SMT-i3100/3105 Quick Reference Guide LED Status Description Icon Description ‘Do Not Disturb’ is enabled. Description Making a call ~ ). Dialing a speed dial number 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Description Bell sound setting Sending a message Do Not Disturb (DND) Description Volume Control Call Transfer Mute 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Icono Llamada retenida. o pulse ( ~ ). 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Transferir llamada No Molestar (DND) Control de Volumen Transferir una Llamada Activar el altavoz 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. SMT-i3100/3105 Kvik guide LED Status LED Telefon status Viser status for telefon . Dansk _1 Ikon ‘Mute’ er aktiveret. ‘Vidrestilling’ er aktiveret. Hold status. eller tryk på ( ~ knappen og indtaste telefonnummer. ). eller tryk på Opkald fra telefonbog [Phone Book] knapÆ [1. Alle] Æ Vælg kontaktperson Æ Vælg [Ring] soft menu Æ kaldet starter Ringe via hurtigvalgsnumre Genkald 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Check tabte kald Ringetone Vidrestilling Pickup kald Ved ledig status, Vælg [SVC] soft knappen Æ [FORSTYR IKKE] Æ [TIL/FRA]. Volume Kontrol Tryk på [SVC] soft knappen Æ [GRPLYTNING], og tryk på [OK] knappen. Samtalen kan nu høres på i telefonrør’et og i højtaleren.For at deaktvere denne funktion, vælg lyt(fra) i menu’en Mute Tryk på [Mute] knappen, og mikrofon’en er deaktiveret, Aktiver mikrofonen igen ved at trykke på [Mute] knappen igen. Konference Dansk _3 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. SMT-i3100/3105 Verkorte handleiding Reference Guide LED Status Icon LAN kabel is aangesloten Bellen of druk op nummer in ( ~ of druk op ). knop. Verkort kies nummer 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Controleer gemiste gesprekken Toestel in rust, selecteer d.m.v. [Menu] soft button Æ [Bericht] Æ [Inbox] ongelezen berichten lezen. Een bericht verzenden Toestel in rust, selecteer d.m.v. [Menu] soft button Æ [Bericht] Æ [Nw.bericht] om bericht te verzenden. Gesprek doorsturen Telefoon Pickup niet storen (DND) Volume regelaar Gesprek wacht Gesprek doorsturen Groep luisteren Functie conferentie 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Kuvaus Ikoni Kuvaus Kuvaus ~ ). tai paina 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Kuvaus Saapuneet viestit Kuvaus 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Visor LCD Ícone ‘Call Forward’ está activo. ~ . Marcar a partir da Lista Telefónica 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Ver mensagens recebidas Ajustar Volume SMT-i3100/3105 Snabbguide Lysdiodsstatus Ikon ~ ). Slå kortnumret; men håll inne sista siffran I kortnumret ett litet tag. 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Ringsignal Volym Parkering Sekretess Konferens 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Εικον. ~ ). . 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Wähltasten Status Icon Description 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Stumm 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Italiano _1 Icona Sub-Menu 1. Tutte 3. Agg. RB 1. Recenti 3. Ricevute 4. Perse 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Menu 3. Messaggi Sub-Menu 2. Nuovo MSG 1. Volume 3. Tasti - 7. Imposta 2. Lingua 4. Suoni 5. Sicurezza Italiano _3 ~ 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Mute Краткое руководство по SMT-i3100/3105 Индикатор состояния ЖК-экран Индикатор Индикаторы состояния телефона В зависимости от состояния основных функций телефона индикаторы либо горят, либо нет. Не мигающий красный: Занят. Мигающий красный: Входящий вызов с внешнего телефона/Оставлено сообщение/Не беспокоить Мигающий зеленый: Входящий международный вызов Русский _1 Описание значков На ЖК-экране отображаются следующие значки. Значок Описание Значок Описание Кабель ЛВС подключен к порту для ПК. Включена функция "Не беспокоить". Кабель ЛВС соединен с портом ЛВС, система нормально функционирует. Включена функция "Отключить звук" Кабель ЛВС подключен к разъему ЛВС, но система не соединена. Появляется, когда в папке входящих сообщений имеются непрочитанные сообщения. Включена функция "Переадресация вызовов". Режим ожидания. Осуществление исходящего или входящего вызова Функция Описание Исходящий вызов или нажмите кнопку ( ~ Входящий вызов и введите номер телефона ). или нажмите кнопку . Набор номера из телефонной книги кнопка [Phone Book] Æ [1. Все] Æ Выберите контакт Æ Выберите программное меню [Вызов] Æ Вызов осуществлен. Вызов номера быстрого набора Введите номер быстрого набора и зажмите кнопку набора. Вызов предыдущего номера Кнопка [Call log] Æ Выберите нужный номер Æ Вызов осуществлен 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Функции, доступные в режиме ожидания Функция Описание Посмотреть пропущенные вызовы Нажмите на программную кнопку [Меню] в режиме ожидания Æ [Журнал] Æ [Пропущ.] для просмотра номеров пропущенных звонков. Настройка сигнала вызова Нажмите на программную кнопку [Меню] в режиме ожидания Æ [Звуки] Æ [Звонок] для настройки сигнала вызова. Просмотр полученных сообщений В режиме ожидания нажмите программную кнопку [Меню] Æ [Сообщ.] Æ [Вход.] для просмотра полученных сообщений. Отправка сообщения В режиме ожидания нажмите программную кнопку [Меню] Æ [Сообщ.] Æ [Оправ.], чтобы отправить сообщение. Переадресация вызова В режиме ожидания нажмите программную кнопку [Меню] Æ [Переадрес.] и введите номер. Перехват вызова В режиме ожидания выберите одну из функций перехвата, используя программную кнопку [Служ], чтобы изменить настройки. Не беспокоить (НБ) Нажмите на программную кнопку [Служ] в режиме Æ ожидания [Не беспокоить] Æ [ON/OFF.]