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CAME ZM3E Installation Manual

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Quadro comando

Quadro comando

per motoriduttori a 230 V

per motoriduttori a 230 V







IT Italiano

EN English

FR Français

IT Italiano

RU Pусский


Related Manuals for CAME ZM3E

Summary of Contents for CAME ZM3E

  • Page 1
    Quadro comando FA01080M04 FA01080-IT per motoriduttori a 230 V per motoriduttori a 230 V IT Italiano EN English ZM3E — ZM3EC — ZM3EP ZM3E — ZM3EC — ZM3EP FR Français IT Italiano RU Pусский MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE…
  • Page 2
    • Il prodotto deve essere destinato solo all’uso per il quale è stato espressamente studiato. Ogni altro uso è da considerarsi pericoloso. CAME S.p.A. non è responsabile per eventuali danni causati da usi impropri, erronei ed irragionevoli • Prima di installare l’automazione verificare che la parte guidata sia…
  • Page 3
    sicurezza dall’area di manovra della parte guidata e dove non possono essere rag- giunti attraverso la parte guidata stessa • A meno che non sia previsto l’azionamento a chiave (Es: Selettore a tastiera, selettore a chiave, selettore transponder, ecc…) i dispositivi di comando ad azione mantenuta devono essere installati ad un’altezza di almeno 1,5 m e in un luogo non accessibile al pubblico •…
  • Page 4
    Le misure, se non diversamente indicato, sono in millimetri. DESCRIZIONE ZM3E — ZM3EP Quadro comando multifunzioni per cancelli a due ante a battenti, con display grafico di programmazione e segnalazione e autodiagnosi dei dispositivi di sicurezza. ZM3EC Quadro comando multifunzioni per porte a due ante a battenti, completo di blocco di sicurezza e pulsanti, con display grafico di programmazione e segnalazione e autodiagnosi dei dispositivi di sicurezza.
  • Page 5
    Descrizione delle parti Trasformatore 14. Connettore per scheda AF Condensatori* 15. Morsettiera per selettore a tastiera Fusibile scheda 16. Morsettiera per antenna Fusibile accessori 17. Morsettiera per uscita secondo canale Morsettiera per modulo RGP1 18. Morsettiera per finecorsa Fusibile elettroserratura 19.
  • Page 6: Installazione

    Solo per ZM3EC 30. Pulsante APERTURA 31. Blocco di sicurezza 28. Pulsante STOP 29. Pulsante CHIUSURA CAME Dimensioni INSTALLAZIONE Attrezzi e materiali Assicurarsi di avere tutti gli strumenti e il materiale necessario per effettuare l’installazione nella massima sicurezza e secondo…

  • Page 7
    Tipo e sezione minima cavi lunghezza cavo Collegamento < 20 m 20 < 30 m Alimentazione quadro 3G x 1,5 mm 3G x 2,5 mm Alimentazione motore vedi manuali relative automazioni Dispositivi di segnalazione 2 x 0,5 mm2 Dispositivi di comando 2 x 0,5 mm2 Dispositivi di sicurezza (fotocellule) 2 x 0,5 mm2…
  • Page 8: Collegamenti Elettrici

    COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI Alimentazione Morsetti per l’alimentazione degli accessori a 24 V AC / DC — Potenza max: 20 W Collegamento elettroserratura (12V-15W max) 230 V AC 50/60 Hz Collegamento dei motoriduttori senza finecorsa FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 M1 — Motoriduttore M2 — Motoriduttore ritardato in apertura.

  • Page 9
    Collegamento dei motoriduttori con ENCODER M1 — Motoriduttore M2 — Motoriduttore ritardato in apertura. ritardato in chiusura. FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 1 = Bianco / 2 = Marrone / 3 = Verde Dispositivi di segnalazione e illuminazione Lampada ciclo o cortesia. Lampadina spia cancello Lampada esterna liberamente posizionabile, per aperto.
  • Page 10
    Dispositivi di comando Pulsante di stop (contatto N.C.). — Per comandare l’arresto del cancello con l’esclusione del ciclo di chiusura automatica. Per riprendere il movimento bisogna premere un pulsante di comando o il tasto del trasmettitore. & Se non utilizzato, disattivare il contatto nel menu [FUNZIONI] → [Stop Totale].
  • Page 11
    Dispositivi di sicurezza Delta Dir/DeltaS Collegamento fotocellule (contatto NC) — Vedi menu [FUNZIONI] → [ingresso CX], [ingresso CY] o [ingresso CZ] per associare a ogni ingresso una modalità di funzionamento. & Se non vengono utilizzati, i contatti CX, CY e CZ vanno disattivati in programmazione. Collegamento fotocellule per Funzione test di sicurezza — Vedi menu [FUNZIONI] →…
  • Page 12
    Collegamento CRP A B GND UTP CAT 5 Collegamento seriale RS485 all’impianto domotico via CRP (Came Remote Protocol). Inserire la scheda RSE in assenza di tensione. A B GND ATTIVAZIONE DEL COMANDO RADIO Antenna e scheda di radiofrequenza AF Collegare il cavo RG58 dell’antenna agli appositi morsetti.
  • Page 13
    — incrementare o decrementare un valore. Per entrare nel menu, tenere Per scegliere una voce di menu, premuto per almeno un spostarsi con / e confermare con secondo. WWW.CAME.IT FUNZIONI < LINGUA > ENCODER Italiano < REGOLA TEMPI > …per uscire dal menu aspettare…
  • Page 14
    & IMPORTANTE! Iniziare la programmazione da [Tipo Motore], [Num. Motori], [Stop Totale] dal menu [FUNZIONI] e [Taratura Corsa] dal menu [ENCODER]. Menu 1° livello Menu 2° livello Opzioni Default [LINGUA] [Italiano] / [English] / [Français] / [Deutsch] / [Español] / [Italiano] [Portugues euro]/[Portugues bras] [FUNZIONI]…
  • Page 15
    Menu 1° livello Menu 2° livello Opzioni Default Scelta della modalità di funzionamento del dispositivo collegato. Per fotocellule: — C1 Riapertura durante la chiusura. In fase di chiusura delle ante, l’apertura del contatto provoca l’inversione del movimento fino alla completa apertura; — C2 richiusura durante l’apertura.
  • Page 16
    [1] …… [32] [Indirizzo CRP] In caso di impianto con più automazioni con sistema di connessione CRP (Came Remote Protocol), impostare un indirizzo da 1 a 32 per ogni quadro. [1200] / [2400] / [4800] / [9600] / [19200] / [38400] /…
  • Page 17
    Menu 1° livello Menu 2° livello Opzioni Default [1%] …… [60%] [M1 Rall.AP %] [10%] Regolazione del punto di inizio del rallentamento di M1 prima del finecorsa di apertura, calcolato in percentuale (da 1% a 60% della corsa completa). & Questa funzione compare solo se viene attivata la funzione [Rallent.Enc] nel menu [ENCODER].
  • Page 18
    Menu 1° livello Menu 2° livello Opzioni Default Ritardo di apertura di M1 rispetto all’apertura di M2 dopo ogni comando di aper- tura. Il tempo di attesa può essere regolato da 0 s a 10 s. [0 s] …… [60 s] [Rit.
  • Page 19
    [Numero Corse] Visualizza il numero di manovre effettuate. [Msg. iniziale] WWW.CAME.IT Visualizza il messaggio iniziale. Per modificare il testo, premere ENTER; Utilizzare il tasto ENTER per spostare il cursore in avanti, ESC per spostare il cursore all’indie- tro e / per selezionare la lettera o cifra. Confermare il testo premendo il tasto ENTER per alcuni secondi.
  • Page 20
    Inserimento nuovo utente 1. Dal menu [UTENTI], selezionare 3. Scegliere la funzione da associare [Nuovo Utente]. Premere ENTER per 2. Selezionare [Confermi?(si)] e all’utente. Premere ENTER per confermare. premere ENTER per confermare. confermare… Funz.Associata Nuovo Utente < Nuovo Utente > <…
  • Page 21
    Modifica codice 3..verrà richiesto un codice da 1. Dal menu [UTENTI], selezionare 2. Selezionare l’utente di cui si inserire (trasmettitore, tastiera, [Mod. Codice]. Premere ENTER per vuole modificare il codice e premere tessera a strisciamento o confermare. ENTER. transponder).
  • Page 22
    Taratura corsa ⚠ Prima di effettuare la taratura della corsa, controllare che l’area di manovra sia libera da qualsiasi ostacolo e verificare la presenza di una battuta d’arresto meccanico in apertura e una in chiusura. ⚠ Le battute d’arresto meccanico sono obbligatorie. Importante! Durante la taratura, tutti dispositivi di sicurezza saranno disabilitati escluso quello per lo STOP TOTALE.
  • Page 23
    MESSAGGI DI ERRORE Messaggio Significato [Encoder — ERRORE], [Errore!] Encoder rotto o collegamento errato. [test Sicurezze — ERRORE] Malfunzionamento dei dispositivi di sicurezza. [Fine corsa — ERRORE] Malfunzionamento sui contatti dei finecorsa [Tempo Lavoro — ERRORE] Tempo lavoro insufficiente [Sicurezze — STOP], [C1], [C3], Malfunzionamento dei dispositivi di sicurezza o [C4], [C7] o [C8] collegamento errato…
  • Page 24: Operazioni Finali

    NON DISPERDERE NELL’AMBIENTE! RIFERIMENTI NORMATIVI CAME SPA dichiara che il prodotto è conforme alle direttive di riferimento vigenti al momento della produzione dello stesso. I contenuti del manuale sono da ritenersi suscettibili di modifica in qualsiasi momento senza obbligo di preavviso.

