Телефон win ii dmp330 инструкция

Со стороны может показаться, что это обычный мобильный телефон с поддержкой Wi-Fi и SIP, которую можно найти во многих мобильных телефонах, но если присмотреться, окажется что прежде всего это все таки профессиональное оборудование, в котором основной упор сделан на качественную и долговременную работу в сети Wi-Fi по протоколу SIP. Остальные же функции являются приятным дополнением, которым пользователь может всегда воспользоваться по своему желанию. Но для начала, как всегда немного истории.

Чуть более трех лет назад на этом блоге вышел обзор Wi-Fi SIP-телефона Welltech WP589. На тот момент на рынке имелся огромный спрос на переносные Wi-Fi телефоны, а предложение ограничивалось всего несколькими моделями, среди которых WP589 выделялся своей доступностью и необходимым функционалом. Несколько лет этот телефон бы почти единственным выбором для бизнеса и частных пользователей. Но к сожалению, более года назад производство WelltechWP589 было свернуто и на сегодняшний день мы пришли к огромному дефициту на рынке мобильных Wi-FI IP-телефонов. Некоторое время поиска и выбора позволило нам остановиться на далеко не новой, но все еще актуальной модели Tecom DMP330.

Сперва, я бы хотел уточнить, что Tecom вовсе не является новинкой на рынке VoIP. За этим названием кроется один из самых опытных производителей коммуникационного оборудования, центры разработки и заводы которого расположены на территории Тайваня. Несмотря на масштабы производства, большая часть продукции Tecom появлялась на рынке под марками других брендов или телефонных компаний, таких как Vertical Communications, Telco Depot и др. Самым же известным на сегодняшний день продуктом компании Tecom, являются новый бренд, созданный этой компанией для продвижения под собственной торговой маркой самых инновационных продуктов, которые уже начали завоевывать восточные и западные рынки. Под маркой MOCET (обратили внимание на зеркальное написание?) уже сегодня выпускаются самые современные и функциональные IP-телефоны и оригинальные док станции, превращающие практически любой смартфон и планшетный компьютер под управлением iOS или Android в удобный и надежный настольный коммуникатор. Продукция MOCET только начала появляться на российском рынке, но на зарубежных выставках этот бренд уже давно завоевал огромную популярность.

Как и другая продукция Tecom, герой сегодняшнего обзора — DMP330 ранее появлялся на рынке под разными торговыми марками, например как Hitachi DMP330. Даже сейчас на аппарате красуется аббревиатура WIN II, но мне все таки хочется отдать дань производителю, поэтому в данном обзоре я буду использовать в качестве наименования именно Tecom DMP330.

Основные возможности Tecom DMP330:

  • Цветной LCD-экран 1.8 » (175 * 220 пикселей);
  • Поддержка SIP (10 профилей);
  • Поддержка Wi-Fi (802.11b /g);
  • Поддержка GSM (900/1800/1900);
  • Телефонной книга на 1000 номеров;
  • Громкая связь;
  • 1.3-мегапиксельная камера;
  • Объем встроенной памяти — 64 Мб;
  • Слот для карт памяти (MicroSD);
  • Электронная почта (POP3 / IMAP4);
  • 64 полифонических мелодий / Виброзвонок;
  • Время работы: в режиме разговора до 4 часов, в режиме ожидания до 180 часов.


Tecom DMP330 поставляется в красивой упаковке — белая коробка с цветной декоративной обложкой.

Комплект поставки

В комплект поставки Tecom DMP330 входит: сам телефон, сетевое зарядное устройство в выходом на USB, зарядный кабель USB — MiniUSB, аккумулятор, проводная гарнитура, CD диск с инструкцией и ПО, книжка с инструкцией на английском.

Конструкция и внешний вид

Телефон представляет собой классический моноблок, выполненный из темного, приятного на ощупь пластика. Лицевую панель окружает серебристая окантовка, придающая телефону очень солидный вид. Корпус собран очень точно, все детали прилегают плотно друг к другу без малейшего скрипа.

На лицевой панели расположен большой цветной дисплей, ушной динамик и клавиатурный блок, включающий цифровую клавиатуру, пятипозиционный манипулятор и клавиши навигации.

На задней стенке расположен динамик звонка и громкой связи, объектив камеры и крышка батарейного отсека.

Под крышкой располагается аккумулятор и гнездо пол SIM карту. Здесь же находится наклейка с указанием, модели телефона, IMAI, и MAC адреса.

На нижней кромке находится гнездо Mini-USB, которое служит для зарядки, синхронизации и подключения проводной гарнитуры. Справа расположены клавиши регулировки громкости и гнездо для карты памяти MicroSD. Слева — клавиша спуска фотоаппарата.

Настройка и использование

Для начала использования вставляем аккумулятор и подключаем телефон к зарядке на пару часов. После полного заряда включаем аппарат и производим первичную настройку. Очень удобно, что интересующие нас основные функции, таки как настройка Wi-FI и SIP удобно собраны в одном подменю «VoIP», которое вызывается нажатием клавиши джойстика вверх.

Теперь нам понадобится всего несколько шагов и пара минут, чтобы подготовить телефон для первого звонка:

1. Заходим в меню Wireless LAN , далее Searching for networks. На экране отображается список доступных поблизости Wi-Fi сетей.

2. Выбираем необходимую сеть и вводим пароль в открывшемся запросе. Выбор регистра букв и переключение на цифровую клавиатуру производится клавишей #. После ввода пароля, при удачном соединении, справа на экране отобразится вертикальный индикатор уровня сигнала сети.

3. Возвращаемся в меню VoIP, нажав клавишу «Вверх», и выбираем подменю SIP Setting, далее Profilw Setting. Перед нами список из 10-ти доступных SIP профилей, которые могу использоваться на телефоне. Заходим в Prifile 1, убедившись, что напротив него стоит галочка, указывающая активный профиль. Далее — Edit.

4. Главные настройки SIP аккаунта находятся в меню Accaunt Setting. Здесь мы указываем: SIP Server, SIP Port (по умолчанию 5060), Displey Name (отображение на экране), Username, Auth. Name и Password. После ввода всех настроек указываем Done и на вопрос о сохранении выбираем Yes.

5. Возвращаемся в меню VoIP через команду Back и выбираем подменю Login. При удачном соединении вы увидите на секунду надпись Login Susses, а в верхней строке экрана появится значок VOIP.

Телефон готов к работе!

Для совершения звонка нужно набрать номер на клавиатуре, выбрать его в телефонной книге или истории звонков. После набора или выбора номера, начать вызов двумя способами: безусловно — нажав клавишу начала звонка, или опционально — выбрав верхней левой клавишей меню Option. При безусловном наборе вызов пойдет по выбранной настройках линией по умолчанию. При выборе опций, мы получим меню с выбором: Звонок через VoIP, Звонок через GSM, изменение набранного номера, сохранение набранного номера.

Во время звонка нам доступны две программные клавиши. Верхняя правая клавиша позволяет переключить вызов на громкую связи и обратно. Верхняя левая клавиша вызывает меню позволяющее: завершить вызов, переадресовать вызов на другой номер (Transfer), набрать новый номер, выбрать номер в телефонной книге, отключить микрофон (Mute) или вызывать панель донабора (DTMF).

При наборе второго номера, первый звонок уходит в режим ожидания (Hold). Опции вызова при одновременном втором звонке отлисаются. Теперь мы можем: отправить второй вызов на ожидание, переключить вызовы, связать вызовы в трехстороннюю конференцию, закончить активный вызов, закончить оба вызова, переадресовать активный вызов.

Пользоваться телефоном для звонков очень удобно, он хорошо лежит в руке и имеет легкую в управлении клавиатуру. При звонке звук громкий и чистый. Вы прекрасно слышите собеседника, а он вас в свою очередь. Управление основными функциями при звонке, такими как: переадресация вызова, набор дополнительного номера, создание конференции, Mute и DTMF, очень удобно и не требуют длительного привыкания. Каждая команда имеет свой номер, запомнив который, вы можете очень быстро набрать команду на клавиатуре.

Теперь пробежимся по основному меню телефона, чтобы познакомиться со всеми его функциями и настройками.

Основное меню вызывается нажатием верхней левой клавиши из основного окна. Меню оформлено в виде значков, отвечающих за отдельные пункты:

  • Messeges — работа с SMS, MMS, Chat, Email
  • Call History — принятые, набранные, пропущенные, статистика времени звонков
  • Contact -поиск в контактном листе, работа с группами контактов, добавление новой записи. Каждый контакт может содержать: Имя, мобильный номер, домашний номер, компания, E-mail, рабочий номер, факс, дата рождения, фото, видео, сигнал вызова, группа, Voip URL.
  • VoIP — New Call, Login, SIP Setting, SIP Status, Wireles LAN
  • Servises — сервисы мобильного оператора
  • File Manager — отображение объема памяти, работа с каталогами и файлами
  • Camera — работа с фотокамерой, запись видео, просмотр изображений и видео, редактор изображений
  • Entertainment — Java игры, обычные игры, работа с темами оформления, диктофон, редактор мелодий (вот такого раньше я не видел)
  • Audio Pleyer — проигрывание аудио и видео файлов
  • Organizer — календарь, To Do List, будильник, записки, E-book Reader
  • Aplication — Bluetooth, Мировые часы, калькулятор, конвертер величин, конвертер валют, здоровье: BMI, Менструальный календарь (вот даже так).


  — Пользовательские профили — много готовых профилей для обычного использования, улицы, встречи, использования с проводной или Bluetooth гарнитурой;
  — Настройки дисплея — обои, скринсейвер, управление временем выключения дисплея;
  — Настройки телефона — время и дата, язык интерфейса (английский или китайский — русского нет), предпочтения для ввода символов, кодировка по умолчанию, текст приветствия, настройка быстрого набора, настройка функций клавиш джойстика, настройка обновления системы;
  — Настройки звонков — Coller ID, ожидание вызова, отклонение вызова, переключение линий, сигналы о длительности звонка;
  — Настройки сети — предпочтения и разрешения между GSM и безпроводной сетями;
  — Настройки безопасности — настройки блокировки сим карты и телефона, автоблокировки клавиатуры;
  — Сброс к заводским настройкам;
  — Звуковые эффекты — настройка эквалайзера, мелодии для удержания вызова;
  — Быстрые клавиши.

Как мы видим, DMP330 — это не просто телефон а целый программно-аппаратный комплекс, включающий в себя помимо основных голосовых и сетевых функций, массу дополнительных приложений и настроек. Этот телефон может выполнять функции продвинутого органайзера, фотокамеры, мультимедийного центра и многие другие. Телефон очень гибко настраивается и позволяет очень точно подобрать необходимые индивидуальные настройки.

Преимущества Tecom DMP330:

  • Поддержка Wi-Fi и SIP.
  • 10 независимых SIP аккаунтов.
  • Поддержка GSM.
  • Цветной информативный дисплей.
  • Телефонные функции: удержание, перевод или отклонение вызовов, режим конференции.
  • Громкая связь.
  • Поддержка Bluetooth.
  • Компактные размеры.
  • Длительно время автономной работы.

К минусам телефона, я бы отнес отсутствие веб-интерфейса, стакана для зарядки и невозможность закрытия паролем доступа к важным настройкам. Все эти факторы могут негативно сказаться при выборе данного телефона корпоративными пользователями. Также огорчила неспособность телефона использовать 3G для VoIP звонков. С учетом заявленных возможностей GSM, это не оказалось бы лишним.

В целом Tecom DMP330 вполне не плохо показал себя. Даже если отбросить все дополнительные возможности, такие как поддержку GSM, камеру, органайзер, аудио и видео плееры и тп, мы получим простой и удобный Wi-Fi SIP телефон с прекрасными звуковыми характеристиками и большим временем работы. Стоит отметить готовности телефона для работы по Bluetooth протоколу для использования с гарнитурой или беспроводным спикерфоном.

Обзор подготовил Евгений Горбарский


Гостевой пост от Voip-shop.ru. С 2005 года компания представляет на российском рынке полный спектр оборудования для IP-телефонии (VoIP), унифицированных коммуникаций (UC), call-центоров и конфренц-комнат. Компания является надежным поставщиком товаров и решений в области телефонии по всей России, предлагая индивидуальные условия для предприятий, реселлеров, интеграторов, монтажных организаций и частных лиц.