. Функции, доступные во время разговора Функция Описание Регулировка громкости Чтобы увеличить или уменьшить уровень громкости, используйте кнопку [Vol]. Эта функция доступна при использовании, как трубки, так и громкой связи. Удержание вызова Нажмите кнопку [Hold.], если вы заняты. На ЖК-экране отобразится сообщение о включении режима удержания вызова (при использовании трубки) или об изменении состояния режима ожидания (при использовании громкой связи). Переадресация вызова Нажмите кнопку [Transfer], если вы заняты. Услышав сигнал готовности линии, наберите номер телефона, чтобы позвонить. Если вызываемый абонент занят или не хочет поднимать трубку, нажмите кнопку [Transfer] еще раз, чтобы подобрать предыдущий вызов. Русский _3 Функция Описание Трансляция разговора по группе В процессе осуществления вызова нажмите программную кнопку [Служ] Æ [ГРОМК. ТРАНСЛЯЦ.] и нажмите кнопку [OK]. После этого разговор можно будет услышать не только по громкой связи, но и в трубке. Для отключения этой функции нажмите [громк. транс. (Выкл.)] в меню. Отключение звука Во время разговора нажмите кнопку [Mute] и собеседник перестанет вас слышать. Чтобы отключить эту функцию, нажмите кнопку [Mute] еще раз. Конференция Во время разговора нажмите кнопку [Conference]. После того как пользователь ввел телефонный номер текущего абонента и осуществил вызов, нажмите кнопку [Conference], чтобы присоединиться к текущему звонку и начать конференц-звонок. Для добавления другого абонента в конференцию, нажмите на кнопку [Conference] и введите его телефонный номер. Дальнейшую информацию о безопасности относительно этой модели можно получить у авторизованного дилера Samsung или по адресу, указанному на задней странице обложки. Данное руководство является собственностью компании SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd и защищено авторским правом. Никакая содержащаяся в нем информация не может быть скопирована, переведена, записана на другой носитель или размножена каким-либо способом без предварительного письменного согласия SAMSUNG. Информация в этом документе может быть изменена без уведомления. 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. SMT-i3100/3105 快速参考指南 LED 状态 LCD 屏幕 简体中文 _1 说明 图标 说明 已启用 ‘Do Not Disturb’ (请勿打扰)。 已启用 ‘Mute’ (静音)。 保留状态。 说明 Receiving a call (接听电话) 或按 或按 按键。 ~ ) [Phone Book] (电话簿)按键Æ [1. All list] Æ 选择通话对象 Æ 选择 [Call] 软件菜单 Æ 发出呼叫 Dialing a speed dial number (拨打快拨号码) [Call log] (呼叫日志) 按键 Æ 选择所需号码 Æ 发出呼叫 2_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 说明 在待机模式下, 选择 [Menu] 软按键 Æ [Call log] Æ [Missed.], 以查看未接来电的号码。 Bell sound setting (铃声设置) 在待机模式下, 选择 [Menu] 软按键 Æ [Sound] Æ [Ring Tone], 以设置铃声。 在待机模式下, 选择 [Меnu] 软按键 Æ [Message] Æ [Inbox], 以查看收到的消息。 Sending a message (发送消息) 在待机模式下, 选择 [Меnu] 软按键 Æ [Message] Æ [New Msg], 以发送消息。 在待机模式下, 选择 [Меnu] 软按键 Æ [Call FWD], 然后输入目标号码。 Do Not Disturb (DND) (请勿打扰) 说明 Volume Control (音量控制) Call Transfer (呼叫转接) 占线时选择 [SVC] 软按键 Æ [GROUP LISTEN] (组侦听), 然后按 [OK] (确定) 按键。 之后就能通过听筒和扬声器听到对话。 要取消该功能, 从服务菜单中选择 [listen (Off)] (侦听 (关) )。 Mute (静音) 简体中文 _3 4_ © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Model(s) : SMT-i3100 Manufactured at: P.T. Samsung Electronics Indonesia #17530, Cikarang Industrial Estate J1 Jababeca Raya Blok F 29-33 Cikarang, Bekasi, West Jawa , Indonesia (Factories name and address) EN 61000-3-2:2006 EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001+A2:2005 EN 55022 :1998+A1:2000+A2003 EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 EN 60950-1:2001+A11:2004 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd 416, Maetan 3-Dong, Yeongtong-Gu Suwon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, 443-742 Korea 17 April 2009 Yong Phil Yoo / Engineer Yong Sang Park / S. Manager
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For OfficeServ
7000 Series Systems
Keyset User Guide
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Keyset User Guide
For OfficeServ™ 7000 Series Systems
Copyright 2010 Samsung Telecommunications America.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic or mechanical, including recording, taping, photocopying or information retrieval systems— without express written permission of the publisher of this material.
Samsung Telecommunications America reserves the right without prior notice to revise information in this guide for any reason. Samsung Telecommunications America also reserves the right without prior notice to make changes in design or components of equipment as engineering and manufacturing may warrant. Samsung Telecommunications America disclaims all liabilities for damages arising from the erroneous interpretation or use of information presented in this guide.
