Subsite 750 tracker инструкция на русском

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750 Tracker — SUPPORT



750 Tracker — SUPPORT



Record the serial numbers and date of purchase of your Subsite

components in the spaces below.

Date of purchase:

Tracker serial number:




Related Manuals for Ditch Witch Subsite 750

Summary of Contents for Ditch Witch Subsite 750

  • Page 1: Support

    750 Tracker — SUPPORT 750 Tracker — SUPPORT SERIAL NUMBER RECORD SERIAL NUMBER RECORD SUPPORT SERIAL NUMBER RECORD Record the serial numbers and date of purchase of your Subsite components in the spaces below. Date of purchase: Tracker serial number:…

  • Page 2: Service Procedure

    750 Tracker — 750 Tracker — SERVICE PROCEDURE SERVICE PROCEDURE SERVICE PROCEDURE Notify Subsite immediately of any malfunction of Subsite equipment. Always give model, serial number, and approximate date of purchase. This information should be recorded and placed on file by owner at time of purchase.

  • Page 3: Foreword

    750 Tracker — FOREWORD 750 Tracker — FOREWORD SERVICE PROCEDURE SERVICE PROCEDURE FOREWORD This manual is an important part of your equipment. It provides safety information and operation instructions to help you use and maintain your Subsite Electronics equipment. Read this manual before using your equipment. Keep it with the equipment at all times for future reference.

  • Page 4
    750 Tracker — FOREWORD 750 Tracker — FOREWORD SERVICE PROCEDURE SERVICE PROCEDURE Operator’s Manual 750 Tracker Issue No.2.2/OP-4/01 Part Number 754-050 Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by The Charles Machine Works, Inc., Perry, Oklahoma Subsite is a registered trademark of The Charles Machine Works, Inc.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents


  • Page 6
  • Page 7: Controls

    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS OVERVIEW OVERVIEW CONTROLS OVERVIEW The 750 Tracker performs well with a variety of beacons and can track shallow or deep bores. It can send beacon information to a display mounted on the drilling unit operator’s station. The 750 Tracker can also locate lines and cables.

  • Page 8: Controls

    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS On/Off Pressing this button turns unit on and off. Fore/Aft/Left/Right Pressing this button while in walkover tracking mode switches from fore/aft to left/right arrows. Only one set of arrows will show at a time. See OPERATION for further information.

  • Page 9
    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS Depth + On/Off Pressing these buttons when tracker is on cycles volume from low to high to off. Pressing and holding depth button before turning tracker on changes signal strength display. See “Signal Strength” section later in this chapter for more information.
  • Page 10
    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Mode Pressing these buttons starts tracker control code transmission (see OPERATION). Fore/Aft/Left/Right + On/Off Pressing these buttons advances first two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION). Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Depth Pressing these buttons lowers first two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION).
  • Page 11: Setup

    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS SETUP SETUP SETUP Install batteries Use 6 C-cell alkaline batteries in tracker. To install: • unscrew battery cover • insert batteries as indicated • close cover and tighten screw • check operation Check Operation Always check that tracker operates before leaving for jobsite and after every battery change.

  • Page 12: Display

    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY Mode Tracker can track beacons and locate lines. Switch between modes by pressing mode button. Beacon Mode Indicator Line Mode Indicator…

  • Page 13
    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS DISPLAY DISPLAY Tracker Information A variety of tracker information can be monitored in the display window. Additionally, several tracker display settings can be changed. Battery Level Tracker battery level is shown graphically. Display shows battery status in 33% steps.
  • Page 14
    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS DISPLAY DISPLAY Signal Strength Signal strength is shown graphically on bars at top of display and in numeric display. It can be displayed two ways: building from both sides into the middle (a) or building from left to right (b). To change signal strength display, turn unit off.
  • Page 15
    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS DISPLAY DISPLAY Beacon Information Tracker displays a variety of information sent from the beacon. Actual information sent depends on beacon used. Temperature Beacon temperature is continuously shown in 33% segments. Operator should monitor beacon temperature throughout bore.
  • Page 16
    750 Tracker — CONTROLS 750 Tracker — CONTROLS DISPLAY DISPLAY Depth In walkover tracking and line locating modes, estimated depth is shown in numeric display when depth button is pressed after beacon has been properly located. In remote guidance mode, approximate distance from beacon to tracker is shown in numeric display every 5 seconds.
  • Page 17: Safety

    750 Tracker — SAFETY 750 Tracker — SAFETY SAFETY Follow these guidelines before operating any jobsite equipment: • Read and follow all safety precautions. • Do not operate equipment unless you have completed proper training and read the operator’s manual. •…

  • Page 18: Classifications

    750 Tracker — SAFETY 750 Tracker — SAFETY CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFICATIONS Watch for the three safety alert levels: DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION. Learn what each level means. indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

  • Page 19: Alerts

    750 Tracker — SAFETY 750 Tracker — SAFETY ALERTS ALERTS ALERTS Incorrect procedures could result in death, injury, or property damage. Learn to use equipment correctly. Moving traffic — hazardous situation. Death or serious injury could result. Avoid moving vehicles, wear high visibility clothing, post appropriate warning signs.