GENERAL INFORMATION……………………………………………. 7

Battery care……………………………………………………………….. 7

Access codes …………………………………………………………….. 8

Care and maintenance ………………………………………………… 10

Important safety information …………………………………………. 12

DMP330……………………………………………………………………… 21

Product Package ………………………………………………………… 21

Phone Layout …………………………………………………………….. 22

Keypad Description …………………………………………………….. 24

Icon Description on Standby Mode Screen ……….…………….. 27

GETTING STARTED ……………………………………………………. 31

Installing the SIM card and the battery……..…………………….. 31

Charging the battery……………………………………………………. 32

Switching the phone on and off……………………………………… 35

Function without plug-in SIM card………………………………….. 35

CALL FUNCTION………………………………………………………… 36


Making a call from the Contact ……………………………………… 36

Making an international call ………………………………………….. 37

Answering an incoming call ………………………………………….. 37

Rejecting the incoming call …………………………………………… 37

Call waiting………………………………………………………………… 37

Making a conference call ……………………………………………… 38

Tips for call options……………………………………………………… 39

Text editing using input method …………………………………….. 39

MESSAGES ………………………………………………………. 43

SMS …………………………………………………………………………. 43

Multimedia Message Service (MMS) ……..…….………………… 50

Chat …………………………………………………………………………. 61

E-mail……………………………………………………………………….. 63

Voice Mail Server………………………………………………………… 63

Broadcast Message…………………………………………………….. 64

CALL HISTORY …………………………………………………. 65

Missed calls……………………………………………………………….. 66

Dialed Calls ……………………………………………………………….. 66


Received Calls …………………………………………………………… 67

Delete Call Log…………………………………………………………… 68

Call Time …………………………………………………………………… 68

Call Cost……………………………………………………………………. 69

SMS Counter……………………………………………………………… 69

GRPS Counter …………………………………………………………… 70

CONTACT ………………………………………………………… 70

Quick Search……………………………………………………………… 71

Search Entry………………………………………………………………. 71

Add New Entry …………………………………………………………… 73

Copy All …………………………………………………………………….. 73

Delete……………………………………………………………………….. 74

Caller Group………………………………………………………………. 74

Search By Caller Group……………………………………………….. 75

Extra Number …………………………………………………………….. 76

Settings …………………………………………………………………….. 76

VOIP ………………………………………………………………… 77

Preferred Mode ………………………………………………………….. 78


Enable WLAN and search for network ……………………………. 78

SIP Setting ………………………………………………………………… 80

Make a New VoIP Call …………………………………………………. 82

SERVICES ………………………………………………………… 84

WAP …………………………………………………………………………. 84

Data Account……………………………………………………………… 90

FILE MANAGER ………………………………………………… 92

CAMERA ………………………………………………………….. 93

Camera …………………………………………………………………….. 93

Image Viewer …………………………………………………………….. 97

Video Recorder…………………………………………………………… 98

Video Player ………………………………………………………………. 103

Photo Editor……………………………………………………………….. 104


ENTERTAINMENT ……………………………………………… 106

Java …………………………………………………………………………. 106

Java Setting……………………………………………………………….. 106

Games………………………………………………………………………. 106

Themes …………………………………………………………………….. 107

Sound Recorder …………………………………………………………. 107

Melody Compose………………………………………………………… 109

AUDIO PLAYER ………………………………………………… 113

Play the music……………………………………………………………. 114

ORGANIZER …………………………………………………….. 117

Calendar……………………………………………………………………. 117

To do list……………………………………………………………………. 118

Alarm………………………………………………………………………… 119

E-book Reader …………………………………………………………… 120


APPLICATION …………………………………………………… 123

Bluetooth …………………………………………………………………… 123

World Clock ……………………………………………………………….. 126

Calculator ………………………………………………………………….. 127

Unit converter …………………………………………………………….. 128

Currency converter……………………………………………………… 128

Health……………………………………………………………………….. 129

Stopwatch………………………………………………………………….. 130

SETTINGS ……………………………………………………………. 132

User profiles ………………………………………………………………. 132

Display Characteristic………………………………………………….. 135

Phone setup ………………………………………………………………. 136

Call setup ………………………………………………………………….. 141

Network Setup……………………………………………………………. 145

Security Setup ……………………………………………………………. 150

Restore Factory Settings ……………………………………………… 152

Sound Effect………………………………………………………………. 152

Shortcuts …………………………………………………………………… 153

EMERGENCY CALLS ………………………………………………….. 153


General information

Battery care

DMP330 is powered by a rechargeable battery.

The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds

of times but it will eventually wear out. When the

operating time (talking time and standby time) is

noticeably shorter than normal, user should buy a new

battery at this time.

Unplug the charger when not in use. Don’t leave the

battery connected to a charger for longer than a week,

since overcharging may shorten its lifetime.

Overcharging may shorten its lifetime, and if left unused

a fully charged battery may discharge itself over time.

If the phone is not in use and charged for a long time,

over-discharge may happen.

Over-discharge may cause DMP330 to be charged

abnormally and the indication of battery in charge

cannot be seen immediately once the battery is charged.

The indication of battery in charge may only be seen

after 20 minutes.


Temperature extremes can affect the ability of your

battery to charge.

Do not use any charger or battery that is damaged in

any way.

Use the battery only for its intended purpose.

Extreme temperatures will affect the charging capacity

of your battery.

Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, such as in

a car in summer or winter condition.

Do not short-circuit the battery. Short-circuiting the

terminals may damage the battery or the connecting


Dispose of batteries according to local regulations.

Always recycle. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.

Access codes

PIN code

The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code protects your

SIM card against unauthorized. Your SIM card usually supplies

the PIN code.


Note: User may need to obtain the password from your service


Note: If user key in an incorrect PIN code three times in succession,

user may need to key in PUK code.

PIN2 code

The PIN2 code may be supplied with the SIM card. Some

functions will require PIN2 support.

Note: Your may need to obtain the password from your service


PUK code

The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is required to change

a blocked PIN code. The PUK code is required to change a

blocked PIN2 code.

Note: User may need to obtain the password from your service


Note: If user keys in an incorrect PIN2 code three times in

succession, user may need to key in PUK2 code.

Note: If user key in an incorrect PUK code ten times in succession,


the SIM card cannot be used anymore. Contact your service provider for

a new card.

Phone code

Phone code protects the phone against unauthorized use. It is

not activated in default. User can activate this function and

change the default phone code (1122) to any four to eight-digit

personal codes.

Care and maintenance

Read this information before using your mobile phone.

Your mobile phone is a highly sophisticated electronic device.

When use DMP330, battery, charger or any accessory, please

read this first.

Product care

Keep your mobile phone and all its parts out of young

children’s reach.

Keep your mobile phone dry.

Avoid exposing your mobile phone to extreme hot or

cold temperatures.


Avoid placing your mobile phone close to lit cigarettes,

naked flames or any heat source.

Do not attempt to disassemble it. Non-expert handling

of the device may damage it.

Do not drop, knock or shake it. Rough handling can

break internal circuit boards.

Do not paint your mobile phone as the paint could

obstruct the earphone, microphone or any moveable

parts and prevent normal use.

Treat your mobile phone with care, keep it in a clean

and dust free place.

Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the

phone is switched on. Contact with the antenna affects

call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a

higher power level that needed and shorten talk and

standby times.

Hold the phone as user speaks to any other telephone.

While speaking directly into the microphone, angle the

antenna in a direction up and over your shoulder. If the

antenna is extendable/retractable, it should be

extended during the call.


Important safety information

FCC Regulations

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation

is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may

not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept

any interference received, including interference that may cause

undesired operation.

This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits

for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC

Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable

protection against harmful interference in a residential

installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated

radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in

accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful

interference to radio communications. However, there is no

guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular

installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to

radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning

the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to

correct the interference by one or more of the following



Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

Increase the separation between the equipment and


Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit

different from that to which the receiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV

technician for help.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party

responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to

operate the equipment.

RF Exposure Information (SAR)

This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure

to radio waves.

This device is designed and manufactured not

to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency

(RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of

the U.S. Government.

The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit of

measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.

The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg. *Tests for SAR are

conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the


FCC with the device transmitting at its highest certified power

level in all tested frequency bands.

Although the SAR is

determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR

level of the device while operating can be well below the

maximum value. This is because the device is designed to

operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser

required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to

a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.

The highest SAR value for the device as reported to the FCC

when tested for use at the ear is 0.564 W/kg for PCS Head SAR

and 0.2 W/kg for WLAN Head SAR and when worn on the body,

as described in this user guide, is 0.864 W/kg for PCS Body

SAR and 0.434 W/kg for WLAN Body SAR. (Body-worn

measurements differ among device models, depending upon

available enhancements and FCC requirements.)

While there may be differences between the SAR levels of

various devices and at various positions, they all meet the

government requirement.

The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device

with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the

FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this device

is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant


section of http://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid after searching on FCC ID:


For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets

the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that

contains no metal and the positions the handset a minimum of

1.5 cm from the body. Use of other enhancements may not

ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. If you

do no t use a body-worn accessory and are not holding the

device at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from

your body when the device is switched on.

Radio frequency energy

Your mobile phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. When the

phone is turned on, it receives and transmits radio frequency

(RF) energy. Depending on the type of mobile phone user

posses, it operates on different frequency ranges and employs

commonly used modulation techniques. The system that

handles your call when user is using phone controls the power

level at which DMP330 transmits.


Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information.

DMP330 has been designed to comply with applicable safety

requirement for exposure to radio waves. This requirement is

based on scientific organizations through periodic and thorough

evaluation of scientific studies. These guidelines include safety

margins designed to assure this safety of all persons, regardless

of age and health.

The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit of

measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate,

or SAR. Tests for SAR are conducted using

standardized method with the phone transmitting at this

highest certified power level in all used frequency


The SAR limit recommended by the international

Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection

(ICNIRP), which is 2W/kg averaged over then (10) gram

of tissue.

This highest SAR value for this model phone tested by

ADT for use at the ear is 0.49W/kg (10g).

SAR data information for residents in countries/regions

that have adopted the SAR limit recommended by the


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),

which is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one (1) gram of tissue.

Electronic devices

Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF energy.

However, certain electronic equipment may not be shielded

against the RF signals from your wireless phone, therefore:

Do not use your mobile phone near medical equipment

without requesting permission.


Mobile phones may affect the operation of some implanted

cardiac pacemakers and other medically implanted equipment.

Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum

separation of 20 cm (6 inches) be maintained between a

hand-held wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential

interference with the pacemaker. These recommendations are

consistent with the independent research by and

recommendations of Wireless Technology Research.

Persons with pacemakers:

Should always keep the phone more than 20 cm (6


inches) from their pacemaker when the phone is

switched on;

Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket;

Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize

the potential for interference.

If user has any reason to suspect that interference is

taking place, switch off DMP330 immediately.

Hearing aids

Some hearing aids might be disturbed by mobile phones. In the

event of such disturbance, user may want to consult your

service provider, or call the customer services line to discuss



Turn off your mobile phone before boarding any aircraft.

Do not use it on the ground without crew permission

To prevent interference with communication systems, user must

not use your mobile phone while the plane is in the air.


Potentially explosive atmospheres

Switch off DMP330 when in any area with a potentially explosive

atmosphere and obey all signs and instructions. It is rare, but

DMP330 or its accessories could generate sparks. Sparks in

such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily

injury or even death. Areas with a potentially explosive

atmosphere are often, but not always, clearly marked. They

include fuelling areas, such as petrol station, below deck on

boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, and areas

where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust,

or metal powders and any other area where user would normally

be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.


Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in

the areas where user drive. If user is going to use DMP330 while

driving, please:

Give full attention to driving

Use handsfree. Law in many countries requires vehicle


Pull off the road and park before making or answering a


call if driving conditions so require.

RF energy may affect some electronic systems in motor vehicles

such as car stereo, safety equipment etc. in addition; some

vehicle manufacturers do not allow use of mobile phones,

unless the installation is supported by a handsfree kit with an

external antenna in their vehicles. Check with your vehicle

manufacturer’s representative to be sure that your mobile phone

will not affect the electronic systems in your vehicle.



Product Package

The package includes the following elements:




Download cable



Phone Layout



Keypad Description

Key Icon

Key Name Main Function Description

Power Key

Hold this key for at least two

seconds to power on/off the phone.

Reject an incoming call.

End a call in progress.

Go back to the idle screen.

Dialing Key

Dial a phone call.

Confirm selection in menu


Answer an incoming call.

Check the call history of

dialed/missed/received calls in

standby mode.


Navigation Keys

Browse functions/options in menu


Move the cursor in text editing.

Quick access to the following

functions in idle screen:

: Audio Player

: Call Group of Friends

: Messages

: Tone Setup

Center Navigation Key

Confirm selection in menu operation.

Quick access to WLAN searching by

holding two seconds at least

Left Soft Key (LSK)

Enter the main menu in standby


While checking recently called

numbers, store the numbers in the

phone book.

Confirm the setting.


Right Soft Key (RSK)

Enter contact list in standby mode.

Delete characters in text editing.

(Press and hold 2 sec. or up) Delete

all characters in editing mode.

Number Keys

Key in alphabets of “A ~ Z” and “a ~


Key in numbers of 1, 2, ~ 9, 0.

Hold key “1”

for at least 2 seconds to

enter voice mailbox.

Hold one of keys “2” ~ “9” for dialing

a predefined speed-dialed number.

Long press key “0

generate a “Space” character

Long press key “0” in phone number

dialing to generate an international

call prefix “+” , or “P”, and “W”


Extra Function Key

Key in “*” character.

Key in symbol characters such as

“, : ; ?” in text editing.

In idle screen, hold for at least 2

seconds, switch current user profile

and silent profile alternatively

Pause Key

Key in “#” character

In text editing, change types of input


In idle screen, hold for 2 seconds at

least, activate key lock function.


Volume Key

Adjust keypad tone volume in

standby mode.

Adjust speech volume in talking


Adjust music volume in audio player

Camera Key

Hold on at least 2 seconds to enter

camera function.

Take the picture when in camera


Pause/Resume recording when in

video recorder function


Icon Description on Standby Mode Screen

User may see several icons showed on the status bar on the

display, the following table describes the meanings of these




Battery level

GSM signal strength


WLAN signal strength

WLAN signal in status bar

WLAN off

WLAN connecting

WLAN disconnected

VoIP registered


/ Line 1/Line 2

/ / Call forwarding for L1/L2/L1 and L2



GPRS registered/GPRS connected

Headset plugged in

New short message arrival


MMS unread/busy


Sound recording

Alter type: ringing

Alter type: silent

Alter type: vibration

Alter type: vibration then ringing

Alter type: vibration and ringing

/ /

Voice mail L1/L2/L3


Missed call


Keypad Locked

Bluetooth on

Bluetooth connected

Bluetooth disconnected


Email L1/L2/L3

WAP mail

Stop watch


Chatting room 1/2


Getting Started

Installing the SIM card and the battery

User needs to follow up the following steps to insert the SIM

card and charge the battery before using the phone.

1. Press the back cover release button and take the cover

away as shown in Figure 1

2. Lift the battery away as shown in Figure 2.

3. Insert and slide the SIM card and battery as shown in

Figure 3.

Note: Keep all miniature SIM cards out of the reach of children.

Note: Be careful to handle, insert or remove the SIM card since the

SIM card and its contact can easily be damaged by scratched or bending.

Note: Before installing/removing the SIM card, always make sure


that the phone is switched off.

