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- VC008
Manuals and User Guides for Siruba VC008. We have 2 Siruba VC008 manuals available for free PDF download: Instruction Book / Parts List, Manual
Siruba VC008 Manual (32 pages)
Brand: Siruba
Category: Industrial Equipment
Size: 1.61 MB
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
接線與接地 (1). 電源線的接法
Led 字幕畫面的顯示模式
如何進入第一階【參數模式 a 】畫面區的操作步驟
如何進入第二階【參數模式 B 】畫面區的操作步驟
在【參數模式 a 與 B】畫面區時,面板按鍵的功能與定義
Safety of Working Environment
Safety Precaution
Safety Precaution of Installation
Safety Precaution During Operation
Safety Precaution of Maintenance and Repair
Danger/ Caution Signs
Regulation of Maintenance and Repair
Warranty Period
Installation and Calibration (1). Installation of Motor
Calibration of Force of Toeing Forward / Heeling Backward
Installation of Control Box
Installation of Speed Control Unit
Power Connection and Grounding (1). Connection Method of Power Supply Cable
Name of Parts of Control Box (1). Front Side of Control Box
Rear Side of Control Box: Connector Panel
Display Mode of LED Display
Operation Procedure to Access Display Zone of the First Stage of 【Parameter Mode a
To Access【Parameter Value Zone】To Conduct Parameter-Setting
Table of Commonly Used Parameters
Siruba VC008 Instruction Book / Parts List (63 pages)
Brand: Siruba
Category: Sewing Machine
Size: 7.6 MB
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Siruba VC008
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Руководство пользователя Siruba VC008
Руководство пользователя Siruba VC008
Языки: Русский |
Многоигольные машины цепного стежка Siruba серии VC008 Инструкция по эксплуатации
М.8-910-698-82-62 , т/ф (4932) 93-94-75
Ваш персональный менеджер: Ирина Пиголицына
Многоигольные машины цепного стежка
серия VC008
Инструкция по эксплуатации
Производитель машин фирма Kaulin Mfg. Co., Taiwan, в лице вице-президента David Lin заявляет о соответствии машин серии VC008 европейскому стандарту EN 292-1 и -2: 1992. Проверка соответствия произведена в испытательном центре Брюссель, Бельгия.
Общая инструкция по безопасности.
Предупреждение! При использовании машины всегда следуйте основным правилам и мерам электрической и пожарной безопасности, включая нижеследующую инструкцию. Внимательно прочтите её и сохраните для дальнейшего использования.
- Держите рабочее место в чистоте.
- Соблюдайте температурно-влажностный режим. Не используйте оборудование при высокой влажности и плохом освещении, возможности возгорания и взрыва.
- Не прикасайтесь к заземленным поверхностям, типа радиаторов отопления, трубопроводов.
- Не позволяйте детям быть в помещении. Следите за соблюдением посетителями инструкции по безопасности.
- Одевайтесь в специальную рабочую одежду. Не носите ювелирные украшения, длинные платья и прочее, что случайно может попасть в движущиеся части машин. Укрывайте длинные волосы косынкой или другим головным убором.
- Не перегибайте и не тяните шнур электрооборудования. При перемещении оборудования отключите его из сети. Не подвергайте его воздействию огня или нагреву, берегите от повреждений.
- Обслуживайте и смазывайте машину согласно инструкции. При повреждениях ремонт производится только квалифицированным персоналом.
- При перерывах в использовании, ремонте отключайте машину от сети.
- Избегайте нечаянного пуска машины. Не переносите включенный инструмент. Убедитесь, что выключатель выключен прежде, чем переносить или включать в сеть.
- При осмотре и выявлении повреждений в ограждениях и устройствах безопасности, убедитесь в возможности безопасной работы.
- Использование частей или приспособлений, не рекомендованных к применению в инструкции по эксплуатации, запрещается.
- Все работы по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту должны производиться только обученным и квалифицированным персоналом.
Специальное предупрждение при подключении машины в электросеть.
- Включайте эту машину только в сертифицированные электросети.
- Всегда следуйте инструкциям по эксплуатации электрических устройств управления.
- Всегда заземляйте машины к сертифицированному контуру заземления.
- При регулировках, убедитесь, что выключатель находится в положении «Выключено.»
Стр. 2 |
Стр. 3 | |
Стр. 3 |
Стр. 3 | |
Стр. 3 |
Стр. 3 | |
Стр. 3 |
Стр. 4 | |
Стр. 3 | 10. Примечания | Стр. 4 |
Спасибо за использование многоигольной машины цепного стежка Siruba VC008. Перед использованием машины тщательно изучите эту инструкцию, уясните основные функции и возможности машины. Это поможет Вам увеличить эффективность и качество работы.
