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- Марку и модель вашей стиралки.
- Признаки неисправности. Например, стиральная машина долго набирает воду, плохо отжимает белье или от нее пахнет горелым.
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В день ремонта мастер свяжется с вами по указанному номеру, чтобы повторно согласовать время ремонта.
Необходим срочный ремонт стиральной машины Zanussi FCS 920 C? К вашим услугам сервисный центр «РемБытТех». Наши мастера знают все об устройстве стиралок данной марки и уже в течение суток после вызова отремонтируют вашу неисправную машинку. Вы снова получите полноценно работающий агрегат и гарантию на ремонт до 2-х лет.
Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование
Тип: Стиральная Машина
Характеристики, спецификации
Максимальная загрузка белья:
3 кг
Размеры (ШxВxГ):
495x670x515 мм
Температура стирки:
5 уровней
Режимы стирки:
предотвращение сминания, хлопок, ручная стирка, шерсть, синтетика
Расход воды за стирку:
39 л
Уровень шума в режиме стирки:
53 дБ
Максимальная скорость отжима:
900 об/мин
Выбор скорости отжима:
Уровень шума в режиме отжима:
70 дБ
Тип управления:
Класс электропотребления:
Потребление энергии за стирку:
0.57 кВтч
Материал изготовления бака:
Инструкция к Стиральной Машине Zanussi FCS 920C
FCS 920C
822 61 16-13
Dlq polxzowatelq
Dlq ustanow]ika
Informaciq po tehnike
Tehni^eskaq specifikaciq 35
bezopasnosti 21
Raspakowka 36
Utilizaciq 22
— Powrevdeniq
— Perenoska stiralxnoj ma[iny
Wa[a nowaq stiralxnaq ma[ina 22
— Stopornye transportirowo^nye ustrojstwa
Opisanie pribora 23-25
— Wid szadi, Wid speredi
— Wyrawniwanie ma[iny
— Panelx uprawleniq
— Poda^a wody
— Sliw wody
Poleznye sowety 26-27
— Poda^a lektronergii
Tablicy programm 28-29
|kspluataciq pribora 30-31
— Zapusk programmy stirki
— Izmenenie programmy stirki
— Prerywanie programmy stirki
— Otmena programmy stirki
— Otkrytie dwercy posle zapuska programmy
— Posle zawer[eniq programmy
~istka wne[nej storony dwercy 32
— Korpus stiralxnoj ma[iny
— Lotok dlq zagruzki mo@]ego sredstwa
— Gnezdo dlq lotka
— O^istka wnutrennih powerhnostej
— Za]ita ma[iny ot zamerzaniq
Esli ma[ina ne rabotaet 33-34
Serwis 34
— Serwisnoe obsluviwanie i zapasnye ^asti
Uslownye obozna^eniq, ispolxzuemye w rukowodstwe po kspluatacii
Wy wstretite w tekste sledu@]ie obozna^eniq, kotorye budut westi was po instrukcii:
Informaciq po bezopasnosti
Posledowatelxnostx wypolneniq instrukcij
Poleznye sowety
Informaciq po za]ite okruva@]ej sredy
— 20 —
Informaciq po tehnike bezopasnosti
Pered ustanowkoj i na^alom kspluatacii stiralxnoj ma[iny wnimatelxno pro^itajte nastoq]ee
rukowodstwo, w tom ^isle wse ukazaniq i preduprevdeniq. |to obespe^it wam besperebojnu@ rabotu
ma[iny s maksimalxnoj ffektiwnostx@. Wse, kto polxzuetsq toj stiralxnoj ma[inoj dolvny bytx
oznakomleny s instrukciqmi po kspluatacii ma[iny i tehnike bezopasnosti.
Ustanowka i tehni^eskoe obsluviwanie
Wo wremq ispolxzowaniq
● Pered na^alom kspluatacii stiralxnoj ma[iny
● Ma[ina prednazna^ena tolxko dlq oby^noj stirki w
neobhodimo udalitx wesx upakowo^nyj material i
doma[nih uslowiqh i tolxko w sootwetstwii s instrukciqmi,
stopornye transportirowo^nye ustrojstwa. Newypolnenie
priwedennymi w nastoq]em rukowodstwe. Ispolxzowatx
togo trebowaniq movet priwesti k powrevdeni@
ma[inu w drugih celqh riskowano, tak kak wozmovny
ma[iny i drugogo imu]estwa. Sm. podrazdel “Stopornye
trawmy l@dej i powrevdenie ma[iny i drugogo
transportirowo^nye ustrojstwa”.
● Wse raboty po ustanowke i tehni^eskomu obsluviwani@
● W ma[ine movno stiratx tolxko izdeliq, prigodnye dlq
pribora dolvny osu]estwlqtxsq kwalificirowannym
ma[innoj stirki. Esli woznikli somneniq, swqvitesx s
specialistom. Remont, proizwedennyj licami bez
äfirmoj-izgotowitelem ili prodawcom toj we]i.
sootwetstwu@]ej podgotowki, movet serxezno powreditx
● Sledujte rekomendaciqm na tiketkah, prikreplennyh
pribor i priwesti k trawmam l@dej ili por^e imu]estwa.
k tekstilxnym izdeliqm, i pered stirkoj ubeditesx,
Prevde ^em pristupitx k kakim-libo manipulqciqm s
^to karmany pusty, a pugowicy i zastevki-molnii
posudomoe^noj ma[inoj, ee obqzatelxno sleduet
otkl@^itx ot seti.
● Twerdye predmety, takie kak monety, bulawki, gwozdi,
● Ma[ina tqvelaq, potomu budxte ostorovny, kogda ee
winty i dr., mogut wyzwatx serxeznye powrevdeniq
pripodnimaete. Zapre]aetsq podnimatx ma[inu,
ma[iny. Pered zagruzkoj odevdy w ma[inu ubeditesx
dervasx za panelx uprawleniq, dwercu ili lotok dlq
w tom, ^to karmany pusty.
mo@]ego sredstwa.
● Pered ma[innoj stirkoj udalite pqtna rvaw^iny,
● Izbegajte ustanowki ma[iny w pome]enii, gde net
^ernil, kraski i trawy.
wodostoka w polu.
● Ne stirajte w ma[ine porwannoe ili silxno izno[ennoe
● Wilku setewogo [nura nuvno wkl@^atx w zazemlennu@
rozetku lektroseti, raspolovennu@ w legkodostupnom
● Stirajte melkie we]i, naprimer tonkie noski, galstuki,
meste. Fiksirowannoe podkl@^enie pribora dolvno
kruvewnye worotniki i izdeliq, w set^atyh me[kah dlq
osu]estwlqtxsq tolxko upolnomo^ennym na to lektrikom.
belxq, ^toby predotwratitx ih popadanie mevdu wnutrennim
● Esli kabelx pitaniq powrevden, on dolven bytx zamenen
i naruvnym barabanami.
specialxnym kabelem pitaniq, rekomendowannym
● We]i, obrabotannye, naprimer, himikatami dlq udaleniq
proizwoditelem wa[ego pribora. Obra]ajtesx w
rvaw^iny, vidkimi sredstwami bytowoj himii i dr.,
awtorizowannye centry.
pered stirkoj w ma[ine sleduet t]atelxno propoloskatx
● Pri podkl@^enii ili o^istke ma[iny ubeditesx w tom,
^to prowod pitaniq ne perevat i ne powrevden kakim-
● Pri stirke w stiralxnoj ma[ine b@stgalxterow s
libo obrazom, i ^to [langi ne razorwany ili ne
kosto^kami, oni dolvny nahoditxsq w set^atyh me[kah
dlq belxq.
● Pri ustanowke pribora na pol s kowrowym pokrytiem
● Ispolxzujte tolxko te mo@]ie sredstwa, kotorye
neobhodimo prosleditx za tem, ^toby nivnie wenti-
specialxno prednazna^eny dlq stiralwnyh ma[in.
lqcionnye otwerstiq ne byli zakryty.
● Wsegda sledujte rekomendaciqm izgotowitelej mo@]ego
● Tehni^eskoe obsluviwanie i wozmovnyj remont dolvny
sredstwa i kondicionera tkani pri opredelenii
osu]estwlqtxsq specialistami awtorizowannogo serwisnogo
koli^estwa tih we]estw dlq ispolxzowaniq. Sli[kom
centra. Nikogda ne pytajtesx otremontirowatx posudo-
bolx[oe koli^estwo movet isportitx wa[e belxe.
moe^nu@ ma[inu samostoqtelxno.
● Ne peregruvajte ma[inu. Pri peregruzke uhud[aetsq
harakteristika raboty ma[iny i wozmovno powrevdenie
Bezopasnostx detej
● Stirapxnaq ma[ina prednazna^ena dlq ispolxzowaniq
● Prevde ^em otkrytx dwercu ma[iny ubeditesx, ^to
tolxko wzroslymi l@dxmi. Ne razre[ajte detqm igratx
woda polnostx@ otka^ana.
s regulqtorami i drugimi ^astqmi ma[iny.
● Ne ostawlqjte rabota@]u@ ma[inu bez prismotra.
● Pomnite o tom, ^to plastikowye me[ki, whodq]ie w
upakowku pribora, predstawlq@t soboj smertelxnu@
● Po okon^anii raboty otkl@^ite ma[inu ot isto^nikow
opasnostx dlq igra@]ih s nimi malenxkih detej.
wodosnabveniq i lektronergii. Wynimaq wilku [nura
iz rozetki lektroseti, dervitesx za wilku, a ne za [nur.
● Pered zagruzkoj ma[iny ubeditesx, ^to w barabane
net postoronnih predmetow i doma[nih viwotnyh.
● Kogda ma[ina ne ispolxzuetsq, dervite dwercu neplotno
zakrytoj dlq predotwra]eniq zathlogo zapaha.
● Pri rabote ma[iny steklo dwercy nagrewaetsq,
potomu ne prikasajtesx k nemu. Ne dopuskajte
● Pered o^istkoj ma[iny, prowedeniem rabot po
detej k rabota@]ej ma[ine.
tehni^eskomu obsluviwani@ ubeditesx, ^to ma[ina
otkl@^ena ot lektroseti.
— 21 —
— upakowo^nyj material
— sowety po konomii lektronergii:
Dlq konomii wody, lektronergii i ohrany okruva@]ej
Nikogda ne ostawlqjte upakowo^nyj material
sredy my rekomenduem sledowatx dannym sowetam:
w mestah, gde ego mogut ispolxzowatx dlq
igr deti.
● Wa[a ma[ina naibolee konomi^na, esli ispolxzuetsq
pri polnoj ustanowlennoj zagruzke belxq.
Upakowka dannogo pribora sostoit iz kologi^eski
bezopasnyh materialow. Plastikowye ^asti ime@t
● Ispolxzujte takoe koli^estwo mo@]ego sredstwa,
sledu@]ie obozna^eniq i mogut bytx pererabotany
kotoroe otwe^aet stepeni vestkosti wody, ob_emu
dlq wtori^nogo ispolxzowaniq:
belxq i stepeni zagrqzneniq.
● PE ozna^aet politilen, iz nego izgotowlen
● Dlq umerenno zagrqznennogo belxq movno ispolxzowatx
me[ok, nadetyj na pribor, i paket, w kotorom
programmu bez predwaritelxnoj stirki.
levit instrukciq.
● Pri stirke nebolx[ogo koli^estwa belxq ispolxzujte
● PS ozna^aet polistirol (pressowannyj),
ot polowiny do dwuh tretej rekomendowannogo ob_ema
ispolxzuetsq dlq sekcij upakowki, neobhodimyh
mo@]ego sredstwa.
dlq amortizacii pribora pri transportirowke.
