Traxxas ez start 2 инструкция

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22 • NITRO 4-TEC 3.3

The Traxxas EZ-Start brings the convenience of push-button electric
engine starting to your Nitro 4-Tec. The EZ-Start consists of a hand-held
control unit and an on-board motorized starter.
• Power for the EZ-Start system comes from a 7.2-volt rechargeable battery

pack installed in the hand-held control unit.

• The engine glow plug is heated automatically by the EZ-Start system,

eliminating the need to keep up with a separate glow plug igniter.

• The voltage to the glow plug is kept constant, regardless of the

load placed on the starter by the starter motor.

• The “Glow Plug” LED (light emitting diode) on the control unit

indicates the condition of the glow plug.

• The “Motor” LED indicates the status of the EZ-Start electric starter motor.
• The cush drive mechanism in the drive unit prevents damage to the

gears caused by engine kickback.

• Smart Start

protection circuitry prevents damage to the motor by cutting

power if the load on the motor or other electronics exceeds safe limits.

Charging the EZ-Start Battery
The included charger can be used to charge the included EZ-Start
battery pack.

1. Plug the charger into the wall. The LED on the charger should

glow green.

2. Connect the included EZ-Start battery pack to the charger output

cord. The LED will glow red indicating the battery is charging.

3. The battery should charge for approximately 4 ½ hours. The LED

will turn green when the battery is fully charged.

Installing the EZ-Start Battery
1. Press the tab in the end of the battery

compartment door to open (A).

2. Plug a fully charged

7.2-volt battery pack
into the connector
inside (B).

3. Twist the battery two

or three times to twirl
the battery plug wires. This
helps hold the wire and
battery in place when the
battery is installed in the
compartment (C).

4. Install the battery into the

compartment and press the wires securely into place.

5. Snap the battery compartment door back on and lock the

end tab (D).

Using the EZ-Start
Your EZ-Start controller plugs into a 4-prong receptacle in the center of
the bed on your Nitro 4-Tec 3.3. When the red button on the controller is
pressed, the EZ-Start motor begins to spin the engine and power from the
control unit heats the glow plug. Assuming all settings and preparations
are correct, the engine should start almost immediately.

Each of the two status indicator LEDs on the hand-
held control unit, the Motor LED and the Glow Plug
LED, should light green while starting. If either LED
fails to light while starting, there is a fault indicated
with that function.

If the Glow Plug LED fails to light, the glow plug may
be bad, or the glow plug wire may be damaged or

If the Motor LED fails to light and the starter fails to
operate, then the EZ-Start is in protection mode.

Using Other Chargers
Another convenient option
for charging the included
battery is an AC peak-
detecting charger that
plugs directly into an AC
wall outlet, such as the
TRX Power Charger, Part
#3030X. It contains special
peak-detection circuitry
that automatically shuts the
charger off when the battery
is fully charged.

Caution: Never use a
15-minute timed charger to
recharge your model’s battery
packs. Overcharging may
result, causing damage to the
battery packs.







Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug


Glow Plug





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Узнайте, как установить и использовать расширенную систему управления освещением TRX-4 Bronco Pro Scale для вашего грузовика Ford Bronco или F-1979 150 года выпуска. Это руководство пользователя содержит пошаговые инструкции и советы по устранению неполадок.

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Узнайте, как безопасно и легко заряжать аккумуляторы Traxxas с помощью зарядного устройства EZ-Peak Plus Fast Charger. Это руководство пользователя содержит пошаговые инструкции, включая запуск/остановку Battery iD, выбор режима зарядки LiPo и многое другое. Зарядите аккумуляторы с помощью зарядного устройства Traxxas EZ-Peak Plus.

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Summary of Contents for Traxxas T-Maxx 49104

  • Page 1
    MODel 49104 owner s manual ’…
  • Page 2
    Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information The radiated output power of the Traxxas LP Device is below the Industry Canada (IC) radio frequency exposure limits. The Traxxas LP Device should be used in such a manner such that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
  • Page 3: Before You Proceed

    WARNINGS, helPfUl hINTS, & CROSS-RefeReNCeS Racing Engine, TQ, Top Fuel, Throughout this manual, you’ll notice warnings and helpful hints Traxxas offers a full-service, on-site repair facility to handle any of EZ-Start, Ready-To-Race, Ready-To- identified by the icons below. Be sure to read them! your Traxxas service needs.

