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AI-518/518P Operation Instruction
Ver. 7.1
Related Manuals for Yudian AI Series
Summary of Contents for Yudian AI Series
Page 1
Page 2: Table Of Contents
Page 3: Summary
Ordering Code Definition Advanced modularized hardware design is utilized for AI series instruments. There are maximum five module sockets: multi-function input/output (MIO), main output (OUTP), alarm (ALM), auxiliary output (AUX) and communication (COMM). The input specification can be selected as thermocouple, RTD, or linear current/voltage.
Page 4
symbols. ① Instrument model AI-518 High accuracy controller with measurement accuracy 0.3%F.S. It adopts artificial intelligent control technology, and has the functions of control, alarm, retransmission and communication. AI-518P Add 30 segment program control to AI-518. ② Front panel dimension Depth Front Panel Cut-out… -
Page 5: Modules
circuit; each channel can trigger TRIAC or a pair of inverse parallel SCR with current of 5-500A) “Burn-proof” single-phase thyristor phase-shift trigger output module (trigger one loop of TRIAC or a pair of inverse parallel SCR with current of 5-500A), suitable for 200~240VAC power supply.
Page 6: New Advanced Module Technology
Clean and clearance is needed. Time won’t influence the accuracy of AI intruments,so don’t try to change parameter by changing Sc parameter. If problem happens, please return to YUDIAN factory. AI controllers are default with 60 days warranty after the data of departure factory.During this period, free repair is available.
Page 7
Instrument Input range K(-100~1300℃), S(0~1700℃), R(0~1700℃), T(-200~+390℃), E(0~1000℃), J(0~1200℃), B(600~1800℃), N(0~1300℃), WRe3-WRe25(0~2300℃), WRe5-WRe26(0~2300℃) Cu50(-50~+150℃), Pt100(-200~+800℃) Linear Input: -9990~30000 defined by user. Measurement accuracy : 0.3%FS ± 0.1℃ Resolution : 0.1℃ (automatically change to 1℃ when the temperature is high than 999.9℃) or 1℃ selectable … -
Page 8: Rear Terminal Layout And Wiring
3. Rear Terminal Layout and Wiring Wiring graph for instruments except D and D2 dimension. 100-240VAC~ Thyristor trigger output(K1/K3) OUTP Thyristor trigger output(K3) COMM Thyristor trigger output(K3) The graph suits for upright instruments with dimension A, C or E 0-5V 1-5V For instruments with dimension F, just clockwise rotate the graph 90 degree,…
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module is installed in COMM and parameter “bAud” is set to 1, then on-off signal can be inputted, and SV1 and SV2 can be switched by connecting a switch between terminals 3 and 4. Wiring graph of D2 dimension instruments (48*48mm) P.S.:0-5 1-5 is not available ,transfer to 0-500mV or 100-500mV input. -
Page 10: Displays And Operations
4. DISPLAYS AND OPERATIONS Front Panel Description ① Upper display window, displays parameter code, etc. ② Lower display window, displays SV, parameter value, or alarm ③ Setup key, for accessing parameter table and conforming parameter modification. ④ Data shift key, and auto/manual control switch.
Page 11: Operation Description
4.2.2 If the lower display window alternately display “HIAL”, “LoAL”, “HdAL” or “LdAL”, it means high limit alarm, low limit alarm, deviation high alarm, and deviation low alarm occurs. The alarm display can also be turned off by setting parameter “cF”. 4.2.3.
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On the basis of disturbance caused by on-off control, oscillation period, amplitude and waveform are analyzed to calculate optimum control parameters. The auto tuning for AI series instrument will gratify for 90% users. Due to the complexity of the automatic process, parameters calculated by auto tuning are probably not the optimal values on some special occasion (mentioned as follows). -
Page 13: Program Operation (For Ai-518P Only)
Program operation (for AI-518P only) 4.4.1 Setup program once and release in the display status ①, the instrument will be in the setup program Press the key 、 status. The setpoint of the current program StEP will be displayed. Pressing or c can modify the value.