● Pered stirkoj movno wru^nu@ udalitx pqtna i nebolx[ie
Kartonnye ^asti upakowki izgotowleny iz bumagi, prigodnoj
koli^estwa grqzi. Posle togo movno stiratx pri
dlq pererabotki, i ih sleduet sdatx na specialxnyj punkt
menx[ej temperature.
sbora wtorsyrxq. W pribore ime@tsq plastikowye i rezi-
nowye ^asti. |ti ^asti pome^eny specialxnymi simwolami,
ukazywa@]imi, iz ^ego oni sdelany, tak ^to ti ^asti
movno utilizirowatx w sootwetstwii s markirowkoj po
okon^anii sroka kspluatacii pribora. Materialy
pome^eny w sootwetstwii s mevdunarodnymi standartami.
— otsluviw[ij pribor:
Po okon^anii sroka kspluatacii pribora otkl@^ite ego
ot seti, zatem obrevxte lektroprowod w meste ego
soedineniq s priborom. Udostowerxtesx w tom, ^to deti ne
smogut ispolxzowatx pribor w ka^estwe igru[ki.
Wa[a nowaq stiralxnaq ma[ina
Wa[a nowaq stiralxnaq ma[ina udowletworqet wsem
● Specialxnaq programma dlq [ersti s nowoj
sowremennym trebowaniqm nailu^[ej stirki belxq s
sistemoj delikatnoj stirki berevno obra]aetsq s
naimenx[im rashodom wody, lektronergii i mo@]ih
wa[imi [erstqnymi izdeliqmi.
● Sistema rawnomernogo raspredeleniq belxq
● Selektor programm pozwolqet wybratx i programmu,
opredelqet i predotwra]aet poqwlenie wibracij,
i temperaturu, obleg^aq programmirowanie ma[iny.
wyzwannyh nerawnomernym raspredeleniem belxq w
barabane pri wra]enii.
● Displej wypolneniq programmy pokazywaet tap
stirki, kotoryj wypolnqet ma[ina.
● |KO-Klapan polnostx@ ispolxzuet mo@]ee sredstwo
i konomit lektronergi@, sokra]aq rashod wady.
● Awtomati^eskoe ohlavdenie wody do 60°C pered
sliwom pri ispolxzowanii programmy 90°C. |to smqg^aet
reakci@ odevdy na temperaturu i pozwolqet umenx[itx
— 22 —
Opisanie pribora
Panelx uprawleniq
Zamok dwercy
4 reguliruemye po wysote
novki s fiksatorami
Kaelx pitaniq
stopornye ustrojstwa
Sliwnoj [lang
Zaliwnoj [lang
— 23 —
Opisanie pribora
Panelx uprawleniq
125 6 74389
1 Lotok dlq mo@]ih sredstw
● W te^enie perioda zadervki starta zagruzo^nyj
Lotok imeet otdelxnye otseki dlq mo@]ego sredstwa i
l@k budet zablokirowan. (budet goretx indikator
kondicionera dlq tkani. Dlq mo@]ego sredstwa prednazna^en
blokirowki l@ka).
bolee krupnyj otsek slewa, promarkirowannyj simwolom
Dannaq funkciq ne movet bytx wybrana dlq
, a dlq kondicionera tkani — malenxkij otsek sprawa
programm Otvim i Sliw .
s simwolom .
Mo@]ee sredstwo dlq predwaritelxnoj stirki
3 Knopka «Predwaritelxnaq stirka»
zaliwaetsq neposredstwenno w baraban.
Dlq stirki silxno zagrqznennogo belxq movno ispolxzowatx
programmu predwaritelxnoj stirki. Pered osnownoj
Knopki dopolnitelxnyh funkcij
stirkoj ma[ina wypolnit predwaritelxnu@ stirku pri
W zawisimosti ot programmy stirki k nej mogut bytx
maksimalxnoj temperature 30°C. Pri tom ob]ee wremq
dobawleny razli^nye dopolnitelxnye funkcii. Ih nuvno
stirki uweli^itsq primerno na 20 minut.
wybiratx posle wybora programmy stirki i do navatiq na
knopku Start/Pauza .
Predwaritelxnaq stirka zakan^iwaetsq korotkim otvimom
Kogda navata odna iz tih knopok, zagoraetsq sootwetstwu@]ij
w programmah dlq hlopka i sintetiki. W programme dlq
indikator. Pri powtornom navatii knopki indikator gasnet.
delikatnyh tkanej osu]estwlqetsq tolxko sliw wody.
Esli wybrana nesowmestimaq s programmoj stirki
Funkciq predwaritelxnoj stirki ne kombiniruetsq
funkciq, sootwetstwu@]ij knopke indikator migaet
s programmoj dlq [ersti.
w te^enie primerno 2 sekund.
4 Knopka «Bystraq stirka»
2 Funkciq «Start s zadervkoj»
Posredstwom dannoj knopki Wy movete wybratx korotku@
Pri pomo]i toj funkcii Wy movete otlovitx zapusk
programmu dlq slabozagrqznennogo belogo/cwetnogo i
programmy stirki na 6 ^asow ili 3 ^asa. Na displee budet
sinteti^eskogo belxq. Wremq stirki sokratitsq primerno
ukazano ustanowlennoe Wami wremq zadervki starta.
na 10 minut. Maksimalxnaq rekomenduemaq temperatura
Dannu@ funkci@ neobhodimo wybratx posle
wybora programmy stirki i do navatiq na knopku
|ta funkciq ne sowmestima s |konomi^nymi
programmami 40E i 60E.
Wremq stirki budet sokra]eno w zawisimosti ot
Esli Wy uve navali knopku Start/Pauza i hotite otmenitx
tipa tkani i wybrannoj temperatury. Rekomendowannyj
wremq zadervki starta, wypolnite sledu@]ie dejstwiq:
ob_em zagruzki dlq hlopka sostawlqet 2kg.
1. Priostanowite rabotu ma[iny posredstwom
navatiq na knopku Start/Pauza.
5 Knopka «Dopolnitelxnoe poloskanie»
Pri navatii na tu knopku ma[ina wypolnit 2 dopolnitelxnyh
2. Odin raz navmite knopku Start s Zadervkoj.
cikla poloskaniq. Dannaq funkciq movet ispolxzowatxsq
Indikator sootwetstwu@]ego wremeni zadervki
so wsemi programmami, krome programmy stirki [ersti.
Rekomenduetsq dlq l@dej s ^uwstwitelxnoj kovej i
3. Snowa navmite knopku Start/Pauza.
w mestah s o^enx mqgkoj wodoj.
● Wybrannaq zadervka movet bytx izmenena tolxko
posle powtornogo wybora programmy stirki.
— 24 —
6 Knopka «Start/Pauza»
«Ostanowka poloskaniq» Pri wybore toj opcii
woda poslednego poloskaniq ne sliwaetsq, predo-
|ta knopka wypolnqet dwe funkcii:
twra]aq sminanie belxq. Po okon^anii programmy
Start: Navmite tu knopku dlq na^ala wybrannoj programmy.
stirki na programmnom displee budut goretx
Zagoritsq sootwetstwu@]ij indikator. Takve
simwoly «Okon^anie» i «Blokirowka», signaliziruq
zagoritsq indikator «Blokirowka» na programmnom
o neobhodimosti sliwa wody pered otkrywaniem
displee i zablokiruetsq zagruzo^nyj l@k.
zagruzo^nogo l@ka.
Pauza: Navmite tu knopku dlq prerywaniq rabota@]ej
Dlq sliwa wody:
programmy. Zamigaet sootwetstwu@]ij indikator.
1. Ustanowite selektor programm w polovenie
Dlq wozobnowleniq programmy snowa navmite tu
2. Wyberite programmu «Sliw» ili «Otvim».
7 Programmnyj displej
Wy movete umenx[itx skorostx otvima pri
Pri wybore programmy stirki zagoraetsq indikator,
pomo]i sootwetstwu@]ego perekl@^atelq.
sootwetstwu@]ij razli^nym fazam programmy. Kogda
3. Navmite knopku «Start/Pauza».
programma zapu]ena, displej budet postoqnno pokazywatx,
kakaq faza programmy wypolnqetsq w nastoq]ee wremq, i
9 Selektor programm
zakon^ena li programma.
Disk selektora razdelen na pqtx programmnyh sekcij:
= predwaritelxnaq stirka/stirka
● Stirka hlopka (Cotton)
= poloskanie
● Stirka sintetiki (Synthetic)
= otvim
● Berevnaq stirka (delikatnye tkani) (Delicate)
● Stirka [ersti (Wool)
= okon^anie programmy stirki
● Specialxnye programmy (Special)
= blokirowka zagruzo^nogo l@ka
: simwol zagoraetsq, kogda ma[ina wypolnqet osnownoj
cikl stirki. Esli pri pomo]i sootwetstwu@]ej knopki
Wy wybrali dopolnitelxnu@ funkci@ «Predwaritelxnaq
stirka», tot simwol budet takve goretx w te^enie predwa-
ritelxnoj stirki.
: okon^anie programmy stirki
: simwol pokazywaet, movno li otkrywatx zagruzo^nyj l@k:
● simwol gorit: l@k nelxzq otkrytx
● simwol poga[en: l@k movno otkrytx
● simwol migaet: skoro l@k movno budet otkrytx
Dlq wybora odnoj iz specialxnyh programm, ili wybora
8 Skorostx otvima ili funkciq
programmy stirki i temperatury soglasno tiketke na
Pri pomo]i dannogo perekl@^atelq Wy movete umenx[itx
odevde, powernite selektor programm w nuvnoe polovenie
skorostx wra]eniq barabana pri otvime, a takve wybratx
po- ili protiw ^asowoj strelki.
funkci@ «Bez otvima», ustanowiw perekl@^atelx w
polovenie . Skorosti ukazany dlq programm «Beloe»
= Stirka w holodnoj wode. Woda ne podogrewaetsq.
i «Cwetnoe».
= Sbros. Programma otmenqetsq, ma[ina
● Polovenie 900 kwiwalentno 900 ob/min w programmah
dlq sintetiki i [ersti i 700 ob/min w programme
berevnoj stirki.
Esli wo wremq raboty ma[iny Wy ustanowite
selektor programm na drugu@ programmu, to na
● Polovenie 500 kwiwalentno 500 ob/min w programmah
programmnom displee na^nut migatx indikatory.
dlq sintetiki i [ersti i 450 ob/min w programme
Ma[ina ne budet wypolnqtx wnowx wybrannu@
berevnoj stirki.
Wybraw opci@ «Bez otvima» , Wy movete otmenitx wse
Po okon^anii programmy selektor
fazy otvima. Dannu@ opci@ sleduet ispolxzowatx dlq
programm neobhodimo ustanowitx w
o^enx delikatnyh tkanej. Pri tom ma[ina dobawit w
polovenie «Sbros».
programmu dlq hlopka 3 dopolnitelxnyh poloskaniq, i 1
dopolnitelxnoe poloskanie w programmu dlq stirki
— 25 —
Poleznye sowety
Sortirowka belxq
Skolxko belxq stiratx za odin raz
● Ne sleduet ostawlqtx belxe grqznym nadolgo, osobenno
Poskolxku wzwe[iwatx belxe pered stirkoj neudobno, my
esli ono wlavnoe. Wlavnoe belxe pokrywaetsq plesenx@ i
rekomenduem opredelqtx wes belxq, orientiruqsx na
ploho pahnet. Pqtna pleseni s belxq udalitx newozmovno.
zapolnenie barabana.
● Cwetnye we]i ne sleduet sme[iwatx s belymi.
