mA 0-10 Vdc - i In order to enter this mode: switch on the regulator (from OFF to ON) or press SB5 (reset button) 4.2 i Set-up PROCEDURE for Default configurations In order to enter this mode: - switch on the regulator -press the “RESET” SB5 Code PROCEDURE Value Scale mA bar °C Vdc sec 1. Press simultaneously the buttons “ENTER” and “(-) ” 2. Switch on the regulator (from OFF to ON) or press the button “RESET” 3. Wait the conclusion of the RUN-TEST, until read “SETUP” on the display 4. Release simultaneously “ENTER” and “(-) ”: the regulator finds its configuration and the display shows the DEFAULT configuration code (rtE-01) or the last selected configuration 5. Press the buttons “+/-” to scroll through all available configuration “Codes” on the display 6. Once the configuration is reached, press “ENTER”: the display does NOT blink anymore 7 Once the configuration procedure is finished, the display shows a message referring to the last version of the regulation software (ex.: 3Ph 3.0 = 3Phase controller rel. 3 .0) 4.3 i Press simultaneously the buttons ENTER + ESCAPE in order to confirm your choice: the display shows the message “Update” > 3Ph … > in (input signal value) The selected configuration is saved and used immediately; the regulator starts running with the new parameters, while the display shows the in value of the input signal Press the button ESCAPE in order to quit without modifying the configuration: the display shows the message ESCAPE > and then > in (input signal value) Set-up sequence for the choice of the configuration (*3) Warning: after switching on the regulator, wait for the conclusion of the RUN-TEST (all LEDS switch off) 2 RESET SB5 1 PRESS ENTER & ( & READ 3 WAIT SEtuP and after leave ENTER & ( ) PRESS ) “ RESET ” 4 *rtE-01 5 rPr015 rPr025 ....... rS 010 SELECT to confirm press ENTER + ESCAPE 6 Press ENTER to LEAVE to choose press ESCAPE UPdAtE SAV E ENTER ESCAPE ESCAPE Once the procedure is finished, the regulator starts running while the display shows the “in” value of the active input User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 24 www.selpro.it & READ EScAPE 5.0 How to modify the regulation parameters 5.1 Parameters “L” (free setting) - SW1 in Off position Display Value min MAX -10,0 +90,0 4,0 20,1 0 15,0 0 25,0 0 30,0 0 45,0 0 5,0 0 30,0 0 45,0 0 10,0 -10,0 +90,0 4,0 20,1 0 15,0 0 25,0 0 30,0 0 45,0 0 5,0 0 30,0 0 45,0 0 10,0 °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc Lh 0% 100% Jh 0% Jl 0% Code S1 S2 Default Configuration Model of transducer or generated signal rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPU 0-30 bar SPU 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPU 0-30 bar SPU 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc off 45,0 14,0 10,6 17,0 17,0 25,0 2,9 17,0 25,0 6,0 45,0 14,0 10,6 17,0 17,0 25,0 2,9 17,0 25,0 6,0 100% All configurations All the probes 100% off 100% All configurations All the probes 100% off 100% All configurations All the probes UM Description Set point 1 (SP1) Set point 2 (SP2) Max Night RPM% Limit Upper RPM% Limit for jump 1 – jump 2 – jump 3 Lower RPM% Limit for jump 1 – jump 2 – jump 3 5.2 Set-up procedure L parameters: S1 – S2 – Lh i In order to enter this mode: - press the buttons Enter + Escape Code Value PROCEDURE Scale mA bar °C Vdc sec 1. Press simultaneously the buttons ENTER + ESCAPE: the display shows the message ProGrA and soon after the codes: S1 (for MASTER mode) and Lh (for SLAVE mode) 2. Press the buttons “+” and “-” to scroll through the modifiable base level parameters 3. Once reached the desired parameter, press “ENTER”: the display starts blinking 4. By pressing the buttons “+” and “-”, reach the desired value (by pressing simultaneously also the button “ENTER”, the setting is accelerated) 5. Once the value is reached, press “ENTER”: the display does NOT blink anymore; to modify a further parameter, repeat from point 2 To speed the selection, i to hold pressed ( ) ( ) 6. Once the configuration procedure is finished, the display shows a message referring to the last version of the regulation software (ex.: 3Ph 3.0 = 