  • Page 20
    750 Tracker — SAFETY 750 Tracker — SAFETY ALERTS ALERTS…
  • Page 21: Operation

    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES OPERATION The 750 tracker has four operation modes: tracker control, walkover beacon tracking, remote guidance, and line locating. Potential radio frequency (RF) hazard. Operating this device within 4 in (10 cm) of your body may cause RF exposure levels to exceed FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided.

  • Page 22
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Calibration Procedure 1. Install beacon into toolhead and place on ground exactly 10 ft (3 m) away from tracker. Make sure no metal objects including drilling unit and drill pipe are within 20 ft (6 m) of tracker and toolhead.
  • Page 23
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Troubleshooting If four dashes appear in the display, unit has not been calibrated or has been calibrated incorrectly, beacon is too close for depth estimate, or beacon is too far away for depth estimate.
  • Page 24
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Tracker Control Mode Overview Incorrect procedures could result in death, injury, or property damage. Learn to use equipment correctly. This mode allows 750 Tracker operator to disable hydraulic power to drilling unit thrust and rotation within 16 seconds.
  • Page 25
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Operation 1. Turn on drilling unit. Press and hold download button to display serial number on 750 Display. 2. Turn on 750 Tracker and check four-digit display code. •…
  • Page 26
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES 3. Remove tracker control key from drilling unit and keep in tracker operator’s possession. 4. Drill and track bore until drill head enters target pit or exits ground.
  • Page 27
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Walkover Tracking Mode Location 1. Turn on tracker. Make sure you can see fore/aft arrows in center of display. If you see left/right arrows, press fore/aft/ left/right key.
  • Page 28
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Remote Guidance Mode Information is transmitted directly to display at drilling unit when tracker is in remote guidance mode. Approximate distance from tracker to beacon (not the estimated depth of the drill head) is shown every 5 seconds.
  • Page 29
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Displayed Information Beacons send a variety of information to tracker. All Subsite Electronics beacons send pitch, roll, temperature and battery information. Roll Beacon roll information is useful in determining the direction that the drilling tool will tend to travel when pushed without rotation.
  • Page 30
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES BEACON TRACKING MODES Pitch Tracker shows pitch (% grade) when used with beacons that provide this information (see specific beacon literature). Pitch shows beacon grade in percentages from down arrow 99% (45 degrees down) to up arrow 99% (45 degrees up).
  • Page 31
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
  • Page 32: Line Locating Mode

    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION LINE LOCATING MODE LINE LOCATING MODE LINE LOCATING MODE To locate power lines, select the following: • line locating mode • frequency (50 Hz power, 60 Hz power, or 8 kHz active) IMPORTANT: Transmitter is required to locate 8 kHz.

  • Page 33
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION LINE LOCATING MODE LINE LOCATING MODE Troubleshooting If four dashes appear in the display, signal appears to be above receiver and unit cannot estimate depth. This message is usually caused by interfering signals. Try relocating target signal.
  • Page 34
    750 Tracker — OPERATION 750 Tracker — OPERATION…
  • Page 35: Maintenance

    750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE 750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE GENERAL CARE GENERAL CARE MAINTENANCE GENERAL CARE The 750 tracker needs only minor maintenance under normal operating conditions. Following these care instructions can ensure longer equipment life. • Do not drop the equipment. •…

  • Page 36
    750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE 750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE…
  • Page 37: Specifications

    750 Tracker — SPECIFICATIONS 750 Tracker — SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Length: 12.75 in (32.4 cm) Height: 31.5 in (80 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm) Operating Weight: 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)

  • Page 38
    750 Tracker — SPECIFICATIONS 750 Tracker — SPECIFICATIONS Antenna Configuration: peak Operating Modes: 29K beacon 60 Hz power 50 Hz power 8 kHz line (active) Maximum Locating Range: Beacon: 0.75 ft — 99 ft 11 in (22.9 cm — 30 m) Line: 0-10 ft (0-3 m) Depth Calibration Tolerances * : ±4 in (10 cm) at 10 ft (3 m)
  • Page 39: Warranty

    750 Tracker — WARRANTY 750 Tracker — WARRANTY WARRANTY Ditch Witch Subsite Electronics Limited Product Warranty Policy Warranty Periods New Product A twelve-month period starts on the date of delivery to the end user: Trackers: 66TKRW, 750 Tracker Remote Displays: 90D, 750 Display…

  • Page 40
    Repair and removal of defective part and installation will be at no charge when product or item is delivered to Ditch Witch Subsite Electronics or an authorized repair center. The product or item will be returned at no charge for return freight.
  • Page 41
    • Products declined for repair will be shipped back to the Dealer/Customer and charged return freight costs. • Unwanted product from repair declines will be discarded at Ditch Witch Subsite Electronics only with written authorization from the dealer/customer. Revision C, February 2001…

750 Tracker — FOREWORD



750 Tracker — FOREWORD


This manual is an important part of your equipment. It provides

safety information and operation instructions to help you use and

maintain your Subsite Electronics equipment.