  • Page 4
    Bold SAfeTY PReCAUTIONS All of us at Traxxas want you to safely enjoy your new T-Maxx. Operate • You must extend the antenna wire in the model as far as possible for your T-Maxx sensibly and with care, and it will be exciting, safe, and fun maximum range.
  • Page 5: Tools, Supplies, And Required Equipment

    R/C toolbox: • Safety glasses • Thin, hobby-quality cyanoacrylate instant tire glue (CA glue), such as Foam air filter oil and Traxxas Part #6468 2.0mm “L” wrench 2.5mm “L” wrench 5.0mm “L” wrench 1.5mm “L” wrench extra oiled air filter element •…

  • Page 6
    ANATOMY Of The T-MAXX Shift Rod Steering Servo Fuel Tank On/Off Switch Shifting Servo Battery Box Fuel Tank Lid Slipper Clutch Suspension Arm Spur Gear (upper) Fuel Line Two Speed Adjustment Throttle/Brake Servo Access Plug EZ-Start Motor Shock Tower Pressure Line Bumper (front) EZ-Start Plug Skid Plate (front)
  • Page 7: Quick Start: Getting Up To Speed

    qUICk START: GeTTING UP TO SPeeD The following guide is an overview of the procedures for getting your T-Maxx running, from opening the box to breaking in and tuning your engine. Refer to the pages indicated for details on each step. Look for the Quick Start logo on the bottom corners of Quick Start pages. The Quick Start Guide is not intended to replace the 1.

  • Page 8
    TRAXXAS Tq 2.4Ghz RADIO SYSTeM Your model is equipped with the Traxxas TQ 2.4GHz transmitter. The transmitter has three channels: Channel one operates the steering, channel two operates the throttle, and channel three operates shifting. The receiver inside the model has three output channels. Your Applying The Decals model is equipped with three servos and a receiver.
  • Page 9
    TRAXXAS Tq 2.4Ghz RADIO SYSTeM INTRODUCTION NiMH – Abbreviation for nickel-metal hydride. Rechargeable Learn terms related to NiMH batteries offer high-current handling and much greater Your model includes the TQ 2.4GHz transmitter. When powered the TRX 2.5 Racing Engine resistance to the “memory” effect. NiMH batteries generally on, the TQ will automatically locate and lock onto an available beginning on page 16.
  • Page 10: Installing Transmitter Batteries

    TRAXXAS Tq 2.4Ghz RADIO SYSTeM INSTAllING The ReCeIveR ANTeNNA 3. Insert the battery holder into the battery cover. The receiver antenna and antenna tube must To prevent loss of radio range, 4. Direct the battery wires through the slot Antenna…

  • Page 11
    TRAXXAS Tq 2.4Ghz RADIO SYSTeM RADIO SYSTeM CONTROlS • Always have the transmitter and receiver turned on before you start the engine. Never turn the radio system off while the engine If you use rechargeable is running. The on/off switch in the model only turns the receiver batteries in your receiver, be on and off.
  • Page 12
    TRAXXAS Tq 2.4Ghz RADIO SYSTeM Throttle reversing procedure: 7. Operate the shift button on the transmitter and check for 1. Press and hold the SET button on the transmitter for two rapid operation of the shifting servo. Push the shift button…
  • Page 13
    TRAXXAS Tq 2.4Ghz RADIO SYSTeM far end, so you drive the model toward and past your position. In TRANSMITTeR leD CODeS addition to maximizing the radio’s range, this technique will keep LED Color / Pattern Name Notes Fail-Safe your model closer to you, making it easier to see and control.
  • Page 14: Air Filter Maintenance

    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe ™ introduction The TRX 2.5 Racing Engine is a specialty high-performance racing Traxxas strongly discourages engine. Its impressive performance is the result of years of focused changing or modifying any engineering development and thousands of hours of controlled part of the TRX 2.5 Racing…

  • Page 15
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe TRX 2.5 RACING Idle Speed eNGINe IllUSTRATeD Adjustment Head Protector Screw Head (Cylinder head) Air Filter EZ-Start Housing Drive Unit High-Speed Needle Fuel Intake Air Intake Carburetor Flywheel EZ-Start Motor Clutch Bell Engine Mount Crankshaft Throttle Low-Speed Crankcase…
  • Page 16
    The break-in procedure can be different for different the piston will feel very tight at the top of the sleeve (top dead makes of engines. Follow the Traxxas directions for break-in exactly. center), and the engine will have good sealing and compression.
  • Page 17
    On a Traxxas model, this is done by holding your finger over Idle speed screw (ISS) — Located on the carburetor body. This screw the exhaust tip for one or two seconds while the engine is starting.
  • Page 18
    10% nitro blend is more economical for the sport user. 10% also • Top Fuel is the only fuel which is 100% certified for use in Traxxas engines. fuel dispensing bottle on provides greater latitude with the needle settings for easier tuning.
  • Page 19: The Air Filter