ВНИМАНИЕ: не включайте машину, если система смазки не заполнена и не проверена правильность направления вращения мотора.
Установка новой машины.
- Установите машину на стол, согласно чертежу крышки стола (английский вариант инструкции, стр. 8-13, в зависимости от модели), смонтируйте антивибрационные прокладки (Fig. 1 и 2).
- Установите катушечную стойку и другие части.
- Проверьте, что мотор вращается по часовой стрелке. Ремень натяните так, чтобы при нажатии пальцем он прогибался примерно на 20мм. Смотрите рисунок Fig. 3 и 4.
- Диаметр шкива и скорость вращения мотора, скорость машины, должны соответствовать.
Работа на новой машине.
Первые 4 недели работы новой машины скорость машины не должна превышать 80% от максимальной. После этого периода и замены масла, можно работать на максимальной скорости.
Заливка масла (Fig. 5, 6, 7)
Удалите винт А и залейте прилагаемое в комплекте специальное масло для смазки высокоскоростных машин (или аналогичное, типа Esso #32 или Mobil #10) так, чтобы верхушка индикатора уровня масла С была между двумя линиями в окошке. Заверните винт А.
Если машины включается в работу первый раз или после длительного перерыва, проверьте смазку ответственных частей машины.
Слив масла (Fig. 5, 6, 7)
Удалите винт А и слейте масло, затем заверните винт А. Замена масла на новой машине производится после 4-х недель работы. В дальнейшем масло меняют каждые 4 месяца. В машине имеется масляный фильтр. Необходимо очищать его или заменять новым каждый месяц.
Замена иглы (Fig.
Тип используемой иглы: Organ U0113 #11-18 (#70-110) и Organ DV57 #11-18 (#70-110) или аналогичная. Для замены ослабьте винт «А» и выньте старую иглу. Вставьте иглу длинной проточкой влево в игловодитель до упора. Затяните винт «А». Неверная установка игл приводит к пропускам стежков, порыву нитей, поломке петлителей. Будьте внимательны при установке.
Вдевание нитей.
Вденьте нитей показано на рисунках, страница 6,7 английского варианта руководства, в зависимости от модели. Неверное вдевание нитей приведет к их порывам, пропускам стежков и так далее.
Для вдевания нити в петлитель (Fig. 10), вытяните ручку «Р» по направлению стрелки, затем вденьте нить.
Натяжение нитей.
Установка натяжения нитей производится в зависимости от типа используемой ткани, ее толщины, длины стежка, ширины шва и т.д. Таким образом, оператор устанавливает натяжение нитей в каждом случае индивидуально. Поверните регулятор по часовой стрелке для увеличения натяжения нити и наоборот.
Установка рычага нитепритягивателя «В» показана на рисунке Fig. 11. Его позиция устанавливается согласно используемой нити. Ослабьте винт «А», подвиньте рычаг «В» вверх или вниз в оптимальное положение. Вверх для увеличения петли нити и наоборот. Заверните винт «А».
Установка длины стежка (Fig. 12)
Убедитесь, что мотор выключен. Нажмите кнопку «А» и поверните шкив регулятора, пока он не зафиксируется. Затем поворачивайте шкив снова для достижения нужной длины стежка. По часовой стрелке для увеличения и наоборот.
Регулировка нажимной лапки (Fig. 13)
Нажим нажимной лапки должен быть самым маленьким, насколько это возможно при условии надежного и плавного продвижения материала. Для регулировки, ослабьте гайку «А», поверните винт «В» для установки нужного нажима, затем заверните гайку. Поворот винта по часовой стрелке приводит к усилению нажима. Примечания:
- Вес головки машины 42 кг.
- Уровень шума в децибелах на расстоянии 1м от машины и 1,6м от пола (колонка Noise level) и максимальная скорость машины в стежках в минуту (колонка «Max Speed») для каждой модели (колонка «Model») обозначены на последнем листе английского варианта данной инструкции (INSTRUCTION).
- В последней колонке (Available device) указаны возможные типы дополнительных приспособлений, согласно генеральному каталогу.
- Перечень и номера составных частей машины для заказа смотрите в приложенном перечне, английское название «PART LIST». При этом укажите в заявке номер части, как на рисунке.