ABOUT THIS BOOK ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
1 |
2 |
CAUTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
3 |
PREPARATION …………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
4 |
Check the Contents of the Box …………………………………………………………………….. |
4 |
Phone Installation ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
4-5 |
SECTION 2. PHONE FUNCTIONS………………………………………………………… |
6 |
SMT-i3105 LAYOUT ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
7 |
Names and Functions …………………………………………………………………………………….. |
7 |
KEY FUNCTIONS ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
9 |
Telephone Status Indicator ……………………………………………………………………………. |
9 |
Screen Structure ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
9 |
Text Input Method ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
10 |
Description of Icons………………………………………………………………………………………. |
11 |
Navigating the Display …………………………………………………………………………………. |
11 |
SMT-i3105 SETUP ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
12 |
Initializing the SMT-i3105 ……………………………………………………………………………. |
12 |
Setup Mode …………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
12 |
Easy Install Wizard ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
13 |
Selecting the Static IP Option …………………………………………………………………….. |
13 |
Setting Up Hot Desking (Idle Login) ………………………………………………………….. |
13 |
Configuration Menu Structure…………………………………………………………………….. |
14 |
FEATURE OPERATION …………………………………………………. |
15 |
LOGGING IN & OUT …………………………………………………………………………………….. |
16 |
PLACING CALLS……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
16 |
ANSWERING CALLS …………………………………………………………………………………….. |
17 |
PLACING A CALL ON HOLD …………………………………………………………………… |
18 |
TRANSFERRING CALLS ……………………………………………………………………………… |
18 |
TRANSFERRING WITH CAMP-ON………………………………………………………… |
18 |
CALL WAITING ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
19 |
CONFERENCE CALLS…………………………………………………………………………………… |
19 |
FORWARDING CALLS …………………………………………………………………………………. |
19 |
20-23 |
SECTION 4. PHONE FEATURES ………………………………………………………….. |
24 |
BASIC MENUS………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
25 |
Soft Button Structure …………………………………………………………………………………… |
26 |
Menu Soft Button ……………………………………………………………………………. |
26-32 |
Func. Soft Button …………………………………………………………………………………… |
32 |
AOM Soft Button …………………………………………………………………………………… |
32 |
33 |
OUTSIDE CALLS ……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
34 |
Making Calls from AOM ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
34 |
Universal Answer ………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
34 |
Recall Dial Tone ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
34 |
Sending a Flash ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
34 |
Busy Line Queuing with Callback……………………………………………………………….. |
34 |
Busy Station Callback …………………………………………………………………………………… |
35 |
Canceling Callback………………………………………………………………………………………… |
35 |
Busy Station Camp-On……………………………………………………………………………. |
35-36 |
INTERCOM CALLS ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
37 |
Voice Announce Mode …………………………………………………………………………………. |
37 |
Auto Answer Mode ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
37 |
Calling your System Operator …………………………………………………………………….. |
37 |
CALL PROCESSING ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
38 |
System Hold …………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
38 |
Exclusive Hold ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
38 |
Remote Hold …………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
38 |
Hold Recall …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
39 |
Consultation Hold ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
39 |
Retrieving Calls Held at Another Station…………………………………………………… |
39 |
Call Transfer …………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
40 |
Transfer with Camp-On ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
40 |
Transfer to Voice Mail …………………………………………………………………………………… |
41 |
Call Waiting…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
41 |
Call Forward Options …………………………………………………………………………………… |
41 |
Station Call Pickup ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
42 |
Group Call Pickup………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
43 |
My Group Pickup ………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
43 |
Privacy Release ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
43 |
DIALING FEATURES …………………………………………………………………………………….. |
44 |
Speed Dialing…………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
44 |
Programming Personal Speed Dial Numbers ………………………………………….. |
44 |
Directory Dialing……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
45 |
Last Number Redial ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
46 |
Save Number with Redial ……………………………………………………………………………. |
46 |
Automatic Redial/Retry ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
46 |
Pulse to Tone Changeover ………………………………………………………………………….. |
46 |
PAGING AND MESSAGING………………………………………………………………………. |
47 |
Making and Internal Page ……………………………………………………………………………. |
47 |
Making an External Page……………………………………………………………………………… |
47 |
All Page ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
47 |
Meet Me Page ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
48 |
Call Park and Page ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
48 |
Messages—Set and Cancel …………………………………………………………………… |
49-50 |
Returning Messages …………………………………………………………………………………….. |
50 |
Programmed Messages ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
50 |
CONVENIENCE FEATURES ………………………………………………………………………. |
51 |
Logging In and Out ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
51 |
Do Not Disturb ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
51 |
One Time DND……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
51 |
Mute ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
52 |
Background Music ………………………………………………………………………………………… |
52 |
Established Call Pick-Up……………………………………………………………………………….. |
52 |
Door Phone Calls …………………………………………………………………………………….. |
52-53 |
Group Listening ……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
53 |
Account Codes ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
53 |
Manual Signalling………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
54 |
Off-Hook Voice Announce ………………………………………………………………………….. |
54 |
OHVA Block…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
55 |
OHVA Reject …………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
55 |
In Group/Out of Group…………………………………………………………………………………. |
55 |
CUSTOMIZING YOUR KEYSET……………………………………………………………….. |
56 |
AME Password ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
56 |
Auto Camp-On ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
56 |
Select Ring Tone ……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
56 |
Change Your Passcode …………………………………………………………………………………. |
56 |
Set Answer Mode (Intercom) ………………………………………………………………………. |
57 |
Set Answer Mode (CO) …………………………………………………………………………………. |
57 |
Automatic Hold……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
57 |
Hot Keypad …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
57 |
Key Confirmation Tone…………………………………………………………………………………. |
58 |
Rejoining a Page ……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
58 |
Ring Preference……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
58 |
Display Speed Dial Name ……………………………………………………………………………. |
58 |
Caller ID Review All ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
59 |
Secure OHVA …………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
59 |
Configure Mobile Extensions (MOBEX) …………………………………………………….. |
59 |
DISPLAY FEATURES …………………………………………………………………………………….. |
61 |
Directory Information…………………………………………………………………………………… |
61 |
Display Number Dialed ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
61 |
Call Duration Timer ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
61 |
Auto Timer …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
61 |
Timer Function ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
62 |
Viewing Station Message Indications………………………………………………………… |
62 |
Personal Speed Dial Names ………………………………………………………………………… |
62 |
Station Names ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
62 |
Managing Programmable Key Assignments ……………………………………………. |
63 |
Backspace with LCR ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
63 |
CALLER ID………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
64 |
Selecting Your Caller ID Display …………………………………………………………………. |
64 |
Viewing the Next Caller ID Call …………………………………………………………………… |
65 |
Inquire Caller ID Park/Hold Info …………………………………………………………………. |
65 |
FEATURE ACCESS CODES ………………………………………………………………………… |
66 |
SECTION 6. APPLICATIONS…………………………………………………………………… |
67 |
SAMSUNG VOICEMAIL ……………………………………………………………………………… |
68 |
Accessing Your Mailbox ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
69 |
SVMi E-Series Subscriber Services Menu Diagram ……………………………. |
70–71 |
Getting Started ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
72 |
Listen to your Messages ………………………………………………………………………………. |
72 |
Subscriber Services Menu …………………………………………………………………………… |
72 |
Listening to Old or New Messages ……………………………………………………………. |
73 |
Group New or Old Messages ………………………………………………………………………. |
74 |
Record and Send a Message ………………………………………………………………………. |
74 |
Access Manager ……………………………………………………………………………………………. |
76 |
Personal Greetings………………………………………………………………………………………… |
77 |
Mailbox Administration ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
80 |
Message Broadcast ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
82 |
Personal Services ………………………………………………………………………………………….. |
82 |
Personal Administration Settings ……………………………………………………………… |
83 |
Keyset User Features …………………………………………………………………………………… |
84 |
Shortcuts ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. |
86 |
Interactive Displays ………………………………………………………………………………………. |
86 |
E-Mail Gateway (EMG) ……………………………………………………………………………. |
86–88 |
89–90 |
The new Samsung Multimedia Telephone SMT-i3105 keyset is part of the OfficeServ 7000 Series.