  • Page 25
    Control panel FA01080-EN for 230Vgearmotors EN English ZM3E — ZM3EC — ZM3EP INSTALLATION MANUAL…
  • Page 26
    Any other use is dangerous. CAME S.p.A. is not liable for any damage caused by improper, wrongful and unreasonable use. • Before installing the control panel, make sure that the gui-…
  • Page 27
    will cease to be effective. • All maintained-action switches that are connected to the control panel must be positioned so that the maneuvering area is completely visible from the switches, yet far enough away from any moving parts. • Make sure that the operator has been properly adjusted and that any associated safety and protection devices, as well as the gearmotor’s manual release, are working properly.
  • Page 28
    The measurements, unless otherwise stated, are in millimeters. DESCRIPTION ZM3E — ZM3EP Multifunction control-panel for two leaved swing-gates, with graphic programming and alert display, and self-diagnosing safety devices. ZM3EC Multifunction control panel for two-leaved swing doors, complete with safety lock and buttons, with graphic pro- gramming display and signaling, plus self-diagnosing safety devices.
  • Page 29
    Description of parts Transformer 15. Keypad selector terminal Condensers* 16. Antennaterminals Control-boardfuse 17. Second-channel output terminals Accessories fuse 18. Limit-switchterminals Terminal board for RGP1 module 19. Terminals for transponder devices Electric-lockfuse 20. Terminals forcontrol and safety devices Display 21. Encoderterminals Display-brightness adjustingtrimmer 22.
  • Page 30: Installation

    28. STOP button 29. CLOSE button 30. OPEN button 31. Safety lock CAME Dimensions INSTALLATION Tools and materials Make sure you have all the tools and materials you will need for installing in total safety and in compliance with applicable…

  • Page 31
    Cable type and minimum section cable length Connection < 20 m 20 < 30 m Control panel power-supply 3G x 1.5 mm 3G x 2.5 mm Motor power supply see the corresponding operator-manuals Signaling devices 2 x 0.5 mm2 Command and control devices 2 x 0.5 mm2 Safety devices (photocells) 2 x 0.5 mm2…
  • Page 32: Electrical Connections

    ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Input voltage Terminal board for 24 V AC / DC accessories — Max. power: 20 W Connecting the electric lock (12V-15W max) 230 V AC 50/60 Hz Connecting the gearmotors that have no limit switch FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 M1 — Gearmotor with M2 — Gearmotor with delayed opening.

  • Page 33
    Connecting ENCODER-fitted gearmotors M1 — Gearmotor with M2 — Gearmotor with delayed opening. delayed closing. FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 1 = White / 2 = Brown / 3 = Green Warning and lighting devices Cycle or courtesy light. Gate open warning-light- It Freelyplaceable, outdoor light, to illuminate the warns that the gate is open and driveway.
  • Page 34
    Command and control devices Stop button (N.C. contact). — For commanding the gate to stop while excluding the automatic-closing time cycle. To resume movement, press a button on the control or the transmitter button. & If unused, deactivate the contact in the [FUNCTIONS] menu → [Total Stop].
  • Page 35
    Safety devices Delta Dir/DeltaS Photocells connections (N.C. contact) — See [FUNCTIONS] menu → [input CX], [input CY] or [input CZ] for associating an operating mode to each input. & If unused, contacts CX, CY and CZ should be disabled during programming. Connecting photocells for Safety-test function — See [FUNCTIONS] menu →…
  • Page 36
    CRP connection A B GND UTP CAT 5 RS485 serial connection to the home & building automation system via CRP (Came Remote Protocol). Fit the RSE card only when the mains power A B GND is cut off. ENABLING THE RADIO CONTROL…
  • Page 37
    — increasing or decreasing values. To select a menu item, move using To enter the menu, keep pressed the / arrows and confirm with for at least one second. WWW.CAME.IT FUNZIONI < LINGUA > ENCODER Italiano < REGOLA TEMPI >…
  • Page 38
    & IMPORTANT! Start programming from [Motor Type], [No. of Motors], [Total Stop] window from the [FUNCTIONS] menu and [Gate-Swing Calibration] window from the [ENCODER] menu. Menu 1st level Menu 2nd level Options Default [LANGUAGE] [Italiano] / [English] / [Français] / [Deutsch] / [Español] / [English] [Portugues euro]/[Portugues bras] [FUNCTIONS]…
  • Page 39
    Menu 1st level Menu 2nd level Options Default [CY input] [Disabled] / [C1] / [C2] / [C3] / [C4] / [C7] / [C8] [C3] See [CX Input] [CZ input] [Disabled] / [C1] / [C2] / [C3] / [C4] / [C7] / [C8] [Disabled] See [CX Input] [Cl.
  • Page 40
    [1] …… [32] [CRP Address] With systems fitted with several operators and the CRP (Came Remote Protocol) system connection, set an address between 1 and 32 for each control panel. [1200] / [2400] / [4800] / [9600] / [19200] / [38400] /…
  • Page 41
    Menu 1st level Menu 2nd level Options Default Setting the starting slow-down of M2 before the closing limit-switch point, calcu- lated as a percentage (from 1% to 60% of the full leaf-swing). & This function only appears if the [Enc. Slodwn.] function is enabled in the [ENCODER] menu.
  • Page 42
    [Number of Runs] View the number of completed maneuvers. [Open. Msg.] WWW.CAME.IT View opening message. To edit the text, press ENTER. Use ENTER to move the cursor forward, and ESC to move the cursor backwards and / to select the letter or figure.
  • Page 43
    Menu 1st level Menu 2nd level Options Default To restore the initial settings. Press ENTER to confirm the Reset. [MOT TEST] [<=M1 M2=>] For checking the proper rotation direction of the gearmotors. Keepthe < key pressed for some seconds and check that M1’s leaf has opened. If the rotation direction is wrong, invert the motor’s phases.
  • Page 44
    Entering a new user 1. From the [USERS] menu, select 2. Select [Confirm?(yes)] and press 3. Select the function to associate to [New User]. Press ENTER to confirm. ENTER to confirm. users. Press ENTER to confirm… Funz.Associata Nuovo Utente < Nuovo Utente > <…
  • Page 45
    Modify code will be asked a code 1. From the [USERS], select [Edit 2. Select the user whose code you to enter representing a transmitter, Code]. Press ENTER to confirm. want to edit and press ENTER. keypad, swipe card or transponder.
  • Page 46
    Gate-swing calibration ⚠ Before calibrating the gate-swing, check that the maneuvering area is free from any obstruction and that there are both opening and closing mechanical gate-stops. ⚠ The mechanical gate-stops are obligatory. Important! During the calibration, all safety devices will be disabled except for the PARTIAL STOP one. 1.
  • Page 47: Error Message

    ERROR MESSAGE System Meaning [Encoder — ERROR], [Error!] Broken encoder or wrong connection. [Safety test — ERROR] Safety devices malfunctioning. [Limit-switch — ERROR] Malfunctioning limit-switch contacts [Operating Time — ERROR] Insufficient operating time [Safety — STOP], [C1], [C3], [C4], Malfunctioning safety devices or wrong connection [C7] or [C8] GRAPHIC LAYOUT OF THE ENCODER’S FUNCTIONS &…

  • Page 48: Dismantling And Disposal

    DISPOSE OFRESPONSIBLY! REFERENCE REGULATIONS CAME SpA declares that this product complies with the current directives at the time it is manufactured. The contents of this manual may change, at any time, and without notice. CAME S.p.A.

  • Page 49: Manuel D’installation

    Armoire de commande FA01080-FR pour motoréducteurs 230 V FR Français ZM3E — ZM3EC — ZM3EP MANUEL D’INSTALLATION…

  • Page 50
    • Le produit ne devra être destiné qu’à l’utilisation pour laquelle il a été expressément conçu. Toute autre utilisation est à considérer comme dangereuse. CAME S.p.A. décline toute responsabilité en cas de dommages provoqués par des utilisations impropres, incorrectes ou déraisonnables •…
  • Page 51
    Tous les dispositifs de commande et de contrôle doivent être bien en vue et installés à une distance de sécurité adéquate par rapport à la zone d’actionnement de la partie guidée et en des points inaccessibles à travers la partie en question • À défaut d’action- nement par badge (ex.
  • Page 52
    Les dimensions sont exprimées en millimètres, sauf indication contraire. DESCRIPTION ZM3E — ZM3EP Armoire de commande multifonctions pour portails battants à deux vantaux avec afficheur de programma- tion et de signalisation, et autodiagnostic des dispositifs de sécurité. ZM3EC Armoire de commande multifonctions pour portes battantes à deux vantaux avec dispositif de blocage de sécurité…
  • Page 53
    Description des parties Transformateur 14. Connecteur pour carte AF Condensateurs* 15. Bornier pour clavier à code Fusible carte 16. Bornier pour antenne Fusible accessoires 17. Bornier pour sortie deuxième canal Bornier pour module RGP1 18. Bornier pour fin de course Fusible serrure de verrouillage électrique 19.
  • Page 54
    Pour ZM3EC uniquement 28. Bouton ARRÊT 29. Bouton FERMETURE 30. Bouton OUVERTURE 31. Blocage de sécurité CAME Dimensions INSTALLATION Outils et matériel S’assurer de disposer de tous les instruments et de tout le matériel nécessaire pour effectuer l’installation en toute sécurité…
  • Page 55
    Type et section minimale des câbles longueur câble Connexion < 20 m 20 < 30 m Alimentation armoire 3G x 1,5 mm 3G x 2,5 mm Alimentation moteur voir les manuels des automatismes Dispositifs de signalisation 2 x 0,5 mm2 Dispositifs de commande 2 x 0,5 mm2 Dispositifs de sécurité…
  • Page 56: Branchements Électriques

    BRANCHEMENTS ÉLECTRIQUES Alimentation Bornes d’alimentation des accessoires en 24 VAC / DC — Puissance max. : 20 W Connexion serrure de verrouillage électrique (12 V-15 W max.) 230 VAC 50/60 Hz Connexion des motoréducteurs sans fin de course FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 M1 — Motoréducteur M2 — Motoréducteur retardé…