Read this manual before using your equipment. Keep it with the

equipment at all times for future reference. If you sell your

equipment, be sure to give this manual to the new owner.

If you need a replacement copy, contact your Subsite Electronics


The descriptions and specifications in this manual are subject to

change. The Charles Machine Works, Inc. reserves the right to

improve equipment. Some product improvements may have taken

place after this manual was published.

Thank you for buying and using Subsite Electronics equipment.


Устойчивая работа системы локации SubSite 750 и 752

29 декабря 2015

Для подтверждения работоспособности системы SubSite-750/752 необходимо проверить, что же она показывает при калибровке. С исправным зондом-маяком 86В уровень сигнала должен соответствовать двум-трем горизонтальным черточкам (усиление) и примерно половине вертикальных черточек (собственно сигнал). Все эти элементы — в верхней части монитора прибора. Если горизонтальных черточек больше (5-7), прибор неисправен или — что крайне редко — зонд потерял мощность сигнала.

Самый распространенный отказ зонда проявляется в другом. Если при калибровке наблюдается периодическое «болтание» сигнала (горизонтальные плюс вертикальные черточки) с периодом примерно минута, то велика вероятность, что у зонда отказала система стабилизации уровня сигнала из-за поломки антенны. Т.е. примерно полминуты зонд пытается выйти на рабочий режим, а потом на полминуты просто отключается. И т.д.

Следует также обратить внимание на уровень помех. При отключенном зонде усиление (горизонтальные черточки) должно составлять 7-9 единиц при исправном приборе. Можно воспользоваться другим приемом для проверки, будет ли устойчивой работа прибора в конкретном месте. Если до этого была проведена калибровка, то при нажатии кнопки глубины показания должны быть не менее чем на 50% больше требуемой рабочей глубины скважины. В частности при слабых помехах показания в отсутствие зонда обычно 23-25 м. При выполнении этого условия гарантирована устойчивая работа системы на рабочей глубине бурения при исправном зонде.

Материал можно копировать и использовать на своих сайтах.
Обязательно указывайте активную ссылку на страницу источник с нашего сайта.

750 Tracker — SUPPORT



750 Tracker — SUPPORT





Record the serial numbers and date of purchase of your Subsite components in the spaces below.

Date of purchase:

Tracker serial number:


750 Tracker —



Notify Subsite immediately of any malfunction of Subsite equipment.

Always give model, serial number, and approximate date of purchase. This information should be recorded and placed on file by owner at time of purchase. Give detailed explanation of malfunction.

Return damaged parts to Subsite for inspection and warranty consideration.

Order genuine Subsite replacement or repair parts from your

Subsite dealer. Use of another manufacturer’s parts may void warranty.


750 Tracker —


750 Tracker — FOREWORD



750 Tracker — FOREWORD



This manual is an important part of your equipment. It provides safety information and operation instructions to help you use and maintain your Subsite Electronics equipment.

Read this manual before using your equipment. Keep it with the equipment at all times for future reference. If you sell your equipment, be sure to give this manual to the new owner.

If you need a replacement copy, contact your Subsite Electronics dealer.

The descriptions and specifications in this manual are subject to change. The Charles Machine Works, Inc. reserves the right to improve equipment. Some product improvements may have taken place after this manual was published.

Thank you for buying and using Subsite Electronics equipment.



750 Tracker — FOREWORD



Operator’s Manual

750 Tracker

Issue No.2.2/OP-4/01

Part Number 754-050

Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by The Charles Machine Works, Inc.,

Perry, Oklahoma

Subsite is a registered trademark of The Charles Machine Works,


U.S. Patent No. 5,065,098; 4,881,083. Other U.S. and foreign patents pending.

750 Tracker — FOREWORD


750 Tracker — CONTENTS



750 Tracker — CONTENTS



SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Serial Number Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Service Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Classifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Beacon Tracking Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Line Locating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

General Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39



750 Tracker — CONTENTS



750 Tracker — CONTENTS


750 Tracker — CONTROLS



750 Tracker — CONTROLS





The 750 Tracker performs well with a variety of beacons and can track shallow or deep bores. It can send beacon information to a display mounted on the drilling unit operator’s station. The 750

Tracker can also locate lines and cables. Available modes are 8 kHz active (when used with transmitter) and 60 or 50 Hz passive

(for locating power cables).

A brief description of the buttons and display on the 750 Tracker follows.




Pressing this button turns unit on and off.

750 Tracker — CONTROLS



Pressing this button while in walkover tracking mode switches from fore/aft to left/right arrows.

Only one set of arrows will show at a time. See

OPERATION for further information.


Pressing this button raises gain (increases signal).


Pressing this button reduces gain (decreases signal).


This button estimates depth of properly located signal source when pressed. See OPERATION for information on locating signals.


Pressing this button changes location mode and operating frequency.


750 Tracker — CONTROLS


750 Tracker — CONTROLS



750 Tracker — CONTROLS



Depth + On/Off

Pressing these buttons when tracker is on cycles volume from low to high to off. Pressing and holding depth button before turning tracker on changes signal strength display. See “Signal Strength” section later in this chapter for more information.