The SMT-i3105 keyset represents a new concept of Internet phone, in that it uses an IP address to Send/Receive voice and data. For voice communications, the SMTi3105 uses the data network line already in place in most offices and increasing number of homes.
This guide contains 6 sections: Section 1. Caution and Preparation, Section 2. Phone Functions, Section 3. Frequently Used Feature Operation, Section 4. Phone Features, Section 5. OfficeServ 7000 System Features and Section 6. Applications. Please take the time to study this guide and to become familiar with the operation of your keyset. Keep this guide handy, as you may need to look up instructions for infrequently used features.
This book is written based on factory default settings, for the feature access codes. Sometimes, due to programming requirements, these codes may be changed. If you find that a feature code does not work as described in this book, please contact your installation and service company to determine the correct code.
•Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to its power source.
•If there is dirt or moisture on the pin contact surface of a power plug, pull out the plug and wipe it away with a cloth. If dirt or moisture remains on the product even after wiping, contact the service center.
•For the power connection port of the phone, use the supplied power adapter.(The power adapter is supplied separately.) Use of a power adapter that does not meet the specifications may cause the product to become damaged, to overheat, or to explode.
•Do not place the phone in a location with a lot of dust,in a location that is subject to severe changes in temperature, or near a heating device (cigarette heat, heater, etc.)
•Do not use or store flammable spray or materials near the phone.
•Do not place vases, flowerpots, cups, or a container of cosmetics or drugs near the phone.
•Installation of equipment must not route interconnecting cables or external power supply sources outdoors.
•The LAN cable to the network should be connected to the LAN port of a phone, NOT to the PC connection port.
•Use a soft and dry cloth when cleaning the phone. Do not spray water directly onto the product; and do not use chemicals such as wax, benzene, alcohol, thinner, mosquito killer, perfume spray, lubricant, detergent, etc.
Check if the product package box includes all the components as follows:
•Phone body including a base
•Handset and Handset Cord
•Patch cable
NOTE: Power transformer sold separately. If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact your dealer.
Connecting the Phone Body
1Remove the base of the phone by pressing the [Push] mark on the top of the base.
2Connect a handset to the handset port of the phone.
Connect RJ45 cable through middle hole of stand to LAN and the other end of cable to the phone system (data network). If PoE data switch is used, it will power up the phone.
3OPTIONAL: Connect the cable through the middle hole of the base
to the PC, as shown in the figure. |
When connecting to PC, connect one |
q w |
end of the cable to the PC port of the |
e |
phone, and the other end of the cable |
to the LAN port of the PC. |
qAC Power wLAN to Phone System ePhone to PC-10/100 Base T Switch
Connect the LAN cable (connected through the middle hole of the base to a network) to the LAN port of the phone, as shown in the figure.
When power is supplied from the LAN port (PoE) (802.3af), the phone is powered via LAN connection.
If PoE is not supported, connect the power adapter to the power (-DV 5V) port of the phone by running the cable through the middle hole of the base as shown in the figure below. If the connected power adapter is plugged into an outlet (120AC), the phone is booted. (The power adapter is supplied separately.)
4Fix the base to the phone body by fitting the bottom groove and then securing the top side.
5 |
Secure the cable along the cable |
5.0VDC |
Data Switch |
guideline as shown in the figure. For |
3 Amps |
the cable of power adaptor, give |
m |
( |
m |
some slack before securing the cable to the guideline to prevent easy disconnect.
LCD Screen
Soft Key
Telephone Status
Call Log (s Up)
Handset OK Button
Phone Book (t Down)
Transfer Button
Hold Button
Conference Button
Volume Controls
Mute Button
Speaker Button (Handsfree Speakerphone)
Dial Pad
NOTE: The words “key” and “button” are interchangeable.
Button |
Function |
A display showing the phone’s status (busy, ringing, |
q LCD Screen |
receiving an internal message, etc.), time and date, exten- |
sion number, name. |
Used to select the desired function from the soft menus |
w Soft Button |
displayed at the bottom of the LCD screen, such as Back, |
End, and Save. |
The blinking pattern differs depending on the phone |
e Telephone StatusIndicator |
status. Red status for Station Message, Voicemail, and DND, |
and green status for Incoming CO Call. |
r Call Log Button |
Used to view the entire call history. |
(s Up) |
Used to move upward on various list screens. |
t OK Button |
Used to make a selection or to save an entry. |
Used to search for a phone number saved in the phone, or |
y Phone Book Button |
to register a new number. Pressing this button shows the |
(t Down) |
main screen of the phone book. |
Used to move downward on various list screens. |
Button |
Function |
u Transfer Button |
Used to enable the call transfer function. |
i Programmable Button |
Used to set up one touch feature button on the phone. |
o Hold Button |
Used to place a call on hold. |
a Conference Button |
Used for conference calls. |
s Volume Button [+] [—] |
Used to control the volume settings. |
d Mute Button |
Used to silence the transmit voice to the remote party. |
d Hold Button |
Used to place a call on hold. |
f Speaker Button |
Used to enable/disable the use of a speaker phone. |
g Dial Pad |
Used to dial the phone number. |
h Handset |
Used for two-way voice conversation. |
NETWORK: The SMT-i3105 uses VoIP communication through an alreadyinstalled public or private data network.
LCD SCREEN: Various functions are displayed on the LCD screen,so you can use them conveniently by using the scroll buttons Call Log (s Up) or Phone Book (t Down) on the phone.
SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE (SMS): You can exchange text messages internally only using this function.This function is available only on internal IP stations.
The indicators are turned on or off depending on the status of relevant functions.