  • Page 57
    Connexion des motoréducteurs avec ENCODEUR M1 — Motoréducteur M2 — Motoréducteur retardé en phase retardé en phase de d’ouverture. fermeture. FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 1 = Blanc / 2 = Marron / 3 = Vert Dispositifs de signalisation et d’éclairage Lampe cycle ou d’accueil.
  • Page 58
    Dispositifs de commande Bouton d’arrêt (contact N.F.). — Pour commander l’arrêt du portail avec désactivation du cycle de fermeture automatique. Pour la reprise du mouvement, appuyer sur un bouton de commande ou sur la touche de l’émetteur. & S’il n’est pas utilisé, désactiver le contact dans le menu [FONCTIONS] →…
  • Page 59
    Dispositifs de sécurité Delta Dir/DeltaS Connexion photocellules (contact NF) — Voir menu [FONCTIONS] → [entrée CX], [entrée CY] ou [entrée CZ] pour associer un mode de fonctionnement à chaque entrée. & En cas de non utilisation des contacts CX, CY et CZ, les désactiver durant la phase de programmation. Connexion photocellules pour Fonction test de sécurité…
  • Page 60
    Connexion CRP A B GND UTP CAT 5 Connexion série RS485 à l’installation domotique via CRP (Came Remote Protocol). Installer la carte RSE avec dispositif hors tension. A B GND ACTIVATION DE LA COMMANDE RADIO Antenne et carte de radiofréquence AF Connecter le câble RG58 de l’antenne aux bornes…
  • Page 61
    Pour choisir une option de menu, se enfoncée pendant au moins une déplacer à l’aide des flèches / et seconde. confirmer par WWW.CAME.IT FUNZIONI < LINGUA > ENCODER Italiano < REGOLA TEMPI > …pour sortir du menu, attendre 30 secondes, ou appuyer sur , jusqu’à…
  • Page 62
    & IMPORTANT ! Commencer la programmation par [Type Moteur], [Nbre Moteurs], [Arrêt Total] depuis le menu [FONCTIONS] et [Auto-apprentissage Course] depuis le menu [ENCODEUR]. Menu 1er niveau Menu 2e niveau Options Par défaut [LANGUE] [Italiano] / [English] / [Français] / [Deutsch] / [Español] / [Français] [Portugues euro]/[Portugues bras] [FONCTIONS]…
  • Page 63
    Menu 1er niveau Menu 2e niveau Options Par défaut Sélection du mode de fonctionnement du dispositif connecté. Pour photocellules : — C1 Réouverture durant la fermeture. Durant la phase de fermeture des van- taux, l’ouverture du contact provoque l’inversion du mouvement jusqu’à l’ouverture totale ;…
  • Page 64
    [1] …… [32] [Adresse CRP] En cas d’installation prévoyant plusieurs automatismes avec système de connexion CRP (Came Remote Protocol), configurer une adresse de 1 à 32 pour chaque armoire. [1200] / [2400] / [4800] / [9600] / [19200] / [38400] /…
  • Page 65
    Menu 1er niveau Menu 2e niveau Options Par défaut Sensibilité de la détection des obstacles durant le ralentissement (aussi bien à l’ouverture qu’à la fermeture). & Il faut activer la fonction [Ralent. Enc.] dans le menu [ENCODEUR]. [Ral. Enc.] [ON] / [OFF] [ON] Activation des points de ralentissement en ouverture et en fermeture.
  • Page 66
    Menu 1er niveau Menu 2e niveau Options Par défaut Délai d’attente du deuxième vantail (M2) en position d’ouverture. Après écoule- ment de ce délai, une manœuvre de fermeture est automatiquement effectuée. Le temps d’attente peut être réglé entre 0 et 300 secondes. [Temps Fonction- [10 s] ………
  • Page 67
    [Nbre Courses] Permet de visualiser le nombre de manœuvres effectuées. [Msg. initial] WWW.CAME.IT Permet de visualiser le message initial. Pour modifier le texte, appuyer sur ENTER ; Utiliser la touche ENTER pour déplacer le curseur en avant, ESC pour le déplacer en arrière et…
  • Page 68
    Introduction nouvel utilisateur 1. Dans le menu [UTILISATEURS], 3. Choisir la fonction à associer à sélectionner [Nouvel Utilisateur]. 2. Sélectionner [Confirmer ?(oui)] et l’utilisateur. Appuyer sur ENTER pour Appuyer sur ENTER pour confirmer. appuyer sur ENTER pour confirmer. confirmer… Funz.Associata Nuovo Utente <…
  • Page 69
    Modification code 1. Dans le menu [UTILISATEURS], 2. Sélectionner l’utilisateur dont on 3..le système demandera de taper sélectionner [Mod. Code]. Appuyer souhaite modifier le code et appuyer un code (émetteur, clavier, carte à sur ENTER pour confirmer. sur ENTER. bande magnétique ou transpondeur).
  • Page 70
    Auto-apprentissage de la course ⚠ Avant de régler la course, s’assurer que la zone de manœuvre ne présente aucun obstacle et s’assurer de la présence d’une butée d’arrêt mécanique aussi bien à l’ouverture qu’à la fermeture. ⚠ Les butées d’arrêt mécanique sont obligatoires. Important ! Durant le réglage, tous les dispositifs de sécurité…
  • Page 71: Messages D’erreur

    MESSAGES D’ERREUR Message Signification [Encodeur — ERREUR], [Erreur !] Encodeur cassé ou connexion incorrecte. [test Sécurité — ERREUR] Mauvais fonctionnement des dispositifs de sécurité. Mauvais fonctionnement sur les contacts des [Fin de course — ERREUR] butées de fin de course [Durée Cycle — ERREUR] Temps de fonctionnement insuffisant [Sécurité…

  • Page 72
    NE PAS JETER DANS LA NATURE ! RÉFÉRENCES NORMATIVES CAME SPA déclare que ce produit est conforme aux directives de référence en vigueur au moment de sa production Le contenu de ce manuel est susceptible de subir des modifications à tout moment et sans aucun préavis.
  • Page 73: Руководство По Установке

    Блок управления FA01080-RU электроприводамиприводами ~230 В RU Русский ZM3E — ZM3EC — ZM3EP РУКОВОДСТВО ПО УСТАНОВКЕ…

  • Page 74
    выполняться исключительно квалифицированным и компетентным персоналом • Это изделие должно использоваться исключительно по назначению. Любое другое применение считается опасным. CAME S.p.A. не несет никакой ответ- ственности за ущерб, нанесенный неправильным, ошибочным или небрежным использованием изделия •Перед установкой автоматики, убедитесь в том, что…
  • Page 75
    с присутствием людей в зоне работы автоматики. Необходимо предупредить обо всех остаточных рисках с помощью специальных символов, расположив их на видном месте, и доходчиво объяснить их конечному пользователю • По завер- шении установки системы прикрепите к ограждению паспортную табличку • Все устройства…
  • Page 76: Условные Обозначения

    Этот символ обозначает раздел, предназначенный для ознакомления конечного пользователя. Размеры, если не указано иное, в миллиметрах. ОПИСАНИЕ ZM3E — ZM3EP Многофункциональный блок управления двустворчатыми распашными воротами с дисплеем и функцией самодиагностики устройств безопасности. ZM3EC Многофункциональный блок управления двустворчатыми воротами c сетевым выключателем на крыш- ке, кнопками, дисплеем…

  • Page 77
    Основные компоненты Трансформатор 15. Контакты подключения кодонаборной Конденсаторы* клавиатуры Предохранители платы 16. Контакты подключения антенны Предохранитель аксессуаров 17. Контакты выхода второго канала Контакты подключения модуля RGP1 18. Контакты подключения концевых выключателей Предохранитель электрозамка 19. Контакты подключения проксимити-устройств Дисплей 20. Контакты подключения устройств управления и Регулировка…
  • Page 78
    Только для ZM3EC 28. Кнопка «СТОП» 29. Кнопка «ЗАКРЫТЬ» 30. Кнопка «ОТКРЫТЬ» 31. Блокировка CAME Габаритные размеры УСТАНОВКА Инструменты и материалы Перед началом монтажных работ убедитесь в наличии всех необходимых инструментов и материалов, которые позволят произвести установку системы в полном соответствии с действующими нормами безопасности. На…
  • Page 79
    Тип и минимальное сечение кабелей Длина кабеля Подключение < 20 м 20 < 30 м Электропитание блока управления 3G x 1,5 мм 3G x 2,5 мм Смотрите техническую документацию Электропитание мотора на соответствующие автоматические системы. Устройства сигнализации 2 x 0,5 мм Устройства…
  • Page 80: Электрические Подключения

    ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЕ ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЯ Электропитание Контакты электропитания аксессуаров ~/=24 В — Макс. мощность: 20 Вт Подключение электрозамка (12 В, 15 Вт макс.) ~230 В 50/60 Гц Подключение приводов без концевых выключателей FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 M1 — Привод с замед- M2 — Привод с ленным…

  • Page 81
    Подключение приводов с ЭНКОДЕРОМ M1 — Привод с замед- M2 — Привод с ленным открыванием. замедленным закрыванием. FA1 FC1 FA2 FC2 1 = Белый / 2 = Коричневый / 3 = Зеленый Устройства сигнализации и освещения Лампа цикла или лампа дополнительного Лампа-индикатор…
  • Page 82
    Устройства управления Кнопка «Стоп» (нормально-замкнутые контакты). — Останавливает движение ворот, исключая цикл автоматического закрывания. Чтобы ворота возобновили движение, необходимо нажать соответствующую кнопку управления или пульта ДУ. & Если контакт не используются, отключите его в меню [FUNCTIONS] → [Total Stop]. Ключ-выключатель и/или кнопка открывания (нормально- разомкнутые…
  • Page 83
    Устройства безопасности Delta Dir/DeltaS Подключение фотоэлементов (нормально-замкнутые контакты) — См. меню [FUNCTIONS] → [CX Input], [CY Input] или [CZ Input] для присвоения каждому входу режима работы. & Если контакты CX, CY и CZ не используются, отключите их во время программирования. Подключение…
  • Page 84
    Подключение посредством CRP A B GND UTP CAT 5 Последовательное подключение RS485 к «умному дому» посредством CRP (Came Remote Protocol). Отключите электропитание и вставьте A B GND плату RSE. АКТИВАЦИЯ РАДИОУПРАВЛЕНИЯ Антенна и плата радиоприемника АF Подключите антенный кабель RG58 к…
  • Page 85
    кнопку и удерживайте Для перемещения между ее в этом положении не менее пунктами меню используйте / , одной секунды. а для выбора — WWW.CAME.IT FUNZIONI < LINGUA > ENCODER Italiano < REGOLA TEMPI > …чтобы выйти из меню, подождите 30 секунд…
  • Page 86
    & ВАЖНО! Начните процедуру программирования с функций [Motor Type], [No. of motors], [Total Stop] в меню [FUNCTIONS] и [Travel Calibr] в меню [ENCODER]. Меню 1-го Меню 2-го Настройки По умолчанию уровня уровня [LANGUAGE] [Italiano] / [English] / [Français] / [Deutsch] / [Español] / [English] [Portugues euro]/[Portugues bras] [FUNCTIONS]…
  • Page 87
    Меню 1-го Меню 2-го Настройки По умолчанию уровня уровня Выбор режима работы подключенного устройства. Для фотоэлементов: — C1 Открывание в режиме закрывания. Размыкание контактов во время закрывания ворот приводит к изменению направления движения на противо- положное, вплоть до полного открывания. — C2 Закрывание…
  • Page 88
    [1] …… [32] [CRP address] При использовании нескольких автоматических устройств с системой подключения CRP (Came Remote Protocol) установите номер от 1 до 32 для каждого блока управления. [1200] / [2400] / [4800] / [9600] / [19200] / [38400] / [CRP Baudrate]…
  • Page 89
    Меню 1-го Меню 2-го Настройки По умолчанию уровня уровня Чувствительность токовой системы обнаружения препятствий во время движения (как при открывании, так и при закрывании ворот) & Необходимо активировать функцию [Sensitivity] в меню [ENCODER]. [-◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦+] [-・…
  • Page 90
    Меню 1-го Меню 2-го Настройки По умолчанию уровня уровня Отсчет времени автоматического закрывания начинается с момента до- стижения воротами концевого выключателя открывания. Время регули- руется в диапазоне от 0 до 300 с. Функция автоматического закрывания блокируется, если в результате обнаружения препятствия срабатывают устройства…
  • Page 91
    Показывает версию программного обеспечения. [No. Of Travels] Указывает число циклов работы приводов. [Start message] WWW.CAME.IT Показывает приветственное сообщение. Для изменения текста нажмите клавишу «ВВОД» (ENTER). Используйте клавишу «ВВОД» для перемещения курсора вперед, «ВЫХОД» (ESC) для перемещения курсора назад и для выбора цифр или букв. Для подтверждения удерживайте ENTER в…
  • Page 92
    Добавление нового пользователя 2. Выберите [Confirm?(yes)] и 3. Выберите присваиваемую поль- 1. В меню [USERS] выберите [Add нажмите «ВВОД» (ENTER) для под- зователю функцию. Подтвердите, User]. Подтвердите, нажав ENTER. тверждения. нажав кнопку ENTER… Funz.Associata Nuovo Utente < Nuovo Utente > <…
  • Page 93
    Изменение кода 1. В меню [USERS] выберите 2. Выберите имя пользователя, 3..потребуется ввести код (пульт [Change Code]. Подтвердите, код которого вы хотите изменить, ДУ, кодонаборная клавиатура, нажав ENTER. и нажмите ENTER. магнитная или проксимити-карта). Attesa Codice < Mod. Codice > Mod.
  • Page 94
    Калибровка движения ⚠ Перед тем как отрегулировать движение створок, убедитесь в отсутствии каких-либо препятствий и наличии механических упоров открывания и закрывания. ⚠ Использование механических упоров является обязательным. Важно! Все устройства безопасности, за исключением кнопки «СТОП», будут отключены до полного завершения процедуры.
  • Page 95: Сообщения Об Ошибках