    Apply 30 drops of performance by switching to an aftermarket filter, and you may risk the Traxxas filter oil evenly to the top, bottom, and sides of the filter engine damage due to poor filtration.

  • Page 20
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe The Carburetor correct air/fuel ratio. Warmer air is less dense (fewer air molecules) and therefore needs less fuel to maintain the correct air/fuel ratio. The See page 27 for more Understanding the Carburetor adjustments information on how air tuning needles are there to adjust how much fuel is made available for The carburetor performs several functions.
  • Page 21
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe • Slightly lean fuel mixtures deliver stronger, more efficient Richen See Tuning Your TRX 2.5 Water Valve combustion and more power, but with less lubrication. Racing Engine on page 26 (Controls Overall Flow) for complete information on High Speed Needle •…
  • Page 22
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe The TRAXXAS eZ-START eleCTRIC STARTING SYSTeM Installing the EZ-Start Battery The Traxxas EZ-Start brings the convenience of push-button electric Using Other Chargers engine starting to your T-Maxx. The EZ-Start consists of a hand-held 1. Press the tab in the end of the battery Another convenient option control unit and an on-board motorized starter.
  • Page 23
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe Protection Mode The EZ-Start uses Smart Start technology to monitor the condition ™ When the EZ-Start controller of the system and detect failures. The controller monitors the load is in protection mode, wait being placed on the EZ-Start motor. If the load becomes excessive, at least three minutes before the system shuts off power to the motor to prevent costly damage attempting to start the engine…
  • Page 24
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe BReAkING IN YOUR TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe • Keep extra Traxxas glow plugs handy. The break-in process can cause The TRX 2.5 Racing Engine uses a ringless, aluminum-brass-chrome (ABC) See Important Points to deposits to form on the plug, leading to plug failure.
  • Page 25
    3-second count, hold for 2 more seconds, and then Only use the Traxxas break-in thousand two, and then stop. Repeat this starting and stopping gently apply the brake to stop. Count the five seconds out while procedure.
  • Page 26
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe Winter Break-in Tips • We do not recommend that you operate your engine below 35°F. If During the break-in process, the piston and sleeve wear into you insist on running your vehicle below 35°F, be aware that nitro When tuning for each other to form a precise fit.
  • Page 27
    The TRX 2.5 RACING eNGINe Before you begin tuning, the engine should be warmed up to its normal 2. Bring the vehicle in and pinch closed the fuel line going into the operating temperature and running slightly rich. All final tuning adjustments carburetor (use the engine shut-off clamp).
  • Page 28
    (always with a visible stream of blue smoke coming from the optional infrared temperature probe or exhaust) . If engine temperature is exceeding 270°F with proper cooling on-board temperature gauge (Traxxas and no signs of abnormal running, then avoid running the engine at its on-board digital temperature gauge, maximum lean setting.
  • Page 29: Driving Tips

    If it will not shift, then refer to the troubleshooting apply the throttle gradually to prevent loss of control. T-Maxx is section on or call Traxxas support. very fast and responsive and is intended for experienced drivers.

  • Page 30: Tuning Adjustments

    TUNING ADjUSTMeNTS Adjusting the Slipper Clutch Turn the adjustment screw 1/8 turn clockwise to raise the shift The T-Maxx features an adjustable slipper clutch on the spur gear to point (later shifts). Be careful not to over tighten the adjustment help protect the drive train from sudden shock loads (such as landing off screw or you may damage the tension spring.