3Phase controller rel. 3 .0) Press simultaneously the buttons ENTER + ESCAPE in order to confirm your choice: the display shows the message “Update” > SELPrO > 3Ph 3.0 > in (input signal value) The selected configuration is saved and used immediately; the regulator starts running with the new parameters, while the display shows the in value of the input signal Press the button ESCAPE in order to quit without modifying the configuration: the display shows the message ESCAPE > and then > in (input signal value) 5.3 Set-up sequence for L parameters: S1 –S2 –Lh S1 45.0 S2 45.0 Lh 100 S2 45.0 S2 25.0 UPdAtE EScAPE Once the procedure is finished, the regulator starts running with the new parameters, while the display shows the “in” value of the active input User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 25 www.selpro.it 5.4 Set-up procedure L parameters: Jh & JL (1-2-3) Noise-JUMP (extra-dB zones) To eliminate any acoustic peaks ZONES (extra dB), proceed as follows: In order to enter this mode: - press the buttons Enter + Escape Code Value PROCEDURE Scale mA bar °C Vdc sec 1. Shift the pin 1 of the Dip-Switch SW1 to the ON position and press simultaneously ENTER + ESCAPE: the display shows the message ConF; scroll down with (-) and select the PArA menu (the codes start from: S1 (for MASTER mode) and Lh (for SLAVE mode) 2. Press the button “+” to scroll through the codes until reaching the code Jh1 and press ENTER: the display starts blinking, the controller stops the automatic regulation and supplies the fan/s up to 100% Vac (default Jh1 = 100 %) 3. Press the buttons “+/-” to scroll through all the possible regulations; once the acoustic peak is reached, select a position slightly above it (1 or 2 % points higher) 4. Press ENTER to confirm the selected value: the display does NOT blink anymore. 5. Press the button “+” until finding JL1 and press ENTER: the display starts blinking, the controller stops the automatic regulation and supplies the fan/s up to 100% Vac (default Jh1 = 100 %) 6. Press the button “-” in order to select a position slightly under the value selected for Jh1 (3 or 4 % points below it) 7. Press ENTER to confirm the settings: the display does NOT blink anymore Now repeate the above described procedure in order to select a further “jump-zone” for the parameters: Jh2/JL2 and Jh3/JL3 To speed the selection, to hold pressed ( ) ( ) i 8. Press simultaneously the buttons ENTER + ESCAPE in order to confirm your choice: the display shows the message “Update” > SELPrO > 3Ph 3.0 > in (input signal value) The selected configuration is saved and used immediately; the regulator starts running with the new parameters, while the display shows the in value of the input signal Press the button ESCAPE in order to quit without modifying the original configuration: the display shows the message ESCAPE > and then > in (input signal value) Once the configuration procedure is finished, the display shows a message referring to the last version of the regulation software (ex.: 3Ph 3.0 = 3Phase controller rel. 3 .0) 5.5 Set-up sequence for L parameters: Jh & JL (1-2-3) 1 READ ProGrA 2 S1 45.0 ....... Jh1 100 JL1 100 Jh2 100 All OFF 1 234 PRESS SW1 ENTER & ESCAPE S1 45.0 6 S1 45.0 ....... Jh1 100 JL1 100 Jh2 100 new selection 7 JL1 100 3 Press ENTER to choose: the display flashing 9 ( 4 5 ( SELECT 8 Jh1 100 JL1 70 ) Press ENTER to choose: Press to scroll Press ENTER to confirm: down from 100% the display stop flashing the display flashing END-Set i Jh1 74 ) Press to scroll Press ENTER to confirm: down from 100% the display stop flashing to confirm press ENTER + ESCAPE 10 to LEAVE press ESCAPE UPdAtE SAVE & READ ENTER ESCAPE EScAPE ESCAPE Once the procedure is finished, the regulator starts running with the new parameters, while the display shows the “in” value of the active input User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 26 www.selpro.it 5.6 Set-up procedure K parameters: menu PArA & conF Any modification to the default parameters must be performed only by QUALIFIED and EXPERT PERSONNEL In order to modify the DEFAULT parameters, it is