Sony icf c1t инструкция на русском

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ICF-C1_RU5 [GB/RU] 4-480-527-




 Устройство работает от источников 

питания, указанных в “Технические 

 Для отсоединения сетевого шнура (шнура 

питания) потяните его за штепсельную 
вилку, а не за шнур.

 Не оставляйте устройство вблизи 

источников тепла, таких как батареи 
отопления или воздуховоды, или в местах, 
подверженных воздействию прямого 
солнечного света, чрезмерной пыли, 
механической вибрации или ударам.

 Обеспечьте достаточную циркуляцию 

воздуха для предотвращения внутреннего 
перегрева. Не размещайте устройство на 
поверхности (ковер, одеяло и т.п.) или 
вблизи материалов (шторы), которые 
могут блокировать вентиляционные 

 В случае попадания в устройство 

какого-либо твердого предмета или 
жидкости отключите устройство и 
предоставьте его для проверки 
квалифицированному персоналу перед 
дальнейшим использованием.

 Для очистки корпуса используйте мягкую 

сухую ткань. Не используйте никакие 
растворители, такие как спирт или бензин, 
которые могут повредить отделку.

 He подключaйтe пpовод aнтeнны к 

внeшнeй aнтeннe.




 Своевременно утилизируйте 

использованную батарейку. Храните 
литиевую батарейку в недоступном для 
детей месте. В случае, если кто-либо 
проглотил батарейку, следует немедленно 
обратиться к врачу.

 Для обеспечения хорошего контакта 

протрите батарейку сухой тканью.

 При установке батарейки убедитесь в 

соблюдении полярности.

 Не берите батарейку металлическим 

пинцетом, так как это может привести к 
короткому замыканию.

 Не подвергайте батарейку чрезмерному 

воздействию тепла, например, прямого 
солнечного света, огня и т.п.

При возникновении каких-либо вопросов 
или проблем, связанных с устройством, 
обращайтесь к ближайшему дилеру Sony.

Начало работы

Подсоединение к 

источнику питания 

переменного тока

Подсоедините шнур питания переменного 
тока к штепсельной розетке.

К штепсельной 

О батарейке как 


автономного питания

Для данного устройства необходима 
батарейка CR2032 (прилагается) в качестве 
источника автономного питания для 
поддержания работы часов во время 
прерывания питания.

Когда заменять 


Если батарейка разряжена, на дисплее 
появится “


В случае прерывания питания, когда 
батарейка разряжена, текущее время и 
сигнал будут удалены.

Установка и замена 

батарейки для 

автономной подпитки


 Держите штекер переменного тока 

подсоединенным к сетевой розетке 
и извлеките батарейный отсек в 
нижней части устройства, вытянув 
его при сдвинутом язычке. (См. 



  Вставьте новую батарейку в 

батарейный отсек стороной 



Для извлечения батарейки из 
батарейного отсека, вытолкните ее со 
стороны с меткой 

PUSH. (См. рис. 



  Вставьте батарейный отсек обратно 

в устройство вдоль паза и нажмите 
его сверху до щелчка. (См. 


Язычок фиксирует батарейный отсек.



RADIO для удаления “” с 



 При замене батарейки не отсоединяйте 

шнур переменного тока от штепсельной 
розетки. В противном случае текущая 
дата, текущее время и сигнал будут 

 Если устройство будет оставаться 

длительное время с отключенным 
шнуром питания, извлеките батарейку во 
избежание какого-либо повреждения, 
которое может возникнуть из-за утечки 
или коррозии.

Установка часов


  Нажмите и удерживайте 


TIME SET более 2 секунд.

Вы услышите звуковой сигнал, и 
последние две цифры года начнут мигать 
на дисплее.


  Нажимайте повторно 

+ или  для 

выбора года, а затем нажмите 


  Повторите действие пункта 

2 для 

установки месяца, дня и времени.

После установки времени прозвучат два 
коротких звуковых сигнала и секунды 
начнут увеличиваться от нуля.


 Если вы не нажмете какую-либо кнопку в 

течение примерно 1 минуты при установке 
часов, режим установки часов будет 

Для изменения индикации 

при переходе на летнее 

время (летний период)

Измените установку настройки перехода на 
летнее время (летний период) в 
соответствии со следующей процедурой.

Нажмите и удерживайте нажатой 


более 3 секунд.

На дисплее появится “DST” и индикация 
часов переключится на летнее время 
(летний период).
Для отключения настройки функции 
перехода на летнее время (летний период), 
нажмите и удерживайте нажатой 

DST более 

3 секунд еще раз.






RADIO для включения 




BAND в нужный 

диапазон (

AM или FM).


  Выполните настройку на нужную 

станцию с помощью 



  Отрегулируйте громкость с 



Для выключения радиоприемника 


Установка сигнала

Звук сигнала можно выбрать из 


(радиоприемник) или 

BUZZ (зуммер).

Перед установкой сигнала

 Убедитесь в том, что часы установлены. 

(См. “Установка часов”.)

 Для установки сигнала радиоприемника, 

сначала настройтесь на станцию и 
отрегулируйте громкость. (См. 
“Воспроизведение радиоприемника”.)

Для установки сигнала



нужный звук сигнала (

RADIO или 


На несколько секунд появится время 
сигнала, а затем на дисплее появится  
“ ”. (Если переключатель установлен в 

OFF, ничего не появится.)


  Нажимайте повторно 


TIME + или  для установки нужного 
времени, когда на дисплее 
отображается время сигнала.

Во время установки времени сигнала на 
дисплее мигает “ ”.

По завершении операции установки 
времени сигнала, через несколько 
секунд снова появится индикация часов, 
а “ ” изменит мигание на постоянное 
В установленное время включится 
радиоприемник или будет звучать 
зуммер с нарастающей громкостью. (На 
дисплее начнет мигать “ ”.)

Шнур питания 

переменного тока

Частота текущей радиостанции 
отображается приблизительно.


Рядом с 

VOLUME + имеется тактильная точка, показывающая направление 

движения для увеличения громкости.