  • Page 31: Adjusting The Suspension

    TUNING ADjUSTMeNTS Adjusting the Camber The ride height for the T-Maxx can be adjusted by adding or removing the clip-on spring pre-load spacers. Note that changes in ride height Two pivot balls are accessible through Factory toe-in settings can will occur when changes in shock angle or spring rates are made. You the spokes of each of the wheels on your be achieved by installing the can compensate for ride height changes by changing the pre-load…

  • Page 32
    TUNING ADjUSTMeNTS Shock Mounting Positions The outer pair of holes on the lower suspension arm should be used to lower the ride height of the T-Maxx and increase the spring force (at the wheel). Big bumps and rough terrain require a softer For easier access to the This setting will improve high-speed cornering on smoother terrain by suspension with the maximum possible…
  • Page 33
    (reciprocating • Inspect the gears for wear, broken teeth, or debris lodged between You must perform after-run maintenance on your Traxxas engine assemblies). the teeth. whenever the model will be stored for longer than a few hours. Taking…
  • Page 34
    MAINTAINING AND STORING YOUR T-MAXX have to pinch the fuel line closed for several seconds before the 3. Turn the model upside down and plug in the EZ-Start controller. engine stops. 4. Push the EZ-Start button for several seconds to clear the engine Denatured alcohol (available 2.
  • Page 35
    LEDs on the then the EZ-Start controller is in protection mode. Allow the • Try a new Traxxas glow plug. Sometimes a glow plug will EZ-Start controller light when the button is depressed. If the controller to cool for at least three minutes.
  • Page 36
    ’ MODel 49104 1100 klein Road, Plano Texas 75074 1-888-TRAXXAS 121130 KC1792-R01…


Struggling to make your engine start with your Traxxas EZ Start? Been there quite a few times. 

While the problems with EZ Start can be really frustrating at times, they are not that hard to fix. If anything, you can actually avoid EZ Start problems if you do things right!

So, how do you troubleshoot Traxxas Ez start problems?

Replace your Traxxas EZ start battery if your EZ start is not responding to the throttle. Clear the excess fuel from the Engine if your EZ engine is flooded. You should replace worn-out EZ motors, or try holding the motor wires against a 9V battery terminal.

There are actually a lot more problems you can face with your Traxxas EZ start. And each of the issues has different troubleshooting steps. 

So let’s learn more about them.

When using a unique system like Traxxas EZ Start, you can expect unique problems to tag along with it. 

While some of the issues are very common, it might end up being hard to execute their troubleshooting on this device. 

That’s where I come in. With experience of working over 8+ years with different RC models, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve!

I’ve provided a detailed, helpful guide to help you troubleshoot your Traxxas EZ Start Issues.


Got no time to read long guides? No problem!

Here are the quick fixes to all the Traxxas EZ start problems!

Traxxas EZ Start Problems Troubleshooting
Traxxas EZ Start Battery Problems Fully charge the EZ battery. Properly the EZ start.
EZ Start Motor Not Turning Connect the motor wires to their respective terminals. Replace damaged wires and worn-out motors.
EZ Start Turns But Engine Does Not Rotate Clean and lube the bearings. Replace any damaged bearing or stripped motors. 
Flooded Engine Clean up the excess fuel from the engine.
Damaged Glow Plug Wire Tape the breaks in the blue glow plug wire shut. Replace badly damaged blue wire.

Still there? Good. Because I’m just getting started!

At the end of the troubleshooting guide, I got some really helpful tips to keep your Traxxas EZ Start in great condition. Don’t miss out!

With that said, let’s go through all the problems and their solutions one by one. 

EZ Start Battery Problems

A very common problem that a lot of EZ Start users run into is the battery problem. 

You allow users the flexibility to use Lipo, NiCd, or NiMH batteries as the Traxxas EZ Start battery. 

Unfortunately, EZ Start has a negative reputation for not being able to hold battery charges for too long. 

A weak battery won’t be able to spin the engine fast enough, let alone make it start. The battery won’t be capable enough to light the glow plug. 

Keeping the EZ Start inactive for a long period of time will gradually deplete the charge from the EZ Start battery. So you have to make sure to freshly charge the EZ Start battery before using your Traxxas EZ Start system. 

Now, how long does it take for EZ Start battery to charge?

A fast charger will fully charge a 1200mah EZ Start Battery within 15-20 minutes. A Trickle charger will take 6 hours to fully charge that same 1200mah battery. 

Well, that sure takes a lot of time with the trickle charge if you ask me!

However, some EZ start starter ends up experiencing fast battery drainage. And this can be really frustrating when it takes about a quarter of a day to fully charge one. 

Well, what makes Traxxas EZ Start batteries drain that fast?

Not properly grounding the EZ Start is responsible for killing the battery that quickly. Grounding the EZ Start ensures that the system is not leaking any excess energy, resulting in longer battery life.  