- Ссылки на номера рисунков (Fig. №) по тексту, даны по английскому варианту инструкции.
vcooa VSQ/VSM 'flm~a~il INSTRUCTION BOOK C€ f/41e R~Jili£JiiJimflaJ ~ KAULIN MFG. CO.. LTD. From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY According to the following European Directive EC Machinery Directives:89/392/EEC (as amended by 89/368, 93/44 and 93/68/EEC). The undersigned, ROBERT TSAI, representing KAULIN MFG. CO .. LTD. 11 F, No.128, Sec.3, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC., manufacturer, Declares that the machine described hereafter: Cylinder Bed Multineedle Double Chainstitch Machine Model :VC008NSQNSM Provided that it is used and maintained in accordance with the generally accepted codes of good practice and the recommendations of the instructions manual, meets the essential safety and health requirements of the Machinery Directive. For the most specific risks of the machine, safety and compliance with the essential requirements of the Directive has been based on elements of IEC 204-3-1:1988: Electrical equipment of industrial machine- particular requirement for sewing machines, units and systems, and of EN 60335-2-28: 1990: Safety of housed hold and similar electrical appliances- Particular requirements for sewing machines. The compliance of the model with the requirements of EC Machinery Directive was established by AIB-VINCOTTE Inter n.f.p. Avenue A. Drouart 27-29, B 1160, Brussels, Belgium (Notified body under the number 26 for machinery listed in annex IV of EC Machinery Directive). Mar/01 /2008 Date: Signature: ~ ~ Qualification: R&D MANAGER From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 運 動 部 位,謹 防 工 傷 事 故 Moving part, beware of industrial accident 警告圖案表示 高 壓 部 位,謹 防 觸 電 事 故 Warning Sign High voltage, beware of electric shock 高 溫 部 位,謹 防 燙 傷 事 故 High temperature, beware of burns 禁 止 Prohibited 指示標幟 Instruction Label 地線的接線表示 Indication of ground wiring From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC I '----- - - ~~ ---- -- - --- -- ~- ~ -- ~- ~ - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - --- - ---- ~~--1 i -tiil::i:$llmlB.ij GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS i _ _________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - ~ - -!!:! •a:.r - - - - - - - - - ~ - --- -- - - - - - - - - - -- ~-- - - - - - - - Warning! woomm~*B·~~~~m~•§•m When using this machine, basic safety ~~~--x~----~~MA~~~ precautions should always be followed to .§.ii~2~/D- reduce the risk of fire , electric shock and personal injury, including the followings . Read all these instructions before fSLIIJ) 0 ty, ~ .J..~ ~51-·Jji 0 ~~~~~*BZ~·~M~M~N~~ 0 operating this product and save these 1. iiMifFtiJifiSI)I iiiL~liiJUijftT*tB~Im:~ 2. o :ffii fFtaPfi•i.l ~•••~~m*z~-~a•••~~ n~~-~~MOOffl~~ftAo~~I~ tflJifi ~~-- o -~~I ~X~eXSfl:fBMl ~~~{ffflfljliiAo 3. ~~n••fl• ~~&·~-~-~~~~~OO o ~: 'ffll ' ~-~· • .J..~:&~/.lJl) ~fi···ili 4. ::f-ii~~~111IA~:mgi$'if*i 5. ill' 13(]!• • ::f~9WXR~~eX9·~•·m~~~ Z~W#~~ffiW~fB~o~-5·~~ ty,~~-0 6. machine too ls in damp or wet locations. Keep work area well lit. Do not use power tools where there is risk to cause any fire or explosion. 3. Guard against electric shock Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded surfaces (e.g. Pipes, rad iators, ranges refrigerators.) 4. Keep children away Do not let children touch the tool o r extension code. 5. Dress properly Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry, they can be caught in moving parts. Wear protecting hair covering to contain long 1'~if·~~·· ~::f~m••~~~••·~~~~~~ ~--*~~-•ooo••~-~~-~ nsx~~a~&• instructions. 1. Keep work area clean Cluttered areas and benches invite injuries. 2. Consider work area environment Do not expose power to rain. Do not use o ··~--~~ 7. ~~m~*~~~~~~~~~~~o~ ~~~IAffl··~~~M~~·R~ffl ~~~MtJB.JB~tla: o hair. 6. Do not abuse the cord Never carry the machine by cord or yank it to disconnect it from the socket. Keep the cord away from heat, oil, and sharp edges. 