Для остановки сигнала



выключения сигнала.

На следующий день сигнал прозвучит снова 
в такое же время.

Чтобы вздремнуть еще 

несколько минут



Звук выключится, однако примерно через 
10 минут автоматически включится снова.
Каждый раз при нажатии 


BRIGHTNESS время повторения сигнала 
будет изменяться следующим образом:

Дисплей показывает время повторения 
сигнала в течение 4 секунд и возвращается 
к отображению текущего времени. (На 
дисплее начнет мигать “ ”.)

Для отключения сигнала



С дисплея исчезнет “ ”.


 Установка времени сигнала не может быть 

изменена, если 

ALARM MODE установлен 


OFF. Если нажать SET ALARM TIME + или 

, на дисплее примерно на 0,5 секунд 
появится “OFF”.

ENTER/TIME SET и DST недоступны во 

время звучания сигнала или при 
включенной функции повторения сигнала.

 Если во время звучания сигнала не 

выполняется никакая операция, сигнал 
прекратится примерно через 60 минут.

Примечания относительно сигнала в 
случае прерывания питания

Если установленное время сигнала наступит 
в случае прерывания питания или же 
прерывание питания произойдет во время 
звучания сигнала, дисплей выключится и 
сигнал звучать не будет, а состояние сигнала 
будет следующим:
 Если подача питания возобновится в 

пределах 60 минут от установленного 
времени сигнала, начнет звучать сигнал.

 Если прерывание подачи питания 

произошло во время работы функции 
повторения сигнала, функция повторения 
сигнала возобновится.

 Если время повторения сигнала пришло 

тогда, когда произошло прерывание 
питания, сигнал начнет звучать после 
возобновления подачи питания.

В этом состоянии, если не высвечивается 
“”, доступны функции ALARM RESET/OFF

SNOOZE/BRIGHTNESS и функция режима 
сигнала. При нажатии 


время повторения сигнала будет 
устанавливаться только на 10 минут.

Установка таймера 


Вы можете засыпать под радиоприемник, 
используя таймер сна, который выключает 
радиоприемник автоматически через 
заданный промежуток времени.



Радиоприемник включится. Каждый раз при 

SLEEP промежуток времени (в 

минутах) изменяется следующим образом:

Радиоприемник будет выполнять 
воспроизведение в течение установленного 
промежутка времени, а затем выключится.
Для отключения таймера сна нажимайте 

SLEEP для установки таймера сна 

в положение “OFF”.

Для выключения 

радиоприемника до 





Для использования таймера 

сна и будильника 


Вы можете засыпать под радиоприемник, а 
также просыпаться с помощью 
радиоприемника или сигнала зуммера в 
предустановленное время.

Установите сигнал, а затем установите 
таймер сна.


 Если сигнал установлен для звучания во 

время установленного промежутка 
таймера сна, таймер сна отключится 
автоматически, когда зазвучит сигнал.

Установка яркости 


Доступно три уровня яркости.



Каждый раз при нажатии 


BRIGHTNESS яркость дисплея будет 
изменяться следующим образом:


 Если звучит сигнал или включена функция 

повторения сигнала, яркость дисплея 
изменить невозможно.

Общая информация

Поиск и устранение 


Если проблемы не устраняются после 
выполнения следующих проверок, 
обратитесь к ближайшему дилеру Sony.

После прерывания питания на часах 
высвечивается “0:00”.

 Батарейка разряжена. Извлеките старую 

батарейку и вставьте новую.

Неудовлетворительный прием

 Вытяните проволочную FM-антенну 

полностью для увеличения 
чувствительности приема.

 Поверните устройство в горизонтальном 

направлении для оптимального приема. 
Ферритовый стержень AM-антенны 
встроен в устройство.

 Не используйте устройство на стальном 

столе или металлической поверхности, так 
как это может привести к помехам.

Радиоприемник или сигнал зуммера 
не звучит в предустановленное 

 Убедитесь в том, что “ ” появилось на 


Сигнал радиоприемника включен, 
однако звук не раздается в 
предустановленное время. 

 Отрегулируйте громкость с помощью 




Дисплей времени

24-часовая система

Диапазон частот




87,5 MГц – 108 MГц


531 кГц – 1602 кГц

Акустическая система

Приблиз. диаметр 6,6 см, 8 Ω

Выходная мощность

100 мВТ (при коэффициенте нелинейных 
искажений 10%)

Требования к питанию

230 В переменного тока, 50 Гц
Для автономного питания: 3 В постоянного 
тока, одна батарейка CR2032

Габаритные размеры

Приблиз. 101 мм 

 102 мм  101 мм (ш/г/в), 

включая выступающие части и регуляторы


Приблиз. 480 г, включая батарейку CR2032



Батарейка CR2032 (1)

Конструкция и технические характеристики 
могут быть изменены без уведомления.


Перед эксплуатацией устройства 
внимательно прочтите данное руководство 
и сохраните его на случай, если оно 


Для уменьшения вероятности пожара не 
закрывайте вентиляционные отверстия 
аппарата газетами, скатертями, шторами и 
т.п. Не размещайте зажженные свечи на 
Для уменьшения вероятности пожара или 
поражения электрическим током не 
допускайте попадания капель или брызг и 
не размещайте предметы с водой, такие как 
вазы, на аппарате.

Не устанавливайте аппарат в закрытом 
месте, таком, как книжная полка или 
встроенный шкаф.

Не подвергайте батарейки или аппарат с 
установленными в него батарейками 
чрезмерному воздействию тепла, например 
солнечного света, огня и т.п.

Так как штепсельная вилка используется для 
отключения аппарата от сети, подсоедините 
аппарат к легкодоступной сетевой розетке. 
В случае если Вы заметите ненормальность 
в аппарате, немедленно отсоедините 
штепсельную вилку от сетевой розетки.

Пока устройство подключено к источнику 
переменного тока, на него по-прежнему 
подается электропитание, даже если само 
устройство выключено.