Depth + Fore/Aft/Left/Right

Pressing these buttons switches LCD backlight off and on.

Depth + Up

Pressing these buttons enters tracker into calibration mode. See

OPERATION for further information.

Depth + Down

Pressing these buttons selects radio channel. “CH-1” or “CH-2” or

“OFF” will appear in display.

Depth + Mode

Pressing these buttons changes depth units from default setting of feet:inches to inches, centimeters, or meters.

On + Up

Holding up button and pressing on button switches left/right arrows off and on.

On + Down

Holding down button and pressing on button switches all guidance arrows off and on. NOTE: If all arrows are disabled, remote guidance will not work.


750 Tracker — CONTROLS


Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Mode

Pressing these buttons starts tracker control code transmission


Fore/Aft/Left/Right + On/Off

Pressing these buttons advances first two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION).

Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Depth

Pressing these buttons lowers first two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION).

Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Up

Pressing these buttons advances last two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION).

Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Down

Pressing these buttons lowers last two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION).


750 Tracker — CONTROLS


750 Tracker — CONTROLS



750 Tracker — CONTROLS



Install batteries

Use 6 C-cell alkaline batteries in tracker. To install:

• unscrew battery cover

• insert batteries as indicated

• close cover and tighten screw

• check operation


Check Operation

Always check that tracker operates before leaving for jobsite and after every battery change. To check operation:

• turn on tracker

• entire display will light briefly

• battery level will be shown graphically

• unit defaults to 29 kHz mode


750 Tracker — CONTROLS




Tracker can track beacons and locate lines. Switch between modes by pressing mode button.

Beacon Mode Indicator

Line Mode Indicator


750 Tracker — CONTROLS


750 Tracker — CONTROLS



750 Tracker — CONTROLS


Tracker Information

A variety of tracker information can be monitored in the display window. Additionally, several tracker display settings can be changed.

Battery Level

Tracker battery level is shown graphically.

Display shows battery status in 33% steps.

When tracker battery drops below 10%, tracker battery symbol outline flashes. Replace batteries immediately.

Volume Level

Speaker volume can be adjusted by pressing the depth and on/off buttons. Available settings are low, high and off.

Depth Units

Depth estimates can be displayed in four ways: feet:inches, inches, centimeters, or meters. To change depth units, press depth and mode buttons.



750 Tracker — CONTROLS


Signal Strength

Signal strength is shown graphically on bars at top of display and in numeric display. It can be displayed two ways: building from both sides into the middle (a) or building from left to right (b). To change signal strength display, turn unit off. Then press and hold depth button while turning unit on.



Gain (amount of signal amplification) is shown on bars below signal strength indicator. Gain increases to the right.

750 Tracker — CONTROLS


750 Tracker — CONTROLS



750 Tracker — CONTROLS


Beacon Information

Tracker displays a variety of information sent from the beacon.

Actual information sent depends on beacon used.


Beacon temperature is continuously shown in

33% segments. Operator should monitor beacon temperature throughout bore.

Temperature icon will flash after third segment is lit. Watch for rapid changes in beacon temperature and cool beacon by pulling back a few inches and pumping fluid downhole.

Battery Level

Beacon battery level is continuously shown.

When beacon battery is below 10%, beacon battery outline will flash. Replace battery as soon as possible. Each segment represents

33% of battery life.


Beacon roll is shown in a twelve segment roll indicator for all beacons. The sections of the roll indicator light to indicate beacon roll position.



750 Tracker — CONTROLS



In walkover tracking and line locating modes, estimated depth is shown in numeric display when depth button is pressed after beacon has been properly located.

In remote guidance mode, approximate distance from beacon to tracker is shown in numeric display every 5 seconds.


750 Tracker — CONTROLS


750 Tracker — SAFETY


750 Tracker — SAFETY



Follow these guidelines before operating any jobsite equipment:

• Read and follow all safety precautions.

• Do not operate equipment unless you have completed proper training and read the operator’s manual.

• Use equipment only as directed.

• Wear personal protective gear.

• Check that equipment is clean and in good condition.

Contact your Subsite Electronics dealer if you have any question about operation, maintenance, or equipment use.


750 Tracker — SAFETY



Watch for the three safety alert levels: DANGER, WARNING and

CAUTION. Learn what each level means.

indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Watch for two other words: NOTICE and IMPORTANT.

NOTICE can keep you from doing something that might damage the machine or someone’s property. It can also alert you against unsafe practices.

IMPORTANT can help you do a better job or make your job easier in some way.


750 Tracker — SAFETY


750 Tracker — SAFETY



750 Tracker — SAFETY




Incorrect procedures could result in death, injury, or property damage. Learn to use equipment correctly.

Moving traffic — hazardous situation. Death or serious injury could result.

Avoid moving vehicles, wear high visibility clothing, post appropriate warning signs.

Jobsite hazards could cause death or serious injury.

Use correct equipment and work methods. Use and maintain proper safety equipment.

