Радиоприемники Tecsun PL-365 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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Related Manuals for Tecsun PL-365
Summary of Contents for Tecsun PL-365
Page 1: Operation Manual
FM stereo / MW / SW-SSB DSP RECEIVER OPERATION MANUAL TECSUN SLEEP PL-365 FM STEREO / MW / SW-SSB DSP RECEIVER TECSUN ELECTRONIC IND. LTD. 50120 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA 24/9 Powells Road, Brookvale, NSW 2100 Australia Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 Email: info@tecsunradios.com.au…
Page 2
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA PL-365 Functional Block Diagram PL-365 is equipped with DSP si4735 microchips (from Silicon Labs in the USA) for digital demodulation of analog AM/FM broadcasting signals, which greatly enhances the radio’s sensitivity, selectivity, S/N ratio and anti-interference. 24/9 Powells Road, Brookvale, NSW 2100 Australia Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 Email: info@tecsunradios.com.au… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTROL LOCATIONS……….. 2 LCD DISPLAY…………..4 TURN ON / OFF THE RADIO ……….5 TUNE INTO STATIONS…………6 ETM (Easy Tuning Mode) ● Manual tuning ●…
Page 4: Control Locations
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA CONTROL LOCATIONS TECSUN SLEEP TIME DISPLAY POWER ALARM MEM. VF/ VM DEL. USB/ LSB FM ST. 9/10k STEP PL-365 FM STEREO / MW / SW-SSB DSP RECEIVER 24/9 Powells Road, Brookvale, NSW 2100 Australia Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 Email: info@tecsunradios.com.au…
Page 5
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au Power on/off Multifunctional tuning knob Band selector and Auto Tuning Storage Volume knob USB 5V DC-IN jack Battery compartment BFO / Fine tuning step set / FM ST. button VF/VM (View Frequency/View Memory) &… -
Page 6: Lcd Display
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA LCD DISPLAY 1 2 3 4 “ SLEEP Temp. Digital number display (4 Digits) Battery consumption indicator / With radio off: local time, alarm Charging indicator time, temperature Sleep timer indicator With radio on: local time, signal…
Page 7: Turn On / Off The Radio
1. Installing batteries The battery compartment is located on the back of the PL-365. To remove the battery compartment cover, apply thumb pressure and slide it towards the bottom of the radio. Install 3 AA size batteries into the battery compartment, observing the battery polarity diagram on the back of the radio.
Page 8: Tune Into Stations
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA TUNE INTO STATIONS Short press [POWER] button to turn on your radio, then select your desired band by short pressing the [FM], [MW], SW [ ] or [ ] button. In case of receiving FM/SW broadcasting, fully extend the telescopic antenna for a better reception.
Page 9: Manual Tuning
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au MW station: It is recommended to perform the ETM function during day time as well as night time, because there usually are more stations that start broadcasting at…
Page 10: Single Side Band (Ssb)
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Method 4: AUTO BROWSE MEMORY 1. Turn on the radio to enter memory mode. Short press the [VF/VM] button until the memory position flashing flashes in the upper right corner SLEEP and disappears after 3 seconds. 2. Long press the [VF/VM] button until «Preset»…
Page 11: Working With Memories
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au WORKING WITH MEMORIES The PL-365 has 550 station memories: FM (100), MW (100), SSB (100) and SW (250). Method 1: ATS — Auto Tuning Storage To automatically store all available flashing stations, first select the frequency band in which to perform ATS.
Page 12: Delete Memory
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Method 2: MANUALLY STORING STATION 1. Tune to your desired station, press the [MEM.] button once and notice the PRESET number flashing in the upper right corner of the display. 2. The station is automatically stored after 3 seconds;…
Page 13: Delete All Memory
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au Method 2: SEMI AUTO-DELETE MEMORY Press the [VF/VM] button to enter the memory mode, then press & hold the [VF/VM] button to activate the memory auto-browse function. During the browsing process unwanted stations can be deleted by pressing the [DEL.] button.
Page 14: Clock Setting
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA SETTING THE CLOCK 1. Long press the [TIME] button until you see the hour flashing. Rotate the [TUNING] knob to set the correct hour, then short press the [TIME] button and notice the minutes are flashing. 2. While it’s flashing turn the [TUNING] knob to set the correct minutes, then press [TIME].