Фирменная табличка и важная информация 
о безопасности расположены на нижней 


Если батарейку заменить не надлежащим 
образом, существует опасность взрыва. 
Заменяйте только на батарейку такого же 

Данный символ предназначен для 

предупреждения пользователя о 

наличии важных инструкций по 

эксплуатации и уходу 

(обслуживанию) в документации, 

прилагаемой к устройству.

Класс защиты от поражения 
электрическим током II

Дата производства

Дата изготовления указана на этикетке со 
штрих-кодом картонной коробки 
следующим образом: 01-2014, где 01-месяц, 
2014-год изготовления.


Сделано в Китае

Импортер на территории стран 
Таможенного союза
ЗАО «Сони Электроникс», Россия, 123103, 
Москва, Карамышевский проезд, 6
Организация, уполномоченная принимать 
претензии от потребителей на территории 
ЗАО «Сони Электроникс» 
Представительство в Казахстане, 050059, 
Алматы, улица Иванилова, д. 58

Утилизация использованных 
элементов питания и отслужившего 
электрического и электронного 
оборудования (Директива 
применяется в странах Евросоюза и 
других европейских странах, где 
действуют системы раздельного 
сбора отходов)

Данный знак на устройстве, 
элементе питания или их 
упаковке означает, что 
устройство и элемент питания, 
нельзя утилизировать вместе с 
прочими бытовыми отходами. 

На некоторых элементах питания данный 
символ может комбинироваться с символом 
химического элемента. Символы ртути (Hg) 
или свинца (Pb) указываются, если 
содержание данных металлов более 
0,0005% (для ртути) и 0,004% (для свинца) 
Обеспечивая правильную утилизацию 
отслуживших устройств и использованных 
элементов питания, вы предотвращаете 
негативное влияние на окружающую среду 
и здоровье людей, возникающее при 
неправильной утилизации. Вторичная 
переработка материалов, использованных 
при изготовлении элементов питания и 
устройств, способствует сохранению 
природных ресурсов. 
При работе устройств, для которых в целях 
безопасности, выполнения каких-либо 
действий или сохранения имеющихся в 
памяти устройств данных необходима 
подача постоянного питания от встроенного 
элемента питания, замену такого элемента 
питания следует производить только в 
специализированных сервисных центрах. 
Для правильной утилизации 
использованных элементов питания,  
электрического и электронного 
оборудования после истечения срока  
службы следует сдавать их в 
соответствующий пункт по сбору 
электронного и электрического 
Об использовании прочих элементов 
питания, пожалуйста, узнайте в разделе, в 
котором даны инструкции по извлечению 
элементов питания из устройства, соблюдая 
меры безопасности. Сдавайте эти 
использованные элементы питания в 
соответствующие пункты по сбору и 
переработке использованных элементов 
Для получения более подробной 
информации о вторичной переработке 
данных изделий или использованных 
элементов питания, пожалуйста, обратитесь 
в местные органы городского управления, 
службу сбора бытовых отходов или в 
магазин, где были приобретены изделия 
или элементы питания.


 При неправильном обращении батарейка 

может взорваться. Не заряжайте, не 
разбирайте и не бросайте ее в огонь.

 Утилизируйте использованную батарейку 

своевременно в соответствии с местными 
законами и правилами по охране 
окружающей среды. Храните в 
недоступном для детей месте.

Проволочная FM-антенна

ICF-C1_RU5 [GB/RU] 4-480-527-62(1)


Before operating the unit, please read this

guide thoroughly and retain it for future



To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover the

ventilation opening of the appliance with

newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc. Do not

expose the appliance to naked flame sources

(for example, lighted candles).

To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do

not expose this apparatus to dripping or

splashing, and do not place objects filled with

liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus.

Do not install the appliance in a confined

space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet.

Do not expose batteries or apparatus with

battery-installed to excessive heat such as

sunshine, fire or the like.

Do not ingest the battery, Chemical Burn


(The remote control supplied with) This product

contains a coin/button cell battery. If the coin/

button cell battery is swallowed, it can cause

severe internal burns in just 2hours and can

lead to death.

Keep new and used batteries away from


If the battery compartment does not close

securely, stop using the product and keep it

away from children.

If you think batteries might have been

swallowed or placed inside any part of the

body, seek immediate medical attention.

As the main plug is used to disconnect the unit

from the mains, connect the unit to an easily

accessible AC outlet. Should you notice an

abnormality in the unit, disconnect the main

plug from the AC outlet immediately.

The unit is not disconnected from the AC

power source (mains) as long as it is connected

to the wall outlet, even if the unit itself has

been turned off.

The nameplate and important information

concerning safety are located on the bottom



Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly

replaced. Replace only with the same type.

The validity of the CE marking is restricted to

only those countries where it is legally

enforced, mainly in the countries EEA

(European Economic Area) and Switzerland.

Production Date

The date of manufacture is specified on the

barcode label on the carton after the word

“Produced” in the following format: MM-YYYY,

where MM-month and YYYY-the year of


Disposal of waste batteries and electrical and electronic equipment (applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)

The Sony ICF-C1 is an FM and AM radio with a

built-in clock.



Operate the unit on the power sources

specified in “Specifications.


To disconnect the power cord (mains lead),

pull it out by the plug, not the cord.


Do not leave the unit under lighting

equipment, in a location near a heat source,

such as a radiator or airduct, or in a place

subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust,

mechanical vibration, or shock.


Allow adequate air circulation to prevent

internal heat build-up. Do not place the unit

on a surface (a rug, blanket, etc.) or near

materials (a curtain) that might block the

ventilation holes.


Should any solid object or liquid fall into the

unit, unplug the unit and have it checked by

a qualified personnel before operating it any



To clean the casing, use a soft dry cloth. Do

not use any type of solvent, such as alcohol

or benzine, which may damage the finish.


Do not connect the antenna lead to the

external antenna.



Battery may explode if handled incorrectly.

Do not recharge, disassemble or dispose of

in fire.