Hlopok i len: Polnyj baraban, no ne sli[kom plotno
● Nowye cwetnye we]i ^asto sodervat izbytok krasitelq.
Sintetika: Ne bolee 2/3 barabana.
W peryj raz zti we]i rekomenduetsq stiratx otdelxno.
Tonkie tkani, izdeliq, trebu@]ie berevnoj
● Lxnqnye we]i movno stiratx kak ”hlopok” ili ”sintetnku”,
stirki, [erstqnye izdeliq: Ne bolee polowiny
no sleduet prowoditx tolxko korotkj otvim, ina^e
wolokna lxna budut powrevdeny.
Pered zagruzkoj belxq w ma[inu:
● Materialy, ne podleva]ie glaveni@, takie kak
polizster/hpopok sleduet stiratx kak ”sintetiku”.
● Za[itx wse dyrki.
● Pri[itx ploho derva]iesq pugowicy.
● Nevnye materiapy, takie kak akril i bolx[instwo
zanawesok, sleduet stiratx w revime berevnoj stirki.
● Zastegnutx molnii.
● Wynutx wse sodervimoe karmanow i zastegnutx ih.
● Programma stirki [ersti rass^itana na stirku we]ej
Monety, bulawki, gwozdi, [urupy i inye twerdye
iz ^istoj [ersti, a ta@ke nowyh [erstqnyh we]ej s
ob_ekty mogut serxezno powreditx ma[inu i belxe.
markirowkoj ”Ma[innaq stirka”. Drugie widy [ersti
i polu[erstqnye izdeliq mogut ”sestx” ili ”swalqtxsq”
Na powrevdeniq ot podobnyh we]ej garantiq ne
● Trudnoudalqemye pqtna, takie kak pqtna trawy, rvaw^iny,
smoly, kraski i ^ernil pered stirkoj sleduet obrabotatx
Primery massy nekotoryh widow belxq
pqtnowywoditelem. Dlq udaleniq pqten ot kraski movno
(suhoe belxe)
ispolxzowatx, naprimer, skipidar. Posle obrabotki
Dlq togo, ^toby pomo^x Wam prawilxno zagruvatx
pqtnowywoditelem we]x neobhodimo t]atelxno propo-
stiralxnu@ ma[inu, my priwodim rqd primerow massy
loskatx pered stirkoj w ma[ine.
tipi^nyh izdelij iz hlopka.
Proizwoditelx ne neset otwetstwennosti za powrevdeniq,
Bannyj halat ~1.2 kg
woznik[ie pri ispolxzowanii rastworitelej ili
Pododeqlxnik ~0.7 kg
wosplamenq@]ihsq we]estw.
Prostynq ~0.5 kg
Bluzka ~0.1 kg
Polotence (mahrowoe) ~0.2 kg
Wybor temperatury
Puba[ka ~0.2 kg
● My rekomenduem stiratx beloe pri temperature 60°C
No^naq ruba[ka ~0.2 kg
wmesto 90°C.
Pivama ~0.2 kg
● Nikogda ne stirajte lxnqnye izdeliq pri temperature
Trusy ~0.1 kg
wy[e 60°C, poskolxku tkanx poterqet gladkostx
Kalxsony ~0.3 kg
Nawolo^ka ~0.2 kg
Noski ~0.1 kg
● Cwetnoe belxe, kak prawilo, trebuet stirki pri tempe-
rature 60°C, no esli we]i ne sli[kom zagrqzneny, to
movno stiratx i pri temperature 40°C.
Udalenie nakipi
Esli vestkostx Wa[ej wodoprowodnoj wody wy[e 7° dH,
● ˆelye i cwetnye sinteti^eskie materialy oby^no
Wam neobhodimo o^i]atx stiralxnu@ ma[inu ot nakipi
stira@t pri temperature 60°C, No ^asto dostato^no
po menx[ej mere raz w tri mesqca.
i 40°C, esli we]i ne sli[kom grqznye.
1. Wmesto mo@]ego sredstwa ispolxzujte primerno
● Linq@]ie we]i i delikatnye tkani nikgda ne sleduet
150 ml limonnoj kisloty.
stiratx pri temperature wy[e 40°C.
2. Zanustite programmu stirki na maksimalxnoj
Wsegda obra]ajte wnimanie na markirowku s
temperature bez belxq.
ukazaniem revima stirki izdeliq, ^toby stiratx
ego pri prawilxnoj temperature. Izdelie movet
Izwestkowye otloveniq na detalqh
polinqtx, esli ego stiratx pri temperature by[e
ma[iny, takih kak nagrewatelxnyj
zlement, sokratqt srok ih sluvby.
Dlq togo, ^oby uznatx vestkostx wodoprowodnoj
wody, swqvitesx so spuvboj wodosnabveniq.
— 26 —
W dannoj stiralxnoj ma[ine imeetsq sistema, ispolxzu@aq
Mo@]ie sredstwa i dobawki
dlq stirki belxq minimalxno neobhodimoe koli^estwo wody.
Horo[ij rezulxtat stirki zawisit w tom ^isle i ot wybora
Potomu pri ispolxzowanii doziru@]ego prisposobleniq
mo@]ego sredstwa i ego dozirowki. Sli[kom malaq dozi-
imeetsq opasnostx togo, ^to mo@]ee sredstwo ne rastworitsq
rowka mo@]ego sredstwa movet priwesti k zagrqzneni@
polnostx@ i osqdet na odevde po zawer[enii programmy
tkani w wide seryh razwodow, kori^newyh otpe^atkow ot
barabana i plohomu zapahu w ma[ine. Peredozirowka
mo@]ih sredstw uweli^iwaet zagrqznenie okruva@]ej
Mo@]ee sredstwo dlq revima predwaritelxnoj
sredy. Dave organi^eskie mo@]ie sredstwa sodervat
stirki dolvno dobawlqtxsq neposredstwenno w
takie we]estwa, kotorye w bolx[ih koli^estwah mogut
naru[itx kologi^eskoe rawnowesie.
Ispolxzujte mo@]ie sredstwa tolxko
Vidkie mo@]ie sredstwa
horo[ego ka^estwa i prednazna^ennye
Pri stirke pri nizkih i srednih temperaturah wmesto
dlq stiralxnyh ma[in-awtomatow.
poro[kowyh sredstw movno ispolxzowatx podhodq]ie
vidkie mo@]ie sredstwa. W tom slu^ae neobhodimo
Dlq opredeleniq neobhodimoj dozirowki mo@]ih sredstw
wybratx programmu bez predwaritelxnoj stirki.
sledujte ukazaniqm ih proizwoditelq, u^itywaq ob_em
Nalejte mo@]ee sredstwo w sootwetstwu@]ij otsek
stiraemogo belxq, stpenx ego zagrqzneniq i vestkostx wody.
neposredstwenno pered zanuskom programmy.
Esli u Was vestkaq woda, pro^tite razdep ”Udalenie nakipi”.
Esli urowenx vestkosti wody ne ixwesten, obratitesx w
sluvbu wodosnabveniq.
Kondicioner dlq tkani
Pri ispolxzowanii kondicionera dlq tkani ego neobhodimo
naliwatx w prawyj otsek dozatora dlq mo@]ih sredstw.
Mo@]ie sredstwa
Kondicioner dlq tkani osobenno polezen, esli wystirannoe
Pered zapuskom programmy stirki pomestite mo@]ee
belxe budet zatem wysu[eno w su[ilxnoj ma[ine, tak kak
sredstwo w lewyj otsek dozatora dlq mo@]ih sredstw.
kokdicioner nejtralizuet stati^eskoe lektri^estwo.
Dlq cwetnyh, delikatnyh i [erstqnyh izdelij ime@tsq
speciapxnye mo@]ie sredstwa.
Nikogda ne naliwajte kondicioner dlq
tkani wy[e maksimalxnogo pome^ennogo
Ne pome]ajte dozator s mo@]im sredstwom/
[ar w baraban. Pome]ajte mo@]ee sredstwo
tolxko w sootwetstwu@]ij otsek.
|tiketki na belxe s ukazaniqmi po stirke
W nastoq]ee wremq bolx[aq ^astx odevdy imeet tiketki s instrukciqmi po stirke i uhodu. |ti instrukcii pomoga@t
dosti^x horo[ih rezulxtatow stirki.
stirka pri 90°
stirka pri 60° stirka pri 40° stirka pri 30°
ru^naq stirka ne stiratx w wode
movno otbeliwatx w holodnoj wode ne otbeliwatx
gladitx pri 200° maks.
gladitx pri 150° maks. gladitx pri 100° maks.
ne gladitx
him^istka benzinom, ^istym
him^istka l@bym
spirtom perhloratom,
him^istka benzinom, ^istym
R 111 — R 113
spirtom R 113
ne podlevit him^istke
nizkaq temp.
su[ka w
movno su[itx w
razostlannom wide
su[ka bez otvima su[ka na ple^ikah ne su[itx w ma[ine
— 27 —
Tablicy programm
Hlop^atobumavnye izdeliq s massoj suhoj zagruzki 3 kg
Sinteti^eskie izdeliq i delikatnye tkani s massoj suhoj zagruzki 1.5 kg,
a takve izdeliq, prednazna^ennye dlq ru^noj stirki, s massoj suhoj zagruzki 1 kg
Pokazateli rashoda *
nye funkcii
Stirka pri 90°C bez
silxnoe zagrqznenie.
predwaritelxnoj stirki.
Rabo^aq odevda, prostyni,
3 poloskaniq, maks.
44 ~ 126
skaterti, nivnee belxe,
skorostx otvima 900
Stirka pri 60°C bez
srednee zagrqznenie.
predwaritelxnoj stirki.
Prostyni, polotenca,
3 poloskaniq, maks.
~ 130
nivnee belxe.
skorostx otvima 900
Stirka pri 30°, 60°C bez
predwaritelxnoj stirki.
srednee zagrqznenie.
3 poloskaniq, maks.
Nivnee belxe, mahrowye
~ 107
skorostx otvima 900
izdeliq, skaterti,
polotenca, prostyni.
Stirka pri 40°C bez
slaboe zagrqznenie.
predwaritelxnoj stirki.
Prostyni, polotenca,
3 poloskaniq, maks.
~ 126
skorostx otvima 900
Stirka pri 30°, 40°C bez
predwaritelxnoj stirki.
slaboe zagrqznenie.
tic 30°
3 poloskaniq, maks.
Nivnee belxe, ne
42 ~ 67
skorostx otvima 900
mnu]iesq ruba[ki,
Tonkie tkani
Stirka pri 40°C bez
dlq nevnyh izdelij,
predwaritelxnoj stirki.
takih t@lewye [tory.
3 poloskaniq, maks.
~ 61
skorostx otvima 700
Ru^naq stirka
Stirka pri 30°C bez
predwaritelxnoj stirki.
dlq nevnyh izdelij,
3 poloskaniq, maks.
osobenno ^uwstwitelxnyh
~ 50
skorostx otvima 900
k stirke w stiralxnyh
* Pokazaniq rashoda resursow mogut otli^atxsq ot priwedennyh w tablice w zawisimosti ot dawleniq i vestkosti
wody, temperatury wpusknoj wody, komnatnoj temperatury, tipa i koli^estwa belxq, ispolxzuemogo mo@]ego
sredstwa, ska^kow naprqveniq w lektri^eskoj seti i wybrannyh dopolnitelxnyh funkcij. Priwedennye ^isla
otnosqtsq k maksimalxnoj temperature wody dlq kavdoj programmy stirki.
** Informaciq po rashodu lektronergii sootwetstwuet direktiwe EES 92/75 i otnositsq k programme stirki
hlopka 60E.