Page 14: Parameters And Settings
5. PARAMETERS AND SETTINGS The Full Parameter Table Setting Code Name Description Range Alarm is triggered when PV (Process Value) >HIAL; -1999~ alarm is released when PV<HIAL-dF; HIAL High limit alarm +9999 To disable high limit alarm, set HIAL=9999 units or Every alarm can be defined to control AL1,AL2,AU1,AU2 Alarm triggered when PV<LoAL;…
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Lag time parameter “t” is a new parameter seconds introduced important parameter for AI artificial intelligence algorithm. AI series instrument can use parameter “t” to do fuzzy calculation, and therefore overshoot and hunting do not easily occurs and the control have the best responsibility at the time. -
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Input spec. Input spec. Cu50 Pt100 stock 0~75mV 0~80ohm resistor input 0~400ohm resistor input 0~20mV voltage input 0~100mV voltage input 0~60mV voltage input WRe3-WRe25 0~1V voltage input WRe5-WRe26 0.2~1V voltage input Input specification extended input 0~37 1~5V voltage input Code specification radiation type… -
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OP1 select the control output type: OP1=OP1.A x 1 + OP1.B x 10 OP1.A shows the output type of OUTP. It should be compatible with the module installed in OUTP sockets. OP1.A=0, if output modules such as SSR voltage output, relay contact discrete output, thyristor cross zero trigger output, and TRIAC no-contact discrete output are installed in OUTP. -
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From right side to left side, the first, second, third and fourth digit of ALP individually indicate the alarm output terminal of HIAL, LoAL, HdAL, and LdAL. 0 shows no output. 1 and 2 are spare for future use. 3,4,5 and 6 respectively indicate alarms outputted to AL1, AL2, AU1 or AU2. -
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The value of dL will determine the ability of filtering noise. There is one intermediate-value filter system and one second order integral digital filter system in AI series instrument. Intermediate value filter takes intermediate value among three continuous values, while integral filter has the same effect as resistance-capacity integral filter. -
Page 20: Additional Remarks Of Special Functions
StEP value can not be modified. Loc=808, allowed to set all parameters, program and StEP value. Note: that 808 is the password of all AI series instrument. In application the instrument should be set to other values to protect from modifications of parameters.
Page 21: Alarm Blocking At The Beginning Of Power On(Cf.b=1)
5.2.2 Single phase contact output (oP1-8) Phase-shifting output is usually realised by TRIAC.but it will has influence on heater, so please make sure of the anti-interference of other equipments when use it. 5.2.3 SV limit setting (only for AI-518,and CF.C=0) SV is usually between HIAL and LoAL.
Page 22: Widely Used Control Mode
RS232/RS485 changable. One computer with two communication interfaces are workable with 100 units controllers. Diffferent communication addresses are needed. AI-485 AIBUS is advised to be used with AI series instruments. Computer AI series intruments upto 100units 6.
Page 23: Ai Artificial Intelligent Regulator
4~20mA. 6.3 AI artificial intelligent regulator AI series controllers are developed with advanced AI artificial intelligent fuzzy logic control mode, high accuracy. Advanced Auto turning function can help users to set parameters. AI-518P has the programmable control function. When CtrL is 1-4, then the unit is able to regulate other functions.
Page 24: Programming And Operation Editting
(cooling-down). This phenomenon is normal. 7.2 Programming and operation editting Programming of AI series instrument has uniform format of temperature-time-temperature, which means that temperature set for current StEP will change to temperature set for next StEP after the time set for the current StEP.
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jump to StEP5. StEP5: C05=160 , t05=0 The program get in Hold state, and run operation executed by operator is needed for the program to continue running to StEP 6. StEP6: C06=100 , t06=-151 Alarm 1 is switch off, and jump to StEP1 to start from beginning. In this example, it is assumed that the positive deviation alarm is set to 5℃. -
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AI-518P has the advanced function of flexible program arrangement. Normally, when the program stops, the StEP will be automatically set to1. Thus if StEP is not change to other value, a program will start from step1. If multiple curves are defined, the control can jump to different curve by setting step 1 as jump segment.