Dispose of used battery promptly. Keep the

lithium battery out of the reach of children.

Should the battery be swallowed,

immediately consult a doctor.


Wipe the battery with a dry cloth to assure a

good contact.


Be sure to observe the correct polarity when

installing the battery.


Do not hold the battery with metallic

tweezers, otherwise a short-circuit may



Batteries have a recommended use-by date

for proper use. When replacing the battery,

check the expiration date of the new battery

indicated on the package, etc.

If you have any questions or problems

concerning your unit, please consult your

nearest Sony dealer.

Getting Started

Connecting to an AC

power source

Connect the AC power cord to a wall outlet.

To wall outlet

About the battery as a

backup power source

This unit needs a CR2032 battery (supplied) as

a backup power source to keep the clock

operating during a power interruption.

When to replace the

When the battery is discharged, ” appears

on the display.

If a power interruption occurs while the battery

is discharged, the current time and alarm will

be erased.

Installing and replacing
the backup battery
1 Keep the AC plug connected to the

wall outlet and remove the battery compartment on the bottom of the unit by pulling it up while sliding the tab. (See Fig. .)

2 Insert a new battery into the battery

compartment with the side facing


To remove the battery from the battery

compartment, push it out from the side

marked PUSH. (See Fig. .)

3 Insert the battery compartment back

into the unit along the groove and push it from above until it clicks. (See Fig. .)

The tab locks the battery compartment.

4 Press RADIO to remove “

” from the display.Notes


When you replace the battery, do not

disconnect the AC plug from the wall outlet.

Otherwise, the current date, current time and

alarm will be erased.


If the unit will be left unplugged for a long

time, remove the battery to avoid any

damage that may be caused by leakage or


Setting the clock

1 Press and hold ENTER/TIME SET for

more than 2 seconds.

You will hear a beep and the last two digits

of the year will start to flash on the display.

2 Press + or repeatedly to select the

year, and then press ENTER/TIME SET.

3 Repeat step 2 to set the month, day

and time.

After setting the time, two short beeps will

sound and the seconds will start

incrementing from zero.


If you do not press any button for about 1

minute while setting the clock, clock setting

mode will be canceled.

To change the display to
indicate daylight saving time
(summer time)

Change the daylight saving time (summer

time) adjustment setting according to the

following procedure.

Press and hold DST for more than 3 seconds.

“DST” appears on the display and the clock

display switches to daylight saving time

(summer time).

To deactivate the daylight saving time (summer

time) adjustment, press and hold DST for more

than 3 seconds again.

AC power cordThe frequency of the current radio station is displayed as a rough guide.DisplayThere is a tactile dot beside VOLUME + to show the direction to go to turn up the volume.


Playing the radio

1 Press RADIO to turn on the radio.

2 Set BAND to the desired band (AM or


3 Tune to the desired station using


4 Adjust the volume using VOLUME +/–.

To turn off the radio, press ALARM RESET/


Setting the alarm

The alarm sound can be selected from RADIO

(radio) or BUZZ (buzzer).

Before setting the alarm


Make sure to set the clock. (See “Setting the



To set the radio alarm, first tune to a station

and adjust the volume. (See “Playing the


To set the alarm


Set ALARM MODE to the desired alarm sound (RADIO or BUZZ).

The alarm time appears for a few seconds,

and then “

appears on the display. (It

does not appear when the switch is set to


2 Press SET ALARM TIME + or

repeatedly to set the desired time while the alarm time appears on the display.

While setting the alarm time, flashes on

the display.

When the alarm time setting operation is

complete, the clock display returns after a

few seconds and

changes from flashing

to fully lit.

At the set time, the radio will turn on, or the

buzzer will sound gradually increasing in

volume. (“

flashes on the display.)

To stop the alarm

Press ALARM RESET/OFF to turn off the alarm.

The alarm will sound again at the same time

the next day.

To doze for a few more minutes


The sound turns off, but will automatically

come on again after about 10 minutes.

Each time you press SNOOZE/BRIGHTNESS,

the snooze time changes as follows:

The display shows the snooze time for about

4seconds and returns to show the current

time. (“

flashes on the display.)

To deactivate the alarm


disappears from the display.



The alarm time setting cannot be changed if


TIME + or is pressed, “OFF” appears on the

display for about 0.5 seconds.


ENTER/TIME SET and DST are unavailable

while the alarm is sounding or the snooze

function is turned on.


If no operation is performed while the alarm

is sounding, the alarm will stop after about

60 minutes.

Notes on the alarm in the event of a power interruption

If the set alarm time comes in the event of a

power interruption or a power interruption

occurs while the alarm is sounding, the display

will turn off and the alarm will not sound, and

the alarm status will be as follows:


If power returns within 60 minutes from the

alarm set time, the alarm will sound.


If the power interruption occurred while the

snooze function was operating, the snooze

function will continue.


If the snooze time had passed when the

power interruption occurred, the alarm will

sound after power returns.

In this status, if “ does not light up, ALARM


mode functions are available. The snooze time

will be fixed to only 10 minutes if SNOOZE/

BRIGHTNESS has been pressed.

Setting the sleep


You can fall asleep to the radio using the sleep

timer, which turns off the radio automatically

after a preset duration.

Press SLEEP.

The radio turns on. Each time you press SLEEP,

the duration (in minutes) changes as follows:

The radio will play for the duration you set,

then shut off.

To deactivate the sleep timer, press SLEEP

repeatedly to set the sleep timer to “OFF.

To turn off the radio before the
preset time


To use both the sleep timer and

You can fall asleep to the radio and also be

awakened by the radio or buzzer alarm at the

preset time.

Set the alarm, then set the sleep timer.



When the alarm is set to sound during the

sleep timer duration, the sleep timer will be

deactivated automatically when the alarm


Setting the brightness

of the display

Three levels of brightness are available.


Each time you press SNOOZE/BRIGHTNESS,

the brightness of the display changes as




When the alarm is sounding or the snooze

function is active, the brightness of the

display cannot be changed.