Charging the battery

User must fully charge the battery before using DMP330 for the

first time.

1. Connect the lead from the travel adapter to the USB socket

on the bottom of DMP330.

2. Connect the charger to an AC wall outlet.

User can charge the battery through

Charger: charge battery from a stand AC power


USB cable: charge battery from devices with USB

host connector (e.g., desktop PC and laptop PC)


Note: When you first use the phone, the battery has to be fully

charged. It takes about 2.5 hours to finish charging an empty battery.

Charging through charger

1. Plug the charger connector into mini-USB socket at the

bottom of phone when phone is either switched on or off.

2. User can hear a “beep” sound and see a message saying

“Charger Connected”, and then charging starts. At this

moment, User can see the battery bar icon running on the

main display screen.

3. Once the charging is completed, a full battery bar icon


4. Remove the charger, user will hear a “beep” sound again

and see a message saying “Charger Removed.”

Charging through USB cable

1. Connect the USB cable to a desktop PC or a laptop PC

which is switched on. Make sure the PC is not in sleep



2. Plug the USB connector into mini-USB socket at the bottom

of phone when phone is either switched on or off.

3. User can hear a “beep” sound and see USB configuration

menu in the display screen. Press key, then

charging starts. At this moment, user can see the battery

bar icon changing on the main display screen.

4. Once the charging is completed, a full battery bar icon


5. Remove USB cable, you will hear a “beep” sound again

and see a message saying “Charger Removed.”

Note: When the battery level is low and indicated by on the

display, user will hear a “beepsound. When the battery level becomes

too low and indicated by on the display, it shall be switched off

automatically in a short time.

Note: If the phone is not in use and charged for a long time,

over-discharge may happen. If user cannot see charging screen upon the

connection of the charger, wait for a period of time and then the charging

will be activated. In case that the charging screen cannot be shown

always, contact service center.


Switching the phone on and off

1. Press and hold key.

2. If the phone asks PIN code, key in the PIN code, and press

Left Soft Key (LSK) to confirm.

Note: If the phone shows “Insert SIM” when SIM card is properly

inserted, contact your network operator or service provider.

Note: Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is

prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.

Function without plug-in SIM card

DMP330 has some functions user can use without plug-in SIM

card. Including:


Call History




File Manager




Audio Player



Setting(except Call Setup and Shortcuts)

Call Function

This gives user information about the calling service that support

in DMP330.

Making a call from the Contact

1. In standby mode, dial number and press .

2. In standby mode, press Right Soft Key (RSK) to

enter Name, select one name from Search and follow by

pressing key to dial.

3. User could also press Menu and choose to enter Contact

submenu to make a call.


Making an international call

For international calls, long press key for the

international prefix (character “+”).

Key in the country code, area code and the phone number.

Press to call.

Answering an incoming call

Press to answer the call.

Rejecting the incoming call

Press to reject the call.

Call waiting

User can answer another incoming call while user has a call in


During a call, press LSK to enter option menu to hold a



Making a conference call

User can make conference call while user has multi calls in


1. Make a call to the first participant.

2. Press LSK and choose New Call to call the second

participant as explained in Make a new call during a call.

3. Press LSK and select Conference. This joins the

calls to the conference.

4. Repeat step 2 and 3 to allow new participants to be

connected to the conference call.

5. Press Option and select End All to end the call or press


6. Any call (participant) can be disconnected by press Option

key and select End Single.

Note: Please user make sure if the operation supports this service or

need to subscribe this service before using this function.


Tips for call options

A call can be connected to any single caller by pressing Option.

When user presses Option during an active call, user would see

the following functions:

1. Hold: put a call on

2. End: end a call.

3. New call: make a new call during an active call.

4. Contact: shortcut to Contact menu.

5. SMS: shortcut to Messages menu.

6. Sound recorder: to record the conversation during an

active phone call.

7. Mute: set On/Off to mute the call during the conversation.

8. DTMF: set On/Off for DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency)

tone dialing system.

Text editing using input method

User can key in text by using the traditional method or predictive

smart input. DMP330 is designed to support six languages:

English, Spanish, French, German, Traditional Chinese and

Simplified Chinese languages


To select input method

1. When key in text, press Option and select Input Method.

2. User can also change input method by short press


To insert a space

In T9abc, user could use key to insert spaces.

Traditional English input

DMP330 provides Multitap function. For example, press

key twice to display the letter B”, and press three times to

display the letter “C”. The following table shows the mapping of

keypads of “0” ~ “9” and the associated characters.


English characters table


Text entry with “T9”

“T9” uses a built-in dictionary to recognize the most commonly

used word for every sequence of key presses.

The selected input method will be shown the icon in the

indication bar. User can choose to turn on or off your T9 input

method in option list.

Multitap ABC

Multitap abc


Smart ABC

Smart abc



User can view, edit, and send the message via this menu.


DMP330 also allows user to send and receive text message

contain pictures or melodies.

To write a message

1. In Messages menu, choose SMS, press Ok

2. Choose Write Message, press Ok to write message.

3. User can also personalize your message with more

different special effects by selecting following functions in

option list which are:

Use Templates: User might insert default template

for quick writing.

Insert Object: User might insert picture, animation,

melody and sound in your text message.


Format Text: User might choose text size, style,

alignment or start new paragraph.

Insert PHB Number: You can add number from


Insert PHB Name: You can add name from


Insert Bookmark: You can add bookmark from


Input Method: User might choose input method

as user wishes.

Note: To quick access Messages function, user can press

left key of in standby mode.

Note: To key in the content, please refer to Subsection of

“Text editing using input method.

To read message

When user has received a message, the indicator will

appear on the display. If your inbox is full, there will be a pop-up

window to remind user to delete some of your old message.


Otherwise, your message will be saved in the phone instead of

SIM card.

1. In Messages, choose Text Message (SMS), press OK and

then select Inbox.

2. Choose the message user would like to read by pressing

OK to view the content.

Note: The message user has received will be saved in SIM as

default setting.

When user read the message, DMP330 provides following

selections for your option.

Reply: Allow user to reply by sending a text


Delete: Allow user to delete the message in


Edit: Allow user to edit the text message.

Forward: Allow user to forward a text message.

Copy To Phone/SIM: Allow user to copy the

selected text message to DMP330/SIM.


Move To Phone/SIM: Allow user to move the

selected text message to DMP330/SIM.

Chat: Allow user to chat with the one sending

message to DMP330.

Delete All: Allow user to delete all message at


Copy All: Allow user to copy all message to

DMP330 at once.

Move All: Allow user to move all message to

DMP330 at once.

Use Number: Allow user to save the number in

your Contact.

Use URL: Allow user to use the URL in DMP330.

To send a message

1. In Messages, choose Text Message (SMS) and press


2. Choose Write Message; press OK to start writing



3. After finishing the writing, select Done following by

pressing Option.

Note: To use picture message function, your network operator or

service provider support is necessary. Only phones that contain this

function can receive and display picture message.

DMP330 provides the following options:

Send Only: Allow user to send a text message


Save And Send: Allow user to save and send a

text message.

Save: Allow user to save the message and send it


Send to Many: Allow user to send many contact

at once. Successful sent message will not be

stored in Outbox.

Send By Group: Allow user to send a group user

has grouped in the phone.

Outbox Message

After sending out the message, the message is saved in the


outbox folder if user choose “Save And Send”. User is allowed

to read message user has chosen to save with the following


1. In Messages, choose SMS,

2. Press Ok and then select Outbox.

You are allowed to read messages you have chosen to save

with the following options:

Send: Allow user to send the message.

Edit: Allow user to edit the saved message.

Delete: Allow user to delete the message in


Copy To Phone/SIM: Allow user to copy the

selected text message to DMP330/SIM.

Move To Phone/SIM: Allow user to move the

selected text message to DMP330/SIM.

Delete All: Allow user to delete all message in

your outbox at once.

Copy All: Allow user to copy all message to

DMP330 at once.

Move All: Allow user to move all message to

DMP330 at once.


Use Number: Allow user to save the number in

your Contact.

Use URL: Allow user to save the URL in DMP330.


There are several default templates in DMP330 for quick

message writing. User can also edit these templates to preferred

words or to erase template.

Message Settings

DMP330 allows user to set up default settings on the SMS


1. In Messages, choose SMS, press Ok

2. Choose Message Settings, press Ok.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Profile Setting: If more than one message profile

is allowed by your SIM, user may edit the profile



Common Setting: User can enable or disable

delivery report and reply path.

Memory Status: Allow user to check the memory

status of the SMS in term of in SIM or in Phone

Preferred Storage: Allow user to change your

preferred storage either SIM or phone.

Prefer Bearer: Allow user to choose your

preferred bearer-GSM or GPRS.

Multimedia Message Service (MMS)

The feature allows user to send the message that contains text,

sound and a picture. Depending on the network, user may

receive a text message that includes an Internet address where

user can view the multimedia message.

DMP330 supports the following formats in MMS function.

1. Picture: JPG, GIF and BMP.

2. Sound: Scalable Polyphonic MIDI (SP-MIDI) and


Note: User is not able to receive multimedia message during a call, a


game, or any active WAP connection over GPRS data.

To write a MMS

For availability to the multimedia messages service, please

contact your network operator or service provider.

1. In Messages, choose MMS and then press OK

2. Choose Write Message followed by pressing OK.

3. Add number or e-mail to To, Cc, and Bcc user wishes to

send to. Then edit the subject and content by press Edit.

4. In content, user is able to add text, image, audio and

attachment in to the slide.

Note: To key in the content, user can refer to “Input method “.

Note: To use picture message function, your network operator or

service provider support is necessary.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option when

editing the slides:

Done: Allow user to exit the editing page and go

back to Edit content page.

Input Method: Allow to user change the input



Add Image: Allow user to add a picture in your


Add Audio: Allow user to add an audio file in your


Add Video: Allow user to add video file in your


Add Attachment: Allow user to attach a file in

your message.

Add Slider Before: Allow user to add text before


Add Slider After: Allow user to add text after


Add Bookmark Text: Allow user to add bookmark

in your message.

Preview: Allow user to preview the slide(s) user

just wrote.

Slide Timing: Allow user to edit the sliding time.

To send a MMS

1. In Messages, choose MMS and then press OK.

2. Choose Write Message followed by pressing OK.

3. After writing the message following by the below steps,


select Done to either Send Only, Save and Send, Save

To Drafts, Send Option, or Exit the message.

4. User can also choose the Send Option to edit the MMS

otherwise the message will be sent as default setting.

Note: To key in the content, user can refer to “Input method “.

Note: To use picture message function, your network operator or

service provider support is necessary.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Send Only: Allow user to send a text message


Save And Send: Allow user to save a message

and send immediately.

Save To Drafts: Allow user to save a message

and send it later.

Send Option: Allow user to personalize the

sending option including Validity period, Delivery

report, Read report, and Priority.

Exit: Allow user to choose to save or not save the

message user has written.


Keypad information

Key Character

Shift the cursor in text edit mode.

Insert symbol.

Change input method.


DMP330 saves the multimedia message that has been received

in the Inbox folder of the Multimedia message menu.


To read received multimedia message

1. In Messages, choose MMS and then press Ok

2. Select Inbox followed by pressing Ok.

3. Choose a message, press Option to view the message.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

View: Allow user view a multimedia message


Reply: Allow user to reply the sender.

Reply BY SMS: Allow user to reply by SMS

Reply All: Allow user to reply the group.

Forward: Allow user to forward the message.

Delete: Allow user to delete the selected


Delete All: Allow user to delete the all message.

Properties: Allow user to view the mailing list.

Use Details: Allow user to either dial or save the

phone number



MMS that have not been sent will save in Outbox folder of the

Multimedia message menu. The multimedia message that have

been sent are saved in the Out box folder of the Multimedia

message menu.

To read outbox multimedia message

1. In Messages, choose MMS, press Ok, choose Outbox,

press Ok

2. Choose a message, press Select to view.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

View: Allow user to view a multimedia message


Forward: Allow user to send the message to


Edit: Allow user to edit.

Delete: Allow user to delete the selected


Delete All: Allow user to delete the all message.

Properties: Allow user to view the mailing list

Use Details: Allow user to either dial or save the


phone number.


DMP330 saves the multimedia message that has not been sent

in the Draft folder of the Multimedia message menu.

To read unsent multimedia message

1. In Messages, choose MMS and press OK.

2. Select Drafts followed by pressing OK.

3. Choose a message, press Option to view the message.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

View: Allow user view a multimedia message


Send: Allow user to send the message

Edit: Allow user to edit the message.

Delete: Allow user to delete the selected


Delete All: Allow user to delete the all message.

Properties: Allow user to view the mailing list

Use Detail: Allow user to either dial or save the

phone number.



This phone allows user to have a quick entry for your multimedia


1. In Messages, choose MMS and press OK.

2. Select Templates, press OK, select a template, press


3. Choose Write Message to send the multimedia


4. Select Done to either send or save the message.

User can view the content of template by View option to read the

slide and Properties to read the message content and size.

Message settings

Before user sends the MMS message, user needs to finish MMS


1. In Messages, choose MMS and press OK.

2. Select Message Settings and press OK.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Compose: User can set your compose format


from the following option

Creation Mode: Free/Restricted

Image Resizing: 160x120 / 320×240 /

640×480 / Off

Auto Signature: On/Off


Validity period: This is the duration that your

message is stored at the Message Center.

The option of length of time includes: Max/

1 hour/ 12 hours/ 1 day/ 1 week

Delivery report: User can turn On or Off this

function if user wants to receive delivery

report from service provider or not

Read report: User can turn On or Off this

function if user wants to receive report from

service provider.

Priority: User can choose message priority;

the option includes Normal, High, and Low.

Slide timing: User can set slide timing by

own preference.

Delivery Time: The option of length of time


includes Immediate/ In one hour/ 12 hours/

In 24 hours


Home network: The option of home network

includes Immediate/ Delayed/ Rejected

Roaming: the option of roaming network

includes As Home/Delayed/Rejected

Read report: The option of read report

includes On request/Send/Never send

Delivery report: User can turn On or Off this

function to request the network to send

delivery reports of the past message.