Explosion possible. Do not operate transmitter near explosive devices or blasting operations.

Potential radio frequency (RF) hazard. Operating this device within 4 in (10 cm) of your body may cause RF exposure levels to exceed FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided.


750 Tracker — SAFETY



750 Tracker — SAFETY


750 Tracker — OPERATION



750 Tracker — OPERATION




The 750 tracker has four operation modes: tracker control, walkover beacon tracking, remote guidance, and line locating.

Potential radio frequency (RF) hazard. Operating this device within 4 in (10 cm) of your body may cause RF exposure levels to exceed FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided.

IMPORTANT: Large metal objects, rebar, power lines and any other kinds of interference can adversely affect depth estimates.



You must calibrate tracker before beginning a beacon tracking job.

After calibration, tracker can estimate depths from approximately

9 in (0.2 m) to 100 ft (30.5 m) depending on beacon used. Keep the following in mind when calibrating system:

• Beacon and tracker should not be moved or rotated until calibration is complete.

• Only depth estimation is affected by calibration. Roll, pitch, left/right deviation, temperature, and battery status are not affected.

• Large metal objects, rebar, power lines, and any other kinds of interference will adversely affect calibration.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


Calibration Procedure


Install beacon into toolhead and place on ground exactly 10 ft (3 m) away from tracker. Make sure no metal objects including drilling unit and drill pipe are within 20 ft

(6 m) of tracker and toolhead.


Position tracker parallel to center of toolhead.


Turn tracker on and press and hold depth and up arrow keys until calibration mode is entered. Release keys.


Verify calibration by moving tracker 15 ft (4.5 m) away from toolhead. Check depth. If reading is not 15 ft (4.5 m), recalibrate tracker.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


750 Tracker — OPERATION



750 Tracker — OPERATION




If four dashes appear in the display, unit has not been calibrated or has been calibrated incorrectly, beacon is too close for depth estimate, or beacon is too far away for depth estimate.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


Tracker Control Mode


Incorrect procedures could result in death, injury, or property damage. Learn to use equipment correctly.

This mode allows 750 Tracker operator to disable hydraulic power to drilling unit thrust and rotation within 16 seconds. This

mode will not stop thrust and rotation immediately.

When tracker and display communications cease, green tracker control light on drilling unit will come on and thrust and rotation will be disabled.

Troubleshooting tip: If thrust and rotation do not work, check whether tracker control light on drilling unit is on. If it is, communication has probably stopped between tracker and display or tracker is set to incorrect code. If communication cannot be restored, install tracker control key on drilling unit.

Tracker control light will go off and thrust and rotation will function.


Tracker operator cannot stop thrust and rotation from tracker with tracker control key installed in drilling unit and turned to disable position.

• Tracker control mode is available on units with “TC” at the end of their serial numbers.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


750 Tracker — OPERATION



750 Tracker — OPERATION




Turn on drilling unit. Press and hold download button to display serial number on 750 Display.



Turn on 750 Tracker and check four-digit display code.

• Hold fore/aft/left/right button and press mode to review and start sending code.

IMPORTANT: Continue to hold down fore/aft/left/right button to adjust code.

• Use on/off button to advance first two digits (1) and use depth button to lower first two digits.

• Use up arrow button to advance last two digits (2) and use down arrow to lower last two digits.

• Press and hold button to advance or lower value quickly.


750 Tracker — OPERATION



Remove tracker control key from drilling unit and keep in tracker operator’s possession.


Drill and track bore until drill head enters target pit or exits ground.


Turn off tracker. After 8-16 seconds, tracker control light on drilling unit will come on and hydraulic power to thrust and rotation will be disabled.


Change downhole tools.


If you are tracking backreamer’s path, turn on tracker and enable code transmission. After 8-16 seconds, tracker control light on drilling unit will go off and thrust and rotation will function.

If you are not tracking backreamer’s path, install tracker control key on drilling unit. Tracker control light on drilling unit will go off and thrust and rotation will function.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


750 Tracker — OPERATION



750 Tracker — OPERATION



Walkover Tracking Mode



Turn on tracker. Make sure you can see fore/aft arrows in center of display. If you see left/right arrows, press fore/aft/ left/right key.


Walk bore path with bottom of tracker parallel to beacon. Do not hold tracker at right angle to beacon.

IMPORTANT: A common problem when locating a beacon is secondary or ghost signals. A typical beacon signal pattern shows a main signal and two weaker secondary signals.

Track beacon at main signal. Familiarity with beacon signal pattern will lessen the effect of secondary signals. Also, the beacon tracking arrows will disappear when tracker is over secondary signal.

3.When both fore/aft arrows are on, sweep tracker from side to side and use signal strength display to find lateral location of beacon (point


4.Step back until ghost is located (no arrows in center of clock face and low signal strength) and then move slightly forward until only one arrow is lit

(point B).


Press fore/aft/left/right button to switch to left/right arrows and sweep tracker back and forth until both left/right arrows are on.


Switch back to fore/aft arrows and move forward until both fore/aft arrows and target is lit.


