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Инструкция дайвинг-компьютера Suunto GekkoСкачать инструкцию дайвинг компьютера SUUNTO Gekko (7.7Mb, PDF)

Инструкция дайвинг-компьютера Suunto Gekko




1.1.1 Аварийные подъемы на поверхность

1.1.2 Ограничения декомпрессиметра

1.1.3 Использование обогащенных воздушных смесей NITROX







3.1.1 Активация, предварительная проверка

3.1.2 Индикатор уровня источника питания Индикатор уровня заряда источника питания

3.1.3 Планирование погружений (PLAN)

3.1.4 Предварительная настройка параметров работы декомпрессиметра и настройка сигналов тревоги


3.2.1. Рекомендуемая остановка безопасности

3.2.2. Обязательная остановка безопасности


3.3.1 Основные положения

3.3.2 Специальные пометки в памяти декомпрессиметра

3.3.3 Графическое отображение оставшегося времени бездекомпрессионного погружения (СВТ) 3.3.4 Индикатор скорости всплытия

3.3.5 Погружения с декомпрессионными выдержками при подъеме


3.4.1 Перед погружением

3.4.2 Информация отображаемая на дисплее в режиме NITROX

3.4.3 OLF — Предел насыщения кислородом


3.5.1 Пребывание на поверхности

3.5.2 Нумерация погружений

3 5.3 Использование авиатранспорта после погружения



3.7.1 Высотная настройка

3.7.2 Индивидуальная настройка «жесткости» алгоритма декомпрессии




4.1.1 Дневник погружений и профили погружений (1 LOGBOOK)

4.1.2 Режим Истории погружений (2 HISTORY)

4.1.3 Передача данных на персональный компьютер — PC-интерфейс (З PCSET)


4.2.1 Выбор модели декомпрессиметра (1 SET MODEL) Установка значения процентного содержания кислорода в ДГС в режиме NITROX

4.2.2 Установка сигналов тревоги (2 SET ALMS) Установка сигнала истечения заданного времени погружения Установка сигнала превышения заданной глубины

4.2.3 Установка параметров времени (3 SET TIME)

4.2.4 Персональные настройки (4 SET ADJ)