necessary to shift the pin “1” of the Dip-Switch SW 1 to the “ON” position This mode allows to access both regulation parameter menu: Programming Menu Configuration Menu indicated with the code indicated with the code K .PArA. .conF. ON OFF 1234 SW1 5.7 Set-up procedure Menu ParA and conF Code Value Scale mA bar °C Vdc sec Once the configuration procedure is finished, the display shows a message referring to the last version of the regulation software (ex.: 3Ph 3.0 = 3Phase controller rel. 3 .0) PROCEDURE 1. Shift the pin 1 of the Dip-Switch SW1 to the ON position 2. Press simultaneously the buttons ENTER + ESCAPE: the display shows the message conF 3. Press the buttons “+/-” to choose the desired Menu (ParA or ConF) and press ENTER: the display shows the message ProGrA and soon after the following code: By choosing ParA > S1 (if modes rtE – rPr are active), Lh (if mode rS is active) By choosing conF > c0 4. Press the buttons “+” and “-” to scroll until the code to be modified 5. Press the button “ENTER”: the display starts blinking 6. Press the buttons “+” and “-” to scroll until the desired value and press “ENTER” to confirm your choice: the display does NOT blink anymore (by pressing simultaneously also the button “ENTER”, the setting is accelerated) In order to modify a further parameter, repeate the above described procedure starting from point 4; ( ) ( ) To speed the selection, to hold pressed Press simultaneously the buttons ENTER + ESCAPE in order to confirm your choice: the display shows the message “Update”> 3Ph nn > in (input signal value) 7. i Press the button ESCAPE in order to quit without modifying the original configuration: the display shows the message ESCAPE > and then > in (input signal value) 5.8 Set-up sequence for programming parameters PArA 1 SW1 2 3 & read conF or ON OFF ( or 12 3 4 Press together Switch 1 ON ENTER & ESCAPE 5 6 ( pB 7,5 Press ENTER : the code flashing ) ( pB conF conn PArA ) select ) 5,0 change with +/- & press ENTER to confirm; the display STOP flashing 4 PArA ( pB SP 45,0 to confirm press ENTER + ESCAPE 7 to leave press ESCAPE ) ( ) 7,5 Select with +/the codes & press ENTER: read PArA & SP value END-Set i UPdAtE SAVE ENTER ESCAPE ESCAPE & read EScAPE Once the procedure is finished, the regulator starts running with the new parameters, while the display shows the “in” value of the active input User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 27 www.selpro.it 5.9 Menu “PArA” The following table shows the operating parameters relating to the two Set-Points. The symbols used for the parameters of Set-Point 2 are the same as that used for Set-Point1, but with the addition of a full stop after every character (e.g.: Set-Point1 = USP; Set-Point2 = U.S.P.). Code Display Value min MAX Default Configuration Probe 15,0 7,5 -1,6 -0,6 -0,4 -0,8 -0,8 -1,0 -0,2 -1,0 -1,0 -0,5 4,2 2,1 2,4 1,0 0,7 1,2 1,2 1,5 0,4 1,5 1,5 0,8 90,0 20.0 15,0 25,0 30,0 45 5,0 30,0 45 10,0 1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 rS-020 rS-010 rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPu 0-30 bar SPu 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc rS-020 rS-010 rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPu 0-30 bar SPu 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPu 0-30 bar SPu 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPu 0-30 bar SPu 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc Description UM USP (U.S.P.) 0 0 -54.9 -8 -7,5 -12,5 -15 -22,5 -2,5 -15 -22,5 -5.1 20.1 10 +55 +8 +7,4 +12,4 +14.9 +22,4 +2,4 +15 +22,4 +4.9 mA Vdc °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc UPb (U.P.b.) 0,5 0,2 2,0 0,5 0,5 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,1 1,0 1,0 0,2 20 10 55,0 15,0 15,0 25,0 30,0 45,0 5,0 30,0 45,0 10,0 mA Vdc °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc Sh (S.h.) -20,0 4 0 0 0 1,0 0 0 1,0 0 +90,0 20 15 25 30 45,0 5 30 45,0 10.1 °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc ih (i.h.) 1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 30 5,0 5,0 8,0 8,0 15,0 2,5 15,0 15,0 5,0 °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc Set Point UR% External Spray Unit Proportional Band UR% External Spray Unit Input value (IN 1 / IN 2) to force MAX limit to 100% Vac output BY-PASS of the MAX VAC limit Hysteresis of Sh value Table - MENU “PArA” User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 28 www.selpro.it Code So (S.o.) io (i.o.) hi (h.i.) Lo. (L.o.) dE (d.E.) Pb (P.b.) Display Value min MAX Default Configuration Probe rS-020 rS-010 rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPU 0-30 bar SPU 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc rS-020 rS-010 rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPU 0-30 bar SPU 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc Description UM 0 0 -20,0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.1 10.1 +90,0 20 15 25 30 45 5 30 45 10.1 mA Vdc °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc 0,2 0,1 1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 10 5,0 30 5,0 5,0 8,0 8,0 15,0 2,5 15,0 15,0 5,0 mA Vdc °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc 0 0 -20,0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,2 0,1 1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0% 100% off 100 All configurations All the probes MAX OUT RPM% VAC limit 0% 100% off 00 All configurations All the probes MIN OUT RPM% VAC limit 0,1” 60,0” sec 2,0 All configurations All the probes STARTER Accel./Decel. Time 2,0 0,2 0,5 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,1 1,0 1,0 0,2 55,0 16,0 15,0 25,0 30,0 45,0 5,0 30,0 45,0 10,0 °C mA bar bar bar bar Vdc bar bar Vdc 7,5 2,6 2,4 3,5 3,5 5,2 0,8 3,5 5,2 1,6 rtE-01 rPr420 rPr015 rPr025 rPr030 rPr045 rUu-05 rPu030 rPu045 rUu010 STE –10/+90°C 4-20 mA SPR 0-15 bar SPR 0-25 bar SPR 0-30 bar SPR 0-45 bar 0-5 Vdc SPU 0-30 bar SPU 0-45 bar 0-10 Vdc Input value (IN 1 / IN 2) to force MIN limit to 0% (OFF) VAC output BY-PASS of the MIN VAC limit (Cut-Off) Hysteresis of So value Proportional Band Table - MENU “PArA” User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 29 www.selpro.it 1 Set-up sequence for configuration parameters “ConF” SW1 2 3 & read conF or ON OFF ( or 12 34 Press together Switch 1 ON ENTER & ESCAPE 5 6 ( c7 1 Press ENTER : the code flashing ) ( ) c7 conF conn PArA ) select 0 change with +/- & press ENTER to confirm; the display STOP flashing 4 conF ( c0 to leave press ESCAPE ) 1 Select with +/the codes to confirm press ENTER + ESCAPE 7 ) ( c7 r2 & press ENTER: read PArA & SP value END-Set 5.10 UPdAtE SAVE & read ENTER ESCAPE ESCAPE EScAPE Once the procedure is finished, the regulator starts running with the new parameters, while the display shows the “in” value of the active input 5.11 MENU “ ConF ” The following table shows the configuration parameters relating to the operating modes of the controller. With the software mode selection, all the “conF” parameters are automatically charged Code c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 Display Value UM GP r1 r2 oFF Lo hi 020 420 05 010 ntc oFF 015 025 030 045 030 045 off off off off off off mA mA V V °C off bar bar bar bar bar bar oFF off Lo off hi off 0-15 off 0 1 2 0 off off off off Default c7 Description r2 Operation hi Input selection °C Input type oFF Linear conversion hi Set-point position Slave Regulator: using input IN1 Master Regulator: using input IN1 Master Regulator: using both inputs IN1 and IN2 Always using the probe connected to IN1 Using the probe with the LOWEST value Using the probe with the GREATEST value Current signal 4-20mA for MASTER mode Current signal 4-20mA for SLAVE mode Voltage signal 0-5Vdc for MASTER mode Voltage signal 0-10Vdc for MASTER or SLAVE mode Kohm signal 10K @25°C for MASTER mode No conversion Conversion 4mA > 0 bar / 20 mA A 15 bar for transducer 0-15 bar Conversion 4mA > 0 bar / 20 mA A 25 bar for transducer 0-25 bar Conversion 4mA > 0 bar / 20 mA A 30 bar for transducer 0-30 bar Conversion 4mA > 0 bar / 20 mA A 45 bar for transducer 0-45 bar Conversion 0,5 V > 0 bar / 4,5 V > 30 bar for transducer 0-30 bar Conversion 0,5 V > 0 bar / 4,5 V > 45 bar for transducer 0-45 bar Power Unit Mode (OFF-Set-Point) Set-point