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AI-208 (V7.8)
Operation Manual
Related Manuals for Yudian AI-208
Summary of Contents for Yudian AI-208
Page 1
Yudian (H.K.) Automation Technology Co. Ltd. Website: http://www.yudian.us http://www.yudian.com.hk Email: sales@yudian.com.hk Tel: +852-2770 8785 Fax: +852-2770 8796 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER AI-208 (V7.8) Operation Manual… -
Page 2
Email: sales@yudian.com.hk Tel: +852-2770 8785 Fax: +852-2770 8796 I. Model Order Code The type of AI-208 is made up of 4 parts: AI-208 Part 1 (Series) Part 2 (Size) Part 3 (Oupt) Part 4 (AUX) 1. (Part 1) Model Series AI-208, standard temperature controller , 0.3%FS±1℃… -
Page 3: Technical Specification
Dual relay output module Output module (Capacity: 2A/250VAC, normal open, support AU1 and AU2 alarm output) SSR voltage output module (30mA/5VDC) * D1-sized controller is fixed to SSR output(G) and no module option provided, i.e. AI-208-D1-G, AI-208-D1-G-L0 or AI-208-D1-G-L5 must be specified upon order. II. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1.
Page 4: Front Panel And Operation
Yudian (H.K.) Automation Technology Co. Ltd. Website: http://www.yudian.us http://www.yudian.com.hk Email: sales@yudian.com.hk Tel: +852-2770 8785 Fax: +852-2770 8796 III. FRONT PANEL AND OPERATION ① Process Value(PV), or parameter code Set Value(SV), alarming code, or value of a parameter ② Setup key, accessing parameter table, and confirming change.
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Yudian (H.K.) Automation Technology Co. Ltd. Website: http://www.yudian.us http://www.yudian.com.hk Email: sales@yudian.com.hk Tel: +852-2770 8785 Fax: +852-2770 8796 V. PARAMETER AND SETTING Title Description Range Parameter Field Parameter Table (Press and hold for 2 seconds to access) Alarm on when PV (Process Value) >HIA;… -
Page 6
Yudian (H.K.) Automation Technology Co. Ltd. Website: http://www.yudian.us http://www.yudian.com.hk Email: sales@yudian.com.hk Tel: +852-2770 8785 Fax: +852-2770 8796 Smaller value will result in higher control accuracy. For SSR output, generally 0.5 to 3 seconds. For Relay output, generally 15 to 40 seconds, because small value will… -
Page 7
Yudian (H.K.) Automation Technology Co. Ltd. Website: http://www.yudian.us http://www.yudian.com.hk Email: sales@yudian.com.hk Tel: +852-2770 8785 Fax: +852-2770 8796 VI. INSTRUMENT INSTALLATION AND WIRING DIAGRAM Panel dimension A1, B1, E1 or F1 Panel dimension A, B, E or F Main Output Alarm Output…
- What is the default setting of temperature controller AI-508 / AI-509?
The default setting can be found of the manual in the download section underneath.
- Is there any driver of National Instrument LabView?
We are working on it. Reference: http://forums.ni.com/t5/Multifunction-DAQ/Automate-temperature-controller/m-p/1618094/highlight/false#M64849
- Does YUDIAN temperature controller / indicator support MODBUS?
Yes. YUDIAN instruments support AIBUS. Starting from version 8.0 or above, YUDIAN instruments support both AIBUS and MODBUS. Setting AF.H=1 (x 128) can activate MODBUS support.
- Which model supports MODBUS?
Temperature Controller: AI-526, AI-526P Temperature Indicator: AI-5201.
- How can I find out the serial number?
Locate the small white label on the side of enclosure or back of the panel (LCD instrument). You may also refer to the details or other methods to find out the model number and firmware version
Temperature controller AI-508 / AI-509 Default Setting — Operation Manual
Q: What is the default setting of temperature controller AI-508 / AI-509?
A: The default setting can be found of the manual. Please note the default parameter Act should be «rE».