    СООБЩЕНИЯ ОБ ОШИБКАХ Сообщение Значение Энкодер неисправен или отсутствуеи [Encoder — ERROR], [Error!] подключение. [Safety Test — ERROR] Неисправность устройств безопасности. Неисправность контактов концевых [End Stop — ERROR] выключателей [Cycle Time — ERROR] Недостаточное время работы Неисправность устройств безопасности или [Ssafety — STOP], [C1], [C3], [C4], [C7] или…

  • Page 96: Заключительные Работы

    могут содержать загрязняющие вещества. Они должны передаваться компаниям, имеющим лицензию на их переработку. НЕ ЗАГРЯЗНЯЙТЕ ОКРУЖАЮЩУЮ СРЕДУ! НОРМЫ И СТАНДАРТЫ Компания CAME SPA заявляет, что данное изделие соответствует требованиям директив, действовавших на момент его производства. Содержание данного руководства может быть изменено в любое время без предварительного уведомления.

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CAME ZM3E инструкция

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Добавлен: 20.06.2013

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CAME ZM3E инструкция по монтажу

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CAME ZM3E Installation Manual

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31 9U 75E N





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Summary of Contents for CAME ZM3E

  • Page 1
    CONTROL PANEL 31 9U 75E N FOR 230 V OPERATORS Installation Manual ZM3E — ZM3EC…
  • Page 2
    The overall power of the motors must not exceed 750 W. 3 Reference Standards For its quality processes management Came Cancelli Automatici is ISO 9001 certified, and for its environmental management it is ISO 14001 certified. Came designs and manufactures entirely in Italy.
  • Page 3
    4.1 Dimensions, spans and anchoring holes (mm) ZM3E ZM3EC 4.2 Main components 1 — Transformer 2 — M1 gearmotor condenser (black wires) 3 — M2 gearmotor condenser (red wires) 4 — Card fuse 5 — Accessories fuse 6 — Electrolock fuse…
  • Page 4
    5 Installation Installation must be carried out by expert qualified personnel and in full observance of regulations in force. 5.1 Preliminary checks Before installing do the following: • Check that the panel’s anchoring point is protected from possible blows, and that the anchoring surface is solid. Also check that the anchoring is done using the appropriate bolts, screws etc.;…
  • Page 5
    5) Snap the cover into place onto the hinges. Close it and fix it using the provided screws. 6) After the adjustments and settings, fix the cover using the provided screws. 6 Electrical connections 6.1 Cable and type and section Type Length of cable Length of cable…
  • Page 6
    Signalling and Lighting devices Signal Flasher (socket rating: 230 V Open gate indicator-light — 25 W max.) Flashes during opening (socket rating: 24 V — 3 W max.). and closing phases. Turns on when the gate is ajar or open. It turns off when the gate is closed.
  • Page 7
    Gearmotor, mechanical stops M1 — 230 V AC gearmotor featuring delayed action on opening M2 — 230 V AC gearmotor featuring delayed action on closing FERNI FROG A FROG A FERNI KRONO F7001 KRONO F7001 F4000 F4000 Gearmotor, encoder ENCODER A ENCODER B M1 — 230 V AC gearmotor featuring M2 — 230 V AC gearmotor featuring…
  • Page 8
    Confi gure either (N.C.) contacts CX, CY or CZ, input for EN 12978 compliant safety devices such DF with DFI connections as sensitive edges. See CX input functions in: monitor card — C7 «Open while closing», During gate closing, opening the contact causes inversion of movement until gate is fully open;…
  • Page 9
    7 Programming 7.1 Description of display commands Lingua < > the <…> symbols on the display are for: Italiano -pointing out the currently, selected item The ESC key is for: The ENTER key is for: — exiting the menu; — entering the menu; — cancelling modifications.
  • Page 10: Menu Structure

    7.3 Menu structure <Deutsch> <English <Francais> > > > ENTER < > LANGUAGE > > <Italiano> <Espanol> > > < FUNCTIONS > ENTER > The “ENCODER” function, appears only if selected from the “Config.” function in the FUN- < ENCODER > ENTER CTIONS menu.

  • Page 11
    < Turn on > < Disabled > < AutoClose > > ENTER > > <when close> < Disabled > < Turn on > > > <Maintained Act> ENTER > > < Turn on > < Disabled > < Obstacle Det. > >…
  • Page 12
    7.4 Main menu < LANGUAGE > < FUNCTIONS > < ENCODER > English Press ENTER < TIMING ADJ. > for 1 second It appears only if selected from the “Config.” Section in the FUNCTIONS menu. < TEST MOT. > < INFO >…
  • Page 13
    Obstacle detected: when motor is stopped (gate closed or after a total stop command) it prevents any movement if safety devices, such as photocells, detect any obstacles. < LANGUAGE > English <Obstacle Det.> Obstacle Det. FUNCTIONS Disabled < Disabled > TIMING ADJ.
  • Page 14
    Total Stop: this function stops the gate and consequently excludes any automatic closing cycle; for movement to resume, you need to use the keypad or transmitter. Insert safety device on [1-2]; Insert the safety device on [1 -2]; if unused, select “Deactivated” <…
  • Page 15
    CZ input: safety contact input can take on the following functions: C1 (re-opening when closing), C2 (re-closing when opening), C3 (partial stop), C4 (obstacle stall), C7 (re-opening when closing, for sensitive edges), C8 (re-closing when opening, for sensitive edges) or, be deactivated. See safety devices on electrical connections. <…
  • Page 16
    Deceleration configuration: configuring decelerations when opening or closing: — slow run: decelerations when opening and closing; — Fcap-RallCh.: end stop when opening and deceleration when closing; — ecoder: managing decelerations, obstacle detection and sensitivity; -> FROG-AE, AXO, F7001E — Time of Run: timed end stop (default function); -> FROG-A, FERNI 230V, ATI 230V, FAST 230V, KRONO — Limit switch (endstop): opening and closing endstop.
  • Page 17
    E3 lamp: configuring the lamp connected to E-E3: — cycle: outdoor lamp, which can be positioned at leisure, for better illumination in the parking/driveway area. It stays on from the moment the gate leaf begins to open, until it is fully closed (including automatic closing time). In case the automatic closing function is not inserted, it stays on only during gate movement.
  • Page 18
    7.7 Encoder Menu Sensitivity: the obstacle detection function is activated during gate operation and deceleration. N.B.: before setting the functions in the encoder menu, run the gearmotor checks to verify the proper turning direction. < LANGUAGE > English FUNCTIONS Sensibility <…
  • Page 19
    M1 closing deceleration%: this adjusts the (M1) first motor’s deceleration starting point before the closing endpoint. The deceleration starting point is calculated as a percentage (from 1% to 40% of a full gate run). See illustration on page 28. N.B.: this function appears only if it is activated in the “decel. Enc” function in the ENCODER menu. <…
  • Page 20
    M2. Opening approach %: sets the point at which the gate begins adjusting deceleration before making contact with the closing endpoint of the second motor (M2). The beginning point of adjustment is calculated as a percentage ( between 1% and 15%) of the total gate run time. See illustration on page 30 <…
  • Page 21
    X 12 < LANGUAGE > Set Encoder < Set Encoder > English <confirm?(no)> FUNCTIONS ENCODER TIMING ADJ. USERS Set Encoder <confirm?(yes)> INFO See detailed TEST MOT. TEST MOT. description on page 29 7.8 Time setting menu Automatic closing: to set the waiting time when gate is in the open position. Once this time is elapsed, the gate closes automatically.
  • Page 22
    Cycle time: the working time of the motor during opening or closing phases is anywhere from 10” to 150”. < LANGUAGE > English E li h FUNCTIONS < Cycle Time > Cycle Time TIMING ADJ. 90s. < 90s. > USERS Cycle Time INFO <…
  • Page 23
    Lock time: the time required for releasing the electro-lock after each opening command. The time of operation can be set to between 1” and 5”. < LANGUAGE > English English FUNCTIONS < Lock time > Lock time < > TIMING ADJ. USERS Lock time INFO…
  • Page 24
    7.9 Users Radio Menu Add User: to create a new user and assigned function (max. 250 users). < LANGUAGE > Add User < Add User > English E li h <confirm? (no) > FUNCTIONS TIMING ADJ. Add User USERS Code waiting Related Func.
  • Page 25
    Remove user: to remove an exisiting user. Confirm the use you wish to remove with the ENTER key. < LANGUAGE > Choose User < Remove Usr. > English < 001:—001— > FUNCTIONS Choose User TIMING ADJ. < 002:—002— > USERS Remove Usr.
  • Page 26
    : 5.0 FUNCTIONS < Standby Msg. > < System Reset > TIMING ADJ. USERS INFO — WWW.CAME.IT ZM3E TEST MOT. TEST MOT. 7.11 Motor test menu TEST MOT.: Test to check the proper direction of the gearmotors. < LANGUAGE > English…
  • Page 27
    7.13 Inputting users 1) From the Users 2) Select “ confirm menu, select “Add Add User Add User (yes)” and press User”. ENTER key to confirm. confirm? (yes) Press ENTER to confirm. 3) Choose which 4) ..will ask to input function to assign to Related Func.
  • Page 28
    7.15 Changing code 1) From the Users 2) Choose the user menu, choose Mod. Code Choose User name for which you “Mod. Code”. 001:—U001— wish to change the Press ENTER to Choose User code and press ENTER confirm. to confirm. 002:—U002— 3) ..
  • Page 29
    7.17 Gate run calibration N.B. before calibrating the gate run, check that the manoeuvring area is free of any obstacles and check the proper direction of rotation of the gearmotors. (para. 7.11) 1) From the Encoder 2) Select “confirm Set Encoder menu, select “Set Set Encoder (yes) and press ENTER…
  • Page 30
    7.19 Illustration depicting the areas and points of deceleration and final opening and closing approaches per encoder device. Note: the areas and points of deceleration and fi nal opening and closing approaches are tested according to the parameters set forth by Technical Norms EN12445 and EN12453 regarding compatibility of impact forces generated by moving gate leaves.
  • Page 31
    UNI EN ISO 14001 standard to ensure environmental protection. Please continue our eff orts to protect the environment—which CAME considers one of the cardinal elements in the development of its operational and market strategies—simply by observing brief recommendations as regards disposal: DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING The packaging components (cardboard, plastic, etc.) are all classifi…
  • Page 32
    HR • Za sve dodatne informacije o poduzeću, proizvodima i tehničkoj podršci: UK • Для отримання будь-якої іншої інформації про компанію, продукцію та технічну підтримку: www. www. CAME Cancelli Automatici S.p.a. CAME Cancelli Automatici S.p.a. Via Martiri Della Libertà, 15 31030 Dosson Di Casier…