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Оглавление инструкции

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    Indicators for the Scroll Buttons Temperature Week Day Mode Text Personal Adjustment Mode High Altitude Mode Oxygen Percentage in Nitrox Mode Do Not Fly Icon Bar Graph: — Mode Indicator — Consumed Botton Time — Oxygen Limit Fraction Dive Attention Symbol Logbook Symbol Present Depth Dive Counter
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    DEFINITION OF WARNINGS, CAUTIONS AND NOTES Throughout this manual, special references are made when deemed important. Three classifications are used to separate these references by their order of importance. is used in connection with a procedure or situation that may result in serious injury or
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    ISO 9001 SUUNTO Oy’s Quality Assurance System is certifi by Det Norske Veritas to be ed according to the ISO 9001 in all SUUNT O Oy’s operations (Quality Certifi cate No. 96-HEL-AQ-220). SUUNTO Oy does not assume an y responsibility for losses or claims by third parties, which may arise through the
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    WARNING! READ THIS MANUAL! Carefully read this instruction manual in its entirety paying close attention to all w arnings listed below, including section 1.1. “Safety Precautions”. Make sure that you fully understand the use, displays and limitations of the dive computer because any confusion
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    in chapter 3.5.3. “FlyingAfter Diving”. There can never be a flying after diving rule that is guaranteed to completely prevent decompression illness! WARNING! THE DIVE COMPUTER SHOULD NEVER BE TRADED OR SHARED BETWEEN USERS WHILE IT IS IN OPERATION! Its information will not apply to someone who has
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    WARNING! SET THE CORRECT PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT MODE! Whenever it is believed that factors that tend to increase the possibility of DCI e xist, it is recommended that you use this option to make the calculations more conservative. Failure to select the correct Personal Adjustment setting will result
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    TABLE OF CONTENTS WARNINGS ………………………………………………………………………..3 1. INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………….9 1.1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS …………………………………………………..9 1.1.1.
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    3.7. HIGH ALTITUDE DIVES AND PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT ………………………………………………34 3.7.1.Altitude Adjustment ………………………………………………………..34 3.7.2.Personal Adjustment ……………………………………………………….35 3.8.
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    1. INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of the SUUNT O GEKK O di ve computer. The GEKKO builds on the Suunto tradition of deli vering feature-rich easy-use dive computers. Push button controls access a wide selection of choices and the display is optimized for the dive mode chosen. This
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    use, displays and limitations of the instrument. If you have any questions about the manual or the di ve computer, contact your SUUNT O dealer before di ving with the dive computer. Always remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY! When used properly, the dive computer is an outstanding
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    However, when the gas mix is altered, the oxygen content of the mix is generally increased. This increase exposes the diver to an oxygen toxicity risk not usually considered in recreational diving. In order to manage this risk, the di e computer v tracks the time and intensity of the oxygen
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    2. GETTING ACQUAINTED 2.1. FUNCTIONS The Suunto GEKKO can be set to function as a re gular air dive computer or as a nitrox dive computer. The GEKKO features tw o dive computer models (AIR, NITR OX), three main operating modes (TIME/ST AND-BY, SURFACE, DIVING), tw o menu based main modes (MEMORY,
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    Press the SMART (MODE) button • • • • To activate the dive computer. To change from the Surface Mode to the menu based modes. To select, confirm or quit a submode (short press). To immediately exit any submode to the Surface Mode (long press). Press the arrow up scroll (PLAN) button • • • • To
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    SE OP The water contacts control the automatic activation of the Dive Mode. E N C 2.3. WATER CONTACTS LO B A Fig 2.3. Depth sensor (A), water/data transfer contacts (B). Fig. 2.4. Active water contacts are indicated by the text AC. 14 The water and data transfer contacts are located on bottom of
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    3. DIVING WITH THE GEKKO This section contains instructions on how to operate the dive computer and interpret its displays. You will find that this dive computer is easy to use and read. Each display sho ws only the data rele vant to that specific diving situation. 3.1 BEFORE DIVING 3.1.1. Activation
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    At this time, perform your prechecks making sure that: m • °C DIVE TIME TIME Fig 3.3. Startup III. Surface mode. Depth and dive time are zero, current temperature, 20 °C. Pressing TIME button activates alternative display of current time. • • • • • And if set to Nitrox mode (refer to chapter 3.4
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    3.1.2. BATTERY INDICATION Battery Power Indicator This dive computer has a unique graphic Battery Po er Indicator designed to gi e w v you an advance notice of impending need to change the battery. The Battery Power Indicator can always be seen when the Di e Mode is acti ated. v v The
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    3.1.3. Dive Planning [PLAN] To enter Planning Mode, press the PLAN b tton at any time during Surf Mode. u ace After showing the text “PLAN” (Fig. 3.5.), the display will show the no-decompression limit for the depth of 9 m [30 ft]. By pressing the do wn arrow ( ) (TIME) button, the dive computer
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    3.1.4. User Definable Functions and Alarms The GEKKO has several user definable functions and depth and time related alarms that you can set according to your personal preference. The dive computer model (Air/Nitrox) can be set in the MODE- SET- MODEL submode. The dive alarms can be set under MODE-
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    The STOP sign will appear in the display and when you reach the depth zone between 6 m to 3 m [20 ft to 10] also the CEILING label, ceiling depth and the calculated Safety Stop time appear in the display You . should wait until the Mandatory Safety Stop warning disappears (Fig. 3.13.). m MAX NO DEC
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    All information on the display is labeled (Fig. 3.6). During a no-decompression stop dive, the following information will be displayed: — your present depth in meters [ft] the maximum depth during this dive in meters [ft], indicated as MAX — the available no-decompression time in minutes in the
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    3.3.3. Consumed Bottom Time (CBT) The available no-decompression stop time is also shown visually in the multifunction bar graph on the left side of the display (Fig. 3.7. and 3.8.). When your available no-decompression time decreases below 200 minutes, the first (lowest) bar graph segment appears.