Anonymous: The option of anonymous

includes Allow/Reject

Advertisement: The option of advertisement

setting includes Allow /Reject

Server Profile:

User may receive and send multimedia

message through certain network or service

provider. To activate or edit Profile detail

setting, press OK.


Memory Status

User can check memory status.

Note: To finish the correct and valid MMS setting, user may contact

the network service operator.


User can chat with friends using this function. There are 2 chat


Before chatting, user needs go to Chat Room Info to

1. Create a nickname by pressing Edit.

2. Then, input the mobile number or searching from contact.

To start chatting

1. After chat room setting, press Start New.

2. Create a nickname by pressing Edit.

3. Then, user is allowed to write a message to the one user

wishes to chat.

4. After finishing the writing, press Send to start chatting.

DMP330 provides the following selections when user starts to



Send: Allow user to send the message user has


Use Template: Allow user to insert the template in

your SMS template option.

Insert PHB Number: Allow user to insert phone

number from your contact.

Insert PHB Name: Allow user to insert name from

your contact.

Input Method: Allow user to change your input


DMP330 provides the following selections during chatting,

Reply: Allow user to reply the message sent by

the one user chats with.

Use Number: Allow user to save the number of

chatter or number sent by chatter.

Clear Chat: Allow user to clear your conversation.

Temp Leave: Allow user to leave the chat room for


Quit: Allow user to quit this chart room

Chat Room Info: Allow user to read the chat room


information user has set.

Note: If user happens to leave the chat room temporarily, user

can choose to Resume or End of chatting.


DMP330 allows user to send and receive e-mail from GPRS or

WLAN. If user is the first time to use this function, please setup

E-mail profile first.

Email Profile

In Email Profile, choose one of them and press LSK to edit and

press OK. User has to setup Profile setting, Outgoing server,

Incoming Server and Signature.

Note: Detail settings; please check your service provider.

Voice Mail Server

DMP330 allows user to access your voice mailbox with a quick

way if your operator supports this function. Your voice mail

number will be provided by your service provider and showed in


the phone. In the Voice Mail submenu, user can choose line 1

or 2 and option list including:

1. Edit: Allow user to edit name & number of voice mail line


2. Connect to voice: Allow user to connect your voice mail


Note: To use this function, user may need to enter the voice server

number obtained from your service provider.

Broadcast Message

DMP330 allows user to receive commercial message. User can

either enable or disable the receiving mode and set some other

settings based on your personal preference.

DMP330 provides the following selections:

Receive Mode: User can choose to receive or not

receive the last broadcast message user has


Read Message: User can read message by pressing

“OK” or exit by pressing “Back”

Languages: User can set up the languages of

broadcast message user wants to receive.


Channel Setting: User can add new channel where

user wants the message to be received to the list.

Then, select channel(s) from the select list. User is

allowed to add, edit and delete it.

Call History

DMP330 can save information for missed, received and dialed


calls, and the talking time as well as cost of your calls.

Note: Once the call list exceeds the memory limitation, the oldest

one is deleted. User can save at least 20 calls in Missed, Dialed &

Received calls per each list…

Note: for Missed, Dialed & Received calls, user can press talk key

to have a quick review. DMP330 provides several options if user

selects a certain phone number.

Missed calls

DMP330 allows user to view the last 20 missed calls.

To view missed calls

In Call History menu, choose Missed Calls; press OK to view

the records.

Dialed Calls

DMP330 allows user to view the last 20 outgoing calls.

To view dialed calls

In Call History menu, choose Dialed Calls and press OK to


view the records.

Received Calls

DMP330 allows user to view the last 20 received calls.

To view received calls

In Call History menu, choose Received Calls; press OK to

view the records.

When you choose the number, and press LSK, DMP330

provides the following selections for your option:

View: Allow user to see the detail information of

received calls, missed calls and dialed calls

Delete: Allow user to erase the number from the


Save To Phonebook: Allow user to save the

number in SIM/phone.

Call Via VoIP: Allow user to call the number that

show in the screen through WLAN.

Call Via GSM: Allow user to call the number that

show in the screen through GSM.

Edit: Allow user to edit the number


Send SMS: Allow user to send a text message the

number showed in the screen.

Send MMS: Allow user to send a multimedia

message the number showed in the screen

Delete Call Log

DMP330 provides the following call deletion functions to delete

all call histories:

Missed Calls

Dialed Calls

Received Calls

Delete All

Call Time

DMP330 allows user to view the timers for calls made and


1. In Call History menu, choose Call Time, press OK,

2. Choose an item, press OK to view the content.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Last Call Time: List out the last call time of your



Total Sent: Sum of total time user has called out.

Total Received: Sum of total call time user has


Reset All Time: Reset the time counter to zero.

Call Cost

This function allows user to check the cost while making phone


DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Last Call Cost: Last call user made

Total Cost: Sum of costs user made so far

Reset Cost: To reset the counter

Max Cost: To set the max cost allowed

Price Per Unit: To set the unit cost of the call

SMS Counter

This function allows user to check the numbers of message. It is

a counter. User may press reset to restart the counter.

Sent: The message number user sent


Received: The message number user received

GRPS Counter

This function allows user to check the data size of GPRS packet

user used.

Last Sent: The message size user last time sent

Last Received: The message size last time user


All Sent: The total message size user has sent

All Received: The total message size user has


Reset Counter: To reset the counter


Your contact is saved either in the SIM card’s memory or

Phone’s memory. User can also choose to save in both



Quick Search

Allow user to search by character.

Search Entry

Allow user to search names and numbers saved in the Contact.

To search a number and a name

1. In Search Entry submenu, key in full name or first

character of contact person’s name. The contact list will

automatically jump to the contact list with the character

user has entered or the matched contact will be shown.

2. Select the one user wishes to call by pressing to

start making a call.

User can also press Option to change input method or edit the

selected phone number.

DMP330 provides the following selections for Entry Option:

Call Via VoIP: Make a call through WLAN network.

Call Via GSM: Make a call through GSM network.


Send SMS: Allow user to send a short message.

Send MMS: Allow user to send a Multimedia


View: Allow user to read the contact person’s


Edit: Allow user to edit name & phone number of

the contact person.

Delete: Allow user to delete the selected contact

person’s information.

Copy: Allow user to copy the contact person’s

information to phone or SIM. (depend on where

user has saved the phone number)

Move: Allow user to move the select contacted

person’s information to phone or SIM.

Duplicate: Allow user to duplicate the selected

contact person’s information to the same memory


Send vCard: Allow user to send vCard to the

selected contact person.


Add New Entry

Allow user add new name and number in the SIM or phone.

To add a phone number and a name in Contact

1. In Contact menu, choose Add New Entry, press OK.

2. Choose the storage user wishes to save by selecting To

SIM or To Phone and pressing OK.

3. Key in the name, press OK, use navigation key to number

column, key in the number.

4. User may also edit the name, home number, company

name, email address, office number, fax number, birthday,

caller group for individual contact when choose to phone

and user can use left and right navi key to add or change

picture, video, sound and caller group.

Note: DMP330 allows user to save 1000 entries of phone numbers.

Copy All

User can copy and transfer DMP330 data from SIM to DMP330

(or from phone to SIM).

1. In Contact menu, select Copy.

2. Choose From SIM or From Phone and press OK to copy


all the data to Phone or SIM.


DMP330 allows user to delete all numbers and names stored in

the contact.

1. In Contact menu, select Delete.

2. Choose All From Phone, All From SIM or One By One

and press OK to delete.

Caller Group

There are eight Caller groups in the phone, including Friends,

Family, VIP, Business, Colleague, Group 1, Group 2 and

Group 3.

To add a name in a Group

1. In Contact menu, choose Caller Group, press OK.

2. Choose a Group, press OK.

3. Choose Member List, press OK.


4. Press Add, then user may choose from the name from

Phone Book List to add it in the Group.

Note: User needs to store contact information into the phone book

first and then add the contact name into Caller group.

In each Caller Group, you will have the following selections for

each group:

Group Name: Groups includes Friends, Family,

VIP, Business and Others

Ring Tone: Allow user to set the profile of ring

tone for this particular call group

Pictures: Allow user to set a picture for the group.

Video: Allow user to set a video clip for the group.

Member List: Allow user to add a member in the

specified group.

Search By Caller Group

You only can choose either GSM or VoIP to operate before enter

search mode. User can select an entry in caller group and

press send key to make a call via GSM or VoIP according to

current selected mode set in network setup.


Extra Number

Allow user to edit owner number, service dial number and SOS

number for your personal preference.

Note: Your service provider may program some special phone

numbers into your SIM. It is not possible to modify the Service dial

numbers if doesn’t support.


DMP330 provides user various setting option to personalize

DMP330, including,

1. Memory Status: User can check the phone’s internal

memory is unoccupied and how many name and number

entries can still be stored in SIM card’s and Phone’s


2. Preferred Storage: User can choose your preferred

storage in phone, SIM.

3. Fields: User may customize the contact information user

wants to show on your display.

4. My vCard: Allow user edit your personal vCard saved in

the handset


Edit My vCard: Enter the submenu, and user may

input your vCard information

Send My vCard: Allow user to send your vCard

via SMS, MMS, Send by Bluetooth and Save to



DMP330 supports VoIP function through WLAN. It means user

can make VoIP call through WLAN, not through GSM. In

standby mode, when user inputs numbers and press option,


user can choose to make a call through either VoIP or GSM,

according to your presetting mode selection.

If this is the first time for user to use the VoIP function, please

follow the steps:

Preferred Mode

DMP330 allows user to set to only one of the following modes

for the use of GSM or WLAN network. In standby mode, press

LSK, choose Settings and choose Network Setup. In Preferred

mode, user can choose:

1. GSM Only: Turn off WLAN/SIP function. If user wants to

make VoIP/WLAN calls, should not choose this mode.

2. WLAN Only: Turn off GSM/GPRS function.

3. GSM Preferred: When user makes a new call by

pressing , GSM network will be the first priority

network to connect.

4. WLAN Preferred: When user makes a new call by

pressing , WLAN will be the first priority network to


Enable WLAN and search for network

To use the VoIP function through WLAN, user needs to turn on


WLAN first and choose one WLAN network to connect to. At the

current time the GSM transmit signal will mute. In standby

mode, press LSK and choose VoIP. Press Wireless LAN and

choose Enable WLAN, DMP330 will turn on WLAN. And then

choose Search For Networks, DMP330 will search and show

WLAN network in the screen, user can press LSK to:

1. Connect the WLAN networks they want to. User may

need to enter the password if the AP is proprietary and

press Option to edit.

2. Define Access point to save the connected AP in the


Except Enable/Disable WLAN and Search for network, user can:

1. Access Point Settings : To review the AP profile for

connection, Edit, define new AP, Delete and change


2. Current Status: Show the information of WLAN.

In standby mode, user can long press central navi-key to search and

connect the Access point (enable the WLAN and search out the AP

around) if no access point is defined in the Access Point Setting.

Otherwise DMP330 will connect the AP automatically according to the

priority order of AP profile defined in the Access Point Settings .

For detailed settings, please check your operator.


User can see the status (strength) of WLAN signals in the standby


SIP Setting

Sip is VoIP protocol and is used for setting up communications

sessions such as conferencing, telephony and instant

messaging on the Internet. You cannot use VoIP function until

this function is well set up and you have to enter your user name

and password for authentication before using this function. You

can contact your network administrator or ISP for more


In standby mode, press LSK and choose VoIP. Press SIP

Setting and choose Profile Setting. DMP330 can store 10

profiles. User can choose one of profile and press LSK to

Activate or Edit. If user is the first time to use VoIP function.

Please choose Edit to setup:

1. Common Setting: Allow user to setup Profile Name,

Data Account (Wireless LAN or GPRS), Auto Login:

Allow user to choose turn on /off auto login and Voice

Mail Server: Allow user to setup voice mail server.

2. Account Setting: Allow user to input SIP Server, SIP


Port, Display Name, Username and Password and

Auth Name.

3. Outbound Server: Allow user to input Status, Outbound

Server, Outbound Port, Auth Name and Password.

4. Register Server: Allow user to input Status, Register

Server, Register port, Auth Name and Password.

5. NAT Setting: Allow user to input or show Status, NAT

firewall IP, STUN Server, STUN Port.

6. Port setting: Allow user to input any RTP port number

and Local port to avoid collision with others.

Detail settings; please check your service providers or operators .

DMP330 provides Call Setting function to let user to set the

desired call setting for the VoIP call function. In standby mode,

press LSK and choose VoIP. Press SIP Setting and choose

Call Setting.

1. Auto Answer: Allow user to choose to turn on/off auto


2. Auto Reject: Allow user to choose to turn on/off auto


3. Auto Redial: Allow user to choose to turn on/off auto



4. Hide Caller ID: Allow user to choose to turn on/off hide

caller ID.

5. DTMF: Allow user to choose to Inband/Outband/Off


6. Comfort Noise: Allow user to choose to on/off comfort



Set Codec Order: Allow user to set the priority of Codec.

Note: When user makes a VoIP call, user must login SIP server

(register VoIP service). DMP330 has 2 way to login SIP server:

1. Traditional way: When user enables WLAN and chooses

Access point, Press Login to login SIP server.

2. Auto login: In SIP Setting/Profile Setting and choose Option

to Common Setting and choose Auto Login.

Make a New VoIP Call

When user finish setup by steps, user can make a VoIP call from

DMP330. User may make a VoIP call through:

1. In standby mode, press LSK and choose VoIP. Press

Login. When registering VoIP service for the activated

SIP profile succeeds, then press new call and type in

VoIP number/address user wants to call. After finishing


typing and press , DMP330 will dial to the caller

through WLAN.

2. In standby mode, enter VoIP number and press LSK to

choose Call Via VoIP.