General information


Should any problems persist after you have

made the following checks, consult your

nearest Sony dealer.

The clock flashes “0:00” after a power interruption.


The battery is discharged. Remove the old

battery and insert a new one.

Unsatisfactory reception


Extend the FM wire antenna fully to increase

reception sensitivity.


Rotate the unit horizontally for optimum

reception. A ferrite bar AM antenna is built

into the unit.


Do not operate the unit over a steel desk or

metal surface, as this may lead to


The radio or buzzer alarm does not sound at the preset alarm time.


Check that “

appears on the display.

The radio alarm is activated but no sound is emitted at the preset alarm time.


Adjust the volume using VOLUME +/–.


Time display

24-hour system

Frequency range

Band Frequency

FM 87.5 MHz – 108 MHz

AM 531 kHz – 1,602 kHz


Approx. 6.6 cm dia., 8 Ω

Power output

100 mW (at 10% harmonic distortion)

Power requirements

230 V AC, 50 Hz

For power backup: 3 V DC, one CR2032 battery


Approx. 101 mm 102 mm 101 mm (w/h/d)

including projecting parts and controls


Approx. 480 g (including CR2032 battery)

Supplied contents

Main unit: ICF-C1 (1)

CR2032 battery (1)

Operating Instructions (this manual) (1)

Design and specifications are subject to

change without notice.

  FM wire antenna4-480-527-62(1)ICF-C1

FM/AM Clock Radio

Operating InstructionsИнструкция по эксплуатации (Переход назад)©2014 Sony Corporation Printed in China

FM/AM Clock Radio

Operating Instructions

Инструкция по эксплуатации (Переход назад)

©2014 Sony Corporation

Printed in China


The frequency of the current radio

station is displayed as a rough guide.


AC power cord

FM wire antenna

There is a tactile dot beside VOLUME + to show the direction to go to turn up the




Before operating the unit, please read this

guide thoroughly and retain it for future



To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover the

ventilation of the apparatus with newspapers,

tablecloths, curtains, etc. And do not place

lighted candles on the apparatus.

To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do

not expose this apparatus to dripping or

splashing, and do not place objects filled with

liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus.

Do not install the appliance in a confined

space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet.

Do not expose batteries or apparatus with

battery-installed to excessive heat such as

sunshine, fire or the like.

As the main plug is used to disconnect the unit

from the mains, connect the unit to an easily

accessible AC outlet. Should you notice an

abnormality in the unit, disconnect the main

plug from the AC outlet immediately.

The unit is not disconnected from the AC

power source (mains) as long as it is connected

to the wall outlet, even if the unit itself has

been turned off.

The nameplate and important information

concerning safety are located on the bottom



Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly

replaced. Replace only with the same type.

This symbol is intended to alert the

user to the presence of important

operating and maintenance (servicing)

instructions in the literature

accompanying the appliance.

Disposal of waste batteries and

electrical and electronic equipment

(applicable in the European Union and

other European countries with separate

collection systems)

This symbol on the product, the

battery or on the packaging

indicates that the product and the

battery shall not be treated as

household waste. On certain

batteries this symbol might be used

in combination with a chemical symbol. The

chemical symbols for mercury (Hg) or lead (Pb) are

added if the battery contains more than 0.0005%

mercury or 0.004% lead. By ensuring these

products and batteries are disposed of correctly,

you will help prevent potentially negative

consequences for the environment and human

health which could otherwise be caused by

inappropriate waste handling. The recycling of the

materials will help to conserve natural resources.

In case of products that for safety, performance or

data integrity reasons require a permanent

connection with an incorporated battery, this

battery should be replaced by qualified service

staff only. To ensure that the battery and the

electrical and electronic equipment will be treated

properly, hand over these products at end-of-life to

the applicable collection point for the recycling of

electrical and electronic equipment. For all other

batteries, please view the section on how to

remove the battery from the product safely. Hand

the battery over to the applicable collection point

for the recycling of waste batteries. For more

detailed information about recycling of this product

or battery, please contact your local Civic Office,

your household waste disposal service or the shop

where you purchased the product or battery.


 Battery may explode if handled incorrectly.

Do not recharge, disassemble or dispose of

in fire.

 Dispose of used battery promptly and in

accordance with local environmental laws

and guidelines. Keep away from children.

License and Trademark


No Power No Problem™ is a trademark of Sony



 Operate the unit on the power sources

specified in «Specifications.»

 To disconnect the power cord (mains lead),

pull it out by the plug, not the cord.

 Do not leave the unit in a location near a

heat source, such as a radiator or airduct, or

in a place subject to direct sunlight, excessive

dust, mechanical vibration, or shock.

 Allow adequate air circulation to prevent

internal heat build-up. Do not place the unit

on a surface (a rug, blanket, etc.) or near

materials (a curtain) that might block the

ventilation holes.

 Should any solid object or liquid fall into the

unit, unplug the unit and have it checked by

a qualified personnel before operating it any


 To clean the casing, use a soft dry cloth. Do

not use any type of solvent, such as alcohol

or benzine, which may damage the finish.

 Do not connect the antenna lead to the

external antenna.


 Dispose of used battery promptly. Keep the

lithium battery out of the reach of children.

Should the battery be swallowed,

immediately consult a doctor.

 Wipe the battery with a dry cloth to assure a

good contact.

 Be sure to observe the correct polarity when

installing the battery.

 Do not hold the battery with metallic

tweezers, otherwise a short-circuit may


 Do not expose the battery to excessive heat

such as direct sunlight, fire or the like.

If you have any questions or problems

concerning your unit, please consult your

nearest Sony dealer.

Getting Started


Connecting to an AC

Playing the radio

power source


Press RADIO to turn on the radio.


Connect the AC power cord to a wall outlet.

Set BAND to the desired band (AM or


To wall outlet


Tune to the desired station using


About the battery as a


Adjust the volume using VOLUME +/–.