7. Maintain machine with care Follow instructions for lubrication and changing accessories. Inspect tool cord periodically. If damaged, have it repaired by an authorized service facility. From the library of: Superior Sewing -1- Machine & Supply LLC a. ~I,HI II -~~m~B~~--~-~~~~~~ ~0 9. ltStllltltJ ~-~~mWM~tiH.LZ~··~ MBmA·~ ~I Ao·~~m•zM· tlii~IIIJ!IIIM~o 10. . . .. . . fl: t±il- "!PflmBAzitiJ · lllii'J~~ 1!f ~ W~-~~- ~ ~~9G~aBA*W~ Wf.f.1£fiJiJfi~.§.~JlfJifjX}Jfm o 11 . • i5~7tt~*~ m ~~~oo~--~XJJftz 9~ • t.r fiiJ f-f eX ~Ji~ f.f a{] ff RJ tm m .JifiJ.A.1JW~fBitft o 12. * m· e Eli**IAJl*tlllltA m~B{J~~I~•5m~~~.A.• ~ m~ ~11l 1JU ~ f.HfH'F -~ o 8. Disconnect machine When not in use, bef ore servicing and when changing accessories. 9 . Avoid unintentional starting Do not carry a plug-in tool with a finger on the switch. Ensure the power switch is off when plugging in . 1o. Check damaged parts Before further use of the tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function . 11 . Warn ing The use of any accessory or attachment, otherthan those recommended in this instruction manual, may present a risk of personal injury. 12. Have your tool repaired by a qualified person Repairs should only be carried out by qualified persons using original spare parts. SPECIAL WARNING FOR ELECTRIC CONNECTION ! 1. .R RJ ~~ · CE ·~~~((.J~I!~!JJ-·il~ 1. Incorporate this machine only with "CE " il~ltfto certificate hold-to-run control device. 2. Follow the instruction manual device t o install control device. 3. Always earth machine appropriately 2. •q~~m~ ~ ~ oo *~-~~•• 0 3. [email protected] ~ ·~~~~--~-~~ tlf! o 4. G~--~ ~ -f.f-~J!··~·z~· ~~-~~-~m-~~W·~M~ f.E ffl ···~z9~~1Hli1Jffii5i!Ufi?;W o during operation. 4. Before adjustment, parts change or servicing must be sure to pull out the plug from socket to prevent the hazard of unintentionally start of machine. From the library of: Superior -2- Sewing Machine & Supply LLC I :-- - -- ------- ----------- --- - --------------- - - - ----- -------- - --- - - -- ----- ----------- - -- -- --- : ·-ie~a:ariiillf.l IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS : ,____ - ------------- - - ------------- - - - ------------- - -- ----------- - - - - --------•••••*M~~7~m~au~ For operating safely and getting the best functions of this machine, you -~--~~~~~~~~~·&~~ ~*~OOm~~~ft·OOm~9~~M ~oom~~-·~~-ft~~oom~o must operate it correctly. Please read a~•~~m~••~~~~·~~ 1Jo o 0 2.~mMB~·~7m*~m~~• 9~ ' ~i¥1111Jll~Jt1iklilll~~0 Jl:t9~ W· 0 3. ~4. ~litli1iHii*OOm~a,ij ~ 1)! I! IU~ RJ .1-YJI ~ IDl!H! o · ~-~•w~~~-·~~m~~ 8·fl·~OOfflMfto ~~~H~~~11=.11H~ • Pfi'Ji~~ fteti!fb1i~flitH·«tQk~PJT~~ ~DC11"ffifF:It1'.ftl!f~ · J.).~ WB.A.ii~11o Jl:t~tft 11 w~~•s mn t~z t1 fF .~t ti11= 1!6 7 ~~ · ~f~itil1flH52S~~Da 0 .0 A .-.& 7. ~"f~~~~~·M·~~W~~ BJi: (1) VttM, MWJ:t , :klJiif~& J!~~-TP~' (2) If!tttt , tfiiA , ttti · ~A , m tt Jt ' I!IPj ' -~-~ • .1-).&Jt fik IW Jl ftC 1~ ~ o and follow the instructions of this manual, and keep it at hand for future references. We are confident that you will enjoy this machine as much as we enjoy manufacturing it. 1. Instead of the following instructions, when you use this machine, please pay attention to the basic safety measures. Before using this machine, please read this manual and all related instructions. In addition, please keep this manual for future needs. Before using this machine, please ascertain that it conforms with safety standards and reg ulations of your country. ~4. When the machine is ready for operation, all the safety equipments must be ready. Operate this machine without the specified safety devices is not allowed. This machine must be operated by a properly trained operator. For your own safety, we suggest you wearing goggles. Please turn off the power