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    When the maximum allo wed ascent rate is e xceeded, the fifth SLOW warning segment and the STOP sign appear and the depth reading starts to blink, indicating that the maximum ascent rate has been exceeded continuously or that the current ascent rate is significantly above the allowed rate. Whenever
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    P BEE P BEE EEP m B CEILING STOP C B T °C DIVE TIME Fig. 3.14. Violated Mandatory Safety Stop. Downward pointing arrow and an audible alarm indicate you should descend to ceiling zone. m CEILING ASC TIME C B T °C DIVE TIME Fig. 3.15. Decompression dive, below floor. Upward pointing arrow, blinking
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    CEILING, CEILING ZONE, FLOOR AND DECOMPRESSION RANGE When in decompression, it is important that you understand the meaning of ceiling, floor, and decompression range (Fig. 3.19.): — — The ceiling is the shallowest depth to which you should ascend when in decompression. At this depth, or below, you
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    DISPLAY ABOVE THE FLOOR m CEILING MAX STOP ASC TIME C B T °C DIVE TIME TIME When you ascend abo ve the fl oor, the ASC TIME display stops blinking and the upw ard pointing arrow disappears (Fig. 3.16.). Decompression will now begin, but is v ery slow. You should therefore continue your ascent.
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    3.4. DIVING IN NITROX MODE 3.4.1. Before Diving The GEKKO can be set for diving with standard air only (Air mode) or it can be set for diving with Enriched Air Nitrox (Nitrox mode). If you are educated for nitrox diving and you plan to make nitrox dives, it is recommended that you set the dive
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    NOTE m PO2 O2% OLF Fig. 3.20. Nitrox display. Maximum depth based on set O2% (21%) and PO2 (1.4 bar) is 54.1 m [177 ft]. m O2% OLF °C DIVE TIME Fig. 3.21. Surface display in the Nitrox mode As a s afety pr ecaution t he o xygen c alculations i n the computer are made with an oxygen percentage of 1%
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    In Dive mode, the oxygen percentage labeled with O2% and the current oxygen toxicity e posure shown x with an Oxygen Limit Fraction (OLF) bar graph are shown (Fig. 3.21. and Fig. 3.22.). During a dive, the oxygen partial pressure, labeled with PO 2, is also shown instead of the maximum depth in the
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    3.5. AT THE SURFACE m MAX NO °C DIVE TIME Fig. 3.26. Surface display. You have surfaced from a 18 minute dive, which maximum depth was 20.0 m [66 ft]. The present depth is 0.0 m [0 ft]. Airplane symbol indicates that you should not fly and Diver Attention Symbol indicates that you should prolong
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    If set to Nitrox mode, the follo wing information will also be shown: — the oxygen percentage labeled with O2% is shown on the left side of the center window the current oxygen toxicity exposure shown with an Oxygen Limit Fraction (OLF) bar graph along the left side of the display. m MAX NO °C TIME
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    NOTE! The airplane symbol is not sho wn on the stand-by display. You should always activate the dive computer and check that the airplane symbol is not displayed prior to flying. m MAX NO °C DIVE TIME Dive Attention Symbol Violated Decompression Ceiling NO Do Not Fly Symbol Fig. 3.29. Surface Mode
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    3.6. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS The dive computer features audible alarms to advise when important limits are approached or to acknowledge preset alarms. A short single beep occurs, when: — the dive computer is activated. when the dive computer automatically returns to the TIME mode. Three single
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    — the OLF bar graph reaches 100%. The blinking of the segments exceeding 80% will stop, when the OLF is not loading anymore. At that point the PO2 is less than 0.5 bar. Continuous beeps for 3 minutes occur, when: — the set oxygen partial pressure limit is exceeded. The maximum depth is replaced
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    of dissolved nitrogen in the body . It is recommended that you acclimate to the new altitude by waiting at least three hours before making a dive. 3.7.2. Personal Adjustment There are adverse personal factors for DCI which divers can predict in advance and input into the decompression model. F
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    3.8. ERROR CONDITIONS The dive computer has w arning indicators that alert the user to react to certain situations that would significantly increase the risk of DCI. If you do not respond to its warnings, the dive computer will enter an Error Mode, indicating that the risk of DCI has greatly
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    4. MENU BASED MODES To make yourself familiar with the menu based functions, please use your Quick Reference Guide supplied with the GEKK together with the informaO tion in this chapter. The main menu based functions are grouped under 1) Memory and 2) Setting modes. THE use OF the menu based
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    THE LIST OF THE MENU BASED MODES QUIT OPTIONS Fig. 4.4. Memory options. [3 MEMORY]. SELECT Fig. 4.5. Logbook option. [1 LOGBOOK]. NOTE! The menu based modes cannot be activated until 5 minutes after the dive. page 1 DIVE TIME SELECT Fig. 4.6. Logbook, page I. Scroll different pages of specific dive.
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    4.1.1. Logbook and Dive Profile Memory [1 LOGBOOK] This instrument has a v ery sophisticated high capacity Logbook and Profi le Memory, with a data recording interval of 30 seconds. Dives shorter than the recording interval are not registered. To enter the Logbook Memory Mode select MODEMEMORY-
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    Page II (Fig. 4.7.) • • dive number in the dive series maximum depth (NOTE! Due to lower resolution, the reading may differ from the maximum depth reading of the Dive History up to 0.3 m [1 ft].) • • • • • • • • v v • total dive time temperature at the maximum depth Altitude Adjustment setting
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    Press the SMART (Select) button once to change the scroll buttons to scroll the dif erent dives forward and f backward (Fig. 4.10.). Press the SMART (>Select) button again to change function of the scroll buttons back to scroll the dif erent pages of the selected di e. f v When searching the dives,
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    4.1.2. Dive History Memory [2 HISTORY] DIVE MAX QUIT DIVE TIME Fig. 4.13. Dive History information. Total number of dives, dive hours and maximum depth. The Di ve History is a su mmary of al l the d ives recorded b y t he d ive c omputer. To enter t he D ive History Memory Mode select MODE- MEMOR
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    4.2. SET MODES [2 SET] The Set Mode (Fig. 4.15.) is di vided into four submodes: dive computer model setting, alarm settings, time setting and personal adjustments. 4.2.1. Dive Computer Model Settings[1 SET MODEL ] SELECT Fig. 4.16 Set Model mode In the Model Setting mode the Gekk o can be set to
  • Страница 46 из 71 Dive Time Alarm Setting OK DIVE TIME Fig. 4.19. Setting Dive Time Alarm. Press scroll buttons to change alarm on/off and to set dive time value. The instrument has one Di ve Time Alarm Setting, which can be used for several purposes to add to your diving safety. The alarm can be set, for
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    MODE- SET- SETADJ (Fig. 4.24). The adjustments are altitude, personal and dive computer units The current Altitude and PersonalAdjustment modes are shown when diving and at the surf ce. If the mode a does not match the altitude or personal conditions (see section 3.7. “High Altitude Dives and