at the MINIMUM of the regulation characteristic Set-point al MAXIMUM of the regulation characteristic 8 Cos-phi adjustment 0 RL1 relay management 1 Analog control output 0-10V Power factor (Cos-phi) adjustment RL1 = OFF > RGM = K.O. RL1 = OFF > RGM = K.O. + S2=ON RL1 = OFF > RGM = K.O. + S2=ON + U/V/W = 0Vac For the control of further 0-10Vdc or 10-0Vdc SLAVE units For the 1-10V Master control of the external Spray unit (WS-Spray) For the 0-10V Master control of a motorized valves, dumpers, etc. For the 10-0V Master control of a motorized valves, dumpers, etc. Table - MENU “ConF” User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 30 www.selpro.it 6.0 Function diagrams 6.1 MASTER Regulator - Function Diagrams Control Characteristic Proportional Direct Vac Set-Point Analog Output SET POINT SP Pb MAX RPM% Spray Unit Control (C6=3) Ouput 0-10V Spray Control ih 100 % hi 10.0 V 9.0 V Jh1 JL1 Spray ON 7.0 V Jh2 JL2 5.0 V RL1 Jh3 JL3 3.0 V Spray OFF UPB io Lo 1.0 V in USP So SP in Lh Jh 1, 2 , 3 JL1, 2 , 3 USP UPb Sh ih So io hi Lo Pb UPB Sh mA , bar V , °C Set-point in use (mA-Vdc-°C-bar) Signal value at the selected input Maximum night RPM% limit Upper limit of the AC voltage “jump-zone” (for N.3 zones) Lower limit of the AC voltage “jump-zone” (for N.3 zones) Activation of the external Spray Unit: Set Point UR% Activation of the external Spray Unit: Proportional Band UR% Input signal value (mA-Vdc-°C) forcing the output up to 100% Hysteresis of the input signal value Sh (mA-Vdc-°C) Input signal value (mA-Vdc-°C) forcing the output down to 0% Hysteresis of the input signal value So (mA-Vdc-°C) Maximum RPM % limit Minimum RPM % limit Proportional Band in use (mA-Vdc-°C-bar) User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 31 www.selpro.it Control Characteristic Proportional Direct Vac MAX RPM% 0-10V (Direct) Set-Point Analog Output SET POINT SP Pb ih Ouput 0-10V 100 % hi 10.0 V Jh1 JL1 Jh2 JL2 5.0 V Jh3 JL3 io Lo USP UPB So Control Characteristic Proportional Direct Sh al RPM% 10-0V (Reverse) Set-Point Analog Output SET POINT SP Vac Pb in mA , bar V , °C ih Ouput 0-10V 100 % hi 10.0 V Jh1 JL1 Jh2 JL2 5.0 V Jh3 JL3 io Lo 1.0 V USP UPB So User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 32 in Sh mA , bar V , °C www.selpro.it 6.2 SLAVE Power Unit - Function Diagrams Proportional Direct Control Characteristic Limit Analog Output MAX RPM% active UR% control Ouput 0-10V Spray Control V~ 100 % hi 10.0 V 9.0 V Jh1 JL1 Jh2 JL2 5.0 V Jh3 JL3 io Lo 1.0 V So 4 mA 0V in i1 Lh Jh 1, 2 , 3 JL1, 2 , 3 USP UPb So io hi Lo UPB UPB 19,2mA 9,6V USP 20mA 10V in Signal value at the selected input (Vdc-mA) Value of the input signal n°1 (Vdc-mA) Maximum night RPM% limit Upper limit of the AC voltage “jump-zone” (for N.3 zones) Lower limit of the AC voltage “jump-zone” (for N.3 zones) Activation of the external Spray Unit: Set Point UR% Activation of the external Spray Unit: Proportional Band UR% Input signal value forcing the output down to 0% Hysteresis of the input signal value So Maximum RPM % limit Minimum RPM % limit User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 33 www.selpro.it Control Characteristic Proportional Direct Limit Analog Output MAX RPM% 0-10V Direct Ouput 0-10V Spray Control V~ 100 % hi 10.0 V 9.0 V Jh1 JL1 Jh2 JL2 5.0 V Jh3 JL3 io Lo 1.0 V So 4 mA 0V UPB UPB 19,2mA 9,6V USP Control Characteristic Proportional Direct 20mA 10V in Limit Analog Output MAX RPM% 0-10V Reverse Ouput 0-10V Spray Control V~ 100 % hi 10.0 V 9.0 V Jh1 JL1 Jh2 JL2 5.0 V Jh3 JL3 io Lo 1.0 V So 4 mA 0V UPB USP User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 UPB 19,2mA 9,6V 34 20mA 10V in www.selpro.it 7.0 Accessories 7.1 – Manual Remote Control Units ♦ Series of potentiometers for manual remote control - Potentiometer for external remote control Manual speed setting with 0-10 Vdc Available 1 & 10 turn versions, with standard knob ∅ 22 and silk screen label Available 10 turn version, with knob ∅ 30 with 100 Set-points Mounting in switch cabinet doors, shaft length 15 mm, ∅ 6.3 mm Complete with front plate 50 x 50 mm Linear potentiometer