— 28 —
{erstqnye izdeliq s massoj suhoj zagruzki 1.0 kg i
Miniprogramma s massoj suhoj zagruzki 1,5 kg
Specialxnye programmy s massoj suhoj zagruzki 3 kg
Pokazateli rashoda *
nye funkcii
Programma Holodnaq stirka,
stirka pri 40°C, bez
izdeliq s markirowkoj
predwaritelxnoj stirki, 3
«[erstx» ili s marki-
~ 50
poloskaniq, maks. skorostx
rowkoj «Ma[innaq
otvima 900 ob/min
Stirka pri 30°C, bez
dlq slabo
predwaritelxnoj stirki, 2
zagrqznennogo belxq
~ 30
poloskaniq, maks. skorostx
ili belxq, kotoroe
otvima 700 ob/min
neobhodimo oswevitx.
3 poloskaniq, maks.
dannaq programma movet
skorostx otvima 900
ispolxzowatxsq dlq
~ 27
poloskaniq postirannyh
wru^nu@ we]ej.
Sliw wody
sliw wody poslednego
poloskaniq w programmah
— ~ 1
s funkciej «Ostanow
bez sliwa wody»
Sliw i maks. Skorostx
otdelxnyj otvim
otvima 900 ob/min
-~ 5
dlq postirannyh
wru^nu@ we]ej.
Prekra]enie programmy.
Wykl@^enie ma[iny.
— —
Dannyj pribor sootwetstwuet sledu@]im direktiwam EES:
— 73/23/EES ot 19.02.1973 — direktiwa po nizkowolxtnomu oborudowani@.
— 89/336/EES ot 03.05.1989 (wkl@^aq dopolnenie 92/31/EES)
— direktiwa po lektromagnitnoj sowmestimosti.
— 29 —
|kspluataciq pribora
Ubeditesx, ^to Wy udalili wesx upakowo^nyj
Pered na^alom kspluatacii ma[iny sleduet
prognatx programmu stirki bez belxq dlq udaleniq
l@byh ostato^nyh zagrqznenij, woznik[ih w processe
proizwodstwa ma[iny. Pomestite primerno 100 ml
mo@]ego sredstwa prqmo w baraban ma[iny i zapustite
programmu pri 60°S. Posle zawer[eniq programmy
stirki ma[ina budet gotowa k kspluatacii.
Zapusk programmy stirki
Pered wkl@^eniem ma[iny prowerxte, ^to:
● zagruzo^nyj l@k plotno zakryt
● ma[ina wkl@^ena w rozetku
● kran poda^i wody otkryt
Dlq wkl@^eniq ma[iny:
1. Slegka potqnite za za]elku, ^toby otkrytx
zagruzo^nyj l@k.
2. Rawnomerno zapolnite baraban belxem. Krupnye i
melkie we]i movno klastx wpereme[ku.
Wsegda starajtesx ispolxzowatx polnu@ zagruzku.
Maksimalxnu@ massu zagruvaemogo belxq sm. w
tablicah programm. Esli Wy stiraete o^enx grqznoe
belxe ili nevnye tkani, massu zagruvaemogo belxq
neobhodimo umenx[itx.
3. Zakrojte l@k.
4. Otkrojte dozator dlq mo@]ih sredstw.
5. Otmerxte trebuemyj ob_em mo@]ego sredstwa i
pomestite ego w bolx[oj otsek dozatora slewa
(ris. 1).
6. Zalejte kondicioner dlq tkani w malenxkij otsek
sprawa, ne prewy[aq maksimalxno dopustimyj
urowenx (ris. 2).
7. Zakrojte dozator dlq mo@]ih sredstw.
8. Wyberite trebuemu@ programmu (ris. 3).
9. Ustanowite trebuemu@ skorostx otvima pri pomo]i
sootwetstwu@]ego regulqtora (ris. 4).
10. Wyberite trebuemye dopolnitelxnye funkcii.
Zagorqtsq sootwetstwu@]ie indikatory (ris. 5).
11. Esli Wy hotite otlovitx zapusk programmy stirki,
to pered zapuskom programmy ustanowite trebuemoe
wremq zadervki pri pomo]i knopki «Start s
zadervkoj». (ris. 5).
12. Dlq na^ala programmy stirki navmite knopku
Start/Pauza. Zagorqtsq indikatory «Stirka» i
«Blokirowka», i programma na^net wypolnqtxsq.
— 30 —
Izmenenie programmy stirki
Posle zawer[eniq programmy
Poka ne navata knopka Start/Pavza, programmu stirki
Ma[ina awtomati^eski ostanawliwaetsq.
movno izmenitx. Esli ve programma stirki na^alasx,
Esli gorit indikator ”Okon^anie programmy” to zna^it,
izmenitx ee movno tolxko ustanowiw selektor programm w
^to programma zakon^ena. Indikator ”Bkijuriwja dwercy”
polovenie ”Sbros”, tem samym otmeniw teku]u@ programmu.
gasnet. Teperx movno otkrytx dwercu i wynutx belxe.
Posle togo Wy movete wybratx nowu@ programmu i navaw
Esli byla wybrana funkciq ”Ostanowka poloskaniq”, budut
knopku Start/Pauza, zapustitx ee.
goretx indikatory ”Okon^anie programmy” i ”Blokirowka
Esli wo wremq raboty ma[iny Wy pytaetesx zadatx
dwercy”, signaliziruq o neobhodimosti sliwa wody pered
nowu@ programmu pri pomo]i selektora programm,
otkrytiem dwercy.
indikatory na programmnom displee zamiga@t.
Dlq sliwa wody:
Ma[ina ne budet wypolnqtx nowu@ wybrannu@
1. Ustanowite selektor programm w polovenie
Prerywanie programmy stirki
2. Wyberite programmu ”Sliw” ili ”Otvim”. Wy
Dlq prerywaniq teku]ej programmy stirki navmite knopku
movete umenx[itx skorostx wra]eniq barabana,
Start/Pauza. Zamigaet sootwetstwu@]ij indikator.
^toby izbevatx sminaniq sinteti^eskih, [erstqnyh
Priblizitelxno ^erez 1 minutu movno otkrywatx dwercu.
i inyh delikatnyh materialow.
Pri powtornom navatii na dannu@ knopku programma
3. Navmite knopku Start/Pauza.
prodolvit wypolnenie.
4. Kogda pogasnet indikator ”Blokirowka dwercy”,
Otmena programmy stirki
movno otkrywatx dwercu i dostawatx belxe.
Dlq togo, ^toby otmenitx wybrannu@ programmu, ustanowite
5. Ustanowite selektor programm w polovenie
selektor programm w polovenie ”Sbros”.
Esli Wy bolx[e ne sobiraetesx stiratx, zakrojte
Otkrytie dwercy posle zapuska
wodoprowodnyj kran i, w celqh bezopasnosti,
wykl@^ite ta@ke ma[inu iz zlektrorozetki.
Navmite knopku Start/Pauza. Priblizitelxno ^erez 1
Ostawxte dwercu priotkrytoj, ^toby ostatok
minutu, kogda budut wypolneny sledu@]ie uslowiq, dwercu
wlagi w barabane mog isparitxsq.
movno otkrywatx:
● Temperatura wody nive 55°C.
● Urowenx wody w barabane nive nivnego kraq
zagruzo^nogo l@ka.
● Baraban ne wra]aetsq.
Esli absol@tno neobhodimo otkrytx dwercu, a wy[eukazannye
uslowiq ne wypolneny, neobhodimo wykl@^itx ma[inu
posredstwom ustanowki selektora programm w polovenie
”Sbpos”. Pribpizitelxno ^erez 1 minutu dwercu movno
Imejte w widu, ^to w barabane movet ostawatxsq
— 31 —
~istka wne[nej storony dwercy
O^i]ajte naruvnye powerhnosti ma[iny s pomo]x@
nejtralxnyh (neabraziwnyh) bytowyh ^istq]ih sredstw.
Posle togo udalite ostaw[iesq sledy wlavnoj trqpkoj.
Ne ispolxzujte ^istq]ie sredstwa,
soderva]ie spirt, rastworiteli i
podobnye we]estwa.
So wremenem wnutri lotka nakapliwa@tsq otloveniq
mo@]ego sredstwa i kondicionera tkanej. Ih sleduet
regulqrno udalqtx struej wody. Pri neobhodimosti
o^istki, lotok movet bytx izwle^en iz ma[iny celikom.
Dlq togo nuvno wytqnutx ego naruvu, ^toby oswoboditx
ot stopora (ris. 1).
~toby udalitx dlq o^istki sifon (u wnutrennej kromki
lotka) neobhodimo privatx ego wnutrx i odnowremenno
wytqgiwatx wwerh (ris. 2). Pri obratnoj ustanowke lotka
privimajte ego wniz poka ne usly[ite ]el^ok.
Otloveniq mo@]ego sredstwa mogut nakapliwatxsq i w
gnezde, kuda wstawlqetsq lotok. Wy movete ispolxzowatx
staru@ zubnu@ ]etku dlq o^istki toj zony (ris. 3).
Posle okon^aniq o^istki wstawxte obratno lotok i
promojte ma[inu, wkl@^iw korotku@ programmu bez
zagruzki belxq.
Esli ma[ina ispolxzuetsq w osnownom dlq nizkotem-
peraturnoj stirki i/ili s primeneniem o^enx malogo
koli^estwa mo@]ego sredstwa, dostato^no ^istitx ma[inu
iznutri primerno raz w mesqc. |to predotwra]aet poqwlenie
zathlogo zapaha. Dlq o^istki ispolxzujte rekomendowannoe
koli^estwo mo@]ego sredstwa i zapustite programmu
stirki pri naiwys[ej temperature bez zagruzki barabana.
Za]ita ma[iny ot zamerzaniq
Esli ma[ina ustanowlena w takom meste, gde temperatura
inogda padaet nive 0°C, imeetsq risk zamerzaniq nebolx[ogo
koli^estwa wody, ostaw[ejsq qnutri ma[iny posle ee
ispolxzowaniq. |to movet priwesti k powrevdeniqm ma[iny.
Wo izbevanie togo:
1. Otkl@^ite poda^u wody k ma[ine i otsoedinkte
5. Wyberite programmu ”Sliw” i podovdite, poka
zaliwnoj [lang ot wodoprowodnogo krana.
ona ne zawer[itsq.
2. Wyberite programmu stirki, wkl@^ite ma[inu i
6. Ustanowite selektor programm w polovenie
osu]estwite korotkij progon programmy.
3. Ostanowite programmu, ustanowiw selektor w
Stiralxnaq ma[ina prednazna^ena dlq
polovenie ”Sbros”.
ispolxzowaniq i hraneniq tolxko w pome]eniqh
pri komnatnoj temperature. Proizwoditelx ne
4. Opustite koncy zaliwnogo i sliwnogo [langow
neset otwetstwennosti za powrevdeniq, wyzwannye
gluboko w wodostok, prolovennyj pod polom (w
zamerz[ej wnutri pribora wodoj.
sliwnoe otwerstie w polu). Sledite, ^toby konec
[langa ne opuskalsq nive urownq wody w wodostoke
(sliwnom otwerstii).
— 32 —
Esli ma[ina ne rabotaet
Prevde ^em wyzywatx tehni^eskogo specialista, prowedite prowerku po niveizlovennym punktam, poskolxku nekotorye
neisprawnosti legko ustranitx samostoqtelxno bez neobhodimosti wyzywatx specialista. Esli wy wyzowite ego dlq
isprawleniq pri^iny, ukazannoj w nivepriwedennom spiske, ili ustraneniq posledstwij neprawilxnoj ustanowki
ili neprawilxnogo ispolxzowaniq, to wam pridetsq oplatitx ego wizit, dave esli garantiq na wa[ pribor e]e ne
Neisprawnostx Proweritx
Ma[ina ne zapuskaetsq.