Page 15: Turn Off The Alarm
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au TURN OFF THE ALARM When the radio is turned on by the alarm function with radio, you can short press [POWER] button to continue listening radio afterwards.
Page 16: System Setting
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA SYSTEM SETTING Frequency range setting for FM Press & hold the [FM] button until 76-108MHz, 87-108MHz or 87.5-108MHz appears on the display. Press the [FM] button to select a suitable frequency range for FM. MW(AM) step setting Turn off the radio, then long press the [9/10k] button until «9 kHz»…
Page 17
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au Turn ON/OFF charging function & exchange battery consumption display Press & hold the [ ] key with » » & » » shows up to activate the consumption display of rechargeable batteries and the built-in charging system. -
Page 18: Using The External Antenna
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA USING THE EXTERNAL ANTENNA Enhancing FM/SW reception Use the external wire antenna to clip onto the telescopic antenna of the PL-365. Then position the opposite end outside the window for better FM and SW reception. EXTERNAL FM/SW ANTENNA TECSUN…
Page 19: Using The Intelligent Charging Function
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au USING THE INTELLIGENT CHARGING FUNCTION In power off mode, install 3 x UM3 (AA size) rechargeable (Ni-MH) batteries. Press & hold the [ ] button until “…
Page 20: Important Matters For Using Batteries
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA IMPORTANT MATTERS FOR USING BATTERIES 1. When the device is not powered by batteries or the adaptor for a long time, the clock setting is lost, but the stored radio stations are saved. 2. When battery power is low, the «…
Page 21: Trouble Shooting
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au TROUBLE SHOOTING QUESTIONS ANSWERS SOLUTIONS -Batteries have no -Replace all batteries Cannot turn on the radio. power. with new ones. -Didn’t install the -Take note of the batteries properly.
Page 22
TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA QUESTIONS ANSWERS SOLUTIONS When the alarm -Did not set the -Preset your alarm (radio) goes off, proper radio station station properly there is only for the alarm. (see the above noise in the setting). broadcasting. -Or there is no… -
Page 23: Specifications
Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 TECSUN RADIOS AUSTRALIA Ph: +61 2 9939 4377 www.tecsunradios.com.au www.tecsunradios.com.au SPECIFICATIONS 1. Frequency range 87~108 MHz Japan 76~108 MHz EU, USA 87.5~108 MHz 522~1620 (150~1620) kHz USA 520~1710 kHz 1711~29999 kHz 2. Sensitivity F M (S/N=30dB) Less than 3μV…
Радиоприемники Tecsun PL-365 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
Вы можете скачать инструкцию к Tecsun PL-365 по ссылке ниже, если не хотите ждать загрузки. Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.
«Загружаем инструкцию», означает, что нужно подождать пока файл загрузится и можно будет его читать онлайн. Некоторые инструкции очень большие и время их появления зависит от вашей скорости интернета.
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Address: Rm 11, 13/F, Block A, Hoi Luen Ind. Ctr.,
55 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
E-mail: tecsun@on-nets.com
Website: www.tecsun.com.cn
Related Manuals for Tecsun PL-365
Summary of Contents for Tecsun PL-365
- Page 1
FM stereo / MW / SW-SSB DSP RECEIVER OPERATION MANUAL TECSUN SLEEP PL-365 TECSUN ELECTRONIC IND. LTD. FM STEREO / MW / SW-SSB DSP RECEIVER Address: Rm 11, 13/F, Block A, Hoi Luen Ind. Ctr., 55 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. E-mail: tecsun@on-nets.com TECSUN ELECTRONIC IND. - Page 2
SPECIFICATIONS PL-365 Functional Block Diagram PL-365 is equipped with DSP si4735 microchips (from Silicon 1. Frequency range Labs in the USA) for digital demodulation of analog AM/FM 87~108 MHz broadcasting signals, which greatly enhances the radio’s Japan 76~108 MHz sensitivity, selectivity, S/N ratio and anti-interference. -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTROL LOCATIONS……….. 2 QUESTIONS ANSWERS SOLUTIONS LCD DISPLAY…………..4 When the alarm -Did not set the -Preset your alarm TURN ON / OFF THE RADIO ……….5 (radio) goes off, proper radio station station properly TUNE INTO STATIONS…………6 there is only for the alarm.