Adobe Acrobat document [347.9 KB]
Paperless Recorder AI-3170S: Analysis Software YDR_V1_01_07
Early AI-3170S required users to run this Analysis Software to read the encrypted data in the USB drive. Only on Windows platform.
Compressed archive in ZIP format [26.8 MB]
Paperless Recorder AI-3170S: YUDIAN.BK
This is a file for recognition. Please unzip and copy this «yudian.bk» into the root directory of the USB drive and do not remove it. Otherwise no data will be exported.
Compressed archive in ZIP format [116 Bytes]
Описание и отзывы
Регулятор температуры PID
Описание продукта:
Основные характеристики для регулятора температуры PID Yudian AI-518
- Универсальные термопары, RTDs и линейные сигналы тока/напряженияВыбираемые, интегрированные Нелинейные градационные столы, Цифровая калибровка и автоматическая нулевая технология, и достижение точного и стабильного измерения.
- Применение усовершенствованного алгоритма управления искусственным интеллектом AI с функцией автоматической настройки, без перебоев.
- Поставляется с автоматическим/ручным бескорпусным переключателем и функцией мягкого запуска.
- Применение передовой модульной структуры, удобно обеспечивая множество вариантов выхода, может удовлетворить различные требования приложения и сделать быструю доставку и легкое обслуживание.
- Высокое качество и производительность аппаратного дизайна, используя высокопроизводительный танталовый конденсатор или керамический конденсатор. По сравнению с конкурирующими моделями, он потребляет меньше электроэнергии, переживает меньше перегрева температуры, обеспечивает более высокую стабильность и может работать в более широком диапазоне температур.
- ISO9001 и CE сертифицированы, достигая мирового уровня качества, анти-помехи и безопасности.
Размер для регулятора температуры PID AI-518
Размер | Передняя панель (Ш * В) | Вырез (Ш * В) | Глубина от монтажной поверхности |
А | 96*96 мм | 92*92 мм |
100 мм |
B | 160*80 мм | 152*76 мм | 100 мм |
C | 80*160 мм | 152*76 мм | 100 мм |
D | 72*72 мм | 68*68 мм | 95 мм |
D2 | 48*48 мм | 45*45 мм | 95 мм |
E | 48*96 мм | 45*92 мм | 100 мм |
F | 96*48 мм | 92*45 мм | 100 мм |
Передняя панель и управление для PID регулятора температуры
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www.instrumentsolutions.com.au ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER AI-208 (V7.6) User Manual www.instrumentsolutions.com.au I. Model Code Symbol The type of AI-208 is made up of 4 parts: AI-208 A G L2 Part 1 (Series) Part 2 (Size) Part 3 (Oupt) Part 4 (AUX) 1. (Part 1) Model Series AI-208, standard temperature controller , 0.3%FS±1℃ accuracy. Multiple thermocouples and RTDs are selectable Suitable for 0~999℃ application. Maximum support two alarms contact output Universal voltage input (100~240VAC) 2. (Part 2) Front panel dimension Front Panel Cut Out width×height width×height A 96×96mm 92×92mm 100mm B 160×80mm 152×76mm 100mm D 72×72mm 68×68mm 95mm D2 48×48mm 45×45mm 95mm E 48×96mm 45×92mm 100mm F 96×48mm 92×45mm 100mm Size Depth Behind Mounting Surface www.instrumentsolutions.com.au 3. (Part 3 and 4) indicate the module installed in OUTP and AUX sockets. Allowed modules in each socket are as below: Allowed Type N L L1 L5 G Module Socket √ 3. OUTP (main output) √ 4. AUX (Auxiliary output) √ √ √ N (or none) no module installed L Relay contact output module (Capacity: 5A/250VAC, normal open) L1 Relay contact output module (Capacity: 2A/250VAC, normal open/ normal close) L5 Dual relay output module Output module (Capacity: 2A/250VAC, normal open, support AU1 and AU2 alarm output) G SSR voltage output module (30mA/5VDC) II. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1. Input type : Thermocouple: K, E, J, N Resistance temperature detector: Pt100 2. Instrument Input range : K, E, J, N : (0~+999)℃ ; Pt100: (0~+800)℃ 3. Measurement accuracy : 0.3%FS±1℃ 4. Temperature display resolution : 0 or 0.0 (0.0 just for 0~99.9 display) 5. Control mode: On-off control mode, or PID control with the function of parameter auto tuning. 