switch or disconnect it for any one of the circumstances of the followings : (1) When threading needle(s), adjusting thread Take-up(s), thread guide(s), and I or replacing bobbin(s), (2) When replacing needles, presser feet, needle plates , feed dogs, needle guards, horns, cloth guides and other parts or accessories, From the library of: Superior Sewing -3- Machine & Supply LLC (3) *I fiJI fF~ o {4) lllm I {'J:t;.r:YT~I 1'Ff~AJ5JTM.AW (3) When repairing, (4) When the operator leaves the working place or leaves the ·~0 (5) ~ue.fflft~HI.f6.iliiMla.J:tit • ~ , ~ 11-H~ Jlf6 it ~it i* .1!: 0 i; ~;pit iiiUI Ai DC f-F 00 m;Z )1ft~ )!linlj, tiM!IJIUUl , 8lJifXil1tBi · i!li.~IJJ.17.1<$1~$ttlM$lliAiit~ o machine unattended. (5) If clutch motors without brake pads are used, must wait until the motor stops completely. {98. If grease, oil, or any fluid contacts your skin or eyes by any chance, please wash the contacted area completely with clean water and consult a doctor. Or, swallow any & fluid mistakenly, consult a doctor immediately. Do not touch any functioning parts ~9. ~~M~~-~-~zWf-F~~f-F }jUi~Mfttljj!~aBrm~ ~B.AA~flo 0 10. ;::,1 ~51'1'A/II*ia9~8ifj~M-¥~z ~a9ti-TtiBili~z · a1ZE8~J:~MR illli . ;::,1 ott and devices. Always attend to whether power switch is on or off before operating in order to prevent O 0 12. fi-TW14:ftfiJAi1i.I 1'F~~AE8W a9.Aii~1FAimW 1<:: J.1~ *~•' ~~Ait11Jil~I1'F · -EE~ •~.R~oommJE:z!t1~ 1<:: · · S:W!JiW14:fl illi.~tl~.IJ:flftiiQ 0 13. 1£M~~-Ib~5t1!f(@J~ItMHI fta9M.Ai'filli f'FiW • flfti!ti ~--Ai 7l -~-~~fi? J.1111 M ~ replacement. { 9 11. Routine maintenance and service must be performed by well trained persons , or qualified technicians. { 9 12. Maintain and check the electronic parts must be done by qualified electrician or well-trained persons. If any electronic part damaged or malfunctioned, stop the machine immediately. !(; 13. The air hose has to be detached :::1 from the machine and the compressor or air supply has to be cut off before repairing and servicing ftO!tt • ~ft~BriitiS1111~11? J.:!.)tff lti · Ji:t9~U.It&tttm~•.Rft~ 83 ~ill iii 'I' !IIIII a9 ~ Bili a1Z M-¥ 1 ;Zo 0 14. mlftfim-~~111 %.1 0 · !lb.:iEJUHI anyone from getting hurts. 10. Qualified technicians are required for adjustment, modification, and repair. Only use assigned parts for the machine equipped with pneumatic parts such as an air cylinder. Qualified technicians or well-trained persons are required for 0 adjustment and repairs. 14. To ensure the best performance, periodically clean the machine is necessary. From the library of: Superior -4- Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 0 15. ~00--~~~~~~-~~fi· 11i:tft~l¥tii±t!!..l:·l!ftlt~tt~ t.!~ Ill ff a~ni ill' ttf'F o o 15. In order to operate properly and to reduce the noise, please place t he machine flat and level on the ground. Avo id operating the sewing machine at a noisy surrounding. 0 16. i!J~HI. IY-J•illt~iilt • Mli:E 11-T-~ GifiHf1t~~1'±*BJ: • 13JI9~11! ~1£1ittU~zt~JmJ: 0 16. Select a proper power plug and install it by an electrician. Please o connect the power plug to a (S) 17. grounded receptacle. This machine can only be used for the designed purpose. Other uses of (S) 18. fJ~a2WJ!I!fi~~~003f:~1Jl~ ~t~~·~~~mz~~~i(:i:nt ~, *11~~jf{-fffpJ~kl3 ~-~ ~WJ!IffiliJT51ie~iiZW o IC ::::1 this machine are not allowed. 18. Any modification or conversion made on this machine must be conformed with the safety standards and regulations . Precaution is necessary. No responsibility will our company take for damages caused by any modification or conversion of this machine without permission. 19. Two safety warning signs are (1) liflf1=Aa2.11Ui.AJlZiliJim; lfi·-&~7it~M•z~Biffl·il ~HOOi.iiiltBmz9~11 Jl11~-Hm~iliiZW1* . ~~ o applied as warning signs: (1) For the safety of operators and service persons, please don't open the cover of any electronic control boxes of motor or other devices and don't touch any components inside to avoid (2) !.