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    5. CARE AND MAINTENANCE This SUUNTO dive computer is a sophisticated precision instrument. Though designed to withstand the rigors of scuba diving you must treat it with proper care and caution as any other precision instrument. 5.1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION WATER CONTACTS AND PUSH BUTTONS
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    like scuba cylinders, nor chemicals like gasoline, cleaning solvents, aerosol sprays, adhesive agents, paint, acetone, alcohol etc. Chemical reactions with such agents will damage seals, case and finish. • • Store your dive computer in a dry place when you are not using it. The dive computer will
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    In case of a leak, immediately take the dive computer to an authorized SUUNTO dealer or distributor. 5.5. BATTERY REPLACEMENT NOTE! It is advisable to contact an authorized Suunto dealer for battery replacement. It is imperati ve that the change is made in a proper manner to a void any leakage of
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    follow the procedure below: 1. Remove the computer from the console or boot. Wrist model: • Disassemble the shorter part of the strap with a flat 1.5 mm screwdriver or a special tool for spring bars. The longer part of the strap may stay on but removing it may ease the work later on. Console model:
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    12. Check that the new lubricated O-ring is in good condition. Put it in the right position on the battery compartment. Be very careful not to get any dirt on the o-ring or its sealing surfaces. 13. Carefully press the lid onto the battery compartment with your thumb. It is better to press down the
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    Complete Strap (V5841) Short Strap with buckle (V5836) Spring Bar (K5588) (K5592) Long Strap Securing Ring (V5844) Battery Compartment Lid with buzzer (V5843) O-Ring (K5664) Battery Retainer (V5842) Battery (K5597) Fig. 5.1 Instrument parts. The code after the name stands for spare part order
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    6. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 6.1. OPERATING PRINCIPLES NO-DECOMPRESSION LIMITS The no-decompression limits displayed by the dive computer for the first dive to a single depth (see Table 6.1. and Table 6.2.), are slightly more conservative than those permitted by the U.S. Navy tables. TABLE 6.1.
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    TABLE 6.2. NO-DECOMPRESSION TIME LIMITS (MIN) FOR VARIOUS DEPTHS [FT] FOR THE FIRST DIVE OF A SERIES ALTITUDE DIVING The atmospheric pressure is lo at high altitudes than at sea leel. After traveling wer v to a higher altitude, the diver will have additional nitrogen in his body, compared to the
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    6.2. SUUNTO REDUCED GRADIENT BUBBLE MODEL (RGBM) The Suunto Reduced Gradient Bubble Model (RGBM) is a modern algorithm for predicting both dissolved and free gas in the tissues and blood of di vers. It was developed in a co-operation between Suunto and Bruce R. Wienke BSc, MSc. PhD. It is based on
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    6.3. OXYGEN EXPOSURE The oxygen exposure calculations are based on currently accepted e xposure time limit tables and principles. In addition to this the di computer uses se ve veral methods to conservatively estimate the oxygen exposure. These include for example: — the displayed oxygen exposure
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    — Maximum depth of operation: 80 m [262 ft] (complying with EN 13319). Accuracy: ± 1% of full scale or better from 0 to 80 m [262 ft] at 20°C [68°F] (complying with EN 13319). Depth display range: 0 … 99,9 m [328 ft]. Resolution: 0.1 m from 0 to 99,9 m [1 ft from 0 to 328 ft]. Temperature display:
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    Operating Conditions — Normal altitude range: 0 to 3000 m [10000 ft] above sea level. Operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C [32°F to 104°F]. — Storage temperature: -20°C to +50°C [ -4°F to +122°F]. It is recommended that the instrument be stored in a dry place at room temperature. NOTE! Do not leave
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    — The quality of the battery (some lithium batteries may exhaust unexpectedly, which cannot be tested in advance). The time the dive computer has been stored until it gets to the customer. The battery is installed into the unit at the factory. NOTE! Low temperature or an internal oxidation of the
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    7. WARRANTY NOTE! The warranty arrangements are different in different countries. The dive computer packaging contains information re garding the w arranty benefi ts and requirements applicable to your purchase. This Suunto di ve computer is w arranted against defects in w orkmanship and materials
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    8. SUUNTOSPORTS.COM is an international free web community where you can refine and share the data that you ha measured with your personal Suunto instrument ve and analyzed with the sport-specifi c PC interface. offers you a number of features that help you to get
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    displayed in your personal information. Here you can also manage them and decide if they can be presented to all other community users or just to limited groups. When you have uploaded logs to, you can create charts from the dive related data in the logs. You can also publish your
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    9. GLOSSARY Altitude dive Ascent rate ASC RATE Ascent time ASC TIME Ceiling Ceiling Zone CNS Central Nervous System Toxicity CNS% Compartment DAN DCI Decompression Decompression range Decompression illness 62 A dive made at an elevation greater than 300 m [1000 ft] above sea level. The speed at
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    Dive series Dive time EAD EAN Enriched Air Nitrox Equivalent Air Depth Floor Half-time Multi-level dive NITROX NOAA A group of repetitive dives between which the dive computer indicates some nitrogen loading is present. When nitrogen loading reaches zero the dive computer deactivates. Elapsed time
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    Oxygen Limit Fraction A term used by SUUNTO for the values displayed in the Oxygen Toxicity bargraph. The value is either the CNS% or the OTU%. Oxygen percentage or oxygen fraction in the breathing gas. Standard air has 21% oxygen. Oxygen partial pressure Limits the maximum depth to which the used
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    OK OK SELECT OK Units Metric/Imp. Personal P0, P1, P2 Altitude A0, A1, A2 4 SET ADJ Activate the timekeeping display ON OK OK OK OK OK QUIT day month year min hours OK 24h/AM/PM 3 SET TIME SELECT SELECT 2 SET QUIT OK OK OK SELECT DIVE TIME OK Alarm depth on/off DT minutes on/off QUIT OK OK PO2 O2%
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    COPYRIGHT This publication and its contents are proprietary to Suunto Oy. Suunto, Wristop Computer, Suunto Gekko, Replacing Luck and their logos are registered or unregistered trademarks of Suunto Oy. All rights reserved. While we have taken great care to ensure that information contained in this
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    Suunto’s div e computer s and wristop computers can be r egistered online a t
  • Страница 70 из 71 Made in Finland © Suunto Oy 06 / 2003, 03 / 2009
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Suunto Gekko Instruction Manual

