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- RP-7494
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100% recycled paper
Summary of Contents for UFESA RP-7494
Page 1
Page 2
zu ersetzen, suchen Sie bitte eine Einrichtung des Fachhandels auf. 11:23 Nach Austausch der Batterien muß das CLOCK Gerät neu programmiert werden. Um die Funktion zur Desaktivierung zu verlassen, wiederholen Sie den selben Werfen Sie die verbrauchten Batterien Vorgang. Es wird das Symbol X 00:00 nicht in den Müll. -
Page 3
Im Modus RANDOM werden sämtliche Während des Rückzählens werden die vorgegebenen Programme deaktiviert, übrigen Programme deaktiviert. Zum bis durch erneutes Betätigen des RND- Annullieren des Rückzählens betätigen Knopfs oder des ON/OFF-Schalters Sie bitte ON/OFF. abgeschaltet wird. MO TU WE TH FR SA SU LÖSCHEN VON HAND REGRESSIVES PROGRAMMIERGERÄT 00:00… -
Page 4
Sie auf den Knopf RND. Das siguiente: abrirlo. En caso de daño o avería acuda Symbol RND wird hervorgehoben al Servicio Técnico Autorizado Ufesa. erscheinen um anzuzeigen, daß der PROGRAM Modus RANDOM (Zufall) aktiviert ist. CLOCK — PGM 1 ON — PGM Verwenden Sie die Knöpfe ‹… -
Page 5
Al pulsar el botón ‹ se producirá el sich an den autorisierten technischen mismo efecto, pero en secuencia inver- Kundendienst von UFESA wenden. sa. Si pulsa ambos botones a la vez se Schließen Sie es ausschließlich an die volverá inmediatamente a la posición de… -
Page 6
• Visualice CD PROGRAM mediante el recuento progresivo. Los símbolos ON/ Als het licht van de cijfers steeds zwakker botón ‹ o fi . En el modo reloj, basta OFF dejan de parpadear. wordt, tekent het at de batterijen bijna 11:23 con pulsar el botón ‹. -
Page 7
PUESTA A CERO REPARACIONES In de RANDOM-mode worden alle MANUEEL ONDERBREKEN voorgeprogrammeerde programma’s uitgeschakeld tot dat u weer op de RND Mantenga pulsado SET y presione En caso de que el aparato se encuentre De tijdklok kan op ieder gewenst moment knop drukt of op de ON/OFF knop. -
Page 8: Important Notes
In the event of damage or breakdown, the ‹ fi buttons. When the fi is pressed, gelijkheden Maandag tot Vrijdag, take it to a UFESA Authorized Technical the LCD will scroll through all the Maandag tot Zaterdag, Zaterdag — Service Centre.
Page 9
“elke same to set the minutes, then press SET in RANDOM mode until either the RND Technische Dienst Ufesa dag van de week” modus gebruikt button or the ON/OFF button is pressed again to enter all the information raadplegen. -
Page 10
COUNTDOWN TIMER MANUAL OVERRIDE especializado. Depois da mudança das pilhas será necessário voltar a programar 11:23 o aparelho. The countdown timer function can be The timer can be connected or CLOCK used to turn the timer on or off for any disconnected at any point by means of Não deite as pilhas gastas para o lixo. -
Page 11
PROGRAMADOR REGRESSIVO restantes programas. Aperte ON/OF para After having replaced the batteries it will To leave the disable function, repeat the (CONTAGEM PARA TRÁS) cancelar a conta atrás. be necesary to reprogram the appliance same procedure to remove the X symbol from the display. -
Page 12
• tous les jours de la semaine. Sábado / Domingo; e Segunda-Feira / se desligue apertando de novo o botão Service Technique Autorisé Ufesa. Domingo. Faça pressão no SET para RND ou o botão ON/OF. fixar o que deseja. -