• Prawilxno li zakryta dwerca?
• Navali li wy na knopku Start?
• Otkryt li wodoprowodnyj kran?
• Wstawlena li wilka [nura w lektrosetx?
• Prowerxte plawkie predohraniteli?
• Prawilxno li wy ustanowili ru^ku programmatora?
• Ne navata li knopka otlovennogo zapuska?
Ma[ina ne zapolnqetsq wodoj.
• Otkryt li wodoprowodnyj kran?
• Ne otkl@^ili li wodu?
• Ne imeet li naliwnoj [lang peregibow ili zavatyh mest?
• Ne zablokirowan li filxtr [langa poda^i wody?
• Dawlenie wody ne sli[kom slaboe?
Wo wremq zapolneniq ma[iny wodoj
• Ne opu]en li sli[kom nizko konec sliwnogo [langa?
proishodit sliw.
(sm. razdel “Ustanowka”)
• Imeetsq li nadleva]ij zazor mevdu koncom sliwnogo
[langa i stoqkom? (sm. razdel “Ustanowka”)
Otsutstwuet sliw ili otvim.
• Wy wybrali programmu bez otvima i sliwa?
• Ne imeet li sliwnoj [lang peregibow ili zavatyh mest?
• Esli [lang byl udlinen, sdelano li to w sootwetstwii s
instrukciqmi? (sm. razdel “Ustanowka”)
Perepolnenie ma[iny, ute^ka.
• Ne ispolxzowano li sli[kom mnogo mo@]ego sredstwa?
• Primenen li prawilxnyj tip mo@]ego sredstwa (dlq
awtomati^eskih stiralxnyh ma[in)?
• Prawilxno li podsoedineny [langi? (sm. razdel “Ustanowka”)
• Ne zasoren li lotok dlq mo@]ego sredstwa?
Stiralxnaq ma[ina wibriruet ili
• Snqty li wse transportirowo^nye stopornye ustrojstwa?
[umno rabotaet.
• Stoit li ma[ina na sootwetstwu@]ej powerhnosti i
• Ne upiraetsq li ma[ina w stenu?
• Stoit li ma[ina na wseh ^etyreh novkah?
Dwerca stiralxnoj ma[iny ne
• Ne pro[po i 1 minuty posle zawer[eniq raboty ma[iny i
zagruzo^^yj l@k e]e ne razblokirowalsq (gorit signalxnaq
lampa). Pro^itajte e]e raz podrazdel “Zagruzka stiralxnoj
ma[iny” w otno[enii otkrytiq dwercy. Nikogda ne pytajtesx
primenqtx silu dlq otkrytiq dwercy. Swqvitesx s sootwetst-
wu@]im remontnym predpriqtiem.
— 33 —
Esli ma[ina ne rabotaet
Otvim na^inaetsq s zadervkoj ili
• Spabotla sistema zlektronnogo kontrolq disbalansa, tak kak
wowse ne na^inaetsq.
belxe w barabane bylo uloveno nerawnomerno. Belxe rawnomerno
raspredelitsq w barabane pri wra]atelxnom dwivenii barabana.
|ta procedura movet proizwoditxsq neskolxko raz, prevde
^em disbalans is^eznet i budet wypolnen normalxnyj otvim.
Esli w te^enie 10 minut belxe ne ulovilosx rawnomerno w
barabane, to otvim ne budet wypolnen. W tom slu^ae samos-
toqtelxno raslredelite belxe i wyberite programmu otvima.
Indikator ”Okon^anie programmy” migaet:
1 raz = ma[ina ne zapolnqetsq wodoj
• Otkryt li wodoprowodnyj kran?
• Ne zablokirowan li filxtr [langa poda^i wody?
2 raza = ma[ina ne sliwaet wodu
• Ne imeet li sliwnoj [lang peregibow ili zavatyh mest?
4 raza = dwerca ne zakryta
• Prawilxno li zakryta dwerca?
Serwisnoe obsluviwanie i
zapasnye ^asti
Tehni^eskoe obsluviwanie i remont dolvny wypolnqtxsq
tolxko serwisnoj organizaciej, upolnomo^ennoj
Prevde, ^em wyzwatx mastera, prowerxte, nelxzq li
ustranitx neisprawnostx, ispolxzuq wy[epriwedennu@
tablicu. Pomnite, ^to neisprawnosti, swqzannye s
zlektroprowodkoj ili zlektri^eskimi uzlami ma[iny,
dolvny ustranqtxsq toly@ kwalificirowannym
Ot Was potrebu@tsq dannye o modeli, produktowom nomere
i serijnom nomere izdeliq, ukazannye na tabli^ke s
tehni^eskimi dannymi ma[iny.
Wy movete zapisatx ti dannye zdesx:
TYPE. ……………………………………………………
MOD. ……………………………………………………
PROD.NO. ……………………………………………………
SER.NO. ……………………………………………………
Data pokupki ……………………………………………………
Pri kakih obstoqtelxstwah woznikla neisprawnostx?
Ne pytajtesx otremontirowatx stiralxnaq ma[ina
samostoqtelxno. Nekwalificirowannyj remont movet
priwesti k trawmam l@dej i serxeznomu powrevdeni@
— 34 —
Instrukcii po ustanowke
L@bye lektri^eskie raboty po ustanowke dannogo
pribora dolvny prowoditxsq kwalificirowannym
lektrikom ili kompetentnym licom.
L@bye raboty po podkl@^eni@ pribora k wodoprowodu
dolvny prowoditxsq kwalificirowannym
wodoprowod^ikom ili kompetentnym licom.
Tehni^eskaq specifikaciq
RAZMERY Wysota 67 cm
{irina 49.5 cm
Glubina 51.5 cm
WES netto 54 kg
SUHOGO BELXQ Sintetika 1.5 kg
Tonkie tkani 1.5 kg
{erstx 1.0 kg
DAWLENIE WODY Minimum 50 kPa (0.5 bar)
Maksimum 1000 kPa (10 bar)
~ASTOTA WRA}ENIQ PRI OTVIME Maksimum 900 ob/min.
|LEKTRI~ESKIE DANNYE Naprqvenie seti 230 W — 50 Gc
Predohranitelx 10 A
Nominalxnaq mo]nostx 1600 Wt
— 35 —
Esli stiralxnaq ma[ina byla powrevdena wo wremq
transportirowki, neobhodimo nemedlenno uwedomitx ob
tom kompani@, otwetstwennu@ za dostawku. Prowerxte,
ne powrevdena li ma[ina.
Esli wy obnaruvili kakie-libo powrevdeniq, neisprawnosti
ili otsutstwie kakih-libo detalej, nemedlenno soob]ite
ob tom w torgowoe predpriqtie, prodaw[ee stiralxnu@
Nikogda ne ostawlqjte upakowo^nyj material
w mestah, gde deti mogut wospolxzowatxsq
im kak igru[koj.
Perenoska stiralxnoj ma[iny
Budxte ostorovny, pripodnimaq stiralxnu@ ma[inu. W
slu^ae neprawilxnoj perenoski movno ne tolxko polu^itx
trawmy, no i powreditx ma[inu. Otkrojte dwercu i uder-
viwajte ma[inu za wnutrenn@@ powerhnostx zagruzo^nogo
l@ka. Dlq perenoski ma[iny movno ispolxzowatx takve
wystupa@]u@ ^astx werhnej kry[ki ma[iny.
Zapre]aetsq pripodnimatx ma[inu, dervasx
za panelx uprawleniq, dwercu ili lotok dlq
mo@]ego sredstwa (ris. 1).
Stopornye transportirowo^nye
Dlq predotwra]eniq powrevdeniq barabana i lektrodwi-
gatelq wo wremq transportirowki stiralxnu@ ma[inu
snabva@t rqdom stopornyh ustrojstw/upakowo^nyh detalej.
Pered ustanowkoj ma[iny ih neobhodimo udalitx.
1. Polovite ^astx polistirolxnogo upakowo^nogo
materiala na pol pozadi ma[iny i zatem
ostorovno polovite na nego ma[inu zadnej
Ubeditesx, ^to pri tom ne byli smqty [langi
(ris. 2).
2. Snimite polistirolxnoe osnowanie i opornu@
ramu, na kotoryh byla dostawlena ma[ina.
3. Wernite ma[inu w normalxnoe wertikalxnoe
polovenie i wywernite tri winta szadi (ris. 3).
4. W obrazowaw[iesq otwerstiq neobhodimo wstawitx
whodq]ie w komplekt plastmassowye zaglu[ki,
nahodq]iesq w politilenowom pakete wnutri
baraoana (ris. 4).
— 36 —
Wyrawniwanie ma[iny
Ma[ina dolvna bytx ustanowlena na rownoj pro^noj
powerhnosti i ne dolvna kasatxsq sten ili mebeli.
Wyrawniwanie ma[iny po urown@ proizwoditsq putem
regulirowki novek. Ma[ina dolvna stoqtx na wseh
^etyreh novkah (ris. 1).
Pri rabote ma[iny dopuskaetsq nekotoraq wibraciq,
kotoraq qwlqetsq normalxnym i neizbevnym qwlwniem
wsledsteie wra]eniq barabana, osobenno esli pol,
na kotorom stoit ma[ina, ne betonnyj.
Esli ma[ina ustanowlena na kowre,
ubeditesx, ^to wentilqcionnye
otwerstiq w dni]e ma[iny ne
zablokirowany. Woob]e ustanowka
izdeliq na kowre ne rekomenduetsq.
Podsoedinite zaliwnoj [lang k kranu s rezxboj
3/4”. Pri neobhodimosti ispolxzujte perehodnik
(1/2 d@jma), whodq]ij w komplekt postawki. (ris. 2).
Naliwnoj [lang nelxzq soedinqtx s udlinq@]im
[langom l@bogo wida. Esli [lang sli[kom korotkij,
ego nado zamenitx na bolee dlinnyj , specialxno
prednazna^ennyj dlq dannoj celi.
Konec naliwnogo [langa so storony ma[iny movno
powernutx w l@bom naprawlenii. Oslabxte zatqvku
gajki, powernite [lang, zatem snowa zatqnite gajku
(ris. 3).
Pered tem, kak zadwinutx ma[inu na
mesto, udostowerxtesx w tom, ^to gajka
nadevno zatqnuta.
Ispolxzujte tolxko tot zaliwnoj
[lang, kotoryj postawlqetsq s
wa[ej posudomoe^noj ma[inoj,
ne polxzujtesx starym zaliwnym
— 37 —
Primenqtx sliwnoj [lang movno tremq razli^nymi
Powerh kraq wanny ili rakowiny:
|tot sposob movno ispolxzowatx tolxko, esli wy uwereny,
^to [lang ne smestitsq wo wremq sliwa wody iz ma[iny.
{lang movno zafiksirowatx na stene, na kr@^ke ili
priwqzatx k kranu [nurom (ris. 1).
Neposredstwenno w wodostok nad
Sliwnoj [lang movno neposredstwenno wwesti w trubu
(naprimer pod rakowinoj ili kuhonnoj mojkoj) nad
wodozatworom. Sliwnoj [lang nado prokladywatx tak,
^toby ^astx ego byla podnqta wwerh do urownq werhnego
kraq rakowiny i zafiksirowana tam (ris. 2).
Neposredstwenno w nastennyj stoqk:
Stoqk dolven bytx wertikalxnym. Wysota nad polom
dolvna sostawlqtx ot 650 do 800 mm.