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Related Manuals for Suunto Gekko

Summary of Contents for Suunto Gekko

  • Page 1
    G E K K O I N S T R U CT I O N M A N U A L G e k k o Valimotie 7 FIN-01510 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 9 875 870 Fax +358 9 875 87301…
  • Page 2
    EN 13319 EN 13319 “Diving accessories — Depth gauges and combined depth and time measuring devices — Functional and safety requirements, test meth- ods” is a European diving depth gauge standard. The GEKKO is designed to comply with this standard.
  • Page 3
    ISO 9001 SUUNTO Oy’s Quality Assurance System is certified by Det Norske Veritas to be according to the ISO 9001 in all SUUNTO Oy’s operations (Quality Certifi- cate No. 96-HEL-AQ-220). SUUNTO Oy does not assume any responsibility for losses or claims by third parties, which may arise through the use of this device.
  • Page 4: Warnings

    WARNING! NOT FOR PROFESSIONAL USE! Suunto dive computers are intended for recreational use only. The demands of commercial or professional diving may expose the diver to depths and exposures that tend to increase the risk of decompression illness (DCI).

  • Page 5
  • Page 6
    work (DAN) in chapter 3.5.3. “Flying After Diving”. There can never be a flying after diving rule that is guaranteed to completely prevent decompres- sion illness! WARNING! THE DIVE COMPUTER SHOULD NEVER BE TRADED OR SHARED BETWEEN USERS WHILE IT IS IN OPERATION! Its information will not apply to someone who has not been wearing it throughout a dive or sequence of repetitive dives.
  • Page 7
    WARNING! SET THE CORRECT PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT MODE! Whenever it is believed that factors that tend to increase the possibility of DCI exist, it is recommended that you use this option to make the calculations more conser- vative. Failure to select the correct Personal Adjustment setting will result in erroneous dive and planning data.
  • Page 8: Table Of Contents

    2. GETTING ACQUAINTED …………. 12 2.1. FUNCTIONS …………….12 2.2. PUSH BUTTONS …………… 12 2.3. WATER CONTACTS …………..14 3. DIVING WITH THE GEKKO ……….15 3.1 BEFORE DIVING …………… 15 3.1.1. Activation and Prechecks …………15 3.1.2. Battery Indication …………..17

  • Page 9
  • Page 10: Introduction

    It is a signif- icant advance on the classic Haldane models, which do not predict free gas. The advantage of Suunto RGBM is additional safety through its ability to adapt to a variety of situations and dive profiles.

  • Page 11: Emergency Ascents

    If you have any questions about the manual or the dive computer, contact your SUUNTO dealer before diving with the dive computer. Always remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SAFE- When used properly, the dive computer is an outstanding tool for assisting prop- erly trained, certified divers in planning and executing sport dives.

  • Page 12
    However, when the gas mix is altered, the oxygen content of the mix is generally increased. This increase exposes the diver to an oxygen toxicity risk not usually considered in recreational diving. In order to manage this risk, the dive compu- ter tracks the time and intensity of the oxygen exposure and provides the diver with information to adjust the dive plan in order to maintain oxygen exposure within reasonably safe limits.
  • Page 13: Getting Acquainted

    2. GETTING ACQUAINTED 2.1. FUNCTIONS The Suunto GEKKO can be set to function as a regular air dive computer or as a nitrox dive computer. The GEKKO features two dive computer models (AIR, NITROX), three main operating modes (TIME/STAND-BY, SURFACE, DIVING), two menu based main modes (MEMORY, SET) and seven menu based submodes (review sepa- rate Quick Reference Guide).

  • Page 14
    Press the SMART (MODE) button • To activate the dive computer. • To change from the Surface Mode to the menu based modes. • To select, confirm or quit a submode (short press). • To immediately exit any submode to the Surface Mode (long press).
  • Page 15: Water Contacts

    2.3. WATER CONTACTS The water contacts control the automatic activation of the Dive Mode. The water and data transfer contacts are located on bottom of the case (Fig 2.3). When submerged the water contacts are connected to the push buttons (which are the other pole of the water contact) by the conductivity of the water.