6. Alarm function: High limit alarm, Lower limit alarm, Deviation High Alarm; providing the function of alarm blocking at the beginning of power on. 7. Power supply voltage rating: 100-240VAC, -15%, +10% / 50-60Hz. 8. Power consumption: ≤2W 9. Ambient temperature: -10~+60℃, Humidity: 0~90RH% www.instrumentsolutions.com.au III. FRONT PANEL AND OPERATION ① Process Value(PV), or parameter code ② Set Value(SV), alarming code, or value of a parameter ③ Setup key, for accessing parameter table, and confirming change. ④ Data shift key, also for activating auto turning ⑤ Data decrease key ⑥ Data increase key ⑦ Status display LED, OP1, AU1, AU2, and RUN indicate I/O operation of the corresponding module. Basal display status: When power on, will shows the process value (PV) and the set point (SV). lf the input signal is out of the measurable range (for example, the thermocouple or RTD circuit is break, or input specification sets wrong). Instrument will alternately display “orA”, and limit alarm of PV, moreover, instrument will automatically stop the output. IV. OPERATION DESCRIPTION ● Set Value Setting: In basal display status, if the parameter lock “Loc” isn't locked, key to decrease the value, pressing SPH. ● or we can set setpoint (SV) by pressing key to increase the value, and . Press key to move to the digit expected to modify. Keep , the speed of decreasing or inscreasing value get quick. 、 or The range of setpoint is between the parameter The default range is 0 to 400. Parameter Setting: In basal display status, press and hold for about 2 seconds can access Field Parameter Table. next parameter; if parameter have not locked, pressing return to the preceding parameter. Press 、 or Pressing can modify a parameter. (don't release) and then press can go to the Press and hold parameter table. The instrument will escape auomatically from the parameter table if no key is pressed within 30 seconds. Loc=808 and then press ● can key simultaneously can escape from the Setting can access System Parameter Table. AI artificial intelligence control and auto tuning When AI artificial intelligence control method is chosen (CrL=AI), the PID parameters can be obtained by running auto-tuning. basal display status, press to “on”, then press for 2 seconds, the “At” parameter will appear. to active the auto-tuning process. Press During auto tuning, the instrument executes on-off control. times of on-off action, the instrument will obtain the optimal control parameter value. press and hold the In to change the value of “At” from “oFF” After 2-3 If you want to escape from auto tuning status, key for about 2 seconds until the "At" parameter appear again. Change “At” from “on” to “oFF”, press to confirm, then the auto tuning process will be cancelled. Note 1: If the setpoint is different, the parameters obtained from auto-tuning are possible different. often-used value or middle value first, and then start auto-tuning. be set at the highest applicable temperature. So you’d better set setpoint to an For the ovens with good heat preservation, the setpoint can Depending on the system, the auto-tuning time can be from several seconds to several hours. Note 2: Parameter Ctl (on-off differential, control hysteresis) has influence on the accuracy of auto-tuning. value of Ctl, the higher the precision of auto tuning. from error action around setpoint due to the oscillation of input. Note 3: Generally, the smaller the But Ctl parameter value should be large enough to prevent the instrument AI series instrument has the function of self-learning. Ctl is recommended to be 2.0. It is able to learn the process while working. The control effect at the first run after auto tuning is probably not perfect, but excellent control result will be obtained after a period of time because of self-learning. www.instrumentsolutions.com.au V. PARAMETER AND SETTING Field parameter table (Press