Note: There are some special functions in DMP330:

Auto login: In profiles settings, user can turn on

auto login. When DMP330 turn on the WLAN

profile, it will login SIP automatically.

Call transfer: When user gets a VoIP call, press

LSK and choose transfer and then dial VoIP

number, the VoIP call will transfer to the other VoIP


Concall: When user A talk to B with VoIP call, user

B can press LSK to choose new call and then dial

VoIP call to user C, When C get the phone, A, B

and C can make concall.



Services describe in the following are supported by your service

provider. If user can not connect either one of those services,

user might contact with your service provider for further



DMP330s support Web Browser. User can obtain various

services such as up-to date news, weather, sport, and other

information as well as use e-mail and other Internet services.

These services are designed and maintained by WAP service


The WAP service use Wireless Markup Language (WML) on

their WAP pages. User may not view the Internet web pages on


Note: To activate WAP service, user may need to contact your

service provider.

Note: Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is

prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.



To access the browser from the standby mode, go to WAP in

Service and press Homepage. Once connected, the homepage

is displayed. The content depends on the service provider.

To exit the browser, press option/Exit key.


User can use this menu to save URL addresses to quick access

a website.

DMP330 also provides user for the following selections for your


Goto: Allow user to link the website.

Edit: Allow user to edit URL address.

Send: Allow user to send Bookmark.

Delete: Allow user to delete the selected


Delete all: Allow user to delete all bookmarks at



Add Bookmark: Allow user to add URL address.

Recent pages

User can view the recent pages user has visited. Press Goto to

connect the selected page.

Enter Address

User can key in the URL address and enter the address followed by

selecting Done. DMP330 will connect the URL user just keyed in. After

the address is entered, user may select the URL and press OK to connect

next time.

Service Inbox

DMP330 is able to receive service message sent by your service

provider. Service message are notifications of headlines or

content, and they may contain address of a WAP service. User

can get updated news or new WAP settings from your service


The received WAP push message will be stored in the service

inbox. User can press Option to either Read, Delete or Delete


All the push message(s).


GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a technology that use

for sending and receiving data over the mobile network. The

applications that use GPRS are WAP services, MMS and SMS

messages and GPRS dial-up (such as Internet and e-mail). User

can set the phone to automatically register to a GPRS network

when user switches the phone on.

WAP Setting

If the settings have made by the service provider,

user may begin immediately without setting.

If access profiles have assigned by your service

provider, select a profile and activate it.

Otherwise user may key in setting manually. For

appropriate settings, contact your network

operator or service provider.


Key in the service settings manually

1. In WAP menu, choose Edit Profile in Settings, and then

press OK

2. Choose a profile, press OK, choose Edit Profile, press OK to

start setting.

User needs to key in the information in Homepage, Data

account, User name, Password, IP address and Connection

type in DMP330. To get the information, user may need to

contact your operator.

Note: In most cases, user only needs to use one of the default

profiles to access the Internet. The settings are different from operator to

operator. Please consult your operator or service provider for the correct

settings and proceed with care. Wrong settings will cause the connection

to fail.

Activate WAP settings

After user complete all WAP settings (see WAP settings

function), in WAP Profile mode, please choose Activate Profile,

and then press OK.


Browser option

User can set the timeout value for the browser. The purpose is to

stop the browser connecting the website if the website does not

respond within the timeout. Also, user can choose either On or

Off the image while browsing.

Service Message Settings

User can choose either receive or not receive the service

message which would be saved in the service inbox sent by

your service provider.

Clear Cache

The information or date user has accessed are all stored in the

cache of the phone. A cache is a file buffer used to store date

only temporarily. User can clear the history by selecting this


Clear Cookies

Under the consideration of privacy and security issue, we would


suggest user to clear cookies which may contain sensitive

information just in case DMP330 is misplaced, lost or stolen.

Trusted Certificates

This function is to indicate your trusted certificate when browsing

and also adding the trust list into the browser if needed.

Data Account

Default data accounts based on major operators at the time this

phone is manufactured are provide.

User can access WAP via GSM or GPRS.

To get the analogue number or ISDN number

information, user may need to contact your

operator for the service.

To get the access point of GPRS, user may need

to contact your operator for the service.

GSM Data

Press Edit to change the data account settings, including:

Account name, Number, User name, Password, Line type,

Speed and DNS.



Press Edit to change the data account settings, including:

Account Name, APN, User name, Password and Auth. Type.


File Manager

In this menu, user can manage images, photos, recordings and

tones user had. There will be three storages showed: Phone,

DRM Rights and memory card if user plug-in memory card.

To start view/organizing the File manager

1. When user enters this menu, user may see Phone.

User will also see one more drive named Memory

Card if user inserts the MicroSD card in.

2. Scroll to the desired folder and press Option select

option: Open, Create Folder and Format.

3. DMP330 provides the following selections for your

option when user select the one of those folders

Received, Audio, Ebook, Photos, My Music,

Images, Video)

4. User can

Open: Allow user to open the folder.

Create Folder: Allow user to create new folder.

Rename: Allow user to rename the file.

Delete: Allow user to delete the selected file.

Sort: Allow user to sort the files by name, type, time and size.




User can use this phone in taking photos with the phone’s

built-in camera and adjust its settings. DMP330 supports

horizontal OSD (On screen display) type operation style and

only supports vertical type in 176×220 image size. The camera

lens is on the back of the phone, and the display of the phone

works as a viewfinder. If there’s not enough memory for camera,

user needs to delete old photos to free some spaces for new

photos or user can choose to save photos in memory card. The

status of your video camera setting will be displayed on the top

of preview mode.

Note: Do not use this feature when it violates local laws.

To start using Camera


User can activate camera function by:

In Camera menu, select Camera and press OK.

Press right side key.

2. User can take the picture by pressing central navi-key.


3. Press Option to personalize your camera setting.

4. Press Up and down Navi-key to zoom in/out. In 176*220

mode, other modes are left/right Navi-key.

5. Only 176*220 mode supports frame function.

Note: The photo will be saved in the folder called Photo of File

Manager menu. User can also view the picture from by selecting Album

from option list and user will jump to Image Viewer.

To setup the Camera

1. On the preview mode, user can press “Option”. All option

will be displayed in the bottom of screen, and user can

adjust the setting through the preview mode directly and

your setting will be displayed on the top of screen.

2. Using Navigation key up and down to select different

camera settings and right & left to select your preference.

The option list including:



User can jump to video recorder mode by pressing OK

Image viewer

User can review pictures user has taken by pressing OK

Shutter sound

Sound off / Sound 1/ Sound 2/ Sound 3


EV-4 / EV-3 / EV-2 / EV-1 / EV 0 / EV+1 / EV+2 / EV+3 /


Banding 50 / 60 Hz

Delay timer Timer Off / 5, 10, 15 sec.

Continue Shot

Off/ 1 Shot / 5 shot/ 9 shot

Image Size 176×220/ 320x240/ 640×480/ 800x600/ 1280×1024

Image Quality

Low / Normal / High

White Balance

Auto / Daylight/ Tungsten/ Fluorescent/


Scene Mode Auto / Night


Effect Setting

Normal/ Grayscale/ Sepia/ Sepia Green/ Sepia Blue/

Color Invert/ Gray Invert/ Blackboard/ Whiteboard/ Copper

Carving/ Blue Carving/ Embossment/ Contrast/ Sketch

Add Frame

Off / Frame 1 / Frame 2 / Frame 3 / Frame 4 / Frame 5 /

Frame 6 / Frame 7 / Frame 8 / Frame 9/ Frame 10(only

support in vertical mode)

Storage Phone / Memory Card

Restore default

User can restore the factory setting by selecting this



Image Viewer

All images from MMS, WAP and camera could be reviewed from

here and storage is located in either phone or memory card.

User may choose to view your images in List or Matrix Style.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

View: Allow user to view the pictures saved in the

File Manager.

Image Info: Allow user to check the image detailed


Browse Style: Allow user to select the style when

user browse pictures.

Forward: Allow user to forward your pictures as

wallpaper, screen saver, power on/off display,

contact ID or send to others via MMS, Bluetooth or


Rename: Allow user to rename the file name.

Delete: Allow user to delete the pictures in the File


Delete All Files: Allow user to delete all pictures in


Sort: Allow user to sort your photos by name, type,

time, size and none.


Storage: Allow user to choose to store your

pictures either in phone or memory card.

Note: Sending picture via MMS, the default size cannot be larger

than 300KB. However, the maximum size of sending picture via MMS

will be determined by your service provider.

Video Recorder

User can record the video clip through build-in camera. The

status of your video camera setting will be display on the top of

preview mode.

To start using video recorder

1. In Camera, select Video Recorder and press OK, then

press central key to start recording.

2. User can press Option to personalized your camera

setting otherwise user might take the picture by

Navigation Central Key or Slide Key


3. To zoom screen in /out, please press Navigation left /right


4. To change the brightness of background, press

Navigation up /down key.


5. User can also press Navigation Central Key or

camera quick key to record/Pause. When user

may press RSK to stop recording, then the clip will

be saved in the video folder of File Manager

automatically. After recording, the clip will be saved as

your setting.

6. User may review your video clips from video player.

Note: User can also quick access the camera function though quick

key from right down side key.

Note: The video clip will be saved in Video Player menu and Video

folder in File Manager. User can also view the picture from Album from

option list.

Note: Volume Side key (right up 2 side keys) will be functioned as

zoom screen in/ and out.


Key definition

Back / Stop (Right soft key)

Option (Left soft key)

Record / Pause

To setup the Video recorder

1. On the preview mode, user can press Option”. All

options will be displayed in the bottom of screen, and

user can adjust the setting through the preview mode

directly and your setting will be displayed on the top of


2. Using Navigation key up and down select different

camera settings and right & left to select your preference.

The option list including:


To player To video player

White balance


Night mode




Video size

Video quality

File size limit

Rec Time limit

Record Audio

Video Setting

Encode Format


Effect Setting

Normal / Grayscale / Sepia /

Sepia Green / Sepia Blue / Color

Invert / Gray Invert / Blackboard /

Whiteboard / Copper Carving /

Blue Carving / Embossment /

Contrast / Sketch

Storage Phone / Card



User can restore the factory

setting by selecting this option.


Video Player

This folder saves videos that saved from phone or download

from PC. This phone supports .3GP and .MP4 form with

176×144 video size.

To play the video

1. In Camera menu, choose Video Player, select the file

user wishes to play.

2. After selecting a certain video clip, press Option and


DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Play: Allow user to play and view the video


Forward: Allow user to forward the video to

screen saver, power on display or power off

display. User can also forward the video clip to

contact as the caller ID or share with friend via

MMS, Bluetooth or E-mail.

Rename: Allow user to rename the video’s name.

Delete: Allow user to delete the melody saved in

the File manager.


Delete All Files: Allow user to delete all video files

saved in video File Manager.

Sort: Allow user to sort the video clips by name,

type, time, size and none.

Bluetooth Settings: Allow user to listen through

stereo BT (Bluetooth) device.

Storage: Allow user to check the video’s memory

and format and play the video clip either from

phone or memory card.

Photo Editor

This function allow user to edit/show photo.

Photo Artist

This function allow user to add text or special effect on your


Select a photo from phone.

User can choose Auto Resize or Main LCD Clip to

show on the screen

Use can press option to choose:


Option Description

Save as Put the file name to be saved

Add effect Grayscale/Sepia/Sepia green/Sepia blue/Color

invert/Gray invert/Water color/Blur/Strong

blur/More Sharpen/Median/Dilation/Erosion

Add frame 10 frames user can choose

Add icon 18 icons user can choose to add

Add text User can add/edit text

Adjustment Adjust image/color

Flip Right/left/Upside/ downside

Help Help information

Image Tile

This function allow user to show 2/4/9 photos in screen.

Slide Show

This function allow user to show photos in the same folder




Under this menu, there are a couple of applications for user’s

Multimedia purpose.


DMP330 is designed to support Java application. User is

allowed to download and install more Java games or

applications from either WAP or local (save in File manager).

Java Setting

Java Audio: Off/ 1 to 6 level to be selected.

Java Vibration: off/ on

Java Network: Default / Profile 1 to Profile 10 can

be set up.

Heap size: Memory size for Java


DMP330 builds in creative games for this product. User may use

navigation key to select the games user would like to play. Then


press OK to select the game. After entering the game, user may

use the option menu to start game from the menu option. User

can also adjust the game setting at very beginning when user

enters the game menu.


DMP330 build in 3 set themes, user may choose to change.

Sound Recorder

Sound recorder is a simple sound recording tool provided

functionalities for user to manage voice files.

To start recording

1. In Entertainment menu, choose Sound Recorder, press


2. Press Option and select Record and choose OK to start


3. A file name to show the time will be assigned


automatically. You can either save as it is or change the

different name to save the file.

Note: During recording, user may pause or stop the voice recording

anytime by pressing soft keys.

Note: After recording, the file is saved as AMR/WAV format.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Record: Allow user to record the sound during

DMP330 call or other situation.

Play: Allow user to play the sound record.

Append: Allow user to record in the same file.

Rename: Allow user to rename a file name.

Delete: Allow user to delete the file saved in the

sound recorder.

Delete All: Allow user to delete all content saved

in this folder.

Settings: Allow user to choose your storage and

file format.

Forward: Allow user to forward the file to user

profile or share to friends via MMS, Bluetooth or



Melody Compose

This function allows user to compose a ring signal or melody.

To start composing


In Entertainment menu, choose Melody Composer,

press OK to enter.


Press Option and select Add to start composing your ring



After finishing composing, press LSK to choose Save, the

melody will be saved as IMY format.

Key definition

Key Function









Vibration note




Switch current musical note to sharp,

normal or flat stats

Change the beat length of current musical


Navigation key down to flat one octave of

musical note. Also, user can disable

vibration and backlight.

User might change instrument

through volume keys.