Screen |
Status |
LED Indicator |
When station is busy |
Red colored indicator is |
constant. |
When station is receiving |
Green colored indicator |
an incoming call |
flashes. |
When there is a message |
Red indicator (slow flash). |
During “Do Not Disturb” |
Red indicator (fast flash). |
Hold Recall |
Amber colored indicator |
flashes. |
The screen consists of three areas.
Icon Area |
Text Area |
Soft Menu Area |
Area |
Description |
Icon Area |
Displays various icons (see icon descriptions on page 11). |
Text Area |
Displays date, time, extension number, name, message, |
phone number, etc. |
Displays the functions allocated to the 3 soft buttons. |
Service menus are provided depending on the state of the |
Soft Menu Area |
phone. A user can use the service or feature menus by |
pressing the Menu or Func. soft button, or the AOM for |
more soft keys (99). |
Using the dial and direction buttons on the phone, you can enter and modify the English characters, numeric and special characters.
Whenever you press the dial button [ ] on a text input screen, the input mode is advanced in sequence (on keypad).
Text Input Example
A Uppercase Input Mode
a Lowercase Input Mode
1 Numeric Input Mode
$ Special Character Input Mode
•Use the dial buttons to type English text and numbers; and use the Direction Arrows in the soft menu screen to move the cursor left and right and OK buttons to complete input. When removing the typed characters, select the Del soft button or hold down to delete the entire entry.
Alpha Characters Input: Select this mode (uppercase/lowercase) by pressing the [ ] button on keypad,and type text by repeated pressing the dial buttons, characters will auto advance after a time limit.
Number Input: Select this mode by pressing the [ ] button on keypad, move the cursor highlighted to 1, then use the keypad to enter digits.
Special Character Input: Select this mode by pressing the [ ] button on keypad (advance to $); select a desired character by using the Direction Arrows soft button; and press the OK button to enter it.
Keypad Character Entry
Count |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Dial |
A |
a |
1 |
$ |
(Uppercase) |
(Lowercase) |
(Numbers) |
(Special Characters) |
Dial # |
Not Used |
Dial 0 |
Not Used |
Dial 1 |
Not Used |
Dial 2 |
A |
B |
C |
Dial 3 |
D |
E |
F |
Dial 4 |
G |
H |
I |
Dial 5 |
J |
K |
L |
Dial 6 |
M |
N |
O |
Dial 7 |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
Dial 8 |
T |
U |
V |
Dial 9 |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
The following icons are displayed on the screen.
Icon |
Description |
Shows that ‘Call Forward’ is enabled. |
Shows that ‘Do Not Disturb’ is enabled. |
Shows that ‘Mute’ function is enabled. When the call ends to |
become a standby status or this function is disabled, this icon |
disappears. |
Shows that the call is hold state. When call is reconnect or |
disconnected, this icon disappears. |
Appears when there are unread Short messages in the |
message inbox. Once they are read, it disappears. |
Shows that a LAN cable is connected to the PC port. |
Shows that a LAN cable is to the LAN port but that the system |
is not connected. |
Shows that a LAN cable is connected to the LAN port and |
that the system is connected normally. |
Outgoing call icon. |
Incoming call icon. |
Missed call icon. |
When programming within various menu options, information can be entered via the dial pad keys using [0]-[9] and [Q] dial keys. The button used for editing and their features are summarized below.
Left and Right Soft Buttons |
To move the cursor (underlined area) or to erase/write |
what is entered. |
Hold |
To clear/delete an entire field such as station name. |
Transfer |
To write the changes and exit programming. |
Volume Button |
To adjust settings (tones), sounds, contrast, etc. |
Up (+) Down(—) |
OK |
To enter or save a selection. |
Call Log (s Up) |
To move cursor up. |
Phone Book (t Down) |
To move cursor down. |
Initially the SMT-i3105 IP keyset will need to be setup to operate within the users network. The Setup Menu is also used to make changes to the keyset, in the event that the system information should change. The option chosen will be highlighted.
The station numbers will be automatically created by the OfficeServ 7000 Series systems once the necessary information has been entered into the IP keyset.
Enter ID and password of the server, as described below to register the phone. See your system administrator for specific Network and Server addresses.The addresses necessary to set up the SMT-i3105 are:
•IP Address of Station
•Subnet Mask
•Network Gateway Address
•IP Address of System’s main processor
•User ID
To get to the SETUP MODE unplug the power cord from the SMT-i3105. Press and hold the button while you plug power back into the phone. Release the button when you see Samsung in the display. If you have a PoE (Power over Ethernet) connection, the same procedure can be done by unplugging and plugging the Ethernet cable into the phone while pressing and hold-
ing the button.
When the phone reboot is complete, the Language Menu will display. Press the OK soft button to advance to the Configuration Menu.
Once the Configuration Menu is displayed, you can move to each menu in the Setup by using the Call Log (s Up) or Phone Book (t Down) buttons and [1]-[8] dial buttons of the SMT-i3105 IP phone. To learn how to navigate the menus refer to the previous section.
By selecting this option, the System Easy Wizard can guide you through setting up your network parameters. If you want to set up these parameters individually, follow the instructions below.
•From the idle phone press Menu, scroll to Settings, and press OK button. Scroll to Phone Info and press OK button. From the keypad, enter the administrator’s password (please contact your phone system administrator). Press the OK button. Scroll to Easy Install and press OK button.
•When the Static IP option is selected, the user enters the Static IP Address for the phone (eg. then press the OK button or the Next soft button.
•Enter the Subnet Mask (eg.; press OK button or the Next soft button.
•Enter Gateway Address (eg., press OK button.
NOTE: Press the key on the dial pad to enter the “.” in the IP address.
•Enter the System IP address (eg., press OK button.
•Enter System ID XXXX (eg. 3201), then press OK button.
•Enter Password XXXX (eg. 1234) then press OK button.
Wait a second for the phone to reboot. The phone should register and authenticate itself to the phone system. Test SMT-i3105 for proper operation.
Hot Desking allows you to log in and out of your SMT-i3105 IP keyset without rebooting. See Setup Mode on how to access the Configuration Menu.
•Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Settings then press OK button.
•Scroll to Phone Info and press OK button.
•Enter the administrator’s password (please contact your phone system administrator).
•Scroll to Ext. Login then press OK button.