~H!~jjU)ifi*ll a. Mli~'ilJtt3!mBl1.fii · -¥ 1~iiililf.lt~~~~1*fl , ii fi•Htl11= · J..1!~.?JJB.A.ft ~·0 b. li 71t!e • • ft.{i , • • Hil"'f:l · ?.JHI(J-¥ ' BAll~ ~.IH·1.1iiM-¥fit · Bl1Nti~ ~ij it ; Itt 9Hi ~ $ 1tl JiHII1' QJntmfffiii~~ . J..1~WD AR~1'Jo electrical shock hazards. (2) Always keep in mind: a. Please never operate this machine without belt cover, finger guard or any safety device to avoid phys ical injury. b. Please keep your hair, fingers and cloths away from the hand wheel, V belt and motor while the machine is in operation, as well as never put anything near these parts, to prevent the risk of injuries by tangled into them . From the library of: Superior Sewing -5- Machine & Supply LLC & c. -1~1JIJD.il.lm lllfl~41U 81£iltl~ , ~1'~Hf1~a9 & =F1i!r1£tita9l':15~ti·~· f¥9~§~ • .1-:i.~WD.A..I.~ under the needle(s) or in the thread take-up cover to prevent physical injuries when 1'Jo & c. Please never put your fingers you turn on the power switch d . ._81Hi1Q~ · ~Bli~31M lh, ~ 7ili~~=¥~~iJiie z11w . ~mHil~1~a9-¥1i ~ iiiUtmt 1W itt o itt 9~ · 'I' J!~~-Tfti · filr:AE-~!mlll Bill r:1J • .1-:i. !A 8 D .A. il ~ & or operate the machine. d . While the machine is in operation, the hook rotates at a high speed. Please keep your hands away from the area of hook to prevent any 1lo potential injury to your hands. In addition, please make sure to turn off the power of the machine while changing & e. 'i':t&X~;U~ietiBftHi · ,j,,LJ. ~M~~-~ItH~ · .1-:i.!AW & JfAR~iJo bobbins. e. Be careful and do not place your fingers inside the machine when placing or lifting the machine head to avoid possible physical & f. ~ 7 il~liB~~lN!iJifi] iJI ~:g ilJtmA9~ . ••a111~~3 oo Hl1;tli ii ~ .l!l ~Hi . m11 t• ~tft•jjj flo · .1-:i.~WD.A.il~ & injuries. f. Please turn off the power before tilting the machine head or removing the belt cover and the V belt to avoid possible accidents due to g. ~ -1~HY.J II H ~ li! .W firi.J RIUfij it • tiH~~.lJ:ff}!fmHi • ~ -~1'·~~11ti[a9·~7 iH~MH~~~IbiffiiJiie~ ttUa9~ · tdl~lllt~l'!H. »Jo abrupt start of this machine. g . For machines equipped servo motors, the motors do not produce noise while the machines are at rest. Therefore, please turn off the power of this machine to • mM avoid possible accidents due to abrupt start of the machine. h. Never operate the sewing 4'~1£3m.l.iHiitMflfl machine after the ground wire h. ~ 7Jt~Mtzm~~t 11=tiW o is removed to avoid electrical shock hazards. From the library of: Superior -6- Sewing Machine & Supply LLC i. ~ 7 il$t!ftUI~11-T.W.1!fMfl ifiF:71 ie iiJ 1m M9~ · !l $t +JJ li i. Please turn the power switch off before connecting or z -~ · iiHiJ:.~t~~MBl disconnecting the power plug o to prevent possible accidents due to electric shock or damaged electronic components. ~- ~- ~----- ~BUall WARNING 1 L- ~7~~-w~•&m•·~~~~~ Please confirm the followings to avoid ""'F•JJi= malfunction or damage to this machine. 1. After installing the machine, and -~~~~flftfl ' jiM-;~MH 111'FiW ' iftllllt$ft5111M o ~•~11~~ ~ 5ftz 1!illl& ~ )fb~~ C» before the first operation, please clean it completely. Clean all dust and overflowed oil mz fit :AE fi&!.&.~il~ li (fl ~ a2.=~) ~ during transportation . Confirm that the voltage and the &JEfilo phase (single or 3 phase) of motor 0 are set correctly. Confirm that the power plug is correctly connected to the power (95. supply. Never use the machine when the local voltage type is different from the marked voltage on the nametag eta. fit:AE~HMDn~~a.iEfito C» A -~t~f'FBXir.I·~-~PJf!miiJZ~~ A DIM · il$t~tlilrRlt~ · J.1$t!~~ ~H~?&INI113ftl£zjj9~ o attached on the machine. 