During composing melody, user may personalize the


DMP330 provides the following selections for your option:

Play: Allow user to listen the melody user has


Play Speed: Allow user to adjust the three

different play speeds.

Select Instrument: Allow user to select your favor



Save: Allow user to save the melody

DMP330 provides the following selections for your option when

user choice the saved melody.

Play: Allow user to listen the melody user has


Edit: Allow user to edit the selected melody.

Add: Allow user to add more ring tone in the

selected melody.

Rename: Allow user to rename a file name.

Delete: Allow user to delete selected melody in

this folder. .

Delete All Files: Allow user to delete all content

saved in this folder.

Forward: Allow user to forward the melody to user

profile as ring tone or to share with friends by

multimedia message, text message, Bluetooth or



Audio Player

User may enter the audio player via main menu or use the

navigation key to enter Audio player.

User also may download the music content via USB or other

connection. Music tracks must to be saved in the My Music’s

folder in the File Manager in order to be automatically detected

and added into default play list. User may listen to the music by

headset or loudspeaker. The easy user interface can be for user

to control, play, pause, and stop the audio player as user wishes.

Note: User can make or answer a call while using the audio player.

During a call, the playback is paused.


Play the music

Four Ways Navigation Key Audio Play Function

Pause music


Skip to next tracks

Skip to previous tracks

Central Play

Note: User can adjust this volume +/- through side keys.

Note: Your audio player will automatically detect and added into

default play list.



In the audio player menu, user may press Option and select List

to access the following setting.

Select one song and press Option

In the option list, user will find

Play: allow user to play the song


Detail: show the channel, quality, size and

time of selected song.

Add to Rings: allow user to add the

selected song as ring tone.

Refresh List: allow user to refresh the list if

user has changed the name of song. When

any of new songs are downloaded in the

audio profile, you have to press “Refresh

list” to update your list for playing.



Allow user to select your play list from phone or card, to turn on

the auto gen., to change the skin, equalizer, Bluetooth…etc.

Settings Item Description and Choice

Player Settings Pre. Play list From Phone or Memory card

List Auto Gen On/Off

Repeat Off/One/All

Shuffle On/Off

Background Play On/Off

Display Settings Skin Skin1/Skin2

Spectrum display Off/Style1/Style2

Sound Effects Equalizer Normal/Bass/Dance/Classical/Trebl


Bluetooth Settings

BT stereo output Off/On

BT stereo headset The BT device you select




This feature allows user to keep track of your schedule and

tasks that saved in calendar. User can also switch alarm with the

task for reminding.

To make a new note and reminder in Calendar first


1. In Organizer menu, choose Calendar and press OK

2. Choose a date and press Option. Choose View Tasks

and press OK.

3. Press Add to put the date, time, note.

4. Choose Alarm to turn On or Off and «Repeat» to select of

the schedule of alarm. Then press Done to either save or

not to save the task.


DMP330 provides the following selections for your


View: To view the task that stored in specified day.

Add: To add new task in specified day.

Edit Task: To edit the task in specified day.

Delete Task: To delete the specific task.

Delete All: To delete all tasks

Send vCalendar: To send the task by

SMS/MMS/Bluetooth, or save to file

To quick jump to the wish date, user may:

In Organizer menu, choose Calendar and press


Press Option, select Jump to Date and press OK

Key in year, month and day your wish to jump to follow by

pressing OK.

To do list

This feature list out all your tasks user has added from calendar

option. User can also view, edit or delete the tasks from the

option under this feature. For first time use, user will need to do


the following steps:

1. Press Add to in the Task List

2. Edit your to do list by entering time, data, note.

3. User can choose to turn the alarm on as the reminder and

schedule of alarm.

4. Finally, select “Yes” to save your to-do list.

Your to-do list will then be shown in this sub-menu and will be

highlighted in your Calendar. DMP330 provides the same option

as Calendar described in the above.


This function allows user to set the alarm to ring at the time

specified. The alarm clock works even when the phone is

switched off.

1. In Organizer menu, choose Alarm and press OK.

2. User may input at most 5 sets of alarm time and select

one time to edit.

3. Choose Once/Everyday/Days for your alarm schedule

followed by pressing OK.

4. User can also customize the ring type from ring tone or

MP3 songs saved in DMP330 or memory card.



This function allows user to write and protect your personal

memo by setting the password.

1St time using memo

1. Pressing Add to add memo. User is allowed to edit the

content and insert date and time from the option list.

2. After finish the content, you can choose to Save Only or

Save and Activate password.

Reading memo

1. Go to Memo and selecting one of all notes created by


2. If the memo is saved without setting the password, then

you can read it directly by selecting View in the option list

3. If the memo is saved with the password, then you have to

enter the password in order to read the memo content.

The options in the memo including:

Add: Allow user to add more notes by press Add.

View: Allow user to read the selected memo.

Edit: Allow user to edit the selected memo. If the

selected memo is protected with a password, then

you have to enter the password before editing.

Send Note: Allow user to send a note to someone


by SMS. If the selected note is protected by a

password, then you have to enter the password

before sending.

Setup Password: Allow user to setup password.

Delete: Allow user to delete the selected note.

Delete all notes: Allow user to delete all notes.

E-book Reader

DMP330 supports user to read articles or document saved

in .nfo, .txt and .pdb format under E-book folder of Gallery.

For the 1


using, user will need to follow the steps described in

the below.

Save the articles or document in E-Book folder

under File Manager. Then, the articles will be

generated into the E-Book Reader’s bookshelf.

Goto E-Book Reader and select one article from


Pressing OK to start reading.

Note: User can also make the bookmark for next time reading.


To setup the E-Book Reader

User is allowed to setup the articles through Global Settings in

the option list with following settings

Font Style: Your e-book reader supports Normal,

Italic and Bold.

Font Size: User can choose Small, Medium or

Large font size for better viewing.

Scroll By: User can scroll the article by Page or


Auto Scroll: User can turn auto scroll on or off.

Scroll Speed: If user decides to turn on the auto

scroll, then user can choose the speed.

Full Screen: For better viewing, user can also

choose to have full screen.

Encoding: DMP330 supports 5 different types

encoding which are ASCII, UCS2, UTF8, Big 5 and





DMP330 is compliant with Bluetooth technology v1.2. Bluetooth

technology enables wireless connection between electronic

devices. The Bluetooth connection can be used to send images,

video, texts and vCard.

Note: Support Bluetooth profiles include HSP, HFP, SPP, DUN, A2DP,


To start

User will need to set up the Bluetooth connectivity with the

device when first time using. After setting, user will be allowed to

use Bluetooth by connecting w/ certain device. Whenever your

Bluetooth connectivity is power on, the status bar will show .


Blue icon represents connected w/ device; transparent icon

represents invisible when someone tries to detect BT device.

To set up & pair w/ BT headset

1. In Application menu, select Bluetooth and press Ok.

2. User has to power on the Bluetooth connectivity of

DMP330 and the device user wishes to connect first.

3. After turning on, press Inquiry Audio Device. DMP330

will automatically search the Bluetooth device around.

Choice the Bluetooth device you would like to connect

and press Bond to pair the Bluetooth device. Both

DMP330 and the Bluetooth device you would like to

connect will ask for entering the «password». Either

entering the Bluetooth device pre-set password if there is,

or just entering the same numbers in both device and


4. In My Device, choose the Bluetooth device user wants to

use, and then press Option to:






Delete all

Service list: Allow user to choose what profile user

wants to use.

Inquiry new device

Note: Before using the BT headset, please make sure your device

has been fully charged.

Note: The connected BT headsets will be saved in My Device list. In

the future, if user wishes to connect user mobile phone with certain BT

headset, user can select from My Device list for connection.

Note: If user wants to use stereo headset for audio player, please

activate A2DP/AVRCP profile.

To use your mobile phone as modem

DMP330 can be used as modem for dialing up network. This

function can only be used by PC supported Bluetooth

technology. User will need to check with your service provider

for setting.

To send data using Bluetooth connectivity

1. Select the object that your wish to send


2. Press Option and select Forward

3. Choose To Bluetooth and select “Inquiry BT Device” to

search new device or select the BT devices that have

been in “My Device”.

4. Select the device user would like to share following by

sending action.

To receive data using Bluetooth connectivity

When user receives data through Bluetooth, notify message will

be pop-up for asking if user is willing to accept. If user decided

to receive the message, press Ok and the data will be saved in

Received folder of Gallery.

World Clock

User can pick up the city simply using left and right key of

Navigator. When the cross point out certain city, it will show the

local date and time. Also, user may press Option to turn on/off

Daylight saving time for foreign or to Set Home city via Set

Home City.

Note: Home city in Time & Date sub menu of Settings will be also


changed according to your setting in this function.


The calculator applies simple calculator function such as

addition, subtraction, multiplications and division.

To use the calculator

In Application menu, choose Calculator and

press OK

DMP330 provides the following compose mappings for your


Four way key Up: + (Addition)

Four way key Down: — (Subtraction)

Four way key Left: * (Multiplication)

Four way Right: (Division)

Numeric # key: . (Point)

Press OK to get the result.


Note: This calculator has a limited accuracy rounding errors

may occur, especially in long divisions Unit Converter

Unit converter

This feature helps user to either convert the weight or length in

different unit.

Within Weight converter, users can converter Kg units

expressed in Pound or Ounce units.

Within Length converter, user can have the following options:

Km units expressed in Mile units

M(Meter) units expressed in Yard or Foot units.

Cm units expressed in Inch units.

After enter the amount to be converted, press OKto find out

the result.

Currency converter

This feature helps user to convert the currency in different rate

user has entered. Within Currency converter, user can input

the exchange rate and press OKto convert Local to Foreign




There are two features in healthy option, which are BMI and


BMI (Body Mass Index)

This function helps to calculate your body fat in relation to your

height and weight.

To calculate the BMI value process, user will need

1. Select your gender by using navigation key.

2. Enter your height in centimeters and weight in kilos by

using the numeric keys and press “OK”.

3. Finally, your BMI ratio value will be calculated and display

the result.


This feature helps to calculate lady’s menstrual cycle and

provide the information including:

Probability of becoming pregnant on the current


Period during which it is possible to become


pregnant date of next period.

To check the menstrual cycle, user will need

1. Enter the starting date of the last period

2. Enter the average length of the menstrual cycle

follow by pressing OK” key.


To get detail information, select one of highlight

date and press OK to display pregnant probability.

Note: The result may not fit to your physical condition. This is only



This function is designed to store the timepiece which is to start

or stop for exact timing.

To use stopwatch

1. In Organizers menu, choose Stopwatch, press OK.

2. User can select Typical or nWay stopwatch.

Typical Stopwatch

DMP330 supports 2 different typical stopwatches: Split Timing

and Lap Timing.


Split Timing: When user press Split, the

timepiece will be saved and continue to count

when user press resume. The 2


timepiece is

recorded based on the continuously timing. User

can save 20 split timepieces.

Lap Timing: When user presses Lap, the

timepiece will be saved and start the new timing

when user presses resume. The 2


timepiece is

recorded in new timing. User can also save 20 lap


View Record: User can view those timepieces

user has recorded or delete it.

nWay Stopwatch

DMP330 supports 4 times counting though navigation key


To start time counting, press one way of navigation

key. Pressing center key to stop or resume the


The total timing will be summed on the top.


The timing will be memorized and saved in the

phone automatically.

To clear the memory, long press center key “OK”


User profiles

User can set following different profiles to adapt to different

environment conditions. DMP330 provides 7 different profiles,



Standard profile as phone defaults setting.


Ring volume is set to be low and key tone is switched off


Ring and key tone volume is set to be loud.



Ring and key tone volume is set to be smaller.


Profile for headset plug-in.


Ring volume quiet and vibration only


Except default setting, when user can press LSK to choose

Custome to change default setting. Including:

Tone Setup


Alert Type

Ring Type

Extra Tone

Answer mode


Profile for activate Bluetooth.

To activate the Profiles

1. In Profiles menu, choose a profile followed by pressing


2. Choose Activate and press OK.

To edit the Profiles

User can customize the General profile setting to meet your


1. In Profiles menu, choose a profile followed by pressing OK.

2. Choose Customize and press OK.

DMP330 provides the following selections for your personalize


Tone setup: Allow user to set ring tone depend on

your favor

Volume: Allow user to adjust the volume of ring

tone and key tone.

Alert type: Allow user to select different alert type

including Ring, Vibration Only, Vibration And Ring,

Vibration Then Ring.

Ring Type: Allow user to, single, repeat or


ascending when incoming calls.

Extra Tone: Allow user to either on or off 5 other

tones, Warning, Error, Camp on, Connect and

WLAN Alert.

Answer mode: Allow user to choose “Any key” to

answer the phone.

Display Characteristic

This feature allows user to personalize your display setting by

following option:

Wallpaper: To allow user to change wallpaper showed on idle


1. In Settings menu, choose Display, press OK.

2. Choose Wallpaper, press OK.

3. Choose System or User Defines, press OK.

4. Choose wallpaper, press View, press OK to select

as wallpaper.

Screen saver: To allow user to play different screen saver.

1. User customize the screen saver’s setting with the option

of turning on or off the screen saver and waiting time from

5 sec to 1 min. when active the screen saver.

2. After setting, user may select the screen saver either


from System or User Defines. The operation press is the

same as Wallpaper display setting.

Power On/Off Display: This phone allows user to set the

power-on/off animation from system, phone/card memory or

disable animation. The support format will be MP4/ 3GP.

Main Menu Special Effect: Allow user to choose either turn on

or off the main menu special main menu.

Show Date And Time: Allow user to show or not to show the

date and time in the idle screen.

Show Owner Number: Allow user to enable/disable DMP330

number showed in the idle screen.

Show Operator Name: Allow user to choose either show or not

to show your operator’s name in the idle screen.

Show WLAN/SIP Status: Allow user to choose either show or

not to show WLAN/SIP status in the idle screen.