This manual is also suitable for:









2 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


The ZM3 control panel is designed to command the following swing-gate operators ATI, AXO, FAST, FERNI, FROG, KRONO.

The ZM3EC control panel is engineered to command CBX — F4000 industrial doors. It comes with its own safety release and buttons.

The use of this product for purposes other than as described above and installation executed in a manner other than as

instructed in this technical manual are prohibited.

4 Description

1 Legend of symbols

This symbol indicates sections to be read with particular care.

This symbol indicates sections concerning safety.

This symbol indicates notes to communicate to users.

2 Intended use and application

3 Reference Standards




For its quality processes management Came Cancelli Automatici is ISO 9001:2000 certified, and for its environmental management it is

ISO 14001 certified. Came designs and manufactures entirely in Italy.

This product complies with the following standards: see Declaration of Compliance.

Make sure you respect the distances and cable diameters as shown in “cable types and minimal thicknesses” table.

The overall power of the motors must not exceed 750 W.

This product is engineered and manufactured by CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. and complies with current safety regulations.

Guaranteed 24 months if not tampered with.

The control panel works on 230V a.c. of power, 50/60Hz frequency.

Both command and control devices and accessories are 24V powered. Warning! Accessories must not exceed 35 W overall.

All connections are protected by quick fuses, see table.

The input and output contact functions, the timing settings and users’ management, are set and viewed on the display, which is run by



protection: fuse type:

Electrolock 3.15A-F

Electronic board (power supply line) 5A-F

Accessories 1.6A-F

Control devices 630mA-F


Power supply 230V — 50/60Hz

max. rated power 750W

Power draw when idling 85mA

Max power of 24V accessories 35W

Insulation rating II

Material ABS

Protection rating IP54

operating temperature -20 / +55°C

2.1 Intended use

2.2 Application







  



 








5 6 7
















(mm) ZM3EC



3Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


4.2 Main components

Warning! Before acting on the machinery, cut off the

main power supply and disconnect any emergency


1 — Transformer

2 — M1 gearmotor condenser (black wires)

3 — M2 gearmotor condenser (red wires)

4 — Card fuse

5 — Accessories fuse

6 — Electrolock fuse

7 — Display

8 — Display lighting adjustment trimmer

9 — Memory roll card connector

10 — AF card connector

11 — R700 card connector

12 — Open contact error — warning LED

13 — Programming buttons

14 — Terminal board for connecting

15 — Terminal board for 230V a.c. power grid

16 — Line fuse

17 — 230V-power signalling LED

18 — STOP button

19 — CLOSE button

20 — OPEN button

21 — Safety block


4.1 Dimensions, spans and anchoring holes





15 mm~


4 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


Before installing do the following:

• Check that the panel’s anchoring point is protected from possible blows, and that the anchoring surface is solid. Also check that the

anchoring is done using the appropriate bolts, screws etc.;

• Make sure you have a suitable omnipolar cut-off device with contacts more than 3 mm apart, and independent (sectioned off) power


Make sure that any connections inside the case (that provide continuance to the protective circuit) are fitted with extra insulation

as compared to the other conductive parts inside;

• Make sure you have suitable tubing and conduits for the electrical cables to pass through and be protected against mechanical


Make sure you have all the tools and materials you will need for the installation at hand to work in total safety and compliance with the

current standards and regulations. The following figure illustrates the minimum equipment needed by the installer.

Here are some examples.

5 Installation

5.1 Preliminary checks

5.2 Tools and materials

Installation must be carried out by expert qualified personnel and in full observance of regulations in force.

1) Fix the base of the panel in a protected area; we suggest

using round top Phillips recessed head screws of max.

6mm in diameter.

5.3 Fixing and mounting the box

2) Perforate the pre-punched holes and insert the cable

glands with the corrugated tubing for the electrical

cables to travel through.

N.B.: diameter of the pre-punched holes: 20 mm.

3) Assemble the pressure hinges.

4) Insert the pressure hinges into the box (on the left or right as you

wish) and set them using the provided screws and washers.

They must slide in

order to tum

,« «



5Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


N.B.: If the cable length differs from that specified in the table, then you must determine the proper cable diameter based on the actual

power draw from the connected devices and according to the CEI EN 602041 standards.

For connections that require several, sequential loads, the sizes given on the table must be re-evaluated based on actual power draw

and distances.

When connecting products that are not specified in this manual, please follow the documentation provided with said products.

6.1 Cable and type and section

Connections Type

of cable

Length of cable

1 < 10 m

Length of cable

10 < 20 m

Length of cable

20 < 30 m

Control panel power supply





3G x 1,5 mm23G x 1,5 mm23G x 2,5 mm2

Motor power supply 3G x 1,5 mm23G x 1,5 mm23G x 2,5 mm2

flashing lamp 2 x 1,5 mm22 x 1,5 mm22 x 1,5 mm2

Transmitter photocells 2 x 0,5 mm22 x 0.5 mm22 x 0,5 mm2

Receiver photocells 4 x 0,5 mm24 x 0,5 mm24 x 0,5 mm2

Power supply to accessories 2 x 0,5 mm22 x 0,5 mm22 x 1 mm2

Control and safety devices 2 x 0,5 mm22 x 0,5 mm22 x 0,5 mm2

Encoder connection 2402C 22AWG max. 30 m

Antenna connection RG58 max. 10 m

6 Electrical connections

6) After the adjustments and settings, fix the cover

using the provided screws.

5) Snap the cover into place onto the hinges. Close it and fix it

using the provided screws.

Terminals for powering the following accessories:

— 24V A.C. Overall power allowed: 20W

Power supply to accessories

Power supply

230V (A.C.) 50/60 Hz

Electrolock connection

(12V — 15W max)

Possible output of the radio

receiver’s second channel

(N.O. socket).

Socket rating: 1A-24V (D.C.).

6.2 Electrical connections







6 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


Cycle lamp: (contact rating: 230V – 60W max.)

It lights up the driving area and stays on from the

moment the gate begins to open until it is fully closed

(including the automatic closing time). If automatic

closing is not activated, the lamp stays on only during

movement or for a set time of 5 minutes if used as a

courtesy lamp.

Signal Flasher (socket rating: 230V

— 25W max.) Flashes during opening

and closing phases.

Signalling and Lighting devices

Command devices

Stop button (N.C. contact) — Button to stop gate while

excluding the automatic closing cycle. For movement to

resume you must press the command button or transmitter


N.B.: if contact is unused, select Disabled on the


Key selector and/or opening button (N.O. contact)

Gate opening command.

Key selector and/or commands button (N.O.

contact) — Commands for opening and closing the

gate – pressing the button or turning the key-

switch, inverts the gate’s movement or stops it

depending on how it is set on the 2-7 command in

the “FUNCTIONS” menu.

Key selector and/or partial opening button (N.O.

contact) — Partial gate opening for pedestrian


Key selector and/or closing button (N.O. contact)

Gate closing command.

Open gate indicator-light

(socket rating: 24V — 3W max.).

Turns on when the gate is ajar or open.

It turns off when the gate is closed.

TSP00 — Transponder sensor

N.B.: insert the R700 emcoding card for the

TSP00 sensors and LT001 card readers to be


LT001 — Magnetic card reader



Antenna with RG58

cable for the remote


&!&# &!&#




./ # .#
















F7001E F7001E



7Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


M1 — 230V A.C. gearmotor featuring delayed action on opening M2 — 230V A.C. gearmotor featuring delayed action on closing

Safety devices

Confi gure either (N.C.) contacts CX, CY or CZ, input

for safety devices such as photocells, that comply

with EN 12978 standards. See CX, CY or CZ input

functions in:

— C1 «re-open during closing phase», When the

gate leaf is closing, opening the contact triggers the

inversion of the direction of movement until the gate

leaf is fully open.

— C2 «re-close during opening phase», When gate

is opening, if the contact is opened it triggers an

inversion of the direction until gate is fully closed;

— C3 «partial stop», Halts moving gate leaves and

causes them to automatically close (if this functions

has been selected);

— C4 «stand-by Obstacle», Halts the moving gate

leaves causing them to start moving again once

obstacle is removed.

— Deactivated, if contact is unused.