for 0-10 Vdc remote manual control 1 turn – 10kohm – 1 W – in Cermet Front plate with silk screen label 50 x 50 mm and knob diameter ∅ 22 ZC RGF PB1034 00000 Linear potentiometer for 0-10 Vdc remote manual control 10 turns – 10kohm – 3 W – wire ZC RGF PB1050 10000 with ∅ 22 knob Front plate with silk screen label 50 x 50 mm ZC RGF PB1050 20000 with 100-points, ∅ 30 knob AC voltage converter for manual control: Input 24Vdc >>> Output 0-10Vdc with adjustable MAX Vdc-Out LIMIT, for the regulation of: ZC RGF PB1035 10000 with ∅ 22 knob - Fan motors Geared motors for shutters Geared motors for motorized valves Front plate with silk screen label 50 x 50 mm ZC RGF PB1035 20000 with 100-points, ∅ 30 knob AC voltage converter for manual control: Input 24Vdc >>> Output 4-20mA ZC RGF PB1040 10000 with ∅ 22 knob for the regulation of: - Fan motors - Geared motors for shutters - Geared motors for motorized valves User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 Front plate with silk screen label 50 x 50 mm 35 ZC RGF PB1040 20000 with 100-points, ∅ 30 knob www.selpro.it 7.2 SPR-Pressure Transducer for 4-20 mA & 0-5 V Description Control signal Power supply Range (bar) Linearity Temperature compensation Electrical connection Connection Mechanical connection Protection Trasducer 4 … 20 mA 0,5 … 4,5 V 8 … 28 V 5 V +/- 0,25V 0 … 15/25/30/45 0 … 30/45 < 0,5 % FS max 0° … 50°C 2 fili 3 fili Male or Female 7/ 16" - 20 UNF IP 65 7.3 STE-Temperature probe NTC (10 [email protected]°C) Sensor Connection Terminal Work range (°C) 7.3.1 Housing Screw Component 7.4 . NTC probe with resinated terminal Silicon (light blue) 3.0 mt cable INOX AISI 304 6 x 40 mm. –50 T 110 STP housing for NTC Protection box for NTC probe 1 / 4” GAS INOX AISI 304 da 8,5 x 75 mm. RGF-MEI(4) / UNIVERSAL input Expansion Module Electronic “All-Round” unit for the connection of 4 additional control and regulation inputs, for all applications with: Control inputs: 4-20mA, NTC(10k), 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc, 0-20mA Regulation output: 0-10 Vdc / 0-20 mA Selectable MASTER-SLAVE function for: - NTC Temperature, Pressure, Remote signals, etc. Automatic selection between the MAX/MIN values OUTPUT connection to other MEI units (max 3) LEDs for the visualization of active inputs Power supply protection with fuse Power supply “surge” protection INPUT total protection against short-circuit Protection filters against input signal surge User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 36 www.selpro.it 7.5 Noise (Extra-dB) Suppression Filter for Phase-Cutting Regulators By applying the NTF filter between the regulator and the fan motor, it is possible to reduce the extra-dB noise generated by the electronic regulation. The NTF noise filter can be used only with fans controlled by SCR (phase-cutting) AC voltage controllers. The noise filter consists of a choke and condensers (one for each phase) for reactive-current compensation. The choke is directly connected to the controller output. The filter MUST NOT be OPERATED nor SUPPLIED in absence of a connected fan. - Protection with: IP 55 Box - Power Supply: 3∼ ∼ 230/420/500Vac +/-10% – 50/60 Hz (standard) The size of the condensers combined with the filter (MAX 2 condensers per filter) depends on the power (Ampere) of the connected fans. The following tables show the typical noise transfer functions (extra dB value) for the RGF300 (Three-phase cutting regulator) with and without NTF filter. The values refer to the regulation with NTF noise filter (in red) and without NTF noise filter (in blue). FE080-SDA.6N.2NV 6/6 P FE080-NDA.6K.2NV 12/12 P RGF300 Regulation noise verification, for FE080 6/6 P, with & without NTF filter RGF300 Regulation noise verification, for FE080 12/12 P, with & without NTF filter 90,00 80,00 80,00 70,00 70,00 60,00 60,00 50,00 dB r gf 300 50,00 dB r gf 300 40,00 dB wi th NTF300 dB wi th NTF300 40,00 30,00 30,00 20,00 20,00 10,00 10,00 0,00 0,00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P unt i di l avor o P unt i di l av or o Connect only 1 or 2 (MAX!) fans to the NTF filter; The given µF