To turn off the radio, press ALARM RESET/

backup power source


This unit needs a CR2032 battery (supplied) as

Setting the alarm

a backup power source to keep the clock and

the alarm operating during a power

interruption. (No Power No Problem system)

The dual alarm function allows you to set two

alarm programs (ALARM A and ALARM B).

An alarm time can be set for each program and

the alarm sound can be selected from RADIO

(radio) or BUZZ (buzzer).

Before setting the alarm

 Make sure to set the clock. (See «Setting the

When to replace the



 To set the radio alarm, first tune to a station

and adjust the volume. (See «Playing the

When the battery is discharged, «» appears


on the display.

If a power interruption occurs while the battery

To set the alarm

is discharged, the current time and alarm will


be erased.

Set ALARM A (or B) to the desired

alarm sound (RADIO or BUZZ).

Installing and replacing

the backup battery


Keep the AC plug connected to the

wall outlet and remove the battery

compartment on the bottom of the

unit by pulling it up while sliding the

tab. (See Fig. -.)

The alarm time appears for a few seconds,

and then «A» (or «B») appears on the display.


Insert a new battery into the battery

(It does not appear when the switch is set

compartment with the  side facing

to OFF.)


To remove the battery from the battery

compartment, push it out from the side


Press SET ALARM TIME + or –

marked PUSH. (See Fig. -.)

repeatedly to set the desired time


Insert the battery compartment back

while the alarm time appears on the

into the unit along the groove and


push it from above until it clicks. (See

Fig. -.)

The tab locks the battery compartment.


Press RADIO to remove »  » from the



 When you replace the battery, do not

While setting the alarm time, «A» (or «B»)

disconnect the AC plug from the wall outlet.

flashes on the display.

Otherwise, the current date, current time and

alarm will be erased.

 If the unit will be left unplugged for a long

time, remove the battery to avoid any

When the alarm time setting operation is

damage that may be caused by leakage or

complete, the clock display returns after a


few seconds and «A» (or «B») changes from

flashing to fully lit.

Setting the clock

At the set time, the radio will turn on, or the

buzzer will sound gradually increasing in

volume. («A» (or «B») flashes on the display.)


Press and hold ENTER/TIME SET for

more than 2 seconds.

To stop the alarm

You will hear a beep and the last two digits

Press ALARM RESET/OFF to turn off the

of the year will start to flash on the display.



Press + or – repeatedly to select the

The alarm will sound again at the same time

year, and then press ENTER/TIME SET.

the next day.

To doze for a few more minutes



Repeat step 2 to set the month, day

The sound turns off, but will automatically

and time.

come on again after about 10 minutes.

After setting the time, two short beeps will

Each time you press SNOOZE/BRIGHTNESS,

sound and the seconds will start

the snooze time changes as follows:

incrementing from zero.


The display shows the snooze time for about

 If you do not press any button for about 1

4 seconds and returns to show the current

minute while setting the clock, clock setting

time. («A» (or «B») flashes on the display.)

mode will be canceled.

To deactivate the alarm

To change the display to

indicate daylight saving time

Set ALARM A (or B) to OFF.

(summer time)

«A» (or «B») disappears from the display.

Change the daylight saving time (summer


time) adjustment setting according to the

 The alarm time setting cannot be changed if

following procedure.

ALARM A (or B) is set to OFF. If SET ALARM

Press and hold DST for more than 3

TIME + or – is pressed, «OFF» appears on the


display for about 0.5 seconds.

 If a second alarm sounds during a first (or

«DST» appears on the display and the clock

the snooze function is active), the second

display switches to daylight saving time

alarm takes priority.

(summer time).

 ENTER/TIME SET and DST are unavailable

To deactivate the daylight saving time (summer

while the alarm is sounding or the snooze

time) adjustment, press and hold DST for more

function is turned on.

than 3 seconds again.

 If the same alarm time is set for both ALARM

A and ALARM B, ALARM A takes priority.

 If no operation is performed while the alarm

is sounding, the alarm will stop after about

60 minutes.

Notes on the alarm in the event of a

power interruption

In the event of a power interruption, the alarm

functions work until the battery is fully

discharged. But certain functions will be

affected as follows:

 The display will disappear.

 If the alarm sound is set to RADIO, it will be

changed to BUZZ automatically.

 If the power returns while the alarm is

sounding, the alarm sounds continuously for

about 60 minutes when the power returns.

 The alarm buzzes for about one minute,

stops temporarily, and buzzes again after

about five minutes if neither SNOOZE/


pressed while the alarm is buzzing.

If the alarm buzzes and stops (either

automatically after 1 minute or by pressing

SNOOZE/BRIGHTNESS) five times, the alarm

is automatically reset in the case of a power

interruption. The alarm will buzz for

30 minutes after power is restored if it is

restored within 60 minutes of the alarm time.

 If you press SNOOZE/BRIGHTNESS while the

alarm is sounding, the snooze time is set to

10 minutes. During a power failure, the

snooze time cannot be set to more than

10 minutes.

 If »  » appears on the display, the alarm will

not sound in the event of a power

interruption. Replace the battery if »  «


Setting the sleep


You can fall asleep to the radio using the sleep

timer, which turns off the radio automatically

after a preset duration.

Press SLEEP.

The radio turns on. Each time you press SLEEP,

the duration (in minutes) changes as follows:

The radio will play for the duration you set,

then shut off.

To deactivate the sleep timer, press SLEEP

repeatedly to set the sleep timer to «OFF.»

To turn off the radio before the

preset time


To use both the sleep timer and


You can fall asleep to the radio and also be

awakened by the radio or buzzer alarm at the

preset time.

Set the alarm, then set the sleep timer.


 When the alarm is set to sound during the

sleep timer duration, the sleep timer will be

deactivated automatically when the alarm


Setting the brightness

of the display

When setting ALARM A

Three levels of brightness are available.


Each time you press SNOOZE/BRIGHTNESS,

the brightness of the display changes as



 When the alarm is sounding or the snooze

function is active, the brightness of the

display cannot be changed.