DIR photocells

DOC photocells

Gearmotor, mechanical stops

Gearmotor, encoder

M1 — 230V A.C. gearmotor featuring

delayed action on opening

M2 — 230V A.C. gearmotor featuring

delayed action on closing













48 

  48 #




8 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


DF with DFI connections

monitor card

At each opening and closing command, the control board assesses the effi ciency status of the control devices (photocells). Any

anomaly found is signalled with the fl ashing of the LED on the control panel. Consequently it cancels any commands coming from the

remote control or the button.

Electrical connection to enable the photocell safety test:

— the transmitter and the receiver, must be connected as per the diagram;

— from the functions menu, select “safety tests” and select either CX — CY — CZ input/s to activate the test.

6.3 Electrical connection for the photocells functions test

Confi gure either (N.C.) contacts CX, CY or CZ,

input for EN 12978 compliant safety devices such

as sensitive edges. See CX input functions in:

— C7 «Open while closing», During gate closing,

opening the contact causes inversion of movement

until gate is fully open;

— C8 «close while opening», During gate opening,

opening the contact causes inversion of movement

until gate is fully close.

— Deactivated, if contact is unused.









9Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


To enter the menu, keep the

ENTER key pressed for at least one


To select a menu item,

mode using the greater

than-lesser than keys...

then press ENTER

also use the greater

than-lesser than keys

for the “sub-menus”

If the <> are on the TIME

function, you may modify the


To increase or reduce values,

use the greater than-lesser

than keys…

...then press ENTER to confirm…

to exit the menu, wait 30

seconds, or press ESC, until start

screen is displayed.

N.B.: when the menu is active, the system cannot be used.

7 Programming

then press ENTER

7.2 Browsing the menu

7.1 Description of display commands

The ENTER key is for:

— entering the menu;

— confirming and memorising set values.

The ESC key is for:

— exiting the menu;

— cancelling modifications.

The < > keys are for:

— shifting from one menu item to another;

— increase or decrease values.

the <…> symbols on the display are for:

-pointing out the currently, selected item















Cycle Time



Cycle Time



Cycle Time

































































































10 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


< LANGUAGE > <English><Francais> <Deutsch>

<Espanol><Italian o>

7.3 Menu structure


< INFO >

< T.C.A. >



Choose User


< 0s. >

< 300s.>

< 0s. >

< 300s.>

< 10s. >

< 150s.>

< 1s. >

< 10s. >

< 1s. >

< 60s >

< 1s. >

< 60s.>

< 1s. >

< 5s. >

< 1s. >

< 10s. >

< 5s. >

< 60s.>

< 0s. >

< 30s.>



Choose User




Choose User




Choose User





< <=M1 M2=> >

< ENCODER > See detailed functions on pages 17, 18, 19 and 20 (the “ENCODER” function, appears only if

selected from the “Config.” function in the FUNCTIONS menu.

< System Reset >

<Pedestrian ACT>

< Cycle Time >

< Op. Delay M1 >

< Cl. Delay M2 >

<Preflashing T.>

< Lock time >

< Ram hit time >

< Ped.opening >

<Slow down time>

< Add User >

< Mod. name >

< Mod. Code >

<Related Func.>

< Remove Usr. >

<Delete all Usr>

< Backup data >

<Restore backup>

< Standby Msg. >

< Version >

fw. 3.0

< No. of Runs >


confirm? (no)

confirm? (yes)

confirm? (no)

confirm? (yes)

confirm? (no)

confirm? (yes)

confirm? (no)

confirm? (yes)













































































< -ooo+ >

< -ooo+ >













11Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


<when close>

< Disabled > < Turn on >

< CX >

< CX+CZ >

<CX+CY+CZ> < CX+CY >

< CY > < CZ >

< CY+CZ >

< Config. >

< C1 >

< C7 >

< C8 > < C4 >

< C2 > < C3 >

< Disabled > < C1 >

< C7 >

< C8 > < C4 >

< C2 > < C3 >

< Disabled > < C1 >

< C7 >

< C8 > < C4 >

< C2 > < C3 >

< N.C. > < N.A. >

< M1 + M2 > < M2 >

< encoder >

< Cl. Thrust > < Turn on > < Disabled >

< AutoClose >

<M aintained A ct>

< Obstacle Det. >

< Safety d.Test >

< Preflashing >

< Total Stop >

< CX Input >

< CY Input >

< CZ Input >

<Ram hit funct.>

< Turn on > < Disabled >

< Turn on > < Disabled >

< Disabled >

< Turn on > < Disabled >

< Turn on > < Disabled >

< Turn on > < Disabled >

< Disabled >

< Turn on > < Disabled >

< Slow run > < FcapRallCh >

<Limit switch> < Time of Run >

< Lock >

< endstop >

< cmd 2-7 >

< cmd 2-3P >

< lamp E3 >

<output B1-B2>

< No. Motors >

<Slow Down Spd>

<Op.StopCl.> <OpenClose>

<Pedestrian> < Partial >

< Cycle > < Courtesy >

<Monostable> <Bistable>

X 2

X 2


12 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.



< English >


< Francais >


< Deutsch >


< Espanol >


< Italiano >

7.4 Main menu


for 1 second

7.5 Language menu

Select language: selects among the languages displayed.



7.6 Functions menu

< AutoClose >

Turn o n


< Turn on >


< Disabled >

Automatic Closing: activates or deactivates the automatic closing function.

The automatic closing timer activates at each opening endpoint. The predetermined time may be adjusted, and is in any case

dependent on any safety devices that may activate; and it does not activate after a total safety “stop” or during a power outage.


Maintained Act

< Disabled >

<M aintained A ct>


Maintained action: the gate works by keeping the button pressed (button 2-3 for opening, button 2-4 for closing, or if set to the “On

Closing” function, only with button 2-4.

Maintained Act

< when close >



< INFO >

Max. 250 users



It appears only if selected from the “Config.

Section in the FUNCTIONS menu.






Maintained Act

< Turn on >

X 2

X 2

X 4

X 2

X 5

X 2

X 3

X 2


13Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


<Safety d.Tes t>


Safety d.Test

< Disabled >

Safety d.Test

< CX >

Safety d.Test

< CY >

Safety d.Test

< CZ >

Safety d.Test

< CX+CY >

Safety d.Test

< CX+CZ >

Safety d.Test

< CX+CY+CZ >

Obstacle Det.

< Disabled >

<Obstacle Det.>


Obstacle Det.

< Turn on >

Obstacle detected: when motor is stopped (gate closed or after a total stop command) it prevents any movement if safety devices,

such as photocells, detect any obstacles.

Safety test: allows the card to check the efficiency of any safety devices (i.e. photocells) after every opening or closing command.


< Disabled >

< Preflashing >


Pre-flashing: after an opening or closing command, the flashing light, connected to W-E, starts flashing before the gate begins its run

(to set the time, see “Pre-flashing timing” from the Adjust Timings menu

Ram hit funct.

< Disabled >

<Ram hit funct.>








Ram blow: before any opening run, the gate leaves will press onto the mechanical endstop for a few seconds, to help release the elec-

trolock (to set the time, see “Starting ram timing” in the Adjust Timings menu).

X 2

X 8

X 2

X 7

X 2

X 6


14 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


< CY Input >


CY Input

< Disabled >

CY Input

< C2 >

CY Input

< C3 >

CY Input

< C4 >

CY Input

< C1 >

CY Input

< C7 >

CY Input

< C8 >

CX input: the N.C. safety contact input can take on the following functions: C1 (re-opening when closing), C2 (re-closing when

opening), C3 (partial stop), C4 (obstacle stall), C7 (re-opening when closing, for sensitive edges), C8 (re-closing when opening, for

sensitive edges) or, be deactivated. See safety devices on electrical connections.

< CX Input >


CX Input

< Disabled >

CX Input

< C2 >

CX Input

< C3 >

CX Input

< C4 >

CX Input

< C1 >

Total Stop

< Turn on >

< Total Stop >

Turn o n

Total Stop

< Disabled >

Total Stop: this function stops the gate and consequently excludes any automatic closing cycle; for movement to resume, you need to

use the keypad or transmitter. Insert safety device on [1-2]; Insert the safety device on [1 -2]; if unused, select “Deactivated”

CX Input

< C7 >

CX Input

< C8 >

CY input: safety contact input can take on the following functions: C1 (re-opening when closing), C2 (re-closing when opening), C3

(partial stop), C4 (obstacle stall), C7 (re-opening when closing, for sensitive edges), C8 (re-closing when opening, for sensitive edges)

or, be deactivated. See safety devices on electrical connections.





X 2

X 9

X 2

X 11

X 2

X 10

X 2

X 12


15Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


Lock: to lock the gate leaves. Required for gate leaves longer than 2.50 m.

CZ input: safety contact input can take on the following functions: C1 (re-opening when closing), C2 (re-closing when opening), C3

(partial stop), C4 (obstacle stall), C7 (re-opening when closing, for sensitive edges), C8 (re-closing when opening, for sensitive edges)

or, be deactivated. See safety devices on electrical connections.

Closing thrust: at the endpoint stage during closing, the gearmotors perform a final closing-thrust of the doors for a few seconds.

Cl. Thrust.

< Disabled >

< Cl. Thrust. >


Cl. Thrust.

< Turn on >


< FcapRallCh >

Deceleration configuration: configuring decelerations when opening or closing:

— slow run: decelerations when opening and closing;

— Fcap-RallCh.: end stop when opening and deceleration when closing;

— ecoder: managing decelerations, obstacle detection and sensitivity; (FROG-AE)

— Time of Run: timed end stop (default function); (FROG-A, FERNI 230V, ATI 230V, FAST 230V and KRONO)

— Limit switch (endstop): opening and closing endstop. (C-BX and F4000)


< encoder >


< CZ Input >


CZ Input

< Disabled >

CZ Input

< C1 >

CZ Input

< C2 >

CZ Input

< C3 >

CZ Input

< C4 >

CZ Input

< C7 >

CZ Input

< C8 >


< Disabled >

< Lock >



< Turn on >





< Config. >

Slow run


< Slow run >


<Time of Run>


<Limit switch>

X 2

X 2

X 2

X 2

X 15

X 16

X 13

X 14


16 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


< endstop >



< N.C >

Endstop: configure the endpoints are normally closed or open contacts.

N.B.: this function appears only if selected from the “Config.” function in the FUNCTIONS menu.

< cmd 2-7 >


cmd 2-7


Command 27: setting the 2-7 contact to step-by- step mode (open-close) or sequential (open-stop-close-stop).


< N.A >

cmd 2-7


< cmd 2-3P >


cmd 2-3P

< Pedestrian >

cmd 2-3P

< Partial >

< lamp E3 >


lamp E3

< Cycle >

lamp E3

< Courtesy >

Command 2-3P: setting the 2-3P contact to pedestrian opening (second gate leaf opens fully) or partial (second gate leaf opens

partially depending on the time set on “Partial opening” from the Adjust Times menu).