Take depth estimate and mark spot.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


Remote Guidance Mode

Information is transmitted directly to display at drilling unit when tracker is in remote guidance mode. Approximate distance from tracker to beacon (not the estimated depth of the drill head) is shown every 5 seconds.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


Distance will not be correct within one and a half times the toolhead depth. For example, if you are drilling at 4 ft (1.2 m), you will be able to drill within 6 ft (1.8 m) of tracker.

To operate in remote guidance mode, place unit in stand while it is turned off. Press and hold mode button while pressing on/off button.

Tracker and drill head can be up to 60 ft (18.3 m) apart when in remote guidance mode. IMPORTANT: Do not drill past tracker.

750 Tracker — OPERATION



750 Tracker — OPERATION



Displayed Information

Beacons send a variety of information to tracker. All Subsite

Electronics beacons send pitch, roll, temperature and battery information.


Beacon roll information is useful in determining the direction that the drilling tool will tend to travel when pushed without rotation.

The following chart shows typical tool face roll indications for directional drilling.

When beacon roll shows . . .

Drilling tool will move . . .

1 or 2 o’clock up and right

3 o’clock

4 or 5 o’clock right down and right

6 o’clock

7 or 8 o’clock

9 o’clock

10 or 11 o’clock

12 o’clock down down and left left up and left up


To estimate beacon depth, press depth button. Estimated depth to beacon will be displayed. To change depth units, press depth and mode buttons.

All tracking and locating systems are subject to interference. To quickly check for interference, raise tracker 1 ft (0.3 m) and make second depth estimate. If the difference between the two estimates is not 1 ft (0.3 m), there is interference.


750 Tracker — OPERATION



Tracker shows pitch (% grade) when used with beacons that provide this information (see specific beacon literature).

Pitch shows beacon grade in percentages from down arrow 99%

(45 degrees down) to up arrow 99% (45 degrees up). Tracker displays this information to the left of roll display.

Grade beacons will send pitch in 0.1% increments from 1-45% and in 1% increments from 45-90%.

% of grade


US (metric)

1 1 in

(25 mm)

% of grade



US (metric)

1 ft 2 in

(356 mm)

% of grade


US (metric)

45 4 ft 1 in

(1.24 m)




2 in

(51 mm)

4 in

(102 mm)

5 in

(127 mm)

14 1 ft 5 in

(432 mm)

16 1 ft 7 in

(483 mm)

18 1 ft 9 in

(533 mm)

50 4 ft 6 in

(1.37 m)

55 4 ft 10 in

(1.47 m)

60 5 ft 2 in

(1.57 m)



6 in

(152 mm)

7 in

(178 mm)




8 in

(203 mm)

10 in

(254 mm)

11 in

(279 mm)

10 1 ft

(305 mm)




32 3 ft 1 in

36 3 ft 5 in


2 ft

(610 mm)

2 ft 4 in

(711 mm)

2 ft 8 in

(813 mm)

(940 mm)

(1.04 m)

3 ft 9 in

(1.14 m)





5 ft 5 in

(1.65 m)

5 ft 9 in

(1.75 m)

6 ft

(1.83 m)

80 6 ft 3 in

(1.91 m)

90 6 ft 8 in

(2.03 m)

7 ft

(2.13 m)


750 Tracker — OPERATION


750 Tracker — OPERATION

FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter


750 Tracker — OPERATION

FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter


FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules.

These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

• Increase the separation between equipment and receiver.

• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Section 15.19 (a) (1) states: “Receivers associated with the operation of a licensed radio service, e.g. FM broadcast under

Part 73 of this chapter, land mobile operation under Part 90, etc., shall bear the following statement in a conspicuous location on the device: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.

Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.”

Changes or modifications not expressly approved in writing by

The Charles Machine Works, Inc. may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.


750 Tracker — OPERATION



To locate power lines, select the following:

• line locating mode

• frequency (50 Hz power, 60 Hz power, or 8 kHz active)

IMPORTANT: Transmitter is required to locate 8 kHz.


If you are locating a line with the help of a transmitter, connect transmitter as directed in transmitter operator’s manual. Select frequency at transmitter to match tracker frequency.


To locate a line:


Sweep suspected area of line location.


Strongest signal indicates location of line.


Take depth reading.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


750 Tracker — OPERATION



750 Tracker — OPERATION




If four dashes appear in the display, signal appears to be above receiver and unit cannot estimate depth. This message is usually caused by interfering signals. Try relocating target signal.


750 Tracker — OPERATION


750 Tracker — OPERATION

750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE



750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE





The 750 tracker needs only minor maintenance under normal operating conditions. Following these care instructions can ensure longer equipment life.

• Do not drop the equipment.

• Do not expose the equipment to high heat (such as in the rear window of a car).

• Clean equipment with a damp cloth and mild soap. Never use scouring powder.

• Do not immerse in any liquid.

• Inspect housing daily for cracks or other damage. If housing is damaged, contact your Subsite Electronics dealer for replacement.

• Protect LCD from sharp blows from hard objects.