value refers to the 3 condensers connected to the three phase lines (1 for each phase) ! WARNING ! Do NOT use the NTF filter in absence of a connected fan: by doing so, the SCRs thyristor of the RGM300 regulator will be damaged MAX connection VENTILATORE/I FAN/S VENTILATEUR/S VENTILATOR/EN NTF WARNING PHASE-CUTTING NOISE SUPPRESSOR CU CV CW U3 V3 W3 U2 V2 W2 U1 V1 W1 N° 2 C1 C2 C3 N° 2 VENTILATORE/I FAN/S VENTILATEUR/S VENTILATOR/EN CU CV CW U3 V3 W3 U2 V2 W2 U1 V1 W1 MAX connection WARNING CU CV CW U3 V3 W3 U2 V2 W2 U1 V1 W1 C1 C2 C1 C2 C3 C3 FAN 2 MAX connection VENTILATORE/I FAN/S VENTILATEUR/S VENTILATOR/EN PHASE CONTROLLER WARNING CU CV CW U3 V3 W3 U2 V2 W2 U1 V1 W1 N° 2 FAN 1 C1 C2 C3 User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 37 www.selpro.it 7.6 HWF300 - Filter for the suppression of Harmonic Distortions (IEC 61000-3-2 & 61000-3-12) By applying the HWF300 active filter, between the regulator and the supply line, the harmonic distortions generated by the electronic regulation with SCR can be reduced by 100%. The filter is directly connected to the Vac input of the controller and must be properly installed in order to ensure the declared performance. - Protection degree: IP 20 standard IP 55 (on request) - Power supply: 3∼ ∼ 400Vac +/-10% – 50 Hz 3∼ ∼ 460Vac +/-10% – 60 Hz The size of the filter combined with the controller depends on the power (Ampere) of the connected fans. . On working the regulator RGM300 can create a max. of 30% of the noises produced by the inverter; the report is 1 to 3. Moreover the VAC controller don’t produce noises at 0% & 100% of the VAC output. The indicated working point refers to the peak noise level caused by the phase-cutting regulators. The HWF-320 (20 A) active filter is for all the applications until 60A. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 38 www.selpro.it 8.0 RGM 300 - Electrical TESTS Electrical connection for the following tests: A) Voltage check (electric strength test), according to CEI EN 60204-1 The electrical equipment must support a test voltage applied for at least 1’’ (seconds) to all circuit conductors, except for equipotential protection circuits and PELV (Protective Extra-Low Voltage) circuits. The test voltage must: 1. be the double of the rated supply voltage of the equipment, or be at least of 1000 Vdc (it is recommended to choose the higher value between the two options); 2. have a frequency of 50Hz, and 3. be equipped with a transformer with minimum rated current of 500VA The components which cannot support these voltages must be disconnected during the test. The test voltage must be applied between the points 1 and 2 as shown in figure. B) Insulation resistance test, according to CEI EN 60204-1 The insulation resistance, measured at 500 Vdc between the power and the equipotential bonding conductors, must NOT be lower than 1 Mohm. The test must be performed between the points 1 and 2 as shown in figure. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 39 www.selpro.it Identification of the sources of OVERVOLTAGE hazards DIRECT ATMOSPHERIC DISCHARGE When a lightning strikes directly a building equipped with a common protection system, the components connected to the system (supplementary system) reach a significant electric potential. This event determines such potential differences between the components connected to earth and the active components, that the insulation protection is not strong enough to stand it. As a result, the discharge causes irreparable damages to the electric equipment. INDIRECT ATMOSPHERIC DISCHARGE When a lightning strikes directly an electricity supplier, even if remarkably distant from the building, or when it reaches a mains supply cable or the earthing system by flowing through the roots of a tree, the generate overvoltage also in this case may cause severe damages to the electric equipment. CLOUD TO CLOUD DISCHARGE cavi trasmissione dati When the discharge does not take place between a cloud and the earth’s surface, but within two different clouds (intercloud or cloud-to-cloud discharge), the generated overvoltage may even