6. Confirm that the rotating direction of the machine pulley is correct. Warning: Before doing any operation or any adjustment described later in this manual, please turn the power off to prevent accidents caused by abrupt start of the sewing machine. From the library of: Superior Sewing -7- Machine & Supply LLC From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ③ ② ① Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ⑦ ① Ⓒ Ⓐ ⑤ ③ ① ⑦ ⑥ ④ ⑨ ⑧ ② Ⓑ Ⓔ Ⓖ Ⓕ From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ·- - - --- - - - -----------------~M:M ta:o~a N-~~~~ I I ADJUST THE ORNAMENTAL PUSHING ROD =1Dtii1PHKm4FFR~11P1 - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -----) -- - - -- ----- - ---- - - - - -- -- -------------- - - ---------- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- -------~ ~-- - - - - - - - - -- 1. 1:1'7!11-!i ,, > ~••u•n~~~<DJlimWtt~ooB9 8EIUlHili13-15 mm • flli!R!I!IM® - - - - - - -- - ! _____ _ J 1. Adjust the height (1} Adjust the distance to 13- 15 mm between the bottom surface of Ornamental pushing rod base(f) and (1116) needle plate surface. Then please (2) :it•J:&«[email protected] · ~ 00 1fU~1' a~ ~ijl Ji 00 J: a ~0. 2 mmf.J 110 ~~~~-~~D·~•w~aoo•• · Rifli*[email protected]<Jpqil~W~9~itll!6 1. 5 - 2. 0 mm (1117) tighten the screw®.(Fig .6) (2} Assemble the lowest ornamental pushing [email protected] and make the gap 0.2 mm between the bottom surface of ornamental pushing rod and the upper surface of presser foot. So it can move smoothly and not have friction with the presser foot. By the way, the distance between ornamental pushing [email protected] (3) 'l:~tfli·tt~pqil!JaM~&t~A~ti& •~tt~•~••*•~~·~m•• 8M®~J.1~(?)1lLKOO.trfiMtt~ft ti~~ ~rm lt'i-~ l1i.l CftPlflrra=b)fl~m SUI**® (118) Parallel , please loosen the screw® and adjust the base(?) in order to make the distance between ornamental Pushing rod and left or right needle be the same (It means parallel a= b). Then (4) ~RtfUitt~~~i!i11£1'·a~ · ~~ ~11SI**®1l~~ifliMW~Ji1i~fg 0. 2 mmlHl~tf~ltiUII**® (5) ~Jf;~J:~trUitt~© inner side and needle outer side is 1.5 mm-2.0 mm. (Fig. 7) (3) When the line of ornamental pushing rod inner side and the line between right and left needle of needle clamp is o (118) · ® • ®:tt~ [email protected]~-15 · ~~~ffU~!!e"iiJ~I lbMfi · J:l'~fdl1'~•fl:t:::k o please tighten the screw® . (Fig.B} (4) When the ornamental pushing rod is not flat , please adjust the two screws® in order to keep the difference in 0.2 mm between the ornamental pushing rod and presser foot. Then please tighten the screws®.(Fig.B) (5) Assemble the ornamental pushing rod in sequence©,® . ® . Follow the key point to [email protected] . Please make sure if the rods can be moved fluently. The friction between upper and lower rods should be small. From the library of: Superior -12- Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 2. li:6"'fi'LI(ID~It (1) Qlh-¥M~-iffii4U1U¥®Ui3~ti:9t l!i~ · [email protected] · fie Alitt&t~lf~®;Zti:iiM51liMJt~ ,iJ. · fJlll©(ID'I'JLX · 00ft:6"ttti~!t ~©z:6"iiM5illQ1l~,iJ.(II9) 2. The adjustment of horizontal movement (1) Turn the hand wheel to move the spreader of decorative [email protected] to the left dead point. Adjust the spreader of decorative thread for letting the left needle point to aim at the central of the 5th thread hole [email protected] from the left side. Adjust© position to left and right needle point to aim at the central of the 5th hole (2) MQih-¥M~Rifti·!l~®ill3~:6" 9E~ · lkt~&:6"[email protected]~iiM4ii *ilL~,iJ. o A.tiil!M©.tijiM4imli1L ~~CJ.' ~·10o of ©.(Fig.9) (2) Turn the hand wheel till the thread [email protected] move to the right dead point. For the time being, the right needle is positioned at the central of the 4th hole on the right side [email protected] The left needle is positioned at the central of the (3) Q11J=FMfl~tmltm~®U'l3?£li9E 4th hole on the left side of©. (Fig.1 0) (3) Turn the hand wheel to move the &at , =J'liUfUi fft "®(ID tii , ue etr. tttt ~ li ~®ztf.il m2m•1L spreader of decorative thread® to the left dead point and adjust the position ~,LJ. of® for letting the left needle point aim 0 a~®(IDm• . ~•~tttt~ ti$®z~ilm21ISJ=L~,e;.. 