•Choose the ON option and press OK button. (Note: ON to allow, OFF to deny hot desking).
•Press the End soft button to complete the setup.
•When the phone restarts, enter the ID (eg; extension 2809) and password.
•Press the Save soft button to complete the login.
The Configuration Menu options are as follows:
This option will guide you through setting up all required parameters for connecting the SMT keyset to your system.
1.Version Info: Provides boot rom, software, DSP, and hardware version information and date.
2.Network Info: Displays network mode, IP address of phone, network (DNS1, DNS2), Gateway Information, Subnet Mask, MAC Address, LAN (HUB), LAN (PC), PC Client, and Registered State.
3.MAC Address
Displays Static IP, Dynamic IP, PPPoE, NAT, 802.1x, VLAN (LAN), and VLAN (PC). Set to Use or Not Use.
Allows the user to choose the option of permitting the phone either login/logout from idle mode or only register to the server on power up. Once the phone is placed into Extension Login mode,a display will show up to allow you to enter any valid User ID and password. This function is also referred to as hot desking (idle login). Set to Use or Not Use. Default password is 1234.
1.Primary System: The main processor’s IP address.
2.System 1~3: Up to 4 server IPs can be set.
1.TFTP Server: The IP address of the TFTP server containing the IP software.
2.Upgrade: Starts the IP software upgrade process.
This option resets the SMT-i3105 to factory default settings.
This option reboots the SMT-i3105 phone.
This section provides the basic operation of your Samsung Multimedia Telephone
LOGGING IN & OUT [If Hot Desking is Enabled]
If enabled, your SMT-i3105 telephone may require you to log in before making or receiving calls. In these cases your telephone system administrator will provide you with an extension number, password, and the feature code used to log out.
•Dial your extension number in the ID field (example 3201).
•Press the OK button.
•Dial your password in the password field (default 1234).
•Press Save soft button.
•Dial the feature code provided by your administrator (log out code 77).
IMPORTANT: Put your phone in Overlap Mode by pressing the Menu button, select Settings and then select Dial Mode, change it to Overlap. If your phone is not in OVERLAP mode you must always press the Call soft button after dialing the digits to send the call.
NOTE: All examples of making phone calls are based on the phone being set for overlap dialing mode.
OUTSIDE CALLS — To place a call to an outside party:
•Lift the handset or press the Speaker button.
•Press an idle outside line button, line group button, or dial a line access code to receive dial tone.
•Dial the telephone number.
•Hang up the handset when the call is completed.
NOTE: Frequently called telephone numbers can be added to the PhoneBook.
When making internal and external calls from AOM list, press the AOM soft button to access the programmable button screens. Then use the Call Log (s Up) or Phone Book (t Down) button to scroll to and highlight the desired programmable button. Press OK to access trunk or trunk group, dial phone number.
INTERNAL CALLS — To place a call to another extension at your location:
•Lift the handset.
•Dial the extension number or group number.
•Wait for the party to answer. If you hear a brief tone burst instead of ringback tone, the station called is set for Voice Announce or Auto Answer. Begin speaking after the tone.
•Hang up the handset when the call is completed.
1.If you have a DSS button assigned to an extension or station group, you may press this button instead of dialing the number.
2.If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset or press the Speaker button before you begin dialing.
SPEAKERPHONE CALLS — Your Samsung SMT-i3105 has full-duplex speakerphone capability. This feature is used for both internal or external calls. To activate this feature:
•Press the Speaker button.
•Place an internal or external call.
•Press Speaker button to disconnect the call.
NOTE: The handset can be used at any time during the conversation. To resume handsfree operation, press the Speaker button, and hang up the handset.
OUTSIDE/INTERNAL/VOICE ANNOUNCE CALLS — To answer these three types of calls:
•Lift the handset or press the Speaker button to answer on Speaker Phone.
•Hang up the handset when the call is completed.
NOTE: The volume can be adjusted at any time by pressing the [+] and [—] Volume button arrow keys on your navigation button.
Calls can be placed on System Hold or Exclusive Hold. A call placed on System Hold can be picked up from any extension. Calls placed on Exclusive Hold can only be picked up from the extension that placed them on hold.
SYSTEM HOLD — To place a call on hold:
• Press the Hold button. The Call button will flash red at your telephone.
•To take the caller off hold, press that button and the red flashing light will go steady red again.
•Resume conversation.
EXCLUSIVE HOLD — To place a call on hold at your telephone so that other users cannot answer it:
•Press the Hold button twice. The call button will flash green at your telephone.
•To retrieve the call, press the flashing red line button or press the line button a third time.
NOTE: Internal calls are always placed on exclusive hold.
You can transfer a call by notifying the party to which the call is being transferred or without notification.
•While on a call, press the Transfer button then dial an extension number.
•Confirm you hear a ringback tone.
•Wait for the called party to answer and announce the call (optional).
•Replace the handset.
When you transfer a call to another station and receive a busy signal, you can camp the call on to this station. Hang up when you hear the busy signal.The called party is alerted that a call is waiting.
•Call another internal station.
•When receiving a busy tone, press the Func. soft button.
•Scroll to Camp On and press OK button (here ringback tone).Wait for party to answer the call.
NOTE: If you receive No More Calls tone, that station has no button available to receive another call. Press Transfer to return to the caller.
If an outside call is camped-on to your phone or another station is camped-on to you:
•Your keyset rings and the call that is waiting (camped-on) flashes red.
•Press the flashing button to answer; the other call is put on hold automatically if your station has the Automatic Hold feature set. If not, you must press Hold and then the flashing button or finish the first call and hang up; the waiting call will ring.
•Lift the handset or press the Speaker button to answer.
NOTE: Intercom calls will not go on Automatic Hold.
To make a conference call while engaged in a conversation:
•Press the Conference button and receive conference tone.
•Make another call, either intercom or outside, press the Conference button and receive conference tone.
•Make another call or press the Conference button to join all parties. You can conference up to five parties (you and four others).
•Repeat the last step until all parties are added. Conf a second time to put all calls bridged together.
•Hang up to leave the conference call.
NOTE: When attempting to add another party to the conference and you are not able to reach the desired person, hang up. Simply press the Conference button again to return to the previous conversation.