indirectly cause severe damages to the electric equipment. cavi rete x M User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 OVERVOLTAGES DUE TO ON / OFF SWITCHING Also the operation of power drives in electricity supply networks and in low voltage networks may cause overvoltage. Overvoltage may arise, for instance, by switching off high voltage lines by no-load operation, or by switching on and off transformers, condensers, heavy inductive loads, etc. 40 www.selpro.it Connecting Conductors and their Cross Section For the connection of an overvoltage protector to the mains network (L1, L2, L3, N), the cross section of the conductor must be of the same size as the cross section of the existing conductor. Otherwise, in case the cable has a smaller rated section, it is necessary to provide a surge protection by means of a 100A fuse, gL type. For the connection of the overvoltage protector to the ground, the rated cross section of the conductor must measure the 50% of the main equipotential bonding conductor cross section; in any case it doesn’t have to be smaller than 6 mm, nor larger than 25 mm. The connector between overvoltage protector and earth must be installed so as to be as shorter as possible. The figure below shows the circuit diagram of a three phase surge filter, for the connection of a controller RGM300 to the supply line. The filter has a small window, situated on the interchangeable cartridge, which shows the status of the overvoltage protector (OK = green - KO = red). User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 41 www.selpro.it Product Request Company name Address Reference to E-mail Tel / Fax Technical data Input/S Working Mode Mode Regulation Application Request Transducer Signal/S Type Master Automatic Condenser 0-1 V 0-5vdc 0-10vdc Slave Manual Dry-Cooler Modbus 4-20ma 0-20ma Ntc Evaporator Clima Synergy Pwm (Max 30v) Proportional P.I.D. Plus Regulator Type Option : N° Digital Micro-Processor Analog Inverter (Hz) Step Phase-Cut (Vac) CE Compliance EMC ( HARMONIC BURST Target Price SURGE - Power Supply Vac 400 Vac Vac mA Input /s Auxiliary Contacts & Inputs Regulation mode Vac On-Off CONDUCTED RF Rhos RADIATED RF ETL Note : Delivery Threephase + Neutral Vac Range + % Vdc N° Note : Step N° UL Threephase 230 Vac Differential Specialized LHC (Limit Harmonic Current) ,00 € Quantity Single Phase Lowest In Value> Drive Medium Transformer CDM) PDS Highest In Value> Drive Multifunction All-In-One Stepless Power Mode Inputs Work - 50Hz Automatic Selection 50/60Hz 60 Hz % 10 kohm @ 25 °c (NTC) N° Three-single phases N° other N° Remote On-Off Alarm Relay Night Rpm% Db-Limit Direct-Reverse 2nd Set-Point Autoc - Manual NTC Field-Forward MODBUS (RTU) Sensor n° 1 (Master) Set-point from to bar °c mA Vdc Sensor n° 2 (Master) Set-point from to bar °c mA Vdc Remote (Slave) Input from bar °c mA Vdc to Other outputs Protection Box type : Fan technical data Type direct centrifugal with belt Available regulation with : INVERTER User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 Dimensions : x x Customer name Transmission axial Ip : Supply (Vac) Rpm yes Code Load (amp) PHASE CUTTING ? 42 Power (watt) Insulation class Pole N° no °C working ambient : yes no Frequency (Hz) N° of fans Auto-TRANSFORMER yes www.selpro.it no Via Padre Giovanni Piamarta , 5/11 25021 Bagnolo Mella – Brescia – Italia tel: +39(0)30 6821611 r.a. fax: +39(0)30 622274 www.selproweb.com – [email protected] Selpro riserve the right to modify the features of its products without prior notice. User Manual RGM300 / rev. 8.1 15.09.11 43 www.selpro.it
EC-двигатель регулятор / вентилятор — SELPRO
ЕС серия-это полноценный и современный технологический регламент устройства высшую работоспособность EC-двигателями применяется в вентиляторах. Данный системы позволяют модификация системы вентиляции согласно оперативным требованиям энергоэффективности активизировать внутренний потенциал Эко-питания вентиляторов. SELPRO имеет партнерские отношения с ЛЮВЭЙ-группы и EBM-papst, чтобы обеспечить систему регулятора с одного плюс
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