750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE


750 Tracker — MAINTENANCE







Length: 12.75 in (32.4 cm)

Height: 31.5 in (80 cm)

Width: 6 in (15.2 cm)

Operating Weight: 5.5 lb (2.5 kg)

Operating Temperature Range: -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)



Antenna Configuration: peak

Operating Modes:

29K beacon

60 Hz power

50 Hz power

8 kHz line (active)

Maximum Locating Range:

Beacon: 0.75 ft — 99 ft 11 in (22.9 cm — 30 m)

Line: 0-10 ft (0-3 m)

Depth Calibration Tolerances * :

±4 in (10 cm) at 10 ft (3 m)

±5% from 10-20 ft (3-6.1 m)

±10% beyond 20 ft (6.1 m)

Line Location Tolerances:

Active mode: ±3% at 10 ft (3 m)

Passive mode: ±5% at 6 ft (1.8 m); ±10% at 10 ft (3 m)

Batteries: 6 C cell alkaline

Battery Life ** : approximately 20 hours

Battery Saver: unit shuts off after 5 minutes if no key is pressed

* Units are calibrated to these tolerances under test field conditions. Actual field conditions may cause signal distortions or may contain noise sources which result in depth estimates that vary from these figures.

** continuous use at 70°F (21°C)



750 Tracker — WARRANTY


750 Tracker — WARRANTY



Ditch Witch Subsite Electronics

Limited Product Warranty Policy

Warranty Periods

New Product

A twelve-month period starts on the date of delivery to the end user:

Trackers: 66TKRW, 750 Tracker

Transmitters: 950T, 75T

Fault Finders: AF1, FT12

Remote Displays: 90D, 750 Display

Receivers: 950R, 75R, EML

A six-month period starts on the date of delivery to the end user:

Beacons: 11B, 86B, 86BH, 86RS, 86BHL, SBRP, 822

A three-month period starts on the date of delivery to the end user:

Beacons: BI

Accessories: cables, clamps

Used Product (Cosmetics)

A three-month warranty starts on the date of delivery to the end user, nonreturnable (RS added to serial number) for all products.

Service and Repair

A one-month warranty on labor starts on the date the unit is repaired, and a threemonth warranty on parts starts on the date the unit is repaired for all products.

Extended Warranty

The extended warranty may be purchased at the time the equipment is sold or within thirty days of ownership. The extension is for an additional twenty-four months, for a total coverage of thirty-six months.


750 Tracker — WARRANTY


• The warranty includes only Ditch Witch Subsite products and accessories that are manufactured and distributed by Ditch Witch Subsite Electronics. The warranty compensates on defects in material or workmanship.

• Defects will be determined through inspection by Ditch Witch Subsite

Electronics or authorized repair centers. Original purchaser must make the defective item available for inspection within 30 days of the date the part fails.

• The warranty is limited to replacement of defective part. The replacement part may be new or remanufactured. Repair and removal of defective part and installation will be at no charge when product or item is delivered to Ditch Witch

Subsite Electronics or an authorized repair center. The product or item will be returned at no charge for return freight.

• The warranty period does not represent the useful life of Ditch Witch Subsite

Electronics products and accessories.

• If Ditch Witch Subsite products are purchased for commercial purposes, as defined by the commerical code, no warranties extend beyond the specific terms set forth in this limited warranty. All other provisions of this limited warranty apply, including duties imposed.

• Ditch Witch Subsite products have been tested to deliver acceptable performance in most conditions. Therefore, to assure suitability, products should be operated under anticipated working conditions prior to purchase.

• This limited warranty applies to original purchaser only. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so above limitation may not apply. This limited warranty gives original purchaser specific legal rights, and the original purchaser may also have other rights that vary from state to state or jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

• The Ditch Witch Subsite Equipment Registration Form must be completed for each serial numbered product and returned to Ditch Witch Subsite Electronics.

The information on the form is used to establish the warranty period start date.

• When the Ditch Witch Subsite Equipment Registration Form is not processed and received by Ditch Witch Subsite Electronics, the Ditch Witch Subsite shipping date is used to establish the warranty period start date.


750 Tracker — WARRANTY

750 Tracker —


750 Tracker —


• Out-of-warranty repairs are automatically processed when the cost is two hundred dollars U.S. or less (<U.S.$200.00). Repair estimates over two hundred dollars U.S. (>U.S.$200.00) are held for approval by the dealer or customer.

• Product inspection and estimates may require that the unit be disassembled and tested.

• Out-of-warranty inspection costs include labor accrued at the full labor rate plus return freight.

• Approved out-of-warranty repair estimate costs include parts, labor accrued at full labor rate plus return freight.

• Products declined for repair will be shipped back to the Dealer/Customer and charged return freight costs.

• Unwanted product from repair declines will be discarded at Ditch Witch Subsite

Electronics only with written authorization from the dealer/customer.