To drop a party from your conference call:
•Press the Conference button and dial the extension or line number that is to be dropped.
•Press the Conference button again to reestablish the conference.
You can forward your calls to another station, group of stations, or an external telephone number. Program a destination for the type of forwarding you want by pressing Menu, then Call Forward, to set the forwarding number to All, Busy, No Answer, and Busy/No Answer.
VOLUME CONTROL — Vol button is used to adjust the volume of a handset, speaker and ringing sound.
Volume Control of a Handset
•Adjusts the handset volume while busy (handset offhook).
•To increase the volume of a handset, press the top side [+] of the Vol button.
•To decrease the volume of a handset, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol button.
Volume Control of a Speaker
•Adjusts the speaker volume while busy in speaker mode.
•To increase the volume of a speaker, press the top side [+] of the Vol button.
•To decrease the volume of a handset, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol button.
Volume Control of a Ringing Tone
•During an incoming call, to increase the volume of a speaker, press the top side [+] of the Vol button while ringing.
•To decrease the volume of a handset, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol button while ringing.
Volume Control of Key Tone
•To increase the volume of the key tones, press the top side [+] of the Vol button.
•To decrease the volume of the key tones, press the bottom side [-] of the Vol button.
NOTE: By pressing the Vol button in idle mode, the user can also adjust the key tone volume.
CALL LOG BUTTON — Provides direct access to a list of the most recent calls, outgoing calls, incoming calls, missed calls, and an option to delete all (or clear) all calls from the call log. The Call Log button is also used to scroll (s Up) the soft menus display.
PHONE BOOK BUTTON — Provides direct access to the user’s phonebook of stored contacts. The Phone Book button is also used to scroll (t Down) the soft menus display.
OK BUTTON — This function is used to enter, save or complete the selected option in the display.
SPEAKER BUTTON — This function is used to go on and off hook in the handsfree speakerphone mode.
MENU SOFT KEY — This menu displays the following options:
NOTE: The Call Log (s Up) and Phone Book (t Down) buttons can be used to navigate through these options.
1.PHONEBOOK: Maintains frequently dialed names and numbers in a PhoneBook. Search and initiate calls by: Speed Dial, Associated Names, or Telephone Numbers.
2.CALL LOG: Provides direct access to a list of most recent calls, outgoing calls, incoming calls, missed calls, and an option to delete all (or clear) all calls from the Call Log.
3.MESSAGE: This function allows users to select which desired type of messages is viewed. Users can select and view the following options: Voicemail Messages, Station Messages, E-Mail (optional with IP-UMS only), and Short Message Service (SMS). Short Message Service is similar to sending text messaging [Function only supported to other internal station users with ITP or SMT-i phones].
4.SOUND: Sets Volume levels of various telephone functions. Scroll to select desired option setting. When setting Ring Type and Ringer Volume, each key tone level is heard while scrolling through them.
5.SECURITY: The function allows the user to lock or unlock an individual station from dialing out, and to change the station password.There are three options: Unlock (Station user is able to make any calls without restrictions), Locked Out (The station cannot make calls outside the system. The station can, however,make and receive internal calls and incoming CO calls,and outbound 911 emergency calls), and Lock All Calls (The station cannot make or receive any calls. Incoming, outgoing, internal calls and emergency calls are all blocked on a locked all station).
6.CALL FORWARD: Sends phone calls to a different station. Program a destination for the preferred forwarding options: Disable, All, Busy, No Answer, Busy/No Answer, Do Not Disturb, and Follow Me Status.
7.SETTINGS: This function allows the user to set the following option: Dial Mode (Overlap or Enbloc), Language (default English), Network Information (IP address, gateway, Server, etc), Phone Information (software version), AOM Set, and Clear User Set.
FUNC. SOFT BUTTON — This function allows a user one touch easy access to many of the system features. When pressed, the following options are displayed: Last Number Redial, Save/Repeat, Speed Dial, Directory, VM Message, Station Message, Page Pickup, Direct
Pickup, DND, In/Out Group, Status Message, Hold Pickup, Page, Meet Me Page, OHVA Block, Group Pickup, and My Group Pickup. The Call Log (s Up) and Phone Book (t Down) buttons can be used to scroll up and down the list of features under the Func. button.
Example of using the Last Number Redial feature:
•Press the Func. Soft button, scroll to Last Redial, then press OK button. The last number called from the phone is called.
NOTE: For detail operation of the list of features under the Func. soft button, please refer to the System Features section of the user guide.
This function is used to display all 99 programmable feature buttons of the phone. The Call Log (s Up) or Phone Book (t Down) buttons can be used to scroll up and down the list of 99 programmable feature buttons under the AOM module.
Example of dialing a speed dial number using the AOM function:
•Press the AOM soft button, scroll to Speed Dial, then press OK button. Enter the bin number (00~999).
NOTE: Some programmed features such as speed dialing and DSS buttons can be used to process calls; other programmed buttons such as Call buttons can only be viewed.
The soft AOM button can also display status indications for station keys, trunks, voice mail messages, etc.
Example of programming a DSS button on the soft AOM:
•Press the Menu soft button.
•Using the Call Log (s Up) or Phone Book (t Down) buttons, scroll to Settings and press OK, then scroll to and select AOM Setting.
•Scroll to the soft AOM button to program (for example: 04).
•Press the Edit soft button (the display will show AOM index 4).
•Using the Left and Right soft buttons, scroll to the feature option (for example: DSS).
•Move down and enter the extension number (for example: 2003).
•Move down, use the dial pad to enter name (for example: John Dow). Refer to Text Input Method.
•Press the Save soft button to exit and save the setting.
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 1 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 1
Keyset User Guide
For OfficeServ™ 7000 Series Systems
Краткое содержание страницы № 2
smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 2 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THIS BOOK …………………………………………………………………………………………1 SECTION 1. CAUTION AND PREPARATION ………………………………2 CAUTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 PREPARATION ……………..