  • Page 16: Diving With The Gekko

    3. DIVING WITH THE GEKKO This section contains instructions on how to oper- DIVE CEILING ate the dive computer and interpret its displays. You AVGPO2 SURF STOP ASC TIME QUIT will find that this dive computer is easy to use and…

  • Page 17
    At this time, perform your prechecks making sure that: • the instrument operates in the correct mode and provides a complete display (Air/ Nitrox modes) ° DIVE TIME • the low battery indicator is not on • the altitude and personal adjustment TIME settings are correct Fig 3.3.
  • Page 18: Battery Indication

    3.1.2. BATTERY INDICATION Battery Power Indicator This dive computer has a unique graphic Battery Power Indicator designed to give you an advance notice of impending need to change the battery. The Battery Power Indicator can always be seen when the Dive Mode is activat- ed.

  • Page 19: Dive Planning [Plan]

    3.1.3. Dive Planning [PLAN] To enter Planning Mode, press the PLAN button at any time during Surface Mode. After showing the text “PLAN” (Fig. 3.5.), the display will show the no- decompression limit for the depth of 9 m [30 ft]. By pressing the down arrow (M) (TIME) button, the dive computer will calculate and show the next deeper no-decompression limits in 3 m [10 ft] increments ending at 45 m [150 ft].

  • Page 20: User Definable Functions And Alarms

    3.1.4. User Definable Functions and Alarms The GEKKO has several user definable functions and depth and time related alarms that you can set according to your personal preference. The dive computer model (Air/Nitrox) can be set in the MODE- SET- MODEL submode.

  • Page 21: Diving With The Gekko

    3.3. DIVING WITH THE GEKKO depth during this dive was 19.8 m [65 ft], water The GEKKO has two operating modes: Air mode for temperature is 18¡ C [64¡F], elapsed dive time is 16 diving with standard air only and Nitrox mode for minutes.

  • Page 22: Bookmark

    All information on the display is labeled (Fig. 3.6). During a no-decompression stop dive, the follow- ing information will be displayed: your present depth in meters [ft] NO DEC TIME the maximum depth during this dive in meters ° [ft], indicated as MAX DIVE TIME the available no-decompression time in minutes in the center window as NO DEC TIME and as…

  • Page 23: Consumed Bottom Time (Cbt)

    As your body absorbs more nitrogen, more seg- ments start to appear. Green Zone — As a safety precaution Suunto recommends you should maintain the no-decompression bar graph within the green zone. Segments start to appear when the available no-decompression time decreases below 100, 80, 60, 50, 40, 30 and 20 minutes.

  • Page 24: Decompression Dives

    When the maximum allowed ascent rate is exceed- ed, the fifth SLOW warning segment and the STOP sign appear and the depth reading starts to blink, indicating that the maximum ascent rate has been exceeded continuously or that the current ascent rate NO DEC TIME is significantly above the allowed rate.

  • Page 25
    Rather than requiring you to make stops at fixed depths, the dive computer lets you to decompress CEILING within a range of depths (Continuous Decompres- STOP sion). The ascent time (ASC TIME) is the minimum ° DIVE TIME amount of time needed to reach the surface in a de- compression dive.
  • Page 26
    In this case it will be more manageable to maintain an additional distance below the ceiling, to make sure that the waves do not lift you above the ceiling. Suunto recommends that decompression takes place deeper than 4 m [13 ft], even if the indicated ceiling is shallower.
  • Page 27
    DISPLAY ABOVE THE FLOOR When you ascend above the floor, the ASC TIME CEILING display stops blinking and the upward pointing ar- STOP ASC TIME row disappears (Fig. 3.16.). Decompression will now begin, but is very slow. You should therefore con- tinue your ascent.
  • Page 28: Diving In Nitrox Mode

    3.4. DIVING IN NITROX MODE 3.4.1. Before Diving The GEKKO can be set for diving with standard air only (Air mode) or it can be set for diving with Enriched Air Nitrox (Nitrox mode). If you are educated for nitrox diving and you plan to make nitrox dives, it is recommended that you set the dive computer permanently to its NITROX Mode.

  • Page 29: Oxygen Displays

    NOTE As a safety precaution the oxygen calculations in the computer are made with an oxygen percentage of 1% + setO DEFAULT NITROX SETTINGS In the NITROX Mode, when set to standard air (21% ), the instrument can be used as an air dive com- Fig.

  • Page 30: Oxygen Limit Fraction (Olf)

    graph along the left side of the display (instead of the CBT). In Dive mode, the oxygen percentage labeled with % and the current oxygen toxicity exposure shown with an Oxygen Limit Fraction (OLF) bar graph are NO DEC TIME shown (Fig.

  • Page 31: At The Surface

    icity calculations are based on the factors listed in section 6.3. “Oxygen Exposure”. 3.5. AT THE SURFACE 3.5.1. Surface Interval ° DIVE TIME An ascent to any depth shallower than 1.2 m [4 ft] will cause the DIVING display to be replaced by Fig.

  • Page 32: Dive Numbering

    If set to Nitrox mode, the following information will also be shown: the oxygen percentage labeled with O2% is shown on the left side of the center window the current oxygen toxicity exposure shown ° TIME with an Oxygen Limit Fraction (OLF) bar graph along the left side of the display.