Page 4: Control Locations
Poor AM -USA uses 10kHz -Turn off the radio reception in USA. AM tuning steps, press the [9/10kHz] the device may still button to select PL-365 be set to 9kHz. accurate tuning step. FM STEREO / MW / SW-SSB DSP RECEIVER…
- Page 5
IMPORTANT MATTERS FOR USING BATTERIES 1. When the device is not powered by batteries or the Power on/off adaptor for a long time, the clock setting is lost, but the stored radio stations are saved. Multifunctional tuning knob 2. When battery power is low, the » «… -
Page 6: Lcd Display
LCD DISPLAY USING THE INTELLIGENT CHARGING FUNCTION In power off mode, install 3 x UM3 (AA size) rechargeable 1 2 3 4 (Ni-MH) batteries. Press & hold the [ ] button until “ » and the «Ni-MH Battery» symbol appear on the SLEEP display.
Page 7: Turn On / Off The Radio
Use the external wire antenna to clip onto the telescopic PL-365. To remove the battery compartment cover, apply antenna of the PL-365. Then position the opposite end thumb pressure and slide it towards the bottom of the outside the window for better FM and SW reception.
Page 8: Tune Into Stations
TUNE INTO STATIONS Short press [POWER] button to turn on your radio, then Turn ON/OFF charging function & exchange battery select your desired band by short pressing the [FM], [MW], consumption display SW [ ] or [ ] button. In case of receiving FM/SW Press &…
Page 9: Manual Tuning
SYSTEM SETTING MW station: It is recommended to perform the ETM Frequency range setting for FM function during day time as well as night time, because Press & hold the [FM] button until 76-108MHz, 87-108MHz there usually are more stations that start broadcasting at or 87.5-108MHz appears on the display.
Page 10: Auto Scan Stations
TURN OFF THE ALARM When the radio is turned on by the alarm function with radio, Method 4: AUTO BROWSE MEMORY you can short press [POWER] button to continue listening 1. Turn on the radio to enter memory radio afterwards. mode.
Page 11: Working With Memories
SETTING THE CLOCK WORKING WITH MEMORIES The PL-365 has 550 station memories: FM (100), MW (100), 1. Long press the [TIME] button until you see the hour SSB (100) and SW (250). flashing. Rotate the [TUNING] knob to set the correct hour, then short press the [TIME] button and notice the minutes are flashing.
Page 12: Semi-Auto Station Storage
Method 2: SEMI AUTO-DELETE MEMORY Method 2: MANUALLY STORING STATION Press the [VF/VM] button to enter the memory mode, 1. Tune to your desired station, press the [MEM.] button then press & hold the [VF/VM] button to activate the once and notice the PRESET number flashing in the memory auto-browse function.
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TECSUN PL-118 скачать 1 стр. PDF
TECSUN pl-210 скачать 9 стр. PDF, Russian
TECSUN pl-310 скачать 19 стр. PDF Russian
Для варианта TECSUN PL-310ET — скачать 30 стр. PDF Russian.
TECSUN PL-365 скачать 23 стр. PDF English
TECSUN PL-380 — скачать 21 стр. PDF English
TECSUN pl-390 — скачать 16 стр. PDF English
TECSUN pl-398mp — скачать 11 стр. PDF Russian
TECSUN pl-600 — скачать 19 стр. PDF ENGLISH
TECSUN PL-600 — руководство по эксплуатации скачать 21 стр. PDF на русском.
TECSUN PL-660 скачать 27 стр. PDF English
TECSUN PL-660 — руководство по эксплуатации скачать 15 стр. PDF на русском
TECSUN PL-680 скачать 27 стр. PDF English
TECSUN PL-680 — руководство по эксплуатации скачать 28 стр. PDF на русском
TECSUN PL-880 скачать 30 стр. PDF Russian
TECSUN s-2000 скачать 31 стр. PDF English
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Опубликовал krepsky на 14.10.2017 в Книжная полка, Разное, Электроника
Метки: manual, radio, tecsun
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One response to “Приёмники Tecsun — руководство по эксплуатации. Tescun receivers — operating manual.”
19.03.2021 at 09:00
Добрый день! сделал перевод инструкции на TECSUN PL-330, можете разместить ссылку на описание в Вашем блоге https://lanskoy.ru/tecsun.html
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19.03.2021 at 09:00
Добрый день! сделал перевод инструкции на TECSUN PL-330, можете разместить ссылку на описание в Вашем блоге https://lanskoy.ru/tecsun.html
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