So if your batteries are dying rather fast, try checking the grounding and fix it. 

You can also use a glow plug igniter instead of an EZ start to start your engine. 

EZ Start Motor Not Turning

The motor is the heart of your EZ Start. And if it’s not working, that’s definitely not a good sign!

A loose motor connection will render your EZ Start unusable. Your EZ Start motor won’t start spinning if you have a loose motor wire connection. 

Look for the red and black wires between the EZ Start motor and the connector. Make sure that the red wire is connected to the motor terminal that is marked with a red dot. Similarly, connect the black wire to the opposite terminal.

Still not spinning?

Check if there’s any damage to the insulation of the red wire. A damaged red wire will let itself short against the chassis or engine.

And trust me, you don’t want any of that!

I advise replacing the damaged EZ start wire with a new one. That’s the safest option. 

But what if the motor is worn out?

It’s best to replace the worn-out motor with a new one. This detailed guide on identifying bad brushless motors can help! 


You can still check whether or not the EZ Start motor is working. Hold the red and black electric motor terminals against a 9v battery. If it spins normally, you can still get some use out of your EZ start motor!

I would also suggest you check your EZ Start wiring harness. If it’s damaged, replace it. 

EZ Start Turns But Engine Does Not Rotate

This is the problem where your EZ Start works just fine, but still fails to turn the engine on.

You can blame a number of reasons for that. Luckily, they can all be solved just as easily!

The first thing you should look for is whether the one-way bearing of EZ Start is slipping on the starter shaft. A slipping bearing will eventually keep the engine from turning over. 

Remove the EZ Start and clean and lube the bearings before installing them back. Damaged bearings should be replaced.

Damaged gears can be yet another reason for EZ Start failing to start the engine. 

Stripped gears in the EZ Start gearbox will fail to start up the engine. Clean the gearbox after taking off the old gear. 

You might find a few broken gear teeth while cleaning the gearbox. Get rid of the broken gear teeth and install new gears. 

Make sure that you apply a light silicone grease coating on the new gear teeth before installing it.

Flooded Engine

Yet another reason why your EZ Start won’t work effectively is due to a flooded engine. 

The engine will appear to be locked while attempting a start using the EZ Start if the engine is flooded. An engine that has been primed excessively during routine startup tends to get flooded. 

Here’s how you can clear a flooded engine:

  1. Take off the blue glow plug wire.
  2. Turn the model upside-down after plugging the EZ Start.
  3. Clear the excess fuel from the combustion chamber by pushing the EZ Start button for several seconds. 
  4. Reinstall the glow plug with the gasket.
  5. Connect the glow plug wire back to the model.
  6. Take the EZ Start and remove one of the motor wires.
  7. Push the EZ Start button again for a few seconds until it lights the glow plug and burns off residual fuels. 
  8. Reconnect the EZ Start motor back and press the Start button without priming the engine.

That will clear up the engine and will let the EZ Start trigger it immediately. 


Damaged EZ Start Glow Plug Wire

Inspect the blue wire connecting the glow plug to the EZ Start connector. Wear and tears in the insulation of the wire can make it short against the chassis or motor.

Tape the breaks in the wire tightly to close it. Repair or replace the blue glow plug wire. You can also use a protective tube over the blue wire to keep it safe from any form of damage. 

And that’s all the possible fixes I could gather for Traxxas EZ Start problems. Hopefully, you’ll now be able to fix any of the recurring issues with your EZ start by yourself.

Now it’s time to keep my promise. So here are some extra helpful segments that can help you with your EZ Start!

How to Properly Charge EZ Start Batteries?

Wait, seriously? Am I really going to tell you how you should charge your EZ Start device?

Well, yes! I am! And there’s good reason for it. 

To begin off, we’ll address the charging method. Yes, fast charging can save you a lot of time and can get your EZ Start battery up for action within a flash. 

But it also has its downside. 

See, fast chargers can never exactly get your battery charged to its maximum capacity. Moreover, it’s not a good option for you if battery longevity is your preference. 

I think it’s better if I let Marques Brownlee explain it to you.

The slower you charge your EZ Start battery, the longer you can expect it to last. And it also has a better chance of charging your battery to its maximum capacity.

I personally prefer using NiMH battery packs for my Traxxas Slash EZ. NiMH has one big advantage over NiCd—it takes no memory. 