  • Page 33
    Following any dive that required a decompres- sion stop, flying should be delayed for at least 24 hours, and if possible, for 48 hours. Suunto recommends that flying is avoided until all the DAN and UHMS guidelines and the dive computer wait to fly conditions are…
  • Page 34: Audible And Visual Alarms

    3.6. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS The dive computer features audible alarms to advise when important limits are approached or to acknowledge preset alarms. A short single beep occurs, when: the dive computer is activated. when the dive computer automatically returns to the TIME mode. Three single beeps with a two second interval occurs, when: the no-decompression dive turns into a decompression stop dive.

  • Page 35: High Altitude Dives And Personal Adjustment

    the OLF bar graph reaches 100%. The blinking of the segments exceeding 80% will stop, when the OLF is not loading anymore. At that point the PO is less than 0.5 bar. Continuous beeps for 3 minutes occur, when: the set oxygen partial pressure limit is exceeded. The maximum depth is replaced with a current blinking PO value.

  • Page 36: Personal Adjustment

    Traveling to a higher elevation can temporarily cause a change in the equilibri- um of dissolved nitrogen in the body. It is recommended that you acclimate to the new altitude by waiting at least three hours before making a dive. 3.7.2.

  • Page 37: Error Conditions

    3.8. ERROR CONDITIONS The dive computer has warning indicators that alert the user to react to certain situations that would significantly increase the risk of DCI. If you do not re- spond to its warnings, the dive computer will enter an Error Mode, indicating that the risk of DCI has greatly increased.

  • Page 38: Menu Based Modes

    4. MENU BASED MODES To make yourself familiar with the menu based func- tions, please use your Quick Reference Guide sup- plied with the GEKKO together with the informa- QUIT tion in this chapter. The main menu based functions are grouped under OPTIONS 1) Memory and 2) Setting modes.

  • Page 39: Memory Functions [1 Memory]

    THE LIST OF THE MENU BASED MODES 1. MEMORY FUNCTIONS [1 MEMORY] QUIT 1. Logbook and Dive Profile Memory [1 LOGBOOK] OPTIONS 2. Dive History Memory [2 HISTORY] 3. PC Settings [3 PC SET] Fig. 4.4. Memory options. 2. SET MODES [2 SET] [3 MEMORY].

  • Page 40: Logbook And Dive Profile Memory [1 Logbook]

    4.1.1. Logbook and Dive Profile page 2 Memory [1 LOGBOOK] DIVE STOP ASC TIME This instrument has a very sophisticated high ca- QUIT pacity Logbook and Profile Memory, with a data recording interval of 30 seconds. Dives shorter than ° DIVE TIME the recording interval are not registered.

  • Page 41
    Page II (Fig. 4.7.) • dive number in the dive series • maximum depth (NOTE! Due to lower resolution, the reading may differ from the maximum depth reading of the Dive History up to 0.3 m [1 ft].) • total dive time •…
  • Page 42
    Press the SMART (Select) button once to change the scroll buttons to scroll the different dives for- DIVE ward and backward (Fig. 4.10.). Press the SMART (>Select) button again to change function of the scroll buttons back to scroll the different pages of SELECT TIME the selected dive.
  • Page 43: Dive History Memory [2 History]

    SELECT 4.1.3. PC Settings Mode [3 PC SET] Although the Gekko does not support PC-download, Fig. 4.14. Data Transfer the tissue calculations can be reset and all settings mode. [3 PC SET]. returned to factory defaults using a PC-Interface cable and special software.

  • Page 44: Set Modes [4 Set]

    4.2.1. Dive Computer Model Settings[1 SET MODEL ] Fig. 4.16 Set Model mode In the Model Setting mode the Gekko can be set to function in Air or Nitrox model. To enter the model settings select MODE- SET- MODEL (Fig. 4.16).

  • Page 45: Dive Time Alarm Setting Dive Time Alarm Setting The instrument has one Dive Time Alarm Setting, which can be used for several purposes to add to your diving safety. The alarm can be set, for exam- ple, to your planned bottom time. DIVE TIME Set the Dive Time alarm ON or OFF and the alarm time from 1 to 999 minutes.

  • Page 46
    MODE- SET- SET ADJ (Fig. 4.24). The adjust- ments are altitude, personal and dive computer units The current Altitude and Personal Adjustment modes are shown when diving and at the surface. If the mode does not match the altitude or personal conditions (see section 3.7.
  • Page 47: Care And Maintenance

    SUUNTO dealer or distributor. • Should you detect scratches, cracks or other such flaws on the display that may impair its durability, have it replaced immediately by your SUUNTO dealer or distributor. • Check the spring bars holding the strap and the buckle for flaws. If the flexibility of the spring bars has reduced, have them replaced immediately by your SUUNTO dealer or distributor.

  • Page 48: Maintenance

    A leak must be corrected without delay, as moisture will serious- ly damage the unit, even beyond repair. SUUNTO does not take any responsibil- ity for damage caused by moisture in the dive computer, if the instructions of…

  • Page 49: Battery Replacement

    5.5. BATTERY REPLACEMENT NOTE! It is advisable to contact an authorized Suunto dealer for battery replacement. It is imperative that the change is made in a proper manner to avoid any leakage of water into the battery compartment or computer.