Revision C, February 2001

Table of Contents for Ditch Witch Subsite 750:

  • 28 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES 28 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES Remote Guidance Mode Information is transmitted directly to display at drilling unit when tracker is in remote guidance mode. Approximate distance from tracker to beacon (not the estimated depth of the drill head) is shown every 5 seconds. Distance will not be correct within one and a half times the toolhead depth. For example, if you are drilling at 4 ft (1.2 m), you will be able to drill w

  • 32 750 Tracker — OPERATION LINE LOCATING MODE 32 750 Tracker — OPERATION LINE LOCATING MODE LINE LOCATING MODE To locate power lines, select the following: • line locating mode • frequency (50 Hz power, 60 Hz power, or 8 kHz active) IMPORTANT: Transmitter is required to locate 8 kHz. Setup If you are locating a line with the help of a transmitter, connect transmitter as directed in transmitter operator’s manual. Select frequency at transmitter to match tracker frequency. Location To locate a line: 1. Sweep suspected a

  • 750 Tracker — OPERATION 31 FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter 750 Tracker — OPERATION 31 FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter FCC Statement — Internal Transmitter This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in


  • 750 Tracker — SUPPORT 1 SERIAL NUMBER RECORD 750 Tracker — SUPPORT 1 SERIAL NUMBER RECORD SUPPORT SERIAL NUMBER RECORD Record the serial numbers and date of purchase of your Subsite components in the spaces below. Date of purchase: Tracker serial number:

  • 750 Tracker — CONTROLS 15 DISPLAY 750 Tracker — CONTROLS 15 DISPLAY Beacon Information Tracker displays a variety of information sent from the beacon. Actual information sent depends on beacon used. Temperature Beacon temperature is continuously shown in 33% segments. Operator should monitor beacon temperature throughout bore. Temperature icon will flash after third segment is lit. Watch for rapid changes in beacon temperature and cool beacon by pulling back a fe

  • 750 Tracker — OPERATION 23 BEACON TRACKING MODES 750 Tracker — OPERATION 23 BEACON TRACKING MODES Troubleshooting If four dashes appear in the display, unit has not been calibrated or has been calibrated incorrectly, beacon is too close for depth estimate, or beacon is too far away for depth estimate.

  • 750 Tracker — SAFETY 17 750 Tracker — SAFETY 17 SAFETY Follow these guidelines before operating any jobsite equipment: • Read and follow all safety precautions. • Do not operate equipment unless you have completed proper training and read the operator’s manual. • Use equipment only as directed. • Wear personal protective gear. • Check that equipment is clean and in good condition. Contact your Subsite Electronics dealer if you have any question about operation, maintenance, or equipment use.

  • 16 750 Tracker — CONTROLS DISPLAY 16 750 Tracker — CONTROLS DISPLAY Depth In walkover tracking and line locating modes, estimated depth is shown in numeric display when depth button is pressed after beacon has been properly located. In remote guidance mode, approximate distance from beacon to tracker is shown in numeric display every 5 seconds.

  • 10 750 Tracker — CONTROLS CONTROLS 10 750 Tracker — CONTROLS CONTROLS Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Mode Pressing these buttons starts tracker control code transmission (see OPERATION ). Fore/Aft/Left/Right + On/Off Pressing these buttons advances first two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION ). Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Depth Pressing these buttons lowers first two digits of tracker control code (see OPERATION ). Fore/Aft/Left/Right + Up Pressing these buttons advances last two digits of tracker control code (see OP

  • 30 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES 30 750 Tracker — OPERATION BEACON TRACKING MODES Pitch Tracker shows pitch (% grade) when used with beacons that provide this information (see specific beacon literature). Pitch shows beacon grade in percentages from down arrow 99% (45 degrees down) to up arrow 99% (45 degrees up). Tracker displays this information to the left of roll display. Grade beacons will send pitch in 0.1%

  • 750 Tracker — OPERATION 21 BEACON TRACKING MODES 750 Tracker — OPERATION 21 BEACON TRACKING MODES OPERATION The 750 tracker has four operation modes: tracker control, walkover beacon tracking, remote guidance, and line locating. Potential radio frequency (RF) hazard. Operating this device within 4 in (10 cm) of your body may cause RF exposure levels to exceed FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided. IMPORTANT: Large metal objects, rebar, power lines and any other kinds of interference can adversely affect

  • 750 Tracker — OPERATION 33 LINE LOCATING MODE 750 Tracker — OPERATION 33 LINE LOCATING MODE Troubleshooting If four dashes appear in the display, signal appears to be above receiver and unit cannot estimate depth. This message is usually caused by interfering signals. Try relocating target signal.

  • 750 Tracker — SAFETY 19 ALERTS 750 Tracker — SAFETY 19 ALERTS ALERTS Incorrect procedures could result in death, injury, or property damage. Learn to use equipment correctly. Moving traffic — hazardous situation. Death or serious injury could result. Avoid moving vehicles, wear high visibility clothing, post appropriate warning signs. Jobsite hazards could cause death or serious injury. Use correct equi

  • 18 750 Tracker — SAFETY CLASSIFICATIONS 18 750 Tracker — SAFETY CLASSIFICATIONS CLASSIFICATIONS Watch for the three safety alert levels: DANGER , WARNING and CAUTION . Learn what each level means. indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result i

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