Краткое содержание страницы № 3
smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 4 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 5 CONFERENCE CALLS……………………………………………………………………………………19 DIALING FEATURES ……………………………………………………………………………………..44 Speed Dialing………………………………………………………………………………………………….44 FORWARDING CALL
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 6 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 1 Ring Preference………………………………………………………………………………………………58 Display Speed Dial Name …………………………………………………………………………….58 Caller ID Review All ……………………………………………………………………………………….59 Secure OHVA
Краткое содержание страницы № 5
smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 2 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:07 PM Page 3 CAUTION � Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to its power source. � If there is dirt or moisture on the pin contact surface of a power plug, pull out the plug and wipe it away with a cloth. If dirt or moisture remains on the prod- uct even after wiping, contact the service center. SECTION 1. � For the power connection port of the phone, use the
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:08 PM Page 4 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:09 PM Page 5 Connect the LAN cable (connected through the middle hole of the base to a network) to the LAN port of the phone, as shown in the figure. PREPARATION When power is supplied from the LAN port (PoE) (802.3af), the phone is powered via LAN connection. CHECK THE CONTENTS OF THE BOX If PoE is not supported, connect the power adapter to the power (-DV 5V) Check if the product pack
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:09 PM Page 6 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:09 PM Page 7 SMT-i3105 LAYOUT LCD Screen Soft Key Telephone Status Indicator Call Log (s Up) SECTION 2. Handset OK Button Phone Book (t Down) Transfer Button PHONE FUNCTIONS Programmable Buttons Hold Button Conference Button Volume Controls Mute Button Speaker Button (Handsfree Speakerphone) Dial Pad NOTE: The words “key” and “button” are interchangeable. NAMES AND FUNCTIONS Button Func
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:10 PM Page 8 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:10 PM Page 9 Button Function KEY FUNCTIONS u Transfer Button Used to enable the call transfer function. Used to set up one touch feature button on the phone. i Programmable Button o Hold Button Used to place a call on hold. NETWORK: The SMT-i3105 uses VoIP communication through an already- a Conference Button Used for conference calls. installed public or private data network. Used to c
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:10 PM Page 10 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 11 TEXT INPUT METHOD DESCRIPTION OF ICONS Using the dial and direction buttons on the phone, you can enter and modify the The following icons are displayed on the screen. English characters, numeric and special characters. Icon Description Whenever you press the dial button [] on a text input screen, the input mode is Shows that ‘Call Forward’ is enabled. advanced in seque
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 12 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 13 EASY INSTALL WIZARD SMT-i3105 SETUP By selecting this option, the System Easy Wizard can guide you through setting up your network parameters. If you want to set up these parameters individually, fol- INITIALIZING THE SMT-i3105 low the instructions below. Initially the SMT-i3105 IP keyset will need to be setup to operate within the users � From the idle phone press Menu,
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 14 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 15 CONFIGURATION MENU STRUCTURE The Configuration Menu options are as follows: 1. EASY INSTALL This option will guide you through setting up all required parameters for con- necting the SMT keyset to your system. 2. PHONE INFO 1. Version Info: Provides boot rom, software, DSP, and hardware version information and date. SECTION 3. 2. Network Info: Displays network mode, IP ad
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 16 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 17 This section provides the basic operation of your Samsung Multimedia Telephone INTERNAL CALLS — To place a call to another extension at your location: SMT-i3105. � Lift the handset. � Dial the extension number or group number. LOGGING IN & OUT [If Hot Desking is Enabled] � Wait for the party to answer. If you hear a brief tone burst instead of ringback If enabled, your SM
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 18 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 19 PLACING A CALL ON HOLD CALL WAITING If an outside call is camped-on to your phone or another station is camped-on to Calls can be placed on System Hold or Exclusive Hold. A call placed on System you: Hold can be picked up from any extension. Calls placed on Exclusive Hold can only be picked up from the extension that placed them on hold. � Your keyset rings and the call t
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 20 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 21 SPEAKER BUTTON — This function is used to go on and off hook in the hands- OTHER FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS free speakerphone mode. VOLUME CONTROL — Vol button is used to adjust the volume of a handset, MENU SOFT KEY — This menu displays the following speaker and ringing sound. options: Volume Control of a Handset NOTE: The Call Log (s Up) and Phone Book (t Down) � Adjusts th
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 22 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 23 � Move down and enter the extension number (for example: 2003). FUNC. SOFT BUTTON — This function allows a user � Move down, use the dial pad to enter name (for example: John Dow). Refer to one touch easy access to many of the system features. Text Input Method. When pressed, the following options are displayed: Last � Press the Save soft button to exit and save the setti
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 24 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 25 BASIC MENUS The basic menus screen is displayed if you select the Menu from the soft menu at the left bottom of a idle screen. Using the Call Log (s Up) or Phone Book (t Down) buttons, move to a desired function, and press the [OK] button to execute the function. SOFT BUTTON STRUCTURE SECTION 4. PHONE FEATURES MENU SOFT BUTTON Item Sub-Item Description Shows the entire li
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 26 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 27 2. Search Number Item Sub-Item Description Allows a user to search by name/number for a phone number saved in the phone Allows a user to adjust the volume of the 4. Sound book. 1. Volume ringtone, handset, speaker, key tone, page, and BGM Off Hook (OHVA). � Press the Phonebook button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to 2. Ring Tone Allows a user to select the rington
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 28 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 29 2. Outgoing Outgoing Calls Icon 3. MESSAGE This function lists the phone numbers of recent outgoing calls. � Press the Call Log button—OR—press the Menu soft button, scroll to Call 1. Voice Mail Messages Log, press OK, scroll to Outgoing, and press OK. A phone number list of recent This function allows users to retrieve voice mail message from the mailbox. outgoing calls
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:11 PM Page 30 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:12 PM Page 31 NEW MESSAGE (SEND) 4. SOUND This function is used to adjust the selected volume levels This function is used to create and send a new short text message. on each phone. This is the same option as station lock in � Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Message, then press OK. Scroll to Short MMC 114. Message [], then press OK. Scroll to New Msg, then press OK. � Write or c
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smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:12 PM Page 32 smt-i3105_combined_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:12 PM Page 33 DIAL MODE � Press the Menu soft button, scroll to Settings, then press OK. � Scroll to Dial Mode , then press OK. s s t t � Using the Call Log / Phonebook buttons select Enbloc or Overlap, then press Save soft button or press OK button. � Choose Overlap to dial number and have it automatic dial out, use Enbloc to press # sign to dial. LANGUAGE SECTION 5. � Press the Menu