  • Page 50
    Check for any traces of flooding, particularly between the beeper and the lid, or for any other damage. In case of a leak or any other damage, bring the dive computer to an authorized SUUNTO dealer or distributor for check and repair.
  • Page 51
    11. Reinstall the battery retainer in its correct position. 12. Check that the new lubricated O-ring is in good condition. Put it in the right position on the battery compartment. Be very careful not to get any dirt on the o-ring or its sealing surfaces. 13.
  • Page 52
    Complete Strap (V5841) Securing Ring (V5844) Short Strap with buckle (V5836) Battery Compartment Lid with buzzer (V5843) Spring Bar O-Ring (K5588) (K5664) Battery Retainer Long Strap (V5842) (K5592) Battery (K5597) Fig. 5.1 Instrument parts. The code after the name stands for spare part order number. Fig.
  • Page 53: Technical Description

    6. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 6.1. OPERATING PRINCIPLES NO-DECOMPRESSION LIMITS The no-decompression limits displayed by the dive computer for the first dive to a single depth (see Table 6.1. and Table 6.2.), are slightly more conservative than those permitted by the U.S. Navy tables. TABLE 6.1.

  • Page 54
    TABLE 6.2. NO-DECOMPRESSION TIME LIMITS (MIN) FOR VARIOUS DEPTHS [FT] FOR THE FIRST DIVE OF A SERIES ALTITUDE DIVING The atmospheric pressure is lower at high altitudes than at sea level. After traveling to a higher altitude, the diver will have additional nitrogen in his body, compared to the equilibrium situation at the original altitude.
  • Page 55: Suunto Reduced Gradient Bubble Model (Rgbm)

    It is a significant advance on the classical Haldane models, which do not predict free gas (microbubbles). The advantage of Suunto RGBM is additional safety through its ability to adapt to a wide variety of situations. Suunto RGBM addresses a number of diving circumstances outside the range of just dissolved gas models by:…

  • Page 56: Oxygen Exposure

    6.3. OXYGEN EXPOSURE The oxygen exposure calculations are based on currently accepted exposure time limit tables and principles. In addition to this the dive computer uses several methods to conservatively estimate the oxygen exposure. These include for ex- ample: the displayed oxygen exposure calculations are upped to the next higher percentage value for recreational scuba diving, the recommended upper limit of 1.4 bar PO is used as a default…

  • Page 57
    Maximum depth of operation: 80 m [262 ft] (complying with EN 13319). Accuracy: ± 1% of full scale or better from 0 to 80 m [262 ft] at 20°C [68°F] (complying with EN 13319). Depth display range: 0 … 99,9 m [328 ft]. Resolution: 0.1 m from 0 to 99,9 m [1 ft from 0 to 328 ft].
  • Page 58
    NOTE! Do not leave the dive computer in direct sunlight! Tissue Calculation Model Suunto RGBM algorithm (developed by SUUNTO and Bruce R. Wienke, BS, MS and PhD). 9 tissue compartments. Tissue compartment halftimes: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 120, 240 and 480 minutes (on gassing).
  • Page 59
    The quality of the battery (some lithium batteries may exhaust unexpect- edly, which cannot be tested in advance). The time the dive computer has been stored until it gets to the customer. The battery is installed into the unit at the factory. NOTE! Low temperature or an internal oxidation of the battery may cause the battery warning even though the battery has enough capacity.
  • Page 60: Warranty

    The claim will be honored and the product repaired or replaced at no charge and returned in what your Suunto dealer or distributor deter- mines a reasonable amount of time, provided all necessary parts are in stock. All repairs made, not covered under the terms of this warranty, will be made at the owner’s expense.

  • Page 61:

    My Suunto The My Suunto section of the site is meant for your personal information. You can store information about yourself, your Suunto computer, your sporting and training activities, etc. When you upload your personal logs to they are…

  • Page 62: Getting Started

    You can also publish your logs and compare them with other users’ logs. The My Suunto section also contains a personal calendar that you can use to mark personal events and other useful information.

  • Page 63: Glossary

    9. GLOSSARY A dive made at an elevation greater than 300 m Altitude dive [1000 ft] above sea level. Ascent rate The speed at which the diver ascends toward the surface. ASC RATE Abbreviation for ascent rate. The minimum amount of time needed to reach the Ascent time surface on a decompression stop di Abbreviation for ascent time.

  • Page 64
    Dive series A group of repetitive dives between which the dive computer indicates some nitrogen loading is present. When nitrogen loading reaches zero the dive computer deactivates. Elapsed time between leaving the surface to descend, Dive time and returning to the surface at the end of a dive. Abbreviation for equivalent air depth.
  • Page 65
    Oxygen Limit Fraction A term used by SUUNTO for the values displayed in the Oxygen Toxicity bargraph. The value is either the CNS% or the OTU%. Oxygen percentage or oxygen fraction in the breathing gas. Standard air has 21% oxygen.
  • Page 66
    QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Printed in Finland 06.2003 / Esa Print Oy / 130578…

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