Phone setup

Time & Date

This function allows user to set your home city, view and change

the time and date set in DMP330. User can also choose to auto


update the date and time.

Set home city

DMP330 provides user over 50 major cities in the worlds.

1. In Settings menu, choose Time & Date, press OK.

2. Select “Set home city”, press OK.

3. All major cities are listed in the phone. User may user

navigation keys to scroll up/down for your selection. Or,

pressing first character of home city user wishes to find

by numeric key for quick search.

4. After finding your home city, press OK to back Time &

Date submenu.

Set time & date

1. In Settings menu, choose Time & Date, press OK.

2. Set time & date by using navigation and numeric keys

followed by press OK.

3. User can choose turn on/off daylight saving.

4. After finish, press OK to back Time & Date submenu.


Set time format

1. In Settings menu, choose Time & Date, press OK.

2. Choose Set Format, press OK.

3. User could set Time and Date Format as user wishes.

After finish, press OK.

Schedule power On/Off: Allow user to turn on/off



This phone allows user to set a language for the display in this


1. In Phone Setup Menu, choose Language, press OK,

2. Choose a language, press OK.

Preferred Input Method:

Allow user to choose

preferred input method

Greeting Text

This function indicates message when user power on in main

display. User may edit any message for your welcome note.


Speed Dial: Allow user to turn on/off and set speed

dial function.

Dedicated Key

This function allows user to define your Navi-key since it is one

of your dedicated keys.

Auto Update Date And Time

This function is to set the phone for updating the time and date

automatically according to the current time zone.

1. In Phone setup sub menu in Settings, choose Auto

Update, press OK.

2. Select On or Off to have the auto update function.

3. Finally, choose Yes to confirm the request.

Note: Auto update of date and time does not change the time user

has set for the alarm clock, calendar or the alarm notes. They are in

local time. Updating may cause some alarms user has set to expire.


Flight mode

DMP330 will switch off RF (GSM) functions and allows user to

play the audio player during flight if user switches the mode to

Flight Mode instead of Normal Mode. User will be able to listen

to the music only.

Normal Mode: GSM/GPRS network still works

and user is allowed to make a call.

Flight Mode: GSM/GPRS will be disable for

security reason but you can listen to music on the


Query When Power On: In the mode, you will

need to select either Normal or Flight mode

whenever powering on DMP330.

Misc. Setting

Allow user to adjust LCD back light including brightness and


LCD Backlight:

You can set up the brightness and time of the backlight.


Call setup

Caller ID

This function allows user to either send or hide your ID during

calling or sending out the message. DMP330 is defaulted in Set

By Network which means your ID is determined by your service


Call waiting

This network service enables user to be informed when

someone is trying to reach user during another call.

1. In Settings menu, choose Call Setup, press OK.

2. You can choose either Activate or Deactivate, and press


3. Select Query Status will allow user to check if this

function is activated or deactivated.

Call divert

User can set the call condition by which calls are diverted to


another numbers.

To Set call divert

1. In Settings menu, choose Call Setup, press OK.

2. Choose Call Divert, press OK, choose the divert

selections, press OK.

3. Choose Activate, press OK.

Enter the number user want to be diverted, press OK.

DMP330 provides the following divert selections for your option:

Divert All Voice Calls: All voice calls are diverted.

Divert If Unreachable: Calls are diverted when

user not in a location covered by your service


Divert If No Answer: Calls are diverted when the

call is not answered.

Divert If Busy: Calls are diverted when DMP330

is engaged on other calls.

Divert All Data Calls: All data calls are diverted.

Cancel All Diverts: Cancel the above settings.


Call barring

This network service allows user to restrict incoming calls and

outgoing calls from DMP330. A barring password is required for

using the function

Outgoing Calls: To bar All Calls/International

Calls/ International Call Except Home

Incoming Calls: To bar All Calls/When Roaming

Cancel All: To cancel all the bar call setting (user

will need to enter the barring password).

Change Barring Password: To set barring call,

user is asked to input user barring call password.

This menu enables user to change your barring

call password. To know the default password

setting, please contact your service operator..


Line Switching

This is a network service to select phone line 1 or 2 that is

subscriber number for making calls within ALS( auto line

switching) setup submenu.

Notice: If user select Line 2 but not subscribe this networks service,

user will not be able to make a call. However, calls on both lines can be

answered regardless of the selected line.

Call time reminder

This function allows user to set a time reminder during a call.

1. Choose Call Reminder, press OK.

2. Choose an item, press OK.

DMP330 provides the following time alert selections for your





Notice: The minimum time of Periodic is 30 seconds at least.


Call Time Display

This function allows user to enable/disable the call time shown

on display

Auto Redial

This function allows user to set auto redial. Select On and

DMP330 will make a maximum of ten attempts to connect the

call after an unsuccessful call attempt.

Closed user group

This function allows user to set the limited call group. Only the

person in the specific group is allowed to make call to and

receive call from.

Network Setup

Network Selection

DMP330 provides user 3 selections for your network



New Search: User can always refresh your network connectivity

before using network.

Select Network: DMP330 will list down the network list for your

selection if user select Manual mode.

Selection Mode:

The function enables user to make operator selection by manual

or automatically.

Select Automatic mode, the phone automatically

selects one of the cellular networks available in

your area and then press OK.

In Manual mode, the phone will show a list of

available networks and user can select the desired

network if this network has a roaming agreement

with your home network operator,




Standby mode Description

GSM only

Only GSM Icon and GSM

signal is displayed

WLAN only

If login in SIP Server and

VoIP available, “W” for

VoIP icon and WLAN

signal is displayed

If no SIP Server available,

only WLAN signal is


GSM preferred


GSM ready

If GSM Service is

available, both GSM Icon

and signal is displayed.

GSM not


If GSM Service is not


WLAN preferred


SIP login

If Login in SIP Server and

VoIP available, “W” for

VoIP icon and WLAN

signal display.

SIP not login

If No SIP Service, only

WLAN signal display if AP

is connected


GPRS Connection

The handset can change GPRS connection status, “When Need

/ Always”, by press OK to switch.

Security Setup

SIM Lock

This function allows user to lock the phone with a specific SIM

card. The feature is designed to prevent the use of DMP330 by

means of another person’s SIM cards if DMP330 becomes lost.

User can switch on or off to activate the PIN lock function.

Phone Lock

User can switch on or off to activate the phone lock function to

protect DMP330. If user switches Phone Lock on, user needs

enter the password to set the request on. The default

password is “1122”.


Auto Keypad Lock

This allows user to lock the phone’s keypad to prevent

accidental key pressed.

In submenu, select the time that after the last key press will be

disabled, then press OK.

Fixed Dial

This function dials only the numbers in the fixed dialing number

(FDN). To save and edit numbers on the list, user needs the

PIN2 code.

Barred Dial

User can switch mode on and off to have a restricted call. However,

user needs to check if your SIM support this function or not.


Chang Password

PIN: This allows user to change the PIN number.

PIN2: This allows user to change the PIN2


Phone lock: This allows user to change the


Restore Factory Settings

This function allows user to reset the entire phone setting to the

original setting when it is produced. The security code is needed

to access. Default code is 1122.

Sound Effect

Equalizer: Allow user to choose EQ



Call Background Sound: DMP330 provides

several background effects for users including:


Motorcycle, Sidewalk, MRT, Restaurant, Pub,

Chord, Alarm, Dou, white noise. User also can use

the voice user record.


Allow user to choose what functions user wants to add or move

into your shortcuts.

Emergency Calls


This phone, like any wireless phone, operates using radio

signals, wireless and landline networks as well as user

programmed functions. Because of this, connections in all

conditions cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, user should never

rely solely upon any wireless phone for essential

communications (e.g. medical emergencies)

Emergency calls may not be possible on all wireless phone

networks or when certain network services and/or phone

features are in use. Check with local service provider.


GENERAL INFORMATION…………………………………………….


Battery care ………………………………………………………………..


Access codes ……………………………………………………………..


Care and maintenance …………………………………………………


Important safety information ………………………………………….




Product Package …………………………………………………………


Phone Layout ……………………………………………………………..


Keypad Description ……………………………………………………..


Icon Description on Standby Mode Screen ………………………


GETTING STARTED …………………………………………………….


Installing the SIM card and the battery…………………………….


Charging the battery …………………………………………………….


Switching the phone on and off………………………………………


Function without plug-in SIM card…………………………………..


CALL FUNCTION…………………………………………………………



Making a call from the Contact ………………………………………


Making an international call …………………………………………..


Answering an incoming call …………………………………………..


Rejecting the incoming call ……………………………………………


Call waiting …………………………………………………………………


Making a conference call ………………………………………………


Tips for call options………………………………………………………


Text editing using input method ……………………………………..





SMS ………………………………………………………………………….


Multimedia Message Service (MMS) ………………………………


Chat ………………………………………………………………………….


E-mail ………………………………………………………………………..


Voice Mail Server…………………………………………………………


Broadcast Message……………………………………………………..





Missed calls………………………………………………………………..


Dialed Calls ………………………………………………………………..



Received Calls ……………………………………………………………


Delete Call Log……………………………………………………………


Call Time ……………………………………………………………………


Call Cost…………………………………………………………………….


SMS Counter………………………………………………………………


GRPS Counter ……………………………………………………………


CONTACT …………………………………………………………


Quick Search………………………………………………………………


Search Entry……………………………………………………………….


Add New Entry ……………………………………………………………


Copy All ……………………………………………………………………..




Caller Group ……………………………………………………………….


Search By Caller Group………………………………………………..


Extra Number ……………………………………………………………..


Settings ……………………………………………………………………..


VOIP …………………………………………………………………


Preferred Mode …………………………………………………………..



Enable WLAN and search for network …………………………….


SIP Setting …………………………………………………………………


Make a New VoIP Call ………………………………………………….


SERVICES …………………………………………………………


WAP ………………………………………………………………………….


Data Account ………………………………………………………………


FILE MANAGER …………………………………………………


CAMERA …………………………………………………………..


Camera ……………………………………………………………………..


Image Viewer ……………………………………………………………..


Video Recorder……………………………………………………………


Video Player ……………………………………………………………….


Photo Editor………………………………………………………………..




……………………………………………… 106

Java ………………………………………………………………………….


Java Setting………………………………………………………………..




Themes ……………………………………………………………………..


Sound Recorder ………………………………………………………….


Melody Compose…………………………………………………………


AUDIO PLAYER …………………………………………………


Play the music …………………………………………………………….


ORGANIZER ……………………………………………………..




To do list …………………………………………………………………….




E-book Reader ……………………………………………………………



APPLICATION ……………………………………………………


Bluetooth ……………………………………………………………………


World Clock ………………………………………………………………..


Calculator …………………………………………………………………..


Unit converter ……………………………………………………………..


Currency converter ………………………………………………………






SETTINGS …………………………………………………………….


User profiles ……………………………………………………………….


Display Characteristic …………………………………………………..


Phone setup ……………………………………………………………….


Call setup …………………………………………………………………..


Network Setup…………………………………………………………….


Security Setup …………………………………………………………….


Restore Factory Settings ………………………………………………


Sound Effect……………………………………………………………….


Shortcuts ……………………………………………………………………


EMERGENCY CALLS …………………………………………………..



General information

Battery care

DMP330 is powered by a rechargeable battery.

The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times but it will eventually wear out. When the operating time (talking time and standby time) is noticeably shorter than normal, user should buy a new battery at this time.

Unplug the charger when not in use. Don’t leave the battery connected to a charger for longer than a week, since overcharging may shorten its lifetime.

Overcharging may shorten its lifetime, and if left unused a fully charged battery may discharge itself over time.

If the phone is not in use and charged for a long time, over-discharge may happen.

Over-discharge may cause DMP330 to be charged abnormally and the indication of battery in charge cannot be seen immediately once the battery is charged. The indication of battery in charge may only be seen after 20 minutes.


Temperature extremes can affect the ability of your battery to charge.

Do not use any charger or battery that is damaged in any way.

Use the battery only for its intended purpose.

Extreme temperatures will affect the charging capacity of your battery.

Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, such as in a car in summer or winter condition.

Do not short-circuit the battery. Short-circuiting the terminals may damage the battery or the connecting object.

Dispose of batteries according to local regulations. Always recycle. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.

Access codes

PIN code

The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code protects your SIM card against unauthorized. Your SIM card usually supplies the PIN code.


Note: User may need to obtain the password from your service


Note: If user key in an incorrect PIN code three times in succession, user may need to key in PUK code.

PIN2 code

The PIN2 code may be supplied with the SIM card. Some functions will require PIN2 support.

Note: Your may need to obtain the password from your service


PUK code

The PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) code is required to change a blocked PIN code. The PUK code is required to change a blocked PIN2 code.

Note: User may need to obtain the password from your service


Note: If user keys in an incorrect PIN2 code three times in succession, user may need to key in PUK2 code.

Note: If user key in an incorrect PUK code ten times in succession,


the SIM card cannot be used anymore. Contact your service provider for

a new card.

Phone code

Phone code protects the phone against unauthorized use. It is not activated in default. User can activate this function and change the default phone code (1122) to any four to eight-digit personal codes.

Care and maintenance

Read this information before using your mobile phone.

Your mobile phone is a highly sophisticated electronic device. When use DMP330, battery, charger or any accessory, please read this first.

Product care

Keep your mobile phone and all its parts out of young children’s reach.

Keep your mobile phone dry.

Avoid exposing your mobile phone to extreme hot or cold temperatures.


Avoid placing your mobile phone close to lit cigarettes, naked flames or any heat source.

Do not attempt to disassemble it. Non-expert handling of the device may damage it.

Do not drop, knock or shake it. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards.

Do not paint your mobile phone as the paint could obstruct the earphone, microphone or any moveable parts and prevent normal use.

Treat your mobile phone with care, keep it in a clean and dust free place.

Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the phone is switched on. Contact with the antenna affects call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level that needed and shorten talk and standby times.