Fast charging NiCd on a regular basis without letting them drop to a low enough capacity will make the battery decline. 

NiCd batteries can “remember” the charging pattern. And being constantly undercharged will make the battery deteriorate at a very fast rate. 

So my recommendation is to trickle charge EZ Start batteries to make them last longer. 

You can read our detailed coverage on checking NIMH battery health.

Traxxas EZ Start Alternatives

Tired of your Traxxas EZ start?

While the EZ Start can be quite handy to start your engine, its problems can make it really frustrating to use at times.

But don’t worry, there are other alternatives to EZ Start.

Using pull start and glow plug igniters can be a great substitute for EZ Start. 

With a pull-start, the operator needs to pull the grip to start the engine. The pull start unwinds the crankshaft to crank up the engine. 

You can also manually start your Traxxas EZ engine using a glow plug igniter.


How do you charge a Traxxas EZ Start?

Answer: For this, you will need a rechargeable battery. A NiCad or NiMH battery works best for this. You need to make sure that the charger is the one provided by the manufacturer. Don’t buy the charger and the batteries separately as a precaution.

How do I know if my Traxxas battery is bad?

Answer: Take the battery out and examine it closely. The battery should not have any nicks and it should not be swollen. If the battery is swollen it means, it won’t charge properly and needs to be replaced.

Why is my Traxxas EZ Start Charger not working?

Answer: Your EZ Start charger may have a broken circuit or your batteries are damaged. Simply check with new batteries and see if it’s charging. If that doesn’t work, it means you need a new charger.

Final Words

That’s all. Hope that answers all your questions regarding Traxxas EZ Start Problems.

Got any further queries? Why not leave a comment? I’ll try to reach back as soon as I get my hands clean from all this motor gunk!

Make sure to keep your EZ Start motor clean and check the gears once in a while.

Best of luck!

Thank you for purchasing the Traxxas EZ-Peak Plus charger. This charger features exclusive

Traxxas innovations that make charging batteries easier and safer than ever. If you have any

questions or concerns about your charger, please contact our customer support team for

fast, friendly answers and solutions. Contact information is at the bottom of this page.

WARNING! For best charging results and your safety, it is essential that you read and

understand these instructions before using the charger. Charging and discharging batteries

has the potential for serious injury and damage to property. Use care when charging and

follow all instructions and cautions.


HKC14012-R02 150611

Traxxas, 6200 Traxxas Way, McKinney, TX 75070,

Phone: 1-888-TRAXXAS (Toll-free, US only) or 972-549-3000, Fax: 972-549-3011, e-mail:

1. Power up the charger and connect the battery
2. Verify charge settings
3. Charging
Charging Traxxas iD LiPo Batteries
Charging Traxxas iD NiMH Batteries

Covers Part #2970

A. Battery iD Start/Stop

B. LiPo Charge Mode Select

C. Battery Type Select

D. Charge Rate Select








Press and hold Start

button 2 seconds to start.

Press once to stop.

Battery type

selected must

match the battery

type shown on

the battery.

Battery type selected must match the battery type shown on the battery.





Charge Rate


E. Charger Output Port (Traxxas High-Current Connector)

F. 2S/3S Lipo Balance Ports (pull to remove cover)

G. Charge Status LED

H. Charge Progress/Charge Rate LEDs

LiPo Charging Modes

Storage charge

Makes it easy to charge or discharge the

battery to the proper storage voltage. Use this

mode whenever the battery will be stored

unused for more than 7 days.

Fast charge

Fast charges your battery without balancing

your cells. Stops charging when the rst cell

reaches peak voltage. Depending on the

battery, this may reduce the charge time by a

few minutes.

Balance charge

Always balance charge your LiPo batteries

for maximum capacity, voltage, and battery

life. This is the default setting for Traxxas iD

batteries. The EZ-Peak Plus performs a balance

charge quickly and eciently.

4. Charge cycle complete
3. Charging

Press and hold Start

button 2 seconds to start.

Press once to stop.

4. Charge cycle complete



1. Power up the charger and connect the battery
2. Verify charge settings

Battery Type

Charge Rate


Charge Rate Start

Battery Type

Charge Mode



Charge Cycle Progress

Charge Cycle Progress

Cycle Complete


Cycle Complete


The EZ Peak Plus will

trickle charge your

NiMH battery at up to

200mA for 12 hours

after the charge cycle

is complete.

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