General information


Should any problems persist after you have

made the following checks, consult your

nearest Sony dealer.

The clock flashes «0:00» after a power


 The battery is discharged. Remove the old

battery and insert a new one.

Unsatisfactory reception

 Extend the FM wire antenna fully to increase

reception sensitivity.

 Rotate the unit horizontally for optimum

reception. A ferrite bar AM antenna is built

into the unit.

 Do not operate the unit over a steel desk or

metal surface, as this may lead to


The radio or buzzer alarm does not

sound at the preset alarm time.

 Check that «A» or «B» appears on the display.

The radio alarm is activated but no

sound is emitted at the preset alarm


 Adjust the volume using VOLUME +/–.


Time display

24-hour system

Frequency range




87.5 MHz – 108 MHz


531 kHz – 1,602 kHz


Approx. 6.6 cm dia., 8 Ω

Power output

115 mW (at 10% harmonic distortion)

Power requirements

230 V AC, 50 Hz

For power backup: 3 V DC, one CR2032 battery


Approx. 101 mm  102 mm  101 mm (w/h/d)

including projecting parts and controls


Approx. 490 g including CR2032 battery

Supplied accessories

CR2032 battery (1)

Design and specifications are subject to

change without notice.

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



SONY ICF-C1T инструкция по эксплуатации
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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для SONY ICF-C1T. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации SONY ICF-C1T. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить SONY ICF-C1T, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

background image

ICF-C1_RU5 [GB/RU] 4-480-527-




Before operating the unit, please read this 
guide thoroughly and retain it for future 


To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover the 
ventilation of the apparatus with newspapers, 
tablecloths, curtains, etc. And do not place 
lighted candles on the apparatus.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do 
not expose this apparatus to dripping or 
splashing, and do not place objects filled with 
liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus.

Do not install the appliance in a confined 
space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet.

Do not expose batteries or apparatus with 
battery-installed to excessive heat such as 
sunshine, fire or the like.

As the main plug is used to disconnect the unit 
from the mains, connect the unit to an easily 
accessible AC outlet. Should you notice an 
abnormality in the unit, disconnect the main 
plug from the AC outlet immediately.

The unit is not disconnected from the AC 
power source (mains) as long as it is connected 
to the wall outlet, even if the unit itself has 
been turned off.

The nameplate and important information 
concerning safety are located on the bottom 


Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly 
replaced. Replace only with the same type.

This symbol is intended to alert the 

user to the presence of important 

operating and maintenance (servicing) 

instructions in the literature 

accompanying the appliance.

Disposal of waste batteries and 
electrical and electronic equipment 
(applicable in the European Union and 
other European countries with separate 
collection systems)

This symbol on the product, the 
battery or on the packaging 
indicates that the product and the 
battery shall not be treated as 
household waste. On certain 
batteries this symbol might be used 

in combination with a chemical symbol. The 
chemical symbols for mercury (Hg) or lead (Pb) are 
added if the battery contains more than 0.0005% 
mercury or 0.004% lead. By ensuring these 
products and batteries are disposed of correctly, 
you will help prevent potentially negative 
consequences for the environment and human 
health which could otherwise be caused by 
inappropriate waste handling. The recycling of the 
materials will help to conserve natural resources. 
In case of products that for safety, performance or 
data integrity reasons require a permanent 
connection with an incorporated battery, this 
battery should be replaced by qualified service 
staff only. To ensure that the battery and the 
electrical and electronic equipment will be treated 
properly, hand over these products at end-of-life to 
the applicable collection point for the recycling of 
electrical and electronic equipment. For all other 
batteries, please view the section on how to 
remove the battery from the product safely. Hand 
the battery over to the applicable collection point 
for the recycling of waste batteries. For more 
detailed information about recycling of this product 
or battery, please contact your local Civic Office, 
your household waste disposal service or the shop 
where you purchased the product or battery.



Battery may explode if handled incorrectly. 
Do not recharge, disassemble or dispose of 
in fire.


Dispose of used battery promptly and in 
accordance with local environmental laws 
and guidelines. Keep away from children.



Operate the unit on the power sources 
specified in “Specifications.”


To disconnect the power cord (mains lead), 
pull it out by the plug, not the cord.


Do not leave the unit in a location near a 
heat source, such as a radiator or airduct, or 
in a place subject to direct sunlight, excessive 
dust, mechanical vibration, or shock.


Allow adequate air circulation to prevent 
internal heat build-up. Do not place the unit 
on a surface (a rug, blanket, etc.) or near 
materials (a curtain) that might block the 
ventilation holes.


Should any solid object or liquid fall into the 
unit, unplug the unit and have it checked by 
a qualified personnel before operating it any 


To clean the casing, use a soft dry cloth. Do 
not use any type of solvent, such as alcohol 
or benzine, which may damage the finish.


Do not connect the antenna lead to the 
external antenna.



Dispose of used battery promptly. Keep the 
lithium battery out of the reach of children. 
Should the battery be swallowed, 
immediately consult a doctor.


Wipe the battery with a dry cloth to assure a 
good contact.


Be sure to observe the correct polarity when 
installing the battery.


Do not hold the battery with metallic 
tweezers, otherwise a short-circuit may 


Do not expose the battery to excessive heat 
such as direct sunlight, fire or the like.

If you have any questions or problems 
concerning your unit, please consult your 
nearest Sony dealer.

Getting Started

Connecting to an AC 

power source

Connect the AC power cord to a wall outlet.

To wall outlet

About the battery as a 

backup power source

This unit needs a CR2032 battery (supplied) as 
a backup power source to keep the clock 
operating during a power interruption.

When to replace the 


When the battery is discharged, “

” appears 

on the display.
If a power interruption occurs while the battery 
is discharged, the current time and alarm will 
be erased.

Installing and replacing 

the backup battery


  Keep the AC plug connected to the 

wall outlet and remove the battery 
compartment on the bottom of the 
unit by pulling it up while sliding the 
tab. (See Fig. 