Wokrug i nive konca sliwnogo [langa dolvny bytx
wozdu[nye zazory. |to ozna^aet, ^to wnutrennij diametr
stoqka dolven bytx bolx[e naruvnogo diametra [langa
(ris. 3). {lang ustanawliwaetsq w stoqk ne glubve ^em
na 50 mm i ego neobhodimo zafiksirowatx w tom
Sliwnoj [lang movno udlinitx ne bolee ^em do 3,5 m.
W ka^estwe udlinitelxnogo [langa ispolxzujte [lang s
wnutrennim diametrom ne menee wnutrennego diametra
sobstwennogo [langa ma[iny. Ispolxzjte podhodq]ij
soedinitelx [langow(ris. 4).
~toby ma[ina prawilxno rabotala, sliwnoj
[lang dolven bytx zakreplen pri pomo]i
fiksatora, raspolovennogo w werhnej
^asti zadnej stenki ma[iny.
Stiralxnaq ma[ina postawlqetsq s lektri^eskim [nurom
i wilkoj dlq podkl@^eniq k zazemlennoj nastennoj
rozetke seti 230 W, 10 A. Esli ma[ina ustanowlena w
meste powy[ennoj wlavnosti (wannaq komnata, pra^e^naq)
bez postoqnnoj lektroprowodki, neobhodimo ee zazemlitx.
Pered wypolneniem l@byh rabot ma[inu
neobhodimo otkl@^itx ot lektri^eskoj
Prowedeniem stacionarnoj lektroprowodki
dpq stiralxnoj ma[iny dolven zanimatxsq
tolxko kwalificirowannyj lektrik.
— 38 —
Аннотации для Стиральной Машиной Zanussi FCS 920C в формате PDF
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Стоит ли использовать средство для удаления накипи при стирке в стиральной машине?
Как предотвратить появление неприятного запаха в стиральной машине?
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User manual 2
Инструкция по
Washing Machine
Стиральная машина
FCS 920 C
Safety information _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2
Product description _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
Control panel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5
Before first use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Daily use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Helpful hints and tips _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9
Washing programmes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11
Care and cleaning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12
What to do if… _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
Technical data _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
Consumption values _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16
Installation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17
Environment concerns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20
Subject to change without notice
Safety information
Important! Read carefully & keep for future reference.
• The safety of Your appliance complies with the industry
standards and with legal requirements on the safety of
appliances. However, as manufacturers, we feel it is
our duty to provide the following safety notes.
• It is most important that this instruction book should
be retained with the appliance for future reference.
Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another
owner, or should you move house and leave the appli-
ance, always ensure that the book is supplied with the
appliance in order that the new owner can get to know
the functioning of the appliance and the relevant warn-
• You MUST read them carefully before installing or us-
ing the appliance.
• Before first starting up, check the appliance for any
damage incurred during transport. Never connect up a
damaged appliance . If parts are damaged, contact your
• If the appliance is delivered in the winter months when
there are minus temperatures. Store it at room temper-
ature for 24 hours before using for the first time.
General safety
• It is dangerous to alter the specifications or attempt to
modify this product in any way.
• During high temperature wash programmes the door
glass may get hot. Do not touch it!
• Make sure that small pets and children do not climb
into the drum. To avoid this, please check into the
drum before using.
• Any objects such as coins, safety pins, nails, screws,
stones or any other hard, sharp material can cause ex-
tensive damage and must not be placed into the ma-
• Only use the advised quantities of fabric softener and
detergent. Damage to the fabric can ensue if you over-
fill. Refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations of
• Wash small items such as socks, laces, washable belts
etc in a washing bag or pillow case as it is possible for
such items to slip down between the tub and the inner
• Do not use your washing machine to wash articles with
whalebones, material without hems or torn material.
• Always unplug the appliance and turn off the water
supply after use, cleaning and maintenance.
• Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair
the machine yourself. Repairs carried out by inexper-
ienced people may cause injury or serious malfunc-
tioning. Contact your local Service Centre. Always in-
sist on genuine spare parts.
• This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken when
moving it.
• When unpacking the appliance, check that it is not
damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the
Service Centre.
• All packing and transit bolts must be removed before
use. Serious damage can occur to the product and to
property if this is not adhered to. See relevant section
in the user manual.
• After having installed the appliance, check that it is not
standing on the inlet and drain hose and the worktop is
not pressing the electrical supply cable against the
• If the machine is situated on a carpeted floor, please
adjust the feet in order to allow air to circulate freely
under the appliance.
• Always be sure, that there is no water leakage from ho-
ses and their connections after the installation.
• If the appliance is installed in a location subject to
frost, please read the “dangers of freezing” chapter.
• Any plumbing work required to install this appliance
should be carried out by a qualified plumber or compe-
tent person.
• Any electrical work required to install this appliance
should be carried out by a qualified electrician or com-
petent person.
• This appliance is designed for domestic use. It must
not be used for purposes other than those for which it
was designed.
• Only wash fabrics which are designed to be machine
washed. Follow the instructions on each garment label.
• Do not overload the appliance. See the Washing Pro-
gramme Table.
• Before washing, ensure that all pockets are empty and
buttons and zips are fastened. Avoid washing frayed or
torn articles and treat stains such as paint, ink, rust,
and grass before washing. Underwired bras must NOT
be machine washed.
• Garments which have been in contact with volatile pe-
troleum products should not be machine washed. If
volatile cleaning fluids are used, care should be taken
to ensure that the fluid is removed from the garment
before placing in the machine.
• Never pull the power supply cable to remove the plug
from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself.
• Never use the appliance if the power supply cable, the
control panel, the working surface or the base are dam-
aged so that the inside of the washing machine is ac-
Child safety
• This appliance is not intended for use by person (in-
cluding children) with reduced physical sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowl-
edge unless they have been given supervision or in-
struction concerning use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
• Young children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance
• The packaging components (e.g. plastic film, polystyr-
ene) can be dangerous to children — danger of suffoca-
tion! Keep them out of children’s reach.
• Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s
• Make sure that children or pets do not climb into the
Product description
Your new appliance meets all modern requirements for effective treatment of laundry with low water, energy and
detergent consumption. Its new washing system allows total use of detergent and reduces water consumption so
saving energy.
Machine front
1 Detergent dispenser drawer
2 Control panel
3 Door opening handle
4 Adjustable feet (front)
Machine rear
1 Transit locking devices
2 Drain hose
3 Electrical lead
4 Inlet hose
Detergent dispenser drawer
Compartment for powder or liquid detergent used for
main wash. If using liquid detergent pour it just before
starting the programme.
Compartment for liquid additives (fabric softener,
Any fabric softener or starching additives must be poured
into the compartment before starting the wash pro-
Control panel
3 42
Henceforth, the programme selector dial, the spin selector dial, programme progress lights and different buttons
will be indicated in all the book with the relevant numbers given in this table.
Detergent drawer • Detergent drawer has 2 separate compartments for detergent and fabric
Prewash detergent is to be added straight into the drum.
Delay start button
• By means of this button, you can delay the start of a washing programme
by 6 or 3 hours.
• The relevant light will light up.
Prewash button
• By means of this button, the machine performs a prewash cycle before the
main wash phase.
• The relevant light will light up.
Quick button
• By means of this button, you can select only one of the options.
• The relevant light will light up.
Super Rinse button
• By means of this button, the machine performs some additional rinses.
• The relevant light will light up.
Start/Pause button
• This button allows to start the selected programme; the corresponding in-
dicator light is lit.
• This button interrupts also a programme which is running, the corre-
sponding indicator light starts to flash.
Programme progress display • The different pilot lights illuminate depending on the running programme
Spin speed selector • The spin speed selector dial allows for changing the spin speed. Turn the
spin selector, if you want your laundry to be spun at a speed different from
the one proposed by the appliance or select «Rinse Hold» or «No spin»
Programme selector dial and
ON/OFF switch
• The programme selector dial allows to select a programme and/or to reset,
cancel the programme, switch the machine on/off.
• Programme selector dial is divided into following sections: Cotton, Syn-
thetic, Delicate, Wool, Special programmes. It can be turned either clock-
wise or anticlockwise.
Table of Symbols
= Delay start = Rinses = Drain
=Prewash = Spin = Cold wash
= Quick = Cycle End = Wool
= Super Rinse = Door Locked = Handwash
= Start/Pause = Rinse Hold = ON/OFF
= Washing = No Spin
Delay Start (button 2)
By selecting this option it is possible to delay the starting
of the washing programme by 6 or 3 hours. The selected
delay is indicated by the illumination of the corresponding
Prewash (button 3)
If the laundry is heavily soiled, you can choose a pro-
gramme with prewash. Before the main wash the machine
runs a prewash up to 30° C. The washing time will be
prolonged approx. 20 minutes. The prewash ends with a
short spin in the programmes for cotton and synthetic
laundry. In the programme for delicate laundry the water is
only drained.
Quick (button 4)
Short programme for lightly soiled white-/coloured and
synthetic laundry. The washing time will be reduced ap-
prox. 10 minutes. Max. recommended temperature 60°C.
These option can not be chosen together with the
economy programme 60E and 40E. The washing
time will be reduced depending on the type of material
and the selected temperature. Recommended load for cot-
ton is 2 kg.
Super Rinse (button 5)
The machine performs 2 additional rinses during the
washing cycle. This option is recommended for people
who are allergic to detergents, and in areas where the wa-
ter is very soft.
Rinse hold or No spin (8)
Rinse hold
By selecting this position the water of the last rinse is not
emptied out to prevent the fabrics from creasing. When
the programme has finished, the lights «End» and «Door»
are lit to indicate that the water must be emptied out (See:
» At the end of the programme»).
No spin
By selecting this position all the spinning phases are ex-
cluded. To be used for extremely delicate material. The
machine will add some additional rinses to the cotton and
synthetic programmes.
Programme progress display (7)
The light A illuminates when the machine is performing
the washing phase.
The light B illuminates when the machine is rinsing.
The light C illuminates when the machine is spinning.
The light D illuminates at the end of the washing cycle.
The light E indicates if the door can be opened:
• The light is lit: the door cannot be opened.
• The light is out: the door can be opened.
• The light is flashing: the door can soon be opened.
Before first use
Ensure that the electrical and water connections comply
with the installation instructions.
Important! Remove any material from the drum.
Important! We recommend you to run a wash programme
without any load, to clear any residues which may have
been left by the manufacturing process. Pour approx. 100
ml of detergent straight into the drum and run a cotton
cycle at 60°C. When the programme is finished the
machine will be ready to use.
Daily use
Load the laundry
Open the door by carefully pulling the door handle out-
wards. Place the laundry in the drum, one item at a
time, shaking them out as much as possible. Close the
Measure out the detergent and the fabric softener
Pull out the dispenser
drawer until it stops.
Measure out the amount of
detergent required, pour it
into the larger compart-
ment on the left
If required, pour fabric
softener into the smaller
compartment marked
(the amount used must not
exceed the «MAX» mark
in the drawer). Close the
drawer gently.
Select the required programme by means of the
programme selector dial (9)
Turn the programme selector dial to the required pro-
gramme. The selector can be turned either clockwise or
The green light of button 6 starts to flash
On programme progress display the pilot lights corre-
sponding to all phases composing the selected pro-
gramme are lit.
On position
the programme is reset and the machine
is switched OFF.
At the end of the programme the selector dial must be
turned to position
to switch the machine off.
Important! If you turn the programme selector dial to
another programme when the machine is working, the
lights in the programme progress display will start to flash
to indicate a wrong selection. The machine will not
perform the new selected programme.
