Спирограф из лего ev3 инструкция

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Название проекта: Спирограф — рисующий робот из LEGO Mindstorms EV3
Платформа: LEGO Mindstorms

Спирограф — рисующий различные спирали робот. Инструкция немного сложновата и требует доработки держателя ручки/карандаша. Для сборки помимо базового набора LEGO EV3 потребуется и ресурсный, но можно и обойтись.

Использованные компоненты: базовый и ресурсный наборы Lego Education Mindstorms EV3

Сайт проекта: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19OIsvpc72IPf6_B3ZKkY4-tZrDQbKVgu

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Математика и точка > Робототехника > Пошаговая инструкция по созданию модели “Спирограф” с набором лего wedo2

06.01.202306.01.2023 Nail Kashapov

Пошаговая инструкция по созданию модели “Спирограф” с набором лего WeDo2. Группа в контакте – https://vk.com/robototekhnikavsem

Набор лего wedo2(аналог) можно купить тут – https://robo-master.company.site



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Introduction: Build a Lego Spirograph

Do you remember playing with the Spirograph as a kid? You know, the funny gear cogs you used with a pen to create endless drawings of mesmerizing quality?

Well this pretty little bot accomplishes virtually the same thing, and it’s really not that hard to build. If you are a Lego fan of any variety, you will probably have all the pieces you need. The one exception may be the electric motor (Power Functions) and the «Turntable» which are slightly more rare parts.

Practical Uses:
> Entertainment (both building and watching!)
> Decoration (hand-made cards, wall decor, etc

Step 1: What You Will Need

  • Pen that flows easily (gel, thin felt, etc) or a pencil for sketches
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Lego Components (I can’t go into too much detail but here is the summary)
    • Power Functions motor and battery box
    • Technic Turntable
    • Beams, axels, and pins of various sizes
    • 6 Technic wheels for feet
    • Several Lego Technic Gears as well as toothed gears

Step 2: Base Structure

Step 3: Gear-Down Motor Module

Step 4: Primary Gear Box

Step 5: Artistic Arms

Step 6: Paper Platform

Step 7: Assemble Modules

Step 8: Spiro, Go! (And Other Ideas)

Remove the cap from your pen, place it on the page, and start your engines!

Watch it work, and soon you will have a beautiful art piece to use as you please.

Other Ideas:

> You can change what gears you use to change the speed of the arms and base, and thus you will alter the shape of your spirographic drawing. If the arms move faster, there will be more circles drawn closer together as the base spins the same.

> You can change the size of the circles drawn by the arms by moving the point of rotation further from the axis.

Step 9: Pantograph Modification

The Spirographer can be modified to create more interesting designs using a pantograph for arms.

Note, I also switched the technic gears inside the gear box so the 2 axis rotate opposite directions.

Video coming soon!

Step 10: Have Fun!

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This Spirograph Automaton is a LEGO drawing machine based on the the popular toy and the ideas of PG52. This version extends previous designs by using LEGO Mindstorms EV3. The Spirograph Automaton knows when the pattern is complete and lifts the pen at the right time. You no longer have to observe the machine to stop it when the drawing is complete. The gears are optimized to give fast results so that the children do not have to wait too long. I also build a coin detector that triggers the Spirograph Automaton.

The building instructions are available.


Please notice that the instructions do not include the three Mindsensors’ GlideWheel-AS sensors. They are not part of the LDD library. And neither is the part 14720 (Technic, Liftarm 3 X 5 Perpendicular H-Shape Thick) of which you will need two. You will also need four rubber bands, may it be from LEGO or otherwise. You can also consider using the Technic Changeover Plate (6631) for a better gear shifting experience. The complete parts list is available at ReRrickable.

The required software is available here. You need to run the program “calibrate” before running the program “draw”. Otherwise you will get a file reading error.

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