Page 13: Avisos Importantes
LIGAÇÃO À REDE acuda ao Serviço Técnico Autorizado Le temporisateur dispose de 6 Sur l’écran apparaîtront les différents da Ufesa. programmes, qui, utilisés sur le mode jours puis les options Lundi-Vendredi, Faça-se a ligação unicamente em rede «tous les jours» permettent 42 Lundi- Samedi, Samedi-Dimanche et PROGRAMAÇÃO DO RELÓGIO…
Page 14
Le temporisateur restera connecté entre Comme on ne va pas réaliser de REMPLACEMENT DES PILES 1:30 10 et 30 minutes et déconnecté entre 20 changements dans le programme, La programmation sera maintenue tant et 60 minutes. appuyer sur la touche SET jusqu’à ce PROGRAM que le programmateur sera connecté… -
Page 15
Посмотреть инструкция для Ufesa RP-7494 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории блоки расширения, 20 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.9. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Ufesa RP-7494 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
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1. LCD / LCD — scherm / LCD — Anzeige
2. Programador / Set button
Programmeur / Programador
Programmering / Programmiergerät
3. Programador de cuenta atrás
Countdown button
Programmeur de compte à rebours
Programador contagem para trás
Aftelprogramma (countdown)
Rückwärtszählendes Programmiergerät
4. Generador random (al azar) / Random button
Générateur random (au hasard) / Gerador Random (aleatório)
Random generator (willekeurige tijden) / Generator Random (Zufall)
5. Botones de selección / Setting buttons / Touches de sélection
Botões de selecção / Selectietoetsen / Wählknöpfe
6. Interruptor ON/OFF / ON/OFF switch / Interrupteur ON/OFF / Interruptor ON/OFF/
ON/OFF Schakelaar / ON/OFF Schalter
7. Puesta a cero / Reset button / Remise à zéro / Regulação a «0»
Knop voor nulstelling (reset) / Auf Null stellen
8. Compartimento pilas / Compartment for the batteries / Compartiment à piles
Compartimento para as pilhas / Vakje voor de batterijen / Batteriefach
Um die Funktion zur Desaktivierung zu
verlassen, wiederholen Sie den selben
Vorgang. Es wird das Symbol X
Die Zeitschaltuhr kehrt automatisch zum
Bildschirm der Uhr zurück, wenn sie
mehr als eine Minute im Modus
Programm nicht betätigt wird. Falls der
Rückwärtszählens zeigt, wird das
automatische Zurückstellen nicht
aktiviert, bis dieser abgeschlossen ist.
Set gedrückt halten. Dann Betätigung
von RESET mit einem abgerundeten
Gegenstand, wie z. B. der Spitze eines
Kugelschreibers. Sunächst Freilassung
der RESET-TAste. Nach dem RESET
werden alle Programme gelöscht.
Solange der Programmierer an das Netz
Programmierung erhalten. Sollte der
Netzanschluß unterbrochen werden, geht
die Programmierung verloren. Die Batterien
dienen zur Aufrechterhaltung der
eingegebenen Programmierung.
Die Lebensdauer der Batterien beträgt ca.
drei Jahre, vorausgesetzt, daß der
Programmierer an das Netz angeschlossen
ist. Anderenfalls belaüft sich die
Lebensdauer auf rund sieben Monate.
Wenn die Leuchtstärke der Zahlen des
LCD schwächer werden, bedeutet dies,
daß die batterien verbraucht sind. Um diese
zu ersetzen, suchen Sie bitte eine
Einrichtung des Fachhandels auf.
Nach Austausch der Batterien muß das
Gerät neu programmiert werden.
Werfen Sie die verbrauchten Batterien
nicht in den Müll. Ensorgen Sie sie in die
dafür vorgesehenen Container.