Code Name HIA High limit alarm LoA Lower limit alarm HdA Deviation high alarm Loc Parameter lock AHY Hysteresis and hold for 2 seconds to access) Description Alarm on when PV (Process Value) >HIA; alarm off when PV<HIA-AHY Alarm on when PV (Process Value) < LoA; alarm off when PV > LoA+AHY Alarm on when PV-SV>HdA; alarm off when PV-SV<HdA-AHY Loc=0~1: Allowed to modify parameters HIA, LoA, HdA and SV. Loc=2~3: Allowed to modify parameters HIA, LoA, HdA. But cannot change SV. Loc=4~255: NOT allowed to modify any parameters and SV. Loc=808, Set to 808 and press , allowed modify all parameters. Avoid frequent alarm on-off action because of the fluctuation of PV, usually sets to AHY=2 Alarm HdA LoA HIA (x100) (x10) (x1) None 0 0 0 AU1 1 1 1 AU2 2 2 2 Output to AOP Alarm output assignment Setting Range 0~999℃ 0~999℃ 0~999℃ 0~255 0~200 0~444 eg: AOP=201 means HdA have alarm action from AU2, LoA, no alarm action , HIA alarm action output from AU1. z CrL Control mode z onF : On-off control, When PV=SV, Output stop. When PV<SV-CHY, start output. AI : AI PID control, high precision and the output time proportion can set by parameter Ctl rE: Reverse acting. Increase in measured variable causes a decrease in the output, such as heating control. dr: Direct acting. Increase in measured variable causes an increase in Act Acting method the output, such as refrigerating control. rEb: Reverse acting with low limit alarm and deviation low alarm rE , dr , rEb, drb blocking at the beginning of power on. drb: Direct acting with high limit alarm and deviation high alarm blocking at the beginning of power on. P Proportion band Proportion band in PID with unit ℃or ℉ I Time of integral Time of integral in PID. No integral effect when I=0 0~999 Sec d Time of derivative Time of derivative in PID. No derivative effect when d=0 0~999 Sec Ctl Control period CHY Control hysteresis Small value can improve control accuracy. For SSR output, generally 0.5 to 3 seconds. For Relay output, generally 15 to 40 seconds, because small value will cause the frequent On-Off of mechanical switch and shorten its service life. Ctl is recommended to be 1/4 – 1/10 of derivative time. When control under on-off control, Ctl use as restart delay time after off, for protect compressor application. CHY is used for ON-OFF Control. PV > SV, Output turns OFF; PV<SV-CHY, Output turns ON. 1~999 0.5-300 SEC 0~200 www.instrumentsolutions.com.au Sn 0 4 6 8-20 Input spec. K E Spare Spare Sn 1-3 5 7 21 Input spec. Spare J N Pt100 InP Input specification dPt Resolution 0 or 0.0 selectable, 0.0 just for 0~99.9 ℃ / ℉ display Scb Input shift Scb is used to make input shift to compensate the error produced by sensor or input signal. PV after compensation= PV before compensation + Scb. -99~+99℃ FIL PV input filter The value of FIL will determine the ability of filtering noise. When a large value is set, the measurement input is stabilized but the response speed is slow. Generally, it can be set to 1 to 3. If great interference exists, then you can increase parameter “FIL” gradually to make momentary fluctuation of measured value less than 2 to 5. When the instrument is being metrological verified, “FIL” s can be set to 0 or 1 to shorten the response time. 0~40 Fru Selection of power frequency and temperature scale 0~21 50C: 50Hz, ℃ 50F: 50Hz, ℉ 60C: 60Hz, ℃ 60F: 60Hz, ℉ SPH Upper limit of SV Maximum value that SV allowed to be. When SPH=400, the SV range will 0~400℃ VI. INSTRUMENT INSTALLATION AND WIRING Wiring graph for instruments with dimension A, B, E or F 1 100-240VAC~ 2 3 Alarm Output 4 N/O N/O AU1 N/C N/O AU2 COM COM 5 6 Main Output AUX + N/O COM 7 Note: The graph suits for upright instruments with dimension A or E OUTP 8 9 10 + For instruments with dimension B or F size, just clockwise rotate the graph 90 degree. 0~999℃ www.instrumentsolutions.com.au Wiring graph for D2 dimension(48X48mm)instruments: Wiring graph for D dimension (72mm X 72mm) instruments