  Insert a new battery into the battery 

compartment with the 

 side facing 


To remove the battery from the battery 
compartment, push it out from the side 


. (See Fig. 



  Insert the battery compartment back 

into the unit along the groove and 
push it from above until it clicks. (See 


The tab locks the battery compartment.




to remove “

” from the 




When you replace the battery, do not 
disconnect the AC plug from the wall outlet.
Otherwise, the current date, current time and 
alarm will be erased.


If the unit will be left unplugged for a long 
time, remove the battery to avoid any 
damage that may be caused by leakage or 

Setting the clock


  Press and hold 



more than 2 seconds.

You will hear a beep and the last two digits 
of the year will start to flash on the display.





 repeatedly to select the 

year, and then press 




  Repeat step 


 to set the month, day 

and time.

After setting the time, two short beeps will 
sound and the seconds will start 
incrementing from zero.



If you do not press any button for about 1 
minute while setting the clock, clock setting 
mode will be canceled.

To change the display to 

indicate daylight saving time 

(summer time)

Change the daylight saving time (summer 
time) adjustment setting according to the 
following procedure.

Press and hold 


 for more than 3 


“DST” appears on the display and the clock 
display switches to daylight saving time 
(summer time).
To deactivate the daylight saving time (summer 
time) adjustment, press and hold 


 for more 

than 3 seconds again.

AC power cord

The frequency of the current radio 
station is displayed as a rough guide.


There is a tactile dot beside 


 to show the direction to go to turn up the 



Playing the radio 




to turn on the radio.




 to the desired band (






  Tune to the desired station using 




  Adjust the volume using 



To turn off the radio, press 




Setting the alarm

The alarm sound can be selected from 


(radio) or 



Before setting the alarm


Make sure to set the clock. (See “Setting the 


To set the radio alarm, first tune to a station 
and adjust the volume. (See “Playing the 

To set the alarm



 to the desired 

alarm sound






The alarm time appears for a few seconds, 
and then “ ” appears on the display. (It 
does not appear when the switch is set to 







repeatedly to set the desired time 
while the alarm time appears on the 

While setting the alarm time, “ ” flashes on 
the display.

When the alarm time setting operation is 
complete, the clock display returns after a 
few seconds and “ ” changes from flashing 
to fully lit.
At the set time, the radio will turn on, or the 
buzzer will sound gradually increasing in 
volume. (“ ” flashes on the display.)

To stop the alarm



 to turn off the 


The alarm will sound again at the same time 
the next day.

To doze for a few more minutes




The sound turns off, but will automatically 
come on again after about 10 minutes.
Each time you press 


the snooze time changes as follows:

The display shows the snooze time for about 
4 seconds and returns to show the current 
time. (“ ” flashes on the display.)

To deactivate the alarm






“ ” disappears from the display.



The alarm time setting cannot be changed if 


 is set to 


. If 




 is pressed, “OFF” appears on the 

display for about 0.5 seconds.





 are unavailable 

while the alarm is sounding or the snooze 
function is turned on.


If no operation is performed while the alarm 
is sounding, the alarm will stop after about 
60 minutes.

Notes on the alarm in the event of a 
power interruption

If the set alarm time comes in the event of a 
power interruption or a power interruption 
occurs while the alarm is sounding, the display 
will turn off and the alarm will not sound, and 
the alarm status will be as follows:


If power returns within 60 minutes from the 
alarm set time, the alarm will sound.


If the power interruption occurred while the 
snooze function was operating, the snooze 
function will continue.


If the snooze time had passed when the 
power interruption occurred, the alarm will 
sound after power returns.

In this status, if “

” does not light up, 




 and alarm 

mode functions are available. The snooze time 
will be fixed to only 10 minutes if 



 has been pressed.

Setting the sleep 


You can fall asleep to the radio using the sleep 
timer, which turns off the radio automatically 
after a preset duration.




The radio turns on. Each time you press 


the duration (in minutes) changes as follows:

The radio will play for the duration you set, 
then shut off.
To deactivate the sleep timer, press 


repeatedly to set the sleep timer to “OFF.”

To turn off the radio before the 

preset time




To use both the sleep timer and 


You can fall asleep to the radio and also be 
awakened by the radio or buzzer alarm at the 
preset time.

Set the alarm, then set the sleep timer.



When the alarm is set to sound during the 
sleep timer duration, the sleep timer will be 
deactivated automatically when the alarm 

Setting the brightness 

of the display

Three levels of brightness are available.




Each time you press 


the brightness of the display changes as 



When the alarm is sounding or the snooze 
function is active, the brightness of the 
display cannot be changed.

General information


Should any problems persist after you have 
made the following checks, consult your 
nearest Sony dealer.

The clock flashes “0:00” after a power 


The battery is discharged. Remove the old 
battery and insert a new one.

Unsatisfactory reception


Extend the FM wire antenna fully to increase 
reception sensitivity.


Rotate the unit horizontally for optimum 
reception. A ferrite bar AM antenna is built 
into the unit.


Do not operate the unit over a steel desk or 
metal surface, as this may lead to 

The radio or buzzer alarm does not 
sound at the preset alarm time.


Check that “ ” appears on the display.

The radio alarm is activated but no 
sound is emitted at the preset alarm 


Adjust the volume using 




Time display

24-hour system

Frequency range




87.5 MHz – 108 MHz


531 kHz – 1,602 kHz


Approx. 6.6 cm dia., 8 Ω

Power output

100 mW (at 10% harmonic distortion)

Power requirements

230 V AC, 50 Hz
For power backup: 3 V DC, one CR2032 battery


Approx. 101 mm 

 102 mm 

 101 mm (w/h/d) 

including projecting parts and controls


Approx. 480 g including CR2032 battery

Supplied accessories

CR2032 battery (1)

Design and specifications are subject to 
change without notice.

FM wire antenna





FM/AM Clock Radio

Operating Instructions
Инструкция по эксплуатации (Переход назад)

©2014  Sony Corporation     Printed in China

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