Select the spin speed, Rinse Hold or No spin option
Select the spin speed, Rinse Hold option or No Spin op-
tion by turning the spin speed selector.
For the maximum spin speed allowed by each pro-
gramme, refer to the chapter Washing programmes.
• The position 900 is equivalent to 900 rpm/min for the
synthetic and wool programmes and 700 rpm/min for
the delicate wash programme.
• The position 500 is equivalent to 500 rpm/min for all
the wash programmes.
Select the desired option by means of buttons 3, 4
and 5
Depending on the programme, different functions can be
combined. These must be selected after choosing the de-
sired programme and before pressing the button 6. The
relevant light will illuminate.
If an incorrect option is selected, the corresponding indi-
cator lamp flashes for about 2 seconds. For the compati-
bility of the options with the washing programmes, refer to
the chapter «Washing programmes».
Select the Delay Start by pressing button 2
Before you start the programme, if you wish to delay the
start, press the button 2 repeatedly, to select the desired
delay. The corresponding pilot light will light up.
You must select this option after you have set the pro-
gramme and before you press button 6.
You can cancel or modify the delay time at any moment,
before you press button 6.
Cancelling the delayed start after having pressed button 6:
1. Set the washing machine to PAUSE by pressing but-
ton 6.
2. Press the button 2 once, the light relevant to the se-
lected delay goes off.
3. Press button 6 again to start the programme.
Important! The selected delay can be changed only after
selecting the washing programme again.
The door will be locked throughout the delay time (door
locked light lit).
The Delay Start can not be selected with DRAIN or SPIN
Start the programme by pressing button 6
To start the selected programme, press this button; the
corresponding pilot light stops flashing and remains lit.
On programme progress display the pilot lights A and E
illuminate to indicate that the appliance starts operating
and the door is locked.
Altering an option or a running programme
It is possible to change any option before the programme
carries it out.
Before you make any change, you must pause the washing
machine by pressing the button 6.
The programme can be changed as long as the button 6
has not been pressed. Changing a running programme is
possible only by resetting it. Turn the programme selector
dial to
and then to the new programme position. Start
the new programme by pressing the button 6 again.
Interrupting a programme
Press the button 6 to interrupt a programme which is run-
ning, the corresponding light starts to flash. Press the
button again to restart the programme.
Cancelling a programme
Turn the selector dial to position to cancel a pro-
gramme which is running. Now you can select a new pro-
Opening the door after the programme has started
First set the machine to pause by pressing the button 6.
After some minutes, the door can be opened, when the
following conditions are observed:
• The water temperature is below 55°C.
• The water level is below the bottom edge of the door.
• The machine doesn’t spin.
If you cannot open the door but it is absolutely necessary
to open it you have to switch the machine off by turning
the selector dial to
. After few minutes the door can be
(Pay attention to the water level and temperature!).
After this procedure, it will be necessary to set the pro-
gramme and the options again and then press the button
At the end of the programme
The machine stops automatically.
The pilot light D illuminates to indicate that the pro-
gramme has finished. The pilot light E goes out, the door
can be opened and the laundry can be removed.
If at the end of a programme there is water in the tub
(when «Rinse hold» option has been selected), to empty
out the water follow the following instructions:
turn the programme selector dial to
• select the «Drain» or «Spin» programme
• press button 6
When the pilot light E goes out, the door can be opened
and the laundry can be removed.
At the end of the cycle, turn the programme selector dial
to switch the machine off.
Remove the laundry from the drum and carefully check
that the drum is empty. If you do not intend to carry out
another wash, close the water tap.
Leave the door open to prevent the formation of mildew
and unpleasant smells.
Helpful hints and tips
Sorting out the laundry
Follow the wash code symbols on each garment label and
the manufacturer’s washing instructions. Sort the laundry
as follows: whites, coloureds, synthetics, delicates, wool-
95° or 90°
for normally soiled white cottons
and linen (e.g. tea cloths, towels, ta-
blecloths, sheets…)
for normally soiled, colour fast gar-
ments (e.g. shirts, night dresses,
pyjamas….) in linen, cotton or syn-
thetic fibres and for lightly soiled
white cotton (e.g. underwear)
40°-30°- Cold
for delicate items (e.g. net curtains),
mixed laundry including synthetic
fibres and woollens bearing the la-
bel «pure new wool, machine wash-
able, non-shrink»
Before loading the laundry
Never wash whites and coloureds together. Whites may
lose their «whiteness» in the wash.
New coloured items may run in the first wash; they should
therefore be washed separately the first time.
Make sure that no metal objects are left in the laundry
(e.g. hair clips, safety pins, pins).
Button up pillowcases, close zip fasteners, hooks and
poppers. Tie any belts or long tapes.
Remove persistent stains before washing.
Rub particularly soiled areas with a special detergent or
detergent paste.
Treat curtains with special care. Remove hooks or tie them
up in a bag or net.
Maximum loads
Recommended loads are indicated in the washing pro-
gramme charts.
General rules:
• Cotton, linen: drum full but not too tightly packed;
• Synthetics: drum no more than half full;
• Delicate fabrics and woollens: drum no more than one
third full.
Washing a maximum load makes the most efficient use of
water and energy.
For heavily soiled laundry, reduce the load size.
Laundry weights
The following weights are indicative:
The following weights are indicative:
bathrobe 1200 g
quilt cover 700 g
man’s work shirt 600 g
sheet, man’s pyjamas 500 g
tablecloth 250 g
pillow case, towelling towel, night
dress, man’s shirt
200 g
tea cloth, ladies’ briefs, napkin,
blouse, men’s underpants
100 g
Removing stains
Stubborn stains may not be removed by just water and de-
tergent. It is therefore advisable to treat them prior to
Blood: treat fresh stains with cold water. For dried stains,
soak overnight in water with a special detergent then rub
in the soap and water.
Oil based paint: moisten with benzine stain remover, lay
the garment on a soft cloth and dab the stain; treat several
Dried grease stains: moisten with turpentine, lay the gar-
ment on a soft surface and dab the stain with the fingertips
and a cotton cloth.
Rust: oxalic acid dissolved in hot water or a rust removing
product used cold. Be careful with rust stains which are
not recent since the cellulose structure will already have
been damaged and the fabric tends to hole.
Mould stains: treat with bleach, rinse well (whites and fast
coloureds only).
Grass: soap lightly and treat with bleach (whites and fast
coloureds only).
Ball point pen and glue: moisten with acetone
, lay the
garment on a soft cloth and dab the stain.
Lipstick: moisten with acetone as above, then treat stains
with methylated spirits. Treat any residual marks with
Red wine: soak in water and detergent, rinse and treat with
acetic or citric acid, then rinse. Treat any residual marks
with bleach.
Ink: depending on the type of ink, moisten the fabric first
with acetone
, then with acetic acid; treat any residual
marks on white fabrics with bleach and then rinse thor-
Tar stains: first treat with stain remover, methylated spirits
or benzine, then rub with detergent paste.
Detergents and additives
Good washing results also depend on the choice of deter-
gent and use of the correct quantities to avoid waste and
protect the environment.
Although biodegradable, detergents contain substances
which, in large quantities, can upset the delicate balance
of nature.
The choice of detergent will depend on the type of fabric
(delicates, woollens, cottons, etc.), the colour, washing
temperature and degree of soiling.
All commonly available washing machine detergents may
be used in this appliance:
• powder detergents for all types of fabric
• powder detergents for delicate fabrics (60°C max) and
• liquid detergents, preferably for low temperature wash
programmes (60°C max) for all types of fabric, or spe-
cial for woollens only.
The detergent and any additives must be placed in the ap-
propriate compartments of the dispenser drawer before
starting the wash programme.
Prewash detergent is to be added straight into the
If using liquid detergents, a programme without prewash
must be selected. Pour the liquid detergent into the deter-
gent compartment immediately before you start the pro-
Your appliance incorporates a recirculation system which
allows an optimal use of the concentrated detergent.
Follow the product manufacturer’s recommendations on
quantities to use and do not exceed the «MAX» mark in
the detergent dispenser drawer.
Degrees of water hardness
Water hardness is classified in so-called “degrees” of
hardness. Information on hardness of the water in your
area can be obtained from the relevant water supply com-
pany, or from your local authority. If the water hardness
degree is medium or high we suggest you to add a water
softener following always the manufacturer’s instructions.
When the degree of hardness is soft, readjust the quantity
of the detergent.
1) do not use acetone on artificial silk
Washing programmes
Programme/ Temperature Type of laundry Options
Description of the pro-
White cotton (heavily and
normally soiled cotton
Main wash
Long spin max. 900 rpm
Max load 3 kg
Red. load 2 kg
White cotton economy
(This programme can be
selected for slightly or nor-
mally soiled cotton items.
The temperature will de-
crease and the washing
time will be extended. This
allows to obtain a good
washing efficiency so sav-
ing energy.)
Main wash
Long spin max. 900 rpm
Max load 3 kg
60° — 30°
Coloured cotton (heavily
and normally soiled cotton
Main wash
Long spin max. 900 rpm
Max load 3 kg
Red. load 2 kg
Coloured cotton economy
(Cotton economy program.
See: Cotton 60° E)
Main wash
Long spin max. 900 rpm
Max load 3 kg
Synthetic or mixed fabrics:
underwear, coloured gar-
ments, non-shrink shirts,
Main wash
Short spin max. 900 rpm
Max Load 1,5 kg
Delicate fabrics: acrylics,
viscose, polyester.
Main wash
Short spin max. 700 rpm
Max Load 1,5 kg
Special programme for del-
icate fabrics with «hand
washing» care symbol.
Main wash
Short spin max. 900 rpm
Max Load 1 kg
Programme/ Temperature Type of laundry Options
Description of the pro-
Washing programme for
machine washable wool as
well as for hand washable
woollens and delicate fab-
Main wash
Short spin max. 900 rpm
Max Load 1 kg
For lightly soiled laundry
or for laundry which needs
freshening up.
Main wash
Short spin max. 700 rpm
Max Load 1,5 kg
With this programme it is
possible to rinse and spin
cotton garments which
have been washed by hand.
The machine performs 3
rinses, followed by a final
long spin. The spin speed
can be reduced.
Spin max. 900 rpm
Max Load 3 kg
For emptying out the water
of the last rinse in pro-
grammes with the Rinse
Hold or No Spin option se-
Draining of water
Max Load 3 kg
Separate spin for hand
washed garments and after
programmes with the Rinse
Hold option selected. You
can choose the spin speed
by turning the spin speed
selector to adapt it to the
fabrics to be spun.
Drain and long spin
Max. spin speed 900 rpm
Max Load 3 kg
For resetting the pro-
gramme or switching the
machine off
1) If you select this option, we recommend that you reduce the maximum load as indicated. (Red. load= reduced load). Full loading is
possible however with somewhat reduced cleaning results.
Care and cleaning
Important! You must DISCONNECT the appliance from the
electricity supply, before you can carry out any cleaning or
maintenance work.
The water we use normally contains lime. It is a good idea
to periodically use a water softening powder in the ma-
chine. Do this separately from any laundry washing, and
according to the softening powder manufacturer’s instruc-
tions. This will help to prevent the formation of lime de-
Maintenance Wash
With the use of low temperature washes it is possible to
get a build up of residues inside the drum.
We recommend that a maintenance wash be performed on
a regular basis.
To run a maintenance wash:
• The drum should be empty of laundry.
• Select the hottest cotton wash programme.
• Use a normal measure of detergent, must be a powder
with biological properties.
External cleaning
Clean the exterior cabinet of the appliance with soap and
water only, and then dry thoroughly.