Wenn die LCD — Anzeige auf eine anormale
Weise oder weiß erscheint, sollten Sie den
Netzstecker ziehen und den Vorgang auf
Null stellen durchführen. überzeugen Sie
sich auch, daß die Batterie korrekt geladen
Falls das Gerät defekt ist, sollten Sie
nicht warten und es zu einem
autorisierten technischen Kunden-dienst
6-04 RP-7494 100% recycled paper TH X 11:2318 CLOCK TH 1 X 00:0000 CLOCK 4 3 2 OFF 5 SET CD RND 7 6 8 1. LCD / LCD - scherm / LCD - Anzeige 2. Programador / Set button Programmeur / Programador Programmering / Programmiergerät 3. Programador de cuenta atrás Countdown button Programmeur de compte à rebours Programador contagem para trás Aftelprogramma (countdown) Rückwärtszählendes Programmiergerät 4. Generador random (al azar) / Random button Générateur random (au hasard) / Gerador Random (aleatório) Random generator (willekeurige tijden) / Generator Random (Zufall) 5. Botones de selección / Setting buttons / Touches de sélection Botões de selecção / Selectietoetsen / Wählknöpfe 6. Interruptor ON/OFF / ON/OFF switch / Interrupteur ON/OFF / Interruptor ON/OFF/ ON/OFF Schakelaar / ON/OFF Schalter 7. Puesta a cero / Reset button / Remise à zéro / Regulação a “0” Knop voor nulstelling (reset) / Auf Null stellen 8. Compartimento pilas / Compartment for the batteries / Compartiment à piles Compartimento para as pilhas / Vakje voor de batterijen / Batteriefach AUF NULL STELLEN 1:3000 CD PROGRAM ON 2 3 4 5 MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 1 00:0000 RND SET CLOCK CD PROGRAM 6 7 8 9 10 4. Segundos / Seconds / Secondes / Segundos / Seconden / Sekunden 08:25 X X PROGRAM ON 5. Indicador desactivado / Disable indicator / Indicateur désactivé Indicador sem activar / Symbool “gedesactiveerd” / Anzeige desaktiviert 6. Indicador random (al azar) / Random indicator Indicateur random (au hasard)/Indicador Random (aleatório) Random symbool / Anzeige Random (Zufall) 7. Indicador modo programación / Set mode indicator Indicateur mode programmation / Indicador modo de programação Symbool tijdinstelling /Anzeige Programmiermodus 8. Indicador modo reloj / Clock mode indicator / Indicateur mode réveil Indicador modo de relógio / Symbool uurwerk-mode / Anzeige Uhrmodus 9. Indicador de cuenta atrás / Countdown indicator Indicateur de compte à rebours / Indicador contagem para trás Aftelsymbool / Anzeige Rückwärtszählen 10. Indicador modo programa / Program mode indicator Indicateur mode programme / Indicador modo de programa Symbool programmeermode / Anzeige Programmodus 11. Indicador ON / ON indicator / Indicateur ON Indicador ON / ON indicator / Anzeige ON 12. Indicador OFF / OFF indicator / Indicateur OFF Indicador OFF /OFF indicator / Anzeige OFF 00:0000 SET CLOCK OFF NOTAS IMPORTANTES REVISION Y CONFIGURACION DE LOS PROGRAMAS CLOCK - PGM 1 ON - PGM 1 OFF - PGM 2 ON - PGM 2 OFF … PGM 6 ON - PGM 6 OFF - CLOCK 08:25 PROGRAM ON : SET PROGRAM ON MO MO TU WE TH FR SA SU : SET 18:30 PROGRAM OFF PROGRAM OFF 11:2318 RND CLOCK OFF 00:0000 SET CLOCK OFF : SET PROGRAM ON 08:25 PROGRAM ON MO : OFF PROGRAM SET MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 18:30 OFF PROGRAM 11:2318 RND CLOCK OFF 1:3000 08:25 X PROGRAM ON CD PROGRAM ON X 11:2318 CLOCK TH X 11:2318 CLOCK 1:3000 MANUEEL ONDERBREKEN PUESTA A CERO 08:25 X PROGRAM ON CD PROGRAM ON ENGLISH CONNECTION TO MAINS SUPPLY SETTING THE CLOCK Make sure the mains voltage corresponds to that shown on the maker’s nameplate. In clock mode, the time may be seen as previously shown. The word CLOCK appears on the LCD. Do not use the timer with currents greater than 16A (3600W). To set the current day and time, press the SET button. The LCD will be as shown in the figure. The timer is fitted with two batteries. To switch the appliance on pull the plastic lug that sticks out of the battery compartment (see figure) and press the RESET with a rounded object, such as the tip of a ball-point pen. A plug and socket with earth terminal are recommended. IMPORTANT NOTES • Read the instructions carefully before first using the timer, and keep them for future consultation. • Do not leave the