Hold the phone as user speaks to any other telephone. While speaking directly into the microphone, angle the antenna in a direction up and over your shoulder. If the antenna is extendable/retractable, it should be extended during the call.


Important safety information

FCC Regulations

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:


Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.

RF Exposure Information (SAR)

This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.

The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg. *Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the


FCC with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the device is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.

The highest SAR value for the device as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear is 0.564 W/kg for PCS Head SAR and 0.2 W/kg for WLAN Head SAR and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 0.864 W/kg for PCS Body SAR and 0.434 W/kg for WLAN Body SAR. (Body-worn measurements differ among device models, depending upon available enhancements and FCC requirements.)

While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various devices and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement.

The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this device is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant


section of http://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid after searching on FCC ID: D6XDMP330.

For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that contains no metal and the positions the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from the body. Use of other enhancements may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. If you do no t use a body-worn accessory and are not holding the device at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from your body when the device is switched on.

Radio frequency energy

Your mobile phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. When the phone is turned on, it receives and transmits radio frequency (RF) energy. Depending on the type of mobile phone user posses, it operates on different frequency ranges and employs commonly used modulation techniques. The system that handles your call when user is using phone controls the power level at which DMP330 transmits.


Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information.

DMP330 has been designed to comply with applicable safety requirement for exposure to radio waves. This requirement is based on scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. These guidelines include safety margins designed to assure this safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.

The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. Tests for SAR are conducted using standardized method with the phone transmitting at this highest certified power level in all used frequency bands.

The SAR limit recommended by the international Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is 2W/kg averaged over then (10) gram of tissue.

This highest SAR value for this model phone tested by ADT for use at the ear is 0.49W/kg (10g).

SAR data information for residents in countries/regions that have adopted the SAR limit recommended by the


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one (1) gram of tissue.

Electronic devices

Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF energy. However, certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RF signals from your wireless phone, therefore:

Do not use your mobile phone near medical equipment without requesting permission.


Mobile phones may affect the operation of some implanted cardiac pacemakers and other medically implanted equipment. Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separation of 20 cm (6 inches) be maintained between a hand-held wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with the independent research by and recommendations of Wireless Technology Research.

Persons with pacemakers:

Should always keep the phone more than 20 cm (6


inches) from their pacemaker when the phone is switched on;

Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket;

Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference.

If user has any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, switch off DMP330 immediately.

Hearing aids

Some hearing aids might be disturbed by mobile phones. In the event of such disturbance, user may want to consult your service provider, or call the customer services line to discuss alternatives.


Turn off your mobile phone before boarding any aircraft.

Do not use it on the ground without crew permission

To prevent interference with communication systems, user must not use your mobile phone while the plane is in the air.


Potentially explosive atmospheres

Switch off DMP330 when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signs and instructions. It is rare, but DMP330 or its accessories could generate sparks. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death. Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always, clearly marked. They include fuelling areas, such as petrol station, below deck on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders and any other area where user would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.


Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the areas where user drive. If user is going to use DMP330 while driving, please:

Give full attention to driving

Use handsfree. Law in many countries requires vehicle handsfree.

Pull off the road and park before making or answering a


call if driving conditions so require.

RF energy may affect some electronic systems in motor vehicles such as car stereo, safety equipment etc. in addition; some vehicle manufacturers do not allow use of mobile phones, unless the installation is supported by a handsfree kit with an external antenna in their vehicles. Check with your vehicle manufacturer’s representative to be sure that your mobile phone will not affect the electronic systems in your vehicle.



Product Package

The package includes the following elements:




Download cable



Phone Layout



Keypad Description

Key Icon

Key Name

Main Function Description

Hold this key for at least two

seconds to power on/off the phone.

Power Key

Reject an incoming call.

End a call in progress.

Go back to the idle screen.

Dial a phone call.

Confirm selection in menu


Dialing Key

Answer an incoming call.

Check the call history of

dialed/missed/received calls in

standby mode.

Browse functions/options in menu


Move the cursor in text editing.


Quick access to the following

functions in idle screen:

Navigation Keys

: Audio Player

: Call Group of Friends

: Messages

: Tone Setup

Confirm selection in menu operation.

Center Navigation Key

Quick access to WLAN searching by

holding two seconds at least

Enter the main menu in standby


Left Soft Key (LSK)

While checking recently called

numbers, store the numbers in the

phone book.

Confirm the setting.


Enter contact list in standby mode.

Delete characters in text editing.

Right Soft Key (RSK) (Press and hold 2 sec. or up) Delete all characters in editing mode.

Key in alphabets of “A ~ Z” and “a ~


Key in numbers of 1, 2, ~ 9, 0.

Hold key “1” for at least 2 seconds to

enter voice mailbox.

Hold one of keys “2” ~ “9” for dialing

Number Keys

a predefined speed-dialed number.

Long press key “0” in editing mode to

generate a “Space” character

Long press key “0” in phone number

dialing to generate an international

call prefix “+” , or “P”, and “W”


Key in “*” character.

Key in symbol characters such as

“, : ; ?” in text editing.

Extra Function Key In idle screen, hold for at least 2

seconds, switch current user profile

and silent profile alternatively

Key in “#” character

In text editing, change types of input

Pause Key


In idle screen, hold for 2 seconds at

least, activate key lock function.


Adjust keypad tone volume in standby mode.

Adjust speech volume in talking mode

Adjust music volume in audio player

Volume Key

Hold on at least 2 seconds to enter

camera function.

Take the picture when in camera


Camera Key

Pause/Resume recording when in

video recorder function


Icon Description on Standby Mode Screen

User may see several icons showed on the status bar on the

display, the following table describes the meanings of these icons.

Icon Description

Battery level

GSM signal strength


WLAN signal strength

WLAN signal in status bar

WLAN off

WLAN connecting

WLAN disconnected

VoIP registered



Line 1/Line 2

/ /

Call forwarding for L1/L2/L1 and L2



GPRS registered/GPRS connected

Headset plugged in

New short message arrival


MMS unread/busy


Sound recording

Alter type: ringing

Alter type: silent

Alter type: vibration

Alter type: vibration then ringing

Alter type: vibration and ringing



Voice mail L1/L2/L3


Missed call


Keypad Locked

Bluetooth on

Bluetooth connected

Bluetooth disconnected



Email L1/L2/L3

WAP mail

Stop watch


Chatting room 1/2


Getting Started

Installing the SIM card and the battery

User needs to follow up the following steps to insert the SIM card and charge the battery before using the phone.

1.Press the back cover release button and take the cover away as shown in Figure 1

2.Lift the battery away as shown in Figure 2.

3.Insert and slide the SIM card and battery as shown in Figure 3.

Note: Keep all miniature SIM cards out of the reach of children.

Note: Be careful to handle, insert or remove the SIM card since the SIM card and its contact can easily be damaged by scratched or bending.

Note: Before installing/removing the SIM card, always make sure


that the phone is switched off.

Charging the battery

User must fully charge the battery before using DMP330 for the

first time.

1.Connect the lead from the travel adapter to the USB socket on the bottom of DMP330.

2.Connect the charger to an AC wall outlet.

User can charge the battery through

Charger: charge battery from a stand AC power outlet

USB cable: charge battery from devices with USB host connector (e.g., desktop PC and laptop PC)


Note: When you first use the phone, the battery has to be fully

charged. It takes about 2.5 hours to finish charging an empty battery.

Charging through charger

1.Plug the charger connector into mini-USB socket at the bottom of phone when phone is either switched on or off.

2.User can hear a “beep” sound and see a message saying “Charger Connected”, and then charging starts. At this moment, User can see the battery bar icon running on the main display screen.

3.Once the charging is completed, a full battery bar icon appears.

4.Remove the charger, user will hear a “beep” sound again and see a message saying “Charger Removed.”

Charging through USB cable

1.Connect the USB cable to a desktop PC or a laptop PC which is switched on. Make sure the PC is not in sleep



2.Plug the USB connector into mini-USB socket at the bottom of phone when phone is either switched on or off.

3.User can hear a “beep” sound and see USB configuration menu in the display screen. Press key, then

charging starts. At this moment, user can see the battery bar icon changing on the main display screen.

4.Once the charging is completed, a full battery bar icon appears.

5.Remove USB cable, you will hear a “beep” sound again and see a message saying “Charger Removed.”

Note: When the battery level is low and indicated by “” on the display, user will hear a “beep” sound. When the battery level becomes too low and indicated by “” on the display, it shall be switched off automatically in a short time.

Note: If the phone is not in use and charged for a long time, over-discharge may happen. If user cannot see charging screen upon the connection of the charger, wait for a period of time and then the charging will be activated. In case that the charging screen cannot be shown always, contact service center.


Switching the phone on and off

1.Press and hold key.

2.If the phone asks PIN code, key in the PIN code, and press Left Soft Key (LSK) to confirm.

Note: If the phone shows “Insert SIM” when SIM card is properly inserted, contact your network operator or service provider.

Note: Do not switch the phone on when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.

Function without plug-in SIM card

DMP330 has some functions user can use without plug-in SIM card. Including:


Call History




File Manager




Audio Player



Setting(except Call Setup and Shortcuts)

Call Function

This gives user information about the calling service that support in DMP330.

Making a call from the Contact

1.In standby mode, dial number and press .

2.In standby mode, press Right Soft Key (RSK) to

enter Name, select one name from Search and follow by pressing key to dial.

3.User could also press Menu and choose to enter Contact submenu to make a call.


Making an international call

For international calls, long press key

for the

international prefix (character “+”).

Key in the country code, area code and the phone number. Press to call.

Answering an incoming call

Press to answer the call.

Rejecting the incoming call

Press to reject the call.

Call waiting

User can answer another incoming call while user has a call in progress.

During a call, press LSK to enter option menu to hold a call.


Making a conference call

User can make conference call while user has multi calls in progress.

1.Make a call to the first participant.

2.Press LSK and choose New Call to call the second participant as explained in Make a new call during a call.

3.Press LSK and select Conference. This joins the calls to the conference.

4.Repeat step 2 and 3 to allow new participants to be connected to the conference call.

5.Press Option and select End All to end the call or press .

6.Any call (participant) can be disconnected by press Option key and select End Single.

Note: Please user make sure if the operation supports this service or need to subscribe this service before using this function.


Tips for call options

A call can be connected to any single caller by pressing Option. When user presses Option during an active call, user would see the following functions:

1.Hold: put a call on

2.End: end a call.

3.New call: make a new call during an active call.

4.Contact: shortcut to Contact menu.

5.SMS: shortcut to Messages menu.

6.Sound recorder: to record the conversation during an active phone call.

7.Mute: set On/Off to mute the call during the conversation.

8.DTMF: set On/Off for DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) tone dialing system.

Text editing using input method

User can key in text by using the traditional method or predictive smart input. DMP330 is designed to support six languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese languages


To select input method

1.When key in text, press Option and select Input Method.

2.User can also change input method by short press key.

To insert a space

In T9abc, user could use key to insert spaces.

Traditional English input

DMP330 provides Multitap function. For example, press key twice to display the letter “B”, and press three times to display the letter “C”. The following table shows the mapping of keypads of “0” ~ “9” and the associated characters.


Tecom Co DMP330 Users manual

English characters table


Text entry with “T9”

“T9” uses a built-in dictionary to recognize the most commonly used word for every sequence of key presses.

The selected input method will be shown the icon in the indication bar. User can choose to turn on or off your T9 input method in option list.

Multitap ABC

Multitap abc


Smart ABC

Smart abc



User can view, edit, and send the message via this menu.


DMP330 also allows user to send and receive text message contain pictures or melodies.

To write a message

1.In Messages menu, choose SMS, press Ok

2.Choose Write Message, press Ok to write message.

3.User can also personalize your message with more different special effects by selecting following functions in option list which are:

Use Templates: User might insert default template for quick writing.

Insert Object: User might insert picture, animation, melody and sound in your text message.


Format Text: User might choose text size, style, alignment or start new paragraph.

Insert PHB Number: You can add number from phonebook

Insert PHB Name: You can add name from phonebook

Insert Bookmark: You can add bookmark from WAP

Input Method: User might choose input method as user wishes.

Note: To quick access Messages function, user can press left key of in standby mode.

Note: To key in the content, please refer to Subsection of “Text editing using input method.”

To read message

When user has received a message, the indicator will appear on the display. If your inbox is full, there will be a pop-up window to remind user to delete some of your old message.


Otherwise, your message will be saved in the phone instead of SIM card.

1.In Messages, choose Text Message (SMS), press OK and then select Inbox.

2.Choose the message user would like to read by pressing OK to view the content.

Note: The message user has received will be saved in SIM as

default setting.

When user read the message, DMP330 provides following selections for your option.

Reply: Allow user to reply by sending a text message.

Delete: Allow user to delete the message in progress.

Edit: Allow user to edit the text message.

Forward: Allow user to forward a text message.

Copy To Phone/SIM: Allow user to copy the selected text message to DMP330/SIM.


Move To Phone/SIM: Allow user to move the selected text message to DMP330/SIM.

Chat: Allow user to chat with the one sending message to DMP330.

Delete All: Allow user to delete all message at once.

Copy All: Allow user to copy all message to DMP330 at once.

Move All: Allow user to move all message to DMP330 at once.

Use Number: Allow user to save the number in your Contact.

Use URL: Allow user to use the URL in DMP330.

To send a message

1.In Messages, choose Text Message (SMS) and press


2.Choose Write Message; press OK to start writing message.



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28.06.2017, Автор: Андрей Торженов / контакты / обратная связь /

Видео с описанием настройки Wi-Fi/GSM SIP телефона Tecom DMP330.

Данный материал был подготовлен и размещен специалистами АО «Траст.ком» и является собственностью компании АО «Траст.ком». Использование любых материалов, размещенных на сайте компании АО «Траст.ком» (www.tr-com.ru) допускается только при указании прямой ссылки на непосредственный адрес материала на Сайте.

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Обзор и настройка Wi-Fi SIP телефона Tecom DMP 330

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