11 tmll 0 (4) Mti11J=FMueliUfti*ifft~®flL3?£~ JE~ , JJ:tatA:s-ttm~®tr.J:s-ilm 211J*IJ=L~,LJ. o Atftt®m~tEiiM 2i[iMJ=L~/iJ. I ~-12o (5) •aQib-¥ta~~iftiMt1U~® ,®, ©-®3R~~A-ft ·~qft~ti ~-~··Rtr.J~~o-tftf"~tf~ MAB(]~,iJ. · ~115 o tt=~q·•~•m•&~~~~• iitl~(IDHE.r~so mm • ~11113 o at the central of the 2nd hole on the left side. (Fig.11) (4) Turn the hand wheel to move the spreader of decorative thread® to the right dead point and for the time being, the right needle is positioned at the central of the 2nd right hole. The left needle is positioned at the central of the 2nd left hole. (Fig.12) (5) Turn the hand wheel to move the thread of decorative thread®,®,© [email protected] for having the holes on them to be complied each other. For the time being , the right needle point is positioned at the central of the right hole. The left needle point is positioned at the central of the left hole. (Fig .5) Remarks: The distance is 50 mm between the holder edge of decorative thread and two side. (Fig .13) From the library of: Superior Sewing -13- Machine & Supply LLC 1.5"" 2.Omm 0.2mm l / 117/ Fig.? IIJ8/Fig .8 c c .. ) ! I I I • ' • ' '. iu' n 0 D ' .. i i i $ I # • ••• --I D III9/Fig .9 111 0/Fig.1 0 I B -.t B II11/Fig.11 I. I 50 ~ '"' I I I ~ II12/Fig.12 p- •I ~• n- I• ( @@ @ .I 50 I ~ ~ u ~ ~ I ~ ~ ii13/Fig.13 From the library of: Superior -14- Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ttiti , tt~~ttrdJPJ, ~m , 51tt ~ ' till*~ ' ~JJUii~.:ZM.41iiiJ VS M16.1- 6: It. U1 !I M! Bij THE HEIGHT OF NEEDLE, GAP BETWEEN THE NEEDLE AND LOOPER, TIMING, NEEDLE GUIDER, WIPER AND THE THREAD TAKE UP IS TO BE ADJUSTED ON VSM AS SAME AS OTHER NORMAL MODEL , - - - - ----- - - - -- -- ------------ - - - - - -- -- --- ---------- - - ---- -- -- ------- - ----- -- - - -- ---- -- -1 [_ VSQM.*Ill.l!l ADJUST VSQ GAUGE SET ________________________ _________ -------------------------------------------1. i!AGIY-Jjiijfi H~ ~Jltl 9{] iS JIJillt~ at~ ii ® iS11.2 mm(ll14) 2. tttfiliJla{J~~ tt•iSm~·-tiL*~AiS~~·ti~ [email protected] ;Z8,Eft12.3 mm (1115) n.ma~: 1. The height of Feed Dog : Adjust the feed dog t ill its tip is 1-1.2 mm higher than the needle plate's [email protected] (Fig.14) 2. Adjust the height of the Needle Bar: The needle bar's height is: when the needle rise to their highest position, the clearance between the needles' tips and the needle plate's [email protected] should be 12.3 mm (1) tii1J-=FM-fitt•mMfiiS~ · ~fiE fmf!llEtitfi¥-Jfll**® (Fig.15) Please do the adjustment as following : (1) Rotate the hand wheel to move the needle bar to the highest position, and then loosen t he fixing screw® of needle bar. <2) • • ttff CD~ J:J!& rdl ~ JUR R !Ill *i® · ~-~flilliHI~ • 'l'titfl!f~il ii~!eytf"JllttltlL~'~ o (2) Adjust the needle bareD till the clearance is as advised above, then (1116) tighten screw®. When finishing the adjustment, please reconfirm that "when the needle bar moves to the lowest position, the needle should be in the center of the needle plate's hole. (Fig.16) Note: a= Regarding presser foot tension spring®: tlJilUIU1ft It.® : (1) ~~at~M!I:M®~J.Y.~ilt~SI! 1.13~ • • 5111) ~ 0 <~•~eytt~•aM®~~*ro~•• :J:J3~·MS1'P*1 o (11116) (1) Adjusting screw® counter clockwise can reduce the spring tension . It will apply to sewing li ght materials. (2) Adjusting screw® clockwise can increase the spring tension. It will apply to sewing heavy. (Fig.16) From the library of: Superior Sewing -15- Machine & Supply LLC From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ③ Ⓐ ② Ⓒ ① Ⓑ Ⓐ ① From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC The sp•clflcatlon and/or app•aranc. . of th• •qulpment described In this Instruction book are IUbjeot to change b•oauae of modification without previous notice. R70. MAR. 2009 From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply VM LLC