timer nor the batteries within reach of children. • Use the timer in dry, enclosed conditions. Do not use it outside, and protect it from dampness and splashes. MO 00:0000 SET CLOCK OFF With the day flashing, select the current day using the ‹ and fi buttons then press the SET button. Now the hour will flash, so use the buttons to set the correct hour and press SET. Use the same procedure to set the minutes and seconds. REVIEWING AND SETTING PROGRAMS The timer can be set for daily or weekly events. A program may be chosen to activate: • on a specific day of the week • from Monday to Friday • from Monday to Saturday • Saturday and Sunday • every day of the week. : SET • Do not use the timer if the cord or timer have been damaged in any way, or if the timer does not work properly. There are 6 programs which, if used in «every day» mode, allow up to 42 on/off switchings a week. • Do not force the timer or try to open it. In the event of damage or breakdown, take it to a UFESA Authorized Technical Service Centre. To review the different programs, press the ‹ fi buttons. When the fi is pressed, the LCD will scroll through all the programs in the following sequence: PROGRAM ON 08:25 PROGRAM ON MO TU WE TH FR SA SU : SET 18:30 PROGRAM OFF PROGRAM OFF 11:2318 RND CLOCK OFF NEDERLANDS AANSLUITEN OP HET NET PROGRAMMEREN VAN HET UURWERK CLOCK - PGM 1 ON - PGM 1 OFF - PGM 2 ON - PGM 2 OFF ... PGM 6 ON - PGM 6 OFF - CLOCK Pressing the ‹ button does the same, except that the sequence is reversed. Pressing both buttons at the same time immediately returns the LCD to the clock display. MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 08:25 PROGRAM ON To turn the timer off, follow the same procedure with the program OFF. MO : PROGRAM SET MO 00:0000 SET CLOCK OFF The PROGRAM symbol comes on when a program is being displayed. CD PROGRAM comes on to indicate that the Countdown program is being displayed. When no program has been set, no figures are displayed on the LCD. To set a program ON, select it using the ‹ fi buttons, then press SET. The day indicator will flash and the SET indicator will light up. : SET 18:30 PROGRAM OFF In the example shown, program 1 will start at 8:25 and switch off at 18:30 every day of the week. RANDOM PROGRAMMING The timer has a random generator to turn the timer on and off at random intervals. MO CONTROLE EN INSTELLEN VAN DE PROGRAMMA’S OFF MO TU WE TH FR SA SU PROGRAM ON Use the ‹ fi buttons to select the day on which the program is to be turned on. The display will pass through each day, then show the options Monday - Friday, Monday - Saturday, Saturday - Sunday and Monday to Sunday. Press SET to enter the day(s) selected. Now the hour will flash. Use the buttons ‹ fi to select the hour at which the program is to start. Press SET. Do the same to set the minutes, then press SET again to enter all the information introduced. The timer will stay on for between 10 and 30 minutes, and off for between 20 and 60 minutes. Press RND to activate this function. The RND symbol will be displayed to show that the RANDOM function is activated. TH 11:2318 RND CLOCK OFF All of the pre-set programs are disabled in RANDOM mode until either the RND button or the ON/OFF button is pressed again. COUNTDOWN TIMER MANUAL OVERRIDE The countdown timer function can be used to turn the timer on or off for any period between 1 second and 23 hours 59 minutes. Follow the steps below to set countdown time. The timer can be connected or disconnected at any point by means of the ON/OFF button. The ON/OFF symbol on the LCD flashes to show that the manual cancel mode is active. • Display the CD PROGRAM using the ‹ or fi buttons (if in clock display mode, simply press the button ‹ once). The manual override mode is cancelled when a preset or countdown program is activated. The ON/OFF symbol will stop flashing. TH X 11:2318 CLOCK • Press the SET button. The SET symbol will be displayed and either ON or OFF will flash. • Select ON using the ‹ or fi buttons. • Press the SET button. The hour will flash. Adjust the hour as required using ‹ or fi , then press SET again. Follow the same procedure to set the minutes and seconds. • Press SET to finish programming. 