Cleaning the dispenser drawer
The washing powder and additive dispenser drawer
should be cleaned regularly.
If necessary, the whole de-
tergent drawer can be tak-
en out of the machine for
cleaning. You need to pull
it firmly outwards, so that
it comes free of retaining
To remove the siphon at
the inside edge of the
drawer for cleaning, you
need to press it inwards
and pull it upwards at the
same time. Flush it out
under a tap, to remove any
traces of accumulated
When you put it back, press it downwards until you hear a
distinct click.
Cleaning the drawer recess
Having removed the draw-
er, use a small brush to
clean the recess, ensuring
that all washing powder
residue is removed from
the upper and lower part of
the recess.
Replace the drawer and run the rinse programme with-
out any clothes in the drum.
Cleaning the water inlet filter
If your water is very hard or contains traces of lime depos-
it, the water inlet filter may become clogged. It is therefore
a good idea to clean it from time to time.
Turn off the water tap. Un-
screw the water inlet hose.
Clean the filter using a
hard bristle brush. Tighten
up the inlet hose.
The dangers of freezing
If the machine is exposed to temperatures below 0°C, cer-
tain precautions should be taken.
• Turn off the water supply.
• Unscrew the inlet hose from the supply tap.
• Select a wash programme, start the machine and let the
programme run for a short time.
• Interrupt the programme by turning the programme se-
lector to
• Place the end of inlet and drain hoses down low, into
the waste gully (floor drain) set into the floor. Make
sure that the end of the hose does not go below the wa-
ter level in the gully’s (drain’s) water tap.
• Select the programme «Drain» and let it run until it is
Turn the programme selector to
position. When
you intend to start the machine up again, make sure
that the room temperature is above 0 °C.
The appliance is only to be used and stored indoors at
normal room temperature. The manufacturer is not re-
sponsible for any frost damage.
What to do if…
Certain problems are due to lack of simple maintenance or
oversights, which can be solved easily without calling out
an engineer. Before contacting your local Service Centre,
please carry out the checks listed below.
During machine operation it is possible that the End pilot
light blinks to indicate that the machine is not working:
• 1 flash: problem with the water supply.
• 2 flashes: problem with the water draining.
• 4 flashes: door open.
Once the problem has been eliminated, press the button
START to restart the programme. If after all checks, the
problem persists, contact your local Service Centre.
Problem Possible cause/Solution
The machine does not start:
The door has not been closed.
• Close the door firmly.
The plug is not properly inserted in the power socket.
• Insert the plug into the power socket.
There is no power at the socket.
• Please check your domestic electrical installation.
The main fuse has blown.
• Replace the fuse.
The selector dial is not correctly positioned and the button Start has not been
• Please turn the selector dial and press the button Start again.
The machine does not fill:
The water tap is closed.
• Open the water tap.
The inlet hose is squashed or kinked.
• Check the inlet hose connection.
The filter in the inlet hose is blocked.
• Clean the water inlet hose filter.
The door is not properly closed.
• Close the door firmly.
The machine fills then empties im-
The end of the drain hose is too low.
• Refer to relevant paragraph in «Installation» chapter.
The machine does not empty and/or
does not spin:
The drain hose is squashed or kinked.
• Check the drain hose connection.
An option or a programme that ends with the water still in the tub or that elimi-
nates all the spinning phases has been selected.
• Select the draining or spinning programme.
The laundry is not evenly distributed in the drum.
• Redistribute the laundry.
Problem Possible cause/Solution
There is water on the floor:
Too much detergent or unsuitable detergent (creates too much foam) has been
• Reduce the detergent quantity or use another one.
Check whether there are any leaks from one of the inlet hose fittings. It is not
always easy to see this as the water runs down the hose; check to see if it is
• Check the water inlet hose connection.
The drain or inlet hose is damaged.
• Change it with a new one.
Unsatisfactory washing results:
Too little detergent or unsuitable detergent has been used.
• Increase the detergent quantity or use another one.
Stubborn stains have not been treated prior to washing.
• Use commercial products to treat the stubborn stains.
The correct temperature was not selected.
• Check if you have selected the correct temperature.
Excessive laundry load.
• Reduce the laundry load.
The door will not open:
The programme is still running.
• Wait the end of washing cycle.
The door lock has not been released.
• Wait until the indicator light for door locked has gone out.
There is water in the drum.
• Select drain or spin programme to empty out the water.
The machine vibrates is noisy:
The transit bolts and packing have not been removed.
• Check the correct installation of the appliance.
The support feet have not been adjusted
• Check the correct levelling of the appliance.
The laundry is not evenly distributed in the drum.
• Redistribute the laundry.
Maybe there is very little laundry in the drum.
• Load more laundry.
Spinning starts late or the machine
does not spin:
The electronic unbalance detection device has cut in because the laundry is
not evenly distributed in the drum. The laundry is redistributed by reverse rota-
tion of the drum. This may happen several times before the unbalance disap-
pears and normal spinning can resume. If, after 10 minutes, the laundry is still
not evenly distributed in the drum, the machine will not spin. In this case ,re-
distribute the load manually and select the spin programme.
• Redistribute the laundry.
The load is too small.
• Add more items, redistribute the load manually and then select the spinning
Problem Possible cause/Solution
No water is visible in the drum:
Machines based on modern technology operate very economically using very
little water without affecting performance.
If you are unable to identify or solve the problem, contact
our service centre. Before telephoning, make a note of the
model, serial number and purchase date of your machine:
the Service Centre will require this information.
Mod. … … …
Prod. No. … … …
Ser. No. … … …
Technical data
Dimensions Width
49,5 cm
67 cm
51,5 cm
Level of protection against ingress of solid particles and moisture IPX4
Water supply pressure Minimum
0,05 MPa
0,8 MPa
Maximum Load Cotton 3 kg
Spin Speed Maximum 900 rpm
Electrical data Voltage
Overall power
230 V
1600 W
10 A
50 Hz
Consumption values
Programme Energy consumption
Water consumption (litres) Programme duration (Mi-
White Cottons 90° 1.43 44 ~ 126
Cottons 60° 0.78 44 ~ 107
Cotton 60° ECO
0.57 39 ~ 131
Cotton 40° ECO 0.35 44 ~ 126
Programme Energy consumption
Water consumption (litres) Programme duration (Mi-
Synthetic 40° 0.26 42 ~ 67
Delicate 40° 0.38 45 ~ 61
Hand Wash 30° 0.20 42 ~ 50
Wool 40° 0.35 45 ~ 50
Mini 30° 0.18 35 ~ 30
Rinses 0.03 30 ~ 27
Drain — — ~ 1
Spin — — ~ 5
1) «Cottons Eco» at 60°C with a load of 3 kg is the reference programme for the data entered in the energy label, in compliance with
EEC 92/75 standards.
The consumption data shown on this chart is to be considered purely indicative, as it may vary depending on the
quantity and type of laundry, on the inlet water temperature and on the ambient temperature.
Lifting the machine
Be careful when lifting the machine. Incorrect methods of
lifting can cause physical injuries and also increase the
risk of damage to the machine. Open the door and take
hold of the top inside of the door opening. You can also
lift the machine by gripping the rear overhang of the top.
Warning! Never lift the machine by gripping it’s
control panel, door, or detergent dispenser.
When supplied the washing machine is packed using a
number of locking devices/packing pieces to prevent
drum and motor from damage in transit All transit bolts
and packing must be removed before using the appliance.
You are advised to keep all transit devices so that they can
be refitted if the machine ever has to be transported again.
Spread some of the poly-
styrene packaging materi-
als on the floor behind the
machine and then lay the
machine carefully rear
side down on them. Make
sure that no hoses are
crushed in the process.
Remove the polystyrene
base from the bottom of
the appliance.
Return machine to it’s upright position and remove the
power supply cable and the draining and inlet hose
from the hose holders on the rear of the appliance.
With a suitable spanner unscrew and remove the three
screws and their spacers on machine’s rear.
The three holes must then
be plugged with the plastic
plug caps supplied in the
bag containing the in-
struction booklet, which
can be found inside the
Install the machine on a flat hard floor. Make sure that air
circulation around the machine is not impeded by carpets,
rugs etc. Check that the machine does not touch the wall
or furniture. Level the washing machine by raising or low-
ering the two front feet. If necessary, check the setting with
a spirit level. Any necessary adjustment can be made with
a spanner. Accurate levelling prevents vibration, noise and
displacement of the machine during operation.
Caution! Never place cardboard, wood or similar
materials under the machine to compensate for any
unevenness in the floor.
Water inlet
Warning! This appliance must be connected to a
cold water supply
Caution! Before connecting up the appliance to new
pipework or to pipework that has not been used for
some time, run off a reasonable amount of water to flush
out any debris that may have collected
Caution! Do not use the hose from your previous
appliance to connect to water supply.
Connect the hose to a tap
with a 3/4” thread. Always
use the hose supplied with
the appliance.
If necessary use the sup-
plied restrictor.
The machine end of the in-
let hose can be turned in
any direction. Set the hose
correctly by loosening the
ring nut. After positioning
the inlet hose, be sure to
tighten the ring nut again
to prevent leaks.
The inlet hose must not be lengthened. If it is too short
and you do not wish to move the tap, you will have to pur-
chase a new, longer hose specially designed for this type
of use.
Water drainage
The end of the drain hose can be positioned in three ways:
Hooked over the edge of a sink using the plastic hose
guide supplied with the machine.
In this case, make sure the end cannot come unhooked
when the machine is emptying. This could be done by ty-
ing it to the tap with a piece of string or attaching it to the
In a sink drain pipe with a trap.
650-800 mm
The drain hose can be connected directly into the pipe
(e.g. beneath a washtub or sink), above the water trap. The
drain hose must be arranged so that some part of it’s
length is routed up to a level corresponding to the top
edge of the tub and fixed in place there.
Directly into a drain pipe at a height of not less than 65
cm and not more than 80 cm.
Their must be an air gap around and below the end of
drain hose. This means that the internal diameter of the
standpipe must be larger than the outer diameter of the
650-800 mm
40 mm
The hose must not be sticked into the standpipe more
than 50 mm and it has to be fixed in this position. The
drain hose must not be kinked.
The drain hose can be extended up to total 3,5 m. For the
extension piece use a hose with an internal diameter at
least as large as that of the machine’s own hose. Use a
suitable hose connector.
Information on the electrical connection is given on the
rating plate on the inner edge of the appliance door.
Check that your domestic electrical installation can take
the maximum load required, also taking into account any
other appliances in use.
Caution! Connect the machine to an earthed socket.
Caution! The manufacturer does not accept any
responsibility for damage or injury through failure
to comply with the above safety precaution.
Caution! The power supply cable must be easily
accessible after installing the machine.
Caution! Should the appliance power supply cable
need to be replaced, this must be carried out by a
Service Centre.
Environment concerns
The symbol on the product or on its packaging
indicates that this product may not be treated as
household waste. Instead it should be taken to the
appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human
health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate
waste handling of this product. For more detailed
information about recycling of this product, please contact
your local council, your household waste disposal service
or the shop where you purchased the product.
Packaging materials
The materials marked with the symbol are recyclable.
This means that they can be recycled by disposing of
them properly in appropriate collection containers.
Ecological hints
To save water, energy and to help protect the environment,
we recommend that you follow these tips:
• Normally soiled laundry may be washed without pre-
washing in order to save detergent, water and time (the
environment is protected too!).
• The machine works more economically if it is fully loa-
• With adequate pre-treatment, stains and limited soiling
can be removed; the laundry can then be washed at a
lower temperature.
• Measure out detergent according to the water hard-
ness, the degree of soiling and the quantity of laundry
being washed.
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