E3 lamp: configuring the lamp connected to E-E3:

— cycle: outdoor lamp, which can be positioned at leisure, for better illumination in the parking/driveway area.

It stays on from the moment the gate leaf begins to open, until it is fully closed (including automatic closing time).

In case the automatic closing function is not inserted, it stays on only during gate movement.

— courtesy: outdoor lamp, which can be positioned at leisure, for better illumination in the parking/driveway area.

It stays on for a set time of 5 minutes.






X 2

X 2

X 2

X 19

X 17

X 18

X 2


17Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


< output B1-B2 >


output B1-B2

< Bistable >

B1-B2 output: setting contact B1B2 to MONO-STABLE or BI-STABLE (switch) mode.

< No. Motors >

M1 + M2

No. Motors

< M1 + M2 >

Number of motors: setting the number of motors, either one or two, depending on the number of gate leaves installed on the system.

Slow Down: setting the deceleration speed when opening or closing, or, only when closing if said deceleration is configured as (Fcap


N.B.: this function only appears if the decelerations are selected.

output B1-B2

< Monostable

No. Motors

< M2 >

<Slow Down Spd.>


Slow Down Spd.

< -ooo+ >




Slow Down Spd.

< -ooo+ >

Motor Type: setting up the type of swing gate motor installed in the system.

< Motor Type >


Motor Type

< FROG >

Motor Type

< AXO >

Motor Type

< FAST >


X 2

X 2

X 3

X 2

X 4

X 2

X 2

X 2


18 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


<Sensib. Decel.>


Sensib. Decel.

< -oooooooo+ >

Sensib. Decel.

< -oooooooo+ >

Deceleration sensitivity: it adjusts the obstacle detection sensitivity during opening and closing gate deceleration.

N.B.: this function appears only if the “sensitivity” function is activated in the ENCODER menu.

< Slow run Enc >


Slow run Enc

< ON >

Slow run Enc

< OFF >

Encoder Deceleration: this activates the opening and closing deceleration starting points.

< M1 Slow.AP.% >


M1 Slow.AP.%

< 10 >

M1 Slow.AP.%

< 11 >

M1 opening deceleration%: this adjusts the (M1) first motor’s deceleration starting point before the opening endpoint.

The deceleration starting point is calculated as a percentage (from 1% to 40% of a full gate run). See illustration on page 28.

N.B.: this function appears only if it is activated in the “decel. Enc” function in the ENCODER menu.

< Sensib. Run >


Sensib. Run

< -oooooooo+ >

Sensib. Run

< -oooooooo+ >






Gate operation sensitivity: this adjusts the obstacle detection sensitivity during opening and closing gate operation.

N.B.: this function appears only if the “sensitivity” function is activated in the ENCODER menu.

< Sen sibility >

Turn o n


< Turn on >



7.7 Encoder Menu (the ENCODER menu, appears only if selected from the “Config.” function in the FUNCTIONS menu.)

Sensitivity: the obstacle detection function is activated during gate operation and deceleration.

N.B.: before setting the functions in the encoder menu, run the gearmotor checks to verify the proper turning direction.


X 5

X 2

X 6

X 2

X 7

X 2

X 8

X 2


19Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


< M1 Slow.CH % >


M1 Slow.CH %

< 10 >

M1 Slow.CH %

< 11 >

M1 closing deceleration%: this adjusts the (M1) first motor’s deceleration starting point before the closing endpoint.

The deceleration starting point is calculated as a percentage (from 1% to 40% of a full gate run). See illustration on page 28.

N.B.: this function appears only if it is activated in the “decel. Enc” function in the ENCODER menu.

< M2 Slow.AP % >


M2 Slow.AP %

< 10 >

M2 Slow.AP %

< 11 >

M2 opening deceleration%: this adjusts the (M2) second motor’s deceleration starting point before the opening endpoint.

The deceleration starting point is calculated as a percentage (from 1% to 40% of a full gate run). See illustration on page 28.

N.B.: this function appears only if it is activated in the “decel. Enc” function in the ENCODER menu.

< M2 Slow.CH % >


M2 Slow.CH %

< 10 >

M2 Slow.CH %

< 11 >

M2 closing deceleration %: this adjusts the (M2) second motor’s deceleration starting point before the closing endpoint.

The deceleration starting point is calculated as a percentage (from 1% to 40% of a full gate run). See illustration on page 28.

N.B.: this function appears only if it is activated in the “decel. Enc” function in the ENCODER menu.

< M1 Appr.CH % >


M1 Appr.CH %

< 5 >

M1 Appr.CH %

< 6 >

M1 closing acceleration %: this adjusts the (M1) first motor’s percentage rate of approach to the final closing and opening points

before reaching the opening and closing endpoints. The percentage rate of approach to (goes from 1% to 15% of the full gate run). See

illustration on page 28.






X 2

X 2

X 8

X 2

X 9

X 2


20 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


<Pedestrian ACT>


Pedestrian ACT

< 10s. >

Pedestrian ACT

< 11s. >

Automatic Pedestrian Closing: waiting time of the (M2) second gate leaf when in the open position. Once this time interval has

elapsed, the gate automatically closes. The waiting time interval can go anywhere from 0” to 300”.

< M2 Appr.CH % >


M2 Appr.CH %

< 5 >

M2 Appr.CH %

< 6 >

M2 closing acceleration %: this adjusts the (M2) second motors percentage rate of approach to the final closing and opening points

before reaching the opening and closing endpoints. The percentage rate of approach to (goes from 1% to 15% of the full gate run). See

illustration on page 28.

< Set Encoder > Set Encoder


Set Encoder


< A.C.T. >



< 10s. >


< 11s. >

7.8 Time setting menu

Automatic closing: to set the waiting time when gate is in the open position.

Once this time is elapsed, the gate closes automatically. The waiting time can be set to between 0” and 300”.




See detailed

description on

page 28


X 2

X 2

X 2

X 3

X 2

X 4

X 2

X 5


21Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


< Cycle Time >


Cycle Time

< 90s. >

< Op. Delay M1 >


Op. Delay M1

< 2s >

M1 delayed opening: the waiting time of the (M1) first gate lead, unlike the (M2) second one, after each opening command. The

waiting time can be set to between 0” and 10”.

Cycle time: the working time of the motor during opening or closing phases is anywhere from 10” to 150”.

Cycle Time

< 91s. >

Op. Delay M1

< 3s >

< Cl. Delay M2 >


Cl. Delay M2

< 2s >

M2 delayed closing: the waiting time of the (M2) second gate leaf, unlike the (M1) first one, after each closing command. the waiting

time can be set to between 0” and 60”.

Cl. Delay M2

< 3s >

<Preflashing T.>


Preflashing T.

< 5s. >

Pre-flashing time: after an opening or closing command is given, the flasher connected to “W-E), flashes for between 1” and 60”,

before the gate begins to move.

Preflashing T.

< 6s. >








X 2

X 6

X 2

X 7

X 2

X 8

X 2

X 9


22 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


< Lock time >


Lock time

< 2s. >

Lock time: the time required for releasing the electro-lock after each opening command. The time of operation can be set to between

1” and 5”.

Lock time

< 3s. >

< Ram hit time >


Ram hit time

< 2s. >

Ram hit time: the gearmotor’s thrust time when fully closing after each opening command. The thrust time can be set to between 1”

and 10”.

Ram hit time

< 3s. >

< Ped. opening >


Ped. opening

< 5s. >

Partial opening: the opening time of the (M2) second gate leaf. The time can be set to between 5” and 60”.

Ped. opening

< 6s. >

< Slow down time >


Slow down time

< 5s. >

Slow down time: the gate leaf’s deceleration time before every endpoint. The time can be set to between 0” and 30”.

N.B.: this function only appears if the decelerations are selected.






Slow down time

< 6s. >

X 2

X 2

X 2

X 2

X 3

X 2


23Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


7.9 Users Radio Menu

< Add User > Add User

<confirm? (no) >

Add User: to create a new user and assigned function (max. 250 users).

< Mod. name > Choose User

< 001:—001— >

Mod. Name: to change a user number or existing name to another name.

< Mod. Code > Choose User

< 001:—001— >

Mod. Code: to change a user’s current code.

Choose User

< 002:—002— >

Add User

<confirm? (yes)>

See detailed

description on

page 26

Choose User

< 002:—002— >

See detailed

description on

page 26

See detailed

description on

page 27

< Related Func >

Choose User

< 002:—002— >

Choose User

< 001:—001— >

See detailed

description on

page 27






Related Function: to change the function assigned to the user.

X 2

X 4

X 2

X 5

X 2

X 6

X 2

X 7


24 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


Backup data

<confirm? (no) >

Backup data

<confirm? (yes)>

< Remove Usr. > Choose User

< 001:—001— >

Remove user: to remove an exisiting user. Confirm the use you wish to remove with the ENTER key.

< Backup data >

Backup data: to save the users in the memory roll. Confirm saving of users on the memory roll with ENTER.

Delete all user: to cancel all registered users. Confirm cancellation of all users with ENTER.

Choose User

< 002:—002— >

Remove Usr.

<confirm? (no) >

Remove Usr.

<confirm? (yes)>

<D elete all Usr> Delete all Usr

<confirm? (no) >

Delete all Usr

<confirm? (yes)>

Backup data


Restore backup: to load the data saved on the memory roll onto card.

Restore backup

<confirm? (no) >

Restore backup

<confirm? (yes)>

<Restore backup>

Restore backup













TSP00 LT001







Memory roll


25Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


Frequency/MHz Card Transmitter

FM 26.995 AF130 TFM

FM 30.900 AF150 TFM

AM 26.995 AF26 TOP

AM 30.900 AF30 TOP

AM 433.92 AF43S TAM / TOP


AM 433.92 AF43TW TWIN

AM 40.685 AF40 TOUCH

AM 868.35 AF868 TOP

7.10 nfo Menu

< Version >

fw : 3.0

Version: to view software version.

Number of gate runs: to view the number of runs performed by the gate.

Starting Mssg: to view the starting message, confirm with ENTER to change text. Use the ENTER key to move the cursor forward, ESC

to move it backwards and <> to select the letter of number. Confirm the text by pressing the ENTER key for a few seconds.

System reset: it resets the system to its original settings. Press ENTER key to confirm.



7.11 Motor test menu

TEST MOT.: Test to check the proper direction of the gearmotors.