1:3000 CD PROGRAM ON In the example shown in the figure, the timer is set to remain on for an hour and a half. Press the CD button at any time to activate the countdown. The timer displays the time, counting down until it reaches zero, at which moment the timer will turn itself off. During the countdown all of the other programs are deactivated. Press the ON/ OFF to cancel the countdown. DISABLE / MASTER DISABLE FUNCTION To disable a program, use the ‹ fi buttons to select it, then press SET. The LCD will flash and the SET symbol will be on. Press the ON/OFF button now and an X symbol will be displayed to indicate that the program selected has been disabled. If no further changes are to be made, press SET to stop the display flashing. MO TU WE TH FR SA SU X 08:25 PROGRAM ON To disable all programs, press the SET button while in CLOCK mode. With the display flashing and the SET symbol on, press the ON/OFF button; an X symbol will come on to show that all programs have been disabled. Bear in mind that the CD program is not affected by the master disable. TH X 11:2318 CLOCK PROGRAMADOR REGRESSIVO (CONTAGEM PARA TRÁS) Note that the timer will automatically revert to clock display if it is left for longer than a minute in SET mode without adjustment. If the display is showing countdown time in progress, then the auto-return will not activate until countdown has finished. RESET Keeping theSET button pressed, use a round object such as the tip of a ballpoint pen to press the RESET button. Release the RESET button first, then the SET button. Resetting erases all programs from the timer. 08:25 X PROGRAM ON CD PROGRAM ON MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 1:3000 To leave the disable function, repeat the same procedure to remove the X symbol from the display. CHANGING THE BATTERIES Programming will make sure that the programmed is always connected to the mains supply. Should it be disconnected the said program will be lost. The batteries serve to store the programming done. The batteries have an approximate life of some three years, as long as the programmer remains connected to the mains supply, If this is not the case they eill last six months or so. When the light of the LCD numbers weakens this will indicate that the batteries have run down. To have them replaced, go along to a specialised establishment. After having replaced the batteries it will be necesary to reprogram the appliance Do not throw the used batteries ento the rubbish: Deposit them in a special usedbattery container. ABNORMAL DISPLAY When the LCD display is abnormal or blank, unplug the timer from the mains and press RESET. Make sure, too, that the battery is adequately charged. REPAIRS If any fault should develop, do not hesitate to take the appliance to an Authorized Technical Service Centre. 00:0000 SET CLOCK OFF : SET PROGRAM ON 08:25 PROGRAM ON MO TU WE TH FR SA SU : SET 18:30 PROGRAM OFF PROGRAM OFF 11:2318 RND CLOCK OFF MO 00:0000 SET CLOCK OFF CLOCK - PGM 1 ON - PGM 1 OFF - PGM 2 ON - PGM 2 OFF... PGM 6 ON - PGM 6 OFF - CLOCK 08:25 PROGRAM ON : SET PROGRAM OFF MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 18:30 PROGRAM OFF MO : SET PROGRAMMATION RANDOM (AU HASARD) PROGRAM ON 1:3000 CD PROGRAM ON 11:2318 RND CLOCK OFF X 08:25 PROGRAM ON X 11:2318 CLOCK CERTlFlCADO DE GARANTIA / GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICAT DE GARANTIE / GARANTIEBEWIJS / GARANTIESCHEIN MOD: RP-7494 COD: NPC7494RP NOMBRE Y DIRECCION DEL COMPRADOR / NAME AND ADRESS OF THE CLIENT NOM ET ADRESSE DU CLIENT / NOME E DIRECÇAO DO COMPRADOR NAAM EN ADRES VAN DE KOPER / NAME UND ADRESSE DES VERKÄUFERS BSH PAE S.L. Portal de Gamarra, 60 01013 VITORIA (ESPAÑA / SPAIN) Tel. 945 - 12 93 00 Fax 945 - 27 07 88
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- Бренд:
- Ufesa
- Продукт:
- блоки расширения
- Модель/название:
- RP-7494
- Тип файла:
- Доступные языки:
- голландский, английский, немецкий, французский, испанский, португальский