Gate leaf opening run

of the second (M2)

gearmotor. If the

direction is wrong,

invert the motor’s


Gate leaf opening

run of the first (M1)

gearmotor. If the

direction is wrong,

invert the motor’s



<=M1 M2=>

< System Reset >

7.12 Decoding card

Connect the required (R700, AF43S cards) to insert, change, remove and command the operator via transmitter, card or transponder.

Insert the memory roll to save and load all setting including users registered by another card.

AF Card

R700 Card

< No. of Runs >


< Standby Msg. >



26 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


7.13 Inputting users

Add User


Add User

confirm? (yes)


1) From the Users

menu, selectAdd


Press ENTER to


2) Select “ confirm

(yes)” and press

ENTER key to confirm.



4) …. will ask to input

a code. Send the

code with the radio-

command button or

slide-through card or


5) … once the code

is inputted, the user

name will come up

showing the type of

command that was


Code exist


… or if the code is

already inputted,

“Existing Code” will


3) Choose which

function to assign to

the user….

Related Func.



Waiting Code


7.14 Changing users

Mod. name


Choose User



1) From the Users

menu, choose

“Mod. name”.

Press ENTER to


2) Choose the user

number or name you

wish to change the

text of and press

ENTER to confirm.

4) Confirm the text by

pressing the ENTER key

for a few seconds.

3) Use the ENTER

key to move the

cursor forward, ESC

to move it backwards

and < > to select the

letter or number.

Mod. name

—001— Mod. name




27Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


7.15 Changing code

Mod. Code

1) From the Users

menu, choose

“Mod. Code”.

Press ENTER to


2) Choose the user

name for which you

wish to change the

code and press ENTER

to confirm.

4) .. once the code

is inputted, the user

name will come up

showing the type of

command that was


3) …. you will be

asked to input a

code. Send the code

using the transmitter

button or the slide —

through card or the




7.16 Function assigned to the user

Related Func.


1) From the Users

menu, choose

“Related Fuc..

Press ENTER to


2) Choose the user

name fo which you

wish to change the

command function

and press ENTER to


4) Choose “confirm

(yes)” and press

ENTER to confirm.

3) Choose the new

function to assign

to the user. Press

ENTER to confirm.

Choose User



Related Func.

confirm? (yes)


Choose User



Related Func.



Related Func.



Choose User



Choose User



Mod. Code

confirm? (yes)


Waiting Code


5) Select “ confirm (yes)”

and press ENTER key to











28 — Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


7.17 Gate run calibration

Set Encoder


1) From the Encoder

menu, select “Set

Encoder”. Press ENTER

to confirm.

2) Select “confirm

(yes) and press ENTER

to confirm.

3) the gate leaf of the

first motor will perform

a closing run until fully


Set Encoder

confirm? (yes)


Set Encoder

confirm? (no)


Set Encoder

Close 1 4) …then, the

gate leaf of the

second motor will

perform the same


5) …then, the gate leaf

of the second motor, will

perform and opening run

until fully open 6) …after which,

the gate leaf of

the first motor will

perform the same


7) When the procedure is

finished, the display will show

“Set Encoder ok” for a few


Set Encoder

Close 2

Set Encoder

Open 2

Set Encoder

Open 1

Set Encoder


N.B. before calibrating the gate run, check that the manoeuvring area is free of any obstacles and check the proper direction of rotation of the

gearmotors. (para. 7.11)

7.18 Error messages

“encoder ERROR”: check proper connections or functionality of the device and possibly even the motor’s torque

“safety d. test ERROR”: malfunctioning of safety devices, check proper functioning of connections and functionalities;

“end stop ERROR”: check proper connections on end point connections or functionality of devices;

“cycle time ERROR”: check the working time settings, the set time may be insufficient to complete the duty cycle.

— Safety STOP, C1, C3, C4”: check proper functioning of connections and functionalities of devices.























29Manual code:

319U75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. — The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.


7.19 Illustration depicting the areas and points of deceleration and final opening and closing approaches per encoder device.

A = Area of movement at normal speed

B* = Run zone at decelerated speed

C = Encoder intervention zone with

movement inversion

D= Encoder intervention zone with

movement stop

E = Opening deceleration beginning point

(M1 Open Deceler %)

F = Closing deceleration beginning point

(M1 Close Deceler %)

G = Opening deceleration beginning point

(M2 Open Deceler %)

H = Closing deceleration beginning point

(M2 Close Deceler %)

I** = Closing and opening fi nal phase

beginning point (M1 Final Close %)

L** = Closing and opening fi nal phase

beginning point (M2 Final Close %)

M= endstops

Note: the areas and points of deceleration and fi nal opening and closing approaches are tested according to the parameters set forth by

Technical Norms EN12445 and EN12453 regarding compatibility of impact forces generated by moving gate leaves.

* Minimum 600 mm from the Final full stop.

**Set the function’s fi nal phase % “M1 Final Close” for the fi rst (M1) mtors and “M2 Final Close” for the second (M2) motor from the

“ENCODER” menu so as to obtain a distance of between 1 and 50 mm maximum from the fi nal full stop.

In its premises, CAME CANCELLI AUTOMATICI S.p.A. implements an Environmental Management System certifi ed in

compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard to ensure environmental protection.

Please continue our efforts to protect the environment—which CAME considers one of the cardinal elements in the development of its

operational and market strategies—simply by observing brief recommendations as regards disposal:


The packaging components (cardboard, plastic, etc.) are all classifi able as solid urban waste products and may be disposed of easily,

keeping in mind recycling possibilities.

Prior to disposal, it is always advisable to check specifi c regulations in force in the place of installation.



Our products are made up of various types of materials. Most of them (aluminium, plastics, iron, electrical wires, etc.) may be disposed

of in normal garbage collection bins and can be recycled by disposing of in specifi c recyclable material collection bins and disposal in

authorized centres. Other components (electrical boards, remote control batteries, etc.), however, may contain polluting substances.

They should therefore be removed and given to qualifi ed service companies for proper disposal.

Prior to disposal, it is always advisable to check specifi c regulations in force in the place of disposal.


8 Demolition and disposal


Pursuant to the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC

CAME Cancelli Automatici S.p.A.

via Martiri della Libertà, 15

31030 Dosson di Casier — Treviso — ITALY

tel (+39) 0422 4940 — fax (+39) 0422 4941

internet: — e-mail:

Declares under its own responsibility that the equipments for automatic garage doors and gates listed below:

… comply with the National Law related to the following European Directives and to the applicable parts of the

following Standards.



EN 60335-1 EN 61000-6-2

EN 13241-1 EN 61000-6-3


Do not use the equipment specifi ed here above, before

completing the full installation

In full compliance with the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC


Mr. Andrea Menuzzo


9 Manufacturer’s warranty

Reference code to request a true copy of the original: DDF L EN Z002e

CAME France S.a.

7, Rue Des Haras

Z.i. Des Hautes Patures


Nanterre Cedex — FRANCE

(+33) 1 46 13 05 05

(+33) 1 46 13 05 00

CAME Gmbh Seefeld

Akazienstrasse, 9




(+49) 33 3988390

(+49) 33 39883985

CAME Automatismes S.a.

3, Rue Odette Jasse


Marseille — FRANCE

(+33) 4 95 06 33 70

(+33) 4 91 60 69 05


Kornwestheimer Str. 37



Munchingen Bei Stuttgart — DEUTSCHLAND

(+49) 71 5037830

(+49) 71 50378383

CAME Automatismos S.a.

C/juan De Mariana, N. 17-local


Madrid — SPAIN

(+34) 91 52 85 009

(+34) 91 46 85 442

CAME Americas Automation Llc

CAME Americas Automation Llc

1560 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, 4th Floor

Sunrise, FL 33323 — U.S.A

(+1) 305 433 3307

(+1) 305 396 3331

CAME Automatismos Catalunya S.a.

CAME Automatismos Catalunya S.a.

P.i. Moli Dels Frares N. 23 C/a


Sant Vicenc Del Horts — SPAIN

(+34) 93 65 67 694

(+34) 93 67 24 505

CAME Middle East Fzco

Po Box 17131 Warehouse N. Be02

South Zone — Jebel Ali Free Zone —

Dubai — U.A.E.

(+971) 4 8860046

(+971) 4 8860048

Paf — CAME

Estrada Nacional 249-4 Ao Km 4,35

Cabra Figa — Trajouce


Rio De Mouro — PORTUGAL

(+351) 219 257 471

(+35) 219 257 485

CAME Polska Sp.Zo.o

Ul. Ordona 1


Warszawa — POLAND

(+48) 22 8365076

(+48) 22 8363296

CAME United Kingdom Ltd.

Unit 3 Orchard Business Park

Town Street, Sandiacre

Nottingham — Ng10 5du — UNITED KINGDOM

(+44) 115 9210430

(+44) 115 9210431

S.c. CAME Romania S.r.l.

B-dul Mihai Eminescu, Nr. 2, Bloc R2

Scara A, Parter, Ap. 3

Buftea, Judet Ilfov

Bucarest — ROMANIA

(+40) 21 3007344

(+40) 21 3007344

CAME Belgium Sprl

Zoning Ouest 7


Lessines — BELGIUM

(+32) 68 333014

(+32) 68 338019

CAME Russia

Leningradskij Prospekt, Dom 80

Pod’ezd 3, offi ce 608


Moskva — RUSSIA

(+7) 495 937 33 07

(+7) 495 937 33 08

CAME Cancelli Automatici S.p.a.

CAME Cancelli Automatici S.p.a.

Via Martiri Della Libertà, 15


Dosson Di Casier (Tv)

(+39) 0422 4940

(+39) 0422 4941

Informazioni Commerciali 800 848095

CAME Nord s.r.l.

Piazza Castello, 16


Cologno Monzese (MI)

(+39) 02 26708293

(+39) 02 25490288

CAME Service Italia S.r.l.

CAME Service Italia S.r.l.

Via Della Pace, 28


Dosson Di Casier (Tv)

(+39) 0422 383532

(+39) 0422 490044

Assistenza Tecnica 800 295830

Assistenza Tecnica 800 295830

CAME Sud s.r.l.

Via F. Imparato, 198

Cm2 Lotto A/7



(+39) 081 7524455

(+39) 081 7529109

English — Manual code:

119EU75 ver.

2.0 01/2009 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a.

The data and information reported in this installation manual are susceptible to change at any time and without obligation on CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. to notify users.

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CAME ZM3E Блок управления — Инструкция по установке и эксплуатации в формате pdf. Руководства по установке, настройке и эксплуатации оборудования.

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Формат файла: pdf
Просмотров: 1931
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Блок управления CAME ZM3E

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